GRADUATION TRANSITIONS Name Here…. Your Instructions Use the following PowerPoint as a guide only to meet the requirements for graduation transitions

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Name Here…

Your Instructions Use the following PowerPoint as a guide only to meet the

requirements for graduation transitions. You are welcome to keep the titles…no other information should remain on the slide other than your own!

Creativity, originality, pictures, video, and any additional info you would like to add only adds value and depth to your presentation!

ALL info requested must be included! Your PowerPoint should be approximately 20 minutes in length.

Remember that your PowerPoint is to give visual and textual SUPPORT to your oral presentation, so there should be NO FULL SENTENCES! Use pictures and bullets only. Because there is a lot of information to cover, you may want to create ‘notes’ (recipe cards?) to bring into your presentation to help you remember what you need to say.

Make sure you have completed all requirements as listed on the official checklist at the end of the PowerPoint. You must have everything checked off to successfully pass Graduation Transitions.

All Documents requiring submission are handed in at the interview.

My Personality…

Reflect on your personality traits that you or others have identified. Choose your strongest personality traits and relate these to your career/life plan. Example: I am extremely creative, and produce advertisements and page layouts part time for our local magazine. I plan to study graphic design and photography so I am able to open my own studio. Example: I love being around people, hosting social events and speaking in front of others. I plan to study public relations and work for a large international marketing firm. Example: I am conscientious, and attend to fine details and structure. I plan to study engineering or medicine. (There are MANY options here and you are encouraged to expand…these are very brief examples!)


My passionate interest…(reflect on one activity you love to do and relate this to your career and life plan). My other interests…(reflect on other activities you enjoy doing and relate these to your career/life plan).


My Strengths…(reflect on strengths that you or others have identified. Choose your greatest strengths and relate these to your career and life plan).

My Skills…

My Skills…(reflect on skills that you or others have identified. Choose you greatest skills and relate these to your career/life plan.)

My Values…

My Values…(the three most important values you live your life by and are helping guide you career/life plan are…).

Where am I Going?

Often in life we need to give ourselves options…just in case! You will create 2 separate career/life plans. Your 1st choice will be Plan A, and your 2nd choice is Plan B. Below is the format you will use:

Complete the following for BOTH Plan A and B: My plan is… The career/life path I have chosen is… The career research I have done is…

Job Description / Duties Salary range? Level of education needed? How many job openings are there in this field? Will you have to relocate or can/will you stay in Kimberley?

The education research I have done is… What training is required? Where can / will you get this training? How long is the training (be specific) Cost? (include tuition, fees and books) Admission requirements?

Plan A…

Plan B…

My Physical Activity

Provide a brief Physical Activity Description (How do you complete the 150 minutes/week of required physical activity? Example: Sports teams, gym, dance, ski, mountain bike, skateboard, running, climbing, etc). You do not need to include specific times of day...just demonstrate you have met the requirements!

Pictures strongly encouraged!

Long Term Personal Health Plan

You must include a plan that illustrates how you will maintain a healthy lifestyle with regards to the four following areas:

Sound nutritional habits (e.g. using the Canada Food Guide as a resource)

Regular exercise routines (e.g. weight training, cardiovascular, leisure, sports, etc.)

Emotional health management (e.g. ways to manage stress, relationships, etc.)

Positive health choices (e.g. lifestyle (tobacco, drug, alcohol use), medical/dental checks, prevention resources, etc.)

SEE Example on NEXT slide.

Long Term Personal Health Plan

A mind map example…be as creative as you like!

Financial Plan

Insert/paste a copy of the Excel Financial Plan found on counseling website after it is completed.

You will be asked to explain this at your interview so please make sure it is as accurate as possible. Remember it is only an estimate!

Community Connections

What did you do for your 30 hours or work and/or community service?

Provide a description of the duties you performed, the connections between the experience and the employability/life skills, and the benefit to the community and to you.

Example: Through my work experience/volunteer, I have contributed to my community and others by….


Reflect on and include what you are most proud of.. In class Extra-curricular Community activities Volunteer At home Etc…….

And as always, use pictures!

Checklist for SuccessIncluded in PowerPoint

Who Am I? (Personality, Interests, Strengths, Skills, Values)

Where am I going? (Plan A & Plan B)

My Physical Activity

Long Term Personal Health Plan

Excel Financial Plan

Community Connections


Documents Presented and Submitted at Interview

Proof of 30 hours of work experience and/or community service. May be a letter of reference, pay stub, tax form, etc.

Current Resume (see examples on Grad Trans home page)

Cover Letter - may be for a real job, or created for this presentation

DPA 12 Hours -100 Hours of Physical Activity in Grade 12 (If you are in a PE / Outdoor Ed course, you will have 100 hours and so submission of a report card is acceptable. Otherwise, a log, letter from a coach etc. is required.)

Completed Application form (job application or post-secondary education application, depending on your future plans). This is designed for you to go through the process of locating and filling out an application. You are NOT required to actually apply, you ONLY need to fill it out!

 Each of the above items must be 100% error free and ALL components MUST be complete.