High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 10 (2006.04.07 - 2006.05.14) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA1006ALL]

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  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 10 (2006.04.07 - 2006.05.14) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA1006ALL]


    ALTA IR - 1006 - April 7, 2006

    Part 1:Meta Data - Complexity Shifts and Linguistic Spaghetti, Back....back in the USSR*

    Terra - Five Toes Kick Ass*

    Bushista - Orange you glad it's Spring?*

    Markets - (also) Populace/USofA - Deep Woo-Woo, What Planet are We on anyway?*

    Conclusion Part 1: Pressure Waves Oot-and-Aboot*

    Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence ReportChanges in language precede changes in behavior.

    By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com

    Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed inthis report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge onthe part of the authors of this report.

    Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human

    emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE

    FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of theperceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this

    report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes

    as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-onlyanalysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly

    held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader.


    Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute

    words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and

    trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *.Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

    Data set distilled from 12.77 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within ourbandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set.

    Meta Data - Complexity Shifts and Linguistic Spaghetti, Back....back in the USSR

    Programmers, especially maintenance programmers, have a hatred of one particular thing above all others,

    and that is spaghetti code. This is code so intertwined, so obfuscated by indirection/misdirection as to beg

    the idea of design, and suggest that some software is not programmed, it grows, vine-like, snaking back inamongst itself so many times as to defy unraveling. Usually those hapless karmic victims who are placed in

    charge of keeping such code running quickly give up any pretense at trying to rectify the situation, which ishopeless, and just get on with what minimal work is required to keep their job. The illustrated philosopher,

    Dilbert comes to mind.

  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 10 (2006.04.07 - 2006.05.14) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA1006ALL]


    Spaghetti code is frequently the result of the corporate mindset finding a problem and deciding it can be

    fixed by the massive use of their only weapon, money. So they throw money at the problem in the form of

    more programmers to produce yet more spaghetti code with the intention of fixing the problem with the

    same mindset which produced it. An approach that the current regime in power here in the USofAdemonstrates daily is just ever so effective.

    Well, here at HPH we have no spaghetti code as we have never had money to throw at a problem, and bynature we follow the lazy human's programming guidelines which begin with rule one: "you'll never have

    time to do it over, so do it right the first time". We frequently employ the corollary to rule one which is:

    "ascertain if it can be avoided". This last is adopted loosely from the junk-masters boat maintenance mottowhich is 'never make the repair outlive the vessel', which is yet one more way of saying 'appropriate

    responses to manifesting circumstances', or as the USofA DOD would have it restated, "appropriate

    allocation of adequate resources to ensure completion of the goal".

    Note the common thread running through these aphorisms above. There are a million others where thosecome from, all with the central theme of proper resource use, but some with nuances hidden in other

    variants of the same theme. Igor favors Burt Gummer's quote from the Tremors movies of "I do what I can

    with what I got". Again, shading toward resources being effectively used, with brains applied. Ironically wenote how the character has within that statement established himself as basically operating on the antithesis

    of the government model. Yet a sort of identity statement within an identity motivating motto/philosophy.

    What possibly be the point of the connection between spaghetti code and our lazy human's effectiveresource allocation motto? Well, it seems that spaghetti code like relationships are showing up within our

    modelspace. That is, the interlinks between the linguistic definitions/descriptor sets for the entities are

    becoming very convoluted indeed, like layer upon layer of spaghetti heaped on a plate. There is nothing

    particularly unexpected about the seeming rise in complexity as this is a general trend noted as we have

    proceeded along these last nearly 8/eight years. Whether an artifact of our growing programming base or anactual rise in c0mplexity we will not be able to say due to having been deep in the trees during these years,

    and thus unable to see if the forest itself was changing. While we suspect that indeed the forest has altered

    while we were occupied peering at the bark on individual trees, we do recognize that some portion of thismay well be our gaining a bit more expertise and thus a slightly larger view point on the processes


    Returning to the point of the complexity of the cross links, we have, during this initial processing for thisALTA 1006 series been able to observe that 2/two of our "repeat customers" in terms of linguistic

    descriptors which we have seen with increasing frequency over the past year are becoming new meta-data

    layers. A meta-data layer, for those who have just tuned in, is a set of descriptor words, all hung together

    under one primary aspect, which we are finding rising up naturally within all, or nearly all, the entities.Thus these aspects become common to all the entities, and being ubiquitous throughout the modelspace, are

    interpreted as having some effect on any given entity at the time they are active. An instance is the meta

    data layer of 'secrets revealed' which we were able to properly identify, and plot to some extent prior to itsemergence into general public life over these last 2/two years. Similarly, since the aspect is based in all

    entities, we can root around until we locate it, usually not too hard as the meta data layers are near the top,

    and then, give the particular linguistics for the entity at the time, we can interpret how the meta data layer is

    likely to manifest in the near term future. With some success occasionally.

    At this point we have a very slippery slope to start down as we explore some of the newly manifesting metadata layers. An uncertainty of linguistic footing is to be expected in what follows as seemingly the meta

    data layers themselves are influencing each other, thus making the interpretations doubly difficult.

    This difficulty is fitting as we will start our meta data layer examination with 'duality' and instantly jump

    right to 'restricted movement'. Both are showing up as new meta data layers for all of the entities inmodelspace. We had suspected that the 'duality' would possibly grow into a meta data layer, but even so

    were surprised at the rapidity with which it achieved that state. The 'restricted movement' is not a surprise

    however as it has been creeping in slowly over the course of these last 3/years.

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    A curious, perhaps to be expected effect is that the 'restricted movement' also is expressing 'duality'. Within

    our data set there are two, nearly similar, but slightly different descriptor sets which both numerically, and

    in their sums, express 'restricted movement'. In one case the 'restricted movement' is stating that an

    'imposition of outside control is limiting movements or freedom of action'. The other descriptor set, alsounder the aspect of 'restricted movement' is probably best labeled by its secondary aspect of 'encounter with

    scarcity'. These sets are similar and mutually affecting. A scenario where the 'restrictions on movements'

    would result in an 'encounter with scarcity' is easily imagined. Any action within the USofA which'restricted movement' on the interstate highway system would yield just such results.

    What used to be less noticed is the impact that 'encounter with scarcity' can have on freedom of movement.Recently the populace at large has begun to encounter the impacts of 'scarcities' in energy, as an instance,

    which in turn impact the freedom of movement of segments of the population which actually results in the

    'restricted movement' we find characterized within our modelspace.

    This most recent processing round for the ALTA 1006 series is running smack into an accelerating trendfor both the 'duality' aspect, as well as the 'restricted movement' aspect. Continuing the case of the

    'restricted movement' for a moment, we have new data sets that cross link extensively to a wide variety of

    products and classes of commodities. In all entities such as Markets entity and both of the populace entities,that is Populace/USofA and GlobalPop, the 'restricted movement' aspect is also paired with its twin of

    'encounter with scarcity'. This pairing is showing a mutually impacting effect both within individual entities

    as well as at the meta data level. Much of the 'encounter with scarcity', while not to manifest until late inSpring and through Summer, is nonetheless being forecast within out immediacy value summations for thevarious meta data layers.

    Let me restate just to muddy things up. Our data set suggests global encounters with scarcity, especially in

    the areas of 'food', both for humans and livestock, and in the related areas of 'energy' in all its variations,

    and metals/commodities of a structural/strategic nature. Yes, so this is no big shocking prediction here. Anover populated planet with a skewed organizational plan which does not support holistic view of planetary

    nor species needs is being pinched by resource allocations issues. So? No big deal, right?

    Well.... not so fast there. What our data is indicating is that the 'encounter with scarcity' mutually

    impacting/affecting/supporting the 'restricted movement' meme will take a huge jump up in consciousness

    throughout late Spring and early Summer. The data set is suggesting that the 'encounter with scarcity' will

    affect almost all human life at a daily basis {within the heavily industrialized first world countries} over theremainder of the year. The descriptor set is very clear at this point, and goes to the point that 'waking

    {thoughts} will be controlled/pressed-down-upon daily {by the} constancy/consistency {of} encounter

    with scarcity'. As an old fart, in reading through the various levels of descriptors around this emerging meta

    data layer, I am reminded of the descriptions of life under the old Soviet Empire of the last century inwhich daily life revolved around obtaining the necessities in a society where scarcity was so endemic that

    one would automatically queue up just because a line was forming. It truly did not matter what was being

    offered at the other end of the line as it undoubtedly satisfied two criteria; it was a necessity {for someonein the family}, and it was being offered for sale. In the world of the old Soviet Empire, money was really

    not the issue as everyone actually had some, but there was nothing to purchase. In Soviet society, power

    translated into opportunities to purchase goods, unlike today's social milieu wherein everything/anything

    can be purchased, and power is the path to being able to acquire the money necessary.

