Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134

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  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134



    S.No. Topic Page No.

    %& Soft Skills %

    '& !o( to )andle inter*ie(s +

    +& Common ob inter*ie( -.estions /

    0& Tips for Inter*ie( 1

    2& S.33ess Tips %4

    /& !o( to prepare for an inter*ie( %'

    5& Gro.p #is3.ssion %0

    1& 6anners 7 6annerism %/

    8& Are yo. to 9i*e a seminar: !a*e some tips: %1

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    1. Soft Skills

    Ability to e;press oneself 3learly and 3onfidently is a *ery important personality traitand t)is is 9i*en t)e )i9)est importan3e d.rin9 t)e e*al.ation pro3ess in re3r.itment&

    6any people fail miserably in t)is aspe3t e*en t)o.9) t)ey )a*e *ery stron9 te3)ni3al

    skills& Comm.ni3ation skills 3an be 3ate9ori

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    and ad*ertisements speak& E*en if t)e marketin9 man speaks, it (ill be *ery m.3)

    ro.tine type, same okes, same riddles, same style and same 3on3ept& In R7# type of

    obs it is not like t)at& !ere, yo.=*e& 9ot an e;3ellent idea or an interestin9 3on3ept&!o( 3an yo. 3on*in3e yo.r boss or or9ani

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134



    6ost of t)e or9ani)at& is t)e appro;imate

    *ol.me of t)is room: >)at is yo.r (ei9)t in Ne(tons or po.nds: >)at 3o.ld be t)e

    (ei9)t of t)is b.ildin9: >)at is yo.r *ol.me in liters: >)at 3o.ld be t)e (ei9)t of a

    3ity b.s or Raad)ani e;press: &

    Some of t)e famo.s -.estions asked by 6i3rosoft inter*ie(ers d.rin9 re3r.itment of

    soft(are de*elopers areJ !o( m.3) (ater flo(s in t)e 6ississippi Ri*er: !o( many

    9as stations ?petrol b.nks@ are t)ere in yo.r state: !o( many 3ars may be fo.nd inyo.r 3ity: T)e e;a3t ans(er is not important, b.t t)e approa3) to sol*e t)e problem is


    Often t)e problem is %44D ne( to yo. It is a deadly p.)ile st.dyin9, yo. need to be 3.rio.s like a 3at t)at 3an spot o.t t)e milk e*en ifit is

    kept in a remote 3omer of t)e )o.se& Also, for ne( t)in9s to learn, t)ere m.st be a3onstant sear3) like an ant t)at takes 3ontrol of

    s.9ar 3rystals ()ere*er t)ey fall (it)in a s)ort time& T)ese are t)e keys of so.nd

    f.ndamental kno(led9e&&


  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134



    "o. s)o.ld )a*e interest in .p9radin9 kno(led9e as Soft(are field is 3)an9in9

    rapidly, so rapidly t)at skills a3-.ired after mont)s of )ard (ork and trainin9, be3ome

    obsolete in anot)er fe( mont)s& One )as to 3.lti*ate t)e )abit of learnin9 t)e re-.iredtools *ery fast& >)en one )as to s)ift from one tool to anot)er, one )as to start .sin9

    t)e ne( tool settin9 aside earlier tool=s kno(led9e& BLearn, nlearn and RelearnB is

    t)e slo9an 9enerally .sed by many or9ani

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134



    #.#. T&e G)o*nd'o)k+ In an inter*ie( yo. are sellin9, yo.rself, a pro3ess yo. be9an

    ()en yo. s.bmitted yo.r appli3ation form or C.rri3.l.m itae ?C@& It is no lon9er amatter of .st needin9 t)e ri9)t -.alifi3ations or e;perien3e, alt)o.9) t)ese aspe3ts

    (ill play t)eir part, yo. no( )a*e to demonstrate t)at yo. also )a*e t)e ent).siasm,moti*ation and 3ommitment t)e inter*ie(ers are lookin9 for& As a means of sele3tion

    inter*ie(s are not (it)o.t dra(ba3ks b.t t)ey in*ariably 3ontin.e to be pop.lar&

    >)at to take (it) yo. for t)e inter*ie(J E*en if t)ese are not spe3ifi3ally re-.ested, it

    is a 9ood idea to take t)ese (it) yo.J i@ s3)ool 3ertifi3ates, ii@ re3ord of a3)ie*ements

    after s3)ool, iii@ e;amples of art(ork or te3)ni3al dra(in9s, proe3tsp.blis)ed papers,()ere appropriate&

    Take (it) yo. anyt)in9, ()i3) is rele*ant and s.pports yo.r appli3ation& All t)iss)o.ld be 3)ronolo9i3ally arran9ed in a file& Let t)e file be of sober ).e and not

    9aris)ly patterned3olo.red&

    #.,. P)epa)ation+ Apart from lookin9 9ood at t)e inter*ie( yo. s)o.ld also be able to

    s)o( t)at yo. are interested not only in t)e ob t)at is on offer b.t t)e firm3ompany

    ()i3) is offerin9 it& Carry o.t resear3) to find o.t abo.t t)e str.3t.re and prod.3ts and

    ser*i3es of t)e or9ani

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    *al.es, interests and top skills&

    #./. Pe)sonal p)esentation+ If t)ere is a time ()en first impressions 3o.nt, t)en it is

    .ndo.btedly ()en yo. 9o for an inter*ie(& "o.rs inter*ie(ers sees yo. before

    speakin9 to yo. and )a*e already formed an impression before t)e inter*ie( startson=t appear (it) (ildly styled )air, or .nr.ly, .n3ombed )air, latest mirror lenses,

    batbreat), 9aris) make.p, dirty or ra99ed fin9er nails& C)oose formal 3lot)es t)at are

    neat, tidy, 3lean and (ell fittin9& No, desi9ner names or brand names are not importantat all& eans, Ts)irts are o.t& Let yo.r s)oes 3omplement yo.r o.tfit bein9 bot) 3lean

    and (ell maintained& 6ake s.re t)at yo. feel 3omfortable and 3onfident in t)e o.tfit

    yo. )a*e 3)osen 3)e3k o.t t)e fit before de3idin9& Al(ays be pra3ti3al take a 3oator rain3oat and .mbrella to keep yo. (arm and dry or bot)& e(ellery s)o.ld be kept

    to t)e minim.m, no di9ital (at3)esmobile p)onepa9er t)at beep& Clean fabri3

    )andker3)ief to 3ope (it) sneealk for(ard 3onfidently, body strai9)t, )ead .p& Smile and be

    prepared to s)ake )ands briefly b.t positi*ely if yo.r inter*ie(er offers to s)ake yo.r,

    not ot)er(ise& Sit strai9)t, b.t in a rela;ed 3omfortable position, keep yo.r )ands,

    rela;ed, preferably in yo.r lap, 6aintain 9ood eye 3onta3t (it) t)e inter*ie(er assoon as yo. )a*e settled&

    #.0. T7pical inte)5ie' 9*estions+T)ese are some fre-.ently asked -.estionsK yo.

    may be asked all, some or possibly only a fe( of t)em& .st 9o t)ro.9) t)ese andprepare in (ritin9 t)e ans(ers yo. (o.ld like to 9i*e&

    $&at a)e 7o*) st)engt&s:+ Identify areas ()ere yo. perform best, try to mat3) t)ese(it) t)e skills re-.ired for t)e ob professional pro9ramme ?t)at yo. )a*e applied


