Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

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Page 1: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer
Page 2: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer
Page 3: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer


Walter H. Schroeder , Jr. John H. Deutschman

Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r

Robert C. F letcher Artist

Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

Than hr f n~ all thp a.r.vi.yta11CP a11d coopPrafior1, f t>llas. EspPcially for the many houri

put in by Bub .ltitho11y, D oug IJ1•va11s, D ie/; J.on111is, David

Df'u: ry, Diel.· B urr, and A rt Gordon.

Page 4: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

CAPTAIN A. L. NELSON FJight "K" Commander

CAPTAIN J. X. BELL Flight "L" Commander

\V('., the dass of 4·'.l-J, dedicate this hook to our in­dustrious and, certainly hra\·c, flight <'0111m11ndcrs and instructors. No amount of words <·an adcquafrly ('X]ln·ss our g ratitude for making us "safe" pilots. Thty hnvc worked hard and unceasingly to iron out whut, we are sure, they belie\•ed were incurable bad habits---<lf flying.

Our contact with them was encouraging, cnlightcnin~ :ind educational as well as terrifyin!(. '.\l«mories of th<' \'Crbal s tripes and financial sta rs a re fresh-und ex pcn­sh·e-in our minds. It will be impossible to forget them.

As we progress on the ladder of Arlll)' A\'iution his­tory we will e\·er look back and he thank fol for the ge~tle, and not so gentle. corrections which were im­p ressed on us hy ,·arious methods. As our pcrC'eption and knowfedge sharpens we will undcrstund lwttcr aml helter the reason for their corrections and stern insistem'l'. These arc memories which mav and even ha\'e heen of \'ital import:rnce. There are aiso those memories whi<·h will e,·er he recalled with the trite phrase, "Thosi: were the good old days- ." These men hnvc bl'l'n our tcaclwrs and our friends. For the rnl uc of thrir work in truinin~ us ns pilots, officers and men we tlcdicatt• this hook.

CAPTAIN M. S. ANDERSON Flight "M" Commander

CAPTAIN W. G. MOORE Flighr ''N" Comman•ler

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LT. COL. D. D. TODOROVIC Chil'f Flight Surgeon

, \

I lt·r" i1< 11 man to wl1t1111 all thl· (·adds of tla· dass of' ~l1 - .J arc· t'spcdally ~r11t1-ful. Dul'

tu Col. Tocloro\·i<-'s t·on.-;C'i1·ntio11:; (·tforts d11rin~ the li1•at \\':1\'1• 111:111y of our duties

w1·r" li!-("ht..111«1, our hours shnrh·1wcl and fa t igue ..Iotlws ok'd for post w1·ar. ~ ot only

tl1t'~l· but nwny ot hn f:11·ors 11111·1· hl'('ll ~ainl'd h_v his aid. 'l'hl· food was incr (':iscd

and i111pro\"<'<I. an extra hour was adcll·d to 011r ~lt-cpin~ ti1111· :ind air (·ondilion('rs p ut

i11 tlw nws . ..; hall.~ and cl11y roo111. Th:111k ~·1111 . Cnlond.

. J


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The officers and personnel of this field join me in congratulating you on you1· finish of basic pilot and military training at Chico A1 my Flying School. Your progress has been above normal, and you have contril::uted more than your share in keeping up this school's magnificent flying safety record, a record that has drawn favorable comment from the Chief of the Air Fo1ces.

As your Commandant. I personally want lo thank you for the re·e~tablishing of ;1

class and disciplinary system as patle1 ne<N:ly the, policies of West Coast Air Forces Training Center. a lso the eHort and work you contributed in establishing a system or procedute for ceremonies, parades, and inspections at this school.

Good luck to each and everyone of you. We wiU follow your careers w ith keen inler-est, and know that your burning desire to do your duty for our country will n<>vc1· die,

Sincerely. RAYMOND J. MORSE Captain Air Corps Commandant of A viation Cadets

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LT . E. F . AR)JST RO'.'(i

C.\ PTAI'.\ R. £.\\"OLCOTT

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CAPTAIN C. H. FROST LT. E. B. SMICK Direttor of Ac:.idcmic· Training Chid of En~incs


• ~I ETEOHOl.OGY I ~STfll" (''fOllS

Page 9: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

Our class joins me in thanking nil of the officers, instructors. und men of Chit·o for thei r untiring effor ts to prepare us for more a<lrnncc<l trnin ing. W e hope the ir work hasn' t been in n t in and t lwt someday we wi ll he a hie to prove it !

Before starting th.• lfllit lap of our training 42-J will be <livitlt-d. many friends purtl'd, 11ot to he forgotten, uowe,·er. I want to thank cuch and en·r.r one of yon for your wholehearted coop<'r ation und <'lass spirit during some ,·cry hlack days so common to e,·ery man who ha~ t'\'C r attcmpkd flight training.

I i;im•crcl ~· whh all of you the ,-c ry best. of good luck anc.1 le,·t·l fli~ht alway'>.

A/CZ. W. DEA~ Battalion Commander

ZACH W. D E AN Battal ion Commander

EUGEN E F . PARRISH Batttll ion Adjutant

Left to l'ight: Charles M. Ricker, Ralph S. WiJUams, Phillip E. Bonner, Wilfred J. Schopper, Wilbur W. Trowbridge, J ohn W. Nietert, Geruld Breckenridge, Lyr.n R. Goetzman, Colby D. Robb, Norman F. Adamson.

William A. Bevan, Donald L. MacDougaJI. Robert H. Cornelius, · Jack M. Harlan.

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"N~1),;0°N c~V't 1\~~ntc;o~~~nder


Left to r ight: Lts: A. F . Hill, Barron, Casamajor, Stroud, Garceau, Zimmennan.

Page 11: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

ANDERSON, BEN L. Born 21 years· ajto someplatt in Te"a. whei·e he Sl)enl t he first ha lf of his life. At­tended U. of Oreiron and 01-egon State. "Ore!l'on·~ O.K. but g ive me Texn1<." Ambi­tion- to fly li1tht bomber• and knoc.k ofr about a mil-

lion Japs.

BOLAND, DONALD J . JJas been 1>ickin' 'em "" and la.yin' 'em down for 25 year~ now, started the jol.) in Spo­kane, Was.h. Worked in llir­conditioninJJ: before ALL this. Seems he can't stay a way from the air. Likes bowli n1< and revea.Js an impulse sui­cidal in a yen for motoreyle•.

ADAMS, WILLIAM B. 21- Army made a man out of him (if becoming 21 i!' what. it t.akes to be a man). C a I I s Kendallville. Ind .. "home'' but was in Detroit "helpinl" make 'em" for Fotd Airc1·aft when Uncle Sam called. Ambition-to do a lit­tle "hedg~hopping'' over To-

kio with an A-20-A.

AVIS, ROBERT F. Took h im 23 years to sneak throu.<?h Fresno St.ate, Cal. AJJ:gies and B.asic. Plans to i::et married and make Junior ''pop to" and stand inspec-


BRADLEY, RALPH D. He's 26 and from Ordway, Colo. Went to Colot"1ldo U. Worked befo re enlistin!\'. Shaves while smokini:< his

vipe. A rare specimen.

BROWN, THOMAS A. Born in Arkansas but a real California native son now, Attended Fresno State and a member of Alpha Ftaternity. An unfortunate eta.sh Jand­inl( at nli:<ht made on first solo hop placed him back five classes. Ambition-

Avoid hard landin1ts.

CARTWRIGHT, C. S. 24, of Detroit, Michi!l'an. where he attended Junior C o l le g e and accounting school. Left t he field a rtil­Jery for flight training after one year·s set-vice. Ambition is to land a B-17 in the ol"

home town.

CURRIER, CHAS. H. Born lo Wisconsin, finished high school and iiot two yean at college before leaving to join the Air Force. His am­bit ion is to make flying a


BRYANT, J. C. 23, born in Tennessee but hu• adopted California. ! L . A.). An a.eronauti<;&l e.n1:dneer. worked for North American for five years and still wants an AT-6. A married man, his ambition is to sometime beat Martin into the pattern

or on cross-country.

CONKEY, HOW ARD L Age 21. Born near Bowling Green, Ohi.o. Attended Bowl­in(: Green State University' and Ohio State U. Profes­sion - civil engineer and draftsman. He's a married man and his ambition is to out-talk his wife (just once).