    Well, things change. And both the self-described power elite, and the populace of the planet are about to gothrough a significant shift back, back ....back to the USSR. It will be perceived, according to our data set's

    summation values, short through long term, as though the whole of the planet has got stuck in the "Way

    Back Machine".

    So now the stink hits the fan. As with any complex system, the deeper we go, the more complex'y thingsget.

    In terms of the overall rise in complexity of cross links amongst the meta data layers, it appears that this

    layer may behave as does the overall modelspace. This is to say that it *appears* at this juncture that the

  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 10 (2006.04.07 - 2006.05.14) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA1006ALL]


    developing complexity of inter leaved cross links replicates the general appearance of the 'tipping point'

    which we first saw developing in April of 2001. It was at point that the first suspicions of the coming

    "event" now labeled as "9/11" were encountered.

    At this stage, we do not have either a clear case that meta data layers *can* form tipping points, or that one

    is currently forming. An equally plausible interpretation is that we are witnessing the movement of some or

    all of the meta data layers of 'secrets revealed', 'militancy/aggression', 'duality', 'restricted movement', and'encounter with scarcity' forming into the new meta data layer of 'conflict' which the long range data sets

    show beginning on August 31, 2006. Now noting once again ad nauseam that our timing sucks, and in fact

    our numeric values for lexical timing clues are constantly being adjusted, we still hold to our end of Augustdate for the beginning of this new meta data layer. Again, noting for new readers that meta data layers are

    common emotively driven themes which play out in plain sight at multiple levels in social interaction from

    global right down to personal. We offer as an example, the 'secrets revealed' layer which is now slightly

    over 2/two years old, and is nearing its peak in some of the entities. This layer is seemingly manifesting

    out-and-about in the material world, and one can argue the recent release of scientific information aboutglobal extinction rates, as well as particulars about "global warming" are both participatory events within

    this meta data layer, and at the planetary level. So now the reader is invited to examine their own lives of

    these last 2/two years for evidence of these various meta data layers.

    But don't take too long as there is a whole lot to cover.

    While it is yet undemonstrated as to the ability of meta data layers to form 'tipping points', it is quite clearthat within the layers themselves, the cross links are indicating that they will each influence the others. Our

    data is suggesting that the 'duality' layer is the most pervasive, and is seemingly contributing to

    manifestations of such in the material world. We have the 'duality' affecting most segments of the various

    global markets, including the 'duality' of a dying dollar and a struggling euro both in tandem seemingly

    propping up the global reserve currency system. We have the 'duality' of the lies-to-war being exposedabout Bush's Iraq War, and the irreconcilable mouthing of "be happy, don't worry" coming from the Mis-

    administration. It should also be noted that the 'duality' is not constrained by national borders, and is

    actively at work within many countries in various modes at levels not seen in recent decades. Examples ofthe straining dualities can be noted within Iran, with its current stance, a raving, seemingly nut-job

    president, and a society whose goals are strikingly dissimilar from those of the "power elite" and its puppet

    president. Hmmm. Now that somehow sounds familiar. On and on it goes, where it stops, only the 'duality'


    Also within our modelspace we have, as noted, seen the 'duality' expressing itself in the 2/two halves of the

    'restricted movement' equation where 'encounters with scarcity', say energy for instance, can lead to'restricted movement' of goods and people, while just as easily any 'restrictions on movement' within a Just-

    In-Time global delivery system almost instantly lead to 'encounters with scarcity' somewhere along the

    chain. According to our modelspace, we can expect a rise in both over the course of Spring and intoSummer. Yet another expression of 'duality' creeping in. We get both. That is, the modelspace is suggesting

    that both 'encounters with scarcity' *and* 'restrictions on movement" will generate and reinforce each other

    over the rest of this year and beyond. These meta data layers, depending on which entity is being examined,

    extend quite far out into our longer term values within the emotional sets on these as descriptors. In otherwords, shortages, or restrictions on movement are suggested to become constant themes of life, more or

    less globally, over the course of this next year.

    To further aggravate the general mood of the global populace, the linguistic descriptor sets are suggesting

    that the 'duality' of these 2/two themes of 'restricted movement' and 'scarcity' will be participants in the newdominating meta data layer of 'conflict' arriving near the end of Summer.

    However, the road is long between now and then, with much to accomplish before the river's bend....so we


  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 10 (2006.04.07 - 2006.05.14) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA1006ALL]


    Other entity descriptor sets are emerging which may develop into meta data layers as well. One example is

    the 'rebellion/revolution' aspect/attribute set which we find is coming to dominate some significant portion

    of the populace entities. Further within this last round of processing these twin, duality again?, themes are

    increasing their rate of increase as well as widening the areas within the populace entities which are beingaffected. The early indications are that the 'rebellion' aspect will blend, temporarily within the 'conflict'

    meta data layer and then almost immediately begin to separate from it with its own energies. This action is

    set for Fall of 2006, but within the USofA, there is likely to be a small 'pre-view' of the comingdevelopments in the last weeks of April and the first 2/two weeks in May. Within this period, against a

    background of the manifestation of 'reversal of fortune' {ed note: primarily showing in Bushista entity, but

    through that entity, mucking about in the world}, the 'rebellion' is shown as 'being tempered/hardened{through/with} blooding'. Probably *not* a good sign.

    The context creation period in which the news within the USofA is focused on the presence and problemsof illegal immigration and the response from the illegal's likely will be defined by the immigration debate.

    While there has been a number of articles detailing emerging problems with planet earth and its ecology,

    the clear emotional leader at this point has to be the "illegal immigration battle". It corollary, the unrest inFrance over the alteration of their social contract also echoes some of the same emotional tones/sums that

    we have for the USofA in that the cause of the student and labor unrest is legislation nominally aimed at

    providing employment opportunities for immigrants. That these immigrants specifically targeted are

    northern African by extraction, and muslim brings out the same sorts of lower level racial issues as is beingseen within the USofA. Thus, so far in any case, the immigration/social unrest themes emerging are

    reaching the emotional sums first encountered in modelspace in late December, 2005. And, while the whole

    of the issues are now being labeled 'illegal immigration', the ramifications will widely affect the social

    order as well as deeply alter the social milieu, and in that sense we think that these twin issues of

    immigration within the USofA and the alteration of the social contract in France are the 'context creation'which was forecast for this timeframe.

    As noted in the chart above, the context creation period is not the only tumultuous bit of time this Spring.As the annotations indicate there are a number of interesting groups of days isolated including a few sharp

    release periods within the overall trend for building emotional tensions. In a general sense this is the same

    pattern of general up trend for emotional tension with intermittent releases which the USofA encounteredlast Fall in which we had the manifestation of the Gulf Coast hurricane disasters. It would not be out of line

    to suggest that something of similar emotional levels will manifest in mid to late Spring.

    We have necessarily dwelt on the meta data levels as these are the nexus of complexity within modelspace,

    *may* be suggesting some kind of pending quasi-tipping-point-sort-of-thing, and are a very intriguingcollection of aspects which seem to continue building. Now the real question is...building toward

    something? Or merely a pattern caught in transition? As always, only time (and the ALTA reports) will


    Terra - Five Toes Kick Ass

  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 10 (2006.04.07 - 2006.05.14) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA1006ALL]


    Or, 'summer shakes' part redux. A couple of years ago we had the early success with locating the emotional

    components within the language shifts which suggested that, at that time, that the following summer was

    going to be one involving 'summertime shakes'. That is to say, a whole lot of earthquakes. We note in

    passing that the Sumatran earthquake/tsunami followed in the Winter.

