Home Learning Menu Year 7 Term 3

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Year 7

Term 3

Home Learning Task

Year 7 Term 3 – Art


This term Year 7 are beginning to investigate their surrounding landscapes within their

home and beyond. Using their classroom learning and these home learning tasks,

students will be able to design a successful clay final outcome.

Starter Draw a one metre by

one metre area of

your bedroom - imagine you are

looking down onto the

area from above so can include part of

your bed – remember to arrange things to

make it more

interesting (Use a normal pencil-

no colour.)

Main Draw out a one metre by one metre section

of your bathroom floor – arrange towels and

other interesting things

out + include both your feet!

Colour in using coloured pencil

following instructions


Dessert Draw the landscape view through your

bedroom window – Include the window frame as a frame for

your picture


Plan out your drawing lightly with a sharp pencil, ensuring

it is in proportion and all the right sizes

Plan out your drawing so it is in the right proportion

- Then you are to colour it in- in cold

colours only – Light blue for light areas – darker blue for

medium tone and purple for the dark


Add colour with any media you have but use the strange

colours ‘David Hockney’ does in his

landscape paintings – you will be shown his work in class


Include tone (shades between light and

dark) to make it look more realistic and 3D.

Try to push hard and light with the pencils

to get light and dark tonal effects

Make sure you use his unusual colours like

bright purple or bright turquoise so

they contrast with the more realistic colours


Include smaller

details after tone to ensure your drawing is

completely realistic.

Include detail and

texture (the feel, appearance, or

consistency of a surface) but all in a limited palette of cold


Make sure your

picture has lots of detail and has tonal

light and dark blending of colours to give the work more

depth (3D effect)


Learning Task

Subject: Dance




Your choice:

Signposts to help along the way:

The PE department is looking to organise a festival of dance in the summer term, to

increase the awareness of the different dance styles being performed. You have been

asked to research and produce a display to promote different dance styles.

ALL WILL. (Levels 3-4)

Be able to identify the key features of the dance style. Explain how and why the dance

became popular. Describe the costumes and the music.

MOST SHOULD. (Levels 4-5)

Highlight key steps and actions that link to the dance style. Use professional works or

examples to support your evidence. Describe the costume and the music, how did they

add to the dance style?

SOME COULD (Levels 6-7)

Research a dance style in detail looking at the historical background and how it was used

socially. Look at the relationship of the dance style to music. Identify the geographical

location of the dance. Does the popularity of the dance depend on its location? Identify

its influence on the dance styles of today.

Possible Ideas:

Supporting material:

Level 3 - 4 thinkers:

The space which is used and why

The dynamics which are used and why

The costumes which are worn

How it is performed (e.g. in a duet, solo, group)

Level 5 - 6 thinkers:

Key steps and actions of the dance. (Maybe how to perform them?)

Are there any famous examples of professionals? Why have these professional been


Is there someone who was particularly influential in the development of the dance e.g. a


Level 6 - 7 thinkers:

The historical background of the dance, how and why it became popular.

The type of music which it is traditionally danced to.

The geographical location of where the dance is popular and why.

Ways to present your game:

A poster – You could create one giant poster or lots of smaller ones to explain you

chosen dance style. Diagrams could be easily used in this format.

A booklet – possibly split into short chapters to explain the different parts of the

dance style

PowerPoint presentation – You could create a short presentation with a script to

help explain your dance style. This could then include key information on the slides

and a script to give more detail.

A film/ video – You could film people performing you selected dance style. It could

be made as an interview or an advert for radio or tv.

These are just suggestions of how you could display the information; you may come up

with something different.

You can select a range of presentation methods; you do not have to use just one.


How will my work be assessed?

People to speak to:

Your parents

Your PE teachers

Websites: - There are hundreds of websites based on dance and particular dance styles.

You need to select a dance style before beginning your research.

Below is a website example for the history behind tap dance.


