Pre- Learning Year: 9

Home - Wetherby High School - Pre Learning · 2019. 9. 10. · Research into what the marketing mix is and what are the 4Ps in marketing. Research into how there are now 7Ps and explain

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Page 1: Home - Wetherby High School - Pre Learning · 2019. 9. 10. · Research into what the marketing mix is and what are the 4Ps in marketing. Research into how there are now 7Ps and explain

Pre- Learning Year: 9

Page 2: Home - Wetherby High School - Pre Learning · 2019. 9. 10. · Research into what the marketing mix is and what are the 4Ps in marketing. Research into how there are now 7Ps and explain

Targeted Home Learning Subject: Art

Year: 9 Students are to complete a photo-shoot that clearly references the artist Christina Troufa.

Students are considering:

Appropriate lighting

Cameras angle



Students must take at least 30 images (6 poses from 5 different angles)

Page 3: Home - Wetherby High School - Pre Learning · 2019. 9. 10. · Research into what the marketing mix is and what are the 4Ps in marketing. Research into how there are now 7Ps and explain

Pre-Learning Subject: Business Studies

Year: 9

Research into what the marketing mix is and what are the 4Ps in marketing.

Research into how there are now 7Ps and explain why we have changed from having

4Ps to having 7Ps.

Explain which element in the marketing mix might be the most important for one of

the following businesses:

- Cadbury the chocolate company

- Beats headphones

- Tesco supermarket

Resources: Google, BBC

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Pre – Learning Tasks Subject: Computing

Year: 9 Pick one of the following organisations and write one side of A4 to explain how

technology is used within their sector:

(Schools, Police, Hospitals, Libraries, Cinemas, Banks, supermarkets, Airports)

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Pre-Learning Subject: Music

Year: 9

Research Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by

Mozart. Look at the third movement

(minuet and trio) in detail.

When was it composed?

Listen to the third movement (minuet and

trio). Analyse it using the elements of

music. Dynamics, rhythm, pitch, structure,

melody, metre, instrumentation, texture,

tonality, harmony.

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Pre-Learning Subject: French

Year: 9 The future tense- read through the grammar explanations and complete the grammar

exercises to support and strengthen your progress this half term.


The future tense is used to describe what will (or will not) happen at some future time:

L’année prochaine, je passerai mes vacances à Paris. (Next year I’ll spend my holidays in Paris.) Qu’est-ce que tu feras quand tu quitteras l’école? (What will you do when you leave school ?)

The future tense must be used after quand if the idea of future tense is implied.

Je lui dirai de vous téléphoner quand il rentrera. (I’ll ask him to phone you when he gets home)

To form the future tense of regular -er and -ir verbs, you just add the endings to the infinitive of the verb:

Travailler je travaillerai Donner tu donneras Finir il finira

Partir nous partirons Jouer vous jouerez Sortir Ils sortiront

The endings for the future tense are the same as the endings

of the verb avoir in the present tense/

Je …ai Nous …ons

Tu …as Vous …ez

Il/Elle/on …a Ils/Elles …ont

Page 7: Home - Wetherby High School - Pre Learning · 2019. 9. 10. · Research into what the marketing mix is and what are the 4Ps in marketing. Research into how there are now 7Ps and explain

To form the future tense of regular -re verbs, you take the final -e off the infinitive and add the endings:

Prendre je prendrai

Attendre j’attendrai

Some common verbs don’t form the first part of the verb in this way. But they still have the same endings:

ALLER + INFINITIVE : You can use the present tense of the verb aller followed by an infinitive to talk about the future and what you are going to do:

Qu’est-ce que vous allez faire ce week-end? (What are you going to do this weekend ?) Je vais passer le week-end à paris. (I am going to spend the weekend in Paris.)

ACTIVITY 1: To say what you are going to do and when, use the correct part of the verb aller followed by an infinitive:

Aller Infinitive

Ex. I am going to leave Je vais partir.

1) You are going to play. Tu ……………. …………….…………….

2) He is going to stay here. Il……………. rester ici.

