BEST BET & VALUE BET Six Up Q/PQ 2X3 Best Bet R ace 6 HO HO FEEL performed well with a place strike rate of 50% out of 12 starts in his first season. He is still a very progressive type and must be respected at his debut this season. He does a lot of work including ten gallops and one trial for his first up this season and is reaching peak fitness now. He had a nice run at his Class 3 debut last season and this secured that he is competitive at this level. He can feel victorious happiness over 1650m at Happy Valley. R ace 3 SPEEDY WALLY is 6 years old PP but not yet win out of 22 starts in Hong Kong. Nevertheless, he showed an improvement and had four placings in Class 4 last season so he should be advantaged in Class 5 now. SPEEDY WALLY changed a stable to Caspar Fownes last April and then made an impressive debut last May. He is on a dangerous rating now and can open his winning account with Zac aboard to run over 1650m at Happy Valley. HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS SPEEDY WALLY CLASHES HIS FIRST WIN Best Bet K C Leung Value Bet HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS (5 selections in Double Trio/Triple Trio Races) Race 6 Ho Ho Feel Value Bet Z Purton Race 3 Speedy Wally Race Race HO HO FEEL SPEEDY WALLY Race 3 Speedy Wally Precious Gem Race 4 Super Sprinter Best Tango Race 5 Victorius Globe Trotter Race 6 Ho Ho Feel King Of Mongolia Race 7 Flying Tourbillon Five Up High Race 8 Mr Bogart Travel Renyi 1 Optimism Forever Fun Rugby Diamond Oriental Fantasia 2 Flying Monkey Gentilis Mission Possible Master Gold 3 Speedy Wally Precious Gem Flying Machine Best Jade Triumph Safari Magic 4 Super Sprinter Best Tango Noble De Man Newswire Free Grand Harbour 5 Victorius Globe Trotter Victory Marvel Supreme Flight Helen's Choice 6 Ho Ho Feel King Of Mongolia Golden Sleep Happy Spirit Chater Legend 7 Flying Tourbillon Five Up High Hang's Decision Lucky Profit Fantastic Feeling 8 Mr Bogart Travel Renyi Charity Joy High Five 3 Speedy Wally Flying Machine Precious Gem 6 Ho Ho Feel King Of Mongolia Golden Sleep

HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

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Page 1: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari


Six Up

Q/PQ 2X3

Best Bet

Ra c e 6 � H O H O F E E L performed well with a place

strike rate of 50% out of 12 starts in his first season. He is still a very progressive type and must be respected at his debut this season.He does a lot of work including ten gallops and one trial for his first up this season and is reaching peak fitness now. He had a nice run at his Class 3 debut last season and

this secured that he is competitive at this level. He can feel victorious happiness over 1650m at Happy Valley.

Race 3� SPEEDY WALLY is 6 years old PP but not yet

win out of 22 starts in Hong Kong.

Nevertheless, he showed an improvement and had four placings in Class 4 last season so he should be advantaged in Class 5 now.SPEEDY WALLY changed a stable to Caspar Fownes last April and then made an impressive debut last May. He is on a dangerous rating now and can open his winning account with Zac aboard to run over 1650m at Happy Valley.



Best Bet

K C Leung

Value Bet


(5 selections in Double Trio/Triple Trio Races)

Race 6 �Ho Ho Feel

Value Bet

Z Purton

Race 3�Speedy Wally





Race 3

�Speedy Wally�Precious GemRace 4

�Super Sprinter�Best TangoRace 5

�Victorius�Globe Trotter

Race 6

�Ho Ho Feel�King Of MongoliaRace 7

�Flying Tourbillon�Five Up HighRace 8

�Mr Bogart�Travel Renyi

1 �Optimism �Forever Fun �Rugby Diamond �Oriental Fantasia

2 �Flying Monkey �Gentilis �Mission Possible�Master Gold

3 �Speedy Wally �Precious Gem �Flying Machine �Best Jade Triumph �Safari Magic

4 �Super Sprinter �Best Tango �Noble De Man �Newswire Free �Grand Harbour

5 �Victorius �Globe Trotter �Victory Marvel �Supreme Flight �Helen's Choice

6 �Ho Ho Feel �King Of Mongolia�Golden Sleep �Happy Spirit �Chater Legend

7 �Flying Tourbillon�Five Up High �Hang's Decision �Lucky Profit �Fantastic Feeling

8 �Mr Bogart �Travel Renyi �Charity Joy �High Five

3 �Speedy Wally�Flying Machine�Precious Gem

6 �Ho Ho Feel �King Of Mongolia�Golden Sleep

Page 2: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari



�� Almababy 亞馬寶寶 8R1 AztecEmpire 神威福將 4

�� BestJadeTriumph 白玉凱旋 3� BestTango 馬飛龍 4� BlockerDee 越影 8� BornToRace 隨時候命 2� Breeders'Star 育馬妙星 2� BullishSmart 牛精叻仔 8

�� CharityJoy 喜益善 8� ChaterLegend 金獅叻將 6

�R1 DashingKing 飛皇騰達 6R1 DiamondMaster 鑽石巨匠 7� DragonGlory 皇龍寶駒 3

�� EmperorVictory 駿瑪 2

�� FaithfulBoy 非凡者 4� FantasticFeeling 越感 7� FiveUpHigh 好愉快 7� FlyingMachine 識飛 3� FlyingMonkey 勁飛聖 2� FlyingTourbillon 陀飛輪 7� ForeverFun 盈喜悅 1� FormulaGalore 全勝姿態 1R1 ForzaAvanti 嶺喜 1

�� Gentilis 君子協定 2� GiddyGiddy 飛霞 1� GlamorousRyder 尚華盛甲 3� GlobeTrotter 飛馬看花 5� GloryHorsie 名馬 5� GloryStar 歐洲之星 4� GoldenGlory 金碧輝煌 5� GoldenSleep 睡德福 6� GraceHeart 澤心星 7� GrandHarbour 君悅灣 4� GreatSpeed 大將風速 1

�� HammerKing 迫擊炮 8� Hang'sDecision 恆駿寶駒 7

� HappyBaoBei 中華寶貝 7� HappyContender 康樂神駒 6R1 HappyGains 樂有盈 2� HappySpirit 開心駿馬 6� Helen'sChoice 執子之手 5� HellaHedge 精算率然 8� HighFive 開心神駒 8� HighSpeedMetro 精彩時機 3� HoHoFeel 可愛寶 6

�� I'mAWitness 星光大師 7R2 I'mTheWonForU 情意相投 5� IdyllicWind 有情風 1� IntellectualGlide 智能 1R2 Inventor 發明小子 6� IslandFlyer 鼓浪飛星 3

�� JollyGene 非常堅 6

�� KingOfMongolia 精壯神駿 6� KingOfSmarts 牛魔王 1

�� LightningAndGold 神電金剛 4� LondonMaster 旅英公爵 5� LotusStrikesBack 蓮花巨星 6� LuckyHammer 好老友 6� LuckyProfit 好運有利 7

�� MacRow 匯聚力量 4� MajesticAnthem 迎風飄揚 8R2 MalayanPearl 馬來之珍 3� MasterGold 星光勇將 2� MiSavvyBoy 萬醒仔 3� MidnitePromise 肇慶威威 7R2 MightyGains 永得米 1� MightyWongchoy 威旺財 3� MissionPossible 段段有 2� MrBogart 威力川 8� MrKool 靚先生 2

�� NewswireFree 實在威 4R1 NoLaughingMatter 多多囍 3� NobleDeMan 魅力好漢 4

�� Optimism 樂趣 1� OrientalFantasia 天狼星 1

�� Pablosky 飛龍駒 8� PennyLane 金錢路 2� PreciousGem 原始寶石 3R2 Presidentparamount總統至上 7

�� RainbowFighter 環保戰士 7� RapidTriumph 捷捷勝 4� RegencyKing 帝聖神駒 6� Righteous 正大光明 8� RisingPower 升力 2� RocketLetWin 飛快叻 2� RoyalSpirit 聖海 5� RugbyDiamond 欖球鑽石 1

�� SafariMagic 野外桃源 3R2 SalsaBrothers 瀟洒兄弟 2� SharpHunter 驍武 5� ShiningChampion 明多多 1� SmartGain 卓逸星 1� SparklingSword 紫電明珠 4R1 SpeedyLongwah 金龍華 8� SpeedyWally 事必獲利 3� StYazin 聖驛善 2� SunnyWin 太陽旺旺 7� SuperForm 招多福 4� SuperSprinter 超強快駒 4� SupremeFlight 至尊飛星 5

�� TheShow 大運舞台 7� ToweringStorm 勝風 6� TravelRenyi 旅遊仁義 8

�� Vanilla 雲呢拿 6R1 VictorEmperor 勝在煌 5� Victorius 百戰百勝 5� VictoryMarvel 勝利名星 5R2 VictoryMaster 勝利之星 4

�� WinningStar 榮達之寶 5

�� YeungSing 公証揚聖 3� Yo-yoDa 星際武士 5

Page 3: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

On The Same Side

Stable Changes


Gears Changes



Veterinary Records

Race 1RUGBY DIAMONDUnacceptable performance.30/08/2016(Passed On)Race 2GENTILISLame right front leg.16/08/2016(Passed On)RISING POWERLame right front leg after racing.26/08/2016(Passed On)Race 3MALAYAN PEARLUnacceptable performance.14/06/2016(Passed On)Race 4SUPER SPRINTERLame right front leg.23/08/2016(Passed On)NEWSWIRE FREELame right front leg on the day after racing.18/08/2016(Passed On)Race 5GOLDEN GLORY Lame left front leg.28/06/2016(Passed On)VICTORY MARVEL Lame right front leg.

26/08/2016(Passed On)Race 6TOWERING STORM Eight years of age or above at season end.23/08/2016(Passed On)REGENCY KING Lame right front leg.18/08/2016(Passed On)Race 7MIDNITE PROMISE Unacceptable performance. Lame left front foot on the day after racing.31/08/2016(Passed On)DIAMOND MASTER Left front suspensory branch mild strain.25/08/2016(Passed On)PRESIDENTPARAMOUNT Lame left front foot.23/08/2016(Passed On)HIGH FIVE Heart irregularity after racing.31/08/2016(Passed On)Race 8CHARITY JOY Lame left hind leg.Left hock proximal superficial digital flexor tendon injury.10/06/2016(Passed On)MAJESTIC ANTHEMMedical therapy for chronic orthopedic condition.26/08/2016(Passed On)


GOLDEN SLEEPDavid Hui Cheung Wing


GLAMOROUS RYDERDaniel Chan Ching Yan


HAPPY CONTENDERHealthy & Happy Racing Syndicate(Member) N423

VICTORIUSMichael T H Lee & Dr Henry Chan Hin Lee(Partner)


BEST TANGOAlbert Hung Chao Hong & Stephanie Hung Yujie(Father & Daughter )


FIVE UP HIGHFive Up High Syndicate (Member)


HIGH FIVETony Yue Kwok Leung




CHATER LEGENDHK Cricket Club Syndicate (Member)


PABLOSKYAlbert Hung Chao Hong

Important Meeting Changes

Jockey's SuspensionC Schofield -Care less r id ing S u s p e n s i o n c o m m e n c e s o n 03/09/2016,may resume riding on 12/09/2016

H T Mo-Careless riding Suspension commences on 12/09/2016,may resume riding on 02/10/2016

K K Chiong -Care less r id ing S u s p e n s i o n c o m m e n c e s o n 19/09/2016,may resume riding on 26/09/2016

Page 4: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

Race 1 Class 5 (Ratings 40-15)


Race 2 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 3 Class 5 (Ratings 40-15)


Race 4 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 5 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 6 Class 3 (Ratings 80-60)


Race 7 Class 3 (Ratings 80-60)


Race 8 Class 2 (Ratings 100-80)

1200M Last Win DateLast Win Horse

Record1st-2nd-3rd-Unpl Jockey Prize

03-09-16 Run Forrest 2 - 1 - 1 - 8 N Rawiller(NR) $1,271,475 1 Forever Fun KLM 1 Mission Possible CSS 3 Yeung Sing KWL 2 Victorius MET03-09-16 Flying Moochi 2 - 0 - 1 - 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari Magic MET 7 Hella Hedge KWL03-09-16 Lucky Year 1 - 1 - 1 - 10 J Moreira(JMO) $1,734,300 7 Optimism DEF 5 Flying Monkey WYS 7 Flying Machine WYS 3 Super Sprinter CSS 10 Glory Horsie DC 2 King Of Mongolia CSS 9 Lucky Profit CSS 4 Mr Bogart JM03-09-16 Seasons King 1 - 1 - 0 - 6 N Callan(NC) $744,100 5 Shining Champion RG 9 Newswire Free PFY 9 Yo-yo Da WYS 2 Travel Renyi RG03-09-16 Multimax 1 - 1 - 0 - 10 K K Chiong(KKC) $888,750 3 Rugby Diamond WYS 4 Gentilis CHY 12 Mighty Wongchoy KLM 10 Noble De Man KLM 1 Supreme Flight ATM 7 Rainbow Fighter DC 3 Charity Joy CSS03-09-16 Roundabout 1 - 0 - 2 - 8 D Whyte(DW) $762,850 4 Idyllic Wind TKN 8 Emperor Victory MET 4 Lightning And Gold CHY 8 Sharp Hunter DEF 5 Chater Legend DEF 1 Fantastic Feeling DEF 6 High Five ATM03-09-16 Beauty Master 1 - 0 - 1 - 8 Z Purton(ZP) $642,875 2 Formula Galore CF 6 Speedy Wally CF 2 Best Tango WYS 7 Victory Marvel CF 6 Lotus Strikes Back JM 8 Hang's Decision WYS03-09-16 Baba Mama 1 - 0 - 0 - 9 K C Leung(DLE) $783,750 8 King Of Smarts DC 2 Rocket Let Win DC 11 Dragon Glory CWC 9 Ho Ho Feel CHY 11 Sunny Win LH 11 Hammer King PFY12-06-16 Willie Way 0 - 1 - 3 - 9 K Teetan(KTE) $900,275 9 Penny Lane ATM 8 Mi Savvy Boy ATM 7 Super Form ATM 4 Golden Glory ALE 3 Golden Sleep ATM 6 Five Up High ATM 12 Blocker Dee CF09-06-16 Victory Boys 0 - 1 - 1 - 4 B Prebble(BP) $394,550 3 Breeders' Star DEF 1 Best Jade Triumph ALE 3 Happy Bao Bei MET06-07-16 Precious Gem 0 - 1 - 0 - 1 C Y Ho(CYH) $138,600 7 Born To Race CF 9 Precious Gem TKN 8 Vanilla CF12-06-16 Winning Boy 0 - 1 - 0 - 5 M L Yeung(MLY) $235,200 11 Intellectual Glide ALE 8 Mac Row ALE 6 Helen's Choice KWL 11 Towering Storm PFY 2 Flying Tourbillon PFY 9 Righteous TPY01-07-16 Pakistan Star 0 - 1 - 0 - 6 M Chadwick(MLC) $611,250 11 Mr Kool ASC 12 Royal Spirit CWC 1 Jolly Gene ASC 10 I'm A Witness ASC 10 Bullish Smart ASC05-06-16 Borntoachieve 0 - 0 - 0 - 2 Y T Cheng(YTC) $0 6 Master Gold LH 12 Faithful Boy MET 10 Lucky Hammer MET 5 Almababy MET10-07-16 Island Flyer 0 - 0 - 0 - 2 O Bosson(OB) $0 2 Island Flyer PFY 6 Rapid Triumph TPY 3 Globe Trotter CSS19-06-16 Sky King 0 - 0 - 0 - 4 O Doleuze(OD) $75,600 6 Giddy Giddy JS 10 Rising Power CWC 1 Grand Harbour CWC 4 Happy Contender RG 4 Grace Heart CF01-07-16 Masquerader 0 - 0 - 0 - 6 H W Lai(HWL) $161,600 5 Sparkling Sword KWL 11 Winning Star LH22-05-16 Full Glory 0 - 0 - 0 - 6 K C Ng(KCN) $103,500 12 Smart Gain CWC 7 Happy Spirit ASC 12 Midnite Promise TKN01-07-16 Argentum 0 - 0 - 0 - 7 T H So(THS) $193,225 10 Great Speed LH 12 St Yazin TKN 10 High Speed Metro LH 11 Glory Star CSS 12 Regency King WYS 5 The Show CHY 8 Majestic Anthem DJH

- - 0 - 0 - 0 - 8 S Clipperton(SC) $29,400 5 Glamorous Ryder POS 5 London Master KLM 1 Pablosky JM

Race 1 Class 5 (Ratings 40-15)


Race 2 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 3 Class 5 (Ratings 40-15)


Race 4 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 5 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 6 Class 3 (Ratings 80-60)


Race 7 Class 3 (Ratings 80-60)


Race 8 Class 2 (Ratings 100-80)

1200M Last Win DateLast Win Horse

Record1st-2nd-3rd-Unpl Trainer Prize

03-09-16 Flying Moochi 3 - 0 - 0 - 10 Y S Tsui(MET) $2,060,550 9 Oriental Fantasia HW 8 Emperor Victory DW 4 Safari Magic HW 12 Faithful Boy YTC 2 Victorius NR 10 Lucky Hammer YTC 3 Happy Bao Bei BP 5 Almababy YTC03-09-16 Multimax 2 - 1 - 1 - 10 A S Cruz(ASC) $2,060,525 11 Mr Kool MLC 1 Jolly Gene MLC

7 Happy Spirit KCN 10 I'm A Witness MLC 10 Bullish Smart MLC03-09-16 Run Forrest 2 - 1 - 0 - 15 C S Shum(CSS) $2,302,550 1 Mission Possible NR 3 Super Sprinter JMO

11 Glory Star THS 3 Globe Trotter OB 2 King Of Mongolia JMO 9 Lucky Profit JMO 3 Charity Joy KKC03-09-16 Roundabout 1 - 1 - 1 - 11 W Y So(WYS) $938,625 3 Rugby Diamond KKC 5 Flying Monkey JMO 7 Flying Machine JMO 2 Best Tango ZP 9 Yo-yo Da NC 12 Regency King THS 8 Hang's Decision ZP03-09-16 Seasons King 1 - 0 - 0 - 1 D J Hall(DJH) $359,100 8 Majestic Anthem THS03-09-16 Baba Mama 1 - 0 - 0 - 6 L Ho(LH) $733,350 10 Great Speed THS 6 Master Gold YTC 10 High Speed Metro THS 11 Winning Star HWL 11 Sunny Win DLE10-07-16 Regency Baby 0 - 2 - 0 - 4 A Lee(ALE) $323,400 11 Intellectual Glide MLY 1 Best Jade Triumph BP 8 Mac Row MLY 4 Golden Glory KTE01-07-16 Fashion Maestro 0 - 1 - 1 - 5 K W Lui(KWL) $323,850 3 Yeung Sing NR 5 Sparkling Sword HWL 6 Helen's Choice MLY 7 Hella Hedge HW22-06-16 Lyric Ace 0 - 1 - 1 - 6 D Cruz(DC) $457,450 8 King Of Smarts DLE 2 Rocket Let Win DLE 10 Glory Horsie JMO 7 Rainbow Fighter KKC01-07-16 Renaissance Art 0 - 1 - 0 - 7 C Fownes(CF) $421,700 2 Formula Galore ZP 7 Born To Race CYH 6 Speedy Wally ZP 7 Victory Marvel ZP 8 Vanilla CYH 4 Grace Heart OD 12 Blocker Dee KTE05-06-16 Good Fit 0 - 1 - 0 - 7 C W Chang(CWC) $289,800 12 Smart Gain KCN 10 Rising Power OD 11 Dragon Glory DLE 1 Grand Harbour OD 12 Royal Spirit MLC22-06-16 Travel Comforts 0 - 1 - 0 - 8 A T Millard(ATM) $184,800 9 Penny Lane KTE 8 Mi Savvy Boy KTE 7 Super Form KTE 1 Supreme Flight KKC 3 Golden Sleep KTE 6 Five Up High KTE 6 High Five DW10-07-16 Island Flyer 0 - 0 - 2 - 6 P F Yiu(PFY) $471,600 2 Island Flyer OB 9 Newswire Free NC 11 Towering Storm MLY 2 Flying Tourbillon MLY 11 Hammer King DLE06-07-16 The Sylph 0 - 0 - 2 - 8 D E Ferraris(DEF) $465,575 7 Optimism JMO 3 Breeders' Star BP 8 Sharp Hunter DW 5 Chater Legend DW 1 Fantastic Feeling DW10-07-16 All You Wish 0 - 0 - 1 - 6 C H Yip(CHY) $142,025 4 Gentilis KKC 4 Lightning And Gold DW 9 Ho Ho Feel DLE 5 The Show THS10-07-16 Helene Paragon 0 - 0 - 1 - 7 J Moore(JM) $200,100 6 Lotus Strikes Back ZP 1 Pablosky SC

4 Mr Bogart JMO06-07-16 Precious Gem 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 T K Ng(TKN) $0 4 Idyllic Wind DW 12 St Yazin THS 9 Precious Gem CYH 12 Midnite Promise KCN06-07-16 Moment Of Power 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 P O'Sullivan(POS) $0 5 Glamorous Ryder SC10-07-16 Love Shock 0 - 0 - 0 - 2 J Size(JS) $0 6 Giddy Giddy OD10-07-16 Unique Joyous 0 - 0 - 0 - 4 K L Man(KLM) $0 1 Forever Fun NR 12 Mighty Wongchoy KKC 10 Noble De Man KKC 5 London Master SC26-06-16 Mythical Emperor 0 - 0 - 0 - 4 T P Yung(TPY) $0 6 Rapid Triumph OB 9 Righteous MLY07-05-16 Unleashed Dragon 0 - 0 - 0 - 5 R Gibson(RG) $0 5 Shining Champion NC 4 Happy Contender OD 2 Travel Renyi NC



Page 5: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

Race 1 Class 5 (Ratings 40-15)


Race 2 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 3 Class 5 (Ratings 40-15)


Race 4 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 5 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 6 Class 3 (Ratings 80-60)


Race 7 Class 3 (Ratings 80-60)


Race 8 Class 2 (Ratings 100-80)

1200M Last Win DateLast Win Horse

Record1st-2nd-3rd-Unpl Jockey Prize

03-09-16 Run Forrest 2 - 1 - 1 - 8 N Rawiller(NR) $1,271,475 1 Forever Fun KLM 1 Mission Possible CSS 3 Yeung Sing KWL 2 Victorius MET03-09-16 Flying Moochi 2 - 0 - 1 - 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari Magic MET 7 Hella Hedge KWL03-09-16 Lucky Year 1 - 1 - 1 - 10 J Moreira(JMO) $1,734,300 7 Optimism DEF 5 Flying Monkey WYS 7 Flying Machine WYS 3 Super Sprinter CSS 10 Glory Horsie DC 2 King Of Mongolia CSS 9 Lucky Profit CSS 4 Mr Bogart JM03-09-16 Seasons King 1 - 1 - 0 - 6 N Callan(NC) $744,100 5 Shining Champion RG 9 Newswire Free PFY 9 Yo-yo Da WYS 2 Travel Renyi RG03-09-16 Multimax 1 - 1 - 0 - 10 K K Chiong(KKC) $888,750 3 Rugby Diamond WYS 4 Gentilis CHY 12 Mighty Wongchoy KLM 10 Noble De Man KLM 1 Supreme Flight ATM 7 Rainbow Fighter DC 3 Charity Joy CSS03-09-16 Roundabout 1 - 0 - 2 - 8 D Whyte(DW) $762,850 4 Idyllic Wind TKN 8 Emperor Victory MET 4 Lightning And Gold CHY 8 Sharp Hunter DEF 5 Chater Legend DEF 1 Fantastic Feeling DEF 6 High Five ATM03-09-16 Beauty Master 1 - 0 - 1 - 8 Z Purton(ZP) $642,875 2 Formula Galore CF 6 Speedy Wally CF 2 Best Tango WYS 7 Victory Marvel CF 6 Lotus Strikes Back JM 8 Hang's Decision WYS03-09-16 Baba Mama 1 - 0 - 0 - 9 K C Leung(DLE) $783,750 8 King Of Smarts DC 2 Rocket Let Win DC 11 Dragon Glory CWC 9 Ho Ho Feel CHY 11 Sunny Win LH 11 Hammer King PFY12-06-16 Willie Way 0 - 1 - 3 - 9 K Teetan(KTE) $900,275 9 Penny Lane ATM 8 Mi Savvy Boy ATM 7 Super Form ATM 4 Golden Glory ALE 3 Golden Sleep ATM 6 Five Up High ATM 12 Blocker Dee CF09-06-16 Victory Boys 0 - 1 - 1 - 4 B Prebble(BP) $394,550 3 Breeders' Star DEF 1 Best Jade Triumph ALE 3 Happy Bao Bei MET06-07-16 Precious Gem 0 - 1 - 0 - 1 C Y Ho(CYH) $138,600 7 Born To Race CF 9 Precious Gem TKN 8 Vanilla CF12-06-16 Winning Boy 0 - 1 - 0 - 5 M L Yeung(MLY) $235,200 11 Intellectual Glide ALE 8 Mac Row ALE 6 Helen's Choice KWL 11 Towering Storm PFY 2 Flying Tourbillon PFY 9 Righteous TPY01-07-16 Pakistan Star 0 - 1 - 0 - 6 M Chadwick(MLC) $611,250 11 Mr Kool ASC 12 Royal Spirit CWC 1 Jolly Gene ASC 10 I'm A Witness ASC 10 Bullish Smart ASC05-06-16 Borntoachieve 0 - 0 - 0 - 2 Y T Cheng(YTC) $0 6 Master Gold LH 12 Faithful Boy MET 10 Lucky Hammer MET 5 Almababy MET10-07-16 Island Flyer 0 - 0 - 0 - 2 O Bosson(OB) $0 2 Island Flyer PFY 6 Rapid Triumph TPY 3 Globe Trotter CSS19-06-16 Sky King 0 - 0 - 0 - 4 O Doleuze(OD) $75,600 6 Giddy Giddy JS 10 Rising Power CWC 1 Grand Harbour CWC 4 Happy Contender RG 4 Grace Heart CF01-07-16 Masquerader 0 - 0 - 0 - 6 H W Lai(HWL) $161,600 5 Sparkling Sword KWL 11 Winning Star LH22-05-16 Full Glory 0 - 0 - 0 - 6 K C Ng(KCN) $103,500 12 Smart Gain CWC 7 Happy Spirit ASC 12 Midnite Promise TKN01-07-16 Argentum 0 - 0 - 0 - 7 T H So(THS) $193,225 10 Great Speed LH 12 St Yazin TKN 10 High Speed Metro LH 11 Glory Star CSS 12 Regency King WYS 5 The Show CHY 8 Majestic Anthem DJH

- - 0 - 0 - 0 - 8 S Clipperton(SC) $29,400 5 Glamorous Ryder POS 5 London Master KLM 1 Pablosky JM

Race 1 Class 5 (Ratings 40-15)


Race 2 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 3 Class 5 (Ratings 40-15)


Race 4 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 5 Class 4 (Ratings 60-40)


Race 6 Class 3 (Ratings 80-60)


Race 7 Class 3 (Ratings 80-60)


Race 8 Class 2 (Ratings 100-80)

1200M Last Win DateLast Win Horse

Record1st-2nd-3rd-Unpl Trainer Prize

03-09-16 Flying Moochi 3 - 0 - 0 - 10 Y S Tsui(MET) $2,060,550 9 Oriental Fantasia HW 8 Emperor Victory DW 4 Safari Magic HW 12 Faithful Boy YTC 2 Victorius NR 10 Lucky Hammer YTC 3 Happy Bao Bei BP 5 Almababy YTC03-09-16 Multimax 2 - 1 - 1 - 10 A S Cruz(ASC) $2,060,525 11 Mr Kool MLC 1 Jolly Gene MLC

7 Happy Spirit KCN 10 I'm A Witness MLC 10 Bullish Smart MLC03-09-16 Run Forrest 2 - 1 - 0 - 15 C S Shum(CSS) $2,302,550 1 Mission Possible NR 3 Super Sprinter JMO

11 Glory Star THS 3 Globe Trotter OB 2 King Of Mongolia JMO 9 Lucky Profit JMO 3 Charity Joy KKC03-09-16 Roundabout 1 - 1 - 1 - 11 W Y So(WYS) $938,625 3 Rugby Diamond KKC 5 Flying Monkey JMO 7 Flying Machine JMO 2 Best Tango ZP 9 Yo-yo Da NC 12 Regency King THS 8 Hang's Decision ZP03-09-16 Seasons King 1 - 0 - 0 - 1 D J Hall(DJH) $359,100 8 Majestic Anthem THS03-09-16 Baba Mama 1 - 0 - 0 - 6 L Ho(LH) $733,350 10 Great Speed THS 6 Master Gold YTC 10 High Speed Metro THS 11 Winning Star HWL 11 Sunny Win DLE10-07-16 Regency Baby 0 - 2 - 0 - 4 A Lee(ALE) $323,400 11 Intellectual Glide MLY 1 Best Jade Triumph BP 8 Mac Row MLY 4 Golden Glory KTE01-07-16 Fashion Maestro 0 - 1 - 1 - 5 K W Lui(KWL) $323,850 3 Yeung Sing NR 5 Sparkling Sword HWL 6 Helen's Choice MLY 7 Hella Hedge HW22-06-16 Lyric Ace 0 - 1 - 1 - 6 D Cruz(DC) $457,450 8 King Of Smarts DLE 2 Rocket Let Win DLE 10 Glory Horsie JMO 7 Rainbow Fighter KKC01-07-16 Renaissance Art 0 - 1 - 0 - 7 C Fownes(CF) $421,700 2 Formula Galore ZP 7 Born To Race CYH 6 Speedy Wally ZP 7 Victory Marvel ZP 8 Vanilla CYH 4 Grace Heart OD 12 Blocker Dee KTE05-06-16 Good Fit 0 - 1 - 0 - 7 C W Chang(CWC) $289,800 12 Smart Gain KCN 10 Rising Power OD 11 Dragon Glory DLE 1 Grand Harbour OD 12 Royal Spirit MLC22-06-16 Travel Comforts 0 - 1 - 0 - 8 A T Millard(ATM) $184,800 9 Penny Lane KTE 8 Mi Savvy Boy KTE 7 Super Form KTE 1 Supreme Flight KKC 3 Golden Sleep KTE 6 Five Up High KTE 6 High Five DW10-07-16 Island Flyer 0 - 0 - 2 - 6 P F Yiu(PFY) $471,600 2 Island Flyer OB 9 Newswire Free NC 11 Towering Storm MLY 2 Flying Tourbillon MLY 11 Hammer King DLE06-07-16 The Sylph 0 - 0 - 2 - 8 D E Ferraris(DEF) $465,575 7 Optimism JMO 3 Breeders' Star BP 8 Sharp Hunter DW 5 Chater Legend DW 1 Fantastic Feeling DW10-07-16 All You Wish 0 - 0 - 1 - 6 C H Yip(CHY) $142,025 4 Gentilis KKC 4 Lightning And Gold DW 9 Ho Ho Feel DLE 5 The Show THS10-07-16 Helene Paragon 0 - 0 - 1 - 7 J Moore(JM) $200,100 6 Lotus Strikes Back ZP 1 Pablosky SC

4 Mr Bogart JMO06-07-16 Precious Gem 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 T K Ng(TKN) $0 4 Idyllic Wind DW 12 St Yazin THS 9 Precious Gem CYH 12 Midnite Promise KCN06-07-16 Moment Of Power 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 P O'Sullivan(POS) $0 5 Glamorous Ryder SC10-07-16 Love Shock 0 - 0 - 0 - 2 J Size(JS) $0 6 Giddy Giddy OD10-07-16 Unique Joyous 0 - 0 - 0 - 4 K L Man(KLM) $0 1 Forever Fun NR 12 Mighty Wongchoy KKC 10 Noble De Man KKC 5 London Master SC26-06-16 Mythical Emperor 0 - 0 - 0 - 4 T P Yung(TPY) $0 6 Rapid Triumph OB 9 Righteous MLY07-05-16 Unleashed Dragon 0 - 0 - 0 - 5 R Gibson(RG) $0 5 Shining Champion NC 4 Happy Contender OD 2 Travel Renyi NC

Page 6: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

Jockey Challenge

Date:02/09/2016 Track:HV 1000m


has looked powerful in his final gallop under Why te and shows very progressive. The Happy Valley 1650m is his ideal distance and should be fancied.

First trained horse of this racedayin today morning (Mon)

Jockey Horse / Stable TimeJ Moreira MR BOGART J Moore 6:15

Z Purton LOTUS STRIKES BACK J Moore 8:00

K Teetan SUPER FORM A T Millard 6:05


O Bosson ISLAND FLYER P F Yiu 6:18

N Rawiller YEUNG SING K W Lui 6:25

K C Leung HO HO FEEL C H Yip 6:32

M L Yeung HELEN'S CHOICE K W Lui 7:06


T H SO THE SHOW C H Yip 7:35


Race 7� FLYING TOURBILLION recovered from his leg injury and scored one win in his

5 starts last season. His best distance is Happy Valley 1200m with a First 4 strike rate of 60%. He trialed well recently and must be considered in First 4.





First 4 Selections

Jockey Challenge

Horses:6 Unit:20 Bet:$100 Flexibet per unit:$5 Debit of last raceday︰- Credit: -$300

Brave Kei Chiong scored a very impressive win on

MULTIMAX after a fall on the opening day.In this night meeting, Kei holds many good rides such as GENTILIS (Race 2), SUPREME FLIGHT(Race 5), CHARITY JOY(Race 8), which all can get points for her to win the Jockey Challenge.


Race Horse








Jockey challenge forecastRecent 10 racedays Jockey Marks

J Moreira 44Z Purton 38K K Chiong 46N Rawiller 4C Schofield 0K C Leung 12N Callan 0K Teetan 8

Race 4 �Lightning And Gold

Banker's Chioce

Trial Revelation

Race 5� SUPREME FLIGHT finished in first 5 in eight of nine starts in Class 4 last season

and should be advantaged in this class. The 8-year-old finished an easy 3rd in his recent trial on dirt and is in good form. He should be the one to beat with the claim over Happy Valley 1200m.

Trial Revelation Race 8 �Mr Bogart

Marks forecast according from HKDN Racing Booklet's Selections (started from left, Winner in red)

Banker's Chioce W $100, Q 1 Banker with 2 selections $100First 4 Selections 1 Banker with 5 selections



Race 5�Supreme Flight(Win)Race 7�Flying Tourbillion(Banker)①Fantastic Feeling⑥Five Up High ⑦Rainbow Fighter ⑧Hang's Decision �I'm A Witness ②Victorius ⑦Victory Marvel







Trial 6





22 80 30 38 36 50 64 - - 3416 10 8 34 30 30 22 28 40 1818 42 22 10 10 22 22 29 34 1034 30 22 16 24 12 12 0 6 28- - - - 4 14 24 0 30 12

12 20 6 24 28 6 12 4 0 1218 6 22 6 10 0 10 0 18 1418 18 0 24 6 0 - - 12

K K Chiong

Page 7: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

S130 V011 S432 N139 S305 S367 S150 S176 P269 S251 S124 T404 V090 P260

Speed Last6Race&Priority Number/HorseName Wt. Jockey Win% Draw Trainer Win% Rtg.+/- Age Gear Record Trip����1 - 8 -7- 2 -1-4 �Forever Fun 133 NRawiller 25% � KLMan - 40+5 6 BT ��○� ��○�����3 - 6 -7- 6 - 6-6 +�Formula Galore 133 ZPurton 13% � CFownes - 40 4 T ○○�� ○○������11-1 -5- 8 -10-4 �Rugby Diamond 126 7KKChiong 10% � WYSo 9.1% 40 6 B �○�� �○������10- 7 -12- 6 -10-8 +�Idyllic Wind � 132 DWhyte 13% � TKNg - 39-2 8 ���� ��������11- 5 -10-12-12-6 +�Shining Champion � 132 NCallan 17% � RGibson - 39-5 6 B- ���� ○○○�����6 - 4 -2- 5 -1-4 +�Giddy Giddy 131 ODoleuze - � JSize - 38-1 5 BHT ���� ○�○�����2 -1 -4- 8 - 5-6 �Optimism 128 JMoreira 10% � DEFerraris - 35+3 5 BT ���� ��○�����6 -1 -3- 7 - 6-6 +�King Of Smarts 115 2KCLeung 11% � DCruz - 24 6 PCT ���� ��������4 - 4 -6- 2 -2-5 +�Oriental Fantasia 110 7HNWong 29% � YSTsui 30% 24-1 6 PT ���� ○�○�����2 -2 -5- 7 - 5-4 +�Great Speed 112 2THSo - � LHo 17% 21+1 5 BHX ○�○� ○�○�����2 - 5 -3- 6 -2-4 �Intellectual Glide 112 2MLYeung - � ALee - 21+1 6 B ○��� ○�������14-11-12-11-10-9 +�Smart Gain 108 5KCNg - � CWChang - 18-9 5 B1 ○○○� ○○○�Stand-byStarter:����9 - 6 -8- 7 -10-7 R1 Forza Avanti � 130 - - - YSTsui 30% 37-3 4 H ○○○� ○○○�����12- 7 -9-11- 9-4 R2 Mighty Gains 123 - - - KLMan - 30-2 7 T ���� ○○○�

Race CHEUNGHONGHANDICAPClass 5 (40-15) - 1200m

Standard time : 1.10.50 Class Record : 21/01/2015 Lyric Ace D Whyte 122lbs 1.09.73 Course Record : 06/11/2007 Tiger Prawn G Mosse 120lbs 1.08.70

1011 Prize money $ 630,000 1st57% $359,100 2nd22% $138,600 3rd11.5% $72,450 4th6% $37,800 5th3.5% $22,0507:15 p.m.

� � � � � � � � � � � � R1 R2

Happy Valley 1200m Distance Best time 1200m� Idyllic Wind 30.2% R2 Mighty Gains 22.8% � Giddy Giddy 01:10.05� Forever Fun 29.2% � Oriental Fantasia 20.8% � Rugby Diamond 01:10.13� King Of Smarts 20.0% � Forever Fun 19.6% � Optimism 01:10.17� Optimism 16.7% � Shining Champion 15.8% � Oriental Fantasia 01:10.24� Rugby Diamond 15.2% � King Of Smarts 15.4% � Idyllic Wind 01:10.39� Giddy Giddy 13.7% � Rugby Diamond 15.2% � King Of Smarts 01:10.45

� Rugby Diamond � Forever Fun � Formula Galore � Optimism

Rugby Diamondwonimpressivelyattheendoflastseason,trialednicelyandmustbetheonetobeatwithKei'sclaim.Forever Funracedhonestlyoverthistripandkeepssafewithhisnewtrainer.Formula Galoreisworkingnicely,cangiveabigshow.OptimismshowedabilityinClass5lastseason,shouldbefancied.