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DEWEY, DAVID B., JR. Just old enoui:h to vote, he's a native son (Pasadena) who was headed for his:ther educa­tion w hen the Japs inter­fered. Attended Pasadena J . C. and has matrimonial in-


GALYEAN, FELIX O. 21, horn in Bentonville. Ark. Went to achoo! in Eseondido, Calif. W orked at Con solidat­ed then decided to fly ·em inatead. Letterman fo base-­be.II. Wants to buzz Escon-

dido with a B-24.

DAVIS, JACK H. 23, born in Cleveland, Ohio. Attended Ohio Wesleyan U.: member of Phi KaJJJl& Pai. Tri1.nsferred from l07lh cav­nlry after a year's JS(?r\'iee. Ambition is to be the fia'8t or

42-J to get a Jap.

FELIX, CHARLES W. Vintage of 1921. Left W t!­leetka, Okla. . to beat hi• brain at Compto n J . C. an•I U. C. L. A. Used to bull<I 'em, now he tea1'S 'em down.

GORTON, E. K., JR. Jt happened in Soda S1irin)C•. IJnho. 'bout 20 yean< R>!O. S ta rted to be a civil engineer but found that elevators anJ eaculators didn't r>ha•e him ao went into the A. F. in­s tead. Doesn't rei::-ret it anti ho1>es t he army'll k<!('ll him llft.er it's over: if the vur-

suita hold u1>.

HASEL, WINSTON W. 22 •. haib from V31ley City. Ohio, (wherever that i•). Worked in the aircrdt in­du$tr·y before entering the Air Force. Ambition is to fly a B-26 and 11et peeve i•

forced landin1t11.

J AFFEY, MORRIS M. "IJA rfoy," the m Rn of a lhon­• And mood• . Ha• li\ 'e<I ~~ yertr~ :HHI for \Vhat ? So he l'Oultl !!~t hi~ win!l'~- Thinki> th~n· i• nothinir like flyin i: And Wft n t~ to stay in the Air F'o r<!o. Dotes on mus ic and

auto racin,s.t.

LEEDS, OREN E. !lorn in 1~1'. ~lt7tl!de<l in fro m '\'heelinJt. ,\~.Vu .. '" h~,·c he ~l rultJ.!led throm::h hit.:h ""<"hllOI. Yearns for \. i r­,.,iniR. fW<" mean ,\.e:-.t. of <"Ou r~e) . Lil...e't to sleep in tt'nt~ and tlream of n11(•


HOLT, ROBERT L. Has maps to prove that lhere re•llY is a Blythevi lle, Ark. Army life is nothin g new to him, he's had two yea1·~ ~Cl'• vice. Was on a trr<ns1>0rt Dec. 7, l IJOO miles r t'()m no­where. Not mat·ried. no1· e n .. gttg-ed, nor i.n love, 'mmmm H-Omething new h>1::1 be en


KINCAID, HAL P . C':ume noout in l\1o rir•nton. Nortl1 Carolina, in tirno to t'ome of a ;?e about now. lllu• hl1" from Ja"n 'til dHrk, nr i • he really that color ; Hol<"~ o ul in l1laho . , .. ·he re he wcn l tn Rwtine~.c. Colle~e ·ind did hoo l.ke-e••in$! Co r "' mnnu­( Jtt'tnrer. l>t"Ol)f>ed fiJ.!Ul"e"'t i n hooks for ri)!ure~ in thf' nit·. Hnt1 th ink~ lhc latter'" l'at""i ..


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MARTIN. ROBERT A. Hnrn in ~J')()kane. \Vttsh .. :!It yeRro •>-'<>· AttendPtl RH~N..,._ fi<>ll l Jr. Collei:e. Lik"" f1w11 -hall. uAseball. and ha•k<'lh,. 11. ~~rve<l 1 ~4 yen1'S l~fl'lrr hl'­roming a r.Kayoo(fette.'' P leu"(I r<-~erve one 11as~.aj.!e lo Chinn.

immediately I

NIETERT, JOHN W. :!'.!. Alitu~ Pune, Neil~ nnll " \)oten others. A lthouith he <'Om<"' from Portland, 0,..,.. 11on. h" hu a •well IM?nlln­•lity. He hoi- to >(lmt'tlmc return to Orel!On and com-

Jllete hi• medical cour,.e.

MacDOUGALL, D. L. ~~. horn in P1•o"iclencc. R. I . New En.u: lnnd. U.S.A. H•• n remo rl..nhle ac<'cal w h i r h p1-oves iloelf uneoualetl on the drill field tin 1\n I. A. •ort of way). A~k him ...,me­time ahout lire in Fri~ro nf­t4'r !I :no o'd~k Rnd th.-n

Thftt'~ All Brothah ! !

MILLER, VICTOR L. 26 H ometown, Butler, Mo. Attended f>fi•souri U. Ad­mirer or CaliforniR clim•l• nntl Jl'.irls due to •e,·eral >'"""" spent in LoR AnJ?eles. ni~­like• iMoection• and '""·eill~. Ho hby - week-end•. Amhl· Unn• to Jl'et a lonir enouith

leA\'C to goo fishinJ.?.

O'CONNER, EDW. C. AJre 26. H. native ~on wholl4' J)O>'!le~&ion• include one •li.cht­u • e d co1·nct, a b"nkrupt ho1·1o1.erticin,u ~y~t.em. and one pahl UJ) J 1"()nworket"s cord. He •1>enl a lot of time with Sill three. All hi• •tAr money cont rihuted adds to hi" pn-


PARRJSH, EUGENE F. Home Town Sf\n F1·Hnt•is-<-o. Calif. Attended U. of C'. n\ BcrkeJey. Had Sa rweviou~ ()yin.II' hou1'!t wilh Ameri<'Rn E>11?le S •1uaJron or R. A. F. No reflection on l'Klion• hut '"ould rather fly than ent.

RICKER, CHARLES M. 24. born in Jo1•Hn. ~li'i~uri. but i• tttently from llalla<. Commander of Company 0. Sin!?le. but not for lonl' wr bear. Fi~t in d1t1<.• tn mal.e n •ueces•ful nlitht fo1·ee<I lnndinJ!. Good work, Ch:ll'let1.

SIMMONS. LIONEL E. '.!:!, anothet• C'hir.ucoHn. ~1 '<-nt two yca1~ Ill the Unh r 1·,-it~· lhcre And W0l'ir,t-cl in A ('hem­i"ll"Y lab hefor<• ellterirl '< f liJ.!hl traininl!. ;\ml1ilion j .. to '"·:tlk into lhe fli~ht room with a Reade•" 01i:.,..1 with­out !'ausinJ: " ri"'e of unfn·

vorable comm~nt,..

PfULLIPS, EUGENE F. 2# .. bo1·n in Cle,·eland, Ohio, nnd attended New H·n«m 1-lhch ~ Fellow~ 1111' cnl l hhn •· • " a rnl is fnmouA '°" M"in Ambi-tion ;, , tho"e chel'ish<'d


SCHROEDER, W. H., JR. 22. oot-n in Chica .ll'O ~IHI at­tended C'hiea!'o Art In.titute : p a'Ofe"~iona.l ~nd romm-erciRI ftrtist. Fa,·orite fo;.J)Ot1a Are wine. women and ~nS? 'not too much !'Onl'l. Ambition is mo1-e spo1t and more flyin !'.

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STURM. JACK J. Another Chica,:ro lad. Prior to rlii<ht traininJ< he u~ed a itolf club to make his livin;t. Like!' ~wimminJr, hunlini:­and ChiCaJ?o (especially the weather) . C11n be heard mut­terin11. " Pitch . fla11s, 0. K.


STEVENS, H . D., JR. 25. another ~taunch Mi<hi­i:ander. Poss~~ A lntJte collection of old joke•. Em­llloyed in automotive indus­try 1wior to flii<ht training. Ambi tion is to avoid bouncel'l llt'e1tler titan r;,.e feet wh ile

land in.tr

TYMOWICZ. ADAM P. 22. born in Joliet. Jllinui"'. His hobble~ a re billianJs nncl mu~ ic. He was ft tool tlerk 11rior to h-i!'( enlistment A ntl ho1""s to make thre<>-polnt

landini:s a habit.

