Geograpical Facts for Upsc 2007

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  • 8/14/2019 Geograpical Facts for Upsc 2007



    1. Madagaskar 4th largest island,actually a huge blocks of Africa, that

    seperated from mainland about 80 million years ago.first settlers were

    Malayas.the former name Malagasy is attribute to malayas.2Acid Rain term was coined by Robert Angus Smith in 1881

    ,Norwegian scientist observed polluted snowfall resulting in death of fishes in

    ponds and lakes.they failed to give the exact 1950 link with acid rain

    established.Sweden , Norway, Canada and U.S.A started experiencing acid rain.

    SO2 main culprit for acid rain..

    3According to the tutus bode ruledistance of each planet from the sun is

    approximately twice the that of the next planet close to the sun.

    4.Atacamaarid desert in the northen chile,960 km from peru border, almost no

    vegetation, considered world,s driest desert, town of calama recorded 400 years

    drought up to is rich in nitrates,iodine and borax.5..Selvas---equatorial rain forest in amazon basin.

    Granchacowarm temperate forest south of selvas

    Llanos----savana grass lands in north west

    Campossavana grasslands in east

    Pampas ---temperate grasslands in Arentina

    Montana----forest in the eastern slopes of Andes.

    6.Kalahari desertactually not a desert, rather than semi desert region of

    Botswana lies east of Namib desert between orange river and zambizi river .it is

    bushy scrub region .a inland basin with annual rainfall less than 50 is house

    of one of the Afcia,s oldest race ,the Bushmen.7..Suez Canalone of the steadiest source of income .canal is completed in

    1869.length 160 km. connects Miditerrenean and Red was vital life line

    between European and their coloniesin 1956 Egypt nationalised the Suez

    canal, at that time canal was mostly owned by British and French stockholders.

    8..Various instruments are used for inlargement and reduction of maps.they

    are---proportional compasses, pantograph, ediograph,camera lucida, Photostat

    and other photographic equipment . the formula used for enlargement or

    reduction is -------new scale/old scale=no. of times enlargement and reduction.

    9..England ,Scotland, Wales are geographicaly united on Great Braitian, but

    each has its own language ,culture and outlook.the United Kingdom includes

    thse three region as well as Northern Ireland.10..With the exception of London, most large British cities are located on or near

    coal fields.

    11.Great Barrier Reefsituated east coast of Australia , largest reef, located

    between 9 degree and 22 degree south latitude, length 1920 km, covers 2/3

    Queensland,s ,broken at places and frequent openings in the form of tidal

    inlets,which enable the lagon to maintain contact with open sea.
  • 8/14/2019 Geograpical Facts for Upsc 2007
