r"*' v '. 14 burlALU OoLliii^ii-ii^A.xM%JUOO, JU.U.IA»AI, ^xux il!jaii>i^u o. liJib l Society ;: Engagements :: Teas :: Dances :: Musicales ::dlubs ft ' "' ' "" Ml I "• - ' •" ' " " ' I ^ ^ M - ^ ^ » ^ " _... Helen Forbes' Engagement Announced Saturday Night I N i bouffant gown of cyclamen pink taffeta bordered at the bottom of the skirt with rows of velvet of a deeper shade of pink and softened at the neckline with tulle, prettv Helen Forbes re- eeiTet! her guests at the Wanakah Club on Saturday night for the dinner party at which she announced her engagement to Neil Wil- liams of Chicago. The guests were seated around a table centered with pink Japanese lilies anal lighted with blue cathedral candles In low crystal candlesticks. The all-important engagement was announced in the placecards which were tiny envelopes enclosing bine bordered cards with the initials W and F and on which were Written Helen and Neil, and the date of the party. Those who were at the dinner included Mr. and Mrs, Myron E. Forbes, Neil Wil- f i n v , of course; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. "Sobfert Diilon. Miss Oretchen Wettlaufer, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miss Florence Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Taylor, Jr., Miss Eleanor Kratz, Miss Ruth Johnston, Miss Lucille Kinsey, Mr. and Mrs, F. Jerome Tone, Jr., Miss Mary Louise Schmidt, Miss Margaret Forbes, Maurice Field of Chicago, who is the guest of the Wettlaufers; John Anderson, Elbridge Sidway, Charles Bollar, William Stewart, Leonard Couch and Charles Stewart. 5? Duchess strolls (MWfALK came around from the back and met a similar one in the front. The tight, sleeveless bodice had a large name- colored rose with green leaves on one shoulder. A choker necklace of pearls, nude hose and brocaded slip- pers in bright colors were other ac- cessories that gave charm to her cos- tume. * VTISS GRACE SYKES, whose mar- riage to Lewis U. Wheaton takes place September 11th at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sykes of Richmond avenue, is a charming young woman, who gradu- ated from Wellesley and who Is a aiater of Mrs. Richard Sherwood of La Salle, N. Y. The Sykes family Mrs. Mayo was attractive in a beautiful shade of coral chiffon heavily leaded in crystal, and Miss Lucille Stewart, who is a charming looking girl with deep blue eyes and dark hair, wore an artistic gown of French Hue beaded with cut steel. Miss §ykes"has selected for her going-away gown one in French blue covert doth in two-piece strictly tai- lored stfle, with a plaited crepe de- Her , chine blouse of the same stiade. spend their summers and autumns in , . French blue felt hat has a fiat .W,y» tdtiwinHaittii n Viora Ul" Qvtae I J * . . . Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Block have Issued invitations for a supper party •a Tuesday, September 14tb, at the lease of Mrs. Block's mother, Mrs. Moses Shirt, at Wanakah. » • * Mr. sad Mrs. Albert Bent Wright 'lave Issued Invitations for a ma* ie dance at their home In West tntf street on September 10th in honor of their daughter, Miss Lusyd W/ight • • and Mrs. Robert Gallagher and Miss Martha Gallagher have Issued invitations for a tea dance at the ptreatieth Century club on Septem- ItrrJHtfc, from 4 until T o'clock. • • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yates of Orchard Park gave a breakfast at Jfcftjx home for the judges of the IlasBburg Horse show and a few friends hut Thursday. » • » Mrs. Ralph Waite entertained luncheon guests Friday at her home IB Sprtogville. ^BIIB^, • •* « ' Miss El&abetb K. Frits enter tained in honor of her sister. Har- riet, Tuesday; evening, August 31st. Mr. and Mrs. William Frits enter !alA*d the bridal party at a buffet pajper after the rehearsal for the %t*>tfag—Thursday evening, Sep- temb«r 2d, •• • lira. Edwin Klinck entertained at st birthday party Saturday evening hi honor of Miss Jean Klinck, at her home at Eggertsvllle. ^ ..' • • • -httM Marion Spaulding. Miss Jose- phine Plumb and Miss Mary Frances Larkia aU entertained house parties over Labor day. • • Mra. Willard J. Magavern gives a bridge luncheon in honor of Miss Marion Durdan today. • • Miss Susan Dyett entertained at heach supper at Bay Beach in honor of Miss Jean Kemp todax- » • « Mian Helen Cunningham gives a small dinner party at the Lake •bore Hunt Club today. sold their home in Lafayette avenue and have taken an apartment at Elm- wood Heights. • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Reif