Lytton Man Accused of Accused of OWI 2nd Offense

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  • 8/13/2019 Lytton Man Accused of Accused of OWI 2nd Offense


  • 8/13/2019 Lytton Man Accused of Accused of OWI 2nd Offense



  • 8/13/2019 Lytton Man Accused of Accused of OWI 2nd Offense


    o STRicrcouRror/ow/.SAC COUNTYFILEDIN T H E I O W A D I STR I C T C O U R T F O R S A C C O U N T Y2 13NOV 2 AH9: IQ

    M A G I S T R A T E D I V I S I ON rtM 3S T A T EOFI O W A , :

    Plaintiff M A G I S T R A T E N O.vs.


    I N I T I A L A P P E A R A N C EO W I

    O n this 1 '' day of j 20_y?, the Defendant herein appears before theundersigned Magistrate in and for Sac County, having been charged with the crime of Operating WhileIntoxicated - y^uSJ offense, being aviolationofSection j ^ ( T i ofthe Codeoflowa.

    The Court advises the Defendant asfollows: C-b )1. That he/shehas the right to remain silent. That anystatement madeby the Defendant can and

    wouldbe used against him/her in a Court oflaw. That he/shehas the right to have an attorneypresentat allstagesof the proceeding and, ifthe Defendant is unable to afford counsel,that,uponproper application, one would be appointed for them.

    2. Thathe/sheis charged with aviolationofSection v Af chisclassifiedas:Felony- Classik Aggravated MisdemeanorSerious Misdemeanor

    3. That the maximum punishment for a plea ofguiltyor conviction of the above charge is:a OneYear County Jail-Minimum days / ) ^b) Years Prison j t y V J k C f c M ^ ^ /* , c K And/Or afineofnot less than ' YIS ormore than Sj_\___ |i X/C fCoJ j Jd) Y ou wil llose your licence for a minimumo f _ C _ _days and cannot obtain

    a work permit for3C_5_days.4. That to obtain the services of an attorney at the expenseof the Stateof Iowa, application for

    Court-appointed counsel must be completed, reviewed by the Sac County Attorney and filedwiththis Court.

    5- (a) ^ Y ou wi l lbe released from custody prior totrialon your own promise toappearat allfurther court proceedings. Ifyouwil l ful ly failtoappearbefore any court as required, you shall beguiltyof a GlassD tftlony/serious misdemeanor; or(b) (If appropriate) Uponconsideration of the factors in Section 811.2, the Court is notreasonably assured thatyou wi l l appearat all court proceedings in the future and therefore theCourtimposes thefollowingconditions on your release:

    (1) You must not use alcohol or drugs during the pendency of thismatter.(2) You must not drivewhileyour license is under suspension.(3) You must obey the laws of theStateoflowaand the UnitedStates.(4) You are ordered to complete a substance abuse evaluation immediately at NewOpportunities (Sac City - (712) 662-7921) or Compass Pointe (Storm Lake - (712) 732-

    5136) or a facility of your choosing ATY O U R E X P E N S E with a copy to besentwithin30 days to the Sac CountyClerkof Court at P.O. Box 368. Sac Ci ty .IA 50583. YO UA R E N O T I F I E D T H A T T H I S IS M A N D A T O RY . AND Y O U R F A I L U R E TOC O M P L Y W I L L R E S U L T IN I S S U A N C E OF AN A R R E S T W A R R A N T ANDR E V O C A T I O NOFY O U R P R E T R I A L R E L E A S E .

  • 8/13/2019 Lytton Man Accused of Accused of OWI 2nd Offense


    6. Defendant is entitled to a preliminary hearing unlesswaived, whichhearing is held to determinewhether sufficient evidence exists to justify further prosecution of the Defendant as charged. Prior to apreliminaryhearing, the Defendant is informedthata Grand Jury may indict him/her, or a TrialInformationmay be filedby the County Attorney of this county.

    7. The Defendant isinformedof his/her rights to a preliminary hearing andpreliminaryhearing is:Set for the QS^A day of A . M . intheMagistrateCourtroom,Courthouse, SacCity,SacCounty,Iowa.

    Ifa preliminary hearingdatehas been set, you should contact the county attorney at (712) 662-4791before attending this hearing to determine whether or not it w i l lbe held.8. IFY O U H A V E N O T B E E N F IN G E R P R I N T E D A N D P H O T O G R A P H E D F O R T H ISO F F E N S E , Y O U M U S T R E P O R T TOT H E S A C C O U N T Y S H E R I F F S D E P A R T M E N T W I T H I N 10D A Y SF R O M T H I S D A T E TO DO SO. IF D E F E N D A N T H A S NOTP R E S E N T E D T H E M S E L V E S W I T H I N 10

    D A Y S F R O M T H I S D A T E , THE SACC O U N T Y S H E R IF F S D E P A R T M E N T IS O R D E R E D AT HISC O N V E N I E N C E T O P I C K U P D E F E N D A N T TOB E P H O T O G R A P H E D A N D F I N G E R P R I N T E D .If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability,immediately callyour districtA D A coordinator at (641) 421-0990. (Ifyou are hearing/unpaired, callRelayIowaT T Yat 1-800-735-2942.)

    arren L .Bush/Joseph J.Heidenreich, JudicialMagistrateCopiesto:CountyAttorneyDefendantSac CountySheriff

  • 8/13/2019 Lytton Man Accused of Accused of OWI 2nd Offense


    SA C C O U N T YJUDICIAL M A G I S T R A T E C O U R TW A R R E N L .BUSH, JUDICIAL M A G I S T R A T ESA C C I T Y ,IOWA 50583(712) 662-7791

    BOND A G R E E M E N TL ^ r . < \ r ^ w ^ v , ( P L E A S E PRIN T) ,have been chargedwiththe

    crime of: o ^ ^ n . r W \ - zxl\~X.2.1/0 fV ^ X dttvonke ifltsAcxraaand promise toappear in the SacCounty Magistrate Court3 < dayof T/O ct^MC H E C K 1 OR 2

    1.M yappearance bond has been set at andIagree to postallofsuchbond or 10 asallowedinorder to secure my release.

    / ]/ ( 2.I have been released on my own recognizance pending my1 appearanceatMagistrateCourt. c n

    I 1understand I have the right to be represented by an attorney. - n oro Fggrs -jc

    If cannotaffordone, onew i l l be appointedfo r me uponapplication.^) -* I understand there are severe penalties forfai l ingto honor this ~

    matureofInnignatureofInmateBondposted by:Address:Am o u n t Da t e d

    The party who posted the bond agreesthatanyfines,surcharges, costs,restitution and other amounts owed may bepaidtherefrom upondisposition.That party further agreesthat,if any sumsremain,it may be used for repaymento faccrued oraccruingroom and board chargesduringincarcerationin jai l .

    SignatureofPerson PostingBond(Surety)Receivedby:

