High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 12 - 6 - Part 5 (2012.09.02) (Eng) (PDF) [307FIVE]

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  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 12 - 6 - Part 5 (2012.09.02) (Eng) (PDF) [307FIVE]


    ALTA IR - 307 -Part 5 - September 2, 2006

    Part 5: Populace/USofA & GlobalPop - Tribes is Back, Depressing Winter, Fizzled Futzing,

    Fear of Doubt*

    TPTB - Return of Black Jacobins, Just L'Ouverture (pun intended) d' revolution*

    Bushista - Dance of Dementia, Lincoln Bites Butt*

    Populace/USofA - Rule from the Streets, Your lying eyes*

    Conclusion - Part 5 - Opportunities to express failure. This time, something is different*

    Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report

    Changes in language precede changes in behavior.

    By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com

    Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing

    reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report.

    Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words

    used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future

    developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack

    thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of

    this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves

    incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental

    aberrations on the part of the reader.


    Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within

    parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive

    editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

    Data set distilled from 53.66 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect

    a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series.

    Populace/USofA & GlobalPop - Tribes is Back, Depressing Winter, Fizzled Futzing, Fear of Doubt

    For at least the last 18/eighteen months, perhaps a bit longer, the data sets have been indicating the 'death' of the 'faith' based religions.

    This is perhaps a misleading appellation as the descriptor set is entirely focused on the 'triumvirate' of the '3/three desert extracted,

    monotheistic' religions of 'judaism, christism, islam'.

    To the same end, and though discussing it from yet another perspective, even mainstream media is beginning to report on the 'break

    down/degradation/splintering' of the whole of the monotheistic driven, and imposed world view. Within many of these major themes,

    authors frequently concentrate on what is of most sale-able value, thus this article, while noting the implosion of the monotheistic world,

    does so from the perspective of"Return of the tribes: anti-globalization runs deep"

    Among the many causative factors showing up within the descriptor set for the 'splintering/erosion' of the control structures of themonotheistic, state supported religions is a forecast for 'global economic standstill' which is deeply connected via cross links to the Terra

    entity. An interpretation just of the cross links is that a very large 'earth event/circumstance' is some how a causative trigger for the 'woes'

    of the global economy. Note that the 'economy' is the actual human-2-human interaction, and specifically does not include markets

    related descriptor sets except as they may arise in support of more primary aspects. As may be expected, the bust of the 'global housing

    boom' which has really just been an 'anglo centric world' phenomena is a leading drag on the economic activity. However the data set also

    provides indicators that the 'standstill' will happen sometime in late November or early December, then the economic 'mood' moves from

    'seizure/standstill' to 'determination {to} survive' over the course of December into early January, then into 'hardening attitudes, strikes,

    actions, rebellion', and then on to 'militant actions/revolution' by the Ides of March.

    The extensive cross links from this area over to both Bushista and TPTB suggest that a very large effort to 'force feed' the Markets entity

    will 'fizzle' over Fall. This in turn is supportive of the Winter 'depression' which pops up to provide much in the way of 'fear' factors for the

    Bushista and TPTB entities next March.

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    As the 2/two populace entities are progressed along with modelspace through Fall/Winter and up to Spring, 2007, the progression of

    dominant aspects is very telling. As 'conflict' dominates the meta data layers, it nonetheless is not constantly dominant within the populace

    entities where many of the other meta data layers are shuffling about, especially in the 'build-release' steps from early November onward.

    Much of the shuffling, at least within the Populace/USofA entity is between the meta data layers of 'secrets revealed' and 'duality'. These

    both are now supported by much of the detail sets for the Populace/USofA entity, sub set 'economy'. It is as though as the 'housing falls'

    the 'walls come down' which in turn is 'revealing {of} hidden weaknesses'. The idea is suggestive of a very stressful progression of

    'economic ills' which will deeply alter the 'popular mood' by March 15th, 2007. And then things get ugly.

    As may be expected, much of the emotional sums within the Populace/USofA entity are already moving in response to the elections

    pending. The whole of the mood of the entity is toward a 'developing popularism'. However, there are many cross link indications that

    problems will arise within the political spheres of both populace entities which will *not* foster calm behavior. Subsequent to, andcausally linked to the 'economic' problems, and in spite of 'stunts' appearing in early Fall, the Populace/USofA entity is indicating a 'hard,

    harsh, foul' mood which builds in October, and continues to 'foul' the air in November.

    Chart 2

    Much of the Populace/USofA entity participation in the emotional tension building trend line over the Fall/Winter toward the March

    release period comes as a result of the 'driving/pressuring/forcing' of an 'examination of economic reality'. The operative aspect appears tobe 'poverty' with supporting aspect/attributes going to 'sudden exposure' or 'sudden realization' of 'poverty'. The 'poverty' aspect also

    contains supporting language for 'sudden realization of indebtedness/destitute_condition brings/creates/causes riots/actions'. This is cross

    linked both internally and externally to 'rebellion' and 'revolution'. Both sets of linguistic references continue to accrue values as the

    modelspace is progressed by the shorter term and longer term value sets. The indication is for some very unhappy 'realizations {of} loss,

    future_life/savings/retirement' over the course of Fall and into Winter, which will combine with other, more political concerns to create

    the 'wave of revolution' which is shown as creating 'riots' and 'violent political actions' as the release period of the Ides of March begins.