of Larchmont road will return the end of the week from the Adirondacks. Rev. Joseph A. Slattery, S. J.,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slattery of Saranac avenue, sailed Saturday, August 28th, for England. Father Slattery is in England to study the methods of teacning EngUsh used in Cambridge University. Father Slat- It's hard to say good-bye when you lore 'em but they won't say flood-bye 'when you don't" says Marfy. *w*yW>i.U«iii, tery will be at Cambridge University for four years. • • Miss Claire O'Brien is spending the week-end in Skeaneateles. * • • Dr. L. G. Hanley has returned from a motor trip through New England, visiting Mrs. Hanley at Wood- mont, Conn. * • Miss Emily Miller of Anderson place, who has been spending the summer abroad, sailed on September 3d for home, arriving in Montreal on the Adirondacks, where Mr. Sykes has extensive lumber Interests. therefore Miss Sykes is a thoroughly enthusiastic outdoor girl and a dev- otee tohealthful sports. Mr. Wheaton is a fine, manly young fellow, a graduate of Co.nell and very popular. At a recent supper dance given by Mr. and Mra. Emory Mayo at the Statler, Miss Sykes was wearing a lovely frock of orchid georgette beaded in silver, which gave a captivating effect as she danced. The skirt had four panels, bordered at the foot with bands of silver cloth, and the underslip was of the same silver cloth. - The tight, sleeveless bodice had a shoulder bou- quet of yellow roses tied with orchid tulle. September 11th. Miss Miller's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Miller, leave on Friday for Montreal to meet her. •/ feather amament at one side, of rose and gold. There is an enchanting new shade for afternoon frocks called nude, which matches up in harmonizing ef- fect with the hose of that same color, that has been so fashionable for the last year, and one of the most capti- vating gowns we have seen was one worn by Miss Sue Baker at a re- cent tea given for Miss Elizabeth Johnston. It was fashioned of nude crepe dt chine, combined with lace of the same shade, and had a narrow belt of coral and gold. The high neck had a haw tie and long ends of coral crepe de chine. Worn with*a large pale beige ha{, trimmed with coral velvet this made a costume of strik- ing effect. Miss jAurella Tyler was observed among the dancers at the Statler the other night, wearing a smart frock of pals yellow crepe de chine, the skirt having a circular flounce that t* JOURNEYS AND ARRIVALS Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Gardner s\ad Miss Kitty Ussher motored to Cooperttown for the weekend. a • • Mr. and Mrs. I. Copley Herbert of Montclair, N. J., spent the week-end with Mrs. Herbert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Treble. • • Mrs..George W. Olmstead has re- tained to her summer home in Rose Hill and had as her guests over the week-end Miss Carolyn Bushneli and MISS Mary Batten. • • Cameron Balrd and William Baird returned yesterday from the Delta Upailen convention at Montreal * , • • E MM Natalie Williams Is the week- guest of her sister. Mrs. George UKI, at Nlagara-on-the-Lake. Mr. aafl Mrs. Walter Johnson are also the meats of Mr. and Mrs. Rand over the holiday. • • Jsobert Klinck and Gilbert Nassoy arS spending the Labor day weekend at lhe Klinck summer home at later- laken. • * Morton* Humphrey of Saratoga tarings, who has been the guest of CSmeron Baird over Labor day, re- turns home tonight * • • • plsrriU Campbell is spending the weak-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles sManey at Nlagara-on-the-Lake. • • JJtr. and Mrs. W. A. Gardner of fayder are spending the holiday wa»k-end at Turkeytorrent, Onk • • Judge Haael and Mfsa Adelaide Basel have returned from a lake trip. • • Miss Emily Woehnert sailed for home last Thursday. • * Miss Jean Klinck returned from Interlaken, N. Y., to spend the week- end in town. » • • MUs Isahelle Lindsay. Miss Helen fnik and Miss Margaret McCarty apent a few days last week the guests of Miss Clara Hager at the Hager's cottage in the Boston Hills. • • Miss Margaret Ludwig of Snyder, and Miss Loreene Wunsch of Buf- falo left Friday for two weeks at Atlantic City. New York and Phila- •*%sla • • Miss Helen Davis of New York Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wiman H/ {Smith and Wiman, Jr., over Labor Day. Judge id Mrs. returned Saturday from an extended and Mrs. Alonsa HInkley New Eng|and motor trip. • • Miss Hermine Schram and Walter Laebke will visit Mr. Luebke's par- sers in Wheeling, W. Va. • • Mr. aad Mrs. Edward Gram have *• .