Group 4 Team members: Clara Chua (3), Darilynn Chee (4), Teoh Rui Ting (17), Yap Fang Ying (20), Joel Ong (32), Jonathan Wong

Group 4 Team members: Clara Chua (3), Darilynn Chee (4), Teoh Rui Ting (17), Yap Fang Ying (20),

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Group 4 Team members: Clara Chua (3), Darilynn Chee (4), Teoh Rui Ting (17), Yap Fang Ying (20), Joel Ong (32), Jonathan Wong (36). Theme: Work/Economy. Is risk-taking needed in the working society in 21st century?. YES. What is risk taking?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Group 4Team members: Clara Chua (3), Darilynn Chee (4), Teoh Rui Ting (17), Yap Fang Ying (20),Joel Ong (32), Jonathan Wong (36)

Is risk-taking needed in the working society in 21st century?

Theme: Work/Economy


What is risk taking?• the tendency to engage in

behaviours that have the potential to be harmful or dangerous, yet at the same time provide the opportunity for some kind of outcome that can be perceived as positive.

• Taking an action which you have already weighed the consequences and is prepared to face them if you fail.

• A calculated speculation.


Trends are changing, people are changing, are you able to keep up with the change in this society??

Why is risk taking

needed in the 21st century?

• So that we will not lose out in the competitive society

• Shortcut spend less time increase efficiency since the 21st century is going at a fast going pace

• Trends are changing very quickly and there are uncertainties

• Unable to predict future hence need to take risk

Trends are changing, people are changing, are you able to keep up with the change in this society??

Why do people take risk?

• Some may have no choice

• If one does not even dare to take a risk, one would not know what he's capable of.

• For their passion

Examples of people

who took risk

• Steve Jobs• Grabrielle Coco



Local• Felicia Chin

Tuesday, 11 June 2013 21:00 | By Joanna Goh

Felicia Chin quits school to pursue acting JUST IN: The former MediaCorp actress is no longer a full-time student and has quit

school to return to showbiz as a full-time artiste

She first surprised everyone with her sudden decision to leave showbiz for an undergrad’s life back in

2010. Three years after her departure from MediaCorp as full-time artiste and in yet another surprise

and unprecedented move, Felicia Chin says she will be shelving her books and Bachelor of Business

Administration degree aside for a full return to showbiz.

No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you: Felicia’s back for good, 24/7, as a full-time actress.

This piece of news came to light following an interview the 28-year-old just did with xinmsn about her

decision to resume the use of her original Chinese name (‘Chen Feng Ling’ instead of ‘Chen Jing Xuan’)

and return to acting.

“I made the decision to stop my studies and I thought about it for some time, especially

after my stint in Shanghai where I did my internship,” she said. “After studying and doing this internship,

it only further strengthened my thoughts of really following my passion -- acting.”

Aware of the possible backlash that might ensue over her decision – especially after this piece of news

goes out – the 2003 Star Search female champion maintains that at the end of the day, she just wants

to be true to herself.

“Everyone has different priorities at different ages in their lives. This is not a shortcut for

me or for anyone, if you are wondering about this decision I made.”

Prepared and ready for any upcoming challenges/difficulties

(Why people take risk? Passion)

Time as a reason for why people want to take risk

What exactly is she risking?


In the 21st century, a lot of emphasis is placed on one’s qualifications. One’s degree and qualifications will be highly regarded in the 21st century.

xinmsn: What sparked this decision to return to acting?

Felicia: It was an accumulation of things. I’ve always acted in-between my holidays and when I was in

school. And after I came back from Shanghai, I thought about it somemore. All these led to this decision.

This is something that I want now. When I left, I wanted to learn and grown in that new environment

[school], but now, I want to go back to acting full-time because it’s what I want to do.

Have you thought about the possible backlash you might get for being a “quitter”? You did quit

acting back in 2010 to return to school, and now you’re quitting school to go back to acting.

It might happen but I want to be true to myself. I want to go for my passion ‘cos

that’s not easy for anyone to do – including myself. This is what I really want to achieve. My studies

have served me very well – I have learned and grown a lot from it too. It is a good stepping stone. But I

really want to go back to my passion.

