THE NEW YORK; SUN. ?- -f r ? w tra,rsi t8 b" la Hmr Twk OKr M vtaUr, rx axd a waits com m wnK. aungl fra On M Wasaswa by MelLlwr lares Tsar. Ajeraas Acoistloa nrossfaut Mm f lodlag UN OOITH HB DAT. tu wkxut in fa MiMtoMMRftar Utosawli-Bvi- t rt 1 Wn, ft . Bar ..Oapiaa, two aaai kSMl aW I aoaouaa. Aiiaa HfUJI atrial m Oa fan aaa rnaoa (a, Jlnr Yirk. agents wmi FROM fl CrWASOS. X( rwiM or eventful jneka wtta fab km an-.- . BARBKR WANTED-T- O JOCRNKTMEN " eiaewrkmeo,ts Ctorrj.llnrH-e,R- . liberal bee mi ( eteidr character I to inch a maa od wenaandeoiet.nt employment will bo imn ln rear maud. 4 married uu preferred, toft nil JRAQ00N8 FOB TDK U. 8. ARMT-BWs- Bled 100 yeans man U whom bona, enale-rnsirf-e, ration, clothing end mndlcel attendance will jetornlehedwithm.odrtoeaKhiwIdler. Apple et ItalM at, or H. lUcMowUk rt. )el ttaolU4 lbSTRUMKNTlMAKKRS WANrED-SUH-- t7,. ES'.S?,' "?U,.,I! P V !'' eltr. NO-'-' bat lS,t.T'-'Lf"- ,, W W44I et, oa Saturder, June fib, Jet I'lSi fOOLDIRRS WANTED IMMEDIATELT- -J Fat the 0. B. Army, 100 d tontr-lie- d eo, Mtu the mm of 11 and U rear- - (d Wi And with tjrd,elothlaf end nidleai atu4-an- Avtrl(MiltMl MraltloiSuUaa.M EkOkMt. WMIU.HM JfAKOTE C0RP3. WalartlMU.I. MriaaCrT,kM.bal. tr4,nlr,BimliMt. pomr.lui mm, wnii tht ini( i6c4S7Mra,Bat Ian tka 0 fot 0 locho l, a thfrtswr) rayirauiiiia ri m MiA;tMtl, elUad, Hid mrdk 'Mr X t RraiMTtiu. ltl Paltoa ft. N. rki t tfi Hronklra N.ry VrJ, kad at Ui Maria Bar ca! e laaiuni ar nrwwij.1, to A..BsrwoT, H ! Malar OannaadlM. W AKIE.D FOR TOE 0. S. NAVT-8B- A. Baa. ardlnar kmnn and ItHMni Aall a. rtafimld. rar ranlMT aartlvaUra LtCA. 1S1 eoUlVt. cor JanKiSIlN talra. lao iucih CKWINQHACQINES-WAHTF- .D LADIKi U learn to aerraU en Blsfim and Wbaalrr Wlt- - w apwin nacauia pratnr till aorfacc oa '! klnda af va-k- i tarma Affir at lao rnivm a. op auinturoaaUB. jauitac'iua SEWINO MACIlINE-WANr- KD LADI&J ranni-- a aod Wbmlar a WHaoo'a, aad othar wla maahlniui laamad Dr. fcsa. aad traatlaa till aatUdad. an tbnp work: all toa tf. and arary rt Uaraad pmfact: tarnu aadu M cboaisat Id Or aaad at. naar 8 aafrm. ItaaalM SEWINO HACUINE WASTED. LADIES t Barata m Wkaalar A WIIWi la prond aaain wanhlaai, br ooa of tha olda. Uf prrtanaad araton la tha aaV taaaht aU a I ad of adaekloc, baamilit, falluavAaU aad tboroa a maa aaaoiaotaf tbamaoalaa. and nwomowiidad laalaoat tor il. Tbom la wank at aaaratoia aUad A aaaehlMtwaalaaandlaBUlraawiudao al rA Ow aalat. atrMMaantt I'lKKlVORKn. 1 ifl-U- l rOS J. W. UADFI ELD'S HRST ' iioairfiai rlravo Ba. I a.Mrtaat af taa awr MkHi,Bnd at ha lawat arWaa. IMaiara ara tt afi'T tuvirro t vtu. A. roULDd. dr.i ra, ciii 'm m tao. ta Jolin V JaaaaUI ,M.- - KOKK.i IIADFIKLD-- S FIRST A pnni na o . aolboaaia aa rha aa a 1h ia tiv lt ai tit ta laail I'M Niata ar.il.l''dil4rf4,N.V ALU'H rTALUII. 4.r 09 piRF.WORKJ-- A GENERAL AS30BT- - A aaantofvlalaande' f ravorka, and of tka kaat nualllr, for aala by muuu a uivawuua, pt naauiuaiaa aa. MMac'lM OIX)RtOUS FOURTH- .-. DKroTFOBTUBBtXEOP PADFIIWi URiJTr'litUall.alUKKrTURaia. Tba aubmin ri itock amonona a loll llat of tha aorkiofthla nMtratad Wrntoehuk-t- ; alv rlRB- - FaaCKKKlSTl)KPKL)JrJ,JOaS STlCKd, rtroa, UAU OxaiHtna aad tba Trada aapplMd with aihlbmooa, at tba abnrtMt aotlea aa d loiraat aoaathla vrloaa. I lrrakDallnfnpUraUadad to. M. DENNETT, Ha. 1M rBNTiT aaax mitou at, Na Vark.fi raoi4aalW ItlMPlN AMI HOARD. TUOamOB 8T QOOD UOARD airMBOaalSiavaafcalaoalaaaaat rooaaa far paninn tfcolr wiraa, AS and M a mk, vtth baard. UF ipaiaan aa waain laiaa at mr raaw. in.lll.a OOABDINO-- A FEW YOUNG MKS CN AJ ba araitninodated with board: ilaoanMaafd klawlfw; la afoot location, U tMJi at. rrar th Powrrr )a Util ROARDINO f AT REDUCriON Al Good hoard and fm IIMUIIi waak aad vwardai ladlia aad famlllaa toltad a laaa tkaa aar oftiai boaaa In ta rltri a nloo parlor with piano. 4a IMaparard at aaar Broadwajr aad Oanalt alw) watrh myi and ld(lnta all aJtUtj Ba rled pimona ( eti; aliftaMcta. nrtlUo'lT BOAhDIN0-F- OR FOUR BF.JPECrABLE alra'a bda for S3 a wort: ala to ladlaa,at . al linTalrd art, Kafaoea aaar taa draa atora, cor of 11 th 1, JT lSaalSS B OASDIKO-T- WO LARGE FURKISHED ranaw aa mv. wiTa aoara, auiiaoiaior iwur naa and wini al 1 60 par waok: alao a law roat aawa eaa ba aaancamedalad at II M nrr wwaluMaao Cthaaooao. IwioLw 111 Oraaawkb at, anti'bar atrart. tad BOARD A FBW RESPECTABLE can to aconmmodtted wltk rood baard And ilaM, alrr rooaia. Tboaa wtahla to raallaa tha aonfoita of a quiet boma, plaaat call al I Alias at. HUicm B0ARDIN0-A- T 195 WEST 24th STRFJT, araouat furalabad romna to lat wilk or without coard, to aaairiad or alula feoUanao. Tba altatlon la haaltbf aod plaaaanl, rooaai alrr. Xiao. tTarauua lad aaoan ba aaaoraaaodatad. Baiii Ulaaaouaa. Tarma madarata. taAMariU B' 0ASDIN0 A FEW RESPECTABLE man eaa ba aeeonuaodatea win (ai noara and eomfoitahla noma,br applrbia al ai. eoroar of Chatham viaar i antlemm eaa have dit oar and toa at II M par waak l.a'-- a faraliked irwrcaultA. ladllaa'Ul TJ0ARD AND LODGING. USE OF BATH AJand alaJni-raoc- It. No. WO Thlrdlara. 14 410 THJARDINa-- A FEW TOUKO HEN CAV 15 ba aaaomawWIatad wrtk kaardal W Watt at. r0ARDnra at im bowekt a few Paewni maa eaa ba aianmmHilad wltk food aoard adplaaaaiit rooawa alaa gantlaanaa aad tfaalr wdrea tMA waaaaana nirnaaaai iwiwaa, em i avasaaaariia ROAADTN OJT THIRD AVj A J1W J ia rtalaa law man eaa aeaaaoaamedalM wtta aaad board, etafle bade, and la alrr raoaaa. M war pOASDINa-A QEirrLEMAJI AND Wlfc JLaMaitwabiatwnilaaaaaaa ba aaeamou at toad board aad wallwralaiU rwawa COUNTRY BOARD PERSONS WISHING take eMIdrra la th eoaatry to beard darlnc rba lummari ait loan of a ceod plaoa br J.I riU fURN TO LET, AT 1 A aadlMonii lor aaonoaalaal hmua. tact twaUomea. Term srsa? mTatwaaana LODGINGS. CHEAPEST LODGINGS food alalia bad 10 a plant; aloe lade rooaa IDo 1 1 Ivei uarrlad iimm II to 5 w. J rla wtak I ,' and All fur alalud noma with oak I rum l,TSullM a waiki watahmaa aad ado.lt aue all alakuat WUUhir Haiiw. ul tTaakUa at, near Wt Broadwa. )e'17l LODGINGS-CaE- AP LODGINGS AT llduaa, 11 UlaM at. a few doora froa Canal ifreei, where napoetaLla man en hare 'eaa, amtorUtU aleal brdj at lieta. ear nuhi. aloiU root from II ta IT ct per nlrtt, MltaVlli T (JDOIHOi, WTTU 0B WITHODT Board M -- Uoad ewaa aaale aad donMa baddad room Beard freca It to t 4 par wank. Hoi ia roame la at ii II a"1w-wT'- l mrll lea!!! ROOMS TO LtT-- A FURNHIIED Pft'JXr badroom to M to a email faml'r, Taa tioefeand apaimenta aw elea and p'eaatot. Alo, aa attl room to 1. 1. U'ilx U ltharto o'd No. fifa HG0 10 ' " - m -- w m OQQflGHBiHi WMfcBBMlfcfrtfi&lJEflttwMJBMMlMHy S U N. NUMRRR .. .... 0A9Q ,..., rUsTTJaT VAUIT XfaltTrk a limn ia iui nnrnn -- k,Tt-a arm ajtJTT jivfvxvt luumiti, uiici au. jiwr f ivivyci viijcj van """" III THE NEW YORK SUN HON DAT IIOKSIXO, JUHS i itU i in, i, . nt Bnwrai af Til ran a. Tba LtmlirUIl Jownaofli atwirliuc 11.41m falatrA)aUMIDaWwatca tkBMCCUBiloa v'tanianleii obUIAtd th rotw cf Uuldo." ma ia Aentnck t th Ult prMntUl wlweUoa. It quota the following; izttAcU from a intach. maJa at Frkfert oa th 18th of July, 1360, tr sir, UftkctnidiDoii Fellow ell len. aa to Ike eharaa lal iba a hm. nan naoici i ii ray 1.0 utaMiua, or mat th rriiU ih.l aupta.ted me, or thai I maei eat tainted Willi A 4tl of dans en, bow a'jiuri it hum o ii d na Km hick at and in th' old eiatriciKiw. i,ao Amanoaa otvi, a KefttiMklan, woo wmi did an nor chrlwi A htuhi Isat aa But fu I of d itj ja to In Cjumtiuoa aad 111 t'jott Wll ii1t th Uil Ooritnmnt oa eatlb. Th' Ittliapo'poant y 1 t'a wjrlj ahrtt)-- t maul 11 it mrtlrt ikat fra tm luliont mj beialttlla'td om a iraat opilttjn aul alarge aiaaif ccutlif and baoomp.uul will pi'j 1 or. dir. That C.natUtiaa wit frail' il auj trana sIIImI bf lliewlaialgeiifiaticAtf mu 'thatarar liftllaih IlJe oftlTe." I'maf bralllan Inp'.rr4 Inalru-mrn- t. Lit oa kp It, and keip II puce. Th Journal alMgWes ao xlrct fron a tjMch mad Ij II jo. Join II. no A fttilon dlinlouit. V.UAOtt iaU i Tlie mail wbloal llhr D)nr Joiik C Ilun. inaiii.iacl aulonli I lir httltrtS and la hit Ihrnal, (inii will tldlii far rar(i wit A I wj Tb Jourmil, commontlng tn thoM d:Un, tiers, laji t Cl th ladini(K,uiiKkdiau'oa'a. TS avaal ku Itcwa thai .bn nr,r,liniwir falea, aadth trlol ui,ii.dlhtUliie4bjth dauaUmatila an rut t f a.i,laokr waj, al all kaitrda, to ri a dlneolutlon of th Lu uu To Hi 04 are alu t 1 The d aua'ou P'tlf hue had programme on ban J fir jrara. and thai prrKramx hai boon car I'Fdoutiotktleier. I The diaunton lealei In KpaliKkhtbencTglnlor th'carheiia, anl ra n i'wi.l tianr i'nl waUh Uok to a ritViialniiil ( tho ln oa. Kiliter of tht A'r 1'or Sun: SI AI A rulor of yirtit Jouital f.r lh l(l fcn rear. I bo yau will axcuM troubling foa with A law Hani oi aa iilltorlal whlih pprJ In roure ot Oih Inat. hiln joaeucrt thai "Kigland haa uiorpaj ao. Ir ccntrol ortr lh domtaito affair of SoMiand." Now I fan unfortaual 8xuhtaao) will not goeo far aa J our rnapooJinl "i. M.nlncbuactnUin( hi taaertleu A "faUi" tut nTribta lhr ntmeoa'l ereb tevnomy of tn th la it, I hope I am fpaa H oonTitilw, but I a a md a aire thai Eufajid, alnca Iha uoioo, aa r at. Hw.jWloumrp aoj'Sliotrol over the domwda atTa r ol &e.llaad." Il I true, thai tra Uoil lime raeaiuiaa awantliUr 8ath are brouhioa. futeltelnpetlal Failiaaent.ani Ultra legit-lD- upon; but Toa uraore lha faol tlial Parlla-mo- la aa roach an Iceland BiMch a It I aa Knjlitk rarOaaieai True, Kaclend hti a terra majority of mesbera, but b ar wealth aad Aid on purely 8 juuah quartbna gxxchmeo her knral)y more raaaoo 10 oomplaln of bar owa rapreeeatettT, thai of teoae of . A A CUnchr, I tipp, to your MMiLun, and t chut up poir "A. M" u 11 biw, la ti.ur l,u"f tliib,ihat ia Kn ilith r.rllamet.1 baa A AVxIUah 1atirft DlU baf.iralnow. ail adar.lliaraiii'MQtiytui "ikt Try o AjDIago' flh I ua tubjacl to Uitwa mum emlrol." Prr, Ma Bii la Ihi "tahu nVi" u.iii'tnM, a urJ.ol of HajTeraaMatal oaira." ia kle ooaoiiyr 8 r, th paoplo af Bo-- - iai.d ar J.alouoof ihlr lbertT today aa Tr. to,, ww e buitheyArwp'rfoujtl aadihaitaair u o. ojr pact ha ban. nkorred a df 111 bf Kuva d.aal bl g Talntfaf patla. I jaare p ' tmy ol ".'.a, I h uau.pa laa will to p. cur. a. wiLahim. V u mua, lortk loaaoioard'rao u fin Ii at. No .uulry la I! in p baa iroaprad iMr I'll baaBo.'tlaAi alooati ui'nn,aot wita "neit D'oalo ahunitedlle bomrAal lb (lory of a nlnd I looked upon b lootahaMu w thHrt; aulker dltat-r- a and mlilortuukii aa lhalraalao. I am, air, your obdlut larrant, Joiia OitK, 1011 Brldg etrvtl, BrKklya, Jun I, lnOI, C.H Baafc fManday l,w. EzTBAcr rnoM rna Daciiios of tub Sui'Aemb CouaT, FinnuAAr Tack, lMCt. latbCAof Ql'tTAV LltTUASHOLLIA, l'Uin- - iliT ia Error, ve. The Pcoi-lk- , Dradati la Encr, coaTicUd nadar th Act of April, lHd), of glfiair dram le repreaanutloiu oa ttiaday, A a cirll And political loitituvon, lb And reirnUtloo of a Halibath ii within the Jolt powar of lk ciril goreramnt. Older ben our BOraramant, lha fratnri of th Cxutltulloa old not AboIUb, Alter or waikea ltl Miction, bat recoKAlnJ, u tkj miat ohrrwbe bar atAbUDl It. Itiaa law of our nature thtt on dy la iTn nhculd bo OJewtrcd II A tlaiAof relAXttioi, lad nc proTi a day of wklrrait to b ' of Admirable aarrico to a ittto, ejndoerwt mere-I- r a Athll Imtltuttoa." (1 B. Cob. CI) l'b) deal law Accord with tb decala. All IninrNM fiqulr nuioaAl uniformity la th dayobotrvad, nl that IU oinrAc ikonld b to far rxmpoLtory u to praUit too who dlr aad ai atltlod to tk day. A A ciril inailtotioi, tb taootlon of th day ii At lb ot ti B of lh l2ll A an i bat It U &; that th th i.tlaa SabbiUi lUmld bo ob-T- by a UitUJan iia'pl. And it do not d trict from th moral or legal unction of a atute that It conform tt the low of God, ai recognized by tha i;rt majority of th paopl. Kiladag hero by common law, All that the lagialatoro At'eropti to do I to tegu'A'a ltd oliearvAnca. Tha common Itw rocogaiiai too day j contnete, land redaraptloo, tc, matar-in- g on .Sunday, mot b waforma on Sttor. day or Mondar. Judicial act on Ui Sablialh are martly illegal. Work doao oa .Sunday tanoot h rcoTrwd for, otc. Ai tk Sabbath 1 oMr thin th goToro-ma- nt, and ha been latfUlaUj upon by coloalat Aadeaily tUto AithorltlM, If there war y doubt alout tb mtAnlng of lh Ojna'.i'a, lion ncurlng froVta la rallgtjn, tho coUav- - oranecua And coatioad Act of tk iagu-ata- ri under It would b ytry good iriduici of tho intent of ltl frmei and of th paopli who Adopted it as their fundiraotl law. Fuin 17NJ downwird, tat'oai atttata bar laen la fore to irira'. Sabliath doaocratioo, aod prohibiting ac' apoa tail diy which would daw been I awful on other diTi ElHy In Ibl blator? of tb itat erovrrnmant. the objectleni made to lb act ol ItWO wr taken Ufuro tk Council of Rti1 o to in Act which nndertotjk to rlt HibVath oiairv aoca Tb Contdl irrairuUd tb objrtlon and bald them not well taken. Tb act Bow complalnnd f complt no nllgloui obaenrie, And offence AgAlMt it Ar puniihable not a tin gataet God. but Injeriooi to odtf. It r1 upon th Mm foundation a raoltitud of othar ititat nch ai tho lnrt gm. ling, lottArbi, hone racing etc. law which do roitrila tb cltliwi and deprir him of of hi riutta: but th lairillatnra hawa tha right to prohibit act Injur loui to th public, iubTTwlTi of tk goTrann.t, And) wklch tal tothdatiaetica of tb moral of tb paopU, and to dlatuib tba pAc and good order of wclwty. ItUicluTly for tbi UgUUtsri U detat min what Act! ihoali b probiaitai ai daogtrooi to tb commasity. Ofr Trr on