1 Forever Fun  N Rawiller 133+11

KLM40+5 � B


HK$ 1,274,600 Elusive City (USA) - Dangerous Seas by Dangerous(AUS)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mandsamesireasFabulousOne.Damunraced ChanYukFai

HongKong��○�HV ��○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ��○�AW ○○○�

�464N9�16AHV1200gy10265(40-15)  NCallan 120 SA 2712� BT 5 5 2 1 1� 7.1 4.4 1.10.72 23.70 1.10.72 23.425 WhistleBlower AFastOne ............well-ridden�520N31�16C3HV1200g 10335(40-15)  NCallan 127 SA 3312� BT 3 3 2 2 � 4.6 5.8 1.10.74 23.57 1.10.82 23.534 King'sSteed KingOfSmarts ............good finish�648N18�16BHV1200g 10355(40-15) 7KKChiong 122 SA 3512� BT 2 2 2 7 3 5.4 6.0 1.10.13 24.04 1.10.63 24.428 RugbyDiamond KingOnEarth ..unbalanced late�697 9�16AHV1200g 10285(40-0)  NCallan 128 SA 3512� BT 4 4 4 8 4� 10 7.3 1.10.31 24.25 1.11.08 24.749 Optimism GiddyGiddy ........faded stretch�765N6�16AHV1200g 10305(40-0) 7HNWong 122 SA 3512� BT 4 4 3 1 SH 23 15 1.10.56 24.43 1.10.56 24.275 IntellectualGlide ManhattanStriker ........... raced wide【Comment】RiddenAlongFromTheWidestGateFromForwardOfMidfieldToSettle3-wideIn3rdWithTheLeaders,HitTheFrontUnderPressure200MetresOutAndJustHeldOnToTheLine.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S130【BestResult】 6 �16HV1200 g 5 HNWong 122 35� 4 4 3 1 SH 15 1.10.56 24.27 Intellectual Glide【BestTime】29 �15HV1200 gf 5 WMLai 133 39� 3 3 3 7 3� 23 1.10.52 23.34 Natural Eight【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1200 ag - HNWong - - � - 2 3 7 10� - 1.11.94 - House Of Luck



【Cl.5】��○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】21�~4.4� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】127�~120�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】35�~27� Good��○�【Night】��○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1033�~1014�Soft ○○○○【Trump】��○� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.30.8 R.B.59.9 NRawiller58.2 1�,4G(0P0T)1B6S21T 30.8 26.6 26.6

2 Formula Galore  Z Purton 133+2

CF40 � T


HK$ 145,000 Not A Single Doubt - Evening Pleasures by Dehere(USA)Sirewasawinnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasCharityJoy.Damwasawinnerover1206m LillianLeeLaiMan

HongKong○○��HV ○○��Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ○○��AW ○○○�

�548 10�16CST1200gy10924(60-40)  ODoleuze 119 CF 4812� 5 5 4 6 3 7.5 7.9 1.10.32 23.94 1.10.80 24.188 SupremeFlight Multimax .no extra, straight�570 16�16C3ST1400gf10854(60-40)  ODoleuze 119 CF 4613� T1 121110 6 5 13 13 1.22.22 22.61 1.23.03 22.945 Hang'sDecision MetallicStar ..made ground late�625 7�16 ST1200ag10724(60-40) 2CYHo 115 CF 4412� B1H1T 2 2 1 7 3� 8.6 10 1.09.29 22.49 1.09.80 23.009 DejaVu Helen'sChoice ..........laid in 400m 690 5�16B2ST1400g 10714(60-40) 2CYHo 115 CF 4214� B-H-T 4 5 6 6 4� 9.0 6.6 1.22.59 23.51 1.23.28 23.649 NitroExpress G-oneLover ................... fair run�739N22�16CHV1200gf10655(40-15) 2CYHo 131 CF 4011� T 6 6 8 3 2� 7.4 6.7 1.10.65 23.35 1.11.08 23.303 RayOfGold Optimism ....... improved run【Comment】BrokeWithOthers,RacedMidfield1OffWithCover,DrivenHomeTurn,StayedOnTo3rdWithoutThreatening.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】V011【BestResult】22 �16HV1200 gf 5 CYHo 131 40� 6 6 8 3 2� 23.30 Ray Of Gold【BestTime】22 �16HV1200 gf 5 CYHo 131 40� 6 6 8 3 2� 23.30 Ray Of Gold【BarrierTrial】12 �16 ST1200 ag - ZPurton - - � - 1 1 1 1� - 1.11.44 - Hella Hedge


【Cl.5】○○�○ 1stUp○○○○【Odds】6.7�~6.7� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】131�~131�Gd-Firm○○��【Rtg.】40�~40� Good○○○�【Night】○○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1065� Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○�� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced R.B.51.1 C.Y.Ho1.23.8 R.B.54.6 R.B.47.6 25�,7G(3P1T)0B0S28T 24.2Winaswewish 23.7 25.3 22.7BrightStriketurg

Page 8: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari








3 Rugby Diamond 7K K Chiong 126-7

WYS40 � B


HK$ 795,600 Snippetson - Jewel Vault by Secret Savings(USA)Sirewasawinnerover1100mto1400mandsamesireasGlacierBlue.Damwasawinnerover1200mand1400m RugbySyndicate

HongKong�○��HV �○��Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○��Total �○��AW ○○○○

�474 13�16C3ST1000g 10414(60-40) 2CKTong 112WYS 4014� CPH - 141210 5� 36 46 0.56.77 22.84 0.57.66 22.815 GallantRock StYazin ........... lost ground�520N31�16C3HV1200g 10415(40-15)  JMoreira 132WYS 3812� CPH 111111 8 7 12 12 1.10.74 23.57 1.11.85 23.567 King'sSteed ForeverFun .........showed little�583 24�16AST1400g 10295(40-15)  ZPurton 129WYS 3514� CPH 4 4 3 5 3� 14 12 1.22.83 23.66 1.23.38 23.899 AmazingAlways GoldPrecious .......... handy early�648N18�16BHV1200g 10365(40-15)  ZPurton 127WYS 3312� CP-H-B1 1 1 1 1 2� 5.9 5.2 1.10.13 24.04 1.10.13 24.046 KingOnEarth SpeedyWally ......led all the way�739N22�16CHV1200gf10455(40-15)  ZPurton 133WYS 4011� B 1 1 2 11 18 3.0 3.4 1.10.65 23.35 1.13.54 26.2411 RayOfGold Optimism ...............poor ride【Comment】BrokeWell,Led3Deep1000m,SoonClear&ToRail750m,Driven&HeadedTurningIn,WeakenedTamely.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S432【BestResult】18 �16HV1200 g 5 ZPurton 127 33� 1 1 1 1 2� 24.04 King On Earth【BestTime】18 �16HV1200 g 5 ZPurton 127 33� 1 1 1 1 2� 24.04 King On Earth【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1050 ag - CSchofield - - � - 1 1 2 � - 1.01.20 - Ruminare


【Cl.5】�○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】52�~4.8� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】127�~120�Gd-Firm○○��【Rtg.】52�~33� Good�○��【Night】�○�� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1041�~1026�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced R.B.54.1 KKChiong58.2 R.B.27.125�,8G(0P0T)1B24S33T 24.7 26.4 27.1

4 Idyllic Wind �  D Whyte 132+21

TKN39-2 � NZ8


HK$ 3,017,625 Towkay (AUS) - Wake Up Suzie by Hereward The Wake(USA)Sirewasagroup3winnerover1200mandsamesireasPrecisionKing.Damwasalistedwinnerover1200mto1600m WongHingChun,WongManYui&WongMeeChun

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○�

�521N31�16C3HV1200g 11824(60-40) 5KCNg 115TKN 4812� 1 1 1 10 6� 29 33 1.10.68 23.59 1.11.68 24.5911 LuckyProfit MrKool ..........led till 350m�577N20�16BHV1200g 11874(60-40) 5KCNg 115TKN 4711� 3 3 3 6 3 21 17 1.10.38 24.02 1.10.87 24.1110 MasterViking NeverBetter ...... faded straight�632N11�16AHV1200g 11674(60-40) 5KCNg 113TKN 4512� 6 6 6 12 10 37 46 1.09.99 23.05 1.11.60 24.1412 ExtremelyFun CircuitKing ..checked 1000m�680N1�16C3HV1200g 11764(60-40) 5KCNg 112TKN 4312� 2 2 2 7 4 83 86 1.10.43 23.23 1.11.07 23.8311 NeverBetter FlyingMonkey ..........faded badly�725 19�16C3ST1000gf11704(60-40) 5KCNg 111TKN 4114� - 6 6 10 7� 33 50 0.55.72 22.24 0.56.98 22.7814 DancingFlames DBPin ..................hung in【Comment】AverageToBegin,Positioned4LengthsBackIn6thOnTheStands'Rail,DifficultToRideThroughout,NeverAThreat.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】N139【BestResult】25 �15HV1200 g 4 GBenoist 118 43� 3 3 4 1 � 51 1.11.15 23.78 Confucius Spirit【BestTime】 8 �15HV1200 gf 5 ASuborics 126 32� 4 4 4 2 3� 23.73 Winning Boy【BarrierTrial】25 �15 ST800 g - WMLai - - � - 3 2 4 2� - 0.46.64 - Diamond King


【Cl.5】���� 1stUp��○�【Odds】51�~2.6� FAV ��○�【C.Wt.】131�~112�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】49�~19� Good�○��【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1220�~1160�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

80dayssinceraced R.B.27.9 R.B.26.2 1�,2G(0P0T)0B19S25T 27.9 26.2

5 Shining Champion �  N Callan 132+15

RG39-5 � B-


HK$ 1,719,250 Thorn Park (AUS) - Catalina Lady by Flying Spur(AUS)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1500mandsamesireasAllYouWish.Damwasawinnerover1200mto1600m GeraldSiuChiShing

HongKong����HV ○○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○�

�477 13�16C3ST1200g 11254(60-40)  CSchofield 126 RG 5412� B 12121212 8� 27 35 1.10.49 23.27 1.11.87 23.9310 HammerKing GoodMan .........no response 492 20�16AST1200g 11244(60-40) �KKChiong 114 RG 5214� B 7 7 1212 8 32 28 1.10.52 23.04 1.11.81 23.3710 HappyCooperation SuperiorBoy ............wide 700m�616N4�16C3HV1200g 11044(60-40)  ODoleuze 123 RG 5012� B 11111210 6� 51 51 1.10.55 23.64 1.11.59 23.524 PearlWarmWarm ConfuciusSpirit .........showed little�649N18�16BHV1650g 11074(60-40)  ODoleuze 121 RG 4712� B 121111 5 8 65 99 1.39.49 24.29 1.40.75 24.674 Inventor TheSylph .....well back early��740N22�16CHV1650gf11044(60-40)  CSchofield 117 RG 4412� B 3 4 6 11 16� 25 32 1.40.70 23.65 1.43.38 25.8511 VaraPearl GoGoWin .............weakened【Comment】SmartBreak&RolledToVieForLead,SoonSettled1Back1Off,Niggled5th520m,FoundNilInStretch&Eased.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S305【BestResult】 6 �15HV1200 gf 3 JMoreira 119 65� 6 6 8 5 2 22.27 Wah May Baby【BestTime】15 �15HV1200 gf 3 BPrebble 123 67� 11 11 11 115� 13 1.10.48 22.91 Peace N Prosperity【BarrierTrial】22 �15 ST1200 ag - CSchofield - - � - 3 4 2 1 - 1.10.14 - Show Mission


【Cl.5】○○○○ 1stUp○�○�【Odds】7.6�~2.3� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】132�~116�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】63�~52� Good�○��【Night】○○�� Yield○○��【H.Wt.】1131�~1065�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced R.B.30.6 R.B.1.02.3 18�,4G(0P0T)0B0S40T 30.6 29.2

6 Giddy Giddy  O Doleuze 131-2

JS38-1 � B



HK$ 997,800 Exceed And Excel - Silken Song by Unbridled's Song(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1100mto1400mandsamesireasAmberSky.Damwasawinnerover1400mand1412m Mr&MrsLoeweLee

HongKong����HV ��○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○��Total ����AW ○○○○

�556N13�16AHV1000gy11085(40-15)  ODoleuze 125 JS 3212� BHT - 1 2 1 1� 12 8.4 0.57.51 23.20 0.57.51 23.125 HighlandDragon PerfectSmart .................nice run�630N11�16AHV1000g 11055(40-15)  ODoleuze 132 JS 3912� BHT - 6 5 5 2� 8.2 6.3 0.57.54 23.41 0.57.88 23.318 GloryHorsie GreatSpeed ....shifted in 650m�697 9�16AHV1200g 11205(40-0)  ODoleuze 132 JS 3912� BHT 1 1 1 2 1� 9.0 12 1.10.31 24.25 1.10.60 24.546 Optimism IntellectualGlide ..swamped 150m�739N22�16CHV1200gf11145(40-15)  ODoleuze 132 JS 3911� BHT 3 3 1 4 3� 13 7.1 1.10.65 23.35 1.11.20 23.908 RayOfGold Optimism ........faded stretch�765N6�16AHV1200g 11255(40-0)  NRawiller 133 JS 3912� BHT 1 1 1 6 2� 5.1 2.9 1.10.56 24.43 1.10.92 24.7912 ForeverFun IntellectualGlide ...... faded straight【Comment】BeganWellFromTheOneDrawHoldingNarrowLeadOnRailsMostOfWayToStraight,UnableToSustainEffortAfterStraightening.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S367【BestResult】 9 �16HV1200 g 5 ODoleuze 132 39� 1 1 1 2 1� 12 1.10.60 24.54 Optimism【BestTime】13 �15HV1200 gf 4 DWhyte 121 48� 3 3 3 4 1� 23.05 Real Fit【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1050 ag - ODoleuze - - � - 2 4 129� - 1.02.58 - Ruminare


【Cl.5】��○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】12�~6.1� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】133�~123�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】48�~32� Good○���【Night】��○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1121�~1091�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○��� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.28.1 R.B.27.6 R.B.1.01.530�,7G(0P0T)1B28S34T 28.1 27.6 27.7

7 Optimism  J Moreira 128+3

DEF35+3 � B


HK$ 1,026,300 Footstepsinthesand (GB) - Glebe Queen by HawkeyeSirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1600mandsamesireasBeautyFlame.Damwasawinnerover1600m WongChungHin&ArnoldWongChiChiu

HongKong����HV ��○�Pre-Import ���○ST ○○��Total ����AW ○○○○

556N13�16AHV1000gy10695(40-15)  BPrebble 123DEF 3012�SR-B1T - 8 9 5 3� 7.5 6.7 0.57.51 23.20 0.58.04 22.852 GiddyGiddy HighlandDragon made ground late�595N27�16CHV1200g 10615(40-0)  BPrebble 122DEF 2812� BT 121212 8 3� 15 14 1.10.65 23.82 1.11.15 23.403 KingOfSmarts GreatSpeed .....well back early�648N18�16BHV1200g 10585(40-15)  JMoreira 120DEF 2612� BT 101010 4 2� 20 11 1.10.13 24.04 1.10.55 23.663 RugbyDiamond KingOnEarth made ground late�697 9�16AHV1200g 10605(40-0)  JMoreira 118DEF 2512� BT 7 7 6 1 1� 3.6 3.3 1.10.31 24.25 1.10.31 23.731 GiddyGiddy IntellectualGlide .....impressive win�739N22�16CHV1200gf10625(40-15)  JMoreira 125DEF 3211� BT 9 9 6 2 SH 21 13 1.10.65 23.35 1.10.65 23.032 RayOfGold FormulaGalore ........... just missed【Comment】LackedEarlyToe,BustledNearRear1OffWithCover,ShakenUpForProgress500m,DrivenIntoStretch,QuickenedToLead150m,SoonPressed&MuggedAtLine.【Pre-Import】Late:TheOrganGrinder4Starts1W3P0L,HKD$148,240,won1445M【BrandNo.】S150【BestResult】 9 �16HV1200 g 5 JMoreira 118 25� 7 7 6 1 1� 23.73 Giddy Giddy【BestTime】 1 �15HV1200 gf 4 YTCheng 115 40� 11 11 11 103 68 1.10.17 22.82 Lyric Ace【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST800 g - JMoreira - - � - 4 2 3 1� - 0.46.50 - Joyful Moments


【Cl.5】���� 1stUp○�○�【Odds】16�~3.3� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】132�~118�Gd-Firm○�○�【Rtg.】38�~25� Good����【Night】○�○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1064�~1022�Soft ○○○○【Trump】��○� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced R.B.27.3 R.B.54.1 R.B.1.01.7 R.B.23.725�,7G(0P0T)1B25S27T 27.3 25.0 27.4 23.7

8 King Of Smarts 2K C Leung 115+5

DC24 � PC


HK$ 543,000 Charge Forward - Soprana by Carnegie(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasDiegoKosta.Damwasawinnerover1400m WilsonLeungWaiKit

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○�

�302N6�16AHV1200g 10455(40-15)  YTCheng 116 DC 2312� PC 7 7 2 6 3� 9.8 9.9 1.10.59 23.81 1.11.10 24.129 MasterViking Optimism ..wide throughout��368N3�16AHV1650g 10585(40-0)  YTCheng 115 DC 2111� PC 1 1 1 7 7 14 11 1.42.08 24.45 1.43.21 25.588 YeungSing CircuitStar ..........faded badly�520N31�16C3HV1200g 10735(40-15)  KTeetan 114 DC 2012� PC 6 6 4 3 2 9.0 7.7 1.10.74 23.57 1.11.06 23.534 King'sSteed ForeverFun ......... finished well�595N27�16CHV1200g 10675(40-0) �KKChiong 103 DC 1912� PCT1 3 3 3 1 � 4.3 4.5 1.10.65 23.82 1.10.65 23.585 GreatSpeed GlorySunshine ............good finish�739N22�16CHV1200gf10585(40-15) 7KKChiong 110 DC 2411� PCT 5 5 7 6 4 5.0 4.6 1.10.65 23.35 1.11.29 23.554 RayOfGold Optimism ....wound left hind【Comment】ModerateStart&BustledAlongRailMidfield,RiddenTurningIn,PluggedOnOnePace.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S176【BestResult】27 �16HV1200 g 5 KKChiong103 19� 3 3 3 1 � 23.58 Great Speed【BestTime】14 �15HV1200 g 5 YTCheng 114 20� 5 5 3 2 HD 11 1.10.45 23.61 Chans Delight【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - KKChiong - - � - 2 3 3 1� - 0.58.98 - Smart Gain


【Cl.5】���� 1stUp�○○�【Odds】11�~4.5� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】114�~103�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】20�~19� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1073�~1035�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced Trainer24.4 K.C.Leung53.9 29�,5G(0P0T)1B0S35T 24.4 25.6

9 Oriental Fantasia 7H N Wong 110-1

MeT24-1 � P


HK$ 1,838,000 Holy Roman Emperor - Night Cam by Night Shift(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1400mandsamesireasDesignsOnRome.Damwaswinless PuiKwanKay

HongKong����HV ○���Pre-Import �○○○ST ○���Total ����AW ����

�427N24�16CHV1200g 11015(40-0)  KTeetan 117MeT 2412� HSRT 4 4 2 2 3� 25 11 1.10.45 23.57 1.11.03 23.879 MasterViking EverShiny ..winner too good�508 28�16 ST1200ag11085(40-15)  KTeetan 117MeT 2412� H-SR-P2T 2 2 1 2 NK 10 5.9 1.09.59 23.43 1.09.65 23.496 EasyAhead Respect ......finished nicely 556N13�16AHV1000gy10995(40-15)  CSchofield 119MeT 2612� P-H2SR2T - 4 4 6 3� 13 9.7 0.57.51 23.20 0.58.04 23.377 GiddyGiddy HighlandDragon .......... handy early�620 7�16 ST1200ag10925(40-0) 7HNWong 112MeT 2612� H-SR-P2T 3 3 3 4 2� 4.2 3.2 1.09.81 23.49 1.10.27 23.716 SirJohn FlyingCaptain .... steadied 300m�697 9�16AHV1200g 11015(40-0) 7HNWong 111MeT 2512� PT 2 2 2 4 2 14 9.0 1.10.31 24.25 1.10.65 24.475 Optimism GiddyGiddy ..swamped 150m【Comment】HardRiddenForwardToJoinTheLead,2Wide,HarmedByTheFastPace,RanOnUntil100mFlattened.【Pre-Import】Late:Carpathia1Starts1W0P0L,HKD$92,340,won1400M【BrandNo.】P269【BestResult】25 �15HV1200 g 5 YTCheng 116 21� 3 3 2 2 1� 23.54 Lyric Ace【BestTime】29 �15HV1200 gf 5 JMoreira 118 24� 1 1 1 4 1� 23.30 Natural Eight【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST1050 g - HNWong - - � - 5 5 5 4� - 1.02.71 - Iron Boy


【Cl.5】���� 1stUp○�○�【Odds】11�~2.6� FAV ○���【C.Wt.】118�~103�Gd-Firm○���【Rtg.】24�~19� Good○���【Night】○��� Yield○○��【H.Wt.】1108�~1052�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○��� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced R.B.54.0 R.B.52.0 R.B.1.22.6 R.B.53.4 1�,6G(3P0T)1B23S25T 24.5SafariMagic 25.2 23.0 25.3SafariMagic

Page 9: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari






10Great Speed 2T H So 112+1

LH21+1 � B



HK$ 680,250 Kyllachy (GB) - Skies Are Blue by Unfuwain(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mandsamesireasOutlawed.Damplacedover1400mand1600m VinciWong

HongKong○�○�HV ○�○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○�○�Total ○�○�AW ○○○○

�427N24�16CHV1200g 10685(40-0) 2KCLeung 113 LH 1912� BHX 5 5 4 5 5� 17 13 1.10.45 23.57 1.11.36 23.8810 MasterViking OrientalFantasia .no extra, straight�490 20�16AST1400g 10785(40-15) 2KCLeung 113 LH 1914� BHX 131314 7 4� 11 12 1.23.14 24.25 1.23.87 24.184 FastAndFurious GoodMethod unbalanced early�528 3�16B2ST1600g 10615(40-15) 2THSo 111 LH 1714� B-HX 1 1 1 5 3� 28 19 1.35.75 23.59 1.36.35 24.1912 UniqueJoyous InnovativeWinner ..........led till 300m�595N27�16CHV1200g 10715(40-0) 2THSo 111 LH 1812� HXB2 4 4 6 2 � 5.6 8.4 1.10.65 23.82 1.10.75 23.444 KingOfSmarts GlorySunshine ......closed off well�630N11�16AHV1000g 10625(40-15) 2THSo 111 LH 2012� BHX - 8 8 2 SH 6.9 5.0 0.57.54 23.41 0.57.56 22.591 GloryHorsie HighlandDragon ......finished nicely【Comment】SluggishAtStart,ImprovedSteadilyToRearOfMidfieldOnRails,SimilarWhen8thTurningIn,ShiftedOutForAClearRun200MetresOut,QuickenedWellToJustFailToPegBackWinner.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S251【BestResult】27 �16HV1200 g 5 THSo 111 18� 4 4 6 2 � 23.44 King Of Smarts【BestTime】27 �16HV1200 g 5 THSo 111 18� 4 4 6 2 � 23.44 King Of Smarts【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST1050 g - THSo - - � - 8 8 8 12 - 1.03.90 - Iron Boy


【Cl.5】○�○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】76�~5.0� FAV ○�○�【C.Wt.】127�~111�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】20�~18� Good○�○�【Night】○�○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1071�~1035�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○�○� Heavy○○○○

119dayssinceraced T.H.So1.02.0 R.B.1.24.0 R.B.1.27.9 T.H.So53.518�,8G(2P0T)1B32S47T 28.9 24.7 24.5 25.5

11 Intellectual Glide 2M L Yeung 112+5

ALe21+1 � B


HK$ 638,600 Conatus (AUS) - Princess Zanzibar by Royal Academy(USA)Sirewasawinnerover1000mto1400m.Damwasawinnerover1000mto1200mWongManKit&VincentWongLingSun

HongKong○���HV ○���Pre-Import �○�○ST ○�○�Total ����AW ○○○�

�547 10�16CST1200gy989 5(40-15) 2MLYeung 112ALe 1912� B 8 8 5 2 � 10 11 1.10.69 23.34 1.10.78 23.034 RayOfGold SeasonsKing ...............good run 595N27�16CHV1200g 992 5(40-0) 2MLYeung 112ALe 2012� B 111111 6 2� 28 28 1.10.65 23.82 1.11.10 23.352 KingOfSmarts GreatSpeed ...........passed few��697 9�16AHV1200g 10005(40-0) 2MLYeung 111ALe 2012� B 6 6 7 3 1� 10 10 1.10.31 24.25 1.10.60 24.024 Optimism GiddyGiddy .....whip struck off�739N22�16CHV1200gf 990 5(40-15) 2MLYeung 112ALe 2011� B 7 7 3 5 3� 15 16 1.10.65 23.35 1.11.26 23.886 RayOfGold Optimism ........... raced wide�765N6�16AHV1200g 996 5(40-0) 7KKChiong 107ALe 2012� B 9 9 8 2 SH 6.2 5.9 1.10.56 24.43 1.10.58 23.973 ForeverFun ManhattanStriker ......... finished well【Comment】ModerateStart,Raced3LengthsBackOnRail,CameCloserRoundingHomeBendButDidn'tFindMuchRoomEarlyInStraight,FoughtOnDoggedlyClosingStagesWhileShiftingGroundToJustFailToGetUpOnLine.【Pre-Import】Late:Congressman2Starts1W1P0L,HKD$85,000,won1200M【BrandNo.】S124【BestResult】 6 �16HV1200 g 5 KKChiong107 20� 9 9 8 2 SH 23.97 Forever Fun【BestTime】 6 �16HV1200 g 5 KKChiong107 20� 9 9 8 2 SH 23.97 Forever Fun【BarrierTrial】19 �16 ST1050 ag - MLYeung - - � - 9 8 4 3� - 1.01.76 - Our Folks


【Cl.5】○��� 1stUp○�○�【Odds】62�~5.9� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】112�~107�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】20�~19� Good○���【Night】○��� Yield��○�【H.Wt.】1000�~979� Soft ○○○○【Trump】○��� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.32.7 R.B.1.00.4 M.L.Yeung58.8 R.B.54.4 1�,5G(0P0T)0B32S30T 32.7 29.5 28.3 26.5

12Smart Gain 5K C Ng 108-10

CWC18-9 � B1


HK$ - Ad Valorem (USA) - Snippets' Jewel by SnippetsSirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1600mandsamesireasStrategicArmy.Damwasawinnerover1000mand1200m TangKingYue

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ○○○�AW ○○○○

�483N16�16BHV1000g 10434(60-40)  NCallan 120KLM 4412� - 6 5 10 9� 82 99 0.57.42 23.07 0.58.90 23.9511 OceanRoar KimGlory ...hampered early 557N13�16AHV1200gy10464(60-40) 5KCNg 109KLM 4111� 9 9 1011 21 99 99 1.09.96 23.52 1.13.30 25.6211 ExtremelyFun WahMayBaby unacceptable run�630N11�16AHV1000g 10295(40-15)  GLerena 130KLM 3712� - 9 1012 8� 79 99 0.57.54 23.41 0.58.93 23.729 GloryHorsie GreatSpeed ...........well beaten�708 12�16CST1400y 10305(40-0) 2THSo 124KLM 3214� 14141411 11� 93 99 1.23.92 23.38 1.25.73 24.0710 WinningBoy GoodMethod ...........well beaten�774 10�16B2ST1200gf10305(40-15) 2CYHo 118KLM 2714� 7 7 1314 15� 99 99 1.09.54 24.00 1.11.99 25.0114 RayOfGold HappySound .........showed little【Comment】WideInProminentPositionWhenClippedHeels,BlunderedAndLostGroundPassingThe800Metres,DroppedToNearLastEnteringStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】T404【BestResult】13 �16HV1200 gy 4 KCNg 109 41� 9 9 10 1121 99 1.13.30 25.62 Extremely Fun【BestTime】13 �16HV1200 gy 4 KCNg 109 41� 9 9 10 1121 99 1.13.30 25.62 Extremely Fun【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - ODoleuze - - � - 3 2 1 1� - 0.58.77 - All Together


【Cl.5】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced R.B.56.1 R.B.48.4 K.C.Ng49.8 25�,5G(1P0T)1B0S35T 26.3 23.5 23.7WinningVibe

R1Forza Avanti �   130+22



HK$ - Not A Single Doubt - Umatilly by Umatilla(NZ)Sirewasawinnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasCharityJoy.Damwasawinnerover1400mto2100m TseMingYee

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ○○○�AW ○○○○

�391 10�16CST1400g 10584(60-40)  DWhyte 123MeT 5014� T1 6 7 8 10 7� 32 40 1.22.50 23.69 1.23.74 23.939 PennyLane BulbMaster .......wide at 900m 454 6�16CST1200g 10754(60-40)  BPrebble 121MeT 4812� B1T 4 4 4 7 9 41 28 1.09.47 23.01 1.10.90 23.889 MomentumLucky HappyFieryDragon ....awkward 800m�633N11�16AHV1200g 10824(60-40)  YTCheng 119MeT 4512� B-T 3 3 3 8 5� 65 99 1.10.26 23.91 1.11.10 24.5511 GlobeTrotter NeverBetter .............weakened 679N1�16C3HV1200g 10874(60-40) 7HNWong 110MeT 4212� H1T 8 8 9 6 3� 34 22 1.10.28 23.16 1.10.89 23.214 BearRapper Kirov ........slow to begin 725 19�16C3ST1000gf10864(60-40) 7HNWong 108MeT 4014� HT- - 1012 9 7 20 19 0.55.72 22.24 0.56.84 22.081 DancingFlames DBPin .....slow into stride【Comment】SlightlySlowOut,NoEarlySpeed,RacedAtRearOnTheStands'Rail,8LengthsBack,MadeSomeProgressFinal400m.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】V090【BestResult】 1 �16HV1200 g 4 HNWong 110 42� 8 8 9 6 3� 22 1.10.89 23.21 Bear Rapper【BestTime】 1 �16HV1200 g 4 HNWong 110 42� 8 8 9 6 3� 22 1.10.89 23.21 Bear Rapper【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - HNWong - - � - 6 8 6 5 - 0.59.57 - Smart Gain


【Cl.5】○○○○ 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○○ Heavy○○○○

80dayssinceraced R.B.58.0 R.B.53.1 R.B.53.8 R.B.51.6 1�,6G(2P0T)1B14S28T 25.4HappyBaoBei 25.0 25.6 23.5I'mTheWonForU

R2Mighty Gains   123-2



HK$ 1,400,750 Not A Single Doubt - Open Handed by Generous(IRE)Sirewasawinnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasCharityJoy.Damwasawinnerover1470mand1900m FocalSyndicate

HongKong����HV ○○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○��Total ����AW ��○�

357 31�16A3ST1000g 11125(40-0)  GMosse 132KLM 3913� T - 7 10 9 3� 29 28 0.58.67 23.85 0.59.29 24.038 KimGlory LeanJourney .........showed little�508 28�16 ST1200ag11105(40-15) �KKChiong 121KLM 3812� T 4 4 6 11 6� 7.2 8.4 1.09.59 23.43 1.10.64 23.929 EasyAhead OrientalFantasia .............weakened 547 10�16CST1200gy10995(40-15) 2CYHo 128KLM 3612� T 3 3 4 9 6 43 69 1.10.69 23.34 1.11.66 23.959 RayOfGold IntellectualGlide .no extra, straight�620 7�16 ST1200ag11065(40-0)  ZPurton 127KLM 3412� T 4 4 6 7 4� 11 13 1.09.81 23.49 1.10.51 23.757 SirJohn FlyingCaptain ..wide throughout�697 9�16AHV1200g 11135(40-0)  HWLai 125KLM 3212� T 11111212 10� 48 68 1.10.31 24.25 1.11.94 24.7611 Optimism GiddyGiddy ........no challenge【Comment】NeverAFactor.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】P260【BestResult】16 �15HV1200 g 5 GMosse 126 33� 4 4 6 116� 23 1.12.05 24.81 Novel Start【BestTime】 9 �16HV1200 g 5 HWLai 125 32� 11 11 12 1210�68 1.11.94 24.76 Optimism【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1200 ag - HNWong - - � - 5 7 9 8 - 1.13.00 - Bossiee


【Cl.5】���� 1stUp○○��【Odds】26�~3.5� FAV ○�○�【C.Wt.】131�~115�Gd-Firm○○��【Rtg.】38�~28� Good○○○�【Night】�○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1119�~1082�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced R.B.56.6 R.B.56.3 21�,5G(1P0T)1B20S34T 25.5LangTaiSing 26.6

Page 10: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

V043 P330 V197 S011 T361 T325 T383 T340 P021 N294 T335 N409 V252 V022

Speed Last6Race&Priority Number/HorseName Wt. Jockey Win% Draw Trainer Win% Rtg.+/- Age Gear Record Trip����10- 7 -4- 5 - 4-1 �Mission Possible � 133 NRawiller 25% � CSShum 13% 60-2 4 �○�� �○������7 -11-6- 9 - 8-12 �Rocket Let Win 129 2KCLeung 11% � DCruz - 58-2 7 BT �○�� �○○�����7 - 5 -5- 7 - 7-9 +�Breeders' Star 128 BPrebble - � DEFerraris - 55-3 4 H ○○○� ○○○�����2 -2 -4- 4 - 7-8 +�Gentilis 121 7KKChiong 10% � CHYip - 55 6 CPHT ���� ��○�����2 -2 -2- 8 - 5-8 �Flying Monkey 125 JMoreira 10% � WYSo 9.1% 52+1 4 T1 ○�○� ○�○○���� 13-10 �Master Gold 125 YTCheng - � LHo 17% 52-5 4 BH ○○○� ○○○�����9 - 7 -10- 9 - 5-9 �Born To Race 119 2CYHo - � CFownes - 48-3 5 T �○○� �○○�����5 -2 -3-10-1-8 �Emperor Victory 121 DWhyte 13% � YSTsui 30% 48 4 B ���� ��������7 -10-8- 8 - 6-1 �Penny Lane 121 KTeetan - � ATMillard - 48-2 7 VT ���� ○○○○����10-3 -9- 7 - 4-7 �Rising Power 119 ODoleuze - � CWChang - 46 8 X ���� ○○������13- 7 -8- 9 -2-4 �Mr Kool 116 MChadwick - � ASCruz 20% 43-4 5 CP-HB1T○��� ○�������5 - 6 -6- 2 - 8-8 �St Yazin 113 2THSo - � TKNg - 42-3 8 T ���� ○○○�Stand-byStarter:���� 7 -7-11-11-9 R1 Happy Gains 129 - - - KLMan - 56-4 4 ○○○� ○○○�����11-13-10- 7 - 9-9 R2 Salsa Brothers � 131 - - - CSShum 13% 58-4 5 BT ○○○� ○○○�

Race OIMANHANDICAPClass 4 (60-40) - 1200m

Standard time : 1.10.35 Class Record : 06/12/2006 Windicator D Whyte 128lbs 1.09.20 Course Record : 06/11/2007 Tiger Prawn G Mosse 120lbs 1.08.70

2012 Prize money $ 840,000 1st57% $478,800 2nd22% $184,800 3rd11.5% $96,600 4th6% $50,400 5th3.5% $29,4007:45 p.m.

� � � � � � � � � � � � R1 R2

Happy Valley 1200m Distance Best time 1200m� Flying Monkey 66.7% � Flying Monkey 40.0% � St Yazin 01:09.77� Gentilis 40.0% � Gentilis 31.8% � Gentilis 01:09.85� Emperor Victory 33.3% � Mission Possible 23.3% � Rising Power 01:09.93� Mission Possible 25.9% � Emperor Victory 22.2% � Flying Monkey 01:10.27� Rising Power 25.9% � Born To Race 16.7% � Rocket Let Win 01:10.32� Born To Race 20.0% � Mr Kool 16.7% � Mission Possible 01:10.37

�Gentilis�Breeders' Star�Flying Monkey�Mission Possible

Gentilisfinishedintheframeatlastfourstarts,iswellpreparedandshouldbetheonetobeatwiththeclaim.Breeders' Starhastrialedwell,shouldbeconsidered.Flying Monkeyfinishedsecondinallthreestartsoverthistrip,performshonestlyandcanrunwell.Mission Possiblehascometoformanddropsingrade,respect.



1 Mission Possible �  N Rawiller 133+19

CSS60-2 � NZ4


HK$ 1,184,575 Thorn Park (AUS) - Accompli by Anabaa(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1500mandsamesireasAllYouWish.Damwasawinnerover1000m AllAbleSyndicate

HongKong�○��HV �○��Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○○Total �○��AW ○○○�

507N23�16CHV1200gy956 3(80-60)  MChadwick118CSS 6512� 9 9 8 4 2� 3.0 3.6 1.10.67 23.90 1.11.11 23.626 AllWinBoy BackInBlack ..made ground late�561N13�16AHV1200gy957 3(80-60) 2KCLeung 118CSS 6512� 3 3 4 5 4� 16 17 1.10.07 23.69 1.10.74 23.926 BackInBlack AllGreatFriends ..wide throughout�618N4�16C3HV1200g 958 3(80-60)  NRawiller 122CSS 6512� 4 4 4 4 3� 6.4 7.0 1.10.32 23.13 1.10.90 23.274 Almababy TopBonus ................... fair run 684N1�16C3HV1200g 949 3(80-60) 2KCLeung 115CSS 6412� 7 7 6 7 2� 4.9 6.7 1.10.46 23.48 1.10.89 23.435 MintMaster WahMayBaby .............tight 300m 723N15�16BHV1200gf 947 3(80-60) 2THSo 114CSS 6212� 1010 9 10 7� 19 14 1.09.97 23.42 1.11.14 23.6711 HitTheBid ExtremelyFun .....slow into stride【Comment】AggressivelyRiddenFromInsideDrawButFailedToMuster,DroppingTowardsRear.NiggledAtTurningFormHomeButLimitedResponse.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】V043【BestResult】20 �16HV1200 g 4 JMoreira 127 52� 3 3 3 1 1 23.28 Never Better【BestTime】20 �16HV1200 g 4 JMoreira 127 52� 3 3 3 1 1 23.28 Never Better【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1200 ag - NRawiller - - � - 6 7 3 2� - 1.10.93 - Club Life


【Cl.4】�○�� 1stUp○○○○【Odds】4.5�~1.7� FAV �○�○【C.Wt.】131�~124�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】58�~51� Good�○��【Night】�○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】967�~952� Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○�� Heavy○○○○

84dayssinceraced NRawiller1.01.4 NRawiller54.1 NRawiller54.2 NRawiller55.922�,5G(2P0T)1B31S40T 30.1 23.8GoalForGold 24.7GlobeTrotter 25.6

2 Rocket Let Win 2K C Leung 129-2

DC58-2 � B


HK$ 1,798,000 National Emblem (SAF) - Solar Galleon by Captain Ai(SAF)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1150mto2000m.Damwasawinnerover1200m JamesNgai&JosephHuiYingBiu

HongKong�○��HV �○��Pre-Import �○○�ST ○○��Total �○��AW ○○○�

525N31�16C3HV1200g 11063(80-60)  CSchofield 118 DC 6512� BT 8 8 8 8 5� 32 18 1.10.03 23.40 1.10.86 23.436 HappySurveys BlockerDee ............one paced�561N13�16AHV1200gy11013(80-60) 7HNWong 113 DC 6512� BT 5 5 7 9 8� 27 34 1.10.07 23.69 1.11.44 24.2210 BackInBlack AllGreatFriends .......... handy early 598N27�16CHV1200g 11023(80-60) �KKChiong 107 DC 6412� BT 7 7 7 6 4� 7.5 8.2 1.10.06 23.25 1.10.77 23.245 BlazeStamina CagaForce .......midfield early�700 9�16AHV1200g 10893(80-60) 7HNWong 109 DC 6212� BT 11111211 9� 41 40 1.10.15 24.16 1.11.67 24.249 NumeroUno AllWinBoy .................no show 769N6�16AHV1200g 10974(60-40) 2KCLeung 131 DC 6012� BT 9 9 10 7 4 22 26 1.10.21 23.58 1.10.87 23.444 WonderfulFighter FlyingMonkey .............overraced【Comment】LackedEarlyToe&Rousted,SettledRailNearRear,Bustled520m,PluggedOnForMinorInroads.【Pre-Import】Late:PotentPower5Starts3W0P2L,HKD$405,170,won1000-1200M【BrandNo.】P330【BestResult】 2 �15HV1200 g 4 VCheminaud 12652 � 6 6 6 1 � 15 1.10.8922.91

Craig's Fortune【BestTime】15 �14HV1200 g 3 MChadwick133 80� 12 12 12 9 4� 89 1.10.32 22.81 My Name Is Bond【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - KCLeung - - � - 9 6 9 7 - 0.59.89 - Smart Gain


【Cl.4】�○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】50�~8.3� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】132�~126�Gd-Firm�○��【Rtg.】74�~52� Good�○��【Night】�○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1118�~1086�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○�� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.57.2 K.C.Leung52.7 30�,5G(0P0T)1B0S34T 26.2 23.1

Page 11: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari








3 Breeders' Star  B Prebble 128+2

DEF55-3 � H


HK$ 68,775 Jet Spur - Like The Wind by Deputy Governor(USA)Sirewasagroup2winnerover1100mto1200mandsamesireasJetwings.Damwasawinnerover1400mand1600m HongKongBreedersClubSyndicate

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import ��○�ST ○○○�Total ��○�AW ○○○○

�507N23�16CHV1200gy11033(80-60)  HWLai 119DEF 6612� 4 4 3 7 3� 42 14 1.10.67 23.90 1.11.25 24.328 AllWinBoy BackInBlack .......... handy early�561N13�16AHV1200gy11103(80-60)  DWhyte 119DEF 6412� H1 6 6 5 7 6� 12 7.3 1.10.07 23.69 1.11.12 24.109 BackInBlack AllGreatFriends ................ fractious 617N4�16C3HV1000g 11213(80-60)  KTeetan 115DEF 6212� H - 8 8 5 2� 72 54 0.57.19 23.32 0.57.57 22.621 DiamondMaster HarbourAlert ................... fair run�670 29�16A3ST1000g 11244(60-40) 7KKChiong 126DEF 6014� H - 8 6 5 2� 6.8 10 0.56.06 22.17 0.56.51 22.225 RedKylin WonderfulChaser ...bumped at start 737N22�16CHV1000gf11234(60-40) 7KKChiong 126DEF 5812� H - 1211 7 4� 4.9 3.9 0.57.22 22.88 0.57.98 22.161 LyricAce Trendiful ......closed off well【Comment】VerySlowAway,AtRearAlongTheRails,PaceGood,LackTurnOfFootInStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:MistralThief6Starts1W1P4L,HKD$563,550,won1200M【BrandNo.】V197【BestResult】13 �16HV1200 gy 3 DWhyte 119 64� 6 6 5 7 6� 24.10 Back In Black【BestTime】13 �16HV1200 gy 3 DWhyte 119 64� 6 6 5 7 6� 24.10 Back In Black【BarrierTrial】19 �16 ST1050 ws - BPrebble - - � - 2 2 2 NK - 1.03.89 - Fantastic Feeling


【Cl.4】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced R.B.57.5 R.B.54.8 R.B.55.8 R.B.23.125�,7G(0P0T)1B25S30T 26.5 24.9 26.0 23.1

4 Gentilis 7K K Chiong 121

CHY55 � CP



HK$ 2,889,600 Align (AUS) - Sally's Masque by Hunza CourtSirewasagroup1winnerover1100mto1400mandsamesireasBornToRace.Damunraced Gentlemen'sClubSyndicate

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ��○�Total ����AW ○○○○

�465N9�16AHV1200gy10744(60-40) 5KCNg 128CHY 6012� HT 1 1 1 7 3� 12 12 1.10.29 23.54 1.10.89 24.1410 ConfuciusSpirit NeverBetter ..........led till 300m 491 20�16AST1200g 10754(60-40)  SDeSousa128CHY 5814� HT 1 1 1 4 3� 35 40 1.10.12 22.69 1.10.65 23.229 FriendsOfNanjing I'mAWitness ..........led till 150m�527 3�16B2ST1400g 10674(60-40)  NCallan 129CHY 5614� HCP1T 1 1 1 4 2� 16 16 1.22.23 23.37 1.22.68 23.8211 Molly'sJadeStar PrinceFalcon ..........led till 250m�596N27�16CHV1200g 10654(60-40) �KKChiong 119CHY 5412� CPHT 1 1 1 2 � 3.3 5.8 1.10.31 23.95 1.10.44 24.0811 LuckyProfit SharpHunter ........led most way�651N18�16BHV1200g 10584(60-40) 7KKChiong 121CHY 5511� CPHT 1 1 1 2 1� 4.1 3.5 1.09.77 23.20 1.10.02 23.4511 MintMaster SecretAgent ........led most way【Comment】FastStart&PressedLead4Deep1stTurn,Led1Off870m,ToRail700m&Scooted2lClear,Driven300m,AllOut&Headed130m,NoExtra.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S011【BestResult】19 �14HV1200 gf 3 JMoreira 115 62� 1 1 1 1 2� 22.69 Clever Beaver【BestTime】 3 �14HV1200 g 3 JMoreira 125 72� 1 1 1 2 � 23.66 Seasons Star【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST800 g - KKChiong - - � - 4 5 6 7� - 0.46.64 - Charity Joy


