High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 01 (2005.01.01 - 2005.02.07) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA105ALL]

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  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 01 (2005.01.01 - 2005.02.07) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA105ALL]


    ALTA IR - January 1, 2005

    Part 1 - Terra - Rising To Exhaustion

    Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report

    Changes in language precede changes in behavior.

    By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com

    8:22 AM PCT Thursday

    This 'draft' section of the report is being posted now, and access is being pro-

    vided due to Geo. Ure's mis-statement on his site about the report being avail-able.

    Rather than allow the anxiety created to build until I can get through the data/

    modelspace linking and finish the report, which was expected to be posted on

    Saturday, I am posting this section now. Bear in mind it is far from finished and

    this necessarily delays the rest of this section's processing, but circumstances

    being what they are, calm is called for, so for those who were 'agitated' by Geo.'s

    site, here is what we have so far.

    BE AWARE that processing frequently has me going back and re-interpreting

    areas based on the next level of data being processed. CHANGES are frequentlymade as new data comes in. THIS IS NOT A FUTURE PREDICTION TO


    Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the

    events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and

    in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report.

    Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the

    internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them arebeing sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between

    this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does

    not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in

    this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor

    any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to

    alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates them-

    selves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held

  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 01 (2005.01.01 - 2005.02.07) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA105ALL]


    harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the


    01.01.2005 Terra- Rising To Exhaustion

    Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in squarebrackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Interpretive editorial

    comments are preceded by an asterisk *.

    Dataset distilled from 18.2 million reads.

    Terra - Rising To Exhaustion

    It seems appropriate to begin the interpretation with the largest of the objects cur-

    rently populating our modelspace, the Terra entity. In the Terra entity we find that

    several lexical threads have combined into a more complex lexical structure which is

    being seen for the first time. While it is not unusual for apparent patterns of internal

    cohesion to develop as the modelspace is being populated, these are usually illusion-ary and due to specific and related items being populated such that they 'seem' to be

    forming a pattern within the entity. Again, usually these are transitory and only appear

    to manifest structure due to the paupacy of the data set at the time. As most often

    happens, these apparent structures dissolve as more data is loaded and the entity

    'fleshes' out, thus diluting the apparent structure to nothingness over the time of the

    modelspace population. Not this time however.

    As stated, a more complex lexical structure than previously seen has developed

    within the Terra entity within the modelspace. It is from this lexical structure that we

    are taking the primary 'phrase-aspect' for the intrepretation, that is, 'Rising to Exhaus-tion'.

    Specifically, this structure carries within it references to [ground/earth/dirt/fundament]

    which is [rising/lifting/upwelling/swelling/bulging/building/growing/expanding] to the

    point of [exhaustion/depletion/fatigue/emptiness]. The structure is cohesive and is

    internally self linking, (aspect to aspect) but does not reference circuitously. Rather its

    internal self links all terminate in another link which is external. As an example, the

    [exhaustion/depletion] aspect links down two levels to [carried/bearing/holding/hauling/

    dragging/moving] which has its attributes cross linked out of the structure over to

    (empty) [city/buildings/structure/village]. Futher the cross linking also goes three

    levels down to [barren] which is modified by (house) and contains internal aspects of

    [road](littered/strewn) with [debris]. And [debris] is linked back up to the primary

    structure as a modifier to [exhaustion/depletion]. It is as though the earth will rise up

    in such a way as to create conditions which are [untenable/unacceptable] such that

    [residents](flee/run/leave/vacate) the [city/buildings...] and the [road] conditions are

    so (harsh/brutal/debilitating/wearing) that those who flee (carpet) the [road] with

    (former) [belongings/possessions].

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    Further, the structure has links out into the rest of the Terra entity such that it suggests

    that either the rising of the earth will be so wide spread as to affect much of the

    planet, or that the rising will be so devastating as to [hobble/curtail/remove (one leg)]

    the global financial system such that the pain is distributed. These external links

    include references to (deserted/abandoned) [city] is (reached/met) by [ascend(ing)/

    climbing. The [core/center] of the [city] is (bright/lit) but [empty].

    Along with the (bright/lit/lighted) attribute set, we find repeated cross references to

    (lightning) both as attibute and as aspect. In this structure, a compound aspect set

    exists in which the [lightning] (ruptures/cracks/splits/divides/penetrates) the [crust (of

    the earth)] which in turn is seen to (cause/create) [lightning-streaks/sky-marks/blaze-

    remnants] which will [radiate/extend/spread] from the [center/middle] of the

    (abandoned)[city] and act as [guides/clues/markers] to the [center/core]. Additionally

    the structure is repleat with references to smells. These are referenced as both aspects

    and attributes, and contain a very full attribute set which includes (stink), (stench),

    (burned-metal odor), (tungsten burns the nostrils), and more curious references typi-

    fied by (steel stinks dead) and [iron-rust] (stench) (fills the area)(copiously) which in

    turn is seen as (driving/compelling) the [abandonment/desertion].

    Usually in this work we discard numeric references as there are so many on the net

    that the level of noise relative to specific numbers usually renders them meaningless.

    In the normal course of interpretation we would use oblique references such as 'many'

    or 'very many'. Something along those lines. These are frequently seen in more

    'primative' societies where beyond what one can hold in the hand, the idea of numbers

    is less than useful. In the case of the 'deserted city' there are some disturbing refer-

    ences to the number '13 millions'. This number arises as repeated references both

    numerically, abstractly, and nomatively. Aligned with that are repeated references at

    attribute levels for the concept of 'millions'. So the concept coming across is that

    some '13 millions' would/will leave this city due to this event. Readers are cautioned

    NOT to take the number literally and go off hunting for cities large enough for that

    many people to be able to flee. Rather it is the general sense that a large number of

    people will be involved in this event, and perhaps the numbers who will be alive to

    [flee] and (leave/discard/cast off/jetison) their [treasures/hordings/possessions] will

    be in the millions and this will result in the [roadways] being [covered/cloaked/hidden

    by] a [debris] [trail/residue/remains] to the point that [animals/herds/steers] will (not)

    be able to (climb through/over come).There are several of the attribute sets which participate in this description. These

    modifiers include the [earth/terra/fundament] (is/will be) (set loose/released tension)

    until it [pulsates/vibrates/quivers] in a (fluid)[motion/movement] such as [waves/surf/

    tides] that will result in [undulations/curvature/distortions] (remaining/staying/perma-

    nent) that will (contort/alter/change) the [steps/ridges] to (be seen/be perceived) as

    [waves] left in the earth. The basic idea coming through can be interpreted to suggest

  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 01 (2005.01.01 - 2005.02.07) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA105ALL]


    that the motion that the earth will take will leave an undulating wave-like form cas-

    cading down the [slopes/sides/steep/step] of the [hill/rise/foothill] such that from afar

    people will be able to percieve the [sea/ocean] (tides/rhythm) (locked/captured/fro-

    zen) in [solid earth/crust/fundament/firmament].

    Further, the indications are that the area in which this will happen will be/is a gold/

    mineral mining area. In the process of the ground [rupture(ing)] a large deposit of

    minerals - gold is specifically referenced - will be (revealed) to the [sky](sight) {ie.-

    airplanes?}. But the cautions are that the area will be (littered/covered/trashed) with

    the [corpse/body] of many animals and humans, and that (breaths) taken in the place

    will put people at risk. The lexical structure suggests that those who would (seek/try)

    to [eat/comsume/chew] the (dried)[meat] of the area will be placing themselves at

    great risk of [disease/harm/infection] and that [danger] is apparently literally (scat-

    tered) around the [ground/earth/crust] like (broken/undone)[pearls/ornaments/jew-

    elry]. One last note on this is that the caution extends to the [feet] being (at risk/

    danger) from merely (walking/strolling/hiking) in the area. Supporting this idea are

    repeated references to [contamination] in various forms. This attribute set containing

    the [contamination] warning is repeatedly cross-linked and at least one link is found

    at every node within this descriptive structure.

    Now, this is not to suggest ANY form of man-made mischief including nuclear weap-

    ons. There are NO such references in the structure or entity at all. This is apparently

    all a result of 'natural' earth activity and there is nothing at all within the aspect/at-

    tribute sets which even remotely hints at human causation.