what Af cU'mad a natural rlgbU, And th lilt of iwiZa prokihla f irery cirilizod Hit would disappear, and c'.ril 0fTi would b ootAnadll tkoao Art whlth at mifa in i; Aad A Biu mar so naked thnniH tba a'raata. AtAblieh bouaei of prostitution nd keep faro tbUonvry itreet ooriV Tbi would b rapagoint to vry id of A Air Uizd It li tb right of tin clllnni to b protot4 from cfTni.i iilnst dcrcr Aid A'net Ati wklch tend ta corrupt tho moral and detiaa th moral moii of tbi communltr. It il tha riKht of tho clt'Kn that th 8ebUh, a a cirll Int'Itatioo. ihoull be kDt la a war not licontlattnt with ltl porpoat, ial th oat or which it grw mi day of raat, rather than at diy of riot id d'sorlar, which would ba to ev.rtb.row It lad raadir It a eur rather thin a blowing. Bat It Ii sre.d that It U tbi right 1 1 th citizen lo regard th Sab'jath ai I dt of lnno cent rrertitl n And amoaaient. Who, tba. U to JuJg and dteU wht Aawmaal ial PJ. TV '. '"""i. hirloif oo direct or indirect binafat liifluanot upon th eiramun'tyi M,n.ot "',' dlitorblog tbcpaactan'i qolitof tbpuU!oi ai not InUtfertng with in rqtui v iicrod Hiibti of conacluico of otban? Jlay not thi Logrli'itv. Ilk. Jambi I. citrd to ui it a precedent, deder what ra. creAtlooi An lawful And whit im not lawful, AiUodiiff to a breach of th pc, or a ex I option of th moral of th dmd Thai, la I not Innocent which miy opcriti Inirliulr UIMU to uwraij oi ou or yQiing, Walia r,aat to Ubarmpt th qlt obswrinea of th Sib. kith, And which gntToosIy orT.nd th mors inn of tbeoaiAiuntr, And thai tnd to A brMhof taaa.. It Hty wall b that tko LrgtaUtari Umurbt that a Sunday thaatra, wtultidftoklrciUooMAad lu daoaI badwo. "own to UcaMWasBAH-aa- d otterkbdNd rtoia, VAiMHooHawUDtwiU tba pAtot, gwvd efdar, AodisMyU tha Attw... They raUhtwalt baoc tbaopiriootJaitiocnAliawuMka'UBar. ery of vie, i reboot of pnparAtlwTi tl alify TMBrTwxa tor tk (Bowi AAdyoing wobmo for th brwthaL" Bat wkaUnr lb raoo may bar bao. It wai a aatUr within th 1kIa. tlr discreiioa aad por, Aad their wld murt Hand ai the raatvn of th law. tta could not, if n would, dlm tat which they bar idjudgwd baniful, and hiT to trohlhitad. Th Act la tubi'aac a Sunday theatre to b a nullities, Acd dli wlih It much. Tb 0 natltutlon rro-ild- ee for th'i cas by dwliring that th llb.r-t- y of (ooacUnc secured by it "ihall not b ao crnxtiu'd l to axcin act of llcratioutaw, rr jaa-if- practlca locooaiatsot wlh th poa ana aaf.ty pf th ileU." Th ligMitan tUceaSanJay theatre la tht category. And I hey ArathisoUjudg, Th set II cltirly conatltntlonal i dealing witk And Wing r. tpect to tbi 8al.btth ai a civil and poUtlcal Inatllutton, and not Air.KtiEj; to Interfere with religion balitf or worship failh or pracll.-- . an conTicnon wal lull, Ana lb JQlitHInt mutt b affirmed. Ial llewre f Jadaa Dtaglaa, At About U oVlpck. on Sunday mornlnR Bisho; DuaAB U1 at th rniutii; of IM md. '.vronrers llh Mr. Dorom, who wu tk.u, for tb Ant tlm, prTctly ntioail. Mr. DorsLAl tramadiitely rccognlrfnl th Bishop, std iporiid Vt arMiOciUoi It til VUlt. Ulth'pDDOalfSOOn Alk.Jl ItoiotAS, km yta been Un'.lud to th rltti of ny chirch r" Mr. Doaui r plied. N.Tnr." lh Bishop conltnntd ' Do you dIr to bv Bu (aid ru th ordinance! cf tin holy Catholic iharchf lb mwer wa: "No, ilr; whan I do I will cemmunieat with you fnaly." Tlw Bishop than tuiied to Mr. Riionn icd Hid: D 3 yon think h I rally powMa! of Ml mintal rculllaif" Mr. Kuonii replied, "I do not knnw-perh- tpi yoa hid bttr aak him sgs n." Tb Bishop repsatnl k'l qawtlon, t which Mr. DoootA Aniwrl, In iirosg, 111! TOiCWI "Yoa pirhsp did not nadarttind m. When I daalre it, I will commaolcit with joa fredy. Tk Biahep than remarked to Mr. Ritonu, "II ii undoubUfMy In kl right mlod, and dot I not desira my omcea." lit then with, drew. During th day (Sunday,) Mr. Dttmi.A aeao-e-l to b much better, sod strong hope ware of hli rMTryi hlent moat of thadsy, and In th rnlng SMmad mach rtfrbd. Mr.I)ocoLU sad Mr. Rhodbs with htm during the night. At sboit four o'clock oa Monday morning be semd to b much wore, sod sank rapidly kJi frlead were sent for, And At th rqat or Mr. Docolai, Bishop Drosrala rlilud him. MooB sf'er th sTuhop at'd, b Approached tBe badalce, And Addressing tk pstltnt Hid I 'Mr. Dorpiui, you know your own con illtion lolly, AndlarUw of your Approaching iilesolutior, do yoa dwire th creraay of sz irrmatinctloBto boMrforaad)"' Mr. Dorouii replied! ." afo, I bir i no tiaw to dlscusi th thing! Th Bit op thin withdrew. After ho had T" Mil Dorjni.ii reqUl Mr. Rbodbj tsrkkrhobrdlfhijiirdth sslnltr-Uo- o of soy oth'r eUrgymsa. Mr. Unonaa than said to Mr. Douolaa i "Diyoa know th clergymen of this city?" To which Mr. Dovolai replied i ''Nry Try on oft ham " Mr. BiiODoa "Do yta wish to bsv llhr cr saw of them csU to SMyoBtoconraraiupja rellglou rehjic-a?- " Mr. Douauti "No, I thank yoa." Soon, ftr tbU, Aboat At o'clock, h to hare kl pDdtlon la bod changed, the blind openid aid thi wladowi ralaei. Mr. Riioiibi lifted him to ia uler poitars, whr be rould look out upon th open Itr, nd drink ia th fresh raorniig Air. For a fw moment lioemtd t gain nw 111. Than b began to link sway; hi ys pA'tlslly clonad, end in alow Aad meafrured cadenos, wltboontidtrsbU pause between tsch Accent, be utUred t " DeAth ! Death I -- Death ! ! I" Altar th'a hi teemed to rer.vi (lightly, and Mr. Kiioubi sdted him whethir be hal any menace to sand to h'i mathar. or ltr Sabau, or bis boy. "Robbt'' and "Hrinit," to which h mad no reply, ridn'ly not under-tendi- the quietioa. Mrs. Djoulai than plsoail bsr Arraa Around bl neck And nld "My dear, do yoa ksow 'Cousin Danf " " Y.H he replied. M'l. rotJOLAi continued! "Your boy, Itonnr And Statib, sad your mother and elatar cUbxii ban jou soy row. eaiefur thimf" "Tall them tooVarUialiwiioIlupport th ConaUtatlon of th Unltwl 8'stei." At aboufflT o'clock, Dr Millib cm Into th rocm, od, aot'clng th open i butter And wiadcwa Inqlrwl i " Why hav yoa All this windows ri'sed, ind to mach light?" Mr. Dodoia replied i " So that w cab kin fraah Air " At Mr. Doroi-- i' rrq', Mr. Riiodm cbirgad tba dying min'a poaiticn Again in th I d for th last tlm. II now laysthar down is tk inld.ll of th bet, upon hie left aids hi bead slightly best forward And off th pillow. Ill wtf 1st basld hira, holding hi right bind In both of here, And leaning Underiy over him, robbing. Mr. Rhodbs remarked to Mrs. Dooakaa "I im afraid It doet not 111 c BaTorUM;" tn replr to which Mr. Docolju nidi 'Hi Is rsry comfortsfc'." ThesiwtretiilsitlBUllgaiiworJi. From n o'clock blWAS rpeach., bat lurldently faloid his romc'onsnwi. Whoa, A f.w mf mn b f re hli dtA'h, hi a If leaned lovingly T.r hint and sobbingly sked. "Ilailnod, do you know mf will you kiss m?" b rsbwd hi ytl And imHid, ind thoogh too wk to peak th movement of th muscle of hli oi h tnncd that I wai miking so .almost H ni'gl to comply with bar request. Oi death wai calm sad peaceful; a few A'ot lrtbi after nine o'clock; Ailiht rat. nog or hit throati s short, quick, conrul- - Iv stodd r, and STBriiui A. Donauu bsd i eared from Ha Into Urnlty. Chicago cor, lltra'd, letter free (Jwa. Daaaregard. Tti Chsriaiton Courier pabliah th follow Ing IaU froai Can. BaAi;bboabd t) Gen. Mabttb, of that city i Crlsfi, Jfaw IT.-- Mf Pass OiarsiLi I iiiooreiyracirlloaTlsgCharleeioD, where the la. ktntanU aar glraa m luoh a wdoooa Ihat I bow ooaeldar U at my saomd ham. I had hopd thai when rellend fron bar. It would have ta to go to TWgtaia, la eomapaad of the reliant CeroUnWce, whose vurag, patleao soa atai, I aaa Mare i ,yp'wa. eui aamire. : Ba.ilMraB.mi ...vlo..r--1.q,l- rt BlMahre, and Ihllhar I ah all ao. wot ritn jT. ous wii si firm dcarmiaatloi lo do aor lean - my d My, If I sen, and li lnav s strong tnrk A pneeib oa Ike eeerale f on' DaloTed eiuntry, ikiuld lby pollute Ui coil with shtlr daalardly faet llut real aaaured, m dar sir, mat what VI r happatweta at, wear eeatala tit' lymph M laal. aveatfwehaa fjr acmolp,Mbfrkaaal flisl. rr buah and bar alack i beeome an ambush, sod rry bant a fortreM Wii hlaaoiyrt Baton prove tbas a galisni sal free panpi, nhuc ror Heir ladepenaaaoa eat n'e aidsa, are lavlnolble alaa lira dlaclp load msr. caaa-le- al a frw doilsre per moulh. What, USD, mua be the result whaalta rnmls are lutle toon ihan so arml rabb , 'aa'hered lo- - filltr I sett y on s falsi pretest. nd fir turps., with au cvigeoerlan at lie bead t Noaalmlired-nieita'l- o s d,ubt tbelamit. I remiin, dtar Oeutrel. you- - mtmt y, P. O.T. I1EICHKUARD. Notwithstanding Geo. B. lotlmataa thit hi hid bean ordarid laewbre than Virginia, wo did tb f jllowlne name reoof dad la th Itloh. mood A'tyuirrr of Sa'urdsy, ai Among thi lain Tk f.i'.lowlDB ramad lotlamel srrlrad At Ihi Fubui lll isdBallaid Omiee yeewrdsy i Riimv Ttmi r1 , "ale of Plilade'pM aa. UaausiotiD, UK A.l M'J U. K. Jiwa 0. 8. A. I Oapt. Ciimnom. C 8 A. I Csp. Ilaiwasn, O. S A. i O'iv. Manwiao. O. 8, A. I Lteuieneot J, B. MtTTLia. A 0. Voluateots. UI. A. O. Mine, Qiirla nsaer-aener- o' Ihi Ooeiadttsi Siawa Anuy, and olbar nasmbirt f Uil Qjraniunui, havi alio inlTtd, w sTWara Tt .TfaaaawfrAtliirasaayt Th rrls conispoadwat of Um Niwark Djilf aiWrirarii 'Ii I UU 'bttar I lawatlatMd that tha French Ovwrnavot. hid dAWralatd tl twraui lu Kjc"rin la tho Amertcan watira. .Th fact ii AtJktefly coaflrawsd by th atewnVkf of tht anornlrg, whloh Aaatio baC tb Franca bataI maUob r Um AoUlle sab tvswlvsd A relrfirrwaiaiit of roar war vassals, tmder the rornmsna c near Aamiral KATBAin, And that tho Antilles at at Ion Ii hereafter to Incladi Notth Aiairics.' la pravnc of th tti which AgltAi And dlvii th ttsUi of th Amtrlran Union," aaya th French official Journal, "tb Emperor has raohd to send lore Into thrs wa-rr- i lufllcirat to pritect Frereh Intrmm sod eraur rpct ti tnjm." 1 u yeatenlay show! pi I rate I tar front Frankfort, conUlolrg lh a'a'eiant thit A r cixait of volaa'teri Ii b.iag orgiltil in 0 rwiioy, who re'vlrea rto baofT.ml to thiOoTernmant of the Unl'nd S'atii. Main, time, lavelAl of tha Frn.h ollloaii who rncer.t y ippllad to the U. 8 Itgstlon In Paris, sad wm in'ormrd that til Miela'er had no Authority to Accept their lairlces, hav determined to 1it for Amarlci, and trust to chanco for cm t'Uvrrtnt whin Iheyarrivs at their de;lnallon. 1 ccnvMstdytstirday with amilloer who fol- lowed GlBlBALbl throuirhnut lha Sicilian an.l Ntipoliua ciain.lgns, and who Informed m that h Ind taken pg for New Ymk la ot of the ttetmeri from Lirirpool nit weak. Our lataet Journals from Maorld e ctalna ic-- aali of a grend fa'erell dlnsv, given br th French AmrHdor, In honor ot lh Hon. Vx. Priitof, of Kantucky, Minister of tbi Uol'id Sut to th Court of Spain, who wu I n the point of r.lurnlrg to America. Forty guriti ware preMBt, Including several mirohsm of the BisnUh Call at sad tbi rorpi Jiplomm-'ur- . Mr. rBt'Ttnli noire. Bally Uklat Maiirii, And muih tgrt il upreiMi it hli depei-tir- e. ttbel alltrma Enller tVlaha fAraoilraB AOaln. Ia Us Issa of Msy Oik, of thi Iltmbnrg Jar FrtucXutt, appear an idltorlal of fearful length, on th protent condition of Affair la th United SlAUt, chiefly nottciabl for It eulrt thorte In regard to th allluii'. sboll-tlo- n of lrry, sod It smuslag Ignorance of theraUtlrepawir of th South an 1 North. Tho willtr believe that th aympstbUs of th North at too entirely with their oretbrea ia uickain, ana ineir inierest at too cIom ly united, to Allow them to agg I a war argtd on by a hindfal of xtrvti on lAchada, Perth take 4 some tbre or foar millions of s black, inferior race, for tbli rsc tsslcnstb Apple of dbcord between th.m. Th North is not willing to ahtd whl blood, as may b fwen by th inactivity of lli tlat At Fort Booster, and tha tardy conrvalve pol cy of th Government, list th Swi'h bi bean And bu reckleasly pUoad herself la A position from which aha must sitbar com forth victor! ma, rr saSmit to ths horror of bSsa Dominio. The wld. rsed szciumant, consequsnt oa th alec.ioa Uboolm, is sttribated to th Abolition prepogandlsU, who preosded th Rapubllcan prty, th odium of whoa ae'lrn tu cut en Dim, si thi reprasentstlr of that i arty. It Virn-Air- i Mit entan on ai a'abo. stsauhnographlcal and m .historical dliiul-tllo- n, aboalng Slat that clvilliad or mill, vattd rsrai bsv Alwaii tlliBphn. orar hr baroBi 0B norrd, that th black or K'hl-pa- n isc 1 Car In'arlor to tb Cucaalan la istelllgroe and liduttryi third, that ha mad Decf.lia of many thinm, really ia ibailvi luiarle, which ar only to Ii ar cored from hot e'linatra, where th employ-m- nt of C'acln labor la Impracticable), and tb iero I Adapted by nAtorr, lastly, that tb negro never under any clrcumilairna will work if hi can Avoid It. rrora then preatliii thi conclusion Is drawn that boh nttar And th rqulrmnt( of civilisation demand th of th bUi k race. Only on prmract for th ultimata Abolition of ilavery I orTared. This la th greduAl Intermixture of lh whlti Aid black races, And th only fult four I wlh th ilvhoklri la lh South Is, that they ilj bo, rcogol this tullivillon, by smtlgam. tlon, of th ba?k rsco, ind traal th mulatto, Wrceroon ind quadroon as more nearly tbair cquali than th negro. Th suadan l.bere'.ton ot th negro of the Slulh At the prnt tim would, th writer lllee, itrlr them allber to etatVAticn or robbery and murder, whil Its rTct on tb connuri and mtnufac'ur of tha wolld outald would be moat d saslrou". In concludm b iys : Th South will ly com forth victor from Ihi ombt If sot, a lUv Insurrection will break oat by which th Not tk will leu lot less msUrUUy tbAa th South, and thlt f.ar existing in th Nuth of a eervil Iniurrwctlon, Is ot. of tb mod powerfsl allie of tin Soutl. ln If tb North woull, so cstnol abolish slsvery, si she 1 too wash to keep three or four million of nagroe In obedience end isMectlua to the lew. Tblstbtstrmen of tb North All know wall oogh, with exception of tk bypocritel of Button. Tb South csnnot bring 100,000 me a In th field but lh Can pit three man where AniAHAM ListvLR can on. Th poop' of ol th North will think twic of It before they i nter on i bloody e II w ar blch can oaly re- sult in the good of a rsc whow libary lb whoU Koifl has to far. Wdi not wf.li to defend the pilnc'ple of iliveiy, let ui Sod which will dispute with human labor, aod law which will change th nature of th sUhl paan race, and w (no Will greet th nagro ass bat st a dlitsnce, a bis clor li far from pliialcg to us." Tba llerUla. "Du ChoMu't Adrmttru in Africa," a work nrently published ia England, aad Attracting considerable AtUatlon for its novel aad rAcy descriptions of African adventures, relatu tho following InUrn'.Ing purtlculari f tb Girills i fibit iioirr or a oobilla. 