    There is a corresponding layer of linguistic sets going to support for the 'revolution' of Spring by showing 'suffering' through Winter. The

    onset of 'sudden and abject poverty/indebtedness' is highlighted within the Populace/USofA entity by its internal cross links over to

    'frightening' and 'fear'. The first reaction will apparently be a 'wave of fear' which will motivate politicians into a 'whipped up frenzy' over

    the 'lost funds'. Also note that much of the language is going to the 'loss of retirement/future life' and the indications are that several very

    very large retirement funded financial structures are/will show 'failure' and 'implosion'. It would seem that the Populace/USofA, just as it is

    having to endure the emotional tensions associated with the 'political seasons' and the 'growing fear' over other economic aspects of life

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    here on planet earth, will receive an unanticipated 'jolt {to the} heart' as some significant 'asset class' is 'exposed naked, thin' as a

    'financial cover-up' ends in 'exposed failure'.

    TPTB - Return of Black Jacobins, Just L'Ouverture (pun intended) d' revolution

    ThePowersThatBe entity is having a bit of a hard time as the modelspace is progressed beyond the immediacy values and into the loading

    of the short term value set, as well as the longer term values. This entity gets stuck in a very particular lexical set around the

    commencement of the 'conflict' meta data layer on August 31, and stays at that level as the rest of the entities are ratcheting up their

    emotional tension levels. What is occurring with TPTB entity could be characterized as 'holding of breath' or 'anticipation in fear'.

    Within the context of the TPTB entity, several differing forces, all under the influence of their own internal cycles are wrenching at the

    'control structures' which are the very core of this entity. As noted in the discussion above, a key control factor, 'monotheistic

    religion/faith based religions', is in the process of 'crumbling' of its own 'weight/age/mass' as well as its 'failure' to harmonize with any of

    the developing postmillenarian/pre-hunab-ku cycles. The current 'assault' on Western social structure by Islamism does not represent a

    resurgence of Islam, as this is a single dimensional movement. It is still true that Islam as a social force peaked in the 14th century. The

    social structure of the 'islamic nations' is currently *only* propped up by the transference of wealth/food/calories due to the presence of

    energy reserves within the area. Let the oil stop flowing and so will the resources, both physical and emotional, of the planet. The 'islamic

    global jihad' of this time is already a 'failed' effort launched at the end of the cycle for islam, not its point of flourishing. The other militant

    religion of christism is also decaying rapidly of its own internal failures. Similar results of failure can be expected from the recent political

    'last gasp' of the christism fundamentalists in both Populace/USofA and GlobalPop. In both cases the christism movements represent a

    'hollow shell/mask' which hides the lack of a vibrant, growing social structure, and instead is a thin layer of 'rigidity' and 'inflexibility'.

    Given the intense 'self' absorption of the 'leaders' of the christists (inevitably leading to personal corruption), as well as the internal

    structure promoting a very 'rigid' personal view of universe, the current wave of 'splintering' will continue to grow into a 'tide ofrevolution' as manifesting circumstances put pressure on the 'rigid' beyond which it is capable of withstanding. The last of the faith based,

    monotheistic religions, judaism, is now bound inextricably to the fate of the TPTB/Illuminati launched and supported zionist state, Israel.

    As the failures besetting Israel mount, just at the point that pressures upon TPTB are increasing globally, and exponentially, it can be

    expected that the 'lashing out in frenzy' by the zionistas will focus more negative energy on judaism just as the rest of universe twists into

    a whole new context. Shoving any of these religions into the developing context of the planet, as 'control structures' for use by TPTB will

    be extremely difficult. The new and building waves of human development are flowing in the direction of 'self sovereign' individuals who

    will be 'self collectivizing'. The waves of the last 3/three centuries which have worked to create the current efforts at pan-global control

    structures are over or fading very fast. However, the data set indicates that those whom depend upon these dying wave-forms will neither

    accept their degradation, nor harmonize with the new waves. Thus the rise of the 'conflict' meta data layer over these last years to the

    point where it is now active in all of the entities within the modelspace.

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    Chart 1

    As can be seen in the annotated chart above, the TPTB entity is forecasting a very tough year for their efforts. Much of the Ides of March

    release period for TPTB entity is shown via cross links as 'working out the karma' from 'long time worries' and 'current/timely triggerevents'. The first aspect/attribute set which seems to point to trouble is the 'return of the black jacobins'. As may be noted from the

    turbulent early years of the 'revolution of slaves' in Haiti, the Black Jacobins was both the spearhead for the larger 'humanitarian

    movement' within the 'french revolution' as well as the first of the 'class struggle revolutions' against the TPTB which ended with the

    rigidifying of 'revolution' within the 'communist ideology'. According to the modelspace and the accretion of immediacy values, plus the

    longer term value set, plus the internal cross links between them, the TPTB entity is forecasting a 'return to unresolved themes of the past'.

    While we are interpreting this with the common english vulgate popularism of 'karma', we need to note that 'karma' in the larger Indo

    context of descriptors also is accruing very heavily within the TPTB entity for both the upturn period of building emotional tensions

    where the 'karma' aspect/attribute set is held by 'denial' and 'rejection', and for the Ides of March release period by which time the 'karma'

    aspect/attribute set is rising on its own, and is within 'manifesting circumstances' as well as the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer set of

    internally held values within the TPTB entity.