    There are some lexical clues suggesting that the timing of the Rising to Exhaustion

    will occur in [spring]. While there are a number of references to this particular period,

    that is, between December 27th and December 30th, both as a period of (quiessence)

    and as a (breather/break/pause), once we got into the model and more fully populated

    the Terra entity, we find that all the references to any time period actually seem to

    point to spring. We find a lot of the [beauty/fragrance] of the (early spring dawn), and

    (new grasses/plants/growth). There are also references to (clear)[skies] in which the

    [seasons] are [fixed/marked] by the (passage/movement) of the [stars], [sun], and

    [moon]. We also find complete aspects of [budding], [birth/germination], [warming],

    and (new/early/fresh)[growth] (comes from/springs from) [decay] (putrified/composted/

    rotted) by [winter][rains].

    The supporting elements of this complex lexical structure show that [transformation](restores) [everything/universe/planet/world] to its [essence] with the [stars] (point-

    ing) (towards/at) the [way/path] of [spring/equinox] which also further goes toward

    suggesting a spring event.

    There are details within the structure indicating that the [toll/cost] of the event in lives

    will be horrific, but that some 'lucky' persons will survive. These people will [walk]

    from the [devestation] (clothed/covered) in [bloody][burlap/course cloth/scraps/dirty

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    clothing] taken from the [stores/warehouses] remaining in the [deserted][city]. The

    suggestion is that these people will be [forced] by circumstance to [walk/flee] the

    area on [foot] after having (abandoned) their [carts/carriages/cars/transportation] in

    the [debris] of the [city]. And that mostly the former [roads/highways/trains] will be

    (impassible) and will lead many to [perish/die] in (struggles/conflict) with [old life/

    former state]. One interpretation is that those who try to use the remnants of the city's

    structure such as cars will be wasting their time as [life/freedom/escape] will lie

    [under-foot/on-foot] on the [paths] of the [animals], which could be interpreted as


    The primary danger, after the 'event' which causes the earth to rise, taking the city

    with it, will come from [fumes/fumerols] both [earth] located -natural- and man-made.

    The suggestion is that (industrial) areas will become (holes) [letting/producing/vent-

    ing/spitting] (fumes/smells/chemicals) which will (burn/incinerate) the [feathers] of

    the [birds], and (sear/char/crisp/melt/burn/corrode) the [fur/hair] from the [corpse(s)]

    of the animals such that the view from above will [not allow/cannot be determined/

    unknown] the (dead) to be seen as human or animal. The interpretation here is that

    from overflights, it will not be easy to determine what is a dead animal or a dead

    human as the fur and flesh will be so corroded.

    The fumes issue also will affect the water in the area such that those who do walk out

    will have (sustained/endured) on [dew]. Further an aspect line suggests that the survi-

    vors will be seen to (lick) the [dew-drops] from the sides of the (still/unmoving/

    broken/abandoned) [carts/carriages] in order to (drink).

    Not a good picture.

    Lexically there is nothing to indicate a specific spot on earth where this 'uplifting'

    event will take place. We of course have dozens of geographic references arise but

    there is no cohesion to their placement within the Terra entity such that it would give

    confidence in suggesting that a particular place is the site of this event. This happens

    frequently as there are so many geographic references within the data that these really

    constitute 'noise' in our signal and mostly they are ignored. So at this time in the

    processing, there is no point in attempting to assign a spot for this aspect. However as

    the modelspace is continuing to be populated we may find that this will change during

    the processing.

    As to those geographic references that we do see, a very notable one stands out. In

    this particular case, and NOT associated with the above complex structure, butmerely one of the many other elements within the Terra entity, we find that California

    is again rising from the 'noise' level.

    In this case, the aspects associated with the California specific references show that a

    series of (devastaing/damaging) [rains/rainfall/storms] - {ed: perhaps already started}

    will continue such that the [ground/earth] will (change/alter) [color/appearance] to the

    point that it will be (unrecognizable/unknown/not seen). Many indications for [sink-

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    ing] and [subsiding] exist, all of which cross-link back to [water/rain/deluge] attribute

    sets. The idea of a large earthquake causing California to 'sink into the sea' does NOT

    come through, but rather the whole tone is one of being [washed/carried/born] away

    by [water/rain/deluge]. In this attribute set are many references to [marsh/marshland/

    estuary] being (subsumed/covered) by [sea/seawater/ocean/saltwater] such that

    [places] of (earthly) [seductions] and (addictive) [pleasures] are (no longer/not/

    former) [visible]. The California linked aspects show that the [land/ground/fields/

    earth] will (change/alter) until it (seems as though/resembles) the [stripes/marks] of a

    [tiger]. These changes - perhaps storms? - will come in (three)[waves/movements].

    These [waves] will so physically change things as to [not be believed/denied] unless

    actually [seen/experienced/lived through/endured].

    Again, let us note that all the references so far indicate 'rain' and not any form of

    tsunami to affect California. Also we must note that while some of the specfic refer-

    ences to California {in previous ALTA reports} were accurate, in the main, the level

    of forecast damage was NOT ACCURATE. So while there were two distinct earth-

    quake 'events' caught in previous ALTA processing, we were way off in the interpreta-

    tion of the damage. So there is no reason to suppose that this intrepretation is in any

    way different. We may well find that we get some specfics of the damage to be seen

    from the rain-storms, but likely we are over-interpreting the potential for disaster.

    However, with the recent tsunami as a counter-point, it seems that erring on the side

    of caution - that is, assuming lots of damage - is indicated.

    The effects of these as well as other earth-changes are seen in other entities within

    this modelspace. We find that cross-links cover many of the Terra entities aspects and

    show up in other entities such as the Populace entity where the effects of the earth-

    changes will be seen as the cause of a major perception shift within the mind-set of

    the populace of the planet.

    Other areas of the planet will also be affected by earth-changes. Again, specifically

    relating to water, there appears to be a double threat described which will affect

    [most of/majority] of people on the globe. The suggestion from the data is that the

    [lakes/resevoirs/seat-source(of springs/streams/rivers)] in the [Himalaya's/Andes/

    Other High Mountain Area]will (give way/release) their [holdings/reserves] causing

    the (downstream/downhill) areas to be (washed/carried) to the [ocean/sea] . Not only

    will the devestation be severe, but afterward, the [lack of/drought] will bring wide-

    spread [migrations/movement/relocations] of both humans and animals such that the[faces] of the [peoples] (mingle) in [strange/foreign] [places].

    The lexical structures have geographic references to all the Himalayan countries as

    well as many references indicative of the mountain range including meta references to

    the languages spoken in the region. We find that the references are mostly immediate

    to mid-term distancers so one could say that the obvious interpretation is for some

    time period from 1 to 4 months. The internal emotive values for duration-of-impact

    show very high on the scale which in the past has been successfully interpreted to

    mean years. Under the circumstances it would make sense to follow that interpreta-

    tion again and postulate that earth movement will [rupture/break/remove/separate/

  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 01 (2005.01.01 - 2005.02.07) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA105ALL]


    ALTA IR - January 6, 2005 - Part 2 -

    Section A

    NOTE: The data set processed for Part 2 is POST tsunami, and therefore, earth focused with

    negative emotive sums is to be expected.

    NOTE: while it is expected that tsunami language will appear in our data sets the above references

    are forward looking. They have future-impact value sums. However, we have no way to judge, at

    this time, just what level of dominance the recent tsunami will have on our data sets other than to

    say it will be significant. This data set is the first to be run which includes post-tsunami gathering.

    This data set must be assumed to be dominated by that emotional theme, and indeed is very color-

    ing of the modelspace. Nonetheless, we have made adjustments to the model to lower the visibility

    of the immediate impact lexical sets so as to try to extract those which would be meaningful going

    forward. No way of knowing if this effort will be successful.

    Part 2 - Terra - Nature: Clinging to Radiance, Populace -

    Water, Money, and China-Electrical Storm, Financial System

    - Rot Exposed

    Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report

    Changes in language precede changes in behavior.

    By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com

    Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events

    portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner repre-

    sents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report.

    Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such,

    human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted

    here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is en-

    tirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for

    accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation ofthis report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to

    alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of

    rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any

    and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader.

  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 01 (2005.01.01 - 2005.02.07) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA105ALL]


    01.01.2005 Terra - Nature: Clinging to Radiance, Populace -

    Water, Money, and China-Electrical Storm, Financial System

    - Rot Exposed

    Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets [].

    Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by

    an asterisk *.

    Data set distilled from 25.8 million reads.

    Terra - Nature: Clinging to Radiance

    We find, not at all unexpectedly following the Sumatra earthquake and Indian Ocean tsunami, that a

    great many earth related lexical sets are emerging within the data. In point of fact, the modelspace is

    dominated by greater than 48 per cent at this stage of the processing by the Terra entity and its

    interconnected, sub-entities, or unions with other entities. This is very atypical. Usually dominant

    entities might be Populace or BushCo or other 'high emotive sum' plus 'high change content' sub-

    jects. And even so, these rarely exceed 18 per cent of the total modelspace. In this current process-ing the Terra entity not only dominates, it consumes most of the space and is actually subsuming

    many of the the other entities in toto or to some significant percentage.

    In the developing Terra entity we also find a number of direct links to [space] themed lexical sets.

    The use of [space] in this form is defined as solar-system inclusive, but not limited. Usually there is

    a near-space, or close-to-earth emotional component to this usage. In previous interpretations,

    [space] that was long distant had a 'close-to-earth' connection in that the actual focus of the lexical

    set was either a probe or reports from or about deep space as a result of some change here on earth.

    The appearance of the [space] themed lexical sets being subsumed by the Terra entity may indicate

    that events here-on-earth are about to be influenced by some development in [space]. If so, we

    find that something [bright] is going to [rise](twice/again). This may refer to visible comets, or solar

    activity. No specific information arises from the set other than its appearance. This goes more to

    suggesting that whatever arises (twice) and is [bright] is more of a 'marker' than a causative agent.

    The only other lexical clues go toward (illumination/lighting/shining) the [four/4][quarters] of the

    [world/planet/terra]. However, references to [mars] and the other near-sun planets suggest that this

    [illumination] may not be earth limited. The last clue we receive is that the 'cow' or constellation of

    Tarus is [prominent].

    Now, while the [space] connections are providing less clues, we do find a number of lexical sets

    within the Terra entity which are more illustrative. In one case we find a huge number of sets, nearly

    2978 that relate to the [sun] in one or more ways. With such a large body of references, it is difficult

    to choose for significance/meaningfull-ness. However, in general the references are not competing

    views or lexical sets, rather they seem to 'cluster' around the idea of the [sun] (reflecting) in the[water]. There are many references to [boats] and uniquely those forms [proa] which are specific to

    the Pacific Ocean, but the lexical sets are both very broad and very deep. These, at first glance

    seem to indicate a region that one might say extends from the international dateline, more or less, in

    the Pacific Ocean, all the way over to the Mid-Atlantic ridge. Now note the curiosity that arises in

    that our references START in the Pacific and run to the East. This of course is contrary to the

    existent path of the [sun]. This left-to-right-ness jumps right out of the lexical structures. In the

    interpretation, both Igor and I were instantly aware of this 'anomaly'.

    We also find many references to the [material] (descends) and (what was/once was/postulate)

  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 01 (2005.01.01 - 2005.02.07) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA105ALL]


    [etherial] is seen as (rising). Does this refer to rising land? Could be, as one interpretation could be

    that lands currently under the water could be viewed as being [etherial]. Other sets going to this

    idea suggest that the [risen/uplifted] area has (no/none/deprived of) [wheat], [trees], [grasses/

    pastures]. Additionally this area is seen as [gassing/outgassing/releasing] for some [years/time] until

    the [vents/fumerols] are [filled/completed] with [ashes].

    Apparently one of the first indicators of the (rising) will be a large area of [water] that

    (becomes)[on fire/engulfed in flame/flame hidden]. This is to be followed by [water] that (boils) but

    not due to heat, rather to the release of [gas] and the (expulsion) of [mud/silt/fine material].

    Whether related to or merely conjunctive with the (rising) will be a period in which the [sun]

    specifically seen as (setting), which of course is often the best metaphor for the West, also brings

    with it a (groaning/growling) [noise/sound] from Terra. This may relate to angular momentum

    affecting earth-plate movements which have been known to emit sound during earthquakes. The

    [old man] in the [ground] will (growl/groan) [long after/long following/period beyond] the

    (setting)[sun] such that [sleep] will not be easy or possible until near [dawn]. This suggests an

    obvious interpretation of a 'long night of the soul' as the planet groans significantly, keeping the

    local humans awake through the night.

    The emotive sums available with these lexical sets come out as very high values but with negative

    emotive connections. As we use a scale evenly balanced at zero being neutral, our sums can reachhigh values, above or below our neutral point. In this case we are approaching a theoretical maxi-

    mum of a minus 1. Since the scale is logarithmic and limited to unity on either side of zero, this is

    a very strong reading indeed. Once the sums rise to over .9, further distinctions appear meaningless

    within the context of the emotions being registered. Good at .9 or 1 is good, bad at -.9 or -1 is bad.

    The act of (rising) is seen as creating some problems for humans. There appears to be suggestions

    that [feet] (alone/only) will [suffice/satisfy] as though to say that other forms of transportation will

    be affected.

    The image that best describes the 'tone' of the lexical sets emerging is 'a table lifted on two legs'.

    That is, a [table/tabula/flats/plains/surface] which is [lifted/tilted/raised/uplifted] on two [legs] such

    that an incline exists from [west] to [east]. How much incline? There are no clues offered. This

    view would support a small lift of some land out in the Pacific along with an imperceptible rising of

    the western edge of North America, or might be indicative of a general lifting event that perhaps

    could be noticed by humans.

    To this latter, we do find a number of references toward aspects/attributes sets which go to the idea

    of [wrapping][things of value/treasures/sentimental items] to (protect against/prevent) [damage/

    destruction] (when/inevitability of) they (fall/drop/topple over). There are many such references all

    in the same vein of [preparations] (undertaken) to the extent that even the Populace entity has the

    same, and cross-linked aspects. This may be suggesting that perhaps warnings of potential shaking

    go out to the point that large groups of people take preparations for some immediate potential, and

    that this is widely reported.

    Geographically, this appears to be North America continent focused, but we must note that therange of lexical clues is such that North America predominates by only 8% over South America

    references. In either case, the [full/complete/total][extent/range/run/all/omni] of the [coast/coastal

    range/coastal area] is involved. The [coast] references are also magnified by repeated references

    to [bays], [delta],[estuaries] and other, lexically fractal references to [coast] emptying bodies of


    This period is also characterized by a major aspect cluster {ed: where many aspects, each of which

    appears as an attribute in the other aspects in the set, all cluster about the same emotive context +

    duration + impact}. This major aspect cluster can be defined as [danger] from (breaking/broken/

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    weakening) [fundament/beams/joists/pillars/supports]. This aspect cluster contains aspects refer-

    encing (broken) [support] in both the material, and the emotional {ed: such as counseling} areas.

    However the material predominates by over 80 % and the emotional all have long-range, long-term,

    emotive impact values as attributes below an aspect containing a positive 'distancing value'. This

    suggests that, relative to the event being prepared for, the emotional aspects are further out into

    the future, while the preparations are mostly in the immediate and towards physical things, rather

    than emotional needs.

    Curiously, along with this cluster, and running the same length within the entity, we find references

    to [heavy] (winds) which (strike) [weakened] [roof/roofbeam/truss]. The [strength] of the [beams/

    wood/supports] are (sagging/bowing/waning/weakening) which finally give way under the impact

    of the [heavy] (winds). Now the curious part of this is that the [heavy] aspect is specifically filled

    with attributes going to, and containing, [gravity]. Usually one would interpret [heavy] (winds) to

    be a large scale wind storm with winds of some force, say approaching hurricane strength. In this

    instance, and unlike our storm words seen before the hurricanes hit Florida this past year, we see

    words much more to the idea of 'gravity' and very few going towards 'force'. This is so anomalous

    as warrant attention. It may be a new way for strong winds to be indicated, but still, it is very odd

    that words usually seen indicating speed are almost totally lacking. This might be indicative of

    heavy winds in the form of air that is very saturated with moisture. A stretch, yes, but the lack ofspeed indicating words is bothersome.

