www.guildfordreferees.co.uk/ GUILDFORD REFEREES’ SOCIETY (Founded 1925) December NEWSLETTER 2015 Please try and attend. The next meeting will be at Godalming Town FC, Monday, December 14 th 7:30 for a 7:45pm Start. OFFICERS and COMMITTEE MEMBERS: 20013-14

GUILDFORD · Brian Pearce M.S.A. Vic Rolland, Mike Topping, Bernie West, Cyril West M.S.A. George White. ... Income & Expenditure for Season 2015-2016 Income 2015-16 Expenditure 2015-16

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Page 1: GUILDFORD · Brian Pearce M.S.A. Vic Rolland, Mike Topping, Bernie West, Cyril West M.S.A. George White. ... Income & Expenditure for Season 2015-2016 Income 2015-16 Expenditure 2015-16



(Founded 1925)



Please try and attend.

The next meeting will be at

Godalming Town FC, Monday, December 14th 7:30 for a 7:45pm Start.


Page 2: GUILDFORD · Brian Pearce M.S.A. Vic Rolland, Mike Topping, Bernie West, Cyril West M.S.A. George White. ... Income & Expenditure for Season 2015-2016 Income 2015-16 Expenditure 2015-16

Life Vice Presidents:-

Chris Burgess,

Ray Cotton M.S.A.,

Brian Fish M.S.A.

Geoffrey Comley,

Derek Hart O.B.E.

Ken Mills,

Brian Pearce M.S.A.

Vic Rolland,

Mike Topping,

Bernie West,

Cyril West M.S.A.

George White.

John Thornton M.S.A

Vice Presidents:-

Derek Berry,

Norman Brice,

Rex Faulkner,

Colin Henderson,

Phil Tilbury.


Adrian Freeman 01483 894351

[email protected]


Tristan Greaves [email protected]

Vice Chairman:

Steve Ferris 01483 567985

[email protected]

Honorary Secretary:

Brian Fish M.S.A. 01483 420007

[email protected]

Honorary Treasurer:

Bob Dick [email protected]

Hon. Retention Officer:

Geoff Comley 01483 568577

[email protected]

Hon. Magazine Editor:

Roger Hall 01483 892218

[email protected]

Committee Members:

Life Vice-President:

Ray Cotton 01483 422560

[email protected]

Life Vice-President:

Vic Rolland 01483 503631

[email protected]

Shelby Elson

[email protected]

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Official Website:- Official Website:-

GUILDFORD REFEREES SOCIETY www.guildfordreferees.co.uk www.refereesassociation.co.uk



[email protected]

“Another Roger Rant”

The festive season is upon us again, so it’s time some Christmas spirit at the referee society. Same format as before with a raffle that we’ll do on the night and some food. If you have that odd bottle of spirit you wish to donate, please bring it along on the night. If we wish the evening to go a little longer, I can do a quiz on match insistence, but we’ll play it by ear. A quick word on last months meeting, well done to Jason (Connolly) on talking off the cuff on being a level 3 referee. Out of reach for a lot of us but for an up and coming young referee gives you an insight of what you’re going to be looking forward too. Not much has happened this month so all I can say is hope to see you next Monday, if not have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and good whistling.

14th September - Guest Speakers are Vince Penfold and Gareth Heighes

12th October - Guest Speaker is Charles Breakspear NO SHOW

9th November - Guest Speaker is Jason Connolly

14th December - Christmas Buffet

9h January - Guest Speaker TBA

8th February - Club/League Meeting

14th March - Guest Speaker is Michael Webb

11th April - TBC

9th May - AGM/Fish 'n' Chip Supper

Adrian’s Tip of the Week SCROOGES - Save money at Christmas by returning last year's cards to the sender, with the simple

inscription "Same to you".

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GUILDFORD REFEREES' SOCIETY: Income & Expenditure for Season 2015-2016

Income 2015-16 Expenditure 2015-16

Subscriptions (15) 420.00 Referee's Association 312.00

GRS monthly Key Draw (2) 37.00 GRS monthly Key Draw 10.00

GRS Meeting Refund 20.00 SCFA Referee Association

Supplies (£140.50) 29.00

Donation AGM Supper 51.70

Sub totals 506.00 373.70

Brought Fwd 2014-15 2,556.42 Deposit A/c 2,614.21

Inc over Expenditure 132.30 Bank a/c 74.51

2,688.72 2,688.72

RMD November



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Additionally, a longer-term view is taken of performance: any Referee who has not been in the lop 40% oi merit table at least once in any 8 consecutive seasons will be reclassified to Level 4. At Level 4, slightly different criteria apply: referees will be removed from the Supply League Referees’ List if they are: in the bottom 40% of the Assessor Merit Table AND the bottom 20% of the Club Merit Table or in the bottom 20% of the Assessor Merit Table AND the bottom 40% of the Club Merit Table or