    The 'Black Jacobins' descriptor set within the TPTB entity is held within the bespoke 'fear' aspect set, as well as internally cross linked

    over to the 'retribution' and 'revenge' sets. Within the 'black jacobins' aspect/attribute set the supporting aspect/attributes include a very

    robustly populated reference to the 'return/re-creation/made_again' of the 'first defeat'. This is cross linked internally within TPTB andterminates in the aspect of 'army/military'. The interpretation is that universe is going to send out an 'echo' of the 'first defeat' {of

    Napoleons army by the Black Jacobins}. We note that the 'coercion', and 'corruption' of the 'french revolution' led to the period of French

    imperialism under Napoleon. A current echo might be the rise of an Iraqi 'slave revolt' which fields a 'peoples militia' which defeats the

    army of the current Napoleon, GeeDubya Bush. Since the USofA military {ed note: no longer the population, see below} is the primary

    'tool of enforcement' for the TPTB, the echo of the 'first defeat', or a 'Waterloo' event in Fall of 2006 does not bode well for the next

    anticipated need for the 'tool' in late March of 2007.

    Should such be the case in late August, early September, then the indication is that the next 'round' of the 'karmic echo' will occur within

    the Ides of March release period with the 'theme' being established within the first 2/two weeks or so of the release period beginning on

    March 15th, 2007. As of this writing {August 30, 2006, with a September 2 anticipated posting} there is not *yet* the appearance of the

    problems for TPTB that are clearly dominating their bespoke 'fear' aspect in both immediacy values and the longer term data set. It can be

    argued that the modelspace is suggesting an interpretation of 'holding breath in anticipation of manifestation of feared occurrence'. At

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    least as far as the TPTB entity is concerned. Much of the entity's bespoke 'fear' aspect is devoted to the 'revolution' and the 'return of the

    black jacobins', who apparently really are scaring the shit out of TPTB. However, there are yet 2/two other aspects within the bespoke

    'fear' sets of TPTB entity which are very intriguing. The first is a 'space, hyperspatial geometry' aspect, and the second is focused on

    'collection/bag of changes'.

    The 'space, hyperspatial geometry' descriptor set is a sort of hodgepodge grouping of several descriptor sets as the processing was/is trying

    to identify a 'something' descriptor set within the entity *that we had failed* to model. What happens is that if we do not have a word-set,

    descriptor group for a particular context, then the software defaults to the closest set(s) that it can which will "use up" the descriptors that

    it is trying to "place" into a context. This is the normal order of processing, a "cascade regressive loop" in predicate calculus speak, which

    is used to find the "best possible fit" for a descriptor set using "fuzzy logic". Make sense, yeah? Anyway, what usually happens is that

    when the processing finds a group of descriptors related by an emotional context which has no analog at the top level of the lexicon, ittries the next level down. So for instance, the contexts of 'space' and 'Antarctica' share many of the same words, but are more different

    than alike. So when the software has words that go to 'cold, damn bloody cold', and 'lonely' and 'isolated', and 'remote', it trys the highest

    level of descriptor set, which is 'space'. If it does not find the fit there, then it drops down to 'antarctica'. Or so on until a match is found. If

    one is not found by that rule group, then the whole process is begun again with a differing set of rules which allow a more 'fuzzy' match.

    When one of these happens, we get a report that a fuzzy match occurred. Noting how much data we process, the fuzzy match report is

    huge. In the normal order of processing, we have refined the report to now just flag the matches where there are large percentages of

    unmatched words within the context. These are then examined further to determine if a new context is emerging. If so, changes are made

    to the lexicon for the next round of processing. Thus is explained the constant tweaking of the lexicon. So, to return to 'space, hyperspatial

    geometry'. This is a context which has grown up within the ThePowersThatBe entity as a result of their fascination with ancient/repressed

    knowledge, the arcane, hyperspatial math's, and many other esoteric disciplines which may be loosely characterized as the 'mystery

    schools'. We had no context for this jumble of seemingly disconnected interests when the model for the ThePowersThatBe entity was

    created. The processing over time drove us to consider a new, broader descriptor set for this collection of interests as it appears to be at

    the very core of much of the 'invisible hand' kind of activity. The subject areas are all inter related, though broad, and include the really

    bizarre, both in science, and history. The entity has ended up with this context of 'space, hyperspatial geometry' as the label for thisgrouping. It does not do it justice, but at the moment is descriptive of the areas of higher levels of emotional investment.

    As the modelspace is progressed from the September 5 (more or less) turn around point for the emotional tension trend line, the

    ThePowersThatBe entity has a distinct tinge of 'fear' showing up which grows as the model moves forward in time toward and through the

    Ides of March release period initiation. The bespoke 'fear' is headed in its supporting aspect/attribute set by the 'space, hyperspatial

    geometry'. As the fear level progresses smoothly with the progression of the entity through the modelspace, the interpretation is that a

    'date' is the subject of the fear, so the entity is suggesting that some 'date fixed in time' is the object of their concern. This level of fear

    progression is unlike that seen within the Populace/USofA where the various 'fear' categories wax and wane with regularity. This bespoke

    'fear' has a 'looming' aspect which is driving many of the actions suggested by the ThePowersThatBe entity.