8uJdenly I wai Itartlcd by A ttrsige, nt, half human cry. sad beheld f nr young garillAt ronnlog lowata lb deep for'. W Bred, but bit nothing. Than e rusliel on In panoli; but thrknw th wood better 'bin w. One I cssght glano cf on of Ilia inlmali again, but An ioiesraala-T- , tree spoile-- l my mark, I did not fire. VV tn until w war exhausted, but li rain Tbi slert liestti mad good lhlr rsp. Whin w cool 1 pur. susro mora, w returned alovly U our csmp, wber tb woman wer Anxiously xpctla us. I proUt I felt slmoat Ilk A murderer, when I aw th gorillas tb fint time. As they no oathalr bind leg lhay looatl faarfidir Ilk bsiry men; tboir bAd down, their bxliei in- clined forwsrd, tbair wholi Appessnce hk men running fir thilr Urn. A aOBDXA 0BFBBHCI DinlBOB. Th nndtrbrash wyd rapidly Just ahl, sad pruMnlly before a etooa in imoMns msl goriils. 11 stood about a dozen yard from fa, And was a alght I think I shall naver forge. Nrsily lz foat high, (h provwd four lacbea iborur,) with Immena body, hug chest. And great . muscular . Aims, with fiercely ...... glaring, 1.. j.. - -- -- ..lll.l. , 'E'.'ZSS.'ZSSl iTuS'rSSC .... - - -- - --- i ."-- - I reare vision 'Jiui stood before ai tb king of tb African forest, u wu not srraiaor us. iia stood there, Acd beat hli breast with hli ha.i f iti tLl it resounded Ilk sa Immense bass dram, which Is their mode ofeffartnar deduce, mean. tlm giving rent to rosrsfturroir. the roar of tb gorilla 1 tb mo' ogilar an 1 awful nols baaru in these African wooda. It boitos with A ihirpbsrk.Hk sa snPry dog, then glUlei lata A deep bin roll, wh'ch lArJly eat closely tb roll of distant thunl-- r along th iky.f'ir which I bii.metlmcbentmpldto tali it where 1 did not th aa'mil. Si deep ii lc that il seems t procoil !i fron tb mouth end throat than from th deep cheat sot vast paunoh. Hi y bagsa ta flsta fleroir fire as ws I'ood motion' m oa tbdfAilr, aad lh crest of short heir which s'andi oa bl forebeat beirari to twitch rmillraa snldiwn. while hli powerful fugs were aha m u hi sgs'n rent forth a thuadrea rusr. And mi trely he reminded m of not bin bit aom haUiah J dream creature A truing of thi' hldeoai crdar, ,1 half-m- half-bus- t, whlci w flat pictured by (da litis-- ja s"ms rap'nuoo oi tai iarr nslreilons. Ussdrucsd a few ilepi then topped to Bttar that hideous roar sgala-a.1-Tin- oid again, aad finally ito4 wbsi it add-tso- e ofaliout alzyardifrom us, ind her. Just ba bagsa soother of kls res re, bo I' Ing li breast In rage, w fired and rllltd Im. llhipoan whlcjb. hli umrthlnx tsrrihlr hamaa ta It, Aad yet was fall of bnttutin.au, na nil rorrara oa sis ibis, mat; of A snrBTam. Ustlag.haard hoV at. Dtj OatAitba klUod CorllU. Ut oi IM no Jnrw b gorUU kuled or of tb trevJr'iao.'. Tbi wUmttavaJar and b.U galdM eo ma )aoa diss of kli party wnW1 thi ground i Wir4Wn!man,mdIiUaw4i h'i wouid wall ill oold with lags, tira with my cloth. Whed I hid alrsa htm a lit-t- U brandy h Ipsm to klms.lf, and aoie, dui who great uraeaitr, to speak. Da laid tbit ho had mat the gorUia eaddenly, nd fee to faca, an! Ihat It had But attlaip' I toescap. Itwu a hug msJa, and Seem. I ery mvatr. It wu, he said, In A Ve.r gloimy fart cf the wood, ind th darkness luppies nrd him wjIm. I!ii4 h took goad ai at, snd tired whan tha beiat wis only A"iat aigM isrdi i IT. Tn. bill rarr.ly wounded It In lh side. It stone begin Ustingls bre.et, n1 Jlth lb greA'eit rsgi Advance.! nnoa kiin. To rua Awsy wsi impoxlbl. lie would lev Dean cauih' lath Juegl bt'or li hid 1 1 o s f ptan ysrds. .II stool bil ground, and, esuolrklr as heroa'd. his oan. Jo.i se lie ra ted it to fir th gorill I dishd it out of uiacsmia, uegun going cir in lb IaU; and then ia au Instant, with A terribli roar. Hi animal tavel blm tremendous Mow with In Immense open paw, frightfully Iterating lh abdomen and with this ilngl blow laying bare parti f the Intaatlnes. Asheaarkblieling tolh groncd, tb moneter relztd th gun, and th awr buntir thought b would hat hit brains duhtiliutwuhlr. llui the gorilla Meail to bavelotked upin Uiaa'ai u an enemy and In bla rage Atmoet rlatttned th barrel between hi llrcrgjaws. Hhea w eatre neon th g onnd tb gniilla aai gon. This Is lh Ir mule when attacked to rrik f ne or two bio, lad thin lieve thn victims of thtlr rigioa th groat d aaa go oil into to WVOJI. An Bplaropal niurii( Man YeiUrdsy quite A err wd c lLcted in thi tj cf th Church. fS. I Paul (JimU'mi ldtUMilni'i Church.) onf Jaik.oii atrxt. n. ptctlrg towltoesn toJL'iitn betwe-- a p.n( rtioLeeiiu w.tu it cuuico. in circunuiaiical roll m f A dlrlicultyrf pecuniary nature etl.U. M, K. Iiom, th Secretary of th GaCompani, bai sdvsnred between two and tt re thinietnd ilrliara towards the erection And furnishing of tb church, snd claim to hire some lnor pt ar ovr tb church on that accent. Act- ing under Mric of onuiu', th church dnoii wire locked, and Mr. Jams Cook Rii usoau refund admittance, In a few moment after th uriic of thi Injunctlm, J. mm Cook Riciimoko, In aa d lore, dtmended the leyiof the Inelitu tlon, but u tb demand wu mad of crowd of About a doaen persona promlat uoueiy f whom Wad, lo all probaUllly, any othw than lha key of ilielr trunk with itum, and neitbar of whom had any connactb n with lh dillicilry, tb key ware not forth- - comlrg, whereupon Mr. KiniMOBTs w'ki op to lha vaetry door, and In a loud vole called out, "in the name of tho Father,"hthanklck-- d Hi door, recoiling bom th resistance, "And of the Son, "Another kick And Another recoil from the stubborn and n yielding door, "sod of tho Holy Ghost; "a third ssd violent kick routwM, bat th donr, however, remained A pioc of thick plak wu then pro- cured, ind being need u a bsttsring rsm, th door wu broktn In And th "conqueror" enter, id. Tb vestry being entered a pAui took place, and som parson wu dispstch-- d for kavs wherewith to open th Inner dour. About half on boar slapeel wbaa sa n trance wu mad, lb front door unlocked, and rervlc common cad fat tb chuth. Th crowd dispiraad sod peso . fared to prevail. HVniiai.'c Srn fieri. Crop FrwFrtA al Ike Waal. Tit moderately warm wthr of the past weak hu baan bigkly favorsbl to the wheat crop, which la reported u looking well through, out th aoithwMt, Th corn crop I Lai k ward, And, Indned. in om aactlona tb farmer ar ilill plaollog; but thay, csvsrtDtlcn, axprew tbemselvas hopeful or A fair crop. With good warm wuther In th latter part of June ind Annual, there I no dan,er, Accurdlng to sdvlcn received from vsrlou portion! of Illinois, Wisconsin snd lows, It is highly probable thit th breadth ofwh.it. and corn sown snd planted will exceed twothlrdi tk operation of lut year. Tb unferori'iii weather during the spring mouths tended very ranch to Halt lb work of lh farmer, and thi war excitement also drew from th coustry lrg Amount of valuab'r- - lalur At a tlm whan It wai much wsatad. Th winter w best clop, ho sever, will prob-Ab- ly IxtheheAvliMt known for mm years kick, snd will. In a ineaiure, alono for th deficit in tb spring cf pa. Ohio and Kantm ky report ar different i Hi army worm ba don and daman to wheat, wlnl th rullry weal her ha proved highly useful to corn. Altogether It p,ri that tb breadth of wheat aoatn la tk eta' le aIhiuI on-- f iarlh more: of corn marly one-fil- th more, rxl of pork for market there will be at least one-thir-d more than in lift). And of th crop of corn of IfcCO, thi re aptxiri to be over una third, and of wheat over h on hand. All th cereal cupa'ndictt an excellent yield. Acllr p'A paratbns are rnkln fjr a greater broad'h of Motghum atd Imph.a than In any p'evlius ar, and muilinf ire l.nl bat be n exil-- wlih i lover and limit by, prubabl double lb it of my riiu)tar. Tie Feast ! Dsagb-ABt- sl Tbi lsdia of Augusta, Ms., on dsy Ut wk distributed over titty buabels of d'oa.h-n- a to tbi Third Volsoloer regiment of Ms'ni. A prccmsloa of I lies, headed by mu- sic, passing between doubt II. e of troops, wm) resented srnu, and were afirwArd drawn ap f n hollow eq uara to receive th walcom lijuyh-naim- t. Ntr before wu seen inch so aggregation of dongb-D- sliiatb world begao. Tha cir- cumambient air wu rodolant of dough-nats-, Kverr breeu sighed dough-nut- s Islked of dough nits. 'lbdiiply of douRh. null Wggared descrlptloi. Tker wu tb mo- lasses duugb-a- ud tb sugsr dough-n- tba long d ugh-li- ind th short doui'.h-n- l th round duUkb-i- ut and thi square acugh-n- ut th rsctangulsr d nigh-n- ut and th triangular dough-ra- t th ileal twisted douih-riu- t snd tha doub'e twisted dough, nut-t- bi "Ught rl." dongh-n- ut ind tb dough-nu- t the straight tolld dough-n- ut snd the circular doush-nu- t, with hole in th ren'r. There were dough-n- of sll Imaginable kind', qual- ities, shapes and dlmenaloni. It wse A feast of dough niata, if not A flaw if soul. Kbssba- - Tram ftfpad al Tepeka. A train of About fiftoea freight wagons, par. porting to b loaded with srxna it d Ammunl. tlon forth Sioux Inllass, wu leteiued at Topaka, a hi dsy line, by oraW of tha Gov-nco- r, u thr wer sons luiplcloai circum- - iiaocm coniwctaa wnn li movamaois. a. dispatch wu Immediately sent to Col. Bruncir, Indian Superintendent At St. Joseph, Inqu'r ng whether th train wu nanvtog uady r hli order; and if so, xprnlog A fear lb I It would b daoirerooi to arra tb Iodlani on our waiVsrn border it the present tlm. It wu alia oggeetcd that th propity should b itortd At Topaka, until thi Depaitment could bo Botlued of lha facta in tba case. Col. BaAacit, la reponsto tho oomunlc.tl of th Gov-srno- r, sathorlred th door.tlon of lh Arms Aid smmnaitlon, until tb receipt of furtboc triers Irom Waihlngton. Tbi go ids reuorod conalat of 8.1 kegi powder. 819 rounds: 41 burs bullets, 1.20 pouadi; 21 csvi (ill) gum. Th other upplies wereaot dlsturoed, sal the train wu suffered to pill on. Ltavtmeorlh Tim', May 'i'HK Tb Frc-ac- Nqandrea. Tbi Vourri-- r AVafi fi aaji, with legitd to lb rtmor that A forinldsbl Kr nc'i squ-dr- hu be.n dWi.tchel to the L'olted M iua, that e ttVi been no special llet direct! to tb United Sut', but tb French regular station of th AntilUa bud rdved ordre to trend to, nd wtih in o ia Amncn eoAsti And Aa tb tore I not large enough for these purposes, .1 II to U riis'orc 4 by two Irlgatei a itoam frig it ind i min Only on Irlgal baa bou deaignattd yt, li foudre," which I now llitlig out at Tou'on, and may U taken to Martini iua, by Contr Admh-a-l IticTFAtiK, who has been to superawl Contra Admiral raMAra u commander of tb squadron. Tb Msrualsd Mobtbolob, French Consul Gsnersl st New Yolk, who hu bean absent la Kurop about a ir, hu returned U till Vnltod SUU. Warlteat. fill bib in a mnaaiieamsi bsaaa bsIh aTiw 0rlMrat4UriiihBaaAaUl. Ta.bBsjbIC tlirAreitrooglgrpe5TJtmnlsghlai. A !' aaBacati'iiiMm wna rarw raee,r-- r ni JinS- - lOB, who batcbred Cot. EUAwvmt, sr?i bsiog ra1id Ithfce4k.' ' '" e -- , Ovwar KrJjrrcnirif'i'PiArirvt GaAnt a pteadid Amsrieaa Uo7 now floatae II wu par cbAMd by tU Isdin of MechBrdctvIll. Tits IbcibjibOf Biok.Solbixm In ho. pl'al At AlUny, hu induced thi Sisteri ca Mlite t .r.ndrr tWarr Isti lea aa naraaa whlrh bars been aro ptd. ' QrtnniB re CoBtBtBABD of Wab, never-Ih.l'- Memphis driiirslst Uiuirht II&OO wi rth at CIuclnLAtl, on Tueadsy, And cot cleat Iw.thlt. Aftkk'ai.i, iiib BoHTmo of thi relwli, thi "Cot f.d rue Loan" ha hot been taken they bavi ri pjiiai their lioukt, wlih th cy, "Com on, coin ill. And Inveit." A WtMAieat Nwburyport, Miss, lately commtlti lulcldeon hearing that one if br soul wsi In lb Federal aroty ant thi oihr la th teliel larks. Jrr. Daw has been iflllctrd with itrrphy of tk heart for several j ears, and bis sadden daatk at any tlm would nt lurprU hit family or hi friends A Niw OHinm Paiab uwrti that tbi piol ihtri go away with bisnk facet daily, on that tner hi teen no bitti loUfh'. lbey will Imk bleaker when there bat. Tub Rum's AnicCAsrmo Ocsi i:v.Ti.v. MUll at New Orleans, al Lit na fouidry thy ir mekln Ci u blade fivd p'ect snl A funlu lon'allonof Ihi Wbltwortn one of Frgland. Tub Arrranirr oi tif. AyxaicAn iharicter w.a nv l tt.r I lot'ra ad tban in tbZii Av he war; we bar In An Incretlbl) eri c of lime, nitlona'.ltel H, ABdtr,Anlo I mn.iouireglmmtt. Savsom AiiiJ-tr- . Dam' Hmiii.s are the pt.ly iiiuiaUia.lipt lha Ireiklug wAifare of criwllrg. At light. And sboiilng (foa;B tha ten-i- l ', lewssdoro by th Fairfax trooper At Alexatdi I tl' otbr ("ay. MATun