GRAMMAR and Sentences

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  • 7/24/2019 GRAMMAR and Sentences



    GRAMMAR ........................................................................................................................1/30

    GRAMMAR KEY.............................................................................................................25/30

    Version: 5.1 02/2015

  • 7/24/2019 GRAMMAR and Sentences




    Remember the word SVOMPT. It will help you to construct English sentences:

    S V O M P T



    !erb objec "#nner $%#ce i"e

    I saw Robert at school on Monday.

    He passed the exam easily.


    '() V S 'V) O M P T


    what who when where why which how

    1. Yes/+o ,uesions:

    Inversion: a. verb to be: - #"late. - A" -late !es" you are. # $o" you are not.

    b. modal verbs: e c#ntype. - #n etype !es" he can. # $o" he can%t.

    c. have got: - #!e oa computer. - #!eouoa computer - !es" I have. # $o" I haven%t.

    &uxiliary: other verbs: 'hey (inished yesterday. i4they (inish yesterday

    !es" they did. # $o" they didn%t.

    2. ( ,uesions 'usin what, who, when, where, why, which, how):

    $o auxiliary when as)ing about thesubject:

    (omade the ca)e Rosiemade it.

    &uxiliary when as)ing about the object, manner, placeor time:

    (odid you meet I met P#u%.

    (eredoes he wor)

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    *reposition at the end o( the sentence:

    (odo you live 6i (#are you loo)ing # (#%s the weather %i7e

    3. A%ern#i!e ,uesions 'coice):

    +ould you li)e tea or co((ee 'ea" please.

    8. -n4irec ,uesions:

    +ho #re ose $eo$%e o ou 7no6who ose $eo$%e #re ,no inversion: - / +hat 4oes se 6#n - 4on9 7no6what se 6#ns. ,no auxiliary/

    0an he help us I don%t )now i/6eerhe can help us. ,yes#no 1uestions/


    1. Arr#ne ese 6or4s in e ri or4er.

    a. in the lab # you shouldn%t wor) # at night 222..22222222222222.

    b. this chapter # you should study # more care(ully 222222222222222.

    c. the pro3ect # when # (inish # the students # did # 222222222222222

    d. saw # the experiment # who # 2222222222222222222222.

    e. en3oyed # the lectures # have # the students 22222222222222222.

    (. decomposes # acid # at once # carbonic 2222222222222222222.

    g. electricity # water power # can # ma)e # cheap 2222222222222222..

    h. smo)e # students # in the lab # may # 2222222222222222222..

    2. Arr#ne ese 6or4s in e ri or4er.

    a. your article # I # in # 1uic)ly # last night # bed # read


    b. till # a(ternoon # wor)ed # 4 o%cloc) # the students # this

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    c. gases # to # dioxide # allow # carbon # sun%s # and # enter # rays # other # the


    d. climate # models # warming # indicate # computer # o( # changes # conse1uences # o( # some# Earth # a

    2222222222222222222222222222222222..e. oxide # released # in # coal # nitrous # o( # burning # is # the


    (. destroy # can # micro-organisms # coo)ing # the # only # completely


    3. M#7e ,uesions o #s7 #bou e un4er%ine4 s#e"ens usin who

  • 7/24/2019 GRAMMAR and Sentences


    tudents may obtain certain scholarships. 'hese may be granted either automatically (or

    excellent study results or on the basis o( excellent research achievements" cultural or sports

    activities" and also to aid in the cases o( serious social problems.