    Within the 'fear of fixed date/time' relative to the 'space, hyperspatial geometry' data set, the second largest supporting set is for

    'celestial/space force'. This is in its turn supported by 'antarctica', which has as its primary support a 'fear' which is supported by

    'extraordinary, disappears under/beneath {the} water'. In turn the 'water' aspect/attribute set contains support for 'attempting to turn tide,

    weakness prevails', and 'streams rush backward, mud flows uphill'. There are further supporting sets along the chain, some cross linked,

    which are describing 'droughts relieved', but at the cost of severe coastal degradation. The detail sets within these areas go to images of

    'trees uprooted, pushed over/toppled' by waves. And 'tidal/tide forces animals inland'. Note that this is specifically referring to a 'tidal'

    effect, and not waves. The supporting data set within this area are also descriptive of 'long term relocations', and 'lost coasts', as well as

    'new maps' being required due to the total loss of much of the existing coast line.

    It is also worth noting that the 'streams/creeks run backwards/withdraw/retreat/return' is cross linked over to the Terra entity as well as

    Populace/USofA entity where we have had the 'waters recede from use' lexical set strengthening over these last several processing's. Both

    of these areas are participatory within the 'encounters with scarcity' which is a meta data layer operative even beyond the 'conflict' meta

    data layer demise of September, 2007.

    Speaking of cross links over to the Terra entity, there are a considerable number which originate within the TPTB entity and terminate

    within 'earthquake' sets within the Terra entity. Most, if not all, of these areas are also cross linked over to the populace entities at the

    secondary or tertiary levels of the descriptor set. Further, many of these cross links over to the 'earthquake' references are originating

    under a sub set of the 'space, hyperspatial geometry' area within TPTB entity. This sub set with the claim on so many cross links is headed

    by aspect/attribute set of 'energy' with supporting aspects of 'sudden bursts' and 'excessive inputs'. This last has many supporting sets

    which can be interpreted as a 'fear of excessive inputs of energy {which} will cause toppling of infrastructure'. This last also has contexts

    in support of a 'fear {that} excessive energy from space {will} topple regime' interpretation. Both sets of supporting aspect/attributes


    The emotive tension drivers within the TPTB entity sub set 'space, hyperspatial geometry' are necessarily confusing as we have a

    collection of subject interests without the layer which knits them all together. For instance, the set of 'fears' related to 'antarctica' and

    'space, sudden inputs of energy' also contain references to 'development/change'. This is internally cross linked back to the 'collection/bag

    of changes' which is the other large grouping under this particular 'fear' based data set. A much more descriptive context exists, but the

    range of subjects is so broad, extending from heliobiology/cosmic-bioshere connections over to forbidden archeology to 'sacred geometry'

    and 'secret societies', that an accurate, short, appellation is difficult to locate. For instance a very highly emotively charged section within

    this structure of the sub set 'space, hyperspatial geometry' is environmentally important so-called 'weak interactants'. The TPTB entity

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    invests some significant amount of its 'worry' values into these 'weak interactants' and the 'biosphere vulnerability'.

    The 'fear of collection/bag of changes' is headed by many aspects both broad descriptors and detail focused aspects/attribute sets which

    go to the idea of 'sudden climate/earth change' or 'rapid environmental upheaval'. Unlike the more Terra cross linked sub set of 'space,

    hyperspatial geometry', this area is more focused on 'politics' and 'resources'. These are the 'fears of losing local power/resources' which

    are cross linked in such a manner as to suggest that this set is the outcome of the more general fear of a rapid/sudden onset of

    'environmental alterations'. Within the 'antarctica' associated data sets within this sub set, the details go to the idea of 'seeds germinating

    under once-frozen roots'. Much of the 'collection/bag' of changes appears to be either 'coastal' or 'weather/season/tides' associated. Note

    that within this last area, much of the 'fear' driver within the emotional sum is tied to the lexicon at the descriptor for 'regularity'. So the

    interpretation may favor the idea that TPTB fear the 'loss of environmental regularity' upon which any 'power structure' is dependent. In

    times of environmental crisis, so amply demonstrated in recent Katrina, Pakistan earthquake, Indonesia tsunami, the power structure isthe first element of social abstractions to vanish.

    The appearance of the large jump up in the emotional sums for TPTB entity and its 'fear' sub set occurs as the Ides of March, 2007 release

    period gets underway. Much of the now elevated tension levels within TPTB have *not* been relieved as the modelspace is progressed

    over the bumpy build-release step period of November through the Winter. These largely elevated emotive tension levels show a repeated

    focus on 'dates' both as a 'dead line/starting date', and the idea of 'dates of significance' within 2007. But before getting into the next year,

    a quick examination of the entity with regard to the last half of this year is indicated. The risen emotive tensions of Winter 2006/2007,

    within TPTB entity, have much of their base value set stemming from a 'Fall earthquake', a 'Fall revolution' which 'reduces resources

    dramatically', and 'hidden changes, bag of changes' likely associated with 'antarctica' or 'cold environments'. Much of the tension within

    the entity from December onward comes up under a rising aspect/attribute set of 'aware {of the} danger/peril', and is itself supported by

    'dangerous situations'.

    In a very interesting twist, the 'dangerous situations' sub set is cross linked internally back over to the 'space, hyperspatial geometry' sub

    set, and under that, terminates within an area going to 'ancestors revisited'. An alternative interpretation for this is also 'ancientknowledge/wisdom'. The set of cross links between the various groupings within the TPTB entity suggest that 2007 is being 'anticipated'

    for many 'alignments/revisitations', and 'recoveries'. This last is a larger set which holds the contexts for 'recovered/re-discovered' sciences

    and art. Worthy of note are the many 'totalitarian' and 'nazi' associations with this area and its 'occult' sub set.