* m- mm $c 2Cwt vnq s E s *-& s~Kuiumn* t Charmingjly expressive ofthehrisk but fickle spirit of Fail, Developed in Sauterne f its fitst appeal is So the lover of chic. The underlay and heel however are of Sandal- wood Tan a'na\ subdue the whole eiect to a delightfully sombre Autumn tone. Also in Black Kid with Suede underlay. Si ^k& J>RESENT-DAY feminine lovelihess is &e result of womankind's eternal striving toward a beautiful goal—refinement I Every /Woman wants to look chic and smart, t u t not vulgarly so; and therein lies one of the Sawets of the success attained by Nisley's Beautiful Shoes. *• " * * » ' <3N£isley Stylists, without sacrificing any of tfe true elements of refinement, are giving to tha discrimi- nating women of America an abundance of dash and color in tkeir footwear. Always, however, vkkin tkt confines of good taste and correct sty la* (5 €A$ through The Nisle? Plan of distributing tkeir own skoes through their own stores b such an achieve- ment possible. Women know that this type of footwear, sold under any other method of merchandising, has and always will cost them a great deal mora. * *? "%< - Have a Complete Shoe Wardrobe! A AT Nisley's price of $5 a pair, women find it possible now to have the correct shoe for each cos- tume and each occasion. rV complete shoe wardrobe, if vou please, at a cost no greater than the^ formerly paid for a single pair of shoes. An alluring new Rep~ tile trimmed pattern with Cuban heels. The leather is Sauterne, ^ •VMS QNLY Nislty offers all types of shoes in a wide range of sizes at $5. Walking shoes, dress shoes, sports shoes, comfort shoes and evening shots are all made by Nisley in sizes from 2X to9, AAA toD. Your size in every type of shqp. ^Caprice' SCetcest *Patterm for Street, Dress Sports, Party, Dance and Evening Wear "ReplileM, Patents, Satins, Kidslrm*, Calfskins, Qold and Siloer Slippers $iZrS&T09.AMTOu M %. Opossum Coat—$175 The girl who is smartest in fashion at college, wraps herself into an opossum coat, double breasted with a deep shawl collar, and plaid woollen lining. Other fur coats $225 to $475 Second Floor Classroom Frock, $29.50 A classroom frock that can go matineeing in perfect taste is this black satin model, buttoned, and plait- ed, and collared to fashion —such as Paris decrees. It is satin crepe. Models in georgette, crepe de Chine, also. "Wine, tawn, navy and black. Sizes. U io 44 Second Floor -- * ,y Campus Costume, $29 A collegiate sweater, soft, fine, and striped; has plain color sleeves and lower band. The oval neck- line is close to the throat. Green or blue. The flan- nel skirt is on a bodice. Sweater Separately^ $14.50 Skirt Separately, $14.50 Second Floor I Nisley's Silk Stockings, Autumn Colors $150 "AS BIG A VALUE AS THE SHOES" % »".*.-« »*'; •• * Corsettes—$5 For real freedom and good style the corsette ranks high in college girl fashions. This boneless model of flesh brocade with elastic insets, molds the figure into the proper silhouette. It has six hyse supporters. Sizes 32 to 38 Second Floor—Pearl Street Flannel Robes—$15 The pleasure of getting together for evening study* or play in the •'dorms" will be enhanced if a smart striped, man-tailored robe goes too.' This one is double breasted, has patch pockets, and a self sash. Others $19.50 to $25 Second Floor—Pearl Street Silk Scarves Special $1.95 An unusual purchaae of smart fringed scarves. Two or three would not *fce amiss in any college ward- robe. At this exceptional price this is a good time to buy. Crepe de Chine or georgette in figures, plaids, dots, with silk fringe ends. 18 tn, wide, 1* yards lony Middle Aisle * fhrA shM Dem wmsscmies too/ Erfglish Felt $1250 From Henry Heath of Lon- don, a smart new felt with section crown and flat grosgraln bow behind. Service Hosiery $2 Thread silk, full with double hem, and toe. In the shades. fashioned, sole, heel, •mart fail Pouch Bags $5 They come in vachette morocco, lizard, calf, cross grain in various colors. 'Kerchiefs 75c A filmy, -painted gorgette handkerchief to add to the effectiveness of a col- lege going costume. Smart Oxfords $15 Galucia kid oxfords, very new and much in demand, for the college girl, 1% in. covered heels. Slip-on Gloves $3 Simple and fashionable— glace kid slip-ons in rose- wood, champagne, and slate shades. ; N a ... — - Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

