Low pH-dependent hepatitis C virus membrane fusion depends on E2 integrity, target lipid composition, and density of virus particles. Item type Article Authors Haid, Sibylle; Pietschmann, Thomas; Pécheur, Eve-Isabelle Citation Low pH-dependent hepatitis C virus membrane fusion depends on E2 integrity, target lipid composition, and density of virus particles. 2009, 284 (26):17657-67 J. Biol. Chem. DOI 10.1074/jbc.M109.014647 Journal The Journal of biological chemistry Downloaded 20-Mar-2018 22:10:52 Item License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Link to item http://hdl.handle.net/10033/78494

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Low pH-dependent hepatitis C virus membrane fusion dependson E2 integrity, target lipid composition, and density of virus


Item type Article

Authors Haid, Sibylle; Pietschmann, Thomas; Pécheur, Eve-Isabelle

Citation Low pH-dependent hepatitis C virus membrane fusiondepends on E2 integrity, target lipid composition, anddensity of virus particles. 2009, 284 (26):17657-67 J. Biol.Chem.

DOI 10.1074/jbc.M109.014647

Journal The Journal of biological chemistry

Downloaded 20-Mar-2018 22:10:52

Item License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/

Link to item http://hdl.handle.net/10033/78494

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This is a postprint of an article published in Haid, S., Pietschmann, T., Pécheur, E.-I.

Low pH-dependent hepatitis C virus membrane fusion depends on E2 integrity, target lipid composition, and density of virus particles

(2009) Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284 (26), pp. 17657-17667.

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PARTICLES.Sibylle Haid 1, Thomas Pietschmann 1, ¶, * & Eve-Isabelle Pécheur 2, ¶, *

1, Department for Experimental Virology, TWINCORE – Centre for Experimental and Clinical InfectionResearch, a joint venture of Hannover Medical School and the Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research,Hannover, Germany; 2, Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines, UMR CNRS 5086, Université Lyon

1, IFR128 Lyon Biosciences Gerland, Lyon, France.¶ These authors contributed equally to this work.

Running title : Hepatitis C virus membrane fusion.* Corresponding authors: [email protected] and [email protected]

Tel : 49-511-220027-130 and 33-4-72722644

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AbstractHepatitis C Virus (HCV) is an enveloped, positivestrand RNA virus of about 9,6 kB. Like allenveloped viruses, the HCV membrane fuses withthe host cell membrane during the entry processand thereby releases the genome into thecytoplasm, initiating the viral replication cycle. Toinvestigate the features of HCV membrane fusion,we developed an in vitro fusion assay using cellcul ture-produced HCV (HCVcc) andfluorescently-labeled liposomes. With this modelwe could show that HCV-mediated fusion can betriggered in a receptor-independent but pH-dependent manner and that fusion of the HCVparticles with liposomes is dependent on the viraldose and on the lipid composition of the targetmembranes. In addition CBH-5, an HCV E2specific antibody, inhibited fusion in a dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, point mutationsin E2, known to abrogate HCV glycoprotein-mediated fusion in a cell-based assay, altered oreven abolished fusion in the liposome-based assay.When assaying the fusion properties of HCVparticles with different buoyant density, we notedhigher fusogenicity of particles with lower density.This could be attributable to inherently differentproperties of low density particles, to associationof these particles with factors stimulating fusion orto co-floatation of factors enhancing fusionactivity in trans. Taken together, these data showthe important role of lipids of both the viral andtarget membranes in HCV-mediated fusion, pointto a crucial role played by the E2 glycoprotein inthe process of HCV fusion, and reveal animportant behavior of HCV of different densitieswith regard to fusion.

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IntroductionHepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important publichealth concern worldwide as it is a major cause ofchronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellularcarcinoma. HCV is an enveloped virus thatbelongs to the Hepacivirus genus of theFlaviviridae family (1). Based on sequencecomparison, patient isolates are classified intoseven genotypes, differing in their nucleotidesequence by 30-35% (2-5). The two viral surfaceproteins, E1 (residues 192-383) and E2 (residues384-746), are processed by signal peptidases of theendoplasmic reticulum from a 3,000 amino acid-long polyprotein encoded by the HCV genome[reviewed in (2)]. The E1 (~31kDa) and E2(~70kDa) proteins are glycosylated in their largeamino-terminal ectodomains (6) and are anchoredin the viral membrane by their carboxy-terminaltransmembrane domains. E1 and E2 form aheterodimer stabilized by non-covalentinteractions. This oligomer is thought to be presentat the surface of HCV particles (7) and to beinvolved in viral entry. Carboxy-terminallytruncated soluble E2 protein is known tospecifically bind to crucial HCV entry factors likeglycosaminoglycans (GAGs), the tetraspaninCD81 and the scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI) (8-12). Thus, virus-associated E2 is likely directlyinvolved in interactions important for virusattachment and productive infection [reviewed in(13,14)].Both HCV envelope glycoproteins are the targetsfor virus-neutralizing antibodies (7,15-19). In E2,one important neutralizing epitope is the so-calledhypervariable region 1 (HVR1) which comprisesthe 27 amino-terminal residues of E2 (20-22).Other neutralizing epitopes lie within orencompass the regions implicated in CD81binding of E2 (23). Therefore, antibodiesrecognizing such epitopes may prevent infectionby way of a neutralization-of-binding activity(NOB) with respect to CD81. In addition, they arevaluable reagents to characterize at the molecularlevel the implication of targeted regions of E1 orE2 in the fusion process. In fact, both E1 and E2have been reported to contain fusion determinantsor fusion peptide candidates (24,25), suggestingthat distinct regions in both E1 and E2 maycooperate to complete the fusion process (25).However, little is known at the molecular levelabout the events mediating HCV membrane