    Also within the various cross links internal to the TPTB entity is one area indicating that a 'response to fear' will be the 'implementation

    {of} systematic repression'. This area is cross linked over to the 'fear of loss of resources/control/power'. This last is linked upward to the

    top level descriptors for the entity where an interpretation of 'goal to achieve zenith of knowledge' can be augmented with the modifier of

    'recover' such that we arrive at the stated goal of the TPTB entity as the 'recovery and possession/use of the zenith of human knowledge'.

    This is of course supported by sub sets going to the idea that the 'zenith of human knowledge' is a 'lost subject' in that it once was known

    as is now lost. Much of this structure within TPTB entity as well as smaller, similar sets within the 2/two populace entities arise in support

    of the 'secret societies' and 'conspiracy' sub sets. In spite of, or perhaps, because of this last, the TPTB entity can be a very interesting

    entity to examine. The large areas of cross links may challenge the interpretation, but the entity is still at its core a very 'twisted' collection

    of descriptors.

    Much of the 'repression' language is cross linked over to the Populace/USofA and GlobalPop where the termination points are those areas

    going to the 'Winter depression' of the economy, and its expected responses. The clear indication here is that TPTB are 'aware' and

    'prepared' for the 'economic standstill', and are anticipating a global popular response which will require 'repression'. Surprisingly, there are

    many emotional values for the sets indicating that while the 'repression' is the first choice of the TPTB for a reaction to the 'difficulties', it

    is not a desired action. That is, the idea coming across is that TPTB would rather not have to be 'fighting the populace' during 2007. It is

    clearly a much more important year in other areas to which the TPTB would rather devote their 'energy'.

    Bushista - Dance of Dementia, Lincoln Bites Butt

    The whole of the Bushista entity has taken a decidedly ominous tone as the modelspace has moved into the area of 'conflict' emerging as a

    meta data layer. Meta data layers provide the 'tonality' which is expressed as an operative, out-there theme going on at all different levels.

    It is fair to say that the populace of the USofA, dragged and deluded along by its 'leadership' has been in a state of 'conflict' with someone

    on the planet for the last century. Now the 'conflict' meme moves into meta data mode within the populace. We expect that the expression

    of this theme will have conflicts showing up at all levels within the social order, as well as human-vs-nature/climate_change, and humans-vs-diminishing_resourses.

    Within the bellicose Bushista entity, the appearance of 'conflict' as a meta data layer is *not* a good thing. It begins a 13/thirteen lunar

    month year where the spread of the data and the movement of the entity through the modelspace bodes ill for all.

    From the immediacy data sets all the way through the second processing of the longer term value sets, Bushista is 'in it'. The immediacy

    values including the most recently gathered data suggest that a very bad week, week of September 3rd, will run into a very very bad year.

    The entity is accumulating negative immediacy values which just segue into negative shorter term values and then right into negative

    longer term values. All of which is under the meta data umbrella of 'conflict'. The indications are that everything that "happens" over the

    next 13/thirteen lunar months will induce a 'conflict' response within the Bushista entity.

    The 'dance of the demented' is indicated to begin with the 'transportation problems' and the 'disaster strikes innocent people' which begin

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    with the week of September 3rd. Arguably the 'transportation problems' have already started to appear with the recent airplane crashes or

    near crashes, however the data set is indicating that things will start to 'fade' or 'shade' into 'unreal perceptions/unreality' as 'more

    propagates more' within the 'disasters strike innocent persons' of this first part of September. Within the data sets are supporting aspects

    going to the broader areas of 'transportation, air', 'transportation, sea' {ed note: very large accumulation of a 'sinking' nature},

    'transportation, military', and other categories including 'military upsets', 'severe upsets', 'eruptions/volcano', 'eruption, violence, popular',

    and 'explosions, accident', 'explosions, military', 'explosions, transportation'. Most of this area is directly supported by aspect/attribute sets

    going to 'violence'.

    Part of the problem for the Bushista entity is its own incompetence. Once again the data sets are indicating that the 'bad beginning' of this

    lunar year is 'made worse' by Bushista actions/response. Part of the problem will be the constant 'internal conflict' which will tend to

    paralyze actions within the entity. Part of the problems within Bushista will be 'exposure to disease', although the data set is seeming toindicate that Bushista is merely trying to wrap its limited mind around how to cope with 'exposure to disease' rather than someone within

    the Bushista entity being exposed. Nonetheless, a significant part of the 'excess of caution' will relate to 'disease fears'. Beyond merely

    'fearing disease exposure', there are indications that 'nature/climate shocks speechless', and 'violence {of} nature damages history'. Other

    oddities showing up include the hint that a 'spark' or 'glimmer' of a 'reflection' within a photograph taken during this early September

    period will later arise as a key in an 'unwinding'. Hmm. So who gets seen where they shouldn't be?

