Out of the 1700 form 5 students surveyed in SMK Maxwell, the most popular alternative subject taken by form 5 students were Accounts. This is due to the fact that SMK Maxwell has good teachers for the subject. Second in line was Chinese language, with a staggering 400 students registering for the paper. This was due the high number of Chinese students in SMK Maxwell. Apart from that, Tasawur Islam and Arab Language is the two least popular alternative subjects. This could be due the difficulty of the paper. Furthermore, the second least popular paper was Tamil Language. The Economics paper was fairly popular since this was a relatively easy paper to score. In conclusion, different students chose different papers based on their difficulty and availability of good teachers. The highest was the Accounts paper and the lowest were the Tasawur Islam and Arab Language papers.

Graphs and charts essays 170909

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Out of the 1700 form 5 students surveyed in SMK Maxwell, the most popular alternative subject taken by form 5 students were Accounts. This is due to the fact that SMK Maxwell has good teachers for the subject.

Second in line was Chinese language, with a staggering 400 students registering for the paper. This was due the high number of Chinese students in SMK Maxwell.

Apart from that, Tasawur Islam and Arab Language is the two least popular alternative subjects. This could be due the difficulty of the paper. Furthermore, the second least popular paper was Tamil Language.

The Economics paper was fairly popular since this was a relatively easy paper to score.

In conclusion, different students chose different papers based on their difficulty and availability of good teachers. The highest was the Accounts paper and the lowest were the Tasawur Islam and Arab Language papers.

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Reading material Reasons for choosing

Novels Fun storyline

Fashion Magazines Able to keep up with the current trend

News Papers Be updated with the current happenings of society

School Textbooks Revision on past chapters

The survey shows the preferences of reading materials of students in SMK Taman Wahya. The most popular reading material was novels which made up half of the total correspondences from the survey. The reason why the correspondents chose novels was because of the fun storyline it carries.

Apart from that, the second most popular choice of reading material was news papers. According to the participants in the survey, they believe that by reading news papers they would be updated with the current happenings of society.

Besides that, many correspondents chose fashion magazines as their preferred reading material. That was due to the fact that they would be able to keep up with the current trends of the world.

Finally, the least among the correspondents chose school textbooks as their preferred reading material. These are most likely the studious type as they said they would like to revise on past chapters of the subjects.

To conclude, the survey enlightened us about what students read during their free time. Most of them read novels whilst only a handful of them revised with their school textbooks.

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It could be observed from the line graph that during the period of 6 am – 8 am, the highest number of cars and motorcycles were recorded with 1000 and 500 for cars and motorcycles respectively. This could be due to the fact that people are rushing out to their workplaces.

After that peak period, vehicles seemed to lessen to about half of what it were in the first period with 500 and 200 for cars and motorcycles respectively. These amounts were further reduced to about half again in the period of 10 am – 12 pm with 200 and 100 for cars and motorcycles respectively.

During the 12 pm – 2 pm period, the number of vehicles skyrocketed to a whopping 900, 400 and 75 for cars, motorcycles and buses respectively. People are going around for lunch at this hour, thus the great amount of vehicles.

There was a decrease in the number of vehicles recorded during the 2 pm – 4 pm period as most commuters are already back at their offices for work. The 4 pm – 6 pm period marked the final peak period where people headed back to their homes with 950 and 500 cars and motorcycles respectively.

The number of public buses was somewhat consistent throughout the 12 hour study with a peak of 75 at 12 pm – 2 pm. This could be attributed to the consistent service provided by the company.

In conclusion, cars were seen the most whilst public buses were the least seen.

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A survey was done on five subjects to see how well students performed. It could be observed that girls scored better marks than boys in Mathematics with 85% and 75% respectively. This could be due to the huge amount of exercises that they have done.

Girls scored better than boys again in the subject of English Language but the boys scored more marks in the Malay Language paper. This was contributed by the large number of Malay speaking male students in SMK Impian.

In the History paper, the girls did much better than the boys with 78% whilst the boys only scored 42% in average. Again, the hardworking girls outdid the much lazier boys. The same feat was repeated in the Moral paper with the girls outsmarting the boys yet again.

The highest marks scored by the girls were for the Mathematics paper whilst the lowest mark scored was for the Malay Language paper. They boys, however, scored best in the Mathematics paper whilst they got poor marks for the History paper.

To conclude, it can be seen on average that the girls did better than the boys in this monthly test.

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Students preferred McDonalds as opposed to other fast food chains with a 44% majority of correspondents choosing it. This could be due to the low price that McDonalds charge for their food items.