fusion. In recent times, significant progress hasbeen made with the development of robust assaysfor the analysis of productive HCV infection intissue culture. These models are based on: (i) so-called HCV pseudotyped particles (HCVpp),consisting of unmodified HCV E1E2glycoproteins assembled onto retroviralnucleocapsids (26-28), and more recently (ii) cellculture-derived HCV particles (HCVcc) of theinfectious HCV clone JFH1 (genotype 2a), able toreplicate and produce viral particles in cell culture(29-31). Extensive characterization of HCVppestablished that these particles mimic the earlysteps of the HCV replication cycle [reviewed in(13,14)]. Infection assays and our in vitroliposome fusion assays based on HCVpp haveestablished that HCV entry and fusion is pH-dependent (28,32,33). This was confirmed by cell-cell fusion assays (34) and by using HCVccparticles (35-37). Furthermore, low pH treatmentof HCVpp led to the exposure of new epitopes inE2 (7), suggesting that low pH inducesconformational rearrangements in HCVglycoproteins which eventually trigger fusion withthe endosome membrane.The majority of HCV circulating in blood wasfound associated with beta-lipoproteins, very lowand low density lipoproteins [(VLDL, LDL; (38-40)], and the LDL receptor has been reported as areceptor for HCV (41). Moreover, lipidsassociated with the virion such as cholesterol andsphingomyelin, together with cholesterol of thetarget membranes, were found to play a criticalrole in the cellular entry, fusion and overallinfectivity of HCV (33,42,43). Interestingly,serum-derived HCV displays a highlyheterogeneous density, of which low-densityparticles are more infectious for chimpanzees thanviruses with higher density (44). Similarly, HCVccparticles with low density (1.09-1.10 g/ml) displaythe highest specific infectivity (29). Takentogether, these data suggest a key role of lipidsand/or lipoprotein-associated lipids for productiveinfection by HCV, which may be related tofacilitated virus binding, entry and/or fusion.To improve our knowledge about the requirementsfor HCV glycoprotein-dependent fusion andinfection, we have developed in this work an HCVfusion assay. Using this model based onfluorescently-labeled liposomes and infectiousHCVcc particles of the Jc1 chimera (45), we

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define basic parameters of the HCV fusionprocess. We demonstrate the dependence of HCVfusion upon low pH and the envelopeglycoproteins. Our studies point to a crucial roleplayed by E2 in the fusion process per se and shedlight on the influence of lipids of both viral andtarget membranes in HCV infectivity andmembrane fusion.

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Materials and MethodsCell culture and cell lines. Human hepatoma cellsHuh-7.5 (46) were cultured in Dulbecco’smodified Eagle medium (DMEM; Invitrogen,Karlsruhe, Germany), supplemented with 2 mM L-glutamine, non-essential amino acids, 100 U/ml ofpenicillin, 100 µg/ml of streptomycin and 10%fetal calf serum (DMEM complete).

Constructs. The genotype 2a/2a chimera Jc,1 theLuc-Jc1 reporter virus, and JFH1-ΔE1E2 havebeen described recently (30,37,45). Jc1 derivativesJc1G418A and Jc1G418D were constructed bystandard PCR-based cloning strategies usingappropriate primers to introduce the respectivepoint mutation at codon 418 of the Jc1 openreading frame. PCR-based inserts were sequencedto verify the introduced mutation and to excludeoff-side mutations. Detailed cloning strategies andsequence information is available upon request.

In vitro transcription and electroporation. Invitro transcripts were generated by linearizing 10µg of the respective plasmid by digestion for 1hwith MluI. Plasmid DNA was extracted withphenol and chloroform and, after precipitationwith ethanol, dissolved in RNase-free water. Invitro transcription reaction mixtures contained 80mM HEPES (pH 7.5), 12 mM MgCl2, 2 mMspermidine, 40 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), a 3.125mM concentration of each ribonucleosidetriphosphate, 1 U of RNasin (Promega,Mannheim, Germany) per µl, 0.1 µg of plasmidDNA/µl, and 0.6 U of T7 RNA polymerase(Promega) per µl. After incubating the mixture for2h at 37°C, an additional 0.3 U of T7 RNApolymerase/µl was added, followed by another 2hat 37°C. Transcription was terminated by theaddition of 1.2 U of RNase-free DNase (Promega)per µg of plasmid DNA and 30 min incubation at37°C. The RNA was extracted with acidic phenoland chloroform, precipitated with isopropanol anddissolved in RNase-free water. The concentrationwas determined by measurement of the opticaldensity at 260 nm.For electroporation of HCV RNA into Huh-7.5cells, single-cell suspensions were prepared bytrypsinization of monolayers and subsequentresuspension with complete DMEM. Cells werewashed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS),counted and resuspended at 1.5x107 cells per ml in

Cytomix (47), containing 2 mM ATP and 5 mMglutathione. Five µg of in vitro transcribed RNAwas mixed with 400 µl of cell suspension bypipetting and then electroporated with a GenePulser system (BioRad, Munich, Germany) in acuvette with a gap width of 0.4 cm (BioRad) at975 µF and 270 V. Cells were immediatelytransferred to 10 ml of complete DMEM and 2 mlof the cell suspension were seeded per well of asix-well plate.

Luciferase infection assay. For standard infectionassays with Jc1 firefly-luciferase reporter virusesLuc-Jc1 (37), Huh-7.5 cells were seeded at adensity of 6x104 cells per well of a 12-well plate,24h prior to inoculation with 350 µl of reportervirus for 4h. Infectivity was quantified 72h afterinoculation using luciferase assays. To this end,cells were washed once with PBS, lysed directlyon the plate with 350 µl of ice-cold lysis buffer(0.1% Triton X-100, 25 mM glycylglycine, 15mM MgSO4, 4 mM EGTA and 1 mM DTT, pH7.8) and frozen. After being thawed, lysates wereresuspended by pipetting up and down. For eachwell, 100 µl of lysate were mixed with 360 µl ofassay buffer (25 mM glycylglycine, 15 mMMgSO4, 4 mM EGTA, 1 mM DTT, 2 mM ATP,and 15 mM K2PO4, pH 7.8) and, after addition of200 µl of a luciferin solution (200 µM luciferin, 25mM glycylglycine, pH 8.0), measured for 20 s in aluminometer (Lumat LB9507; Berthold, Freiburg,Germany).

Titration of viruses using immunohistochemistry.Virus titers were determined as describedpreviously with minor modifications (29). In brief,cells were seeded in 96-well plates at a density of1x104 cells per well 24h prior to inoculation withdilutions of filtered cell culture supernatant (6parallel wells were used for each dilution). After72h, cells were fixed for 20 min with ice-coldmethanol at -20°C, washed once with PBS, andthen permeabilized for 5 minutes with 0.5% TritonX-100 in PBS. After three washes with PBS,NS5A was detected with a 1:2,000 dilution ofhybridoma supernatant 9E10 (29) in PBS for 1h atroom temperature. Subsequently, cells werewashed as described above, and bound 9E10 wasdetected by incubation with peroxidase-conjugatedantibodies specific to murine IgG (Sigma-Aldrich,Steinheim, Germany) diluted at 1:200 in PBS.