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○�○�【Odds】19�~1.8� FAV ��○�【C.Wt.】133�~114�Gd-Firm��○�【Rtg.】74�~52� Good����【Night】○��� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1098�~1058�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

112dayssinceraced R.B.57.5 R.B.26.8 R.B.54.4 R.B.52.0 KKChiong53.725�,11G(0P0T)1B25S36T 26.4 26.8 23.4 23.8 24.9

5 Flying Monkey  J Moreira 125+1

WYS52+1 � T1


HK$ 732,000 Pins (AUS) - Dandify by Danehill(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1100mto2000mandsamesireasAerovelocity.Damwasagroup2winnerover1500mto2040m JaffeLauYu

HongKong○�○�HV ○�○○Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○�○�Total ○�○�AW ○○○○

�530 3�16B2ST1200g 10614(60-40)  CSchofield 122WYS 5313� X 4 4 3 5 4� 27 12 1.09.66 22.08 1.10.42 22.568 CarefreeLetGo VictoryMarvel .......... handy early�605 1�16BST1400g 10624(60-40)  OBosson 124WYS 5114� X 1 2 1 8 2� 34 37 1.22.89 23.67 1.23.32 24.1011 BulbMaster HomeRun ...shifted out early�680N1�16C3HV1200g 10634(60-40)  YTCheng 123WYS 4912� X 1 1 1 2 NS 7.6 9.0 1.10.43 23.23 1.10.43 23.235 NeverBetter EmperorVictory ....... improved run�736N22�16CHV1200gf10644(60-40)  YTCheng 124WYS 5111� X- 1 1 1 2 1� 2.6 2.5 1.10.02 22.55 1.10.27 22.806 I'mAWitness CleverSpirit ..swamped 250m�769N6�16AHV1200g 10644(60-40)  JMoreira 124WYS 5112� 1 1 1 2 1� 2.7 3.0 1.10.21 23.58 1.10.42 23.796 WonderfulFighter Helen'sChoice .... swamped 75m【Comment】SpeedWide&DrivenToLead1090m,ToRail950m,1lClear&ShakenUpTurningIn,AllOut&Headed180m,KeptBattlingButTapered.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】T361【BestResult】22 �16HV1200 gf 4 YTCheng 124 51� 1 1 1 2 1� 22.80 I'm A Witness【BestTime】22 �16HV1200 gf 4 YTCheng 124 51� 1 1 1 2 1� 22.80 I'm A Witness【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1050 ag - CSchofield - - � - 2 3 3 6 - 1.01.86 - Spicy Sure


【Cl.4】○�○� 1stUp○○○○【Odds】28�~2.5� FAV ○�○�【C.Wt.】125�~123�Gd-Firm○�○○【Rtg.】52�~49� Good○�○�【Night】○�○○ Yield��○○【H.Wt.】1092�~1063�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○�○� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.54.1 R.B.26.8 R.B.27.1 20�,6G(0P0T)1B20S29T 24.6 26.8 27.1

6 Master Gold  Y T Cheng 125-5

LH52-5 � B


HK$ - Mastercraftsman - Flamenco Red by Warning(GB)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto2200mandsamesireasBasicTrilogy.Damwasawinnerover1200mto1600m ChengHonYat

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ○○○�AW ○○○○

Turf 26�16 ST800g T4 -  THSo - - - 10� H 9 9 9 19 - - 0.46.25 - 0.49.28 - FunManager YoungGalaxy ..................barrier trial Turf 3�16 ST1000g T3 -  THSo - - - 10� H 7 7 6 13 - - 0.58.21 - 1.00.27 - LyricAce JoyLuckWin ..................barrier trial AWT 17�16 ST1200ws T2 -  YTCheng - - - 9 � B/H 3 3 3 2 - - 1.11.89 - 1.12.21 - BigBangBong MyBlessing ..................barrier trial�721N15�16BHV1200gf10814(60-40)  YTCheng 132 LH 5712� B1H1 10101010 9� 77 99 1.10.27 23.70 1.11.79 23.869 SecretAgent RobustMomentum ...........passed few 745 26�16AST1200gf10784(60-40)  YTCheng 130 LH 5714� BH 14141413 11� 99 99 1.09.02 22.81 1.10.87 22.824 BabaMama VictorEmperor .............no interest【Comment】CheckedStart,AtRear,NeverNearer.【BrandNo.】T325【BidPrice】HKD$3,200,000【BestResult】15 �16HV1200 gf 4 YTCheng 132 57� 10 10 10 109� 99 1.11.79 23.86 Secret Agent【BestTime】15 �16HV1200 gf 4 YTCheng 132 57� 10 10 10 109� 99 1.11.79 23.86 Secret Agent【BarrierTrial】17 �16 ST1200 ws - YTCheng - - � - 3 3 3 2 - 1.12.21 - Big Bang Bong


【Cl.4】○○○� 1stUp○○○○【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○○【Night】○○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○○ Heavy○○○○

73dayssinceraced R.B.1.00.3 R.B.57.8 R.B.55.5 R.B.1.25.41�,8G(3P0T)0B32S30T 28.2 27.1 25.6LeadingHorse 24.8

7 Born To Race 2C Y Ho 119-5

CF48-3 � T


HK$ 512,000 Align (AUS) - Frankish by Carolingian(AUS)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1100mto1400mandsamesireasGentilis.Damunplaced HoTzeMan,WilsonNgChingHung,SimonChauSikMing&RalphHuiShuTong

HongKong�○○�HV �○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total �○○�AW ○○○�

426N24�16CHV1000g 11204(60-40) 2CYHo 129 CF 5612� T - 5 6 5 4� 12 16 0.57.61 22.90 0.58.36 22.815 OceanRoar PerpetualJoyance ............one paced�511 28�16A3ST1000g 11194(60-40) 2CYHo 127 CF 5614� T - 8 9 9 7 19 22 0.56.74 22.78 0.57.86 23.068 DragonMaster Adventurer ............one paced 568 16�16 ST1200ag11074(60-40)  ODoleuze 131 CF 5512� T 1010 9 10 7 13 17 1.10.12 22.98 1.11.23 23.2910 Respect ModernFortune .....well back early 632N11�16AHV1200g 11064(60-40) 2CYHo 124 CF 5312� T 101010 7 6� 20 25 1.09.99 23.05 1.11.01 23.273 ExtremelyFun CircuitKing .........middle pack�679N1�16C3HV1200g 10814(60-40) 2CYHo 124 CF 5112� T 111111 9 5� 7.0 11 1.10.28 23.16 1.11.11 23.276 BearRapper Kirov .........showed little【Comment】EasedBack,2-3Wide,HarmedByTheSlowPace,LittleDash250.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】T383【BestResult】 2 �15HV1200 g 4 CYHo 122 51� 8 8 5 1 NS 14 1.10.94 23.40 Joyful The Great【BestTime】 2 �15HV1200 g 4 CYHo 122 51� 8 8 5 1 NS 14 1.10.94 23.40 Joyful The Great【BarrierTrial】 5 �15HV1200 g - CYHo - - � - 4 5 6 3 - 1.14.88 - Happy Century


【Cl.4】�○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】14�~14� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】122�~122�Gd-Firm○○○○【Rtg.】51�~51� Good�○○�【Night】�○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1125� Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

98dayssinceraced R.B.54.2 C.Y.Ho50.0 C.Y.Ho1.18.4 25�,5G(2P0T)0B0S31T 26.4 22.9BlockerDee 22.7

8 Emperor Victory  D Whyte 121

MeT48 � B


HK$ 752,000 Acclamation (GB) - Emma's Star by Darshaan(GB)Sirewasagroup2winnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasSuperHot.Damwasawinnerover1700m HayagriuaSyndicate

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○○

�466N9�16AHV1200gy10734(60-40) 7HNWong 107MeT 4112� 2 2 2 1 NS 99 99 1.11.11 24.25 1.11.11 24.178 Craig'sFortune XinjiangYarn ............good finish 558N13�16AHV1200gy10934(60-40) 7HNWong 112MeT 4612� 8 8 9 10 5 7.1 8.3 1.10.86 24.30 1.11.66 24.306 FairyTwins NitroExpress .........showed little�680N1�16C3HV1200g 10814(60-40)  CSchofield 120MeT 4612� B1 6 6 7 3 1� 14 9.3 1.10.43 23.23 1.10.66 23.022 NeverBetter FlyingMonkey ......finished nicely�719N15�16BHV1200gf10874(60-40) 2CYHo 119MeT 4611� B 5 5 4 2 SH 9.4 11 1.11.02 23.72 1.11.05 23.313 ApacheSpirit OctalLuck ............just beaten 769N6�16AHV1200g 10924(60-40)  DWhyte 121MeT 4812� B 6 6 2 5 3 10 10 1.10.21 23.58 1.10.69 23.909 WonderfulFighter FlyingMonkey ............... lost plate【Comment】BrokeOk,RacedMidfield3DeepNoCover,Advanced800mToPressLead650m,Slotted1Off,Ridden400m,SoonAllOut,Tapered.【BrandNo.】T340【BidPrice】HKD$4,000,000【BestResult】 9 �16HV1200 gy 4 HNWong 107 41� 2 2 2 1 NS 99 1.11.11 24.17 Craig's Fortune【BestTime】 1 �16HV1200 g 4 CSchofield120 46� 6 6 7 3 1� 23.02 Never Better【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST1200 g - HNWong - - � - 3 3 3 4� - 1.11.65 - Super Man


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○○○○【Odds】99�~9.3� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】120�~107�Gd-Firm○�○�【Rtg.】46�~41� Good○○��【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1087�~1073�Soft ○○○○【Trump】��○� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.55.8 R.B.57.9 R.B.1.00.4 D.Whyte1.21.7 1�,6G(1P0T)1B23S22T 26.3 28.9 28.3 24.6

9 Penny Lane  K Teetan 121-2

ATM48-2 � V


HK$ 2,669,600 Keeper (AUS) - Sursum Corda by ZabeelSirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1600mandsamesireasLuckyEver.Damwasawinnerover1400mand1600m AllanFungYuHing

HongKong����HV ○○��Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○○

�509 28�16A3ST1400g 11684(60-40)  GLerena 127ATM 5314� BT 8 10 8 6 2� 12 6.7 1.22.44 24.43 1.22.88 24.396 Volitation WinnerStPaul's ...........passed few�584 24�16AST1400g 11614(60-40) �KKChiong 117ATM 5314� BT 121310 8 6� 8.6 7.1 1.22.89 23.83 1.23.97 24.036 CareFreePrince PureMomentum ........slow to begin 654N18�16BHV1650g 11584(60-40)  OBosson 129ATM 5312� BT 9 9 6 8 3� 46 61 1.40.74 24.24 1.41.33 24.236 RapidTriumph RockTheTree ......steadied early�689 5�16B2ST1600g 11644(60-40)  KTeetan 125ATM 5214� B-V1T 4 4 3 10 5� 44 48 1.34.34 23.56 1.35.26 24.2411 UniqueJoyous FineRock ........faded stretch 710 12�16CST1400gy11674(60-40)  GLerena 123ATM 5014� VT 141314 7 5� 26 23 1.22.43 23.83 1.23.32 23.603 SuperMan CareFreePrince ........slow to begin【Comment】SlowIntoStride,ThenSteadied,DroppingToLastButAwayFromFence.StillWellBackEnteringStraight,SwitchedWideAndRanOnFairly.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】P021【BestResult】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BestTime】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BarrierTrial】18 �16 ST1200 ag - GLerena - - � - 6 7 7 8� - 1.12.95 - Ho In One


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp�○��【Odds】96�~4.4� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】130�~117�Gd-Firm○���【Rtg.】50�~37� Good����【Night】○○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1167�~1142�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○� Heavy○○○○

87dayssinceraced R.B.56.8 KTeetan59.5 1�,3G(0P0T)0B0S32T 26.2 28.1

Page 12: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari






10Rising Power  O Doleuze 119-1

CWC46 � X


HK$ 2,726,775 Golden Lake - Western Jade by Western Symphony(USA)Sireunraced.Damwasawinnerover1600m CheungShuTak

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import �○○�ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○��

�446N2�16C3HV1650g 10924(60-40)  KTeetan 124CWC 5111� X 101010 4 1� 12 12 1.40.51 24.07 1.40.80 23.322 GoldTalent SuperSweetOrange made ground late�487N16�16BHV1650g 10984(60-40)  DWhyte 124CWC 4912� X 8 9 9 7 5� 17 17 1.40.77 24.27 1.41.61 23.995 MagicalBeauty RobustMomentum ....awkward 400m 541N6�16 ST1800ag10884(60-40) 2CKTong 118CWC 4714� XP2 8 8 8 9 3� 58 83 1.49.22 23.79 1.49.81 23.584 Sempiternal SurePeace .no extra, straight�614N4�16C3HV1650g 10904(60-40) 2THSo 116CWC 4512� P-X 121111 3 1 25 25 1.41.08 24.59 1.41.26 23.771 GreatToplight SuperSprinter .shifted out 250m�701 9�16AHV1650g 10884(60-40)  ODoleuze 120CWC 4612� X 10101010 3� 7.7 10 1.42.09 23.61 1.42.70 23.585 VictoryBoys GoGoWin ......lame right fore【Comment】RacedOnTheRail,5-1/4lBehindTheLeader,NotSuitedToTheSlowPace,NotCompetitive.【Pre-Import】Late:BroadwayLad2Starts1W0P1L,HKD$104,640,won1200M【BrandNo.】N294【BestResult】29 �13HV1200 gf 4 ODoleuze 120 46� 4 4 5 3 � 23.47 You Are The One【BestTime】29 �13HV1200 gf 4 ODoleuze 120 46� 4 4 5 3 � 23.47 You Are The One【BarrierTrial】 3 �16 ST1200 ag - ODoleuze - - � - 7 7 5 8� - 1.12.04 - Cour Valant


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○���【Odds】43�~3.5� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】133�~112�Gd-Firm○���【Rtg.】50�~34� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1090�~1056�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced O.Doleuze28.7 R.B.55.8 R.B.23.9 O.Doleuze1.20.9 O.Doleuze57.6 25�,8G(1P0T)0B1S31T 28.7 25.9 23.9 23.8 24.3

11Mr Kool  M Chadwick 116-4

ASC43-4 � CP-



HK$ 492,000 O'reilly - Happily Ever After by No Excuse Needed(GB)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1600mandsamesireasTopAct.Damunplaced Mr&MrsAllenShiLopTakAndKathleenShiPuiKa

HongKong○���HV ○���Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ○���AW ○○○○

�521N31�16C3HV1200g 10624(60-40)  MChadwick120ASC 4812� HT 7 7 7 2 HD 15 18 1.10.68 23.59 1.10.71 23.101 LuckyProfit WorldCity ............good finish 596N27�16CHV1200g 10494(60-40)  MChadwick126ASC 5112� HT 7 7 8 9 4� 3.7 3.9 1.10.31 23.95 1.11.03 23.314 LuckyProfit Gentilis .............tight 700m�651N18�16BHV1200g 10584(60-40)  MChadwick124ASC 5111� HT 5 5 6 8 4� 11 16 1.09.77 23.20 1.10.54 23.218 MintMaster Gentilis ..................... faded�696 9�16AHV1200g 10414(60-40)  JMoreira 122ASC 4912� HCP1T 101010 7 4� 5.3 3.8 1.09.68 23.66 1.10.45 23.313 SkyKing WinningKing .hampered 1000m�749 26�16AST1400gf10374(60-40)  MChadwick120ASC 4714� CPHT 6 7 9 13 10� 12 15 1.22.19 23.52 1.23.89 24.5013 CheerfulBoy WorldRecord ...........well beaten【Comment】PushedToSitInMidfieldAlongTheRail,3-3/4lBehind,NeverThreatened.【BrandNo.】T335【BidPrice】HKD$3,800,000【BestResult】31 �16HV1200 g 4 MChadwick120 48� 7 7 7 2 HD 18 1.10.71 23.10 Lucky Profit【BestTime】 9 �16HV1200 g 4 JMoreira 122 49� 10 10 10 7 4� 23.31 Sky King【BarrierTrial】24 �16 ST1200 g - NCallan - - � - 4 5 5 10� - 1.11.75 - Lucky Profit


【Cl.4】○��� 1stUp○○○○【Odds】48�~18� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】125�~120�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】52�~48� Good○���【Night】○��� Yield��○�【H.Wt.】1079�~1059�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○�○� Heavy○○○○

73dayssinceraced R.B.1.04.0 R.B.59.4 M.Chadwick53.21�,7G(1P0T)1B32S34T 30.4 27.5 23.4HappySpirit

12St Yazin 2T H So 113-5

TKN42-3 � T


HK$ 3,130,150 Keeper (AUS) - Sometimes by Montjeu(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1600mandsamesireasLuckyEver.Damunraced RichardHuiChungYee

HongKong����HV ��○�Pre-Import ��○�ST ○���Total ����AW ○○��

�567 16�16C3ST1000gf10534(60-40) 2THSo 119TKN 4814� T - 1211 8 4� 12 17 0.55.54 21.98 0.56.26 22.144 Adventurer WinningVibe ...........passed few�613N4�16C3HV1000g 10574(60-40) 2THSo 117TKN 4612� T - 9 8 2 � 7.1 10 0.57.70 23.12 0.57.80 22.581 NoMoneyNoTalk MisterMarc .shifted out 150m�698 9�16AHV1000g 10594(60-40) 2THSo 118TKN 4712� T - 1111 6 4 15 16 0.57.66 23.92 0.58.32 22.821 FishN'Chips MomentOfPower ......closed off well�737N22�16CHV1000gf10594(60-40)  NCallan 122TKN 4712� T - 10 9 6 3� 10 12 0.57.22 22.88 0.57.77 22.192 LyricAce Trendiful ......closed off well 767N6�16AHV1200g 10654(60-40) 2THSo 118TKN 4512� T 111110 5 2� 10 19 1.10.05 24.05 1.10.50 23.463 CircuitKing ConfuciusSpirit ......closed off well【Comment】EasedBack,Travelled7lsBehindTheLeaderOnTheFence,SwungWideTurningIn,MadePlentyOfGroundInStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:StYazin4Starts2W1P1L,HKD$141,660,won1200-1400M【BrandNo.】N409【BestResult】25 �13HV1200 gf 3 WMLai 120 67� 8 8 7 4 1� 22.60 Mi Savvy【BestTime】 9 �14HV1200 gf 3 WMLai 123 65� 8 8 7 5 3� 17 1.09.77 22.77 Key Witness【BarrierTrial】25 �15 ST800 g - WMLai - - � - 8 11 119� - 0.46.72 - Jetwings


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】61�~3.1� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】133�~113�Gd-Firm��○�【Rtg.】69�~46� Good����【Night】���� Yield○�○�【H.Wt.】1077�~1057�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○��� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.30.2 R.B.24.3 R.B.57.8 1�,3G(0P0T)0B22S24T 30.2 24.3 25.3

R1Happy Gains   129-4



HK$ - Nicconi - Don't Count On It by Rock Of Gibraltar(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1400mandsamesireasAdventurer.Damunplaced RichardLokKeeLoong

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import ��○○ST ○○○�Total ��○�AW ○○○○

�503N23�16CHV1000gy11023(80-60) 2KCLeung 118KLM 6612� - 8 10 9 6� 51 72 0.57.71 23.38 0.58.71 23.226 BrilliantProposal Fantastico ....awkward 600m 572 16�16C3ST1200gf11053(80-60)  HWLai 119KLM 6612� 8 8 9 11 7� 99 99 1.08.88 22.99 1.10.10 23.2110 MrStunning FlyingMoochi .........no response 617N4�16C3HV1000g 11073(80-60)  HWLai 117KLM 6412� - 111111 10 99 99 0.57.19 23.32 0.58.80 23.4510 DiamondMaster HarbourAlert .................no show 674 29�16A3ST1000g 11083(80-60) 2THSo 115KLM 6214� - 7 5 7 5� 99 99 0.55.86 22.28 0.56.75 22.859 GallantRock WinfullPatrol ....shifted in 300m�736N22�16CHV1200gf11144(60-40)  HWLai 133KLM 6011� 7 7 6 7 6 68 99 1.10.02 22.55 1.10.98 23.0710 I'mAWitness FlyingMonkey ........... raced wide【Comment】AwayWithThem,UnableToSlotIn,RacedWideWithNoCoverInMidfield,Still3WideOnTurn,ClosedOffOne-paced.【Pre-Import】Late:JustNick2Starts1W1P0L,HKD$140,730,won1200M【BrandNo.】V252【BestResult】22 �16HV1200 gf 4 HWLai 133 60� 7 7 6 7 6 99 1.10.98 23.07 I'm A Witness【BestTime】22 �16HV1200 gf 4 HWLai 133 60� 7 7 6 7 6 99 1.10.98 23.07 I'm A Witness【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - HWLai - - � - 3 2 7 6 - 0.58.92 - Flying Force


【Cl.4】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced R.B.52.7 R.B.52.1 26�,4G(0P0T)1B17S35T 24.3 24.6

R2Salsa Brothers �   131+17




HK$ - Swiss Ace (AUS) - Broadway Queen by King Cugat(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1350mandsamesireasAthenaBaby.Damwasawinnerover1400mand1800m BrotherhoodSyndicate

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import �○○�ST ○○○�Total �○○�AW ○○○�

261N16�15BHV1200g 10983(80-60)  NRawiller 124CSS 7012� CP 6 6 5 9 3� 83 69 1.10.41 23.70 1.11.01 23.789 TenFlames HarbourAlert ..... dropped back�334 17�16 ST1200ws11093(80-60)  KTeetan 123CSS 6812� CP-B1 9 9 10 7 5� 60 89 1.09.28 23.51 1.10.12 23.677 SeaRuby FightHero .....bumped 450m�374N3�16AHV1650g 11043(80-60)  SDeSousa121CSS 6612� BT1 11111110 5� 23 33 1.41.32 23.83 1.42.23 23.707 DashingKing UltimateGlory .........showed little 691 5�16B2ST1200g 10773(80-60) 5KCNg 112CSS 6414� BT 12121313 8 99 99 1.09.66 23.02 1.10.95 23.5513 Borntoachieve MythicalEmperor ........no challenge 729 19�16C3ST1200gf10743(80-60) 2MLYeung 114CSS 6212� BT 12121211 5� 99 99 1.09.75 21.98 1.10.62 22.137 Malmsteen SunnyOrient .........showed little【Comment】TakenBackFromWideGate,Raced1lAdriftAtTail,DrivenIntoStretch,PluggedOnCentreTrackPastWeakeningRival.【Pre-Import】Late:SmashHit3Starts2W0P1L,HKD$57,000,won1400M【BrandNo.】V022【BestResult】16 �15HV1200 g 3 NRawiller 124 70� 6 6 5 9 3� 69 1.11.01 23.78 Ten Flames【BestTime】16 �15HV1200 g 3 NRawiller 124 70� 6 6 5 9 3� 69 1.11.01 23.78 Ten Flames【BarrierTrial】31 �16 ST1200 g - HTMo - - � - 2 2 1 1� - 1.11.63 - Globe Trotter


【Cl.4】○○○○ 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

80dayssinceraced M.L.Yeung59.3 R.B.30.3 CSchofield53.0 HTMo53.225�,4G(2P0T)1B31S39T 28.7 30.3 25.4SuperSprinter 24.1GloryStar

Page 13: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

P070 P001 N166 S007 T002 T413 S381 S097 P293 P130 S050 V032 N416

Speed Last6Race&Priority Number/HorseName Wt. Jockey Win% Draw Trainer Win% Rtg.+/- Age Gear Record Trip����3 - 7 -13-11- 7-10+�Best Jade Triumph � 133 BPrebble - � ALee - 40 7 B ���� �○○�����1 - 5 -5- 8 - 5-1 +�Island Flyer 132 OBosson - � PFYiu - 39+5 5 BX �○�� ○○○�����5 - 7 -3- 8 -3-1 +�Yeung Sing � 131 NRawiller 25% � KWLui - 38-2 8 CP ���� ��������2 - 9 -4- 5 - 5-2 +�Safari Magic 120 7HNWong 29% � YSTsui 30% 34 8 CPXT ���� ○�������6 - 6 -9- 1 - 6-7 +�Glamorous Ryder 126 SClipperton - � PO'Sullivan - 33 8 BT �○�� ○○○�����9 - 9 -3- 9 -3-8 +�Speedy Wally 126 ZPurton 13% � CFownes - 33-2 6 T ○○�� ○○������8 - 7 -9-11-13-9 +�Flying Machine 125 JMoreira 10% � WYSo 9.1% 32-5 4 SRT ○○○� ○○○○����5 - 5 -2-10-3-6 +�Mi Savvy Boy 125 KTeetan - � ATMillard - 32-3 7 BE ○��� ○○○�����1 - 6 -11-12-2-3 +�Precious Gem 118 2CYHo - � TKNg - 27+5 6 BT ���� �○○○����10- 4 -5- 5 - 8-12+�High Speed Metro 117 2THSo - � LHo 17% 26-2 7 CPX ���� ○○○�����3 -3 -7- 2 - 5-6 +�Dragon Glory 114 2KCLeung 11% � CWChang - 23-2 8 BXT ���� ��������5 -2 -2- 2 -3-5 +�Mighty Wongchoy 106 7KKChiong 10% � KLMan - 20-1 5 ○��� ○���Stand-byStarter:����5 -12-13- 9 -12-9 R1 No Laughing Matter 129 - - - CSShum 13% 36 4 BT ○○○� ○○○○����14-1 -11-13- 9-10 R2 Malayan Pearl 132 - - - DCruz - 39 8 T ���� ○○○�

Race SHEUNGTAKHANDICAPClass 5 (40-15) - 1650m

【Six Up 1st Leg】【1st Double Trio 1st Leg】

Standard time : 1.41.50 Class Record : 17/09/2003 Powerful D Whyte 118lbs 1.39.70 Course Record : 27/09/2006 Dordenma D Whyte 130lbs 1.38.70

3013 Prize money $ 630,000 1st57% $359,100 2nd22% $138,600 3rd11.5% $72,450 4th6% $37,800 5th3.5% $22,0508:15 p.m.

� � � � � � � � � � � � R1 R2

Happy Valley 1650m Distance Best time 1650m� Precious Gem 41.7% � Precious Gem 100.0% � Safari Magic 01:40.00� Safari Magic 27.0% � Safari Magic 25.6% � Best Jade Triumph 01:40.06� Yeung Sing 21.0% � Speedy Wally 25.0% � Dragon Glory 01:40.51� Mighty Wongchoy 20.5% � Yeung Sing 24.1% � Mi Savvy Boy 01:40.64� Glamorous Ryder 20.0% � Best Jade Triumph 22.2% � Mighty Wongchoy 01:40.77� Best Jade Triumph 18.2% � Dragon Glory 14.3% � Precious Gem 01:40.91

� Speedy Wally � Precious Gem � Flying Machine � Best Jade Triumph

Speedy Wallyhasanadvantageattheweightsandtrialedwell,canopenhiswinningaccount.Precious Gemwonwellattheendoflastseason,canwinonhisbestform.Flying Machinedropsalotinratingpoints,shouldnotbeunderestimatedwithMoreirainthesaddle.Best Jade TriumphisaconsistentgalloperinClass5.


1 Best Jade Triumph �  B Prebble 133+20

ALe40 � B


HK$ 1,711,750 Scaredee Cat - Demerara by Danasinga(AUS)Sirewasagroup2winnerover900mto1200m.Damunraced Mr&MrsTseLamHon

HongKong����HV �○○�Pre-Import �○�○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○○

�560N13�16AHV1650gy10274(60-40)  ODoleuze 120ALe 4712� CPH 101111 7 8� 17 23 1.41.59 24.44 1.42.95 24.684 Tom'sCharm TheSylph .....well back early 649N18�16BHV1650g 10104(60-40) 2MLYeung 117ALe 4512� CPH 10121211 11� 31 48 1.39.49 24.29 1.41.36 25.206 Inventor TheSylph ..... shifted in early 688 5�16B2ST1200g 10104(60-40) 2MLYeung 115ALe 4314� CPH 14141313 10� 42 74 1.09.14 22.76 1.10.81 23.1110 LoveShock Ruminare ...........well beaten�699 9�16AHV1650g 995 4(60-40) 2MLYeung 114ALe 4312� CPH 111212 7 5 45 59 1.41.63 23.95 1.42.42 23.824 BalticWarrior TheSylph ............one paced�776 10�16B2ST1800gf10124(60-40)  HWLai 113ALe 4014� CP-H-B2 13 9 2 3 2 76 99 1.47.60 23.91 1.47.93 24.086 HitAHomeRun WealthyFortune ...............improved【Comment】SettledWorseThanMidfieldAbout6lsBehindTheLeader3WideWithCover,MadeEarlyMovedRoundingTheHomeTurn,KeptOnStronglyUntilWeakenedOverTheConcludingStagesFor3rd.【Pre-Import】Late:SweetAsWilson2Starts1W1P0L,HKD$48,860,won800M【BrandNo.】P070【BestResult】24 �15HV1650 g 5 BPrebble 132 39� 7 7 7 1 � 23.83 Southchina Command【BestTime】24 �15HV1650 g 5 BPrebble 132 39� 7 7 7 1 � 23.83 Southchina Command【BarrierTrial】13 �16HV1200 g - BPrebble - - � - 5 5 5 4 - 1.14.16 - Extremely Fun


【Cl.5】���� 1stUp����【Odds】99�~3.0� FAV ��○○【C.Wt.】133�~113�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】44�~36� Good��○�【Night】�○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1023�~967� Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced B.Prebble28.1 B.Prebble1.01.9 B.Prebble50.5 B.Prebble1.20.6 B.Prebble54.5 1�,5G(1P1T)0B31S30T 28.1 29.6 23.3MacRowturg 23.9 24.7

2 Island Flyer  O Bosson 132+5

PFY39+5 � B


HK$ 885,000 High Chaparral (IRE) - Red Hot Mama by General NediymSirewasagroup1winnerover1400mto2400mandsamesireasPhotonWillie.Damwasawinnerover1000m NgTo

HongKong�○��HV �○��Pre-Import ○○○○ST �○○�Total �○��AW ○○○�

501N23�16CHV2200gy10855(40-0)  GMosse 131PFY 3712� BX 4 3 2 5 3 4.7 5.1 2.19.16 25.53 2.19.66 25.798 KingBountiful LoyalCraftsman .no extra, straight�538N6�16 ST1800ag10775(40-0)  ZPurton 132PFY 3714� BX 3 5 7 8 2� 7.4 3.9 1.51.41 23.39 1.51.83 23.3710 MyCupOverflows Commandant .....taken out early�631N11�16AHV1800g 10635(40-0) 2KCLeung 128PFY 3712� BX 4 5 5 5 5� 3.5 4.6 1.49.39 24.29 1.50.21 24.555 GloryStar Kerkeni ............one paced�687 5�16B2ST2000g 10655(40-0)  KTeetan 129PFY 3614� BX 3 2 1 5 4� 21 13 2.01.69 24.04 2.02.44 24.799 GoodFit ChoiceExchequer ............one paced�775 10�16B2ST1800gf10705(40-0)  OBosson 127PFY 3413� BX 6 6 5 1 SH 8.7 4.1 1.48.63 23.74 1.48.63 23.342 RealGenerous HolyStar ...............good run【Comment】SettledInMidfieldOnTheFence,PaceGood,ClosedOffStrongly300mToScore.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S423【BestResult】 9 �15HV1650 g 5 CYHo 128 37� 7 7 8 6 7� 28 1.43.64 24.98 Yeung Sing【BestTime】17 �15HV1650 gf 4 KCLeung 115 43� 9 9 9 7 3� 11 1.40.93 23.10 Lightning Pegasus【BarrierTrial】18 �16HV1700 g - KKChiong - - � - 3 4 4 3� - 1.49.48 - Packing Llaregyb


【Cl.5】�○�� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】27�~4.1� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】128�~125�Gd-Firm�○○�【Rtg.】35�~31� Good�○��【Night】�○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1079�~1070�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced OBosson1.00.4 OBosson57.8 OBosson51.5 R.B.51.1 27�,7G(3P1T)0B30S37T 27.1 25.2Megatron 23.6PoChingTreasure 24.3V418turg

Page 14: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari








3 Yeung Sing �  N Rawiller 131+18

KWL38-2 � CP


HK$ 1,970,500 Brilliance (USA) - Clonpet by Hadaad(USA)Sirewasawinnerover1600m.Damwasawinnerover2060m MokKamHung&MichaelMokKwanYuen

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import �○○○ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○�

430N24�16CHV1650g 11264(60-40)  KTeetan 114KWL 4112� CP 7 7 8 3 1� 11 6.4 1.41.61 23.61 1.41.90 23.143 PearlWarmWarm SafariMagic .......brushed in str�487N16�16BHV1650g 11264(60-40)  CSchofield 116KWL 4112� CP 6 7 8 8 5� 12 5.3 1.40.77 24.27 1.41.66 24.206 MagicalBeauty RobustMomentum ............one paced�560N13�16AHV1650gy11254(60-40)  HWLai 114KWL 4112� CP 121212 3 5� 28 27 1.41.59 24.44 1.42.51 24.003 Tom'sCharm TheSylph .......flashed home�701 9�16AHV1650g 11114(60-40)  KTeetan 114KWL 4112� CP 9 8 9 7 2� 10 11 1.42.09 23.61 1.42.52 23.443 VictoryBoys GoGoWin ......checked in str�771N6�16AHV1650g 11134(60-40)  KTeetan 113KWL 4012� CP 9 10 9 5 4� 23 13 1.40.99 23.06 1.41.75 23.183 TheSylph VictoryBoys .........middle pack【Comment】OutpacedEarly,DroppingToRearAlongRail.SwitchedOutAroundFinalTurnToGoForward,TakenToCentreTrackInStraight,RanOnSteadilyWithoutThreatening.【Pre-Import】Late:BennyBee1Starts1W0P0L,HKD$31,530,won1200M【BrandNo.】P001【BestResult】 2 �15HV1650 g 5 BPrebble 121 28� 6 6 6 1 1� 23.71 Red Adventure【BestTime】 8 �14HV1650 g 4 KCLeung 124 53� 12 12 12 105� 29 1.40.93 24.28 Golden Addiction【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST1200 g - KTeetan - - � - 7 7 4 10 - 1.12.55 - Dundonnell


【Cl.5】���� 1stUp○○��【Odds】31�~2.8� FAV ○�○�【C.Wt.】128�~114�Gd-Firm�○��【Rtg.】48�~22� Good����【Night】�○�� Yield○○��【H.Wt.】1126�~1054�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.59.4 R.B.59.0 NRawiller55.9 NRawiller1.02.026�,5G(1P1T)1B27S32T 26.3 25.6 27.0HayGoLuckyturg27.7

4 Safari Magic 7H N Wong 120

MeT34 � CP



HK$ 3,233,900 O'reilly - Pyjamas by Centaine(AUS)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1600mandsamesireasTopAct.Damunraced MichaelTHLee

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○���

�490 20�16AST1400g 11295(40-15)  JMoreira 133MeT 4014� CPXT 6 6 6 5 3� 4.4 4.1 1.23.14 24.25 1.23.73 24.525 FastAndFurious GoodMethod .no extra, straight 523N31�16C3HV1650g 11184(60-40) 5KCNg 112MeT 4012� CPXT 2 2 1 5 3� 31 20 1.43.30 22.88 1.43.86 23.4411 SuperSprinter NobleDeMan ..........faded 250m�565 16�16 ST1650ag11225(40-15)  JMoreira 133MeT 3814� CPXT 5 5 5 4 2 5.8 4.6 1.39.81 23.46 1.40.13 23.223 NovelStart HappyFriendship ............one paced�638 14�16C3ST1400g 11025(40-0)  ZPurton 129MeT 3614� CPXT 9 1012 9 4� 13 8.5 1.22.69 24.01 1.23.41 23.976 PlentyOfSpeed SuperKingStar .............. tight early�707 12�16 ST1650wf11115(40-15) 7HNWong 120MeT 3414� CPXT 5 5 3 2 2� 12 6.1 1.40.18 24.83 1.40.54 24.954 EasyAhead Kerkeni ..............fought out【Comment】HardRiddenForward,TookBoxSeat,NotSuitedByTheFastTempo,RanOnStronglyFor2nd.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】N166【BestResult】26 �14HV1650 gf 4 KCLeung 113 41� 2 2 2 2 NS 28 1.40.00 23.50 Win It【BestTime】26 �14HV1650 gf 4 KCLeung 113 41� 2 2 2 2 NS 28 1.40.00 23.50 Win It【BarrierTrial】24 �16 ST1050 g - NRawiller - - � - 7 7 7 12 - 1.03.77 - Borntoachieve


【Cl.5】���� 1stUp��○�【Odds】73�~3.1� FAV ○�○�【C.Wt.】132�~108�Gd-Firm○���【Rtg.】55�~34� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1121�~1082�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

87dayssinceraced R.B.54.0 R.B.1.02.8 R.B.1.22.6 R.B.53.4 1�,6G(3P0T)1B7S26T 24.5OrientalFantasia 30.1 23.0 25.3OrientalFantasia

5 Glamorous Ryder  S Clipperton 126+7

POS33 � B


HK$ 1,334,750 Bachelor Duke (USA) - Dreaming Of Summer by Blues Traveller(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1600mandsamesireasDukedom.Damunplaced DanielChanChingYan

HongKong�○��HV �○○�Pre-Import �○��ST �○��Total �○��AW ○○○�

379 6�16B2ST2000g 11065(40-15)  SDeSousa122POS 2914� BT 6 7 6 6 5� 3.6 2.9 2.04.21 24.35 2.05.10 24.569 CoolPal EnjoyTheGame ...shifted out early�575N20�16BHV1800g 10865(40-15) �KKChiong 111POS 2812� BT 2 2 4 1 � 21 14 1.51.21 24.19 1.51.21 23.913 Bornfree MiSavvyBoy .......... handy early�631N11�16AHV1800g 11045(40-0) 7KKChiong 119POS 3312� BT 6 3 3 9 7� 8.9 10 1.49.39 24.29 1.50.64 25.1810 GloryStar Kerkeni ..wide throughout 687 5�16B2ST2000g 11015(40-0)  MChadwick126POS 3314� BT 9 8 6 6 6� 43 30 2.01.69 24.04 2.02.68 24.557 GoodFit ChoiceExchequer .................... ran on�744 26�16 ST1800ag10845(40-0) 7KKChiong 119POS 3314� BT 9 1111 6 2� 26 21 1.50.67 24.44 1.51.06 23.911 MizzenGrey DragonHarmony ......closed off well【Comment】TravelledWideInMidfield,RacedKeenlyFarSideBeforeShuffledBackToLastFew,ProducedGoodLateImpression.【Pre-Import】Late:WolfRun3Starts1W1P1L,HKD$84,360,won1400M【BrandNo.】S007【BestResult】28 �15HV1650 g 5 MLYeung 111 20� 12 12 12 5 3� 18 1.41.57 23.89 Mr Vanilla【BestTime】28 �15HV1650 g 5 MLYeung 111 20� 12 12 12 5 3� 18 1.41.57 23.89 Mr Vanilla【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1050 ag - KKChiong - - � - 9 8 7 8� - 1.02.68 - Sea Ruby


【Cl.5】�○�� 1stUp○○��【Odds】14�~2.2� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】115�~111�Gd-Firm�○��【Rtg.】28�~18� Good�○○�【Night】�○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1093�~1083�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○� Heavy○○○○

73dayssinceraced R.B.52.3 R.B.58.3 R.B.58.718�,5G(0P0T)1B0S44T 24.5 27.7 27.7

6 Speedy Wally  Z Purton 126

CF33-2 � T


HK$ 483,400 Shinzig - Mota by At Talaq(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1150mto1400m.Damunplaced AnthonyKoSiuKee

HongKong○○��HV ○○��Pre-Import ����ST ○○��Total ����AW ○○○�

523N31�16C3HV1650g 10954(60-40)  KTeetan 117POS 4012� CP 9 8 5 3 2� 13 6.3 1.43.30 22.88 1.43.68 22.909 SuperSprinter NobleDeMan ...............good run�559N13�16AHV1650gy10915(40-0)  ZPurton 133POS 3912� CP 4 3 2 9 7� 4.2 3.2 1.41.91 24.51 1.43.15 25.5911 VictoryBoys MrVanilla .......... handy early�648N18�16BHV1200g 10805(40-15)  ODoleuze 131 CF 3712� CP- 121212 3 2� 6.7 9.2 1.10.13 24.04 1.10.53 23.321 RugbyDiamond KingOnEarth ....................shifted�708 12�16CST1400y 10835(40-0)  ODoleuze 131 CF 3714� 131313 9 6 4.8 7.0 1.23.92 23.38 1.24.89 23.555 WinningBoy GoodMethod ..hung in, straight�774 10�16B2ST1200gf10805(40-15) 2CKTong 126 CF 3514� T1 111111 9 5� 10 15 1.09.54 24.00 1.10.47 23.694 RayOfGold HappySound .........showed little【Comment】GraduallyDroppedTowardsTheRearDespiteRiddenAlong,RemainedInLastFewTurningIn,MadeNoImpressionInTheRunHome.【Pre-Import】Late:SpeedyWally11Starts1W3P7L,HKD$237,270,won1550M【BrandNo.】T002【BestResult】17 �16HV1650 g 4 CSchofield118 43� 6 6 6 3 2 23.85 Happy Spirit【BestTime】17 �16HV1650 g 4 CSchofield118 43� 6 6 6 3 2 23.85 Happy Spirit【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1200 ag - ZPurton - - � - 8 6 3 1� - 1.12.03 - Bossiee


【Cl.5】○○�� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】43�~6.3� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】131�~117�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】48�~37� Good○○��【Night】○○�� Yield○○��【H.Wt.】1095�~1066�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○�� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced R.B.48.6 27�,4G(1P1T)1B15S33T 22.9DisciplesTwelveturg

7 Flying Machine  J Moreira 125-5

WYS32-5 � SR


HK$ - Kodiac (GB) - Dancing Prize by Sadler's Wells(USA)Sirewasawinnerover1200mto1400mandsamesireasForeverRed.Damplacedover2000mto2300m NgWaiHung&MingoTangHingChee

