Good Programming Skills

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  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011 TCS SASTRA PUBLIC

    Good Programming Skills

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public2

    To develop Skills to write programs that are more understandable,

    following good programming practices

    Code Refactoring to improve quality of code

    Introduction to Defensive Programming


  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public3

    The gap between the best software engineering practice and the average practice is very wide -

    perhaps wider than in any other engineering discipline. A tool that disseminates good practice would be

    important. - Fred Brooks in " The Mythical Man-Month"

    The Importance of Good Programming Skills

    In a survey in TCS, 89 Project Leaders & Group Leaders

    ranked important skills for entrants to ILP as follows:

    1. Good Programming Practices

    2. Process Mindset3. Communication Skills

    4. Adaptability & Teamwork

    5. Concern for Quality

    6. Knowledge of Core Computer Science Topics

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public4

    A true project experience

    A TCS project well appreciated by client for


    On Time Delivery

    Good project Managements

    Customer requested enhancements for the well delivered product but later complained

    that enhancement requests were pending with TCS for months.

    Root Cause : Poor Understandability of code

    Improve Understandability of the code you write !

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public5

    Self-review is easier leading to less defects

    Debugging takes less time

    Another developer will find it easier to maintain your program

    Improving Understandability - Advantages

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public6

    1.Follow Standards

    All team members following the same standards, makes more understandable your code

    Follow the ILP coding guidelines and build this habit.

    Each project will have its own coding guidelines based on TCS coding guidelines

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public7

    A Problem

    An employee less than 1 year of experience is a fresher.1-2 years of experience is a

    Junior Engineer.2-5 is a lead engineer.5-8 is a manager.8-15 a senior manager and 15

    and above General manager. A fresher is eligible only for basic salary. A Junior Engineer

    is eligible for HRA as well. A lead engineer is eligible for HRA and LTA. All the managersare eligible for Medical allowances also. General managers are eligible for special

    allowance along with all the other allowances. Calculate the salary of an employee.

    HRA is 10% of basic salary, LTA is 2%,Medical allowance 15% and special allowance is

    20% of basic salary.

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public8

    Can you understand this ?

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public9

    A routine should perform one and only one operation.

    Descr ibe everyth ing the rout ine do esIn the routine's name

    The routine has too many parameters (9) , parameters >7 is not recommended

    Some of routines parameters unused (age)

    The routines parameters are poorly ordered

    Avoid unnecessary parameters (allow1,allow2,allow3,allow4)

    2. Refactor to Improve Understandability

    Write Programs for People First, Computers Second

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public1

    The routines name doesnt convey anything(getitwork21( ))

    The routine doesn't have a single purpose (It finds the employee type and computes salary)

    The routine has a bad layout. (The physical organization of the code on the page givesfew hints about its logical organization)

    The variable/parameter names not meaningful. (allow1,e,Type)

    The routine isn't documented.

    The routine doesn't defend itself against bad data. (If basic salary is given as negative,it doesn't throw any error )

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public1

    Simplify design and code - Start with interface

    With people first in mind, refactor the interface to meet the standards


    void getItwork21(String Type,int allow2,int bSAL,int allow1,int e,int allow3,

    int allow4,int age,String name)

    Better interfaces Better routine names Less / only essential


  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public1

    Refactoring the function body

    Better routine name

    Single Task

    Better layout

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public1

    Better variable names

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public1

    We did code refactoring to improve understandability,

    We can also refactor code to

    - remove duplicate code- enhance robustness

    - adaptability,

    - re-use or to apply some creative insight.

    Refactoring -

    Saves maintenance costs

    Makes it more comfortable for the maintainer.

    These factors must be balanced with the effort and time required for

    the refactoring.

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public1

    Specific Refactorings




    Source: Code Comp lete, Second Edit ion b y Steve McConn el l

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public1

    Specific Refactorings


    Replace a magic number with a named constant

    Rename a variable with a clearer or more informative name

    Move an expression inline

    Replace an expression with a routine

    Introduce an intermediate variable

    Convert a multiuse variable to multiple single-use variables

    Use a local variable for local purposes rather than a parameter

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public1

    Specific Refactorings


    Decompose a boolean expression

    Move a complex boolean expression into a well-named boolean function

    Consolidate fragments that are duplicated within different parts of a conditional

    Use break or return instead of a loop control variable Return as soon as you know the answer instead of assigning a return value withinnested if-then-else statements

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public1

    Specific Refactorings


    Extract routine/method

    Move a routine s code inline

    Substitute a simple algorithm for a complex algorithm

    Add/Remove a parameter

    Separate query operations from modification operations

    Combine similar routines by parameterizating them Separate routines whose behavior depends on parameters passed in

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public1

    Refactor safely

    Refactor one at a time

    Save the code before refactoring

    Retest after each refactoring

    Add test cases

    Review the changes

    Keep refactoring small

    Make frequent checkpoints

    Adjust your approach depending on the risk of the refactoring

    Source: Code Com plete, Second Edit ion by Steve McConnel l

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public2

    Every function must provide its purpose

    For java, Javadoc is a good choice for documentation as

    - it is generally adequate

    - easy to understand and use

    - it is popular

    3. Comment Judiciously

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public2

    Comment jud ic ious ly Sample method comment


    Calculates the Salary based on years of experienc e and b asic salary

    @param experienc eYears - the years of experience of an emplo yee

    @param basicSalary - the basic salary of an emp loyee

    @return the tota l salary o f an emp loyee


    publ ic stat ic do ub le calcSalary(int experienceYears, int basicSalary){

    Improving Understandability

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public2

    Construction accounts for about 75 percent of the errors on small projects

    and 50 to 75 percent on medium and large projects. Any activity that

    accounts for 50 to 75 percent of the errors presents a clear opportunity for


    -Steve McConnell in Code Complete

    Improving code correctness Why?

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public2

    Defensive programming

    Similar to defensive driving style!

    Check the values of all data from external sources

    Check the values of all routine input parameters

    Check all return values from all methods to be in the acceptable range

    Always have an otherwise or default clause in conditional statements

    to catch those cases that are not expected and so not processed

    Ensure that your code is not used inappropriately Sourc e: Code Comp lete, Second Edit ion by Steve McConnell

    Improving Code Correctness - Defending Against Bad data

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public2

    Why defensive programming helps ?

    Programming is complex and a major challenge.

    With the best of intentions, we may still expect problems

    Defensive programming techniques help us disc over a defect asclos e as feasible.

    Defensive Programming

  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011TCS SASTRA Public4

    Code Comp lete, Second Edit ion by Steve McConnel l

    Good Programm ing Pract ices & Ski l ls by Abbas K. Sutarwala


  • 7/28/2019 Good Programming Skills


    January 20, 2011 TCS SASTRA PUBLIC

    Happy Learning!