    9raduates o( the Institute usually (ind employment in plants and research laboratories o(

    chemical and (ood industries as well as in various research institutes.

    a. &cademic !ears 222222222222222222222222222...

    b. in 7uly and &ugust 222222222222222222222222222

    c. three years 222222222222222222222222222222

    d. postgraduate courses (or *h5 students 2222222222222222222

    e. every student 22222222222222222222222222222

    (. excellent study results2222222222222222222222222...

    g. chemical and (ood 222222222222222222222222222

    =or "ore $r#cice see:

    L.G.Alexander: Longman English Grammar Practice, Longman 199, pp. !"9

    #a$mond %urph$: English Grammar in &se, 'ambridge !(, )hird edition, pp. 9*"99, 1!"1+

    %ichael -an 'atherine /alter: 0o- English /ors, 2x3ord 1994, pp. !1"!11


    1. Present SimpleIt is a regularly recurring story in the presence of fundamental importance.This tense is most frequently used in professional eg chemical and otherliterature , as described processes and conditions are usually virtuallywithout any consideration to the specic time . Using the present tense of

    the verb then has nothing to do with a present time and present time therehas timeless relevance , which applies universally . Present Simple epressesthe general validity of the claim .

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    =or"#: - s: he" she" it spea)s he" she watches< he studies

    !egative is formed auiliary verb do not " do not, does not " does not # the basic form$ innitive % semantic word without it &

    I don%t wor)" she doesn%t study

    The question is formed using the auiliary verb do , does # basic shape without semanticverb 'do'

    +e need a good technical dictionary in order to understand the article.

    0hemistry is a science which deals with substances.

    In the lab we don%t use these dangerous chemicals.

    He doesn%t study at our university.

    ( form of passive voice is formed forms of the verb 'be' and the past participle $past

    participle % semantic verb

    'he laboratory is e1uipped with experimental technology.

    Many scienti(ic terms are un)nown to non-scientists.

    2. Present Continuous

    This time is used to describe a story that ta)es place right now, at any given time . Thispresence is of course to be understood more broadly than *ust the immediate , ongoingmoment. !ot only in technical language , but also in everyday epression , it is the breadth

    conceived present time or trend.

    +orm& forms of the verb 'to be' $ am , is , are % # called . ing +orm of a verb semantic .

    &t the moment 'om is analysing the substance.

    Mary is studying at 0ambridge this year.

    0hanges in the amount o( ice (loating in the polar oceans are causing sea levels to rise.

    ( form of passive voice is formed forms of the verb 'be' # continual shape being # Pastparticiple $ past participle % semantic verb

    *olarographic methods are being used in the analysis o( metals now. 'he problem is being intensively studied these days.

    -ontinuous present time is also used to epress the socalled . !ear future . +uture isepressed proverbial specifying time , for eample . Tomorrow , net wee) , etc. , when thisis an epression of condence that the story ta)es place , and events and activities that areplanned and prepared .

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    &ccording to the programme we are carrying out the experiment next Monday.

    I am seeing the director tomorrow at ; o%cloc).

    -ontinuous shapes form the verb action , action $ action verbs % , for eample . Sing , teach ,

    study, tal) , listen , play, sit , write , spea) , travel etc. This rule also applies to all othernglish tenses ie . Past , future , present perfect , past perfect , future perfect .

    Beware ! Non -action verbs do not form a continuous tenses !This is the thin)ing of the verb $ verbs of thin)ing % , for eample . /now , remember ,0ecogni1e , notice , understand , forget 2 feeling, sensation $ feeling of verbs %, eg . li)e , love, want , hate 2 sensory perception verbs $ verbs of senses % see , hear , smell , taste 2 Someother verbs , eg . include , matter , cost , prefer , mean , t, need .

    'he matter consists o( small particles.

    Beware! Some verbs have two di3erent meanings &

    a% active4 also form continuous form , eg . loo) at 4 to loo) at something , taste sth .4 Taste something , feel and material 4 grappling, eplore tactile material , have putin phrases 4 something , thin) of " about 4 to thin) about , thin) of someone "something .

    he is having lunch at the moment.

    *lease be 1uiet< I%m thin)ing.

    +hy are you smelling the mixture

    b) Inactive 4 do not constitute a continuous form& 4 loo) , loo) $ he loo)s tired % 4 taste

    taste, feel 4 sense to have 4 possess, have , thin) 4 thin)ing $being of the opinion %

    'his 3uice tastes good.

    I thin) you%re right.

    'hey have a new =5 printer.

