Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach Saco Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30-4:30 / Churches listed inside Mailing Address: 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 • Tel: 207-282-3321 e-mail: [email protected] • www.goodshepherdparish.us December 15, 2013

Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach …...etc); making and decorating Christmas cards for the home-(or just doing something for fun!) with an open mic. Op-tions

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Page 1: Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach …...etc); making and decorating Christmas cards for the home-(or just doing something for fun!) with an open mic. Op-tions

Good Shepherd Parish

Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach Saco Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30-4:30 / Churches listed inside

Mailing Address: 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 • Tel: 207-282-3321 e-mail: [email protected] • www.goodshepherdparish.us

December 15, 2013

Page 2: Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach …...etc); making and decorating Christmas cards for the home-(or just doing something for fun!) with an open mic. Op-tions


Most Holy Trinity Church St. Joseph's Church & Ste Anne's Chapel St. Margaret's Church St. Philip's Church 271 Main St 178 Elm St (Rte 1) 6 Saco Ave 404 Goodwins Mills Rd Saco, Maine 04072 Biddeford, Maine 04005 Old Orchard Beach, Maine 04064 Lyman, Maine 04002

St. Brendan's Chapel (seasonal) St. Luke's Chapel (seasonal) 40 Lester B. Orcutt Blvd, Biddeford Pool, Maine 04006 164 Saco Ave, Old Orchard Beach, Maine 04064 Rev. Msgr. Rene T. Mathieu, Pastor Rev. P. Antonydass, HGN, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jack Dickinson, Parochial Vicar Deacon Robert Parenteau Deacon Kevin Jacques

GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH www.goodshepherdparish.us December 15, 2013

Message from Monsignor René Mathieu

(1) All gifts and donations for Toys for Tots and for the homeless as indi-

cated on our giving trees (including veterans), are due this Sunday, De-

cember 15. This will guarantee that gifts are distributed in time for

Christmas. (2) Last Saturday evening, Saint James School students, par-

ents, staff and alumni participated in Saco’s annual “Parade of Lights”.

The Knights of Columbus served a public bean supper that evening at

Most Holy Trinity Church to support “Toys for Tots” and to warm folks up before

many of them headed outdoors for the parade on a rather cold evening. I believe eve-

ryone who participated enjoyed the parade, judging from the reaction of the crowd in

front of Most Holy Trinity Church. The lights in front of the church added to the fes-

tive occasion. (3) The Light is on for You: Once again, all parishes in Maine will

offer the Sacrament of Penance on the same December weekday evenings in ob-

servance of the season of Advent and in anticipation of the great feast of Christmas.

In Good Shepherd Parish, one or more priests will be available 6:00–7:00 pm as fol-

lows: Monday, December 16, at Most Holy Trinity Church; Tuesday, December 17,

at St. Philip Church and at St. Margaret Church; Wednesday, December 18, at St.

Joseph Church. If they are needed, priests will remain beyond 7:00 pm. These times

are in addition to the regularly scheduled times on Saturday afternoons in all four

church locations. (4) St. Francis of Assisi is credited with creating the first nativity

scene in 1223―a “living” one―intending to encourage the worship of Christ. He

was inspired to do this after he visited the Holy Land where he was shown the tradi-

tional birthplace of Jesus. “It is in Germany where the earliest historical reference to

a Christmas tree first appeared. In 1561, a law was passed at Alsace that limited

each ‘burgher’ or resident to only one ‘Christmas Tree.’ The law further stipulated

that the tree could be no more than ‘eight shoes’ in height. Evidently, the custom of

bringing a live tree into the home had become so popular that deforestation was be-

coming an issue” (by Victor M. Parachin, “The Christmas Tree: An Ancient Tradi-

tion,” printed in the December 2012 issue of The Priest magazine). (5) As my father

used to say when I was growing up: “Who left the door open?” If no one is behind

you, please be sure doors are secularly closed when you enter or exit one of our par-

ish properties, especially during the winter season. (6) Again this year we plan to

provide closed circuit television in the St. Joseph church hall during the 4:00 pm

Mass on Christmas Eve. I am grateful for the two parishioners who make this possi-

ble, one a teacher and the other a student at Thornton Academy. It should provide

enough seating for everyone who wishes to attend Mass at that time and location

(1500 attended the 4 pm there last year). There will also be limited seating in the

choir loft. (7) Thank You of the Week: There were some 275 deaths in the parish

last year. Preparation for and celebration of the various liturgies, attention to mourn-

ers, and the services of cemetery personnel make this combined ministry a significant

feature of Good Shepherd Parish. Volunteers who prepare and serve funeral lunch-

eons are an important part of this pastoral care for the bereaved. Last Friday, Decem-

ber 6, members of the administrative staff served a luncheon to these volunteers who

work so hard week after week. Thank you!