Tailob, orSr. Lnms, in .he fewer coutiosed 0i'k1iIou of maUnty of th dro- mon ('o'irull by nmbirrassing bit anti n a Cb'ef Fx cutlv, ht tendered bla realgna-lo- wbiili has hem acti,t.d. Vrit Pouts Gi. ni'Ttxn U aot in ami really baudaoin rraa, but Virginia bai been obllg.d til.t li'm " com In." The U.nnrai It oiliu and will be lure to reciprocate lb Hiving l balls, and to ba a reaitt al aU engeg. nieati. ASirswiO! Flao, flying it th mala of IbaliAiqn lloyt, cims Into port At Bsih Me., in Monday, from Savaonab, aa tk Capla'n nmaiked " to snow th peopl what a me ttlng tbey could get np at tb South." It wu Ignominiouely huld dawn, lad torn to ibrtdf. TUB tJTTXB DfCHOBSITT ok tub Rbbili wu proved on tbe lilh alt. Tb ship Ariel, of IlAtb, M., Ueared st New Orlesna, paid sll her due, nearly 93,000, uiled in ballast, wu then pursued, ten.d, ai d takan back to tki city, a rie. Iiitt Wohif, snd children Innumerab'e, ran away from St, Francis county, Arksneas. to Memphis on bearing that Un. Labb had rrrseed tha western border cf their ttat. Warn tha nawi wu contradicted they na back agalo. (A Patbiotic Ladt, Mrt. LncarrtA B Hub-all- , Clyde, 0-- , iotrilnd by th coaventUa-alltl- ea of society from going to tb war harta.f, hu presented, throuih Qrr. Dbbbisos. a dram to lb Oth Rglmnt, with th hop that i muiai inspire ineir orsr ntsrii in IB 0. ftni of thir eoaatry. A Rrw abbam.b Fanr. Tbire Is a mm now serving In tin Miasachusetti rolanUor regiment whoee urvid in the revolutionary war kis grind father la the lbs war ra? lHlt. tn which war hli fithar (erred u drnmm r Father and on both sens In this dieadfal war of 1HG1. Thb Pabmtlvabia Titoori went to thi leal of war so scandalously clothed, at to ta- ct ma wt' bin alx weak an array of ragamuffin) their Msckrtt mere iMasamer. thtlr nniforma Jest thrown together, and their ahow lupplied a itu oia 1 1 pin ansviogs, Nbat rou Abbaiiam. ' It Is reported," sid Secretary Cambsoi to President Ijiolt, It otbr der, "that Jrrr Davu saya h will, before the Fourth ef July, piece t be CoofedarA-cy'- a Coal of Arn. over lb Whit Houssdoor." 'lb Coorulracy Coat? ' iild Aubaiiim. "Vu ir." Iafaoald like lo sea Um Try It Oa!" re- marked lb Chef Magistrate, with ttern nlea- - lantiy. TiiBCriABLrsro Baaxthava deterralnadta send rcprenUtivti tn th Southern Bitk Convention lnriud by th LgleJUr of Ti Beeeee, "to cooler ina adopt lucn A lloiof p,I-l.-- r Al will bt promota thi iranrl wellara. and Insure a currency of uniform value tbroagb-oi- t th 8 nth." Tb Congraas U to bo held it At'anls, Ga , on Mtodsy next. ABlMitoviSotrriiBBB Palioi sjvit "Abb I.iBtiiire las fit eucceanor and repe'enlatlee the mel klog who lain ed ff the bloor of tba Infant Jesus. Uu c 'wardly sul mnrdsroui koirt prrmpta him lo wr k he hellirh tptti usn liilpl'Nilnldiin, lAtber llun ncouatr msn In iq n msnly Bgh'. II will raver be caught lut bit (crept; h will sooor Uy tha face an ecmy." CocT Tbiuavt, capUli of artr.lary la th Funch aroy, wbn hu trarUd In Amarlct, nd spaeki th Easliah language, Il going to Waahlogton to offer his servlca to thi govern, mint. II thlnki w td in tk Aaaaricas army, more tban anything U. an locreu of light cavalry. III th mouoUd Cautur$ d'Vi'oiio, which bar aoqaired lately auch a greet xUneion In tt French service, snd ha would prefor to b nrolld ia that brmch of lb service A Hsuou k or I77C Govern':' Abssbw, cf Muuchcs ti, has rclved thi following letiar, iccompinylr-- a parrel i Pleas fled la Ibia lundl two aolilert' shirts, msdsbys d.ughteref the Revolution, Lima PsLrnir, wld' w if Wal. PALTBttr. whore father wu sid-e'- e esmp to Uori Wasiiiaotob. Sb le In tor aioelUth yr, sod wu burn And lived In B eton. bli ba on la tb North and ia th fckuth, but bar hurt la with lb North. Dairiara OF Sacmiioa. Th TuscumbU Ai KA Carohmim atttn tho folliwing wirning: 'tea ck J cur nagro quarters. Recent laYostl-g- it U m bin diviloped the fact that many of our n.groei bsv rairmi, bowU knivai sad smmonttlt n In their posseaalon, And It is expo. giant that ovary Hit owner should msk a careful starch of bil negro quarters, and ucare All inch Aimund immuulcion; ila to keep a const let witch over ill suspicious prsons who may bo Iritartog Around. A littl car beitow ed upcat toll ubjclmiy tare much trouhl In tb future.'' Ab I box-Cla- Floatixi Battkbt. Coloa. 1 bustu. ol Aiawma, has iovaatsd in iron-els- d steam propelling floating battery for thi defeosaof M'bil harbor, which Is much Ap proved byOllOIMl UABOBB. UIIAICAOd oy Me lor LrAinaATBB, of the Confdrit Statu a 'my. A wealthy planter and raw-mi- ll owaar tear Mobil bu oil'end to gir md uw lh rrree'iry timber, md sng ofntgrra to ltp til work; th thl;-carp- At Motxl fftr to build It it wig (0 per rent, off from tgulr rate; ud tti woik Is now being npioly carried forward, A WAHirsciTO DnrATTii conAlm in narrative from 8. W. Williams, I litlzan cf Waahington, or hu tis.toieut wlul In Hcbmoad liet week on print bualnesr. Hi li A gentlsmin c t high tndiog lo Wash. logum, sod A BAtlvs-bor- n VlrglsUn, with many reUtlveiindfrltadi la Klofcmnad. Notwith. ttndlng th't, ha wu treated with tha vllett Indignity ind Imprironed for several daya. Bail g sa old acquaintance of Hon. Jobs M. Hoik, he was lurltnd by that gentleman to tleit blm It bis farm in lh c entry, ind thi fact wu mid a urioui charge gainst him. Thiough tho pej listen t eirorU of hia lri.au!. however, he wu At length released and allow! to vlnit Mr. Bona. Q found tho a .. B.I laa. -- .!. . , -. al.l. lllr OTsrwiieiBeiwiia ... u'.ei tba countrr, od rUtu.Uy excluded ffom Rilhmoad by tb grs. Insultt of the mob. air, nnussi aani esrr, wavivueciuw iua thai ar slxtr-etg- ht thouuad OonradeiiU trooriA In Virginia, and. twonty-nr- a man in thi wiy fton ttM 8otii. MioaoBiuropittaiVsatArall . ft..; istiy sua me I jiorta, I now kK BMlUlWtrl.)Ci4C '" 'No Tmi Bail aaaABewxeasadata. Wi lag, laWaki X lahraiid to tko AravyT Taaaaa. dalrlmaaul to boa hi awwottUcoyffi aaali tea, with icttrad a'svor rcr,ta mederaioie. r. th. inly beversgu iiilull for api7sv PuU.gib.OiimrtB war, c kUUw loBaa toloeBunakuv ahAl&Mn. ,.a S..4 tlrg. enabling tbi troor to laKAfd farsjra ml torvelat ilreeee. WkiBthoraek woro to tba trenebea, sd coUd Bit obula. tbslr anal lopplleaof I here Articles th.vlam. l..Le ind suffered from dysenUry snd Olirrhr a. To prodnce tbalr prcolur luilAiaiog And axkllera. ting tfTui. ctlfn snd tea should b taken hot nd moderately uroog, wlih lugar. If not Also with milk. Tub Prior lure Rir.ivrjrr. Tl Pnrrt-de-ci Matin AittiUry ' Witbfngtoa bsr bought a i mail colored j oa th from bla own mo-"-"'. ;' b xtraragsil inm of Afly coats ind bold blm a chattel. Th Marl nee at wry proad of lim, ud Are violently debetinc theurt of Cietomnln which ha shall bo amy. id; In lb mssnilm h l In itvaral laitBof aaviraltlns. lha othar day k itoid crear frvm a bum, capped it oflfor a lis, st tha pie, a'cle tacklbe crow snd returnad it, aa4 wss will thisshed th whole traoaac'Joa oeoa l) inat some tweity minute. Tb only work III which h aa( adsoltd la cUinlmr ntr ea Oates after tha niare. which ha dcei I y eatlrg ail mil it is left on tbom. lie I iheasht ta ha '"ire jier oio, aaa own orouior to Hilt IS II." Anna ibb 6.000 RmiL Taooisat Casaw Mm I, Ls., there it a company called th tlgir Kir, lbey ear broad bilrsmedhala aad each win Vie A palnttd on it. ABtooai tie following are specimens t Lucou's Li'o or sTlaaralitain. Tlgar by Nature. Aillar. tuu Utlg'itr. Tiger Daring lh War. Tar on tbi Lttp. A Tiger Forever. Tiger. Tiger try me. Tlgor willBmr larriaaar. Tiger in Beerch of a B ack Tiger Ready ftr a Spring. TUr, Win or Da. old Maa i'r. RoiaI Btagsl Tiger, O. 8. Tiger Drimmrr lloy. Tlgr, Sura Death to Lis. itiLP. Ilgaron the Muecl. Tiger Newer S.jtDle. lier Bound for lh Happy Load. L'viig Titr. Abb'i Doctor. Tiger for Aa-ii- cn. Tigr, You Ar. Tiger in 8reh of An. 1lg.r In Dlega'an. OldTlgBt. Tsrau llger. A lies aa I a list. RATES OF 4DVEBJISINO. m rOTwvarwroratfeaBUBBw ? ""T'?0"' BB. lor every 14 lsxaa wirvm, avwwaes.rawaw TrsamveM TBBBB sw r.aa. .saw aawsaaBSaAwsBB --sfl owday ' . AwvUMwilsUXMBf. aasaaamBl Tbb Show Bctubsu at Ltbst Is at a itaaat till. Sumo 0o of tko workan.n hAri anllslsd-- and u many more hav goes Into tl country to ftrmlag. or to visit i hair friends. Soma ol tba nanufsctotl sr doing a littles for tko Nw EigUnd Uada, and torn art filling enlara tor lb CabAU market, but tbi gratr part art intlrely Idle). A VnaAcion Kditob Ii ha of tkd LMlsviSw Cean'rr ; lb laat spaciman if hli BMBdsdty or tulllbtlity li that b hu recalved a bunch oa gtssr, grown ia tbi streets of thli diy. M. Distbicl director of tb C flics of Sta- lls tii st atsiun hss published la tb aonsl cat lha Academy of I hit city thi racalt of bla r satchea relative to tho Plitawt of thagloba In sddilloa U kl cAicmlA'toa tt lha total numtar id" InbaUtea'a. which h paba bwn slop aside of 1 ttOJ.COO.tOU, M. 1JB-1B- KI eellmAlel the namber of taa haKsa I sou u fotliwt: Tko Caaceaiaa. SC9.t00.000, ba Morgoi. 55i.0O0.(X)O; Kikltt. plAO (negroes) 196 OOw.COO, th American (le. llaas), 1.04.0 1 00 tho Ma'ayi, 200 0C1HWO. Tn leading religions ba Olvidee u fjllow: Cbristlsnlty leiknn 335 000.000 adherent. , s.CniO.000; th Allatl rellgtowa, HO0.tOO.600; Mobammedanlam, lGO.OCO.OBO and 1'oljtb.lim, 2W.OW.0CO. Of lh Chrks-ti- m populsUons, 170.OCO.000 belong to tkj Kiman Cstbollo church; KO. 000.000 to tt; md 70.000.000 to th Oreek cburakw A BALTiatoBB MtntciAsT has published lha D. deration of Independence oi tk UnlUat hist it, "arranged sod sdipttd for rocal aaA liialrumenlal music, a tbi great National chant, sod dedicated to lb world." Tea tltla tgalt embellished with a lithograph of taa loim In Ine'ep.ndancellall In which th 9a tlsiailon wu i it ned, md lh fourth peg ec- a- ttlntic (imifrt of tb )grtur of this ngnara. IkiociPoiTOriiCB Fbabki havisg bssa Mated on th Ilefattment, tba Poetmajtear General hu orfsret poatmulars to look sot for snd srreil tha abut. Notbl DitisioB. A tall wu lately brought m a county ocart La Kentuikr, by a gea'la-tn-en who wu peparetod from kit wi, for tkva cutlodj of tbelribiid. Af er bee ring tbe rU derc on both aid, tbe ludgo decided tbt each should hare tb child week seas t, snd ta csrry out thorcerof thccrl,tbeiiddsrtiilat la lakan to cbiich rry Sunday, and tbera ihtng bands. A Lccblbm Lboislatob. Th YlsnnA cor. ltsrcsdr tit of tba 7im relatu that th Reta- il leaant ZaciioriojKo, wbowu retarnad) to ib Gallilan Dit by th Inhabitants at? lluek, bai bad la bbwa Inflicted on kirn by li. c atliuints far nut mending tlIUuiut. rat bard ontalilrg the grant of cart ala woods Ld ctmmons to which they Isy clslnu Tha prtiinclal IcgUlator told bli fallow- - pessaata bat ka had not teen bctd by tba Proviociat Diet, aod cos. quant) y had ao right to sit to Ita RslcBAiath. bat his xpianatloni ware eoev. t'dsred BBiatbftctory, f r ha wu foreed to Ha dowa wlih hli face to tho greand, udwblks la that pcsltlon a haul stick wu tn tlmu rlsj. orouily appUid to tba lower part of Bli back. DlATH OF TBB OLDBAT ClFIZU IB loa I Aid, Ma Tba vtnersbl Jouah Dow, q, Isibtr or Nbal Dow, dUd on Beturdey laat, birli g reached taa sg of neatly 95 yr. tta wss bora In Beabrork, Msss , and lemoved to Portland early in llf. II ill a mambsf sf thi gccUty oi Frlstaa. TiikKaCniLDBsB Dbowbbo ia PaBsvBca or thsib MoiaaB A caaoa upast In taa Otonabtc river, Csnsds, sn th 15 lh a't,. and tbre children, two boyi and a girl, aged re- spectively three, six aad 'vB year warm drowned. Tbalr tame wer Faaoutoa. TaaaVr rootber ran bellessly, bat frantic, along.! I ebon w tbey were drowtlog. WBHArBALrnuFBTBBDOr tba BUBS of P- - i,kw t.U Im I. am lhart fsfetl WaBwira . ftlsaL Rtaa t mmiUJtj WUW Bl Borerer aaawawa twwss J wawea t:aur, who li tot qatu a yar old, wu iittlac inner iaioersiaj ooa diy, crylag and frettintt f. bar mother. who wu gone away, wtoar. f.,nr.v Itimid to bar, and said in th bbsbb earteatmanrer orrelble. " Ttora, Alio, yoarro ciUdinooghi the.(MBurmiug anymore motberigrns swiy. md Wj do 1 kef) laa r Aroocim fbok Kakbab ipsak fsvorakly tt bcrcpprspactA. Corn wu looking wU Ppring sowed wheat keku wall ai nuB cam with. Th wbols coBBtry U ana rut aivaauUw, withiAMgrewugufsAtMilcbioU, bo swab nd pvsnty of moisture can drive It. CatUa show elcni ones mora of fr. A Cvbioei Piicb of lotlaaatkalfarratoa. T ratntly found la a monastery Dear Floreoc. art B almat to bo sold at tha aoclon .mart In Paris it U wkit li CAllid A coaessaVfial a swtvnae, AaA is isid to bbv bean constructed tn Iks sailw I i I art of tba sixteen! h ce n'nry. On on of tha pattl Is a rearAikiUy wall xcuted Imaga of tba Stvlor, acd ta thli U ittichad a sprieg, blch ky muciof preaiure.oo a brsaastuat, isusad tha psml to U replsoed by; eaptbar.. tkh twin fright ful figure of tba Evil Oaa wlthbornion hli baad, tatribl glaring y, with fomldabto aid moving jiwi garelahad l.elb. At lha lam tietait a norribU ndss Is loCucsd by a pair of bellows and soma orgam , pee, which, tht Acoouat, compliiM trea rror th apparition would laassto a cradalcaa In". A PtAB II IB AOITATIOB to lapplr DuWus, Irelsnd, wlih purewsUr from the nrecTAr-li- y, wbch r'ii U ths Wlckiow fcustals) a bunt twenty fir mil from th city, . Tub Mubobbi BAFtrir, '''uft tm j U. Ms, lafonti Its 9tfji rf. letwad, for tba leenj. T it. rami city. ku. twtJ L - ij.j.rf af a. , --- a tfoiKArm op ," BatitL. I i !ribirT-a- ai foUowed eail I h. Jlirtut ftffWrmaJSilti a I .rirl, orr"- - of -- -- 5i A. u taad iVaafww a, I ittorir. ioapiias,yaiu-.- -i - bAlf Hxist. JP