    . Present Per!ect Simple

    This time epresses the last action that too) place in a vague , unspecied past, not isolatedfrom the presence of sharp boundary , but it is related to the presence of either theirconsequences or duration. Usually epresses the consequences of past actions and translate

    it into -1ech do)onav5ho past tense of the verb $often we can add ' already ' ' already' % .If, however, epresses the perfect storyline that began in the past and still eists in thepresent, it corresponds to the -1ech translation of the ma*ority present time .

    The most common time determinations that relate to the indenite past and are associatedwith p6edp67tomn8m time , eg & already , yet , not # yet , *ust , never , ever , always , often,once , before , 0ecently , 9ately ... $ three , Several % times , so far , as well as connections touse for ... $ two years % since .

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    Forma : forms of the verb ' have' have " has # past participle $ past participle % semanticverbs

    'he rain has already ruined the tomato crops.

    +e still haven%t discovered li(e on other planets. I have )nown him since we met at university.

    a form of passive voice is formed forms of the verb " have" - have / has + been +past participle ( past participle ) semantic verb

    Many uses o( this method have been described in the literature.

    'he polarographic method has been )nown (or many years.

    'hese views have aroused considerable interest.

    ". Present Per!ect Continuous

    This time epresses the storyline that began in the past and continues at the time refers tohim , or if we want to epress the length of this happening. (lso, if the plot was carried outfor some time in an unspecied , mostly near future and the past is the presence of certainconsequences . -1ech translate it into present time.

    Forma:forms of the verb have have/has + been + - ing semantic form of the verb

    I have been wor)ing in this institute since >???.

    He has been waiting (or the results (or an hour.

    He can%t drive. He has been drin)ing.

    'he barometer has been rising since yesterday.

    Present perfect continuous tense does not passive, uses the passive present perfect simple .

    'he laboratory has been reconstructed since >??@.

    'hese results have been published regularly in some periodicals.

    #. Past Simple

    This time epresses the storyline that began in the past and nished well in the past ,without its consequences etending to the present. The past tense refers to someidentiable period of previous use of time to determine the type yesterday , last wee) ,

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    three hours ago , :hen I was young , the other day , in the eighteenth century etc. 9ast plotmay be included in some of the past also minor sentence . -1ech entirely consistent with theprevious time in the aspect consummated .

    Forma: verbs use the regular terminal i.e.: he worked, I cried, we travelled; Irregular verbs we use a separate form intended for the last time

    8ec1uerel discovered radioactivity in ABCD.

    ong ago" people built houses o( wood.

    It started during those (irst months when I moved there" a(ter he went abroad.

    a form of passive voice is formed forms of the verb ; .

    $. Past Tense Continuous

    This describes the last time the plot , plot a temporary period , which ran past a certain point, or prolonged time past . (lso epresses plot last repeated . =ery often provides aframewor) or a bac)ground for the main action of the sentence. :e translate into c1echmostly past tense form of the verb imperfect aspect .

    I was wor)ing on my thesis ,(or/ several months.

    :or)ed $ and % I was on my dissertation $ Ph> % wor) for several months .

    Forma: forms of the verb ; be ; for the last time was " were # ing form of the verb semantic

    He was wor)ing on his thesis (or several months last school term.

    5uring the experiment he was using several bea)ers" test tubes and (unnels.

    Gleming 6#s su4inin(luen6a when he discovered penicillin.

    ( form of passive voice is formed forms of the verb ; be ; was " were # being # past

    participle of the verb semantic

    'hat new element was being examined (or a long time.

    5uring the experiment both li1uids were being slowly heated.

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    %. Past Per!ect Simple

    Pluperfect epresses and describes the last plot that ended before another storyline past orended or was terminated within a certain time in the past. -1ech to translate this process intime past , with precocity , which this time is epressed in nglish, -1ech formally remainsunepressed .

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    (uture Tense Simple

    +uture simple form epresses its storyline , which will ta)e place in the future or futurestate , both in t1v.neutr?ln7 future. It is used for the epression of opinion on future events ,hopes , predictions, promises or threats , immediate decisions , o3ering assistance and soon.