    $&at a)e 7o*) 'eaknesses:+ Sti3k to minor fa3t.al problems ()i3) 3an be remediedby addin9 a positi*e rider to yo.r ans(er& BI s.ppose I didn=t try )ard eno.9), b.t I

    intend to )a*e a 9ood try at itB&

    Ho' 'o*ld 7o* desc)ibe 7o*)self:+Con3entrate on t)e des3ription of t)e person

    bein9 so.9)t and try to p.t for(ard a pi3t.re of yo.rself to mat3) as 3lose to t)at aspossible& $.t yo. need to be )onestK make t)e most of yo.r 9ood points b.t don=t

    make t)em .nbelie*able&

    ;Do 7o* &a5e plans fo) additional ed*cation+;!ere t)e inter*ie(er is tryin9 to find

    o.t ()et)er yo. see t)is line of (ork as part of a lon9term 3ommitment as opposed tostop9ap meas.re& If yo. do )a*e plans for additional ed.3ation, be spe3ifi3 abo.t

    ()at yo. (ant to learn and )o( an employer 3o.ld possibly benefit&

    $&at 'e)e 7o*) fa5o*)ite s*b

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    t)at yo. make yo.r response rele*ant to t)e ob t)at yo. applied for& Also, make some

    referen3e to t)e more broadly based skills t)at yo. )a*e, s.3) as problemsol*in9,

    3omm.ni3atin9 or (ritin9 effe3ti*ely&

    $&7 do 7o* 'ant to 'o)k fo) *s: 6 $&7 do 7o* 'ant t&is =ob:+ "o.r ans(er m.st3ontain 9en.ine, positi*e reasons ba3ked .p by s.pporti*e e*iden3e& "o.r ans(er

    3o.ld be one of many s.3) asJ

    I enoy meetin9 people&

    I t)ink it mi9)t be interestin9 (ork&

    I like ta3klin9 a 3)allen9e&

    On t)eir o(n t)ese statements la3k 3redibility, t)eir meanin9f.lness 3omes ()en yo.

    ba3k t)em .p (it) somet)in9 s.bstantial& Gi*e some e;amples of 3)allen9es yo. )a*e

    ta3kled re3ently&

    Ot&e) 8*estions t&at co*ld be asked incl*de.

    !o( do yo. 9et on (it) yo.r s3)ool friendstea3)ers:

    >)at did yo. like t)e mostleast abo.t yo.r periods of (ork e;perien3e:

    >)ere do yo. see yo.rself fi*e years from no(:

    >)o )as been t)e 9reatest infl.en3e in yo.r life and ()y:

    >)at do yo. t)ink )as been yo.r 9reatest a3)ie*ement:

    >)at is t)e 9reatest ).rdle t)at yo. )a*e 3rossed:

    In ans(erin9 -.estions on any of t)e abo*e or related areas, remember to 3on3entrate

    on t)e positi*e, if yo. )a*e e;perien3ed diffi3.lties t)en o(n .p to t)em, s)o( )o(yo. )a*e o*er3ome t)em, learnt from t)em, ideally, take ad*anta9e of mo3k

    inter*ie(s to e*al.ate yo.r preparation& In t)e absen3e of a formal mo3k inter*ie(,

    yo. 3an al(ays ask friends or relati*es to a3t as inter*ie(ers b.t t)is is *ery m.3) t)e

    se3ondbest option sin3e t)ey may feel silly or embarrassed& $.t yo. 3an 3ompensateby de*elopin9 yo.r po(ers of selfobser*ation& Cons3io.sly pra3tise ot)er (ays of

    standin9 or speakin9 by re*ie(in9 t)ro.9) a mirror ima9e and tape re3order& $ein9

    *ideoed .nder mo3k inter*ie( 3onditions is, of 3o.rse, an .nbeatable learnin9e;perien3e&

    #.2. SOM% DON>TS+

    At an inter*ie(, do not p.t yo.rself in a position ()ere yo. )a*e to lie or say yo.

    don=t kno( or blame someone else for a fail.re or s)r.9 yo.r s)o.lders& E*en if t)is istr.e, don=t say yo. 3ame for t)e money=& Try not to p.t yo.rself in a bad li9)t (it)o.t

    sayin9 somet)in9 positi*e to 3ompensate&

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    Al'a7s s&o'+ "o. )a*e *alid reasons for yo.r ans(ers& "o. are )onest and open (it)

    yo.r replies&

    T&e e?it s)o.ld be a st.nnin9ly 9ood one& T)e (ay yo. lea*e is .st as important as

    t)e (ay yo. enter&

    Steps to an effecti5e e?it+ 9at)er to9et)er t)e items yo. bro.9)t (it) yo. ens.re yo.

    )a*e a ti9)t 9rip on t)em&

    Stand .p and strai9)ten yo.r 3lot)es&

    S)ake )ands (it) yo.r inter*ie(ers if t)is is e;pe3ted&

    T)ank t)e inter*ie(ers for t)eir time&


    6ake yo.r e;it by stoppin9 at t)e door, t.rnin9, smilin9 and t)ankin9 a9ain,

    lea*in9, 3losin9 t)e door -.ietly be)ind yo.&

    Re(e(be)+ A 9ood inter*ie(er (ill be lookin9 forJ





    Additional or transferable skills

    "o.r inter*ie(er (ill also be lookin9 for si9ns t)at yo. are interested, attenti*e,

    3omm.ni3ati*e, keen and most important of all, be able to s)o( yo. )a*e t)at

    somet)in9= e;tra& In t)e o*erall analysis of an inter*ie(, a 9ood inter*ie(er s.ms yo.

    .p on se*eral fronts at on3e byJ

    "o.r ans(ers to fa3t.al -.estionsK

    !o( yo. ans(ered t)ese -.estionsK

    !o( yo. responded to -.estions desi9ned to en3o.ra9e yo. to sell yo.rself=J

    $y yo.r o*erall demeano.rJ

    Appearan3e, a(areness, de3isi*eness, politeness, ).mor, openness and so on&

    =*st befo)e+ T)e ni9)t before and t)e day of t)e inter*ie(, 3lose yo.r eyes for a fe(

    min.tes& Create a pi3t.re in yo.r mind of t)e inter*ie(K pi3t.re yo.rself rela;ed and

    3onfident, respondin9 to -.estions and askin9 -.estions of yo.r o(n& Sea yo.rself9ettin9 .p to lea*e t)e inter*ie( and t)e inter*ie(er sayin9 e;a3tly ()at yo. (ant to

    be said& Literally ima9ine t)e (ords yo. (ill )ear from t)e inter*ie(er& $elie*e me, it

    (orks 6ake s.re yo. )a*e 3lear dire3tions to t)e inter*ie( lo3ationt)e b.s

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    ro.tess.b.rban train links, et3& and or landmarksand plan to arri*e a fe( min.tes

    early& se yo.r e;tra time to assess t)e atmosp)ere, talk (it) a re3eptionist, 3)e3k o.t

    t)e p.bli3ations in t)e room or 9o t)ro.9) t)e day=s ne(spapers and pi3k .p anyba3k9ro.nd information yo. 3an&

    I am s.re t)at yo. 3an see t)at preparation is yo.r best ally ()en )andlin9 a standard

    inter*ie(& "o. 3an al(ays make t)in9s better for yo.rself by .sin9 anytime yo. )a*e

    before t)e inter*ie( to do yo.r )ome(ork for yo.rself and t)e employer=s needs&E*en if yo. are doin9 a series of inter*ie(s on t)e same t)eme, prepare for ea3) one

    as t)o.9) it (ere t)e only one& >)i3)e*er (ay t)e inter*ie( ends, al(ays try to lea*e

    a fa*o.rable impression be)ind&

    #.@. Ho' to *se t&e inte)5ie' %?pe)ience+ As yo. lea*e t)e inter*ie( room, yo.3o.ld be e;perien3in9 all sorts of rea3tions, from e;)ilaration and e;3itement to t)e

    deepest despair or a sense of anti3lima;& 6ake an effort not to (aste t)e *al.able

    time immediately after yo.r e;perien3e& Try to .se t)e e;perien3e as a so.r3e oflearnin9 to perform better in f.t.re&

