FISCAL Employment Bill of Rights

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Bill of Rights

One of the largest issues with the economy is the growing rich poor gap. The economy has created a tight budget for everyone. Peter Schworm, a head journalist of the Boston Globe reported that the tight budget by the economy is exploding the rich-Poor gap trapping people in poverty. So, How do we handle this? Increase the redistribution of wealth, increase taxes on the rich and cut taxes to the poor while simultaneously increase aid and assistance to the poor. This will ensure our ability to have a stable economy because everyone will be able to put money into the economy. Contrary to popular belief, this isnt socialism (crazy, I know!), but a strive towards equality. Increase redistribution of wealth doesnt force everyone to have the same income. There will, sadly, still be the class structure we have today; we are just stopping this rich-poor gap from increasing. To help with the growing deficient we have we will start small with the aid to the poor and use the tax money to focus on paying off the deficient. Taxes will increase by 40-50% towards the upper class while aid will start with a 10% increase nationwide with a 2% increase every year. Once the deficient is paid off 80% of all tax money from this tax only will go directly towards aid and assistance.

What exactly is this aid and assistance? At first the money will go to existing welfare programs. Things like PROWA and TANF will get an increase in funding from these taxes. This funding will not only go to increase the number of participants on the programs but will decrease the eligibility requirement for people to get access to these.

What exactly are the taxes? It will be another income tax if your income is larger than $250,000 a year. It will be roughly 5-10% tax. We will also have eligibility for a tax credit if a substantial amount of money was donated to a charity or donated directly towards a welfare program.

Unemployment is at its highest since the great depression. Although it is showing signs of getting better, its not enough. So how can we increase employment? We offer a 5 points solution.

First is the vast expansion of public works programs. We will model a program similar to that of the Civilian Conservation Corps from the New Deal. The focus will be more on roads and highways; they will also contribute to the remove and fixing up of brown fields in downtown areas. Another focus will be on rural areas and their lack of lifes necessities. Everyone employed by these public works programs will get paid the government minimum wage.

Second is an increase in tax credit to small and medium sized businesses that hire more people. We will increase the amount of credits and how much the credit is from the recent tax credits passed in congress.

Third we will create a National Office of Employment. This office will be dedicated to develop long-term strategies and analyze the labor market in the United States. They will also help find steady, long term jobs for people. This will be focused mostly on those enrolled in the public works programs to allow them to find a job post-public works, but it will be open to others.

Fourth we will increase incentives and design plans for the rapid retargeting of training courses. We will help modernize the educational standards for community colleges and vocational schools since they are 5 to 15 years behind current needs and employers are rejecting more and more diplomas from these places. They are an important part to raise those in poverty out of their situation.

Fifth we will create a government run job market. It will search for jobs and allow companies to post their employment needs in a public place. This creation will be in three ways, there will be stores where people can go and look for local jobs or national jobs, there will be a toll free telephone line where people may call and get information, and finally there will be a public website. All information will be available in all three areas.

The Bill of Rights have been the cornerstone of American Society for years now. Are there issues with them? Yes. There are new ways that people are oppressed and put at an unfair disadvantage in economic terms. So how do we solve these disadvantages? We pass Franklin D. Roosevelts Second Bill of Rights which include the following:

1. A job with a living wage this will ensure people will not be trapped in poverty with no way to get out.

2. Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies this will prevent companies from monopolizing an area of the economy or exploit the American people, the healthcare industry was a great example of this.

3. A home Guarantee that everyone has a home making sure no one is unwillingly homeless. We will not require people to live in the housing we provide for them.

4. Medical Care This includes the expansion of Medicaid and health related social services.

5. Education This guarantees everyone access to equal education. More detail will be on our stance on education.

6. Social Security We will ban any government loans from social security to ensure everyone gets their social security.