The second popular choice was Domino’s Pizza with 22% of participants choosing it. This was because many students liked eating thin crust pizza as opposed to thick crust.

The third most popular choice was Kentucky Fried Chicken with 17% of correspondents choosing it. This could be due to the promotions that Kentucky Fried Chicken had done in the past such as their free ‘Teh-Tarik’ for early birds.

The second least popular choice was Pizza Hut with 13% choosing it. This could be due to the expensive price of its food items. The least popular choice was Burger King with 4% only. When asked why they chose Burger King as opposed to McDonalds, they answered that Burger King makes superb burgers whilst McDonalds’ is just average with cheap pricing.

In conclusion, different people have different tastes when it comes to food, the most popular being McDonalds and the least popular being Burger King.

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A survey on the hobbies of 200 students in SMK Layang-layang revealed that a majority liked playing sports during their free time. This was because of the active lifestyle practiced by SMK Layang-layang students.

The second popular choice was singing with 50 correspondents choosing it. It seems that singing is able to help them release stress and thus make them more productive in their school life.

Dancing was a hobby of 40 correspondents out of the 200 surveyed. These 40 students were part of the school’s dancing team which performed on every school occasion.

The two least popular hobbies were reading and drawing. Only 20 students chose reading whilst only 30 chose drawing as their hobby. These were the group of students that preferred something more relaxing as opposed to their school mates.

In conclusion, it can be seen that a majority of students in SMK Layang-layang lead an active lifestyle with sports, singing and dancing as the top choices of hobbies.

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Mode of transport Reason

Car Home far away

Motorcycle Have licence

Bus Cheap fare

Walk Home nearby

The survey shows that most students in SMK La Salle come to school by cars as opposed to motorcycle, bus, and walking. 45% of the participants said that their parents sent them to school on their way to work because their homes were far away.

Besides car, many students came to school via buses. When asked why, they responded that they used the bus because of its cheap fares.

There were also quite a number of students who walks to school. 14% of the respondents said that their homes were nearby the school area, thus they walked to school every morning.

A more fortunate group of students rode the motorcycle to school which made up 11% of the total correspondents. These students have parents that could afford to send them to get their licenses at such a young age.

To conclude, most of the students in SMK La Salle came to school with their parents sending them whilst only a handful rode the motorcycle.

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A study on the ambitions of students in SMK Raja Allaudin revealed that the most popular ambitions of students were being a lawyer. A total of 87 students out of the 270 surveyed made this their choice of ambition. This could be due to the influences of their parents as most of them have lawyers as parents.

The least popular choice of ambition was being an engineer with 53 respondents choosing it out of a total of 270.

Apart from the above mentioned, the most popular choice of ambition among boys was being an architect with 45 respondents choosing this ambition whilst the least popular choice was to be a doctor. This was because most of those who chose this were from the arts class.

Besides that, the most popular choice among girls was being a lawyer as well. This shows that the girls in SMK Allaudin are not the dormant type when it comes to fighting for their rights. On the other hand, the least popular choice of ambition among the girls was being an engineer.

In conclusion, the most popular ambition was being a lawyer whilst the least popular was being an engineer.

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The survey shows the parents’ occupations of students in SMK Maju Jaya. Most fathers of the students in SMK Maju Jaya works for the government as a public servant whilst most mothers worked for the private sector. This was because SMK Maju Jaya is situated in a middle class urban area.

Apart from that, the least fathers are self employed and this was the same for mothers as well. About 16 fathers and 18 mothers were self employed in the survey conducted.

Furthermore, for students who do not have a parent, most guardians’ works in the private sector. The 49 respondents may have been adopted by people who are better off compared to the other respondents.

Besides that, guardians who are unemployed or retired made up only a handful of the respondents which was 5. Most mothers are unemployed as most of them are housewives whilst there were only 12 fathers who are unemployed or retired. Some students are the youngest in their family which means their parents are no longer working but have retired.

In conclusion, SMK Maju Jaya have a mixture of students from different walks of life, some have parents that are retired, some still working.

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The most favourite months of boys were the months of October to December in which 55 boys voted for this period. The same could be said for the girls and teachers with 42 girls and 19 teachers voting for this period as well. Such a high popularity could be due to the fact that this is the holiday period for students.

The least popular months are the months of July to September in which only 16 boys voted for it whilst 29 girls placed their vote for it. This was because this is the months where exams are just around the corner and school life starts to become hectic. Even teachers voted this as their least favourite period of the year.