Jokes Priests Can Tell, Volume 3 by Msgr. Arthur Tonne: Recently, I asked a little boy, “And what do you want for Christmas?”

His answer was, “Two Teddy bears.”

My next question, “Why two?”

His answer: “So I can share.”

Vocations: "I send my messenger ahead of

you to prepare your way before you." Are you

called to be sent by Jesus as a priest, deacon,

sister or brother? Call Fr. Nathan March at


Apostolate of Prayer for Priests - December 15. Most Rev. Richard Malone ThD

16. Rev. Stephen Concannon,

Rev. Aaron Damboise

17. Msgr. Leopold Nicknair,

Rev. Ramundas Bukauskas OFM

18. Rev. Gregory Dube, Rev. Armand Neault

19. Rev. David Cote

20. Msgr. René Mathieu,

Msgr. Raymond Begin

21. Rev. Richard MacDonough SS,

Rev. David Raymond

A Prayer for Seminarians

Lord Jesus, I ask your special blessing on all

men preparing for the priesthood in our semi-

naries. I pray they will grow in faith, hope and

charity. May their hearts overflow with your

compassion, understanding and generosity, and

may their desire to serve you inspire others to

answer your call. Lord, give our seminarians

the grace to follow you more perfectly. When

they are lonely or discouraged, fill them with

your peace. Jesus, meek and humble of heart,

make the hearts of our seminarians like yours.


The Study of the U.S. Catholic Catechism for

Adults with Deacon Bob

The study of the Catechism with Deacon Bob

will not meet again until January 9, 2014. May you enjoy the coming Holy Days with your

loved ones.

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year

Deacon Bob

Page 3: Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach …...etc); making and decorating Christmas cards for the home-(or just doing something for fun!) with an open mic. Op-tions


Saturday, December 14

4:00 pm St. Joseph: (Msgr. Mathieu)

Yvette Hebert (2nd Ann.) / Rita Paquet (16th Ann.)

4:00 pm Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Ron Labarre)

Oscar Boucher (20th Ann.) / Raymond Levesque (5th Ann.)

4:00 pm St. Margaret: (Fr. Antonydass)

Madlyn McPherson / Garon Murphy

4:30 pm St. Philip: (Fr. Dickinson) Jeannine L. Charest

Sunday, December 15, Third Sunday of Advent

8:00 am St. Joseph: (French) (Fr. Ron Labarre)

Noella Perreault / Gilberte Pelletier

8:30 am St. Margaret: (Fr. Antonydass)

Germaine Lacourse / Marguerite LeBlanc

8:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Dickinson)

Marcelle Vigue / Lorraine Corriveau

9:00 am St. Philip: (Msgr. Mathieu) Frederick Strachan /

For All People in Good Shepherd Parish

10:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Dickinson)

Timothy Loughlin (15th Ann.) / Bert Godbout

10:30 am St. Margaret: (Fr. Antonydass)

Vivien C. & James J. Sullivan / Therese & Charles Bolduc

11:00 am St. Joseph: (Msgr. Mathieu)

Pauline Martel / Laurette Baillargeon


Monday, December 16

9:00 am Most Holy Trinity: Irene Roy (3rd Ann.) /

Special Intentions

Tuesday, December 17 7:00 am Ste Anne: Marcel Guilbeault

9:00 am Most Holy Trinity: Mary A. Tucci / Isabelle Nadeau

Wednesday, December 18

9:00 am St. Joseph: Lucille Beaudoin / Gilberte Pelletier

9:00 am St. Philip: Jacque Morin

Thursday, December 19

8:00 am St. Margaret: Ed Cote (7th Ann.) /

Donald Auger (9th Ann.)

9:00 am St. Philip: Marie P. Petit

Friday, December 20 7:00 am Ste Anne: Claire Chevrette

9:00 am Most Holy Trinity: Robert & Roger Binette /

Real Paquette


Saturday, December 21

4:00 pm St. Joseph: (Msgr. Mathieu)

Dorilas Roy / Joseph Drapeau

4:00 pm Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Norman Richard)

Rose Lamb / Yvette Hebert (2nd Ann.)

4:00 pm St. Margaret: (Fr. Dickinson)

Keith Babbidge / Normand Auger (6th Ann.)

