Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach Saco Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30-4:30 / Churches listed inside Mailing Address: 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 • Tel: 207-282-3321 e-mail: [email protected] • www.goodshepherdparish.us February 16, 2014

Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach Saco · ministry will resume on Sunday 23rd thor Monday 24. Happy Vacation! Youth Ministry Babysitting Service Opportunity High

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Page 1: Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach Saco · ministry will resume on Sunday 23rd thor Monday 24. Happy Vacation! Youth Ministry Babysitting Service Opportunity High

Good Shepherd Parish

Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach Saco Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30-4:30 / Churches listed inside

Mailing Address: 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 • Tel: 207-282-3321 e-mail: [email protected] • www.goodshepherdparish.us

February 16, 2014

Page 2: Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach Saco · ministry will resume on Sunday 23rd thor Monday 24. Happy Vacation! Youth Ministry Babysitting Service Opportunity High


Most Holy Trinity Church St. Joseph's Church & Ste Anne's Chapel St. Margaret's Church St. Philip's Church 271 Main St 178 Elm St (Rte 1) 6 Saco Ave 404 Goodwins Mills Rd Saco, Maine 04072 Biddeford, Maine 04005 Old Orchard Beach, Maine 04064 Lyman, Maine 04002

St. Brendan's Chapel (seasonal) St. Luke's Chapel (seasonal) 40 Lester B. Orcutt Blvd, Biddeford Pool, Maine 04006 164 Saco Ave, Old Orchard Beach, Maine 04064 Rev. Msgr. Rene T. Mathieu, Pastor Rev. P. Antonydass, HGN, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jack Dickinson, Parochial Vicar Deacon Robert Parenteau Deacon Kevin Jacques

Message from Monsignor René Mathieu

(1) Beginning this weekend, we begin to pray at every Mass for

“our bishop Robert.” Praying for our bishop is a serious respon-

sibility because of the burdens he must carry for our sake and for

the sake of the Gospel. May God bless our 12th bishop with wis-

dom, good health & humor, patience and a clear vision for the fu-

ture of the Church in Maine. (2) We are now in the cold and influ-

enza wonderland of the winter months! A reminder: the diocese has issued rec-

ommendations summarized here: Stay at home from church if you are sick.

Health officials recommend staying at home until 24 hours after any fever re-

solves without use of medications. Cover your cough by using tissues or by

coughing into your sleeve. Wash hands frequently. If you have a cold or the

flu, don’t drink from the shared cup or shake hands to share the sign of peace.

A smile or bow of the head is always appropriate. (3) In 2013, 22 pastoral

workers were killed around the world including 19 priests, one religious sister

and two lay persons: 7 priests in Columbia, 4 in Mexico, and 1 each in Brazil,

Venezuela, Panama and Haiti. In Africa, 1 priest was killed in Tanzania, and 1

religious sister and 1 pastoral care worker were killed in Madagascar & Nigeria.

In Asia, 1 priest in India & 1 in Syria were killed, and in the Philippines, 1 pasto-

ral care worker. And 1 priest in Italy. Most were killed during robbery attempts.

(4) Parishioners frequently ask how we are doing in the remodeled rectory. I

think I speak for all three priests when I say we are very happy in our new home.

The building is much smaller, or course, but it is more homey because we are

less spread out. With new windows and added insulation, we are also much

warmer during the winter months. All good! We still have some things to do so it

may be springtime before we have an open house (which will also make things

easier considering the snow and dirt that might pose a problem). We found a

large image of George Washington in the attic, beautifully framed. Perhaps it is

original to the building. As you recall, the house was built by a U.S. Congress-

man in 1807, less than 10 years after our first president’s death. The portrait of

GW now hangs near the front door to the rectory. (5) About a dozen Good Shep-

herd parishioners were slated to help with festivities related to the installation of

Bishop Deeley―from cooking and serving to liturgical matters. Their involve-

ment pleases me very much. (6) Thank You of the Week: To parishioners with

physical disabilities who participate in weekend Mass. They are good examples

for the rest of us who can more easily make our way to church. Thank you!