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After a 1h-incubation at room temperature, cellswere washed as specified above. Finally,peroxidase activity was detected by usingcarbazole substrate. To this end 0,32% (w/v) of 3-amino-9-ethyl-carbazole (Sigma Aldrich) in N,N-dimethylformamide was diluted at a ratio of 1:3.3with 15 mM acetic acid, 35 mM sodium acetatepH 8.0 and 0.4 % H2O2, and incubated with thecells for ca. 15 minutes at room temperature untilbrown staining of infected cells was clearlyvisible. Subsequently, the carbazole substrate wasaspirated and cells were kept in distilled H2O.Virus titers (50% tissue culture infective dose[TCID50/ml]) were calculated based on themethods of Kärber and Spearman (48,49).

Density gradient centrifugation. Cell-culturederived HCV particles were harvested 48h afterelectroporation of appropriate HCV RNA intocells and passed through 0.45 µm-pore-size filters.One milliliter of the preparation was layered undera 0 - 30% continuous iodixanol gradient(Optiprep; Axis-Shield, Oslo, Norway) prepared ina cell suspension medium containing 0.85% (w/v)NaCl and 10 mM Tricine-NaOH, pH 7.4.Gradients were centrifuged for 15 to 18h at154,000 x g in a TH-641 swing-out rotor at 4°Cusing a Sorvall Ultra WX80 centrifuge. Twentyfractions of 0.5 ml each were collected from thebottom, and virus infectivity and the quantity ofcore protein were determined using a limitingdilution assay and a core-specific enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay, respectively. The density ofeach fraction was quantified by refractometry.

Quantitative detection of HCV core protein. HCVcore protein was measured using an HCV coreantigen kit (Wako Chemicals, Neuss, Germany)according to manufacturer’s instructions. Cellculture medium was filtered through 0.45 µm-pore-size filters and either directly used forenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or dilutedwith PBS prior to measurement.

Cytotoxicity Assay. Cytotoxicity of arbidol wasmeasured using a CytoTox-Glo CytotoxicityAssay (Promega, Madison, USA). In brief, Huh-7.5 cells were seeded at a density of 1x104 cellsper well in a 96-well plate 24h prior to treatment.Cells were incubated with arbidol for 4h, washedonce with PBS and cultured for 48h. Cytotoxicity

was measured using a plate luminometer CentroXS LB 960 (Berthold, Freiburg, Germany)according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Immunoprecipitation. Huh-7.5 cells weretransfected with 5 µg of Jc1, Jc1G418A orJc1G418D RNA constructs. After 24h cells werelabeled with 35S methionine/cysteine-containingculture fluid for 16h. Cells were lysed with NPBbuffer (50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl,1% Nonidet P-40, 1% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1%SDS, 1 mM PMSF, 0.01 U/ml Aprotinin and 0.02U/ml Leupeptine) and the proteins wereimmunoprecipitated using a 1:1 mixture ofProtein-A Agarose (BioRad, Hercules, USA) andProtein-G Agarose (Roche, Mannheim, Germany)coupled to the E2-specific CBH-5 antibody kindlyprovided by Steven Foung, Stanford University.Beads were washed three times with NPB buffer.Bound proteins were eluted by boiling the samplesin SDS-PAGE sample buffer (150 mM Tris pH6.8, 1.2% SDS, 30% glycerol, 15%Mercaptoethanol and 18 mg/L bromophenol blue).The proteins were resolved by 10%-SDS-PAGEand detected by autoradiography and exposure toMS film (Kodak, Rochester, USA).

Chemicals and reagents. Phosphatidylcholinefrom egg yolk (PC, 99% pure), cholesterol (chol,99% pure), sphingomyelin from bovine brain (SM,99% pure) and Triton X-100 were from AvantiPolar Lipids and Sigma, respectively. Octadecylrhodamine B chloride (R18) was from Invitrogen.The human monoclonal antibody CBH-5 (isotypeIgG1κ) was a kind gift of Steven Foung and theantibody against green fluorescent protein (anti-GFP; IgG1) was from Invitrogen (Karlsruhe,Germany). Arbidol (ARB, 1H-indole-3-carboxylicacid, 6-bromo-4-[(dimethylamino)methyl]-5-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-[(phenylthio)-methyl]-, ethylester, monohydrochloride) was a kind gift fromS.J. Polyak. ARB was dissolved in sterile twice-distilled water, up to 0.7 mg/ml stock solution.

Preparation of Liposomes. All liposomes werelarge unilamellar vesicles (100 nm), consisting ofPC or PC:chol (70:30 mol%) or PC:SM (90:10mol%) or PC:chol:SM (65:30:5 mol%). R18-labeled liposomes were obtained by mixing R18

and lipids as ethanol and chloroform solutions,respectively (5 mol% R18 final), and liposomes

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were prepared as previously described (33). R18

was used for liposome labeling due to itsphotostability and the relative insensitivity of itsfluorescence to pH variations.

Fusion Assay. Lipid mixing was assessedessentially as described (33), and monitored as thedequenching of R18. Briefly, viruses suspended inCSM (Cell Suspension Medium: 0.85% [w/v]NaCl, 10 mM Tricine-NaOH pH 7.4) were addedto a cuvette containing R18-labeled liposomes(final lipid concentration, 15 µM). Unlessotherwise indicated, liposomes consisted of PCand cholesterol. After temperature equilibration,fusion was initiated through acidification, byadding an appropriate volume of diluted HCl tothe cuvette, and kinetics were recorded using adual-channel PicoFluor hand-held fluorimeter(TurnerBiosystems, CA, USA), operated under the“rhodamine” channel (excitation and emissionwavelengths 540±20 and >570 nm, respectively).Maximal R18 dequenching was measured after theaddition of 0.1% Triton X-100 (finalconcentration) to the cuvette. Initial rates of fusionwere taken as the value of the slope of the tangent,drawn to the steepest part of the fusion kinetics.Final extents of lipid mixing were the valueobtained when fluorescence has reached a plateau.When performing fusion experiments on density-fractionated viruses, a control gradientcentrifugation was run in parallel to the virusgradient. This control gradient was prepared usingculture fluid from Huh-7.5 cells transfected with 5µg of t-RNA. Fusion parameters of each of thecontrol fractions were substracted from the fusionvalues of the corresponding Jc1 virus gradientfraction.For fusion experiments in the presence of arbidol,increasing concentrations of arbidol were added toliposomes in buffer at neutral pH; after a 2-minequilibration, Jc1 virus was added and lipidmixing was measured. When the humanmonoclonal antibody CBH-5 was used, Jc1 wasincubated for 15 min in the presence of increasingconcentrations of CBH-5 in CSM buffer at pH 7.4.Liposomes were then added and lipid mixing wasmeasured as described above.