CAMPBELL, JOHN M. Lint•ol11 . 1"f'h1 H ... ~a ' ,.i t•lttim to f fl mfl, r :,U h (• JU"HU41 (')f It dec­

$,!l'(•e in Bu"incjo,,~ .\d. reteivctJ ( 1·om t h~ lJ of '."4lhri1 ... ka in ·:n. \\ ht·n he nJ .. n oompleted R.O.T.\. Mn,I ''n~ rommi:;... :;ion"'41 in th( .. l nrttntr)· . Fnr­<ook 1 he fli o.r flellh~· fur I he

,\, F . in St'1•t . · 11.

WILSON, JOHN H. or ChiC81'0, lllinoi•. H a il • fro m the mi,:rhty Mi<lwc•t nn1I the Windy City. Likl's rlyln1t HrHI :O:\.\' imminJ.t, Muin Hrnhl ..

tion is to f ly a P-~'·

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Left to right: Lts. Bowen, Allen, Plunkett, Kelton, Pettis, and Messrs. Hail' and Malouf.

Page 16: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

ANTHONY, ROBERT B. A Flol'iclian. born in. Penna., cnme from New "F:n,:lnnd. !You deeotle It we't·c l(OlnJt out ror an a;pil'ln). Ahout rared at F'm·k U ninn Milii 111-r AtAdem;.- her() J' e ('H t' ryin tt hook~ nmund U . or Miuml. where Siirmn Chi JtOL hi• due:ot. HR~ ll lAn~ for o ne Mary Lou and mutiluUllJt "

mu1ti .. m<1tnr.

BEV ANS. DOUGLAS 0. At home in Lomita T'n1·k. Cali(. $ 1icnt hi• collc1tc day• al U. or Nev••la. A Sii<mn Phi Si.,.m11. H i • brother warned him Hhoul the Nsn·y f(f'I the 1\ rmy j.,"Ol h im. FR\'Or ... ite mode f'lAr. ("Jem fl(\VAnf'.

ADAMSON, N. F . 1'he h11nd"Ome !'ordic type. :!'.! )~ars old and ju~t mar· ried. Already di$hinS! out atl· ''it'e to lhe lovelorn. Say-.; Bl1line. \\'ash .• i~ the ~nlen •ll<ll of the U. S. Like• Kathleen and rhow call. llis-

like•-Reveille and rod<>.

BEAN, WILLIAM N. ••Reano .. was bom 24 yea.re :ieo in Flint. Mich .• where he went th1'0u1<h hii<b •chool ancl :i11entl('d Gen. Motors Tffh. Ha• the laudable ambition or 11a~~ins.t 1111 future check ridctt.

He"K J!Ot Mmethin$! there!

BONNER, PHILLIP E. A ~1 year ol<I blond with hi• home in Kulamaz.oo. Mith .. and h<>art in lndian1'JlOli5t. H8 i " not.eworthy ambition to hn rTell-roll a P-47 fU'OUnll a ll-17. A ::rood t ritk if you

t•n do it.

BECKER, DONALD W. H•il• from J) "y l n n. 0 . Tr•n• ren"e<I r1..im th~ R.r. A.F. in May \nd \\ "" ".,_ 'fit:cntcl tn 1:!-J • Lurl-.y mftn ! ! 11 .. ·, •till lookinit ror""'"' to H rit.le in C4'11t. Bell's h."\,,_ .. _

s:raue rnmtu' rt m~nt.

BURR. RlCHARD J. Pine• fnr Flint. Mirh .. whl're h~ "'tH.rlt-..J ucin..: t.lhtJ~•~ ont­thtrk day "1mc 19 vttA~ u,.:n. llid homework fo1• Flint J . <". Rul'ble.- feminin~ nAm~ in hi• •l('('p. but durinJt lh<' .lay work!I al 1*tomin ..: indi"'1~n­"-Rhle to !Ome un ~u"tlCt'tin$.-.,.


CONNERS. JAMES F . ..1~ ... r·,.: L"i'1 r r n in ShAk('lr lll'i t!ht<. Ohio. U•<-<I It> •ttuly At Purdue Unh·N..,.hv l'f'fo1~ lhP ,\ 1 my i:()t him. .-\ ~h:m;t <'hi ninn. ~ny" he'(I rnch...-r fl~ thun eut hut wt•'H· .. t'f'n

him Ml.

BRAEM, ALLEN C. \clmib pl.a)'ing- f()Otlutll :\'' •I ''""k~th~ll Co t· M a1.,,h11lri<•l•l. \\'is.. h igh ~chMI. ~pend~ week~nd~ a1·g uinJt. ~ucl h"~l· in~ r~laU\'e mcril~ of Pa'4t<•t•n and "e-:o:tei-n he.e1-~. ~f:',.,.,. .. ("(·m~ to rflmeml•c 1· 1 h(l' 1lt•-

(~i1·dt)U, thout::h

CAUHAPE. VICTOR A nH.li vc Cn liff>l'niau. t:.' m1u-ri('(I ~ nd )!hul of it. I h1 ~ a df'L"rfle r1-om ~an .lo:-:(" St ·•t•• in .\e1·onnuties. Wf'lrke.1 fnr Nntimu1I Ad\'i~o1-v \f"ntlmil­tee for APron:tuli<'s. Amhi .... t inn lo return to hi-t joh

with win~s.

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CULBERT, CLINTON P. One of o ur R. A. F'. boy• co-me home. ffa~ ~urvived SMramento J . C .. U. nf Cal .. Stn<l a job QS Aircraft. an~pec­tot' with Air Con >s su1,11 ly. _J.'\mbition - to own a hi~.

h lack . hu•hY wi!'(.

DEAN, ZACH W. Ha~ seen 24 Si:\Jmmel~ nnt.1 Witn b to see one rnoJ·e--with it tHtir of '"·in~~. C:ln be hea-1·tl at niJ,rht muttei·inJ.!' ".1'11 i:ii \'e Cap(. Bell a gO()(j l'1de yet r·· Like~ a drink o e--

casiou~ lJy, wc0 \·e heard!

BENSON, VIRGIL ('om<>s fr"m Pine Bl11f f. A 1·k. Graduated f1·orn U. o f A 1·k­ansa..~ in °41. fmmcdi·1telv s;tarted wnrkin~ for Uncle RRmmy "t Ft. Leomm:l W ood. 'l'rnnsferretl from th<' Ioffln­try in a hurr:y. Got tfred of

W81kin~. we pJ·esume.

CUTLER, FRANK A. ~7. comes from Cleveland, O. Paid Union dues as a e1u· ... penter hefore deciding to "c11t up .. for 1Jncle Sam. At­tendetl W. Mi"8ou ri U .• ••iled and 11layed footba ll. Wants to try a ~queeze pla)• in a

P-4 7.

DeYOUNG, C.R. Age 21- " Bud" i~ a Ci·and Rat,ids, Mich., product. Quite diffel'ent, or indifrerent. which??? Used to l>e a •n le•­man. Now spends hi!s time walking ntm11. Wo1·k~ niJ.<h ts toward h is. Ms;ster's f>e1n·ee.

in Pool ShootinJ.<.

FERRIS, JOSEPH Has •too() ll all for 24 yea,.... Oellel' know n as " CraJ!h ," C~a.im~ there t·eu.IJy is a Bar• bel'ton. Ohio. Was an elec­trician before hooking UJ> w ith lhe A. F. where he i• an authol'ity on forced land­i nJ!t~. Enj..ta~ed to take on u

hc<rnilot·• soon.

GOSIN, JOHN D. "Goose" is 23 and f r o m Green Bay. Wis. Grodu11ted from Wisconsin U. Lll;es J!:Olf and ai1~conditioned bar•. Ambition - to uet in step be-

fore the war i~ over.

HARLAN, JACK M. If ever released will auto­matically head (or L. A. Gave Winche ll a run for hi• money by workins: on the Hollywood Citizen. Thinks f!y.in g has a future and hopes Lt. Bowen is near j ust once

when he J;t rease.s one in.

GESSNER, ALLEN G. Born and rai•ed in Wiscon­ain. So far he's only 20 but kee1>• itettin' oldei· every day. Gr11duated from high school in Eau Claire, Wls. Won 't

talk much.

HANSEN, EARL B. Born in Seattle, Wash . At­tended U. of Calif. Received reserve comm-ission in 19.40 and went on active duty the Rame year with 32nd Jnr. a t F ort Ord. Ambition-to fly

-an A-20 or B-26.

