Fusion of Natural Language Propositions: Bayesian Random Set Framework Adrian N. Bishop NICTA, Canberra Research Lab Australian National University (ANU) Canberra, Australia Email: [email protected] Branko Ristic ISR Division Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) Melbourne, Australia Email: [email protected] Abstract—This work concerns an automatic information fusion scheme for state estimation where the inputs (or measurements) that are used to reduce the uncertainty in the state of a subject are in the form of natural language propositions. In particular, we consider spatially referring expressions concerning the spatial location (or state value) of certain subjects of interest with respect to known anchors in a given state space. The probabilistic framework of random-set-based estimation is used as the underlying mathematical formalism for this work. Each statement is used to generate a generalized likelihood function over the state space. A recursive Bayesian filter is outlined that takes, as input, a sequence of generalized likelihood functions generated by multiple statements. The idea is then to recursively build a map, e.g. a posterior density map, over the state space that can be used to infer the subject state. Keywords: Spatial prepositions, natural language, infor- mation fusion, Bayesian estimation, random set theory. I. I NTRODUCTION Natural language processing involves the design of algo- rithms for understanding and processing human, naturally conveyed, statements and prepositions 1 [1]. Note that such processing typically goes beyond simple speech, or text recog- nition and involves the interpretation of natural language for decision and control sequences. This work concerns an automatic information fusion scheme for state estimation where the inputs (or measurements), used to reduce the uncertainty in the state of a subject, are in the form of natural language propositions. The following example is indicative of the scenario motivating this work. Example 1. Imagine a battlefield scenario in which a number of squads are scattered about the field. Suppose there is an enemy mortar in the field whose position is unknown but observed by three squad leaders without accurate position- ing equipment. The platoon commander instructs the squad leaders to relay the location of the mortar as they observe it. Consider the three statements * the mortar is behind the stone wall * from my position the mortar is next to the barn * I think the mortar is near the front of the barn spoken by the first, second and third squad leader respectively. 1 We also use the notion of a proposition, as opposed to a preposition, to refer to particular declarative sentences etc with a corresponding truth value. Now, given a map of the battlefield that contains the required landmarks, i.e. the stone wall and barn, along with the relevant positions of the squad leaders, then it follows that the platoon leader can infer the enemy mortar location. This work looks at the design of automatic systems to combine statements such as those in this example into a unified spatial representation over the space of interest on which one can infer the state (e.g. location, velocity) of certain subjects. In particular, we consider spatially referring expressions concerning the spatial location (or state value) of certain subjects of interest with respect to known anchors in a given state space; an anchor is a subject with a fixed and known state value. The space of interest in the preceding example was the battlefield, e.g. a subset of R 2 , but more abstract spaces and problems fit within the proposed framework. Each statement leads to a generalized likelihood function on the state space. The idea is then to use such likelihood functions to recursively build a map, e.g. a posterior density map, over the state space that can be used to infer the subject state. Natural language statements and, in particular, spatial prepo- sitions are typically ambiguous and depend greatly on the context and grounding of the subjects referenced [2]–[4]. For example, if we say, “The ball is in front of the car”, it can mean that we want to locate the ball in relation to the car from the point of view of the speaker, with respect to the orientation of the car itself, or with respect to the actual direction of the motion of the car [2]. In addition to the various hypotheses concerning the use of “in front” there is also uncertainty in each hypothesis in that the relationship “in front” is geometrically dependent on the configuration of the speaker, car and even the listener. For example, if the speaker is close to the car then the ball should be closer to the car than if the speaker is further away. Each hypothesis should have a smaller variance in this case. The result is that any likelihood function for the state of the subject, e.g. the ball in the previous case, that takes such a preposition as input must be multi-modal to account for the multiple hypotheses in the interpretation. The likelihood function must also allow for the uncertainty in the geometrical nature of the spatial relation itself with respect to each hypothesis [4]–[6]. 14th International Conference on Information Fusion Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 5-8, 2011 978-0-9824438-3-5 ©2011 ISIF 1492

Fusion of Natural Language Propositions: Bayesian …fusion.isif.org/proceedings/Fusion_2011/data/papers/197.pdfFusion of Natural Language Propositions: Bayesian Random Set Framework

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Fusion of Natural Language Propositions: BayesianRandom Set Framework

Adrian N. BishopNICTA, Canberra Research Lab

Australian National University (ANU)Canberra, Australia

Email: [email protected]

Branko RisticISR Division

Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO)Melbourne, Australia

Email: [email protected]

Abstract—This work concerns an automatic information fusionscheme for state estimation where the inputs (or measurements)that are used to reduce the uncertainty in the state of asubject are in the form of natural language propositions. Inparticular, we consider spatially referring expressions concerningthe spatial location (or state value) of certain subjects of interestwith respect to known anchors in a given state space. Theprobabilistic framework of random-set-based estimation is usedas the underlying mathematical formalism for this work. Eachstatement is used to generate a generalized likelihood functionover the state space. A recursive Bayesian filter is outlined thattakes, as input, a sequence of generalized likelihood functionsgenerated by multiple statements. The idea is then to recursivelybuild a map, e.g. a posterior density map, over the state spacethat can be used to infer the subject state.