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ResultsHCV fusion depends on E1 and E2, viral doseand occurs within a specific pH range. The recentdevelopment of a fully permissive infectionsystem based on the HCV clone JFH1 provides theopportunity to dissect the requirements for HCVinfection using cell culture-derived HCV particles(HCVcc) that are infectious both in vitro and inanimal models (29-31,50). In order to reachmaximal sensitivity, we took advantage of a viruschimera consisting of J6CF- and JFH1-derivedsegments and designated Jc1 which grows to highvirus titers in tissue culture (45). In an initialexperiment we assessed the fusion activityassociated with a preparation of Jc1 particlesharvested 48h post transfection of Huh-7.5 cells.As a control for background fusion activity weused a virus mutant carrying a large in-framedeletion of viral E1 and E2 proteins [Fig.1A;JFH1-ΔE1E2; (30)]. The Jc1 virus preparationexhibited an immediate lipid mixing withliposomes when the pH was decreased to 5.0, thepH threshold which we have recently defined to beoptimal for fusion of HCVpp (33). Conversely, thepreparation of the virus mutant lacking envelopeglycoproteins (JFH1-ΔE1E2) or Jc1 left at pH 7.4displayed only low or negligible fusion activity(Fig.1A). This confirms that HCV membranefusion is pH-dependent and relies on the E1 andE2 glycoproteins, as shown by us using a similarapproach with HCV pseudotyped particles (33).HCV fusion was specific, since increasing theviral dose increased the final extent of lipid mixingin a dose-dependent manner (Fig.1B). However,the initial rate of lipid mixing leveled off for 60 µlof viruses. To determine whether any pH optimumcould be observed for the fusion activation of Jc1-resident E1/E2, we mixed R18-labeled liposomeswith viruses and followed the lipid mixing kineticsover a broad pH range. This was rendered possibleby the robustness of R18 fluorescence toward lowpH application. Analyzing the initial rates andfinal extents of lipid mixing demonstrated that Jc1fusion occurred over a large range of pH (frombelow pH 4.0 to ~ 6.3), with an optimum shifted topH values below pH 5.0 (Fig. 1C). These resultsare partially in agreement with our previous dataobtained with HCVpp (33) and with data of cell-cell fusion as induced by E1/E2 expressed at thesurface of cells (34) (see Discussion).

HCV membrane fusion is inhibited by arbidol.The broad-spectrum antiviral arbidol has beenshown to inhibit the entry of several viruses intotheir target cells (51); in particular arbidol is mostefficient against the influenza virus, through theinhibition of the fusion process (52). We recentlydescribed an anti-HCV activity of arbidol that isbased on inhibition of HCV cell entry andmembrane fusion by the drug (53,54). However, inour previous work the fusion inhibition exerted byarbidol was only assessed using HCVpseudoparticles. Here we tested whether arbidolwould display any effect on HCVcc fusion andoverall infectivity. Results presented in Figure 2Aindicate that arbidol can efficiently inhibit Jc1virus membrane fusion, in a dose-dependentmanner. The concentration of arbidol able toinhibit fusion by 50% (IC50) was ca. 2 µg/ml, inclose agreement with our previous data on HCVpp(53,54). When the virus was preincubated witharbidol before infection of Huh-7.5 cells andinoculation was done in the presence of the drug, adose-dependent reduction of infectivity wasobserved, with a 50% inhibition at ca. 6 µg/mlarbidol (Fig. 2B). It should be noted that theconcentration of arbidol toxic to 50% of cells(TC50) was found at a much higher concentration,i.e. 100 µg/ml (Fig.2C).

Having established the overall properties ofHCVcc membrane fusion, we next investigated theinvolvement of E2 in HCV fusion.HCV fusion is abolished by an HCV E2-specificantibody. Firstly we analyzed if an E2-specificantibody specifically interferes with HCVccfusion. For this series of experiments, we chosethe human monoclonal antibody CBH-5 whichneutralizes infectivity of HCVpp carrying diverseHCV genotypes (17,55), via binding to an epitopewithin E2. The Jc1 virus was preincubated withincreasing concentrations of CBH-5 at neutral pH,and the fusion of such mixtures was then assessedafter acidification in our lipid mixing assay. Asshown in Figure 3, CBH-5 exerted a dose-dependent inhibition of Jc1 fusion, completelyabrogating measurable fusion activity at aconcentration of 25 µg/ml. An approximately half-maximal inhibition of fusion activity was achievedat a CBH-5 concentration of ca. 5 µ g / m l .Importantly, a control and isotype-matchedantibody directed against GFP did not affect the

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final extent of Jc1 fusion activity, while the initialrate of fusion was slightly lowered, possibly due tothe high protein content of the fusion mixture(Fig.3, dotted curve). Taken together these datafurther confirm that the HCVcc-liposome fusionassay is dependent upon the HCV E2 glycoprotein.