3) She is going to watch TV. Elle……………. …………….……………. la télé.

4) We are going to work. Nous……………. travailler.

5) They are going to leave tomorrow. Ils vont …………….……………. demain.

6) They are going to sing. Elles……………. …………….……………..

Acheter j’achèterai Aller j’irai Avoir j’aurai Courir je courrai Devoir je devrai Envoyer j’enverrai Être je serai

Faire je ferai Pouvoir je pourrai Recevoir je recevrai Savoir je saurai Venir je viendrai Voir je verrai Vouloir je voudrai

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ACTIVITY 2: underline the verbs in the future tense:

Charlotte Dupont a dix-sept ans, et elle habite à Bordeaux. Cet été, elle passera ses vacances

comme monitrice dans une colonie de vacances à la montagne.

- Tu prendras le train, Charlotte ? - Non, je partirai en car avec les enfants. - Et tu passeras combien de temps en colonie ? - Je resterai trois semaines en colonie, puis je passerai une semaine chez ma tante qui habite

dans la région. Michel Dupont a quinze ans. Il passera dix jours en Angleterre chez son correspondant/

- Tu voyageras en avion, Michel ? - Non, je prendrai le train. Mon correspondant habite près d’Ashford dans le Kent, donc avec

l’Eurostar, c’est très pratique.

ACTIVITY 3: read the text and underline the verbs in the future tense:

Le monde à l’avenir.

Le monde à l’avenir, comment sera-t-il ? On vivra plus longtemps, mais est-ce qu’il y

aura assez de nourriture pour tout le monde ? Est-ce qu’on fera plus pour protéger la

planète ? Si le nombre de voitures continue à augmenter, les routes deviendront

impossibles. Est-ce qu’on inventera de nouveaux moyens de transport ? Est-ce que

beaucoup de personnes feront des voyages dans l’espace ?

On verra plus de gadgets électroniques, ça c’est certain ! On n’enverra plus de lettres

ni de cartes postales par la poste, on fera toutes les communications par internet.

On dit que même les maisons seront intelligentes. Les ordinateurs, cachés dans les

murs, feront tout pour les habitants. Ils sauront préparer des repas et pourront

ouvrir et fermer les fenêtres.

Est-ce qu’on ira toujours à l’école, où est-ce qu’on devra apprendre ses cours par

l’internet ?

Le monde à l’avenir sera certainement très différent !

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ACTIVITY 4: Réponds aux questions:

Ex. Quand partiras-tu?(3 août) Je partirai le 3 août.

1) où iras-tu en vacances ? (La Rochelle) ______________________________________

2) Où iras-tu ? (Hôtel)______________________________________________________

3) Tu prendras le train ? (non… voiture) _______________________________________

4) Que feras-tu ? (promenades à vélo) ________________________________________

5) Quand reviendras-tu ? (18 août) ___________________________________________

ACTIVITY 5: Fill-in the messages:

1) Nicole a téléphoné. Elle est malade, alors elle n’_________ pas au concert demain soir.


2) L’agence de voyages a téléphoné. Vos billets _______________ dans deux jours. On les

_______________ directement au bureau. (arriver, envoyer)

3) Luc a téléphoné. Il t’_______________ au Café de la gare à 19h. (attendre)

4) Le photographe a téléphoné. Vos photos ____________ prêtes mercredi prochain.

_____________-vous aller les chercher avant le week-end ? (être, pouvoir)

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Pre-Learning Subject: Physical Education (CAM NAT)

Year: 9

**Please only complete this pre learning if you have

taken PE as an option**.

Please create a session plan for one specific

skill in a sport of your choice (for example

dribbling in football or passing in netball).

You must have a warm up and drill prepared

with the equipment and the area you need.

Challenge: Try and give options of how to

make your specific drill harder or easier for

the participants you are delivering it for.

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Pre-Learning Subject: History

Year 9: The Vietnam War

Wetherby High School

History Department

Year 9 Home Learning – Pre Learning (Vietnam War)

Your Home Learning this half term will be preparation work for our new topic coming up.