    Along with this aspect cluster, there are several which 'mirror' or 'fractally mirror' the central (rising)

    theme on a more local to the [coast] aspects. These references are also to [rising], and [roofs/eaves]

    (rise) in the [clouds] of [dust]. Again a curiosity emerges in that there are repeated references to

    buildings, but only from the floors up. Conspicuous by their absence are words relating to founda-


    The 'rising roofs' are also accompanied by references to (rising)[streams] and (rising) [tide]. In the

    case of the former, the [streams] are repeatedly linked to attribute sets which include the idea of

    (wading/crossing/emersion) and (walking/movement). There are emotive value bespoke words

    along with this set which include (courage) and (fortitude) both as 'active' aspects fully populated

    by supportive attribute sets. One interpretation is perhaps an admonishment to 'courage when faced

    with rising waters' sort of emotional 'stiffening' that is coming through. It would fit the lexical set in

    general and counters the other side of the aspect set which includes some dire image aspects such as

    [head](disappears) (under) (rising) [stream]. Also seen is [tide] (rising) to (extreme) (without/sans/

    lacking) (hindrance/resistance). Both of which would indeed demand courage.

    NOTE: while it is expected that tsunami language will appear in our data sets the above

    references are forward looking. They have future-impact value sums. However, we have no

    way to judge, at this time, just what level of dominance the recent tsunami will have on our

    data sets other than to say it will be significant. This data set is the first to be run which

    includes post-tsunami gathering. This data set must be assumed to be dominated by that

    emotional theme, and indeed is very coloring of the modelspace. Nonetheless, we have madeadjustments to the model to lower the visibility of the immediate impact lexical sets so as to

    try to extract those which would be meaningful going forward. No way of knowing if this

    effort will be successful.

    We'll leave the Terra entity here, as we have several more to drill into, time is short, and any further

    words on this subject will either entirely miss the mark, having been influenced by the emotive

    impact of the tsunami, or will be redundant to developing circumstance.

    Populace - Water, Money, and China-Electrical Storm

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    In examining our Populace entity, we note that it is running the highest emotive value sums on

    average ever seen. This again gives one pause in placing much value on interpretations. However, it

    is worth noting that the Populace entity has a lexical arm whose primary aspect is [california] and in

    which we find that there are opposing arms of [confusion/chaos] and [drawing together/clinging/

    massing/uniting]. Both of these aspects contain attribute sets which could be said to be startlingly

    similar without being replicates. This implies that perhaps we are seeing two, opposite views of the

    same set of circumstances. Or it could be that a single set of circumstance, such as a large scale

    earthquake, creates two distinct reaction-sets, depending on geography within the event.

    We find as supporting lexical threads, the sub-aspects of [indecision] and [dither/waver/quaver/

    shake/quiver] within the [confusion/chaos] primary aspect. Again noting the exceptionally high

    emotive values, which in the ordinary course of things would be taken as a large emotive shift

    appearing, we have to consider that the scale will be small, and is merely magnified by the emo-

    tions emerging from the tsunami affected data set. However, under this [california] specific sub-set,

    we find aspects/attributes as in (floods) of [tears], (wailing) on [mountaintops/peaks], and (mourn-

    ing) in [desert].

    Co-incidently, opposite in the [drawing together] thread, we find aspects/attributes such as (re-

    morse/regret) with emotive sums placing the value in the past, as though events force the [shed-

    ding] of [bags/goods/possessions] which (hamper) (movement forward/progress). The [crowds/groups/gathering/mobs] are modified by (walk) (unsteadily) [forward/upward/progress] (toward/

    seeking) [mountaintops/peaks]. This might be more of a description of an emotional nature of

    people 'picking themselves up, and going forward' rather than a descriptor of an actual event. These

    days though, who can tell? Large earthquakes may be making an appearance globally.

    Other than a general (early/soon) [spring] aspect here and there within the sets, we have no indica-

    tion of any specific time frame. Of course, the interpretation must take into account the various

    planetary line-ups will will come into place over the next few months in the period prior to the

    equinox, so it is possible that quakes or 'rising' land would appear by 'spring', if these alignments

    have earth-plate effects. Specifically, we do note that January 9th through the 12th will see such an

    alignment of planetary bodies.

    Again, with every emotive value set in all entities running to the maximum of the scales, it is very

    difficult to seek for 'differences in degree' which allow for assigning greater meaning ranges, and

    values to the sets being seen. It is sort of like looking at all the control panels on a submarine or

    nuclear reactor when they are all red-lined. At that point, at least in trying to deduce what is going

    on, virtually anything would seem likely, given that somewhere there is a needle bent over to sup-

    port that idea. At this stage, luck, born of years of developing skills, may mean more than specific

    data indicators. In the case of the control panel, you know that at least one of the meters is cor-

    rect, and is telling you the root of the problem, but you also know that almost all the other meters

    are lying to you and merely reflect a cascading problem-set. We face that now. There is no way to

    predict how long into the future such impacts may continue relative to our data gathering.

    There is, as expected, a very large segment of the Populace entity devoted to [water]. This was oneof the areas that we tuned within the matching-lexicon prior to setting off the spyder to collect the

    reads. The [water] component does focus on very negative level emotive values, but also contains

    a small, uplifting, or plosive level emotive thread. This having been noted, we also need to consider

    that the [water] dominant component of the Populace entity, with its cross-links back to the Terra

    entity, clearly shows long-duration and high-impact levels remaining. As of this point, the [water]

    aspect is showing a greater than 3 year period for [danger], and [abysmal] (threats).

    The indication is that while the [cup] (has had) its [lip](overflowed), the [remainder] (will yet/shall

    be/in the future will) (froth/foam/boil) (out of/over/overcome/to exceed). Further, within this

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    thread, we find that a situation will exist where it will become normal to (pass/transfer/hand

    over)[goods/material/supplies] through the [second story/upper floors/highest levels] of the [house/


    The descriptors that one finds within the [water] component, including its cross links back to the

    Terra entity, show a preponderance of references for [rainwater/rain] over [seawater/tides], how-

    ever both contain similar constructs such as (difficult/impossible to) [overcome/resist], or (content)

    to (float/rise) on (unstoppable) [rainwater]. The sense that comes across is very much one of

    counting one's blessings as in 'may be up to my neck in water, but at least not drown' which phrase

    is actually constructed from a single lexical attribute set hanging off [rainwater][stream/creek/river].

    Also hanging off the [rainwater] aspect set, we find numerous references to [ravine/scar/rift] with

    the indications being that long [dry beds] will soon be carrying a considerable amount of water.

    Again, while expected to arise within the data set, we still find that these references are future

    looking, as though to be expected.

    Also within the Populace entity we find 'echoes' of a large-scale mood shift, for lack of a better way

    of stating it. The aspects for such things as [money] or [work/employment] contain hundreds of

    new aspects and attribute sets. Unlike previous changes such as those that developed between 1997

    and 2000, we now find a new 'philosophical' base appearing within the [work] aspect of the

    Populace entity. While this could be an emotive 'slide' from the tsunami, some of the Populace datapredates that event and still contains many of the new aspects. These aspects are clustered about a

    (forced/compelled) [resignation/acceptance]. The interpretation, given the many attribute sets is one

    of a 'grudging acceptance' of circumstance as relates to things 'financial/fiscal/economic' at a per-

    sonal level. This lexical arm is distinctly shaded (pun intended) with references to the 'gray' or

    'shadow' economy. The weighting of this aspect shows that it alone is responsible for nearly 30% of

    the whole Populace-personal-economic-emotive-sum metric. That is to say, the 'mood' expressed

    within the Populace entity is now weighted almost one third by references to/from people having to

    survive in 'black market' activities. Even in those reads in which the emotive sum was positive,

    there were still values representing the context of risk or of being [outside] the system. The many

    attribute sets tend to read like Britain in the 1950's when everyone was apparently deriving at least

    part of their income 'on the fiddle' or extra-legally. This level of emotive sum weighting has been

    rising over the last year, but within this processing alone has grown 9%, well over its usual rise of

    just over 2%. This suggests that a large number of people still with computer access have been

    forced 'out of the system' by circumstances and that this group is grudgingly, albeit rapidly, changing

    its perception of the future. The emotive tonal aspect/attribute seeming to best sum the thread

    would be [grim][determination/steadfastness/resolve]. It may be that this emotive 'turn' is signaling

    the large scale death of the 'american dream'.