A single mutation in E2 leads to a severeimpairment of Jc1 infectivity and fusion. W erecently showed that specific point mutationsintroduced in the sequence of E1 or E2 led tosevere defects in HCVpp infectivity andmembrane fusion without affecting HCVppproduction and incorporation of E1/E2 complexesinto HCVpp (25). These mutations reside withinthree discrete regions, one located in E1 and twolocated in E2. Interestingly, HCVpp harboringmutant E2 proteins with a single mutation of ahighly conserved glycine at position 418 to alanineor aspartic acid (G418A; G418D) were heavilyimpaired with regard to infectivity and cell-cellfusion capacity, but exhibited different fusionbehaviours depending on whether G418 had beenmutated to Ala or Asp (25). We thereforeintroduced such mutations in the Jc1 context andanalyzed glycoprotein processing, release of HCVparticles as well as their infectivity and fusionproperties. When using the E2-specific CBH-5monoclonal antibody to precipitate E1/E2complexes, we observed comparable levels of E2for Jc1 and both the Jc1G418A and the Jc1G418Dmutants, demonstrating that neither mutationgrossly affected reactivity toward this antibody(Fig. 4A). In the case of the G418D mutant,comparable quantities of mature E2, E1 and NS2were detected, indicating that this mutation didneither affect processing nor co-precipitation of E1and NS2 with E2. In the case of the G418Amutant, however, we noted a slightly fasterelectrophoretic mobility of both E2 and E1, adecrease in E1 amount as well as a minor increaseof NS2 co-precipitation (Fig. 4A), suggesting thatthe overall structure of the E1/E2 complex may bemodulated by this mutation, possibly resulting indifferential glycosylation and interaction withNS2. The number of physical virus particles asdetermined by quantification of extracellular HCVcore protein (Fig. 4B) obtained upon transfectionof the Jc1G418D mutant was comparable to wild-type Jc1, indicating that virus assembly andrelease process was only slightly affected by this

mutation. Conversely, assembly and release of theJc1G418A mutant was impaired with ca. 10-foldlower levels of extracellular core protein detectedbetween 24 to 72h after transfection (Fig. 4B). Theinfectivity of Jc1G418D was decreased comparedto Jc1 by only 2- to 5-fold (Fig. 4C). Strikingly,Jc1G418A infectivity was heavily impaired, withpeak infectious titers ca. 10,000-fold lowercompared to wild-type Jc1 (Fig.4C).Consequently, the specific infectivity, i.e. theinfectivity associated with a given quantity ofreleased core protein, was much lower for theG418A mutant and only slightly lower for theG418D mutant when compared to Jc1 (Fig. 4D).Analyzing the membrane fusion capacity of wild-type and mutant viruses, we noted that Jc1G418Dfusion was only reduced by ~ 15%, whereas fusionof Jc1G418A was almost totally abolished (Fig.4E and F). Taken together these data support animportant function of the highly conserved G418within the ectodomain of E2 for assembly andrelease of infectious particles in general and forthe fusion process in particular, thus lendingfurther support to the idea that this region could bea fusion determinant.

Sphingomyelin, in conjunction with cholesterol,enhances HCVcc fusion. HCV is known tocirculate in complex with lipoproteins. In addition,HDL and oxidized LDL, natural ligands of SR-BI,an essential host factor for productive infection byHCV, modulate HCV infection (56,57).Given the accumulating evidence that lipids andlipoproteins are important cofactors for the HCVinfection process, we wished to directly assess therole of cholesterol (chol) and sphingomyelin (SM)in HCVcc fusion. To this end, Jc1 was mixed withR18 liposomes consisting of PC, PC:chol (70:30mol%), PC:SM (90:10 mol%) or PC:chol:SM(65:30:5 mol%). Initial rates and final extents oflipid mixing obtained for each liposome conditionand from three different batches of virus wereassessed. Using this approach we observed higherfusion levels for all liposome compositions afterlowering the pH to pH 5.0 (data not shown),establishing that in all cases fusion remained pH-dependent. Results presented in Figure 5 indicatethat, while incorporation of cholesterol toliposomes induced a 2- to 3-fold increase in initialrate and final extent of Jc1-mediated lipid mixing,incorporation of both chol and SM induced an

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~11-fold increase in initial rate and ~8-foldincrease in final extent of lipid mixing.Conversely, incorporation of SM to PC liposomesdid not enhance Jc1 fusion as compared to PCalone. This suggests that cholesterol andsphingomyelin could act in synergy to enhanceHCV membrane fusion, and that specificmicrodomains enriched in chol/SM might play arole in the process of HCV fusion (seeDiscussion).

HCV fractions of lower density display higherfusogenici ty . As reported earlier, the mostinfectious material in patients’ sera as well as inHCVcc preparations has low buoyant density(29,58). Moreover, the HCV particle has thepropensity to associate with beta-lipoproteins(38,40,59-61). Therefore, we sought to investigatethe relationship between HCVcc particle density,infectivity and fusion activity. To this end, weseparated Jc1 particles through a linear iodixanoldensity gradient and collected 20 fractions. Thesewere each analyzed for their core levels,infectivity and fusion activity (estimated from thefinal extent of fusion) (Fig. 6). To determine thebackground of the fusion assay we prepared acontrol gradient that had been loaded with tissueculture fluid of t-RNA-transfected Huh-7.5 cells,and measured fusion activity of these fractions inparallel. Additionally we calculated the specificinfectivity and specific fusion activity, i.e.infectivity and fusion per given quantity of HCVcore, by normalizing infectivity or fusion activityto the amount of core present in the respectivefraction (Fig. 6B and D, respectively). Most Jc1particles displayed a density between ca. 1.02 and1.15 g/ml. Structures rich in core with a densitybetween ca. 1.02 and 1.12 displayed a very highinfectivity, those with a density of ca 1.13 to 1.15an intermediate and those with higher density avery low infectivity (Fig. 6A, B), in agreementwith previous findings (29). Most interestingly,(specific) fusion activity was highest at lowdensity peaking around 1.05 g/ml, intermediate ina density range between ca. 1.12 to 1.15 and verylow in fractions with higher density (Fig. 6C, D).These data regarding fusogenicity suggest thatthese differences may be in part mediated byalternate fusion competence of the respectiveparticles, and pinpoint a crucial role played by the

lipids that could be associated to low densityfractions (see Discussion).