Keywords: Spatial prepositions, natural language, infor-mation fusion, Bayesian estimation, random set theory.


Natural language processing involves the design of algo-rithms for understanding and processing human, naturallyconveyed, statements and prepositions1 [1]. Note that suchprocessing typically goes beyond simple speech, or text recog-nition and involves the interpretation of natural language fordecision and control sequences.

This work concerns an automatic information fusion schemefor state estimation where the inputs (or measurements), usedto reduce the uncertainty in the state of a subject, are in theform of natural language propositions. The following exampleis indicative of the scenario motivating this work.

Example 1. Imagine a battlefield scenario in which a numberof squads are scattered about the field. Suppose there is anenemy mortar in the field whose position is unknown butobserved by three squad leaders without accurate position-ing equipment. The platoon commander instructs the squadleaders to relay the location of the mortar as they observe it.

Consider the three statements* the mortar is behind the stone wall* from my position the mortar is next to the barn* I think the mortar is near the front of the barn

spoken by the first, second and third squad leader respectively.

1We also use the notion of a proposition, as opposed to a preposition, torefer to particular declarative sentences etc with a corresponding truth value.

Now, given a map of the battlefield that contains therequired landmarks, i.e. the stone wall and barn, along withthe relevant positions of the squad leaders, then it followsthat the platoon leader can infer the enemy mortar location.This work looks at the design of automatic systems to combinestatements such as those in this example into a unified spatialrepresentation over the space of interest on which one caninfer the state (e.g. location, velocity) of certain subjects.

In particular, we consider spatially referring expressionsconcerning the spatial location (or state value) of certainsubjects of interest with respect to known anchors in a givenstate space; an anchor is a subject with a fixed and known statevalue. The space of interest in the preceding example was thebattlefield, e.g. a subset of R2, but more abstract spaces andproblems fit within the proposed framework. Each statementleads to a generalized likelihood function on the state space.The idea is then to use such likelihood functions to recursivelybuild a map, e.g. a posterior density map, over the state spacethat can be used to infer the subject state.

Natural language statements and, in particular, spatial prepo-sitions are typically ambiguous and depend greatly on thecontext and grounding of the subjects referenced [2]–[4]. Forexample, if we say, “The ball is in front of the car”, it canmean that we want to locate the ball in relation to the carfrom the point of view of the speaker, with respect to theorientation of the car itself, or with respect to the actualdirection of the motion of the car [2]. In addition to thevarious hypotheses concerning the use of “in front” there isalso uncertainty in each hypothesis in that the relationship “infront” is geometrically dependent on the configuration of thespeaker, car and even the listener. For example, if the speakeris close to the car then the ball should be closer to the car thanif the speaker is further away. Each hypothesis should have asmaller variance in this case.

The result is that any likelihood function for the state ofthe subject, e.g. the ball in the previous case, that takes sucha preposition as input must be multi-modal to account forthe multiple hypotheses in the interpretation. The likelihoodfunction must also allow for the uncertainty in the geometricalnature of the spatial relation itself with respect to eachhypothesis [4]–[6].

14th International Conference on Information FusionChicago, Illinois, USA, July 5-8, 2011

978-0-9824438-3-5 ©2011 ISIF 1492

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There has been some work in the linguistic and roboticscommunities that turns natural language statements, or spa-tially referring expressions, into spatial representations suitablefor, e.g., inference on spatial relationships between objects andhuman-robot interaction [7]–[10]. Our work differs from thisexisting work in that we seek to develop a rigorous probabilis-tic framework in which one can form a mathematically generallikelihood function from certain natural language statementsand then perform recursive Bayesian filtering and inference.Our work is motivated by the discussions and mathematicalformalism introduced in [11], [12]. In particular, we employthe random-set formulation of [11], [12] to form the gener-alized likelihood functions in this work. The Bayesian fusionalgorithm outlined in this work subsumes as a special case,Dempster-Shafer theory, fuzzy set theory, Bayesian fusion withlikelihood mixture models etc [11]–[16].