The months of April to June were favoured by the boys as well as the teachers. This was due the fact that the first semester holidays were in these months. The girls were not too enthusiastic about this period of the year, which could be because they would not be able to meet with their friends for some time.

The beginning of the year, marked by the months of January to March, is not too popular with the boys because they have to go back to school after a long school break. The girls on the other hand loved the start of the new semester because they get to meet with their friends again.

In conclusion, it could be seen that the boys and teachers loved the holiday months whilst the girls preferred to study more.

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Favourite Subject Reason

Mathematics Challenging questions

English Language Enhance communicative skills

Science Gain knowledge regarding surrounding and self

History Learn from past mistakes

Among others, English Language was the favourite subject of most students in SMK St. Maria with a whopping 42% preferring it to the rest surveyed. The girls believed that learning the language well would help them enhance their communicative skills.

The second most popular favourite subject was Mathematics with 30% of the students choosing it. The reason behind it was because the questions in Mathematics are challenging and fun to do.

Apart from the above mentioned, Science comes in third place with 20% of students choosing it as their favourite subject. Their reason is that the study of science would enable them to learn how things in the environment and their body work.

The least popular favourite subject was History with only 8% of the students choosing it. Students who chose it believe that the subject History would enable them to learn from the mistakes that past leaders have made.

In conclusion, it is seen here that different people would have different opinion in what they like. The highest was English Language whilst the least popular was History.

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The most popular favourite sports among form 3 students in SMK Sri Selayang are badminton with a total of 184 students choosing it as their favourite sports. They chose badminton because it is an easy sport to learn.

The least popular sport is hockey with only 54 students choosing it. Students who chose it said that hockey enabled them to train their agility as well as their endurance as the sport is very demanding in both attributes.

The most popular sport among the boys was basketball with 68 boys choosing it whilst the least popular sport was hockey with only 32 boys choosing it. The boys said that most of them were influenced by watching NBA on television.

On the other hand, the most popular sport among the girls was badminton with 119 girls choosing it as their favourite sport. The least popular choice was hockey as well with only 22 girls preferring it to other sports.

In conclusion, the sports scene in SMK Sri Selayang is dominated by badminton while hockey is only played by a small group of students.

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Preferred movie Reason

Horror Scary yet thrilling

Action Thriller Full of action

Love and Romance Touching

Comedy Just for a laugh

Most of the students of SMK Jalan Loke Yew preferred to watch comedies. 45% of the respondents said that they watched comedies just for a laugh.

Apart from that, quite a number of students opted for action thrillers as they said they loved movies that are full of actions.

Besides that, the least popular genre of movie that is preferred was horror films with only 13% of the respondents choosing that. The horror movie goers testified that horror films are scary yet thrilling to watch.

Furthermore, the second least popular movie genre was love and romance. Although it was the second least popular genre, it fell short of action thrillers by a mere 2%. Love and romance movie goers testified that they liked watching movies that are touching.

In conclusion, the movie preferences of SMK Jalan Loke Yew is well diversified with comedies being the most popular whilst horror films being the least popular.

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The most number children in a bus was during the 12 pm to 3 pm period in which school students left for school as well as returned from school using the public bus service. The least number of children was during the 9 am to 12 pm period with only 16 children on the bus.

The number of adult male passengers was the least within the four periods recorded. This was because most adult males drove to work and back home.

There were a substantial number of adult female passengers in the bus at peak hours such as 3 pm to 6 pm and 6 am to 9 am. This was the time when passengers left for work or were heading back home.

The lowest number of passengers was recorded during the 9 am to 12 pm period. This was the time where students left for school early and parents were working.

In conclusion, passengers in the bus were mostly children and adult females which used it to commute to school and work respectively.

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The different modes of communication used in 1999 and 2009 were house phones, letters, computers and mobile phones.

In the year 1999, the most popular mode of communication was the letter. 47% of correspondences were made using letters or snail mail. Mobile phones were the least popular mode of communication used back then as it was newly introduced.

House phones were used quite frequently for communication back then as almost every house had a fixed phone line. Besides that, computers are only used by the rich families back then as they were pricey, thus only 15% used it for communication.

In the year 2009, computers dominated the communication scene with a whopping 43% opting for it. Emails and short messages via instant messengers were used for communicating. Mobile phones took over the role of house phones as the device and service became cheaper to obtain. Letters were only used for formal dealings and no more as a mean of casual communication.

In conclusion, the communication scene is being dominated by electronic gadgets such as the mobile phone and the computer.