    Within the last ALTA series, number 806 we began to pick up some of the early language for emotional

    response to earthquakes. Within that report the interpretation was for a largish quake, perhaps even verylarge, which would happen on the west coast of North America sometime in late summer. The early

    indications for geography seem to suggest that the quake will be 'close to 50/fifty' which may be suggesting

    the 50th parallel of latitude, and thus would be epicenter'ed in Canada. However, the geographic referencesfor earthquakes are risky in application within our work. We have been consistently wrong in our

    placement for these events with one notable exception which was the 'summertime shakes' prediction for

    Southern California.

    At this point we still have language sets going to the idea that large numbers of people will be impacted,most probably 'in the dark' which will set in motion a 'pajama parade' down highways in the 'first faint light

    of dawn'. These are shown as being 'parades of blood' as in 'multitudes/many small wounds, cut feet,

    lacerated hands'. Much of this last is seen as involving a 'twisting to tearing/breaking {of the} earth' whichis shown in lower supporting aspect/attribute sets as 'rupturing membranes/barriers' such as glass. As a

    reinforcing, but still strange supporting layer, we find many lexical sets indicating a 'wrenching diagonally'

    or 'pulling from the corners', or 'tearing water cut' {ed note: this last comes from our Japanese linguisticcomponents and refers to a strike across a body which takes the jugular and carotid, as well as across theheart, and through the liver and kidneys}. Again and again the data set, in the midst of the descriptors for

    the earthquake aftermath, provides yet more references to this 'diagonal twisting' which is shown as leading

    to 'broken land', or 'ruptured bones'.

    Again within this series processing the data sets are accumulating more supporting lexical structures toreinforce the idea that the 'earthquake {named/called/labeled} isolation' will involve a very large number of

    people having to 'scurry/hurry/scamper {over} broken glass/debris {to} see {the} coming dawn'. Further,

    within this set are descriptors going to the point that the 'surprise' is the key emotional element. This has atendency to support the placement of this quake in some area such as northern american continent, where

    the populace, unlike residents of southern California, would *not* be expecting a very large quake. Again

    and again, the 'surprise' or 'shocked {by} shakes {leads to} paralysis' arise within the descriptors of the

    emotional state immediately following the event.

    The data set also repeatedly reinforces a central theme of 'isolation' as a result of the earthquake and

    aftermath. In diverting for a moment to examine the latter, we note that the data set for the Terra entity,

    specifically for this '5/five toes kicks ass' section is heavily participatory within the meta data layers of'restricted movement' and 'encounter with scarcity'. Further the data is suggesting that the earthquake will

    produce a rather unexpected result of 'encounters with scarcity through restricting movement' in at least

    2/two industries with a global impact. Due to some of the supporting layers there is reason to suspect thatsome strategic, just-gotta-have-it material will be impacted as a mine will collapse or be 'shuttered/closed'

    during the quake. Further the data suggests that some other natural resources indigenous to the area affected

    will be 'piled, and abandoned' as the 'restrictions on movement' will mean 'delivery is impossible'.

    The data set for the Terra entity indicating the 'earthquake' is clearly showing that '5/five' of the quakes will

    happen quite close together and that the last will be the largest. This does not preclude after shocks, butfrom our data set's view of the emotional response, if there are aftershocks they will fail to elicit much of a

    reaction from the local populace. This is likely due to much bigger issues arising. Once again, just as we

    had within the data prior to the 'sliding of the mountain of people into the waters' {ed note: our firstlinguistic clues about the recent Pakistan quake}, we are showing that 'isolation' will be the real producer of

    problems. In this data set we still, for the second year, are showing the 'isolation' as having more referencesto the pacific northwest of the USofA than for any other geographic locality. Please note that our work

    consistently errs in the direction of the most dire or extreme of outcomes, is always off on timing, and is

    rarely correct on geography. Other than these minor details, hey, we're bang on...

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    Anyway, the descriptor sets are still accruing aspect/attribute sets for more 'isolation' impacts. This includes

    going on to the idea of a 'multi-generational' effect of the earthquake in terms of 'restricted movement' or

    'isolation'. A small area of supporting aspects/attributes for the 'isolation' aspect set also contain descriptors

    toward the idea that the press will be 'speaking of poverty/want/capacity {of this} new time/age/days'. Thisset is in turn supported by language to the effect that 'realization {of} paupacy' relative to

    'rebuilding/construction/repair' of this most recent damage will 'strike officialdom' as though a 'pick/spike

    {in the} brain'. In other words, a really big headache. There are further layers within this set which focus onthe 'dawn' or 'awakening' of knowledge of 'lack of resources' to cope with the series of natural disasters

    within the 'developed/industrialized' world. The language suggests that a time of 'truth telling' or 'revealing

    of secrets' relative to this disaster will bring the politicians of the planet to their greatest nightmare,that ofhaving to deliver bad news to the electorate. Specifically, that the planet will not be able to 'afford

    reconstruction' of these damaged areas. Not a good message to have to deliver. This area, as an aside, is

    heavily cross linked back over to the Populace/USofA entity and the sub set of the 'rebellion' aspect.

    Further we find that cross links to Markets entity, 'commodities' sub set is indicating a very 'heavy weight'

    is put on things by this Terra event. The other cross links go over to the Bushista entity, as well as a numberof the smaller entities. Given that our timing sucks, we still show this emotional release as appearing

    between the Summer solstice and the Autumnal equinox.

    Other clues that are provided within the data sets go to the 'dark of the moon', and the 'valley of fertility'

    being two of the highest levels of supporting aspects. There are repeated references to 'gloomy', and

    'darkest of the nights', as though this will be an especially dark night within the 'waxing moon' cycle.Further the data set goes to the idea that one of the first reports out will suggest that a 'postponed wedding'is the result. What is being indicated here is that the first quake will have at least enough of a gap between

    it and following ones, that media will be able to get out at least one human interest story to the effect of the

    'postponing of the wedding'. Further the data suggests that as the 'smallest toe' is the 'same distance away

    {from the} middle three {as is the} largest toe' so will the spacing be on the shakes. Odd, but who knows?

    We have a tendency to take references to human body parts seriously as these have repeatedly shownthemselves to be primary archetypical in effect. So the scenario being painted is one in which a quake

    happens, media gets in, a story about a wedding being impacted/postponed is going out, and that is when

    the 'middle three toes' of the quake strike. We are offering this interpret ion due to the extra ordinarynumber and complexity of the cross links from this area over to the Press entity. Many of the cross link

    termination data sets within the Press entity go to the idea of 'injuries' and 'blood on the meadow', and

    'blood on the air'. This last we will offer as a phrase indicative of media broadcasts, hopefully. Basically,

    what with the cross links now to both Press and Populace/USofA repeatedly referencing 'blood', we think itsafe to assume that when the 'big toe' comes, we will feel the 'ass getting kicked'.

    Within the supporting set for the 'ass getting kicked' the aspects/attribute sets are running heavily toward

    such phrases as 'blood dries {on the} roadway', and 'blood {of} many mingles {on the} roadway', and 'feetbleed sorrow {from/for} many'. And the data continues in pretty much the same vein throughout the rest of

    the supporting set. Many references to blood, and small wounds, and wounded feet.

    If we follow the 'waxing moon' aspect set down its supporting layers, we do find that the 'final phase' of the

    'waxing moon' cycle is showing as the time of the earthquake, and that afterward, the whole of the area

    participates very heavily in 'encounter with scarcity'. This area of the data set grows rapidly as the

    modelspace is progressed through the Summer. The whole of the period following the 'big toe kick' isshown as characterized as a time of 'mourning'. This is an explicit aspect with some very troubling sub

    aspect/attribute sets supporting it. Apparently the period after the quake will be far more troubling than theinitial damage resulting from the shakes. The data set suggests that 'air drops' will be needed to provide

    basic resources, and even this area is internally cross linked over to 'mourning'. Within the cross link

    terminating set the aspects/attributes go to the idea that a 'rescue mission' will fail with the loss of all whoattempt it. The details that we have in the way of emotional associations suggest that a helicopter, likely a

    medical mission will go awry. The 'mourning' aspect suggests that 'mourning {for} rescuers lost {is the}most intense'.

    One last note is that the supporting layers for the '5/five toes' aspect suggest that the affected area will be

    'reduced by half'. This last is heavily cross linked to the Markets and along with the clues toward a

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    multigenerational impact, suggests that this is a very large quake series at just the wrong time. The 'wrong

    time' is also supported within the set at many layers as though it will become the 'phrase of apology' for

    what is shown as 'inaction' on the part of 'officialdom'. Hmmm. So what else will be going on?

