1 You Get What You Pay For When you lay your money on a local dealer's counter and tell him what you want, you get just that, If it happens to be temporarily Out of stock, he tells you so and asks your second choice. You get nothing you do not want. And what you get is yours at the time you payfor it. He doesn't make you wait until he is ready to give you your merchandise. These are only two o( the many reasons why trad- WOOOMUD<a tl^EWNDIWT, JAMUARY 10 FRWtfflK PIPI^ V' W ' * l "" 1 f " r "* ^ " SHEftlFrt SALE JJKWttKEKd dtatnct c w i to «wr.«..! Jwi* G., !lN (HANCEHY OF NEW JERSEV M'MI* Hrliliin C"inmt» B _ i ^ It'll If lli.> It •-' m l lull if 1 -, n.uv <*ln!e will ! i -• ->• he ITUir I.ill. Inll-mllL i-'l ••!! •: •' ••|'.-lli;U I t i i > ..rsil.-n jw.-i.-d «> •lid ii'iid '' Speaker ll..« iind - v -i II U I r<«l j ' t ' i l n p l r M H i 1 'tii'll' S c i I ' ) ! l ; li.i> •• I n . n n,i'ii!i>>nrd ;-ir tin 1 ' '•" ~''~~ , l.i-n. h :i 1.1 -•.: ii I m<-rt 'n'liiil 1 :!,- TFST OVER CONFIRMATION h v w --". >f '•• 1 "^*-"i .••»•' l i i . m ' i - r r . i . i " n : i n ••: M . - i ' ii i i r > i;-<> Senator Parry. Anticipating Ap- pointment, Announced Stand Against Senatorial Approval. Ittii n c! k- III •-m . I ><-Tii"rrn»1i- ft-mlnr il.irJc >< . > r n Governor'i Choice for Eitex f'rotecu- ' when n re»"liltl'-n ol'.:.vl|.\ lCi-|<ut> •"<{ J»y «' th* Sheiid 1 ' wnVc in tin I tor-H,. Avowed Oppo.itlon to Pro- "''<>«, l*"""r '-»- .•,. I . Kr.,l,.la.;rt«' ""> "' N"« Hni^v.ul, N. .1 ..._•• , », {""i" .,.,""!'.« , rrwiU'-ni lltiiding u i " U hi-< m b c p - ,\|| t l j a t n e r t a n trad or hibition Indicate. Conflict In L«9 llu , nl fi , f ,, url(1 ,„,„,,,, .„ ,.„, llrm , ,.,,„. i,,,,^ M1( | p,-,.,,,,.,,,, tit,,*.,, ,.., ^ Ultur*—Hoft for Prlton Kttptr. ferenov win uinler d - II^I.IH A-J.MII- '"finic in thi- township ,if,\Voixll>:i<lji<>. hlynmn (.'nun uf VN.-.-i, «tio w i n H , ' n Uu-county of " ' Wmtiliilii In the,A V. I", f.'i.i". made -"' N''»' .ler«ey. nn 'I'iinn'-i! rfiliii'f*-- -iiippiiii'.ln; Hie ! Itrjpnnjiie « t a P"ii:t formed In recoluih n, nnd Mv. liu'-df said '.. vv t>i) Hio intervcetinn of tin' southerly linv ruiniiii-nilitlili' nnd |i!*-n>lnis I" •" '• ' h e of New l.triuswUK i.wnuc, with the Trenton.- -first evidence of tin' open battle between th« Itepubllcan nmjorltj In tin- l.ijjUliitufe iiml t>»v Kilwurds ciiiii« when (lie Gov- lt<>|>utdli'iinii of ihe ernor si-iU' tn ihe Si-nntc tin 1 lfnnie of ([,,',^1^ of former Htute cliiilniiiin Jiiim-a 11. Nn- f,,i-uu>|- frc-ildfiit Wilson foi 1 » guet for appointnicnt »» Prdsi'cutur nf ,,,- \jiiinnii, The reylull' of I'NM'X county to succeed' n'ilt>|iit-i.1 liy ulc.miinoiis vo'le J, Hr>ury .Harrison, ItepuMtciin, ' term eJr|ilr»-s. Tlie | mitli-lf for l'urry, Ri<pitlillrun, announce] n «• <1'»* "' liner, at itiirt> pl«ii-»nt.«. ami J«hti Wnrunfi*. ik e UK. dofird.in'*. Fi Y& Cui na' of mortiinRi-d pirmivci. tlnti'd, <cnil>iT l."!i. l;i'.M I'.y \ i r ( ! i r of ;(n- aiui'Vi' »'<i!tMl writ. I. i:'.. :,.,!, | wil «* j»^p •-(' t" <:iip al [Kildir M-nrli ' ( " ,A\l:ii\KSl'AV.J.\NrARVT#K.\T\ MITtl. NINKTKKN III NlHiKP AMI T\VKNTY*TMt fortnlKht Rgn ilmt if It came he nouUI' provKlOn tlmt In vlinv of tin 1 slttiul out nKiiIhst connnualliin, lint vorslvs ovi'r ruUiiB nnd latin llwl o> liecause df uflLlnck uf lepi! nl'ill'.v numerous ii|i|"':iis tliiTofrom,, thi> C"in iln 1 of Ntw ( l,i. -wis'i'i'ly line of lot Nn 4, «s (he , 0 ,l niiit nrp'inid (Igwn^m a map now, t ,,,. 'll tile in the office of the Clerk of j win MnldJfM'x c(.unty, entitled "Mun of 'IVnh Aniboy UciutUi. aituHted . ii- ] township. MiddlesO I "Whut li»v« «»u It-iirnH PI«n<Sn P r . » « n U Retolution , onuty, N ..I." survn'eiUnd nmnnod ^ Q ^ QQOO IN BRISK WALK '<.«»•, ,l,» i.m> ,— ' j-,mn| uuinaii ««k^d hpr ,,„ „„„, „„„,„!.,,, ,,„,. „, ,,,.„ Why P«dtttrlanlfm Shculi N»t B» .\»y -i'li. nuttilng »t ill. '' I'miiswii^k HviMiu.- lifiy feet to ii' Allowtd ta B*««m* a "L««t ihr llulr AMII frxdvr. 'I <l"u't ki tu7 JlarrUon, Rei.ubllciin, nh. Mi> pierI(Sn P r t M B t t f,, to luti 0 n ,-^iintyffT ' r . " «7r"*Pyrd and'Zppcd Ml ' lrt " i - , , \ n--o!iiili.|i r offeml liV fi.r:ii<-r ''V Larson & Kox, nvil mirinfeix,! ?»lil)oluliiioiitof .Nugent hudl»'«ii' ' iheme riintiinR III w.-»terly nnd' lpntt-d for some time, nnd S,nn- ! Slli ; Mk ^ r ,* ,' . i"^. ..... ..,J.... -1,. .. T, !!""« thl> ." aul *'«>l'i'r!y line of Nc« | a yttttr- , thi'iut- (J) siuitlirily alon^r he riiHti'ily lint' of lot N'o. | oi 'iiid nmp one hundred mid eleven and ,. -i^. . v. , , ., ''«rty hnndredths feet t<> line of land- upon the rnrPWNngw.it, but bevuliHe ,,,|»sli>n shnll furnish ilie irt'islHUui- , H>Wor | |lU> of |,' niS( . r . ,h,. m-e (Si he Is BO openly mid avowedly In op wU1[ , u . uii | ( .,| |i,r,,nn»llon nt to vnlna- north thirteen di'ttm-s eleven minute- position to the prohibition laws, vto i[mit ()f ml|1)j . |il|1|l(s fnr ,.„,.. nx)lll . west UIOIIK sui«i line of Kiuser forty of Hhlcb lit- would bo culli'd ....... .. .,'...,... 1(I.UIMM.,[„„ ,,{ n,,- ! . lMn ; uu ' twenly-four hundreiith-- In priitt'ciitt!. Nugent In u man of recugnlli'il tittulnimjnt, having servi'il marbed ability us" city auins"l of 1> \T1\'".I imrjiiwes uiitl wlnit ;no|i iiiiMinu'D .( i.lllli> i oin iTiis goes I Federal Slule i,nd nm ilrtp:i! tuxes niiiliili'iiiiiue i-luu«.•-, mill feel; tlu-nce (I) eauterly tweiity-on ••••' suventy hmidredlhii feet to thr ivv^'st c o i n e r of lot No. I, on said nap; thence (M northerly aiimn the Newark for Re\«rnl years, bill In 1 Is u pnlltlcul leader uf such aridity mid Ilier (lulu (lltcrllv coiieenieil with the j westerly line of said lot No. 1 ciir|ioriitlonsi. hundred nnd forty live and four him- or plu . , , . The Iti-piililie.i-i i-nnfereiiri' prior to dredths feet to the prominence as to slamp h in, I,, sen,,. . . spssj(||| (11| , [w[ lWsvl .„ .. il, eg i lin i nB . . to. !>.»>-. view, UM. duaply la.m.r^d . <KIi .., w ^ ., .... ^ Tl , TWfffl , r , n m m l , ^ . ^ ^ ^ , ^ .. ^ ^ WOOfBRIDGE SPECIAL COLUMBIA RECORDS 55c EACH J. H. CONCANNON EVENING CONCERTS FROM 7 TO 9 P. M. G. CHRISTEMSEN & BRO. Men s Outfitters 115.1 it 'MAIN STREET Woodbrldge HUMPHREYS & RYAN Ga« Rangti tod Kitchen Utemilt. Stove* Pipcles* Furnacei. Main St. Vi^bodbridge, N. J. 3ALTZMANN5 HARDWARE^ RUDY PIPELESS FURNACES Tools—Paints—Varnishes House Furnishings Builders' Hardware Repair Parts (or alt FORDS SMITH & OSTERGAARD Building Contractors FORDS Phone Perth Amboy 2058 FORDS GARAGECO. General ANTO Repairing Authorized FORD Service Stalin Using Genuine FORD Parts 82 Main Street Woodbrldge LOUIS MORRISON Shoes, Clothing and General Merchandise FORDS, N. J, FORDS HARDWARE CO, Tools, Paints, Varnish & Oils Window Class and Household Specialties Next to Postofflce FORDS, N. J. , F. MOORE'S SON Hardware, Tinning and Repairing :: MAIN, CORNEB FULTON 8T, Woodhrldge A. BERNSTEIN Special Meat Prices Every Saturday S8 MAIN ST. The Oldest Corner in Woodbridge HENlft ROMOND Quality Grocer 112 MAIN BT. 'I'howe 53-11 FORDS PHARMACY "The Rexall Store" Tel. 20GS New Brunswick Ave, I)H, E. K, HAXSEN Tel. 1689-M In politics tn glv« such nn linpurtaut post the nnliliisi-il Httctitliui In tlml rr cjiecl it liliuuUl have. In tills situation I In' oldtiiur I'listmii of "!Scnnti>rlul courtesy," wlildi him for so long u period i'i>iurnlli'il I-MVU- tlve uppiilntiucntB, rises tn ufleot the sltuutlen, ami for n time ll wns pro- upon tin; ses-iou itrujji-niii linn lo len- mnji tiilh i-l.v n^ llii'i-fii.-itii; which il ;• i n u l e l v l.iHHiiiiui >m,|-i' jniiiiiilly icitic lots Niis. 2 unit :i, on sail ;i of IVrth Anibuy ll«i(jhts. He iij.'1-ei-to IMIM- ninie revenue bj ' ing the slime premises rotiveyed tn iiti'i-nl inlieiilnii'e ia\i's, lohn \Viiij[oiisi-ik, 'et n x., by deed hiin jleld iipproxi- 1 ' ronl *'i*-y f'iintl "I"' Investment I'"" 1 |niny, dated Setcmbev II, lVlfCimil The S|u"in. ;i|i|nlilHvll ill Middledvy county clerk's lust yi'.,i-In '•..11-, I. i• itiMiiimi |irobleui-i also iireseiited u report, ueeuiii|niuled office in Hook MIS of Deeds. '27H 1 iiniiiimliii',' to iipproxnuntcly 0 Hinned timi, with tin- Junior of i.u ;;•;"/:;;.,;;„";;.;; i' n \i^iu:,^n">^w *I,SI«O.OO. ..wi, _ county in ..pp-idtl..,,. Xusent „; ,„,„„„, oiiillle ,MV. hu. Toother with oil ami sintfular th abollslilui; |i TSIIIIIII propi'i'lj tn\e-* rights, privileges, heii'dilnnieiits niv mull eould not expert coiitlruniliiin, Mini the Governor Would be placed lu a serious- 'j' ll(VSl , llllltllT , , ln . ,„ j,,, tlnv,hed mil .i|ipurtenunccs thereunto belonging 'lili'tmiiii , n| , lll(>t . l .,, ht ,. n . 1 , 11 .j i fonuliin if : in nnywi.ie «|»|icrt«inlnK. , Senatorial. Courtegy Jolts. ll,,. un,s! luleresijnj! i-ioiinini phases '"* KI.MKR K. WVfKOFK. , I'.ut It Inia tuM'll but H few yeni'3 j of the session's |.roi;i ;iiu. Sherill. since, H precedent WHS esuhllshed lu Kollovvlni; ihr" evening'- si-s-h.n ihe i I'Ul'FOKD (. VOORHKKS, ihls respect, Hli'd there llnve 1 n oilier ii>.<einld,\ eluiniln-r was ei.nverleil Into W>.l! I ,^ Solioilor. liistiinees 111 which llu» iilumsl sacr/d a ilioliou picture |i;irlor t.. |ire-ciit the nei'.,10-.lati.li. 1,1,20 rile bus been ruffled. In tin? silliic . Illustniti'd. nrpi'i'l of the i'.rrl aiilhoflly counly tlie pi"('senl_ l'rnseen_to.i''s a|i- uf New Jersey and.N!'W X-'-'Ji.- "'i'U I polntmout was coiilirnifil desplti; lln> It- stupi-udoii.s pluns fur de>ebi|iiuenl , ;j< FPHftAIM CUTTER Counteilor at Lnw r hlsiury nmy repenl ilsell 1 , beeiiuse ni-i Education Appointments | 21 Green Street, (Mo- of Ihe re Illy ioi,-|,icuu||S fci- |t Woodbridgo, . New Jer Selection of Nugent as I'l'osiiciilor Is ' ",\ > \ ' ',,"' ,, , „.,. ", •' ,,.,! i JWIffi-*tS«»l!SlS'W MHI.1 to be hiVn. will, fh, neliioei'Mlt.. ualllL ' Ir " ul . 'I"' ," U ^ ^ ' X *"* ' o— lender^ plans to unile for the immiua- -l-'''.s.il}-t u«'<l <}V luw. will I.,- o.ue > M > , t , + , t . + 4 > , + lion of Mityor Xloxandn- AiTlilbiihr, of »'^"" u "' liin " r " " '•"'"« sallslact-ry Novviirk, for Covernnr. , ' plan for the iin.oliitmeiit mid coutnd | {, Nugent is the generally recognized of ineinlu'i's of Imai'd.s uf education la parly innTiiija'r In I-Nse\-, IUIVIIIJ; won a Hie eltlo-i, The iiilcnniuahlc c nirii- sfi'lub of victories in smue sharp llul.i'.s M-ISV yver public s. iio I jn"i tdc-ni-s suh fj !o wWt tltt> lfH(U>l-fil4t> l>i>(n bini; j,.(t uf leeHii Wi ill Hudson mid Kssex . uliln-d ii|iou session of tin: Arclilbald, tin- pniKi'nm vvuiild be. a s - a || >i;iles i has hrou.ul.t n silu.ition in SIIITII of success. The Jfayoi- would, N,",,w .li'i'-ey rtliich di-iiiuuds ciiily al.d of course, run ni»>n ;i plulluriu filedi;i'd siiiisfueiory s.iljion. |o ihe I'esloi-iitlon nf personal liberty, ;'o this some o' ihe be-t UIIIKU hii\« f. us •• fni'e-aliildi'WiMl ill (loverilor I'M- lu-en devoliuir iissioiious .itUMilli-u, I/ill f •• ..i , ... . . . . ft. ' Art" I• Appirtnt of * m«n \nrk In l,iMnl"ii I* >iionieui>n bv tl'» l.ondun ('hmnlclp, . h dicirn'H M i h t h e iiinliTuroiiiid, tninn it rn, the inotur'Oiiihlhii**'!, •mil thi- -uliiirlmu traliK, l^'iidrau'r* line ilniosl liei-n il,-|.iKi'd of Ibf n<e tln>!i- in Inn,; lin-lim nf UK'%eillf m 1 liiilli fcd« f lutlru i>n|n*r. hrt»»vi-r, why thin' lit N time for « revolt HKit tn-*t I lu- m't'i" t of ili» tin- uitn leg a a a mean*. <<< I" •'iiiiitiuii. uml the fix umM''ii nf ">\iill;lii( .-lltl.il" to revive I h e | n-t Hit of |ii».le< ••'la! i: ill* w ri.i i i i itiv f-ii hi-r'"- I" !(T«in lua'tir with He Hiji:'-s tVal Is u nut .•iiiiosi.ii.il uf Senator (isbnrne, now ' of ihe pert, l>lli IHHIM'S adjoui UMI Un ' )j (lend, imcl this Is riN-allcd to show ilull ;he week. all of the Seuiiloi's are in accord "illi I'an-v's stand aualust N««eut. + •• uml liuniiiii luiMl, iu>t » | fini di->l'-«," -n>« tlie puiifr, "HIHI It promotes the clri'tibittoii of ih<' Mood, HII'1 llierefin* luevents cold l«'"l nnd ililHiluhi* ; tlmt 11 ;il<li dlKOstion nnil IliUK leiiiU ID make Ihe IIIIIUHII heh.i" b--s had (eni- In-red ; tlmt ll prevriiis the Increaw of 'inl'nosr tl-Hiie,' HIII) V ••inil.lo ii inun I(i «'-m hi- -nil loiiijii. I:;.:••,•!.I of li;f. | IliK tt) put It flMdP ht" nii-i' Ilie but- j tons no tonjjer I'neli Ihe liultonllole-i; mid Hint ll saves innncv In lure*, nl thoiiKli tlicie n m y In- a -llnht Incrense In the hill for il ejinliV >. B. BREWSTERil DIMIHT III t i.orit, MKAI,, ici:i), HEI.-W <llt\IN, IIAI.i:l) HAV AM) KTItAW MAIN STHUKT !*, N. J. dependable Sp&rK IMPORTANT! Under-inflation de- atroyi more tirrj th»H •II other cautri com- bined. When we remove that one source of «spense || from your tire prob- lem, we hive per- formed tervice you will appreciate. It'* really quite easy, too. Our free air it a part of this service. GROSS AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY Goodrcur UtiitrJ Sl*tci Pneumatic Tire* Tr'. -y.:\s feith A'..' 1 .k A', JENSEN & RODNER Plumbing and Heating Jobbing promptly attended to I Woodiindae and Fords. Tel. 183 Perth Amboy I-OHDS, N. J. LEON FERBEL NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES. STATIONERY, CANDY, CIGARS, SOKT DRINK?, GROCERIES New Brunswick Avenue FORDS ward's nninial nie-sa^e and all 111. 1 ihe soliilii'ii 1 • 11- Hi 1 y e t ftt'Ui reached. « |,ri.'liiniiiiiry pruiiriuuiviiienls nf t h e I n Nevviirk :' ml 't :''lil"ii, coiispii-iioiisly, party leiidcrs. t h e r e l i a s K nnv n in the pnsi few iiionlliH Hoff Named Prison Keeper bealed ciiiitrove,-v o u r t he board" of Aiioiher'npi ltiiient (.'.miin.' from -"I" 1 "" 1 "'- "''"'^ nie:nbers u - o =• lely tin. tovenior was -tbaL of .Tusenli s . •npP-Mi'Mll,y.h.. Mi.n.r,, will, v..i.-e lloff of rmieeton, nieinl.c'i' of the'st;ile , iu ll "" i r s " ll ' llh "' ri ''> ll ' 1 ' ""•' lll ' |ls ot " ll " •eummlltee from Jlciwr eounty, ,is ^> eouieiisM,-!,-, and .-lu.^es lave principal keeper of the stale p'ri^.u. i '"'';" ""^ ' ;i111 l! "' mil ' u "' s U -^ 1|Sl ' lt Mr. lloff was appointed to the pusi'to : " ! '' »' i'»""'"' rt I'"' ll "' lurlbernneu succeed .liunes K. MullK-nm of T reu- , v>f'beir poliiieal aii..s. Harsh crlllcisin |i| I n n , w ho rescued two weeks a;u tll ! of some ,.f ih, i,.-l, of lliese bonr.ls l..i» ,| | become Tnited Stipes marshal for New •'^'iHVd, but th,.iv has ai.pea.vd <io ,, Jersey, n n d t h e n ew uppointiiieiit Is lvuu ""' r '" 1 """ sl ' ll '" i " 11 - for the full lerni. One of the pruinliii' . . this pri/,e posiiioll was Stale Commit- '""' lmuI r '"" u ' r ^l" 1 " 1 ^ lllI ' ia ' 1 . " f ilveimih Kicliiird P. llu K hes of lUirlln- '' :<Sllx . ' " " ' " ' ' ' " ih '' lr '"" Asii ' 1 " )lll i'-' ion county, hut iheiv wan such a Hem- ll " l » i)|MI ' 1 '' '" ''"''K' 1 ". lhl ' l; " 1 '' 1 ' ll!iv - , faclionnl tl-Ju ainon K Denioerats of ii^ be. i, ,-h.iin.ian of Ihe special cm-| Unit eounty. with the Kavls faction ll111 "''' ai-pointeil last ..car to ri.vi.-sll- | arrayed iitfiin.sl Ihe Unties' louder ^ale Ihe sdicol lax i|iie-ll>.|i. ship, ihiit Ihe governor decided it In- ' " lis hll "' r I"" 1 ' 1 '-" 1 ' I""' 11 ?' H'i'''shcil advisable to allot such an Important " U l ! l l M - Vl ' ; "' ls '" ll( ' tilUl '" ' pli,ii|. there. moil ,| - r * 'ivJJ- 1 V «' + , Carpenter and Builder + Foi'tlj Two bills lun e alVeiidv appeal i-1 lu (-•mdiihles for ""•' asi-~«*iii!i-lv to mcei In- e.iniliiyeu.'y, ulcer lloliarl. " ANDREW KEYES Kuruituio anil I'iiimis Movnl T II V < K1 N <i OK All. IUXDS Woodbridgo New Jersey! FULLER BRUSH CO. W.N.VANSLYKE Avenel, NewJersey TilOIII' WiHul'.l'illere "lT S Write or phone for GIFT BRUSH which obligates you in no way to buy. Wln'ii lu-UiT Iii uslii's arc in.-.'l.- i>. i' will m:ikt' thorn. at this Mou with ll.t- hope that a WOODBRIDGE CUSTJTV BLAUM Groceries and Provisions >7 M A 1 . / S T . OLIVER B. A M | 6 ELECTRICAL RACTORDEALER / ^ E f cflVT MIDDLESEX PRESS Fully Equipped with ' Automatic Machinery For High Class (Work WOODBRIDGE, N. J. •liie yovernui' nlso settled u party t >!i ",' '" r more, .'iiiiiliible di-lribiilioii cull roversy iu (iloncster counly by "f Hie Sl::l>- >ehool ni..ne>s may be sendln- 111" tho alipoinlniL'llI of Willis I'"" 1 " 1 ' !il1 ' ll "' l'i'e.-enl. boueirr 'I'lllllrt I'orub of rilniiin us iiroseciilor spcciiil aiieiilbni Is illi'ectert to "Ktii ,nf the idi'ils to succeed I Isciif H. lied- Idlls iilV.-i-lIn;; I he boj.rd's apfoinl row, Mepulillcnn, vvlmsv terin will ex-, un-iils, and li.nik W. nawuiiujil, .'& piIV this lUontli. Torch, anable anil former Itepnblicni coiml.v eluilriiiai^M', | popiilnr- hiwyei', had the. siip]iru-t of I-Nsex, eni.ic IIOMII this al'u-i iiuoii- lo' |J I'iiilllty Chairman John II, Holliln.v mill u.-e hi- eiioris in behalf of ihe Ho- -;: iliu eounly rouiiiiitliv, hut others wliov bun l-ili, « hi'-fif provldi-<i- for il,e ini- in the purl} 1 wanl'-d Ihe po-l for Jo mcilliiic re'iio\a4 of School r.iniriN in sepli ,1. Siuninerlll, Jr., who mis Ihe ihe ride-, nndplaeina lh|. nppoint- un^iU'cessful candidale for Senator In nicnl of their MICCI-MIS iu the power the eounty last, full. ,,( th" uholcVliy i',iuniii-sioii b,v •••..hi 'Judges Reappointecl of coiilln i'n ol.ll." Mii.v.ir's r-i-lee- In this siir.U' line il N expected thai 'li" 11 ---. MOORE'S Hardware, Paints and Oils Tinning and Repairing COR. MAIN and FULTON Tel. 104-M SERVICE . :.• Object to Dater Bill it Pearl Street NEW YORK CANDY KITCHEN Manufucturora, utul Uttalura In Strictly I'uro. CAVUIKS AM) ICE CltEA.M TeLlS2'2 . Woodbridge! Main S\. Tel. 43 IARGE STOCK OF SHOES. to 'SSHOES -_- $2.25 to $3.00 U*$ SHOES ** $2.60 to $3,50 VSSHOES $1.50 to'$3.00 First Class Shoe Repairing ^ the jfimTiiur will aiipnint furinor , .Indue \. 11. Kwnekhiiiniuer a s i litv j 'I'h,. lii,i,-i- 1,111 dues no! Mip|dy llie 1 , it .|liilH« to succeed ,lintj{« 1 l-'rimvj^ |i. lilcsi.ed h iiuaiioii, aecurilidi; lo' sonic | T U C Uf/^^||^|T>TJTT\|^ TC* 41 lla\[s,I!i>puliliciin, whose (erhi eNpir.'s of fhuse diredly coneerneiMn |be a-i | j 1 I l C H UULlDJ\lJLrUlL j; In April. .Other apjioiniiueiiN by Hie tutlon, sine it/ provides unl.v I'm 1 Ihe! ' L'ovcmur were lln.se of Circuit .Indies suiniuary reiowiil of presiil lt.iiiids Jf Wllllaui II, Speiir. ltj'iiublleiiii. of Ilucl- ,,f tctjunnlon. lull relalna |ln> ijovver ' •' son, and Ueoi'^e S. Sil/er, Hi-inorrat, ,, r ivapiioiiiMuef.l with Ilie Ma.voiu i of lliddlesex counly, both renppolnt- l'rohdneul edilealoi'B from all (larls^i I1U '" |S - of ih ( . Sliiie will keep close lub ii[ron ! It l(iiil b e e n e x p e d e d tlmt the Jnipor- n111!H, |,|||^ ln n,,, | Ktl , e t . tiM( ^^^ p riimf Cunideu numiy iippvlnlmeiiH „„, , „,„>• he feached by vvhleh •- uiiL'bl setiV 111 licHh, but n t f y hHT-c ftnV'u^^nv tlt net hlAyrfi4 : MHli'U*'t»rfrr"!>fi Ibeen deferred .(.emllnt; ftdhm upon ; Ull , ,„,,,.,,„„ ,,f nnf.^suloH, ..r com- ! I S|.eaker Itowlaivl 1 .- bill aliolUhin- the |>1-t>llt|^i-iI in such form us H> end Hie! county dint del court, crealud two ,. t , n ||., iv|ll . sv i years ttKo The judKtf of tills court, » T|l ;, ,„„•;,:„„.„, , lllM ,„,, [,, ,,,„ K ,, lsl ltii.l»l|>1i S. Ayeix i,us the ltutor<enient ,,,.,.,,,,. „„•„,., ,, 1U , M1 , u , ls u ,] w „,„,!,,,, of Ihe Deiuneratlc county t\> riippnlutiiiem as e.niut^ ! suce,.,-,! JIMIRC J..IHI H. K>t«*«, u u i l « |iii||n , ( . |l(7j . ( ., | rt,n,rt |ir t|ii , u James V. McAdanis, an nrtlve you.iy Uuyu su fiu . ^ |jlft „•,!,„,„,.,, H ' .'.;."" . ' jjjLL-i-itj- 1 X*.-'L'^k—^-Jl - I'.JB—^—« tm n |. — ' THE WOODBRIDGE CONFECTION^Y 8-1 Main Street ICE CREAM, CANDY L TOBACCO Special Rates To Organizations al'ihe annual sehuol ineetiiiKs in ihw , l horouuh^, |O,VIIH and tov>n»hi|>H. Thc^e .PAOLQ ii. W e can turn out any' l^ing in ihe printing j| line that you need, at a price a: !ov.- a* any ^ I] one, quality, nwerial and wcukm&nship ccm-- sideied. Comeinand^ Patroifeie Our K. A. H HUN MR Funeral Director and Expert ; Tlia only lully iluto Cndui1,iiHing town. ' aiu\ up-tu p They are boosters ales>rye /our OiJR MOTTO Fair Treatment to AU. . . * * Office Pbpb«**-8IH. BesWsnca Pbou«—Wl* n" Put Your Car in Good Hands No, matter what worft you may wajnt don© on your car. you can rest assured that it will be properly don© if tt cornea to us. Only the most capable men are employedfeyu», and caretitlneu la our motto.. We treat every car we worK up- *on exactly as thoughjt were our owa We will gladly quM^^jBlces on storage with full servic^^rpart serv- ice. Or we can, give you service Without storage tf you prefer. !• Why not give us » trial and let the results determine future relations be- tween .us? Pay, us a call and we can talK It over. PEARL STBEET GARAGE .. ,B. Thompson, i AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS AND SUPPJi