    More issues arise even as the shorter term impact values fade for the early September problems. So the problems of early September,

    while nasty for those afflicted, are rapidly fading by the mid September period when things in the economy start to show as being 'less

    than solid', and then Bushista entity has the shorter term value set pointing at 'disruption' and 'disharmony' as dominating aspects starting

    around September 22, and maintaining influence all the way through the longer term value set until approximately July of 2007. Within

    these aspects we note that these 'disruptions' are also 'afflicting mind' and 'health'. Within the 'health' area are links going over to a large

    area of concern which is the condition of the Vice Dick Cheney. The indications are that the whole of the Bushista entity will be focusing

    on D. Cheney's health in Fall and for most of early Winter. The data has maintained for sometime that 'health crises' will afflict the Vice

    this Fall, and now the entity is showing that these health worries will ripple throughout the entity just as the building emotional time starts,and just as the internal 'conflicts' become entrenched. Further the 'worries' will exacerbate the 'conflicts' and will move 'caution' into the

    status of a virtue taken to extreme. Not that it matters. The data set is quite clear about that component of things. The external challenges

    of these next 13/thirteen months are to be so demanding as to stress the 'incompetence' of the Bushista entity to its limits.

    Just as the economic 'sustainability' begins to get 'questions' in mid September, a 'sense of loss' or 'removal' or 'slipped through the fingers'

    will surface within Bushista. This emotive state is shown as affecting Bush, C. Rice, and WH staff including the 'chief of staff'. The

    dominate aspects/attributes are 'troublesome', 'depression', 'burdensome', 'poverty', 'famine/crop_failure'. Further we note that the

    aspect/attribute sets which accrue to the entity with the short term values extend this mood of 'conflict with problems' and 'problems

    {like} snow flakes en masse' all the way through to the end of July, 2007 and perhaps beyond.

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    Chart 3

    The 'overwhelming failure' noted on the chart above comes from the 'accumulation' of 'evils' which will be 'exposed' within the 'secrets

    revealed' meta data layer in October and beyond. An interesting wrinkle is that the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer is much more activefor Bushista after the Fall elections as though the impact of the elections is liberating to the point where 'old oppressions' no longer work.

    Many of the 'failures' which appear repeatedly throughout the Bushista entity are heavily cross linked to the Press entity, especially those

    accruing within the far edge of the shorter term value sets. The entity appears to be indicating that the 'repressions of the press' will be

    very curtailed post-election, and thus the press will be free to 'publicize failures' in ways not seen these past years of 'oppression'. Not that

    there won't be plenty of 'failure' showing up in the press prior to the election. However, the entities involved indicate a very serious 'turn

    of tone' following the elections. This is likely indicating that the current "rework the Iraq" war PR campaigns will be a huge failure,

    serving only to highlight the whole of the failures of the Bush tenure, and will bring chaos on GOP aspirations to continued

    corruptions/incumbency. Much of this will result from the 'same old lies' being 'retread one more time'. Even with the 'self deluding

    conservative religionista' support base for Bush/GOP, the times are a'changing and Lincoln's admonition to politicians is shown as rising

    up to bite Bushista/GOP butt. Additionally we note that

    The Bushista entity is also indicating that there is a split between the 'operations' and the 'titles' within the 'leadership' of the USofA. This

    will become 'slap-in-the-face' apparent with the 'worries over Cheney health'. There are aspect/attributes going to 'paralysis' and 'seizure'

    which are actually focused not at Cheney, but are held in a general way and continue to accrue values through early December. Theindications are that D. Cheney may be removed by universe from his 'hidden duties' and thus the remainder of the corrupt crew is left to

    actually do something. This will result in a rather visible shift from SNAFU right up to FUBAR.

    The Bushista entity is a complex linguistic structure within modelspace. Within it there are a sustained number of links over to

    ThePowersThatBe entity, but the impression is that the 'links' are 'tentative' at best. This area of the Bushista entity is also dominated by

    bespoke 'fear' with supporting language going to 'struggle/context/contention'. This area also suggests that there is more than a little

    'conflict' between Bushista and TPTB entities. In the case of the Bushista entity, all wrapped up within this 'knot of conflict' is an area that

    has existed for a number of years, and, along with its corresponding cross link cousin in TPTB, is growing disproportionately to the rest of

    the entity. These sets within both Bushista, and TPTB are heavily cross linked back over to Terra entity. Within the Bushista entity this

    area is, as stated, in support of bespoke 'fear' sub set. Within the 'fear' sub set we note that the internal to Bushista cross links are

    presenting an impression of a 'race' internal to the entity. Or alternatively, the Bushista entity is having a 'race with universe', where

    Bushista is really an observer, not a participant, and is seemingly awaiting the arrival of 1/one of 2/two fears. The impression is that an

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    emotional 'dithering' is taking place as the entity is expecting the arrival of either 'retribution/revenge' for past deeds, *or* the appearance

    of a 'wipe the slate clean' cosmic/planetary event. Yep, in spite of reluctance to see the obvious over these last few ALTA runs, it appears

    that 'fear {of} planetary climate collapse' and 'anticipation {of} pending circumstances' are neck-and-neck within the Bushista entity, and

    the entity is 'rooting/anticipating' the 'liberation' which would come as a result of a 'wipe the slate clean ecologic disaster'. The data set

    seems to indicate that even with the environmental recriminations which would heap upon Bushista should a large scale environmental

    'incident' happen, the internal 'hopes' are that such an event would be a very large distraction from the 'karma of retribution/revenge'

    should/when power shifts.