Page 18: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

HOWE, WARREN B. .. Moe .. i~ from Cle\•ehnd. 0 . ThinkM corn i• somethin" to cal and AJ2 i• a ~ec1·et ai.renl. Hitth schoo l itrnduale and hn• a di11lom11 to prove it. Only noteworlhy accom-1>llshment - takins;c off in

hi1<h pilch.

KNIGHT, JAMES H. From Mu•kep;on. M ich .. wh<>re he went to H igh S.,hool and J r. Collel!'e. Ha1>1>ily mar­ried Oucky m•n) . Was a C.P .T. 11ilol befor'<J" l"'comin1". a '"it a d l! et... I\ rnl>ition-

'A·inJtt. brother. win!!'~!

HOAGLAND, ROBT. C. H orn<' i• Cle »el•nd. 0 .. and auendcJ Kenl Stnte U. OiJ very litt lt> work bero1•c com­ini.r lo the Air Con1t1. Likes !'win){ music and 1'WimminJ!. W•nl• to fly 11 B-is. but

lhen who doe•n·1.

JENKINS, JACK W. Big v. ine and woman man with 211 years of esr><-ri­enrel~ !). Tried San l>ieiro ~tale. but ~a,·e it UJ> for gr'Ounil ~ch<>ol. l • u1ually in­elin•'<I •ocia lly. but fl1'1lx Ch i­co a trirJe fru~trAtin~. Ha f

He doe><!!

LEONARD, JAMES G. Ski1>1~<l rlas~e-s at :-;..,n llie,.to State. When noi c-nua~red. you·11 find him trying to be. \Vould sPJl~iate JlUL!Jlt-~tion~ a" to how he ~et s Ull<;r,ide •i<>wn while uniter th~ hood. Livetl for l he day he outwit~ Lt. Mc/\dams in formut ion.

McENTIRE,DAVIDW. :t.i. ~laim~ Pre--iton, lJaho. AS hi• home town. Unmarried Yoo-hoo. it i r I ~ l ! Attended Ut•h Slate Col lc1Cc. W M n Stnf f Seri.rcnnt in ihe Air Co1·1l!'; 1)rior to cadet AJltlOint­ment. Ambition - lo fly •


Q I <" .... -

MILLER, WALTER D. .. Ole W. ]) .... a lumber mA"­nate fr-om u. of o..,,,on. " >e<lentary •oul. W. D. plnv• itolf, and bri<li:e e•1ually well. Wttnts I\ new· set. flf lhe:o:. hsul .. ly. IYou cnn l\lway• ru l\ It

on 1he rims.)

PEIZER, SIDNEY Oorn in H•rtf<ml, Conn .• :!4 yt'us ayo. Cnme to the Air Forres fmm Loni.r ll<»«h. Clllif. H•1111ily mttrTie<I a year thi• month. ~·ormerly a civilian emJlloy~ nr Ai r

Force Ferryin~ Cnmmnml.

MASTEN, WILLIAM W. :!I From F1-c•no. Calif. H n• •een the inside of a •chool. f'1-e•no Stnte. Worked fo r Vullee Ait·crufl. Proud or hii-< J.Cirl. new 1.i 1·cs. and in­nhi lity to stay orr the itll! ll•t. Ambition LO ;t.ay with

Lt. M~Ad•m• In formation.

NILES, HAROLD P. ..Pnt .. is :!~ Hnd fr-om Porl­lnnd. Ore. AUN1<IL"<l R1'f'<l Collette and >tUtl•etl Chemicul En~ineeainf..!. \VR1' M. new,11n-1~{'rman but the Air }•~ort'l'" c·ltan~e<I all that. Ho11c~ to fly Ilk<.> CNpl. Oe ll .omc;ln y.

Page 19: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

ROBB, COLBY D. CollCl'ld year~ a:nd now ha~ 27 of them. l:l11ent p1t11. o( these in Wayn e, Pu. Bcea me one or 1hc Thlnl Finp:er Lel't HRnd hoys in PJ·imary Hot) wondcrlJ why he wailed ·~, lonJ.C, He WHnl~ lo de') 11ylo11 ci1:hts with AJol 1•h'~ n~ck '"


POWER, JOHN W. .:ti, frum H'!lena. M o n t. <; rmtual r of Gcorg:etown U. in rn:n. Worked in 'Illes offi<•e or Ana.cnoCla Wire And t 'nblc. Married has a !iOn. lno. One or our eadel !'tel'-


SERAPIGLIA, A. L. ~l- A Detroit, Mieh.. lll'<>­<lucl. Went to Wayne U. Hohby -collectinJ.t stars. Am­bition- not to rolloct Fltl1'I. Make• \'ery p:ood one-wheel l111t<lini..,.. The girls think

rony is rule.

SLIFE. WAYNE G. ll :til... from l lliuoi~ Rnd j<;t J11 .. f :!tt prtlt-tieaHy a youn"· "' ' <' '" Attended Unh ea~ily nf Il l. f " " !>t hool· and " 'nrked in :i i.~1nk. Ha~ :in nmbitfrm Ito fh " B· liE at :1:;.111111 f•eL \\'i •h W t' eoul<l mnke his hair olo a "-IOW ·t'tlll and l:ty tlo wn .

SULLIVAN, JOHN A. nrirn in Chica~. won't .t<atY '' h(l n. (;t·i;HhuHe o f 'l'llden TPrh. ~rhool :ulll ta:pent ·~ y<•a1·~ al l,(1"·i~ Ae1'0nH11t i('H,I S(')uud . \\'a n1.: lO f ly P--40'1', J >~~i1,,.~~ Jt t l a\~ furlou}.{h :tt c n 11 n f \ .ln1ne<.'CI. W ho

th,.,_ ... n·1 "!

WELLMAN. WM. J . ..-\ :?fl vc:1r oM \J\del (ro m Ionia. Mi«h. R('"('('nt ly ttrn·ln­~te.1 frnm ~n O•teo1mthio ('o llel!'e in ~fi,•oud . " f lo<-'" w an.1.;: to he a top notrh

homher 1>ilo t.

STEVENS, LEON ARD I. C'hnnutt'. Kan .. is the home town. Went to Jr. Colleite theL'e then miqotnled to 1A>tJ A nJ!ele<. I lnrluenteil \ly the C"h>1mhe.- of Commerce. nil 1louht.) V1lluntee1-ed in '41 111ul tl'an~fen·ed to Air Con>s

in '4 2.

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Page 21: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer
Page 22: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer


Left to right: Lts. Law, Wolf, Miller, Bratt, Storie, Clark, Hill, and Mr. Moore.

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ASH, WILLIAM 0. t\J.!e ~4 born in Cle\•el:mJ. Ohio. A Phi Gamm" fleltH n·u1n f1vun Ohio ~late Uni ver­•ily. Em11loyed by the Rem­in~tnu Hnnd Co. Excel le11t w;th n (•lurlnet. Hatl hi~ own buml, loo. Likos J<irls wilh ~wlmmins: fK>Ol and t on,·e r­lihle. &> tlo we, J'l\I. so Jo


BEVEN, WILLIAM A. Htti l" from t h e mid\\teRt, K1u11o1H'4 to he e:'l.ncL r.radu­oted f 1'0m the Uni'"er:-;.ity of Ksn~all where he wa..,..; Ca1)­tHin or the tl"llrk t..,,.m. A CAA <"OUl"ti-C con' ineetl him lhnt (lyinv ,,. ,.~ hi~ J...rame . llo1t(.'t( for 1win-en~ine: 1>re( ....

ernhl)· a Uouj!la.;. A-2H.

ALLEN, ROBERT K. J u.i cnll him "Sur." Bom in ltacine. \Vi~nsin - aite ~I. memher or the "Little T hc11ler Guild" in LaC 1·osse. \V i!!iCOn~in - an actor? t? ! W"" 8 wel<ler l>efore t he Air l·~fl t' <"t! i.rot h i m. Favorite •11m·l >!olf. Ambition - to

hrettk tlnr "ju~t once:•

BENNETT, JOHN R. ~ :I - 1111other Buckeye Si11le Juel, bn l'n in ClevebnJ, Ohio. Worked In research de11L. fo,. ( ' ha•e llrH.- & C-0pper Co. Houi<h enoui<h on the con­' rolK lo be a pursuit l•ilot. (;ymn1u1tie su1.il"4t s;urneme . .:to i':t!mS is bis aim. but won't hetilftle ir No. :11 •hows u1>.