FRWtfflK PIPI^ V' * * ^ SHEftlFrt SALE JJKWttKEKd · marbed ability us" city auins"l of 1>\T1\'".I imrjiiwes uiitl wlnit ;no|i iiiiMinu'D .( i.lllli> i oin iTiis goes I Federal Slule

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Page 1: FRWtfflK PIPI^ V' * * ^ SHEftlFrt SALE JJKWttKEKd · marbed ability us" city auins"l of 1>\T1\'".I imrjiiwes uiitl wlnit ;no|i iiiiMinu'D .( i.lllli> i oin iTiis goes I Federal Slule


You Get What YouPay For

When you lay your money on a localdealer's counter and tell him what youwant, you get just that, If it happensto be temporarily Out of stock, he tellsyou so and asks your second choice.

You get nothing you do not want.And what you get is yours at thetime you pay for it. He doesn't makeyou wait until he is ready to give youyour merchandise.

These are only two o( the manyreasons why trad-


FRWtfflK PIPI^ V'W' * l""1 f"r "* " SHEftlFrt SALE

JJKWttKEKddtatnct c w i to «wr.«..! Jwi* G., ! l N (HANCEHY OF NEW JERSEV

M ' M I * H r l i l i i n C " i n m t » B _ i ^

I t ' l l If lli.> It • - ' m l l u l l i f 1 - ,

n . u v < * l n ! e w i l l ! i -• - > • h e I T U i r

I . i l l . I n l l - m l l L i - ' l ••!! • : •' • • | ' . - l l i ; U •

I t i i > . . r s i l . - n j w . - i . - d « > • • l i d i i ' i i d ' '

S p e a k e r l l . .« iind - v -i II U I

r < « l j ' t ' i l n p l r M H i 1 ' t i i ' l l ' S c i I ' ) ! l ;

l i . i > •• I n . n n , i ' i i ! i > > n r d ; - i r t i n 1 '

'•" ~''~~ , l . i -n . h :i 1.1 -•.: ii I m<-rt t « ' n ' l i i i l 1 : ! , -

T F S T OVER C O N F I R M A T I O N h v w - - " . >f ' • • 1 " ^ * - " i .••»•'• l i i . m ' i - r r . i . i " n : i n • • : M . - i ' i i i i r > i ; - < >

Senator Parry. Anticipating Ap-pointment, Announced StandAgainst Senatorial Approval.

Ittii n c! k- III•-m . I ><-Tii"rrn»1i- • f t - m l n r i l . i r J c >< . > r n

G o v e r n o r ' i C h o i c e fo r E i t e x f ' ro tecu- ' w h e n n re»" l i l t l ' -n o l ' . : . v l | . \ lCi-|<ut> •"<{ J » y « ' t h * S h e i i d 1 ' w n V c in t i n I

t o r - H , . A v o w e d O p p o . i t l o n t o P r o - "' '<>«, l * " " " r ' - » - . • , . I . K r . , l , . l a . ; r t« ' " " > " ' N " « H n i ^ v . u l , N . .1

. . . _ • • , », { " " i " . , . , " " ! ' . « , r r w i U ' - n i l l t i i d i n g u i " U hi-< m b c p - , \ | | t l j a t n e r t a n t r a d o rh i b i t i o n I n d i c a t e . C o n f l i c t In L«9 l l u , n l f i , f , , u r l ( 1 , „ , „ , , , , . „ , . „ , l l r m , , . , , „ . i , , , , ^ M 1 ( | p , - , . , , , , . , , , , t i t , , * . , , , . . ,

U l t u r * — H o f t for P r l t o n K t t p t r . f e r e n o v w i n u in le r d - I I ^ I . I H A - J . M I I - '"finic in th i - t o w n s h i p ,if,\Voixll>:i<lji<>.

h l y n m n (.'nun uf VN.-.-i, « t i o w i n H , ' n U u - c o u n t y of "

' Wmtil i i l i i In t h e , A V. I", f . ' i . i " . m a d e - " ' N ' ' » ' . l e r « e y .

n n ' I ' i inn'- i! rfiliii'f*-- - i i ippii i i ' . ln; Hie ! I t r j p n n j i i e « t a P"ii: t f o r m e d I n

r e c o l u i h n, nnd Mv. l i u ' - d f said '.. vv t>i) Hio i n t e r v c e t i n n of t in ' s o u t h e r l y l i nv

ruinii i i-nil i t l i l i ' n n d |i!*-n>lnis I " •" '• ' h e o f N e w l . t r i u s w U K i . w n u c , w i t h t h e

Trenton.- -first evidence of tin'

open battle between th« Itepubllcan

nmjorltj In tin- l.ijjUliitufe iiml t>»v

Kilwurds ciiiii« when (lie Gov- lt<> |>utd l i ' i in i i o f i h eernor si-iU' tn ihe Si-nntc tin1 lfnnie of ([, , ' ,^1^ of

former Htute cliiilniiiin Jiiim-a 11. Nn- f,,i-uu>|- frc-ildfiit Wilson foi1 »

guet for appointnicnt »» Prdsi'cutur nf ,,,- \jiiinnii, The reylull '

of I'NM'X county to succeed' n'ilt>|iit-i.1 liy ulc.miinoiis vo'le

J, Hr>ury .Harrison, ItepuMtciin, '

term eJr|ilr»-s.


| mitli-lf

for l 'urry, Ri<pitlillrun, announce] n «• <1'»* " ' liner, at itiirt>

pl«ii-»nt.«. ami J«hti Wnrunfi*. ik eUK. dof i rd . in '* . Fi Y& Cui na'o f m o r t i i n R i - d p i r m i v c i . t l n t i ' d ,< c n i l > i T l . " ! i . l ; i ' .M

I'.y \ i r ( ! i r o f ; ( n - a i u i ' V i ' »'<i!tMl w r i t .I. i : ' . . : , . , ! , | w i l

• «* j » ^ p •-(' t " < : i i p a l [ K i l d i r M - n r l i

' ( " ,A\ l : i i \KSl 'AV.J . \NrARVT#K.\T\



f o r t n l K h t Rgn i lmt if It c a m e he n o u U I ' provKlOn tlmt In vlinv of tin1

s l t t iul o u t nKiiIhst c o n n n u a l l i i n , lint v o r s l v s ovi 'r ruUiiB n n d l a t i n l l w l o>

l i e c a u s e df u f l L l n c k uf l e p i ! nl'ill ' .v n u m e r o u s i i | i | " ' : i is t l i iTofrom, , thi> C" in

iln1 of Ntw

(l,i. -wis'i 'i 'ly l ine of lot Nn 4, «s (he

,0 , l niiit n rp ' i n id (Igwn^m a map n o w ,

t , , , . 'll tile in the office of the Clerk of j

win MnldJfM'x c( .unty, entitled "Mun of

' I V n h Aniboy UciutUi. aituHted . ii- ]

township. MiddlesO I "Whut li»v« «»u It-iirnH

PI«n<Sn P r . » « n U Reto lu t ion , o n u t y , N . . I . " s u r v n ' e i U n d nmnnod ^ Q ^ Q Q O O IN B R I S K W A L K '<.«»•, , l ,» i.m>

, — ' j - , m n | uuinai i ««k^d hpr

„ ,,„ „„„, „„„,„!.,,, ,,„,. „, ,,,.„ Why P«dtttrlanlfm Shculi N»t B» .\»y - i ' l i . nuttilng »t ill.

' ' I 'mi i swi i^k HviMiu.- l i f iy f e e t t o i i ' A l l o w t d t a B * « « m * a " L « « t i h r l l u l r AMII f r x d v r . 'I <l"u't ki

tu7 JlarrUon, Rei.ubllciin, nh.Mi> p i e r I ( S n P r t M B t t f,, toluti0n ,-^iintyffT ' r . " «7r"*Pyrd and 'ZppcdM l ' l r t " i - , , \ n--o!ii i l i . | i r o f f e m l liV fi.r:ii<-r ''V L a r s o n & Kox , n v i l m i r i n f e i x , !

? » l i l ) o l u l i i i o i i t o f . N u g e n t hud l » ' « i i ' • ' i h e m e r i i n t i i n R I I I w . - » t e r l y n n d '

lpntt-d for some time, nnd S,nn- ! S l l i ; M k ^ r ,* ,' . i"^. ..... ..,J....-1,. .. T, !!""« t h l > . " a u l *'«>l'i'r!y line of Nc« |


, t h i ' i u t - ( J ) s i u i t l i r i l y alon^rhe r i iHti ' i ly l in t ' of lot N'o. | oi'iiid nmp one hundred mid eleven and

, . - i ^ . . v. , , . , ''«rty hnndred ths feet t<> line of land-

upon the r n r P W N n g w . i t , but bevuliHe ,,,|»sli>n shnll furnish ilie irt'islHUui- , H > W o r | | l U > o f | , ' n i S ( . r . ,h , .m -e (Si

he Is BO openly mid avowedly In op w U 1 [ , u . u i i | ( . , | | i ,r , ,nn»llon nt to vnlna- north thir teen di ' ttm-s eleven minute-

position to the prohibition laws, vto i [ m i t ( ) f m l | 1 ) j . | i l | 1 | l ( s f n r , . „ , . . n x ) l l l . west UIOIIK sui«i line of Kiuser forty

of Hhlcb lit- would bo culli'd . . . . . . . . . . , ' . . . , . . . 1(I.UIMM.,[„„ ,,{ n,,- ! . l M n ; u u ' twenly-four hundreiith--In priitt'ciitt!.

Nugent In u man of recugnlli'il

tittulnimjnt, having servi'il

marbed ability us" city auins"l of 1>\T1\'".I

i m r j i i w e s uiitl wln i t ; n o | i

iiiiMinu'D . ( i. l l l l i> i oin iTiis g o e s I

F e d e r a l S l u l e i , nd nm ilr tp: i ! t u x e s

ni i i l i i l i ' i i i i iue i-luu«.•-, mill

feel; tlu-nce ( I ) eauterly tweiity-on••••' suventy hmidredlhii feet to thr

ivv 'st coiner of lot No. I, on saidnap; thence (M northerly aiimn the

Newark for Re\«rnl years, bill In1 Is u

pnlltlcul leader uf such aridity mid

Ilier (lulu (lltcrllv coiieenieil with the j westerly line of said lot No. 1

ciir | ior i i t lonsi . hundred nnd forty live and four him-

or plu. , , . The Iti-piililie.i-i i-nnfereiiri' prior to dredths feet to the

prominence as to slamp h in, I,, sen,,. . . s p s s j ( | | | ( 1 1 | , [w[ l W s v l .„ .. i l , e g i l i n i n B . .

to. !>.»>-. view, UM. duaply la.m.r^d . < K I i . . , w ^ . , . . . . ^ T l , T W f f f l , r , n m m l , ^ . ^ ^ , ^ .. ^ ^




G. CHRISTEMSEN & BRO.Men s Outfitters

115.1 i t 'MAIN STREET


HUMPHREYS & RYANGa« Rangti tod Kitchen Utemilt.


Pipcles* Furnacei.

Main St. Vi^bodbridge, N. J.