ft ' ' ' Ml I • - ' • ' ' — • I ^———^——M——-^^»^— strolls ...fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Buffalo NY Courier... · 2013-04-17 · Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Block

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Page 1: ft ' ' ' Ml I • - ' • ' ' — • I ^———^——M——-^^»^— strolls ...fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Buffalo NY Courier... · 2013-04-17 · Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Block


14 b u r l A L U OoLliii^ii-ii^A.xM%JUOO, JU.U.IA»AI, x̂ux il!jaii>i^u o. liJib l Society ;: Engagements :: Teas :: Dances :: Musicales : :d lubs

• ft ' "' ' "" Ml I "• - ' •" ' " " ' — • I ^ — — — ^ — — M — — - ^ ^ » ^ — " _ . . .

Helen Forbes' Engagement Announced Saturday Night

I N i bouffant gown of cyclamen pink taffeta bordered at the bottom of the skirt with rows of velvet of a deeper shade of pink and softened at the neckline with tulle, prettv Helen Forbes re-

eeiTet! her guests at the Wanakah Club on Saturday night for the dinner party at which she announced her engagement to Neil Wil­liams of Chicago. The guests were seated around a table centered with pink Japanese lilies anal lighted with blue cathedral candles In low crystal candlesticks. The all-important engagement was announced in the placecards which were tiny envelopes enclosing bine bordered cards with the initials W and F and on which were Written Helen and Neil, and the date of the party. Those who were at the dinner included Mr. and Mrs, Myron E. Forbes, Neil Wil-f i n v , of course; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. "Sobfert Diilon. Miss Oretchen Wettlaufer, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond

Miss Florence Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Taylor, Jr., Miss Eleanor Kratz, Miss Ruth Johnston, Miss Lucille Kinsey, Mr. and Mrs, F. Jerome Tone, Jr., Miss Mary Louise Schmidt, Miss Margaret Forbes, Maurice Field of Chicago, who is the guest of the Wettlaufers; John Anderson, Elbridge Sidway, Charles Bollar, William Stewart, Leonard Couch and Charles Stewart.

• • •

5? Duchess strolls


came around from the back and met a similar one in the front. The tight, sleeveless bodice had a large name-

colored rose with green leaves on one shoulder. A choker necklace of pearls, nude hose and brocaded slip­

pers in bright colors were other ac­cessories that gave charm to her cos­tume.