Fix an underlying Borel measurable space (S,B(S)) whereB(·) is a Borel σ-algebra [17]. The space S is the state space.A subject of interest is denoted by S whereas the state ofS measured in S is denoted by Σ. For example, in a radarscenario, we might have S = target and Σ ∈ R3.

Let φini=1 denote a set of propositions concerning thevalue of the state of a subject. To avoid being tied to aparticular semantic representation we take the simplistic viewin this work to model φ by

φ∗ = the subject is located with some spatial

relationship to an anchor in the space (1)

Any φ which is homomorphic to such a form is acceptable2.Thus, we refer to φ∗ as the normal form of the proposition.We write φi ∼ φ∗ if φi is in a normal form. Associated witheach proposition φi is a map ϕi : φi → [0, 1] resulting in thetuple (φi, ϕi). The map ϕi is like a probabilistic confidence ortruth value of the proposition. If ϕi = 0 then the propositionφi can typically be neglected.

We consider a set of spatial relationships denoted byRjrj=1 and a set of anchors Akak=1 with known positionsakak=1 and ak ⊆ S × Ak and Ai 6= Aj , ∀i 6= j. Here Akmay be a null-space (but S1 is a typical non-null example).

The universe of all spatial relationships and anchors is Rand A. Given a proposition φi then the operator notationR(φi)and A(φi) repsectively pulls out the spatial relationship andanchor referenced in φi.

A more specific example is then:

φi = the error in the feedback loop is near

the origin (2)

where S = error, the spatial relationship is R = nearand A = origin is the anchor. Another example is:

φi = the state is on the

boundary of the manifold (3)

2A discussion on the linguistic justification for such an approach is providedin the appendix.

where S = state, the spatial relationship is R = on andA = boundary of the manifold is the anchor.

Note that the set of anchors are subjects in S with knownstates. Propositions of the form φi are not spoken in isolation.They are spoken by an individual, the speaker, in a state si ∈S×B to another individual, the listener3, in state pi ∈ S×C.Thus, intrinsically associated with each proposition φi is astate si ∈ S ×B and a state pi ∈ S ×C. Both B or C may benull-spaces (but also S1 are a typical non-null example spaces).The set of anchors is typically augmented with the state of thespeaker and the listener.

We will make the following standing assumption.

Assumption 1. Each φi is in the present tense. The state ofthe anchors are known. The subject and anchor are referredto singularly. The state si and state pi are known.

We will neglect the problem of reference resolution in thiswork [9], [10]. Each proposition φi leads to likelihood functionon S determined by the particular spatial relationship Rj , thestate of the anchors, the speaker and the listener. In this workwe model such a likelihood via a sum of the form

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) +∑ki∈Hi

wkiγki(φi, ·) (4)

where∑kiwki = ϕi and Hi is a function of Rj and Ak. The

functions γki(φi, ·) are dependent on the parameters definingφi and possibly some additional tuning terms. More will besaid about how we construct g(φi|Σ) later. However, as anexample γki(φi, ·) may be a probability density and theng(φi|Σ) is a mixture density model.

Example 2. The situation is best described by an example:

φi = the target is in front of the red car (5)

where S = target, the spatial relationship is R =in front and A = red car is the anchor. Also ϕi = 1.Let S = R2. Suppose the location of the car A ∈ R2 × S1

has a position in R2 and an orientation. For this example,take A = [x y ϑ]> = [0 0 0]>, such that the car is facingtoward the positive x-axis. The speaker is at si = [0 2.5]>

and the listener is at pi ∈ S , i.e. for this example we won’tcare where the listener is. The likelihood function is a sum oftwo Gaussian density functions

g(φi|Σ) , 12γ1(Σ− q1,Ω1) + 1

2γ2(Σ− q2,Ω2) (6)


γ(x− µ,Ξ) =1

(2π)n2 |Ξ|1/2




−12 (x− µ) ‖22


and Ξ is the variance and µ is a mean. The means qki andvariances Ωki , ki ∈ Hi are defined based on φi. One examplelikelihood function is shown in Figure 1.

It follows that the proposition φi results in two hypothesesregarding the position of the car generated by the spatial

3Of course, there may exist multiple listeners but for simplicity we assumethe speaker is speaking to one particular individual.


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−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−3















Fig. 1. An example likelihood function for the statement φi =the target is in front of the red car. The speaker is located at [0 2.5]> andthe car is located at [0 0]> facing in the positive x-direction.

relationship R = in front. The target may be in front of thecar proper or in front of the car with respect to the speaker4.The position and variance of the Gaussian components in thisexample are chosen for illustrative purposes. 3

It follows that each ki ∈ Hi corresponds to a hypothesisconcerning the state of the subject given the spatial relationshipin φi and the anchor, speaker, listener states etc. The naturalambiguity in spatially referring expressions and the difficultyin modelling such relationships in an autonomous way hasbeen explored extensively in the language community; seee.g. [2]–[4], [18]. Our work differs from this existing workin that we explicitly want to model the likelihood function fora subject’s state given certain spatial relations using a rigorousmathematical framework that is well suited to the modellingproblem at hand and is further tailored for a recursive fusionalgorithm.

A. Discussion

In the next section we outline a rigorous mathematicalframework for generally modelling the likelihood function fora subject’s state given certain spatial relations. We will alsocome back to the modelling problem later for some examplespatial relations.

However, we note that the functional properties of thecomponents involved, e.g. the anchors, in certain propositionshas been attributed to human’s ability to naturally disam-biguate certain spatially referring expressions [4]–[6], [18].The proposition

φi = the lightbulb is in the socket (8)

is a typical example where the functional relationship betweenthe lightbulb and the socket implicitly implies the geometricalrelationship.

Certain expressions, like the one given in Example 2, cannotbe easily disambiguated even by humans without additionalinformation. For example, the proposition

φi = the man is at the shop (9)

4Note at this point we will not discuss the modelling of spatial relationshipsin detail. Of course, the relationship in front may result in more than twohypotheses. A sum of Gaussian densities may not be the optimal model andthe mean/variance of each hypothesis would be closely tied to the geometryof the particular problem. Here we are just highlighting the broad nature ofthe likelihoods - a more detailed discussion on this point is given later.

may imply that the man is inside the shop or near the shopwhere inside and near may also be individually ambiguous.Nevertheless, such propositions are quite natural. Most likely, alistener attempting to find the target in Example 2 can quicklysearch a number of plausible hypotheses and eliminate themvia an inherent recursive fusion algorithm, e.g. a recursiveBayes estimator, with vision essentially nullifying certainmodes in the posterior. This is also the idea behind variousmulti-modal-based language interpretation systems; e.g. see[9], [10], [19]–[21]. On the other hand, additional propositionsφj concerning the location of the target may achieve the sameoutcome. This latter scenario is the one explored here and themain topic of this work.


In this section we construct a likelihood function of the form

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) +∑ki∈Hi

wkiγki(φi, ·) (10)

where∑kiwki = ϕi and explore the nature of this function

in relation to traditional Bayesian estimation and informationfusion. Again ϕi ∈ [0, 1] is the associated confidence, or truthvalue, of φi.

To this end, fix the underlying probability space(S,B(S),P) where B(·) is a Borel σ-algebra. Let S∗ denotethe set of all closed subsets of S equipped with the Matheron,or hit-and-miss, topology [11]. We introduce the measurablespace (S∗,B(S∗)). A random closed subset X of S is a randomelement, generalizing the notion of a real-valued randomvariable, that is defined by a measurable map X : S → S∗.The push-forward probability measure of a random set X is

PX(A) = P(· ∈ S : X(·) ∈ A) = P(X−1(A)) (11)

for A ∈ B(S∗).It is useful to think of φi as a map φi : S → R× U taking

the state of the subject in S to the spatial relation R(φi) andanchor A(φi) in the space R×U. The speaker, listener statesetc are like parameters. Owing to the vagueness, ambiguity,imprecision etc in the spatial relationship referenced in φi itis not typically true that φ−1

i should map to a singleton Σin the state space S . Therefore, it is useful to think of theinverse proposition φ−1

i like a map φ−1i : · → S∗ taking

the spatial relationship, anchor, speaker, listener states etc toone or more elements of S∗. For this reason we model φ−1


as a realization of a random set Φ−1i and we can define the

generalized likelihood function by

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) + ϕiP(Σ−1(Φ−1i ))

= (1− ϕi) + ϕiPΣ(Φ−1i )

= (1− ϕi) + ϕiP(Σ ∩Φ−1i 6= ∅) (12)

Note the likelihood function given φi is modelled as afunction over the state space S even though φ−1

i is modelledas a realization of random set Φ−1

i in the space S∗.


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If one defined a measurable space (R∗,B(R∗)) where R∗

is the set of all closed subsets of R and then defines a randomset Φi : S → R∗ we find

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) + ϕiP(R(φi) ∩Φi 6= ∅) (13)

is equivalent to the expressions in (12) in a more abstractlanguage of spatial relations. It is easier to work with (12).