You must:

NOT copy and paste from the internet (a copied pages will be marked 0)

Include at least 1 or 2 handwritten pages.

Include lots of colour and pictures.

Think about creative and innovative layout and design.

Include a front cover and contents page.

At the bottom of each page write down where you got the information from.

WEEK 1 - The Cold War

WEEK 2- 1960s Fashion

WEEK 3 – Civil Rights

WEEK 4- Why did the Vietnam War begin?

WEEK 5 - The Vietnam War – a timeline and overview

WEEK 6 – Your own personal choice – any topic from the 1960s


Useful websites: http://www.vam.ac.uk/collections/fashion/features/1960s/history/index.html



Include your name and form on your front cover. Staple all work together, or place in a

plastic folder/wallet before handing in.


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Pre-Learning Subject: Science

Year: 9

This will allow you to reach a 1 on the HL grade, it is to be done in

conjunction with weekly pre learning set in class

Your teacher will tell you the HL topic you will be covering next half


You must research this topic in detail and produce an extended

piece of work in your own words.

This can be in the form of

a learning map

a fact-file

the detailed 4W’S and H (a high quality piece of work will look

at the What if……also )

an animation

a detailed model

a talk- show

Be creative!!

A minimum of 2 sources must be used and the work must be

referenced (your teacher will show you how to do this)

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Pre Learning Subject: Media Studies

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Pre-Learning Subject: Maths

Year: All Year Groups

The Hegarty Maths activities listed above focus on the basics of

Mathematics which will help pupils in accessing topics covered in

lessons. Pupils are not limited to these videos. With over 800 activities

on Hegarty Maths we would encourage pupils to attempt as many

activities as possible. Some pupils have clocked over 800 questions

already this year!

In addition to this, pupils will be given targeted home learning

activities regularly by their class teacher. These will be different for

different pupils according to their strengths and areas for


Area of Maths Hegarty Maths Videos and Activities

Numeracy Skills 18-28, 143-145

Money 743-747

Angles 455-459

Negative Numbers 39-43

Page 15: Home - Wetherby High School - Pre Learning · 2019. 9. 10. · Research into what the marketing mix is and what are the 4Ps in marketing. Research into how there are now 7Ps and explain

Pre-Learning Subject: Drama

Year: 9

Research the Practitioner Bertolt Brecht and explain his

ideas about how theatre should be used.

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Pre-Learning Subject: English

Year: 9

Read the following poem.

Storm on the Island by Seamus Heaney

We are prepared: we build our houses squat,

Sink walls in rock and roof them with good slate.

This wizened earth has never troubled us

With hay, so, as you see, there are no stacks

Or stooks that can be lost. Nor are there trees

Which might prove company when it blows full

Blast: you know what I mean - leaves and branches

Can raise a tragic chorus in a gale

So that you listen to the thing you fear

Forgetting that it pummels your house too.

But there are no trees, no natural shelter.

You might think that the sea is company,

Exploding comfortably down on the cliffs

But no: when it begins, the flung spray hits

The very windows, spits like a tame cat

Turned savage. We just sit tight while wind dives

And strafes invisibly. Space is a salvo,

We are bombarded with the empty air.

Strange, it is a huge nothing that we fear.

1) Research Seamus Heaney. Where was he born? What were his political views? What

influenced his poetry?

2) Explain in a paragraph what you think the poem is about? Are the storm or the island symbolic

of anything else?

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Pre-Learning Subject: Geography

Year: 9

Answer all questions on a

spare piece of lined


1) 1) Define the following key terms: 2) A) Birth Rate 3) B) Death Rate 4) C) Infant Mortality 5) D) Literacy Rate 6) E) Human Development Index 7) F) Standard of living 8) G) Quality of life 9) 10) 11) 12) 2) With the help of Figures 10a and

10b, explain the problems of using different development measures to classify the countries of the world. [6 marks]

3)Suggest why ideas of acceptable quality of life vary between different parts of the world. [3 marks]

4) Explain the limitations of using the

Brandt line to classify countries as rich

or poor [6 marks]