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GridMeNow™ redefines situational awareness by connecting decision-makers with bi-directional, location-based, enriched digital content.This system enables mobile device users (iOS, Android) to submit location and time relevant reports in real-time with media (image/video) toa situational awareness platform. These reports are automatically categorized and visualized with a secure, dynamic web management portal;providing for rapid response and improved situational awareness.


The only truly customizable solution of its kind, GMN is currently used by diverse clients, including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a FederalCommission for emergency planning, several Universities, including Virginia Tech and the United States Naval Academy, and Cotton, a global disastersolutions company.

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Our Solution

Future applications include use in emergency preparedness for health epidemics, pandemics and natural disasters, as well as HR management of personnel in hot spots around the world for large international and geographically dispersed companies and organizations.

GMN’s innovative architecture provides highly customizable and scalable features that allow users to easily automate actions and decisions, and filter and structure information.

Simple to use, yet sophisticated enough to help save lives, GridMeNow™ is amobile location-based communication system that quickly and easily enablesreal-time information to be communicated between users and decision makersacross a wide spectrum of situations, from logistics and personnel security, to emergency response and safety planning.

GMN employs a smart phone’s familiar interface to instantly send and receive texts, pictures, and video reports with geographic positions, giving decision-makers the ability to collect detailed knowledge needed for timely and effective action.


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GridMeNow™ is currently augmenting major U.S. universities to provide full visibility during large events.

Allow your emergency management and event management teams to see the full picture with video and images, in lieu of radio and phone calls.

Connect law enforcement, event security officials, and event managers with the same information on a cross-leveled, easy to use technology system.

Law EnforcementDon’t just rely on radio calls and mass emails during situations; create a collaborative information exchange with pictures and video to connect decision makers with enriched location based digital content.

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Currently in use with various U.S. Defense organizations and units.

Enable point-to-point real-time sharing of information for enhanced personnel safety.

Provide full visibility of communications to command and control elements, creating a shared situational awareness environment.

Real-time, mass alert functionality to notify your entire network of time critical information.

Homeland SecurityProvide your dispersed security teams the ability toshare pictures and videos in real time with one another for enhanced situational awareness and ensure their safety! GridMeNow™ can enable a decentralized approach by creating a “Eyes on, Hands off” management environment.

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Currently supporting several large U.S. corporations during global operations.

Increase your teams ability by leveraging enhanced technology; replace phone trees and paper call lists with a real-time ability to account for all personnel.

Seize business opportunities before the competition because your decision makers will have an increased sense of real-time business intelligence and therefore can take action in real-time.

Disaster Response CompaniesCustomize GridMeNow™ for your company so you can cover more ground in less time and know where your opportunities and people are – all the time.

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Utilized to support more than 25,000 square miles of land for increasing information generation and sharing for a Federal Commission.

Replace high latency and high cost methods for data sharing and information generation with 21st century means and ways.

Greatly reduce your costs in getting the same or better information before, during, and after environmental crisis situations.

EnvironmentalImagine all of the quality data your organization could have access to if you set up your GridMeNow™ network before a crisis happens. Enable your distributed team!

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Developed and utilized by communities on the U.S. Border for enhanced border security.

Establish and solidify your relationship with trusted community members; they can provide seamless and critical information.

Greatly increase your public relations by enabling information sharing and ultimately reducing on-scene response time.

Digital Neighborhood WatchGreatly increase your ability to maintain a constant awareness of your local environments by empowering a trusted group of community members – they can be your eyes and ears.

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Implemented for elite U.S. Defense Department Personnel.

Real – time knowledge of where your key people are.

Communicate with your entire team, anytime, anywhere and easily.

Key Management Personnel TrackingProvide your key personnel the ability to check-in anytime with location and reach out to them in real time with no additional communications infrastructure – leverage the growing ubiquity of connectedness!

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Mobile• Needs to reflect simple messages• Should have no more than 3-4 buttons• All buttons include a text description

Backend• Choose map type and/or KML layers• Administrative/user management option• Ability to export reports• User groups and distribution lists

Customize Buttons

Select Colors

Select Button StyleiOS - iPhone Android

Camera Video Both

Button 1

Button 2

Button 3

Button 4

Build Your GridMeNow™ System!

Select Phone Type Select Media Type

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333 N. Fairfax St.Suite 100Alexandria, VA 22314

(T) 1+ 571.421.2266

(W3) gridmenow.com

(E) [email protected]

GridMeNow™ will change the way your organization communicates, both everyday and during times of crisis. Your team is ready for it, but only if you are. Provide them with the customized system that will locate, inform, and enable action. To find out how, contact us here - anytime!