Suppose instead of a single random set Φ−1i we use a finite

number of random sets Φ−1ki

, ki ∈ Hi and define the likelihoodfunction by

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) +∑ki∈Hi

wkiP(Σ ∩Φ−1ki6= ∅) (14)

with∑kiwki = ϕi. Suppose P(Φ−1

ki= Φ−1

ki,ji) = 0 for all

but a finite number of Φ−1ki,ji∈ S∗. Then

P(Σ ∩Φ−1ki6= ∅) =∑



= Φ−1ki,ji

,Σ ∈ Φ−1ki,ji

) (15)

where∑jivki,ji = 1. Define a kind of (fuzzy) membership

function m : S, ∅ → [0, 1] such that m(∅) , 0. Let M(S)denote the set of all functions m(·) on S . Then

P(Σ ∩Φ−1ki6= ∅) =∑



= Φ−1ki,ji

,Σ ∈ Φ−1ki,ji




(Σ)) (16)

where JA(·) : S → ∅, · is a kind of indicator function thatreturns its argument (·) which is some subset of S iff thisargument is a subset of A or else it returns ∅. For example,JΦ−1


(Σ) returns Σ iff Σ ∈ Φ−1ki,ji

or else it returns ∅.Then mki,ji ∈ M(S) is defined over S, ∅ and specifiesa membership value for Σ ∈ Φ−1



g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) +∑ki∈Hi




, (1− ϕi) +∑ki∈Hi

wkiγki(φi, ·) (17)

with∑kiwki = ϕi. We restrict ourselves to likelihood

functions that can be modelled in such a form. The randomset based nature of this likelihood function means that a largeclass of generalized likelihood functions can be modelled insuch a form. In particular, the Bayesian fusion algorithm basedon generalized likelihood functions of this form subsumesas a special case, Dempster-Shafer theory, fuzzy set theory,Bayesian fusion with likelihood mixture models etc.


Suppose there exists a set φini=1 of propositions concern-ing the value of the state Σ. Then using Bayes formula

p(Σ|φiti=0) =g(φt|Σ)p(Σ|φit−1

i=0)∫S g(φt|Σ)p(Σ|φit−1

i=0) dΣ(18)

where φ0 , ∅ and p(Σ|φii=0) is the defined priorprobability for Σ on S . Note t ∈ N may, or may not, indextime, e.g. if the propositions concerning Σ come sequentiallyover a period of time.

A. A Recursive Particle Filter

A numerical solution based on the particle filter [16], [22]–[24] is proposed. The key idea of particle filters is to approx-imate the posterior p(Σ|φiti=0) by a set of random samples(particles) in a recursive manner; e.g. as new propositionsbecome available or as the target evolves according to someknown (but possibly uncertain) model. Thus, the posteriorp(Σ|φit−1

i=0) at time t− 1 is approximated as:

p(Σ|φit−1i=0) ≈


ct−1(i)δxt−1(i)(Σ) (19)

where xt−1(i) ∈ S for i ∈ 1, . . . , o are the particles andct−1(i) are their associated weights. If we suppose that Σ isstationary in S over time t ∈ N then each particle is updatedusing the measurement likelihood function input at t.

This implementation assumes the speaker order, i.e. the or-der in which the φi are applied, is irrelevant. This assumptionis valid in this work since there is no temporal aspect of theindividual statements.

B. Discussion

The problem considered here involves the fusion of multiplepropositions concerning the state of a subject with the aim ofincreasing ones knowledge about the state value. Intuitively,one is seeking to reduce the number of modes in p(Σ|φiti=0)and increase the sharpness of one particular mode.

Although we focus on measurements that come as naturallanguage propositions it is straightforward to include additionmeasurement types in such an algorithm. For example, humansinherently use vision to reduce the uncertainty/ambiguity pro-duced by an ambiguous spoken proposition.


We outline certain parametrized likelihood functions forvarious common spatial relationships R(φi) in a target local-ization/positioning scenario given the anchor A(φi). The stateof the speaker s ∈ R2×S1 and listener p ∈ R2×S1 are pointson the plane R2 with orientations. The state of the anchor iseither a point with an orientation A(φi) = a ∈ R2 × S1 or aclosed region A(φi) = a ⊂ R2 of the plane.

Denote the distance in R2 between x and y by dx,y =‖x− y‖. If x and y are in R2 × S1 then dx,y is the distancebetween the points neglecting the orientation. The distancebetween a point x ∈ R2, or x ∈ R2× S1 when neglecting the


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orientation, and a set A ⊂ R2 is dx,A = infdx,y : y ∈ A.Let IA(·) denote the standard indicator function.