VTISS GRACE SYKES, whose mar­riage to Lewis U. Wheaton takes

place September 11th at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sykes of Richmond avenue, is a charming young woman, who gradu­ated from Wellesley and who Is a aiater of Mrs. Richard Sherwood of La Salle, N. Y. The Sykes family

Mrs. Mayo was attractive in a beautiful shade of coral chiffon heavily leaded in crystal, and Miss Lucille Stewart, who is a charming looking girl with deep blue eyes and dark hair, wore an artistic gown of French Hue beaded with cut steel.

Miss §ykes"has selected for her going-away gown one in French blue covert doth in two-piece strictly tai­lored stfle, with a plaited crepe de-

Her , chine blouse of the same stiade. spend their summers and autumns in , . French blue felt hat has a fiat .W,y» tdtiwinHaittii n Viora Ul" Q v t a e I J * . . .

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Block have Issued invitations for a supper party •a Tuesday, September 14tb, at the lease of Mrs. Block's mother, Mrs. Moses Shirt, at Wanakah.

» • • *

Mr. sad Mrs. Albert Bent Wright 'lave Issued Invitations for a ma*

ie dance at their home In West tntf street on September 10th in

honor of their daughter, Miss Lusyd W/ight

• • • and Mrs. Robert Gallagher and

Miss Martha Gallagher have Issued invitations for a tea dance at the ptreatieth Century club on Septem-ItrrJHtfc, from 4 until T o'clock.

• • • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yates of

Orchard Park gave a breakfast at Jfcftjx home for the judges of the IlasBburg Horse show and a few friends hut Thursday.

» • » Mrs. Ralph Waite entertained

luncheon guests Friday at her home IB Sprtogville. ^BIIB^, • •* « ' Miss El&abetb K. Frits enter tained in honor of her sister. Har­riet, Tuesday; evening, August 31st. Mr. and Mrs. William Frits enter !alA*d the bridal party at a buffet pajper after the rehearsal for the %t*>tfag—Thursday evening, Sep-temb«r 2d,

• •• • lira. Edwin Klinck entertained at

st birthday party Saturday evening hi honor of Miss Jean Klinck, at her home at Eggertsvllle.

^ ..' • • • -httM Marion Spaulding. Miss Jose­phine Plumb and Miss Mary Frances Larkia aU entertained house parties over Labor day.

• • • Mra. Willard J. Magavern gives a

bridge luncheon in honor of Miss Marion Durdan today.

• • • Miss Susan Dyett entertained at

• heach supper at Bay Beach in honor of Miss Jean Kemp todax-

» • « Mian Helen Cunningham gives a

small dinner party at the Lake •bore Hunt Club today. •

sold their home in Lafayette avenue and have taken an apartment at Elm-wood Heights.

• • •

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Reif of Larchmont road will return the end of the week from the Adirondacks.

Rev. Joseph A. Slattery, S. J.,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slattery of Saranac avenue, sailed Saturday, August 28th, for England. Father Slattery is in England to study the methods of teacning EngUsh used in Cambridge University. Father Slat-

It's hard to say good-bye when you lore 'em but they won't say flood-bye 'when you don't" says Marfy.

* w * y W > i . U « i i i ,

tery will be at Cambridge University for four years.

• • •

Miss Claire O'Brien is spending the week-end in Skeaneateles.

* • • Dr. L. G. Hanley has returned from

a motor trip through New England, visiting Mrs. Hanley at Wood-mont, Conn.

• * • Miss Emily Miller of Anderson

place, who has been spending the summer abroad, sailed on September 3d for home, arriving in Montreal on

the Adirondacks, where Mr. Sykes has extensive lumber Interests. therefore Miss Sykes is a thoroughly enthusiastic outdoor girl and a dev­otee tohealthful sports.

Mr. Wheaton is a fine, manly young fellow, a graduate of Co.nell and very popular. At a recent supper dance given by Mr. and Mra. Emory Mayo at the Statler, Miss Sykes was wearing a lovely frock of orchid georgette beaded in silver, which gave a captivating effect as she danced. The skirt had four panels, bordered at the foot with bands of silver cloth, and the underslip was of the same silver cloth. - The tight, sleeveless bodice had a shoulder bou­quet of yellow roses tied with orchid tulle.