    Bushista - Orange you glad it's Spring?

    Once again the meta data layers will be visible in full force through Spring in the actions/reactions of the

    Bushista entity. A dual set of rising aspects show that within the entity a duel of opposing forces, internalversus external will be manifesting. The internal view is headed by the aspect of 'enchantment {with} self'

    while the external top aspect is 'sublimation'.

    The internal view aspect of 'enchantment with self' is apparently suggesting that the Bushista entity is

    forecasting a continuous, monotonous 'attempt at presence' campaign to reduce the losses currentlyimpacting the Bush administration. This is shown as continuing through Spring until it runs into an abrupt

    end in the wall presented by 'reversal of fortune' which will overtake events in late Spring and into

    Summer. As the modelspace is progressed forward through May and June toward summer the Bushistaentity is indicating that the 'various wells/sources/initiatives are not used/abandoned/left alone/avoided'.

    The data set from the supporting aspects for this section is indicating that Bush's war against Iraq is going

    to go very badly indeed as the 'government melts' under 'small flames' which will be seen globally as a signof 'weakness {of the} core morality' of the Bushistas. The data is pointing to an inability for the Iraqi

    populace to be bullied into cooperation with each other. The lexical clues are actually very bluntly stating

    that no government will form and that a 'collapse of visible presence' or 'going invisible' will lead to

    'consternation' globally with 'all fingers pointing' at the Bushistas when it becomes starkly clear that Iraq

    has degenerated into something worse than Beirut at the height of the Three-way war during the reign of

    the previous Bush.

    The data set, as noted in ALTA 806, continues to accrue values going to 'testing' as in the sense of universe

    testing us all on its judo mat. Our mettle is to be examined by our reactions to, and participation in eventsof the next few months. The bad news, as we see it here, is that the big test coming up is the meta data layer

    for 'conflict' which forms and sets off on the last day of August this year. The good news, again, through

    our warped eyes, is that a small preview of the linked series of events/reactions will be able to be seen

    during the 'tests' that we will stumble across in Spring.

    One of the first of these 'tests' is headed by the aspect of 'repression'. This aspect set is complete, fully

    populated, and very heavily cross linked both internally, and externally to both populace entities suggesting

    a global application of 'repression', and is extensively cross linked to the Markets entity. As the 'repression'aspect forms in the Bushista entity, and as the modelspace is progressed forward through May and June

    toward Summer, the supporting aspects, and cross links grow both in complexity and numbers. The

    suggested interpretation is that the move toward 'repression' will become visible as the 'naturalresponse/reaction {of the} scared/frightened' to the developing circumstance. It is from this 'natural

    reaction' of the Bushista's to their own 'fears/demons' that a chain of events/circumstances will grow over

    Spring and Summer, only to take flower late in Fall. This chain is characterized by a cross link from

    Bushista to Populace/USofA which terminates in the aspect/attribute set of 'orange minds'. This setcontinues to form the imagery of 'orange mind brings/induces red blood drying {in the} meadow'.

    The aspect of 'orange' conjunct the aspect/attribute set of 'minds/intent' is also an expression of the 'duality'

    very present in developing circumstance. On the top layers of the 'orange' aspect are lexical sets which

    mature in the trials of Summer and through the formation of the 'conflict' meta data layer in very lateAugust. These lexical sets begin in Fall to separated into their own aspect/attribute set under the aspect of

    'rebellion/revolution', and as such could be seen as the continuation of the 'orange revolution' theme seen ineastern EUzone. However, the data indicates that, as is frequently seen in 'revolutions' in the American

    hemisphere, all is not as portrayed on the surface, and the 'orange' meme is short lived at best, and at its

    worse participates within the peaking of the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer later this year when

    things/events/circumstances get, as the data set would have it, 'totally out of hand/control.

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    Returning to the internal Bushista entity view, the lexical shifts indicated by the shorter term emotional

    sums which extend from 3/three weeks out to about 3/months out {ed note: May through July more or

    less}, are heavily loaded with words of prodigious weight. The whole of the impression given by theseaccruing data sets goes to the rising primary aspect of 'burden'. Even the visual impression of the Bushista

    entity within the modelspace appears 'off' and 'afflicted' as the various supporting aspects describe the

    entity during this period. The data sets are fully populated and go to the imagery of 'stressful', 'breakdownunder stress/duress', 'huge burden', 'weeping over burden', 'crying/complaining under load', 'ass bays as

    back burdened', and many others of the same nature.

    Other rising aspects within the sinking Bushista entity impacting from mid May onward include

    'frustration', 'difficulty', 'abandonment', 'death', 'destruction', 'disease', 'enormous burdens/loads', 'friction',

    'tantrum', 'revelation {of the} face', and other clues pointing toward a not too good of a time to be a Bushie.

    Markets - (also) Populace/USofA - Deep Woo-Woo, What Planet are We on anyway?

    As noted above, the 'duality' meta data layer is laying very heavily on all the entities and the Markets entity

    as well as the Populace/USofA entity are both seriously affected. One need only live in these United States

    these days to taste the 'duality' smeared over the popular culture. It is very visible in all facets of the socialorder should one care to merely glance up from the dominating events of the moment to glimpse the wider


    The 'duality' aspect, as noted in the last 2/two ALTA series, 406 and 806, has come to the Markets entity

    and it currently manifesting in any number of areas. The largest 'duality' being seen is the opposition

    between the paper markets and the commodities markets including their paper based derivatives. Of realconcern for those who own/run the paper markets of stocks, bonds, insurance, et al, is that their paper-based

    over lays, e.g. Exchange Traded Funds backed by physical commodities such as gold and silver, are *not*

    moving the actual commodities under their control as had been envisioned. At this point much of theevidence is pointing toward the reverse being achieved, that is, the ESF's actually accelerating the shift of

    the economic focus of the planet toward physical goods, rather than slowing the transition as had been

    planned. This is likely a very significant pointer toward the lack of the resource reserves in *any* category

    being anywhere close to *officially* state numbers.

    In previous ALTA reports of this year, we have consistently, almost stubbornly come up with an

    interpretation of a pending 'sexual scandal' which would impact the markets so severely as to

    'cleave/rent/rend/split' them along the lines of the 'developing duality'. Once again, it would seem the natureof radical linguistics is coming back to bite us in the butt. Igor had favored an interpretation that the 'sexual

    scandal', probably because he is young and that sort of thing appeals to those with excess energy. However,

    the numbers did indeed appear to support his position all this time. And even into this processing. We stillare finding the 'scandal' pending within the Markets entity. What is different now is that we have the

    immediacy value sets involved which always provide both a very much more detailed level of

    aspect/attribute set supports, but also a proximate which also brings some clarity to the details. Where the

    previous two ALTA reports had been interpreted as going toward a 'sexual scandal', our numeric sums aremore precise at this point and we can see that the actual link back to the lexicon of descriptors comes in at

    'cheating scandal'. We do not feel too bad about the error as the difference is 14/fourteen points with only9/nine being required to step out of the adjective descriptor 'sexual' and into the generic 'cheating'. Close,

    but not on the gold {ed note: label for the yellow ring surrounding the bullseye on archery targets}.

    Speaking of 'gold' and for that matter almost all strategic resources, it would appear that the data set says

    we are about to discover a level of 'lies' about the reality of 'storehouse earth' which will bring significantchanges to the 'world view' of anyone paying attention. The data set is indicating that the 'cheating {on/of}

    official statistics/records' will be the trigger which splits the markets and within the entity Markets is seen

    as both participating in the 'duality' meta data layer, and manifesting it. The suggestion from the data is that

    'on rising/waking, all will be changed'. We have further data sets, in fact a staggeringly large grouping of

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    them for this entity, which go to the idea that 'change comes {between/in space of} heartbeats'. Repeatedly

    expressed with a number of different flavorings are supporting aspect/attribute sets going to the imagery of

    an 'idea/thought' which 'changes everything instantly'.

    In examining the other supporting sets within the 'change' theme area of the Markets entity there are many

    references to 'external' which are supported by 'transformation' and further supported by 'in toto/in whole'.