    #.. Reasons fo) 7o* to take stock of '&at &appened as soon as possible afte) t&e


    To )elp yo. to fi; e*ents, personalities and fa3ts asso3iated (it) t)is one

    firmly in yo.r mind for more inter*ie(s&

    "o. (ill be able to 3ome .p (it) t)e reasonsareas t)at .ne;pe3tedly let yo.

    do(n and need (orkin9 on or ()i3) yo. )andled (ell and need rememberin9&

    To be 3ertain t)at yo. )a*e eno.9) information to de3ide ()et)er to a33ept t)e

    ob if it (ere offered to yo.&

    If t)in9s (ent really badly, re*ie(in9 ()at )appened )elps yo. to (ork

    t)ro.9) yo.r tension, and if done t)oro.9)ly and obe3ti*ely, s)o.ld pro*idepositi*e pointers on )o( to )andle t)e ne;t inter*ie( differently and to better


    If yo. t)o.9)t t)at to s)ine at inter*ie(s yo. .st t.rn .p in yo.r best o.tfit, look

    imma3.lately 9roomed, smile, s)ake )ands in a positi*e manner are eno.9), yo. no(kno( better& It is tr.e t)at initially, inter*ie(ers may be impressed by a 9ood t.rno.t,

    )en3e yo.r personal presentation as in 3lot)es and appearan3e are important to make a

    positi*e first impression& $.t t)is is only part of t)e story& To raise yo.r 3)an3es abo*et)e rest, yo. )a*e to s)o( yo. )a*e t)at e;tra spe3ial somet)in9& T)e ma9i3

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    in9redient for t)is is t)oro.9) preparation&

    ,. COMMON =O- !NT%R!%$ 9%ST!ONS

    $y re)earsin9 inter*ie( -.estions, yo.=ll be3ome more familiar (it) yo.r o(n-.alifi3ations and (ill be (ell prepared to demonstrate )o( yo. 3an benefit anemployer&Some examples:

    4 ;Tell (e abo*t 7o*)self.;

    6ake a s)ort, or9ani

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    $e positi*eK t.rn a (eakness into a stren9t)& For e;ample, yo. mi9)t sayJ BI

    often (orry too m.3) o*er my (ork& Sometimes I (ork late to make s.re t)e

    ob is done (ellB

    B#o yo. prefer to (ork by yo.rself or (it) ot)ers:B

    T)e ideal ans(er is one of fle;ibility !o(e*er, be )onest& Gi*e e;amples

    des3ribin9 )o( yo. )a*e (orked in bot) sit.ations&

    B>)at are yo.r 3areer 9oals:B or B>)at are yo.r f.t.re plans:B

    T)e inter*ie(er (ants to kno( if yo.r plans and t)e 3ompany=s 9oals are

    3ompatible& Let )im kno( t)at yo. are ambitio.s eno.9) to plan a)ead& Talkabo.t yo.r desire to learn more and impro*e yo.r performan3e, and be spe3ifi3

    as possible abo.t )o( yo. (ill meet t)e 9oals yo. )a*e set for yo.rself

    4 ;$&at a)e 7o*) &obbies:; and ;Do 7o* pla7 an7 spo)ts:;

    T)e inter*ie(er may be lookin9 for e*iden3e of yo.r ob skills o.tside of yo.rprofessional e;perien3e For e;ample, )obbies s.3) as 3)ess or brid9e

    demonstrate analyti3al skills Readin9, m.si3, and paintin9 are 3reati*e )obbies

    Indi*id.al sports s)o( determination and stamina, ()ile 9ro.p sport a3ti*ities

    may indi3ate yo. are 3omfortable (orkin9 as part of a team&

    Also, t)e inter*ie(er mi9)t simply be 3.rio.s as to ()et)er yo. )a*e a lifeo.tside of (ork Employees ()o )a*e 3reati*e or at)leti3 o.tlets for t)eir stress

    are often )ealt)ier, )appier and more prod.3ti*e

    4 ;$&at sala)7 a)e 7o* e?pecting:;

    "o. probably don=t (ant to ans(er t)is one dire3tly& Instead, defle3t t)e

    -.estion ba3k to t)e inter*ie(er by sayin9 somet)in9 likeJ BI don=t kno(&

    >)at are yo. plannin9 on payin9 t)e best 3andidate:B Let t)e employer maket)e first offer&

    !o(e*er, it is still important to kno( ()at t)e 3.rrent salary ran9e is for t)eprofession Find salary s.r*eys at t)e library or on t)e Internet, and 3)e3k t)e

    3lassifieds to see ()at 3omparable obs in yo.r area are payin9 T)isinformation 3an )elp yo. ne9otiate 3ompensation on3e t)e employer makes an


    4 ;$&at &a5e ! fo)gotten to ask:;

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    se t)is as a 3)an3e to s.mmari)at -.alifi3ations do yo. )a*e t)at relate to t)e position:

    >)at ne( skills or 3apabilities )a*e yo. de*eloped re3ently:

    Gi*e me an e;ample from a pre*io.s ob ()ere yo.=*e s)o(n initiati*e

    >)at )a*e been yo.r 9reatest a33omplis)ments re3ently:

    >)at is important to yo. in a ob:

    >)at moti*ates yo. in yo.r (ork:

    >)at )a*e yo. been doin9 sin3e yo.r last ob:

    >)at -.alities do yo. find important in a 3o(orker:

    3o*) Ca)ee) Goals

    >)at (o.ld yo. like to bein9 doin9 fi*e years from no(:

    !o( (ill yo. .d9e yo.rself s.33essf.l: !o( (ill yo. a3)ie*e s.33ess:

    >)at type of position are yo. interested in:

    !o( (ill t)is ob fit in yo.r 3areer plans:

    >)at do yo. e;pe3t from t)is ob:

    #o yo. )a*e a lo3ation preferen3e:

    Can yo. tra*el:

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    >)at )o.rs 3an yo. (ork:

    >)en 3o.ld yo. start:

    3o*) $o)k %?pe)ience

    >)at )a*e yo. learned from yo.r past obs:

    >)at (ere yo.r bi99est responsibilities:

    >)at spe3ifi3 skills a3-.ired or .sed in pre*io.s obs relate to t)is position:

    !o( does yo.r pre*io.s e;perien3e relate to t)is position:

    >)at did yo. like mostleast abo.t yo.r last ob:

    >)om may (e 3onta3t for referen3es:

    3o*) %d*cation

    !o( do yo. t)ink yo.r ed.3ation )as prepared yo. for t)is position:

    >)at (ere yo.r fa*orite 3lassesa3ti*ities at s3)ool:

    >)y did yo. 3)oose yo.r maor:

    #o yo. plan to 3ontin.e yo.r ed.3ation:

    /. Tips OR !nte)5ie'+

    !ere are some TipsG.idelines t)at mi9)t )elp yo. prepare for a 9ood inter*ie(J

    Arri*e on time& $e p.n3t.al and attenti*e& Take yo.r seat only ()en yo. are asked to

    take& Introd.3e yo.rself& se positi*e *o3al -.alities and fa3ial e;pressions& Sitattenti*ely to demonstrate yo.r interest and ent).siasm&

    $rin9 alon9 a (at3), pen, and a pad of paper for takin9 notes& #on=t keep a p.rse, key3)ain, loose papers et3, in yo.r po3kets, if yo. 3an, it may detra3t from yo.r

    professional ima9e& Al(ays take a fe( e;tra 3opies of yo.r res.me #on=t keep yo.rbelon9in9s like Files on t)e table& Heep t)em only on yo.r lap .ntil yo.=re asked to

    .se t)e table&

    erbal Comm.ni3ation SkillsJ Listen 3aref.lly to ()at is bein9 asked and ans(er t)e

    -.estion& Ask for 3larifi3ation if yo. don=t .nderstand t)e -.estion& Say ardon me,