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import ��○�ST ○○○�Total ��○�AW ○○○�

571 16�16C3ST1800gf10594(60-40)  NRawiller 125WYS 5114� SRT 10121413 15� 93 99 1.48.06 22.84 1.50.57 24.1112 RougeEtBlanc LotusStrikesBack .................no show 623 7�16CST1800g 10584(60-40) 2CKTong 119WYS 4714� SRT 11 9 1111 4� 42 67 1.48.74 23.52 1.49.43 23.539 HolmesLegend FortuneGiggles ..............poor form 650N18�16BHV2200g 10614(60-40) 2CKTong 118WYS 4412� SRT 2 2 6 9 16� 45 65 2.17.54 23.74 2.20.13 26.019 KingBountiful WillieWay ........... tight at turn 687 5�16B2ST2000g 10635(40-0) 2CKTong 131WYS 4014� SRT 131212 7 6� 75 99 2.01.69 24.04 2.02.74 24.335 GoodFit ChoiceExchequer ......checked early 744 26�16 ST1800ag10665(40-0)  YTCheng 130WYS 3714� SRT 121313 8 3� 36 35 1.50.67 24.44 1.51.26 23.911 MizzenGrey DragonHarmony ......closed off well【Comment】SettledInLastFew,ProducedLateImpressionPastWell-beatenHorsesInTheRunHome.【Pre-Import】Late:FlyingMachine6Starts1W3P2L,HKD$139,270,won1402M【BrandNo.】T413【BestResult】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BestTime】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1200 ag - CSchofield - - � - 4 4 2 1� - 1.11.96 - Bossiee


【Cl.5】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

73dayssinceraced R.B.54.3 JMoreira53.6 R.B.1.31.125�,8G(1P0T)1B23S32T 25.4 24.3 27.9

8 Mi Savvy Boy  K Teetan 125-3

ATM32-3 � B


HK$ 243,000 Savabeel (AUS) - Mi Centie by Centaine(AUS)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto2040mandsamesireasVictoryMagic.Damwasawinnerover1200m Mr&MrsMarkFongChungAndMatthewFong

HongKong○���HV ○○��Pre-Import �○○○ST ○�○�Total ����AW ○○○○

�575N20�16BHV1800g 11155(40-15)  GLerena 130ATM 3712� BE 4 5 7 3 1� 22 18 1.51.21 24.19 1.51.44 23.902 GlamorousRyder Bornfree ......... finished well�631N11�16AHV1800g 11155(40-0)  GLerena 130ATM 3712� BE 12121210 11� 15 17 1.49.39 24.29 1.51.29 24.919 GloryStar Kerkeni ...........well beaten�669 29�16A3ST1600g 11085(40-15)  GLerena 128ATM 3514� BE 6 6 7 2 2� 16 7.5 1.35.73 22.44 1.36.16 22.592 BlazingPass GoldTartini unbalanced early�717N15�16BHV1800gf11035(40-15)  CSchofield 130ATM 3512� BE 2 2 4 5 6 13 12 1.49.59 23.56 1.50.53 23.986 CasaMaster EnjoyTheGame ............... lost plate�775 10�16B2ST1800gf11145(40-0)  GLerena 128ATM 3513� BE 3 3 3 5 4� 11 5.9 1.48.63 23.74 1.49.36 24.237 IslandFlyer RealGenerous .........middle pack【Comment】HardRiddenForwardToCross,2Wide,PaceGood,LackRoom300m,RanOnOk.【Pre-Import】Late:MiSavvyBoy2Starts2W0P0L,HKD$59,910,won1250-1400M【BrandNo.】S381【BestResult】13 �15HV1650 gf 3 CKTong 113 62� 6 4 4 6 1� 79 1.40.64 24.19 Grand Harbour【BestTime】13 �15HV1650 gf 3 CKTong 113 62� 6 4 4 6 1� 79 1.40.64 24.19 Grand Harbour【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST1200 g - KTeetan - - � - 5 5 7 6� - 1.11.98 - Super Man


【Cl.5】○��� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】18�~7.5� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】130�~128�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】37�~35� Good○���【Night】○○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1115�~1108�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced KTeetan29.0 KTeetan21.0 1�,4G(0P0T)1B0S29T 29.0 21.0

9 Precious Gem 2C Y Ho 118+4

TKN27+5 � B


HK$ 622,025 Towkay (AUS) - Zalass by ZabeelSirewasagroup3winnerover1200mandsamesireasPrecisionKing.Damwasawinnerover1600m KuinellaSyndicate

HongKong����HV ��○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○��Total ����AW ○○○�

�571N29�15C3HV1200gf10725(40-0)  NCallan 124 SA 3012� BX 2 2 2 2 1� 6.6 7.1 1.09.99 23.05 1.10.19 23.176 NaturalEight AmericanFame ...............good run�547 10�16CST1200gy10325(40-15) 5KCNg 117TKN 2812� X-BT1 5 5 9 12 14 16 21 1.10.69 23.34 1.12.93 24.9412 RayOfGold IntellectualGlide .................no show�620 7�16 ST1200ag10605(40-0) 5KCNg 115TKN 2712� BT 10101211 10� 32 43 1.09.81 23.49 1.11.53 24.019 SirJohn FlyingCaptain .........showed little�697 9�16AHV1200g 10665(40-0) 2CYHo 115TKN 2412� BT 9 9 10 6 3� 27 15 1.10.31 24.25 1.10.82 23.963 Optimism GiddyGiddy .....slow into stride�766N6�16AHV1650g 10895(40-15) 2CYHo 114TKN 2211� BT 5 4 4 1 � 13 11 1.40.91 24.19 1.40.91 23.793 MrVanilla ZeroEnergyAct ...............good run【Comment】SettledInFrontOfMidfield,2Wide,ProgressedSteadily300mToScore.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S097【BestResult】 6 �16HV1650 g 5 CYHo 114 22� 5 4 4 1 � 11 1.40.91 23.79 Mr Vanilla【BestTime】 6 �16HV1650 g 5 CYHo 114 22� 5 4 4 1 � 11 1.40.91 23.79 Mr Vanilla【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1200 ag - CYHo - - � - 7 9 7 5� - 1.12.57 - Bossiee


【Cl.5】���� 1stUp○�○�【Odds】99�~7.1� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】125�~114�Gd-Firm○�○�【Rtg.】42�~22� Good�○��【Night】��○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1089�~1064�Soft ○○○○【Trump】��○� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.59.6 R.B.25.2 R.B.28.1 R.B.56.5 R.B.33.51�,7G(0P0T)1B21S15T 26.1 25.2 28.1 26.2 33.5

Page 15: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari






10High Speed Metro 2T H So 117-6

LH26-2 � CP


HK$ 1,880,125 Sandtrap (USA) - Just Aggie by Jahafil(GB)Sirewasagroup3winnerover1000mto1600mandsamesireasSuperJockey.Damwasawinnerover1000mand1200m MetroExpressSyndicate

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ��○�Total ����AW ○○○�

��519N31�16C3HV1650g 11545(40-0)  MChadwick127 SW 3411� X 111010 8 5� 18 26 1.41.83 23.00 1.42.65 22.863 FunnyFortune Oracle .no extra, straight�559N13�16AHV1650gy11545(40-0) 2THSo 124 SW 3212� X 121211 5 4� 25 40 1.41.91 24.51 1.42.63 24.112 VictoryBoys MrVanilla ..made ground late�593N27�16CHV1650g 11545(40-15)  KTeetan 123 SW 3012� XCP1 9 10 9 5 3� 12 13 1.40.44 24.39 1.41.05 23.762 FunnyFortune HurryHurryUp ..made ground late��678N1�16C3HV1650g 11635(40-0)  GLerena 121 SW 2812� CPX 111112 4 1� 14 18 1.40.84 24.09 1.41.08 23.211 FaithfulBoy MightyWongchoy ......... finished well�717N15�16BHV1800gf11675(40-15)  GLerena 123 SW 2812� CPX 7 101110 9� 9.6 11 1.49.59 23.56 1.51.13 23.986 CasaMaster EnjoyTheGame ...........well beaten【Comment】AwayWithThem,Raced2Wide,5LengthsBackEarly,7LengthsBackOnTurn,FailedToCloseOffInStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】P293【BestResult】 1 �16HV1650 g 5 GLerena 121 28� 11 11 12 4 1� 18 1.41.08 23.21 Faithful Boy【BestTime】27 �16HV1650 g 5 KTeetan 123 30� 9 10 9 5 3� 13 1.41.05 23.76 Funny Fortune【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - THSo - - � - 7 5 5 3� - 0.59.30 - Smart Gain


【Cl.5】���� 1stUp○�○�【Odds】18�~3.6� FAV ��○○【C.Wt.】126�~111�Gd-Firm��○�【Rtg.】31�~15� Good○���【Night】���� Yield��○�【H.Wt.】1148�~1129�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

84dayssinceraced R.B.1.01.6 R.B.55.3 T.H.So53.91�,5G(0P0T)1B32S25T 27.7 25.1 24.7

11Dragon Glory 2K C Leung 114-5

CWC23-2 � B



HK$ 1,699,725 Painted Black (JPN) - Validify by Kashani(USA)Sirewasagroup2winnerover1800mto3600m.Damwasawinnerover1000mand1200m AuKaiKwong,YuChunHong,CissyYuWingSze&WinnieYuWingYin

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ��○○ST ○���Total ����AW ○���

368N3�16AHV1650g 11245(40-0)  SDeSousa121CWC 2811� BT 3 2 2 5 4� 14 14 1.42.08 24.45 1.42.76 25.096 YeungSing CircuitStar ...bumped at start 453 6�16 ST1650ag11045(40-0)  KTeetan 120CWC 2614� BT 6 4 3 2 1� 10 6.2 1.39.76 24.74 1.39.95 24.697 MisterMarc ZeroEnergyAct ............good finish�519N31�16C3HV1650g 11165(40-0)  GMosse 120CWC 2611� BT 6 6 7 7 5 7.1 5.9 1.41.83 23.00 1.42.62 23.278 FunnyFortune Oracle ............one paced�593N27�16CHV1650g 11035(40-15) 2KCLeung 117CWC 2612� BT 8 6 5 3 2 12 11 1.40.44 24.39 1.40.79 23.904 FunnyFortune HurryHurryUp ......... finished well�744 26�16 ST1800ag10935(40-0)  ODoleuze 119CWC 2514� BX1T 11 4 3 3 1� 8.2 8.5 1.50.67 24.44 1.50.91 24.488 MizzenGrey DragonHarmony ........... raced wide【Comment】SettledJustWorseThanMidfield,MadeSteadyHeadwayOutWideDownFarSideToBeProminentAroundTheBend,One-pacedFrom3rdIntoStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:Voracity2Starts1W1P0L,HKD$58,070,won1400M【BrandNo.】P130【BestResult】12 �14HV1650 g 4 ASuborics 131 56� 4 4 4 1 � 23.52 Owners' Glory【BestTime】 3 �15HV1650 gf 4 MChadwick113 40� 4 6 4 7 2 10 1.40.51 24.32 Robust Momentum【BarrierTrial】15 �16 ST1200 ws - BPrebble - - � - 2 1 2 1� - 1.12.54 - Thewizardofoz


【Cl.5】○��� 1stUp○○��【Odds】22�~6.2� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】131�~114�Gd-Firm○���【Rtg.】61�~25� Good�○��【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1169�~1093�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

73dayssinceraced R.B.58.1 R.B.55.2 R.B.55.4 R.B.1.20.9 R.B.1.21.0 25�,8G(3P0T)0B0S28T 27.2 26.2 25.3GoodFit 23.8 23.8

12Mighty Wongchoy 7K K Chiong 106-9

KLM20-1 � IRE5


HK$ 647,000 Rock Of Gibraltar - Freedom by Second EmpireSirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1600mandsamesireasSergeantTitanium.Damwasalistedwinnerover1600m LesterCHKwok

HongKong○���HV ○���Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○��Total ○���AW ○○○�

�559N13�16AHV1650gy10905(40-0) �KKChiong 104KLM 2012� 2 2 3 3 3� 11 9.5 1.41.91 24.51 1.42.40 24.606 VictoryBoys MrVanilla .....awkward jump�612N4�16C3HV1650g 11015(40-15) 7KKChiong 106KLM 1912� 4 4 4 2 2� 5.8 4.9 1.42.01 23.24 1.42.37 23.123 Kharu GloryStar .............. tight early�678N1�16C3HV1650g 11175(40-0)  MChadwick113KLM 2012� 9 9 5 2 � 6.8 6.7 1.40.84 24.09 1.40.94 23.633 FaithfulBoy CasaMaster ......... finished well�717N15�16BHV1800gf11005(40-15) 7KKChiong 109KLM 2112� 1 1 3 2 4� 8.5 6.8 1.49.59 23.56 1.50.36 23.975 CasaMaster EnjoyTheGame ................... fair run�766N6�16AHV1650g 11045(40-15)  JMoreira 115KLM 2111� 1 1 1 5 4� 2.8 2.2 1.40.91 24.19 1.41.62 24.907 PreciousGem MrVanilla ....under pressure【Comment】HardRiddenForward,TookRailAndLead,ClockedFastSectionals,HungOnUntil150mFlattened.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S050【BestResult】 1 �16HV1650 g 5 MChadwick113 20� 9 9 5 2 � 23.63 Faithful Boy【BestTime】17 �15HV1650 gf 4 YTCheng 118 44� 2 2 2 6 2� 23.66 Lightning Pegasus【BarrierTrial】19 �16 ST1200 ws - THSo - - � - 4 4 1 NS - 1.13.09 - Noble De Man


【Cl.5】○��� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】38�~4.9� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】128�~104�Gd-Firm○���【Rtg.】43�~19� Good○�○�【Night】○��� Yield○○�○【H.Wt.】1117�~1066�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○��� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced KKChiong54.1 KKChiong52.1 KKChiong54.1 21�,7G(1P0T)1B15S31T 25.2 24.4LaughOutLoud 25.1

R1No Laughing Matter   129+21




HK$ 22,050 Iffraaj (GB) - Goldsumware by Refuse To Bend(IRE)Sirewasagroup2winnerover1200mto1400mandsamesireasHammerKing.Damunraced TonyLauHonKwan,DominicLai,DavidPoonCheungFung&AlfredRonaldLiKwokLung

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○○Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ○○○�AW ○○○�

491 20�16AST1200g 10674(60-40) �KKChiong 112CSS 5214� BT 8 8 1112 9� 72 92 1.10.12 22.69 1.11.59 23.3211 FriendsOfNanjing I'mAWitness unbalanced early 527 3�16B2ST1400g 10654(60-40)  CSchofield 122CSS 4914� BT 121312 9 5� 99 99 1.22.23 23.37 1.23.16 23.346 Molly'sJadeStar PrinceFalcon .....well back early�605 1�16BST1400g 10534(60-40) 2MLYeung 117CSS 4614� BT 6 4 5 13 8� 99 99 1.22.89 23.67 1.24.19 24.6514 BulbMaster HomeRun .......wide at 900m 639 14�16 ST1650ws10434(60-40) 7HNWong 108CSS 4213� BT 6 5 9 12 20� 99 99 1.38.56 24.21 1.41.86 26.5912 DiamondFriends RoyalPartner ............... tailed out� 1 3�16BST1200g 10865(40-15)  NRawiller 125CSS 3614� BT 9 9 9 5 3� 60 70 1.09.35 22.74 1.09.89 22.483 SeasonsKing HappySound ................... fair run【Comment】Notrelease【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】V032【BestResult】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BestTime】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST800 g - NRawiller - - � - 13 13 1111� - 0.47.18 - Charity Joy


【Cl.5】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○○【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○○ Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

4dayssinceraced NRawiller56.9 R.B.51.2 5�,0G(0P0T)0B0S1T 25.9ThisIsGladiator 24.0ThisIsGladiator

R2Malayan Pearl   132



HK$ 2,209,400 Savabeel (AUS) - Thorena by Chief's Crown(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto2040mandsamesireasVictoryMagic.Damhadoneplacingoutof7starts ChanWaiNam&IanChanYauNam

HongKong����HV ○○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○○

�295 1�16B2ST1600g 11654(60-40) 7HNWong 112 DC 4514� T 7 7 8 9 8 78 99 1.35.17 24.11 1.36.46 24.8810 LeadingHorse Unicorn ........no challenge�382 6�16B2ST1600g 11884(60-40)  YTCheng 117 DC 4214� T 14141413 10 99 99 1.35.43 23.22 1.37.05 23.083 Unicorn UniqueHappiest ...bumped at start�528 3�16B2ST1600g 11775(40-15) 7HNWong 125 DC 3914� T 5 7 1011 7� 22 31 1.35.75 23.59 1.36.89 24.019 UniqueJoyous InnovativeWinner .......midfield early 602 1�16BST2200g 11805(40-15)  GLerena 130 DC 3514� T 6 6 6 1 DH 34 49 2.17.97 24.07 2.17.97 23.473 KingBountiful HolyStar ..............deadheat�687 5�16B2ST2000g 11775(40-0)  ZPurton 132 DC 3914� T 5 5 8 14 25 10 14 2.01.69 24.04 2.05.68 27.4714 GoodFit ChoiceExchequer unacceptable run【Comment】HardRiddenForward,2Wide,Faded600m,EasedOutOfRace.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】N416【BestResult】19 �14HV1650 gf 3 KCLeung 115 63� 5 5 4 107 46 1.41.83 24.75 Regency King【BestTime】19 �14HV1650 gf 3 KCLeung 115 63� 5 5 4 107 46 1.41.83 24.75 Regency King【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1200 ag - NCallan - - � - 10 10 8 8 - 1.13.00 - Bossiee


【Cl.5】�○○� 1stUp○○��【Odds】49�~2.6� FAV ○���【C.Wt.】133�~115�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】60�~35� Good����【Night】○○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1199�~1154�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○��� Heavy○○○○

94dayssinceraced R.B.54.8 R.B.56.4 R.B.56.61�,6G(0P0T)1B0S32T 25.7 25.4 26.7

Page 16: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

P421 S121 V105 P354 P256 S438 T232 N252 S407 S215 T336 T089 T064 M148

Speed Last6Race&Priority Number/HorseName Wt. Jockey Win% Draw Trainer Win% Rtg.+/- Age Gear Record Trip����10- 5 -2- 4 -11-5 �Grand Harbour � 133 ODoleuze - � CWChang - 60-3 6 BO-H-B1T���� ��������9 - 9 -4-10-10-11+�Best Tango � 132 ZPurton 13% � WYSo 9.1% 59-3 6 HCP1T���� ��○�����2 -1 -3- 6 - 9-11+�Super Sprinter 128 JMoreira 10% � CSShum 13% 55+2 4 BT ���� ��○○����7 - 5 -4- 1 -3-5 �Lightning And Gold 125 DWhyte 13% � CHYip - 52-1 6 BT ���� ○�������8 - 9 -11- 5 - 8-9 +�Sparkling Sword 125 HWLai - � KWLui - 52-3 6 HT ���� ○�������5 - 4 -5- 1 -3-4 �Rapid Triumph 124 OBosson - � TPYung - 51 5 XT �○�� �○○�����13-11-12-14-14-11 �Super Form 123 KTeetan - � ATMillard - 50-9 4 B-V1T○○○� ○○○○����11- 7 -7-11-12-11+�Mac Row 118 2MLYeung - � ALee - 47-3 7 HX ���� ○○������9 -2 -5- 9 -3-5 +�Newswire Free 120 NCallan 17% � PFYiu - 47-2 5 B ○��� ○�○�����4 -3 -5- 2 -11-9 +�Noble De Man 109 7KKChiong 10% � KLMan - 43-4 6 ○��� ○�������7 - 4 -5- 1 -3-11 �Glory Star 113 2THSo - � CSShum 13% 42-1 4 BT �○�� ○○������1 -11-6- 2 - 5-11 �Faithful Boy � 114 YTCheng - � YSTsui 30% 41+5 5 BH ���� �○��Stand-byStarter:����12-10-2-11-12-1 R1 Aztec Empire 121 - - - WYSo 9.1% 48-1 6 CP ��○� ○○○�����12-2 -12-11-14-7 R2 Victory Master 119 - - - ALee - 46-3 8 B ���� ○�○�

Race SHUNLEEHANDICAPClass 4 (60-40) - 1650m

【Triple Trio 1st Leg】【Six Up 2nd Leg】【1st Double Trio 2nd Leg】

Standard time : 1.40.90 Class Record : 19/06/2013 Flying Elite T H So 124lbs 1.38.83 Course Record : 27/09/2006 Dordenma D Whyte 130lbs 1.38.70

4014 Prize money $ 840,000 1st57% $478,800 2nd22% $184,800 3rd11.5% $96,600 4th6% $50,400 5th3.5% $29,4008:45 p.m.

� � � � � � � � � � � � R1 R2

Happy Valley 1650m Distance Best time 1650m� Super Sprinter 66.7% � Super Sprinter 83.3% � Best Tango 01:39.93� Sparkling Sword 35.9% � Faithful Boy 33.3% � Grand Harbour 01:40.09� Mac Row 29.2% � Sparkling Sword 26.7% � Lightning And Gold 01:40.38� Faithful Boy 26.7% � Rapid Triumph 25.0% � Sparkling Sword 01:40.48� Newswire Free 22.2% � Newswire Free 22.2% � Rapid Triumph 01:40.74� Glory Star 22.2% � Best Tango 20.8% � Mac Row 01:40.78

� Super Sprinter � Noble De Man � Best Tango � Sparkling Sword

Super Sprinterhasonewinanda2ndfromhis2startsoverHappyValley1650m,keepsimprovingandhasagoodchancetowin.Noble De Manalwaysgoescloseandiswellprepared,goodchance.Best Tangodrops ingradeandshouldberespectd.Sparkling SwordperformedconsistentlyinClass4,consider.



1 Grand Harbour �  O Doleuze 133+24

CWC60-3 � BO-



HK$ 3,597,400 Savabeel (AUS) - Haberdashery by Pins(AUS)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto2040mandsamesireasVictoryMagic.Damunraced ChiuManHin

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○�

581N20�16BHV1650g 11853(80-60) 2KCLeung 115 JM 6411� BOHT 3 1 1 11 9� 12 10 1.40.40 24.59 1.41.91 26.1011 GonnaRun HeroicGuru ..........led till 350m 629 7�16CST1600g 11933(80-60) 7KKChiong 110 JM 6214� BOHT 1 1 1 4 1 10 14 1.34.07 23.48 1.34.23 23.6410 RedDancer LeadingHorse ..swamped 150m 693 5�16B2ST1600gf12013(80-60) 7HNWong 108 JM 6213� BOHT 2 2 1 2 1� 10 7.7 1.33.72 23.41 1.33.94 23.638 TheShow AthenaBaby ............just beaten�720N15�16BHV1650gf11983(80-60)  DWhyte 117 JM 6310� BOHT 3 3 3 5 5� 4.0 3.9 1.40.14 23.60 1.41.07 24.298 ClassicEmperor GoldenSleep ........faded stretch�780 10�16B2ST1600gf12073(80-60) 7HNWong 109 JM 6313� BOHT 2 3 2 10 4� 11 10 1.33.56 23.29 1.34.32 23.9311 UniqueJoyous EnormousHonour ...... faded straight【Comment】FirstToJump,ThenRiddenAlongInsidePaceMakers,BeforeSettling2nd,2lFromLeaderAt900m.ClosedToWithinAHalfLengthPassing400mBeforeTiring.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】P421【BestResult】13 �15HV1650 gf 3 KCLeung 117 66� 1 1 1 1 NK 24.27 Best Tango【BestTime】31 �16HV1650 g 3 YTCheng 118 64� 1 1 1 3 2 29 1.40.09 24.29 Land Grant【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - KCLeung - - � - 1 1 1 SH - 0.58.38 - Newswire Free


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】29�~2.6� FAV ��○�【C.Wt.】133�~108�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】71�~47� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○��【H.Wt.】1201�~1143�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced R.B.1.00.3 R.B.53.2 O.Doleuze1.20.7 25�,4G(1P0T)1B0S35T 27.2 24.8 23.5

2 Best Tango �  Z Purton 132+15

WYS59-3 � H



HK$ 888,400 Mujahid (USA) - Nikita Tango by Sicyos(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1400m.Damwasawinnerovermiddle-distance AlbertHungChaoHong&StephanieHungYujie

HongKong����HV ��○�Pre-Import ��○�ST ○○��Total ����AW ○○○○

�551 10�16CST1200gy10663(80-60)  YTCheng 126WYS 6912� HT 10101110 8� 99 99 1.10.32 22.77 1.11.70 23.399 HammerKing MomentumLucky ..wide throughout 591 24�16AST1600y 10643(80-60) 2CKTong 118WYS 6714� HT 3 3 3 10 10� 99 99 1.37.49 23.69 1.39.13 25.1710 SolarHeiHei Unicorn .......... handy early 653N18�16BHV1650g 10713(80-60)  BPrebble 120WYS 6414� HT 4 4 3 4 1� 12 13 1.39.67 24.06 1.39.93 24.086 MagicalBeauty KingOfMongolia .............shifted out 704 9�16AHV1650g 10603(80-60)  BPrebble 119WYS 6412� HT 6 7 7 9 5 12 15 1.41.09 23.63 1.41.89 23.798 Inventor SoCaffe .............overraced 743N22�16CHV1650gf10623(80-60)  KTeetan 117WYS 6212� HT 121211 9 5� 74 60 1.41.64 22.61 1.42.54 22.513 SoCaffe SuperFluke .........showed little【Comment】DroppedBackToLastOver8lsBehindLeader,WideBid500m,MadeOnlyLimitedProgressDownOutside.【Pre-Import】Late:BestTango8Starts4W1P3L,HKD$999,850,won1200-1600M【BrandNo.】S121【BestResult】15 �15HV1650 gf 4 BPrebble 133 60� 7 7 6 1 2 22.55 Sparkling Sword【BestTime】18 �16HV1650 g 3 BPrebble 120 64� 4 4 3 4 1� 13 1.39.93 24.08 Magical Beauty【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1200 ag - ZPurton - - � - 9 10 5 3� - 1.11.10 - Club Life


【Cl.4】�○○○ 1stUp○○○�【Odds】60�~5.5� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】133�~120�Gd-Firm��○�【Rtg.】70�~60� Good○○��【Night】��○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1069�~1037�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced R.B.25.6 R.B.53.7 R.B.55.8 Z.Purton30.6 R.B.1.01.425�,9G(0P0T)1B23S31T 25.6 24.4 23.8 30.6 28.9

Page 17: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari








3 Super Sprinter  J Moreira 128+2

CSS55+2 � B


HK$ 724,000 Showcasing (GB) - Danceabeel by ZabeelSirewasagroup2winnerover1200mandsamesireasRaghu.Damwasawinnerover1500mand1900mDrPeterChengMingChuen,AllenChanWingLoong,LeungKwanTong&MorleyHuiChongWai

HongKong����HV ���○Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○○

421 21�16AST1200g 10704(60-40)  HWLai 125CSS 5214� BT 7 7 7 9 2� 99 99 1.10.90 23.40 1.11.25 23.276 HammerKing GoodMan .....bumped 100m�454 6�16CST1200g 10664(60-40)  HWLai 123CSS 5012� BT 7 7 8 6 8� 35 46 1.09.47 23.01 1.10.88 23.344 MomentumLucky HappyFieryDragon .no extra, straight�484N16�16BHV1200g 10614(60-40) 2KCLeung 119CSS 4812� BT 111112 3 2� 40 33 1.10.39 24.18 1.10.79 23.541 MightyEquus WinningTalent .................nice run 523N31�16C3HV1650g 10494(60-40)  ZPurton 125CSS 4812� BT 1 1 2 1 NK 3.0 3.9 1.43.30 22.88 1.43.30 22.885 NobleDeMan SpeedyWally .............led all way�614N4�16C3HV1650g 10384(60-40)  JMoreira 126CSS 5312� BT 8 8 6 2 � 2.7 3.2 1.41.08 24.59 1.41.16 24.192 GreatToplight RisingPower ....crowded 200m【Comment】HalfMissedOnJumping,ShiftedToTheFenceAndTravelled3lsBehindTheLeader,RanOnWellFor2nd.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】V105【BestResult】31 �16HV1650 g 4 ZPurton 125 48� 1 1 2 1 NK 22.88 Noble De Man【BestTime】 4 �16HV1650 g 4 JMoreira 126 53� 8 8 6 2 � 24.19 Great Toplight【BarrierTrial】16 �16HV1200 g - HWLai - - � - 1 2 3 HD - 1.13.60 - Newswire Free


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○○○○【Odds】33�~3.2� FAV ��○○【C.Wt.】126�~119�Gd-Firm○○○○【Rtg.】53�~48� Good����【Night】���○ Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1061�~1038�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○�○ Heavy○○○○

126dayssinceraced K.C.Leung57.9 Trainer55.0 Trainer53.0 JMoreira52.7 JMoreira50.418�,9G(2P1T)0B24S46T 27.2 25.5 25.4SalsaBrothers 25.6 23.1SpeedyLongwah

4 Lightning And Gold  D Whyte 125-2

CHY52-1 � B


HK$ 1,793,000 Cadeaux Genereux - Meredith by MediceanSirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1400m.Damunraced VictorHuiChunFui

HongKong����HV ○���Pre-Import ○○○○ST �○��Total ����AW ○○○�

�493 20�16AST1600g 10834(60-40)  JMoreira 121CHY 4814� T 111211 3 3 7.0 3.1 1.34.95 24.30 1.35.43 23.862 CaliforniaJoy GoodForYou ..made ground late 549 10�16CST1600gy10714(60-40)  CSchofield 121CHY 4814� T 6 7 5 1 � 8.5 6.0 1.35.71 24.44 1.35.71 23.804 TeamSweet SoCaffe ........... fighting win 661 22�16AST1600gf10724(60-40)  CSchofield 127CHY 5314� T 8 8 8 4 2� 17 14 1.34.42 23.73 1.34.80 23.551 BeautyLove GorgeousLegend ..... laid in, straight 699 9�16AHV1650g 10684(60-40)  CSchofield 126CHY 5312� T 4 4 6 5 4� 6.5 4.8 1.41.63 23.95 1.42.34 24.387 BalticWarrior TheSylph ............one paced 728 19�16C3ST1600gf10764(60-40)  CSchofield 127CHY 5314� B2T 6 5 4 7 2� 17 9.6 1.34.31 23.53 1.34.77 23.799 LittleFantasy HouseOfFun ............one paced【Comment】ModerateStart,SettledMidfield1OffWithCover,Shifted3DeepNoCover700m,ShakenUpIn4th400m,PluggedOnOnePace.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】P354【BestResult】20 �15HV1650 gy 5 JMoreira 133 39� 5 5 5 2 NS 24.11 Rising Power【BestTime】 3 �15HV1650 gf 4 WMLai 114 41� 11 11 10 3 1� 27 1.40.38 23.55 Robust Momentum【BarrierTrial】29 �15 ST1000 g - BPrebble - - � - 10 9 8 4� - 0.59.23 - Thunderstroke


【Cl.4】�○�� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】27�~2.6� FAV ���○【C.Wt.】133�~114�Gd-Firm�○��【Rtg.】48�~38� Good����【Night】○��� Yield��○�【H.Wt.】1083�~1030�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

80dayssinceraced R.B.59.8 R.B.53.1 R.B.56.6 R.B.52.4 D.Whyte53.61�,7G(1P0T)0B24S31T 28.0 24.7 25.7 24.5JimsonTheFamous 25.3

5 Sparkling Sword  H W Lai 125-1

KWL52-3 � H


HK$ 3,039,310 Danzero - Supernal by Chief's Crown(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover900mto1200mandsamesireasHitAHomeRun.Damwasawinnerover1200m LeungShing

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○�

�452N2�16C3HV1650g 11683(80-60) 7HNWong 108KWL 6212� HT 2 2 2 8 6� 32 37 1.40.19 23.81 1.41.28 24.8210 UltimateGlory BullishSmart ...... faded straight 493 20�16AST1600g 11674(60-40) �KKChiong 123KWL 6014� HT 2 2 2 5 4 22 28 1.34.95 24.30 1.35.60 24.679 CaliforniaJoy GoodForYou .............weakened 576N20�16BHV1650g 11584(60-40) �KKChiong 122KWL 5811� HT 10101011 6� 5.2 4.8 1.41.58 23.39 1.42.55 23.284 PearlWin MassivePower .................no show�614N4�16C3HV1650g 11584(60-40) 7HNWong 123KWL 5712� HT 1 1 1 9 4� 20 26 1.41.08 24.59 1.41.83 25.3411 GreatToplight SuperSprinter ...................laid out�681N1�16C3HV1650g 11534(60-40) 2MLYeung 126KWL 5512� HT 4 4 5 8 6� 44 40 1.40.36 23.95 1.41.42 24.539 Kitaya ApacheSpirit ............one paced【Comment】RiddenAggressivelyToHoldForwardPositionButTrappedWide3lFromLeader.NiggledAtPassing600m,One-pacedInStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】P256【BestResult】17 �15HV1650 gf 4 HNWong 115 51� 1 1 1 2 NK 23.57 Lightning Pegasus【BestTime】17 �15HV1650 gf 4 HNWong 115 51� 1 1 1 2 NK 23.57 Lightning Pegasus【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - KKChiong - - � - 8 9 1010 - 0.59.98 - Grand Harbour


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○�○�【Odds】13�~2.3� FAV ����【C.Wt.】133�~115�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】61�~39� Good����【Night】���� Yield��○�【H.Wt.】1164�~1089�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

98dayssinceraced R.B.55.8 KKChiong55.6 KKChiong57.2 H.W.Lai54.225�,6G(0P0T)1B31S34T 26.1 25.9 26.2 23.8

6 Rapid Triumph  O Bosson 124+2

TPY51 � X


HK$ 756,000 Big Bad Bob - Lamanka Lass by Woodman(USA)Sirewasagroup3winnerover1400mto2200mandsamesireasBigBangBong.Damwasawinnerover1600m HuangChihShen

HongKong�○��HV �○○�Pre-Import �○○�ST ○○��Total �○��AW ○○○○

401 14�16C3ST1800g 10694(60-40)  JMoreira 121TPY 4714� XT 7 7 5 3 2� 7.8 7.0 1.48.42 23.54 1.48.79 23.476 BeautyLove MidnitePromise ............... lost plate�654N18�16BHV1650g 10634(60-40) 2KCLeung 120TPY 4612� XT 101010 1 HD 27 18 1.40.74 24.24 1.40.74 23.402 RockTheTree GiantTurtle .............. tight early 701 9�16AHV1650g 10684(60-40) 2KCLeung 122TPY 5112� XT 7 7 6 5 2 9.3 10 1.42.09 23.61 1.42.42 23.504 VictoryBoys GoGoWin ............finished on 748 26�16AST2000gf10684(60-40)  KTeetan 124TPY 5114� XT 5 4 4 4 � 33 33 2.03.36 22.54 2.03.50 22.404 HolmesLegend HoHoFeel ............finished on 776 10�16B2ST1800gf10594(60-40) 2KCLeung 122TPY 5114� XT 111412 5 3 7.3 9.8 1.47.60 23.91 1.48.08 23.392 HitAHomeRun WealthyFortune .held up 400-150m【Comment】TakenBack,Travelled5lsBehindTheLeaderOnTheFence,WasHeldUpUntilFinal250m,RanOnNicelyThereafter.【Pre-Import】Late:Billboard3Starts1W0P2L,HKD$91,240,won1400M【BrandNo.】S438【BestResult】18 �16HV1650 g 4 KCLeung 120 46� 10 10 10 1 HD 18 1.40.74 23.40 Rock The Tree【BestTime】18 �16HV1650 g 4 KCLeung 120 46� 10 10 10 1 HD 18 1.40.74 23.40 Rock The Tree【BarrierTrial】31 �16 ST1200 g - KCLeung - - � - 7 7 7 12 - 1.13.54 - Salsa Brothers


【Cl.4】�○�� 1stUp○○��【Odds】18�~7.0� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】121�~120�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】47�~46� Good�○��【Night】�○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1069�~1063�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced R.B.26.7 R.B.25.8 K.C.Leung26.4 23�,6G(0P0T)1B32S40T 26.7 25.8 26.4

7 Super Form  K Teetan 123-10

ATM50-9 � B-



HK$ - Azamour (IRE) - Visanilla by Danehill(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1400mto2400mandsamesireasMrPele.Damwasawinnerover2000mand2100m LauYiFai

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import ○○○�ST ○○○�Total ○○○�AW ○○○○

�516 28�16A3ST1400g 11343(80-60)  CSchofield 127ATM 7214� T1 13141314 13� 99 99 1.21.74 23.42 1.23.88 24.6814 JoyfulMoments Verbinsky .................no show 552 10�16CST1800gy11203(80-60)  CSchofield 123ATM 7014� T 5 111314 26 99 99 1.48.07 24.14 1.52.22 27.4514 Mcqueen LuckyGirl unacceptable run�676 29�16A3ST1600g 10963(80-60) 7KKChiong 113ATM 6714� B1T 2 2 3 12 13� 55 97 1.34.40 23.13 1.36.57 25.0212 GeneralOfPatch EnergeticClass ..................... faded 693 5�16B2ST1600gf10973(80-60)  KTeetan 116ATM 6313� BT 1 1 2 11 10� 99 99 1.33.72 23.41 1.35.46 25.1511 TheShow GrandHarbour ......dropped whip�758 1�16A3ST1600gf10924(60-40)  OBosson 133ATM 5914� BT 7 8 9 13 10� 99 99 1.34.78 23.07 1.36.47 24.1212 Argentum XinjiangYarn ...........well beaten【Comment】GoodStartWide,SnaggedToMidfieldWideNoCover,SlottedIn3Deep1000m,WideIntoStretch,One-paced&Impeded330m,NoExtraThereafter.【Pre-Import】Late:ClassMate2Starts0W0P2L,HKD$20,100【BrandNo.】T232【BestResult】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BestTime】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST800 g - SClipperton - - � - 12 12 9 10 - 0.46.99 - Charity Joy


【Cl.4】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

68dayssinceraced KTeetan46.4 KTeetan26.81�,4G(1P1T)1B0S27T 23.1FastRocketturg 26.8

8 Mac Row 2M L Yeung 118-3

ALe47-3 � H


HK$ 1,803,000 Le Vie Dei Colori (GB) - Kointreau by Desert KingSirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1800m.DamunracedShamShuiPoRacingSyndicate

HongKong����HV �○��Pre-Import ����ST ○���Total ����AW ○○○�

494 20�16AST2000g 10074(60-40) 2THSo 128ALe 5714� HX 13131312 6� 49 53 2.05.22 23.00 2.06.22 23.005 RougeEtBlanc LotusStrikesBack .................no show�541N6�16 ST1800ag10154(60-40) 2THSo 126ALe 5514� HX 14131211 7� 84 99 1.49.22 23.79 1.50.45 23.8210 Sempiternal SurePeace ........slow to begin�614N4�16C3HV1650g 10004(60-40) 2KCLeung 124ALe 5312� HX 10 9 10 7 3 43 30 1.41.08 24.59 1.41.55 24.264 GreatToplight SuperSprinter ...held up straight 650N18�16BHV2200g 999 4(60-40) 2KCLeung 126ALe 5212� HX 1111 3 7 7 11 11 2.17.54 23.74 2.18.67 24.798 KingBountiful WillieWay .... steadied 800m�701 9�16AHV1650g 10094(60-40) 2THSo 121ALe 5012� HX 12121211 6� 11 17 1.42.09 23.61 1.43.13 23.819 VictoryBoys GoGoWin .................poor run【Comment】AlwaysAtTheRear,NeverInContention.【Pre-Import】Late:MacRow6Starts2W2P2L,HKD$644,840,won1000-1100M【BrandNo.】N252【BestResult】20 �15HV1650 gy 4 MLYeung 122 51� 9 11 11 3 � 25.09 Addole【BestTime】 3 �15HV1650 gf 4 MLYeung 122 51� 9 9 11 9 3� 23.95 Robust Momentum【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1200 ag - MLYeung - - � - 11 10 9 10 - 1.11.98 - Victory Marvel


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○○��【Odds】36�~5.0� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】131�~122�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】58�~50� Good�○��【Night】�○�� Yield○○��【H.Wt.】1008�~982� Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced R.B.1.01.8 R.B.26.6 R.B.50.5 R.B.33.01�,4G(1P1T)1B30S29T 28.6 26.6 23.3BestJadeTriumphturg 33.0

9 Newswire Free  N Callan 120-5

PFY47-2 � B


HK$ 612,800 Thorn Park (AUS) - Courtly Fashion by Black Minnaloushe(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1500mandsamesireasAllYouWish.Damunraced GreatFortuneSyndicate

HongKong○���HV ○�○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○���Total ○���AW ○○○�

�391 10�16CST1400g 11014(60-40)  KTeetan 120PFY 4714� BH1 9 8 7 3 � 3.6 3.6 1.22.50 23.69 1.22.64 22.951 PennyLane BulbMaster ......... finished well�441 28�16BST1600g 11034(60-40)  JMoreira 121PFY 4814� BH 111011 9 4 5.2 2.9 1.35.91 23.39 1.36.56 23.288 OurGeneration FightingBoy .......badly held up 502N23�16CHV1650gy10994(60-40)  NCallan 121PFY 4812� H-B 9 8 8 5 1� 7.8 7.4 1.42.08 24.13 1.42.26 23.593 HappyJourney TheSylph ..made ground late�578N20�16BHV1650g 10994(60-40)  JMoreira 122PFY 4712� B 3 4 3 2 SH 3.0 3.5 1.41.49 24.08 1.41.50 23.778 BusinessAsUsual PearlFuru ......closed off well�654N18�16BHV1650g 10954(60-40)  JMoreira 125PFY 4912� B 5 6 7 9 4 2.2 3.1 1.40.74 24.24 1.41.37 24.277 RapidTriumph RockTheTree ......lame right fore【Comment】RiddenEarlyToHoldPosition3lFromLeader.BecameUnbalanced1000m,HardRiddenFrom500mButLittleHeadwayWhileLayingInBadly.LameRightFrontLeg.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S407【BestResult】20 �16HV1650 g 4 JMoreira 122 47� 3 4 3 2 SH 23.77 Business As Usual【BestTime】18 �16HV1650 g 4 JMoreira 125 49� 5 6 7 9 4 24.27 Rapid Triumph【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - NCallan - - � - 5 3 2 SH - 0.58.39 - Grand Harbour