Jokes Priests Can Tell, Volume 3 by Msgr. Arthur Tonne

Little Sammy was practicing his violin in the living room while his father was

trying to read the paper in the den. The family dog was lying in front of the fa-

ther, and as the screeching sound of the youngster’s violin reached the pup’s ears he began to howl dismally.

The father endured the dog and violin combo as long as he could. Jumping up,

he slammed his paper to the floor and yelled above the din, “For pity’s sake,

can’t you play something the dog doesn’t know.” ―Catholic Digest

Feast of the Chair of St. Peter

February 22

Vocations: "It is loyalty to do His will." Are

you considering following the will of God in

the consecrated life or priesthood? Call Fr.

Nathan March at (207) 773-6471.

Apostolate of Prayer for Priests - February

16. Most Rev. Robert Deeley JCD

17. Rev. Reginald Brissette, Rev. Paul Pare

18. Rev. Albert Roux, Rev. Bruce Siket

19. Rev. Frank Murray,

Rev. Aurelijus Gricius OFM

20. V. Rev. Joseph Daniels,

Rev. Renald Labarre

21. Rev. Richard Ouellette,

Rev. John Bacevicius OFM

22. Our Holy Father Francis -----------------------------------------------------------

The Study of the U.S. Catholic Catechism for

Adults with Deacon Bob, Thursdays, 7 pm,

downstairs at Most Holy Trinity

Last Part of the Section on the Creed

Last time we learned about the uniqueness of

Mary, the Virgin Mother of Jesus, True God

and True Man, conceived through the power of

the Holy Spirit. Join us this week as we strive

to understand the final article of the Apostles'

Creed which proclaims that we believe "in the

resurrection of the body and life everlasting."

This is what we believe is our destiny when we

leave our earthly dwelling and enter into eter-

nity. Copies of our text are available.

GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH www.goodshepherdparish.us February 16, 2014

Page 3: Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach Saco · ministry will resume on Sunday 23rd thor Monday 24. Happy Vacation! Youth Ministry Babysitting Service Opportunity High


Joseph Courtois (born 1921)

Marc Laflamme (born 1959)

May their souls and the souls of all

the faithful departed rest in peace.

Saturday, February 15

4:00 pm St. Joseph: (Fr. Antonydass)

Albert Thivierge (17th Ann.) / Mr. & Mrs. Marc E. Grenier, Sr.

4:00 pm Most Holy Trinity: (Msgr. Mathieu)

Jason Woodman / Richard Potvin

4:00 pm St. Margaret: (Fr. David Schlaver)

Madlyn McPherson / Rene St. Pierre

4:30 pm St. Philip: (Fr. Dickinson)

Joel & Priscilla Morissette / Raymond Blais (3rd Ann.)

Sunday, February 16 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

8:00 am St. Joseph: (French) (Msgr. Mathieu)

Normand Laflamme / Joseph Oscar Peloquin

8:30 am St. Margaret: (Fr. Dickinson)

Marguerite LeBlanc / Paul Rivard

8:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Norman Richard)

Marcelle Vigue / James Benson

9:00 am St. Philip: (Fr. Antonydass) Charles C. Cyr, Sr.

10:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Msgr. Mathieu)

Thomas Fleurant (7th Ann.) /

For All People in Good Shepherd Parish

10:30 am St. Margaret: (Fr. Dickinson) Albeni Morin /

Urbain "Ben" Goulet (1st Ann.)

11:00 am St. Joseph: (Fr. Antonydass)

Dorilas Roy (2nd Ann.) / Jean Guy Raymond


Monday, February 17

9:00 am Most Holy Trinity: Normand Goulet / Andy Bergeron

Tuesday, February 18

7:00 am Ste Anne: Gerard Richard

9:00 am Most Holy Trinity: Theresa Levasseur (7th Ann.) /

St. Theresa – for favor received

Wednesday, February 19

9:00 am St. Joseph: Madeleine T. Dube /

Fr. Richard Brunelle (1st Ann.)

9:00 am St. Philip: Therese Bolduc

Thursday, February 20

8:00 am St. Margaret: Madeleine Cote /

Harold Duranceau (10th Ann.)

9:00 am St. Philip: Souls in Purgatory

Friday, February 21 7:00 am Ste Anne: Pauline Labrecque (1st Ann.)