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DiscussionIncreasing evidence indicates that the hepatitis Cvirus (HCV) enters its host cells by clathrin-dependent endocytosis (36,62), followed by fusionin the low pH compartment of endosomes (33-35).However, the molecular details of these stepsremain elusive and the fusion properties of cellculture-produced infectious HCV (HCVcc) areunknown. Nevertheless, based on analogy withother viral fusion proteins, it is reasonable toassume that virus-receptor interactions and low pHcould trigger glycoprotein rearrangements, therebyallowing the transition of the protein complexfrom a metastable pre-fusion state to athermodynamically stable post-fusion structure(63). Therefore, in this study we aimed at furtherdissecting HCV membrane fusion using HCVcc,focussing on two essential questions: the roleplayed by the E2 glycoprotein and theinvolvement of lipids of the viral and targetmembranes in HCV fusion. To this end we usedHCV Jc1 particles and fluorescently-labeledliposomes as surrogate for the membrane of thehost cell. Of note, liposomes lack known HCVentry factors (e.g. CD81) and the fusion reaction inthis assay is therefore independent of hostproteins. Nevertheless, due to the metastableconformation of the viral fusion machinery, it islikely that suboptimal triggers (e.g. low pH only)are sufficient to elicit rearrangements that mediatemembrane fusion. Similar experimental systemshave been successfully utilized to dissect basicparameters of viral fusion (64-66). Using thefusion assay described in this study, we observed astrictly pH-dependent fusion with liposomes,which relied on the presence of E1 and E2glycoproteins at the viral surface. Together withthe finding that increase of the viral dose enhancedthe extents of fusion, our data indicate that ourliposome-based assay is a quantitative measure ofglycoprotein- and pH-dependent HCV fusion(Fig.1). This is the first direct description of HCVfusion characteristics in a genotype 2a contextusing physio-pathologically relevant HCVccparticles. Moreover, assessing the interference ofarbidol, a small fusion inhibitor molecule recentlydescribed by us as a potential HCV entry inhibitor(52-54), further confirmed the utility of theHCVcc fusion assay for the characterization ofHCV fusion inhibitors (Fig.2).

The pH range for HCVcc fusion was broad (frompH 6.3 to ~ 4.0), as previously reported (33,34),and interestingly its optimum was slightly shiftedtoward lower pH values (below pH 4.5; Fig.1C)than those previously reported. Since this wasreproducibly observed, it is likely that HCVccbehave in a slightly different manner toward pH ascompared to other HCV models. A plausibleexplanation would be that HCVcc fusion, to beoptimal, would require additional factors orreceptors which are lacking in our in vitro fusionassay; this lack could be compensated at lower pHvalues through a high protonation level. Also ouractual knowledge on this particular topic isderived from experiments performed with E1 andE2 protein sequences of genotypes 1a and 1b,whereas Jc1 is a 2a/2a hybrid virus. Thisdifference in genotype — and thus in envelopeprotein sequence — might therefore account forthis pH shift, since point mutations in the primarysequence might lead to differences in the reactivityof fusion determinants to protonation, due tosubtle modifications of their local surrounding.This could act together with the differences inoverall physico-chemical properties of HCVcccompared to HCVpp, notably the heterogeneityobserved on density gradients (29) and theassociation with apolipoproteins (67), inagreement with the behaviour observed for HCVisolated from patients’ sera [(38-40,60) and ref.therein]. Since the morphology of virions ofdifferent densities is unknown, we could onlyspeculate that the global accessibility of protons toHCV envelope proteins might be affected by the“lipoprotein surrounding” of the viral particles(see also below).A first set of experiments was then designed toaddress the role of E2 in HCV fusion. The humanmonoclonal antibody CBH-5, directed against aconformation-dependent epitope of E2 (7,68), hasbeen shown to neutralize HCV infectivity in thecontext of both HCVpp and HCVcc (6,7,17,55),and especially in the context of genotype 2aHCVpp and HCVcc (69,70). This latter remark isof importance, since only very few neutralizingantibodies in the context of genotype 2a HCV areavailable for experiments. It also displayed aneutralization-of-binding activity (NOB) towardCD81 (17,68). CBH-5 exerted a dose-dependentinhibition of HCV fusion in our assay, with acomplete abrogation of fusion at 25 µg/ml, a

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concentration consistent with data from theliterature (Fig.3). This inhibition was not due to anon specific competition between virus particlesand a high amount of antibody, since a controlantibody exerted no inhibition on fusion even at 30µg/ml. Since our fusion assay relies on the use ofplain lipid membranes as targets, CBH-5 exerts itsfusion inhibition activity independently from itsneutralizing and NOB activities. Our resulttherefore points to a crucial and specific roleplayed by E2 in the fusion process. It is likely thatsteric hindrance caused by binding of antibodies toHCVcc-resident E2 proteins would prevent closeapposition between HCV particles and liposomes,thus resulting in fusion inhibition. Similarly invivo, binding of these antibodies may not onlydirectly interfere with attachment to CD81 viadirect occlusion of the CD81-binding region, butalso affect fusion by steric hindrance.Alternatively or in addition, both in our in vitrofusion assay and in vivo, bound antibodies maypreclude crucial conformational changes requiredfor fusion. Taken together, these results highlightthe important role of the CBH-5 epitope in E2 forHCV fusion. This antibody is known to bind aconformational epitope within the immunogenicdomain B of E2 (55), the latter comprising bindingsites for various human monoclonal antibodies thatall have NOB activity (68). This region includesfour highly conserved residues, of which three areinvolved in CD81 binding to E2 (17).The second set of experiments addressing the roleof E2 in HCV infectivity and fusion was basedupon the observation that single mutations in theHCVpp context on a glycine at position 418 led toa decrease in particle infectivity and a dramaticloss of fusogenicity of mutant HCVpp, in spite ofa close-to-normal incorporation of E1/E2 onto theretroviral particles (25). Here we introduced theanalogous mutations in the Jc1 context (Fig.4).Intracellular glycoprotein expression andprocessing as well as coprecipitation of E1 and E2was dramatically affected neither by the G418Anor the G418D mutation. However, in case of theJc1G418A mutant we observed a ca. 10-fold lowervirus release using core protein quantities in theculture fluid as surrogate marker for the number ofreleased virions. Strikingly, infectivity wasreduced by ca. four orders of magnitude andfusion activity was almost completely abolished,indicating that the G418A mutation rendered the

