General Physics (PHYS ) Chapter 15 Place and Time Cartesian Coordinates Latitude and Longitude Time Determining Latitude and Longitude Wednesday Seasons and the Calendar Precession of the Earth’s Axis Chapter 16: The Solar System and Planetary Motion

General Physics (PHYS )

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General Physics (PHYS )

Chapter 15

Place and Time

Cartesian Coordinates

Latitude and Longitude


Determining Latitude and Longitude


Seasons and the Calendar

Precession of the Earth’s Axis

Chapter 16: The Solar System and

Planetary Motion

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Place & Time

• In Physical Science events occur at different places and at different times.

• Another way to say it – events are separated by space and time.

• Our five senses make it possible to know about objects and their positions relative to one another.

• Time is a bit more evasive – we relate time to changes we observe in our environment.


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Cartesian Coordinates

• A two-dimensional system is one in which two lines are drawn perpendicular with an origin assigned at the point of intersection.

• Horizontal line = x-axis

• Vertical line = y-axis

• The system we commonly use is the Cartesian coordinate system, named after the French philosopher/mathematician René Descartes (1596-1550).

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Cartesian Coordinates – Two Dimensional

• x number gives the distance from the y-axis.

• y number gives the distance from the x-axis.

• Many cities are laid out in a Cartesian pattern with streets running N-S & E-W.

We want to be able

to determine

locations on earth

and in space.

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Latitude and Longitude

• Location on earth is established by means of a coordinate system – latitude & longitude

• Since the earth turns on axis, we can use the geographic poles as north-south reference points.

• Geographic poles – the imaginary points on the surface of the earth where the earth’s axis projects from the sphere

• Equator – an imaginary line circling the earth’s surface half way between the N & S poles – The equator is a “great circle” – a circle on the surface of earth in a

plane that passes through the center.

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Standard Time Zones

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• Latitude - the angular measurement in degrees north and south of the equator

• The latitude angle is measured from the center of the earth relative to the equator.

• Lines of equal latitude are circles drawn on the surface and parallel to the equator.

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• Latitude is also called parallels – – There is an infinite # -- 0o – 90o N or S

• Going from the Equator poles these parallels represent a series of complete circles of which the equator is the largest and they become progressively smaller going N & S

• Only the equator is a “great circle.” All of the other parallels are “small circles,” with the N & S poles being only points .

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• Longitude - imaginary lines drawn on the surface of the earth running from N to S poles and perpendicular to the equator

• Lines of longitude are also called meridians.

• Meridians are half circles that are portions of “great circles.”

• An infinite number of lines can be drawn as meridians.

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• Longitude is the angular measurement, in degrees, east or west of the reference meridian, the Prime Meridian (0o) at Greenwich, England. – A large optical telescope

was located there.

• Maximum value of 180o E or W

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Standard Time Zones

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Diagram Showing Latitude and Longitude of Washington, D.C.

Section 15.2

Quito, Ecuador 0

and 78 W

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Great Circle Distance

• The shortest surface distance between any two points on earth is the great circle distance.

• A great circle is any circle on the surface of a sphere whose center is the center of the sphere.

• Nautical mile (n mi) – one minute of arc of a great circle

• 1n mi = 1.15 mi

• 60 nautical miles = 1o Section 15.2

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• Generally maps are designed for some type of “navigation.”

• Since the earth is nearly a sphere (3-D) and most maps are flat (2-D) they are necessarily ‘projections.’

• The places on a map are shown relative to each other, and the fundamental frame of reference is the lines of latitude and longitude.

• Most with “north” at the top

• Scales are provided to determine distance.

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• Time - the continuous forward flowing of events

• The continuous measurement of time requires the periodic movement of some object as a reference.

• The second has been adopted as the international unit of time.

• Vibration of the cesium-133 atom now provides the reference of a second – 9,192,631,770 cycles per second

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• Apparent Solar Day – the elapsed time between two successive crossings of the same meridian (line of longitude) by the sun (361o)

• Sidereal Day – the elapsed time between two successive crossings of the same meridian by a star other than the sun (360o)

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Solar Day vs. Sidereal Day

• The earth must rotate through 360o to complete one rotation w/ respect to the sun. The Solar Day is 4 min. longer than the Sidereal Day.