September 11th. Miss Miller's par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Miller, leave on Friday for Montreal to meet her. •/

feather amament at one side, of rose and gold.

There is an enchanting new shade for afternoon frocks called nude, which matches up in harmonizing ef­fect with the hose of that same color, that has been so fashionable for the last year, and one of the most capti­vating gowns we have seen was one worn by Miss Sue Baker at a re­cent tea given for Miss Elizabeth Johnston. It was fashioned of nude crepe dt chine, combined with lace of the same shade, and had a narrow belt of coral and gold. The high neck had a haw tie and long ends of coral crepe de chine. Worn with*a large pale beige ha{, trimmed with coral velvet this made a costume of strik­ing effect.

Miss jAurella Tyler was observed among the dancers at the Statler the other night, wearing a smart frock of pals yellow crepe de chine, the skirt having a circular flounce that


JOURNEYS AND ARRIVALS Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Gardner

s\ad Miss Kitty Ussher motored to Cooperttown for the weekend.

a • • Mr. and Mrs. I. Copley Herbert of

Montclair, N. J., spent the week-end with Mrs. Herbert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Treble.

• • • Mrs..George W. Olmstead has re­

tained to her summer home in Rose Hill and had as her guests over the week-end Miss Carolyn Bushneli and MISS Mary Batten.

• • • Cameron Balrd and William Baird

returned yesterday from the Delta Upailen convention at Montreal *

• , • •

EMM Natalie Williams Is the week-guest of her sister. Mrs. George UKI, at Nlagara-on-the-Lake. Mr.

aafl Mrs. Walter Johnson are also the meats of Mr. and Mrs. Rand over the holiday.

• • •

Jsobert Klinck and Gilbert Nassoy arS spending the Labor day weekend at lhe Klinck summer home at later-laken.

• • * Morton* Humphrey of Saratoga

tarings, who has been the guest of CSmeron Baird over Labor day, re­turns home tonight

* • • • plsrriU Campbell is spending the

weak-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles sManey at Nlagara-on-the-Lake.

• • • JJtr. and Mrs. W. A. Gardner of

fayder are spending the holiday wa»k-end at Turkeytorrent, Onk

• • • Judge Haael and Mfsa Adelaide

Basel have returned from a lake trip.

• • • Miss Emily Woehnert sailed for

home last Thursday. • • *

Miss Jean Klinck returned from Interlaken, N. Y., to spend the week­end in town.

» • • MUs Isahelle Lindsay. Miss Helen

fnik and Miss Margaret McCarty apent a few days last week the guests of Miss Clara Hager at the Hager's cottage in the Boston Hills.

• • • Miss Margaret Ludwig of Snyder,

and Miss Loreene Wunsch of Buf­falo left Friday for two weeks at Atlantic City. New York and Phila-•*%sla

• • • Miss Helen Davis of New York

Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wiman H/ {Smith and Wiman, Jr., over Labor Day.

Judge id Mrs. returned Saturday from an extended

and Mrs. Alonsa HInkley

New Eng|and motor trip. • • •

Miss Hermine Schram and Walter Laebke will visit Mr. Luebke's par­sers in Wheeling, W. Va.

• • • Mr. aad Mrs. Edward Gram have

*• ..* m-

m m $c 2Cwt vnq




*-& s~Kuiumn*t Charmingjly expressive ofthehrisk but fickle spirit of Fail, Developed in Sauternef its fitst appeal is So the lover of chic. The underlay and heel however are of Sandal­wood Tan a'na\ subdue the whole eiect to a delightfully sombre Autumn tone. Also in Black Kid with Suede underlay.

Si ^k&

J>RESENT-DAY feminine lovelihess is &e result of womankind's eternal striving

toward a beautiful goal—refinement I Every /Woman wants to look chic and smart, tut not vulgarly so; and therein lies one of the Sawets of the success attained by Nisley's Beautiful Shoes.