House Furnishings

Builders' Hardware

Repair Parts (or alt


SMITH & OSTERGAARDBuilding Contractors


Phone Perth Amboy 2058

FORDS GARAGE CO.General ANTO Repairing

Authorized FORD Service Stalin

Using Genuine FORD Parts

82 Main Street Woodbrldge

LOUIS MORRISONShoes, Clothing and General




Tools, Paints, Varnish & OilsWindow Class and Household


Next to Postofflce FORDS, N. J.

, F. MOORE'S SONHardware, Tinningand Repairing ::



A. BERNSTEINSpecial Meat Prices Every


S8 MAIN ST.The Oldest Corner in Woodbridge

HENlft ROMONDQuality Grocer

112 MAIN BT. 'I'howe 53-11

FORDS PHARMACY"The Rexall Store"

Tel. 20GS New Brunswick Ave,

I)H, E. K, HAXSEN Tel. 1689-M

In politics tn glv« such nn linpurtaut

post the nnliliisi-il Httctitliui In tlml rr

cjiecl it liliuuUl have.

In tills situation I In' o ld t i iur I'listmii

of "!Scnnti>rlul courtesy," wlildi him

for so long u period i'i>iurnlli'il I-MVU-

tlve uppiilntiucntB, rises tn ufleot the

sltuutlen, ami for n time ll wns pro-

u p o n t i n ; s e s - i o u i t ru j j i -n i i i l i n n l o l e n - m n j i

t i i l h i-l.v n^

l l i i ' i - f i i . - i t i i ;

which il ;•i n u l e l v l . i H H i i i i u i > m , | - i ' j n i i i i i i l l y

icitic lots Niis. 2 unit :i, on sail;i of IVrth Anibuy ll«i(jhts. He

iij.'1-ei-to IMIM- n i n i e r e v e n u e b j ' i n g t h e s l i m e p r e m i s e s r o t i v e y e d t n

iiti'i-nl i n l i e i i l n i i ' e i a \ i ' s , l o h n \Vi i i j [o i i s i - ik , ' e t n x., by d e e d

hi in j l e l d i i p p r o x i - 1 ' r o n l *'i*-y f ' i int l " I " ' I n v e s t m e n t I ' " " 1

| n i n y , d a t e d S e t c m b e v I I , l V l f C i m i l

T h e S |u" in . ; i | i |nli lHvll ill Middledvy county clerk's

l u s t yi ' . , i - In '•..11-, • I. i• i t iMiiimi | i rob leu i - i

a l s o i i rese i i ted u r e p o r t , ueeu i i i | n iu l ed

office in Hook MIS of Deeds. '27H

1 iiniiiimliii',' to iipproxnuntcly0Hinned t imi , w i th tin- J u n i o r of i .u ; ; • ; " / : ; ; . , ; ; „ " ; ; . ; ; i ' n \ i ^ i u : , ^ n " > ^ w * I , S I « O . O O .

..wi, _ coun ty in . .pp-idtl . . , , . Xusent „; ,„,„„„, oii i l l le ,MV. hu. T o o t h e r w i t h oil a m i s in t fular th

abollsli lui; |i TSIIIIIII propi'i 'lj tn\e-* r igh ts , p r i v i l e g e s , he i i ' d i l nn ie i i t s niv


eould not exper t coiitlruniliiin, Mini the

Governor Would be p laced lu a se r ious - ' j ' l l ( V S l , l l l l l t l l T , , l n . , „ j , , , t l n v , h e d mil . i | i p u r t e n u n c c s t h e r e u n t o b e l o n g i n g

'lili ' tmiiii , n | , l l l ( > t . l . , , h t , . n . 1 , 1 1 . j i fonul i in if : i n n n y w i . i e « | » | i c r t « i n l n K .

, S e n a t o r i a l . C o u r t e g y Jo l t s . l l , , . un ,s! l u l e r e s i j n j ! i-ioiinini p h a s e s '"* K I . M K R K. W V f K O F K .

, I'.ut It Inia tuM'll b u t H few yeni'3 j of t h e s e s s i o n ' s | . roi; i ;iiu. S h e r i l l .

since, H p r e c e d e n t W H S e s u h l l s h e d lu Kollovvlni; i h r " e v e n i n g ' - s i -s -h .n i h e i I ' U l ' F O K D (. V O O R H K K S ,

i h l s r e s p e c t , Hli'd t h e r e l lnve 1 n o i l i e r ii>.<einld,\ e luini ln-r w a s e i .nver le i l I n t o W>.l! I , ^ S o l i o i l o r .

l i i s t i i nee s 111 w h i c h llu» iilumsl s a c r / d a il iol iou p i c t u r e | i ; i r lo r t.. | i r e -c i i t t h e ne i ' . ,10- . l a t i . l i . 1,1,20

r i l e b u s b e e n ru f f l ed . In tin? silliic . I l l u s t n i t i ' d . nrpi ' i ' l of t he i'.rrl a i i l h o f l l y

c o u n l y t l i e pi"('senl_ l'rnseen_to.i' 's a|i- uf New J e r s e y a n d . N ! ' W X-'-'Ji.- " ' i ' U

I p o l n t m o u t w a s co i i l i rn i f i l despl t i ; lln> I t - stupi-udoii.s p l u n s fur d e > e b i | i i u e n l , ;j< F P H f t A I M C U T T E R

C o u n t e i l o r a t L n w r

h l s i u r y n m y r e p e n l ilsell1 , bee i iuse ni-i E d u c a t i o n A p p o i n t m e n t s | 2 1 G r e e n S t r e e t ,

(Mo- of Ihe r e Illy i o i , - | , i c u u | | S f c i - | t W o o d b r i d g o , . N e w J e r

S e l e c t i o n of N u g e n t a s I' l 'osiiciilor Is ' ",\> \ ' ',,"' ,, , „ . , . ", • ' , , . ,! i J W I f f i - * t S « » l ! S l S ' W

MHI.1 to be h i V n . will, fh, neliioei'Mlt.. u a l l l L ' I r " u l . ' I" ' , " U ^ ' X *"* ' — o —

lender^ plans to unile for the immiua- -l-'''.s.il}-t u«'<l <}V luw. will I.,- o.ue > M > , t , + , t . + 4 > , +

l ion of Mityor X l o x a n d n - AiTlilbiihr, of »'^"" u " ' l i i n " r " " '•" '"« s a l l s l a c t - r y •

Novviirk, for C o v e r n n r . , ' p l a n for the i in .o l i i tme i i t mid c o u t n d | {,

N u g e n t is t h e g e n e r a l l y recognized of ineinlu'i 's of Imai'd.s uf e d u c a t i o n la

p a r l y innTiiija'r In I-Nse\-, IUIVIIIJ; won a Hie eltlo-i, T h e i i i l c n n i u a h l c c nir i i -

sfi ' lub of v i c t o r i e s in s m u e s h a r p llul.i'.s M - I S V yver pub l ic s. iio I jn"i tdc-ni-s suh •

f j !o w W t tltt> lfH(U>l-fil4t> l>i>(n bini ; • j , . ( t uf l e e H i i

Wi ill H u d s o n mid K s s e x . uliln-d ii|iou se s s ion of tin:

Arcl i lba ld , tin- pniKi 'nm vvuiild be. a s - a | | >i;iles i h a s hrou.ul.t n s i lu . i t i on in

SIIITII of s u c c e s s . T h e Jfayoi- would , N,",,w .li'i'-ey rtliich di-iiiuuds c i i i ly al.d

of c o u r s e , r u n ni»>n ;i p l u l l u r i u filedi;i'd s i i i i s fue iory s . i l j i o n .

| o ihe I'esloi-iitlon nf p e r s o n a l l iber ty , ; 'o this some o ' i h e be- t U I I I K U h i i \« f.

us •• fni'e-aliildi'WiMl ill ( loveri lor I'M- lu-en devoliuir i i ss io i ious .itUMilli-u, I/ill f•• . . i , . . . . . . . ft. ' •

Art" I• Appirtnt

of * m«n t«\nrk In l,iMnl"ii I*

>iionieui>n bv t l '» l . ondun ( ' h m n l c l p ,

. h d i c i r n ' H M i h t h e i i in l iTuroi i i id ,

t n i n n itrn, t h e inotur 'Oii ihlhii**'! ,

•mil thi- -u l i i i r lmu t r a l iK , l ^ ' i i d r a u ' r *

l i n e i l n i o s l liei-n i l , - | . iKi 'd of Ibf n<e

tln>!i- in Inn,;

lin-lim nf UK'%eillf

m1 liiilli fcd« f



hrt»»vi-r , w h y t h i n '


N t i m e f o r «

r e v o l t HKit tn-*t I lu- m ' t ' i " t o f i l i » t i n -

u i t n l e g a a a m e a n * . <<< I " • ' i i i i i t i u i i . u m l

t h e f ix u m M ' ' i i nf " > \ i i l l ; l i i (

. - l l t l . i l " t o r e v i v e I h e | n - t H i t o f | i i» . le<

• • ' l a ! i: i l l * w r i . i i i i

itiv f-i i h i - r ' " - I" !(T«inlua'tir with

He Hij i : ' -s tVal Is u nut

.•iiiiosi.ii . i l uf S e n a t o r ( i s b n r n e , n o w ' of i h e per t , l > l l i IHHIM'S a d j o u i U M I Un ' )j

(lend, imcl t h i s Is riN-allcd t o show ilull ; h e week .

all of t h e Seu i i lo i ' s a r e in acco rd " i l l i

I ' a n - v ' s s t a n d a u a l u s t N « « e u t .

+ ••

u m l liuniiiii lu iMl , iu>t » | f i n i di->l'-«,"

-n>« t l ie pu i i f r , " H I H I It p r o m o t e s t h e

clr i ' t ib i t toi i of ih<' Mood, HII'1 l l i e r e f i n *

l u e v e n t s co ld l«'"l nnd i l i lHi luhi* ; t l m t

11 ;il<li dlKOstion nnil IliUK le i i iU I D

m a k e I h e IIIIIUHII heh. i" b - - s h a d (eni-

In-red ; t l m t ll p r e v r i i i s t h e I n c r e a w of

' i n l ' n o s r t l-Hiie, ' HIII) V •• in i l . lo ii inun

I(i « ' -m h i - - n i l loi i i j i i . I:;.:••,•!.I of li;f. |

IliK tt) put It flMdP ht" ni i - i ' Ilie but- j

t o n s n o tonjjer I ' n e l i Ihe l iu l ton l lo le - i ;

mid Hint ll s a v e s innncv In l u r e * , nl

thoiiKli t l i c i e nmy In- a - l lnh t I n c r e n s e

In t h e hil l for il e j i n l i V


t i .or i t , MKAI, , i c i : i ) , HEI.-W

<llt\IN, IIAI.i:l) HAV



!*, N. J.

dependable Sp&rKIMPORTANT!

Under-inflation de-atroyi more tirrj th»H

•II other cautri com-bined.When we remove thatone source of «spense

|| from your tire prob-lem, we hive per-formed • tervice youwill appreciate. It'*really quite easy, too.Our free air it a partof this service.


Pneumatic Tire*

Tr'. -y.:\s feith A'..'1

.k A',

JENSEN & RODNERPlumbing and Heating

Jobbing promptly attended toI Woodiindae and Fords.

Tel. 183 Perth Amboy





New Brunswick Avenue


w a r d ' s n n i n i a l n i e - s a ^ e a n d a l l 111.1 i h e s o l i i l i i ' i i 1 • 11- Hi 1 y e t ftt'Ui r e a c h e d . «

| , r i . ' l i i n i i i i i r y p r u i i r i u u i v i i i e n l s nf t h e I n N e v v i i r k :' m l 't : ' ' l i l " i i , c o i i s p i i - i i o i i s l y ,

p a r t y l e i i d c r s . • t h e r e l i a s K n n v n in t h e p n s i f e w i i i o n l l i H

H o f f N a m e d P r i s o n K e e p e r b e a l e d c i i i i t r o v e , - v o u r t h e b o a r d " of

A i i o i h e r ' n p i l t i i i e n t ( . ' .mi in . ' f r o m - " I " 1 " " 1 " ' - " ' ' " ' ^ n i e : n b e r s u - o =• l e l y

t i n . t o v e n i o r w a s - t b a L o f .Tusen l i s . • n p P - M i ' M l l , y . h . . M i . n . r , , w i l l , n » v . . i . - e

l l o f f o f r m i e e t o n , n i e i n l . c ' i ' o f t h e ' s t ; i l e , i u l l " " i r s " l l ' l l h " ' r i ' '> l l ' 1 ' " " • ' l l l ' | l s o t " l l "

• e u m m l l t e e f r o m J l c i w r e o u n t y , , i s > e o u i e i i s M , - ! , - , a n d . - l u . ^ e s l a v e

p r i n c i p a l k e e p e r o f t h e s t a l e p ' r i ^ . u . i ' " ' ' ; " " " ^ ' ; i 1 1 1 l ! " ' m i l ' u " ' s U - ^ 1 | S l ' l t

M r . l l o f f w a s a p p o i n t e d t o t h e p u s i ' t o : " ! ' ' » ' i ' » " " ' " ' r t I ' " ' l l " ' l u r l b e r n n e u

s u c c e e d . l i u n e s K. M u l l K - n m o f T r e u - , v > f ' b e i r p o l i i i e a l a i i . . s . H a r s h c r l l l c i s i n

| i | I n n , w h o r e s c u e d t w o w e e k s a ; u t l l ! o f s o m e ,.f i h , i , . - l , o f l l i e s e b o n r . l s l . . i» ,|

| b e c o m e T n i t e d S t i p e s m a r s h a l f o r N e w • ' ^ ' i H V d , b u t t h , . i v h a s a i . p e a . v d <io ,,

J e r s e y , n n d t h e n e w u p p o i n t i i i e i i t I s l v u u " " ' r ' " 1 " " " s l ' l l ' " i " 1 1 -

f o r t h e f u l l l e r n i .

O n e o f t h e p r u i n l i i i ' . .

t h i s p r i / , e p o s i i i o l l w a s S t a l e C o m m i t - ' " " ' l m u I r ' " " u ' r ^ l " 1 " 1 ^ l l l I ' i a ' 1 . " f

i l v e i m i h K i c l i i i r d P . l l u K h e s o f l U i r l l n - ' ' : < S l l x . ' " " ' " ' ' ' " i h ' ' l r ' " " A s i i ' 1 " ) l l l i ' - '

i o n c o u n t y , h u t i h e i v w a n s u c h a H e m - l l " l » i ) | M I ' 1 ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' K ' 1 " . l h l ' l ; " 1 ' ' 1 ' l l ! i v - ,

f a c l i o n n l t l - J u a i n o n K D e n i o e r a t s o f i i ^ b e . i, , - h . i i n . i a n o f I h e s p e c i a l c m - |

U n i t e o u n t y . w i t h t h e K a v l s f a c t i o n l l 1 1 1 " ' ' ' a i - p o i n t e i l l a s t . . c a r t o r i . v i . - s l l - |

a r r a y e d i i t f i i n . s l I h e U n t i e s ' l o u d e r ^ a l e I h e s d i c o l l a x i | i i e - l l > . | i .

s h i p , i h i i t I h e g o v e r n o r d e c i d e d i t I n - ' " l i s h l l " ' r I " " 1 ' 1 ' - " 1 ' I " " ' 1 1 ? ' H ' i ' ' ' s h c i l

a d v i s a b l e t o a l l o t s u c h a n I m p o r t a n t " U l ! l l M - V l ' ; " ' l s ' " l l ( ' t i l U l ' " '

p l i , i i | . t h e r e .

moil , | - r * ' i v J J - 1 ' » V «'


, Carpenter and Builder +


T w o b i l l s l u n e a lVe i i dv a p p e a l i-1 l u

( - • m d i i h l e s f o r ""• ' asi-~«*iii!i-lv t o m c e i In- e . i n i l i i y e u . ' y ,u l c e r l l o l i a r l . "

ANDREW KEYESKuruituio anil I'iiimis Movnl

T II V < K 1 N <i


Woodbridgo New Jersey!


W.N.VANSLYKEAvenel, New Jersey

T i l O I I I ' W i H u l ' . l ' i l l e r e "lT S

Write or phone for GIFT BRUSH which obligates

you in no way to buy.

W l n ' i i l u - U i T I i i u s l i i ' s a r c i n . - . ' l . - i>. i ' w i l l m : i k t ' t h o r n .

at this Mou with ll.t- hope tha t a


CUSTJTV BLAUMGroceries and Provisions

>7 MA1./ST.



/ ^ Ef cflVT


with 'Automatic MachineryFor High Class (Work


•liie yovernui ' n l so se t t l ed u p a r t y t>!i",' ' " r m o r e , .'iiiiiliible di- l r ibi i l ioi i

cu l l roversy iu ( i l o n c s t e r counly by "f Hie Sl::l>- >ehool ni..ne>s may be

s e n d l n - 111" tho alipoinlniL'llI of Wil l i s I'""1"1 ' ! i l 1 ' l l " ' l'i'e.-enl. b o u e i r r

'I'lllllrt I ' o r u b of r i l n i i i n u s i i r o s e c i i l o r spcci i i l a i i e i i l b n i Is illi 'ectert t o "Ktii

, n f t h e idi ' i ls to s u c c e e d I Isciif H. l i e d - Id l l s iilV.-i-lIn;; I he bo j . rd ' s a p f o i n l

row , Mepul i l l cnn , vvlmsv t e r i n wil l e x - , un-i i ls , a n d l i . n i k W. n a w u i i u j i l , .'&

piIV t h i s lUontli. T o r c h , a n a b l e a n i l f o r m e r I t e p n b l i c n i coiml.v e l u i l r i i i a i ^ M ' , |

p o p i i l n r - h iwye i ' , h a d the. siip]iru-t o f I-Nsex, eni.ic I IOMII t h i s al 'u-i iiuoii- l o ' |J

I' i i i l l l ty C h a i r m a n J o h n II, Holliln.v mi l l u.-e h i - e i i o r i s in beha l f of i h e Ho- -;:

iliu e o u n l y r o u i i i i i t l i v , hu t o t h e r s wl iov b u n l-ili, « hi'-fif provldi-<i- for i l , e ini-

in t h e p u r l } 1 w a n l ' - d I h e po- l for J o mci l l i i ic r e ' i i o \ a 4 of School r . i n i r iN in

sepli ,1. S i u n i n e r l l l , J r . , who m i s I h e i h e r i d e - , nnd p l a e i n a lh | . n p p o i n t -

un^iU'cessful c a n d i d a l e for S e n a t o r In n icn l of t h e i r M I C C I - M I S iu t h e p o w e r

t h e e o u n t y last, full . ,,( t h " u h o l c V l i y i ' , iuni i i -s ioi i b,v •••..hi

' J u d g e s R e a p p o i n t e c l of coi i l ln i ' n o l . l l . " Mii.v.ir 's r-i-lee-

In t h i s siir.U' l i n e il N e x p e c t e d t h a i 'li"11---.

M O O R E ' SHardware, Paints

and OilsTinning and Repairing


Tel. 104-M


Object to D a t e r Bi l l it

Pearl Street


Manufucturora, utul Uttalura In

Strictly I 'uro.


TeLlS2'2 . Woodbridge! 7» Main S\. Tel. 43


'SSHOES - _ - $2.25 to $3.00

U*$ SHOES ** — $2.60 to $3,50

VSSHOES $1.50 to'$3.00

First Class Shoe Repairing

t h e j f imTi iu r wi l l a i i p n i n t f u r i n o r ,

. Indue \ . 11. K w n e k h i i i n i u e r a s i l i tv j 'I 'h,. lii,i,-i- 1,111 d u e s no! Mip |dy llie1, i t

.|liilH« t o s u c c e e d ,lintj{«1 l- 'rimvj^ | i . l i l c s i . e d h i i u a i i o i i , aecur i l id i ; l o ' son ic | T U C U f / ^ ^ | | ^ | T > T J T T \ | ^ TC* 41

lla\[s,I!i>puliliciin, whose (erhi eNpir.'s of fhuse diredly coneerneiMn |be a-i | j 1 I l C H U U L l D J \ l J L r U l L j;

In A p r i l . . O t h e r a p j i o i n i i u e i i N by Hie t u t l o n , s i n e it/ p r o v i d e s unl.v I'm1 I h e !