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    Sir= or E;3.se me, Sir=& Gi*e 3lear, 3on3ise ans(ers& se proper 9rammar& $e

    spe3ifi3, refer to 3on3rete e;perien3es& #on=t ask abo.t salary and benefits .ntil t)e

    employer brin9s .p t)e s.be3t& #on=t take any inter*ie( *ery 3as.ally& #on=t talk tot)e inter*ie(er t)e (ay yo. talk to any of yo.r friends&


    Ans(er for a fe( *ery 3ommonly asked -.estions like introd.3e yo.rself,

    family ba3k9ro.nd, 3ontrib.tion to so3iety et3& yo.rself, re3ord t)em and )ear

    t)em a9ain and a9ain to refine yo.r skills& If yo.=*e a point to be 3on*eyed, stay (it) t)e main point and i9nore t)e

    .nimportant ones& T)ink abo.t ()at an employer (ants to kno( and prepare


    repare a strate9y for e*ery inter*ie(K make s.re yo. s)are t)e information

    t)at yo. feel is most appropriate and rele*ant& $e spe3ifi3 and keep to t)e

    point& #on=t brin9 .p e;traneo.s matters& Ask appropriate and (ell t)o.9)to.t -.estions& #on=t e;pe3t an offer on t)e


    Talk a bit, t)en pa.se& T)e pa.se indi3ates t)at no( it is time for t)e ot)er 9.y

    to talk&

    6any times (e 3ome o.t of inter*ie(s, t)inkin9 t)ey (ere perfe3t& And t)en (e (aitfor t)e ob offer, b.t it ne*er )appens& A fe( 3alls later yo. 9et t)e )int t)at t)e

    re3r.iter is not interested or is simply a*oidin9 yo., Or in lar9er or9ani

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    body and spirit&

    #o Resear3) on $a3k9ro.ndJ Hno( somet)in9 abo.t t)e ob, 3ompany or ind.stry

    prior to t)e inter*ie(, isit t)e library or .se t)e Internet to resear3) t)e 3ompany,

    t)en talk (it) friends, seniors and ot)er professionals abo.t t)e opport.nity beforeinter*ie(&

    Not !a*in9 M.estions to AskJ Askin9 -.estions s)o(s yo.r interest in t)e 3ompany

    and t)e ob& repare a list of intelli9ent -.estions in ad*an3e& See t)at t)e -.estions

    )a*e fe(er (ords, say ma;im.m %4 (ords&

    /.1. Not Readil7 "no'ing t&e Ans'e)s to !nte)5ie'e)>s 9*estions+ Generally

    -.estions ()i3) yo. 3an ans(er easily only (ill be asked& Companies spend ).9e

    amo.nts on re3r.itin9 personnel and t)erefore= 3ond.3t inter*ie(s only to sele3t, not

    to ree3t& Also t)ey (ant yo. to be in a *ery rela;ed mood so t)at yo. 3an e;press

    yo.r t)o.9)ts and ideas freely& T)at is ()y, -.estions like, Introd.3e yo.rself, >)atabo.t yo.r family ba3k9ro.nd, >)o is yo.r fa*o.rite 3ine )ero et3& are first asked& If

    yo. 3an ans(er t)ese standard -.estions (ell, yo. are a free man to 9i*e yo.r ans(ers3onfidently& Also, ()en a -.estion is asked, 9i*e a pa.se, t)ink and tell& #on=t 9i*e an

    instantaneo.s ans(er e*en if yo.=*e a readymade ans(er& T)e inter *ie(er (ants to

    kno( )o( yo. t)ink, )o( yo. form.late yo.r responses and )o( yo. relate t)in9s&>)at (ill )e do (it) t)e ans(er: Or9ani

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    inter*ie(ed& Anyone 3an learn to inter*ie( (ell, )o(e*er, and most mistakes 3an be

    anti3ipated and 3orre3ted& Learn t)e follo(in9 top '2 inter*ie(in9 te3)ni-.es to 9i*e

    yo. t)at (innin9 ed9e&

    %& $rin9 e;tra 3opies of yo.r res.me to t)e inter*ie(& Not)in9 s)o(s lesspreparation and readiness t)an bein9 asked for anot)er 3opy of yo.r res.me

    and not )a*in9 one& Come prepared (it) e;tra 3opies of yo.r res.me& "o. may

    be asked to inter*ie( (it) more t)an one person and it demonstratesprofessionalism and preparedness to anti3ipate needin9 e;tra 3opies

    '& #ress 3onser*ati*ely and professionally& "o. 3an establis) yo.r .ni-.eness

    t)ro.9) ot)er (ays, b.t ()at yo. (ear to an inter*ie( 3an make a tremendo.s

    differen3e& It is better to o*erdress t)an .nder dress& "o. 3an, )o( e*er, (eart)e same 3lot)es to see different people&

    +& $e a(are of yo.r body lan9.a9e& Try to look alert, ener9eti3, and fo3.sed ont)e inter*ie(er& 6ake eye 3onta3t& Non*erbally, t)is 3omm.ni3ates t)at yo.

    are interested in t)e indi*id.al&

    0& Firstlast impressions& T)e first and last fi*e min.tes of t)e inter*ie( are t)e

    most important to t)e inter*ie(& It is d.rin9 t)is time t)at 3riti3al first and

    lastin9 impressions are made and t)e inter*ie(er de3ides ()et)er or not t)ey

    like yo.& Comm.ni3ate positi*e be)a*iors d.rin9 t)e first fi*e min.tes and bes.re yo. are remembered ()en yo. lea*e&

    2& Fill o.t 3ompany appli3ations 3ompletely e*en if yo. )a*e a res.me& E*en

    t)o.9) yo. )a*e bro.9)t a 3opy of yo.r res.me, many 3ompanies re-.ire a3ompleted appli3ation& "o.r (illin9ness to 3omplete one, and yo.rt)oro.9)ness in doin9 so, (ill 3on*ey a 9reat deal abo.t yo.r professionalism

    and ability to follo( t)ro.9)&

    /& Remember t)at t)e p.rpose of e*ery inter*ie( is to 9et an offer& "o. m.sts.ffi3iently impress yo.r inter*ie(er bot) professionally and personally to be

    offered t)e ob& At t)e end of t)e inter*ie(, make s.re yo. kno( ()at t)e ne;t

    step is and ()en t)e employer e;pe3ts to make a de3ision&

    5& nderstand employers= needs& resent yo.rself as someone ()o 3an really

    add *al.e to an or9ani

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    pro9ression: 6ention t)e t)in9s yo. kno( )o( to do really (ell& T)ey are t)e

    keys to yo.r ne;t ob&

    %4& #isplay ability to (ork )ard to p.rs.e an or9ani

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    yo. (ill be asked 3an be anti3ipated most of t)e time& T)ere are al(ays,

    )o(e*er, t)ose e;3eptional ones tailored to t)ro( yo. off 9.ard and to see

    )o( yo. perform .nder press.re& "o.r best strate9y is to be prepared, stay3alm, 3olle3t yo.r t)o.9)ts, and respond as 3learly as possible&

    %1& Translate yo.r stren9t)s into obrelated lan9.a9e of a33omplis)ments and

    benefits rele*ant to t)e needs of employers& >)ile yo. no do.bt )a*e spe3ifi3

    stren9t)s and skills related to t)e position, stress t)e benefits yo. are likely topro*ide to t)e employer& >)ene*er possible, 9i*e e;amples of yo.r stren9t)s

    t)at relate to t)e lan9.a9e and needs of t)e employer&

    %8& Identify yo.r stren9t)s and ()at yo. enoy doin9& Skills t)at yo. enoy

    doin9 are t)e ones t)at are most likely to brin9 benefit to an employer& rior tot)e inter*ie(, kno( ()at it is t)at yo. enoy doin9 most, and ()at benefits

    t)at brin9s to yo. and yo.r employer&

    '4& Hno( )o( yo. 3omm.ni3ate *erbally to ot)ers& Stron9 *erbal

    3omm.ni3ations skills are )i9)ly *al.ed by most employers& T)ey are si9ns ofed.3ated and 3ompetent indi*id.als& Hno( )o( yo. 3omm.ni3ate, and

    pra3ti3e (it) ot)ers to determine if yo. are presentin9 yo.rself in t)e best

    possible li9)t&

    '%& #on=t arri*e on time arri*e early No matter )o( sympat)eti3 yo.rinter*ie(er may be to t)e fa3t t)at t)ere (as an a33ident on t)e free(ay, it is