in Band E (Bottom 20%) on the Assessor Merit Table in any two successive seasons or in any two out of three seasons. Other factors are also taken into account. Regardless of Merit Table positions, the number of games officiated during the marking season, availability, fitness and administration will be amongst the other considerations that may be used when determining it a referee is removed. I applaud the extension of the old adage ‘if you're good enough, you’re old enough’. Now age is no factor in England, it's all about ability. So we have some very young Level 3s and 4s as well as some of more mature years. Courtesy of The Chiltern Referee Len Randall

Time to clamp down on charging keepers. Leicester’s Nathan Dyer and Totteham's Ryan Mason were battered by opposition goalkeepers when scoring their winning goals, and while their bravery was rewarded l wonder If their assailants should have been punished. Dyer showed Incredible bravery in getting to the ball ahead of Villa's Brad Guzan, who wiped out Dyer with a knee to the chest. Mason got to the ball ahead of Costel Pantilimon and dinked it into the net, only to be crunched by the big Sunderland keeper in his follow-through. Mason had to be substituted as a result. Referees allow such contact by keepers in their follow-throughs, so l apportion no blame to Craig Pawson or Mike Dean. But it a defender caught an attacker in the same way, there would be a huge cry for red cards. Goalkeepers should not be given license to fly in with no consideration for the safety of their opponents. Referees should have incidents like these two highlighted with a view to cautioning reckless challenges and dismissing goalkeepers who endanger opponents. Sunday Mail (Graham Poll)

MURPHY’S MEANDERINGS I’m pleased that Mike Coventry (Chiltern Referee) responded to a recent article of mine, I wish that more members would do the same. Mike asked a question, “Would Tony have acted differently if an assessor had been present?” It’s not something I’ve ever thought about as, on my way up the ladder, I never refereed to please an assessor and never changed my way of refereeing if one was present. So the answer to Mike’s question is “No, I would not have done anything differently if an assessor had been present.” I never ever thought about the assessor, I simply refereed the game and left it for him to tell me what he thought afterwards. I say “on my way up” as it wasn’t the same throughout my career. I’d been refereeing for twenty years in my own style - man management, plenty of chat and cautioning only when I thought it absolutely necessary. I’d been on the Panel Leagues referees’ panel since its inception, two years earlier, when they introduced a new promotion system. Officials met four times a season and it was decided that at one meeting a, senior assessor would be present to have a one-to-one with each referee to discuss their assessments and offer advice and instruction. My marks were in the upper half of the referees’ table so I wasn’t too concerned as I went into the meeting. I expected advice on how I could improve but wasn’t prepared for what I was told. My marks were “okay” but it was thought I wasn’t reaching my full potential and I would get better marks if I was more “assessor pleasing”. It was pointed out that when it came to issuing cautions I was at the bottom of the table on the Panel and -it was felt that I-should stop talking and start cautioning. This would emphasise my control, impress assessors with a consequent improvement in my marks. I tried to referee as they wanted, I really did, but, from the start, it went horribly wrong. I suppose I was set in my ways and I couldn’t adapt. My timing of cautions wasn’t right and I overreacted; I lacked consistency

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and got into some very difficult situations. The harder I tried the worse it got and I started to go into games worrying more about cautions than the game. I stopped enjoying games, lost confidence, my performances suffered and my marks dived. Six months later I was told that my marks were very low and it was extremely unlikely that I would be retained on the Panel at the end of the season. I came to a decision. It was November, and if this was to be my last season on the Panel then I would referee as I, not others, wanted and resort to my old style. When I walked on the pitch for my next Panel game I was in a completely new frame of mind. I refereed in my way and had a great game. I started to enjoy my refereeing again, it was fun and I had a smile on my face. My confidence returned, my performances improved and everybody reacted positively. What’s more, assessors’ reports were very favourable and my marks shot up. At the end of the season I was stilt expecting to be released. It was therefore with surprise that I received an application form for the following season and to discover that my marks and position were back to normal. I eventually spent seven seasons on the Panel Leagues coming off only through age. What I learnt by this experience was to referee in my way, not to please others, be true to myself and that assessors didn’t always get it right. Tony Murphy