    Again, it is worth noting that the Populace entity often pre-sages the appearance of MSM {ed: main

    stream media} news or 'themes'. It may be that our Populace entity will be one of the first expres-

    sions of a new and more grim view of reality.

    In light of the previous ALTA reports from 2004 in which a large 'cognitive dissonance' was noticedduring development, we could say that there appears to be a developing of a 'physical-personal-

    economic dissonance' in which western society seems to be (fracturing) into those who are partici-

    pating or hope to, and those who have abandoned the effort. There are also three data sets of

    completely populated aspects/attribute sets which connect some aspects of [work/employment/job]

    back to the Terra entity, the 'illumination' and some subsequent event which will apparently cause a

    large (swelling/engorgement/enlargement/increase/ballooning) in the [group/cohort/collective/mass]

    of the Populace who will see themselves as being more or less permanently excluded. This 'perma-

    nence' is a time versus duration-impact ratio which resolves to a greater-than or lesser-than 10

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    years. Any perception with a decade long duration is considered as one-half generational (20

    years average breeding age for western generations) and therefore is considered permanent in that

    the 'tone' of the times will be passed inter-generationally.

    The Populace entity now includes a component specifically composed of and representing China/

    Chinese interests. These extracts are, necessarily, from those sites allowed by official edict of the

    Chinese government. While the government will also enforce a certain uniformity of expression

    within the approved collective thought, there are nonetheless, some emotive indicators coming

    through. A linguistic note on processing. Chinese is an emotive language where emotive values can

    be extracted from tonality of expression. This means, that unlike english, emotive values are ex-

    pressly encoded in the various ideograms from which the 10thousand + character language is

    composed. Even with romanized versions, some emotive exclusions forced by the translation

    software, expose the emotive values. We are attempting a new form of emotive summing for Chi-

    nese as well as backing it up with anglicized lexical translations which is a more or less normal


    From this first Populace entity Chinese extract we find a very curious, and 'echoing' reference to an

    [electrical] (storm/occurrence/cloud/happenstance). Similar in nature to the East Coast power

    outage incident that the ALTA reports seemed to pre-say, we are seeing lexical structures for China

    which eerily echo that sort of incident. Specifically we note that the [land/expanse/ground/places][north] of the [yellow/yalu] (river) and (extending/running) to the [far west/western edge/western

    boundary] of the [winter] [desert/sands/deprived], and as far north as the [boundary] presumably of

    China, will experience an [electrical] event being interpreted here as a storm, resulting in a large

    scale power system failure. Such that [scrambles/flees/races] for [fuel/power] will be felt nation-

    wide. The (compassion/forbearance) of the [south] will provide some level of relief but only for

    those along the river. It would appear that this event will come about through a [storm] that is

    [towering] to the top of the sky and is [electrical/electrified/forced] in nature. There are repeated

    links back to the 'illumination' within the Terra entity which perhaps can be safely interpreted as

    being time-related to that event, which would make sense. A large scale rising of only one inch in

    height in any area would release giant amounts of energy which could form [sky](encompassing/

    filling/covering) electrical storms. China has even as recently as this past fall seen 30thousand

    meter high cloud formations. This event, the power outage is seen as having long term ramifications

    for China, in that the emotive value sums are forward reaching for about 3 years, and are seen as

    (pressuring) the [coast] and the [south] to (unavoidable)[excess/extreme].

    Further cross links within the Populace entity go back to the Terra entity and specifically reference

    the [north] and [west] of North America. Within the Populace side of the links, the aspects go to

    those who will apparently find some serious (suffering/exposure/travail) this winter due to

    [storms/lashings]. Again, with reference for the [north], [northeast], [northwest], and [west] there

    exists the lexical data sets last interpreted as [shortage] . The same set that appeared for the phar-

    maceutical industry last fall, and pre-sayed the withdrawal of the drugs from the market, and the

    indications we had for a [shortage] of anti-flu shots, exists now. In this case, the Populace entitycontains this structure in reference to [staples/main/salt/wheat/basics/fundamentals]. It would

    appear that [storms/weather] will impose [shortage/rationing/metering] for at least a short term

    duration. Our emotive values extend out 3 months within this aspect/attribute set. However, this

    whole structure is a sub-set of a larger aspect within the Populace entity which has emotive sums

    going out 6 months to a year. The indications is for some form of short term crisis with longer

    term repercussions affecting supplies or basic fundamentals for some one third of the population of

    the USofA. Specifically we find the data sets for 'many' and 'most' applied to large areas of the

    continent. It does appear that some of this spills over to affect Canada north of the Great Lakes,

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    and the Maritimes, as well as the B.C. coastal regions. There are components here indicating power

    loss, as is being seen concurrent with our data gathering, specifically within the central states area,

    however, the shortages expressed within our data are indicated as being caused specifically by

    [weather/climate] extremes which impose [travel/movement/conveyance] (bans/restrictions/denial).

    Further, power impacts as expressed as a sub-component within this structure compose less than

    one-quarter of the 'aggravation' factors within the emotive sums. This is to say that when seen in

    hind-sight, it won't be the power outages that are 'remembered', but rather, as stated, the [short-

    ages] of basics.

    As a component of the Populace entity, which we need to remind ourselves is almost subsumed in

    cross links back to the Terra entity, we also note a general rise in specific place names being associ-

    ated with negative or high-negative emotion values focused on weather and climate. Especially

    following the tsunami, this is not unexpected, however the scale of the rise has been continuing

    more or less apace since 2002. In this run we do observe a very large spike of bespoke appearances

    of locations in reference to both weather and climate. Neither has any positive component that

    survives our processing.

    As in the note above about the USofA north, and west, we find specific references clustering about

    northern Africa, in the desert regions south of Tunis, and in South America, along the south western

    coast, as well as for specific areas of the mountains ringing Bolivia. In both cases, the expectationsis for (unseasonable/out of place/out of time) (flooding). The associations within the Terra entity go

    back to the [rainwater] data structures previously described.

    Not withstanding the obvious linguistic links, the South America containing data sets within the

    Populace entity also share links back to the specific data sets referencing [california] within the

    Terra entity.

    Financial 'System' - Putrefaction, Draining-out-the-bog

    Again, seriously subsumed by the Terra entity, the entity chosen to represent the Financial System is

    not showing any good signs. We find repeated references to [weather] as a bespoke or 'blamed'

    element, but in the lexical descriptors, there are numerous and pointed words describing [rot], and

    [rot](exposed), and [worm-eaten/corroded][beams/wood/timbers/supports]. Further and further on

    into the entity we still see down over 9 levels of sub-aspects, that the [putrefaction] of the [arms/

    limbs] has (reached/obtained/breached) the [core/body]. Further references are to [body][parts] too

    numerous to [be lifted/picked up/recovered] and that this financial rot has finally (drained/emptied)

    the [bog/marsh/lake] into the [sea] which further (exposes) the [wood] as [snags/danger/risks/prob-

    lems]. The [problems] created by this exposure are further (exaspiration) for the [subordinates/

    crews/staff] who are tasked with [mud] (covering). There are cross links back to the Populace

    entity relative to the [shortages] and that these two, that is, the [weather] directly, and the [short-

    ages] resulting from the weather combine to expose the [weakness/fragility] of the financial system.

    Specifically in this case, by Financial System we are more properly referencing the 'financial indus-

    try' of banks and money transaction and providing organizations. We do see some of the 'market'

    oriented lexical structures here also involved within the 'rot' being exposed, but it would appear thatthe 'currency' component, and the ability to 'trade' paper for goods, goes bad, and the rot is exposed

    at the core in fairly short order, which initiates an impact on the other, more outer levels of the

    financial industry.

    This [putrefaction] of the Financial System entity has cross links back to the Populace entity and at

    a primary link level contains some data sets with [alchemic] and [natural process/chemistry] and

    [transformation] all as aspects. Each of these has attribute sets which cross link the Populace

    entity back to the Financial System entity on words of a similar nature and emotive value. It would

    appear to be suggesting that at some level this will be viewed as a natural process of decay, and

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    transformation, even in the midst of the (upheaval/uprising/revolution/rebellion) that ensues. Not

    that this in any way is comforting.

    A general interpretation would have some weather related shortage-causing event create an expo-

    sure of existing financial system weakness leading to a rapid, and global shedding of confidence in

    the USofA dollar {as per Part 1}.