    Forma:we create using the auiliary verb will # innitive verb semantic no ; ; to ; ;

    It will be used for all those single and plural. Shall the shape and is used to epress futuretime for @.osobu @.osobu single and plural 2 Its use remains mainly in the form of multimodal tinge.

    'his container will hold ; liters o( petrol

    +e will only per(orm a preliminary analysis.

    I will return # I shall return to this possibility later.

    I thin) he won %t (inish in time.

    hall I prepare the e1uipment (or the experiment now

    ( form of passive voice is formed by the auiliary verb will # be # past participle semanticverbs

    'his container will be (illed with sulphur acid.

    &ll the experiment will be repeated several times.

    'he con(erence will be held next wee) in ondon.

    (uture Tense Continuous

    +uture continuous tense epresses action , which will ta)e place in a certain well)nown orspecied time . Time is given concrete proverbial specifying the time or any other timeepressions .

    Forma: we create using the auiliary verb will # be # ing form of the verb semantic

    He will be leaving in a (ew days.

    !ou will be hearing (rom us in any case.

    +e will be wor)ing in the lab whole day tomorrow.

    Ather ways of epressing the future:

    Present simple to epress future happening that is precisely determined ,determined according to the program schedule etc.

    - 'he lecture starts on 'uesday at A?.- 'he last train leaves at >?.4?.

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    Present continuous to epress plan or happening that is condent and preparedin advance

    - I am seeing the new director tomorrow morning.

    - He is studying at !ale niversity next school term.

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    &. Roentgen showed that the -rays could penetrate matter.

    8. Roentgen reported that he had discovered a new )ind o( rays.

    0. Roentgen reported that in ABCA he discovered a new )ind o( rays.

    5. It was not )nown i( the results o( tests would be use(ul.

    E. 0hemists (ound that all organic compounds contain carbon.

    Sequence of tenses $ Sequence of Tenses , -1ech term also time sequence % understand thedependence of the shape of certain verbs in the net sentence in question time to the verbin the main or control sentence.

    The essence of the concept of time sequence is the last story that ended in the past anddoes not go to the real presence or in the future , such as a closed unit , which can not use

    present, past and future tense in terms of actual real presence .BBB If the main sentence in past time $ e.g. , ' Ce Said ', 'I (s)ed ', ' she thought ' % , thistime must also correspond to the times in the sentence side $ unli)e -1ech % . Practically,there is a shift of the ' one time bac) .'

    If it is in nglish $ it also relates to other languages % verb in the main clause in the present,future or past perfect , tense of the verb in the subordinate clause is not a3ected and doesnot change . Similarly , if it is still a valid statement or general in these cases, the timedi3erence is not necessary.

    -n4irec s$eec #n4 in4irec ,uesion0ules actual sequence applied in indirect speech , ie . The reproduction of direct speech , ordirect questions after verbs with the meaning of spea)ing , thin)ing and perception , foreample . Say , tell , as) , answer , reply , announce , report , write , read , want to )now ,)now , learn $ to learn % feel. Subordinate clause is connected to the control clutch Thatsentence 4 that which may be omitted $in particular call% , that does not infringe meaning of

    the sentence .

    I told you I wouldnt forget. I told you, Iforget.She promised she would send some information. She promised to send someinformation.

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    e often asks how you live. Aften as)s how you live.She didnt know where her sister was. She did not )now where her sister.

    :arrant or request is presented in indirect speech verbs as) , tell , order , etc .

    Imperative is et in indirect speech chaned to the innitive #

    'he teacher said to his students: J5on%t do it.K

    'he teacher told ,as)ed/ his students no odo it.

    +oice:@ % :hen you change direct speech to indirect changes and personal pronouns andadverbials of time and place, eg .&

    ERE > TERELI would love to live here.L He said he would love to live there.

    T-S > TATLI didn%t li)e this movie.L He said he hadn%t li)ed that movie.

    +O( > TE+< AT TAT MOME+T

    LI want to go there now.L He said he wanted to go there at that moment.LI dont want to do it now.L He said he didnt want to do it then.