4:30 pm St. Philip: (Fr. Antonydass)

Marie Petit / Michael Roger

Sunday, December 22, Fourth Sunday of Advent

8:00 am St. Joseph: (French) (Fr. Ron Labarre)

Laure-Yvette Dumas / Paul E. Lambert

8:30 am St. Margaret: (Fr. Antonydass)

Joseph Garland (Ann.) / Sylvio LaCourse

8:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Dickinson)

Jean Martel / Jean Guy Raymond

9:00 am St. Philip: (Msgr. Mathieu) George St. Amand /

For All People in Good Shepherd Parish

10:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Dickinson)

John Mazeiko / Yvonne & Paul Guay

10:30 am St. Margaret: (Fr. Antonydass)

Robert J. McNally / Juliette Landry

11:00 am St. Joseph: (Msgr. Mathieu)

Normand Parenteau (35th Ann.) / Raymond Proulx


Readings for the Week of December 15, 2013

Sunday: Is 35:1-6a, 10/ Jas 5:7-10/ Mt 11:2-11

Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a/ Mt 21:23-27

Tuesday: Gn 49:2, 8-10/ Mt 1:1-17

Wednesday: Jer 23:5-8/ Mt 1:18-25

Thursday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a/ Lk 1:5-25

Friday: Is 7:10-14/ Lk 1:26-38

Saturday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a/ Lk 1:39-45

Next Sunday: Is 7:10-14/ Rom 1:1-7/ Mt 1:18-24

©Liturgical Publications Inc

Good Shepherd

Parish welcomes

Hannah Noelline,

daughter of Steven &

Melissa (Picard) Demers. May she

grow daily in the Body of Christ.

Tuesday, December 24

No Morning Masses

Christmas Vigil

4:00 pm Most Holy Trinity, St. Joseph, and

St. Margaret

4:30 pm St. Philip

6:30 pm St. Joseph, Most Holy Trinity

9:00 pm Most Holy Trinity

Midnight St. Joseph

Wednesday, December 25, Christmas Day

8:00 am St. Joseph 9:30 am St. Margaret

8:30 am Most Holy Trinity 10:30 am Most Holy Trinity

9:00 am St. Philip 11:00 am St. Joseph

Frank Michael Elwood (born 1949)

Mary Jane Cookson (born 1917)

Norman P. Ayotte (born 1958)

Phyllis Ciufo (born 1921)

Noella I. Vire (born 1939)

Richard P. Potvin (born 1930)

May their souls and the souls of all the

faithful departed through the mercy of

God rest in peace.

The Light is on for You

Confessions will be heard

6:00–7:00 pm

Monday, December 16,

at Most Holy Trinity;

Tuesday, December 17, at St. Margaret's &

St. Philip's;

Wednesday, December 18, at St. Joseph's.

Page 4: Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach …...etc); making and decorating Christmas cards for the home-(or just doing something for fun!) with an open mic. Op-tions

DECEMBER 15, 2013


25 Graham Street Phone 207-282-4084

Biddeford, ME 04005 FAX 207-286-3693

E-mail [email protected]

Website www.goodshepherdschools.us


St. James School staff partners with parents, parishioners, and our community to provide students with opportunities to become faith-filled Catholics, creative and critical thinkers, life-long learn-ers, and confident contributors to the Church and society.


Youth Ministry This week in YM:

Christmas Open Mic Night!

This Sunday (12/15) will be a joint night with both Edge

and Life Teen. We will be enjoying a plethora of Christmas

goodies (hot chocolate, candy canes, baked goods, cake

etc); making and decorating Christmas cards for the home-

bound in our community; and showcasing your best talent

(or just doing something for fun!) with an open mic. Op-

tions would include anything from songs (bring special in-

struments with you, we only have a piano and guitar), danc-

es, poems, skits or scenes from a play, karaoke or just sing-

ing some good old fashioned Christmas carols with us!

Same time/place as usual…bring a friend!



Congratulations to our 2nd

Graders and

Sacramental Class

on celebrating their First Reconciliation!

This weekend our 2nd graders and others who will be com-

pleting their Sacraments of Initiation (First Communion and

Confirmation) made their very first confession. This marks

a great milestone on their spiritual journey, so if you know

someone who is part of this group, be sure to take the time

to congratulate them!

The blog has begun! The Faith Formation staff has

launched a new blog, with the first

post based on the Advent season.

Staff members will be posting blogs each month on a wide

range of topics related to faith and daily life as Catholics.

Check the website for a link to the blog and follow us.


We appreciate all the prayers and sup-

port on behalf of our catechumens, who

are preparing for the three Sacraments

of Initiation; and our Baptized candi-

dates, who are seeking full communion

in the Catholic Church. Please continue to join us in offer-

ing support, prayer and fellowship as they integrate into our


For any questions, please contact the

Faith Formation office at 207-282-4812

St. James School took part in Saco's

Parade of Lights. A float was decorated

with a crèche and a manger. Students

dressed as Mary and Joseph and sat on

hay bales on the float. Mary is pictured

here before boarding the float.


dressed up as

either shepherds or sheep and other

students were shepherds, angels and

kings. There was a large following

behind the float as these students sang

Christmas carols as they walked. Stu-

dents handed out St. James pencils to

the crowd. It culminated with a piece

of pizza and lots of smiles.