    These linguistic clues appear just prior to the formation of a knot of clusters within the entity which, as themodelspace is progressed through April {ed note:bearing in mind we are dealing with immediacy values -3

    days to 3 weeks}, shows a complete 'reappraisal' of the 'structure of' the markets.

    We should note that it is also within these immediacy values that we find the 'gold/silver/precious metals'

    groupings growing all out of proportion to the accumulation of total linguistic elements. Clear as mud?

    Well, to restate, our emotional sums for the commodities, including both energy, and precious metals {ed

    note: including platinum metals group}, are growing at a pace which exceeds the growth in new values to

    the system. This is another way of saying that the subject of commodities is showing as very linguistically"hot" with very high emotional value sets both positive and negative. As an aside, a 'duality' is emerging

    within the negative lexical sets for this sub set in which there are 2/two types of negative comments

    showing up with high emotional values attached. The first negative emotional group can be characterizedas a 'metals/commodities are not *investments*' theme, the second group is easily characterized as 'I don't

    have any metals/commodities'. While the former is emotionally driven by 'disdain' with an immediacy

    value of 49/forty-nine, the latter is driven by 'fear' with an emotional value of 534/five-hundred-and-thirty-four. Hmm. Which do you think will win out?

    We are in a period when commodities are showing large jumps in price, which follow by a few months the

    jumps we have seen within the linguistic captures/interpretations. The subject is continuing to heat up or

    gain in emotional value sets during this processing, and shows no sign of slowing in the accretion of new

    values. Further the rate of increase of emotional sums is itself increasing. And as our *only forentertainment, not investment* scenario would have it, a pending scandal involving 'official lies' which will

    force the whole of the planet to 'reappraise {our} resource stores'. And as if that is not enough, the 'duality'

    meta data layer is very heavily manifesting within the whole stew, political as well as economic just as the'secrets revealed' meta data layer is cresting in a number of entities prior to merging into a new developing

    meta data layer of 'conflict'. Now, if this were a description of "real life" rather than fiction, what might

    happen next? One wonders....

    But in the meantime, back....back ....back in the USofA the reason that both the Markets and the

    Populace/USofA entities are merged in this Part 1 examination still is unanswered. Well, once again,

    'duality' rears up. Both the Populace/USofA, and the Markets entities are expressing the 'duality' within a

    range of emotional sums and aspects which has brought the cross link layers on both entities into astrangely identical pattern, or at least, seemingly so.

    We have the Markets entities cross links laying over it, and its external transformation, just as thePopulace/USofA has its cross links overlaying it. In fact the visual impression is so similar that both Igor

    and I had to initially assume that an error had crept into the processing as a result of the recent

    programming additions. It proved not to be the case, but for a few heart-pounding moments we had thought

    we were undone. Instead, we are apparently seeing a new phenomena within the visual component of theIntellicad display which has pattern similarity developing between the entities' cross links without actually

    involving duplicates at any level. As with the newly emerging 'maybe tipping point' meta data layers, thework continues to point up our ignorance. But as both entities share an obviously dominating visual

    characteristic, we thought to provide interpretation for both from the common basis.

    This has proved to be a useful decision as much of the details are different within the entities, but in both

    cases the emotional patterns and their focus are interlinked. As an example, the developing 'secretsrevealed' pattern within the political realm of USofA is impacting the markets. Soon a counter ripple, as

    shown by our data set, will emerge from the markets and will reach the viva publica with impacts on the

    political. And so it goes....forth and back.

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    Obviously, as the 'duality' expression continues within the Populace/USofA spreading with each 'secrets

    revealed', the entity will and is showing signs of undergoing a transformation. And as with the Markets

    entity, the cross links indicate that an 'external' transformation is manifesting. Within the Populace/USofA,

    this 'external transformation' is focused on the 'army/military'. The transformation, while shown asmanifesting in the 'external', within the Populace/USofA entity, shown as being 'internally driven'. Further

    supporting layers have some very interesting aspects/attribute sets, and some shockingly large emotional

    sums in some very unexpected places.

    Within both the Markets entity, and the Populace/USofA entity, the 'external transformation' is very heavily

    driven by immediacy values, however in spite of pattern similarities, the Populace/USofA, 'army/military'sub set, while being driven by the very high immediacy values is also showing a huge extension in its long

    term value set. The increase in temporal distance has forced us to once again extend the scope of our value

    set. We have learned from past experience and raised it by 3/three orders of magnitude just to provide lee-

    way. We did not require quite that much space within our range as the increase in the 'army/military' sub set

    values *only* extends us out about 72/seventy-two years, but still, who knows? The extra space may comein handy.

    Lexicon emotional value temporal distance indicator range size increases aside, both Igor and I are stillstunned to contemplate the idea that changes now being manifest are theoretically setting up waves with a

    near century life span. Of course two caveats apply, first that this is all a work of fiction, and second, that

    we don't have a clue as to what we are doing at any given moment and thus can be quite wrong.

    But in this case, we don't think so.

    In our support are some rather nasty linguistic clues going to 'pillager', 'rape', 'brigandry', 'defiler', and other

    such words which no person would want to have associated with any component of their social structure,

    let alone their military. The data set goes further to suggest that much 'suffering' by 'parents' will 'cause{a/the} assessment {of} failure/defunct/destroyed military'. The implication here is really contained within

    the supporting layers which are stating rather clearly that the 'end is nigh' for the military-industrial

    complex/mafia within the USofA. There are large areas within the Populace/USofA, sub set 'army/military',supporting set 'dot mil-corp' {ed note: our descriptor for the military-industrial-political-alien kiritsu which

    runs things here in the states}, which go to the image of 'revealed {secrets} bring/initiate blooding/blood-

    letting/purge/pogrom'. Further supporting this area are large numbers of references, either directly held by

    Populace/USofA or through cross links, to 'violence'. And as hard as it may be to project onto the sheep-like mentality of the actual populace of the country, even the external transformation pattern for the

    Markets entity is replete with links to 'violence'. And as if that is not enough, as the modelspace is

    progressed forward through Spring and into late Summer, past the 2/two international crisis which will

    develop, the 'violence' aspect grows in both entities and includes 'lynching' sorts of language additions. Wealso note some disturbing linguistic clues toward 'mob action' which does *not* refer to teevee mobsters,

    but rather is suggestive of large scale 'crowd/mob' behavior emerging in both the populace, as well as the


    Other odd behavior showing up within our data suggests that at an early point in the manifestation of the

    'new circumstances' within the markets, just as the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer starts to go vertical

    within this entity, some part of the mainstream media will begin to 'claim woo-woo' as the 'cause of theproblems'. This is to say the media, at least as is suggested by our data set, will actually have talking-heads

    out-and-about saying that no real crisis exists, it is merely 'woo-woo hysteria' driven by internet activity.

    As an aside, that is when Igor figures the FWN's (fellows with nets) will come to pay visits on both of us.

    He is already practicing his "I know NOTHINK!" speech. He does a great Sergeant Schultz impression, buthe is even now losing the belly which lent credence to the effort.

    Anyway, to dive further into our 'woo woo', the section of data has cross links between both

    Populace/USofA, and Markets, as well as mutual cross links to the Press entity.

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    This Press entity cross link is apparently solid enough to be able to act as a temporal marker of sorts. We

    have found the links as well as the internally held values to be representative of the processing, and to have

    tolerable referential integrity. It is hard to use the Press entity these days as there is much fracturing within

    the entity, mirroring much of the developing splits in the material world, but still, it seems solid enough tosuggest that by very late Spring we will have a Press call 'woo woo hysteria' or words to that effect. This

    marks a clear change in the accretion values for our meta data layers and can serve to act as a marker for

    that acceleration. As an instance, it is only after the modelspace has progressed beyond the 'woo woo ' subset accretion within the Press entity that the 'violence' aspects for both Markets, and Populace/USofA have

    their big rise in emotional sums which suggests that actual manifestation of violent actions will occur. Did

    that make sense? Basically, sort of a 'look out for press person calling woo-woo as shee-it will happenshortly thereafter'. At least according to our modelspace.