    *irt.ally impossible to o*er3ome a ne9ati*e first impression& #o ()ate*er it

    takes to be on time, in3l.din9 allo(in9 e;tra time for .ne;pe3ted emer9en3ies&

    ''& Treat e*eryone yo. meet as important to t)e inter*ie(& 6ake s.re yo. are3o.rteo.s to e*eryone yo. 3ome in 3onta3t (it), no matter ()o t)ey are or

    ()at t)eir position& T)e opinion of e*eryone 3an be important to t)e inter*ie(


    '+& Ans(er -.estions (it) 3omplete senten3es and (it) s.bstan3e& Remember

    t)at yo.r inter*ie(er is tryin9 to determine ()at s.bstan3e yo. (o.ld brin9 to

    t)e 3ompany and t)e position& A*oid ans(erin9 t)e -.estions asked (it)

    simple Byes= or Bno= ans(ers& Gi*e 3omplete ans(ers t)at s)o( ()atkno(led9e yo. )a*e 3on3ernin9 t)e 3ompany and its re-.irements& Let t)e

    inter*ie(er kno( ()o yo. are&

    '0& Red.3e yo.r ner*o.sness by pra3ti3in9 stress red.3tion te3)ni-.es& T)ere

    are many stressred.3in9 te3)ni-.es .sed by p.bli3 speakers t)at 3an 3ertainlyaid yo. in yo.r inter*ie( pro3ess& ra3ti3e some of t)e rela;ation met)ods as

    yo. approa3) yo.r inter*ie(, s.3) as takin9 slo( deep breat)s to 3alm yo.

    do(n& T)e more yo. 3an rela;, t)e more 3omfortable yo. (ill feel and t)e

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    more 3onfident yo. (ill appear&

    '2& $e s.re to ask -.estions& $e prepared to ask se*eral -.estions rele*ant to

    t)e ob, employer, and t)e or9ani )at abo.t

    yo.r family ba3k9ro.nd, "o.r stren9t)s and (eaknesses, !o( yo. )a*e o*er3ome

    t)em, "o.r fa*orite s.be3ts, o.rnals yo. refer, et3& et3& are 9enerally t)e same for all&

    At t)e same time, yo. s)o.ldn=t 9o into an inter*ie( (it) a s3ript of e;a3tly ()at yo.

    are 9oin9 to say or (it) so m.3) re)earsal .nder yo.r belt t)at yo. so.nd like ana.tomation& >)at yo. need to take (it) yo. are ta3ti3s t)at are *ersatile eno.9) to

    na*i9ate any t(ist and t.rn t)e inter*ie( mi9)t take&

    #o ans(er t)e -.estion, be3a.se not ans(erin9 t)e -.estion is a 3ommon and

    disastro.s pitfall& Listen 3aref.lly to ()at is bein9 asked, and ans(er t)at


    $e 3andid b.t do so strate9i3ally& Remember t)at employers (ant to 9et to

    kno( yo.& If t)ey feel t)ey are 9ettin9 3old responses, t)ey (ill be t.rned off&

    #on=t e*er 9i*e a yes or no ans(er& Reali)ene*er a -.estion is asked, don=t 9i*e a(ay t)e ans(ers immediately& Gi*ea pa.se, t)ink abo.t it and t)en 9i*e yo.r ans(er ?e*en if yo. kno( t)e ans(er

    t)oro.9)ly, a3t as if yo.=re t)inkin9@& If yo. are not s.re, yo. 3an al(ays

    9.ess it& "o. 3an e*en tell t)em t)at yo.=re 9.essin9 (it) yo.r body lan9.a9e,b.t ne*er bl.ff boldly, ne*er ar9.e&

    #o re*ie( yo.r stren9t)s before e*ery inter*ie(, and adapt t)em as needed for

    ea3) prospe3ti*e employer&

    Say (e=, .s= or O.r= instead of I=, me= or t)ey=& Let yo.r (ords s)o( t)at

    yo. like yo.r present ob, yo.r 3ollea9.es and t)e employers and t)eir

    poli3ies& "o.=re optin9 t)is 3ompany for yo.r betterment, not be3a.se yo.=*e

    problems (it) yo.r present employer&

    #on=t 9et ).n9 .p on t)e a3t.al (ordin9 of a -.estion& Fo3.s instead on ()at-.alities and B e;perien3es are bein9 so.9)t&

    #on=t be t)ro(n by -.estions off t)e s.be3t of t)e ob& Askin9 abo.t yo.r

    t)o.9)ts on 3.rrent e*ents or abo.t yo.r )obbies 3an yield *al.ableinformation for t)e inter*ie(er and add a ).man dimension to t)e inter*ie(&

    $e dire3t& Ne*er be e*asi*e or )esitant& If a -.estion makes yo.

    .n3omfortable, ans(er it dire3tly ()ile presentin9 yo.rself in t)e best possible


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    $e patient& No matter )o( tedio.s t)e inter*ie( may be, try to s 3ooperati*e&

    #o 3olle3t yo.r t)o.9)ts before speakin9, a*oid .nne3essarily -.i3k


    #on=t e*er be ne9ati*e& nless yo. are spe3ifi3ally asked abo.t s.3) s.be3ts

    s.3) as deat), illness, a33ident or fail.re& Also don=t speak ill of any person,

    pla3e or t)in9& $e ori9inal& If yo.=re like someone else, ()at do t)ey need yo. for:

    2.1. T&e T)ickiest 9*estions+ In some respe3ts, no one inter*ie( -.estion is anymore or less diffi3.lt t)an t)e ne;t& If yo. follo( t)e abo*e 9.idelines and 9o into an

    inter*ie( e-.ipped (it) fo3.s on yo.r stren9t)s, yo. s)o.ld be able to )andle any

    -.estion (it) aplomb&

    Tell me abo.t yo.rselfJ

    BTell me abo.t yo.rself= is a 3al3.lated (ay of findin9 o.t )o( yo. or9ani

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    t)e prospe3ti*e employer& E;a3tly ()at 3an yo. offer t)em:

    "o. )a*e to

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    What do you think about (controversial topic)...?

    S.3) -.estions are asked not be3a.se yo.r opinions are *ery important, t)e

    inter*ie(er (o.ld like to see )o( yo. 3an )andle a 3ontro*ersial iss.e (it) a

    balan3ed and lo9i3al approa3)& Go a)ead and 9i*e yo.r opinion, b.t (it)o.t ).rtin9t)e sentiments of a 9ro.p or 3.lt.re&

    If yo. (ant to play it safe, make s.re t)at any opinions yo. e;press are likely to be

    s)ared by t)e inter*ie(er& If yo. (ant to take t)e safest 3o.rse of a3tion e;press no

    opinion at all or one t)at is entirely ne.tral& If t)e inter*ie(er asks& B>)at did yo.make of t)at mandate t)e ope anno.n3ed t)is mornin9:B Reply (it) somet)in9

    inno3.o.s like BT)at (as really somet)in9, (asn=t it: I am interested in seein9 )o(

    t)e (orld rea3tsB& >it) t)is ta3ti3, yo. defle3t t)e -.ery and p.t t)e dialo9.e ball ba3kinto t)e inter*ie(er=s 3o.rt& S.btly 3)an9e t)e s.be3t&