released particles almost completely non-infectious, possibly via inactivation of the fusionactivity of the E1/E2 complex. Interestingly, whenG418 was replaced by an aspartic acid (Asp), virusrelease, infectivity and fusion were only slightlyreduced compared to the wild-type virus.Although in the absence of an envelope proteinincorporation assay for HCVcc particles we cannotdistinguish if these defects were due to a lowerincorporation of E1/E2 or due to poor function ofthe mutant E1/E2 complex in virus entry, theseresults nevertheless highlight the importance of theconserved glycine at position 418 and the E2protein in general in fusion and HCV infection.Interestingly Asp at position 418 is found in 0.4%of the 4822 non identical HCV sequencesanalyzed, which could explain the relative“tolerance” toward this mutation in our studies,while Gly is found in 99,2% and Ala is notreported [http://euhcvdb.ibcp.fr/euHCVdb/;(71)]. Examining the relative hydropathyproperties of these amino acids and in the absenceof tridimensional structural data, one could onlyspeculate that increasing locally thehydrophobicity around this position with Alamight induce rearrangements in its immediatevicinity, moderately affecting virus assembly butdetrimental to its fusion. Surprisingly, introductionof the comparatively large and charged Asp wastolerated much better than exchange of Gly to thesupposedly very similar Ala. However Ala unlikeAsp is not found in any known natural HCVisolates, further corroborating that Ala at thisposition is detrimental to the function of the HCVglycoprotein complex. Availability of a crystalstructure may help in the future to betterunderstand the precise structural requirements atthis particular position of E2. In conclusion ourdata confirm our recent proposal that this region ofE2 could be a key fusion determinant of HCV(25), and firmly establish the crucial role playedby E2 in the fusion process.The influence of cholesterol (chol) andsphingomyelin (SM) on viral entry and fusion hasbeen widely studied [reviewed in (72)]. In theFlaviviridae family of viruses, the cellularinternalization and entry of the West Nile (WNV)and Dengue (DV) viruses was shown to depend onchol-enriched microdomains (73,74); along thesame lines chol depletion of the plasma membraneimpaired cell entry of the Japanese encephalitis

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virus (JEV) and the DV (75), although conflictingresults have been reported (76). The fusion stepper se of several flaviviruses is only facilitated bythe presence of chol or chol/SM in the targetmembranes (66,77,78), whereas the presence ofthese lipids is a strict prerequisite for the fusion ofthe closely-related Alphaviruses. This facilitationis most likely not due to a direct binding of theirenvelope proteins to any of these lipids, in strikingcontrast to what was observed/suggested for theenvelope glycoproteins of Alphaviruses(76,79,80). Increasing evidence indicates thatCD81-mediated HCV entry is dependent uponchol (43,81) and ceramide levels at the plasmamembrane (82). HCVpp fusion was facilitated bythe presence of chol in target liposomes (33). Herewe have shown that HCVcc fusion is not onlyfacilitated by chol but further enhanced when acombination between SM and chol is present inthe target membranes (Fig.5). This majorenhancement suggests that chol and SM could actin synergy to convey optimal HCV fusion.Finally we confirmed a strong difference withregard to infectivity of HCV structures containingcore resolved by density gradient centrifugation(Fig. 6). Interestingly these structures displayedvarying levels of fusogenicity. There was a roughcorrelation that structures containing coreassociated with low density fractions (between1.02 and 1.12 g/ml) were both more infectious andfusogenic than those with intermediate and highdensity. Initial studies of HCVcc separated bydensity gradients demonstrated a broaddistribution of highly infectious material at lowdensity with a peak at 1.09-1.10 g/ml similar tothat previously observed in chimpanzees infectedwith natural HCV isolates (29,44). Furtheranalyses revealed that low density fractions ofHCVcc contained apolipoproteins B and E (67),

components of low and very low densitylipoproteins (LDL, VLDL) (83). HCV particlescirculating in blood were found associated to beta-lipoproteins (38,40,44), and the notion that highlyinfectious HCV represents in fact a “lipo-viro-particle” (LVP or low density fractions containingHCV RNA) has recently emerged (58,59,61). Ournovel finding that fusogenicity, in addition toinfectivity, is highest in low density fractions ofHCVcc further emphasizes the notion that viruscomposition has a pronounced impact on virusinfectivity and suggests that this may in part becaused by differential fusion properties of thevirions. In the context of the natural infectionprocess, the aforementioned factors may play arole at the plasma membrane, through modulationof interactions with the LDL or SR-BI receptorsfor instance, thus facilitating HCV internalization(41,58,84). In addition they may influencetrafficking of the virus-receptor complex on thecell surface and into the cells via endocytosis andfinally the actual fusion step, through subtleprotein/lipid interactions with the endosomalmembrane.In conclusion this study is the first molecularinvestigation of the membrane fusion features ofcell-cultured grown HCV. It is also the firstdescription that HCV particles of lower densitydisplay the highest fusogenicity, which is a strongindication that the lipids associated to HCV,whatever this association may be (61), play a keyrole in the process of HCV membrane fusion. Ournovel assay should provide the opportunity for amore comprehensive analysis of the fusioncharacteristics of HCV and may contribute to theidentification and development of small moleculestargeting HCV through inhibition of the fusionprocess.

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Figure legendsFigure 1. Characteristics of HCVcc-Jc1 membrane fusion. Panel A, a representative experiment of Jc1-mediated lipid mixing (100 µl) with R18-labeled PC:chol liposomes (15 µM final concentration; seeMaterials & Methods). Culture fluid of Jc1 or JFH1-ΔE1E2 transfected Huh-7.5 cells was harvested 48hpost transfection, concentrated (10-fold) and partially purified by ultracentrifugation through a 20%sucrose cushion. The respective pellets were resuspended in PBS and directly applied to the fusion assay.At time 0, fusion was initiated by acidifying the medium to pH 5.0 through addition of diluted HCl to thecuvette containing PBS. The value for complete lipid mixing which corresponds to 100% fluorescencewas obtained by adding 0.1% (v/v, final) Triton X-100 to the suspension. Panel B, a representativeexperiment of the influence of viral dose on Jc1 fusion. Increasing amounts of Jc1 viruses (in µl) wereadded to the cuvette containing fluorescent liposomes in PBS, and lipid mixing was recorded at pH 5.0;solid bars, initial rate and open bars, final extent of lipid mixing. Panel C, pH dependence of Jc1 lipidmixing. Lipid mixing was recorded at the indicated pH; initial rates were determined for each pH from thetangents to the steepest part of the fusion curves (closed symbols). The final extent of lipid mixing is thevalue of fluorescence for each pH at the 10-min time point (open symbols). Each point represents theaverage value of three separate measurements.