We denote the ray defined by x,y ∈ R2 by `x,y and notethat x is the initial point of such a ray and y is a point afinite distance dx,y < ∞ away on `x,y. Each ray is thus aline segment that is finite in one direction and infinite in theother. If x and y are in R2×S1 then `x,y is the ray defined byneglecting the orientation. If x is in R2×S1 then `θx is the raystarting at the R2 location of x and heading in the directionθ taken positive-counter-clockwise from the orientation of x.

A. Relationship: R = nearWe consider the spatial relationship R = near with a ∈

R2 × S1. The first likelihood considered is

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) + ϕiγ(Σ− a,Ω) (20)

where γ(x−µ,Ξ) is a Gaussian density (7) and Ω is a tuningparameter. It would be typical to tune Ω based on somethinglike the distance ds,a between a and s. For example, the closerthe speaker is to the anchor, the closer the target would be tothe anchor and thus the smaller Ω should be.

Another likelihood for R = near with a ∈ R2 × S1 canbe defined by first supposing Hi = 1, . . . , ei with ei <∞.Then denote the sets

Φ−11 ⊂ Φ−1

2 ⊂ . . . ⊂ Φ−1ei ⊆ R2 (21)

where Φ−1ki

is a disk in R2 centered at a ∈ R2 × S1 withradius dki and d1 < d2 < . . . < dei . These dki are tuningparameters. Then

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) +∑ki∈Hi


(Σ) (22)


wki = ϕi. Since Φ−1ki

are realizations of arandom set Φki , the tuning parameters wki , if ϕi = 1, canbe interpreted via P(Φ−1

ki= Φ−1

ki) = wki . The radii d1 <

d2 < . . . < dei should typically be a function of ds,a. Forexample, dki < ds,a makes sense for all ki except perhapski = ei with wei sufficiently small. One approach is to setdki = kids,a/(ei − 1) and wki = (ϕi − ε)/(ei − 1) for ki ∈1, . . . , ei − 1 with dei =∞ and wei = ε for some small ε.

Finally, we consider a likelihood for R = near whena ⊂ R2 is some closed region of the plane. Suppose Hi =1, . . . , ei with ei <∞. Then denote the closed sets

a ⊂ Φ−11 ⊂ Φ−1

2 ⊂ . . . ⊂ Φ−1ei ⊆ R2 (23)

in R2 and define the closed sets Φ−11 = Φ−1

1 /a/∂a wherethe notation ∂A denotes the boundary of A. Then

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) +∑ki∈Hi


(Σ) (24)


wki = ϕi. The boundary ∂a of a closed regiona ⊂ R2 on the plane can be described by a closed curve andmore specifically as a continuous mapping of the circle S1.One intuitive way to define Φ−1

kiis by blowing up the closed

curve defining ∂a continuously such that Φ−1ki

is the sameshape as a. The amount of blow up should be proportional tods,a = infds,x : x ∈ a as before.

B. Relationship: R = inside, R = outsideWe consider first the spatial relationship R = inside with

a ⊂ R2 being some closed region of the plane. Then

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) + ϕiIΦ−1(Σ) (25)

and Φ−1 = a. One could define a similar likelihood functionfor the spatial relationship R = in but care must be takento ensure that this relationship R = in is used to conveyphysical containment and not a functional relationship, e.g.as in φi = the lightbulb is in the socket. The relationshipR = inside is perhaps stronger, in the sense of conveyingphysical containment, than R = in. If we restrict ourselvesto the target localization/positioning scenario than furtherassumptions can probably be made.

We consider now the spatial relationship R = outsidewith a ⊂ R2 being some closed region of the plane. Then

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) + ϕiIΦ−1(Σ) (26)

and Φ−1 = R2/a.

C. Relationship: R = in front, R = behindWe consider first the similar spatial relationship R =in front with a ∈ R2×S1. The orientation of a defines thefront of the anchor in a natural way. The likelihood functionis

g(φi|Σ) , w1γ1(Σ− q1,Ω1) + w2γ2(Σ− q2,Ω2)

+ w3γ3(Σ− q3,Ω3) + (1− ϕi) (27)

where w1 + w2 + w3 = ϕi and γ(x − µ,Ξ) is a Gaussiandensity (7) and the means qki and variances Ωki , ki ∈ Hiare tuning parameters. Each component ki ∈ Hi is motivatedby the notion that R = in front may imply the target is infront of the anchor with respect to the speaker position, thelistener position or the anchor orientation itself respectively.