As well as a level (see objectives) you will also be given an effort grade:

Ex – Excellent

G – Good

S – Satisfactory

P - Poor

Home Learning Task

Year 7 Term 3 – English

Media and Non-Fiction

This topic will focus on different types of media and non-fiction, from newspapers to

music videos to films. You will explore target audience, purpose, language and

presentational features and how these are used to create an effective media or non-

fiction text. One task to be completed per week. You should spend between 20-30

minutes on each task.

*CHALLENGE* To complete the task for the set above

Task Number

Set 3 Set 2 Set 1


Research 5 different

types of non-fiction text. You should record these

in bullet point form into your blue books.

Design a word search for a

member of your class, incorporating 7 aspects of key terminology.

Research 10 different

types of non-fiction texts. You should write the definition for each

text next to it.


Learn 5 different non-fiction/ Media key words and their

definitions for a test next lesson.

Article, Text, Blog, Fiction, Newspaper

Learn 7 different non-fiction/ Media key words and their definitions for a

test next lesson. Article, Text, Blog, Fiction,

Newspaper, Speech, Interview,

Learn 10 different non-fiction/ Media key words and their

definitions for a test next lesson.

Article, Text, Blog, Fiction, Newspaper, Speech, Interview,

Poster, Script


Watch five TV adverts

and identify the target audience.

Watch a children’s TV

programme and write a review.

Watch a Disney film

and write a film review.

Please consider the format and layout of a



Design 10 interview

questions for a student newspaper. A celebrity

is visiting your school. He/ She is very popular. Think of 10

questions you would like to ask them.

Design a 2 minutes speech

on why too much TV is bad for you. You should include

at least three persuasive techniques.

Design a 3 minute

speech about your favourite holiday and

why other students should visit.


Write an interview based upon the

questions which were answered last week.

(You should write one paragraph)

Design a poster outlining all the different roles

within the newspaper industry.

You are a reporter! You are going to write an

exciting article for your fellow students to read.

Topic: The exciting day at St Edmunds.


Watch a cartoon and write a small review.

You should include: - Headings and


- What happened - Character

information Rating

Watch a soap of your choice and write a review

of no more than one page. You should include:

- Headings and sub-

headings - What happened

- Character information


Watch a film of your choice and write a

review. Challenge: Try to use sophisticated

punctuation which is appropriate for task.


Design a leaflet containing 3 different

types of non-fiction text and their definitions. This will be used as a

help sheet to other groups.

Design a leaflet containing 5 different types of non-

fiction text and their definitions. This will be used as a help

sheet to other groups.

Design a leaflet containing 7 different

types of non-fiction text and their definitions.

This will be used as a help sheet to other


8 Write a letter to your year 6 teacher

explaining the experiences that you

have had at St Edmund’s school so far. Include:

- Positives - Negatives

(200 words)

Write a letter to your year 6 teacher explaining the

experiences that you have had at St Edmund’s school

so far. Include: - Positives - Negatives

- The best thing that has happened so far

(300 words)

Write a letter to your year 6 teacher

explaining the experiences that you

have had at St Edmund’s school so far. Include:

- Positives - Negatives

- The best thing that has happened so far

- Anything you would change

(500 words)

Media and Non-Fiction key words: Article, Text, Blog, Fiction, Newspaper, Speech, Interview,

Poster, Script

Home Learning Task

Year 7 Term 3 – French

Mon Collège- My school

In MFL, regular vocabulary learning is essential and pupils are expected to learn

spellings and meanings according to the homework timetable. There may be a

vocabulary test the following lesson and pupils are expected to be able to show their

teacher how they learnt (vocabulary practised on paper/ parental signature …)

All other homework will be as detailed below. There may be times when amendments

to the timetable may be necessary but we will endeavour to keep these to a minimum.

Task Number

Core Tasks Extension Tasks


Memorise the 12 school subjects and ensuring we can remember the spelling of them.