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• During one complete revolution (orbit) around the sun, the earth rotates (spins) 365.25 times but one complete revolution is only 360o.

• Therefore during each full rotation the earth moves slightly less than 1o of angular distance.

• 360o/24hr 15o/hr 1o/4 minutes

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Time Measurement

• A 24 hour day begins at midnight and ends 24 hours later at midnight.

• Noon local solar time – when the sun is on the observer’s meridian

• Ante meridiem (A.M.) – the hours before noon

• Post meridiem (P.M.) – the hours after noon

• 12 o’clock should be stated as “12 noon” or “12 midnight.”

• In addition 12 midnight should have the dates “12 midnight, July 26-27.”

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Standard Time Zones

• The earth is divided into 24 time zones, each containing approx. 15o of longitude (east or west of the meridian) or 1 hour. (Remember that the earth rotates 15o/hour = 1o/4! )

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Standard Time Zones

• The first time zone begins at the prime meridian and extends approximately 7.5o both east and west.

• The centers of each time zone are multiples of 15o.

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Time Zones of the Conterminous United States

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Losing and Gaining Time

• Traveling west you will “gain” time.

• As you cross into a new time zone, your watch will be 1 hour ahead of the new time zone.

• Example: Driving from Texas (at noon) into New Mexico (now it is only 11 A.M.)

• Driving east you “lose” an hour.

• Therefore if you travel all the way around the earth going west, you will “gain” 24 hours.

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Diagram Showing Times and Dates on Earth for Any Tuesday at 10 a.m.


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“Time Travel”

• Washington, D.C. is located at 39oN latitude.

• At the 39oN parallel the earth is rotating at a speed of approximately 800 mph.

• Therefore if we flew in a plane at 800 mph (along the 39th parallel) we would stay in the same position relative to the sun for as long as we flew!

• Therefore from our position in the plane it would appear that the sun “stood still.”

• In 24 hr we would arrive back in Washington, D.C. at the same time – but a day later!

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International Date Line

• The International Date Line is located at the 180o meridian – exactly opposite the Prime Meridian.

• When one crosses the IDL traveling west, the date is advanced into the next day.

• When one crosses the IDL traveling east, one day is subtracted from the present date.

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Finding the Standard Time and Date at Another Location – An Example

• It is 6 A.M. on March 21 in Los Angeles (34oN, 118oW). What are the time and date in Perth, Australia (32oS, 115oE)?

• Construct a circle with 24 even divisions on it.

• These divisions represent 15o increments of a full circle and each hour of the day.

• Los Angeles falls in the time zone with the 120oW central meridian.

• Perth falls in the time zone with the 120oE central meridian.

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Finding the Standard Time and Date at Another Location – An Example (cont.)

• We know there are 24 hours in any day. We also are given that it is 6 A.M. in Los Angeles, therefore it is 10 P.M. in Perth.

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Determining Latitude and Longitude

• During a year the sun appears to change its overhead position from 23.5o N to 23.5o S.

– 23.5o N is the farthest north and 23.5o S is the farthest south that the vertical noon sun reaches.

• As the Earth revolves around the sun, the noon sun is directly over different latitudes during the year because of the constant 23.5o tilt of the Earth to the sun.

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Diagrams of Sun's Position (Degrees Latitude) at Four Different Times of the Year

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• At 12 noon, the sun is on the observer’s meridian and appears at its maximum altitude about the southern horizon. – (for all observers north of the sun)

• Zenith – position directly overhead, therefore always 90o from the horizon

• Altitude – the angle measured from the horizon to the sun at noon

• Zenith Angle – angle from the zenith to the sun at noon

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Finding the Approximate Altitude of the Sun as Observed from Washington D.C. on June 21

• The angle between the sun and the observer is 39o – 23.5o = 15.5o.

• The altitude of the sun is 90o – 15.5o = 74.5o

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Finding the Approximate Altitude of the Sun as Observed from

Washington D.C. on December 21

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Around the world in 80 Days

Jule Vernes: 12 min


Section 15.5