    As to the when of it all, our data continues to show that following the current few weeks we have labeled

    the 'context creation' period, we get a time in late April and extending into mid May in which the first of a

    series of 'reversals of fortune' will begin to manifest. The data set shows these within only a few entities, soit is not a meta data layer, but the impact is nonetheless life-altering for large numbers of humans given the

    totality of the emotional sums involved. Say something like a 'sudden retreat' of USofA "troops" {ed note:

    stupid linguistic trick by TPTB, not troops, but soldiers, oh well, what the hell} out of a number ofcountries. Imagine the emotional ramifications on both the Populace/USofA and the Markets. Both would

    be racked with the consequences. This is just the sort of emotional tone we have around these 'reversal of

    fortunes' incidents. The ramifications of each of the 'reversal of fortune' incidents are as waves, raising bothimmediacy-of-impact values, as well as long-term-impact values. The first of these is also shown within thedata set as very heavily cross linked to circumstances just prior to the beginning of the 'conflict' meta data


    As an indicator a rising number of stories within the mainstream media about the 'army/military' to a

    noticeable extent over the course of the end of April would serve to note the pending 'reversal of fortune'.Just a thought.

    Conclusion Part 1: Pressure Waves Oot-and-Aboot

    The possibility of earthquake, including subsequent volcanic action brings up a few points we need to

    make. If we are correct even in the main the area in which we operate may be isolated from the rest of the

    continent at least as far as communications are concerned. If this is the case, we will attempt to relaycommunications through George Ure who runs the UrbanSurvial.com site.

    Further if we are correct, even in the main, the impact of such earthquakes, including volcanic activity will

    bring on 'restrictions on movement', and may, depending on what is affected, even take out large chunks ofthe internet. At least those connections which may be hosted by PNW, or Western Canadian firms. If your

    organization depends on such, it might make sense to have a look at contingency plans. Not that we have a

    real clue you understand, just on a "can't hurt to plan" basis.

    Further, if we are isolated electronically by natural disaster we do have plans to keep things going here,

    assuming we have the communications to update the site. If those hold, either through telephony or

    broadband, we can keep the series going to its conclusion. If not, we will probably call a 'force majeur' {ednote: french for "nature kicked our ass"}, and refund on a pro-rated by articles posted formula.

    In support of the earthquake in the 50s of latitude, we have to note the capture within our data gathers of

    many reports of 'pressure waves' and other statements of similar nature with a geographic range from the

    low 60's to the mid 40's of latitude. These are happening so frequently as to elicit near-real-time-commentsabout them on message boards. An example of such would be say a discussion about spring planting where

    one writer interrupts themselves to report that their 'ears just went wonky there for a second'....or similarexpressions. These reports are up, and increasing as with the reports of 'ringing in the ears' which preceded

    the Sumatran quake at a global level. Probably *not* a good sign.

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    We do note once again for those with earthquake fears, that *usually*, unless you are fool enough to fall

    into a hole in the ground, it is not the earthquake that gets you, but rather bad engineering. And the good

    news is that any small TRIANGULAR space has the real potential to form a protective void against bad

    engineering and falling bits. By triangular space we mean the space between the filing cabinet and the wallwhere if the building suffered the wall would be stopped from collapsing by the dense paper within the

    filing cabinet and would create a triangular space. Experience has shown that hiding under things like desks

    just doesn't do the job as they collapse as well.

    In the WA state here in PNW of North America, the state employees are issued earthquake kits when they

    are hired or relocate. These are quite extensive and prepare the employee to provide self-aid, as well as toaid others during the next disaster. No weasel words about "IF" a quake happens, but real preparation for

    when it happens. Makes sense, eh? Even if experience has shown that most will run around disoriented,

    shaken, and unawares falling into holes in the ground, still each one has their earthquake kit. By the way, as

    someone who has experienced an 8.1 in Mexico city, this is no slight or insult intended to the state

    employees of Washington. In large quakes the pressure waves, as well as the other harmonics affect thebrain of humans and animals in significant and felt ways. In my experience with the 8.1, I was saved by not

    yet having had breakfast. I was there on a consulting gig and had just ordered at our breakfast meeting with

    the clients. Since only about 3/three small parts of my brain function without coffee, I was relativelyimmune from the rather stunning effects of the harmonics during the earthquake. But I was witness to them.

    The whole of the rather large dining room in the 400/four hundred year old hotel building was stunned into

    inaction, many gripping their ears in pain. My breakfast companions, also natives and not suffering jet lagor lack of coffee, were also stunned into stupor. Nearly got them killed when a very large planter of about200/two hundred pounds came crashing down on the table. One of my fellow consultants, feeling the

    ringing in the ears so violently, and prior to the floor movement, thought he was having a heart attack and

    was going to faint. He even lay his head down on the table which was destroyed less than a second later in

    a horrific crash. So 2/two things to remember....it is not "if", but 'when', and if you think you are feeling an

    earthquake, you probably are, so react.

    Especially if we are feeling pressure waves, oot-and-aboot. No offense intended to my neighbors to the

    north, eh? Already too damn close to y'all. Losing my southern accent.

    Part 2 to be posted by late on Saturday, April 15th, 2006.

    Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved.

    Released through subscription only.

    No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

    ALTA IR - 1006 - April 15, 2006

    Part 2:Meta Data - Energy Waves in Collision, Warnings from the George Postulate, Tipping Point?*

    Populace/USofA - Waking to Smell the Roasting, History- The Ultimate Interactive Game*

    GlobalPop - le matter practique, Preparation for the Other*

    Markets - Mother of All Stills, Caloric Reality Intrudes*

    Gold/Silver/Commodities - Gnawing at the Gut*

    Conclusion: Part 2 - More to Do, Some Green Clues*

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    Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report

    Changes in language precede changes in behavior.By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com

    Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in

    this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge onthe part of the authors of this report.

    Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human

    emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE

    FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of theperceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this

    report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes

    as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-onlyanalysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly

    held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader.


    Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute

    words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and

    trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *.

    Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

    Data set distilled from 21.091 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within our

    bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set.

    Meta Data - Energy Waves in Collision, Warnings from the George Postulate, Tipping Point?

    As we have noted repeatedly these last few ALTA series, a meta data layer whose primary descriptor set is

    'conflict/tension_of_emotional_confrontation' is showing as becoming dominant on August 31, 2006. These

    meta data layers are strange beasts which *appear* to exert influence all the way up and down the chain ofhuman life/activity. If one looks mindfully the early signs are visible. To those who are buried in their

    seemingly important daily activities, periods such as we are in now must seem as if they "emerged from out

    of the blue". However, the current waning context creation period due to be complete according to ourmodel late in the night of April 14th, was discernable some time back as we noted within previous ALTA

    reports. Fundamentally the way we sniff these things out has to do with emotional energy.

    Consider that it is one thing to imagine an idea, toy with it, and even accept it, but to actually manifestsome "thing" from the mind requires a transformation. This transformation is the actual transference to the

    idea of energy from the body, and which at some level probably can be documented by brain scans as theallocation of body energy reserves over to a particular group of brain cells where the idea of the moment

    resides. At other levels shading into the quantum or meta-physical, the activation of an idea into a

    manifestation involves the transfer of energy of ethereal/psychic type to the idea. One of the ramificationsof that transference is the generation of "attachments" for lack of a better, more descriptive, english

    language word. These "attachments" to the idea, now backed with psychic/caloric energy generate a waveout into universe. If universe favors, the emerging manifestation of the idea sends out waves which find

    other waves or energies which harmonize with that wave and extends its power. On the other hand, if the

    wave let loose in universe is non-harmonious, at some point of universal choosing, that wave will run into

    countering waves of disharmonious patterns which will bring 'tension' and 'conflict'. In a very simplistic

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    fashion, thus could the concept of karma be described as the harmony, or lack there of, among resonating


    It would appear that the whole of our solar system is arriving at one of those periods when waves are incollision. Those who looked mindfully these last few months could have seen that our discussion of the

    'release period' was pretty accurate, as (we feel) has been the location of, and minor description of the

    current period which we labeled as 'context creation'. As an aside, we applied that name because it reallydoes not look as a 'context change' within the modelspace so much as the emergence of a whole new

    context from bits of stuff from all over. We also feel justified in saying that our descriptors for the meta

    data layers have been manifesting should one care to look. Some of these descriptors such as 'shortages' and'secrets revealed' meta data layers are actually seemingly so damn obvious we can't but wonder why the

    phenomena is not under more general discussion. But then that is us projecting onto universe again, and

    past experience shows that don't work in these times of new flavors.