Produce a word search grid or a crossword puzzle containing as many school subjects as



Studio1 page 29 Ecrire 6. Produce a paragraph

on your School subjects using the template provided Students can use the mini-dictionary on page

131 for extra support.

Students could re-write their

timetable in French.


Ecrire 6 page 31. Prepare a presentation on

school subjects. Give at least 3 opinions to reach a 3b Writing Level and 3 reasons for a 3a.

Students can use the mini-dictionary on page 131 for extra support.

Example ‘J’aime la géographie parce que c’est

intéressant’ (I like geography because it is interesting)

Ecrire 6 page 31. Prepare a

presentation on school subjects. Give 6 opinions and 6 reasons for a 4a.

Students can use the mini-dictionary on page 131 for

extra support.


Make a French clock including the French words for 1 to 12 o’clock and quarter past, half past and a quarter to.

Lire 4 page 33. Write down in English 6 differences between Thomas timetable and yours.


Lire 5 page 35. Read the text and put the pictures in the right order.

Lire 6 page 35. Read the text (Lire 5) again and correct the

French sentences with the right information.


Log on linguascope.com and access most of the activities to revise the topic of school

subjects in preparation for the end of term assessments.

Create an Avatar on Voki.com and type your paragraph on

your school to improve your pronunciation.

Home Learning Task

Year 7 Term 3 - Geography


Pupils will be taught about the physical geography of coasts and how they different

landforms are created by erosion, transport and deposition. Pupils will also learn how

people interact with the coastal environment.



Core Tasks Extension Tasks


Learn Key words via a) front cover design for topic or b) design a crossword with clues for

the words Key words are: erosion, deposition, transport,

abrasion, attrition, solution, hydraulic action, long shore drift, bay, headland,

Create a crossword or poster to help you learn these key



Find a photo or picture of a stretch of

coastline. Describe what is happening in the photo in 50-100 words.

Use at least 4 of the key

words from homework task 1 to help your description.


Use the http://jurassiccoast.org/ website to help you design a poster that explains to people a) Where it is and b) why is a coastline

worth protecting

To help you explain part b) of the main task write 100 word press release stating why the

Jurassic coast is a world heritage site.

Home Learning Task

Year 7 Term 3 – History

‘Ordinary Lives – Muck and Misery?’

This term, students will be finding out what life was like in the Middle Ages

for ordinary people. To conduct their research, they will be working in

small groups and will produce an information leaflet that will be assessed.

The skills that students will develop are:

• The ability to identify key aspects of ordinary lives in the Middle Ages

• Recognising and evaluating change and continuity

• Making comparisons between daily life in the past and today

• Working collaboratively

• Checking text through research

As this topic will be project-based, individual subject teachers will set

appropriate homework for students. This may be to conduct some

additional research in line with what they are learning in class; it may be

to create a plan for their final leaflet. Any additional resources required to

assist students in completing their homework will be provided by the

classroom teacher.

Home Learning Task

Year 7 Term 3 – Maths

Due to the nature of Maths home learning tasks will not be set in advance.

Your teacher will ensure that home learning tasks are set each week but

these will be tailored to your individual needs based on your progress in

lessons. These tasks may include:

Revision in preparation for a test

Investigative so that you have the opportunity to discover reasons or

rules to understand processes.

Reinforce work covered in class to be sure you can complete work


Complete an exercise started in class

Help in assessment and planning of future targets

Support the development of independent learning e.g. using the

MyMaths website.

Home Learning Task

Year 7 Term 3 – Music

Instruments of the Orchestra

In Music, pupils are continuing to develop their musical skills in the classroom by learning

about different instruments and sections of the orchestra. To support this work, the

home learning this term will focus on developing pupils’ understanding of instrumental

sounds and the role of a musical conductor.

Task Number

Core Tasks Extension Tasks

1 & 2

“Music of my ancestors”. Choose 3 older

family members (or friends of the family) and find out their favourite piece of music from

when they were children or young adults. Listen to the piece on YouTube and write down the name of the piece and what you think

about the music.