' L ' o v c m u r w e r e l l n . s e of C i r c u i t . I n d i e s s u i n i u a r y r e i o w i i l of p res i i l l t . i i i ids • Jf

W l l l l a u i I I , Spe i i r . l t j ' i iubl lei i i i . of Ilucl- ,,f t c t j u n n l o n . lull r e l a l n a |ln> ijovver ' •'

son , a n d Ueo i ' ^e S. S i l / e r , H i - i n o r r a t , , , r ivapi ioi i iMuef . l w i t h Ilie M a . v o i u i

of l l i d d l e s e x c o u n l y , b o t h r e n p p o l n t - l ' r o h d n e u l edi lealoi 'B f rom a l l ( l a r l s ^ iI 1 U ' " | S - of ih ( . S l i i i e wi l l k e e p c lo se l u b ii[ron • !

It l(iiil b e e n e x p e d e d t l m t t h e J n i p o r - n111!H , | , | | | ^ l n n , , , | K t l , e t . t i M ( ^ ^ ^ p

r i i m f C u n i d e u n u m i y i i p p v l n l m e i i H „ „ , , „,„>• h e f e a c h e d b y vvhleh •-

uiiL'bl b« setiV 111 licHh, but ntfy hHT-c ftnV'u^^nv t l t ne t hlAyrfi4:MHli'U*'t»rfrr"!>fi

Ibeen deferred .(.emllnt; ftdhm upon ; U l l , ,„,, , . , ,„„ ,,f nnf .^suloH, ..r com- !

I S|.eaker Itowlaivl1.- bill aliolUhin- the |>1-t>llt|^i-iI in such form us H> end Hie!

county dint del court, crealud two , . t , n | | . , i v | l l . s v i

years ttKo The judKtf of tills court, » T | l ; , ,„„•;,:„„.„, , l l l M ,„,, [,, ,, ,„ K , , l s l

ltii.l»l|>1i S. Ayeix i,us the ltutor<enient , , , . , . , , , , . „„•„,., , , 1 U , M 1 , u , l s u , ] w „,„,!,,,,

of Ihe Deiuneratlc county

t\> riippnlutiiiem as e.niut^! suce,.,-,! JIMIRC J..IHI H. K>t«*«, uu i l« | i i i | | n , ( . | l ( 7 j . ( . , | rt,n,rt | i r t | i i , u

James V. McAdanis, an nrtlve you.iy U u y u s u f i u . ^ | j l f t „ • , ! , „ , „ , . , ,

H ' .'.;."" . ' jjjLL-i-itj-1 X*.-'L'^k—^-Jl - I ' .JB—^—« tm n |. — '


8-1 Main Street



Special Rates ToOrganizations

a l ' i h e annual sehuol ineetiiiKs in ihw

, l horouuh^, |O,VIIH and tov>n»hi|>H. Thc^e

.PAOLQ ii.

W e can turn out any'l^ing in ihe printing j|line that you need, ata price a: !ov.- a* any ^ I]one, quality, nwerialand wcukm&nship ccm--sideied. Comeinand^

Patroifeie Our K. A. H HUN MRFuneral Director and


; Tlia only lully

iluto Cndui1,iiHing

town. '

aiu\ up-tu

pThey areboostersales> rye /our


Fair Treatment to AU. .

. * *

Office Pbpb«**-8IH.

BesWsnca Pbou«—Wl*


Put Your Car in Good HandsNo, matter what worft you maywajnt don© on your car. you can restassured that it will be properly don©if tt cornea to us.

Only the most capable men areemployed fey u», and caretitlneu la ourmotto.. We treat every car we worK up-

*on exactly as thoughjt were our owaWe will gladly q u M ^ ^ j B l c e s onstorage with full servic^^rpart serv-ice. Or we can, give you serviceWithout storage tf you prefer. !•

Why not give us » trial and let theresults determine future relations be-tween .us? Pay, us a call and we cantalK It over.



Page 2: FRWtfflK PIPI^ V' * * ^ SHEftlFrt SALE JJKWttKEKd · marbed ability us" city auins"l of 1>\T1\'".I imrjiiwes uiitl wlnit ;no|i iiiiMinu'D .( i.lllli> i oin iTiis goes I Federal Slule


What Chiropractic hat done for Me219 Sherman Street,

I am a man CO years of age, I had my Spine sprained•il work which caused severe pain to my shoulders. 1wont In doctors and took medicine for over four yearswithout any result.*. 1 was then recommended to trychiropractic. At that time I way.unable to do nny workat all.

1 then visited Dr. Hpfjadorn, Chiropractor who hashis otllce at the Rnritan Building, Perth Amboy. I beganIn improve directly and after taking 4fi adjustments T wn<;>y that 1 am entirely well.

1 can entirely recommend Dr. Hegadorn' as a first( IM:'S Chiropractor, 1o whom I can thank for my present-,irood health. ,

My address i* nbove.Sincerely,

, -~#^M - AL-EX KOCH.'



PERTH AMBOY, 175 Smith Street, Hour? _ to S p. in., Tuesday,Thursday, and Saturday. Plume I si.".

SOUTH RIVER, 112 Jarksnn Avenue, Hmus .". to 8 p. ni.. Mondayand Friday; fi Lo 8 p. m., Wednesday. Phone 302.


Tl i« t remtn.t m«—*

."WIU thft |«ntlen»__ fl«lt»"

"I was »boot to nay—''

"If tli« Chnlr vlll allow me - "

"I will »sy to tlio tfpnt!<Mimn~"

"I move to 9trl!>i> mil Hi* lust word." ;

"May I Interrupt the gentleman?"

"jrns. much time tutve I remaining?"


til point* In ortkr-on tlie '




Our Aim is to Provide First Class


UNITED PROFIT SHARING COUPONS Given with Purchases Made Here

FRESH HAM,(til from Jersey Pork, lb ___

FRESH SHOULDER OF PORK, -f P^I .ran, well trijjimed, lb __-_.- J L v v

BACON, FRESH SMOKED,l!y whole or half strips, lb __

CHOPPED BEEF,Fresh and purf, lb

Fsicasse or Soup CHICKENSVi\iA\ killed, tb

PORK LOINS, StrictlyFresh, Whole or Half, per lb

Cake Bake DemonstrationA compound as pure as if made in your

own kitchen—come to the City Market,siM: how it is done and have a free sampleof the delicious cake made fromCake Bake. The package sells at

FRESH PIGS' FEET,•1 Pounds for

LIBERTY ROLL, Made fromPure Pork, whole or half, lb

Full Line of Legs of Lamb, Roasting•*Chickens, Turkeys, Rib Roasts, Porter-house and Sirloin Steaks, Pork Loins, andAH Delicatessen Products at BargainPrices.

2c Allowed on Every WrapperBESS MILKSpecial offer up to Jan.1 _5; :i

very line brand ev;i;>. eve..;"..


STRICTLY FUUSH LAlf' E;";G>.Guaranteed, worth $1..00


PEANUTSFresh roasted, Qiuut 10c

ORANGES,Thin planned and juicy, dcz. 25cExtra Fancy GRAPEFRUIT

Thin Skinned and Juicy,'? for

MIXED NUTS, Alhiow 'With plenty of alm'oii J-, ft __

Besides the Artiples Lii'ei Hs.e We

Carry a Full Line of Fruits and Vege-

tables al Bargain Prices, too Numerous

to Mention.


r 4 - • '•-* •-'-ur

S Cotpe InJoitlJSnd

7"I thltili (is a mntler of public pol- j " J ^

"I am frnnk to guy to the gentVn n n - "

I! "ThB Hme of the gentleman has ex-pired." <

"I *rn glad to have hoard ttie gftatlo-11 nun's npeech."

"Let me put a cf>ncr(«t8 hypotheticalquestion."

\masfOur Christmas Club for MONEY EARNERS and MONEY SAVERS

NO COST TO JOIN—NO DUES TO PAYIt is a Sure Way to HAVE MONEY when you need it most

You can start with le, 2c, 5c, 10c and incre tse your deposit the same amount each week,or you can start with 25c, 50c, $1.00, $2.00, $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, or more and put in the

same amount each week.

i : • * * ' • • * • - . ' •

IN 50 WEEKS (For Chrittmas 1922)

lc - Club Pays . $12.75

2c . Club Pays _ $25.50

5c _ . Glub Pay* _ - $63.75

10c _ _ Club Pays _ . $127.50

IN 50 WEEKS (For Christmas 1922)




$20.00 -

Club PaysClub PaysClub PaysClub PaysClub PaysClub PaysClub Pays

$12.50_ $25.00_ $50.00. $100.00. $250.00

$500.00_ _ $1000.00

Everybody Welcome. Come in and get a Past Book and joint the Club. *H




l:it. - • i i

• • i r


l . t i v


CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEYiftwecn the Citizens' Building and

Loan Association, a corporation,('•iniplitiMiit, and Mury Dunn, et;iU., defendants. Fi fa for palp'v\ PHn'tgiigeii premises, dated De-wm\n-f t3lh, 1721.I!;. virtiiL' of the above-stated writ,mi" directed and delivered, I will

;>«>e to t ale at pubUfc vendue, oni:!)XKS!)AY,,IANUARYTWEXTY-i1 I l l f l . NINETEEN HUNDRED


tv.d oYWk in the afternoon of|ii clay at the Sheriff's oiliee in the;. ni' New Brlinswick, N. J.All that tract or parcel of landii pn'ini>es. b.ereiKJjfti'r particularly

'^cri'iied, situute.,p4f iiiB and being ji»- .nwi.-inii ni* Wt>i4Jfe'kit(»v*if

L--,;if:tv of : State of New


Iji'iriiiiiiiifr'on the northerly side ofM..:n ^iivct at the southwest corner

the lam!- hereby conveyed, whicliiu i-- al.-M di>tunt ninety-two andi-h-ilf foet northeasterly from therrii'V df huiiU late (if Matthiasi-d>'i ii'k.-, and from sujd beginning;'•.: ' i'ii!inii.!» "'.intheasti'vly alu.:r. ^tifet lii'iy feet to the line of•I- ci-.-.tyed to William I.ueUhur.-t

to Main wtrret seventy fivefeet; then southwesterly parallel toMain street fifty feet to otherlands; thence along the same south-easterly parallel with the secondcourse seventy-five feet to Main sheetand the point or place of beginning.

Being lots twenty-five (2">) and;Ix (20) 6Yrm:TV>" r"PGTtto'TI J"

f the Salamander Works at Wood- jbridge, K. J.," tiled in the office of •the clerk of the county of Middlesex iunder file No. 406- |

Being the same premises conveyedito the said Bryan Punn by deed from! William T, Ames and wife dated'October 2, 1907, and ri-eorded in theulfic'e of the county clerk in book 407

I of deeds, page 10,i, etc.Decree amountina1 to approximately


rights, privileges, hereditaments andappurtenances thereunto belonging orin anvwisc appertain:!.-^. ,


THOMAS L. HANS )N. E,(1..*27.iJt> S •iici'.ci'.Dec. 30-Jan.'G. 13,20

Turquoise Ta::ii:ian of Safety.AIIKII I ' ^ a n n j O ! \ M T S in s m n e <if t h e •

F.uroin'nii c i iynir ic .v t h e i.iisu>iii s l i l lp r e v i i i l s of w r . i r i ' i ^ a rill;; sc l w i t ht i i i< | ' :o i se asi A taiUiiiLiu a ^ a l u ^ t a

violent death.



Bertranc! Avenue,


'Phone 336

Deliveries to

Sewarei} i









The: ettimaUd «©»t »f Minnmf a . CHEVROLET-

"Four-ninety" Touring car is two cents per mile.

Think of it! Five people at a total cost of two cents

per mile, compare that with train and trolley fares.

Economy in pleasure as well as transportation.

Price* F. O. B. Factory



Futir-XinelyDELIVERY ____

Four-ninetyS E D A N __:


phtne call will bring a car to your d»or

t '•

JEFFERSON MOTORS, Inc.i Telephone 15


AT THE CIRCUS AW, WHAT'S THE i i ^ to Be NplieByLF.VanZdm0 Western Nt«r«p«|>m


- h o w we't"- Co V)DEPARTMENT AMP fyttA COOD

Page 3: FRWtfflK PIPI^ V' * * ^ SHEftlFrt SALE JJKWttKEKd · marbed ability us" city auins"l of 1>\T1\'".I imrjiiwes uiitl wlnit ;no|i iiiiMinu'D .( i.lllli> i oin iTiis goes I Federal Slule







Matinee and Night

The Cinema of the Century!



NOTICE! ,Starting Next Week

On January J«. th* I ntd'i DayAlliance will hold its annual meeting<n the First Pre»hyten*n church.Trenton. Two sr-wtfns will hv held.aft«rnnon *nd evening, andof W a i anil nationalpeaApn the program at both

Anrong the speaker* who wi'.l*K6rt "Talks are sueh men as Rev,Peter K. Emm***. Sheriff Walter,Firth of Merrer County, and Rev.,Judtre David B. T»t»pkia*. lit. II,

' Pririceton. •.The Alliance stand* for a sane Sun-'

day, one \hai gives rvs* to tfce bodyand the mind and believes taut theIfeiy of Rest in a part of th*. portioa<>f miods into, which evwnr man ishorn when he comes Into th* wi>rW.However,, the' Alliance; rejet-ts withs.'nrn .the imputation that it fawrnthe so called blue1 law. It rTaiHat ths'in Xetr Jersey there is no blue lav. -that the amendments, to the Sund >>law by the Legislature in 1893 nw >this l iw a broad and UHenit «»«>tv

Discussion of this matter will cr-r-vho fore both sessions at 3 o'clock s. .at 7;45 p. m.

—*"ar in \h* inttttor atth* rolling mirf,

thr nirmntatnnof

I heme of the givst .hllli.ttl.wn «f fcworld, Jlerlii-n J. S|>li»ten «rlt.<a hittie World'* Work In the anw .-f ttwfirst eiu|iln> of the Ma>** Iher*«ft-atfr dtlei than any la (VtitraL•Vnterh-a tmlBT—there were mttrtans at

in n-.ti'im «\liere HI>* tl.ereni> tn.m-iUnU .ThW i t w r i i ? ? w at

i h f4*he worW hrt«c-rn •."(« nmt « « A D

, Then n < alnnil'v i-uiite nn<| <XM-{< tht'4e. WIT? tr yrttrnc


on miter k*'(ti tn inil fitrli-iilturt> <leve>n|i»il In

lite itetjtHii'l" of ^ tie)ii'iil"H»Jj

ttrt «M(HI litrhiK In

km ttwj »rv vti'll pri>p.irtiivir>l,no sl^ns of

* ilwarfKni "T»plr,.' Is 1lu>aai»f M Ikr [rib* to watrh

trtt* I'm Its own

rims »tnl * pritIn

like \jellmv fr\rrwritit. Tvnyilf

Iiahlily t;' reml tin-IT nun siilu) i-rn

V|-Mji|.i|i- i

,>f f>- ir

:it.-» f.- i tit.'

Id'rliij: infl»htncTIIIIH thf

i d wltlihiv>>: u!in»ils mid \\\p vital

will, wliicli to strtrt nwl.at tt'iey"

|t'i-l>et l lnwLl|l.

»i rid WIK r>H-iiitl\of <tUi«riS»nvl" ni1i;ni(l>nn In

In |J4> \. IIlir X(:i\;i 4<i«]i|i'r limy hiivi

t h l > t t i i n j : In




Change of Vaudeville Prices».. - — - -

Matinees 10c and 20c

Nights 10, 20,30 and 40c;Night Surprise Nightiggest Show in Townfor the Money


Since defeating the Parish Ht •..>*>Juniors by a score of 2*-It- U.-»Saturday flight th* W»»mU><-i.ijwRivals now believe that they .-»•.«• m a(>osition t« claim the town has5> ':twllchampionship in the Si pound ohjs.

The performers on the new oh-?m-|ii(»ishin combination are made ••:> »R'•«•!!«u-s: U. U*>IM, H. Deter, l > Kirn." - —

1 Graumff. Jacob, W. Edgar and J. Ed- REPAIRING RAVAGES OF WAR

Any team that feels quaKt'uM ta How Cooperative Societies Are Aid-iispule the claim of the RivsU n ,y '"9 the Good Work in Devastatedd.trcss a challenge to Georw !>e;er. F r e n e h R ' o i o n »-

\Yi'?t Green street, Woodbriujif. N. J,.

^ Oiw J» aof htin1>vo,«l, tho other n

of rattan. A cleft tsIn ifce Mli'k, ntnl a stone

i>- itw\>il Into the rleft to keepthi> siiU»s oiurt, Tlie llr<>iiiakr»r

iirt- mil tif tlie stick he-his U»>\ ami the oilier

onj of tlw >tUU tiwr a bunch nfilrirtl lravi><i. Thou he NliWs\W rattan r.i|v l«Mie*1h the Hi<ftsli-k ami £r.i*|<s U with Imtli

backf<«rth as i.i|\!.lly as 111* Imnils can

the frirtion of tlu1 rsittimt the fliarn oilti- nf the

wnixl I'aiiM's l^nliii'ii. Thet*nve« th-;in t<i smolder, BIKI heMiw> lhi-ui hitii a fliii.io.

It isji'i a »|nVilv |in«iSM, lintIt Is s«iv. 1-Vi ;>'iii'l;itlcHls Ik'-\rtUii i n i i n r y t I' c pj^mirs nfthe f»»r>'»'-nnvri-i] h l iu hnvi1 tie-

ii]«>n t lvir tiix1 stiilcs forf c x f mwl fur liont.

SUH'S EFFECT ON MAN'S WORKHow Toiler'^ Capacity Incrtattt at

the Days Crow Longer—LtMPr«du-ti«fl in Wlntir.

It ha* lii'cn f..«in.| i lmt itien» Is a (I!*-

tini't rrliiilnii l 'c!w•' . i i «»»•'» v H i u u l t y

for Wink nutl ll'iv Inii'iintiv nf the l i^ht

in w l i l e h lli;il » « r k 1-t norfitnmHl, s a y *

After the sun turns m>rth\\urd. forInstance. «t the close of the year, thevrndunl Inavase uf the tiatiirnl lightslends In n ri*1 In the avernce man'swnrklnc powers, This rls*1 emu I HUMthrtniKhnut the siirln.it, ami l< arrvsted.nls'vilien the summer hent begins to(into Its effect.

iMirlnc lUe Imt months the favorableinfluence nf the llb.1i! Is H good drilli'iiiint<iniried hy the enervating teui|>er-i.ture; Imt when. In the h\le summeriind eiuly utituiiin. (he temperature hasfnllrn. the enrHietoy fur .wurk(•reuses, ' '

'I'Ui'ii, when the (lark daysiho effect Is seen In the dlnilnlnhed• •utput oT the worker. ThN apparent-ly lieniinos mure noticeable If the i jweather Is unusually colil with thedark»ess.

ARE YOU AILING ?The original cause of almost evory disease has n

proven to be H prptwur* upon nervw wh»>r« theybranch out ffora thi1 spine. Relieving t'.iisrrmnvw yimr nilrnrnt, wtihout l>tinging about newailments in other parts of your body.

Thiropructio achit'Vfs its rpsults, even in ailmr.U^ by

bones which, by a slight displacemfnt, produce thenerve pressure. No drugs, knife, or massage applied.Consultation free.


Second Floor, Room 216> Raritan BtiilJhig175 Smith St., Cor. M.diwn Ave;, Perth Amboy

Telephone .18Sti Elevator Ser\"ice-

tt na llB l i i at J H I W KBQirg m MI I

i l \e nu»venKiit in llie devnstnted re-C A P E COD S E A C O A S T TALE jums nf Kramv lui* made cimsldemlile

THRILLS W I T H D R A M A |.r,.*:Tvss; in fiut. ay the present timeO F T O R N H E A R T S the pva lw pan of ivcitistnuU-'ii

'• Women Who Watt'* the PK'.ygoers- «'<rk is «tocute<l by such societies.?ath<? feature that brings Manruerite '^'t11 " ^ C>vernraent nud the piipulu-. l a y u n , Cieigbton Hal* »n«i «e«rp? " ^ •<* U w <>«vastnled localities haveMacQuanie to the Crescent Theatrenext week is a story of the sea—the ^T.L™.(a that is sometimes calm atut

fy I,. o^Urqre stormyl b

'ineiluKts of the "greatestvalue. Turthernww, tlio

enoourages their*lion and development.