* • " •

• * • * » '

<3N£isley Stylists, without sacrificing any of tfe true elements of refinement, are giving to tha discrimi­

nating women of America an abundance of dash and

color in tkeir footwear. Always, however, vkkin tkt

confines of good taste and correct sty la*

(5€A$ through The Nisle? Plan of distributing tkeir own skoes through their own stores b such an achieve-

ment possible. Women know that this type of footwear,

sold under any other method of merchandising, has and

always will cost them a great deal mora.

* *? "%<


Have a Complete Shoe Wardrobe!

A A T Nisley's price of

$5 a pair, women find

it possible now to have the

correct shoe for each cos­

tume and each occasion. rV

complete shoe wardrobe, if

vou please, at a cost no

greater than the^ formerly

paid for a single pair of shoes.

An alluring new Rep~ tile trimmed pattern with Cuban heels. The leather is Sauterne, ^


Q N L Y Nislty offers all types of shoes in

a wide range of sizes at $5.

Walking shoes, dress shoes,

sports shoes, comfort shoes

and evening shots are all

made by Nisley in sizes from

2X to9, AAA toD. Your size in every type of shqp.


SCetcest *Patterm for Street, Dress

Sports, Party, Dance and Evening Wear

"ReplileM, Patents, Satins, Kidslrm*, Calfskins, Qold

and Siloer Slippers


M %.

Opossum Coat—$175

The girl who is smartest

in fashion at college, wraps

herself into an opossum

coat, double breasted with

a deep shawl collar, and

plaid woollen lining.

Other fur coats

$225 to $475

Second Floor

Classroom Frock, $29.50 A classroom frock that can go matineeing in perfect taste is this black satin model, buttoned, and plait­ed, and collared to fashion —such as Paris decrees. It is satin crepe. Models in georgette, crepe de Chine, also. "Wine, tawn, navy and black.

Sizes. U io 44 Second Floor

- -

* ,y

Campus Costume, $29 A collegiate sweater, soft,

fine, and striped; has

plain color sleeves and

lower band. The oval neck­

line is close to the throat.

Green or blue. The flan­

nel skirt is on a bodice.

Sweater Separately^ $14.50

Skirt Separately, $14.50

Second Floor I

• •

Nisley's Silk Stockings, Autumn Colors $150 "AS BIG A VALUE AS THE SHOES"

% » " . * . - « » * ' ; ••

* Corsettes—$5 For real freedom and good style the corsette ranks high in college girl fashions. This boneless model of flesh brocade with elastic insets, molds the figure into the proper silhouette. It has six hyse supporters.

Sizes 32 to 38 Second Floor—Pearl Street

Flannel Robes—$15

The pleasure of getting

together for evening study*

or play in the •'dorms"

will be enhanced if a smart

striped, man-tailored robe

goes too . ' This one is

double breasted, has patch

pockets, and a self sash.

Others $19.50 to $25

Second Floor—Pearl Street

Silk Scarves Special $1.95 An unusual purchaae of smart fringed scarves. Two or three would not *fce amiss in any college ward­robe. At this exceptional price this is a good time to buy. Crepe de Chine or georgette in f i g u r e s , plaids, dots, with silk fringe ends. 18 tn, wide, 1* yards lony Middle Aisle


fhrA shM Dem wmsscmies too/

Erfglish Felt $1250

From Henry Heath of Lon­don, a smart new felt with section crown and flat grosgraln bow behind.

Service Hosiery $2

Thread silk, full with double hem, and toe. In the


fashioned, sole, heel, •mart fail

Pouch Bags $5

They come in vachette morocco, lizard, calf, cross grain in various colors.

'Kerchiefs 75c A filmy, -painted gorgette handkerchief to add to the effectiveness of a col­lege going costume.

Smart Oxfords $15

Galucia kid oxfords, very new and much in demand, for the college girl, 1% in. covered heels.

Slip-on Gloves $3

Simple and fashionable— glace kid slip-ons in rose­wood, champagne, and slate shades.




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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