    That the Bushista entity is showing an increase in emotional energy relative to an 'incident' with 'global environmental consequences' is

    indicative of the potential/probability of such an event manifesting. Such an idea is expected, given the TPTB entity fixation on

    'hyperspatial thingeys', and the idea is reinforced by cross links over to the numerous heliobiology linguistic references within TPTBentity. There is also the consideration of the number and duration of the many cross linked areas to the Terra entity where it is still

    accumulating values for a 'global coastal event/circumstance'. Coupled with the heavily cross linked areas within Bushista and TPTB

    entity, the fear of the idea of a 'shift of ice' on Antarctica such that oceanic wave patterns are disturbed, sea levels rise to impact all

    coastal settlements everywhere, comes across as an unexpected driver of emotional tension.

    Populace/USofA - Rule from the Streets, Your lying eyes

    Given the rapid development of the "situation" in Mexico relative to the disputed elections and the refusal of the "losing" candidate to

    accept the fraudulent voting practices which ensured his loss, it seems reasonable that the 'revolution' issues about to come to the

    forefront within the populace of the USofA emotionally will emerge from the 'fracturing' of the Mexican social contract, i.e. 'accept the

    lies from officialdom, and go along, or we will hurt you'.

    The actions in Mexico by the populace unwilling to yet one more time accept continuation-of-control by the globalizationists through

    fraud, should *not* be taken as an isolated set of circumstances. The pending Mexican revolution is merely the tip of the expression ofthe same emotional complex which is deeply resident in most other populations as well. The modelspace is clearly showing that the

    'revolution' emotional complex is active within the Populace/USofA, and within GlobalPop. In both cases the 'target' of the 'revolution' is

    the existing 'global power elite/structure'. In both cases the emotional trend lines rise rapidly through Fall without any release to speak of

    until late November.

    Given the rise of 'oppression' and 'repression' as active linguistic structures within ThePowersThatBe entity, the suggestion is that the

    'battles' will begin with the 'build-release' stair step time shown in the charts as beginning on or about November 23rd. After that time the

    'manifestations' will be/should be quite visible. The chart *could* be suggesting that a parallel situation may develop in the USofA where

    rampant election fraud is the order of the day and the populace reacts along with the 'losing' side of the elections to press the issues with

    the 'power structure' of the 'officialdom'. Something along these lines would account for the very high emotional tension levels within the

    Populace/USofA entity as well as the very high 'fear' values within both TPTB and Bushista. Further, modelspace is clearly stating that

    'revolution' as a social wave will sweep through the Populace/USofA. This will be at very high levels of emotional tension, and as such is

    unlikely to be *merely* the spill-over from the Mexican Revolution. The modelspace is arguing for a much more 'active' state of

    'revolution' within the USofA which will produce 'actions' which in turn bring 'repression/oppression' and 'naked hatred' from the'officialdom', and that in turn produces the next wave up of both emotional tension and its release within the populace as 'revolutionary

    acts' and 'acts of resistance'. Both of these are indeed tainted with 'violence', but we note that the Bushista and TPTB entities are the first

    instigators of the 'violent response/reaction'. And again, noting that this reaction is driven by 'fear' which is ratcheted up by more than

    mere political instability. The impact on the entities by the 'fear of global environmental catastrophe/event' cannot be over stated. It

    supplies a base for the 'fear' at very high levels, such that the interpretation is for 'violent over-reaction' on the part of 'officialdom' at all

    levels. This 'over reaction' is actually shown within the data set and illuminated by the cross links over to the Populace/USofA entity

    where they terminate in 'stunned', and 'surprised to speechlessness'. This state of 'silent shock' will come from an 'incident' of 'excessive

    brutality' which apparently will be televised. Within this incident, the pressures of the 'fear driven' official will 'explode' in a very

    'inappropriate' manner. The data set is indicating that this manifesting circumstance will take place in late September or early October.

    The data is a small bit confusing as it seemingly shows the 'incident' to extend until November 23rd at which time a release period of a

    few days takes place.

    The data set for the Populace/USofA is further complicated by its own Terra terminating cross links. According to these sub sets, in the

    midst of both 'economic degradation' and rising 'political chaos', along will come some 'flicks of the whip' which are indicated as 'inducingfear/panic' within some large segments of the population. This area of the Populace/USofA entity is a small, cross link dominated,

    linguistic set which *may* be this entities version of the 'fear of global coastal event'. Most of the cross links over to the Terra entity are

    to that still building lexical group which is going to the idea of a 'Pacific' earthquake which sets off 'waves of wonder' which sweep around

    the planet several times. The data set suggests that the earthquake and/or the resulting tsunami will have impact on the 'east coast' of

    Japan, and will 'race the sun for days'. The interpretation here being that the waves will travel westward, and loop around the planet for

    several days time. We have to be somewhat careful here in that an alternative interpretation would be for an earthquake and then 'several

    days of emotional waves' in reaction which sweep through the populace of the planet, rather than a physical wave in the ocean.

    In any event, the data set, from the immediacy values through the longer term value set are pointing to a series of actions/reactions which

    are headed by the aspect of 'revolution'. This aspect begins to get its base with the Bushista reactions to the 'drama of September 5th'.

    Noting that our timing is always a bit off, and that sometimes that "bit" is the size of a hippopotamus, it could be that events of September

    3rd through the 5th or 6th will produce a response from Bushista to the developing 'Mexican situation' which then leads to both

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    'oppression' and 'revolutionary response' within the populace of the USofA. It is also easily seen how the imperial 'officialdom' will be in a

    quandary relative to the 'revolution' meme within Mexico. Dare they even label it such? If they did, then using the 'crisis in Mexico' as an

    excuse, and labeling the opposition as 'insurrectionists' would facilitate the imposition of military controls here in the USofA. But the

    problem is that by using either the 'revolution' word, or the 'insurrection' word, the officialdom is at risk of actualizing mostly-latent

    emotions within the populace of the USofA. Something they seem loathe to risk, at least to date.