Figure 2. Inhibitory effect of arbidol on Jc1 fusion and infectivity. Panel A, Jc1 virus was added to R18-labeled PC:chol liposomes in PBS pH 7.4, with or without 1, 2 or 6 µg/ml arbidol (ARB). After a 2-minequilibration, lipid mixing was initiated by decreasing the pH to 5.0 (time 0). Panel B, Huh-7.5 cells wereinoculated with Luc-Jc1 virus preparations that had been preincubated with ARB at the given doses for 1hat 37°C. After 4h, the medium containing virus and ARB was replaced by fresh medium without virusand inhibitor. Infectivity was determined 72h after inoculation. Mean values and standard errors ofquadruplicates are shown. Panel C, Huh-7.5 cells were cultured in medium containing arbidol at the givenconcentration for 4h. Cells were then washed with PBS and cultured for additional 48h in mediumwithout inhibitor. Cytotoxicity was measured according to manufacturer’s instructions (see Experimentalsection). Mean values and standard errors of quadruplicate measurements are shown.

Figure 3. Specific inhibition of Jc1 fusion by the human monoclonal antibody CBH-5. Concentrated Jc1virus particles suspended in CSM buffer were incubated for 20 min with increasing doses of CBH-5 at pH7.4. The mixture was then transferred into a cuvette containing R18-labeled liposomes and after a 1-minequilibration, pH was decreased to 5.0 and lipid mixing measured. Curves in : black, Jc1 without CBH-5;blue, Jc1 with 1 µg/ml CBH-5; green, with 5 µg/ml CBH-5; red, with 25 µg/ml CBH-5; dotted blackcurve, Jc1 with anti-GFP antibody at 30 µg/ml final concentration, respectively.

Figure 4. Effect of a single mutation in E2 on Jc1 glycoprotein processing, virus release, infectivity andfusion properties of released particles. Panel A, Huh-7.5 cells were transfected with 5 µg of Jc1 (lane 1),Jc1G418A (lane 2) or Jc1G418D (lane 3) RNA constructs. After 24h cells were labeled with 35S-methionine/cysteine in culture fluid for 16h. Cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with the E2-specificCBH-5 antibody. Panels B and C, Huh-7.5 cells were transfected with 5 µg of the given Jc1 constructs(black symbol, wt Jc1; black&white symbol, Jc1G418D; white symbol, Jc1G418A), and were seeded intoreplicate culture plates. After the indicated time points, the culture fluid of the transfected cells washarvested to determine the quantity of released HCV core protein (B) and the infectivity of releasedviruses (C). The specific infectivity, i.e. the quantity of TCID50/ml associated with 1 fmol of released coreprotein is depicted in panel (D). Panels E and F, preparations of the wild-type Jc1 chimera (dark greybars), Jc1G418D or Jc1G418A (light grey or open bars, respectively), were normalized for equal amountof core protein and were added to the cuvette containing R18-labeled liposomes. Fusion was initiated andmeasured as previously described. Initial rates (E) and final extents of lipid mixing (F) were determinedas described in the legend to Figure 1. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM of 3 separate measurements.

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Figure 5. Influence of the lipid composition of liposomes on Jc1 fusion. Liposomes of indicatedcomposition were prepared (see Materials & Methods) and added to a cuvette containing Jc1 viruses.Lipid mixing was then measured as described above; initial rates (solid bars) and final extents of lipidmixing (open bars) were determined as in Figure 4. Results are the mean ± SEM of 4 separateexperiments.

Figure 6. Characterization of the infectivity and fusion properties of Jc1 particles with different buoyantdensity. Results are a representative experiment. Panel A, culture fluid derived from transfected Huh-7.5cells and containing Jc1 was layered under a linear iodixanol density gradient (0% to 30% iodixanol) andcentrifuged for 16h. Fractions of 0.5 ml were harvested from the bottom, and density, HCV core content(open circles) and infectivity (closed circles) were determined for each fraction. Panel B, the specificinfectivity of each fraction in panel A was calculated as the infectivity per femtomole of core and plottedagainst the gradient density. Panel C, lipid mixing was assessed for each gradient fraction, and the finalextent of fusion was determined as already described. Fusion activity is given for the control gradientloaded with culture fluid of t-RNA-transfected cells (open triangles) and for a gradient with Jc1 virus(solid triangles, raw extents of fusion). Fusion activity was considered significant when exceeding athreshold (dotted line) defined as the mean value of the fusion signal of the control gradient plus twice thestandard deviation of the mean. Panel D, the specific fusion activity of each fraction depicted in panel C(solid symbols), corrected from the extent of the corresponding fraction of the control gradient, wascalculated as the fusion activity per femtomole of core protein. It is expressed as specific extent of fusion.The lines without symbol correspond to fractions from panel C below the threshold of significance forfusion activity (9 fractions).

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AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank Brett D. Lindenbach for thoughtful comments, Christophe Combet for help withthe euHCVdb database, François Penin for critical reading of the manuscript, Charles Rice for kind gift ofthe Huh-7.5 cells and NS5A-specific monoclonal antibodies, Steven Foung for kind gift of the CBH-5antibody, Fabienne Archer and Kathy Gallay for the expert management of the Level 3 securitylaboratory from the IFR128 BioSciences Lyon-Gerland. This work was partly presented at the 15th

International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus and Related Viruses (October 4-9, 2008, San Antonio, TX,USA).

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Footnote§ This work was supported by the CNRS and the National Agency for AIDS and viral hepatites research(ANRS) (to E-I.P.), and by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (PI 734/1-1) and theHelmholtz Association SO-024 (to T.P.).

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Figure 1Haid et al.











4 5 6 7


ial r










al extent o

f lipid


g (%






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Time (s)



n (

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Volume (ml)


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Figure 2Haid et al.





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mock 0 1 2 6 10




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% m


Figure 3Haid et al.


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Figure 4Haid et al.

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ial r













2 E



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Time (h post transfection)








24 48 72








24 48 72












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Figure 5Haid et al.


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) Fin

al extent o

f fusio

n (%


Lipid composition







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Density (g/ml) Density (g/ml)

Figure 6Haid et al.