GWM Brochure

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To boost your financial wellbeing

OFFSHORESOLUTIONSThere are many financial benefits to being an expatand a whole host of offshore wealth managementsolutions that can help secure your financial wellbeing.

Making money is one of your main reasons for choosingan expat career, making sure you keep it is our toppriority.

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We know many expats reap the rewards of higher salariesand lower costs. Those travelling to unstable orenvironmentally challenging countries are often offeredbig financial incentives in recognition of the difficultiesthey may face. You may be part of a highly profitableoverseas business where your skills and input arerewarded proportionately.

Remember also that many expat jurisdictions offerfavourable tax regimes, giving you even greateropportunity to accumulate wealth while you are overseas.

Whatever your circumstances it is essential to make themost of the wealth creation opportunities open to you,whether you plan to settle abroad permanently or justuse your time overseas to amass a healthy nest egg.Through careful planning we can help you build yourfamily a secure financial future.

Along with the benefits an expat lifestyle, it's fair to saythat there are also plenty of challenges too.

Settling into a new life in a strange country can be hardwork, couple that with a new job and you may feel thatyou don’t have time to seek advice on wealthmanagement. If you've just retired abroad, you may wantto enjoy your new lifestyle, rather than concern yourselfwith organising your finances.

While we understand this, taking a small amount of timeto meet with a wealth management advisor for a free,no obligation consultation could ensure that your financesare working in the best way to support your future.

It doesn’t take much for you to secure your financialfuture, just an informal chat with one of our advisers.Can you afford not to find out if you are making the mostof your money?

A little bit of planning can make a big difference.

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INTERNATIONALADVICE FOREXPATSOnly the best is good enough.So, you've decided that you could benefit fromwealth management advice from an expert -now you need to decide who is best placed tohelp you.

Finding the right partner to help you with yourwealth management planning is crucial, youneed trust, confidence and a company whowill actually listen to your requirements.

A local firm in your country of residence may be able to helpwith the immediate financial planning opportunities in thatparticular country, however you may have plans to move onagain and that is where things get tricky. They may be upto date on tax laws within their country, but again if youwere to move, then there could well be an issue with crossjurisdiction tax legislation. At Guardian Wealth Managementwe are experts in global financial planning, meaning we areon hand to help wherever you are in the world.

Working with our international independent advisors, youcan be assured that you will benefit from comprehensiveinvestment and tax advice. This in turn will allow you accessto a wider range of products and opportunities from moreproviders.

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There's no getting away from it, we all have to pay taxin some shape or form. However, without the right advicefrom an experienced financial advisor, you could be payingtoo much tax.

Tax matters can be complicated, but there are severallegal ways in which you can reduce the amount of taxthat you pay. At Guardian Wealth Management we willhelp make sure you do not pay any tax that you don’thave to. We will talk you through the potential benefitsof a number of financial planning strategies such as:

• Investing in tax beneficial jurisdictions - we can helpyou to choose the most favourable countries for yourinvestments. By this we mean we will help ensure thatyour tax liability is reduced, therefore allowing you tokeep more of your money.

• Investment choices and flexibility - there are manydifferent investment options open to you, and our trainedadvisors will listen carefully to your financial goals. Oncewe understand what you want to achieve we will look atinvestment plans to help you realise these goals. We willlook at flexible products that have potential to give youthe best return on your investment

• A little relief - without professional advice, you couldbe missing out on vital tax reliefs that could save youmoney. Our advisors will assess your circumstances andhelp you to take advantage of any tax breaks available toyou.

Making wealth management less taxing.

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Finding the right investment options for you.

INVESTMENTOPTIONSAt Guardian Wealth Management we see the safety and security ofyour investments as a top priority.

We will only ever recommend investments that you can trust, andensure that your money is invested in products that are well managedand in line with law and legislation.

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Bank accounts - we can explore the different options available, whether UK-based orinternational bank accounts. We may be able to find you a better deal on service levels,interest and expat-related matters such as fees for international transfers.

Internet trading - Our web-based platform iGuard allows you to access your investments24/7, all year round, wherever you are in the world. Online trading also allows you tomonitor, review and analyse your investment performance at the touch of a button.Don't forget to ask for our professional advice if you are unsure about switchinginvestments.

Portfolio bonds - You can spread your investments across several different areas, whilekeeping them in one easy to manage place through a tax-efficient wrapper called aportfolio bond. Portfolio bonds can provide a regular income or lump sums whenrequired.

Property - building a good overseas property portfolio can provide a regular stream ofincome and can generate long-term capital growth as well. If you want to invest inproperty abroad, then it’s essential that you seek professional advice in order to fullyunderstand the market in the country that you’re looking to invest in.

Inheritance tax planning - this is essential, as not all countries have the same rules.This should be part of your overall wealth management strategy. If you have offshoreinvestments or a cross-border estate, inheritance tax planning is vital.

Pensions - our financial advisors at Guardian Wealth Management can give you all ofthe latest advice on planning for retirement. We will take into consideration your specificneeds to ensure that your pension offers all of the benefits that you're looking for.

When formulating your wealth management strategy we will take the time to understandyour attitude to risk, the level of input you wish to have in managing your investmentsand the specific objectives that you're trying to reach. We will then make variousrecommendations, tailor-made to you, which may include any of the following:

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... what else should I consider

INVESTMENTSASIDESecuring your financial future with a robust wealthmanagement strategy is important and, there are a numberof other factors that you must not leave to chance.

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Writing a will

It’s not the most pleasant task to consider, but it is a factof life. If you’re an expat living abroad, there's always thepossibility that you may die overseas. Should this happenand you don't have a will in place, your family and lovedones may suffer. Writing a will is an integral part of youroverall inheritance tax planning and needs to be attendedto in order to ensure that your estate is divided as youwish. Furthermore, we want to make sure the tax mantakes as l ittle from your estate as possible.

If you've already written a will in the UK, don't automaticallyassume that this will cover your property and assetsabroad. Rules vary from country to country, so if you'vetaken the time to build up a good overseas investmentportfolio, you need to ensure that you protect it for yourselfand your loved ones.

International health and life insurance.

Standards of health care, medicine and treatment canvary depending on where you're living. It is however vitalthat you cover yourself and your family for accident, illnessor injury. Life insurance is essential if you want to makesure that your family receive the financial support theywill need in the event of anything happening to you.

If you would like further information or advice on any ofthese important matters, Guardian Wealth Managementare here and ready to help.

Guardian Wealth Management can also offer the following servicesas part of your international wealth management assessment.

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A STRONGPROFESSIONALPRESENCEFor international investment advice

you can trust.

accross the globe

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Whether you’re looking to invest overseas, or simply want to getyour finances in order, Guardian Wealth Management arecommitted to offering an exceptional bespoke service that is easyto access and maintain.

As we offer independent financial advice, we are able to sourceproducts and investment options across a full range of providers,ensuring that you get the very best wealth management solutionsfor your specific requirements.

Making money is one of your main reasons forchoosing an expat career, making sure you keepit is our top priority.

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General Enquiries +44 800 779 7028

Switzerland +41 22 710 7864

Dubai +971 4450 9700

Hong Kong +852 3796 3555

Qatar +974 4491 5355

United Kingdom +44 1302 703 2128

Information correct as of October 2014. The information provided is for guidance only and advice should be sought before making any financial decisions.

Guardian Wealth Management Ltd cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions which result in financial loss.