    2.. =*st t&e acts

    >)ile it is important to be prepared for spe3ifi3 -.estions, yo. s)o.ldn=t e;pe3t an

    inter*ie( to 3onform to a te;tbookstyle format& "o. 3an=t predi3t e;a3tly ()i3)-.estions (ill be asked or )o( t)ey (ill be (orded, So arm yo.rself (it) *ersatile

    strate9ies rat)er t)an detailed s3ripts& For e;ample, yo. may be asked abo.t t)e

    bio9rap)y of a 9reat personality or t)e basi3s of yo9a or differen3e bet(een allopat)y

    and !omeopat)y, !o( to impro*e 3reati*e t)inkin9 or ()at is ).man s3ale: >)at isIS$N: >)at is borin9 p.mp: >)at is t)e po(er 3ons.mption of a 3omp.ter: ,

    @. G)o*p Disc*ssion

    No(adays, Gro.p #is3.ssion G#, is a pop.lar sele3tion tool in b.siness s3)ools and

    for entryle*el positions in3orporates& >)en n.mber of appli3ants is more, G# as asele3tion elimination tool is *ery 3on*enient&

    Colle9es like T& A al6anipal, 6#I G.r9aon, II6s, Tata Instit.te of So3ial S3ien3es

    6.mbai& LRI, I6T G)aipro )a*e also .sed G# for some of t)e entry

    le*el mana9ement sele3tions&

    $.t t)e (ays and means of s.33ess in 9ro.p dis3.ssion is some)o( el.si*e& One )asto a3t.ally sit in a G# in a *ery 3ompetiti*e en*ironment to .nderstand ()at it e;a3tly


    @.1. $&at is GD:

    "o. may find yo.rself seated in a 9ro.p of 2%2 parti3ipants& Generally a topi3 is

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    9i*en and t)e 9ro.p is asked to dis3.ss t)at topi3& Ea3) 3andidate is assessed on t)e

    basis of )is)er performan3e d.rin9 t)e Gro.p #is3.ssions& G#

    >)at are t)ey tryin9 to .d9e: $asi3 skills like 3omm.ni3ation skill, analyti3al skills,

    asserti*eness, 3onfiden3e and inter personal skills are .d9ed&

    T!M% L!M!T+ T)ere is no fi;ed time limit& Generally 9ro.p dis3.ssions are

    3ond.3ted for a period of %4 to 02 min.tes&

    T)ere are broadly t(o types of 9ro.p dis3.ssionsK one ()ere t)e dis3.ssion is topi3

    based or se3ondly, a 3ase st.dy may be 9i*en to t)e 9ro.p& !ere are some do>sand

    don>tsof Gro.p #is3.ssions&

    @.#. So(e Do>s


    Speakin9 first is a )i9)risk )i9)ret.rn strate9y& It 3an make or mark yo.r G#

    performan3e dependin9 on )o( yo. )andle it& In most G#s t)e openin9 speaker is t)eperson ()o 9ets ma;im.m .ninterr.pted airtime& T)e reason is simple at t)e start

    most ot)er parti3ipants in t)e G# are still tryin9 to .nderstand t)e basi3 iss.es in t)e

    topi3 or are too ner*o.s to speak and are (aitin9 for some one else to start& T)erefore

    t)e e*al.ators 9et t)e best 3)an3e to obser*e t)e openin9 speaker& No( t)is is ado.bleed9ed s(ord& If t)e openin9 speaker talks sense nat.rally )e (ill 9ent 3redit

    be3a.se )e opened and took t)e 9ro.p in t)e ri9)t dire3tion& If on t)e ot)er )and t)e

    first speaker doesn=t make too m.3) sense ()ile talkin9, )e (ill attra3t t)e .ndi*ided

    attention of t)e e*al.ators to )is s)ort3omin9s& !e (ill be marked as a person ()ospeaks (it)o.t t)inkin9 merely for t)e sake of speakin9& So rememberJ speak first

    only if yo. )a*e somet)in9 sensible to say& Ot)er(ise keep -.iet and let someone elsestart&

    $ody lan9.a9e is at play in its best form in a 9ro.p dis3.ssion and e*al.ators 3an

    easily make o.t as to ()o is ner*o.s et3& T)is is somet)in9 yo. 3annot 3orre3t in s)ort

    time b.t if yo. lea*e pra3ti3ed properly t)en t)e 3)an3es of displayin9 positi*e bodylan9.a9e is more&

    Eye 3onta3t -.i3k mo*ement of eyes is re-.ired if 9ro.p si)en t)e time is s)ort t)en yo. s)o.ld 9i*e points, ()i3) are

    beyond t)e ob*io.s, and )en3e speaks of yo.r kno(led9e base& Common tenden3y isfor 3andidates to start (it) t)e most ob*io.s points-.otesdefinitions, ()i3) s)o.ld

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    be a*oided&

    #ealin9 (it) topi3s in 3ase of sensiti*e topi3s like reser*ation or 9ender biased topi3s&

    It=s best to keep a ne.tral stand& In ot)er 3ases, yo. s)o.ld try to take a stand and try to

    .stify it, based on yo.r kno(led9e and e;perien3e e*en if nobody is payin9 anyattention to yo.r points and yo. )a*en=t 9ot eno.9) time .st plo.9) on as t)e

    e*al.ators may be listenin9 to ()at yo. are sayin9 sin3e it=s a 3ompetiti*e sit.ation&

    Ot)ers may not pay any attention to yo. deliberately, )o(e*er, if yo.r points are 9ood,9enerally yo. 9et t)e attention&

    6annerism is also important no matter )o( fr.strated yo. are be3a.se of t)e 9ro.p=s

    be)a*io.rs maintain de3or.m&

    If preparation time is 9i*en, yo. may .se a pad and note do(n t)e important points

    yo. (ant to brin9 for(ard, in brief& "o. 3an also .se t)is time to 3ompose yo.r

    t)o.9)ts and de*elop a line of t)inkin9&

    Sin3e a G# is al(ays in a formal settin9, formal dress 3ode is 3alled for& Listenin9 is

    as important as speakin9 in t)e 9ro.p dis3.ssion& It is al(ays re3ommended to start(it) some point beyond t)e ob*io.s or analyti3al points as 3li3)Qd points (ill not

    moti*ate people to listen to yo. and in an ideal G#, t)e topi3 is dis3.ssed t)readbare

    by t)e 9ro.p in an intelli9ent and er.dite manner&

    $efore 9oin9 in for any G#, br.s) yo.r 9eneral kno(led9eK t)e moment a topi3 isallotted to yo., try to t)ink of as many 9ood points as yo. 3an abo.t t)e topi3& If it is

    allo(ed, list t)em do(n on paperK ne*er )esitate to be t)e first one to speak& $.t a*oid

    9i*in9 any 3omment on )o( G# s)o.ld be 3ond.3ted& 6any G# parti3ipants often3omplain t)at t)ey did not 9et a 3)an3e to speak& T)e fa3t of t)e matter is t)at in noG# do yo. 9et a 3)an3e to speak& "o. )a*e to make yo.r 3)an3es& If yo. are not a

    *ery asserti*e person, t)e road a)ead (ill be to.9) and yo. )a*e to 3)an9e yo.r

    attit.de in t)ose fifteen min.tes and if yo. desperately (ant to 9et t)ro.9) t)e G#,yo. (ill be able to

    Try to 9i*e s)ort, to t)e point e;amples& T)e moment yo. 9et a 3)an3e to speak, 9rab

    itK ot)er(ise, yo. may intere3t somebody at t)e ri9)t moment and speak& It pays to

    t)ink laterally&

    T)e -.ality of ()at yo. say is more important t)an -.antity& Try to t)ink of t)e*ario.s ar9.ments of yo.rs and ot)ers= as parts of a i9sa( p.