HG0 S U OQQflGHBiHi N. - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1861-06-10/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · rear maud. 4 marriedemploymentuupreferred,will bo imn ln toft nil

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Page 1: HG0 S U OQQflGHBiHi N. - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1861-06-10/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · rear maud. 4 marriedemploymentuupreferred,will bo imn ln toft nil


?--f r ? w tra,rsi t8

b"la Hmr Twk OKr M vtaUr,

rx axd a waits com m wnK.aungl fra On MWasaswa by MelLlwr lares Tsar.

Ajeraas Acoistloa nrossfaut Mm f lodlag


tu wkxut infa MiMtoMMRftar Utosawli-Bvi- trt 1 Wn, ft . Bar ..Oapiaa, two aaaikSMl aW I aoaouaa.Aiiaa HfUJI atrial m

Oa fan aaa rnaoa (a, Jlnr Yirk.

agents wmi FROM fl CrWASOS.

X( rwiM or eventful jneka wtta fab km an-.- .


Ctorrj.llnrH-e,R-. liberal bee mi ( eteidr

character I to inch a maa odwenaandeoiet.nt employment will bo imn lnrear maud. 4 married uu preferred, toft nilJRAQ00N8 FOB TDK U. 8. ARMT-BWs- Bled

100 yeans man U whom bona, enale-rnsirf-e,

ration, clothing end mndlcel attendance willjetornlehedwithm.odrtoeaKhiwIdler. Apple etItalM at, or H. lUcMowUk rt. )el ttaolU4


ES'.S?,' "?U,.,I! P V!'' eltr. NO-'-' batlS,t.T'-'Lf"-,, W W44I et, oa Saturder, Junefib, Jet I'lSi

fOOLDIRRS WANTED IMMEDIATELT- -JFat the 0. B. Army, 100 d tontr-lie- deo, Mtu the mm of 11 and U rear- - (dWi And with tjrd,elothlaf end nidleai atu4-an-Avtrl(MiltMl MraltloiSuUaa.MEkOkMt. WMIU.HM

JfAKOTE C0RP3.WalartlMU.I. MriaaCrT,kM.bal.

tr4,nlr,BimliMt. pomr.lui mm, wnii thtini( i6c4S7Mra,Bat Ian tka 0 fot 0 lochol, a thfrtswr)rayirauiiiia ri m MiA;tMtl, elUad,Hid mrdk'Mr X t RraiMTtiu. ltl Paltoa ft. N. rkit tfi Hronklra N.ry VrJ, kad at Ui Maria Bar

ca! e laaiuni ar nrwwij.1, toA..BsrwoT,H ! Malar OannaadlM.

WAKIE.D FOR TOE 0. S. NAVT-8B- A.Baa. ardlnar kmnn and ItHMni Aall a.

rtafimld. rar ranlMT aartlvaUraLtCA. 1S1 eoUlVt. cor JanKiSIlN

talra. lao iucih

CKWINQHACQINES-WAHTF- .D LADIKiU learn to aerraU en Blsfim and Wbaalrr Wlt- -

w apwin nacauia pratnr till aorfacc oa '!klnda af va-k- i tarma Affir at lao rnivm a. opauinturoaaUB. jauitac'iua

SEWINO MACIlINE-WANr- KD LADI&Jranni--a aod Wbmlar a

WHaoo'a, aad othar wla maahlniui laamad Dr.fcsa. aad traatlaa till aatUdad. an tbnp work: all toatf. and arary rt Uaraad pmfact: tarnu

aadu M cboaisat Id Oraaad at. naar 8 aafrm. ItaaalM

SEWINO HACUINE WASTED. LADIESt Barata m Wkaalar A WIIWi laprond aaain wanhlaai, br ooa of tha olda. Ufprrtanaad araton la tha aaV taaaht aU a I ad of

adaekloc, baamilit, falluavAaU aad tboroa a maaaaaoiaotaf tbamaoalaa. and nwomowiidad laalaoattor il. Tbom la wank at aaaratoia aUad AaaaehlMtwaalaaandlaBUlraawiudao al rA Owaalat. atrMMaantt

I'lKKlVORKn.1 ifl-U- l rOS J. W. UADFI ELD'S HRST' iioairfiai rlravo Ba. I a.Mrtaat af taaawr MkHi,Bnd at ha lawat arWaa. IMaiara aratt afi'T tuvirro t vtu. A. roULDd. dr.i ra,ciii 'm m tao. ta Jolin V JaaaaUI

,M.-- KOKK.i IIADFIKLD-- S FIRSTA pnni na o . aolboaaia aa rha aaa 1h ia tiv lt ai tit ta laail I'M Niataar.il.l''dil4rf4,N.V ALU'H rTALUII.

4.r 09

piRF.WORKJ-- A GENERAL AS30BT- -A aaantofvlalaande' f ravorka, and of tkakaat nualllr, for aala by muuu a uivawuua,pt naauiuaiaa aa. MMac'lM


URiJTr'litUall.alUKKrTURaia.Tba aubmin ri itock amonona a loll llat of tha

aorkiofthla nMtratad Wrntoehuk-t- ; alv rlRB- -


OxaiHtna aad tba Trada aapplMd with aihlbmooa,at tba abnrtMt aotlea aa d loiraat aoaathla vrloaa. I

lrrakDallnfnpUraUadad to. M. DENNETT,Ha. 1M rBNTiT aaax mitou at, Na Vark.fi



airMBOaalSiavaafcalaoalaaaaat rooaaa farpaninn tfcolr wiraa, AS and M a mk, vtth baard.UF ipaiaan aa waain laiaa at mr raaw.

in.lll.aOOABDINO-- A FEW YOUNG MKS CNAJ ba araitninodated with board: ilaoanMaafdklawlfw; la afoot location, U tMJi at. rrar thPowrrr )a UtilROARDINO f AT REDUCriONAl Good hoard and fm IIMUIIi waak aad

vwardai ladlia aad famlllaa toltad a laaa tkaa aaroftiai boaaa In ta rltri a nloo parlor with piano. 4aIMaparard at aaar Broadwajr aad Oanalt alw) watrhmyi and ld(lnta all aJtUtj Ba rled pimona ( eti;aliftaMcta. nrtlUo'lTBOAhDIN0-F- OR FOUR BF.JPECrABLE

alra'a bda for S3 a wort: ala toladlaa,at . al linTalrd art, Kafaoea aaar taadraa atora, cor of 11 th 1, JT lSaalSS

BOASDIKO-T- WO LARGE FURKISHEDranaw aa mv. wiTa aoara, auiiaoiaior iwurnaa and wini al 1 60 par waok: alao a law roat

aawa eaa ba aaancamedalad at II M nrr wwaluMaaoCthaaooao. IwioLw 111 Oraaawkb at, anti'baratrart. tad

BOARD A FBW RESPECTABLEcan to aconmmodtted wltk rood baard

And ilaM, alrr rooaia. Tboaa wtahla to raallaa thaaonfoita of a quiet boma, plaaat call al I Alias at.HUicm

B0ARDIN0-A- T 195 WEST 24th STRFJT,araouat furalabad romna to lat wilk

or without coard, to aaairiad or alula feoUanao.Tba altatlon la haaltbf aod plaaaanl, rooaai alrr.Xiao. tTarauua lad aaoan ba aaaoraaaodatad. BaiiiUlaaaouaa. Tarma madarata. taAMariU

B'0ASDIN0 A FEW RESPECTABLEman eaa ba aeeonuaodatea win (ai noara

and eomfoitahla noma,br applrbia alai. eoroar of Chatham viaar i antlemm eaa havedit oar and toa at II M par waak l.a'-- a faralikedirwrcaultA. ladllaa'Ul

TJ0ARD AND LODGING. USE OF BATHAJand alaJni-raoc- It. No. WO Thlrdlara. 14 410

THJARDINa-- A FEW TOUKO HEN CAV15 ba aaaomawWIatad wrtk kaardal W Watt at.

r0ARDnra at im bowekt a fewPaewni maa eaa ba aianmmHilad wltk food aoardadplaaaaiit rooawa alaa gantlaanaa aad tfaalr wdrea

tMA waaaaana nirnaaaai iwiwaa, em iavasaaaariia

ROAADTN OJT THIRD AVj A J1WJ ia rtalaa law man eaa aeaaaoaamedalM wttaaaad board, etafle bade, and la alrr raoaaa. M war

pOASDINa-A QEirrLEMAJI AND WlfcJLaMaitwabiatwnilaaaaaaa ba aaeamou

at toad board aad wallwralaiU rwawa

COUNTRY BOARD PERSONS WISHINGtake eMIdrra la th eoaatry to beard

darlnc rba lummari ait loan of a ceod plaoa brJ.I riU

fURN TO LET, AT 1A aadlMonii lor aaonoaalaal hmua.

tact twaUomea. Termsrsa? mTatwaaana

LODGINGS. CHEAPEST LODGINGSfood alalia bad 10 a plant; aloe

lade rooaa IDo 1 1 Ivei uarrlad iimm II to 5 w.Jrla wtak I ,' and All fur alalud noma withoak Irum l,TSullM a waiki watahmaa

aad ado.lt aue all alakuat WUUhir Haiiw. ultTaakUa at, near Wt Broadwa. )e'17lLODGINGS-CaE-AP LODGINGS AT

llduaa, 11 UlaM at. a few doorafroa Canal ifreei, where napoetaLla man en hare

'eaa, amtorUtU aleal brdj at lieta. ear nuhi.aloiU root from II ta IT ct per nlrtt, MltaVlli

T (JDOIHOi, WTTU 0B WITHODT BoardM --Uoad ewaa aaale aad donMa baddad roomBeard freca It to t 4 par wank. Hoiia roame la

at ii IIa"1w-wT'-l mrll lea!!!

ROOMS TO LtT-- A FURNHIIED Pft'JXrbadroom to M to a email faml'r, Taa

tioefeand apaimenta aw elea and p'eaatot. Alo,aa attl room to 1. 1. U'ilx U ltharto o'd No.

fifa HG0 10




m-- w

m OQQflGHBiHiWMfcBBMlfcfrtfi&lJEflttwMJBMMlMHy S U N.

NUMRRR.. .... 0A9Q,..., rUsTTJaT VAUIT XfaltTrk a limn ia iui nnrnn --k,Tt-a armajtJTT jivfvxvt luumiti, uiici au. jiwr f ivivyci viijcj van"""" IIITHE NEW YORK SUNHON DAT IIOKSIXO, JUHS i itU

i in, i, .

nt Bnwrai af Til ran a.Tba LtmlirUIl Jownaofli atwirliuc 11.41m

falatrA)aUMIDaWwatca tkBMCCUBiloav'tanianleii obUIAtd th rotw cf Uuldo." maia Aentnck t th Ult prMntUl wlweUoa.

It quota the following; izttAcU from a intach.maJa at Frkfert oa th 18th of July, 1360,tr sir, UftkctnidiDoii

Fellow ell len. aa to Ike eharaa lal iba a hm.nan naoici i ii ray 1.0 utaMiua, or mat thrriiU ih.l aupta.ted me, or thai I maei eattainted Willi A 4tl of dans en, bow a'jiuri ithum o ii d n a Km hick at and in th' oldeiatriciKiw. i,ao Amanoaa otvi, a KefttiMklan,woo wmi did an nor chrlwi A htuhi Isataa But fu I of d itj ja to In Cjumtiuoa aad 111

t'jottWll ii1t th Uil Ooritnmnt oa eatlb.

Th' Ittliapo'poant y 1 t'a wjrlj ahrtt)-- tmaul 11 it mrtlrt ikat fra tm luliont mjbeialttlla'td om a iraat opilttjn aul alargeaiaaif ccutlif and baoomp.uul will pi'j 1 or.dir.

That C.natUtiaa wit frail' il auj trana sIIImI bflliewlaialgeiifiaticAtf mu 'thatarar liftllaihIlJe oftlTe." I'maf bralllan Inp'.rr4 Inalru-mrn- t.

Lit oa kp It, and keip II puce.

Th Journal alMgWes ao xlrct fron atjMch mad Ij II jo. Join II. noA fttilon dlinlouit. V.UAOtt iaU i

Tlie mail wbloal llhr D)nr Joiik C Ilun.inaiii.iacl aulonli I lir httltrtS and la hitIhrnal, (inii will tldlii far rar(i wit A I wj

Tb Jourmil, commontlng tn thoM d:Un,tiers, laji t

Cl th ladini(K,uiiKkdiau'oa'a. TS avaalku Itcwa thai .bn nr,r,liniwir falea, aadthtrlol ui,ii.dlhtUliie4bjth dauaUmatilaan rut t f a.i,laokr waj, al all kaitrda, to ri adlneolutlon of th Lu uu To Hi 04 are alu t1 The d aua'ou P'tlf hue had programme onban J fir jrara. and thai prrKramx hai boon carI'Fdoutiotktleier. I The diaunton lealei InKpaliKkhtbencTglnlor th'carheiia, anl

ra n i'wi.l tianr i'nl waUh Uok toa ritViialniiil ( tho ln oa.

Kiliter of tht A'r 1'or Sun: SI A I A rulorof yirtit Jouital f.r lh l(l fcn rear. I bo yauwill axcuM troubling foa with A law Hani oiaa iilltorlal whlih pprJ In roure ot Oih Inat.

hiln joaeucrt thai "Kigland haa uiorpaj ao.Ir ccntrol ortr lh domtaito affair of SoMiand."

Now I fan unfortaual 8xuhtaao) will not goeofar aa J our rnapooJinl "i. M.nlncbuactnUin(hi taaertleu A "faUi" tut nTribta lhrntmeoa'l ereb tevnomy of tn th la

it, I hope I am fpaa H oonTitilw, but I a a mda aire thai Eufajid, alnca Iha uoioo, aa r at.Hw.jWloumrp aoj'Sliotrol over the domwdaatTa r ol &e.llaad." Il I true, thai tra Uoillime raeaiuiaa awantliUr 8ath are brouhioa.futeltelnpetlal Failiaaent.ani Ultra legit-lD-

upon; but Toa uraore lha faol tlial Parlla-mo-la aa roach an Iceland BiMch a It I aa

Knjlitk rarOaaieai True, Kaclend hti a terramajority of mesbera, but b ar wealth aad

Aid on purely 8 juuahquartbna gxxchmeo her knral)y more raaaoo10 oomplaln of bar owa rapreeeatettT, thai ofteoae of . A A CUnchr, I tipp, toyour MMiLun, and t chut up poir "A. M"

u 11 biw, la ti.ur l,u"f tliib,ihat iaKn ilith r.rllamet.1 baa A AVxIUah 1atirft DlUbaf.iralnow. ail adar.lliaraiii'MQtiytui "iktTry o AjDIago' flh I ua tubjacl to Uitwamum emlrol." Prr, Ma Bii la Ihi "tahunVi" u.iii'tnM, a urJ.ol of HajTeraaMataloaira." ia kle ooaoiiyr 8 r, th paoplo af Bo-- -

iai.d ar J.alouoof ihlr lbertT today aa Tr.to,, ww e buitheyArwp'rfoujtl aadihaitaairu o. ojr pact ha ban. nkorred a d f 111 bf

Kuva d.aal bl g Talntfaf patla. I jaarep ' tmy ol ".'.a, I h uau.pa laa will to p. cur.a. wiLahim. V u mua, lortk loaaoioard'rao

u fin Ii at. No .uulry la I! in p baa iroapradiMr I'll baaBo.'tlaAi alooati ui'nn,aot wita"neit D'oalo ahunitedlle bomrAal lb (loryof a nlnd I looked upon b lootahaMu w thHrt;aulker dltat-r- a and mlilortuukii aa lhalraalao.

I am, air, your obdlut larrant,Joiia OitK,

1011 Brldg etrvtl, BrKklya, Jun I, lnOI,

C.H Baafc fManday l,w.EzTBAcr rnoM rna Daciiios of tubSui'Aemb CouaT, FinnuAAr Tack, lMCt.

latbCAof Ql'tTAV LltTUASHOLLIA, l'Uin- -iliT ia Error, ve. The Pcoi-lk- , Dradati laEncr, coaTicUd nadar th Act of April, lHd),of glfiair dram le repreaanutloiu oa ttiaday,A a cirll And political loitituvon, lb

And reirnUtloo of a Halibath ii withinthe Jolt powar of lk ciril goreramnt. Olderben our BOraramant, lha fratnri of th

Cxutltulloa old not AboIUb, Alter or waikealtl Miction, bat recoKAlnJ, u tkj miatohrrwbe bar atAbUDl It. Itiaa law ofour nature thtt on dy la iTn nhculd boOJewtrcd II A tlaiAof relAXttioi, lad nc

proTi a day of wklrrait to b ' ofAdmirable aarrico to a ittto, ejndoerwt mere-I- r

a Athll Imtltuttoa." (1 B. Cob. CI)l'b) deal law Accord with tb decala. AllIninrNM fiqulr nuioaAl uniformity la thdayobotrvad, nl that IU oinrAc ikonldb to far rxmpoLtory u to praUit too whodlr aad ai atltlod to tk day.

A A ciril inailtotioi, tb taootlon of thday ii At lb ot ti B of lh l2llA an i bat It U&; that th th i.tlaa SabbiUi lUmld bo ob-T-

by a UitUJan iia'pl. And it do notd trict from th moral or legal unction of a

atute that It conform tt the low of God, airecognized by tha i;rt majority of th paopl.Kiladag hero by common law, All that thelagialatoro At'eropti to do I to tegu'A'a ltdoliearvAnca. Tha common Itw rocogaiiai tooday j contnete, land redaraptloo, tc, matar-in- g

on .Sunday, mot b waforma on Sttor.day or Mondar. Judicial act on Ui Sablialhare martly illegal. Work doao oa .Sundaytanoot h rcoTrwd for, otc.