【Cl.4】○��� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】11�~3.5� FAV ○�○�【C.Wt.】123�~120�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】50�~47� Good○���【Night】○�○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1118�~1099�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○�○� Heavy○○○○

112dayssinceraced R.B.1.00.3 N.Callan55.3 R.B.22.619�,7G(1P0T)1B20S45T 26.6 24.3GoGoWin 22.6

Page 18: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari






10Noble De Man 7K K Chiong 109-4

KLM43-4 � FR6


HK$ 540,000 Dansili (GB) - Metisse by Kingmambo(USA)Sirewasagroup2winnerover1600mandsamesireasRickfield.Damwasawinnerover1400mto1540m Mr&MrsTonyTangWaiBunAndKennethTang

HongKong○���HV ○���Pre-Import �○��ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○�

349 24�16 ST1800ws10374(60-40)  KTeetan 121KLM 4814� 4 3 6 11 31� 16 25 1.50.58 24.97 1.55.56 29.4714 TrueComment Expedite ..................... faded 523N31�16C3HV1650g 10514(60-40) �KKChiong 113KLM 4612� 4 4 4 2 NK 35 29 1.43.30 22.88 1.43.35 22.693 SuperSprinter SpeedyWally ......finished nicely�654N18�16BHV1650g 10504(60-40) 7KKChiong 117KLM 4812� 2 2 2 5 2� 8.3 11 1.40.74 24.24 1.41.10 24.5210 RapidTriumph RockTheTree ..... shifted in early�701 9�16AHV1650g 10534(60-40)  NCallan 121KLM 4812� 3 3 3 3 1� 8.4 10 1.42.09 23.61 1.42.36 23.646 VictoryBoys GoGoWin ............ fought well�771N6�16AHV1650g 10584(60-40) 7KKChiong 113KLM 4712� 1 2 2 4 4� 16 15 1.40.99 23.06 1.41.68 23.756 TheSylph VictoryBoys ........faded stretch【Comment】PressedForwardOnJumpingToShareEarlyLead,BeforeSettlingThree-partsOfALengthBehindLeader.RolledForwardAroundTurn,JointLeader200m,NoExtraFinalStages.【Pre-Import】Late:SaintThomas5Starts2W1P2L,HKD$496,310,won1600M【BrandNo.】S215【BestResult】31 �16HV1650 g 4 KKChiong113 46� 4 4 4 2 NK 29 1.43.35 22.69 Super Sprinter【BestTime】18 �16HV1650 g 4 KKChiong117 48� 2 2 2 5 2� 11 1.41.10 24.52 Rapid Triumph【BarrierTrial】19 �16 ST1200 ws - MLYeung - - � - 3 3 2 NS - 1.13.09 - Mighty Wongchoy


【Cl.4】○��� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】29�~8.8� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】126�~113�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】53�~46� Good○���【Night】○��� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1053�~1049�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○�� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced KKChiong54.6 KKChiong56.5 22�,6G(0P0T)1B0S32T 26.7 25.8

11Glory Star 2T H So 113-2

CSS42-1 � B


HK$ 515,000 High Chaparral - Ursula Minor by Footstepsinthesand(GB)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1400mto2400mandsamesireasPhotonWillie.Damunraced Mr&MrsLiYiuKeung

HongKong�○��HV �○��Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total �○��AW ○○○�

�612N4�16C3HV1650g 10805(40-15)  GLerena 129CSS 3612� BT 5 5 5 3 3 7.4 8.0 1.42.01 23.24 1.42.49 23.164 Kharu MightyWongchoy ..........unbalanced�631N11�16AHV1800g 10755(40-0)  ZPurton 128CSS 3512� BT 3 4 2 1 3 6.9 4.2 1.49.39 24.29 1.49.39 24.012 Kerkeni ChoiceExchequer .....impressive win 650N18�16BHV2200g 10754(60-40)  ZPurton 120CSS 4312� BT 1 1 1 5 3� 3.6 2.7 2.17.54 23.74 2.18.11 24.316 KingBountiful WillieWay ....................keenly 683N1�16C3HV1800g 10814(60-40) 2KCLeung 115CSS 4312� BT 1 1 1 4 2 4.0 4.2 1.50.44 23.77 1.50.75 24.087 HoHoFeel AutumnGold ..........faded 150m�718N15�16BHV1650gf10814(60-40) 2THSo 115CSS 4312� BT 7 8 7 7 6� 3.9 3.3 1.40.21 23.88 1.41.27 24.227 Wisky WinIt .................poor run【Comment】HardRiddenEarlyButNotMuster,MidfieldOnTheRails,SuitedByTheFastPace,LackRoom4-2,RanOnOkWhenClear.【BrandNo.】T336【BidPrice】HKD$3,200,000【BestResult】 4 �16HV1650 g 5 GLerena 129 36� 5 5 5 3 3 23.16 Kharu【BestTime】15 �16HV1650 gf 4 THSo 115 43� 7 8 7 7 6� 24.22 Wisky【BarrierTrial】31 �16 ST1200 g - HTMo - - � - 1 1 3 1� - 1.12.12 - Good For You


【Cl.4】○○○� 1stUp○○○○【Odds】8.0�~4.2� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】129�~128�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】36�~35� Good�○��【Night】�○�� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1080�~1075�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○� Heavy○○○○

84dayssinceraced HTMo54.6 M.L.Yeung55.9 T.H.So53.218�,6G(1P0T)1B31S44T 25.1 25.2 24.1SalsaBrothers

12Faithful Boy �  Y T Cheng 114-15

MeT41+5 � B


HK$ 726,200 Teofilo (IRE) - Honor Lap by Honor Grades(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1400mandsamesireasGeneralSherman.Damwasagroup1winnerover1400mto2400m YuChuLam

HongKong����HV �○��Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○�○�Total ����AW ○○○○

�409N17�16BHV1800g 10815(40-0)  RMoore 133MeT 3912� H 1 1 2 5 3� 10 9.9 1.50.92 24.11 1.51.43 24.6211 IslandFlyer OneOfAKind ..........faded 300m�472 13�16C3ST1800g 10855(40-15)  ZPurton 130MeT 3714� H 1 1 1 2 � 10 9.3 1.49.22 24.18 1.49.36 24.326 Chancellor SmartGuy ........led most way�528 3�16B2ST1600g 10805(40-15)  ZPurton 131MeT 3814� H 4 4 4 6 4� 3.3 4.3 1.35.75 23.59 1.36.53 24.0910 UniqueJoyous InnovativeWinner .no extra, straight�602 1�16BST2200g 10875(40-15)  ZPurton 133MeT 3814� H 1 1 2 11 7 12 7.6 2.17.97 24.07 2.19.09 25.0713 KingBountiful MalayanPearl ..................... faded�678N1�16C3HV1650g 10675(40-0)  CSchofield 129MeT 3612� HB1 3 1 1 1 � 7.7 6.4 1.40.84 24.09 1.40.84 24.098 MightyWongchoy CasaMaster .....impressive win【Comment】BrokeWellFromAWideGate,WorkedAroundFirstBendToTakeUpRunningFromThe1000Metres,Maintaining1lAdvantageToStraight,JustStavedOffRunners-up'sLateChallengeClosingStages.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】T089【BestResult】 1 �16HV1650 g 5 CSchofield129 36� 3 1 1 1 � 24.09 Mighty Wongchoy【BestTime】 1 �16HV1650 g 5 CSchofield129 36� 3 1 1 1 � 24.09 Mighty Wongchoy【BarrierTrial】24 �16 ST1200 g - HNWong - - � - 7 7 7 17� - 1.12.87 - Lucky Profit


【Cl.4】○○�� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】67�~6.4� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】130�~115�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】44�~36� Good����【Night】�○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1085�~1067�Soft ○○○○【Trump】��○� Heavy○○○○

98dayssinceraced R.B.55.9 R.B.55.1 H.N.Wong1.22.0 H.N.Wong1.21.7 1�,6G(3P0T)1B7S24T 24.9GoldPrecious 26.2 24.2 24.6

R1Aztec Empire   121



HK$ 1,316,000 Choisir - Costa Grande by Encosta De LagoSirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasSecretWeapon.Damwasawinnerover1000mto1310m StJoanOfArcSchoolPsaSyndicate

HongKong��○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ��○�Total ��○�AW ○○○○

441 28�16BST1600g 11424(60-40)  BPrebble 122WYS 4914� CP 3 4 3 12 4� 3.4 4.2 1.35.91 23.39 1.36.68 23.8814 OurGeneration FightingBoy ................ fractious 578N20�16BHV1650g 11244(60-40)  BPrebble 124WYS 4912� CP 2 3 4 11 4� 16 15 1.41.49 24.08 1.42.21 24.4011 BusinessAsUsual NewswireFree ..........faded badly 621 7�16CST1600g 11104(60-40) 2CKTong 120WYS 4914� CP 1 1 1 2 2� 23 36 1.35.40 22.55 1.35.84 22.995 UniqueJoyous UnbeatableGuts ........led most way 683N1�16C3HV1800g 11264(60-40)  DWhyte 123WYS 4912� CP 3 4 4 10 9� 22 12 1.50.44 23.77 1.52.00 25.0112 HoHoFeel AutumnGold .............weakened 758 1�16A3ST1600gf11254(60-40) 2CKTong 121WYS 4914� CP 1 1 2 12 8� 22 32 1.34.78 23.07 1.36.16 24.4113 Argentum XinjiangYarn ..........faded badly【Comment】SmartStart&RoustedToLead,ToRail1100m,Headed700mButContinuedToVieForAdvantage,Driven430m,TaperedInRunHome.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】T064【BestResult】20 �16HV1650 g 4 BPrebble 124 49� 2 3 4 114� 15 1.42.21 24.40 Business As Usual【BestTime】20 �16HV1650 g 4 BPrebble 124 49� 2 3 4 114� 15 1.42.21 24.40 Business As Usual【BarrierTrial】 1 �16 ST1200 ag - CKTong - - � - 2 2 5 2� - 1.11.75 - Star Majestic


【Cl.4】��○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】36�~2.0� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】131�~116�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】49�~32� Good��○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1148�~1110�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

68dayssinceraced R.B.26.5 R.B.27.6 R.B.52.7 R.B.26.6 H.N.Wong1.26.9 1�,7G(1P0T)0B0S27T 26.5 27.6 23.9YoungEmpire 26.6 25.6

R2Victory Master   119-2



HK$ 4,753,200 Byron (GB) - Reunion by Be My Guest(USA)Sirewasagroup2winnerover1200mto1400m.Damwasagroup3winnerover1200mand1400m SeeWaiKeung

HongKong����HV ○�○�Pre-Import ○�○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○�

�425 21�16AST1600g 11283(80-60) 5KCNg 110ALe 6014� B 14131314 12� 99 99 1.34.67 23.58 1.36.63 24.3813 HappyPlace LuckyGirl .................no show�476 13�16C3ST1600g 11254(60-40) 2MLYeung 128ALe 5714� B 10101111 8 88 99 1.35.06 23.83 1.36.34 24.3511 RoyaleElegance HoHoFeel .................no show�527 3�16B2ST1400g 11294(60-40) 2THSo 124ALe 5314� B 13141412 8� 72 89 1.22.23 23.37 1.23.60 23.588 Molly'sJadeStar PrinceFalcon ........slow to begin�640 14�16C3ST1400g 11344(60-40) 2MLYeung 120ALe 4914� B 4 5 4 2 2 45 54 1.23.05 23.18 1.23.38 23.155 MetallicStar PrinceFalcon ....shifted in 150m�728 19�16C3ST1600gf11434(60-40) 2MLYeung 121ALe 4914� B 1011 8 12 5� 26 37 1.34.31 23.53 1.35.20 23.9811 LittleFantasy HouseOfFun .....awkward jump【Comment】MissedBreak,BustledOnRailToSettleNearRear,RiddenIntoStretch,PloddedOnSameSpeed.【Pre-Import】Late:SirByron1Starts0W1P0L,HKD$13,080,placed1691【BrandNo.】M148【BestResult】 5 �14HV1650 g 1 MChadwick114 91� 8 7 7 2 � 24 1.42.03 22.69 Pleasure Gains【BestTime】26 �13HV1650 gf 2 NCallan 129 93� 9 10 8 8 4� 11 1.41.05 24.16 Pleasure Gains【BarrierTrial】10 �15 ST1050 ag - MLYeung - - � - 11 10 6 6� - 1.02.56 - Super Jockey


【Cl.4】○�○� 1stUp��○�【Odds】99�~1.8� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】133�~110�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】93�~49� Good����【Night】○�○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1134�~1088�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

80dayssinceraced R.B.1.02.5 R.B.53.6 R.B.58.0 A.T.59.3 R.B.1.00.01�,5G(0P0T)0B32S31T 30.0 25.8 28.3 28.0 27.2

Page 19: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

M199 N423 T387 T076 T345 P185 T426 P097 S104 M273 T221 T257 S425 T364

Speed Last6Race&Priority Number/HorseName Wt. Jockey Win% Draw Trainer Win% Rtg.+/- Age Gear Record Trip����3 - 4 -2- 1 - 5-8 �Supreme Flight 126 7KKChiong 10% � ATMillard - 60 8 BT ���� �○������3 -11-7-12-12-11 �Victorius 133 NRawiller 25% � YSTsui 30% 60+2 8 B �○�� �○������5 - 6 -1- 4 - 6-13 �Globe Trotter 131 OBosson - � CSShum 13% 58 5 B1T �○○� �○○�����4 - 5 -4-12-12-8 �Golden Glory 127 KTeetan - � ALee - 54-3 6 BT ○○○� ○○○�����3 -11-10-10-3-2 �London Master 126 SClipperton - � KLMan - 53 5 T ���� ○○○�����3 -11-2- 1 -1-7 �Helen's Choice 123 2MLYeung - � KWLui - 52 6 ���� ○○������ 4- 7 -2-6 �Victory Marvel 125 ZPurton 13% � CFownes - 52-1 4 ○�○� ○○○�����3 - 7 -9-10-3-2 +�Sharp Hunter 124 DWhyte 13% � DEFerraris - 51-2 7 B ���� ○�������5 - 5 -8- 4 - 6-8 �Yo-yo Da 119 NCallan 17% � WYSo 9.1% 46-3 6 HT ���� ○�������4 -1 -11- 6 -3-12 �Glory Horsie 118 JMoreira 10% � DCruz - 45 8 B ���� �○������8 -12-10-13-13-13 �Winning Star 117 HWLai - � LHo 17% 44-8 5 P ○○○� ○○○○����8 - 9 -13-11- 6-9 *�Royal Spirit 116 MChadwick - � CWChang - 43-4 5 BT ○○○� ○○○�Stand-byStarter:����2 - 6 -9-11- 4-8 R1 Victor Emperor 122 - - - CHYip - 49+1 5 T ���� �○○�����6 - 6 -4- 9 - 4-11 R2 I'm The Won For U 123 - - - YSTsui 30% 50-3 4 ○○○� ○○○○

Race OIMANHANDICAPClass 4 (60-40) - 1200m

【Triple Trio 2nd Leg】【Six Up 3rd Leg】

Standard time : 1.10.35 Class Record : 06/12/2006 Windicator D Whyte 128lbs 1.09.20 Course Record : 06/11/2007 Tiger Prawn G Mosse 120lbs 1.08.70

5015 Prize money $ 840,000 1st57% $478,800 2nd22% $184,800 3rd11.5% $96,600 4th6% $50,400 5th3.5% $29,4009:15 p.m.

� � � � � � � � � � � � R1 R2

Happy Valley 1200m Distance Best time 1200m� Globe Trotter 25.0% � Helen's Choice 28.3% � Victorius 01:09.36� Sharp Hunter 24.4% R1 Victor Emperor 28.2% � Sharp Hunter 01:09.58� Helen's Choice 21.2% � Glory Horsie 27.8% � Yo-yo Da 01:09.77� Glory Horsie 20.5% � Victorius 27.3% � Supreme Flight 01:10.04� Victorius 20.3% � Supreme Flight 25.8% � Globe Trotter 01:10.26� London Master 16.7% � Yo-yo Da 24.6% � Glory Horsie 01:10.31

� Supreme Flight � Victory Marvel � Victorius � Glory Horsie

Supreme FlightperformedhonestlyinClass4,trialedwellandshouldbehardtobeatwiththeclaim.Victory Marveltrialedsuperondirtandismoremature,mustbethemaindanger.Victoriusdroppedalotinratingpointsandreturnedtoformlaststart,canupsetathisbest.Glory Horsieisadvantagedwiththelightweight.



1 Supreme Flight 7K K Chiong 126

ATM60 � B


HK$ 5,037,800 Footstepsinthesand (GB) - Kingsridge by King's TheatreSirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1600mandsamesireasBeautyFlame.Damwasawinnerover1800m 10/11AnthonyTMillardTrainerSyndicate

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ��○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○○

�484N16�16BHV1200g 10854(60-40) 7HNWong 121ATM 5512� BT 1 1 2 5 4� 8.3 7.8 1.10.39 24.18 1.11.13 24.929 MightyEquus WinningTalent .......used up early�548 10�16CST1200gy10834(60-40) �KKChiong 114ATM 5312� BT 1 1 1 1 � 14 16 1.10.32 23.94 1.10.32 23.944 Multimax Gentry ......led all the way 624 7�16CST1200g 11004(60-40) 7KKChiong 126ATM 5812� BT 1 1 1 2 SH 11 18 1.09.83 23.04 1.09.85 23.068 UnleashedDragon I'mAWitness ............just beaten 665 22�16AST1200gf10883(80-60)  HWLai 113ATM 6014� BT 2 2 2 4 1� 34 43 1.09.26 23.11 1.09.47 23.249 Fionesay LaughOutLoud ................... fair run�709 12�16CST1200y 10944(60-40) 7KKChiong 126ATM 6012� BT 1 1 1 3 1 6.0 7.2 1.09.73 23.26 1.09.92 23.454 DrListening FairyTwins .... swamped 75m【Comment】HardRiddenToLeadOnSettlingThenSlowedPace.KickedClearPassing400m,JoinedUpFront200m,KeptBattlingToGoDownNarrowly.【Pre-Import】Late:Silvertrees2Starts1W1P0L,HKD$170,270,won1427M【BrandNo.】M199【BestResult】11 �15HV1200 g 3 CYLui 110 60� 1 1 1 1 NK 42 1.10.16 23.53 Generous Bobo【BestTime】10 �12HV1200 g 3 BPrebble 124 71� 7 7 7 7 2� 14 1.10.04 23.10 Tour De Force【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST1050 g - KKChiong - - � - 2 1 3 1� - 1.01.81 - Smiling Glory


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp����【Odds】58�~3.9� FAV ��○�【C.Wt.】133�~110�Gd-Firm○���【Rtg.】70�~53� Good����【Night】���� Yield�○��【H.Wt.】1100�~1015�Soft ○�○○【Trump】��○� Heavy○○○○

87dayssinceraced R.B.27.6 A.T.25.7 1�,4G(0P0T)1B0S27T 27.6 25.7

2 Victorius  N Rawiller 133

MeT60+2 � B


HK$ 3,376,750 Not A Single Doubt - Our Greta by Rory's JesterSirewasawinnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasCharityJoy.Damwasawinnerover1200m MichaelTHLee&DrHenryChanHinLee

HongKong�○��HV �○��Pre-Import �○○○ST �○��Total �○��AW ○○○�

�531 3�16B2ST1000g 11323(80-60) 2CKTong 123MeT 7114� B2 - 8 1112 7� 99 99 0.55.74 22.24 0.56.93 22.9112 BadBoy FortuneBoBo .........no response 580N20�16BHV1000g 11333(80-60)  YTCheng 123MeT 6812� B - 121212 6 28 54 0.57.26 23.18 0.58.20 22.763 SkyMan TriumphantJewel .........no response 652N18�16BHV1000g 11153(80-60) 2CYHo 115MeT 6410� B - 1010 7 5� 76 81 0.57.05 23.04 0.57.95 22.462 OceanRoar HarbourAlert .......made ground�704 9�16AHV1650g 11303(80-60)  YTCheng 114MeT 6112� B 12121211 12 99 99 1.41.09 23.63 1.43.01 23.879 Inventor SoCaffe .................no show�767N6�16AHV1200g 11324(60-40)  NRawiller 133MeT 5812� B 9 9 8 3 NS 6.9 9.1 1.10.05 24.05 1.10.06 23.261 CircuitKing ConfuciusSpirit ......dropped whip【Comment】SettledWorseThanMidfield,Travelled5lsBehindTheLeaderOnTheFence,SwitchedWideTurningIn,DashedWellFor3rdInATightFinish.【Pre-Import】Late:ForthrightOpinion1Starts1W0P0L,HKD$67,020,won1170M【BrandNo.】N423【BestResult】28 �15HV1200 g 3 NRawiller 130 82� 5 5 5 1 � 22.05 Precision King【BestTime】 1 �15HV1200 gf 2 NRawiller 125 88� 10 10 9 3 2� 11 1.09.36 23.11 Harbour Punk【BarrierTrial】 1 �15 ST1050 ag - HNWong - - � - 7 7 6 5� - 1.02.37 - King Of Household


【Cl.4】○○�○ 1stUp○○��【Odds】25�~2.6� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】133�~116�Gd-Firm�○��【Rtg.】88�~58� Good�○��【Night】�○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1158�~1087�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced Trainer54.9 Trainer1.00.1 A.T.1.21.7 H.N.Wong1.22.5 H.N.Wong1.24.2 1�,8G(5P0T)0B14S28T 25.0DivineBoy 28.3 24.5 24.7 24.0

Page 20: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari








3 Globe Trotter  O Bosson 131+5

CSS58 � B1


HK$ 532,000 Flying Spur - Testy by Testa RossaSirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1600mandsamesireasRedHorse.Damwasawinnerover1000mand1050m ChristopherCarsonYum

HongKong�○○�HV �○○�Pre-Import ��○�ST ○○○�Total ��○�AW ○○○�

�568 16�16 ST1200ag11164(60-40)  GLerena 132 DC 5612� H 3 3 3 6 1� 18 13 1.10.12 22.98 1.10.35 23.018 Respect ModernFortune .......... handy early�616N4�16C3HV1200g 11184(60-40)  OBosson 128 DC 5512� H- 3 3 4 4 2� 15 12 1.10.55 23.64 1.11.01 23.787 PearlWarmWarm ConfuciusSpirit .shifted out 1100m 633N11�16AHV1200g 11014(60-40) 7HNWong 120 DC 5312� T1 1 1 1 1 NK 11 6.8 1.10.26 23.91 1.10.26 23.916 NeverBetter MintMaster .....impressive win�696 9�16AHV1200g 11034(60-40) 7HNWong 124 DC 5812� T 1 1 1 6 4� 3.6 3.1 1.09.68 23.66 1.10.42 24.4012 SkyKing WinningKing ...............poor ride 719N15�16BHV1200gf11074(60-40) 7HNWong 126 DC 5811� T 3 3 3 5 3 6.7 6.1 1.11.02 23.72 1.11.49 23.919 ApacheSpirit EmperorVictory ................... fair run【Comment】PushedToOccupyTheBoxSeat,KeptOnOnePaceUntilWeakenedFinal100m.【Pre-Import】Late:HarbourBeau5Starts1W3P1L,HKD$63,810,won1400M【BrandNo.】T387【BestResult】11 �16HV1200 g 4 HNWong 120 53� 1 1 1 1 NK 23.91 Never Better【BestTime】11 �16HV1200 g 4 HNWong 120 53� 1 1 1 1 NK 23.91 Never Better【BarrierTrial】31 �16 ST1200 g - OBosson - - � - 1 1 2 1� - 1.11.89 - Salsa Brothers


【Cl.4】�○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】6.8�~6.8� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】120�~120�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】53�~53� Good�○○�【Night】�○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1101� Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

84dayssinceraced OBosson59.6 OBosson58.2 OBosson54.2 R.B.58.930�,5G(1P0T)1B31S34T 27.4 25.6 24.7MissionPossible 26.5

4 Golden Glory  K Teetan 127-5

ALe54-3 � B


HK$ 145,900 Patapan (USA) - Victoria Bay by Kingdom BaySirewasagroup3winnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasNoMoneyNoTalk.Damwasawinnerover1300m DanielKwan

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import �○○�ST ○○○�Total �○○�AW ○○○○

�457N11�15BHV1200g 10353(80-60) 2THSo 120DEF 6512� BT 9 9 1112 22� 99 99 1.10.16 23.53 1.13.80 26.0112 SupremeFlight GenerousBobo .................no show 451N2�16C3HV1200g 10513(80-60)  KTeetan 114ALe 6112� BT 12121212 20 74 88 1.11.01 22.58 1.14.22 24.5112 BlockerDee GenerousBobo ............... tailed out 598N27�16CHV1200g 10463(80-60)  KTeetan 113ALe 6012� BTPL1 5 5 5 4 2� 99 66 1.10.06 23.25 1.10.44 23.073 BlazeStamina CagaForce unbalanced early 632N11�16AHV1200g 10544(60-40)  KTeetan 132ALe 5912� BT 2 2 3 5 6 10 13 1.09.99 23.05 1.10.97 23.8710 ExtremelyFun CircuitKing ..checked 1000m�679N1�16C3HV1200g 10484(60-40)  KTeetan 132ALe 5712� BT 1 1 1 4 2� 14 18 1.10.28 23.16 1.10.71 23.598 BearRapper Kirov ...... faded straight【Comment】HardRiddenToTakeRailAndLedAtAdvantageousSlowSectionals,HungOnUntil200mOverhauled.【Pre-Import】Late:Burgundian5Starts2W0P3L,HKD$90,110,won1200-1400M【BrandNo.】T076【BestResult】27 �16HV1200 g 3 KTeetan 113 60� 5 5 5 4 2� 66 1.10.44 23.07 Blaze Stamina【BestTime】27 �16HV1200 g 3 KTeetan 113 60� 5 5 5 4 2� 66 1.10.44 23.07 Blaze Stamina【BarrierTrial】15 �16 ST1200 ws - MLYeung - - � - 3 4 3 7 - 1.12.71 - Wingold


【Cl.4】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

98dayssinceraced KTeetan1.01.2 KTeetan53.8 KTeetan1.02.2 KTeetan1.02.7 KTeetan1.02.1 KTeetan55.81�,6G(0P0T)0B31S32T 30.1 27.0 29.7 30.4 29.1 26.5

5 London Master  S Clipperton 126-2

KLM53 � T


HK$ 1,020,000 Commands - Suzy Smart by Smart Strike(CAN)Sirewasagroup3winnerover1100mto1400mandsamesireasWashingtonHeights.Damwasawinnerover1200and1300mondirt YauTim

HongKong����HV ○○��Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○�

�284 27�15A3ST1200g 10584(60-40)  GMosse 129KLM 5814� 3 3 3 3 1� 5.7 5.4 1.09.83 23.43 1.10.08 23.448 GlenealyPrize Molly'sJadeStar ...............good run�381 6�16 ST1200ag10684(60-40) 7HNWong 124KLM 5812� 1 1 1 10 9� 5.7 6.0 1.08.79 23.25 1.10.26 24.7211 GrandPlus MyLegend ..........faded badly�537N6�16 ST1200ag10594(60-40) 2CYHo 128KLM 5712� T1 2 2 2 10 6 25 33 1.09.15 22.81 1.10.10 23.6011 BearRapper DiamondMysterious ...... faded straight�616N4�16C3HV1200g 10644(60-40)  NCallan 128KLM 5512� T 1 1 2 11 9� 34 18 1.10.55 23.64 1.12.02 24.9912 PearlWarmWarm ConfuciusSpirit ..................... roarer�737N22�16CHV1000gf10694(60-40)  CSchofield 128KLM 5312� T - 5 5 3 1� 11 9.4 0.57.22 22.88 0.57.44 22.503 LyricAce Trendiful ......closed off well【Comment】PushedToHoldASpot3BackOnTheFence,PaceGood,DashedWell200mFor3rd.【BrandNo.】T345【BidPrice】HKD$4,700,000【BestResult】 4 �16HV1200 g 4 NCallan 128 55� 1 1 2 119� 18 1.12.02 24.99 Pearl Warm Warm【BestTime】 4 �16HV1200 g 4 NCallan 128 55� 1 1 2 119� 18 1.12.02 24.99 Pearl Warm Warm【BarrierTrial】19 �16 ST1050 ws - SClipperton - - � - 2 2 4 2� - 1.04.77 - Happy Three


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】17�~4.3� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】133�~123�Gd-Firm○���【Rtg.】58�~50� Good����【Night】○○�� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1069�~1048�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○��� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced SClipperton57.4 SClipperton55.9 21�,6G(0P0T)1B25S32T 26.7 25.9

6 Helen's Choice 2M L Yeung 123+5

KWL52 � IRE6


HK$ 2,433,625 Kheleyf (USA) - Catching Stars by Halling(USA)Sirewasagroup3winnerover1000mto1400m.Damunraced Mr&MrsCharleyChanWingChin

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import �○○○ST ○�○�Total ����AW ��○�

�435 28�16 ST1200ag12084(60-40) �KKChiong 104KWL 4012� 6 6 4 1 SH 12 15 1.09.30 23.86 1.09.30 23.342 TravelComforts HurricaneKid ........... fighting win�514 28�16 ST1200ag12024(60-40) �KKChiong 108KWL 4512� 7 7 6 1 NK 8.2 8.9 1.09.14 23.73 1.09.14 22.973 HurricaneKid TravelNumberOne ......finished nicely�625 7�16 ST1200ag11934(60-40) 7KKChiong 116KWL 5012� 8 8 8 2 SH 6.9 8.6 1.09.29 22.49 1.09.31 21.992 DejaVu BearRapper ......finished nicely�726 19�16 ST1200ag12024(60-40) 7KKChiong 120KWL 5212� 7 7 9 11 11� 4.3 6.0 1.09.13 23.09 1.10.95 24.1511 HorseSupremo PlanetGiant . awkward mid-race 769N6�16AHV1200g 11794(60-40) 7KKChiong 118KWL 5212� 101011 3 1� 22 29 1.10.21 23.58 1.10.47 23.041 WonderfulFighter FlyingMonkey ......closed off well【Comment】OutpacedInitially,BustledToSettleBackOfMidfield,Edged3Deep750m,Niggled500m,DrivenVeryWideIntoStretch,ClosedToMakeFrameLate.【Pre-Import】Late:ChiefInspector1Starts1W0P0L,HKD$56,010,won1200M【BrandNo.】P185【BestResult】 6 �16HV1200 g 4 KKChiong118 52� 10 10 11 3 1� 29 1.10.47 23.04 Wonderful Fighter【BestTime】 6 �16HV1200 g 4 KKChiong118 52� 10 10 11 3 1� 29 1.10.47 23.04 Wonderful Fighter【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - KKChiong - - � - 6 7 4 3 - 0.58.85 - Super Fluke


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○○��【Odds】29�~2.1� FAV ��○�【C.Wt.】133�~104�Gd-Firm�○��【Rtg.】52�~30� Good○���【Night】○��� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1208�~1175�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.56.0 KKChiong28.5 KKChiong56.8 M.L.Yeung53.325�,7G(0P0T)1B31S35T 24.9 28.5 26.0 24.6

7 Victory Marvel  Z Purton 125

CF52-1 � AUS4


HK$ 224,000 I Am Invincible - Senro Kisaki by Danehill Dancer(IRE)Sirewasagroup3winnerover1000mto1100mandsamesireasBadBoy.Damwasawinnerover1600mto1850m SeeWaiKeung

HongKong○�○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○�○�Total ○�○�AW ○○○○

Turf 22�15 ST800g T7 -  CYHo - - - 8 � - 4 3 4 11� - - 0.45.11 - 0.46.96 - MrStunning RacingSupernova Barrier trial 492 20�16AST1200g 11724(60-40)  BPrebble 124 CF 5214� 6 6 7 6 3� 16 8.1 1.10.52 23.04 1.11.12 23.166 HappyCooperation SuperiorBoy ............wide 700m�530 3�16B2ST1200g 11744(60-40)  BPrebble 121 CF 5213� 2 2 2 2 1� 21 11 1.09.66 22.08 1.09.84 22.184 CarefreeLetGo HomeRun ...............good run�616N4�16C3HV1200g 11714(60-40)  BPrebble 126 CF 5312� 7 7 7 7 4 3.1 3.5 1.10.55 23.64 1.11.19 23.606 PearlWarmWarm ConfuciusSpirit .... steadied 800m�659 22�16AST1200g 11684(60-40)  BPrebble 125 CF 5314� 4 4 3 4 2� 2.8 2.3 1.09.31 23.49 1.09.66 23.727 RegencyDarling DrListening ................... fair run【Comment】RolledToOccupyTheBoxSeat,HadEveryPossibleChanceInStraight,However,FinishedOffOnlyOnePace.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】T426【BestResult】 4 �16HV1200 g 4 BPrebble 126 53� 7 7 7 7 4 23.60 Pearl Warm Warm【BestTime】 4 �16HV1200 g 4 BPrebble 126 53� 7 7 7 7 4 23.60 Pearl Warm Warm【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1200 ag - ZPurton - - � - 2 2 1 3� - 1.10.37 - Romantic Touch


【Cl.4】○�○� 1stUp○○○○【Odds】11�~11� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】121�~121�Gd-Firm○○○○【Rtg.】52�~52� Good○�○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1174� Soft ○○○○【Trump】○�○� Heavy○○○○

108dayssinceraced R.B.51.8 R.B.50.3 25�,5G(3P0T)1B0S33T 24.3BrightStrike 23.0CleverSpirit

8 Sharp Hunter  D Whyte 124-4

DEF51-2 � B


HK$ 1,763,500 Choisir (AUS) - Minnie Kc by Toca Madera(GB)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasSecretWeapon.Damplacedover1400mto2000m Flying-speedSyndicate

HongKong����HV ○���Pre-Import �○��ST �○��Total ����AW ○○○�

341N20�16CHV1200gy11054(60-40)  RMoore 130DEF 5711� B 8 8 8 3 2� 12 17 1.11.30 23.11 1.11.74 22.751 TimelyArrived CircuitKing ............good finish�411N17�16BHV1650g 11154(60-40)  RMoore 132DEF 5712� B 9 121010 41� 6.8 9.5 1.40.94 24.30 1.47.54 28.1010 HappySpirit Axiom ........ lame left fore 467N9�16AHV1650gy11164(60-40)  DWhyte 131DEF 5712� B-SR1 8 8 8 9 5� 15 20 1.42.03 24.33 1.42.93 24.558 LightningPegasus Telephatia .....tight in straight�527 3�16B2ST1400g 11104(60-40)  DWhyte 128DEF 5514� SR-B2 141211 7 5 20 19 1.22.23 23.37 1.23.01 23.274 Molly'sJadeStar PrinceFalcon ...........passed few�596N27�16CHV1200g 11154(60-40)  NCallan 128DEF 5312� B 1010 9 3 1� 25 27 1.10.31 23.95 1.10.51 22.711 LuckyProfit Gentilis .......flashed home【Comment】TakenBackFromAWideDraw,RacedAtRearOnRail,SlightlyImprovedOnTurn,FinishedOffVeryStronglyInStraightToGet3rd.【Pre-Import】Late:ChoisTheIdea4Starts2W1P1L,HKD$164,420,won1000-1200M【BrandNo.】P097【BestResult】15 �14HV1200 g 3 JMoreira 115 61� 4 4 3 2 SH 22.87 My Name Is Bond【BestTime】15 �14HV1200 g 3 JMoreira 115 61� 4 4 3 2 SH 22.87 My Name Is Bond【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST1050 g - DWhyte - - � - 5 5 4 4� - 1.02.27 - Smiling Glory


【Cl.4】○��� 1stUp○○��【Odds】35�~3.1� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】130�~115�Gd-Firm○���【Rtg.】64�~53� Good����【Night】○��� Yield○○��【H.Wt.】1136�~1095�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○�○� Heavy○○○○

133dayssinceraced A.T.58.7 D.Whyte53.5 A.T.1.00.6 A.T.23.925�,7G(0P0T)1B25S29T 27.3 24.1 28.6 23.9

9 Yo-yo Da  N Callan 119-5

WYS46-3 � H


HK$ 1,999,125 Danerich - Earthwarming by Canny LadSirewasagroup3winnerover1000mto1100mandsamesireasRomanticCash.Damunraced LindsayRacingSyndicate

HongKong����HV ○���Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○○

449N2�16C3HV1000g 11444(60-40) 2CKTong 129WYS 5712� HT - 1110 6 5� 12 21 0.57.34 22.93 0.58.19 22.902 MomentOfPower Fantastico ...........passed few�484N16�16BHV1200g 11454(60-40)  BPrebble 128WYS 5512� HT 5 5 3 4 2� 5.2 5.6 1.10.39 24.18 1.10.84 24.394 MightyEquus WinningTalent ............one paced�616N4�16C3HV1200g 11234(60-40) 7HNWong 119WYS 5312� HT 6 6 6 8 4� 11 11 1.10.55 23.64 1.11.26 23.798 PearlWarmWarm ConfuciusSpirit ........no challenge�659 22�16AST1200g 11294(60-40)  NCallan 123WYS 5114� HT 5 5 5 5 2� 15 17 1.09.31 23.49 1.09.74 23.443 RegencyDarling DrListening ......dropped reins�721N15�16BHV1200gf11494(60-40)  NRawiller 124WYS 4912� HT 3 3 5 5 3� 25 11 1.10.27 23.70 1.10.82 23.818 SecretAgent RobustMomentum ........... raced wide【Comment】PressedForwardFromOutsideDraw,Racing3-wideWithoutCoverOutsideLeaderBeforeEasing2lBackAtTurn.KeptOnWellTill200mWhenFlattened.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S104【BestResult】 4 �15HV1200 g 4 NRawiller 126 53� 4 4 5 2 SH 23.56 Winning King【BestTime】 1 �15HV1200 gf 4 BPrebble 130 55� 2 2 2 3 � 23.70 Lyric Ace【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1050 ag - NCallan - - � - 4 4 4 3 - 1.01.76 - Sea Ruby


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】68�~2.9� FAV ○�○○【C.Wt.】131�~114�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】61�~46� Good○���【Night】○��� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1152�~1123�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

84dayssinceraced R.B.51.7 R.B.25.4 N.Callan56.0 R.B.30.425�,8G(0P0T)1B27S32T 24.6 25.4 26.0 30.4

Page 21: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari






10Glory Horsie  J Moreira 118+7

DC45 � B


HK$ 4,072,195 Flying Spur - Hasna by SnippetsSirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1600mandsamesireasGlobeTrotter.Damwasagroup1winnerover1000mto1600m LawCheuk

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○○

449N2�16C3HV1000g 12724(60-40) 2CYHo 115 DC 4312� B - 2 2 3 1� 41 62 0.57.34 22.93 0.57.60 23.157 MomentOfPower Fantastico ...............good run 466N9�16AHV1200gy12744(60-40) 2KCLeung 115 DC 4212� B 1 1 1 6 1 18 9.0 1.11.11 24.25 1.11.28 24.4210 EmperorVictory Craig'sFortune ..........led till 300m�567 16�16C3ST1000gf12664(60-40) 2KCLeung 115 DC 4214� B - 3 3 11 6� 24 29 0.55.54 21.98 0.56.58 22.8614 Adventurer WinningVibe ..........faded badly�630N11�16AHV1000g 12615(40-15) 7KKChiong 126 DC 4012� B - 5 6 1 SH 4.4 5.3 0.57.54 23.41 0.57.54 22.773 GreatSpeed HighlandDragon .....impressive win 670 29�16A3ST1000g 12554(60-40) 7HNWong 111 DC 4514� B - 1 1 4 2 28 24 0.56.06 22.17 0.56.38 22.499 RedKylin WonderfulChaser ............... shifted in【Comment】PressedForwardToTakeTheOuterFenceAndShareTheLead,KeptOnGamelyUntil100mWeakened.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】M273【BestResult】30 �11HV1200 g 4 DWhyte 132 58� 3 3 3 1 NK 22.93 Gold Winner【BestTime】19 �12HV1200 g 3 DWhyte 124 70� 2 2 2 3 1 23.63 All Victory【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1050 ag - HTMo - - � - 2 2 3 1� - 1.01.50 - Sea Ruby


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】62�~2.3� FAV ����【C.Wt.】132�~106�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】70�~40� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1272�~1205�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

101dayssinceraced Trainer57.2 R.B.28.1 30�,6G(0P0T)1B0S35T 27.0 28.1

11Winning Star  H W Lai 117-8

LH44-8 � P


HK$ - War Chant (USA) - Morena Park by Pivotal(GB)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1700m.Damwasalistedwinnerover1300mto1600m TheSunflowerSyndicate

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○○Pre-Import ����ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○○

�531 3�16B2ST1000g 10333(80-60) 2KCLeung 117 LH 6414� - 121213 15� 99 99 0.55.74 22.24 0.58.20 24.0613 BadBoy FortuneBoBo ...................... failed�589 24�16AST1400y 10103(80-60)  HWLai 118 LH 6214� 10111413 20� 99 99 1.23.79 23.96 1.27.06 26.1113 FriendsOfNanjing People'sKnight .................no show 713 12�16CST1400gy10054(60-40) 2THSo 131 LH 5914� P1 14141310 10� 99 99 1.22.14 23.07 1.23.79 23.566 ABeautiful CourValant .........showed little�749 26�16AST1400gf10064(60-40) 2THSo 127 LH 5614� P 14141412 8� 99 99 1.22.19 23.52 1.23.54 23.7110 CheerfulBoy WorldRecord .......... little interest�776 10�16B2ST1800gf10144(60-40)  GLerena 125 LH 5214� P 8 1013 8 9 99 99 1.47.60 23.91 1.49.03 24.228 HitAHomeRun WealthyFortune .........showed little【Comment】RacedMidfield,Travelled4lsBehindTheLeader2WideWithCover,NeverRanOnAndPassedSomeTiredHorsesOnly.【Pre-Import】Late:Weekendatbernies10Starts1W5P4L,HKD$118,490,won1400M【BrandNo.】T221【BestResult】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BestTime】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - HWLai - - � - 9 8 1110� - 1.00.01 - Grand Harbour