The location of the three means qki would lie on `a,s, `a,pand `0a respectively for ki ∈ 1, 2, 3. The exact position ofthe mean values on `a,s and `0a are dependent, in a naturalway, on ds,a as are the relevant variances. The position of themean value on `a,p is tuned based also on the distance dp,a

as is the relevant variance.Another likelihood for R = in front with a ∈ R2 × S1

can be defined by first settingHi = 1, 2, 3 and defining threedisks Φ−1

kiin R2 centered at a ∈ R2 × S1 with radii dki . For

each `a,s, `a,p and `0a define two additional rays by rotatingthe relevant `a,s, `a,p or `0a positive-counter-clockwise by αkiand negative clockwise by αki about the anchor. Denote thesubsequently defined conic sets subtended at the anchor by theangle 2αki by Φ−1

ki. Define Φ−1

ki= Φ−1

ki∩ Φ−1

kisuch that Φ−1

kiis a wedge-like set. Then

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) +∑ki∈Hi


(Σ) (28)


wki = ϕi. The radii dki and angles 2αki aretuning parameters that define the dimensions of the wedge-likesets Φ−1



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The spatial relation R = behind is similar in principleto R = in front and the relevant likelihood function forR = behind follows in an obvious way from the likelihoodfor R = in front.

D. Relationship: R = atWe consider the spatial relationship R = at with a ⊂

R2 being some closed region of the plane. Suppose Hi =2, . . . , ei with ei <∞. Then denote the closed sets

a ⊂ Φ−12 ⊂ Φ−1

3 ⊂ . . . ⊂ Φ−1ei ⊆ R2 (29)

in R2 and define the closed sets Φ−1ki

= Φ−1ki/a/∂a. Then

g(φi|Σ) , (1− ϕi) + w1IΦ−11

(Σ) +∑ki∈Hi


(Σ) (30)

with w1 +∑ki∈Hi

wki = ϕi and Φ−11 = a. Typically, one

would also assume w1 =∑ki∈Hi

wki . Thus, for the spatialrelation R = at the likelihood g(φi|Σ) is a combination ofthe likelihood functions for R = inside and R = near.The modelling of Φ−1

ki, ki ∈ Hi should follow the same

procedure as for the spatial relation R = near and woulddepend intuitively on ds,a = infds,x : x ∈ a.

E. Discussion

There are spatial relationships which in many cases arehomomorphic to the ones considered in this section; e.g.close to ∼ near etc. Some spatial relations are homo-morphic to combinations of some relations considered in thissection; e.g. R = next to is related to in front andbehind where the front etc. of the anchor is ambiguous.

F. Disclaimer

We maintain that it is generally better to model the likeli-hood functions, given particular spatial relationships, robustlyand then rely on the fusion of multiple propositions to reducethe uncertainty in the subjects state. The general nature of thelikelihood g(φi|Σ) , (1−ϕi) +ϕiP(Σ ∩Φ−1

i 6= ∅) givenin (12) is based on the principle that a state in S should beconsistent with the measurement information defined by therandom set model Φ−1

i so long as this state does not flatlycontradict it. This is, by its own accord, a robust notion ofmodel matching [12]. One then relies on the fusion of multiplestatements (with differing parameters and spatial relationships)to reduce the uncertainty of the subject state.

In this section we proposed some example likelihood func-tions for commonly spoken spatial relations and described howcertain tuning parameters may be determined in a target local-ization/positioning scenario. This exposition is by no meansexhaustive nor are the functions defined for the individualexamples the only possible choices.

We believe the generalized likelihood framework outlinedin this paper is sufficient to model very complex likelihoodfunctions for propositions in the form (1). This frameworkhas an appealing intuitive aspect in the context of random settheory and is designed with robustness in mind.


We consider a simple illustrative example of target localiza-tion/positioning with spatially referring propositions. We usean implementation of a particle filter; see [16], [23], [24] forvarious particle filter implementations. Such an example isindicative of a realistic scenario in which information fusion,as detailed in this work, would be advantageous in practice.The scenario is depicted in Figure 2.

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Big trees

Pool Speaker 4

Speaker 5

Speaker 3

Fig. 2. The field of interest in which three (of five) speakers, the listenerand the target are located. The position of the anchors in the field, eg. thebuilding, tower etc, are known.

There are five speakers in the field of interest. The locationof Speakers 1 and 2 in this example is unimportant, whileSpeaker 3 is located at (10, 50), Speaker 4 is located at(80, 10) and Speaker 5 is located at (50, 10). There is a singlelistener whose location in this example is unimportant. Speaker1 states firstly that:

φ1 = the target is in the field (31)

with ϕ1 = 1.If we interpret this statement to mean the target is within

the field proper, i.e. not in the building, garage or tower, thenthe initial posterior p(Σ|φi1i=0) can be approximate usingparticles as in Figure 3.