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    e*ery effort to speak some sensible points before t)e battle is o*er& A3t.ally it=s a *ery

    tense battle for a *ery s)ort time in ()i3) press.re to perform is )i9)& T)ere are no

    9eneral r.les for a 9ro.p dis3.ssion so a lot of fle;ibility is re-.ired to (in t)is battle&

    @.0. T&e "e7 fo) s*ccess+

    a@ ra3ti3e in sim.lated G#=s and impro*e on yo.r (eak area,

    preparin9 yo.rself for all sit.ations&

    b@ Readin9, preferably a (ide ran9e of topi3s&

    3@ 6ental preparationJ .nderstand yo.r style in a 9ro.p and

    )o( yo. 3ome a3ross as a speaker t)en be mentally prepared to.se e*ery se3ond d.rin9 t)e 9ro.p dis3.ssion&

    .Manne)s and Manne)is(s

    Often (e are .na(are of o.r mannerisms& Some 3annot be identified easily ()ile

    some are reasonable and a33eptable, b.t some mannerisms irritate ot)ers and refle3tbadly on o.r personality& Some of s.3) manner ismsbad )abits areJ

    %& 6akin9 noise ()ile (alkin9, drinkin9 or eatin9 or ya(nin9 or sleepin9 or br.s)in9

    and mo.t) (as)in9& nkept )air s)o(s an .nr.ly )ead& C)appals s)o( yo.r feet, t)e

    lo(liest parts of yo.r body& Loose s)irt and loose dresses are al(ays .nr.ly& Ab.ffoonis) (alkin9 style (it) o*er bendin9 does not represent ).mility or obedien3e

    b.t s)o(s la3k of 3onfiden3e& Inde3ent mannerisms irritate one and all and make yo.

    a b.ffoon=& A serio.s fa3e (it) no smile on it reminds not)in9 b.t a dead body&

    '& Say !i= (it) a pleasant smile e*en to t)e .nkno(n, t)e S (ay& Ifyo.=re 9oin9 to do it tomorro(, ()y not today in yo.r o(n 3o.ntry

    (it) yo.r o(n 3o.ntrymen:

    +& #on=t make noise (it) t)e spoon& A*oid dis3.ssions ()ile eatin9&

    #on=t open yo.r mo.t) to talk ()ile 3)e(in9 pan& Heep yo.r plateneat ()ile dinin9& ?Some people eat so badly t)at ot)ers do not feel like

    stayin9 t)ere& "o.r dinin9 plate s)o.ld not appear like a (arfield@

    sin9 s)irt or dhoti or sari instead of a )andker3)ief& Co.9)in9 and

    snee)ile enterin9 as (ell as ()ile lea*in9 t)e room, (alk strai9)t, standstrai9)t and sit strai9)t& Also, don=t look )ere and t)ere ()ile enterin9

    as (ell as lea*in9 t)e room& O*er bendin9 represents o*er).mility, a

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    (eakness& It s)o(s la3k of 3onfiden3e&

    2& Not 9i*in9 a firm )ands)ake or s3rat3)in9 ot)er=s )and d.rin9 t)e

    )ands)ake& ?For, a friendly )and s)ake, yo. s)o.ld al(ays present an

    ener9eti3 li*ely )and, ne*er a dead )an9in9 )and&@ >)ile 9i*in9 a)ands)ake, look into )is)er eyes, not at ot)ers&

    /& Instead of lookin9 into t)e eyes (it) a pleasant smile some people

    look at ot)ers or talk to ot)ers& ?"o. 3an do it only if yo.=*e a s-.int&

    Ot)er(ise, al(ays look into t)e eyes pleasantly ()ile talkin9&@

    5& Offerin9 (ater, fr.its, books or any arti3le (it) a left )and or

    re3ei*in9& (it) a left )and&

    1& 6aintain 9ood post.res ()ile sittin9, standin9, (alkin9 and e*en

    sleepin9& It also keeps one=s mind and body a3ti*e, bold and 3onfident&6o*in9 le9s like a simple pend.l.m ()ile sittin9 and playin9 (it) )air

    ()ile listenin9, are *ery 3ommon bad feat.res&

    8& Raisin9 eyebro(s ()ile askin9 or en-.irin9 somet)in9 or Closin9

    eyes fre-.ently in a(k(ard manner&

    %4& 6any people des3ribe t)eir personal problems in detail irrespe3ti*eof t)e 3onte;t, like yesterday I )ad fo.r bi9 *omitin9s and fi*e bloody

    motions=& #.rin9 t)e l.n3) or dinner also )e (on=t )esitate in not

    3)an9in9 )is filt)y topi3 I don=t take spi3y food today as I=m s.fferin9

    from *omitin9s and dysentery& I am 9ettin9 *omitin9 sensation e*en onseein9 t)ese 3.rries and t)is sambar.

    %%& Not listenin9 (it) 3.riosity and 3o.rtesy& >)ile listenin9 some

    people appear bored and e;press t)eir restlessness, by Cleanin9 t)eireyes, S3rat3)in9 le9s and )ead alternati*ely, Cleanin9 ears (it) a pen

    or For3in9 one 3orner of a )andker3)ief deep into t)e nose and t)en

    applyin9 torsion, Cleanin9 spe3ta3les (it) )is o(n s)irt or t)at of t)espeaker if )e is )is intimate friend or !.mmin9 son9s lo.dly or

    "a(nin9 (it) f.nny so.nds or Talkin9 on an entirely different topi3 or

    Askin9 abo.t 3ri3ket s3ore et3& 6any mana9ers )a*e t)e )abit of

    talkin9 or listenin9 to t)eir .niors, 9.ests and 3lients ()ile s).fflin9and arran9in9 papers, look for some do3.ment on t)e table or talk to

    se3retary on p)one all sim.ltaneo.sly& T)is 3an be )i9)ly dan9ero.s

    for t)e mana9er as (ell as t)e or9ani

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    keepin9 t)e )ands on t)e ba3k or pattin9 t)e s)o.lders (it) a 9entle

    ).9 or s(attin9 t)e )ips or 9ently to.3)in9 t)e 3)in or ears et3& T)ese

    are not bad )abits b.t many people dislike s.3) t)in9s e*en (it) 3losefriends& For e;ample, I myself )ad t)e )abit of keepin9 t)e )ands on

    t)e s)o.lders ()ile (alkin9 till I (as serio.sly (arned by one of my*ery 3lose friends, ()o said, BCan=t yo. speak (it)o.t to.3)in9 Last

    (eek anot)er 9.y did t)e same t)in9, and I slapped )im left and ri9)tB&I don=t find fa.lt (it) my friend, b.t, better be 3aref.l, espe3ially (it)

    ne( friends and some 3onser*ati*e people& In many de*eloped

    3o.ntries, if a boy and a 9irl mo*e *ery 3losely, nobody bot)ers, b.t, ift(o men are *ery 3lose, it may be 3onsidered obs3ene and *.l9ar

    %+& Table 6annersJ #on=t make noise ()ile eatin9 or drinkin9& Heep

    yo.r dinin9 table, as (ell as yo.r dinin9 plate neat and 3lean& #on=t

    (aste items at all, don=t (aste e*en a bit of an item& #on=t to.3) food

    items (it) naked )and& #on=t transfer food items, from yo.r plate toot)ers in t)e party, )o(e*er 3lose )es)e may be to yo.& Tea, (ater or

    drinks a*oid pla3in9 t)em dire3tly in t)e )and& If possible, keep t)emon t)e table or in t)e tray itself& Not t)at (e=re en3o.ra9in9

    .nto.3)ability, b.t, d.e to t)e fa3t t)at d.rin9 t)e )and to )and

    transa3tion t)ere is e*ery possibility of spillin9 o*er on t)e dressJ

    $efore lea*in9 t)e pla3e of sittin9 or standin9, say E;3.se me=& Follo(-.e.e system in $.ffet& If yo.=re eatin9 non*e9etarian items, keep

    distan3e from t)e *e9etarian se3tion& #on=t ask for t)in9s not a*ailable

    like salad, i3e3ream, pan, )ot (ater for t)roat 9ar9lin9, fin9er bo(ls,

    ne( napkins et3& $e )appy (it) ()at is a*ailable& #on=t 9i*e freead*ises like BIt (o.ld )a*e been better if yo. )ad pro*ided (it) B or