    As a result of the weather exposure of dollar-rot, a 'co-habiting' economy emerges within the

    USofA. While this is a positive event, it arises from largely overwhelming or dominating, negative

    influences. The descriptors found within the Financial System include [exhaustion], [oppression], as

    primary aspects. These see the [demand/imposition] for (sacrifice) being [requested/suggested]

    but also, by cross-link from Populace entity, [rejected] with (certainty/intent). So apparently appeals

    by [ministers] from [positions] seen as [warm] and [priviledged] are not going to be heeded during

    the weather crisis when so many are seen as suffering [beyond/over/above] [endurance].

    A note on timing:

    Occassionally we find data sets emerging in which the aspect is a date. While rare this is not un-

    known. Usually we end up with date ranges, but sometimes specific days. In Part 2 of this run, we

    note that there are four specific dates emerging. These are the 23rd, the 25th and the 30th of Janu-ary and the first of February.

    At this point in the processing these dates are mostly associated with word sets which are financial

    or fiscal or market oriented. While much more processing is underway, and the nature of the word

    sets associated with these dates will likely change through additional words being placed within

    the sets, we still get the following 'clusters of words' as aspect/attribute chains around these dates as

    detailed below.

    January 23 - [withdrawal/retreat/turning back], and [dangers](appear)

    January 25 - [fear] of (reckless)[behavior],[fear] of [uncontrollable](violence) (appears)

    January 30 - [doubt] and [exhaustion], [pain] and [suffering]

    February 1 - [center] is (lost), [balance] [broken], [equilibrium] at [risk], [goal](missed)

    As the BushCo 'great brains' set their Waterloo date so firmly in mental stone with the Iraq elections

    for January 30th, a reasonable interpretation of these date clusters, especially focused on the mar-

    kets/financial/fiscal relms, would be that things go very badly indeed, and that while the 23rd and

    30th are both sundays, it would seem the first of February, a Tuesday might see the end result of the

    Iraqi election on the USofA financial industry. BushCo has so linked their credibility to the Iraqi

    elections, and things appear to be deteriorating so steadily as time progresses, that it would appear

    reasonable to suggest that BushCo is unable to successfully pull off even a sham election in Iraq,

    and that realization hits the populace on January 30th, and the big impact hits the USofA markets

    on February 1. If there is a USofA treasury 'auction' on February 1, it would appear likely to be a

    big fizzle, based on the lexical sets emerging.

    This update is for those who have financial assets at risk in paper form in USofA markets. It alsoappears in Part 2, due to be posted by January 9, 2005.


    UFO reports/references are way up in this data set. Such a rise that it almost becomes a complete

    entity. The references in non-UFO specific sites are up 117% over our ambient base-line in toto. For

    non-roman-alphabet languages, reports/references are up a whopping 685% over base-line. And as

    may be expected MSM is also running a larger number of UFO references, though these have failed

    to keep pace with only a 34% increase over base-line.

    Chemtrail reports/references are up a huge amount at 19,000 % in non-aberant-focus boards. These

    would include gardening fora, or sewing, or investing, all but science/oddities related.

    Dream references/descriptions at a personal level, first-person reporting, on non-dream, non-

    visionary, non-meta-physical boards are up over 2300 % so far in this run. Further, dream refer-

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    ALTA IR - January 9, 2005 - Part 2 - Section B

    NOTE: The data set processed for Part 2 is POST tsunami, and therefore, earth focused with

    negative emotive sums is to be expected.

    NOTE: while it is expected that tsunami language will appear in our data sets the above references

    are forward looking. They have future-impact value sums. However, we have no way to judge, at

    this time, just what level of dominance the recent tsunami will have on our data sets other than to

    say it will be significant. This data set is the first to be run which includes post-tsunami gathering.

    This data set must be assumed to be dominated by that emotional theme, and indeed is very color-

    ing of the modelspace. Nonetheless, we have made adjustments to the model to lower the visibility

    of the immediate impact lexical sets so as to try to extract those which would be meaningful going

    forward. No way of knowing if this effort will be successful.

    Part 2 - Summation - Expected Blending,Change Agent - Earth

    Changes, BushCo, Earthquakes - all kindsAsymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report

    Changes in language precede changes in behavior.

    By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com

    Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events

    portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner repre-

    sents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report.

    Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such,

    human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted

    here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is en-

    tirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for

    accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of

    this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to

    alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of

    rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any

    and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader.

    01.01.2005 Summation - Expected Blending,Change Agent - Earth Changes, BushCo, Earthquakes

    - all kinds

    Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets [].Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by

    an asterisk *.

    Data set distilled from 25.8 million reads.

    Summation - Expected Blending

    As should be expected and predicted, and as was noted in Section A of Part 2 of this report, we find

    a dominance of all areas by emotive ripples from the tsunami. Further, in a predictable way, all other

    entities are flavored by this event.

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    As an example, to seek for any fiscal or financial level data within modelspace now only takes 2

    levels of connection to return to a Terra entity aspect or attribute set. In previous runs we might

    take 20 levels to reach a cross connected aspect or attribute set. Now, all entities have some level

    of cross connect back to the Terra entity within 3 or 4 levels, and usually only 2. That is to say, that

    primary aspects are containing cross-linked secondarys in almost all entities. This does give inter-

    pretation a very different challenge this time.

    We could, for instance, choose to ignore all Terra entity cross links in order to 'clean the data' of the

    impact. However, given that a 9.2 earthquake moved over 1000 miles of sub-marine fault line by

    over 500 feet, and created land surface altering waves which killed over 150 thousand people and

    placed over 2 million at risk, perhaps it is not wise to ignore the potential for further earth related


    So, given this set of impacts on this report, a series of cross-linked data sets are going to be

    summed here, mostly absent their entity ownership. That is we find a number of intriguing cross-

    linked data sets that can or could be interpreted pretty much on their own, and might, in a more

    normal run, be seen so. In this case, as these structures are complete, and are anchored in various

    entities, but are centered in the Terra entity, we may find that this is the most meaningful level of

    'signal' to rise from the current 'noise' levels.

    First up there is a structure containing aspect descriptors for a [city] which will (slide backward/fallback/drift back/roll back) into the [river][mud]. Specifically, while there are many references to the

    river and river bank, there are relatively few references to the water in the river, and these are out-

    numbered 20 to 1 by references to the [mud] of the [riverbank]. This could be taken as a local

    descriptive clue as perhaps there are rivers whose defining characteristic is not the river but the

    mud. The structure here has complete descriptor sets showing the [city] as having been constructed

    of this mud as well as local, river based gravel. The descriptor set is overwhelmingly shaded with

    [brown], and [dark][brown][bricks/stucco]. Apparently what is being described here is a [city] of

    some size which will slide back into the mud from which it rises. There are not very many indica-

    tions for either speed, or loss of life in this event, so perhaps it is either going to be so slow as to be

    able to support an evacuation, or perhaps this is metaphoric language for a city or power structure

    about to be sucked out of sight in scandal. The indications are for a [finality/completion/stoppage]

    as a result of the [mud] incident/event. The data set is heavily weighted with [non-recoverable/

    unavoidable/unstoppable] modifiers and descriptors for (observation/seeing/watching) the (slide)

    into the [mud/mudflats] which end up (covering/masking/hiding) the [city] under a [plain/tabula/

    expanse] of (dry/dried/evaporated) [mud] such that [wheels] are seen (rolling) on the [spires] of

    [buildings/structures/temples] of [power].

    Change Agent - Earth Changes

    As might be expected, the emotive values of the general churn of words on the internet went up

    significantly as a result of the tsunami.

    Also we note that a 'coin' effect is manifesting relative to the idea of the 'causative agent' for the

    tsunami. On one side of the 'coin' effect are those who are seeking a cause for the recent quake/tsunami, and are coming across the various earth-changes memes, and trying these on as possible

    'fits' for events as they are occurring. The other side of the coin are those to whom the reality of a

    causative Change Agent already exists, and they are merely folding in this most recent of earth-

    changes into their perceptual filters. Both, however, use the same aspect and attribute sets, albeit,

    with the substitutions of verbal identifiers. So beyond the primary, motivating factors, the language

    is the same, though it does not reflect the same view of 'reality'. There are those to whom the

    quake/tsunami represent just the latest, most visible manifestation of Planet X pulling in closer to

    earth, and there are those for whom the quake/tsunami represents some BIG changes, and perhaps

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    they do validate the Planet X theories? So, same language, different emphasis. Again, the tsunami is

    being 'blamed' for and on any number of different ideas from gamma ray bursts, to unexplained

    energy types, to too many foreigners in Saudi Arabia.