    TOAY< T-S MO+T... > TAT AY< TAT MO+T

    LI havenNt seen him today.L He said he hadn%t seen him that day.

    LI en3oy the classes this year.L He said he en3oyed the classes that year.

    AGO > ?E=ORE

    LI sent the email three days ago.L He said he had sent the email three days be(ore.

    YESTERAY< @AST MO+T > TE AY ?E=ORE< TE PREV-OS...LI called you yesterday.L He said he had called me the day be(ore.

    Last month was very sunny.L He said the previous month had been very sunny.

    TOMORRO(< +EBT MO+T > TE =O@@O(-+G AY...

    LIll buy it tomorrow.L He said he would buy it the (ollowing day.

    LIll travel there next summer.LHe said he would travel there the (ollowingsummer.

    'irec s$eec):

    *ro(essor 9reen said:JI was here" in this laboratory" yesterdayK.

    '-n4irec/Re$ore4 s$eec):

    *ro(essor 9reen said that he had been there" in that laboratory" the day be(ore.

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    Gor more details see e.g. English 9rammar in se (or intermediate students Raymond Murphy

    Intermediate anguage *ractice - Michael ince

    Girst 0erti(icate anguage *ractice Michael ince


    1. oose e correc or" o Presen Tense. Gi!e e re#sons o our coice be6eene si"$%e #n4 coninuous or"s.

    A. Mary is -oring5-or5-orsin the laboratory with nitric acid every day. >. 9eorge is busy

    now. He test5tests5is testing the content o( sugar in the specimen o( a newly manu(actured (ruit

    3am. =. Are $ou regularl$ using#do $ou regularl$ use sweeteners in your morning tea orco((ee 4. $ot all li1uids boil5are boiling at A??O0. ;. &ntioxidants are pla$ing5pla$ an

    important role in (ood preservation.


    2. Pu e !erbs in br#c7es in e correc ense.

    A. oo) at &nne%s vessel< he 2222.. ,dye/ the solution inside with an intensecolourant.. 'he solution was white and now it is red.

    >. I 22..... ,lose/ my goggles. I can%t (ind them anywhere.

    =. &nd I ............ ,lose/ my glasses yesterday.4. 2222.anything222. ,change/ in the laboratory since I last222 ,see/ you

    ;. 'he experiment with nitrate acid .................... ,not (inish/ yet. I%ll have to wor) overtime.

    3. Si"$%e or oninuous enseC

    A. *ro(essor 8lac)studies5had studied5has been stud$ing (ood additives since he hasstarted5had started5started wor) at this 0ollege in >??@.

    >. Earlier" any chemicals added to (ood either as pesticides in primary production oradditives in processing" -ere considering5-ere considered suspect.

    =. 'he increasing awareness o( problems with (ood allergy and intolerance -as leading5led5

    has led to the re1uirement to state the source o( certain emulsi(iers on (ood labelling.

    4. 'he amount o( water -e -ere adding5-e added(or hal( an hour to the mixture was

    dependent on the pressure o( the distillation.

    ;. 'heyprepared5-ere preparing synthetic salt and there(ore -ere placing5placeda piece

    o( sodium in a (las) with chlorine.

    D. 0arbon is occuring5occurs in two crystalline (orms that di((er in their properties.

    @. ecithin" an emulsi(ier not suitable (or individuals with an allergy to soya" is not beingproduced5producedin this (actory.

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    B. +hen -asthe niversity o( 0hemistry and 'echnology in *rague being established5 established

    C. Iprepared5-as preparingthe experiment with colouring (oodstu((s the whole

    a(ternoon yesterday.

    A?. $ext year" *ro(essor +hite -ill teach5-ill have been teaching5-ill be teachingat our

    university (or ten years.

    8. Pu e !erbs in br#c7es ino e correc or"s.

    A. Gleming 222222. ,study/ in(luen6a when he 222222,discover/penicillin.

    >. I 22222 ,never do/ anything I 22222,(eel/ is against my principles.

    =. Matter 2222.. ,consist/ o( small elements.

