GARDEN HISTORY GRAPEVINE for DAVID MARSH copy · Garden History Grapevine is a network of enthusiastic experienced lecturers and researchers in the history of gardens, designed landscape

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Page 1: GARDEN HISTORY GRAPEVINE for DAVID MARSH copy · Garden History Grapevine is a network of enthusiastic experienced lecturers and researchers in the history of gardens, designed landscape




in association with

Page 2: GARDEN HISTORY GRAPEVINE for DAVID MARSH copy · Garden History Grapevine is a network of enthusiastic experienced lecturers and researchers in the history of gardens, designed landscape

Garden History Grapevine is a network of enthusiastic experienced lecturers and researchers in the history of gardens, designed landscape and horticulture. We began in 2015 when we realised that there were fewer and fewer garden history courses being laid on by institutions across the country. We also noticed that, despite this, there was still a big demand for lively and informative ‘leisure’ courses, and for more specialist professional training about historic parks, gardens and designed landscapes. However there is also a lack of skilled researchers and teachers in the field. You can find more details about our team on our website: www.gardendenhistorygrapevine.wordpress.com

We began by working with all the big horticultural and heritage organisations to try and stimulate and co-ordinate efforts to alter this. There were two target groups: those who are professionally involved with the care of historic sites and those who were interested, often passionate, ‘non-professionals’ such as historians, researchers, volunteers, or just lovers and defenders of our green heritage. We began to think of ways forward with both groups.

Most of those from horticultural and heritage organisations who are involved with the training and in-service development of their own professional teams and apprentices were very aware of these shortages as well, and were really keen to get involved one way or another. On a professional level we have worked with the Royal Horticultural Society, the National Trust and English Heritage to offer an introduction to garden history as part of their apprenticeship training programmes, and also as part of continuing development for established staff working in historic gardens and landscapes.

Garden History Courses for Everyone

Who are we?

What did we do about it?

Courses in garden history for professionals

Melbourne Hall, Derbyshire

Page 3: GARDEN HISTORY GRAPEVINE for DAVID MARSH copy · Garden History Grapevine is a network of enthusiastic experienced lecturers and researchers in the history of gardens, designed landscape

We would be happy to work with Head Gardeners on their own professional development in Garden History, and also to devise programmes they could implement in and around their own particular site, for their team, both paid staff and volunteers as well as other interested visitors and supporters.

For the last couple of years we have been working with the Birkbeck Garden History Group, [more info about them at [https://birkbeckgardenhistorygroup.wordpress.com] to devise and trial some introductory courses. They proved successful and we have begun taking them to a wider audience and out of London.

This is a hands-on course, that begins by using 10 garden-related objects to spark discussion amongst participants, working in small groups. The objects vary according to the site and circumstances – some are genuine artefacts, others facsimiles, but all are interesting in their own right. They range from bits of gardening equipment to maps, and old adverts through to models via unusual fruit and veg. This part of the day lasts about 90 minutes. It’s followed by an illustrated lecture that puts the objects into a broad chronological and social context covering 5000 years of garden history. The afternoon can take many different forms depending on the venue and/or organisation. In some there are 3 short lectures on garden-related topics, usually with some local connection. In others there might be a tour of the garden, a discussion of the problems facing the site as well as one or two

Garden History Courses for Everyone

An introductory day-long course Garden Historyin 10 Objects

The Pagoda at Chanteloupe, near Amboise

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short lectures. We end the day with suggestions for further research and things that might be of interest. The day has now run successfully at several different venues in London as well as in Birmingham and Nottingham with groups ranging from 8 to 80, although ideally it would be between 20 and 50.

The 10 Objects day leads naturally to a follow-up six week course of lectures and visits, mainly about western European gardens, which takes a simple chronological approach to the subject, looking at the main elements of garden design and their social, economic and cultural context. Typically we would spend a morning looking at:

Week 1: Mediaeval Gardens

Week 2: Tudor and Jacobean Gardens

Week 3: Baroque Gardens

Week 4: The Landscape Garden

Week 5: Victorian Gardens

Week 6: Twentieth Century Gardens

Normally we would have two afternoon visits, depending on what sites are available locally, but more visits can obviously be organised if required/desired. This course has run several times in London and Birmingham, and will start in Bath in Autumn 2018.

Six week introductory course

Garden History Courses for Everyone

Page 5: GARDEN HISTORY GRAPEVINE for DAVID MARSH copy · Garden History Grapevine is a network of enthusiastic experienced lecturers and researchers in the history of gardens, designed landscape

We can also offer a range of study days. Recent examples have been a combination of a morning lecture and discussion with an afternoon visit on sites such as Chelsea Physic Garden, Kensington Gardens, Regents Park, Thames Barrier Park, Chiswick House, Battersea Park, Valentines, Wanstead and Kenwood. We can also offer a whole day seminar series on subjects as diverse as The Rise of the Amateur Gardener, Humphry Repton or Plant Hunting.

At the end of the first introductory courses we found ourselves with an audience who wanted to continue developing their skills and knowledge in a structured way. So we have offered a series of these advanced courses . These have have each run for 12 weeks and covered such topics as the History of Botanic Gardens, the History of Public Parks, Repton in Context, and one on Research Skills to help those who want to investigate particular sites or subjects from original sources. We usually invite visiting experts to bring in greater variety and depth to what we are offering, and have built up quite a team of those prepared to contribute their knowledge and ideas to an interested audience. These are not designed as rivals to the study days and lectures series run by County Gardens Trusts or other groups and venues, but as complementary to them. These courses have been based at the Institute of Historical Research, part of the University of London, but we would be happy to work with other interested venues and organisations to create partnership to put together similar courses on any topic of interest.