A dnrk, oild winter, therefore, tsmuch more likely In uffei't unn's work-U\x capacity adversely limn a dark,warm otfr. There Is^ittvjiddliliinal ad-vantage with the lntter\lt swuls tothe writer, namely, that a durk, warmwinter, would ineaii a lower nlr pres-sure Ann If the wlnicr were cuiil. '£hi»..lower air pressure would most proba-bly be. good for the health of both tilemanual and bruin worker. '

A warm winter would no duuht besMiT s IT •TWiwr TBTO

THrESFfirTwo-tlilnU of tht varth'i iurf*c«

tii covered with water.

Tlie earth Is never nearer to theplanet Mars than :<iM>00,0U0 milei,

The.earlli nuikin 'n complete r^volufl*u around the stu^,^ ^ie ilderlnlyear,

flBiiVI \MJgf

hut always beaimtul and cruel. op*rallvo societies have heen organA story of men who have fought tied In the department of the Sleurthe-

the cruel sea—men on whose faces the el-Moselle, They hRve already o\fsea has stamped their characters; «alned Important results. On Decemher

winds from a southerly quarter. SiK*hwinds, coming from tlie warm ocean,

: would he cloud-laden, and the resultwould be darker days. This would ap-

TRi? earffi susultis a presiurt oftons exerted by the light of

the sun.

men whose natures .have been tern- SI, 1920, urgent repairs had been made | (,y e s p w . | n l l y t 0 larB(. c i , | e s . n d ,,.,.or,,|,lg tl) , h e estimates of the |e-

pered or softened by the stem life " • r p r o l l1! l l* t ' l j

t t . V ., " ^ • l o w n 8 - w h o s e a[l/[n m winter time Is OIOJIMS., _ . , ,. , .* , The sums disbursed fur these, repairs . „ . gn,.,ve ».,j u l i w r i|Bh».

of fisher folk. A story of a woman m o i m t c 4 l o 124,«0,ooo franca (?24.- s o f u U Ot "" * * n a °" " 8

And if He Had Fallen!*he record tielght of 33r

0 feet ID an airplane, a FrenchmanId He gtetnea to be flying through

roRe-0Olon>(i atmosiihore when atat altitude.

Who Invented the Friction Mitch!A German ehetnist has made on ex- triers in lov? Tttli one girl

who waits and keeps burning in her. 0H«*> par), or 81 per cent of theheart a love as steady and undying t o l»i s m u (wid out for this purpose luas the beacon in the lighthouse tower, the department. In 1920 the co-operu-

The plot: the triangle of two bro- live societies cAmmenced the erectionThe ^ **1 hrni bulUHngs. or 88 per cent

screening Impurities.

hauatlve study of this questi.ui and stronger one wins her by H«s and •* l h * W*' l" l1'* <l(lPartItlent' Theconcludes Ihnt no one person can b« tricks, hut his treachery and jealousy' •UU1 disbursed t<* t""- above " -

to he the inventor of thefriction match.---Xcleuiittc American.


Under A e Management of Louis M. Granat

work his own andjjing and, in the end.the winners are the man who was truesuit] the woman whose love waited.

There is strong, virile drama in the'cunflict between the brothers. Thereis potent, poignant love thajt knowssacrifice, heartache, suffering and the

2O,2Tin,(HW francs

How Human Head* Differ.Women have broader heads In com-

parison with ihclr length, darker eyesand hair, and a less marked bony de-velopment of the skull,' according to

joy that follows sorrow. ffcer« is • Miss Fleming of Aberjatwith, Who, ac-i rare, delightful atmosphere in th« wrdluj to Uie Daily Chronlcl^ gave

Cape Cod sea coast locations, and th* * • British ass,>clatlon some facts andi11 ^ « ^ l t h h r ^vestlga

Vt«EIEETto 5to 11

U N A S CRESCENTof • « "nrt « r o w U l f e a t u T '

quaint, homely characters. ThereI melodrama us sweeping and

as a stormv sea in the.as a iwrmy «*• >«> the, breathless chm*x. Ther* is

tainment that lifts you out of your-:self in every foot of this vibrant' ores of Professor Fleure relating to

Why Bridal Orang* Bloaaoma.Various theories have' bceu jlvsn

regarding the use of orange blos-soms' as bridal ornaments. The cus-'torn Is supposed to have heen brouchtto Kurope hy the cnmvlera frumthe Kast. the Snracen brides beingaccustomed to wear orange wtvuthsat tliulr marriage. To this objectionwas raised that, although the orangetree was brought to England aaearly as 1200. It was long beforethere was any real cultivation of Iteven In greenhouses. A second [.the-ory Is that orange blossoms came tobe worn by brides an their marriagebecause they were not only scented,


Some of the hardest nuts to crackhave th« sweetest meat Iftslde.

Folks say "a8 end as a cucumber,"How cool Is a ciii'inuber, anywajl

Two swallow* don't make w e cum-nwr, but thre«.or four swallows mak«

too hastily.

EYES EXAMINEDHeadaches Relieved byProperly Fitted Glasses

LfuM Gnmi, oathaPraniN*


At to my tUndlns aik yourdoctor. ,


Opposite Woolworth't I a*d10c Store.

One of the strungeDt flowers, andone that Is not often seen, becaua* ttonly blossoms aft.T ulght has faK«O,•nd then withers before dawa conMa,t« the cereus. F.tcept la bloom thl»plaut, one of the few turning algbtInto day. Is uuattracll**.

EEK JAN. 23.



Production 4



Continuous PerformanceFrom 2 to 11

drama of life.


but also were rare and costly and so' within the reach of only the noblei and rich, that Indicating the bride to: be of High rank. A third la that

. Weld). I orange bridal, wreaths had theirShe had compared these with the flg- o r l g i n („ 8p t tin> Wh ere oranges hare

been cultivated for centuries. Thencethe fashion passed to France, andby means of French millinery was

There was a marked tendency' both In boys and girls to an'luch more1 In width than lu length of head. Re-


3 CHANGES OFVaudeville and Photoplays


earlier la thehoys.


G R I P P I N G S T O R Y - examination showed that the vivid redA screen melodrama of'compelling hair of children changed Into brown

power, of suspense that is maintained about the twelfth yeur. In the case ofto the last foot of film, complicated <*lr-hatre« children the darkening

1 with an unusual twist that grips yourheart as well as your interest, is the"Ace of Heaj-ts," made by Guldwynfrom an original Gouverneur Morrisscenario, and coming to the Ditmas

spread to other lands.

Hew to Find Faults in Machinery.It your automobile eiiRiue is not run-

i It h l d nd you do not know


5 Acts of ExcellentVAUDEVILLE



theatre next week. Wallace Worsleydirected it. Lon Chancy, John Bow-

. ers and Beatrice Joy act the leads.


yas It should, und you do not know

s le t l l0S1.,Uk,s al l ( ( I m l k e adiagnosis, aa a physlc-laii does wlivn hew*»ts to »««•» "ll111 "»* t"'""1* l s

How Pood for Navy It Protected.COuunlssary supplies for the I'ulted

States navy are Inspected by the- Uni-ted States department of Agriculture,which Is strictly observing that oursailor boys obtain giuid fowl. DurltiKthe last year Its Inspectors sutlonedRt the various navy yards, lutses nf

Only hare tires repaired that artworth repairing. Only be snra t»have an experienced mat do th*work. It Is practical andand will »«ve many tlmw IUFor best results



178-180 New Brunswick

Purtb Ajnboy. N J.

Open 7 a. m. to 7:30 p. m Tel. 1*7S

supplies and naval luuiiliuK e\tiinhie<lU total of 2f>.K80,a7fl |M.uud* of fruitsand vegetables^ for the navy. Of theamounts Inspected, -.',(Ki-j.;t.V,i peutid*were rejected, cuts aiiuiuiitliiu tn 111,-

I N N E W P I C T U R E ^ t h the interior machiuery of his pa- 08'J pounds were imide, uml S,1,0Hin Streets of America that «<«»- T h l s Improved device for de- j pounds were f.mort t» he of shortThe Main

. wind in and out of everyto be duplicated in the



**»il* «» rulll l""{ weight lu addition to this work. 1,-g

of possessing .two ! 332^73 pouniU o( frulu and «-ge.u^ d f h ibles were for the marine


S BIG TIME ACTS ^of ••?:>



g 0 fofi Mr. Ostrich?ostrifh—IswuiwutBwjd uo«ou» of

tb-Lhato per iH'rforated music rojto dlt





, . . , , .. . . ear-tfleces wlik-h entirely exclude exfound a screen picture of themselves w ^ , n o l j j e 4 J( ,,„„ a J o ) l l l w , ^ w r p a l u Biwt.m, New York. I'bll.delin |he new Betty Cumu&un produc- w h , c h ,3 p , t c w l UIW)11 t l l e p l i r t w h | l r e ,,hla and San Ulego.lion, "For Tho^e We Uive," a C o l d - - ^ ^ n ^ to SUsr*cted to be. and the j ,, —wyn release, cowing to U» DiUwti go t* t» w magnined that th* teeatloa j - ' ^ h y OHrf*Theatre, (or three days, beginning - a n t nature of the trwMe can be MrinTrJr—ivbui «m jumnext Thursday. In this picture/whTrh~*«,««rciry determined."was written by Perley Poore She*. , ^ — —hun and rjirectwi by Arthur Rosson, »J Why H* la Unpopular.typical, small American town finds' "Mrs, BuhkeWUe tare U unpopu- \ th-tha blamed thing1* t-t-turolngsome of its distinctive characteristics'• lar with the golfers since be worked —Wayalde Tales.reproduced on the acreea. • liS bard on his Inveatloo. '

There k the viUage hotel, U t h fel Mr, BwkeiwWhart the tewntlonTcriknbling Colonial portico, and the Ifew stores that have been built into |the ground floor, the greybeard* on Ithr porch, with their ancient windaor jctuiirs tilted back against the wall of

. the jjfiildinas t n e frame house v i ta jthe *rawn shades that i i daad by day,! a




• specialize in safe, prompt and accurate transmia-i of f unda to all part* of the world at lowest rate*.

FOREIGN MONEY RATESPrices good up till 1 P. M. !.

Rate per 1000 . . Rate'per 1000s t r j a _ _ „ $ .50 Czeiho-Slovak ?U.0O••many - - - 6-"0 Poland -38Hingary .^ 1.75 Rumania , 7.20

l i 410







Hew It Usually Wsrtca.Bunker—A goll ball that i "D« J«" believe th»( * Wftthe itwkes durtaf the course luraeth away wrath t

and there to no chance t "Oh, yes; ofteuer. though, wpaththe score, frightens awny a soft answer.

Lbut « garablinc plaee. at• the plain, unpretentious clapboard

home that strikes the foreign visitora* *ne of the ueaf unuaual • i fhia inA1|)HHrick All thcM insittflHitA tkibMhouw the people, aad

Spend Your *Moneywith foar home m«rcb«ntt.

pay tt





'f j H^ I Wflft^^HP Wl B w W f l ^

The BetterthePriirting

of your smiiowry tho Uttw


Page 4: FRWtfflK PIPI^ V' * * ^ SHEftlFrt SALE JJKWttKEKd · marbed ability us" city auins"l of 1>\T1\'".I imrjiiwes uiitl wlnit ;no|i iiiiMinu'D .( i.lllli> i oin iTiis goes I Federal Slule

glare fti futfr Atibstop ghtHnt at m»,™ bv"

Mut Aunt I'niilrniT dirt glarethe Klni( sutto (Irew up before tbrt-'iHi!stiHi|. mill p'x-r l,nnl«> h»«t to re-

n.|<H-lure U-forv *he nxilil fei a

The Throne andFootstool

By NELLIE F. BROWN Yet, when I.awn'tiiH' Klnenext mimilng to 1m|»tlr«» f«reven Aunt I'rnilnuv'n Rrtnilined before M-s w-innlnxKewnpaper 8ynri.(CBta.

nlthouiih «h« didn't quite I now h«<w It:ATHERJOHN$ir^MEOICINE f»M

The safe familymedicine for Coldsand Coughs.Builds new strength


Pepto-Mangan Is Sold in Liquidand Tablets—the Same


Relieve Foot IllsTHO8E who miffrr from B i n l o n a i

rsllrn ArrlKwitnlt Fwor FlttlnirHlKMHwill fliul rrlkf In the KAKT "BillIMn"Arrh ftupport, Comfort Fc«ture of


(MiMlnihln NowhKrn KU*

For Men, Women and CMMrea87 Wait 46th 8«rset, New YorkWrlm r>>r inummUMlOalalnsftnd I'rtc* Unl-

The famoui blood builder, Oudc'tPento-Mangan, ran be had In tabletf'irm, «• irrll *« In itqnM. Bnmr peopl*prefer Pepto-Mangan tablets to theliquid. They are put up in n conven-ient package There are people whotake the uquld Pepto-btangnn at liomemorning and night, and take the tab-lets lit noon time.

Medicinally the liquid And the tab-lot form of Glide's IVpto-Mnngan s>r«

! the snme. Any tlrtiKKlHt enn tupplythis woll-known lilmid builder. Phy-

l ntrlntiK hnv<> prescribed Oude's Pepto-j Mnnicnn for yi'iirs. It restore* theI blood to Its normal healthy it«t« byi InrrciisliiR the number of red cells.I Men, women and Children who arej run down, weak, pale and sickly, re-piiln normal health by helping theMi Hid to get back Its strength. Lookfi.r th?> nnme "Gude's Pepto-Mangan*«n the packngo. Advertisement.

The Kings hull nlwnys hi'en the peo-ple of the vlllape. Nmie but the NewKnglnnd bom run "sense" JiiRt whatthat niPnns. There were more showyestates, therr were people Of morewealth; but these were "summer peo-ple" or newcomers. The Kings had



"that good kind"Try it-and youwill knoiv ivhy



Snu II Ruth Wanted fa Be Quito 8ur»About Her Proprietorship of

That Appla Pl«.

\ i . t . p R \ j ( . i . i s r s

FARM FOR SALEflorid* iv-ftim ptixluclliN tsini, iiuinedl»tf>occuptmy; gmn\ IUIHI, hlKh nlHtn eultlva-tlun; newly fpm'eil, new nve ruiun i:i)ULB~e,wall, barn, fronting 61) foot highway In high-ly <!ev*!vj>tf<l rnixlerti farmlnK cuwinunUy;•fur lurife canning factory, fiyrup factoryanil dulry; wuhtn threB-ftuartern mile rall-ctinl loiLilliiK station. GIWHI Irish potatotand; planted In January under fair condi-tions, Irish [KH&toaa should yield 60 barrfllipt*r acrn tnady fur market April a.n<l Mayand prrsent Indication!! should bring M.00mum PIT Imiit'l, I rlnh |w»tato« ahoutd beplanted, rut! li-ntr*!, hatvattlAd Mid marketedwlllilii (;i>Ht of | l EG.90 or leas per acre, fcnll«nt murkollng fHClHtlts; ahunilanca roodfarm labor Natural dratnaif? -no irwampior uvi'rflmvH; onfl 't>r niorti aiitiltlonat moneycrops siay bo »roiluo*d nn SRIII<» land afterpiitatoiw Thla tlnte farm may be yours forcajjh imyirnrit of 11,200.00 nnd balaneo with-in five ynai* No better Investment anjr-wh«r*). Think. In?ejtl>rate, Act.

Florida Farm* and Industries Co.Depr. "P" Grwn Cova Springt, Fla.

TIHTP vim never ony haste at Auntnniilieu's tnhle; consequently Ruth,

ilie youngt'Mt of nil the nieces andM.'plH'ii's who «ntlu1 rod at Hunting1I1II In ths Kiiinnior. bad learned whatin (»x|n>ct. EverythlnR was served byAunt Diitotlu'ft herself, and age hadKlrlrt pri'rcdcncc.

'I'lifTf OH me a day, however, whenRmh, rohirnliiK to the family diningr.mm nftor n RciiHon spent In.her roomwith n sore throat, found at her placea little delectable npple pie, BO smalltlint It swincil as If It must be meantfor her alone. Nevertheless, she de»termliiiMl to l)« cautious.

"Am I—" she looked nnxionsly to-iird the hend of the table, where wt\

her iiwe-lnsptrlng relative—"am I tohe utility for this pie, or Is, It nilAunt Dorothea?"—Wayside Tales.

upon the same irround— the hill risingJust north of the town square.

When Dr. Philemon Kin* hopameheir to the estnte, he retired from rltylife, and by remodeling and enlarg-ing the old hnme and beautifying thegrounds, he had made It the most ad-mired place In (own. The lawns andgardens were extended by adding sev-eral acres of the farm land, whichbrought one corner down to the oldFoote place—a hnlf-acre or so of Ian*that had cut Into the King estate formnny years, having been Bold by anImpecunious King In payment of debt.

Here stood the cottage of AmosFoote, whose daughter Prudence, washis hounekeeper. Dr. King tried hardto buy this land hack from Amos,who absolutely declined to Bell. Thecontroversy become town talk, andthen It was that some wag spoke ofthe King estate as "Thfl Throne," andAmos' ttny cottage ns "The Footntool."The nntnos stuck. Nobody said "theKing place" or "the Foote cottnfie,"any more. IJUe most controversies. Itengendered bitterness. pnsMnR the en.mfty on to the next generation. Pru-dence Foote spent all the hnrtl, lonelyyears Of her life from girlhood to spin-sterltood In hating the Klnir*. and theyounger Klnps hnd treated her witharrogance or pntronlxlng tolerance, ac-cording to their temperamentR.

In ft few moment* theytill three we»tr<l on the tiny plans, un-til Prurience stulilonly rememher«<l herrtrwherrie* »n th* Mow, ana was 1

obKfrtMl to rein i propriety to tend »•her dinning.

After thnt tb«* sewncd to b» a ,(Trent many r"iiw>iw f»*f t.a*rrn»r*

R*y. EaH Btitkmin, National Chap-lain of Antfrican L«gion, It R»-

gardM a* Man1! Man.

"F1|hting parsons" were commrtnKing, owner of Die Throne, tn visit the j furlns; the World vnr, hut those whohumble Footstool. He took tn rutting'cr<*» lots anil i online In through agap In the. fi'in.'. Tbls brw«M tn himthr rilMiivery that the "line fertfV andwelt needed n-imirln|c. and th*King!) had done nothing nitwit It fnrHome yeHMs, he Insisted that he xlmuldassume the entire expense. Miss I'm-denrt> liked nentness nntl nieMy— whatNew Kngland spinster doe« notV-andthe fence had been an eyesmi* fwr s«m»time—the wall on the « s t Md» ituStumbling down—no she tonsvnted. Thefence catqe down and the tfall wascarted away.

It took quite a lone time, and It re-quired a great deal of sunervlston onLawrence's part, »nd much consulta-tion with Miss Fnote, the elder—nnrtLouise. Rut for s»me rrasnn—at firstn plausible one, and later, mnre In-definite ones the new fenr* dl<l n«tgo up.

The shrubbery on tlie Ktns estateneeded thinning out. and little hy \\n\ehushes, hedces. vines an*! perennial*


<(IAI ! (OAl.t <OAl.!(luamntenil Cn&\ HUVIM HAVIH" wiU eavahalf your run^e cuiil and one-Yourth ymirfurnmie roal, MIXBH In-ntod air with Kane*uau-vlly waat.-jd fruni <:unt. Kfflclent com-buntlon, On lahrHel ton yoarOMOO in ua«.OuHivnt«*Hl. if t)0t HhtUfacory kfter oneWdCfi'H trial, rnqney rffutidwd. You rlttknothing, Hmiffa device Llellvered »ny-wiur" In If 9.. | S ; turnava device, tlfi,A»k iiitrttrulartv Quarunt IMM! Coal HaverCti., HO I N, Fifth at., Phl1inUlphla....jJtt..

HOXSIE'S CROUP REMEDYThe best spt?c IIIc far Croup fttul i:onge»tlve

('i)lds knuwn. It pr«venta t'ueumunla. Moopium. No nausea. Drugglsta, 60 eta.

Homeseekers, Attention!Spud fur t'reit utipy of Aniurk'nn iloiaeisffk-•r. O«t doacrlptlun and nrlce .of farma,ranchDH, raw la^ida In innny atataa, withownrra' nanieji, adclrenaeB. nu charira. Am.Homeannker, t i t h and Farnam, Omaha, Nab.

g ^ , .aupbrvlKlon futlner t>epartninnt of Juatlca BK-purt. Conlliientlal aervlce. Win. J. Larjrr. 11Court SI , Brooklyn, N. Y. Flume Main 7111.

VV. N. U . 7 N E W YORKrNO. 2-1921


There is only one medicine that really•tanda out pre-emioent u » medicine forcurable ailments of the kidneyi, liver andbladder.

Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root itanda ththighaat lor tb* r«Moo that it b u provmto be juat th« remedy n«d«d in thouaandiupon thousands of diatreuing caae%.Swamp-Root make» friendi quickly be-cause ita mild and immediate effect ia toonrealized in'motf CaMI. It l i t gentle,healing vegetable compound.

Start treatment at once. Sold at alldrug stores in bottles of twq litai, medi-um and large.

However, ii yon with first to tett thilgreat preparation tend ten oanta to Or.Kilmer * Co., Binghaiuton, N. Y , for asample bottle. When writing be tare andmention this paper.—Advertisement.

A Compliment."What do you think of our city, Mr.

Newcome?" asked the landlord of thetavern at Orudge, who was distendedwith local pride.

"Well," replied the guest, who wasevidently of a pessimistic turn of mind,"It seems to me that the hogs wallow-Ing In the puddles along Main streetlook as healthy and contented as anyswine I have seen similarly occupiedanywhere."—Kansas City Star.

The young man In the second nuto-mobllp snw It all—the drunken reel ofthe enr ahend, driven hy. unskilledhands; the young girl walking hy theroadside, struck and thrown Into thegutter. He renehed her side as quick-ly as did the driver of the unfortun-ate car. It needed hut a moment toassure them that the girl was not seri-ously hurt, and after a mumbled apol-ogy, the man slunk stealthily awny,as the younger man Bald: "Let me ns-

D e v e r v you

ppsides of the Int. «nd even In Miss I*m-<lenWs front ilnoryn.nl. OttenslWythese were to run aloneslde the fenre-to-be, but hy full they h w n to takeon a more uneven outline, someplanted on the Klnc l»wn and sencronchtni; on the F<>ote pinlen.

By-nndhy It hetnn to be less notifi-able that tlie Ftmtstool nns anto the Throne or ti» pass^rshy. Th»

There are no more attics, so Junkstores Increase.

Crowing Childrenawe often troubled with Feverishness, Constipation, Headache, Stom-ach troubles, Teething disorders and Worms. At such times thou-sands of Mother* use

MOTHER CRAY'SSWEET POWDERSfor CHILDRENand find they give certain relief. They tendto break up colds. Cleanse the stom-ach, act on the liver and bowels andgive healthful sleep. Easy to give andpleasant to take.

Used by Mothers lor ov«r MMy e a r s .

D* N«t Accept Any Sabjfltute l«rMOTaEt GUY'SSWEET POWDERS.


offers to home seekers opportunities, that cannot

I or buy farm land In her pruvlncea hivo bacn wellrepaid by bountiful crept. There is still avail?: abU an a u y twau*

FtrtlleUnditJIBto J30«nA«n—land similar to that which through many yeanh u yUldedfrom 30 to 45 bushel* «i wheatto lfi« acre—oat*, barter and flu also In n u tbd hil litf ba cttl h p

eoat* , barter and flu a Iwhile ralaintf borae*. cattle, ahamp

ulliuuAtabk. Hunareda of firm-d h l d l

aabaqullyiuuAtabk. Hunareda of f rmwmtwro Canada have ralKd cnijia lu a

worth moro than the whola co«f of•uth lucccat «om«» pnai home* and all the cwhich make We worth II

Paultry, Dairying


Louise looked up quickly. "Oh, th^reIs no need to trouhle you, Mr, Kltip "she Raid, and hlushed, partly hecnu.ieshe had never been Introduced to thisGood Samaritan, nnd partly hecauseshe had lost her hut and hecause herhair felt IOUSP and her clothes awry.

"You have the ad^nntaRH of me laknowlne my nnme," smlleil Lnwrence'1

King, tlftlnp his enp nKRln. "I onlyktwiw-ywmr»» rtRvlnff Ht tl>« Footstool—heR pnrdon-^wlth Miss Poote."

"That Is my name,, too," offeredLouise, "nlthouch I'm only a step-nieceto Aunt Prudence."

She smoothed her hair hurriedly andput on her hat, while Lawrence flickedthe dust from her dress with his hand-kerchief, and then led her toward hisenr, assisting her as if she were anold Indy or n royal personage.

"I eiln't help hut marvel that yoncan walk," he said. "You should, hyrights, have broken bones after ^ucha throw as that."

Louise twinkled, "You're studying tobe a doctor, someone sntd," shelaughed.

Lawrence grinned. "Yes, hut truly, Iwas not hoplug you were a 'case,'" hesaid.

Louise tried to look soher. "Ioughtn't lo speak to you," she said,hesitating at the door of the car.

"You're a King and I'm a Foote.Aunt fnidenee would never forgiveme," -

Lawrence's face sobered, too. but hiseyes sparkled the least bit. "What's Itall about anyway?" he asked. "Youget ln, and then you can tell me as wego along, and we can decide whetheror not it Is proper for me to mice youhome or whether Til have to leave youto suenk In the back door."

So Louise got In. Secretly she hadthought the old feud very foolish, andlitiil admitted (o herself thnt Lawrencelooked "nice," and his mother was cer-tainly fascinating, though remote. Andso she told the story of the Thronennd the Footstool as she had heard Itfrom her aunt.

"What do you think about It?" sheended.

Lawrence looked down Into the pi-quant fuco. Hitherto he hail consideredIt "a Bhame" that the "ugly little eot-tuge" should He a blot on the Kingluudscupe. Just becausetif nn o!d man'sohstinao'i but now he replied honestly:"Well, I can't blame my grundfutherfor wanting it to 'round out' hisgrounds;, but I can't blame your grand-father for not wanting to selVlils home.And the place belongs to uw, now—jifilmps you know,1 find I certainlyshan't continue the feud—and I vfoii't

fenre, It was derided, should not bebuilt until spring.

Lawrence made a prat many mm*trips up (ron) the Htjr Hint * Inter thanIlls mother thought at all necessary.It was remnrkable. too. how often t.ou-Itw considered It her duty to run nrerfrom Dnlton, where she wa£ teaching,to spend a Sunday with Aunt l*ni-denw, who must be so lonely In win-ter. Most ftstonishlnit of ill wrii lh>fnct that those week end visitsseemed to coincide with

And when the spring came the fence jwasn't built, after all, for In earlyRummer Louise was to be Queen Uponthe Throne, nnrt It was ridiculous, us

Aunt Prudent* mlrnltt^d. to b a nfei\ee" hptwwn herself ami her

relative.LaWr, IiWilse renamed th* Footstool

""tlie^FootrvRt.- r»»««tis»> nn* anrtlsrwrewrV were alwnys dropping tn to "rest

whenever they walked orby th* cottage..Jmi ask anybody In Kdcemont

inhere the King,plnee Is, nnd he Isfiure. even yet, to refer to "the Thronettmi the^ Footstool." and pertmps evento tell you this story.

actually foughtwere not. Ilev.Karl HlHrkman,KnnSHs, earnedIi I s sohrlQuet,however. He hasbeeh elected na-tional chnrjlaln, ofthe American Le-gion.

To make funfor the boys whileIn France, Rev-erend Kluckmnnoffered to box a

Match with any chaplain of the A. E,F. of his weight. He wasn't chosenduiplxln of the legion for that rea-•OB, however, his followers declare. Itwma because "he Is at all times aman's man nnd represents the liberal•pltit nf the orgnnliatlon."

Returning from France, ReverendEUckman resumed his pulpit inCfcanute, Kan. One of his- first actsWHS lo attend n public dance. Hedld«t dance, but thorough.1; enjoyedUM fun. A protest mine from Mi con-tr*g*tl«n and he resigned. His resig-nation wasn't accepted.

Tken he began doing other things.R* rlffert vp a gymnasium in theb«9Md«nt of his church and gave bor-Inf leasons to the hoys of tlw> Sunday•chool. The church liked It.

R«T«r«nd Blackumn refused offersfront larger churches to stay with hispastorate In Clmnute. Ills, view dtSunday "blue laws" is characteristic:"To my mind the advocacy of suchlawtoaly serves to cheapen religion inth% minds of the musses and tends topoah It back into the superstitions oftbt past. What Is rest mid relaxationto tha farmer may not be auch to thebank clerk."


Horrid Thing.The enmity between two fhnrmln*:

comeillntmes on the I'arls stnjw hsi»reached an extreme pitch, especiallysince one of them *ot*d a particular-ly telling hit against her rtvnl the oth-er evening. It was ou the stum, ton,before a crowded house. They ap-peared In the Mime wene together,and during the putter one Mid to tticother, "My dear, you h«Te the air ofa calf." "Thank you. roamron." cameIn a flash Jhe tart r«j«ln«r. Ofcourse, the house roared, little dream-ing thai the passage waa quite unre-henrned. Bat the chorus (Iris knew—and there's th« rub.

Japanta* Lacqu«r War*.Japanese lacquer ware It the most

noted. It excells In brilliancy, beautyof design nnd durability. The Jap-anese learned the art from the Chi-nese about the Sixth century- Apiece of Japanese lacquer ware hasperhaps 85 thin coatings of blacklacquer, each dried and highly pol-ished before the application of thenext, on a foundation of wood some-times as thin as paper. The d e l a -tors draw their pictures with pow-ders of gold, silver and colors, andcover them with a protecting coatof transparent lacquer.

Q«n«r«l Ptrahing Give* Har Kiss andAmerican Legion Women Pay

Tender Tribute.

Th«, alliance betwean those whoterved. |«e United States and GreatB r i t a i n againstt h * c o m m o nenemy during theWwtd .«ar wasfurther strength-ened hy a kissf r o m O e n e r a lP e r s h l n g nndh o n o r s f romA m e r i c a n waraethers, bestowedupon Mrs. Ame-lia Emma Mri'ud-den, official Brit-ish war mother,before she sailed for return to theisland kingdom.

Mrs. MeCudtlen, mother of thenoted major of the Rrltlsh air forcewho brought down more rlinn 50 Oer-man planes and won the Victoriacross before he was killed, was sentto America to represent England's warmothers at the ceremonies for the un-known American soldier. At a ban-quet In Philadelphia In her honor,General Pershlng upon being intro-duced leaned over and kissed Mrs.McCudden. In tfew York she wastaken into membership of the Ameri-can Legion auxiliary, composed ofmothers, wivea-, listen and daughtersof the LefloD, and the gold star ofwomen whose relatives were killedwas awarded her.

Interruption Wanted."Would you mind calling me at my

residence tonight *ali<)ut.'3 o'clock undengaging me lu a 20-mlautv conversa-tion over the telepnouik" asked Mr.I'ecktoH. '

"No," said Mr. Gndspur. "But whatshaU I talk about T

"Anything, I'm •due to receive alecture from Mrs. ?e<*kton shortly utt-er dinner, uud I'm framing up a briefrespite,"

CHILDREN NfcED 12 HOURS SLEEPMedieal Publleatlon Dtorlw Practloa

of Allowing Them to Sit Up"Until All Hours."

Children who have become tiresomeart» probably only tired, suggests awriter In the California" State Journalnt Mi'illclue. No QbUd-nutrltlonworker, HII.VS this paper, citing theUnited StHtes public Wftlth Bervice,


pto get satisfactory results

Jg iw g t ywltl\ont littlstlng on enough. sJaep for Iher ctiurgeir. B6t)d%,d|IWWlng the1

nervous tiystem, iate hour! cause"sleep hunger" and matte childrenndgatjr. The nervlcn commeiuJi tlia fol-lowing precepts Ju»t Ueju«J by the

il I (Bf WWl o i g p p J ULondon county council, 8AJI (Bf WW-


chllil rvn learn badly and nften jlrlft tothe bottom of the class. Do vufi wantyours to grow up stupid? Whenchildren go to hed Jat« their sl<>ep Isoften disturbed hy dreams mid theyd t t l H

MANY LEGION MEN BACHELORSInvestigation Dlaeloeea Fact That Ma.

J«rMy of Eic-Servie* Boy* PrtfarSingl* Bletsednew.

Three years after the war 61.6 percent of the former service men arestill bachelors, according to Gray Wag-gett, adjutant of the Evanston (III.)poat of the American Legion. Mr.Waggett has been conducting a cam-paign to gain Information about Le-gionnaires-In the Middle West, andbases his statistics on 100,000 repliesreceived.

Of the 38.4 per cent I who marriedAmerican, French or Getrnuu girls, 10per cent have children. |

The house owners totaled 13.8 percent, and tire business owners aggregated 1S.6 per cent; nevertheless 21.7per hvnt aVa able to drive their ownautomobiles. .

Lagluu puaia.U». Imva Ulfi billetowning fever, 44,5 per cent having pertnaneiit quarters now, while 26 percent will get theirs in a short time.

Thea* statistics apply wly tu Uuupart of "the country.

WARNING t Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.

Unless you see the name "Bayer" on taWets, younot getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physiciansover 22 years and proved safe bv millions for

• Colds Headache Rh«uttwtismToothache Neuralgia NeuritisEarache Lunibago Pain, Pain

Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper direction*.Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Aim bottles ol U »md 106—Druggists,Aittrla U the tiaie Mr* of Bwar HannfacloM <tf UoatMUeMMtMtt *t •tfkTUaell

Take Yeast VitamonTablets To Clear

The SkinBuild Firm "Stay-Then" Flesh—IncrMM £lMfgy.

if jfWl *l»li% o y lssJy «i*fl y*w s«in t— — . , . _flceh ila your bones, increase your nerve force sod power and look and feel 10par oant better, simply try taking, two of Mastln's tiny yeast VITAMON Ikbtet*with woh mwl sjid watch theresulU. Msntdn'n VITAMONTtblets oonUin highlyicon centra-ted yesitV-vitaminea M well asthe two other still mom impor-tant vitAminea (Fst soluble Aand Water soluble C) and areoow being used by thousands.They positively will Dot upsetthe »*om»oh or cause gas, but,on the contrary, art s greet aidto digestion, to overcome consti-pation and u a general condi-tioner of the whole nyntcm. I'im-

boils and skin eruptionsto vanish like magic, ths

.ileiion becornm trpsh andclear, the cheeks glow with ruddyhealth, the flesh becomes firm,the eyes bright. Mastin's VITA-MON Tablets are positivelyguaranteed to pve you newguaranteed to g y wnealtb, energy and ambition andimprove your appearance. Donot accept imitations or substi-tutes. You can get Mastin'sVITAMON Tablets liom anygood drucgift.

Of what uaa ar« Am fcatuna with aatnottUd .Hn, flabhy B b te hpoucbu undo tlia v» oacalovklnt lat.7 Let VltUMBcondltlona.

A n Poutivdy GQuntMdto Pot On Finn Flesh,Clear the Skin and IncreM*Energy When Tabta WithEvery Meal or M<M* Back

Cutlcura Comforts Baby's SkinWhen red, rough and Itching, by hotlaths of tiutlcura Soap nnd touches ofCutlcnra Ointment. Also make useiow and then of that exquisitely scented

dusting powder, Cuticurn Talcum, oneif the Indispensable Cutlcura Toilet


do not get complete rest. Ho youyours to slaep badly and >t?r,imo'nerrous? tiuHiclent «l«vp draws a i-ldk'onward and upward In sohiM)! ami inhum* life; Insufficient sleep drugs itbackward ajid downward. Which wnydo jcau wunt your child to go? Ttre-somn chlldnh are often only tlrvflchildren: test the truth of tills. Thata neighbor's child la sent to lied IttteIR not a cood rensou tor sending- yourchild to hed late: two wrongs do notmuke a right Going to bed lute t« ,abad bablt, which may be difficult tocure; persevere till you succeed lo cur-

She Paaaed Up the Marines.Discovery that Mrs. Helen Kwi'gua

Dresler was reaving $400 a monthfrom the governmwit lit soldiers' allot-uieut chiclu led to her arrest ln Chicago. She to Mid to have had elevenliuabanils ln the army and uavy, butoune ID the marine*.

No Tim* togTwls a ti*rk

always ara.) It m i « 1(It uiuaHy U.)all

try post: The relief,*how la

sight, bufnaver i i>aali*agt> cuwe frosttin guard. Xb« corporal, baiaog Ut»r«ll«t, (trad* up to (tin.

"Hay, you,"' a* <J*«*j,de4-why tj# WUtlytt**

Know evorytlilnX nliotit somethingnd sonicililiii! about everything.

Cleaning Paper.Grease or fluger marks on bookB or

papers may be removed by the follow-ing process: Make a thick paste bythoroughly grinding up a spoonful of

igneslum carbonate with a sufficientquantity of benzol in a cup or mortar,and apply a smalt quantity of thispaste to the Huger-marks, rubbing ItIn lightly with the tip of the finger.The benzol will eiaporate in a fewmoments, when the paper should bebrushed with 0 clean, soft brash, tfthe first application Is not sufficient,repeat the operation. Experiment ona piece of waste pnper before workingon anything you value.

Decided.'Jones and I have wade a bet, and

jou are tb settle It. I say that"-^—"What are the terms of the wager V"Oh, the loser is to buy a good din-

ner for the three of us. I clslm tliat—""Nemrnlne that. I never knew June*

to pay a bet Tfou lose."'—Judge.

Yon never ciin tell. Some men turnoat to be good husbands, others «aremorel v

There are many sick -of - lion*voyagers on the Bea of matrimony,

Important to Mother*)Examine carefully every bottle ol

CASTOIUA, that famous old remedyfor Infanta and children, and see that It

Bears tSignature of {In Use for Over 80 'Yean.Children Cry for Fletdwr's Castoria

Fashion Knew No Mercy.In the days when gull wlniia and

breasts were In demand for women'*huts and when the law afforded aaprotection to the feathered tribesthey were slaughtered by .thousand*all along the coast Millinery agent*from New York would Conduct expe-ditions, accompanied bf «pert skin-ners, to the breeding grounds of th*seafowl and hire local gunmen to dothe kilting. One woman In a singleseason brought back 10,000 tern skinsfrom Cohbs Island, Virginia. Morathan 800,000 tern skin* wef* collectedIn one season tn the aonwta of Northand South Carolina.

p"What did you think of Hamlet* so-

liloquy, girlie?""He said a nioutntW.%-Jwlg*.

Some people go thrtmfh pffe on thaprinciple that the wor*| IBtflclne ef-fects the surest cure.

It certainly isn't the abaence of rawmaterial that keep* * ntaa from

a fool ofhlmmlf.

A "balanced diet" may soundconfusing to many people

The facts, as explainedhere, are simple. _____

The secret ot a "balanced diet" is to have foodcontaining all the elements needed for propernutrition. Thwe elements are protein, to noQftitt* ?

.the tissues; atftrch and sugar to furnitb cnecgy;fat tQ supply heat; and mineral salts to provid*.the material necessary for buildiug nervea, braitv ~and tooth and boots structure. ',

, Grape-NuU, the nourishing cereal mad* flfwhole wheat flour and malted barley, served wWf?carean or milk, ia a complete food for your*] adK*r

old alike, . . . _ :^W

Go to vour groew today and get t i«Cik«|)j|Gnpe-Muts. Eat h with milk or orena^fi*breakfast; or with stewed fruit, Jelly or jam, at sVi(Jrtidoui dessert for lunch or dinner. " * ' •

Evtry tnambttr of the family win' ' ' and nourishing food—

e Body

Page 5: FRWtfflK PIPI^ V' * * ^ SHEftlFrt SALE JJKWttKEKd · marbed ability us" city auins"l of 1>\T1\'".I imrjiiwes uiitl wlnit ;no|i iiiiMinu'D .( i.lllli> i oin iTiis goes I Federal Slule



Tanlao in t wonderful m«l-I for delicate children la con-

: .proven by the remarkablecconiiJlsliwI In the cases ofi children shown In this pie-

I Blanche nialr, of Providence,IS. tallied 10 pounds; Re-

, at right, age 9, ofPit., gained 15 pounds; Ht-t l^nry, Jr., of Philadelphia,

i Wry delicate, Is now In line,health. The statements made(•parents nre as follows:" M. IHulr. residing at 20 At-

Providence, R. I.r said:Just so happy over the

anlti? tins made In oar littlewe nm'r do or gay enough

HT app^tdfttlnti. She hndfly 13) pounds In weight and

| ,-fo fmil and weak that hernd I wore both almost wor-

over her condition. Sincelni1. she has already Ruinedher color IB better tt.an It

and she looks and actscut girl."