【Cl.4】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○○ Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced H.W.Lai1.00.5 H.W.Lai1.00.5 H.W.Lai28.2 H.W.Lai54.53�,6G(0P0T)1B0S32T 27.7 28.5 28.2 25.3

12Royal Spirit  M Chadwick 116-5

CWC43-4 � B


HK$ - Oratorio (IRE) - Kirra Beach by Scenic(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto2000mandsamesireasMilitaryAttack.Damunplaced DrCarlLeungKaKui,PauloSam,HenrySamChienMan&ChowHong

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import �○○�ST ○○○�Total �○○�AW ○○○�

�568 16�16 ST1200ag10304(60-40) 2CKTong 129CWC 5512� BT1 1111 7 6 1� 98 99 1.10.12 22.98 1.10.35 22.612 Respect ModernFortune ...........passed few�625 7�16 ST1200ag10244(60-40)  OBosson 127CWC 5412� BT 10101111 9 16 17 1.09.29 22.49 1.10.75 23.2710 DejaVu Helen'sChoice ...............slow start��662 22�16AST1400gf10244(60-40) 2CKTong 123CWC 5214� BT 12101113 8� 81 99 1.22.20 23.49 1.23.59 24.0811 Molly'sJadeStar G-oneLover .........showed little�680N1�16C3HV1200g 10114(60-40) 2CKTong 122CWC 5012� BT 8 8 9 9 4� 71 99 1.10.43 23.23 1.11.15 23.276 NeverBetter FlyingMonkey .........middle pack 728 19�16C3ST1600gf10264(60-40)  ODoleuze 121CWC 4714� BT 131412 8 3� 81 99 1.34.31 23.53 1.34.90 23.486 LittleFantasy HouseOfFun ......closed off well【Comment】TakenBehindFromWidestToRailInLastTrio,ShiftedOut&RiddenIntoStretch,KeptOnOkToMidDivision.【Pre-Import】Late:OperaticRescue3Starts1W0P2L,HKD$31,900,won1400M【BrandNo.】T257【BestResult】17 �15HV1200 gf 3 MLYeung 119 67� 11 11 11 8 6� 99 1.10.82 22.55 Caga Force【BestTime】17 �15HV1200 gf 3 MLYeung 119 67� 11 11 11 8 6� 99 1.10.82 22.55 Caga Force【BarrierTrial】11 �16 ST1200 ag - NRawiller - - � - 4 3 3 7� - 1.11.90 - Charity Glory


【Cl.4】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

80dayssinceraced R.B.1.06.3 R.B.55.9 R.B.51.0 R.B.53.7 R.B.55.1 R.B.51.420�,9G(4P1T)0B0S36T 32.4EquityDoctrine 27.5Thunderstroke 25.3 26.3Commandant 27.6 24.3Thunderstroketurg

R1Victor Emperor   122+3



HK$ 1,442,600 Kaphero - Frustration by Charnwood Forest(IRE)Sirewasagroup3winnerover1000mto1200m.Damwasawinnerover1200mDavidLaiHinKiu

HongKong����HV �○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○�

�560N13�16AHV1650gy11214(60-40)  CSchofield 126CHY 5312� B-T 3 4 4 4 6� 19 11 1.41.59 24.44 1.42.65 25.065 Tom'sCharm TheSylph ............one paced 577N20�16BHV1200g 11014(60-40)  GLerena 126CHY 5311� B2T 7 7 8 11 7� 8.7 6.9 1.10.38 24.02 1.11.58 24.2611 MasterViking NeverBetter .no extra, straight�624 7�16CST1200g 11164(60-40)  DWhyte 127CHY 5212� BT 8 8 9 9 4� 31 31 1.09.83 23.04 1.10.50 23.0711 UnleashedDragon SupremeFlight .........showed little�726 19�16 ST1200ag11204(60-40)  DWhyte 125CHY 5012� BT 9 9 10 6 3� 61 59 1.09.13 23.09 1.09.68 22.842 HorseSupremo PlanetGiant ............one paced 745 26�16AST1200gf11224(60-40) 2THSo 119CHY 4814� B-T 8 8 7 2 1� 14 18 1.09.02 22.81 1.09.22 22.412 BabaMama CircuitKing ...............good run【Comment】HardRiddenToKeepUpInMidfieldAlongTheFence,PaceGood,DashedWell300mFor2nd.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S425【BestResult】 2 �16HV1200 g 4 CSchofield118 47� 4 4 4 1 1 22.59 Circuit King【BestTime】 2 �16HV1200 g 4 CSchofield118 47� 4 4 4 1 1 22.59 Circuit King【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1200 ag - CSchofield - - � - 9 9 9 11� - 1.12.06 - House Of Luck


【Cl.4】���� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】27�~2.6� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】132�~115�Gd-Firm��○�【Rtg.】50�~39� Good����【Night】�○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1123�~1111� Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

73dayssinceraced R.B.58.1 CSchofield53.0 CSchofield56.0 R.B.53.1 R.B.52.21�,7G(0P0T)1B24S29T 26.6 25.0 25.7 23.8 24.0

R2 I'm The Won For U   123-3



HK$ 96,000 Intense Focus (USA) - Kayak by SingspielSirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1400mandsamesireasV404.Damwasawinnerover1800m LilySchengHsiFeng&VickyTang

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import ��○�ST ○○○�Total ��○�AW ○○○�

�381 6�16 ST1200ag10414(60-40)  BPrebble 132MeT 5912� 1111 7 4 4� 17 9.8 1.08.79 23.25 1.09.48 23.543 GrandPlus MyLegend ......closed off well�435 28�16 ST1200ag10444(60-40)  JMoreira 132MeT 5812� P1 4 4 6 9 5 5.4 6.6 1.09.30 23.86 1.10.09 23.939 Helen'sChoice TravelComforts ......lame right fore�625 7�16 ST1200ag10304(60-40)  CSchofield 129MeT 5612� P- 121212 4 1� 36 56 1.09.29 22.49 1.09.56 21.961 DejaVu Helen'sChoice ......closed off well�686 5�16 ST1200af10404(60-40)  CSchofield 128MeT 5512� 8 8 6 6 5� 4.6 6.1 1.08.87 22.90 1.09.77 23.288 TravelNumberOne Respect ..........cuts left fore 745 26�16AST1200gf10294(60-40)  DWhyte 126MeT 5314� 5 5 5 6 3� 11 17 1.09.02 22.81 1.09.53 22.845 BabaMama VictorEmperor ......dropped whip【Comment】PushedEarly,HoldTheRailInFrontOfMidfield,PaceGood,JustHeldGroundInStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:MidtermBreak7Starts3W1P3L,HKD$1,220,750,won1000-1257M【BrandNo.】T364【BestResult】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BestTime】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST1050 g - NRawiller - - � - 7 6 6 5� - 1.02.89 - Iron Boy


【Cl.4】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

73dayssinceraced NRawiller27.1 R.B.55.1 NRawiller1.22.1 R.B.51.6 3�,6G(2P0T)1B0S22T 27.1 26.7 25.0 23.5ForzaAvanti

Page 22: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

T146 S414 T117 T363 T151 T145 V008 P439 T029 P417 M401 N040 T297 T379

Speed Last6Race&Priority Number/HorseName Wt. Jockey Win% Draw Trainer Win% Rtg.+/- Age Gear Record Trip����11-11-1- 8 - 5-5 �Jolly Gene 133 MChadwick - � ASCruz 20% 79 5 HT �○○� �○○�����10-3 -2- 3 -1-6 +�King Of Mongolia 131 JMoreira 10% � CSShum 13% 77-1 6 T ���� ��������7 -2 -1- 3 - 9-5 �Golden Sleep 129 KTeetan - � ATMillard - 75 6 T ���� ��������3 -2 -6- 6 -3-7 +�Happy Contender 125 ODoleuze - � RGibson - 71-2 4 ○��� ○○○�����6 -3 -6- 9 -10-4 �Chater Legend 122 DWhyte 13% � DEFerraris - 68-3 5 SRT �○�� �○������5 - 4 -1- 2 -2-5 +�Lotus Strikes Back 122 ZPurton 13% � JMoore - 68 5 B ��○� ○○○�����4 -2 -8- 6 -3-1 �Happy Spirit 116 5KCNg - � ASCruz 20% 67 5 HT ���� �○������9 - 5 -11- 7 - 9-11 �Vanilla 119 2CYHo - � CFownes - 67-2 7 B ���� ○○○�����2 -2 -1-11-3-2 +�Ho Ho Feel 116 2KCLeung 11% � CHYip - 64+2 5 HX ���� �○○�����8 - 8 -5-12-2-10 �Lucky Hammer 117 YTCheng - � YSTsui 30% 63-4 7 BT ���� ��○�����5 - 8 -7- 3 - 7-1 �Towering Storm 114 2MLYeung - � PFYiu - 62 8 B ���� ○○○�����9 -10-5-12-11-9 �Regency King 113 2THSo - � WYSo 9.1% 61-4 9 HT ���� ����Stand-byStarter:����12-10-5- 8 -3-1 R1 Dashing King 130 - - - YSTsui 30% 76-1 5 B �○�� �○������1 -1 -9- 4 - 6-12 R2 Inventor 123 - - - CSShum 13% 69+6 5 BT �○○� �○○○


【Triple Trio 3rd Leg】【Treble 1st Leg】【Six Up 4th Leg】【2nd Double Trio 1st Leg】

Standard time : 1.40.70 Class Record : 27/09/2006 Dordenma D Whyte 130lbs 1.38.70 Course Record : 27/09/2006 Dordenma D Whyte 130lbs 1.38.70

6016 Prize money $ 1,235,000 1st57% $703,950 2nd22% $271,700 3rd11.5% $142,025 4th6% $74,100 5th3.5% $43,2259:45 p.m.

� � � � � � � � � � � � R1 R2

Happy Valley 1650m Distance Best time 1650mR2 Inventor 50.0% R2 Inventor 100.0% � Regency King 01:39.46� Ho Ho Feel 44.4% R1 Dashing King 58.3% R2 Inventor 01:39.49� Happy Spirit 37.5% � King Of Mongolia 46.7% � King Of Mongolia 01:39.68R1 Dashing King 33.3% � Happy Spirit 33.3% � Lucky Hammer 01:39.78� King Of Mongolia 29.2% � Ho Ho Feel 33.3% � Chater Legend 01:40.32� Jolly Gene 25.0% � Regency King 27.0% � Golden Sleep 01:40.38

� Ho Ho Feel � King Of Mongolia � Golden Sleep � Happy Spirit

Ho Ho Feelismorematureandkeepsonprogressing,hasabigchanceofwinning.King Of Mongoliahassolidformoverthisdistanceandtrialednicely,shouldbetheonetobeat.Golden Sleepimprovedattheendoflastseason,andcancontinueon.Happy Spiritmaycontrolthetempoofrace,shouldnotbeoverlooked.



1 Jolly Gene  M Chadwick 133+6

ASC79 � H


HK$ 1,516,650 Galileo - Luas Line by Danehill(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1600mto2400mandsamesireasGiovanniCanaletto.Damwasagroup1winnerover1200mto1800m Mr&MrsKennyChengTsinKi

HongKong�○○�HV �○○�Pre-Import ����ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○○

434N24�16CHV1800g 10933(80-60) 2MLYeung 129ASC 7512� HT 5 6 7 5 3 9.7 9.9 1.51.10 23.84 1.51.59 23.774 PackingDragon Andoyas .no extra, straight 513 28�16A3ST2000g 10753(80-60)  MChadwick128ASC 7514� HT 6 7 8 8 6� 9.4 8.9 2.02.01 23.09 2.03.01 23.498 Happilababy HappyRocky .......midfield early 579N20�16BHV2200g 10723(85-60)  MChadwick124ASC 7412� HT 7 3 3 1 SH 13 15 2.17.30 24.47 2.17.30 24.354 Allcash ToweringStorm ........... fighting win�636N11�16AHV1800g 10753(80-60)  MChadwick132ASC 7912� HT 5 5 6 11 5 12 7.7 1.50.16 23.61 1.50.97 23.989 LotusStrikesBack PoChingTreasure .................poor run�703 9�16AHV1650g 10803(80-60) 5KCNg 127ASC 7912� HT 12121211 8� 61 76 1.40.62 23.80 1.41.97 24.079 IndustrialistWay Pikachu ......pushed along【Comment】FailedToMusterDespiteRidden,HeldUpInLastOver10lsOffThePace,MadeNoProgressOnLeadersEnteringStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:ImpulsiveMoment5Starts1W2P2L,HKD$257,440,won1601M【BrandNo.】T146【BestResult】 6 �16HV1650 g 3 MLYeung 123 69� 2 2 2 1 � 23.97 Amazingly【BestTime】 6 �16HV1650 g 3 MLYeung 123 69� 2 2 2 1 � 23.97 Amazingly【BarrierTrial】24 �16 ST1200 g - MChadwick - - � - 10 10 1020� - 1.13.30 - Lucky Profit


【Cl.3】�○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】15�~7.8� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】124�~123�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】74�~69� Good�○○�【Night】�○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1075�~1072�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced R.B.1.00.2 R.B.57.6 R.B.57.31�,7G(0P0T)1B32S33T 27.6 27.6 28.7

2 King Of Mongolia  J Moreira 131-2

CSS77-1 � T


HK$ 2,190,275 Casino Prince - Simply Enchanting by Forest Wildcat(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1100mto1600mandsamesireasSpicySure.Damplacedover1200mto1400mondirt JohnYuenSeKit

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ����ST ��○�Total ����AW ○○○○

�505N23�16CHV1650gy11203(80-60)  JMoreira 126CSS 7012� T 3 4 3 1 � 3.8 3.4 1.42.23 24.21 1.42.23 23.856 FormulaWon TenFlames ...............good run�599N27�16CHV1650g 11203(80-60)  JMoreira 128CSS 7512� T 4 5 5 3 3� 3.1 4.0 1.40.48 23.29 1.41.08 23.373 MagicalBeauty ChoiceTreasure ............good finish 653N18�16BHV1650g 11193(80-60)  NRawiller 130CSS 7514� T 5 5 5 2 SH 7.5 9.1 1.39.67 24.06 1.39.68 23.473 MagicalBeauty Tom'sCharm ...blundered early 703 9�16AHV1650g 11193(80-60)  NRawiller 131CSS 7812� T 6 7 8 3 1 3.6 6.3 1.40.62 23.80 1.40.79 23.331 IndustrialistWay Pikachu ............... lost plate 743N22�16CHV1650gf11103(80-60)  NRawiller 133CSS 7812� T 7 9 9 10 5� 11 13 1.41.64 22.61 1.42.55 22.727 SoCaffe SuperFluke ..wide throughout【Comment】CaughtWideNoCoverBehindMidfield,FoundDisappointinglyLittleWhenAsked,NeverReachedContention.【Pre-Import】Late:GoldChip7Starts2W3P2L,HKD$373,800,won1500-1600M【BrandNo.】S414【BestResult】23 �16HV1650 gy 3 JMoreira 126 70� 3 4 3 1 � 23.85 Formula Won【BestTime】18 �16HV1650 g 3 NRawiller 130 75� 5 5 5 2 SH 23.47 Magical Beauty【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1200 ag - JMoreira - - � - 4 4 2 � - 1.10.65 - Club Life


【Cl.3】���� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】15�~3.4� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】131�~123�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】78�~70� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1120�~1091�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced HTMo29.6 Trainer55.9 JMoreira46.818�,4G(2P1T)1B27S41T 29.6 26.0SpeedyLongwah 21.7CharityJoyturg

Page 23: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari








3 Golden Sleep  K Teetan 129+1

ATM75 � T


HK$ 1,196,530 Sail From Seattle (CAN) - Circle Of Gold by Al Mufti(USA)Sirewasalistedwinnerover1100mto1400mandsamesireasFiveUpHigh.Damwasawinnerover1600mand1800m DavidHuiCheungWing

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import �○��ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○○

�564N13�16AHV1650gy11463(80-60)  GLerena 126ATM 6912� T 9 1010 9 4� 9.8 12 1.40.75 24.36 1.41.49 24.146 RedMarvel FormulaWon .........showed little�581N20�16BHV1650g 11383(80-60)  KTeetan 120ATM 6711� T 1 2 3 3 NK 10 10 1.40.40 24.59 1.40.45 24.445 GonnaRun HeroicGuru ...............good run 655N18�16BHV1650g 11563(80-60)  KTeetan 121ATM 6812� T 1 2 1 1 SH 4.7 6.5 1.40.53 24.17 1.40.53 24.179 HeroicGuru Superoi ..Blood in trachea�720N15�16BHV1650gf11663(80-60) 7KKChiong 120ATM 7310� T 2 2 2 2 1� 6.4 7.3 1.40.14 23.60 1.40.38 23.723 ClassicEmperor LuckyProfit ..swamped 150m�780 10�16B2ST1600gf11573(80-60)  KTeetan 128ATM 7513� T 3 4 4 7 3� 21 23 1.33.56 23.29 1.34.18 23.5910 UniqueJoyous EnormousHonour .........middle pack【Comment】PressedForward,RacingWide2lFromLeaderToTurn.RolledForwardTopOfStraightToLookAChance200mWhenSteadied,ThenOne-paced.【Pre-Import】Late:ElusiveGold5Starts3W1P1L,HKD$529,440,won1600M【BrandNo.】T117【BestResult】18 �16HV1650 g 3 KTeetan 121 68� 1 2 1 1 SH 24.17 Heroic Guru【BestTime】15 �16HV1650 gf 3 KKChiong120 73� 2 2 2 2 1� 23.72 Classic Emperor【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - KTeetan - - � - 5 3 7 3� - 0.59.04 - Winning Vibe


【Cl.3】���� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】10�~6.5� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】121�~120�Gd-Firm○�○�【Rtg.】73�~67� Good�○��【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1166�~1138�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○��� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced R.B.54.6 R.B.24.7 1�,5G(0P0T)1B0S30T 25.2 24.7

4 Happy Contender  O Doleuze 125+6

RG71-2 � GER4


HK$ 658,225 Areion - Sun Valley by LandoSirewasagroup2winnerover1200mto1300m.Damhadonewinoutof18starts Healthy&HappyRacingSyndicate

HongKong○���HV ○○��Pre-Import ����ST ○�○�Total ����AW ○○��

�462 6�16 ST1800ag11373(80-60)  EDaSilva 125 RG 7213� B 4 2 2 3 1 65 99 1.48.96 22.70 1.49.13 22.838 LittleDragon YoungRanger ............good finish�552 10�16CST1800gy11243(80-60)  ODoleuze 126 RG 7314� B 4 3 3 6 3� 22 25 1.48.07 24.14 1.48.59 24.4610 Mcqueen LuckyGirl .no extra, straight�644 14�16 ST1650ws11343(80-60)  CSchofield 127 RG 7314� B 6 5 6 6 2� 13 13 1.37.70 23.71 1.38.12 23.776 TravelFirst UltimateGlory ...bumped at start 716 12�16CST1800gy11343(80-60)  CSchofield 124 RG 7113� B- 2 4 2 2 SH 16 12 1.48.48 23.48 1.48.50 23.384 LuckyGirl SavvyNature ........... just missed�741N22�16CHV2200gf11223(80-60) 7KKChiong 119 RG 7312� 2 3 2 3 4� 14 6.1 2.16.17 23.27 2.16.94 23.847 RenaissanceArt Allcash ...............good run【Comment】RolledForwardToShareTheLead,MovedAwayFromTheRailTo2WideAt900m,KeptOnWellUntilHeadedInside50m.【Pre-Import】Late:Sherlock4Starts1W2P1L,HKD$658,400,won1600M【BrandNo.】T363【BestResult】16 �15HV1650 g 3 RFourie 133 80� 8 8 8 8 5� 99 1.43.25 23.27 Young Ranger【BestTime】16 �15HV1650 g 3 RFourie 133 80� 8 8 8 8 5� 99 1.43.25 23.27 Young Ranger【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1200 ag - CSchofield - - � - 8 9 9 9� - 1.11.50 - Blocker Dee


【Cl.3】○��� 1stUp○○�○【Odds】99�~6.1� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】129�~119�Gd-Firm○○��【Rtg.】73�~71� Good○○��【Night】○○�� Yield��○�【H.Wt.】1137�~1122�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○�� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced R.B.1.31.2 R.B.30.018�,4G(1P0T)1B29S41T 27.4 30.0

5 Chater Legend  D Whyte 122-4

DEF68-3 � SR


HK$ 1,157,875 Tamayuz (GB) - Encouragement by Royal Applause(GB)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1600m.Damplacedover1200m HkCricketClubSyndicate

HongKong�○��HV �○��Pre-Import ����ST ○○��Total ����AW ○○○○

�536 3�16B2ST1400g 10233(80-60)  NCallan 131DEF 7714� SRT 7 7 4 10 4� 45 62 1.22.25 22.95 1.23.03 23.4513 NoneOther SuperFluke .no extra, straight�599N27�16CHV1650g 10253(80-60)  NCallan 128DEF 7512� SRT 9 1110 9 7� 20 15 1.40.48 23.29 1.41.65 23.464 MagicalBeauty ChoiceTreasure unbalanced early�655N18�16BHV1650g 10323(80-60)  GLerena 126DEF 7312� SRT 7 7 4 6 1� 19 25 1.40.53 24.17 1.40.81 24.017 GoldenSleep HeroicGuru ....shifted in 150m 704 9�16AHV1650g 10313(80-60)  NCallan 124DEF 7112� SRT 5 6 6 3 1 13 17 1.41.09 23.63 1.41.26 23.283 Inventor SoCaffe ......closed off well 743N22�16CHV1650gf10283(80-60)  NCallan 126DEF 7112� SRT 9 7 7 6 4� 9.1 16 1.41.64 22.61 1.42.34 22.634 SoCaffe SuperFluke .....awkward early【Comment】BeganAwkwardlyAndLostGround,HeldUpBehindMidfield5lsBack,StayedOnFinal300mWithoutThreatToLeaders.【Pre-Import】Late:LegendRising10Starts3W2P5L,HKD$325,460,won1012-1511M【BrandNo.】T151【BestResult】22 �15HV1650 gf 3 DWhyte 126 73� 7 6 6 1 1� 23.18 Agiaal【BestTime】22 �15HV1650 gf 3 DWhyte 126 73� 7 6 6 1 1� 23.18 Agiaal【BarrierTrial】19 �16 ST1050 ws - CSchofield - - � - 5 5 5 2 - 1.04.17 - Fantastic Feeling


【Cl.3】�○�� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】17�~3.0� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】128�~124�Gd-Firm�○��【Rtg.】74�~71� Good○○��【Night】�○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1061�~1031�Soft ○○○�【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced R.B.1.01.0 D.Whyte1.23.1 R.B.58.2 D.Whyte23.225�,7G(0P0T)1B25S30T 27.2 23.9 27.5 23.2

6 Lotus Strikes Back  Z Purton 122+1

JM68 � B


HK$ 1,223,500 Danehill Dancer (IRE) - Splashdown by Falbrav(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1400mandsamesireasAllcash.Damwasalistedwinnerover1400mand2000m CalvinChengKaSing

HongKong��○�HV �○○�Pre-Import �○○○ST ○�○�Total ��○�AW ○○○○

494 20�16AST2000g 10494(60-40)  TBerry 130 JM 5714� V-B2 5 5 7 2 1� 3.5 4.8 2.05.22 23.00 2.05.40 22.782 RougeEtBlanc RockTheTree ...............good run 571 16�16C3ST1800gf10304(60-40)  JMoreira 132 JM 5814� B 5 5 4 2 NS 2.0 2.8 1.48.06 22.84 1.48.07 22.572 RougeEtBlanc HoHoFeel ......closed off well�636N11�16AHV1800g 10113(80-60)  JMoreira 116 JM 6112� B 7 7 7 1 � 2.4 2.2 1.50.16 23.61 1.50.16 23.171 PoChingTreasure IndustrialistWay ............ fought well�685N1�16C3HV1800g 10153(80-60)  JMoreira 122 JM 6812� B 9 9 9 4 2 2.3 3.3 1.49.96 23.86 1.50.27 23.452 HeroicGuru HappySpirit ......... finished well�741N22�16CHV2200gf10323(80-60)  JMoreira 121 JM 6812� B 6 8 6 5 6� 3.2 3.5 2.16.17 23.27 2.17.25 23.796 RenaissanceArt Allcash ................... fair run【Comment】SlottedIntoMidfieldAlongTheRail,3-3/4lOffTheLead,KeptOnOnePaceAndDidNotSeriouslyThreaten.【Pre-Import】Late:Synergise1Starts1W0P0L,HKD$65,080,won1400M【BrandNo.】T145【BestResult】24 �15HV1650 g 3 MChadwick118 68� 6 8 7 6 2� 40 1.41.15 23.01 Star Majestic【BestTime】 3 �15HV1650 gf 3 MChadwick121 68� 11 12 11 7 3� 62 1.41.00 23.33 Bullish Boy【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1200 ag - SClipperton - - � - 12 12 1115� - 1.12.49 - Blocker Dee


【Cl.3】�○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】4.8�~2.2� FAV ��○�【C.Wt.】132�~116�Gd-Firm○�○�【Rtg.】61�~57� Good��○�【Night】�○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1049�~1011�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced R.B.1.24.9 Z.Purton53.230�,2G(1P0T)1B31S33T 24.8 24.9

7 Happy Spirit 5K C Ng 116-1

ASC67 � H


HK$ 1,511,375 Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) - Nanosecond by Dehere(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1400mandsamesireasDesignsOnRome.Damwasawinnerover1400m EdwardChanKwokMan&KarenChanKaYin

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○○

471N9�16AHV1650gy10893(80-60) 5KCNg 112ASC 6412� HT 2 2 2 3 1� 9.9 6.6 1.41.02 24.70 1.41.22 24.789 DashingKing GiantStars ......... finished well�581N20�16BHV1650g 10983(80-60) 2CYHo 116ASC 6511� HT 5 5 4 6 1� 4.1 3.1 1.40.40 24.59 1.40.66 24.578 GonnaRun HeroicGuru .......wide at 900m�655N18�16BHV1650g 10903(80-60) 5KCNg 113ASC 6512� HT 121212 8 2� 9.5 5.3 1.40.53 24.17 1.40.93 23.211 GoldenSleep HeroicGuru ......shifted in 50m 685N1�16C3HV1800g 10953(80-60) 5KCNg 114ASC 6512� HT 1 1 1 2 NK 7.7 4.5 1.49.96 23.86 1.50.00 23.905 HeroicGuru ClassicEmperor ............just beaten 743N22�16CHV1650gf10863(80-60) 5KCNg 117ASC 6712� HT 2 2 2 4 3 9.1 7.5 1.41.64 22.61 1.42.13 22.9410 SoCaffe SuperFluke ................... fair run【Comment】TrackedLeaderInSlowlyRunRace,HadEveryChanceLeavingHomeTurn,FoughtOnSamePaceOnly.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】V008【BestResult】17 �16HV1650 g 4 KCNg 128 58� 1 1 1 1 � 24.30 Axiom【BestTime】20 �16HV1650 g 3 CYHo 116 65� 5 5 4 6 1� 24.57 Gonna Run【BarrierTrial】24 �16 ST1200 g - KCNg - - � - 5 5 8 14� - 1.11.03 - Super Jockey


【Cl.3】○��� 1stUp○○○○【Odds】7.4�~4.5� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】128�~112�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】65�~52� Good��○�【Night】���� Yield�○�○【H.Wt.】1099�~1084�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced K.C.Ng1.01.2 R.B.1.01.4 K.C.Ng53.21�,7G(1P0T)1B32S34T 28.6 28.1 23.4MrKool

8 Vanilla 2C Y Ho 119-3

CF67-2 � B


HK$ 2,522,600 Host (CHI) - Soorena by Encosta De LagoSirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1800mandsamesireasHongKongCaptain.Damwasawinnerover1000m EdmondSiuKimPing

HongKong����HV ○○○�Pre-Import ��○�ST ○○○�Total ����AW ����

�636N11�16AHV1800g 10853(80-60) 2CYHo 128 CF 7712� B1 1010 9 9 4� 12 25 1.50.16 23.61 1.50.93 23.707 LotusStrikesBack PoChingTreasure ....................keenly 663 22�16AST1800gf10793(80-60) 2CYHo 127 CF 7514� B 1211 8 7 5 47 80 1.46.88 23.91 1.47.66 23.976 FullGlory GeneralSherman .....well back early 685N1�16C3HV1800g 10813(80-60) 2CYHo 125 CF 7312� B 12121211 8� 41 53 1.49.96 23.86 1.51.33 23.956 HeroicGuru HappySpirit .................poor run�716 12�16CST1800gy10873(80-60) 2CKTong 122 CF 7113� B 121313 5 4� 41 61 1.48.48 23.48 1.49.14 23.343 LuckyGirl HappyContender ............finished on 752 26�16AST1600gf10893(80-60) 2CKTong 122 CF 6913� B 121213 9 6� 65 99 1.33.63 23.25 1.34.71 23.093 AthenaBaby CaliforniaJoy ............one paced【Comment】BeganFairly,TakenToFace,SettlingAtRear.ShuffledBackToLastTurningForHome,BoxedOnOne-pacedInStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:Philippi8Starts5W1P2L,HKD$5,898,370,won1500-2040M【BrandNo.】P439【BestResult】16 �14HV1650 gf 1 CKTong 112 85� 8 8 9 107� 99 1.40.41 23.13 Secret Sham【BestTime】16 �14HV1650 gf 1 CKTong 112 85� 8 8 9 107� 99 1.40.41 23.13 Secret Sham【BarrierTrial】 6 �16 ST1200 ag - CYHo - - � - 6 6 5 1� - 1.11.02 - Mighty Maverick


【Cl.3】�○�� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】51�~4.6� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】133�~116�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】83�~75� Good○○○�【Night】○�○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1094�~1069�Soft ○○○○【Trump】��○� Heavy○○○○

73dayssinceraced R.B.49.7 R.B.50.6 R.B.1.20.7 25�,6G(1P0T)0B10S28T 23.5 24.2 24.8

9 Ho Ho Feel 2K C Leung 116+1

CHY64+2 � H


HK$ 1,612,300 Henrythenavigator (USA) - Minnie Deal by Street Cry(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1600mandsamesireasFlyingMoochi.Damunraced SimonTamNgakChou&TamHinChi

HongKong����HV ��○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○���Total ����AW ○○○�

�571 16�16C3ST1800gf11484(60-40)  DWhyte 128CHY 5414� HX 9 9 6 3 1� 11 8.6 1.48.06 22.84 1.48.36 22.663 RougeEtBlanc LotusStrikesBack ......... finished well�635N11�16AHV1650g 11424(60-40)  DWhyte 127CHY 5412� HXB1 9 101011 8� 5.4 5.2 1.40.26 23.65 1.41.63 24.105 SoCaffe Bossiee ...... held up 150m�683N1�16C3HV1800g 11544(60-40)  JMoreira 128CHY 5412� B-HX 7 7 5 1 1 4.6 3.9 1.50.44 23.77 1.50.44 23.332 AutumnGold RoyalPartner .....impressive win 748 26�16AST2000gf11554(60-40)  JMoreira 133CHY 6014� HX 8 7 6 2 NK 3.3 2.7 2.03.36 22.54 2.03.41 22.071 HolmesLegend AbleDeed ......closed off well 768N6�16AHV1800g 11513(80-60) 2KCLeung 115CHY 6212� HX 7 9 8 2 NS 9.1 8.2 1.50.58 23.74 1.50.58 23.263 SavvyNature FormulaWon ........... just missed【Comment】BrokeOkToParkBackOfMidfield1Off,Overraced950m,FannedWide&DrivenHomeTurn,ClosedStrongly,JustFailed.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】T029【BestResult】13 �16HV1650 g 4 BPrebble 121 47� 5 5 5 1 NK 22.58 Oscar Miracle【BestTime】11 �16HV1650 g 4 DWhyte 127 54� 9 10 10 118� 24.10 So Caffe【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - KCLeung - - � - 11 11 1113� - 1.00.61 - Winning Vibe


【Cl.3】○�○○ 1stUp○○○�【Odds】20�~2.7� FAV ��○○【C.Wt.】133�~115�Gd-Firm○��○【Rtg.】62�~47� Good��○�【Night】��○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1155�~1135�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced K.C.Leung53.7 R.B.53.8 K.C.Leung53.3 R.B.59.9 K.C.Leung55.125�,10G(4P0T)1B24S34T 25.2TravelFirst 25.2IndustrialistWay 25.2 26.9 25.4

Page 24: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari






10Lucky Hammer  Y T Cheng 117-5

MeT63-4 � B


HK$ 2,623,100 The Hammer - Supreme Knowledge by KnowledgeSirewasawinnerover900mto1200m.Damunraced TheYoungOnesSyndicate

HongKong����HV ��○�Pre-Import ��○�ST ○○��Total ����AW �○��

260N16�15BHV1650g 10843(80-60) 5KCNg 118CHY 6812� T 2 2 2 2 � 73 70 1.41.02 24.01 1.41.15 24.105 StrongFoundation BullishSmart ...............good run�343N20�16CHV1650gy10973(80-60)  RMoore 125MeT 7012� T 6 5 7 12 12 3.7 5.2 1.41.41 24.10 1.43.34 25.5512 TenFlames Bossiee .............tight 450m 653N18�16BHV1650g 10653(80-60)  YTCheng 125MeT 7014� B2T 1 1 1 5 3 12 11 1.39.67 24.06 1.40.14 24.5310 MagicalBeauty KingOfMongolia ....................keenly 703 9�16AHV1650g 10953(80-60)  YTCheng 122MeT 6912� BT 1 1 1 8 3� 23 17 1.40.62 23.80 1.41.22 24.4011 IndustrialistWay Pikachu .................used up 743N22�16CHV1650gf10753(80-60)  YTCheng 122MeT 6712� BT 3 3 4 8 5 32 26 1.41.64 22.61 1.42.45 23.1411 SoCaffe SuperFluke ........faded stretch【Comment】ChasedLeadersIn3rd,LackedAFinishingResponse300m,FadedAwayMid-straight.【Pre-Import】Late:SupremeSledge7Starts4W1P2L,HKD$267,970,won1200-1350M【BrandNo.】P417【BestResult】 9 �14HV1650 gf 4 ZPurton 133 60� 3 2 2 1 1� 23.02 Mazandaran【BestTime】26 �14HV1650 gf 3 ZPurton 125 72� 8 9 9 2 � 23.87 Good Choice【BarrierTrial】13 �16 ST1200 ag - YTCheng - - � - 1 1 1 1� - 1.09.91 - Sichuan Vigour


【Cl.3】���� 1stUp○○��【Odds】99�~6.5� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】133�~118�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】73�~60� Good○�○�【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1097�~1070�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced Y.T.Cheng54.1 Y.T.Cheng56.5 Y.T.Cheng1.24.6 Y.T.Cheng1.28.5 Y.T.Cheng55.3 1�,8G(5P0T)0B0S25T 25.6SkyHero 26.0 24.9 25.7 25.8AlwaysWongchoy

11Towering Storm 2M L Yeung 114-1

PFY62 � B


HK$ 3,627,750 Storming Home - Towaahi by Caerleon(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1400mto2400m.Damunraced PassionateFriendsRacingSyndicate

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import �○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○�

494 20�16AST2000g 11054(60-40)  NCallan 133POS 6014� B 12 7 10 7 4 19 23 2.05.22 23.00 2.05.86 23.046 RougeEtBlanc LotusStrikesBack ........slow to begin 579N20�16BHV2200g 11033(85-60)  KTeetan 113POS 6012� B 9 9 8 3 1 9.1 11 2.17.30 24.47 2.17.45 24.262 JollyGene Allcash ......finished nicely 636N11�16AHV1800g 10923(80-60)  KTeetan 116POS 6312� B 111210 7 4� 12 21 1.50.16 23.61 1.50.82 23.473 LotusStrikesBack PoChingTreasure .........middle pack�685N1�16C3HV1800g 11023(80-60)  KTeetan 117POS 6312� B 101010 8 4� 21 25 1.49.96 23.86 1.50.68 23.663 HeroicGuru HappySpirit ...........well beaten 768N6�16AHV1800g 10803(80-60) 2THSo 115PFY 6212� B 12 3 2 5 � 58 81 1.50.58 23.74 1.50.71 23.799 SavvyNature HoHoFeel ......... finished well【Comment】SqueezedUpAtStart&RacedAtTailUntilWideAdvanceFrom1120mToSitClose-up730m,Driven2nd380m,PressedLeadUntilEmptied100m,Tapered.【Pre-Import】Late:ToweringStorm1Starts1W0P0L,HKD$24,010,won1600M【BrandNo.】M401【BestResult】18 �13HV1650 g 3 WMLai 116 60� 10 10 10 4 3� 48 1.40.71 22.26 First Sight Love【BestTime】18 �13HV1650 g 3 WMLai 116 60� 10 10 10 4 3� 48 1.40.71 22.26 First Sight Love【BarrierTrial】16 �16 ST1200 ag - JMoreira - - � - 7 5 4 2� - 1.12.58 - Surreal



【Cl.3】○��� 1stUp○�○�【Odds】24�~3.6� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】132�~112�Gd-Firm○○��【Rtg.】62�~48� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1103�~1039�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced H.W.Lai56.3 R.B.56.7 R.B.1.01.0 JMoreira53.7 M.L.Yeung24.326�,7G(0P1T)0B28S38T 25.1 26.0 26.7 25.1 24.3

12Regency King 2T H So 113-4

WYS61-4 � H


HK$ 3,787,575 Pins (AUS) - Ice Maiden by O'reillySirewasagroup1winnerover1100mto2000mandsamesireasAerovelocity.Damwasawinnerover1200mto2050m Mr&MrsWongShunYuen

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ����ST ○���Total ����AW ○○○�

489N16�16BHV1800g 12003(85-60) 2MLYeung 119WYS 7312� HT 7 2 2 11 6� 38 58 1.51.72 23.90 1.52.79 24.8511 BasicTrilogy PhotonWillie .......used up early 553 10�16CST1600gy11973(80-60)  GLerena 125WYS 7012� HT 7 5 6 12 10 61 94 1.35.34 23.64 1.36.94 24.7612 RubyCoast BeautyPrince ...bumped at start 581N20�16BHV1650g 11913(80-60)  YTCheng 120WYS 6711� HT 1010 9 5 1� 58 99 1.40.40 24.59 1.40.60 24.033 GonnaRun HeroicGuru ..made ground late 655N18�16BHV1650g 11803(80-60)  YTCheng 120WYS 6712� HT 11111110 3� 14 18 1.40.53 24.17 1.41.14 23.503 GoldenSleep HeroicGuru ......shifted in 50m 703 9�16AHV1650g 11753(80-60)  BPrebble 119WYS 6512� HT 10 9 7 9 5� 24 27 1.40.62 23.80 1.41.47 24.018 IndustrialistWay Pikachu ...........passed few【Comment】DroppedBackToNearLast8lsBehindLeaderEarly,SwitchedTo3-wideBackStraight,KeptOnOnlyFairlyFinal300m,NeverThreatened.【Pre-Import】Late:Icepin15Starts4W5P6L,HKD$1,936,990,won1200-2100M【BrandNo.】N040【BestResult】 6 �15HV1650 gf 2 MLYeung 117 86� 6 6 6 1 HD 67 1.39.46 23.43 Brilliant Shine【BestTime】 6 �15HV1650 gf 2 MLYeung 117 86� 6 6 6 1 HD 67 1.39.46 23.43 Brilliant Shine【BarrierTrial】26 �16 ST1200 ag - KKChiong - - � - 10 10 8 10� - 1.11.99 - House Of Luck


【Cl.3】��○� 1stUp○○��【Odds】67�~3.7� FAV ��○○【C.Wt.】133�~116�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】86�~71� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1235�~1176�Soft ○○○○【Trump】��○� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced R.B.54.4 R.B.26.1 R.B.27.4 R.B.57.525�,8G(0P0T)1B0S31T 24.1 26.1 27.4 26.4

R1Dashing King   130-2



HK$ 1,543,625 Dane Shadow - Midnight Queen by Carnegie(IRE)Sirewasagroup3winnerover1400mandsamesireasHarrierJet.Damwasawinnerover1200m FrancisYeung

HongKong�○��HV �○��Pre-Import �○○�ST ○○○�Total �○��AW ○○○○

�564N13�16AHV1650gy10983(80-60)  BPrebble 133WYS 7612� B 10 9 9 3 � 4.4 6.5 1.40.75 24.36 1.40.84 23.532 RedMarvel FormulaWon ............good finish�619N4�16C3HV1650g 10933(85-60)  BPrebble 126WYS 7812� B 7 8 10 8 2� 4.3 4.6 1.40.62 24.14 1.41.05 23.974 GonnaRun Ishvara ....awkward 900m�663 22�16AST1800gf10923(80-60)  NCallan 132WYS 7814� B 2 2 1 5 4� 13 11 1.46.88 23.91 1.47.61 24.6411 FullGlory GeneralSherman .........well up early�693 5�16B2ST1600gf10833(80-60)  CSchofield 131WYS 7813� B 13131310 10� 12 13 1.33.72 23.41 1.35.37 23.9410 TheShow GrandHarbour .................poor run�768N6�16AHV1800g 10913(80-60)  NCallan 132MeT 7712� B 2 2 3 12 5� 9.5 13 1.50.58 23.74 1.51.50 24.5012 SavvyNature HoHoFeel .............weakened【Comment】BrokeWell&Prominent,SettledHandy1OffNoCover,Niggled500m,UnderPump400m,FoundNil&WeakenedOut.【Pre-Import】Late:Oscuro3Starts1W0P2L,HKD$143,420,won900M【BrandNo.】T297【BestResult】 9 �16HV1650 gy 3 BPrebble 123 70� 4 4 4 1 1 24.38 Giant Stars【BestTime】13 �16HV1650 gy 3 BPrebble 133 76� 10 9 9 3 � 23.53 Red Marvel【BarrierTrial】 1 �16 ST1200 ag - CYHo - - � - 6 7 7 7� - 1.12.51 - Star Majestic