BOSWELL, WM. A. ~:i n Pn11 land. Or~. . hoy ''ho tloe~n't like CHJiforniH ''eutlwr. Ae h~Ht hi=- eyes. on tho .. ~ ).!'oltl h..-t s aml th~ nti"'<' iu tuty. Rttn."'3tion j._"()()tl

~Hitch tt n \I women. Thnl's a ll, Brothe r !!

BRECKENRlDGE, G. He';1 ~i and was horn in Sa n Rufllel. Calif. " Breck" I• " ne"•'llJtUflermAn, noveli~t. see· na l'i"'-t nnd reatoi·e writet·. 1:00<1. too . . . Shrma Al11ha Epi<ilon CHn claim him. hi:-1 nurnel'OUS check ride~ can d~ clulrn him. .His \vife amt

home a re in l:lollywood.

CHAMPAGNE, R. G. ~~-born and bred a Dctrnit­er. Studied Aeronautic• lit Ca"" 'l'echniea l Hi~h School. t··ovorit~ ~po 1-t.s. -- swimminl! nn<l bnJminlon. Ambition -to 11ive Ca11l. M. S. Ancic•~ son ~ pcl"fect fot·ced lantlinµ.

DAILEY. BRUCE '.! t - another Miehh.can hoy. " C'owboy Uruce" thinks there b nothin,, Ii~., rlyin1<. Jark tt( all t r-1ul~. mct"'"ler of - -fl>in<.<, he ho1>e>. In time, or rou a-.~-e. Lik~ t he outdocn"-

antl the ui~-tairs.

CANAVAN, EDW. J. :!4 - a native or Southern C'nlif. Gradunted in Ai:ricul-1u1·c ftoom U.C.L.A. U•ed lo ph1y the t rombone 'Iii· the ru.~i~hbor~ compl;\ined . Htis n wide ,.. ni<e or hobbie• hut no MJ>cehtlt i e~. Geu~ .n kick ou1

or flyil\l'.

CORNELIUS, ROBT. H. '"Cornie" is 20 and lxu·n In l>ct1-oit. Mich. Call• Lo• An­J.(cle< •·home:· Decided to he a Yank in the RA. F. hut became a "jerk" in the C. T'. T. in•lead. A Rho L1<ml>\lA Phi man and a member of NRtional Aaeronaut ic A~!\()-. rialion. Wants multi~n>!inc ~o he has someone to talk to.

Page 24: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

DOSS, JOHN W. "Jaek" i* 26 and ff'Om Taft. Calif. \Vent LO Jr. C.Olle~e there. Worked a s instrnment s upervisor (or Con~olidated. Thinks in~l1'ument~ al'e easy to install - har<l lo use. Fa­v<n-it.e t>Astime - ).;)eepin~. Like!' rlying because he can

s it down at work.

GOETZMAN. LYNN R. 20 and a nati"e of Price, UU.h. Joined th<> Air Force in Jan. 1941. Took C.P.T. at Utah St·itc. "Mes•ed" around at the home town J r . Co lle1<e fo1· two year~. Phayl't root­ba ll and •kii•. Eats and ~)eel)s s irplane8-. A mbition to ;:ro home an a cross-eoun-


DENCE, CHARLES G. llo..n in Toledo, Ohio. Al<e ~6. Marrfo<l and .,1,.c1 or U. ,\ \\ended U. of 'i'ole<lo and hovcs to be R c redit mRnx'-C­e1" but first want.< a 11-17 to


FISHER, HUGH S. Oril'inate<l in Sall Luk!! City, Utah, •ome 10 years arro. Came to the Air Force vi:i U. of Utah :ind Fil'~l Nation­al Bank. Fish want~ to buzz Sa ll Lake in a P-47 . His pJainti\'e cr·y-"'I knev11 a Jtirl

<:>nee !"

GRAVES, RANDALL E. Says he's 22 years younj! anc.) born in Bay City , Mich. Two yeal'!< of pre-mecl at Ray City Jr. College. "Raryny" l ikP.s fas-t ho1~e:~. fA"t ca ~. and <lancinJ.!, ,i\ mbilion - to he an old pi lot, if not a good one.

HARPSTER, JOHN W. 2~- ri,;orn Detroit, Mich. At­tended W ay ne U. th·et'e >1ntl worked as a sales enJ,!ine(' r ~t the U. S. Rubher (lo, Played football. Ambition to hear Ca1>t. M. S. Ande1·­~on ~ay ,;thxt w~l'. n g'OO<l

ritle, Hi1r·11s;Ce1·!··

HUGHES, AUSTIN L. 24 - from Ida ho. Went tn Utah State. Known a~ ··nead Eye" at •chool whet·e he "ol letters in f09tb·1ll. P layell semi-Jlr'O baseball and finally joined the Air C01·1,;; for ex­citement. ..1 (!on 't want to be the he!<t t>i lot- just t h•


LAMB.ERT, F. M. 22-strai1<ht from the Moun­tains of West Vir;..dni-a -coulcJn•t )'OU µ'UC'SS? W(lnl to Marshall Coll e>Ce in Hunlin>C­ton. W. Va. .Phi Kappn Nu a11d C. P. T .. too. Ambition - t.o hel1> Uu'Ottle the Ax-is and return to the mountains,

of ~our~e.

HOLLOWELL, W. F. 21 - and i u•l rr H'rietl. HRi1' from Plinl, Mith. E~i• loyed a~ nn account.ant at A. C. Snarl< PluJ! hefo1·e a 1>11ir of siJ Ver winj!'f\ caug.,t hi~ fan­cy, Ambition - t" A'et his

hand• on a B-17-.

JOHNSON, RALPH E. 26--from Anderson. Indian:.. One of t he few Hoosie1"~ in our claAs. Air minded from 'way back. Wnnt~ to fly '"' A-~O ~nd ~lill bceome the oldest active pi lot in the world. Can it be done! Says the at·my is fine .. i f onl~' week-ends could he spent >1t


Page 25: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

LOOMIS, RICHARD E. Hi~ h irthtlay i~ Dec. i tqui1 e a clny). H t"i:.-t a Ka1tpa Si,,.:ma Rho f rom (3 n ttHI R .aJJi\ll', ?tifichi):{Hn: captai ned hi~ 'Kh:h 8t'ht)01 mul ('oil~µ-(> ten ni~ team:>'. "1°MN. I'll 1te interc-o l­le).t'iute double~ chnmtl. Latc1· :-ervecl *'~ uh:ht ~port eUitor on the home town ,..h(lt't. H i:-:. nmhition "tnp~·· th4! t-enu•r

1•:-q.(t' of thi~ hook.

McMAHAN, ERNEST B. A devout Te~an but. wal'\ e. lta­catecl nL P.akt>l"sfil'ltl, C» li f., Jr. Coll<'}!'.e. WnnLK to II(.• rt

1•ilttt. How u.hout thnt ! ! Lnvc:-o wine. '"'Omen , sOn f.!', an•I d r ill hut fiJ,::urc$. he C'Hn

<I<> without the 1l ri ll.

LEE, HAROLD G. Ltke many other~• he hnil!" from MJl'h i'-!';.HL Mef'h~ni(•n l r;n,.d neerill)! j!f,;ldtl~\ e frurn .Mit·hil!an St>lle. EntC' rMl ur·­t i\•e 1lu1y whh the Air C"on1" in ·.11 :<t CHnlnN' ~'iol.I. "Fly­i11;t i~ Lhe lire:· You !:u\itl i1, kl•1->tl 1 ! How many de)r.!rees ii\

your left tank. Lt. ·~

MEYERHOFF, R. A. ~aw I ht• lig-ht in Snn Prnn­<·h-c·o. (;rathi.ttetl ft·om StAn­fo rd U. ~nd ~crved in t he n .. 1t1 ;trlille ry. ,\i,led in , .. 1-mtuh.tn-1Lion :-n ~to ffetl Fle1cl 'lien It\.·<' .. me H .. rlyin}f l!Hd­•.•d . ·· Wants to rty an 1\-:!o.