"Catherine MeCabe, 414 PickScrsnton; Pa., said: "The

in;, little Kegina? In such ulltlor. fftat I have no Idea she

with me noW if it hadn'tTanlne. It Is a mystery toshe lived on the little she

nml wan nn HffMrRB nhen eared to play with the

_nd toys she got at Christmas,^"taking TunJao she is as hardy

ell as nny child could be andlined 15 pounds In weight. I

ays praise Tan lac for rest orOr little girl's health."

y, B O W '"1 ftlOinorpfl Crtiidelphia, said: 'There is no

In my mind but that Tanlacmy little boy's life. For two

I wouldn't have been a bit sur-1 to- have seen him drop off attfta, Me had stomach tronhJemany a time the gas pressed up

, hla chest until bis heart palpl-




» • :



IVrepN 4 ,H 1 N i l

New Motorcar With Smallest Head Resistance.

Herr Rumpler, the well known Or-mnn airplane" constructor, tins lust |>rn

tatod s'o I thought sure he couldn'threalho but n few more gasps. HutTanlac nave him buck to us strongand well and we will prulse It to our(lying ilny."

The I'dfcot of Tnnlfle on tlie deli-cate stonwclis of the young Is one ofthe strongest evidences of Its whole-someness 118 well as Its unusunlmerit. Although a powerful recon-structive, Tnnlac contains no harm-ful Ingredients, minerals or opiateswhich are so often found In othermedtctnes. "Beimj "rompnsis<T" of" Wemost beneficial roots and herb*known to science It-la pureJy vege-table and can be taken by the mostdelicate children, and does not upsetor Injure the weakest or most dell-cute stomach.

There is a Tanlac agent In everytown.—A rt vert inement.

i Tortured Babies SleepMothers Rest

After Cuticurac.Tdeu 25c.

Living Room Important.A living mom of nil roojilS In the

Is the must Important, anil oneiter gays: "Furnishing a living

" like Blurting nut on a voyageThis room should be

Blfihed with thought for tlie need! comfort nf each Individual mem-

' Of tl*e family, Ulvc to the masteri household a comfortable.linwid«

a table beside that chair oni he can pl fce a paper, magazine,

; or any other things that he maythere; give him his own reading

i and a comfortable stool In frontt chair.

No Scarcity,i world's a stage."

'there's no scarcity of inono-

the woman with dark hairr not make light of i t

: always pa; to be good, andays to be bad.


for Coughs & ColdsThii lytup II dllltttnt liom «lt othti*Quufc i«lu« No oplmt ISi t**nrwh*f«

View «f Car Ff»m Above.

duced a new motorcar which he claimshas the smallest possible head resist-ance of any car on the market. In or-

der to prorturp this car he took aa aIiiillcrn for streamlining the chassismid lindy the shape assumed by rain-drops fulling through the air. A rain-drop is forced Into a perfect stream-line! form in the air resistant*. Themotor and transmission form a unitUnit Is mounted to swing about tharear axle, lima doing awny with thepropeller slmft and universal joints,mid forming a very compact -powerplum. The motor, which Is of We^Y"type, lias six cylinders and Is arrangedIn pairs. It is of the type used by An-zanl, having otw pair of cylindersvertical in the center of the "Y," Thenullntor Is Uehlnd the motor, givingperfect cooling by means of a fan.The hack of the auto resembles an nlr-Kliip cur iind bus a seat for the chauf-feur In tin' Itnw. Thn rhnniila In mmlnof a wide frntm of pressed steel,slinpcd Into a limit, and It Is closed inand streamlined on the bottom. Tillscar, which Is only a ten-horsepower af-

I fair, can, because of the slight resist-ance, make 75 miles an hour. Thewhole cpnelructtaa iii^naexamplB. ol"putting the cart before the horse.''It Is a return to first principles bt sci-entific Interest. Note the rudlmentnrywings used as mudguard

Help Your Kidneys Fight That Cold!Winter CoW. and Chill. Weaken the Kidney, and Are the

Direct Cau«e of Many Serious Kidney Duorder*

tS wintef-time your backache-time) Doesevery cold, chill or attack of grip leaveyou lame, achy and all worn out? Does

your back throb and ache until it *««mayou juit can't keep going another day?

Then look to your kidney*! Grip, eoldaand chilli throw a heavy strain on the kid-ney*. They overload the blood withpoitont and impuritiea that the kidneyinave to filter off. The kidney* weakenunder thn ruih of new work; become con-geited and inflamed.

h't little wonder then, that every cold

findi you Buffering with torturing backache,rheumatic paina, headachea, dinioeaa andannoying bladder inegularitie*.

But don't wonyl Simply realize lhatyour kidney* are overworked at tuch ttmea)and need aaaiatance. Get a box of Doan'iKidney Plll$ today and give your weakenedkidn«y* the help they need. Aaain themaUo by drinking pure water freely, eatinglightly, and getting plenty ol fraah air andreat Doan't Kilnty Ptllt have helpedthouaand* and should help you. Aik yout


Use Doan's," Say These Good Folks:MRS. L. W. THEETGE, Hoith«mbi»u Av«.,

Andover, N. Y., myi: "My kitiriryti cautett uictrouble ami I belicvi1 it w,i< Kriiuglil «n |jy ,i c«M(hut wUlcd in the mnnll nt' my Kirk. My l«i-kbecmne nwfully Inine ami auri'. riming ilui-p piiniito cntch mo, 1 frit nervoui ;mil irritnlile mid my

didn't urt ri|(ht. I smlliTed with KpclU ofnen. I liounn to upe IViinn Kiilm'V 1'illn

and it wn«n"t lung before Pnnn'n complcU'lv re-moved every eifn\ of the trouble."

E. P. KEEFER, R. F. D. No. 2, Somerset,Pa., f»\n: " t V uUiut a year I had % kit of trou-ble with my kidney*. ,1 ^imnnl my W k nodevery lime I CIUKIII * cultl it H'ttletl nn mj kid-ney". 1 win uiulila to work for man limn »vrei'k. 1 HUW I>win'« Kwln*y 1MI» n<lvrftt*e<i mil(tot n \tn\, Tlifv cured mr o( thf attack. Nowwhfn 1 tuUr i'i>li| and it trttlm tin n»y iti'lncy*,a few ol Drum'* IU me up i l l Tlftit ill * lew

Doan's Kidney PillsAt all dealers, 60c a box. Foittr-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y.

Monkey in a Muff.A monkey wus used, by a clever

.voiimn thief to commit'u series oltheftn from jewelers' shops in I'arls,Tlie creature was so tiny tbut she car-iled It In a big muff. Then wUJIe Itsn:lstress was standing at such distancefrom tin1 counter as disarmed mispl-clou, the monkey would thrust out a

ig, b-pidor-like arm and smiled andconceal a rinj; or brooch. It was a

c,) detective, hidden In a galleryabove and watching with the aid of re-flecting mirrors, who at last detectedthe trick.

Called Down.Auntie—Run along and get teady

for bed «nd I'll be up In a minuteand hear you say your prayers.

Little Elsie—You may come If youwish, but 1 don't $hlnk It's polite tolisten w!ille I'm talking to aotoeoneelse. ,

Laziness Is the ode thing that knock*nil the ronrelt out of pride.


Has Distinct Drawbacks asLubricant for Automobile

During Winter Season.


7ou are entitled to the benefitthe doubt. Why not take

advantage of it?The law is very careful in protecting thej

rights of a prisoner charged with a crime.

How about the Law of Common Sana* andthe man who has committed an error only? Isn'tthis « good place to use the benefit of the ,dpubt, too?

Take your own case: If you don't know foreuro whether tea or coffee is harming you, youdo. know that many are harmed by the drugelement in tea and coffee, and that hea|§:hes,nervwwiesfl, or high blood pressure areBymp-totai which often tell that the drug, caffeine, isQVigjObB pervoua system too much Jolt

^lObably you know, too, that some peoplecan&r&fcdt a cup of tea or coffee at bed-time,-" ' • ' ->» w«U that night.

i many have been harmed by tea and>d you may be harmed, isn't it well to

kt of the doubt on your side before)I an unpleasant certainty?

l.Chafm without harm in Posrum—a| bt*trage, rich in flavor, fully aatiafy.~ i^~l table drink of thousands.

I try giving yourself this benefitup the teat for ten days; then

>tf you don't feel betur and;POitunrwherevergood


When Used In Cupi It Has Charac-teristic of Getting So Hard Thai

Little Lubrication Geta toBearing Surface.

For several years past no wise mo-torist has used grease aa a lubricantfor his transmission, yet many carowners who ought to know better em-ploy this heavier lubricant Greasecannot flow to the bearing surfacesand In the transmission the gears cuta clean path through the grease whenIt Is.cold'and run practically uulubri-cated thereafter. In addition, greasehas the unfortunate characteristic ofcarrying dirt and foreign matter thatIt may pick up. It has distinct draw-backs as a lubricant In any location,especially In cold weather, when Itought never to be used. In winterthe, grease Is almost certain to be-come packed against the walls of anyrase in which it Is used, while thegears operate entirely dry.

When gr«ase Is used In cups, It hasthe characteristic of getting hard, soUnit the cup cannot be turned downproperly, and tittle lubrication gets tothe bearing surface for which It is In-tended.

On practically all cars of any boHthe most recent vintage grease cupiare fitted at various locations. If thiowner desires to substitute oil aslubricant for the grease ho has prac-tically to replenish the cups every day.In mutjy cases this would be worththe Increased labor.

Wick Feed Device*.

On the other hand, Itinay be possi-ble to replace the grease cups withlarge oil cups having gradual feed.Some ol the newer car models havebeen 4esigued with cwitrul lubricatingpoints and with wick oiling devices,wBTCTt re^mw repTenjshment mry <m»or twlc? a season. At any rate thesubstitution of oil for grease for al-most any lubrication service will bea btfiietii to thewrtv affected.

Naturally differtnt partB of the me-chanism require different lubricants,that Is to say, different grades of oil.For the geura, the transmission, differ-ential and rear a,»la, a heavy oil willbe the most satisfactory lubricant,

The last year or so has seen a^num-bar of extremely Ingenious oil cup* of-

'ered to the motoring puhllc, some ofhem embodying a crndual fowl,

achieved by means of constricted pas-sages that allow the oil to leak outonly by ricprees. Others employ wliate known ug wick feed, in which th«ill is carried up in a wick and fed;rodunlly to the part needing lubrlcn-l.m. Far xuch places as the sfrnckle

holts of the springs, the cross shaft*of the brakes, the universal joints, Insome types this makes a satisfactoryarrangement.

U*e of Graphite.

It has nlways been the custom Ulubricate unlversnl joints by means ofgrease or graphite, because there 1*great difficulty In keeping oil in theJoint. This part moves with greatrapidity when the mechanism IiIn operation and needs the most effec-tive lubrication. Recently It has beenfound possible to lubricate the unj-versals by means of ell fed throughwicks. In many cages thi* ehiing*wyuld have to be the result of altereddesign, which tlie manufacturer laloath to do- because of the cost.

Wick feed has the double advantageof being economical aa well as effi-cient. In operation the oil travels uptlie wick by capillary attrartttfn, justaa It does up a lamp wick, and is dls>charged upon the surface requiringIqbricatlon. The oil spreads Itself allover the whole surface, and really, thllmethod is the next best thing to lav-ing the parts run in oil. The wick oilcup does not require frequent fillingand anulher udvantaKe of the systemIs that dirt or foreign matter, even IfIt 1* present in- the oil, cannot makeIt* way to the bearing surface.

Hit Condition,"How are yim rumlitg nn. Uncle.

BrajtB?" asked uti acqiniliflaiici'."Well, I'll Just— p'tii—it'll ye. C,!ibt>,"

answered old Hragg Ktirkery of Mmtnt1'Izjry, Ark. "I hain't doing nn per-ticklor good. 'I'eurs like, the doctormid the nelghlMirH don't tmdcrstauiliny CRS«. Some says one. tlili«K aboutU> Mid «mie ntryn srftnuthins P!BP, HWI'll be dogged If I don't get t» sorterwondcrhig whether mme of 'ini havegot any neiise. I don't like to di^iipp'lntmy friends, though, mul I hate towaste what I pay the doctor for.. SoI've took enough of one tiling andtiitlier to float a iioat. and luive klndagot the notion that what's the mntterwith me Is simply WIIIII'M tho mutterwith me, and there liultt't no—p'tu—help for If."—Kunsax City Star,

Smack That Child.A mother waa reproving her ilttle

slx-yt'ur-otd girl for bvlng naughty."If yon nre FO ttresomc and dig.

agrei-able," uhv nuld, "you will not lieloved, and wlu>u you grow up yourfriends will bo few."

The child replied at once:"I sliull not want any friends, for

I shall get married.""Oh, no," replied mother, "you will

not get married if you are disngiec-able, for gentlemen are particular."

After a short pause, the Ilttle girlremarked:

"Well, mummy, I don't thinkwas particular."


Apparatus May Be Attached to anAutomobile Without Interfere "

•no* With Running.

' Tha Scientific American in lllustrat-Ing «**! describing an anti-freezing de-vice, the Invention of ff. Weudllng ofAlberta,,Canada, says:

"The Invention relates to automo-bile* and other veliR-lea using water-cooled motors and particularly to mitl-freezing devices In connection wltli

A Top Plan Vtew of Chinati ShowingCondensation Tank and CondenwrColl at Rear.

the radlntora of suet) motors, and bapfor its object 'DM prevention of luerby voltttllUtttloc of tlie volatile portlona of anti-freezing solutions com-monly uued. The result Ig accom-plished by an appnratuu capeble. ofready attachment to an automobilewithout Interference with, the normaloperation thereof.




lour little one. will love thtf "fruitj-taste of "California Fig Syrup" even liconstipated, bilious, Irritable, feverish,or full of cold. A teaspoonful neve,]falls to cleanse the liver and bowel*.In a few hours you can see for jonrself how thoroughly It work* all the•our bile, and undigested food lut o:the bowels and you bsve a well,) playful child again. <

Millions of mothers keep "CallfornliFig Syrup" handy. They know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for genu-ine "California Fig Syrup," which hasdirection* for babies and children ofall ages printed on bottle. Mother 1You must say ''California" or you may


'oitmatter Atserti That Evan theBest CUit of Cltlzem Will At-

tempt to Cheat Him.

"Many Risul peuplo," mild u pngl-iiiixtiT, "try to client tlie post. Uwisy-neli, you l;now, will HinugKli*. Well.'v« crtiii'lit tnlsNlnnarleit ftlinflifmmffiglit? post ofllcc.

"A liilMHlottitry In Spain used to smi'lhick liumlles of Spanluli nrwxpuiKTs<i Uls sister. Inslihi thr newiipapersi

would he hidden kid glove*, boxen offtnrdincH, (Inc tpunlnh embroideries,letters, all kinds of tilings.

"Tlii-ie'.s a denenn in this town who?au't sec a poorly etmceleif Ntanii> huttii- must peel It off the rtivt'lupe. washIt find uxe It again. Of course, we ul-ways Uowl him out.

"Tlie worst game ever tried >nn us,though, was the work of a professionalrevival Int. He tank an old, canceled

scrntrhed' oTjt The ctnreUft-innrkrt with a sharp knife, wrote

his message on a piece of paper thathe patted on the card's ruvern« side,and then tried to lend the thingthrough the mull*.

"All these people are good |#ople.Good people, n» I said before—peo-ple who wouldn't steal a cent—arecontinually tempted to cheat UMI cus-toms and the post,"—Detroit FreePress.

Long Distance.Nuiidn'. III lieavin, liml jnat ffnt

, fur below, on thv imb«Miof ouljalioiinl:

"Hello, Hunt in; how you

"t>h. !'«' bavin1 a fine time. Don'tliuf to work much; jist ahovvt In *oin»coul now and then. Him'* y«n-«flr

"IW wi.rktn1 purty html, ftoiMlt-to Rneei> up de CIOIJIIH, |«IH In Kleitnba. twitch on <le light an' give it*ole sun a Hlinve every mornln'."

"How come yoU-ull have no•work to dn?"

"Well, mill, to toll the trwth,klrnlu nliort o 'help up hciih."—Chlngv 'Phoenix,

Auto* Name*", Like •oat*.Auto* In I'arla are l>vKlnnlng to dla>

pute jncbtH of the si-o iind li«*t hort**)nf the tracks the right to Individual-Itlt'H of [heir own. Here and thereon*WTH tin lmpo*lng cur beartng on therailintur the. nttm« clio««n by the owr.-7er, pprliii|is fum-lful, p«rliap* that ofsome dear otic, and the fad Is mpMlyhetoiuliig popular. NUIDP* of iientomthun far urv mure often wen than tboMof poetical, hlHtorical or literary al-Hmlnn, and already the new fitaliloHit giving rise to good-natured fowlp.

What Ailed Her Pulae.Little Loiilne was recoverliiK

a bit of fever and her iijipetlle had be-gun to niDiert Itself. She gave n lookat the meaner sllco of toast and thebroth that hail been brought to herbedside,

"Can't I have more than thin, moth-er?" she asked. "It Isn't bait enough."afraid to give you more..' Your pulse

"Not JUM yet," hald mother, 'tl amis still too quick."

"But, mot|ier," arged Louise, "don'tyou see It's my excitement becauae I•juii't get enough to eat that make* my(iulsu so qiilck?"—Wuyulde Tale*.

get as imitation»ent.

Ig H>Tup.—Advertise-

Daddy In a Bad Way.SIXJi'ur-oHl ].<>\n, wlioxe father

flf WttgHsh- ttt tt«sdelights in usltiu "tilj,'" words. Oneday she heard bet' mother saying over

phone to


To give a clearer vision through,itueared UlftgUi* lit automobile cur-tain* vaah both atdM with l

• • • •

When the bolt fall* to take up wearIn tb* ttfluor«iJjBl«), In the itMrtnfcrank thrttCk amaWltMl plate In tbtslot to keep It open and then striketbe arm a sharp blow with • tuunoMrJust above the hole,

• * •

Cranking ti th« cauM of 394 percant of automobile aoddtnttva&d, ml*

, *™*W mfl^m P44nVpn||i

of her

"No, Mr, Tl— cannot koep his a\\-t)olnttnej)t, I'm afraid ;)Jie Is very muchl'ndispused Ihls »ftfrn|fen." : '

Sow* ilujx tutor iJolo, while play-ing, wai) orerheurd to my to an Im-aginary caller at the door:

"No; my husband cunuot see youtoday; lie I* very much decompiled I"—IiidlanapollH Star.

Utilising a Calumny,"Your enemies are now saying that

you eat with your knife and use badgrammar."

"1,'on't contradict 'em,"« cautionedSenator Sorghum. Out our way agreat many people do the same thing,and the effect will be to convince "emthat I am not trying to act Btyllsh orpose us a highbrow."

At the Author'* Club.Nrnwn—Smlth'H new novel. "The).

Horrors of Wedleck," ha* ruaite htmu fortune, hain't It? It'* the tt«*oaYsuccea*.

Jones—Ye*, he claims he's made-enough out of It to get married on.—Life.

The Opportunity.In this world the un« thing su-

premely worth having In the opportu-uity to do worthtly'a piece of.work,the doing of which I* of vital c4nw-quence to the "jfelfare of mankind.—1

Uoouevolt. , i

Urban Ignorance,"Ever go cheatnutlng?""No; what du you do. follow

'—Bo»to« Tran»erlpt.

Now the "Hydra.Qllder.'f

A new "hjfdro-jtlliier" Jimt <on the wmrcoast la described In Pop-ular Mechanics Mttguxino. It IH said

pa ByarbiilKne gltntng f"mph« surfaceof the ocean. In fact, iroftmunts prac-tliuHy to n flying limit without wlii«s.and la tJrlrtn pvet the nurfacu of thewater l>y an nlr-propcller jinotor atvptred of njity miles an hour.

Applied Advloe. ''?I ace young ltlcl)lelgh has given

his llmmislnu to a welt-knmvn actreaa.""I MUPPOXO that 1" Ills Idea of hitch-

Ing one's wagon to a Mtar."—Bo»tonTranscript

Some people are no niethodtoaT thatthey Pipect even their opiwrtUDlttalto travel on schedule time.

terliiM-y loves company, but it I* bet-toliuve rlieiimutltm In one foot

than In both of them.

When dually fame dws come to theaverage man It bus to rest on hitmonument. £

Any story told over a lung-distance-1.Is fi w t of rltwtant H*ltkm.

More Abaertalng,"I had a ^ng talk with Cousin jurd

Lopp In. town today," related UtpJohniPD «' BunBua Bldg«.

uHow dlj h« *jr hlfl folk* w t t F In-quired tin, Johnson,

1 plumb forget to aak blii. Touaee, be waa telling me alt about • tick4«f ne'a g o t . " - ! ^ * ! * CSty Star.