Cedge Gregory 1934-2015 It was with great sadness that we acknowledge the life of Cedge Gregory, Woking Referees Society Life Vice President, had passed away on the 21st September following a long illness. Cedge first registered with Surrey FA in September 1960 and quickly progressed through the ranks to referee at a high level including being appointed to the Football League line where he served for many years. He was a stickler about his appearance, always immaculately turned out, and providing a fine example to younger aspiring referees. Those were amazing times to be involved at the highest level and Cedge had the ‘pleasure’ of officiating in games during the time of the legendary hard men such as Chopper Harris, Norman Hunter and Dave Mackay. He visited many of the top grounds but perhaps The Dell, Southampton’s old ground, stuck in his memory the most. On one particular day, whilst running the lines with Mike Jermey (another Woking legend) to Clive Thomas, Cedge was within spitting distance from the home crowd, who vented their dis- pleasure about the officials verbally and with phlegm. Cedge took the abuse in his stride being more concerned that his pristine kit had been soiled. Cedge served in various posts for the Woking Society and was well known and respected throughout local football. He had played in the great Westfield youth team of the late 50’s before taking up the whistle. He was rare in that after his many years on the Football League he returned to resume refereeing at a local level. His experience stood him in good stead, always calm and polite when dealing with players - having dealt with the likes of Billy Bremner etc., a ‘local dispute’ between a postman and a plumber was unlikely to phase him! Still refereeing well into his 6O’s, he earned the kindly meant nickname of the Mummy due to the amount of bandaging he used to keep his knees going. Cedge continued to give back to football in other ways taking on the role of referee’s appointments secretary for the Woking and District League and later the amalgamated Guildford and Woking Alliance. Cedge was a true gentleman and will be sadly missed. His funeral was held at the Woking

Crematorium on Friday 2nd October at 2.45pm where the Society was represented. Peter Guest Cedge was society training officer before my time and l passed in 1984! But for many of us Cedge, as referees secretary of the Woking & District league, was one of the first referees secretaries that we would contact. He was always a friendly voice on the end of the phone, and despite many attempts never did give me a game in Coldingley prison that went ahead! Cedge was a regular at Woking RA meetings and always gave advice in that same friendly voice, using his years of experience in the middle along with a knack of explaining things in plain English. He was someone that we all respected and heeded his advice. Cedge hadn't been to many society meetings in recent years but did attend our 75th anniversary celebrations in 2002. Cedge trained a lot of referees on behalf of Woking Referees Society. In fact, our society would not be a strong as it is today without the training that started with Cedge and has been continued by all of those who have followed in his footsteps. - A great referee and a truly nice man. Bryan Jackson

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The CYC Development

Programme Is Here

November 2015

The CYC Development Programme is a dedicated and bespoke development opportunity

for the Youth Council workforce by involving young people, County FAs and

Local/County RAs.

The Programme will provide monthly online learning resources, practical development

days and a National Conference all of which are totally free and aim to enhance the

experience of those who work hard to support referees.

Signing up is easy - just click here to join our online portal CYC Online to access the

November 2015 content! In the first month we are opening up the booking for the

Programme's Regional Development Days and National Conference!

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Thanks to “Touchlines” Sutton Referees’ Society for all the “You Are The Ref” questions

You award a last-minute free-kick, right on the touchline, near the dugouts which are extremely close to the touchline. The taker prepares to launch the ball into the penalty area so wants to start his run-up from off the pitch, in the technical area. However the opposition manager stands in the way of his run-up and refuses to budge. He insists he can stand wherever he wants inside his own technical area. What now?

……………………………………………………… The home keeper is wearing no gloves and a short-sleeved jersey and his team-mates are also in short sleeves. At half-time, you are informed that TV replays have identified a home defender, and not the goalkeeper, has twice punched the ball away in the crowded penalty area. What now?

…………………………………………………….. A striker breaks his wrist during a game but, as his team are a goal down and have used all their subs, the physio straps it up and he goes back on. While waiting for a corner to be taken, a defender gives his wrist a gentle tap and the player collapses in agony. His team-mates demand a penalty. The defender claims he is play-acting. What do you award?

……………………………………………………… Last Month You play advantage after a foul on a defender just outside his own area. But when that player, in full control of the ball, immediately tries a long ball upfield, it accidentally strikes a team mate, balloons back over his own keeper and drops into the net. Is it an own goal?


The fourth official holds up his board, signalling for the number 9 to come off. But, after the

change is complete and before play has restarted, the player’s manager, who was busy talking to his

staff, looks up and realises the wrong player has come off. You approach your colleague, who

sheepishly admits he pressed the wrong button. What now?