9:00 am Most Holy Trinity: Lucille Cyr / Michel Dumas


Saturday, February 22

4:00 pm St. Joseph: (Fr. Dickinson)

Anne Thibeault / Jean & Beatrice Provencher

4:00 pm Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. David Schlaver)

Rose Lamb / Lance Vigneault

4:00 pm St. Margaret: (Msgr. Mathieu)

Madlyn McPherson / Dennis Jacques

4:30 pm St. Philip: (Fr. Antonydass)

Lucien Doyon (12th Ann.) / Adrien & Lorraine Lacourse

Sunday, February 23 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 am St. Joseph: (French) (Fr. Norman Richard)

Arthur & Gilberte Pelletier / for Special Intentions

8:30 am St. Margaret: (Msgr. Mathieu)

Paul Rivard / For All People in Good Shepherd Parish

8:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Antonydass)

Edmond Bouffard (20th Ann.) / Jason Woodman

9:00 am St. Philip: (Fr. Dickinson)

Pauline Cassette / Oscar & Almina Lacourse

10:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Antonydass)

Leonel Goulet (23rd Ann.) / Marie, Jr., Paul, & Flo Corbeil

10:30 am St. Margaret: (Msgr. Mathieu) Joseph Niles Jandreau /

In Thanksgiving (Birthday of Fr. Antonydass)

11:00 am St. Joseph: (Fr. Dickinson)

Julie Jeannette / Mildred Hebert


Readings for the Week of February 16, 2014

Sunday: Sir 15:15-20/ 1 Cor 2:6-10/ Mt 5:17-37

Monday: Jas 1:1-11/ Mk 8:11-13

Tuesday: Jas 1:12-18/ Mk 8:14-21

Wednesday: Jas 1:19-27/ Mk 8:22-26

Thursday: Jas 2:1-9/ Mk 8:27-33

Friday: Jas 2:14-24, 26/ Mk 8:34–9:1

Saturday: 1 Pt 5:1-4/ Mt 16:13-19

Next Sunday: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18/ 1 Cor 3:16-23/ Mt 5:38-48


February 21, St. Margaret's

Church, Old Orchard Beach, 7-8

pm - Praise and Worship Holy

Hour of Power sponsored by

That Man is You! All are invited

to join us for a powerful hour of

Praise & Worship as we honor Our Lord in the

Blessed Sacrament led by Fr. Jack Dickinson.

Fr. Larry Richards has conducted hundreds of parish missions,

conferences and retreats. He is known to make the love of

God real in his presentations. Fr. Larry is the founder of “The

Reason for Our Hope Foundation” and has many Media

presentations on “The Truth;” “The Mass explained;” and

“Confession” with hundreds of thousands distributed world-

wide. At all his parish missions Fr. Larry promises two things:

One, you will never be bored and two, your life will be

changed forever. Come and experience this truth for yourself. FMI [email protected]

Good Shepherd Parish welcomes

Brendan Lee, Tyler Evan, and Ciara Rose,

children of Sothon & Courtney (Martin) Prak;

Everlee Raine, daughter of Jamie & Tabitha (Morin LeBlanc.

May all the baptized grow daily in the body of Christ.

Good Shepherd

Parish Mission

March 31 - April 3 at

St. Joseph's Church

7-9 evenings

Page 4: Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach Saco · ministry will resume on Sunday 23rd thor Monday 24. Happy Vacation! Youth Ministry Babysitting Service Opportunity High

FEBRUARY 16, 2014


25 Graham Street Phone 207-282-4084

Biddeford, ME 04005 FAX 207-286-3693

E-mail [email protected]

Website www.goodshepherdschools.us

St. James School is Service Academics Faith Excellence

St. James School staff partners with parents, parishioners, and our community to provide students with opportunities to become faith-filled Catholics, creative and critical thinkers, life-long learners, and confident contributors to the Church and society.

There will be no sessions this Sunday (2/16) or Monday (2/17)

for any of our programs. Both children’s ministry and youth

ministry will resume on Sunday 23rd or Monday 24th.

Happy Vacation!