    In examining the 'coin' effect, it is probably best to ignore the emotional issues surrounding the 'its

    my truth' arguments and see just what lexical clues are hanging about. This is where it gets a bit

    more interesting in that we find an almost complete agreement, lexically, that the recent quake/

    tsunami is *not* merely aberrant. Nor, as most of the teevee 'newsreaders' would have it, "not

    likely to occur again for decades". Rather, the lexical clues would suggest anything but that view.

    We find, as a cross-linked structure hanging between the Terra entity, and the Populace entity, the

    idea that (searching) for [solid ground] (along/on/near) *any* [coast] (will prove) [dangerous].

    And, attached to the [coast] as an aspect, we find an attribute set which indicates that [feet] are

    for [walking] [inward/to center]. Hanging of the [walking] as an aspect, we find an attribute set

    which goes toward [walking] to [rocks/dry refugee/high land] (locates/finds/discovers) [food/

    sustenance/sustaining/fundaments] in (sufficient/as needed) [quantities] for [eight/8] [days] (eating).

    Off of (eating) as an aspect we find another level of attribute sets which go toward [eating]

    (not)(producing) (own/singular/their/possessive) [food] means [walking] (over/around/through)

    [obstacles] of [mud/soil/ground](broken/shattered/shards/bits/pieces) [upward].

    And hanging off [obstacles] as an aspect, there is an attribute chain for [trees](provide) [refugee/place/safety/resting] for (a short time/momentarily) [halfway/midway] (up) the [mountain], but that

    (obstacles) are (passed/left behind) (shortly) on the way up the [hill]. Once the [trees/branches] are

    (breached/opened/broken/unsealed), the lexical thread indicates that the [top] of the [hill/mountain/

    ridge] (provides) [home/house/shelter] for the [three/3] [years] that it will take.

    Without regard for what is seen as the 'cause' of the changes occurring here on earth, the recent

    tsunami has left such an impression that a large number of otherwise un-interested humans are now

    considering or are changing their world-view. Mainly to accommodate this 'unprecedented' event,

    these changes are allowing for an opening in other-wise closed minds. Our data set is expressing a

    great deal of 'wonderment' and 'confusion' and what we term, idea-thrashing. The thrashing is what

    takes place in various fora where the participant attempt to reach a consensus of opinion/view

    which will facilitate the continuance of the area of commonality. Or not. There are several of our

    usual monitoring spots currently undergoing thrashing that may yet result in large scale changes of

    behavior, both on, and off the net.


    Again, it is not possible to examine any of the entities within modelspace absent the effect of the

    tsunami. The same holds true for all the political entities which tend to arise within or linked to, the

    Populace entity. The case with the BushCo entity is the same. We can note that a smallish level of

    the lexicon would indicate that some see the recent tsunami as a [potential/possibility] for (redemp-

    tion) for BushCo in the eyes of the world. However, this runs less than 8 per cent of the total lexical

    mass, with the most lexical mass hanging off of [blood/bloody] and relating Iraq.

    To this lexical base we find repeated references to [disintegrating] and [disintegration] of [union],and one can but hope that this applies to Iraq and not BushLand.

    Furthering the idea of [disintegration] of [union] we find aspects/attributes which go to [union]

    (dissipated) in (vain glorious/glorified delusions/fantasy of power) in (short time/instant).

    As well as the [disintegration] of [union] the BushCo entity also holds threads that go back to

    [food] which is cross-linked back into the Terra entity. These cross links hold that [tension] (re-

    leases) as [rain/rainshowers/rainstorms/flood] which (raise) [waters] (over) [higher level/extreme

    extent] and the [food] is destroyed. This in turn leads to (irrational/fantasy) [demands] which are

    (repeated) [three/3] times [in one night] which leads to [destruction] of [credibility/words/speech/

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    veracity] and the (removal/loss) of [respect]. This 'loss of respect' is a complex aspect/attribute

    thread of its own, that contains links down four additional levels which go back to [blood] on the

    primary aspect level of BushCo. In this attribute set, the [blood] is seen specifically as

    [bloody][hands] and the response of BushCo to (proclamations) of [bloody][hands] is seen as being

    a [reversion/re-saying/restating] of [previous] [accomplishments].

    Now a curious section of the lexical thread above goes to a cross link back to the Populace entity,

    again, subservient to the Terra entity, and mixed up within the lexical threads descriptive of all kinds

    of earth-changes-nasties, but nonetheless, the lower level cross link from BushCo goes back to a

    lexical arm of Populace which has a primary aspect of [hiding]. This primary aspect is further

    amplified by attribute sets containing references to [shame], [ineffectiveness], and [premature


    The entity structures for BushCo also show strong links back to our dates previously noted as the

    23rd, the 30th, and the first of February. In the case of the BushCo entity, we find these links also

    containing fiscal or financial references as well as the expected references to Bush's War On Iraq.

    Again, it would appear from our processing thus far, that a serious 'loss of equilibrium' will take

    place on the first of February, at least within the fiscal or financial realm. This 'loss of equilibrium' is

    also associated with cross links back to [banks] and specifically a number of european banking

    aspects. As may be expected, there are numbers of references to currencies, including the dollar,but the general tone suggests that this 2.1.2005 event/circumstance will be much more than mere

    readjustment. There are number of attribute sets off the BushCo entity suggesting that the level of

    'crisis' rises rapidly following 2.1.2005, and in support of this idea, we find a large area of cross-

    links back to Populace which go to both financial, and [necessities/core needs/fundamentals] all of

    which are hanging off an aspect of [shock] or [shocking impact], depending on which level exam-


    Another way to examine our data would be to 'flop' it over so to speak, and use [crisis] as an

    aspect, and then to see what hangs off as attributes. In this case, this effort is less than useful as so

    many things do hang off this aspect, as though the whole world, every facet of it, and the universe

    in which it finds itself is in crisis. So slightly less than meaningful.

    However, that being noted, and as a closing element to this report, we do find that a curious pattern

    does emerge within the data when it is 'flopped' over. Within the aspect of [crisis] we find all the

    primary entities as might be expected, but unexpectedly, and with future oriented emotional sums,

    we find that all the entities-as-attribute sets, all contain [earthquakes] and all contain these as near-

    term immediate sum values. Now, this could be due to the large mass of persons perceiving the

    tsunami as being the 'beginning' of something rather than a 'one off' event. Further within each of the

    primary aspects of each of the entities-turned-attributes, we find both [violence] and/or [violent

    shaking/trembling], and again, with forward looking emotive sums. And within the attribute sets

    hanging off of [violent] we note that aspect/attributes for [shakes] appear in all of them. So this is

    to say that there is some reference to [shakes] in all the entities including those for political or

    financial themes.In some cases we find that [shakes] is being modified with thoughts such as [shakes] the [lice] from

    (his/possessive) [skin], or in the case of one [bank] oriented thread, we see that it [shakes][fleas/

    ticks] from (its/possessive)[fur]. Other indications are for the 'shakes' to be accompanied by

    [thunderous noise/thunder claps/huge noise/large sound] and further (damage/destruction).

    Our only timing clues for all this shaking is that it would appear to be a mostly pre-spring focused.

    There are repeated references to spring and equinox as well as the expected references to space

    based phenomena, but none have emotive sums carrying much beyond the immediate. So the theme

    taken should likely be a whole series of 'shakes' are likely to arrive before spring 'settles in' and

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    that some of these maybe actual earthquakes, with others of the more virtual kind of earthquake

    such as appears to be coming for the global financial system.

    ****** End of Section B and Part 2

    Note that there are substantial amounts of data still being gathered. Our cut off point will be on or

    about January 11. We expect that the next level of processing will be ready for interpretation some-

    time on January 12, with the expectation of the next report being posted by January 17 (Monday).

    Copyright 2005 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved.

    Released through subscription only.