Ai tk Sabbath 1 oMr thin th goToro-ma- nt,

and ha been latfUlaUj upon by coloalatAadeaily tUto AithorltlM, If there war ydoubt alout tb mtAnlng of lh Ojna'.i'a,lion ncurlng froVta la rallgtjn, tho coUav- -oranecua And coatioad Act of tk iagu-ata- ri

under It would b ytry good iriduiciof tho intent of ltl frmei and of th paopliwho Adopted it as their fundiraotl law.Fuin 17NJ downwird, tat'oai atttata barlaen la fore to irira'. Sabliath doaocratioo,aod prohibiting ac' apoa tail diy whichwould daw been I awful on other diTi ElHyIn Ibl blator? of tb itat erovrrnmant. theobjectleni made to lb act ol ItWO wr takenUfuro tk Council of Rti1 o to in Actwhich nndertotjk to rlt HibVath oiairvaoca Tb Contdl irrairuUd tb objrtlonand bald them not well taken. Tb act Bowcomplalnnd f complt no nllgloui obaenrie,And offence AgAlMt it Ar puniihable not a tin

gataet God. but Injeriooi to odtf. Itr1 upon th Mm foundation a raoltitudof othar ititat nch ai tho lnrt gm.ling, lottArbi, hone racing etc. law whichdo roitrila tb cltliwi and deprir him of

of hi riutta: but th lairillatnra hawa tharight to prohibit act Injur loui to th public,iubTTwlTi of tk goTrann.t, And) wklch taltothdatiaetica of tb moral of tb paopU,and to dlatuib tba pAc and good order of

wclwty. ItUicluTly for tbi UgUUtsriU detat min what Act! ihoali b probiaitai aidaogtrooi to tb commasity. Ofr Trr onwhat Af cU'mad a natural rlgbU, And thlilt of iwiZa prokihla f irery cirilizod Hitwould disappear, and c'.ril 0fTi would bootAnadll tkoao Art whlth at mifa in i; AadA Biu mar so naked thnniH tba a'raata.AtAblieh bouaei of prostitution nd keep

faro tbUonvry itreet ooriV Tbi wouldb rapagoint to vry id of A Air Uizd

It li tb right of tin clllnni to bprotot4 from cfTni.i iilnst dcrcr Aid

A'net Ati wklch tend ta corrupt tho moraland detiaa th moral moii of tbi communltr.It il tha riKht of tho clt'Kn that th 8ebUh,a a cirll Int'Itatioo. ihoull be kDt la a warnot licontlattnt with ltl porpoat, ial th

oat or which it grw mi day of raat,rather than at diy of riot id d'sorlar,which would ba to ev.rtb.row It lad raadir Ita eur rather thin a blowing.

Bat It Ii sre.d that It U tbi right 1 1 thcitizen lo regard th Sab'jath ai I dt of lnnocent rrertitl n And amoaaient. Who, tba.U to JuJg and dteU wht Aawmaal ialPJ. TV '. '"""i. hirloif oo direct orindirect binafat liifluanot upon th eiramun'tyiM,n.ot "',' dlitorblog tbcpaactan'iqolitof tbpuU!oi ai not InUtfertng within rqtui v iicrod Hiibti of conacluico ofotban? Jlay not thi Logrli'itv. Ilk. JambiI. citrd to ui it a precedent, deder what ra.creAtlooi An lawful And whit im not lawful,AiUodiiff to a breach of th pc, or a exI option of th moral of th dmd Thai, la

I not Innocent which miy opcriti InirliulrUIMU to uwraij oi ou or yQiing, Walia r,aat

to Ubarmpt th qlt obswrinea of th Sib.kith, And which gntToosIy orT.nd th morsinn of tbeoaiAiuntr, And thai tnd to A

brMhof taaa.. It Hty wall b that tkoLrgtaUtari Umurbt that a Sunday thaatra,wtultidftoklrciUooMAad lu daoaI badwo."own to UcaMWasBAH-aa- d otterkbdNd rtoia,VAiMHooHawUDtwiU tba pAtot, gwvd efdar,AodisMyU tha Attw... They raUhtwalt baoctbaopiriootJaitiocnAliawuMka'UBar.ery of vie, i reboot of pnparAtlwTi tl alify

TMBrTwxa tor tk (Bowi AAdyoing wobmofor th brwthaL" Bat wkaUnr lb raoo maybar bao. It wai a aatUr within th 1kIa.tlr discreiioa aad por, Aad their wld murtHand ai the raatvn of th law.

tta could not, if n would, dlm tatwhich they bar idjudgwd baniful, and

hiT to trohlhitad. Th Act la tubi'aaca Sunday theatre to b a nullities, Acddli wlih It much. Tb 0 natltutlon rro-ild- ee

for th'i cas by dwliring that th llb.r-t- yof (ooacUnc secured by it "ihall not b ao

crnxtiu'd l to axcin act of llcratioutaw,rr jaa-if- practlca locooaiatsot wlh th poaana aaf.ty pf th ileU." Th ligMitantUceaSanJay theatre la tht category. AndI hey ArathisoUjudg, Th set II cltirlyconatltntlonal i dealing witk And Wing r.tpect to tbi 8al.btth ai a civil and poUtlcalInatllutton, and not Air.KtiEj; to Interfere withreligion balitf or worship failh or pracll.-- .

an conTicnon wal lull, Ana lb JQlitHIntmutt b affirmed.

Ial llewre f Jadaa Dtaglaa,At About U oVlpck. on Sunday mornlnR

Bisho; DuaAB U1 at th rniutii; of IM md.'.vronrers llh Mr. Dorom, who wu tk.u,for tb Ant tlm, prTctly ntioail. Mr.DorsLAl tramadiitely rccognlrfnl th Bishop,std iporiid Vt arMiOciUoi It til VUlt.Ulth'pDDOalfSOOn Alk.Jl

ItoiotAS, km yta been Un'.ludto th rltti of ny chirch r" Mr.

Doaui r plied.N.Tnr."

lh Bishop conltnntd ' Do you dIr tobv Bu (aid ru th ordinance! cf tin holyCatholic iharchf lb mwer wa:

"No, ilr; whan I do I will cemmunieat withyou fnaly."

Tlw Bishop than tuiied to Mr. Riionn icdHid:

D 3 yon think h I rally powMa! of Mlmintal rculllaif" Mr. Kuonii replied, "Ido not knnw-perh- tpi yoa hid bttr aakhim sgs n." Tb Bishop repsatnl k'l qawtlon,t which Mr. DoootA Aniwrl, In iirosg,111! TOiCWI

"Yoa pirhsp did not nadarttind m.When I daalre it, I will commaolcit withjoa fredy.

Tk Biahep than remarked to Mr. Ritonu,"II ii undoubUfMy In kl right mlod, anddot I not desira my omcea." lit then with,drew.

During th day (Sunday,) Mr. Dttmi.Aaeao-e-l to b much better, sod strong hopeware of hli rMTryi hlent moatof thadsy, and In th rnlng SMmad machrtfrbd. Mr.I)ocoLU sad Mr. Rhodbs

with htm during the night. At sboitfour o'clock oa Monday morning be semd tob much wore, sod sank rapidly kJi frleadwere sent for, And At th rqat or Mr.Docolai, Bishop Drosrala rlilud him.MooB sf'er th sTuhop at'd, b ApproachedtBe badalce, And Addressing tk pstltnt Hid I

'Mr. Dorpiui, you know your own conilltion lolly, AndlarUw of your Approachingiilesolutior, do yoa dwire th creraay of szirrmatinctloBto boMrforaad)"'

Mr. Dorouii replied!." afo, I bir i no tiaw to dlscusi th thing!

Th Bit op thin withdrew. After ho hadT" Mil Dorjni.ii reqUl Mr. Rbodbjtsrkkrhobrdlfhijiirdth sslnltr-Uo- o

of soy oth'r eUrgymsa. Mr. Unonaathan said to Mr. Douolaa i

"Diyoa know th clergymen of this city?"To which Mr. Dovolai replied i''Nry Try on oft ham "

Mr. BiiODoa "Do yta wish to bsv llhrcr saw of them csU to SMyoBtoconraraiupjarellglou rehjic-a?- "

Mr. Douauti "No, I thank yoa."Soon, ftr tbU, Aboat At o'clock, h

to hare kl pDdtlon la bod changed, theblind openid aid thi wladowi ralaei. Mr.Riioiibi lifted him to ia uler poitars, whrbe rould look out upon th open Itr, nddrink ia th fresh raorniig Air. For a fwmoment lioemtd t gain nw 111. Thanb began to link sway; hi ys pA'tlsllyclonad, end in alow Aad meafrured cadenos,wltboontidtrsbU pause between tsch Accent,be utUred t

" DeAth ! Death I -- Death ! ! I"Altar th'a hi teemed to rer.vi (lightly, and

Mr. Kiioubi sdted him whethir be hal anymenace to sand to h'i mathar. or ltr Sabau,or bis boy. "Robbt'' and "Hrinit," towhich h mad no reply, ridn'ly not under-tendi-

the quietioa. Mrs. Djoulai thanplsoail bsr Arraa Around bl neck And nld

"My dear, do yoa ksow 'Cousin Danf "" Y.H he replied.M'l. rotJOLAi continued!"Your boy, Itonnr And Statib, sad your

mother and elatar cUbxii ban jou soy row.eaiefur thimf"

"Tall them tooVarUialiwiioIlupport thConaUtatlon of th Unltwl 8'stei."

At aboufflT o'clock, Dr Millib cm Intoth rocm, od, aot'clng th open i butter Andwiadcwa Inqlrwl i

" Why hav yoa All this windows ri'sed,ind to mach light?"

Mr. Dodoia replied i" So that w cab kin fraah Air "At Mr. Doroi-- i' rrq', Mr. Riiodm

cbirgad tba dying min'a poaiticn Again in thI d for th last tlm. II now laysthar downis tk inld.ll of th bet, upon hie left aids hibead slightly best forward And off th pillow.Ill wtf 1st basld hira, holding hi rightbind In both of here, And leaning Underiy overhim, robbing. Mr. Rhodbs remarked to Mrs.Dooakaa

"I im afraid It doet not 111 c BaTorUM;" tnreplr to which Mr. Docolju nidi

'Hi Is rsry comfortsfc'."ThesiwtretiilsitlBUllgaiiworJi. From

n o'clock blWAS rpeach., bat lurldentlyfaloid his romc'onsnwi. Whoa, A f.w mfmn b f re hli dtA'h, hi a If leaned lovinglyT.r hint and sobbingly sked. "Ilailnod, do

you know mf will you kiss m?" b rsbwd hiytl And imHid, ind thoogh too wk topeak th movement of th muscle of hli

oi h tnncd that I wai miking so .almostH ni'gl to comply with bar request.

Oi death wai calm sad peaceful; a fewA'ot lrtbi after nine o'clock; Ailiht rat.nog or hit throati s short, quick, conrul--Iv stodd r, and STBriiui A. Donauu bsd

i eared from Ha Into Urnlty. Chicago cor,lltra'd,

letter free (Jwa. Daaaregard.Tti Chsriaiton Courier pabliah th follow

Ing IaU froai Can. BaAi;bboabd t) Gen.Mabttb, of that city i

Crlsfi, Jfaw IT.-- Mf Pass OiarsiLi IiiiooreiyracirlloaTlsgCharleeioD, where the la.

ktntanU aar glraa m luoh a wdoooa Ihat Ibow ooaeldar U at my saomd ham.

I had hopd thai when rellend fron bar. Itwould have ta to go to TWgtaia, la eomapaad ofthe reliant CeroUnWce, whose vurag, patleaosoa atai, I aaa Mare i ,yp'wa. eui aamire. :

Ba.ilMraB.mi ...vlo..r--1.q,l- rt BlMahre,and Ihllhar I ah all ao. wot ritn jT. ous wii sifirm dcarmiaatloi lo do aor lean

-my d My, If I

sen, and li lnav s strong tnrk A pneeib oaIke eeerale f on' DaloTed eiuntry, ikiuld lbypollute Ui coil with shtlr daalardly faet

llut real aaaured, m dar sir, mat what VI rhappatweta at, wear eeatala tit' lymph M laal.aveatfwehaa fjr acmolp,Mbfrkaaal flisl.

rr buah and bar alack i

beeome an ambush, sod rry bant a fortreM Wiihlaaoiyrt Baton prove tbas a galisni sal freepanpi, nhuc ror Heir ladepenaaaoa eat n'eaidsa, are lavlnolble alaa lira dlaclp load msr.caaa-le- al a frw doilsre per moulh.

What, USD, mua be the result whaalta rnmlsare lutle toon ihan so arml rabb , 'aa'hered lo- -

filltr I sett y on s falsi pretest. nd firturps., with au cvigeoerlan at lie bead t

Noaalmlired-nieita'l- o s d,ubt tbelamit.I remiin, dtar Oeutrel. you- - mtmt y,

P. O.T. I1EICHKUARD.Notwithstanding Geo. B. lotlmataa thit hi

hid bean ordarid laewbre than Virginia, wodid tb fjllowlne name reoof dad la th Itloh.mood A'tyuirrr of Sa'urdsy, ai Among thi

lainTk f.i'.lowlDB ramad lotlamel srrlrad At Ihi

Fubui lll isdBallaid Omiee yeewrdsy i

Riimv Ttmi r1 , "ale of Plilade'pM aa.UaausiotiD, UK A.l M'J U. K. Jiwa 0. 8. A. IOapt. Ciimnom. C 8 A. I Csp. Ilaiwasn, O. SA. i O'iv. Manwiao. O. 8, A. I Lteuieneot J, B.MtTTLia. A 0. Voluateots.

UI. A. O. Mine, Qiirla nsaer-aener- o' IhiOoeiadttsi Siawa Anuy, and olbar nasmbirt f UilQjraniunui, havi alio inlTtd,

w sTWara Tt .TfaaaawfrAtliirasaaytTh rrls conispoadwat of Um Niwark Djilf

aiWrirarii'Ii I UU 'bttar I lawatlatMd that tha French

Ovwrnavot. hid dAWralatd tl twraui luKjc"rin la tho Amertcan watira. .Th fact iiAtJktefly coaflrawsd by th atewnVkf of thtanornlrg, whloh Aaatio baC tb FrancabataI maUob r Um AoUlle sab tvswlvsd A

relrfirrwaiaiit of roar war vassals, tmder therornmsna c near Aamiral KATBAin, And thattho Antilles at at Ion Ii hereafter to IncladiNotth Aiairics.' la pravnc of th ttiwhich AgltAi And dlvii th ttsUi of thAmtrlran Union," aaya th French officialJournal, "tb Emperor has raohd to sendlore Into thrs wa-rr- i lufllcirat to pritectFrereh Intrmm sod eraur rpct ti tnjm."

1 u yeatenlay show! pi I rate I tar frontFrankfort, conUlolrg lh a'a'eiant thit Ar cixait of volaa'teri Ii b.iag orgiltil in0 rwiioy, who re'vlrea rto baofT.ml tothiOoTernmant of the Unl'nd S'atii. Main,time, lavelAl of tha Frn.h ollloaii who rncer.t yippllad to the U. 8 Itgstlon In Paris, sad wmin'ormrd that til Miela'er had no Authorityto Accept their lairlces, hav determined to1it for Amarlci, and trust to chanco for cmt'Uvrrtnt whin Iheyarrivs at their de;lnallon.1 ccnvMstdytstirday with amilloer who fol-lowed GlBlBALbl throuirhnut lha Sicilian an.lNtipoliua ciain.lgns, and who Informed mthat h Ind taken pg for New Ymk laot of the ttetmeri from Lirirpool nit weak.

Our lataet Journals from Maorld e ctalna ic--

aali of a grend fa'erell dlnsv, given br thFrench AmrHdor, In honor ot lh Hon. Vx.Priitof, of Kantucky, Minister of tbi Uol'idSut to th Court of Spain, who wu I n thepoint of r.lurnlrg to America. Forty guritiware preMBt, Including several mirohsm of theBisnUh Call a t sad tbi rorpi Jiplomm-'ur-.

Mr. rBt'Ttnli noire. Bally Uklat Maiirii,And muih tgrt il upreiMi it hli depei-tir- e.

ttbel alltrma Enller tVlaha fAraoilraBAOaln.

Ia Us Issa of Msy Oik, of thi IltmbnrgJar FrtucXutt, appear an idltorlal of fearful

length, on th protent condition of Affair lath United SlAUt, chiefly nottciabl for Iteulrt thorte In regard to th allluii'. sboll-tlo- n

of lrry, sod It smuslag Ignorance oftheraUtlrepawir of th South an 1 North.Tho willtr believe that th aympstbUs of thNorth at too entirely with their oretbrea iauickain, ana ineir inierest at too cIomly united, to Allow them to agg I awar argtd on by a hindfal of xtrvti onlAchada, Perth take 4 some tbre or foarmillions of s black, inferior race, for tbli rsctsslcnstb Apple of dbcord between th.m.Th North is not willing to ahtd whl blood,as may b fwen by th inactivity of lli tlatAt Fort Booster, and tha tardy conrvalvepol cy of th Government, list th Swi'hbi bean And bu reckleaslypUoad herself la A position from which ahamust sitbar com forth victor! ma, rr saSmitto ths horror of bSsa Dominio. The wld.rsed szciumant, consequsnt oa th alec.ioa

Uboolm, is sttribated to thAbolition prepogandlsU, who preosded thRapubllcan prty, th odium of whoa ae'lrntu cut en Dim, si thi reprasentstlr of thati arty.