Youth Ministry

Babysitting Service

Opportunity High school babysitters are needed to help watch young children

during the parish mission with Fr. Larry Richards at St. Joseph's

Church. Help is needed on Monday (3/31), Wednesday (4/2), and

Thursday (4/3). All three nights will be from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.

There will be adult supervision, but we need some more hands

and eyes! If you are interested for one of more of these nights,

please contact Mike Drahos: 282-4812 or

[email protected].

Children’s Ministry - Our final Parent Meeting for First Com-

munion + Confirmation is being held on Sun-

day (3/2) @ St. Philip Church in Lyman at

10:15 am. This will be the final meeting for parents of children

who are planning to make these Sacraments with our parish on

May 31st.

Save the Date! Jun 23-27

Mark your calendars: this year’s Vaca-

tion Bible School will be held the week

of June 23rd to June 27th. It will be at Most Holy Trinity in

Saco each day from 9:00 to 11:30am.

More details to follow. See you there!

The February post is up! This month’s blog comes to us from Donna

Caron. Staff members will be posting blogs

each month on a wide range of topics related

to faith and daily life as Catholics. Check the website for a link to

the blog and follow us!

For any questions, please contact the

Faith Formation office at 207-282-4812

***OPEN HOUSE *** Friday, February 28

Come one! Come all! You have been hearing about all the won-

derful things that are happening at Saint James School ― come

see for yourself. Our second open house is going to take place on

Friday, February 28th, from 8 am to 2 pm. Word of mouth is the

very best advertisement, so invite your friend or neighbor to join

you and see the wonderful things that are happening at your par-

ish school!


Why should you send your children to a Catholic School?

So they can experience:

21. Halls decorated with a manger during Advent and Christmas

22. Talking with friends about what to give up for Lent

23. Congratulating second graders on receiving First Communion

24. Helping Catholic Charities with service projects

25. Hearing Jesus' name regularly, and not as a swear word

26. Getting pets blessed on the feast of St. Francis

27. Getting throats blessed on the feast of St. Blaise

28. Celebrating the Immaculate Conception

29. Seeing teachers at Sunday Mass

30. Connecting service with Catholic Social teaching

It is with sincere appreciation and gratitude that we thank

the following individuals for their contributions to St. James


In memory of Robert Gagnon by Ron & Marie LaBrecque.

St. James School Scholarship Fund in memory of Robert Gagnon

by Claudette Perreault.

St. James School Scholarship Fund in memory of Jeanne Gadbois

by Jeannine Paquette.

Anonymous donation to the St. James School Scholarship Fund.

St. James Technology Fund in memory of Laurence Martel by

Carol Dutil.

In memory of Leo Mercier by Conrad & Terry Beaudoin.

Page 5: Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford Lyman Old Orchard Beach Saco · ministry will resume on Sunday 23rd thor Monday 24. Happy Vacation! Youth Ministry Babysitting Service Opportunity High


Knights Corner

Collection Report

Offertory Week Year to Date*

February 1-2, 2014 $ 23,614 $ 940,419

February 2-3, 2013 $ 25,515 $ 966,913

Difference $ (1,901) $ (26,493) -2.7% *includes second collections

Winter Operations $ 5,540

Winter Delights Bake Sale February 22-23 before & after

Masses at Most Holy Trinity Church

Proceeds benefit the DiscipleMakers Campus Ministry of

Colleen Christian

Bakers needed! Please bring your donated sweets to the church

conference room on Friday, Feb. 21, between 1 and 4 pm or on

Saturday, Feb. 22, between 9 am and noon. Thank You!

FMI contact Doris Buonomo, 286-9967, Karen Fortier, 284-9615,

or Carol Lemay, 229-1902.

Squires Circle & Membership Drive: St. Joseph Council

#12941 of the Knights of Columbus will hold a Membership

Drive during the weekend of February 15/16 at St. Joseph's and

Most Holy Trinity Churches. Council members will speak at each

of the Masses and will be there after Mass to speak to anyone

interested in joining the Knights of Columbus.

The Drive will also focus on encouraging boys from ages 10 to

18 to sign up for the rejuvenated Squires Circle, a group that is

well on its way to giving these boys activities to do in the parish

and community. Member Mike Melnick, a Knight from the Old

Orchard Beach Council, along with other Knights, will head up

the boys group, sponsored by the St. Joseph Knights Council.