【Cl.3】�○�� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】19�~6.5� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】133�~120�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】76�~65� Good�○○�【Night】�○�� Yield�○��【H.Wt.】1101�~1096�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.51.6 H.N.Wong55.5 Y.T.Cheng1.21.7 Y.T.Cheng52.7 R.B.52.0 3�,8G(5P0T)0B15S22T 23.7EnormousHonour 26.1 24.5 24.2TimelyArrived 22.5TimelyArrived

R2Inventor   123+9




HK$ 1,237,950 Don Eduardo - Magic Tryst by Magic Ring(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1300mto2400mandsamesireasYoungDreamer.Damwasawinnerover1200m SimonToChunYuen

HongKong�○○�HV �○○�Pre-Import �○��ST ○○○�Total �○��AW ○○○�

�459 6�16CST1400g 994 4(60-40)  HWLai 126CSS 5314� B2T 4 3 3 6 2� 99 99 1.22.26 22.93 1.22.69 23.1210 EnergeticClass Molly'sJadeStar .....awkward early 509 28�16A3ST1400g 992 4(60-40) 2MLYeung 123CSS 5114� BT 4 6 7 4 � 20 15 1.22.44 24.43 1.22.57 24.163 Volitation WinnerStPaul's ................... fair run�570 16�16C3ST1400gf 994 4(60-40)  ZPurton 124CSS 5213� BT 2 5 7 9 6� 4.6 3.2 1.22.22 22.61 1.23.30 23.299 Hang'sDecision MetallicStar .........no response�649N18�16BHV1650g 986 4(60-40)  NRawiller 126CSS 5212� BT 5 4 3 1 4� 14 8.8 1.39.49 24.29 1.39.49 24.051 TheSylph Precisioncraftsman .............. tight early 704 9�16AHV1650g 989 3(80-60) 2MLYeung 114CSS 6312� BT 7 8 8 1 1 7.4 4.5 1.41.09 23.63 1.41.09 22.871 SoCaffe ChaterLegend eye-catching win【Comment】AwayQuicklyButSnaggedBackPassing1300m,Dropping3-backAlongRail.TookInsideRunInStraightAndSurgedThroughGapForSolidWin.RiderDroppedRightReinFinalStages.【Pre-Import】Late:MagicMoment7Starts1W3P3L,HKD$92,350,won1200M【BrandNo.】T379【BestResult】18 �16HV1650 g 4 NRawiller 126 52� 5 4 3 1 4� 24.05 The Sylph【BestTime】18 �16HV1650 g 4 NRawiller 126 52� 5 4 3 1 4� 24.05 The Sylph【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1200 ag - NRawiller - - � - 7 7 8 9 - 1.11.41 - Blocker Dee


【Cl.3】�○○� 1stUp�○○○【Odds】8.8�~4.5� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】126�~114�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】63�~52� Good�○○�【Night】�○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】989�~986� Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced R.B.1.01.0 NRawiller1.01.0 NRawiller56.3 R.B.54.218�,5G(1P0T)1B31S41T 28.5 27.1 24.9 24.7RedwoodBaby

Page 25: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

T273 T051 S172 S399 T256 S276 N193 T262 S335 T405 V254 S379 S397 S420

Speed Last6Race&Priority Number/HorseName Wt. Jockey Win% Draw Trainer Win% Rtg.+/- Age Gear Record Trip����10- 4 -11- 7 - 9-1 �Fantastic Feeling 133 DWhyte 13% � DEFerraris - 75-2 5 B- ���� ��������4 - 4 -1- 7 -13-1 �Flying Tourbillon 129 2MLYeung - � PFYiu - 73+1 5 BX �○�� �○������2 -2 -6- 6 - 4-5 �Happy Bao Bei 130 BPrebble - � YSTsui 30% 72 7 T ��○� ��○�����9 -3 -8- 8 -2-8 �Grace Heart 129 ODoleuze - � CFownes - 71-2 5 ���� ��������8 -1 -6- 4 -2-9 �The Show 127 2THSo - � CHYip - 71 6 B ���� ○○�○����3 - 6 -1-11- 8-9 �Five Up High 126 KTeetan - � ATMillard - 68+1 6 T ���� ��○�����8 - 8 -12- 7 - 9-3 +�Rainbow Fighter 119 7KKChiong 10% � DCruz - 68-4 7 XT ���� ��������5 -12-4- 1 - 7-4 *�Hang's Decision 122 ZPurton 13% � WYSo 9.1% 64-1 5 CPH ��○� ��○�����3 -10-1- 1 -1-3 �Lucky Profit 120 JMoreira 10% � CSShum 13% 62 5 BT ���� �○�○����1 - 5 -3- 4 -2-5 +�I'm A Witness � 119 MChadwick - � ASCruz 20% 61+6 5 ���� ��○����� 12-12-12-11 �Sunny Win 117 2KCLeung 11% � LHo 17% 61-6 4 ○○○� ○○○�����12-12-11- 2 -1-14 �Midnite Promise 113 5KCNg - � TKNg - 60-1 6 B ��○� ○○○�Stand-byStarter:����1 - 7 -9- 3 -2-11 R1 Diamond Master 128 - - - PFYiu - 70+8 5 BX ���� ��������7 - 4 -6-11-11-1 R2 Presidentparamount 129 - - - CSShum 13% 71-2 6 B ���� ○○○○

Race WAHFUHANDICAPClass 3 (80-60) - 1200m

【Treble 2nd Leg】【Six Up 5th Leg】【2nd Double Trio 2nd Leg】

Standard time : 1.10.20 Class Record : 20/06/2010 Perfect Gear B Prebble 133lbs 1.09.04 Course Record : 06/11/2007 Tiger Prawn G Mosse 120lbs 1.08.70

7017 Prize money $ 1,235,000 1st57% $703,950 2nd22% $271,700 3rd11.5% $142,025 4th6% $74,100 5th3.5% $43,22510:15 p.m.

� � � � � � � � � � � � R1 R2

Happy Valley 1200m Distance Best time 1200m� Lucky Profit 66.7% � Lucky Profit 43.6% � Happy Bao Bei 01:09.56R1 Diamond Master 42.9% � I'm A Witness 39.4% � Flying Tourbillon 01:09.74� I'm A Witness 38.9% � Hang's Decision 38.9% � Rainbow Fighter 01:09.84� Grace Heart 36.1% � Fantastic Feeling 30.3% � I'm A Witness 01:10.02� Hang's Decision 33.3% � Five Up High 28.6% � Five Up High 01:10.03� Fantastic Feeling 30.3% R1 Diamond Master 24.2% � Fantastic Feeling 01:10.26

� Hang's Decision � Lucky Profit � Rainbow Fighter � Fantastic Feeling

Hang's Decisionkeepsimprovingandhastrialedwellrecently,canbouncebacktowinningform. Lucky Profithadagreatseasonin2015/16andcancontinuetoperformwell. Rainbow Fighter isadvantagedat this level. Fantastic Feelingisaconsistentrunnerover1200matHappyValley.



1 Fantastic Feeling  D Whyte 133+3

DEF75-2 � B-


HK$ 1,959,350 Show A Heart - Twirling Heights by Spinning World(USA)Sirewasawinnerover1200mto1600mandsamesireasKeyWitness.Damwasawinnerover1000mand1100m AnthonyChowWingKin

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import �○○○ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○○

433N24�16CHV1200g 11783(85-60)  RMoore 128DEF 7912� H 7 7 9 9 3� 2.7 3.2 1.10.43 23.49 1.11.03 23.215 ExcelOneself TurfSprint .....bumped 100m 488N16�16BHV1200g 11723(80-60)  KTeetan 133DEF 7912� H 6 6 6 7 3� 5.6 7.1 1.10.14 24.03 1.10.74 23.915 TimelyArrived GoodLuckBoy ............one paced�586 24�16AST1200gy11743(80-60)  KTeetan 133DEF 7914� H-B2 4 4 4 11 6� 15 16 1.10.67 23.54 1.11.68 24.3511 GloriousAvenue ClassicVinegar ...... faded straight 652N18�16BHV1000g 11693(80-60)  GLerena 131DEF 7810� B - 6 6 4 1� 13 12 0.57.05 23.04 0.57.32 22.753 OceanRoar HarbourAlert ..hung in, straight 702 9�16AHV1000g 11673(80-60)  NCallan 130DEF 7712� B - 5 4 10 5 5.6 6.7 0.57.48 23.77 0.58.27 24.0010 TriumphantJewel SkyMan .........showed little【Comment】JumpedWithField,RiddenAlongInOne-offPositionBehindLeadingPairBeforeDropping4lBackEnteringStraight.BoxedOnOne-paced.【Pre-Import】Late:FantasticFeeling1Starts1W0P0L,HKD$90,660,won1350M【BrandNo.】T273【BestResult】 3 �16HV1200 g 3 RMoore 125 72� 8 8 7 1 1 22.98 Rainbow Fighter【BestTime】11 �15HV1200 g 3 KTeetan 118 65� 8 8 8 2 2� 37 1.10.26 23.38 Divine Boy【BarrierTrial】19 �16 ST1050 ws - NRawiller - - � - 1 1 1 NK - 1.03.83 - Breeders' Star


【Cl.3】���� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】37�~2.5� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】128�~118�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】72�~65� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1179�~1136�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced R.B.58.1 A.T.52.1 A.T.58.6 D.Whyte23.426�,7G(0P0T)1B25S28T 28.0 25.4 27.0 23.4

2 Flying Tourbillon 2M L Yeung 129+2

PFY73+1 � B


HK$ 1,578,988 Nayef (USA) - Strut by Danehill Dancer(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1600mto2400m.Damwasalistedwinnerover1000m ShumMakLing,HsuWeiHsuan,ArthurChiuWingHong&GaryCheungHangNgai

HongKong�○��HV �○��Pre-Import �○��ST ○○○�Total �○��AW ○○○○

535 3�16B2ST1200g 10993(80-60)  NCallan 124PFY 6813� BX 11111213 11� 34 44 1.09.22 22.65 1.11.10 23.3313 FlyingMoochi MegaRed .................no show�598N27�16CHV1200g 10973(80-60) 2MLYeung 119PFY 6812� BX 6 6 6 7 4� 23 26 1.10.06 23.25 1.10.81 23.287 BlazeStamina CagaForce ............one paced 682N1�16C3HV1200g 11003(80-60) 2MLYeung 121PFY 6712� BX 6 6 5 1 SH 5.0 8.2 1.09.74 23.31 1.09.74 22.834 HitTheBid HappyCooperation ........... fighting win 723N15�16BHV1200gf11033(80-60) 2MLYeung 124PFY 7212� BX 8 8 8 4 1� 20 14 1.09.97 23.42 1.10.15 22.841 HitTheBid ExtremelyFun ......closed off well�773N6�16AHV1200g 11083(80-60) 2KCLeung 127PFY 7211� BX 5 5 5 4 � 2.5 3.0 1.10.01 23.99 1.10.10 23.485 SuperTurbo HappyBaoBei ...............good run【Comment】JumpedWell,NotPushed,Settling3lFromLeaderInOne-offPosition.LostPositionAroundTurn,GotGoingAgainOnStraighteningAndFinishedStrongly.【Pre-Import】Late:Stomp8Starts2W3P3L,HKD$210,610,won1200M【BrandNo.】T051【BestResult】 1 �16HV1200 g 3 MLYeung 121 67� 6 6 5 1 SH 22.83 Hit The Bid【BestTime】 1 �16HV1200 g 3 MLYeung 121 67� 6 6 5 1 SH 22.83 Hit The Bid【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - MLYeung - - � - 2 5 3 � - 0.58.53 - Winning Vibe


【Cl.3】�○�� 1stUp�○○�【Odds】99�~8.2� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】123�~113�Gd-Firm�○○�【Rtg.】69�~60� Good�○��【Night】�○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1100�~1081�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced M.L.Yeung56.2 M.L.Yeung57.8 M.L.Yeung54.129�,6G(2P0T)1B12S34T 25.9 25.8PackingLlaregyb 22.0Gentlemen

Page 26: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari








3 Happy Bao Bei  B Prebble 130+1

MeT72 � T


HK$ 1,932,375 Testa Rossa - Lindalay by Honour And Glory(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover900mto1600mandsamesireasPerfectFashion.Damwasawinnerover1200mto1500m ChanChiSun

HongKong��○�HV ��○�Pre-Import ��○�ST ○○○�Total ��○�AW ○○○○

634N11�16AHV1200g 11483(80-60) 2CYHo 129MeT 7612� HT 2 2 4 4 2� 16 22 1.09.98 23.29 1.10.43 23.509 HappyYeahYeah WahMayBaby ..................... faded 684N1�16C3HV1200g 11563(80-60) 2CYHo 125MeT 7412� HT 5 5 3 6 2� 22 27 1.10.46 23.48 1.10.83 23.619 MintMaster WahMayBaby ..wide throughout 723N15�16BHV1200gf11453(80-60)  BPrebble 126MeT 7212� HT 3 3 3 6 2� 10 10 1.09.97 23.42 1.10.42 23.6310 HitTheBid ExtremelyFun ...... faded straight 742N22�16CHV1200gf11513(80-60)  BPrebble 127MeT 7011� H-T 3 3 3 2 NK 4.6 4.9 1.09.84 23.63 1.09.90 23.492 ApacheSpirit TopBonus ......swamped late�773N6�16AHV1200g 11543(80-60)  NRawiller 129MeT 7211� T 4 4 4 2 NK 10 6.4 1.10.01 23.99 1.10.05 23.676 SuperTurbo ExtremelyFun ............just beaten【Comment】JumpedWithField,PressedForwardToRaceOne-back,One-off.TurnedALittleWide,PickedUpMomentumFrom200m,FinishedStronglyToJustFail.【Pre-Import】Late:OompaLoompa10Starts5W1P4L,HKD$1,899,690,won1200-1300M【BrandNo.】S172【BestResult】13 �15HV1200 gf 3 BPrebble 125 68� 1 1 1 1 2� 22.53 No Money No Talk【BestTime】13 �15HV1200 gf 3 BPrebble 125 68� 1 1 1 1 2� 22.53 No Money No Talk【BarrierTrial】 8 �16 ST1050 ag - NRawiller - - � - 3 4 4 7� - 1.02.62 - Timely Arrived


【Cl.3】��○� 1stUp○�○�【Odds】6.4�~1.9� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】131�~125�Gd-Firm��○�【Rtg.】77�~68� Good○�○�【Night】��○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1155�~1141�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○�○� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced R.B.58.0 R.B.54.8 B.Prebble53.8 R.B.58.7 1�,6G(1P0T)0B25S26T 25.4ForzaAvanti 23.8 26.1 25.3

4 Grace Heart  O Doleuze 129+2

CF71-2 � AUS5


HK$ 2,485,300 Stratum - Royal Snip by Royal Academy(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mandsamesireasLuckyDoubleEight.Damwasawinnerover1100mto1200m KwanShiuMan&JessicaKwanMunHang

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST �○○�Total ����AW ○○○�

�562N13�16AHV1000gy10093(80-60)  ODoleuze 127 CF 7312� - 6 4 2 � 5.5 6.4 0.57.41 23.63 0.57.49 23.436 SmartDeclaration BuddyBundy ...............good run 598N27�16CHV1200g 10003(80-60)  ODoleuze 128 CF 7512� 2 2 2 8 5� 16 13 1.10.06 23.25 1.10.89 23.9612 BlazeStamina CagaForce .............weakened�665 22�16AST1200gf10143(80-60)  ODoleuze 128 CF 7514� 3 3 4 8 4� 38 59 1.09.26 23.11 1.10.01 23.5413 Fionesay LaughOutLoud .............weakened 684N1�16C3HV1200g 998 3(80-60)  GLerena 126 CF 7312� 1010 8 3 1 41 17 1.10.46 23.48 1.10.63 22.972 MintMaster WahMayBaby ...................big run 723N15�16BHV1200gf 996 3(80-60)  GLerena 127 CF 7312� 7 7 7 9 5� 6.7 9.3 1.09.97 23.42 1.10.85 23.629 HitTheBid ExtremelyFun .........showed little【Comment】NotPushed,Settling3-backAlongRailBeforeShuffled4-backAtTurn.GotCloseToHeelsTurningForHome,One-pacedInStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S399【BestResult】16 �15HV1200 g 3 JMoreira 121 67� 3 3 3 1 1� 23.61 Hella Hedge【BestTime】10 �14HV1200 g 4 CYHo 131 59� 1 1 1 3 2� 13 1.10.41 23.51 Secret Agent【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - ODoleuze - - � - 1 3 5 4� - 0.58.63 - Flying Force


【Cl.3】���� 1stUp�○��【Odds】17�~3.4� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】133�~120�Gd-Firm�○○�【Rtg.】74�~52� Good����【Night】���� Yield��○�【H.Wt.】1038�~977� Soft ○○○○【Trump】○�○� Heavy○○○○

84dayssinceraced R.B.50.6 R.B.24.625�,5G(1P0T)1B0S32T 23.4RobustMomentum 24.6

5 The Show 2T H So 127+3

CHY71 � B


HK$ 2,395,750 High Chaparral (IRE) - The Quarewan by Supremo(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1400mto2400mandsamesireasPhotonWillie.Damplacedover1200m LuckyStarSyndicate

HongKong����HV ○○��Pre-Import ����ST ��○�Total ����AW ○○○○

515 28�16A3ST1600g 10793(80-60)  DWhyte 119CHY 6614� 3 3 2 2 2 62 32 1.34.37 23.37 1.34.67 23.436 Berlini RedDancer ......... finished well 553 10�16CST1600gy10713(80-60)  DWhyte 121CHY 6612� B2 3 3 3 4 1� 6.3 4.6 1.35.34 23.64 1.35.55 23.696 RubyCoast BeautyPrince ................... fair run�667 22�16AST1400gf10683(80-60) 7KKChiong 112CHY 6614� B 9 8 8 6 2� 15 9.1 1.21.54 23.25 1.21.97 23.284 MyDarling SichuanDar ..........laid in 200m 693 5�16B2ST1600gf10673(80-60)  DWhyte 118CHY 6513� B 4 4 3 1 1� 9.9 6.7 1.33.72 23.41 1.33.72 23.253 GrandHarbour AthenaBaby ............drew away 780 10�16B2ST1600gf10833(80-60)  DWhyte 124CHY 7113� B 4 5 5 8 4 7.2 4.3 1.33.56 23.29 1.34.19 23.529 UniqueJoyous EnormousHonour ............one paced【Comment】BeganWell,TakenToBoxSeat,ThenKeptTabsOnPacemakersToStraight.KeptOnFairlyTo200mBeforeTiring.【Pre-Import】Late:TheShow10Starts1W5P4L,HKD$98,290,won1400M【BrandNo.】T256【BestResult】 9 �15HV1200 g 3 KCNg 115 65� 8 8 4 3 1� 23.24 Excel Oneself【BestTime】 9 �15HV1200 g 3 KCNg 115 65� 8 8 4 3 1� 23.24 Excel Oneself【BarrierTrial】23 �15 ST1200 ag - KKChiong - - � - 2 2 1 NK - 1.10.10 - Bear Rapper


【Cl.3】���� 1stUp�○○�【Odds】32�~2.7� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】123�~115�Gd-Firm�○○�【Rtg.】66�~60� Good����【Night】○○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1088�~1063�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced R.B.56.9 R.B.1.24.1 D.Whyte1.26.0 R.B.51.9 T.H.So55.21�,5G(3P0T)0B26S23T 27.0 24.0 24.3 24.0CheerfulFrame 24.5

6 Five Up High  K Teetan 126+6

ATM68+1 � T


HK$ 1,774,800 Sail From Seattle (CAN) - Gardener's Delight by Gaint's Causeway(USA)Sirewasalistedwinnerover1100mto1400mandsamesireasGoldenSleep.Damwasawinnerover1800m FiveUpHighSyndicate

HongKong����HV ��○�Pre-Import �○○○ST �○��Total ����AW ○○○○

�610 1�16BST1400g 11223(80-60)  KTeetan 119ATM 6514� T 1 1 1 8 3� 39 50 1.22.25 23.44 1.22.85 24.0414 WahMayFriend HoInOne .shifted out 100m�667 22�16AST1400gf11123(80-60)  HWLai 116ATM 6314� T 5 7 7 11 5� 99 99 1.21.54 23.25 1.22.47 23.8211 MyDarling SichuanDar .............weakened 722N15�16BHV1200gf11103(80-60)  MChadwick114ATM 6112� T 6 6 6 1 � 49 17 1.10.03 23.51 1.10.03 23.113 ForeverRed HappyLife ........... fighting win�773N6�16AHV1200g 11143(80-60)  MChadwick124ATM 6711� T 9 9 9 6 2 33 13 1.10.01 23.99 1.10.35 23.332 SuperTurbo HappyBaoBei ......... finished well 782 10�16B2ST1200gf10903(80-60)  KTeetan 120ATM 6714� T 6 6 6 3 1� 47 47 1.08.40 22.79 1.08.62 22.252 LoveShock FlyingMoochi ............good finish【Comment】AwayWell,RiddenForward,SettlingCloseToRail3-backFromLeaders.ALittleFlat-footedTopOfStraightBeforePickingUpMomentumAndFlashingHomeForClose3rd.【Pre-Import】Late:MyNephewEric1Starts1W0P0L,HKD$32,230,won1400M【BrandNo.】S276【BestResult】15 �16HV1200 gf 3 MChadwick114 61� 6 6 6 1 � 17 1.10.03 23.11 Forever Red【BestTime】15 �16HV1200 gf 3 MChadwick114 61� 6 6 6 1 � 17 1.10.03 23.11 Forever Red【BarrierTrial】24 �16 ST1050 g - KTeetan - - � - 6 5 3 3� - 1.02.42 - Borntoachieve


【Cl.3】���� 1stUp○○��【Odds】47�~13� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】123�~114�Gd-Firm�○��【Rtg.】67�~61� Good��○�【Night】��○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1137�~1090�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced KTeetan1.22.4 KTeetan27.2 1�,3G(0P0T)1B0S28T 24.3 27.2

7 Rainbow Fighter 7K K Chiong 119-10

DC68-4 � X


HK$ 5,514,525 Chineur (FR) - Knapton Hill by Zamindar(USA)Sirewasagroup2winnerover1000mto1200m.Damwasawinnerover1400mKeepItGoingSyndicate

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ��○○ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○�○�

�582N20�16BHV1200g 10913(80-60)  NCallan 133 DC 8012� XT 6 6 7 9 5 7.3 13 1.10.01 23.55 1.10.82 23.8410 MyDarling TimelyArrived unbalanced early�626 7�16CST1200g 10813(80-60)  GLerena 131 DC 7812� XT 7 7 3 7 6� 43 67 1.08.87 23.14 1.09.86 23.817 MarvelTribe FlyingMoochi ..checked 1100m�672 29�16A3ST1200g 10753(80-60) 2CKTong 131 DC 7613� XT 6 6 7 12 9� 60 99 1.09.30 22.48 1.10.87 23.5312 FlyingForce Malmsteen ..... taken out wide 722N15�16BHV1200gf10783(80-60)  DWhyte 127 DC 7412� XT 4 4 4 8 3� 9.2 16 1.10.03 23.51 1.10.64 23.889 FiveUpHigh ForeverRed .........showed little�773N6�16AHV1200g 10763(80-60)  OBosson 129 DC 7211� XT 111110 8 4� 52 68 1.10.01 23.99 1.10.68 23.424 SuperTurbo HappyBaoBei .......... little interest【Comment】CheckedWhenCrowdedOutAtStart,DroppingToLastInOne-offPosition.StayedAtRearToStraightWhereRanOnFairly.【Pre-Import】Late:Pitlochry3Starts1W2P0L,HKD$165,400,won1200M【BrandNo.】N193【BestResult】 4 �13HV1200 gf 3 MDemuro 116 61� 12 12 12 1 � 22.22 Swift Shadow【BestTime】 1 �15HV1200 gf 3 DWhyte 133 80� 6 6 6 3 � 23.26 All The Best【BarrierTrial】27 �16 ST1000 gf - KKChiong - - � - 4 2 4 1� - 0.58.72 - Winning Vibe


【Cl.3】���� 1stUp�○○�【Odds】16�~2.3� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】133�~116�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】81�~59� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1100�~1062�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced Trainer29.3 KKChiong54.0 29�,5G(0P0T)1B1S34T 29.3 25.7

8 Hang's Decision  Z Purton 122+4

WYS64-1 � CP


HK$ 1,470,675 Postponed (USA) - Bislieri by Encosta De Lago(AUS)Sirewasagroup2winnerover1400mto1800mandsamesireasLamarosa.Damunplaced WongYuetSing&TonyWongSzeHo

HongKong��○�HV ��○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST �○○�Total ��○�AW ○○○○

�502N23�16CHV1650gy10894(60-40)  BPrebble 129WYS 5612� CPH 5 5 5 7 1� 3.9 4.5 1.42.08 24.13 1.42.34 23.956 HappyJourney TheSylph ..hung in, straight�570 16�16C3ST1400gf10834(60-40) 2KCLeung 126WYS 5613� CPH 3 6 6 1 3� 15 11 1.22.22 22.61 1.22.22 22.291 MetallicStar TriumphantLight .....impressive win 628 7�16CST1400g 10833(80-60) 2KCLeung 116WYS 6514� CPH 6 4 3 4 2� 6.1 7.3 1.22.29 22.45 1.22.70 22.706 Avellino HappySurveys ..wide from 800m�695 5�16B2ST1400gf10803(80-60) 2KCLeung 118WYS 6514� CPH 6 3 6 12 9� 15 12 1.21.39 23.85 1.22.86 24.8012 Sensation JollyBanner ..wide throughout 735 19�16C3ST1400gf10793(80-60)  YTCheng 118WYS 6514� CPH 7 7 8 5 4 16 14 1.20.92 23.07 1.21.55 22.702 SpicySure Verbinsky ................... fair run【Comment】JumpedWell,Raced2Wide,4LengthsBackInMidfield,CheckedNear850m,MadeSomeProgressAfterTurningIn,NearestOnLine.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】T262【BestResult】13 �16HV1200 g 4 BPrebble 121 48� 6 6 5 1 � 23.06 Lyric Ace【BestTime】17 �16HV1200 g 4 BPrebble 127 54� 7 7 6 2 1� 23.32 Mission Possible【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1050 ag - ZPurton - - � - 6 5 4 1� - 1.01.40 - Ruminare


【Cl.3】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】14�~2.9� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】127�~119�Gd-Firm�○○�【Rtg.】56�~46� Good��○�【Night】��○� Yield��○�【H.Wt.】1107�~1083�Soft ○○○○【Trump】��○� Heavy○○○○

80dayssinceraced R.B.59.6 Z.Purton50.0 R.B.25.5 R.B.23.225�,8G(1P0T)1B23S33T 26.0 23.9 25.5 23.2

9 Lucky Profit  J Moreira 120+6

CSS62 � B


HK$ 2,385,225 Bernardini (USA) - La Sizeranne by Stravinsky(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1600mto2000mandsamesireasBorntoachieve.Damwasagroup2winnerover1200mto1500m Mr&MrsWilliamYemWaiLai

HongKong����HV �○�○Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○���Total ����AW ○○○�

�412N17�16BHV1200g 11004(60-40)  JMoreira 117CSS 4412� BT 5 5 4 1 � 2.0 2.0 1.10.50 23.97 1.10.50 23.293 DiamondMaster NeverBetter .......flashed home�521N31�16C3HV1200g 11084(60-40)  JMoreira 122CSS 5012� BT 5 5 6 1 HD 1.8 1.8 1.10.68 23.59 1.10.68 23.112 MrKool WorldCity ........... fighting win 596N27�16CHV1200g 11164(60-40)  JMoreira 131CSS 5612� BT 5 5 4 1 � 3.2 2.6 1.10.31 23.95 1.10.31 23.153 Gentilis SharpHunter ............good finish�667 22�16AST1400gf11123(80-60)  MChadwick115CSS 6214� BT 10101310 5� 64 81 1.21.54 23.25 1.22.46 23.376 MyDarling SichuanDar ..................... roarer�720N15�16BHV1650gf11113(80-60) 2KCLeung 114CSS 6210� BT 5 5 5 3 4� 7.2 8.0 1.40.14 23.60 1.40.82 23.764 ClassicEmperor GoldenSleep ............one paced【Comment】BumpedHeavilyStart,ThenRiddenToHoldRailPosition,TwoBackFromLeader.SwitchedOutEnteringStraightAndRanOnSteadily.【BrandNo.】S335【BidPrice】HKD$2,100,000【BestResult】27 �16HV1200 g 4 JMoreira 131 56� 5 5 4 1 � 23.15 Gentilis【BestTime】27 �16HV1200 g 4 JMoreira 131 56� 5 5 4 1 � 23.15 Gentilis【BarrierTrial】24 �16 ST1200 g - JMoreira - - � - 3 2 1 6� - 1.10.03 - Circuit King


【Cl.3】○○�� 1stUp○○��【Odds】49�~1.8� FAV �○�○【C.Wt.】131�~114�Gd-Firm○○��【Rtg.】62�~36� Good����【Night】�○�○ Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1116�~1093�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

84dayssinceraced Trainer52.2 Trainer51.8 JMoreira49.618�,6G(0P0T)1B31S48T 24.5 24.2 24.6

Page 27: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari






10 I'm A Witness �  M Chadwick 119-9

ASC61+6 � NZ5


HK$ 1,456,000 Commands (AUS) - Sing Song Girl by Generous(IRE)Sirewasagroup3winnerover1100mto1400mandsamesireasWashingtonHeights.Damwasawinnerover1200mto2000m ArthurAntonioDaSilva,BettyDaSilva&TeresaMarieDaSilva

HongKong����HV ��○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○���Total ����AW ○○○○

491 20�16AST1200g 10874(60-40) 2CYHo 121ASC 5314� 3 3 3 2 2� 7.2 10 1.10.12 22.69 1.10.47 22.842 FriendsOfNanjing RichcityFortune ...held up straight�530 3�16B2ST1200g 10774(60-40)  JMoreira 123ASC 5413� 3 3 4 4 3 2.5 2.6 1.09.66 22.08 1.10.15 22.296 CarefreeLetGo VictoryMarvel ............one paced 624 7�16CST1200g 10884(60-40) 2CYHo 127ASC 5412� 3 3 3 3 NK 5.7 5.2 1.09.83 23.04 1.09.88 22.773 UnleashedDragon SupremeFlight ............ fought well 679N1�16C3HV1200g 10904(60-40)  DWhyte 130ASC 5512� 2 2 2 5 3� 5.4 5.0 1.10.28 23.16 1.10.89 23.699 BearRapper Kirov .............weakened�736N22�16CHV1200gf10804(60-40)  JMoreira 128ASC 5511� 2 2 2 1 1� 4.3 4.5 1.10.02 22.55 1.10.02 22.511 FlyingMonkey CleverSpirit ...............good run【Comment】FastIntoStride,SettlingALengthOutsideTheLeader,SharedLeadTurningIn,KickedClearInStraightToScoreEasily.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】T405【BestResult】22 �16HV1200 gf 4 JMoreira 128 55� 2 2 2 1 1� 22.51 Flying Monkey【BestTime】22 �16HV1200 gf 4 JMoreira 128 55� 2 2 2 1 1� 22.51 Flying Monkey【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST800 g - JMoreira - - � - 8 8 8 5� - 0.46.23 - Amber Sky


【Cl.3】○○○○ 1stUp○○○○【Odds】10�~3.1� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】128�~121�Gd-Firm�○○○【Rtg.】55�~49� Good○���【Night】��○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1101�~1080�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○��� Heavy○○○○

77dayssinceraced R.B.58.2 A.T.59.7 R.B.51.01�,7G(1P0T)1B32S34T 25.8 27.8 23.1BullishSmart

11Sunny Win 2K C Leung 117-2

LH61-6 � AUS4


HK$ - Northern Meteor - Morwell by Royal Academy(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1250mandsamesireasRomanticTouch.Damhadthreeplacingsoutof4starts SuperFriendSyndicate

HongKong○○○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import ����ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○○

VIC,AUS 3�15 - LH1600g - -  DDunn 119 - -13� - - 4 4 1 SH - 17 1.37.10 3yo+ c,g&e BM 70 hcp Darragh Berisha .............Caulfield 551 10�16CST1200gy11613(80-60) 2THSo 126 LH 7112� 9 9 9 11 11� 91 99 1.10.32 22.77 1.12.22 23.9111 HammerKing MomentumLucky .................no show 611 1�16BST1200g 11773(80-60) 2THSo 122 LH 7114� 10101012 7� 99 99 1.09.67 23.39 1.10.82 23.6612 Malmsteen GreenCard .........showed little�665 22�16AST1200gf11693(80-60) 2KCLeung 120 LH 6914� 11111212 7 99 99 1.09.26 23.11 1.10.36 23.217 Fionesay LaughOutLoud .........showed little�700 9�16AHV1200g 11823(80-60) 2THSo 119 LH 6712� 12121112 11� 99 99 1.10.15 24.16 1.12.01 24.7412 NumeroUno AllWinBoy .............no interest【Comment】ShiftedAcrossBehindRunnersFromAnOutsideDraw,DroppingToRear.NeverInTheHunt.【Pre-Import】Late:SunFlash7Starts2W3P2L,HKD$310,070,won1200-1600M【BrandNo.】V254【BestResult】 9 �16HV1200 g 3 THSo 119 67� 12 12 11 1211�99 1.12.01 24.74 Numero Uno【BestTime】 9 �16HV1200 g 3 THSo 119 67� 12 12 11 1211�99 1.12.01 24.74 Numero Uno【BarrierTrial】21 �16 ST1200 ag - THSo - - � - 5 5 4 5 - 1.11.52 - Good Luck Man


【Cl.3】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】- FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】- Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】- Good○○○�【Night】○○○○ Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】- Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced T.H.So30.1 R.B.59.7 T.H.So27.81�,4G(0P0T)0B14S31T 30.1 28.3 27.8

12Midnite Promise 5K C Ng 113+1

TKN60-1 � B


HK$ 632,000 Librettist (USA) - La Luciole by Last Tycoon(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1400mto1600m.Damunplaced ZhaoqingFriendsSyndicate

HongKong��○�HV ○○○�Pre-Import �○○○ST ��○�Total ��○�AW ○○○�

�315 9�16CST1800g 10274(60-40)  NRawiller 126WYS 5314� B 3 1 1 1 1� 17 18 1.48.08 23.61 1.48.08 23.616 MonsieurMogok WinAlong ......led all the way�401 14�16C3ST1800g 10064(60-40)  NRawiller 133WYS 5914� B 4 4 3 2 1 5.8 3.9 1.48.42 23.54 1.48.58 23.465 BeautyLove RapidTriumph ......... finished well 513 28�16A3ST2000g 999 3(80-60)  CSchofield 115WYS 6114� B 4 4 3 11 8� 4.9 4.7 2.02.01 23.09 2.03.35 24.2712 Happilababy HappyRocky ...... faded straight�636N11�16AHV1800g 994 3(80-60)  YTCheng 114WYS 6112� B 9 9 1212 10� 26 35 1.50.16 23.61 1.51.84 24.3711 LotusStrikesBack PoChingTreasure .............weakened 716 12�16CST1800gy997 3(80-60) 2THSo 112WYS 6113� B 4 2 4 12 20� 28 29 1.48.48 23.48 1.51.81 26.5712 LuckyGirl HappyContender ........ lame left fore【Comment】BeganFairlyFromAWideDraw,UnableToSlotIn,RacedWideInProminentPosition,NoCoverAfter900m,EmptiedEarlyInStraightAndEased.(lameNextDay)【Pre-Import】Late:MidnitePromise2Starts2W0P0L,HKD$227,670,won1200-1335M【BrandNo.】S379【BestResult】28 �15HV1200 g 3 CKTong 116 70� 9 9 9 9 4� 99 1.11.10 22.32 Victorius【BestTime】28 �15HV1200 g 3 CKTong 116 70� 9 9 9 9 4� 99 1.11.10 22.32 Victorius【BarrierTrial】31 �16 ST1200 g - KCNg - - � - 3 3 5 3 - 1.12.11 - Salsa Brothers


【Cl.3】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】18�~3.9� FAV ○○○�【C.Wt.】133�~126�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】59�~53� Good��○�【Night】○○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1027�~1006�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○�○� Heavy○○○○

87dayssinceraced R.B.57.8 9�,1G(0P0T)1B0S17T 27.6

R1Diamond Master   128+12




HK$ 2,327,825 Not A Single Doubt - Sandy Desert by Line In The Sand(USA)Sirewasawinnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasCharityJoy.Damwasawinnerover1400mondirt HkDiamondBourseRacingSyndicate

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ��○�Total ����AW ○○○�

�412N17�16BHV1200g 11534(60-40)  SDeSousa133PFY 6012� BX 1 1 1 2 � 5.0 6.3 1.10.50 23.97 1.10.61 24.0811 LuckyProfit NeverBetter ........led most way�488N16�16BHV1200g 11463(80-60)  EDaSilva 116PFY 6212� BX 4 4 3 3 1 8.8 4.5 1.10.14 24.03 1.10.31 23.926 TimelyArrived GoodLuckBoy ...............good run 531 3�16B2ST1000g 11513(80-60) 7HNWong 110PFY 6314� BX - 10 6 9 4 20 19 0.55.74 22.24 0.56.36 22.667 BadBoy FortuneBoBo .....awkward early 572 16�16C3ST1200gf11563(80-60) 2KCLeung 116PFY 6312� BX 3 3 2 7 4� 33 39 1.08.88 22.99 1.09.61 23.6011 MrStunning FlyingMoochi ...... faded straight 617N4�16C3HV1000g 11493(80-60)  JMoreira 116PFY 6212� BX - 1 1 1 1� 17 6.7 0.57.19 23.32 0.57.19 23.327 HarbourAlert FlyingForce ......led all the way【Comment】PushedForwardToCrossFromAWideBarrierAndLedBy3/4l,RanOnNicelyToScore.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S397【BestResult】16 �15HV1200 g 4 GBenoist 127 54� 1 1 1 1 NK 24.33 Amazing Feeling【BestTime】16 �16HV1200 g 3 EDaSilva 116 62� 4 4 3 3 1 23.92 Timely Arrived【BarrierTrial】27 �15HV1200 g - GBenoist - - � - 3 3 2 1� - 1.13.55 - Lucky Year


【Cl.3】�○�� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】6.7�~3.2� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】133�~116�Gd-Firm○�○�【Rtg.】62�~52� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1153�~1137�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○� Heavy○○○○

126dayssinceraced R.B.25.7 R.B.55.7 OBosson52.2 R.B.54.7 OBosson53.125�,8G(0P0T)0B18S39T 25.7 24.6 23.7 25.2 24.2

R2Presidentparamount   129+3



HK$ 3,070,750 Danerich (AUS) - Magical Slice by Ne Coupez Pas(USA)Sirewasagroup3winnerover1000mto1100mandsamesireasRomanticCash.Damwasawinnerover1600mto1617m Mr&MrsCheungYatYuen

HongKong����HV ○○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○�

�438 28�16 ST1200ag11643(80-60)  RMoore 128CSS 7412� B 7 7 7 11 6� 5.4 3.8 1.08.48 22.96 1.09.57 23.4110 EliteSpirit TurinPearl ...bumped at start�516 28�16A3ST1400g 11523(80-60)  NCallan 129CSS 7414� B 14111111 6� 12 10 1.21.74 23.42 1.22.74 23.748 JoyfulMoments Verbinsky ........slow to begin�589 24�16AST1400y 11553(80-60)  NRawiller 130CSS 7414� B 7 8 7 6 3 10 13 1.23.79 23.96 1.24.27 24.086 FriendsOfNanjing People'sKnight ............one paced�655N18�16BHV1650g 11563(80-60)  NRawiller 126CSS 7312� B 4 5 6 4 1 10 11 1.40.53 24.17 1.40.69 23.695 GoldenSleep HeroicGuru ....awkward 450m 704 9�16AHV1650g 11513(80-60)  NRawiller 126CSS 7312� B 4 5 5 7 2� 6.2 10 1.41.09 23.63 1.41.48 23.585 Inventor SoCaffe ............one paced【Comment】BeganWell,TendedToOver-raceWhenSteadied,SettlingOne-off,Two-back900m.UrgedForwardFrom400m,LookedChance200m,FlattenedFinal100m.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S420【BestResult】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BestTime】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BarrierTrial】31 �16 ST1200 g - MLYeung - - � - 1 1 3 4 - 1.11.09 - Gun Pit


【Cl.3】���� 1stUp�○○○【Odds】38�~2.5� FAV �○�○【C.Wt.】130�~115�Gd-Firm�○○�【Rtg.】70�~51� Good����【Night】○○○� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1169�~1141�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced M.L.Yeung59.6 M.L.Yeung54.3 M.L.Yeung56.7 NRawiller54.518�,8G(0P0T)1B31S47T 27.6 25.2 25.5 25.3

Page 28: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

S156 S394 P278 V253 V057 T200 P355 P238 S128 S221 V034 T374 S242

Speed Last6Race&Priority Number/HorseName Wt. Jockey Win% Draw Trainer Win% Rtg.+/- Age Gear Record Trip����9 -1 -5- 3 -3-2 �Pablosky 133 SClipperton - � JMoore - 97 5 HSR ���� ○○������11- 5 -4- 1 -1-4 �Travel Renyi 127 NCallan 17% � RGibson - 91-1 6 BT ���� ○○○○����6 -10-4- 3 - 6-2 �Charity Joy � 119 7KKChiong 10% � CSShum 13% 90-2 6 BT ���� ○�○����� 1 - 8-3 +�Mr Bogart 124 JMoreira 10% � JMoore - 88+7 5 B �○�� ○○○○����2 - 4 -7- 1 - 5-2 �Almababy 123 YTCheng - � YSTsui 30% 87+1 6 T ��○� ��○�����11- 5 -7- 5 - 9-8 +�High Five 120 DWhyte 13% � ATMillard - 84-2 5 B �○�� �○������12-13-3-11- 8-8 �Hella Hedge 112 7HNWong 29% � KWLui - 83-2 6 B ���� ��������5 - 4 -5- 9 -11-3 +�Majestic Anthem 117 2THSo - � DJHall 100% 83 7 BT ���� ○○○�����5 -2 -12- 3 - 4-4 +�Righteous � 117 2MLYeung - � TPYung - 83-1 6 B ���� ○○○�����6 - 5 -9- 2 -1-6 +�Bullish Smart 118 MChadwick - � ASCruz 20% 82-1 5 BT ���� ○○○�����8 -2 -12- 6 -1-3 �Hammer King 116 2KCLeung 11% � PFYiu - 82 5 B ���� ○○○○����6 -2 -2- 1 -2-2 �Blocker Dee � 117 KTeetan - � CFownes - 81 5 ��○� ��○○Stand-byStarter:����13-3 -1- 6 -1-2 R1 Speedy Longwah 124 - - - CSShum 13% 88 6 BT ���� ○○○�

Race YAUOIHANDICAPClass 2 (100-80) - 1200m

【Treble 3rd Leg】【Six Up 6th Leg】

Standard time : 1.09.65 Class Record : 16/09/2009 Our Lucky Baby M L Yeung 113lbs 1.08.82 Course Record : 06/11/2007 Tiger Prawn G Mosse 120lbs 1.08.70

8018 Prize money $ 1,750,000 1st57% $997,500 2nd22% $385,000 3rd11.5% $201,250 4th6% $105,000 5th3.5% $61,25010:50 p.m.

� � � � � � � � � � � � R1

Happy Valley 1200m Distance Best time 1200mR1 Speedy Longwah 61.1% � Blocker Dee 61.1% � High Five 01:09.38� Blocker Dee 60.0% � Hammer King 53.3% � Almababy 01:09.40� Almababy 55.6% � Mr Bogart 44.4% � Charity Joy 01:09.44� Bullish Smart 40.0% � Righteous 44.4% � Hella Hedge 01:09.74� Majestic Anthem 30.3% � Pablosky 41.2% � Pablosky 01:09.78� Hella Hedge 29.4% � Travel Renyi 33.3% � Blocker Dee 01:10.12

� Mr Bogart � Almababy � Blocker Dee � Charity Joy

Mr Bogartwonsuperimpressivelylastseasonandisarisingstar,canmakeittwowinsinarow.Almababyperformedconsistentlyoverthisdistancelastseason,shouldberespected.Blocker Deehasaquinellastrikerateof100%overthistripandshouldnotbeignored.Charity Joyisonadangerousrating,cangoclose.