It Virn-Air- i Mit entan on ai a'abo.stsauhnographlcal and m .historical dliiul-tllo- n,

aboalng Slat that clvilliad or mill,vattd rsrai bsv Alwaii tlliBphn. orar hrbaroBi 0B norrd, that th black or K'hl-pa- n

isc 1 Car In'arlor to tb Cucaalan laistelllgroe and liduttryi third, that

ha mad Decf.lia of many thinm, reallyia ibailvi luiarle, which ar only to Ii

ar cored from hot e'linatra, where th employ-m- nt

of C'acln labor la Impracticable), andtb iero I Adapted by nAtorr, lastly, thattb negro never under any clrcumilairna willwork if hi can Avoid It. rrora then preatliiithi conclusion Is drawn that boh nttar Andth rqulrmnt( of civilisation demand th

of th bUi k race. Only on prmractfor th ultimata Abolition of ilavery I orTared.This la th greduAl Intermixture of lh whltiAid black races, And th only fult four I wlhth ilvhoklri la lh South Is, that they iljbo, rcogol this tullivillon, by smtlgam.tlon, of th ba?k rsco, ind traal th mulatto,Wrceroon ind quadroon as more nearly tbaircquali than th negro. Th suadan l.bere'.tonot th negro of the Slulh At the prnt timwould, th writer lllee, itrlr them allberto etatVAticn or robbery and murder, whil ItsrTct on tb connuri and mtnufac'ur of

tha wolld outald would be moat d saslrou".In concludm b iys : Th South will ly

com forth victor from Ihi ombt Ifsot, a lUv Insurrection will break oat bywhich th Not tk will leu lot less msUrUUytbAa th South, and thlt f.ar existing in thNuth of a eervil Iniurrwctlon, Is ot. of tbmod powerfsl allie of tin Soutl. ln If tbNorth woull, so cstnol abolish slsvery, sishe 1 too wash to keep three or four million ofnagroe In obedience end isMectlua to the lew.Tblstbtstrmen of tb North All know wall

oogh, with exception of tk bypocritel ofButton. Tb South csnnot bring 100,000 me aIn th field but lh Can pit three man whereAniAHAM ListvLR can on. Th poop' ofol th North will think twic of It before theyi nter on i bloody e II w ar blch can oaly re-

sult in the good of a rsc whow libary lbwhoU Koifl has to far. Wdi not wf.li todefend the pilnc'ple of iliveiy, let ui Sod

which will dispute with human labor,aod law which will change th nature of thsUhl paan race, and w (no Will greet th nagroass bat st a dlitsnce, a bis clor li farfrom pliialcg to us."

Tba llerUla."Du ChoMu't Adrmttru in Africa," a work

nrently published ia England, aad Attractingconsiderable AtUatlon for its novel aad rAcydescriptions of African adventures, relatu thofollowing InUrn'.Ing purtlculari f tb Girills i

fibit iioirr or a oobilla.8uJdenly I wai Itartlcd by A ttrsige, nt,

half human cry. sad beheld f nryounggarillAt ronnlog lowata lb deep for'. WBred, but bit nothing. Than e rusliel on Inpanoli; but thrknw th wood better 'binw. One I cssght glano cf on of Iliainlmali again, but An ioiesraala-T- , tree spoile-- l

my mark, I did not fire. VV tn until wwar exhausted, but li rain Tbi slert liesttimad good lhlr rsp. Whin w cool 1 pur.susro mora, w returned alovly U our csmp,wber tb woman wer Anxiously xpctla us.I proUt I felt slmoat Ilk A murderer, when Iaw th gorillas tb fint time. As they no

oathalr bind leg lhay looatl faarfidir Ilkbsiry men; tboir bAd down, their bxliei in-

clined forwsrd, tbair wholi Appessnce hkmen running fir thilr Urn.

A aOBDXA 0BFBBHCI DinlBOB.Th nndtrbrash wyd rapidly Just ahl,

sad pruMnlly before a etooa in imoMns mslgoriils. 11 stood about a dozen yard fromfa, And was a alght I think I shall naver forge.Nrsily lz foat high, (h provwd four lacbeaiborur,) with Immena body, hug chest. Andgreat


. Aims, with fiercely......glaring,1.. j.. - -- -- ..lll.l., 'E'.'ZSS.'ZSSl iTuS'rSSC....- - -- - ---i ."-- -

I reare vision 'Jiui stood before ai tb king oftb African forest, u wu not srraiaor us. iiastood there, Acd beat hli breast with hli ha.ifiti tLl it resounded Ilk sa Immense bass dram,which Is their mode ofeffartnar deduce, mean.tlm giving rent to rosrsfturroir. the roar oftb gorilla 1 tb mo' ogilar an 1 awful nolsbaaru in these African wooda. It boitos with A

ihirpbsrk.Hk sa snPry dog, then glUlei lata A

deep bin roll, wh'ch lArJly eat closelytb roll of distant thunl-- r along th

iky.f'ir which I bii.metlmcbentmpldtotali it where 1 did not th aa'mil. Sideep ii lc that il seems t procoil !i fron tbmouth end throat than from th deep cheat sotvast paunoh. Hi y bagsa ta flsta fleroirfire as ws I'ood motion' m oa tbdfAilr, aadlh crest of short heir which s'andi oa blforebeat beirari to twitch rmillraa snldiwn.while hli powerful fugs were aha m u hi sgs'nrent forth a thuadrea rusr. And mi trelyhe reminded m of not bin bit aom haUiah

J dream creature A truing of thi' hldeoai crdar,,1 half-m- half-bus- t, whlci w flat pictured by

(da litis-- ja s"ms rap'nuoo oi tai iarrnslreilons. Ussdrucsd a few ilepi then

topped to Bttar that hideous roar sgala-a.1-Tin- oid

again, aad finally ito4 wbsi it add-tso- e

ofaliout alzyardifrom us, ind her.Just ba bagsa soother of kls res re, bo I' Ingli breast In rage, w fired and rllltd Im.llhipoan whlcjb. hli umrthlnx tsrrihlr

hamaa ta It, Aad yet was fall of bnttutin.au,na nil rorrara oa sis ibis,

mat; of A snrBTam.Ustlag.haard hoV at. Dtj OatAitba klUod

CorllU. Ut oi IM no Jnrw b gorUU kuled orof tb trevJr'iao.'. Tbi wUmttavaJar andb.U galdM eo ma )aoa diss of kli party wnW1

thi ground i Wir4Wn!man,mdIiUaw4ih'i wouid wall ill oold with lags, tirawith my cloth. Whed I hid alrsa htm a lit-t- U

brandy h Ipsm to klms.lf, andaoie, dui who great uraeaitr, to speak.

Da laid tbit ho had mat the gorUia eaddenly,nd fee to faca, an! Ihat It had But attlaip' I

toescap. Itwu a hug msJa, and Seem. Iery mvatr. It wu, he said, In A Ve.r gloimy

fart cf the wood, ind th darkness luppiesnrd him wjIm. I!ii4 h took goad ai at,snd tired whan tha beiat wis only A"iat aigMisrdi i IT. Tn. bill rarr.ly wounded It In lhside. It stone begin Ustingls bre.et, n1Jlth lb greA'eit rsgi Advance.! nnoa kiin.To rua Awsy wsi impoxlbl. lie wouldlev Dean cauih' lath Juegl bt'or li hid1 1 o s fptan ysrds. .II stool bil ground, and,esuolrklr as heroa'd. his oan. Jo.ise lie ra ted it to fir th gorill I dishd it out ofuiacsmia, uegun going cir in lb IaU; andthen ia au Instant, with A terribli roar. Hianimal tavel blm tremendous Mow with InImmense open paw, frightfully Iterating lhabdomen and with this ilngl blow laying bareparti f the Intaatlnes. Asheaarkblieling tolhgroncd, tb moneter relztd th gun, and thawr buntir thought b would hat hit brains

duhtiliutwuhlr. llui the gorilla Meail tobavelotked upin Uiaa'ai u an enemy and Inbla rage Atmoet rlatttned th barrel between hillrcrgjaws. Hhea w eatre neon th g onndtb gniilla aai gon. This Is lh Ir mule whenattacked to rrik f ne or two bio, lad thinlieve thn victims of thtlr rigioa th groat daaa go oil into to WVOJI.

An Bplaropal niurii( ManYeiUrdsy quite A err wd c lLcted in thi tj

cf th Church. fS. I Paul (JimU'mildtUMilni'i Church.) onf Jaik.oii atrxt. n.ptctlrg towltoesn toJL'iitn betwe-- a p.n(rtioLeeiiu w.tu it cuuico. in circunuiaiicalroll m fA dlrlicultyrf pecuniary nature etl.U. M,

K. Iiom, th Secretary of th GaCompani,bai sdvsnred between two and tt re thinietndilrliara towards the erection And furnishing oftb church, snd claim to hire some lnorpt ar ovr tb church on that accent. Act-ing under Mric of onuiu', th church dnoiiwire locked, and Mr. Jams Cook Rii usoaurefund admittance,

In a few moment after th uriic of thiInjunctlm, J. mm Cook Riciimoko, In aa d

lore, dtmended the leyiof the Inelitutlon, but u tb demand wu mad of crowdof About a doaen persona promlat uoueiy

f whom Wad, lo all probaUllly,any othw than lha key of ilielr trunk withitum, and neitbar of whom had any connactb nwith lh dillicilry, tb key ware not forth- -comlrg, whereupon Mr. KiniMOBTs w'ki opto lha vaetry door, and In a loud vole calledout, "in the name of tho Father,"hthanklck-- d

Hi door, recoiling bom th resistance, "Andof the Son, "Another kick And Another recoilfrom the stubborn and n yielding door, "sodof tho Holy Ghost; "a third ssd violent kickroutwM, bat th donr, however, remained

A pioc of thick plak wu then pro-cured, ind being need u a bsttsring rsm, thdoor wu broktn In And th "conqueror" enter,id. Tb vestry being entered a pAui tookplace, and som parson wu dispstch-- d for kavswherewith to open th Inner dour. About halfon boar slapeel wbaa sa ntrance wu mad,lb front door unlocked, and rervlc commoncad fat tb chuth. Th crowd dispiraad sodpeso . fared to prevail. HVniiai.'c Srnfieri.

Crop FrwFrtA al Ike Waal.Tit moderately warm wthr of the past

weak hu baan bigkly favorsbl to the wheatcrop, which la reported u looking well through,out th aoithwMt, Th corn crop I Lai k ward,And, Indned. in om aactlona tb farmer arilill plaollog; but thay, csvsrtDtlcn, axprewtbemselvas hopeful or A fair crop. With goodwarm wuther In th latter part of June indAnnual, there I no dan,er,

Accurdlng to sdvlcn received from vsrlouportion! of Illinois, Wisconsin snd lows, It ishighly probable thit th breadth ofwh.it. andcorn sown snd planted will exceed twothlrditk operation of lut year. Tb unferori'iiiweather during the spring mouths tended veryranch to Halt lb work of lh farmer, and thiwar excitement also drew from th coustrylrg Amount of valuab'r- - lalur At a tlm whanIt wai much wsatad.

Th winter w best clop, ho sever, will prob-Ab- ly

IxtheheAvliMt known for mm years kick,snd will. In a ineaiure, alono for th deficit intb spring cf pa.

Ohio and Kantm ky report ar different i Hi

army worm ba don and daman to wheat, wlnlth rullry weal her ha proved highly useful tocorn. Altogether It p,ri that tb breadthof wheat aoatn la tk eta' le aIhiuI on-- f iarlhmore: of corn marly one-fil- th more, rxl ofpork for market there will be at least one-thir-d

more than in lift). And of th crop of corn ofIfcCO, thi re aptxiri to be over una third, and ofwheat over h on hand. All th cerealcupa'ndictt an excellent yield. Acllr p'Aparatbns are rnkln fjr a greater broad'h ofMotghum atd Imph.a than In any p'evlius

ar, and muilinf ire l.nl bat be n exil--

wlih i lover and limit by, prubabl double lb itof my riiu)tar.

Tie Feast ! Dsagb-ABt- sl

Tbi lsdia of Augusta, Ms., on dsy Utwk distributed over titty buabels of d'oa.h-n- a

to tbi Third Volsoloer regiment ofMs'ni. A prccmsloa of I lies, headed by mu-

sic, passing between doubt II. e of troops, wm)resented srnu, and were afirwArd drawn ap

fn hollow eq uara to receive th walcom lijuyh-naim- t.

Ntr before wu seen inch so aggregation ofdongb-D- sliiatb world begao. Tha cir-cumambient air wu rodolant of dough-nats-,

Kverr breeu sighed dough-nut- s

Islked of dough nits. 'lbdiiply of douRh.null Wggared descrlptloi. Tker wu tb mo-

lasses duugb-a- ud tb sugsr dough-n- tbalong d ugh-li- ind th short doui'.h-n- l thround duUkb-i- ut and thi square acugh-n- ut

th rsctangulsr d nigh-n- ut and th triangulardough-ra- t th ileal twisted douih-riu- t sndtha doub'e twisted dough, nut-t- bi "Ught rl."dongh-n- ut ind tb dough-nu- tthe straight tolld dough-n- ut snd the circulardoush-nu- t, with hole in th ren'r. Therewere dough-n- of sll Imaginable kind', qual-ities, shapes and dlmenaloni. It wse

A feast of dough niata, if not A flaw ifsoul.

Kbssba- - Tram ftfpad al Tepeka.A train of About fiftoea freight wagons, par.

porting to b loaded with srxna it d Ammunl.tlon forth Sioux Inllass, wu leteiued atTopaka, a hi dsy line, by oraW of tha Gov-nco- r,

u thr wer sons luiplcloai circum- -iiaocm coniwctaa wnn li movamaois. a.dispatch wu Immediately sent to Col. Bruncir,Indian Superintendent At St. Joseph, Inqu'r ngwhether th train wu nanvtog uady r hli order;and if so, xprnlog A fear lb I It would bdaoirerooi to arra tb Iodlani on our waiVsrnborder it the present tlm. It wu aliaoggeetcd that th propity should b itortd

At Topaka, until thi Depaitment could boBotlued of lha facta in tba case. Col. BaAacit,la reponsto tho oomunlc.tl of th Gov-srno- r,

sathorlred th door.tlon of lh Arms Aidsmmnaitlon, until tb receipt of furtboc triersIrom Waihlngton. Tbi go ids reuorod conalatof 8.1 kegi powder. 819 rounds: 41 burs bullets,1.20 pouadi; 21 csvi (ill) gum. Th otherupplies wereaot dlsturoed, sal the train wu

suffered to pill on. Ltavtmeorlh Tim', May'i'HK

Tb Frc-ac- Nqandrea.Tbi Vourri-- r AVafi fi aaji, with legitd

to lb rtmor that A forinldsbl Kr nc'i squ-dr-

hu be.n dWi.tchel to the L'olted M iua,that e ttVi been no special llet direct! totb United Sut', but tb French regularstation of th AntilUa bud rdved ordre totrend to, nd wtih in o ia Amncn

eoAsti And Aa tb tore I not large enoughfor these purposes, .1 II to U riis'orc 4 by twoIrlgatei a itoam frig it ind i minOnly on Irlgal baa bou deaignattd yt,

li foudre," which I now llitlig out atTou'on, and may U taken to Martini iua, byContr Admh-a-l IticTFAtiK, who has been

to superawl Contra Admiral raMArau commander of tb squadron.

Tb Msrualsd Mobtbolob, French ConsulGsnersl st New Yolk, who hu bean absent laKurop about a ir, hu returned U tillVnltod SUU.

Warlteat.fill bib in a mnaaiieamsi bsaaa bsIh aTiw

0rlMrat4UriiihBaaAaUl. Ta.bBsjbICtlirAreitrooglgrpe5TJtmnlsghlai. A !'

aaBacati'iiiMm wna rarw raee,r-- r ni JinS- -lOB, who batcbred Cot. EUAwvmt, sr?i bsiogra1id Ithfce4k.' ' '" e -- ,

Ovwar KrJjrrcnirif'i'PiArirvt GaAnt apteadid Amsrieaa Uo7 now floatae II wu par

cbAMd by tU Isdin of MechBrdctvIll.Tits IbcibjibOf Biok.Solbixm In ho.pl'al At AlUny, hu induced thi Sisteri ca

Mlite t .r.ndrr tWarr Isti lea aa naraaa whlrhbars been aro ptd. '

QrtnniB re CoBtBtBABD of Wab, never-Ih.l'-

Memphis driiirslst Uiuirht II&OOwi rth at CIuclnLAtl, on Tueadsy, And cot cleatIw.thlt.Aftkk'ai.i, iiib BoHTmo of thi relwli,

thi "Cot f.d rue Loan" ha hot been takenthey bavi ri pjiiai their lioukt, wlih th cy,"Com on, coin ill. And Inveit."

A WtMAieat Nwburyport, Miss, latelycommtlti lulcldeon hearing that one if brsoul wsi In lb Federal aroty ant thi oihr lath teliel larks.

Jrr. Daw has been iflllctrd with itrrphyof tk heart for several j ears, and bis saddendaatk at any tlm would nt lurprU hit familyor hi friends

A Niw OHinm Paiab uwrti that tbipiol ihtri go away with bisnk facet daily, on

that tner hi teen no bitti loUfh'.lbey will Imk bleaker when there bat.Tub Rum's AnicCAsrmo Ocsi i:v.Ti.v.

MUll at New Orleans, al Lit na fouidrythy ir mekln Ci u blade fivd p'ect snlA funlu lon'allonof Ihi Wbltwortn one ofFrgland.

Tub Arrranirr oi tif. AyxaicAniharicter w.a n v l tt.r I lot'ra ad tban intbZii Av he war; we bar In AnIncretlbl) eri c of lime, nitlona'.ltel H,ABdtr,Anlo I mn.iouireglmmtt.

Savsom AiiiJ-tr- . Dam' Hmiii.s are thept.ly iiiuiaUia.lipt lha Ireiklug wAifare ofcriwllrg. At light. And sboiilng (foa;B tha ten-i- l', lewssdoro by th Fairfax trooper AtAlexatdi I tl' otbr ("ay.