Next Breakfast for Council 2266 of OOB will be February 24,

8 to 11:30. Usual menu, donations accepted. This month's dona-

tion will go to Tammy Lavigne, a member of a brother Knght's

family. Thank you to all who came to our last breakfast.

Fr. Prouix 4th Degree Assembly will meet February 20 at St.

Matthew's Church, beginning with dinner at 6:30 pm. FMI con-

tact George Duranleau, 247-0160.

Please make your donations of nonperishables for

the needy who depend on the food pantries. There are

collection boxes in all the churches for your dona-

tions. This week: tuna & canned meat.

Experience Israel (you'll never be the same):

Join Fr. Ron and fellow parishioners on a pilgrimage to the Holy

Land. Only here can you experience such a deep and moving

connection to the roots of your faith. Call Mark Pierz at 1-928-

255-0955, or visit www.johnpaultours.com. Mark will send you

an exciting brochure in the mail. Do it now as the deadline for

registration has passed; don't be disappointed.

The parish offices will be closed February 17, Presidents Day.

Second Collection Next Weekend: Fuel & Heat ‒ The cost of

fuel to heat parish churches, halls, rectory, and offices is one of

the most significant expense lines in our budget. Our best efforts

must focus on limiting our demand. Accordingly, we closely

monitor the thermostats. Please be generous in your support.

Long Term Substitute Job Opening at St. James School

Long term sub needed for a music teacher from February until the

end of the year. Responsibilities are to teach music to grades

PreK to 8. This includes music in the classroom and liturgical

music. The music teacher also leads the students at weekly Mass.

Accompaniment at one weekend French Festival is required.

Please send cover letter, resume and three references to

[email protected].

Mardi Gras Pot Luck Supper! Come join us for a

stress-free dinner and get re-acquainted with friends

on March 2 at St. Joseph's Church Hall from 4:00 to

6:30 pm. Bring your favorite entrée or salad to share.

Desserts and drinks will be provided. Costumes op-

tional but fun! Come find out WHO will be crowned "King and

Queen" of the Mardi Gras. Bring the whole family for a fun even-

ing. See signup sheets at the church entrances.

Thanks to the generous donations of our parish-

ioners, the six food pantries in our communities

will share $1,855.04 as well as the soup collect-

ed during the middle school Edge retreat.

Way to go, kids!

A Lenten Rivier Retreat! Pope John Paul II said

that "The greatest urgency of our times is to know

ourselves in the mystery of Jesus!" What better way

to honor his canonization than to set time aside this

Lent to deepen your relationship with Jesus? This is

what this powerful Rivier Retreat, based on the Spiritual Exer-

cises of St. Ignatius, does. The group, directed by Deborah Hollis,

is limited to 10-12 people. The Retreat runs from 10 am to noon

every Wednesday February 19 thru April 30. It will be held at

Most Holy Trinity. To register call Deborah, 937-3388.

The Friends of Fr. Zénon Decary are happy to announce that

the Sunday Mass can now be seen on Channel 13 in Biddeford at

10 am. Folks in Saco can tune in to Digital Cable Channel 85 for

the Mass. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, Feb. 19, in the

Decary Center at 10 am. Anyone interested in becoming the

group's Historian? So much is happening that we must document

everything for posterity and for the glory of God. We had a fabu-

lous turnout for this month's healing service. Please remember to

notify us of any favors received.

The Social Justice and Peace Commission is

forming a reading group to review Pope Francis' Joy

of the Gospel, which received a great deal of atten-

tion. The book is in four parts so there will be four

meetings beginning on March 6th for one hour, on

Thursdays at 6:30 pm at Most Holy Trinity. It can

be purchased on Amazon or at the Abbey Bookstore

and is free on line. Please contact John Wallach at 286 2702 or

email [email protected] if you wish to participate.

Never heard Fr. Larry Richards speak? We have several

Lighthouse CDs of Fr. Larry. Stop by the main office today or

call Liz Williams at 282-3321. Check out the Home Page of our

website, too!