    4. +atson and 0ric) 2222222.. ,identi(y/ the structure o( 5$& in AC;=.

    5. =i%% in e #$s 6i iin e;$ressions.

    A. 8y the time I arrived at the laboratory a/ 2acting on the appropriate 2222222222.. nerve receptor

    >. +hen you return (rom abroad next wee)" b/ 6 moderate consumption o3

    22222222222222.. cola is completel$ sa3e

    =. Researchers in 0agliari" Italy" have c/ 2 the course -ill have

    uncovered scienti(ic evidence that 3inished 222222222222222. is the result o( chemicals.

    4. 'he pills 222222222222. d/2 m$ colleagues had le3t

    might cut out chocolate cravings altogether" the researchers said.

    ;. +hile excessive consumption o( cola e/ 2 craving 3or chocolate

    can lead to wea)ness and even muscle paralysis"2222222222" a o(t 5rin)s &ssociation

    spo)esperson said.

    D. Tr#ns%#e e senences ro" e;ercise 5 #bo!e ino ec.

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    F. Tr#ns%#e ino ec '#7in ino #ccoun # e $rinci$%es o e se,uence o enses

    use4 in En%is 4o no #$$% in ec).

    Fne o( our teachers remar)ed that many people were not aware o( the (act that the (ood industry

    using the achievements o( chemistry that had been reached" in particular" in the preservation o((ood along with the manu(acture o( synthetic additives" had made signi(icant progress as early as

    in the latter part o( the ACth century" not spea)ing o( the (irst hal( o( the >?th century. &t the same

    time" the progress in physics was very (ast. et us mention that when 'homson discovered theelectron" he proved that there were particles which were smaller than the smallest atom )nown.

    Roentgen (ound that the -rays would pass through solid substances. In AC=> 0hadwic) reported

    that he had discovered the neutron. 'he 0uries (ound that pitchblende was several times more

    active than uranium oxide. 8ec1uerel noticed that salts o( uranium possessed the property o(emitting rays.


    'he passive voice is widely used in scienti(ic texts due to the (act that what goes (irst in theEnglish sentence is considered to be the most important. cienti(ic texts tend to use passive voice

    structures (re1uently to ma)e sentences sound more ob3ective and avoid using personal

    pronouns. In 06ech we use passive structures less commonly.



    '6ic is no e #en)

    !erb to ein #$$ro$ri#e

    ense or"

    3r4or" o e

    conen !erb

    'he thesis is#was#has been#will be etc. written'he thesis is#was etc. being written

    +hen the continuous (orm is needed" we insert bein,-ing (orm o( the verb to be/ between theverb to be and the content verb.

    I wrote the thesis. )he thesis -as -ritten.I have written the thesis. )he thesis has been -ritten.

    I will write the thesis. )he thesis -ill be -ritten.

    I%m writing the thesis. )he thesis is being -ritten.

    Srucure o e $#ssi!e !oice in co"bin#ion 6i e ininii!e '6ic is no use4in ec): subjec $#ssi!e ininii!e

    'he verbs believe, expect, no-, report, sa$, thin, suppose, understand are o(ten used in the

    present simple passive (ollowed by an in(initive.

    0e is said to live here ,PIt is said that he lives here. the sub3ect o( the second sentencereplaces JitK (rom the (irst sentence and the rest is connected in the (orm o( in(initive/.

    0e is said to have lived here.,PIt is said that he lived here./

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    )he ne- librar$ is supposed to open next -ee.

    )he econom$ is expected to gro- b$ !7 this $ear.

    'hesimple in3initivere(ers to the same time as that o( the preceding verb:

    'his compound is expected not to react. ,+oice: 'he negative particle notprecedes the particle

    to./'heper3ect in3initivere(ers to a time be(ore that o( the preceding verb:

    'his decade is )nownto have beena decade o( many discoveries.