1 Pablosky  S Clipperton 133+7

JM97 � H


HK$ 5,641,100 Mastercraftsman - Save The Table by Tale Of The CatSirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto2200mandsamesireasBasicTrilogy.Damunplaced AlbertHungChaoHong

HongKong����HV ○○��Pre-Import �○○○ST ○○○�Total ����AW ����

�376N3�16AHV1200g 11092(100-80)7HNWong 121 JM 9412�P-HSR2 2 2 1 3 1� 21 29 1.10.24 23.22 1.10.45 23.4310 LuckyYear MrGenuine ......... finished well 431N24�16CHV1200g 10991(110-85) CSchofield 117 JM 9411� HSR 1 1 1 3 2� 9.3 7.8 1.09.87 22.94 1.10.25 23.3210 Domineer MrGenuine ...bumped at start 479 13�16 ST1650ws10932(105-80)7HNWong 117 JM 9312�SR-HP2 1 1 1 5 2� 7.5 8.6 1.37.21 23.57 1.37.67 24.037 CircuitLand SichuanVigour ..........led till 250m 539N6�16 ST1200ag10951(115-90) KTeetan 115 JM 92 7 � HP 2 2 2 1 � 2.4 2.2 1.08.35 23.13 1.08.35 22.812 PackingLlaregyb DisciplesTwelve .................nice run 574 16�16C3ST1200gf10892(100-80)7HNWong 126 JM 9712�P-HSR2 4 4 4 9 7 11 13 1.08.69 22.76 1.09.80 23.199 WashingtonHeights KeyWitness ...... faded straight【Comment】PushedForwardEarlyToBeHandilyPlaced4thOnTheRail,4lOffTheEarlyLeader.Didn'tRespondInTheInTheRunHome,DriftingBackInTheStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:Pablosky3Starts3W0P0L,HKD$391,040,won1000-1200M【BrandNo.】S156【BestResult】11 �15HV1200 gf 2 JMoreira 115 84� 2 2 2 3 1� 22.61 Fabulous November【BestTime】11 �15HV1200 gf 2 JMoreira 115 84� 2 2 2 3 1� 22.61 Fabulous November【BarrierTrial】22 �15 ST1200 ag - CWWong - - � - 3 4 7 5� - 1.09.98 - Packing Pins


【Cl.2】○��� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】29�~2.2� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】133�~113�Gd-Firm○○��【Rtg.】94�~71� Good○○��【Night】�○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1112�~1078�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

144dayssinceraced R.B.58.2 R.B.59.2 R.B.1.25.2 R.B.50.8 22�,6G(2P0T)0B26S40T 27.1 27.0 24.5 23.5BadBoy

2 Travel Renyi  N Callan 127+2

RG91-1 � B


HK$ 3,116,850 Shinko King (IRE) - Halos by My Halo(ARG)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1800mandsamesireasPowerOfOne.Damwasawinnerover1200m RenyiSyndicate

HongKong����HV ○○○�Pre-Import �○�○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○�

��196 21�15B2ST1400g 10723(80-60)  DWhyte 129 RG 7614� BT 7 7 7 1 1� 10 7.4 1.21.54 23.28 1.21.54 22.921 SichuanDar BeautyKingdom ............well-ridden 353 24�16AST1400g 10772(105-80) CSchofield 115 RG 8412� BT 5 5 4 1 1 4.2 2.4 1.23.01 23.36 1.23.01 22.884 LuckyDoubleEight HarrierJet .................nice run 461 6�16CST1400g 1071HKG3(110) CSchofield 117 RG 9214� BT 6 5 3 4 2 7.0 6.3 1.21.65 22.87 1.21.99 23.058 DashingFellow TheAlfonso .............tight 900m 495 20�16AST1400g 10652(100-80) CSchofield 130 RG 9212� BT 7 7 7 5 3� 7.8 10 1.22.65 22.73 1.23.17 22.774 PrecisionKing RapperDragon .no extra, straight�724N15�16BHV1650gf10692(100-80) CSchofield 125 RG 9212� BT 3 4 4 11 11 14 12 1.39.75 24.62 1.41.53 25.9611 SichuanDar Dynamism .........dropped out【Comment】MadeSomeEarlyUseToObtainAForwardPosition,ChasedLeadersInAStronglyRunRace,GaveGround500mOut,Eased200mWhenNoChance.【Pre-Import】Late:KingHalo2Starts1W1P0L,HKD$102,050,won1350M【BrandNo.】S394【BestResult】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BestTime】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BarrierTrial】31 �16 ST1050 ag - CSchofield - - � - 5 5 3 NK - 1.01.23 - Triumphant Jewel


【Cl.2】�○○� 1stUp�○○�【Odds】76�~2.4� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】129�~115�Gd-Firm○���【Rtg.】84�~67� Good�○��【Night】○○○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1077�~1061�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

84dayssinceraced R.B.31.6 A.T.57.5 N.Callan51.3 A.T.1.37.61�,4G(0P1T)0B32S28T 31.6 28.2 22.9 30.7

Page 29: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari








3 Charity Joy � 7K K Chiong 119+6

CSS90-2 � B


HK$ 4,934,350 Not A Single Doubt (AUS) - Miss Elusive by Elusive Quality(USA)Sirewasawinnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasSichuanDar.Damwasawinnerover1100m NgSunWah&ChanWoPing

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import �○○○ST �○��Total ����AW ○○��

8 6�15BST1000g 11102(100-80) DWhyte 128CSS 9112� BT - 6 4 6 3� 12 13 0.55.73 22.09 0.56.27 22.397 Strathmore Jetwings .... steadied 800m�118 18�15 ST1200ag11272(105-80) NCallan 120CSS 9112� BT 1 1 1 3 � 22 13 1.08.55 23.33 1.08.66 23.449 GreatSpirit DisciplesTwelve ..........led till 150m�149 1�15AHV1200g 11172(100-80) NCallan 126CSS 9212� BT 1 1 2 4 � 14 16 1.10.25 23.74 1.10.39 23.609 Strathmore Accepted .......... handy early�232 6�15 ST1200ag11232(100-80) DWhyte 129CSS 9211� BT 3 3 4 10 9 14 5.1 1.08.64 23.16 1.10.10 24.1810 Dehere'sTheLove Pablosky unacceptable run 298 1�16B2ST1000g 1119HKG3(90+) MLYeung 113CSS 9210� BT - 6 6 6 3 41 21 0.56.28 22.52 0.56.76 22.725 NotListenin'tome Strathmore ....Bauhinia Sprint【Comment】AlongTheStand'sRailIn6thPlace,HadNoClearRunUntil100m,MadeMildGainsWhenClear.【Pre-Import】Late:Doubtless1Starts1W0P0L,HKD$49,240,won880M【BrandNo.】P278【BestResult】10 �15HV1200 gf 2 ODoleuze 125 88� 4 4 2 2 NK 58 1.09.44 23.04 High Five【BestTime】10 �15HV1200 gf 2 ODoleuze 125 88� 4 4 2 2 NK 58 1.09.44 23.04 High Five【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST800 g - HTMo - - � - 1 1 1 3� - 0.45.39 - Unleashed Dragon


【Cl.2】���� 1stUp○�○�【Odds】58�~2.6� FAV �○��【C.Wt.】133�~112�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】91�~64� Good�○��【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1127�~1064�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

250dayssinceraced Trainer55.2 R.B.53.7 KKChiong46.818�,6G(2P1T)1B31S47T 26.9 24.4CharityGlory 21.7KingOfMongoliaturg

4 Mr Bogart  J Moreira 124+9

JM88+7 � B


HK$ 1,824,475 Northern Meteor - Actress by SnippetsSirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1250mandsamesireasRomanticTouch.Damwasalistedwinnerover1400m WilliamTsang

HongKong�○��HV ○○○○Pre-Import ����ST �○��Total ����AW ○○○○

NSW,AUS21�15 - RH1200g - L  HBowman123 - - 9� - - 3 2 3 � - 11 1.10.00 THE SEBRING - 3yo SW&P Peeping MusicMagnate ..........................RosehillNSW,AUS 2�15 - RH1200s - L  JCassidy 123 - - 8� - - 4 7 7 6� - 6.0 1.12.00 GOSFORD GUINEAS - 3yo SW&P Ygritte Federal ...................Gosford 642 14�16C3ST1200g 12633(80-60)  DWhyte 133 JM 8012� B1 6 6 5 3 1 12 14 1.09.35 22.80 1.09.52 22.532 BlazeStamina DiegoKosta ...held up straight�677 29�16A3ST1200g 12492(100-80) YTCheng 118 JM 8114� B 7 7 7 8 2� 11 17 1.08.80 22.43 1.09.23 22.385 NewAsiaSunrise RacingSupernova ........rider advised 734 19�16C3ST1200gf12412(100-80) CSchofield 115 JM 8112� B 3 3 2 1 1� 4.2 3.6 1.08.07 21.93 1.08.07 21.892 Eroico Merion .....impressive win【Comment】TakenForwardEarlyToBeWellPlace2nd/3rd,1OffTheFence.NosedInFrontAtThe300m,AndChallengedMidStraightBeforeKickingClearFromThe150mToEasilyScore.【Pre-Import】Late:MrBogart9Starts3W3P3L,HKD$1,063,300,won1000-1250M【BrandNo.】V253【BestResult】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BestTime】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BarrierTrial】 2 �16HV1000 g - JMoreira - - � - 3 4 2 1� - 1.00.40 - Gracydad


【Cl.2】�○○� 1stUp�○○○【Odds】14�~3.6� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】133�~115�Gd-Firm�○○○【Rtg.】81�~80� Good○○��【Night】○○○○ Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1263�~1241�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○○○� Heavy○○○○

80dayssinceraced SClipperton56.5 SClipperton55.9 R.B.53.7 JMoreira53.5 22�,6G(2P0T)1B31S43T 26.9 26.5 24.6AbleDeed 24.0InvincibleDragon

5 Almababy  Y T Cheng 123+6

MeT87+1 � T


HK$ 1,423,125 Savabeel (AUS) - Ennerdale by Singspiel(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto2040mandsamesireasVictoryMagic.Damunplaced NgaiWingYin

HongKong��○�HV ��○�Pre-Import �○��ST ○�○�Total ����AW ○○○○

569 16�16C3ST1200gf11223(80-60)  YTCheng 130MeT 7612� T 2 2 2 5 4 5.1 7.1 1.08.93 22.33 1.09.58 22.868 InvincibleDragon BlockerDee .no extra, straight�618N4�16C3HV1200g 11303(80-60)  YTCheng 133MeT 7612� T 1 1 1 1 3 10 7.6 1.10.32 23.13 1.10.32 23.133 TopBonus BeautyKingdom ...shifted out early 656N18�16BHV1200g 11252(100-80) YTCheng 122MeT 8610� T 5 5 4 7 3� 6.2 8.7 1.09.36 22.81 1.09.96 23.018 LuckyYear Eroico ..wide from 600m 734 19�16C3ST1200gf11402(100-80) YTCheng 120MeT 8612� T 1 1 1 4 2� 18 23 1.08.07 21.93 1.08.50 22.368 MrBogart Eroico ..........faded 200m 772N6�16AHV1200g 11382(105-80) YTCheng 117MeT 8612� T 1 1 1 2 2 16 10 1.09.09 23.11 1.09.40 23.426 LuckyYear BornInChina ....... improved run【Comment】RushedAlongAfterTheStart,Led900mAtGoodPace,ContinuedOnWellEnteringStraight,HeadedByImpressiveWinnerNear80m,Held2ndComfortably.【Pre-Import】Late:EclairBigBang12Starts5W2P5L,HKD$1,817,960,won1000-1400M【BrandNo.】V057【BestResult】 4 �16HV1200 g 3 YTCheng 133 76� 1 1 1 1 3 23.13 Top Bonus【BestTime】 6 �16HV1200 g 2 YTCheng 117 86� 1 1 1 2 2 10 1.09.40 23.42 Lucky Year【BarrierTrial】23 �16 ST800 g - YTCheng - - � - 10 10 129� - 0.46.81 - Amber Sky


【Cl.2】○�○� 1stUp○�○○【Odds】99�~7.6� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】133�~117�Gd-Firm○○○�【Rtg.】86�~75� Good��○�【Night】��○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1138�~1130�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○○○ Heavy○○○○

63dayssinceraced Y.T.Cheng58.1 H.N.Wong55.8 H.N.Wong55.5 Y.T.Cheng1.24.2 1�,6G(2P0T)1B6S24T 26.7TimelyArrived 26.4 26.2 24.0

6 High Five  D Whyte 120+8

ATM84-2 � B


HK$ 2,469,750 Time Thief - Stand By Your Man by Nuclear Freeze(USA)Sirewasalistedwinnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasE-super.Damwasawinnerover1200m TonyYueKwokLeung

HongKong�○��HV �○��Pre-Import ��○○ST ○○��Total ����AW ○○○�

394 10�16CST1400g 10451(115-90) HWLai 113ATM 9212� B 111210 9 4� 58 99 1.21.20 22.56 1.21.91 22.598 Thewizardofoz SuperLifeline .....................no fire�497 20�16AST1200g 10562(90-70)  NCallan 133ATM 9014� B 101010 5 2� 12 23 1.09.72 23.20 1.10.16 23.205 LuckyEver WashingtonHeights ..made ground late�600N27�16CHV1200g 10472(100-80) NCallan 123ATM 8912� B 8 8 9 7 2� 13 13 1.10.21 23.78 1.10.58 23.274 Tonyboy BornInChina ...bumped at start�656N18�16BHV1200g 10422(100-80) DWhyte 123ATM 8710� B 6 6 7 5 2� 11 17 1.09.36 22.81 1.09.73 22.584 LuckyYear Eroico ..... laid in, straight�705 9�16AHV1200g 10332(105-80)7KKChiong 112ATM 8612� BBP1 5 5 4 11 5� 6.7 5.3 1.10.00 23.85 1.10.93 24.5012 FabulousOne Apollo'sChoice . Irregular heart rh【Comment】Couldn'tGetForwardEarly,EventuallySettlingForwardOfMidfield,3WideWithNoCover.OnlyBattleOn1PacedInStraightBeforeDroppingOutLate.Vet-cardiacArrhythmia.【Pre-Import】Late:CopyWatch3Starts2W1P0L,HKD$155,510,won800-1000M【BrandNo.】T200【BestResult】10 �15HV1200 gf 2 DWhyte 121 84� 5 5 5 1 NK 22.74 Charity Joy【BestTime】10 �15HV1200 gf 2 DWhyte 121 84� 5 5 5 1 NK 22.74 Charity Joy【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1050 ag - DWhyte - - � - 5 6 2 NK - 1.01.69 - Smart Declaration


【Cl.2】�○�� 1stUp�○○�【Odds】19�~3.0� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】121�~115�Gd-Firm�○��【Rtg.】90�~82� Good○○��【Night】�○�� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1068�~1062�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced A.T.1.21.6 D.Whyte21.1 1�,4G(1P0T)1B0S31T 24.3 21.1SecretCommand

7 Hella Hedge 7H N Wong 112-5

KWL83-2 � B


HK$ 3,562,500 Choisir (AUS) - La Tintoretta by Desert PrinceSirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1200mandsamesireasSecretWeapon.Damwasawinnerover1000m IdonPongWaiNing

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ����ST �○��Total ����AW ○○○�

470N9�16AHV1200gy10942(100-80)�KKChiong 106KWL 8312� B 2 2 3 8 4� 19 19 1.09.95 24.18 1.10.63 24.4611 CountryMelody SecretCommand ...... faded straight 526N31�16C3HV1200g 10953(85-60) 7HNWong 124KWL 8312� B 5 5 7 11 9� 50 44 1.10.16 23.11 1.11.62 23.9711 LineSeeker ImperialChampion .......wide at 800m 622 7�16CST1000g 10912(105-80)2CKTong 113KWL 82 9 � B - 1 2 3 � 39 74 0.55.70 22.14 0.55.79 22.156 MyLittleFriend FabulousOne ...............good run 677 29�16A3ST1200g 11042(100-80)2CKTong 120KWL 8514� B 3 3 3 13 9� 82 99 1.08.80 22.43 1.10.30 23.8514 NewAsiaSunrise RacingSupernova ..wide throughout 734 19�16C3ST1200gf10922(100-80)2CKTong 117KWL 8512� B 2 2 3 12 17 47 47 1.08.07 21.93 1.10.78 24.5212 MrBogart Eroico .............weakened【Comment】BlunderedBadlyOnJumping,WithJockeyBadlyUnbalanced.ManagedToGetForwardToBe2nd,ButNeverBetterThan3WideWithNoCover.RaceWasRunByTheTurn,AndFadedOutQuicklyInTheStraight.【Pre-Import】Late:ThreeSeaCaptains6Starts2W3P1L,HKD$1,120,380,won1000-1400M【BrandNo.】P355【BestResult】 4 �15HV1200 g 3 HWLai 119 68� 1 1 1 1 1 19 1.09.94 23.14 Andnowurmine【BestTime】 1 �15HV1200 gf 3 CYHo 127 76� 2 2 2 2 NS 47 1.09.74 23.52 All The Best【BarrierTrial】12 �16 ST1200 ag - KKChiong - - � - 3 2 2 1� - 1.11.70 - Formula Galore


【Cl.2】○○�� 1stUp�○○�【Odds】74�~2.1� FAV �○○○【C.Wt.】133�~113�Gd-Firm����【Rtg.】82�~57� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1098�~1047�Soft ○○○○【Trump】��○� Heavy○○○○

80dayssinceraced R.B.55.6 R.B.59.1 R.B.56.8 R.B.57.9 H.N.Wong57.126�,7G(1P0T)0B32S33T 25.4 28.0PrimaMateria 25.7 27.1 25.7

8 Majestic Anthem 2T H So 117+3

DJH83 � B


HK$ 5,627,550 Dubawi (IRE) - Drop Dead Gorgeous by Scenic(IRE)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1200mto1600mandsamesireasGunPit.Damwasawinnerover1280mto1450m TamManWai&WilsonTamManShu

HongKong����HV �○��Pre-Import ○○○○ST ��○�Total ����AW ����

�345N20�16CHV1650gy10572(100-80) DWhyte 119DJH 8312� T 8 8 1111 9� 24 12 1.39.86 23.82 1.41.37 24.219 TwinDelight HorseOfFortune ...........wide at turn�479 13�16 ST1650ws10472(105-80)2THSo 112DJH 8312� T 111111 9 11� 18 15 1.37.21 23.57 1.39.10 24.269 CircuitLand SichuanVigour ........slow to begin�543N6�16 ST1650ag10503(85-60)  BPrebble 131DJH 8314� B2T 8 8 7 5 5� 9.3 10 1.38.77 23.12 1.39.59 23.103 NorthernFalls HitTheBid .......midfield early�600N27�16CHV1200g 10552(100-80)2THSo 114DJH 8212� BT 121210 4 � 99 99 1.10.21 23.78 1.10.33 22.982 Tonyboy BornInChina ..made ground late�666 22�16 ST1650ag10492(100-80)2THSo 114DJH 8314� BT 121312 5 3� 15 17 1.38.07 23.01 1.38.63 22.813 HarbourMaster CircuitLand ...... held up 300m【Comment】SteadiedBackEarlyToSit3rdLast,OnTheFence.NoClearRunInTheStraight,AndHadToGoSearchingForARun.FinallyGotClearRunningAfterThe200m,AndFinishedOffWell.【BrandNo.】P238【BidPrice】HKD$3,200,000【BestResult】27 �16HV1200 g 2 THSo 114 82� 12 12 10 4 � 99 1.10.33 22.98 Tonyboy【BestTime】27 �16HV1200 g 2 THSo 114 82� 12 12 10 4 � 99 1.10.33 22.98 Tonyboy【BarrierTrial】 1 �16 ST1200 ag - THSo - - � - 5 6 2 1� - 1.10.54 - Fabio


【Cl.2】���� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】10�~2.2� FAV �○○�【C.Wt.】133�~114�Gd-Firm�○○�【Rtg.】87�~52� Good����【Night】�○�� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1078�~1041�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

108dayssinceraced T.H.So58.8 R.B.1.00.0 R.B.53.4 T.H.So1.23.0 R.B.33.31�,5G(1P0T)0B32S35T 28.1 28.0 25.8 24.0 33.3

9 Righteous � 2M L Yeung 117-13

TPY83-1 � B


HK$ 3,104,725 Coats Choice (AUS) - Elle Taine by Centaine(AUS)SirewaswinlessandsamesireasIshvara.Damwasawinnerover1400m TsangHonWah

HongKong����HV ○○○�Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○○

�433N24�16CHV1200g 11533(85-60)  ZPurton 133TPY 8412� B 2 2 2 4 � 12 12 1.10.43 23.49 1.10.55 23.418 ExcelOneself TurfSprint ...............good run 497 20�16AST1200g 11482(90-70)  TAngland 128TPY 8514� B 1 1 1 3 2� 5.2 8.5 1.09.72 23.20 1.10.11 23.5910 LuckyEver WashingtonHeights ........led most way 555 10�16CST1400gy11532(95-75)  CSchofield 124TPY 8514� B 1 2 3 12 6� 8.4 7.7 1.22.43 23.57 1.23.42 24.4813 CheekyToo SpicySure .............weakened 609 1�16BST1400g 11382(105-80)2MLYeung 112TPY 8410� B 1 1 1 2 2� 33 12 1.22.42 22.60 1.22.87 23.054 HeleneParagon FriendsOfKaYing ....shifted in 200m�714 12�16CST1000gy11393(85-60) 2MLYeung 130TPY 8414� B - 4 3 5 4� 8.1 5.7 0.55.66 21.70 0.56.36 22.3211 BadBoy DragonGeneral ....... laid out 600m【Comment】AwayNicely,RiddenForward,RacingOnOwn4-awayFromOuterFenceBut1lFromLeader.RolledForwardToDrawLevelWithLeadingPack400mBeforeTurningOne-paced.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S128【BestResult】24 �16HV1200 g 3 ZPurton 133 84� 2 2 2 4 � 12 1.10.55 23.41 Excel Oneself【BestTime】24 �16HV1200 g 3 ZPurton 133 84� 2 2 2 4 � 12 1.10.55 23.41 Excel Oneself【BarrierTrial】31 �16 ST1050 g - MLYeung - - � - 1 2 2 1� - 1.03.12 - A Beautiful


【Cl.2】○��� 1stUp�○○○【Odds】13�~1.7� FAV �○�○【C.Wt.】133�~112�Gd-Firm�○��【Rtg.】85�~52� Good����【Night】○○○� Yield�○○�【H.Wt.】1148�~1101�Soft ○○○○【Trump】�○�� Heavy○○○○

87dayssinceraced R.B.25.8 R.B.24.8 R.B.58.8 25�,6G(0P0T)1B30S30T 25.8 24.8 26.0

Page 30: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari





10Bullish Smart  M Chadwick 118+4

ASC82-1 � B


HK$ 4,714,725 Soldier Hollow (GB) - Desabina by Big Shuffle(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1500mto2000m.Damwasawinnerover1400mto1600m WongWingKeung

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○○

�413N17�16BHV1650g 11053(80-60) 2CYHo 126ASC 7512� BT 1 1 1 1 NS 4.2 4.9 1.41.23 23.61 1.41.23 23.615 TrendyWin LittleIsland ........... fighting win�452N2�16C3HV1650g 11083(80-60) 2CYHo 131ASC 8012� BT 1 1 1 2 NK 14 14 1.40.19 23.81 1.40.24 23.866 UltimateGlory LandGrant ........led most way�555 10�16CST1400gy10992(95-75) 2CYHo 120ASC 8314� BT 2 3 4 9 5 23 32 1.22.43 23.57 1.23.24 24.3012 CheekyToo SpicySure .no extra, straight 646 14�16C3ST1400g 11042(100-80)2CYHo 114ASC 8313� BT 1 1 1 5 2� 26 39 1.21.71 22.62 1.22.05 22.969 JoyfulTrinity SolarHeiHei .........well up early�705 9�16AHV1200g 10982(105-80)2CYHo 114ASC 8312� BT 8 8 7 6 3� 22 13 1.10.00 23.85 1.10.60 23.977 FabulousOne Apollo'sChoice ..wide throughout【Comment】Didn'tRespondToEarlyRiding,AndStuck4-5WideAtTheRearWithNoCover,BeforePushingForwardAt700mToBeCloserToMidfield,ButStill3WideNoCover.OkToTheLine,KickingOnLate.【BrandNo.】S221【BidPrice】HKD$5,000,000【BestResult】 9 �16HV1200 g 2 CYHo 114 83� 8 8 7 6 3� 13 1.10.60 23.97 Fabulous One【BestTime】 9 �16HV1200 g 2 CYHo 114 83� 8 8 7 6 3� 13 1.10.60 23.97 Fabulous One【BarrierTrial】24 �16 ST1200 g - MChadwick - - � - 7 7 7 14� - 1.10.95 - Super Jockey


【Cl.2】○○○� 1stUp○○○�【Odds】20�~1.2� FAV ��○○【C.Wt.】133�~120�Gd-Firm○○��【Rtg.】80�~66� Good����【Night】���� Yield○○○�【H.Wt.】1108�~1069�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

90dayssinceraced R.B.1.00.2 R.B.59.1 A.T.51.01�,7G(1P0T)1B32S34T 28.6 27.6 23.1I'mAWitness

11Hammer King 2K C Leung 116-1

PFY82 � B


HK$ 2,509,025 Iffraaj (GB) - Swan Lake by Green Perfume(USA)Sirewasagroup2winnerover1200mto1400mandsamesireasGoodLuckBoy.Damwasawinnerover1000mand1200mMr&MrsLauCheKeung&LauShukYee

HongKong����HV ○○○○Pre-Import ○○○○ST ����Total ����AW ○○○○

�551 10�16CST1200gy11923(80-60)  JMoreira 130PFY 7312� B 5 5 4 1 � 3.0 3.5 1.10.32 22.77 1.10.32 22.451 MomentumLucky HealthyJoyful ............good finish�646 14�16C3ST1400g 11842(100-80) KTeetan 114PFY 8113� B 2 2 2 6 2� 9.5 10 1.21.71 22.62 1.22.09 22.969 JoyfulTrinity SolarHeiHei ........hard to settle 677 29�16A3ST1200g 11872(100-80)2MLYeung 116PFY 8114� B 9 9 9 12 7 27 17 1.08.80 22.43 1.09.93 23.0411 NewAsiaSunrise RacingSupernova ............wide 700m�733 19�16C3ST1200gf11902(100-80)2KCLeung 114PFY 8110� B 3 3 3 2 1� 23 10 1.08.91 21.55 1.09.15 21.595 WahMayFriend InvincibleDragon .................nice run 784 10�16B2ST1400gf11832(100-80)2KCLeung 117PFY 8214� B 5 4 5 8 6 33 37 1.20.99 22.91 1.21.97 23.699 AllYouWish SpicySure ...... held up 350m【Comment】ModeratelyAwayFromAWideDraw,Positioned1Out1Back,SamePositionOnTurn,NoDaylightEarlyInStraight,One-pacedThereafter.(dead-heatFor8th.)【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】V034【BestResult】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BestTime】 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【BarrierTrial】 2 �16HV1200 g - KCLeung - - � - 2 2 3 1� - 1.13.67 - Dynamism


【Cl.2】○�○� 1stUp○○○○【Odds】11�~2.9� FAV ○○○○【C.Wt.】131�~114�Gd-Firm○�○�【Rtg.】81�~52� Good�○��【Night】○○○○ Yield��○○【H.Wt.】1202�~1167�Soft ○○○○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

59dayssinceraced R.B.58.6 K.C.Leung52.8 K.C.Leung57.0 K.C.Leung54.9 25�,7G(3P0T)1B17S36T 26.6 24.0PromptExpress 26.9Megatron 25.8PackingLlaregyb

12Blocker Dee �  K Teetan 117-12

CF81 � AUS5


HK$ 1,726,350 Hidden Dragon - Tycoon Rhythm by Last Tycoon(IRE)Sirewasagroup3winnerover1000mto1400mandsamesireasFantasticFabio.Damunplaced Mr&MrsKennethAu-yeungWing

HongKong��○�HV ��○�Pre-Import ��○○ST ○�○�Total ��○�AW ○○○○

109N14�15BHV1200g 12723(80-60)  ZPurton 123 CF 7012� 3 3 4 2 2� 2.0 2.1 1.10.14 23.58 1.10.49 23.735 DivineBoy GeneralIron ...............good run�451N2�16C3HV1200g 12373(80-60)  ZPurton 124 CF 7112� 2 2 2 1 � 2.7 3.8 1.11.01 22.58 1.11.01 22.467 GenerousBobo AllMyGain ............good finish�525N31�16C3HV1200g 12423(80-60)  ZPurton 130 CF 7712� 2 2 2 2 � 7.1 6.7 1.10.03 23.40 1.10.12 23.374 HappySurveys BlazeStamina ...............good run 569 16�16C3ST1200gf12403(80-60)  ZPurton 133 CF 7912� 1 1 1 2 � 4.2 3.8 1.08.93 22.33 1.09.03 22.433 InvincibleDragon GoalForGold ........led most way�750 26�16AST1200gf12323(85-60)  ODoleuze 129 CF 8114� 3 3 3 6 3� 3.3 2.8 1.09.25 21.64 1.09.79 21.989 MythicalEmperor ForeverRed ..........faded 150m【Comment】QuicklyAway,HoldingRailInsideLeadingPackBeforeThrowingHeadAboutWhenCrossed900m.TailedLeaderToStraight,NotMuchRoomTo300m,One-pacedWhenClear.【Pre-Import】Late:BlockerDee2Starts1W1P0L,HKD$95,440,won1110M【BrandNo.】T374【BestResult】 2 �16HV1200 g 3 ZPurton 124 71� 2 2 2 1 � 22.46 Generous Bobo【BestTime】31 �16HV1200 g 3 ZPurton 130 77� 2 2 2 2 � 23.37 Happy Surveys【BarrierTrial】30 �16 ST1200 ag - KTeetan - - � - 4 4 1 HD - 1.09.97 - Joyful Trinity


【Cl.2】○○○○ 1stUp○�○�【Odds】6.7�~2.1� FAV ��○�【C.Wt.】133�~123�Gd-Firm○�○�【Rtg.】79�~68� Good��○○【Night】��○� Yield○○○○【H.Wt.】1272�~1237�Soft ○○○○【Trump】○�○� Heavy○○○○

73dayssinceraced R.B.52.3 R.B.50.0 KTeetan48.8 25�,6G(3P0T)1B11S31T 24.9GunPit 22.9BornToRace 22.3SweetBean

R1Speedy Longwah   124+1




HK$ 4,276,900 Perfectly Ready (AUS) - Spinning Pearl by Spinning World(USA)Sirewasagroup1winnerover1000mto1400mandsamesireasTwinDelight.Damwasawinnerover1400mand1600m WinningHorsesSyndicate

HongKong����HV ����Pre-Import ○○○○ST ○○○�Total ����AW ○○○○

�108N14�15BHV1650g 10993(80-60)  NCallan 126CSS 7212� BT 7 7 7 1 1� 3.2 3.1 1.40.70 24.37 1.40.70 24.012 GreatCharm BeautyLead .................nice run�148 1�15AHV1650g 10953(80-60)  NCallan 133CSS 7912� BT 6 7 8 6 3� 3.7 2.7 1.41.20 24.11 1.41.75 23.865 PhotonWillie ClubLife .............wide early 205N25�15CHV1650g 10963(80-60)  NCallan 133CSS 7912� BT 2 2 2 1 2 4.4 5.7 1.42.73 22.82 1.42.73 22.783 HappyPlace Superoi .................nice run 243N9�15AHV1800y 11012(100-80) GMosse 123CSS 8712� BT 3 4 4 3 � 11 6.9 1.50.15 23.96 1.50.30 23.715 GoodheartSuccess HorseOfFortune ..... shifted in early�753 26�16AST1600gf11202(100-80) NCallan 123CSS 8814� BT 9 7 1013 6� 20 40 1.33.91 23.23 1.34.90 23.2210 JoyfulTrinity EasternExpress ........... raced wide【Comment】CruisedForwardEarlyAndManagedToGetTrapped3WideWithNoCoverAroundMidfield.OnlyFairInTheStraightAndWasEasedOutLate.【Pre-Import】Late:-【BrandNo.】S242【BestResult】 4 �15HV1200 g 4 MLYeung 121 49� 4 4 5 8 2� 22 1.11.29 24.26 Bright Star【BestTime】 4 �15HV1200 g 4 MLYeung 121 49� 4 4 5 8 2� 22 1.11.29 24.26 Bright Star【BarrierTrial】31 �16 ST1200 g - NCallan - - � - 6 6 4 5� - 1.11.29 - Gun Pit


【Cl.2】○○�� 1stUp○���【Odds】10�~2.1� FAV ����【C.Wt.】133�~112�Gd-Firm��○�【Rtg.】87�~47� Good��○�【Night】���� Yield○○�○【H.Wt.】1102�~1062�Soft ○○�○【Trump】���� Heavy○○○○

73dayssinceraced HTMo57.1 R.B.57.0 R.B.55.9 N.Callan50.418�,5G(2P0T)1B31S39T 26.7 25.9 26.0KingOfMongolia 23.1SuperSprinter

Page 31: HO HO FEEL VICTORIOUS HAPPINESS - hkdnracing.com · HKDN RACING BOOKLET TIPS ... superficial digital flexor tendon ... 7 H N Wong(HW) $1,773,900 9 Oriental Fantasia MET 4 Safari

1 Jockeysilks.2 Saddleclothnumber.3 Horsename.4 TrumpCard.5 �indicatesupinclass,�indicatesdowninclass, Findicatesfirststart.6 Jockey'sname.7 Carryweightinpoundsanddifferentwithlaststart.8 Trainer'snameinshortform.9 Officialhorseratings.10 Barrierposition.11 Brandnumber.12 Gearsinformation.

13 PrizemoneyinHongKong.14 Horse'scountrybred,age,colour,importedyears andcriteria.15 Horsepedigree.16 Owner'sname.17 ResultinHongKong,beforestartedinHongKong andtotalresult.18 ResultinHappyValley,ShatinturfandAWT.19 Trumpcard.20 Raceindex.21 Dateofrace.22 Course.23 Distanceandgroundcondition.24 Horse'sbodyweightinpounds.25 Gradeorclass.26 Ratingrestricted.

27 Carryweightinpounds.28 Jockeyname.29 Horseratingintherace.30 Trainer'snameinshortform.31 Numberofhorsesintherace.32 Barrierposition.33 Gearsinformationintherace.34 Runnindorder.35 FinalRanking.36 Lengthsbehindthewinnerorthewinningmargin.37 Oddin30minutesbeforestart.38 Finalodd.39 Racewinner'stimeandlast400msectionaltime.40 Horse'stimeandlast400msectionaltime.41 400mranking.42 Winninghorseintherace.43 Secondplacinghorseintherace.44 Analysisbyhorseracingexperts.45 Trackworkrecords

46 Recordsinsameclass, oddswhenthehorseintop3, jockeyweightinpoundswhenthehorseintop3, horseratingswhenthehorseintop3, recordsofdayornightracesinHongKong, bodyweightinpoundswhenthehorseintop3, recordswithtrumpcard.47 1ststartafterrest.Recordswhenmostfavoritein race.Recordsindifferentgroundconditions:firm, goodtofirm,good,goodtoyielding,yielding, yieldingtosoftandsoft.

HOW TO READ - HKDN Racing Booklet�

� �

� � �

� �� �� � � � � ���� � � � � � � � � � � �

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

B BlinkersV VisorP PacifierPC PacifierwithcowlsPS Pacifierwith1cowlBO BlinkerwithonecowlonlyCP SheepskinCheekPiecesCO SheepskinCheekPiece1sideSB SheepskinBrowbandLB LuggingBit

RA CheekerRO RollerbitsRB RingBitRU RubberBitTB TongueBitNB NortonBitCB RingTongueBitT TongueTieH HoodM Muzzle

SR ShadowRollX CrossedNoseBandC CornellCollarE EarPlugsBP BrushPrickerrightPL BrushPrickerleft1 Firsttime2 Replaced- Removed

1 Dayssinceraced2 Trackworkrestarteddate3 Gallop4 Partneredgallop

5 Trial6 Barriertrial7 Swimming8 Trotting

12 days since racedTrackwork18�0G(0P0T)0B0S6T

� ������

� 277 23�15C HV1200 GDN 10954(60-40) 116RFourie 50 SW12� B 9 9 1112 - 6� 34 49 (1.10.28)24.17 (1.11.36)23.45 11 Timely Arrived I'm A Witness ................jostled� 303 06�16A HV1200 GDN 11004(60-40) 115HWLai 48 SW12� B 12121210 - 4 48 64 (1.10.96)23.53 (1.11.62)22.99 12 Rocket Let Win Fabio ................jostled� 329 17�16 AW1200 WS 11005(40-0) 132RFourie 46 SW12� B 4 4 5 3 - 1� 11 14 (1.10.41)23.89 (1.10.59)23.71 5 Planet Giant Novel Start ...checkedearly� 408 17�16B HV1000 GDN 11105(40-15) 132RMoore 44 SW11� B 8 6 5 - 1� 5.75.8 (0.58.42)23.73 (0.58.63)23.30 6 Perfect Smart Double Master ................jostled� 482 16�16B HV1000 GDN 11095(40-0) 131MChadwick42 SW12� B 3 4 2 - � 11 15 (0.57.84)23.71 (0.57.94)23.41 4 Octal Luck Double Master ...checkedearly

2 Highland Dragon � M Chadwick132+1

SW39+1 � N265


HK$ 3,404,550 AU 4GS 2011PP - Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) X Rogan's Gem (USA)Sire was a winner over 1200m to 2000m and no same sire in HK. Dam was a winner over 1000m and 1100m. Maria Teresa Chu

Hong Kong ���� HV○○○� Pre-import �○○� ST���� Total ���� AW○���N265

【Comment】Jumped fairly,settled inone-out-one-backposition, foughtonsteadily instraightbutunabletopegbackwinnerthroughout.

【Pre-import】 Late:-DaichiDancer(AUS)3Starts1W0P2LAUD$ 38,720won1150GD【Best Result】 28�15AW1200GD 4 119 MCW 44 3 3 4 2 -1 ModernFortune (1.09.12) 23.30 38【Best Time】 28�15AW1200GD 4 119 MCW 44 3 3 4 2 -1 ModernFortune (1.09.12) 23.30 38【Barrier trial】 26�15AW1050 T4 - MCW - 2 2 1 -� TeofiloCalva (1.03.05) - -

【Jockey & Horse】MCW7�,CR5�,DW5�,GM6�,HNW1○,JM1○,KT2�,CYL1○,HWL1○,WCM5○,NP2○,KT1○,RF12�,RM1○,BP2�,THS3�,TQ2○,UR2○

【Last 25 starts】�5�101296���11-�712561010�6784�HV10����,12○�○�,ST10○○��,12○○��,14○○○�,AW12○���

【Vet Records】Substantialmucusinthetracheaafterracing.(01/04/2015)

【Class5】 ����【Odds】 3.4�~38�【C. Wt .】 133�~115�【 Rtg.】 65�~31�【Day】 ○���【H. Wt.】 1040~1109【Trump】 ����

1st Up ○○○○FAV ○○○○Fast ○○○�Good ○���Slow ○○○○Wet fast ○○○○Wet slow○○�○

12 days since racedTrackwork18�0G(0P0T)0B0S6T

RB 53.7 MCW 53.9 Raced HV RB (Fast 1) RB (Fast 1) 150 days since last win 29.0 24.7 28.5 25.4 16�16 19/2/2015 HV 1200m