MATun Tailob, orSr. Lnms, in .he fewercoutiosed 0i'k1iIou of maUnty of th dro-mon ('o'irull by nmbirrassing bit anti n aCb'ef Fx cutlv, ht tendered bla realgna-lo-wbiili has hem acti,t.d.

Vrit Pouts Gi. ni'Ttxn U aot in amireally baudaoin rraa, but Virginia bai beenobllg.d til.t li'm " com In." The U.nnraiIt oiliu and will be lure to reciprocate lbHiving l balls, and to ba areaitt al aU engeg.nieati.

ASirswiO! Flao, flying it th mala ofIbaliAiqn lloyt, cims Into port At Bsih Me.,in Monday, from Savaonab, aa tk Capla'nnmaiked " to snow th peopl what a mettlng tbey could get np at tb South." Itwu Ignominiouely huld dawn, lad torn toibrtdf.

TUB tJTTXB DfCHOBSITT ok tub Rbbiliwu proved on tbe lilh alt. Tb ship Ariel, ofIlAtb, M., Ueared st New Orlesna, paid sllher due, nearly 93,000, uiled in ballast, wuthen pursued, ten.d, ai d takan back to tkicity, a rie.

Iiitt Wohif, snd children Innumerab'e,ran away from St, Francis county, Arksneas.to Memphis on bearing that Un. Labb hadrrrseed tha western border cf their ttat.Warn tha nawi wu contradicted they na backagalo.(A Patbiotic Ladt, Mrt. LncarrtA B Hub-all- ,

Clyde, 0-- , iotrilnd by th coaventUa-alltl- ea

of society from going to tb war harta.f,hu presented, throuih Qrr. Dbbbisos. adram to lb Oth Rglmnt, with th hop thati muiai inspire ineir orsr ntsrii in IB 0.ftni of thir eoaatry.

A Rrw abbam.b Fanr. Tbire Is a mmnow serving In tin Miasachusetti rolanUorregiment whoee urvid inthe revolutionary war kis grind father la thelbs war ra? lHlt. tn which war hli fithar (erredu drnmm r Father and on both sens In thisdieadfal war of 1HG1.

Thb Pabmtlvabia Titoori went to thileal of war so scandalously clothed, at to ta-ct ma wt' bin alx weak an array of ragamuffin)

their Msckrtt mere iMasamer. thtlr nniformaJest thrown together, and their ahow lupplieda itu oia 1 1 pin ansviogs,

Nbat rou Abbaiiam. ' It Is reported,"sid Secretary Cambsoi to President Ijiolt,It otbr der, "that Jrrr Davu saya h will,before the Fourth ef July, piece tbe CoofedarA-cy'- a

Coal of Arn. over lb Whit Houssdoor."'lb Coorulracy Coat? ' iild Aubaiiim."Vu ir."

Iafaoald like lo sea Um Try It Oa!" re-marked lb Chef Magistrate, with ttern nlea--lantiy.

TiiBCriABLrsro Baaxthava deterralnadtasend rcprenUtivti tn th Southern BitkConvention lnriud by th LgleJUr of TiBeeeee, "to cooler ina adopt lucn A lloiof p,I-l.-- r

Al will bt promota thi iranrl wellara.and Insure a currency of uniform value tbroagb-oi- t

th 8 nth." Tb Congraas U to bo held itAt'anls, Ga , on Mtodsy next.

ABlMitoviSotrriiBBB Palioi sjvit "AbbI.iBtiiire las fit eucceanor and repe'enlatleethe mel klog who lain ed ff the bloor of tbaInfant Jesus. Uu c 'wardly sul mnrdsrouikoirt prrmpta him lo wr k he hellirh tpttiusn liilpl'Nilnldiin, lAtber llun ncouatrmsn In iq n msnly Bgh'. II will raver becaught lut bit (crept; h will sooor Uy thaface an ecmy."

CocT Tbiuavt, capUli of artr.lary la thFunch aroy, wbn hu trarUd In Amarlct,

nd spaeki th Easliah language, Il going toWaahlogton to offer his servlca to thi govern,mint. II thlnki w td in tk Aaaaricasarmy, more tban anything U. an locreu oflight cavalry. III th mouoUd Cautur$d'Vi'oiio, which bar aoqaired lately auch agreet xUneion In tt French service, snd hawould prefor to b nrolld ia that brmch oflb service

A Hsuou k or I77C Govern':' Abssbw,cf Muuchcs ti, has rclved thi followingletiar, iccompinylr-- a parrel i Pleas fledla Ibia lundl two aolilert' shirts, msdsbysd.ughteref the Revolution, Lima PsLrnir,wld' w if Wal. PALTBttr. whore father wusid-e'- e esmp to Uori Wasiiiaotob. Sble In tor aioelUth yr, sod wu burn And

lived In B eton. bli ba on la tbNorth and ia th fckuth, but bar hurt la withlb North.

Dairiara OF Sacmiioa. Th TuscumbUAi KA Carohmim atttn tho folliwing wirning:'tea ck J cur nagro quarters. Recent laYostl-g- it

U m bin diviloped the fact that many ofour n.groei bsv rairmi, bowU knivai sadsmmonttlt n In their posseaalon, And It is expo.giant that ovary Hit owner should msk acareful starch of bil negro quarters, and ucareAll inch Aimund immuulcion; ila to keep aconst let witch over ill suspicious prsons whomay bo Iritartog Around. A littl car beitowed upcat toll ubjclmiy tare much trouhl Intb future.''

Ab I box-Cla- Floatixi Battkbt. Coloa.1 bustu. ol Aiawma, has iovaatsd in iron-els- d

steam propelling floating battery for thidefeosaof M'bil harbor, which Is much Approved byOllOIMl UABOBB. UIIAICAOd oyMe lor LrAinaATBB, of the Confdrit Statua 'my. A wealthy planter and raw-mi- ll owaartear Mobil bu oil'end to gir md uw lhrrree'iry timber, md sng ofntgrra toltp til work; th thl;-carp- At Motxlfftr to build It it wig (0 per rent, off from

tgulr rate; ud tti woik Is now beingnpioly carried forward,

A WAHirsciTO DnrATTii conAlm innarrative from 8. W. Williams, I

litlzan cf Waahington, or hu tis.toieut wlulIn Hcbmoad liet week on print bualnesr.Hi li A gentlsmin c t high tndiog lo Wash.logum, sod A BAtlvs-bor-n VlrglsUn, with manyreUtlveiindfrltadi la Klofcmnad. Notwith.ttndlng th't, ha wu treated with tha vllett

Indignity ind Imprironed for several daya.Bail g sa old acquaintance of Hon. Jobs M.Hoik, he was lurltnd by that gentleman totleit blm It bis farm in lh c entry, indthi fact wu mid a urioui charge gainsthim. Thiough tho pej listen t eirorU of hialri.au!. however, he wu At length released andallow! to vlnit Mr. Bona. Q found thoa .. B.I laa. -- .!. ., -. al.l.lllr OTsrwiieiBeiwiia ... u'.eitba countrr, od rUtu.Uy excluded ffomRilhmoad by tb grs. Insultt of the mob.air, nnussi aani esrr, wavivueciuw iuathai ar slxtr-etg- ht thouuad OonradeiiUtrooriA In Virginia, and. twonty-nr- a

man in thi wiy fton ttM 8otii.

MioaoBiuropittaiVsatArall.ft..; istiy

sua meI jiorta,I now k K

BMlUlWtrl.)Ci4C'" 'No Tmi Bail aaaABewxeasadata. Wilag, laWaki X lahraiid to tko AravyT Taaaaa.

dalrlmaaul to boa hi awwottUcoyffi aaalitea, with icttrad a'svor rcr,ta mederaioie.r. th. inly beversgu iiilull for api7svPuU.gib.OiimrtB war, c kUUwloBaa toloeBunakuv ahAl&Mn. ,.a S..4tlrg. enabling tbi troor to laKAfd farsjra

ml torvelat ilreeee. WkiBthoraek woro totba trenebea, sd coUd Bit obula. tbslr anallopplleaof I here Articles th.vlam. l..Leind suffered from dysenUry snd Olirrhr a. Toprodnce tbalr prcolur luilAiaiog And axkllera.ting tfTui. ctlfn snd tea should b taken hot

nd moderately uroog, wlih lugar. If not Alsowith milk.

Tub Prior lure Rir.ivrjrr. Tl Pnrrt-de-ci

Matin AittiUry ' Witbfngtoa bsrbought a i mail colored j oa th from bla own mo-"-"'.

;' b xtraragsil inm of Afly coatsind bold blm a chattel. Th Marl nee atwry proad of lim, ud Are violently debetinctheurt of Cietomnln which ha shall bo amy.id; In lb mssnilm h l In itvaral laitBofaaviraltlns. lha othar day k itoid crearfrvm a bum, capped it oflfor a lis, st thapie, a'cle tacklbe crow snd returnad it, aa4wss will thisshed th whole traoaac'Joa oeoal) inat some tweity minute. Tb only workIII which h aa( adsoltd la cUinlmr ntr eaOates after tha niare. which ha dcei I y eatlrg

ail mil it is left on tbom. lie I iheasht ta ha'"ire jier oio, aaa own orouior to

Hilt IS II."Anna ibb 6.000 RmiL Taooisat Casaw

Mm I, Ls., there it a company called th tlgirKir, lbey ear broad bilrsmedhala aadeach win Vie A palnttd on it. ABtooaitie following are specimens t Lucou's Li'oor sTlaaralitain. Tlgar by Nature. Aillar.tuu Utlg'itr. Tiger Daring lh War. Taron tbi Lttp. A Tiger Forever. Tiger. Tiger

try me. Tlgor willBmr larriaaar. Tigerin Beerch of a B ack Tiger Readyftr a Spring. TUr, Win or Da. old Maai'r. RoiaI Btagsl Tiger, O. 8. TigerDrimmrr lloy. Tlgr, Sura Death to Lis.itiLP. Ilgaron the Muecl. Tiger NewerS.jtDle. lier Bound for lh Happy Load.L'viig Titr. Abb'i Doctor. Tiger for Aa-ii- cn.

Tigr, You Ar. Tiger in 8reh ofAn. 1lg.r In Dlega'an. OldTlgBt. Tsraullger. A lies aa I a list.


? ""T'?0"' BB. lor every 14 lsxaawirvm, avwwaes.rawaw TrsamveM TBBBB swr.aa. .saw aawsaaBSaAwsBB --sfl

owday ' .


Tbb Show Bctubsu at Ltbst Is at a itaaattill. Sumo 0o of tko workan.n hAri anllslsd--

and u many more hav goes Into tl countryto ftrmlag. or to visit i hair friends. Soma oltba nanufsctotl sr doing a littles for tkoNw EigUnd Uada, and torn art filling enlarator lb CabAU market, but tbi gratr part artintlrely Idle).

A VnaAcion Kditob Ii ha of tkd LMlsviSwCean'rr ; lb laat spaciman if hli BMBdsdty ortulllbtlity li that b hu recalved a bunch oagtssr, grown ia tbi streets of thli diy.

M. Distbicl director of tb C flics of Sta-lls tii st atsiun hss published la tb aonsl cat

lha Academy of I hit city thi racalt of bla rsatchea relative to tho Plitawt of

thagloba In sddilloa U kl cAicmlA'toa ttlha total numtar id" InbaUtea'a. which h pababwn slop aside of 1 ttOJ.COO.tOU, M. 1JB-1B- KI

eellmAlel the namber of taahaKsa I sou u fotliwt: Tko Caaceaiaa.SC9.t00.000, ba Morgoi. 55i.0O0.(X)O; Kikltt.plAO (negroes) 196 OOw.COO, th American (le.llaas), 1.04.0 1 00 tho Ma'ayi, 200 0C1HWO.Tn leading religions ba Olvidee u fjllow:Cbristlsnlty leiknn 335 000.000 adherent.,

s.CniO.000; th Allatl rellgtowa,HO0.tOO.600; Mobammedanlam, lGO.OCO.OBO

and 1'oljtb.lim, 2W.OW.0CO. Of lh Chrks-ti- mpopulsUons, 170.OCO.000 belong to tkj

Kiman Cstbollo church; KO. 000.000 to tt;

md 70.000.000 to th Oreek cburakwA BALTiatoBB MtntciAsT has published lha

D. deration of Independence oi tk UnlUathist it, "arranged sod sdipttd for rocal aaAliialrumenlal music, a tbi great Nationalchant, sod dedicated to lb world." Tea tltlatgalt embellished with a lithograph of taa

loim In Ine'ep.ndancellall In which th 9atlsiailon wu i it ned, md lh fourth peg ec- a-

ttlntic (imifrt of tb )grtur of this ngnara.IkiociPoiTOriiCB Fbabki havisg bssa

Mated on th Ilefattment, tba PoetmajtearGeneral hu orfsret poatmulars to look sotfor snd srreil tha abut.Notbl DitisioB. A tall wu lately brought

m a county ocart La Kentuikr, by a gea'la-tn-en

who wu peparetod from kit wi, for tkvacutlodj of tbelribiid. Af er bee ring tbe rUderc on both aid, tbe ludgo decided tbteach should hare tb child week seas t, snd tacsrry out thorcerof thccrl,tbeiiddsrtiilatla lakan to cbiich rry Sunday, and tberaihtng bands.

A Lccblbm Lboislatob. Th YlsnnA cor.ltsrcsdr tit of tba 7im relatu that th Reta-il leaant ZaciioriojKo, wbowu retarnad)to ib Gallilan Dit by th Inhabitants at?lluek, bai bad la bbwa Inflicted on kirn byli. c atliuints far nut mending tlIUuiut.rat bard ontalilrg the grant of cart ala woods

Ld ctmmons to which they Isy clslnu Thaprtiinclal IcgUlator told bli fallow- - pessaatabat ka had not teen bctd by tba Proviociat

Diet, aod cos. quant) y had ao right to sit toIta RslcBAiath. bat his xpianatloni ware eoev.t'dsred BBiatbftctory, f r ha wu foreed to Hadowa wlih hli face to tho greand, udwblksla that pcsltlon a haul stick wu tn tlmu rlsj.orouily appUid to tba lower part of Bli back.

DlATH OF TBB OLDBAT ClFIZU IB loaI Aid, Ma Tba vtnersbl Jouah Dow, q,Isibtr or Nbal Dow, dUd on Beturdey laat,birli g reached taa sg of neatly 95 yr. ttawss bora In Beabrork, Msss , and lemoved toPortland early in llf. II ill a mambsf sfthi gccUty oi Frlstaa.

TiikKaCniLDBsB Dbowbbo ia PaBsvBcaor thsib MoiaaB A caaoa upast In taaOtonabtc river, Csnsds, sn th 15 lh a't,. andtbre children, two boyi and a girl, aged re-spectively three, six aad 'vB year warmdrowned. Tbalr tame wer Faaoutoa. TaaaVrrootber ran bellessly, bat frantic, along.! Iebon w tbey were drowtlog.

WBHArBALrnuFBTBBDOr tba BUBS ofP- - i,kw t.U Im I. am lhart fsfetl WaBwira. ftlsaL Rtaat mmiUJtj WUW Bl Borerer aaawawa twwss J wawea

t:aur, who li tot qatu a yar old, wu iittlacinner iaioersiaj ooa diy, crylag and frettinttf. bar mother. who wu gone away, wtoar.

f.,nr.v Itimid to bar, and said in th bbsbb

earteatmanrer orrelble. " Ttora, Alio, yoarrociUdinooghi the.(MBurmiug anymoremotberigrns swiy. md Wj do 1 kef) laa

r Aroocim fbok Kakbab ipsak fsvorakly ttbcrcpprspactA. Corn wu looking wU

Ppring sowed wheat keku wall ai nuB camwith. Th wbols coBBtry U ana rut aivaauUw,withiAMgrewugufsAtMilcbioU, bo swabnd pvsnty of moisture can drive It. CatUa

show elcni ones mora of fr.A Cvbioei Piicb of lotlaaatkalfarratoa. T

ratntly found la a monastery Dear Floreoc. art Balmat to bo sold at tha aoclon .mart In Parisit U wkit li CAllid A coaessaVfial a swtvnae, AaA

is isid to bbv bean constructed tn Iks sailw I iI art of tba sixteen! h ce n'nry. On on of thapattl Is a rearAikiUy wall xcuted Imaga oftba Stvlor, acd ta thli U ittichad a sprieg,

blch ky muciof preaiure.oo a brsaastuat,isusad tha psml to U replsoed by; eaptbar..

tkh twin fright ful figure of tba Evil Oaawlthbornion hli baad, tatribl glaring y,

with fomldabtoaid moving jiwi garelahadl.elb. At lha lam tietait a norribU ndss Is

loCucsd by a pair of bellows and soma orgam, pee, which, tht Acoouat, compliiM trea

rror th apparition would laassto a cradalcaa

In".A PtAB II IB AOITATIOB to lapplr DuWus,

Irelsnd, wlih purewsUr from the nrecTAr-li-y,

wbch r'ii U ths Wlckiow fcustals)a bunt twenty fir mil from th city, .

Tub Mubobbi BAFtrir, '''uft tm jU. Ms, lafonti Its 9tfji rf.letwad, for tba leenj. T

it. rami city. ku. twtJ L -ij.j.rf af a. , ---

a tfoiKArm op ," BatitL.I i !ribirT-a- aifoUowed eailI h. Jlirtut ftffWrmaJSiltiaI .rirl,orr"- -

of-- --

5iA. u taadiVaafwwa,

I ittorir. ioapiias,yaiu-.- -i -bAlf Hxist.