There proTbahljr would t« nurawomen Uiventbn If they were anilouxto dtscaver new

htwb OU-n V ami r«-hmOtOUl' r.««Uu«ai,

CDldl. browhltfa it,..-lit Iu9uH H Kub imMtMMtiuA

*e j rliwtfMIl


lc with

non't be vUhjnary. If* ft»(Uh toplant muflower »e«dt to rauaj rain-bowa,

R K -

nwtt av«c«««(Ql maskvl

Page 6: FRWtfflK PIPI^ V' * * ^ SHEftlFrt SALE JJKWttKEKd · marbed ability us" city auins"l of 1>\T1\'".I imrjiiwes uiitl wlnit ;no|i iiiiMinu'D .( i.lllli> i oin iTiis goes I Federal Slule

Mrs. ClaretiMPlace gave a pa:day afternoon in hHEEIL W

ABOVE WHITE CHURCH Anna Dixon of thfa towiwm-f, • "Those present were Mrs. .1. ^

Sprinfcstead, Miss Susan Dixon, MissTSV nml

tors, Mrs. Nor Seventy-five signatures of WnoriLaura Brodhead, Miss Helen Pf«iffer.

h r i d ) ? e r e s i d ( ,n t R appeared on a peti-s h.'lrl Insl Monday nf j t j o n p - c a p n t e ( | t p the Freeholders at

2 <IY1OI k from his home.Northfv .lone*, rector of St.

Mrs. Garrctt Brodhend .Jr., Mrs.Ashet Randolph, Mrs. H. R. ValentineMrs. George Valentine, Mrs. Frank

thfir meeting last Friday.This petition asked for the con-

Valentine, Mrs. C. R. Brown, Mrs.struction of a concrete road alongChester Peck, Mrs. Alfred Compton,nii'iil was at Apline Cemetery.

The regular meeting of the Parenttinbway avermp to connect the aa-

Mrs. Sherman Donmrest, MJSR J. K.Association was held in trie' Breckenridge, Mrs. L.Sslonnry , Tertch avenue near the Carteret road with

the concrete road in the vicinity ofthe state reformatory

Mrs. Little of Railway wan one of The petitioners requested a perman-meeting. Sou other the principal speakers.

also gave a short address.evening' physica

, .Tan. .11, Rending by Miss


ii'ie other mission-r>f the Presbyterian

evening Jan. 23.

y, yMullins, auspices Epworth Leafrpk.


Monthly Program(Week of Prayer)

January 22d, 11:00 a. m., Mr. Mil-m.—Mr.

Mrs. ,1. A. Springstod of Utica, N.,'.. formerly Miss Anna Dixon of town k, r of P r i n c e t o n . 7 : 4 5 p>

s visitiiiR her sisters on Green [ Mj,,cr o f P r i n c e t o n _l n < t - ' « 1 H . i January 29th, 11:00 a. m.-

I. j ler of Princeton; 7:45 p.Miss Ruth Noe of Mt. Sinai

;ital spent lust Saturday afternoonit the home of her parents Mr. and

Mrs. M. C. Noe of Amboy avenue.Miss Theresa Noe of Flower Hospital•pent the week-end vifsitnig her par-ent?.

The women of the Congregationalchurch met on Tuesday afternoon a ttin' home of Mrs. Colby Dill, Greenstreet. Tlit meeting was well attend-<•<!, the ladies cutt ing and hammingfour <io7.cn towels for the home mis- '

Mr. Mil-111.—Mr.

Miller of Princeton.


Sawar.n, N. J.

ner, the chairman was absent on ac-count of illness and MISB Crounceacted as temporary chairman.

The Fords fire company held aspecial meeting last Friday night.The exemption papers were distri-buted to the firemen who are beingexempted.

A party was held at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Frank Murdock lastSaturday night. The evening wasspent in singing, dancing and playinggames and refreshments were servedat a late hour.

ent improvement but would considerrepairs for the present inasmuch anthe road is in bad shape. The matter'was referred to the road committeeand it probably will be considered inpreparing the 1922 road program.


New York Bloomer Girls, that fa-mous female baseball aggregation, igmaking an exceptionally fine showingin basketball this year playing homemale teams exclusively. The Girlshave played Rockaway Park Whirl-

Miss Marie Servi splayed a number ; wjnd s ; Beauvais Post,"American Leg-of selections on the piano and Mr. .\m of Staten Island; Perth AmboyAlex Lamp gave an exhibition of the.Frisco-. 'Miss J. A. Kaleta and MIBBCatherine Chakoaky played a duet.

Y. M. H. A.; Sterlings of South Riveretc., losing only one game so far thisseason. The management guarantees

Every Sunday, 11 a. m. Specialcommunity services' first and thirdSundays, 7:30 p. m. Early serviceiceond and fourth Sundays, 8 :S0 a. m.

The Junior class of the WoodbridgeHigh School enjoyed a straw ride to


Corner Barron and Grove Avenues.Rev. William V. Strong, Pastor.

Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Sunday School;

Miss Kaleta played the piano and Miss „ c | e a t l | wholesome, interesting con-Chakosky played a b'anjo. Those) u , s t Bnd a team of exceptionallypresent were: Misses J. A. Kalqta, \ active female athletes,, each player aMarie Servis, Catherine Chakosky, \ s t a r j n her respective position. ForMary and Anna Koleta, Jennnette full information concerning this su-Nightengail, Mrs. Catherine Servis, I ) e r j o r attraction and powerful draw-Mrs. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank , i n g c a r l | communicate with ManagerMurdock, George Murdock, Sherry u. R. Nabel, 50 Beach street, StatenEaBtcliff, Joseph Smith, Frank Rny ; Island or 'phone Tompkinsville 2515and Harry Thistle. J .

Mr. and Mrs. A. Wcisman and chil- j f>£NNSY DINERS T Odren, Klsit' and Albert of Vine street |

11:00 a. m., Morning Worship; 7:00, nnd Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ernst and.BE ALL STEEL

A goodly number took the trip and Evening Worship,they all reported having a fine time. ! Wednesday, 8:00

. jk • Meeting.

Mrs. E. Vogt, Mrs. George Brewater,Mrs. Barron Brewater, Mrs. Smithand Mrs. William Spencer of Me-tuchen.

A social time and refreshmentswere enjoyed.

Too Curloui.TUlle Cllnger tayg tlie reason she

didn't last long a* salesgirl fit thejewelry counter was because when amnn came ID nnd said be .wantedsomething nice for his baby she askedhim If bis b«ny wfts a boy, a girl oi• chicken.—Dallas News.

Watch Your WtlgtrtMedical men all agree that In a

great number of rases It would be ofvaluable assistance to them If P»-tlenti could produce a weight t recordwhen going for advice. Often It ItImpossible for a diagnosis to be givenuntil a patient has tested hi* or herweight for a certain length of time.

FordMr. Lewis Cd

boy now theFortf cart inwhat, Is known a*Sales Co. wishespublic that he

ittvePerth Am-agent for

conducting.uchen Aulomce to the

ipngaged Mr.Wilfred Johnrt&nff j>f• Perth Amboyin the capacity of i

About thi Planet*.According#to the latest calcula-

tions of astronomers, the distances ofthe plnnets from the sun are: Mer-cury, i(5,000,000 mites; Venus, 66,000,-000; the Earth, 91,500.000; Mars, 14V000,000; Jupiter. 475,000,000; SHtum,872,000,000; Urnnus, l,754,O00,OOO|Neptune, 2,740.000,000.

* Trie "Sensible"The most sensible women always

make the most foolish marrlnges.They are unused to fool Ins anything,and so the first llttlo 'come hither1

look In any mans eye completelybowls them over.—From "Women andChildren," hy HHKII de Sclincourt.


Woman's Club of Woodbridge f own»Mp


January *26—2:30 P. M. ,";>,•Congregational Lector* Room

Mrs. A. B. Proal, President of State Fe#|**tion


February 9—8:15 P. M. High School AttJtftfriumLecture and moving picture film, "Til* Pro-\ posed Plan of the Port of % Y

District Improvement."

Now Brunswick last Friday evening. I P- ">., Christian Endeavor; 7:4B p. m , j daughti-r Viola also of Vine street all T h e Management of the Pennsyl• - • - - - • motored to the Shrewsbury River last v a n i a R a j | r o a , i System will in th<

p. m. Prayer ! Sunday to rnjoy a day's skating. M e a r f u t l ! ,e place orders for the con-j Miss Carrie Dixon of New Bruns- s t r u c t i o n o f t w c n t y additional all-

y wick avenue spent the week end with ] s t e e ! dining cars of the largest sizeMrcand Mrs. R. Lurch of Woodbridge. : a n d raost m o d c r n type and equipment.

.Mr. Wilson Grimley of Carson ave-, T h e n e w c a l .g w i n n o t o n | y ma]iQ h

mw, Metuchen, spent Sunday with p o s 5 i b i e t o meet the public demandM r - A i b l ; ' r t Weisnian, Jr., of Vine | f o r j n c r c a s e ( | ( l i n i n g t a r se l .viCi. i ,u t

on Janusiiy "ITZniT,* SvITTTie '**re'+> ^OT^JH. - . w^- j-nj^prtinrplyTTTron their crj-mpti>-A h i M h d i t b l i ;

Mr, and Mrs. Horafo S. Barrowhnve returned from * several day's TRINITY EPISCOPALvisit in New York «itj. I CHURCH

William Golden was an Elitabethvisitor Tuesday, Rahway Ave., ne»r Wcdgewood Ave.

The cake sale held by the Parent- \ as follows: A "umber of Methodists belonging tjon, permit the retirement of all re-TYnchers Association of No. 1 and Holy Eucharist 8 a. m. (Corporate t o lh(> church <>f Perth Amboy at- m a i n i n g w o ( u l e n dining cars in useNo 2 schools Saturday afternoon • Communion for the members of the u>mle(1 a banquet given by the church , o n t h e pennByiVania Railroad. They

! Choir and the Servers.) laF' Wednesday evening. w i l l ; therefore, constitute another im-; Church school, 10 a. m. : D o n ' t f o r * e t t h e n<>vi'uy dance ; p o r t a nt step for^a^d toward all-

Morning prayer, litany and sermon, >' '" '" b* t h e F o r ( t s F i l ' e C o mP a ny ' steel passenger tra^n ' "

turned out to be a great success

J AT LAST!Leak-Proof Roofs

At Low Cost

McGovera vui fiahway ave-inue who is seriously ill was taken toSt. Michael's Hospital Monday.

11 a. m.Vespers, 4 p. m.

Juliu Dunn war amojK tbtivisitors at the automobile show Fri-day evening in New York,

I -CHRISTIAN SCIENCEj The Christian Sciencj Society holds'services in the church building, West

Xo- !- a t t h t ' F o t ' d s s c h ° o 1 auditorium ; Arrangements tfNl/be made to pushn r x t Saturday night, Jan, 21. It is , the construction oiRhe new cars asa " invitation affair. Assessment fee jo n e l l"" a r

Mrs. John Fenton is visiting hermother imSpringfield.

Mr. Joseph Sedlock was a Newarkvisitor Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Golden andMr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan attendedthe automobile show in New Yorklast Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Gerity wereNew York visitors Friday.

jwaren, every Sunday morning at 11o'clock, and testimony meeting everyWednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All•ire invited.

couple.The Fords Fjre Company will

march in a body to Perth AmboyAuditorium tonight in order that theymay be in the popularity contest. Asilver cup will be presented to themost .popular (ire company by the

r a p i ( | l v a s p o s s i l ) i e a l l d i t i s L.Xpt.cte(lto have them in service by spring.

Mr. and Mis. Stanley Garrett ofNew York were visitors in town overthe week-end. •

Miss Agnes Lyons has returned toBridgeport, Conn., after visitingfriends in town.

Messrs. Frank R. Valentine, JohnBergen and George Finn visited the

Barron Library,O£ten—Monday, 2:30 to 5.

Wednesday, 2:30 to 6 and 7 to8:30.

Saturday, 2:30 to 5 and 7 to 8:30Books loaned'for 7 or 14 days. 'Flue, 2 cts. per day for overtimeFlee for damaged'books.

A Great Advantage.The principal of n college was loc

I turliiK has stuff of truehers upon effl-j cleney, "What," lie demanded, "wouldI be thought of a gloveuiakai: who at Hie

n TI i.-ii i i 1.1 /-. iL I dose of the season fouiifl^Q nor centMrn. H. Mills and daughter Cather, I o f h , g stQ(,k " w l "

below standard

; Perth Amboy Firo Companies.! Mrn. H. Mills and daughter C| ine of New Brunswick avenue spent'J Tuesday afternoon with-Mrs. Mills'; should m require7"lwjfottmother in Perth Amboy.


i, j ,i •» i.—-

At a regular meeting uf St. Mar-garet's Unit of Trinity Church Guild,

cleney of theper cent of asponded a teacher, "kids!"

Long Forgotten.Once iljere wns « man "-who told



An interesting Institute will be heldin the Methodist Episcopal Churchon Thursday, Jan. 2d at 8 o'clock.

Speakers of note tind experience

, . , , , , , .. , , . . . story about a ScotHimannvitlimit us-which was held at the home of Miss . .. . „ , „,»". L, .„ __,T ,i „ • „ lnE the term canpy oia* fecol HDJ-Laura Brodhead on Green street, w h e r e , n % ^ ,(. w a 8 w l o n g a g ,

Monday evening, Jan. 16, a miscel- • n o o o d y remeroOers the man's namelaneous surprise shower was given or a n y of the elreuiiWtanceg' of theMijs Izola Fullerton of Grove ave-' remarkable Incident.—Kanga» City

S t o r m t i g h t will makeA.NY" roof leak-proofagainst ANY weather.

Stormtight is brushed onover the old roofing and.furnishes a one-piececoating without seams,laps or nail holes.

One coat is sufficient—norenewals or repainting. Itwill outlast any otherroofing by years.

Just brush it on. Un-skilled labor can do it.Don't rip off the old roof—Apply Stormtight.

Cal1 for free sample! at

MAX GOLDFARB311 State Street

PERTH AMBOYTelephone 861

nue, Secretary of the Unit.A big basket was Bet before her

and in this basket she discovered themany beautiful, useful gifts which


? ARE YOU SATISFIED?That the weekly washday and uncertain washwoman offerthe best solution to your laundry problem? Oi do youbelieve it to be cheaper to have your laundry done at

home than at a LAUNDRY? • • '.V

We are prepared to convince you that the clothes W6 washare washed cleaner and the bill will be smal.fe than ifyou submit to thtrdiscomfort of having your llOinft upaet

one day a week by the

Our establishment is built on ten years' ofservice and a desire to render satisfaction to our customers.A phone call (1893 Perth Amboy) will bring our, driver

to your door. r~T

MIDDLESEX SANITARY LAUNDRYWet Wash and Rough Dry, Hotel and Family .flat Work

Telephone 1893, Perth Amboy, Thomas W. Gurffe, Prop.


New York automobile show Saturday, i h a v e b e e n secured by the Middlesex ; her friends had brought her.County Sunday School Association. ] A social time followed after which

All *V. 1*1 i_ * t 1_ 1 1 1 " .i^

Mrs. E. J. Harned was a Newarkvisitor Saturday.

Mrs. William Squier was a Newark.situi Saturday, -s... 4 i - ^ -

iloseph flleider and John Neiderwere New York visitors Saturday.

The Misses Ruth and Grace Camp-belt were Newark shoppers Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Weygant and sons,

The Institute is to be held .in the ik-lic-iuus refreshings were served,interest of District No. 4 of the Those present were Miss Izula Ful-County Association, which .includes I lertun, Miss Ada Fullerton, Missall Supday schools pf Woodbridge,Carteret, .Chrome, Fords and Se-

wafen,Delegations arc being formed from

each ol the churches or Sundayschools in the district and a large at-tendance is expected.

Mainformerly of Linden avenue,moved into their house ontitreet.

Mrs, Tobrowsky was a Vew Yorkshopper Saturday,

Mr. and Mrs. Ctertield aid daugh-ter, who have made their flome withMrs. Charles Levi for some time have

', rented the house formerly occupiedr by Mr. and. Mjs. Weygant

Mr. G. W. Clark, the president <*fthe County Association will preside

h l i v e and the" following addresses will bedelivered on Religious Education:Rev. Charles E. Bloodgopd will speak

Liana Brodhead, Miss Hilda Bockiug,iiml Alias Marguerite Brown.; Mrs.Ganett Brodhead Sr., Mrs. G. Bi-od-head, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Vogt, Mrs.Nervin Guttt, jjjlrs. Arthur Pierce,Mrs. Compton, Mrs. **ercy Brown,Mrs. Carl Williams and Mrs. Barto.


Moug<* and dau«ht«f; Anna and Mrs. Elis Hoagland wore| Rjihway visitors Sunday,

Miss Marjorie Pullerton Is ill at| her hqme on Albert street.

The Men's Brotherhood of thrcJswrch wttl hold, a cake

sale Saturday afternoon in the Bey

jMr, ani Mrs. Lawrence MeLeod

'are receiving congratulations on thetbirth,*f a baby boy.

itenry Bern^ttin was a Pennsyl-vania vtsjtor for a fe*r days.

Mrs. Efpnk. M«lone.,w»s aVo"rk visitor-W«*Jd

Mr. JohnSaturday.


first oiK''Prom State Organization toIndustrial Scholar."

Rev. Kenyier McCoomb, who fs thepaid Secretary of Somerset CpuntyAssociation and an authority on Re-ligious Education will speak on"When All Sunday Schools Have aUnited Program."; Mies Stella J. Wright will tell of"The Daily Vacation Bible Schoql;"—wh»t-it I t *mi how to have one.,Miss Wright is an expert ln this rWldoAwark, haying,had. entirt charge olthe Daily Vacation Bible Schools In


The Woman's Hoanita^Auxiliary ofWoodbridge will give a tea andmusical* at 3 p. m. qn Monday after-noon, January 23, »l *th« homu ofEmil Kaus, corner of Grov* and Lin-den avonuefl*

A silver collection will be taken forthe bfmulU of the Rahway Hospital,

The affair will be open to thenublip ajnd all are moat cordially

i' attend.

1,000 Day*.


A miscellaneous surprise showerwas given Miss Vera Mesick at thehome of Miss Emma Jaeger on Rah-way avenue Tuesday evening, Jan.17. t , •

After presenting many beautifulgifts to Miss Meaick in a novel way,dancing and a lively time in generalfollowed.

Delicious rfifreipimejits were servedlater.

Those preient were, ihe "Misses VeraMesick, Emma Jaeger, Julia Sullivan,Sogemary Sullivan, Etllubeth Uerity,Marie Heller, Mit» Jnerson, JuliaWhalen, JBmma Rodney and SophiaBeckman/Graee and Dorothy Wheel-er, of Edgaff's Hill and M a r l Schlick>en«iiiller, Mra, Chastor Toting andMrs. John Green of Oarteret.

Telephone 28



COALPea, Nut. Stove, Egg


2,200 n> ton2,000 ft ton



MATTERSSESCovered with a heavy grade of Art Ticking-

We are going to dispose of nt excep- 4P4 A ftOtionally low price of ^x"*5FO

Guaranteed not to be duplicated for le«f than

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While Remodeled or Repaired DurIng the Summer Month*

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Perth A»boy

BUTTER and EGGS drop in price. |

STRICTLY FRESH EGGS,Highest Quality, doz. — 60c

FRESH CANDLED EGGS,BeBt on the Market, doz 46c


The TupHtlity «ft«n»9)i BridgeClub met at the home P* Mr«. Wil-

Tliam w on Lind«nd>y, Jan 17. ^J %

Those prwenf wm H | l | Bartow,-Mrs, Dayton, Mrt. J. UVtaffa*. Mr»,G«th. M™. j^Fovge,Mr*. Leon C b f i UHam Mr*




LOOSE BUTTER,Best Creamery, Vb 39c

BLUE VALLEY,Print putter, ft __,__"


STAR MILK, '*•sPer Can

A I M a Full Une of COOKED Mt^TS and Other FOOD PRODIK* • " • • , ' • ' • • ' • • , ' ~

pUfj, Delivery Service i» prompt unit intiifactory. We will beto deliver ordera received over the telephone. «

We ire endeavoring to supply clalivery service and at the itime work on a small margin of Droftt. Consequently nil our trart^ons matt btf'cash.