MEYER, ROBE~'l' E. Born an1l Ji\·cd in M ithhrttn roa· :!:! yt•ur,;. Likes root11all Hilt.I ,..wimmil\J.{. Oo:-:al ror four yearJ.o in Golden Glove:-:.. \Vod,c."'I fo l' Lttm:"inJ.: O l<llimO· l1ile. Amhition - you ).!UC~~(l<I it -winu~. 1-!rettl hi;.r ~ih-cr


MORGAN, MlL'ION A. ~ti-Po1·tlend, 01•eiton. Ore­j.!On newgpa})er fo1· ?S yean~ prior to f I i J! h l tl'aininJ.!. :)wilnming and didnJ! ar"t· next. to flying' in ~1W:>1-t~. Chief •mhition ;~ the win· nin)t o( his eommh;8ion ancl

the coveted wi ngg,

PACKARD, JACK C. :!6 home town i~ F I i n l. Michi1<1tn . Formerly w(>rked }t~ a prcd~ion tool in!ipeclor nnd li ke~ wintel' s1>01·t~ lw"t. Ambition - to return lo hi :-; v.:i fe And a1e:;ume ~l~lUS or n eonlcnled mttrrieU m~n. 1\ h.


SHETTERLY, WM. H. ,\ :!a yenr o f1J ex-fa 1•n·H~ r from MiiHlet"olu. \.\;ent •to HiJ,.rh SC"lu.,, J nl 01...te~. Miun. l•>t. ... nwite wpak 1u·~ wo men. Pre~e nl amhilion i.._ tn i.!<"'l t lll'ou).!h AdvancM. \\~<-· 1·e 1111

wi1 h vou there, Bill J

O'CARROLL, THOS. K. ~5-nati ve to Salt Lake CiJ,y, Utah . Attended U. o! Ut<1h. Si1<ma Nu m11n. Will com-1)1ete Jaw cou t'Se "\vhen Jui._ lln gets s lam>e<l down f<OO<l." Was a contact tool Jllaner al Lockheed Aircraft - "baek when he wa.$ a civilian .··

cSigh !!)

RUTHERFORD, T. P. ~4-just another Texan who lon~s for his boot.s an<l ::o;nd­<lll•. G1·aduate<l ft:oin Ok la­homa U. 194!/ >1n() w''" drall e<l in May, 1!14 1. Like• mu"'ie. dancing, t.!O<)d beer. an<l beau-

t iful wf>men. Who doesn't'!

Page 26: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

STEVENSON, H. C., JR. :.!:!. honi in J>~uoil, lt1irhiJ.!an. he trn .- Ll'ft\eh1d O'''-' l' mLl('h of t he WMld liut wou lcl •till Iii,~ to ~~(> Tnl-.io. prerun-th l:.1 r1·0111 nn ,\-tflA. H e like• the i\.l'. nnd Open Po.:- l: cli:--tikc~ mH t•thiUJ.r and Japctn.17.il". () ( cou 1·~. hi~ amhl-tion i" lh.••I UJl in a ,,·oman bAc:k honw.

The'e n.,t1-oit ><al'!

SLINDE. JOHN H. Uorn :!:.! >"car~ a.;.!o in ~·1t·H·­lanu IJeillhl~. Ohio. 1\ n ohl Cfnnh·yman ( J• om Ohio'~ I uith Cnv:.tlt·y. After ~ouri11)! the U. $. on horse~ H till >-<t·tHll t»1·•. tran•ferred lo i\. A. I'. <:1 cHlt'8l a mbilion Wi11 i.N a rhl a C::-1"0~~...('0unlry fliL:h t to

l>nrien. ('onnecti<'ut.

TROWBRIDGE, W. W. :! I t i blonde cot·nhu~"-cr r1·mu Log-un. Iowa. ~·en t to Stoch. .. l<>11 J ,._ Col lei.re. A1h111t<>< I Cnlilornin in ':J6 isintl lh<• .\it• Co111~ in ·40. Woul<I Ii~~ to 'ia,:it Sacramento e'en "f-e-J...

end in .an A-:!11.\,

He loves flying.

VOGELER, ELWIN A. B~in.s: Mriclly orhdnnl hom'• tO\\ n cot n. ··Moo ... e" in1u1<•t>11\ .. I:; :c.hcnet.1 the t> 11)e1·tt "hirh led . il. w:t~ later disco,e1(."(I. to hi~ lea\'in~ hi:' front. ya nl ftW Lhe fit i--1 lime. No mu: ut·tually know~ "here IH: ramc ( r om hut he l..N~Jll'l mumhlin~ somethinJ! uhf •t.t

& It Lake.

WISE, JAMES T. ~7 HJIOl her Uelroi le r . 8pl·nl 7 yet1.1·~ \dth Gene.-~I Moto•·~ ~1~ an c~ue1--iment:..1I (1n.1tin<1t•t'. Likes ~wimrnin;.c anJ J!Ol f. Ho11e• to PL '{ ""m<'ll:iy. \\'Hntg to ••fini~h the " H r Hnd ~o home to th<" M i ... "lu ... :·

He wishes that the link trainers would all break down during open post. He drinks three to seven "cokes" a day.

WENHOLZ, JACK R. :!41. fi·om Fair"iew. N. IL Clhot'• L~ue, too). Auen<l<•<i LHwa·ence Teeh. U)il,£>(1 to he u t 1·uck d1-h:e1·. Wnnttoi to l4!arn to rJy the won<l ''HY !he is). Ambition is to han• 1 i'< you n~sl.e1-s. Wo'' want- to d<.H.h .. ~ the next '' 1.1·'""

draft. J~k ?

H e doesn' t make speeches about it , but he is proud of his country and is very patriotic. He drinks Black and White on payday and Ear Scotch the rest of the month. He knows we will win the war. He is more afraid of "washing:• out than of spinning in. He hates reveille, but he get.s up five minutes later to eat breakfast. He is the dispatcher's nightmare. He used to think that women think a flyer is glamorous He shudders when he hears "Santa Ana." He private ly thinks he can fly fairly well. He wants to fly a B-17 so he can have lots of company. He wants to fly a P -47 so he can be alone. He wants to fly.

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Left lo righl: Lts .. Love, Ganett, and Rummery. Mr. Scotter, Lts. Roden, Hoover, Wa lker.


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BERKSHIRE, ROBT. H . to r 1·om 1 ",,. ,\ nvelt_.!" whc•"<' hhs heA1·Lh('nt and umd-tlel' ure. Clnims ul l t•etortl~ 101·

l'lln'IJ> tl ul y. Quote• - "Wh~· thnl • ·! r '! • 1'11 wrap \.1) hi~ rlapH Hnd hatter down h i~ l l'lm l.1h• I l" Th a t'• 1111.


BOHNSACK, EDW. E. Hnil• l' rnm n 11 l ~<'e cal ll'tl J>gdJ(on , M ieh. Like~ hlo-tHl~!-4 - ul~o twuncttc$ - :i"'etlead~.

too. Ed think~ t'lyinJ: i:; top~. W11nt~ to help licl. lhe J ap• "<> he cnn "et hAck ttl Mirh.

AMBURGEY, W. M., JR. \ \\'e~t Vi~inin mounlain~r \\ho won.fer!'- ''jul'\· hno\\ ~·"''I <·'n tf>ll he':- f1·om ti" ~nouth ~·· ~J•Ot'U 1 tlit•lnmtt r1·om Utµ-un fii s;.d1. Spt .. 11tl.:11 ' 'ho le \\e<J.b.-en•I~ dimhinJ.! n 1•ountl t he 0:-t"~- Hu~ H hurH·

in~ t1e~i1°(• to liuz1. Be1·li n .

STODDARD, J . B .; JR. Snw tl21yli....:-h t in the le:unin1l m<:t1'01•oli :; of Mulvet·n. Jown , LHll' l' the.I o f dty life. uml ll\O\ cd to Hiawatha, Kun!-tn:oc. l'OKSe'"l'~ ll •he~p.<kin (mill U. o f Nebr~•ka tlated ·41, uotl WH;o; <·ommi~$ioned in the l nfanu·y. Quote. ··1~ the hcam t"e1tlly re.I?" Unquole.

f_~) . -

BOYNTON, JOHN B. I'. (1om Ban1<or. Mic·h. 1-:.lu­""'e<I in lla11rord. Mich. J,(:Jt ,\ircrnlt MC{'hanic,. School 111 ••jine u11."' Th i n &.. ... th\•)' )ohoultl mo\e fl)'intt ::<>('ht.Mill"- lu M u_·hiJ.!"Hn tor a <·erlain femi­ni ne t'f'.t!'wOn. The weather·!(

better lhetc, too.