The particles in Figure 3 are spread uniformly across thefield. Speaker 2 then states:

φ2 = I am pretty sure the target is near

the garage or near the pool (32)

and we interpret “I am pretty sure” to mean ϕ2 = 0.7. Thestatement following “I am pretty sure” is in normal form. Theupdated posterior p(Σ|φi2i=0) appears as in Figure 4.

The particles in Figure 4 are now more concentrated nearthe pool and the garage as expected. Speaker 3 then states:

φ3 = I do not see the target (33)

with ϕ3 = 1. This statement can be transformed into normalform via a homomorphism. For example, the statement

φ3 = the target is outside the visibility

polygon of speaker 3 (34)


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Fig. 3. The particle-based posterior probability density function over thefield following the first proposition φ1.

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Fig. 4. The particle-based posterior probability density function over thefield following the second proposition φ2.

is homomorphic to the original statement. A visibility polygonis a well-defined geometric structure which in this case isa star-shaped polygon and can be found in linear time. Theupdated posterior p(Σ|φi3i=0) appears as in Figure 5.

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Fig. 5. The particle-based posterior probability density function over thefield following the third proposition φ3.

The particles in Figure 5 are now evacuated from thevisibility polygon of speaker 3 as expected. Speaker 4 thenstates:

φ4 = the target is in front of the tower (35)

with ϕ4 = 1. The updated posterior p(Σ|φi4i=0) appears asin Figure 6.

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Fig. 6. The particle-based posterior probability density function over thefield following the fourth proposition φ4.

We note there are no more particles concentrated nearthe pool in Figure 6 since the previous statement essentiallynegates the hypothesis that the target may be near the pool.Finally, Speaker 5 states:

φ5 = the target is at 1 o’clock (36)

with ϕ5 = 1. Again, this statement is homomorphic to onein normal form. We define a two-dimensional cone-baseduniform distribution with a ±5o spread centered at 1 o’clock(i.e. 30o clockwise from north) with an apex at Speaker 5. Theupdated posterior p(Σ|φi5i=0) appears as in Figure 7.

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Fig. 7. The particle-based posterior probability density function over thefield following the fifth and final proposition φ5. The location of the targetcan be inferred from this density function with relatively little uncertainty.

In the final posterior p(Σ|φi5i=0) depicted in Figure 7 wenote the relative accuracy we have achieved in locating the tar-get given nothing but rather vague individual statements about


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its possible location. Through the fusion of these statementswe have shown how we can refine our knowledge concerningthe property of the subject in question, e.g. in this case theposition of the target. While this example was conceived toillustrate the principle underlying this work it is by no meansunrealistic and the construction of the likelihood functions andthe posterior probabilities was entirely realistic.


An automatic information fusion scheme was introduced forstate estimation where the inputs (or measurements), that areused to reduce the uncertainty in the state of a subject, are inthe form of natural language propositions. A mathematicallyrigorous method to generate likelihood functions using naturallanguage propositions was developed using the frameworkof random-set-based probability. We argued that one shouldmodel such likelihood functions robustly and account for thenatural ambiguity and uncertainty in the propositions. Onethen relies on the fusion of multiple statements (with differingparameters and spatial relationships) to reduce the uncertaintyof the subject state. A recursive Bayesian algorithm wasoutlined to this end and an illustrative example was provided.


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Combinatory categorial grammar (CCG) is an efficientlyparseable, yet linguistically expressive grammar formalism andit is used as the basis for a language parser in this workto justify the normal form (1). It has a transparent interfacebetween surface syntax and underlying semantic representa-tion, including predicate-argument structure, quantification andinformation structure [25], [26].

For example, suppose we are given two statements:

φ = the ball is near the door

φ = near the door is the ball

Then a parsing of either statement using an open source CCGimplementation might give something like:

@c1:event(context ˆ<Tense> present ˆ<Modifier>(n1:location ˆ near ˆ

<Anchor>(d1:thing ˆ door ˆ<Delimitation> unique ˆ<Num> singular ˆ<Quantification> specific)) ˆ

<Subject>(b1:thing ˆ ball ˆ<Delimitation> unique ˆ<Num> singular ˆ<Quantification> specific))

The semantic parsing of each statement describes an event, ormore specifically a context, in which something (the subject,i.e. ball) is in a location that is near (the spatial relationship)an anchor (i.e. the door).

The advantage of working with semantics rather than withsyntactic structures is that semantics are much more invariant.That is, you can express the same meaning in many differentways. This type of semantic parsing provides the basis forthe normal proposition form (1) used as input to the fusionalgorithm described in this work.