    There are some absolute facts, which can be discussed in words, whose import is large, but with actualunderstanding of the facts at miniscule levels within humanity such that only a small group, perhaps less in

    number than a large tribe, really grasp the meaning. One of these facts has to do with the nature of time.

    Time does not exist as a river, independent and flowing whether or not we are there to observe it. In fact,time does not exist without what can be described very very loosely as 'participation'. This word we can use

    as a sort of meta-influence descriptor for time. As an example we can say that time does not exist without

    the participation of a point in space. Maxwell, Einstein, B. Fuller and other smart humans have noted thisfor all of us during this current global world. We know from historical record, as well as the lineage of themany secret societies that this "secret" has been noted in the far distant past of humanity and earth. In point

    of fact, much of the sort-of-hidden activities of the "secret" societies goes to the power(s) that are inherent

    in understanding all of the various thingeys which are 'participatory' within time.

    One of the corollaries to our absolute fact of time requiring 'participation' from material manifestation isthat knowledge, including knowledge of time, does exist independent of time, and can be understood, at

    least to some extent, outside of time. This implies that knowledge of time is independent of the time

    'participation' matrix itself, which implies that knowledge of time is independent of the points of spacewhich participate in a particular manifestation of time. And thus our point for this wandering thread, that

    given a proper understanding or concept, some very outlandish, and otherwise not acceptable ideas become

    suddenly perfectly understandable, such as how knowledge of time could exist before the time itself has


    With a proper understanding of some of these absolute facts, some things presented to us by universe

    become amazingly clear waaaay in advance of manifestations. As observers in possession of the proper

    understanding of universe (or at least a partial, better understanding than we have had in the past) we cansee manifestations such as the quote in 2002 from the White House spokesperson that "reality was what

    *they* decided it would be" were betraying an abysmal understanding of universe and that such thinking

    would run into a huge harmonization problem, and further, that it was only a "matter of time".

    Well, as the expression goes, "time's up". Or look at all the other ways in which humans have chosen to

    encode that same understanding... 'chickens come home to roost', 'reap what ye sow'..... and variations

    beyond counting. Hmm. Our species may be smarter than itself.

    In these next few days {ed note: we are anticipating posting this on Saturday, April 15th} we will begin tosee the effects as the inhabitants of terra begin to feel their way around in the new context which pretty

    much will be in place by midnight on April 14th according to our modelspace. This new context will

    include things such as the 'duality' spread far and wide with new expressions of it popping up constantlyboth within ourselves and within the greater universe. Further the 'secrets revealed' and

    'shortages/encounter with scarcity/restricted movement' aspects will also be spreading both in breadththroughout the planet as well as in depth in terms of how deeply down or up they are felt.

    At the time of this writing some of the new elements for this new context are in place. Some are quite

    visible, others more hidden, shadowy and barely able to be perceived, but with little doubt even these

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    shadowy contexts 'participants' will be felt over these next few months as we all acclimatize to this new

    context. We have to note that some observers of an increased mindfulness will be able to directly perceive

    these new contexts, examine them, observe their impacts, and have some level of consciousness in their

    dealings with them, whereas most of life here on earth will be only able to feel, and thus react to these newexpressions, un-mindfully. As an aside, here at HPH we think that our projections of events/incidents are

    less than useful when compared to our demonstrated ability to provide the 'heads -up' on the changes in

    emotional "tonality" of the coming days. As with Igor, I agree that we 'earn our bread' by providing theadvance warning/descriptor set which allows the mindfull observer to act with volition and a greater

    awareness when presented with the particulars of any actual instance of time.

    The discussion of time is particularly relevant at the moment since the nature of the time-beast is

    undergoing some change itself.

    The George (after Geo. Ure) Postulate is that (loosely translated from Texan) 'the further out the web bot

    shee-it can see his pointy little head, the bigger the beasty is when he comes to sit on your porch'. It sort ofmakes sense, and so far has not been disproved within our very limited few years with this work. So, given

    the George Postulate, we could further guess that since the 'shortages' theme was first seen two years out as

    opposed to the September 11, 2001 attacks on the 'money center' which were only noted barely 100/onehundred days in advance, well, then this appears to be a really big-ass beasty coming to sit on our porch.

    In the usual course of these reports we process the immediacy values for parts 1 and 2 as these data sets are"fresh" and "tasty" with the implication/expectation being that they will yield bits of information about verynear-time manifesting circumstance. Thereafter, parts 3 and 4 are used to seek for longer term value sets

    with the idea being to feel around in the dark of the short to long term time frame of 3/three months to

    18/eighteen months. Then, in the usual way of processing, we head back into the yet unprocessed, but

    already gathered, and now approaching 2/two weeks old immediacy data sets which have been piling up

    while we ponder things further out. As we say, this is the *usual* flow of processing. However, it is thenature of this work to allow the universe to provide input. It apparently is doing so now as we have picked

    up a recent linguistic shift into immediacy values. This is to say that the ratio of immediacy value

    descriptors to short or longer term descriptors has undergone a shift which favors the immediacy to very-short-term value set descriptors. Shifts such as this, in our past experience, have proceeded what we have

    labeled as 'tipping points'.

    The effect is that more and more of our data set pulls into the shorter term values due to the linguistic shifttaking place within the conversations/postings which are our raw materials. These indicate, at the grossest

    level, that the "thinking" of the populace is shifting from the more-in-the-future which is the usual mode of

    operation to the more-in-the-now. When the individual emotional lives of which we capture small

    indicators move to the more immediate view, some form of higher emotive state is manifesting. Thisappears to be as true with the collective emotional life of a group/nation/planet as it does with the

    individual life. In a way, a hint that emotions are a fractal-like phenomena.

    Most individuals live most of their lives 'out front' or 'out there' in their anticipation of the future, rather

    than living in the immediate. This is a truism with large numbers of ramifications at all levels, all of which

    are fascinating, but at the moment we need to look at things from a macro level. What we do is to postulate

    that when individual humans tend to concentrate on the immediate-now-moment, it is usually in responseto some type of emotional crisis. EVEN if the nature of the emotional crisis is "good" emotions, such as say

    a wedding, birth, or any other element of life with solid immediacy-of-impact values conjunct length-of-effect values, the whole of the feel of even the 'good' emotional crisis, is just that, crisis.

    We suspect that such a crisis is just about to begin manifesting due to the rapid shift of many of the primaryaspect/attribute sets for a number of entities. As of this time we have many entities which are not

    participating so it may be premature to be looking for a tipping point, but it is quite clear that if it is not atipping point for the modelspace as a whole such as we observed in June/July of 2001 prior to the "attacks

    on the money center", it is then certainly indicative of a crisis "inflection point" for the entities involved.

    An "inflection point" within an entity is a state just prior to a fundamental change of both state and

    direction. We have seen several of these inflection points within what we now call Bushista, but which was

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    originally the BushCo entity. As each of the various components of the original entity began to separate

    from the core of the Bushista entity, we observed the same sort of behavior of a rapid shift to immediacy

    values within this entity. And, so far, in each instance, the shift to immediacy values was followed in short

    order by a fundamental alteration of the state of relationships/emotive ties within the manifest universe.

    As of this processing, we can't tell if the whole of the modelspace will 'tip' or just specific entities. In any

    case, given the rapidity of the jump upward in emotional tension values within the various entities, the waitwill be short.

    Populace/USofA - Waking to Smell the Roasting, History- The Ultimate Interactive Game

    One of the entities undergoing the immediacy value ratio shift is the Populace/USofA entity. It is instantly

    clear from just the first plunge into the data that the primary aspect of 'war', which heads the descriptor setfor Bush's war of aggression against Iraq, is the cause. As much as we delve into the data, looking for any

    other alternative interpretation, there appears to be none. The immediacy value sets are clearly stating that

    what the Populace/USofA calls the 'Iraq War' is nearly over. It will end rapidly and badly for thePopulace/USofA. The end of the Iraq War will result in an 'awakening' of the Populace/USofA which,

    given both the immediacy values, and the longer term emotional impact value set of these descriptors, will

    'unleash terrible/horrible retribution' and 'emergence/emergent chaos' on poor old planet earth.