CARTER. CLIFFORD E. I' '';\... tfi t:hf?oo IM•llltl;11 )nun1.,. 1 '"'' -..:ta1· t-hnn .piou C f,•b hcm1...-:-iel.. 1ur the lo l ~ .. in Lo .... \t1J.!Pli>:-. H~'.; u 111 w on ulrc·1·afl de-.i;.!11 :rn41 ,\ r1it• ~IUl\\ 11 ·t•untin~n.;;. o\ 1~, Ji~''' :10 .. tbr t u rloudi... ~11hl t •• ,. f'l'('fl l'J\ l>i •di~l'" 1'l'H"·~ l'Otl ll-

1 l'Y ttrn1 (;uy L u111 l1!1nl11.

CROUSE. FREDHICK T . "~piu" H•ld 11• .. M•:"' hi~ 1,•\1t•r ... 10 O:ik Hill, \'u·~· i ni:.. \f1<•1 hhth .. ('hottl tli1 l J \\U )t':tl·'

hu1•tl la hur :tl I ndJJ.11:1 Tt'<'h, l,ut I i111tlly 111' .. kl• out lu juiu th~ \ . F . t •rtt'n ~ l'-?:ol m all hut tH·,·tr n c 1·otJm. Hrt41 '.;•1,\

ha111•Y. than"-~-

DEUTSCHMAN. J. E. Jl uil .. r.·om t_,.f)(14 f qJ.f l>elt•r•i1. Hd \11 tontly iuhnit~ t4' :!!l .. Ju11t .\',•:er--. ~t~nt lhtV><' \'l'ar"' la,intt the l"''ient·e of l h•· I lt f' Pt,-1(1;1 I\ ~hU"ttUeth• l'u1,e1~it~. H i' m ai 11 nmhi­tiou ioc to "-"t-~l thi..., t.ook fin­i--lh'ff, \\' h r re'~ Herkrh.

J t>hU •I

COLLIVER, H. A. .\ 11tH«'h1~I Hc1<'rtu d run1·lw1• f1·Hm Fl'\':--no. \\'alk11 u111uu1I :' r(w)l nrf lh e ,l.!l'OUIH I, lu.-11 1 11 1 • hy :.in n 1H.•:0J tt uned l•\q·1w. \\' unt.:i l t• J.eo hark to hi ~ cowtot .. um~lime. hut !'i).tht no\\ ~'nuhl lik~ to h erd Htl j\ .. ~o.

DALY, HARLEY J. tl 8~ heen takinst il m1t tlll

Lo!i AnJ.relcs for :!6 Y<"ltl 'l't

IU\'cled L'ht."l~ '" '' Lod~h4-t'\ I then deei'l""d he mht ht l i~t.· 10 t'ly one. H e ~t ill m11o!hl . P1·ime itlc1t tu ;.:et :t' ta1 1IW4-l)" from ~antn ,\un a"


Page 29: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

FLETCHER, ROBT. C. t I- former oil maJ!'net fl-OM Alame<:la. Calif. He is "'.San•'" riancee, bu.t hi~ eowlike eye;; carrY on a spirited ~etn·<>h eve1-y week-end. Ambition­he optimi•tical ly hones to he a commercial arti~t somedny.

GREGG, LEE 0. Pmduct of San nieJ.<ll Hi;:'it. hut 1H'eJ>pe<l for the A. P . at Boyden~ School in S>1 n llie1-'0. Beams al th<> mention of fe­ma les and T. Dor"eY. but wnxe~ nrofane on hot ,..,·ci-uh­(ff, Ju~t and :.i.pinach. The A~i:; would be uncom fo1·tshle

if they knew hi < plnn•.

ELIAS, WILLIAM M. t.-\ IJeltcH' kno·wn as "Ocx ... From Martln"s Ferry. Ohio. slnd 1u-oud or it. Immorta.1 wo1"(ft-: " She had a bi~ cxr, lol• t>f money. and she w·" lone:o:ome." He is ·tctrictly a

P-3ll man.

GORDON, ARTHUR M. Born in Chicago Heights. Ill.. ~4 years ai:to- as a baby. At­tended U. of Chieag-o. Had a shor~ bw;ine~• ellr~r h<)fore starllnJ! arter h is w·in~:;;. Usually ha• thini...,; fig-ure<l out •-•in mo$tt CR~e~. a f.C. a rule .. , Ambition - would Jike to !'\t~y within bounc.huie~ o n

check rides.

HARRISON, PAUL P . "Did you e.ver hear ·of Bad Axe, M.ich. ?" T.h.is forme 1· tJ•avelinlo( salesman denies 1my refationship between P. P. and H. P. L ike many. he th·earns of some. day hnvin1< a little B-17E of his own to

Hettle down with.

HOMFELD, LOUIS C. One of the few "native .Cali­fol'ninns." Bo~~n in Wasco. Se1•veu time at Bake1.,,rie.l<I J. C. befoi·e joinfo!l' t he Ail' F'orce. Now ~ndeavo·r-in~ to net1uaint mjd .. westet·n for· eic:ne1'$ with the beauties of Califo1·nia. Wants, desper­ately, to bu1.7. •omethinJ!' in

An A-20A.

KAUFFMAN, J OHN G. Bo1·n in Detl'oit. M.ich.. 211 yea .. s ago. Transferred f rom U. of Det1-oit to the A ii' Force a:i won as si::e anti mental reci uit·ements wea·e lO\\.'ered . S1lentl:; time seekin j.? a leg-iti'mate excuse for act'O-


LOWE, RICHARD E. Smiles hapJ)iJY at the faintest mention of San Diec:o. liome and all that. Schooled in Lincoln, Neb.. before going to the U. of Wyominp:. Wa• work in g at Con<01idated when he was sti,,ck by the

!atnl urr<e.

IRVIN, A. G., JR 23. home town is Kansas City. Mo. lie worked on l"<>nd construction and later wiih t he Consolidated Air craft. The pow'er of suc:g.estion c:ot him. Likes to make one good landi n,g ·SO h is Instructor could die happy. He wan ts a c·hance to p:et to San Oiei:to-

some bt·unette.

LEE, RALPH E. 25. from LaCrosse. Wis., "in the heart of l he Coulee Count .. y." Fo1·merly worked at advert-isin$.t, sales man­a~e·ment. Misses-his wife. J!:ootl Wisconsin beer and duck hunting. Am bition-

(<1uote)-"f wanna fly l"

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MILLER, LANE H. He·~ free. while. and 21 And from Philadelphia. Pa. At­tended U. of Ca li f. ro .. 3 year~. A rootbnll , track. and Kappa Alphn boy. Ambition -lo stay sin1tle 'lll arter the war. How about thnl, girls?

PETERSON, EARL M. Look8 19. 8WCllr8 he's 2G. Ma rried and a fnmily man from Eau Claire, Wis. Proud poese8sor of a bcnutitu l aun -

burned no~e.

McPHERSON, JOELW. 24. born in Cle veland. 0 .. home in Lakewood. Ohio. A raidroad man before joining t he cadet ranks. Likes ten­nis. BT's and week-<!nd pa.•s­es. Ambition-winl<l!. 'Nurc


MILLER, ROBERT E. Stork broUJ<ht him to S11rini:­Cield. Ill . . 24 years a.c;o. Went to So. East Mo. State Teach­er's C.Ollei?e for 4 yea rs. That's all thereis. there ain't

no more. Next! ! !

NIEMEYER, D. E. H ails from Lacrosse. Wis­consin, .. Where it rains on~e in a while." Played dan<'t' music and football h a c k home. Ambition-to keep fly­ing until be is eighty. Thinks that Western beer isn't fit to drink. Attended LaCrossc

State Teacher's College.

NUNN, THOMAS E., JR. A FloridA "Cracker" a n d hu1>J1Y about the whole thin.c;. Graduated from U. of Flori­da and was rommiasioned in the Field Artillery at the •ame time in 1940. St~1'ted acti'e duty in ·41. A•1>irR· tion- to hit the cone-i• JIO~-

ltive It Can Be Done.

