Government Genius

Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

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Page 1: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Government Genius

Page 2: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the

Fifth Amendment right not to:

A. Incriminate themselves

B. Suffer excessive bail

C. Be forced to go to trial without an attorney

D. Have an unwarranted search of their property

E. Go to trial without a jury

Page 3: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Rights and liberties regarding privacy have been interpreted to be at least partially guaranteed by the

_____ Amendment.A. Fourth

B. Fifth

C. Seventh

D. Ninth

E. Tenth

Page 4: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

A law satisfies the establishment clause for religion if legislation

A. Advances, but does not inhibit a religion

B. Has a secular legislative purpose

C. Doesn’t purposely foster excessive government entanglement

D. Refrains from clear public endorsements

E. Meets a community need

Page 5: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Civil liberties and civil rights have developed through the

interpretation of the _____ Amendment

A. Thirteenth

B. Fourteenth

C. Fifteenth

D. Sixteenth

E. Seventeenth

Page 6: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

“Separate but equal” to justify state-sponsored segregation came from

which case?

A. Lochner v. New York

B. Plessy v. Ferguson

C. Baker v. Carr

D. Tinker v. DesMoines

E. Mapp v. Ohio

Page 7: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

For nearly a century, the Supreme Court’s ruling in _____ set a precedent that kept the Bill of

Rights from being applied to state law.

A. Gibbons v. Ogden

B. Marbury v. Madison

C. Barron v. Baltimore

D. McCulloch v. Maryland

E. Dartmouth College v. Woodward

Page 8: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Major reconfigurations in American popular voting patterns are called

A. Authorizing elections

B. Reapportionment elections

C. Conversion elections

D. Realignment elections

E. Deauthorizing elections

Page 9: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The influence of interest groups on the policy process is limited due to

all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Most public policy issues do not generate advantages for narrow interests

B. Influence on members of Congress is limited by public opinion

C. Influence on members of Congress is limited by members’ policy beliefs

D. Influence on members of Congress is limited by the committees on which they serve

E. Influence on members of Congress is limited by members’ party affiliation

Page 10: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The influence of an interest group wanes when:

A. A policy issue is no longer relevant in public opinion

B. A policy issue is more relevant in public opinion

C. A policy issue runs out of money

D. Certain members of Congress retire or are defeated

E. A policy issue conflicts with executive branch preferences

Page 11: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Senators are more influential in policy formation than their House

counterparts because:

A. They have more control of the bureaucracy

B. They have a stronger connection with the office of the president

C. Individual members are more important due to the different sizes of the Senate and House

D. They tend to have more expertise on policy issues

E. They are more closely connected to their constituents

Page 12: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The structure of federalism forces effective policy to be made:

A. At the executive level

B. At the state level

C. At the national level

D. At the judicial level

E. At the local level

Page 13: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The states are the fundamental building blocks of the federal

system and are pivotal in creating policy because

A. State legislatures are important partners with the federal government

B. Senators represent states at the national level

C. The structure of the Constitution grants states a level of policymaking authority

D. Policy is introduced at the state level

E. Federal policy and programs are administered through the states

Page 14: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The USPS is the best representation of what type of


A. Indirect administration

B. Independent government corporation

C. Independent regulatory commission

D. Independent executive agency

E. Independent congressional agency

Page 15: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Unlike the other branches of government and bureaucracy, the judiciary can change policy only if:

A. It deems such changes necessary through judicial writ

B. A case is brought to its attention and is within its jurisdiction

C. The change is requested by one of the other branches

D. The change is requested by a majority of the states

E. None of the above

Page 16: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The Supreme Court interprets and influences public policy and

government action mainly by:

A. Using the Constitution

B. Correcting any practice it thinks is undemocratic

C. Considering the legislative intent

D. Observing who is affected by the policy or action

E. Using past precedents

Page 17: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

In an era of partisan politics, policy views become homogenous, so committees are used in order to:

A. Clarify policy

B. Establish greater party and legislative influence

C. Temper executive action through investigations

D. Harness public opinion

E. Increase voter interest and turnout

Page 18: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The executive branch has the most control for setting the policy agenda


A. The president has the “bully pulpit”

B. Congress concentrates on legislation

C. Congress does not control funding

D. The national bureaucracy is rooted within the executive branch

E. That is the public’s preference

Page 19: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

To lobby Congress successfully for legislation regarding an issue, the

issue has to have:

A. National relevance

B. National support

C. A beneficial purpose

D. Strong political support

E. All of the above

Page 20: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Lyndon B. Johnson’s expansion of domestic public policy in the 1960s

was called:

A. New Frontier

B. Great Society

C. New Nationalism

D. New Federalism

E. New Freedom

Page 21: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The nationalization of public policy by FDR’s New Deal was perhaps

inevitable due to:

A. The Great Depression

B. Inability of state governments to provide needed services

C. The Court’s interpretation of powers of the commerce clause

D. The larger resources and funding of the federal government

E. All of the above

Page 22: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Public policy decisions are overwhelmingly made by:

A. Congress

B. The president

C. The judiciary

D. The bureaucracy

E. The state governments

Page 23: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The president can set policy by which of the following methods?

A. Executive appointments

B. Public speeches

C. Executive orders

D. Meetings with congressional leaders

E. Judicial appointments

Page 24: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The greatest connection between the state and federal governments

is through:

A. Political parties

B. Mandates

C. Public policy

D. Public opinion

E. Government spending

Page 25: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The Tenth Amendment offers the most explicit endorsement of

federalism because it:

A. States that all powers not given to the national government rest with the states

B. States that all powers not given to the national government rest with the individual

C. Provides for a clear separation between national and state governments

D. Allows for government on multiple levels

E. Clearly establishes spheres of influence of each level of government

Page 26: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The Tenth Amendment has not been effective in defending states’

rights due to the national supremacy clause and what other?

A. Commerce

B. Elastic

C. Enumerated

D. Due process

E. Free Exercise

Page 27: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The most vital service the media provide to government officials and

the public is:

A. Connecting officials with constituents

B. Empowering interest groups

C. Interpreting policy

D. Mediating interaction between officials

E. Conducting public opinion polls

Page 28: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Which of the following represents the media’s basic responsibility of

informing the public?

A. Detailing the activities of a corrupt politician

B. Looking back on an official’s career

C. Criticizing a bureaucratic agency

D. Explaining what officials are doing, as well as official policies/goals

E. All of the above

Page 29: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The media’s demands for timely and accurate information serve all

of the following purposes EXCEPT:

A. Making sure the government remains transparent

B. Providing the public with necessary facts about government actions

C. Meeting the needs of the public to form non-biased opinions

D. Forcing the government to explain its actions

E. Preventing public officials from having the time to craft their own news stories

Page 30: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The formation of the first American parties occurred due to

A. Policy agreements

B. Logistics

C. The need for groups’ legislative victories

D. Public opinion

E. The need for a division of labor

Page 31: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The two-party system arises from

A. Differences in public opinion

B. Strategy in a winner-take-all system

C. The influence of bureaucracies

D. The separation of powers

E. Legislation limiting third parties

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The Republican Party is anomalous in American political party history


A. It was formed over one issue

B. It won national prominence immediately

C. It set the public policy debate for a generation

D. It successfully challenged the two-party system

E. It was purely national with no state affiliations at first

Page 33: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

House and Senate members from the same state and party do not

necessarily have the same political views due to

A. Constituency differences

B. Different responsibilities to the party

C. Varying connections to interest groups

D. Interactions with the president

E. Their message to the media

Page 34: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The Founding Fathers did not agree with political parties or

factions because they believed these groups:

A. Had too much disorganization

B. Undermined the authority of elected representatives

C. Lacked intellectual discussion of issues

D. Had a natural tendency toward discord rather than reconciliation

E. Had a dangerous influence on the new democracy

Page 35: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

When a political party comes into the majority after an election, it:

A. Tries to energize the electorate

B. Strengthens the ties between branches

C. Loosens the ties between branches

D. Acts as though voters have issued a mandate for a change in policy

E. Becomes more unified

Page 36: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Large interest groups use grassroots lobbying because it

A. Is easier to communicate on the local level

B. Is more targeted to the relevant voters of an area

C. Formulates their message

D. Attracts more media attention than national lobbying efforts

E. Inconspicuously mobilizes members to voice their demands to politicians

Page 37: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The Bipartisan Campaign Act (BCRA) is more commonly referred

to as:

A. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act

B. The Patriot Act

C. The McCain-Feingold Act

D. The Smoot-Hawley Act

E. The American Recovery and Investment Act

Page 38: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

To attract voters, office seekers must create a campaign that has:

A. A slogan

B. Endorsements

C. Media attention

D. Favorable public opinion

E. A theme or message

Page 39: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The most effective way to win an election is:

A. Earn the trust of the electorate

B. Help form public opinion

C. Avoid negative campaigning during the general election cycle

D. Use campaign ads to affect public perception

E. Make sure your voters come out to the polls in greater numbers than your opponent’s

Page 40: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Public opinion and voter efficacy can be affected significantly by:

A. Bribing public officials

B. Redistricting

C. Congressional action

D. Presidential action

E. Bureaucratic action

Page 41: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The rise of candidate-centered elections has led to a sharp

increase in:

A. Voter turnout

B. Legislation

C. Media coverage

D. Campaign spending

E. Collective action

Page 42: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Public opinion and voter turnout are most influenced by:

A. News media CEOs

B. Inspirational candidates

C. Policy initiatives

D. Crisis situations

E. Well-funded campaigns

Page 43: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

All of the following are components that voters do not like about the

electoral process except:

A. Interest groups

B. Money

C. Basic institutions of government

D. Excessive media coverage

E. Campaign messages

Page 44: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Constitutional courts, whether the Supreme Court or lower-level

courts, derive their authority from ________ of the Constitution.

A. Article I

B. Article II

C. Article III

D. Article IV

E. Article V

Page 45: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Amicus curiae briefs and solicitor general support may often lead the

Court to grant cert because:

A. The solicitor general is the lead attorney for the US government

B. Amicus curiae briefs are often from politically powerful groups

C. Both amicus briefs and the SG set the agenda for the Court

D. Amicus briefs and the SG indirectly let the Court know which cases are most significant

E. Amicus briefs and the SG are part of most cases appealed to the Court

Page 46: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Stare decisis, or “let the decision stand,” is an example of ____


A. substantive

B. judicial

C. procedural

D. policy

E. traditional

Page 47: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

McCulloch v Maryland was the first step in establishing national

supremacy by:

A. Overturning a national organization

B. Affirming a presidential executive order

C. Allowing a lower court decision to stand

D. Validating the necessary and proper clause

E. Reversing state law on commerce

Page 48: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

The nineteenth century rotation in office and the spoils system led to

the bureaucratization of government workers because

A. Congress created executive branches

B. Individuals made careers out of government jobs

C. These systems were the primary sources for maintaining party machines

D. The executive branch had oversight instead of Congress

E. Roles were not clearly defined for workers

Page 49: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

One of the most important ways modern presidents are able to

impact the direction of government is through:

A. The annual budget

B. The establishment clause

C. Their role as commander-in-chief

D. The “bully pulpit”

E. The delegation of authority to Congress

Page 50: Government Genius. Miranda v. Arizona established that those accused of a crime have the Fifth Amendment right not to: A.Incriminate themselves B.Suffer

Regular, free, competitive elections allow

A. Citizens to choose their leaders

B. Citizens to be heard by elected officials interested in staying in office

C. Special interests to mobilize around an issue

D. Coalitions to be formed to affect political outcomes

E. All of the above