    1. Tr#ns%#e usin e $#ssi!e !oice in e #$$ro$ri#e ense.

    a! These substances are not produced."! That program is being installed .c! :hen it was founded this school Dd! Such things can not be tolerated .e! :hat is written there D.f! :as the miture cool enough Dg! Second chance he never had .h! (cid spilled across the bench .i! It is )nown that this compound is etremely poisonous .#! !ot epected that it eplodes .

    2. Tr#nsor" e o%%o6in senences ino $#ssi!e !oice.

    a# He has bro)en another vessel.b# nstable conditions in(luenced our experiment.

    c# he has sent us new laboratory records.

    d# he should have per(ormed the tests more care(ully.

    e# 'he (ilter has caught poisonous substances.(# +e prepared a new compound yesterday.

    g# he deleted all her experimental results by accident.

    h# My teacher has explained this to me.i# tudents have spilt a dangerous chemical.

    3# he has made a huge mista)e in her calculations.

    3. Tr#nsor" e o%%o6in senences ino e $#ssi!e ininii!e.

    ex. 8t is said he -ill return soon. 0e is said to return soon.

    a# It is )nown that many elements react this way.

    b# It is believed that this new discovery can save many lives.

    c# It is expected that this element can occur in two allotropic modi(ications.

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    d# It is thought that they have made a real brea)through in the research o( radioactivity.

    e# It was supposed that citric acid does not display any harm(ul e((ects.

    (# It is assumed this company does not use preservatives o( any )ind.g# It is reported that all the devices have been calibrated (or our experiment.

    h# It is estimated that the experiment has (ailed due to incorrect temperature settings.

    i# It was said he had really discovered seven new substances.

    =or "ore $r#cice see:

    MR*H!" R. English 9rammar in se" 0ambridge niversity *ress" units 4A 44

    *E'ER" . 9R&G" '. 0viQebnice anglic) gramati)y" *olyglot" unit A=



    Version: 5.1 02/2015

  • 7/24/2019 GRAMMAR and Sentences


    1. Arr#ne ese 6or4s in e ri or4er.

    a. !ou shouldn%t wor) in the lab at night.

    b. !ou should study this chapter more care(ully.

    c. +hen did the students (inish the pro3ectd. +ho saw the experiment

    e. 'he students have en3oyed the lectures.

    (. 0arbonic acid decomposes at once.

    g. +ater power can ma)e cheap electricity.

    h. May students smo)e in the lab

    2. Arr#ne ese 6or4s in e ri or4er.

    a. I 1uic)ly read your article in bed last night.b. 'he students wor)ed till 4 o%cloc) this a(ternoon.

    c. 0arbon dioxide and other gases allow the sun%s rays to enter.

    d. 0omputer models o( climate changes indicate some conse1uences o( a warming Earth.

    e. $itrous oxide is released in the burning o( coal.

    (. Fnly coo)ing can destroy the micro-organisms completely.

    3. M#7e ,uesions o #s7 #bou e un4er%ine4 s#e"ens usin who

  • 7/24/2019 GRAMMAR and Sentences


    tudents may obtain certain scholarships. 'hese may be granted either automatically (or

    excellent study results or on the basis o( excellent research achievements" cultural or sportsactivities" and also to aid in the cases o( serious social problems.

    9raduates o( the Institute usually (ind employment in plants and research laboratories o(chemical and (ood industries as well as in various research institutes.

    a. +hat is the educational programme divided intob. +hen is the main vacation

    c. How long do the undergraduate studies ta)e (or the 8achelor 5egree

    d. +hat does the Institute also provide

    e. +ho must obtain a certain number o( credits and pass several examinations at the end o(each semester

    (. +hat may certain scholarships be granted (or

    g. In what )ind o( industries do graduates o( the Institute usually (ind employment


    1. oose e correc or" o Presen Tense. Gi!e e re#sons o our coice be6eene si"$%e #n4 coninuous or"s.