    We have been wrong before. And will be so again. Especially as the nature of our work requires such a

    heavy interpretation to distill down the results of millions of reads into a coherent mass. There is, however,

    no getting around it at this point, an honest interpretation of the data set suggests an interpretation of the

    populace of the USofA being 'driven howling mad/angry/insane' by coming 'blood letting/massacre'.

    The impact of the shift of the Populace/USofA entity into high levels of immediacy values also carries a

    much longer term component. These linguistic sets are carrying both very high immediacy value sets, as

    well as very long term indicators for continuing effects. With this set which hangs off the 'Iraq war' sub set,the impacts on the USofA populace are seen as lasting from 10/ten years or one-half generation out to

    3/three generations or 60/sixty years.

    The value set ranges for the immediacy set gained in this processing suggest that the period of impact is

    3/three weeks out and the majority of the immediacy values will manifest in less than 2/two months. Thiswould target a period from the first of May through June.

    The lexical descriptors for this set range from the 'lost self/are lost/have lost' all the way out to 'woundsinflicted {on} self {take a} decade {to} heal'. Much of this emotional language drives the emotive tension

    values for the period of May through June. If the chart above is examined, much of the upward slant of the

    emotive tension trend line is directly due to the rise in high-value immediacy sets within thePopulace/USofA entity. Many of these, say something over 60/sixty per cent are focused on 'war', and

    specifically the 'Iraq war' sub set. The implication is that a "sense of things to come" has/is building now

    and over these past 2/two weeks of our data gathering which is presage/pre-saying the next emotional wave

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    to come. Our charting, admittedly a thing of our own invention and therefore as suspect as any of our work,

    does indicate that from the very end of April, and all the way through the month of May until about the

    28th, the Populace/USofA is saying "this don't feel good". Further this period of nearly a month of 'lost self'

    or 'have lost' is repeated with a very strong second wave/echo during June from about the 6th until the 6thor so of July. Again, the central aspect/attribute set is headed by 'lost self' or 'is lost/has lost'. Note that this

    lexical set also contains directly held values for 'grief' as a sub aspect of 'lost' as well as such complex

    emotional sub sets as those going to 'realization of loss of personal values/self-worth'. As with most of thedescriptor sets, the further down the supporting aspect/attribute chain we go, the more complex the

    emotional construct, but also the weaker the emotional impact. This current set of 'lost self' contains

    parallel threads for both a 'loss, physical', as well as a 'loss, psyche/personal'. And as it is all supporting subset to the primary immediacy value aspect within Populace/USofA of 'awakening', it is our interpretation

    that a an actual 'loss' in Iraq will be the proximate trigger to the 'awakening of loss of {national}

    soul/character/self worth'.

    And speaking of 'echoes', the lexical sets are telling us we can expect to see aspects/attribute sets showingup in the vox populi/voice-of-the-people which will echo themes of the past such as the 'Nixon years'

    beginning in 1972; the 'war years' of National Socialist Deutschland in 1939; the years of the 'English in

    South Africa' in 1905; the 'religious constraints' and the 'awakening years' in 1872; the 'cold years ofrebellion' in Europe, mega-starvation in India in 1838 ; and the 'duel at dawn' of 1804 America{USofA}.

    So the data set is indicating that the themes which will be playing out over these next few months in anapparently rushed and compressed fashion will contain the same lexical sets, and emotive values {ed note:

    just at different levels} as we saw in those previous times. So in the case of the Nixon Years, beginning in

    1972, we have the Watergate emotive tonality as the dominant aspect/attribute set to be extracted. So we

    can expect a "rhyme" of the words used in that historical context to re-appear over this period. Also in this

    very tumultuous few weeks, will be lexical echoes of the 'war words' which set up the whole of the Axis

    versus Allies fight that we call WW2. Much of these word sets will be glaringly obvious over these weeksas we are already picking up their precursor emotive sets within our data gathering. For the other pending

    echoes, we have provided some sample links which are both representative of the themes and word sets

    involved and also can act as departure points for further investigations if interested.

    As links:

    English in South Africa - 1905 - Illegal flogging of Chinamen

    Also note that Africa brought out very large commodities discoveries in 1905 as well as setting the stage

    for the rise of the Rhodes empire, and the beginning of the NWO, especially its 'new finances' arm.

    Words take on a life of their own - Rebellion meme - 1872

    Also note that the whole of the attitude toward the populace 'allowing the control' to the 'religionists' beginsto change in 1872 with the "imposition of bans on the Catholic church's castration of young boys to create

    sopranos for church choirs". Also that year the French banned the religious orders from

    teaching/indoctrinating in public schools. In the past 3/three ALTA report series we have been picking up

    lexical sets going to the 'destruction/removal/elimination' of the 'tri lateral' religions of judaism, christism,islamism. These lexical currents are growing, and also are gaining in mid to longer term value sets as they

    rise within both of the populace entities, Populace/USofA and GlobalPop. It would be a fair interpretationto say that an emotional backlash against the 'religionists' who have been causing such trouble of late is

    brewing. Further we can extrapolate that some flavor of that will show up within the preview emotional

    'future trailers' period of very early May. We also note that 1872 had 'rebellion' written all over it. From thegeneral 'rebellion' within the populace against the attempt at imposition of 'religious authority' over general

    life, to the 'rebellion' within the sciences to the 'rebellion' within global macro economics. Whatever onemay think of 'revolution', as a human wave manifesting in the world, it usually comes due to the

    continuation of 'suppression/oppression' past the point of endurance. In that sense, the emotional energy

    which propels action in the real world, once let loose, is just that, loose...out and about without a leash. This

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    is the sort of view being suggested by the intermediate/short term value set connected with 'rebellion' which

    is 'kicked off' by our 1872 revue in May, and is fully separate and loose in October.

    Cold years of Rebellion In Europe 1838.

    In addition to the 'rebellion' freaking out the British monarchy which was/is planning for global-uber-

    control-in-their-hands, the continent of Europe suffered devastating weather changes. As did the Indiansub-continent. That year over 500/five hundred thousand people in India died of starvation due to the

    drought, along with an estimated 14.5 million animals of all species. In Europe that year weather affected

    everything from Chopin's health/love life to the delivery of the mails {ed note: about 3/4 down page} in thenorth of Greater Britain, as well as global food supplies. While an exceptionally warm in the American

    hemisphere that year, both Europe and Russia suffered greatly. Worst of all was the starvation due to

    drought which started in the Indian sub continent, and rose with the coming of Summer all the way to the

    far north in Siberia. That year reports of dead and diseased animals in the 'far east territories' were so

    alarming that they appeared in repeatedly in British press. In the 'territories', the British noted largenumbers of the populace 'succumbing to the diseases of drought' and noted that the drought had direct

    impact on food markets in London.

    A good view of the overall impact that this 'winter of cold stones, cold soup, and cold rebellion' had can be

    seen in the projection maps at the bottom of the page at this site. Our Terra entity seems to be indicating an

    echo of this sort of expression of 'global weather duality', however the emotional sums indicate somethingmuch more severe in the echo than the original wave.

    Lastly we have the emergence of an echo to the 1804 Duel at Dawn in which nasty mean, corrupt vice-

    president shoots and mortally wounds a critic. Now of course we know that our current VICE President, the

    Dick Cheney has already shot someone recently, although not a critic as far as we know, but in examining

    the story at the link, it is our guidance from the data sets that the point to take away is the "set, setting, andlasting results". The 'lasting results' that our modelspace appears to be referencing can be found at the site

    in the right hand side-bar and are repeated here:

    "Burr's life began a steep decline after the duel. Indicted for murder by both New Jersey and New York, he

    was never brought to trial. He wandered the country entering into various schemes. These included an

    obscure land deal in the Louisiana Purchase for which he was tried for treason in 1807. He was acquitted.

    He died in 1836 a broken man."

    Within the Populace/USofA entity, and separate from the cross links to other entities which allows us toderive much of the linguistic echoes, the entity has added some new bulk in a couple of areas. In one of

    these the 'dysfunction' sub set, we can locate a now-internally-held set of aspects/attributes which go to the

    'dysfunction {of the} america{USofA} way of life/set of values/social infrastructure'. This 'dysfunction' subset is a very telling development as previously while the entity may have shown that the 'dysfunction' of the

    government was affecting it, the entity did so through cross links. Now that the entity ha