This is an extended project and counts for 2 home learning tasks this term.

Play your favourite song to

your family member and write down what they

thought. Remember to use musical words in your analysis, such as dynamics

and tempo. Also, comment on the instruments used or

the style of singing.


To help you improve your understanding of

the orchestra, write a piece on the role of a musical conductor.

Research about a famous

musical conductor.

Home Learning Task

Year 7 Term 3 – Religious Studies

“Religion and Wealth”

This topic enables students to explore the meaning of ‘wealth’ and what it means to be wealthy. It introduces the students to Christian and Islamic attitudes to wealth and

giving, and raises the idea that someone may be not be financially wealthy but spiritually. Students learning and understanding will be assessed through project work

where they will take on the role of a charity that had to respond to a crisis in the developing world. This will be levelled, with appropriate targets given.

The homework set out below, which is differentiated, is designed to allow students

additional time for research which will enable them to prepare fully for their assessment. Teachers, when setting homework, will indicate to students which of the 3

choices of homework below they should attempt, and so that students are absolutely

clear. Any additional resources required to assist students in completing their homework will be provided by the classroom teacher. It is the ethos within RS classes

that if students are guided toward a homework which they, in fact, find straightforward then should, push themselves, and have a go at ‘the next homework up’ - we hope

that your daughter will enjoy this topic!

Task Number

Basic Tasks Core Tasks Extension Tasks

1 Learn your keywords

for this topic both spelling and


Learn your keywords

for this topic both spelling and


Devise some

questions that could be used to

test both spellings and

understanding of the topic



Organise the bible verses you looked at in

class so that you understand their

meaning. Which is the easiest to keep and


Use one of the bible verses from class that

you haven’t used in the last exercise and write

about a real life situation that would show its

practical meaning.

Imagine you are a vicar, write a brief

sermon using some of these bible

verses to motivate your congregation

into action!

Task Number

Basic Tasks Core Tasks Extension Tasks


Compare Islamic and Christian attitudes to

money. You are to write 2

mails between Chris (a Christian) and

Mohammed (a Muslim)

talking about why you both feel it is good to

give to charity. You must describe

religious beliefs on money (L3) in your


Compare Islamic and Christian attitudes to

money. You are to write 2 emails between Chris

(a Christian) and Mohammed (a Muslim)

talking about why you

both feel it is good to give to charity.

You must describe religious beliefs on

money (L3) Explain them in your

own words ( L4) And you could try to

include religious sources. (L5)

In addition, show the impact of this

belief on their lifestyles.(L6)

4 Research one of the

following charities Islamic Aid, Islamic

Relief, Cafod and Christian Aid –

Who are they? What do they do? When

were they formed? Write some facts

about one current project.

Research two of the

following charities Islamic Aid, Islamic

Relief, Cafod and Christian Aid –

Who are they? What do they do? When

were they formed? Write some facts

about one current project.

If you were going to

support one of these charities by

preparing a TV advert, make a list

of the positive aspects you would

want to highlight.

Home Learning Task

Year 7 Term 3 – Science

During Terms 3 and 4 Year 7 students will complete their Launch module and then study three modules from Science, as shown

in the table below.

Different tutor groups will study these topics in different orders – so for example in the first weeks of Term 3 students in 7C may

be set work from the Indicators topic but 7N may be set homework from the Variation topic. Students will be given their program

of study after they have finished the Launch.

Homework will be task driven rather than set weekly. However overall there should be approximately 4 weeks’ worth of home

learning tasks per module. Students should attempt the core task but could choose or be asked to attempt the extension task.

Some students may be asked by their teachers to produce modified work but all students should be challenged. At the end of the

three modules there will be a substantial assessment covering ALL 3 MODULES.