After a goalmouth scramble, a striker sportingly helps the keeper back to his feet. As he does so, he spots an opportunity so lets go. This causes the keeper to tumble back over the line, spilling the ball into the net. The striker wheels away to celebrate. Goal or No Goal?

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Dear Referee The Football Association is committed to making football a game for all. As part of this work we need to who is playing, coaching and officiating our National Game. In 2013, The FA and all of football’s bodies and agencies signed up to English Football’s Inclusion and Anti-Discrimination Plan and made concrete commitments towards achieving equality across the game. One of those commitments was to ensure that at least 10% of our referee workforce was from a BAME background (Black and Minority Ethnic background); reflecting the make-up of our society and the people who play the game. The FA has also committed to make sure we have more female referees and we want to make sure we are able to support and cater for referees with disabilities, from different faith groups, different ages and with different sexual orientations and gender identities. In order for us to achieve that 10% target we need to know the profile of who is currently refereeing. The Whole Game System (https://wholegame.thefa.com) allows all participants in football to anonymously submit details about themselves to help us to do this. When you log into your home page, and you click on the small Rainbow icon in the bottom left, this will bring you to a separate form. This simple monitoring form will ask you questions about your gender, ethnicity, whether you have a disability and whether you practice a religion, faith or belief and your sexual orientation. It’s an anonymous and confidential form, so none of the information can be traced back to you. Why do we want this? • Asking you for this information helps make football more representative. It supports The FA to ensure our programmes are inclusive and open to everyone; it helps us understand if people from certain backgrounds aren’t accessing or making the most of the opportunities to be involved in football; and it helps us to make sure that we provide such opportunities in the future. • The FA Group is required as part of its funding from Sport England and as part of English Football’s Inclusion & Anti-Discrimination Action Plan 2012-2017 to declare accurate and reliable data on people participating in FA-affiliated football • Only people analysing this data will have access to it, and, in line with diversity monitoring good practice, all forms are filed anonymously You are not obliged to fill in this form if you don’t want to, there’s an option to tick ‘prefer not to say’ if you’d rather not share some information about yourself. It’s more helpful to us if you to tick the ‘prefer not to say’ box rather than not to complete or partly complete this form. If you have completed the survey in the last few days there is no need to take any further action. If you have any questions about this, email [email protected] for support or more information. Regards Roger Vaughan National Referee Manager Kevin Coleman Inclusion Projects Coordinator The FA Group Wembley Stadium, Wembley, London, HA9 0WS Postal address: Wembley Stadium, PO Box 1966, London, SW1P 9EQ [email protected] | www.TheFA.com | www.wembleystadium.com www.twitter.com/FARefereesDept

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WHILE STOCKS LAST! Please make Bob your first port of call for all of your equipment.

Whistles Watches

Cards Match day Pads

Flags Socks Shirts Shorts

Please refrain from smoking in the meeting room.

Ensure mobile phones are switched off or switched to silent

Take your glasses back to the bar at the end of the evening.

Make sure you have signed the attendance book.

Note the date of the next meeting—we look forward to seeing you then and have a safe journey home.

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THE GUILDFORD Referee Is the monthly magazine of Guildford Referees’ Society

Its aim is to give members notice of meetings, report on Society activities and act as a forum for members’ views, comments and opinions. The views expressed herein are not necessarily the view of the Football Association, FAMOA, The Society nor of it’s Committee Contributions (on any subject likely to be of interest to members) are invited, and should be sent directly to the Editor at least 16 days before the date of the next meeting. Guildford Referees Society meets on the second Monday of each month, August to May, at Godalming Town FC, Weycourt, Godalming. Kick off 7:45pm The Society is part of the SURREY REFEREES ASSOCIATION whose objectives are: To improve the status of Referees To improve the standards of Refereeing To promote a closer relationship between Referees and Football Associations and kindred bodies. To assist all such Associations in promoting the best interest of the game. To assist all such Associations in promoting their educational and general work. To establish Referee’s Societies of Associations in districts where none exist. To watch over and promote the Referees in general. To protect the members from injustice or unfair treatment. To assist or take action (legal of otherwise) for and on behalf of any member unfairly or unjustly treated. To make such representation to the governing bodies as may be thought necessary for the good of the

game and the benefit of Referees and Refereeing. To maintain a Benevolent Fund to aid members or past members or their dependents in case of need. To assist in maintaining a steady supply of suitable candidates to take the Referees’ examination. To provide social activities, as desirable, and to retain in membership those who have given up active Refereeing, that their experience may benefit the newcomer.