O'CONNELL, R. A. Far from Flinl. Mich .. cul­tural renter or the lll iddle Weu and home of Florence. who 11eems to ha,·e n r1t11I attraction for Ru••· Wa nt • to do J>Ylon eights a round

home town chimney•.

SCHOPPER, W. J . 25. only Ne,ada boy in the ela.•~. Rai•ed in Reno. A butcher by trade llooka had for the Ja1>s). A1·my carttr began with the fl.-.t <lrnft. Has no 11111 ticula.r ambition , ju~l pul him down •• ambi­tious. He'~ ltOl t he ri1<ht at-

titude nnyw11y.

PAGLE, WILLIAM M. Fii'l!t frightened his parents in F lint. Mich. ( Lntest rc-110rt$ Rl'e that titey'rc ex;i~~t­e<I to 1·eco,•e1·). Butned th ~ midniithl oil over enginee r­ing a t Flint J. C. Has more s uccess with a BT. Wants to clean u11 the mesa anti go


REGAN, JOHN D. "Rocky" took notes I in 11 "Little Black Book." we'll bet) at Fresno State. whete he wor~ed bimselt into a let­ter o\'er football and basket­ball. ls " e r y determined a.bout those wings and a gal

named Dot.

Page 31: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer

STRICKLAND, D. P. Fullerton. Calif., and admit• it. Went t-0 hhrh •chool an1I J. C. thei•e before enterini.: the R.C.A.F. f rom whence he came to us. Says t:he old adage " You don"t have to he crazy 10 be a pilot. but i t sure helus .. is all very t i-u<'.

SIENKIEWICZ, N. T. Chicai::o. Illinois is 1·esr•<msi­ble. Went from Compton J. C. to OeP:iul Univ. Cnusecl much hair vu lling 'mons:r~t the \v immin a$ a Life-j.!uard for six year,;, and made the swimming team at colleJ!e. Wants to be an airline pi lot.

A. B. "After Berlin."

. . . We love Chico. Code is a helluva thing. You can get a sun tan in Chico. Instructors are inhuman. Brown eyes are scarce among Cadets. Open post is always too short. DeYoung made reveille- once.

W ASSE!tMAN, SIDNEY "Sid" was brought into the world 22 yenns ago. Chica,:::o~s the p I a c e. Heii::ht - yes. weight- ob . yea I E"1>erimen't ­ed aa·ound. a bit w ith ~nf?"ines. Would like to be placed in the Government e,."'i:pel'iment.al

lab aL Wrigbl Field.

Flying is here to stay but some of us aren't. Phillips was seen with a girl. S'helpmeh!c Serapaglia enjoys sitting in a plane on the ground. Ice cream is the favorite desert of Cadets. Jenkins is usually "Vivacious." Or is it vicious"? Gosin WILL go swimming in the· Buttes. They call him "Check mde" Breckenridge. Deutschman and Schroeder still Ji.ave some hair left. 'I'. K. was seen .... buying a COMB. The school building coke machines once were full. And there ~vere nickels

to go with them. The sunset gun goes off thrice weekly. Union hours, y'know. It is possible to fly instruments .... even without peeking. The Oaks is a quiet place . , .. during the week. One of the student officers thinks that 180 degrees has something to do with

tempera.ture and that 1;udder pedals beJong to the foot-rest family. (Not mentioning any names but the initials are Hanse n.)

Powers has nine lives and used up eight of them one Saturday night having a loopy time in a link.

WILLIAMS, RALPH S. 27, born Elitabeth. West Vir­i<inia. Ex-oil well ma~hinery ~alesman. Transferred to tile Air For<·e f 1"Qm the Chemical Warfare Se,-vice. Sp o rt s, boating, hunting, and fish­ini::. Marl'ied. Ambition, af­t er the wa1·. six children and an ail·line job. You can't have e'·erytbiu~. Mr. Wil-


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~ I . ~ 0

----- -

• • • \

?I •


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,. . , .. .

SGT. T. B. BELL Coach

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W FELSE ' Coac·h

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W.P.A. A:\rnITIO~?


. ·-

A I :\ " f I THE O~ E TJIOC(ill ?

Ahhlihhl1lihh !


Page 37: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer


There are people who call it the "torture chamber." Others call it the "chamber of horrors." Some, however, don't denounce it so sternly and think of it only as t he most maddeningly mol•king, infuriating, frustrating, and damnable contra pt ion that a cadet meets in his daily training.

Or on a Sunday, when he otherwise would be in Sacramento.

We're talking about the L ink Trnincr.

lt doesn't have a safety belt, because it isn't an air plane. But it eun make you airsick.

Pipe the " hot pilot" who st uck witl1 it for two hours in one afternoon. He held onto e\·erything until along towud the end of the second hour when he did a snup roll. After ht: did the snap roll , which is nothing more in the L ink Traine r than d elibe rate ly mutilating your sense of balance, he seemed to lose interest and af-ter several efforts from the in­struct.or to attrad his attention they carried him out and l1e woh-bled back to the flight line. H e had a hangover for nearly a week.

But Jet's not get the wrong impression at first.

Say you're sitting in tliis Link Trainer, the top is down, and the only contact you',·e got with the outside world is the instructor. H e tells you to do u t urn. You do, counting the seconds of turn on the d ock. Y 011

pull out, wait. You did pretty darned good and you're waiting for a compliment.

A voice says, "Now, uh , that one got 11 l ittle off some­pl;H·c or otJ11.:r. ATC you sure you starkd the second hand 011 your tlock :ind l"Ounted corrcdl)· ?"

You nod to .\·ourself. Of coursC' )"Oii ditl. Y pu wonder what kind of an Prror you mudr. Can"t he more than a few tlcgrccs.

"You wcrt• forty tlcg-ref•s too i;hort that time. 'fry

it again."

Forty degrcC"s? My God, that's half the t urn! l~ut

... 0. K. You ~tart agai n. You stnrt the second hand,

watch tLat t•lc1ck, count . . . and you\·e got it! You

strai~hkn 't•r out and wait.

Tht' ,·okc suyo;, "That one wasn't so ha<i. You cor-

recte<l for the first . error, but overdid it slightly. This one is-uh-forty degrees overshot!"

About that time, if there's any potential pilot suff in you :it all, you've a g rip on tLe stick that'll leave your fingerprints on it, you've got a nasty gleam in your eye, and )'Our teeth are shining in the dar~.

"Go ahead," the voi ce croons, "Let's see you hit it this time."

So you start. This is going to be good. ~o mistakes. You begin to wonder just exact! y what in hc11 is the matter until along about the time you should be check ing yourself you real­ize you forgot to start the sec-

ond hand on the clock !

How long have you been turning? Nobody knows, not even the instructor, who is picking this p~ychological mo -ment to break in a nd r emi nd you about the tum indi­

cator needle. Seems it's off a little. So is the degree of bank off. In other words, cadet, you're just not "on the bull." Let's look the other way a mo­ment while you lose your temper and

kick the controls about a bit\ The instruc­tor whispers,

" That was perfect l You corrected your mistake hoth ways, and brought it out right on the nose! Good for you! I'm telling you, that was right on the ... "

--, --- !" You forget, of course,

that t here's a mike right in the cockpit with you. " \'Vhat clitl you say?" the instructor asks innocently. \Ve11 , t hat 's the .Link Trainer. It's not bad when you

consider th l.' fac·t that you've been flying in calm air, and t hey're going to t urn on a galloping hurricane that n C\'Cr

lea,·cs the ncctllc on the line, sho\'C the ball dear out on the wing, :111d the altitude-well, let's forget it. If you can make a ninety degree turn in that, hrother, you aren't so hot yet because you've just begun. There's the radio beam to fly , and that ulw:iys gives u cadet the rhills. In fact, it's guaranteed to ruin at least one full day. The radio beam is not for a normal person, but by the time one gets to it it's all right hecausc he isn't normal ~111y longeT. Especially if they give him rough air .

. Excuse me. I t's Sunday and J\·e got to fly the raclio beam this afternoon .... .. .. in the Link Trai ner.

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Page 39: Full page fax print - Wikimedia Commons · CO-EDITORS Walter H. Schroeder, Jr. John H. Deutschman Robert K. Allen Photograpl1('r Robert C. Fletcher Artist Raymond L. Pound, Pfc. Photographer
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