    BIf I (ere t)e or9anit be too Specific+

    #on=t be too spe3ifi3 and too ri9id in yo.r dealin9s (it) yo.r friends

    and 3ollea9.es& lease 3ome in yello( .nabi dress, free )air and a

    red rose ()en yo. 3ome to t)e park tomorro(=& Some boys are toospe3ifi3 like t)at&& Gi*e )er a 3)an3e to 3ome in )er o(n style t)at s.its

    )er t)e most& >)at yo. need is t)at s)e s)o.ld present )erself (it) a

    3alm and open mind& I kno( a friend ()o asked )is (ife to (ear abla3k bra for t)e first ni9)t S.3) demands often look silly and de9rade

    yo.r personality&

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    4 4 4

    .AR% 3O TO G!% S%M!NAR: HA% SOM% T!PS

    %?t)acted f)o( pape) ;Ad5ice to -eginning p&7sics speake)s;

    b7 =a(es C. Ga)land E

    .1. !NTRODCT!ON+

    On3e yo. finally 9rad.ate, yo. (ill .ndo.btedly find yo.rself standin9 be)ind a

    podi.m& Remember, ()ene*er yo. make an oral presentation, yo. are also presentin9


    If yo. ramble in3o)erently, a*oid eye 3onta3t, flas) ille9ible transparen3ies on as3reen, and seem ner*o.s and 3onf.sed, t)en yo.r 3ollea9.es are not only 9oin9 to be

    irritated at )a*in9 t)eir time (asted, t)ey are also 9oin9 to -.estion yo.r ability to do

    yo.r ob&

    !o(e*er, if yo. present yo.r ideas 3learly and pers.asi*ely, (it) selfass.ran3e and

    skill, yo. (ill 3ome a3ross as a reasonable orderly person ()o )as respe3t for t)ea.dien3e and a 3lear, insi9)tf.l mind&

    $it& t&is t&o*g&t in (indB &e)e a)e a fe' g*idelines to point 7o* in t&e )ig&t


    .#. T!PS

    1. P)esentation+

    T)e most 3ommon error is to play only to t)e e;perts, t)e rationable bein9 t)at t)e

    e;perts= opinions matter t)e most and t)at e*eryone else in t)e a.dien3e (ill at leastlea*e t)inkin9 yo.=re a 3le*er person&

    Wron! "# you make your talk so technical that only a #e$ can understand it! your

    audience $ill resent you not only #or $astin their time but also #or violatin the

    implicit contract that a speaker has $ith the audience to al$ays be clear andunderstandable.

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    #. !nt)od*ction of t&e topic+

    E;perien3ed speakers 9enerally de*ote t)e first )alf or t(ot)irds of a presentation to

    a 3aref.l introd.3tion of t)e topi3 and sa*e t)e )i9)ly te3)ni3al material for t)e last

    fe( min.tes& In t)is (ay, t)e be9inners 3an .nderstand a si9nifi3ant part of t)epresentation, and t)e e;perts (ill learn some of t)e fine points&

    "os imporanly# everyone will end up respe!in$ he spea%er as an auhoriy on

    he su&'e! who is also auned o he audien!e and respe!ful of he varied needs of

    hose in i.

    ,. S*((a)iFing+


  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    al9ebra and fo3.s on t)e ass.mptions t)at led to t)e e-.ation, t)e te3)ni-.e t)at yo.

    .sed to sol*e it and a 3aref.l e;planation of t)e rele*an3e of t)e sol.tion of yo.r topi3&

    'or eample! as youre $ritin out *mc+ on the blackboard! you should say

    somethin like! ,%nd so no$ $e see that the enery is e&ual to the mass o# theob-ect multiplied by the s&uare o# the speed o# liht.,

    2. T)anspa)encies+

    E;perien3ed speakers often )a*e stron9 opinions abo.t t)e optimal n.mber of

    transparen3ies for a talktypi3ally of + to / for a %4min.te presentation& %4 to %2 for a)alf)o.r talk are .sed&

    +ou needn( wrie ou full senen!es on your ransparen!ies ,alhou$h you should!erainly spea% in full senen!es-.

    T)e 9eneral r.le is t)at t)e transparen3y te;t s)o.ld be 3on3ise eno.9) to be selfe;planatory, b.t no more t)an t)at&

    @. A'a)eness of t&e HallB facilities+ Learn ()ere t)e li9)t s(it3), fo3.s 3ontrol and

    pointer are lo3ated before yo.r talk& Also 9i*e some t)o.9)t to ()ere yo.=ll often be

    blo3kin9 t)e *ie( of part of t)e a.dien3e if yo. stand beside t)e proe3tor& If t)at=s t)e3ase, stand ne;t to t)e s3reen and .se a pointer&

    ake sure youve ot a table to set your transparencies and notes on! because you$ont present a very dini#ied imae i# youre do$n on your hands and knees shu##lin

    throuh your papers in the dark.

    . Re&ea)se+ nless yo.=re an .n.s.ally 9ifted speaker, yo.=ll need to re)earse yo.r

    talk in front of yo.r 3lassmates, 3ollea9.es, spo.se or friends&

    "t is recommended that you avoid $ritin out your talk and then readin or recitin it.

    Alt)o.9) speakers in nons3ientifi3 fields often read t)eir papers, readin9 prepared

    papers is 3onsidered bad form in s3ientifi3 and te3)ni3al 3ir3les, ()ere a more

    e;temporaneo.s presentation is preferred&

    While you practice! try to be attuned to any nervous mannerisms. %void $rinin your

    hands! pacin back and

    #orth! #idetin $ith your microphone trap or -anlin the keys in your pocket.

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    . !n Panic Sit*ations+

    If yo.=re really pani3ked, try takin9 a fe( deep breat)s, 9rippin9 t)e sides of t)e

    podi.m (it) bot) )ands and distrib.tin9 yo.r (ei9)t e-.ally on bot) feet&

    1. D)ess+

    Ne*ert)eless, ot)er people do form an impression of yo. based in part on yo.rappearan3e, and so t)e ad*i3e is at least to 3onsider ()at statement yo.r 3lot)in9 is

    makin9& At t)e *ery minim.m, yo. s)o.ld a*oid lookin9 like yo. .st dra99ed

    yo.rself o.t of bed or sta99ered o.t of t)e )otel bar ?e*en if tr.e@&

    'or men! this means that you shouldnt $ear cuto##s and runnin shoes i# most o# yourmale colleaues are $earin sports coats and ties.

    For (omen t)e same 9eneral r.le appliesJ #on=t look like a slob, b.t don=t dress to t)emines, eit)er& 6ost 3areer 3o.nselors s.99est not o*erdoin9 t)e e(ellery, stayin9

    a(ay from frilly blo.ses and dresses&

    %void tiht or other$ise revealin clothin and very hih heels. /our best bet is a

    tailored! com#ortable dress! skirt0saree and blouse! or suit.

    11. %7e Contact+

    >)en yo. finally present yo.r talk, be s.re not to i9nore t)e people (at3)in9 yo.&

    #on=t stare like a

  • 8/10/2019 Hand Book on Soft Skills1 134


    1et your &uestioner #inish the &uestion. Some speakers et so ecited and nervous that

    they interrupt the &uestioner in mid2sentence to blurt out an ans$er to the &uestion

    they think is bein asked. 3his habit is very irritatin to the audience.

    $e prepared to rep)rase t)e -.estion& If t)e room is lar9e or t)e -.estioner )as a (eak*oi3e, yo. s)o.ld al(ays repeat t)e -.estion for t)e benefit of t)e a.dien3e& It also is

    important to rep)rase t)e -.estion in brief and 3learly if, as fre-.ently )appens, t)e

    -.estioner is 3onf.sed or disor9ani