That’s open to negotiation … and that answer isn’t intended as a cop-out. We have developed three possible ways of working with a venue or organisation, and much depends on how organised they are and the way in which they like to work.

Option 1: The partner venue or organisation takes the lead Under this option responsibilities will be divided as follows:

The Partner will do all the administration which includes setting ticket price, deciding on numbers, timings and catering arrangements as well as marketing and sales. The venue would keep all the profits and bear any potential shortfalls.

Garden History Courses for Everyone

Study Days

Longer and more specialist courses

What does it cost?

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Grapevine would treated as any other “hired” service. It will provide the tutors and invoice the venue for fees and expenses. [See below for current rates] Grapevine would treated as any other “hired” service. It will provide the tutors and invoice the venue for fees and expenses. [See below for current rates]

Additionally it will also put the details on its website and do everything else reasonable it can to promote the event, including providing a draft flyer and other publicity material and all necessary info. It will also provide master copies of any handouts for the venue to provide. It will not be entitled to any share of the profits nor liable for any shortfall. However, because planning events is time consuming, and more importantly reserving dates rules out other opportunities, we ask for a commitment to pay a cancellation fee once the final arrangements are put in place. [10% of agreed fees + plus any irrecoverable expenses up to 2 months, 20% up to one month and 30% less than one month]

Option 2: Grapevine takes the lead Under this option responsibilities will be divided as follows:

The partner will rent out the necessary space but also actively take the lead on marketing because it knows the local audience. Additionally it might need to provide volunteers to help on the day with reception, site walks etc

Grapevine will do the bulk of the administration which will include setting numbers, prices and arranging payments [ which will be through Eventbrite] and dealing with enquiries [via our website]. It will decide on catering arrangements [if necessary] It will provide the venue with flyers/course information [digital but also print if required].

Under this option Grapevine would be like any other outside group hiring the venue. It will keep any profit but also take the risk and loss if the numbers are not reached. It also reserves the right to cancel if the course is not viable for any reason.

Option 3: A joint partnership agreement This is more complex arrangement but probably the most satisfactory for both sides, because it means working closely together and deciding on the breakdown of responsibilities item by item. We would then prepare a budget to work out ticket prices.

Agreement would be needed over:

Cost of venue – Normal commercial charge? Concessionary rates? Free/prepared to take a gamble on getting sufficient income from profit share?

Festival des Jardins, Chaumont sur Loire

Garden History Courses for Everyone

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Tutors fees – standard or perhaps prepared to take a gamble on getting sufficient income from profit share?

Ticketing and Payment arrangements? Through venue or Eventbrite?

Catering arrangements – Through venue? Make your own arrangements? Included in course fee or not? Marketing would still have largely to be undertaken by the venue especially if outside London. But obviously Grapevine would do whatever it could to assist.

Administration – who deals with enquiries? Supplying handouts?

Profit or Shortfall – how to divide financial responsibility and outcome

Cancellation – numbers/deadlines need to be fixed OR agreement reached on how to accept any consequences of going ahead past the deadline/without sufficient numbers.


We currently charge £50 an hour plus expenses. This means the 10 Objects day course run by just one person would start at £250, although the venue /organisation would need to provide a number of volunteers [dependant on number of attendees] , and would probably wish to provide another speaker just for the sake of variety. We would normally run it with 2 of us, although again some volunteers might be needed, and the cost would start at £400 + expenses.

The 6 week course would be costed beginning at £50 an hour + expenses, but we would also need to take travelling times into account. So a morning course close to where one of us lives would probably cost £125, and a whole day at £250. Longer

Garden History Courses for Everyone

Our standard charges and sample costings

Champs de Bataille, Normandy

18thc Chinese ‘botanical’ wallpaper at Broughton Castle, Oxfordshire

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distances and specialist courses by negotiation but all based on the same basic figures and principles.

that we operate as individuals, working in co-operation rather than working as a ‘corporate’ business, as we all have other interests that we like to pursue. This gives us more freedom to pick and choose what we do, but it also means that we get the advantage of working with like-minded colleagues, and building up an audience of equally enthusiastic and lively people. There is a list of those currently involved on our website.

Over the last year or so we have begun marketing our courses in association with the Gardens Trust, the leading national charity dedicated to campaigning, conserving and researching history parks, gardens and designed landscapes. One of the aims of the Trust is the promotion of garden history and David Marsh, one of our team, is the chair of the Trust’s Education Committee.

We hope that interest on our courses will lead to increased membership and support for the Trust and it is planned that profits from most of the courses we organise ourselves will now go to the Gardens Trust for the promotion of its work in both education and conservation.

You can find out more about the Gardens Trust on its website. http://thegardenstrust.org

If you’re unsure whether this is for you we’re happy to talk through your requirements and see if we can help. Or of course you could come along to one of our classes or study days and see for yourself!

We’re also looking for new colleagues who want to work with us in the future. If you want to discuss the possibilities with us then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Our email is: [email protected]

Garden History Courses for Everyone

You should also know...

Our link to The Gardens Trust

So what next?


The Walled Garden at Houghton, Norfolk