What do you have to say people who might disagree with your decision to quit school?

It’s not a shortcut for me or for anyone. We have different priorities at different ages in our lives. I think

for me, life is a journey; I wouldn’t stagnate myself at a certain part of my life. It’s not an easy decision

but I think this is what I want.

I always felt that I wanted this [acting], but I wasn’t sure about it at my younger age (when I left in 2010).

But right now, I’m really affirmed and ready to make this concrete decision.




• He presented his original Ideas andinvented new thingsthat people might notlike. 

• Was willing to cannibalizehis company’s product inthe name of progress

Risk taking has enabled him to anticipate future trends

He set the trend of smartphones, popularizing the use of smartphones. Contributed greatly to smart technology in 21st century

Gabrielle Bonheur Coco Chanel

1913 Till Today

• Mixed up the vocabulary of male and female clothes. 

• Ignored critics and continued embodying her bold vision of fashion and femininity. 

• Her future was uncertain

-During the World War II Chanel had to shut down (her fashion business as her fashion-conscious customers fled Paris at the beginning of the war, but she never lost faith in herself.)manage to make a comeback,

Gabrielle Coco Chanel

• ever on the lookout for new opportunities

• willing to take risks and to break new ground.

• willing to defy convention time

“Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable,” said Chanel.

Grabrielle Coco Chanel• possibility of discovering something new is what

makes life interesting for her. • has great faith in life and bounces back quickly

from disappointment and failure.

Transnational Terrorism

Defying the government

Risk of being caught

Death/life imprisonment (worse case scenario)

Loss of freedom

• High returns (if succeed) [e.g. Save time, earn more]

• Sense of satisfaction• Boost confidence• Shortcut to success  • Being ahead of others• Take the risk to try new things,

be different stand out• Able to learn more than the rest, push yourself


Why is risk taking needed? (Benefits)

• Focused on dream do whatever it takes to achieve them.

“You don’t achieve your dreams by playing it safe.”

• Risk-taking won't only potentially benefit the career-path you're already on -- it may actually open you up to a world of possibilities you have yet to consider

Why is risk taking needed? (Benefits)

• Lose studying certificates (O’s, A’s etc)• Lose money if fails• Very few people have done/tried it (risk) before. If you are one of first few,

you will not be able to learn from others’ experiences. • Methods of risk taking

– (not many are tested or proven, so do not know outcome)



Despite having those disadvantages, they can be overcomed

No pain, no gain.

How should one take risk in his future?

1. Make calculated risk

2. Intelligent risk- taking


“to be alive at all involves some risk.” •Risk of being alive: Dying•Risk of going to school: Failing exams•Risk of marrying: Divorcing •Every time you cross the road, risk being involved in an accident.

The very nature of life requires risk taking:A small child would never learn to walk, talk, or socially interact without taking risks, experiencing successes and failures, and then monitoring and adjusting accordingly.

To end of…

Not taking a risk is taking a risk to fail“The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.” - Leo F. Buscaglia

•Therefore, we think that it is needed to take risks in the 21st century.


• http://entertainment.xin.msn.com/en/celebrity/buzz/asia/felicia-chin-quits-school-to-pursue-acting#page=2

• http://www.moe.gov.sg/media/news/2013/06/more-jc-students-switch-to-polytechnics.php

• http://www.moe.gov.sg/media/news/files/2013/06/20130605-st-more-jc-students-switch-to-polytechnics.pdf

• http://www.straitstimes.com/the-big-story/case-you-missed-it/story/look-who%E2%80%99s-the-boss-20140219

• http://www.businessinsider.com/why-steve-jobs-original-mac-was-risky-2014-1?IR=T&

• http://famous-relationships.topsynergy.com/Coco_Chanel/attitude.asp

• http://www.1000ventures.com/business_guide/cs_entrepreneurs_chanel.html

• http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/chnl/hd_chnl.htm

Risk Taking Gambling

Risk takers embrace failure. The possibility of failing

Gamblers pay no heed to failure

If you lose, you can recover Consequences may set one back or even ruin one

Calculated Reckless (most of the time)

Taking risk vs. Taking a gamble