Core Extension


Core Extension


Core Extension


Create a glossary for the key words to be used in

this module – meanings must be included. Add examples and diagrams

as appropriate. (L)

Choose one or two word from

the keywords and research it in more detail.


Create a glossary for the key words to be used in

this module – meanings must be included. Add examples and diagrams

as appropriate (L)

Choose one or two word from

the keywords and research it in more detail.


Create a glossary for the key words to be

used in this module – meanings must be included. Add

examples and diagrams as appropriate. (L)

Choose one or two word from the

keywords and research it in more detail.



Acid Spillage in

Salisbury (LAT) Explain how a spillage of acid could be cleaned up

safely. (key words to be given

by Science staff)

Acid Spillage in Salisbury (LAT)

Produce a newspaper

article detailing

Streamlining (LAT) Research a creature or

car that you think has superb streamlining.

Produce a drawing/picture and


(LAT) Design a

creature or car that you think


Invertebrates (LAT) Research a vertebrate of your choice

explaining which group of animals in is part of

and its main features.

Interesting Animals (LAT) Research a

vertebrate and invertebrate of

your choice

(L) – indicates a homework that specifically supports the school literacy policy

(LAT) – this will be a level assessed task

the spillage and

how it was cleaned up.

some scientific

explanations has superb

streamlining. Produce a

drawing/picture and some

scientific explanations

Weird or Wonderful

– we don’t mind

explaining which

group of animals they are part of

and their main features.

Weird or Wonderful – we don’t mind


Use the revision

checklist/questions to prepare for the end of

term assessment for this topic.

Create a

revision tool that will aid

could be used for the end of term


Use the revision

checklist/questions to prepare for the end of

term assessment for this topic.

Create a

revision tool that will aid

could be used for the end of term


Use the revision

checklist/questions to prepare for the end of

term assessment for this topic.

Create a revision

tool that will aid could be used for

the end of term assessment.

Home Learning Task

Year 7 Term 2 – Spanish

Mi insti- My school

In MFL, regular vocabulary learning is essential and pupils are expected to learn

spellings and meanings according to the homework timetable. There may be a

vocabulary test the following lesson and pupils are expected to be able to show their

teacher how they learnt (vocabulary practised on paper/ parental signature …)

All other homework will be as detailed below. There may be times when amendments

to the timetable may be necessary but we will endeavour to keep these to a minimum.

Task Number

Core Tasks Extension Tasks


Memorise the 14 school subjects and ensuring we can remember the spelling of them.

Produce a word search grid or a crossword puzzle containing

as many school subjects as possible.


Viva 1 page 55 Escribir 9. Produce a paragraph on your School subjects using the template at the bottom of the page.

Students can use the word list on page 70 for extra support and must aim at writing around

40 to 50 words.

Students can re-write their timetable in Spanish.


Escribir 6 page 57. Prepare a presentation on school subjects. Give at least 3 opinions to

reach a 3b Writing Level and 3 reasons for a 3a.

Students can use the word list on page 70 for extra support.

Example: ‘Me gusta la geografía porque es interesante’

(I like geography because it is interesting)

Escribir 6 page 57. Prepare a presentation on school

subjects. Give 6 opinions and 6 reasons for a 4a.

Students can use the word list on page 70 for extra support.

Example: ‘Me gusta la geografía porque

es interesante’ (I like geography because it is interesting)


Leer 4 page 67. Read the text and complete the sentences in English.

Escribir 5 page 67. Describe your school using the

paragraph in Leer 4 as a model.

Students can use the word list on page 70 to translate

unfamiliar vocabulary.


‘Adjective’ task 2 page 68. Write the correct

version of each adjective at the end of each sentence.


‘Me gusta la geografía porque es divertida’

Present tense verbs activities

page 69 number 4 and 5.

Chose the correct option and translate the sentences.


Log on linguascope.com and access most of the activities to revise the topic of school

subjects in preparation for their end of term assessments.

Create an Avatar on Voki.com and type your paragraph on

your school to improve your pronunciation.