    A. wor)s >. is testing =. do you2use2 4. boil ;. play

    2. Pu e !erbs in br#c7es in e correc ense.

    A. has dyed

    >. have lost

    =. lost

    4. Has anything changed 2.. I last saw you

    ;. has not (inished

    3. Si"$%e or oninuous enseC

    A. has been studying started

    >. were considered

    =. has led

    Version: 5.1 02/2015

  • 7/24/2019 GRAMMAR and Sentences


    4. we were adding

    ;. they were preparing placed

    D. occurs

    @. is not produced

    B. was established

    C. was preparing

    A?. will have been teaching

    8. Pu e !erb in br#c7es ino e correc or".

    A. was studying discovered

    >. have never done (eel

    =. consists

    4. identi(ied

    5. =i%% in e #$s 6i iin e;$ressions.

    Ad/ >c/ =e/ 4 a/ ;b/

    D. Tr#ns%#e e senences ro" e;ercise 5 #bo!e ino ec.

    $. :hen I came into the lab , my colleagues were already gone .%. Until net wee), you come bac) from abroad , a course it will be terminated.&. 0esearchers in -agliari , Italy received scientic evidence that craving -hocolate withchemicals .'. Pills acting on the nervous receptor could completely eliminate the desire forchocolate , as noted by the researchers . . :hile abuse of wheels may lead to wea)ening and even paralysis of muscles,moderate consumption of beverages wheel is completely safe , said a spo)esman for Soft>rin)s (ssociation.

    F. Tr#ns%#e ino ec '#7in ino #ccoun # ec 4oes no #$$% e $rinci$%es

    o e se,uence o enses use4 in En%is.

    Ane of our teachers said that many people are not aware that the food industryuses chemistry successes that were achieved mainly in food preservation , along with theproduction of synthetic ingredients , achieved signicant progress in the second half of the@Eth century , not to mention the rst half of the FG .stolet7 . It was also very rapid progress

    in physics. 9et us mention that when Thomson discovered the electron , proved that they are$ eist% particles that are smaller than the smallest )nown atom . 0oentgen discovered Hrays that pass through solids. 0. -hadwic) announced in @EF that he had discovered theneutron. $ Spouses % -uries discovered that pitchblende is many times more active thanuranium oide .

  • 7/24/2019 GRAMMAR and Sentences


    1. Tr#ns%#e usin e $#ssi!e !oice in #n #$$ro$ri#e ense.

    a# 'hese substances are not produced here.

    b# 'he program is 3ust being installed.

    c# +hen was this school establishedd# uch things cannot be tolerated.

    e# +hat is written there

    (# Has this mixture been cooled su((iciently

    g# He has never been given a second chance#& second chance has never been given to him.

    h# &n acid has been spilt all over the laboratory table.

    i# 'his compound is )nown to be highly poisonous. # It is )nown ,that/ this compound is highly


    3# It was expected to explode. # It was expected ,that/ it would explode.

    2. Tr#nsor" e o%%o6in senences ino $#ssi!e !oice.

    a# &nother vessel has been bro)en.

    b# Fur experiment was in(luenced by unstable conditions.

    c# $ew laboratory records have been sent to us.

    d# 'he tests should have been per(ormed more care(ully.

    e# *oisonous substances have been caught by the (ilter.

    (# & new compound was prepared yesterday.

    g# &ll her experimental results were deleted by accident.h# 'his was explained to me ,by my teacher/ last lesson.

    i# & dangerous chemical has been spilt ,by students/.

    3# & huge mista)e has been made in her calculations.

    3. Tr#nsor" e o%%o6in senences ino e $#ssi!eininii!e.

    Ex. 8t is said he -ill return soon. 0e is said to return soon.

    a# Many elements are )nown to react this way.b# 'his new discovery is believed to be able to save many lives.

    c# 'his element is expected to occur in two allotropic modi(ications.

    d# 'hey are thought to have made a real brea)through in the research o( radioactivity.

    e# 0itric acid was supposed not to display any harm(ul e((ects.

    (# 'his company is assumed not to use preservatives o( any )ind.

    g# &ll the devices are reported to have been calibrated (or our experiment.

    Version: 5.1 02/2015

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    h# 'he experiment is estimated to have (ailed due to incorrect temperature settings.

    i# He was said to have discovered seven new substances.

    V i 5 1 02/2015