    No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

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    ALTA IR - January 16, 2005 - Part 3

    NOTE: The data set processed for Part 2 & 3 is POST tsunami, and therefore, earth focused with

    negative emotive sums is to be expected.

    NOTE: while it is expected that tsunami language will appear in our data sets the above references

    are forward looking. They have future-impact value sums. However, we have no way to judge, at

    this time, just what level of dominance the recent tsunami will have on our data sets other than to

    say it will be significant. This data set is the first to be run which includes post-tsunami gathering.

    This data set must be assumed to be dominated by that emotional theme, and indeed is very color-

    ing of the modelspace. Nonetheless, we have made adjustments to the model to lower the visibility

    of the immediate impact lexical sets so as to try to extract those which would be meaningful going

    forward. No way of knowing if this effort will be successful.

    *****Also note that while the Terra entity dominates everything within the model at the moment,

    we also have a great many changes showing up in many entities. This is forcing a very high-level

    view of many of the 'minor players' within the modelspace just to be able to get through them all in

    a timely manner. So necessarily some level of usual detail is being sacrificed for the overall bigpicture description of the modelspace.*****

    Part 3 - Terra - Antarctica: Alibis and Lies,Tale of Two Cities,

    Shelter from the Word Storm - Housing, FANNY & FREDDY,

    Hidden from View - FDA,

    Disorderly Period - BushCo, Shock of the New - Populace,


    Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report

    Changes in language precede changes in behavior.

    By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com

    Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events

    portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner repre-

    sents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report.

    Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such,

    human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted

    here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is en-

    tirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable foraccuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of

    this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to

    alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of

    rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any

    and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader.

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    01.16.2005 Terra - Antarctica: Alibis and Lies, Tale of Two

    Cities,Shelter from the Word Storm - Housing, FANNY &

    FREDDY, Hidden from View - FDA, Disorderly Period -

    BushCo, Shock of the New - Populace, METADATA/


    Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets [].

    Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by

    an asterisk *.

    Data set distilled from 34.14 million reads.

    Terra - Antarctica: Alibis and Lies

    Note that the recent reports of emergency evacuation of McMurdo Base in Antarctica prompted the

    searching for data elements related to the continent.

    The Terra entity continues to show large, domination of modelspace. In the progressions done with

    the data from part 1 through this data set supporting part 3, we note that the direction of the mass

    of entities, all of which are 'blanketed' by the Terra entity, is down below the Zero mark. In our

    modelspace, we have the 3 dimensional area split in halves. The mean reference line is emotively

    neutral, and below is emotively negative. Within both upper (positive) and lower (negative)

    modelspace, as the progression moves from left to right, we gain in both 'distance' and 'duration'

    emotive values. These values, while always positive, are interpreted as 'magnifiers' to the general

    trends already in force. So as we progress the entities through the modelspace, we note that the

    trends are 'diving' relative to emotive values for the Terra entity.

    We also need to note that this report is primarily focused on those lexical structures which account

    for the time from NOW out to about the end of a 4 month period. So, noting that our timing *al-

    ways* is poor at best, the report is intended to cover from January 1 (first part interpretationperiod) out to the end of April. Except where noted for longer duration, the modelspace indicates

    these elements will be involved in these next four months.

    Within the modelspace, we find that the Terra entity has values that continue way out through the

    progression of the entities through this data set. The emotive sums and duration/distance and

    impact values are end-of-the-scale, and all summations are below the neutral-zero ling. This indi-

    cates that the earth will dominate all other elements for humans this whole year and perhaps

    beyond, and for the most part will be received negatively.

    Within the Terra entity we find several large lexical structures coalescing around various descrip-

    tors. As an instance, we find a 'star' like pattern of 8 lexical primary aspects with fully populated

    attribute sets all linked to Antarctica. Given that the emotive sums are all very high in each of the

    lexical sets it was difficult to pick a 'theme' set from the group. After cross checking the links for'riplz' {ed: our way of noting ripples of cross links that cascade out like concentric rings from a

    stone tossed into a pond}, one was chosen; [Alibis and Lies]. This was not chosen as it had the

    highest level of emotive values, nor was the most prevalent or largest population of attributes, but

    rather because it contains the longest impacting duration values, as well as having the farthest reach

    into the next four month {ed: and beyond} period.

    In the case of these [alibis/lies] we note that they will be (pouring) from the [spouts] of the [pot]

    like [steam] from a [teapot]. Further, cross linked within the Antarctica reference, we find that these

    [alibis/lies] share several attribute sets with the other candidate for the theme, [burning] (down)

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    the [house]. It appears from the data set that human habitation in Antarctica will [burn] or be

    (consumed) by [flames] while the [neighbors] (watch) [helplessly/without opportunity to aid] and

    [occupiers/residents/homeowners/villagers] (weep) for their [future] (lost). Specifically we find that

    the [village/town/habitation] will (perish) (quickly) in the [flames/fire/conflagration] but that [coals]

    will (still/continue) to be [seen] even into the [night]. Curiously, there are repeated references to

    [night] [scenes/views/images] relative to the 'event'. It would appear that the start will be in very

    late night as in [while/still] [dark] from (previous/earlier/first) and that the [danger/attack/worry]

    will begin before dawn, and the event will take the rest of the day to play out such that [tears] are

    (dry/desiccated/evaporated) by [sunset/nightfall], even though there is still some activity into that

    night which will be viewed with [incredulity/disbelief].

    The [abibis/lies] start in the afternoon of the day of the (evacuate/flee/leave/run away) of the

    [houses] of [wood] and [steel]. Apparently a [group/collective/gathering] will [set about/scheme to/

    plot to] (overcome) [real/validated] news with their [alibis/lies] so as to (obscure/hide/secrete

    under/keep secret) something they deem to be [blood] and [bones] {ed: often interpreted to be

    'skeletons in closet' or 'ultimate secret'}.

    The [alibis/lies] which will be (permeating/filling) the news sources, will be perceived as such. The

    cross links from this aspect of the Terra entity go back in large numbers to the Populace entity and

    there are all linked to emotive sums indicating disbelief and rejection. So it would appear that the[alibis/lies] proffered all that long day will be rejected completely and correctly identified as lies.

    What will the lies be about? Our Terra entities substructure relating to Antarctica has a prominent

    group of its lexical aspects which all go to the idea of [brilliance] which, depending on the aspect, is

    either (emanating) or (striking) or (shining) from the [mountaintop/peak/pinnacle/topmost]. This

    [brilliance] is somehow active in the destruction of the [village] of [wood] and [paper]. Of course,

    the easiest interpretation is that the volcano near/on which McMurdo base is located erupts and

    causes both the evacuation and the subsequent promulgation of lies. However, we have to note that

    the word (eruption) is not very elevated within the lexical structure, and only appears within one

    minor arm of a tertiary aspect set. So it might be that the modelspace is indicating that the volcano

    does erupt, but its participation is minor. Rather we see much more reference to [brilliance] not as

    (eruption) but rather as [light], [lightning],[illumination], [glare], and other references for [light] as

    opposed to [heat].

    Returning to the [night] notation above, we find that this aspect is not only the [beginning] and

    [ending] of the event, but also involves (traveling) at [night/in darkness] which has emotive sums

    indicative of [risk] and [danger]. Further there are repeated links to large numbers of people. Also

    we need to note that the indication is that the [abilis/lies] related to the people involved in having

    their [village] of [huts] burned down. These lies, through a link back to BushCo, appear to (alien-

    ate/drive away/piss off) our [neighbors] who are also involved with the incident. Again, we also

    note that though the event is likely to have far reaching consequences on its own, it is the lying

    about it that has the longest durational sums. Further, within the BushCo cross links the primary

    aspect that is intersected is [arrogance]. Also this aspect's attribute set has several cross links backto attributes within the Antarctica data set which include [subordinate/servant] which in turn is

    modified by (rejected/rebuffed/offended). One interpretation would be that 'officialdom' in the

    USofA spouts off some obvious lies about the Antarctica situation and then expects our 'allies' to

    either go along with them, or actually believe them. Neither apparently will happen and the reper-

    cussions will be very severe for our [officials/ministers/princes' men]. Further links back to the

    Populace entity also have the official lies being discounted as such as they are offered which in turn

    will cause (visible/manifesting)[confusion] and (dithering/spreading/divergent) [voices] within

    BushCo as regards the events in Antarctica and their response.

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