If you want to be a part of activities such as these, take a look

at St. James School. You will immediately become part of the

St. James family and have a supportive environment around

you, your children and their education. I think the saying is

that it takes a village to raise a child but here at St. James we

have a village that raises our children!

Page 5: Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach …...etc); making and decorating Christmas cards for the home-(or just doing something for fun!) with an open mic. Op-tions


Worship & Spirituality

Advent Vespers: Scripture, reflection, prayer,

and sacred music led by fellow parishioners.

Sundays at 4:00 pm: December 15 & 22 at

Most Holy Trinity. Incense will be used.

Adoration & Benediction: Scripture, Adoration of the Blessed

Sacrament and sacred music followed by Benediction led by Fr.

Jack Dickinson. Friday at 7:00 pm: December 20 at Ste Anne’s

Chapel. Incense will be used.

Social Justice & Peace

Administration & Fund Raising


Good Shepherd Parish is supporting the 2013 “Northern York

County Toys for Tots Campaign” for children from families in

need. Place new, unwrapped toys in the boxes provided in all

the churches. All toys are due this Sunday, December 15.

Thank you!

Second Collection This Weekend: Snow Removal

Collection Report

Offertory Week Year to Date*

November 23-24, 2013 $ 23,954 $ 638,268

November 24-25, 2012 $ 22,796 $ 645,178

Difference $ 1,158 (6,909) -1.1%

Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2013 $ 24,807 $ 668,190

December 1-2, 2012 $ 25,502 $ 676,981

Difference (695) $ (8,791) -1.3%

Fuel and Heat $ 5,115 *includes second collections

Knights Corner

Rev. James J. Mullen Council OOB Breakfast: December 15.

Again it is donation accepted. This month's donation will go to

Knights of Columbus Charity in Old Orchard Beach.

The Rev. James J. Mullen Council is selling Christmas Trees

and Wreaths at St. Luke's Chapel, Saco Avenue, OOB, from 1 to

8 pm Monday through Friday and 10 am to 7 pm Saturday & Sun-

day until all items are sold. Wreaths are $20 and trees are $30.

We continue to collect donations for local

food pantries at all our churches. Please

make your donations of nonperishables for the

needy of our area who depend on the food

pantries. There are collection boxes in all the

churches for your donations.

Wrapped Up: God's Ten Gifts for Women

Led by Donna Caron. Join us for our last session on

December 19 at Most Holy Trinity Church, 6 to 7:30

pm, to discuss chapters 8 & 10. We will begin with a

new book in February 2014. More info to follow.

Doorways at St. Joseph's: We ask your cooperation during the

heating season to please use only the center doorway and handi-

cap entrance on Elm Street. The right side doorway should be

used in EMERGENCY situations only! Eliminating use of the

right front door will reduce heat loss and increase parishioner

safety by allowing us to focus our efforts on the other two front

walkways and the parking lot entryway. We have seen over the

past couple of weekends how the rising sun melts frost from

above the doors, which freezes as it runs over the granite steps,

leaving an icy surface. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Holy Land Pilgrimage: Join Fr. Ron Labarre on a pilgrimage to

the Holy Land, May 5-13, 2014. Celebrate and strengthen your

faith in the sites that gave birth to our beliefs. Call 207-615-1378

for more information.

St. Louis Child Development Center, 229 Pool St., Biddeford,

is now accepting applications for limited openings in classrooms

for ages 18 months to 7 years. A program of Catholic Charities,

St. Louis is fully-accredited and proud to offer a curriculum of

developmentally appropriate early learning programs tackling

both literacy and math skills in a creative, nurturing environment.

Our little ones enjoy activities such as yoga, gardening, art, and

the two age-appropriate playgrounds, while parents appreciate

knowing that their child will be well-prepared for school while

having a great time in a safe, secure place. To schedule a tour,

please contact Kimberly Novak, 282-3790, [email protected]

Online Giving System: Good Shepherd Parish now has an

online giving system called WeShare. For more information

and to set up your account, go to

www.GoodShepherdParish.us and then click Online Giving.

You can make a onetime or recurring donation using your

credit card, checking or savings account.

For Sale: Good Shepherd Parish has a condo for sale on

Garfield Street in Saco. FMI please contact our broker,

Sandra Murray, with Keller Williams, 879-9800.

Mass Times While Travelling: Go to

www.masstimes.org to find locations & times of Masses at

Catholic churches in the USA and around the world―a

service of the Catholic Communications collection and

Mass Times Trust. For the Extraordinary Form:


All gifts for the Giving Tree are due this

Sunday, December 15.

Thank you for your generosity!