    The Populace/USofA entity as it is moved along by the accumulating values within the modelspace as it progresses through the shorter

    term value set and out toward the Ides of March release period is indicating that the 'times are indeed dread, truly dread'. The conjunction

    of forces which together make for social harmony are fading. The 'revolution' and 'violence' sparked by actions in Mexico will spread

    north over the course of Fall and Winter. Further, the 'duality' meta data layer within the Populace/USofA is showing that the 'economic

    depression/collapse/implosion' will be able to be placed to the 'angry marching feet' or 'revolution'. The impacts of the Mexican revolutionon the economic situation in the north American hemisphere will be severe and will provide yet more pressures to the deteriorating

    conditions of the populace. This economic deterioration will illuminate the spreading gap between the power elite/moneyed class and the

    rest of the populace. Both the stark visibility of the 'inequities/corruption' and the 'stupidity/rigidity' of the 'power elite' response to their

    sudden 'exposure' will put even more pressure on the populace. The first acts of revolution within the continental USofA will be

    'misdirected' by the 'officials' via their 3/three stooges {ed note: the 3/three cable news networks} as 'spill overs' from the Mexican crisis.

    The second wave of revolutionary acts will not be so easily placed at the feet of 'illegal aliens'. We note also that the 'language of control'

    surrounding all things Mexican will begin to change. The previous calls for 'guest worker' programs by lobbyists and their slaves, the

    corrupt politicians will morph over to calls for 'militarized borders' as the shifts of the populace begin to be felt. To the horror of some of

    the current crop of power brokers within the official classes, the 'violent oppression' will seem an 'extreme over-reaction' which itself will

    raise fear quotients to new highs within TPTB. And not without reason.

    The Populace/USofA entity within our modelspace is clearly stating that in spite of the self-delusion of all of the numbers of 'officialdom',

    things are not right within the populace. The current pressures on all segments of the non-ruling classes economically, especially as it is

    denied and hidden through manipulation of 'official government statistics' has provided a base of emotional tone within the populaceconstantly fueled by 'cognitive dissonance'. This effect should not be minimized. A load of small stressors at a constant and even slowly

    growing level is still a load of stress. And as has been repeatedly demonstrated over the last century, stress causes humans to act in

    excessive and usually dangerous ways.

    We again need to note that there is no practical difference between the emotional stress of constant denial coming from 'officials' and

    'teevee' about the very real components of daily life, and the emotional stress that comes from a traumatic event. Both, once they reach a

    certain level, are impacting on the human. Post traumatic stress syndrome does *not* recognize a difference in causal agents between

    slow and low, or fast and hard stressors. Also given the ThePowersThatBe entity's continuing focus on 'heliobiolgy' with specific notice of

    the impact on human behavior of very small changes in energy from space, it should not be surprising that large scale behavior changes

    are expected to arise from continual, officially enforced cognitive dissonance. It should also not be surprising that the expression of the

    trauma of continually induced stress will be mental breakdowns and violence. Kind of a "well, duh" thing.

    Conclusion - Part 5 - Opportunities to express failure. This time, something is different

    Here in SpaceShip Earth, we are about to leave the 'release period' and head into a steeply rising 'emotional tension building period'. The

    modelspace is indicating that the 'leader/decider' of the 'free world' is going to face several new crises as the spaceship transits this

    building energy period. It is predictable, given the level of competency demonstrated already, that Bush et al will seize these crises as new

    opportunities to express failure. Something of a pattern of this collection of humans. The expressions of failure will *not* be good for the

    rest of the humans. Those humans who will suffer as a result of the bad decisions made by Bush et al will surprisingly find themselves

    willing to take action whereas similar fluck-ups and suffering in the past has gone by observed, but without response. This time,something

    is different.

    The developing lexical base of ThePowersThatBe entity is centering around a complex mixture of inter-related subjects which include a

    special emphasis being paid to 'weak interactants' or 'extra-planetary energies'. There are both 'fear' and 'greed' associated with these

    energies as there is apparently some belief within the power elite that 'control' of these might be possible. Or alternatively, perhaps an

    interpretation that 'the path/way of control is indicated by these extra-planetary energies'. In either case the TPTB entity is showing real

    excitement over both this whole area of interest, and the current year, 2006. There are indications within the entity that a

    'belief/understanding' that a 'milestone/marker has been passed' is taking hold. There are indications within the entity that TPTB also thinkthat this time, something is different.

    There are certainly indications within the modelspace that 'time has/is changing'. And there is a certainty emerging from the study of the

    various entities that this time, something is different.

    It promises to be a very interesting, if stressing Fall and Winter. The silly season/political season within the USofA will be everything

    *but* ordinary, especially with the developing, and then suddenly erupting political crises of late September and October.

    Part 6 is anticipated to be posted on September 9th. With the current data flow, this will likely include both the last of the immediacy

    values processed and the longer term value set, with chart adjustments.

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    Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved.

    Released through subscription only.

    No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

    astHuman: Language: Linguistics: Tools: ALTA file:// /I: /HPH_SUPPORT/ALTA307_ides/ALTAREPORT/alta_3