Google Outage Shows Business Risks in China

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  • 8/13/2019 Google Outage Shows Business Risks in China


    Google Outage Shows Business Risks inChinaByCARLOS TEJADAAndPAUL MOZUR

    BEIJINGDisruptions toGoogleInc.'s Web-search and email services in China over

    the weekend underscore the uncertainty surrounding Beijing's effort to control the

    flow of information into the country, as well as the risks that effort poses to the

    government's efforts to draw global businesses.

    Google saw widespread disruptions to its Web services in China on Friday, according to the company's"transparency report" website. Amir Efrati has details on The News Hub. Photo: AFP/Getty Images.

    Chinese users of many of Google's services reported a lack of access late Friday,

    halting use of everything from Google's search engine to its Gmail email service to its

    Google Play mobile-applications store. The Mountain View, Calif., company said that

    its own statistics showed a sharp decline in traffic from China, and it said that theproblem didn't appear to be within its equipment.

    Services returned on Saturday, though users in some parts of the country said use

    was unpredictable and unreliable over the weekend.

    Google's offices in Beijing. Chinese users faced a lack of access late Friday to services such as email and Web


    The source of the disruptions couldn't be determined. China's Ministry of Industry

    and Information Technology, an agency that oversees China's Internet industry,didn't respond to list of questions sent on Sunday.

    Internet experts pointed to China's Internet censorship efforts, which have been

    ratcheted up ahead of the 18th Party Congress, a meeting of top Communist Party

    leaders in Beijing that began on Thursday. The meeting is expected to end this

    coming Thursday with the unveiling of a new slate of top party leaders, making it a

    sensitive time in the eyes of Beijing.

    "There appears to be a throttling under way of Web access," said David Wolf, founder

    of consulting firm Wolf Group Asia. Citing recent articles in foreign media about

    corruption and wealth in China spurred by the party congress and the fall of former

    party star Bo Xilai, he said, "that's their primary concern, people getting news either

    through Google or through its services."

    Chinese authorities often tighten Internet control around sensitive subjects and

    events. But a number of users in recent weeks say Internet disruptions have

    worsened to an unexpected degree ahead of the congress. In a recent interview,

    Matthew Prince, chief executive of CloudFlare Inc., a company that provides Web-

    performance and security services for websites, said the company's engineers and
  • 8/13/2019 Google Outage Shows Business Risks in China


    consumers have reported increased difficulties with traffic out of China since the end

    of August.

    The websites of the New York Times and Bloomberg News became unavailable in

    China this year just as each ran articles describing the wealth accumulated by China's

    leaders. Attorneys for the family of Wen Jiabao, China's premier, denied the Times's

    report that his family had amassed a $2.7 billion fortune over two decades, and a

    Foreign Ministry spokesman has said the report "blackens China and has ulterior

    motives." The family of Xi Jinping, China's vice president and the widely expected

    successor to Hu Jintao as China's president and head of the Communist Party, hasn't

    commented publicly on the Bloomberg article, which detailed wealth accumulated by

    Mr. Xi's family. Neither article accused the leaders of wrongdoing.

    Sophisticated Chinese users can use virtual private networks, or VPNs, to circumvent

    the system of Internet blockages that is sometimes called the Great Firewall. Butsome VPN operators, such as the Witopia service, in recent weeks also have said they

    have been blocked.

    Google's services are still widely available in China despite its declaration in 2010

    that it wouldn't censor its search results in China anymore and would shift searches

    to Hong Kong, a Chinese city that isn't subject to Beijing's censorship restrictions.

    But the services can be unreliable and sometimes don't function right away, troubles

    that experts attribute to Beijing's censorship efforts. Google is now only a minor

    player in terms of market share in China's search business, which is dominated


    Beijing risks a backlash if it were to block Google outright on a long-term basis, said

    Mr. Wolf, of Wolf Group Asia. Many corporate users rely on Gmail and other Google

    services, and a blockage could make China a less-attractive place to do business. In

    addition, disruptions are increasingly unappealing to businesses that rely on cloud

    services, which are offered by Google and others and in which data are stored


    "If China insists in the medium and long term of creating another Great Firewall

    between the China cloud and the rest of the world, China will be an increasinglyuntenable place to do business," Mr. Wolf said.

    Such a move also could put Beijing in violation of its free-trade commitment under

    the World Trade Organization, which China joined in 2001. China has said it

    complies with WTO requirements.