St Anthony’s Church, Ridgeland & St. Mary’s Mission, Hampton Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 22, 2018 Fr. Norbert Mendonça Sr. Matilde Ahu Rivera - Hispanic Ministry 843-540-1626 Iris Young - Director Religious Education 843-476-1458 10128 S Jacob Smart Blvd., Ridgeland Phone: (843)-726-3606 Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Tuesday-Friday 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM 703 5th Street E. Hampton Phone: (843) 726-3606 The Facilities and Services of St. Anthony’s - Ridgeland & St. Mary’s - Hampton are available to its parishioners. This includes the use of the Church for Baptisms, Weddings, and other Sacramental events. Active membership is determined by being registered in the parish; faithful attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days; and use of the envelope system in support of the parish. http://stanthonyridgeland.org/ For Bulletin News Please email at, [email protected] News from St. Mary’s—Hampton The Sacrament of Confession is available every Sunday at 8.30 am. Your prayers are requested for all the sick members of our community, God grant them healing. Every Tuesday morning the members of the women club meet in the parish hall to prepare for the upcoming Christmas bazar to be held in November. All are welcome to come and help. Próximos eventos 25 de Julio Reunión de Jóvenes Adultos 7:00 pm en la Iglesia. Upcoming Events July 25 Meeng of Young Adults 7:00 pm in the Church. Stewardship of Treasure St. Anthony’s St. Mary’s 07-15-18 Offertory $2110.12 $382.00 Second Collection $435.00 $15.00 JULIO INTENCION DEL PAPA INTENTION OF THE HOLY FATHER FOR THE MONTH OF JULY Evangelización - Sacerdotes y su ministerio pastoral Que los sacerdotes, que experimentan faga y soledad en su trabajo pastoral, puedan encontrar ayuda y consuelo en su inmidad con el Señor y en su amistad con sus hermanos sacerdotes. Evangelizaon – Priests and their Pastoral Ministry That priests, who experience fague and loneliness in their pastoral work, may find help and comfort in their inmacy with the Lord & in their friendship with their brother priests. TE INVITAMOS A ESCUCHAR NUES- TRA RADIO EMISORA HISPANA DE NUSTRA DIOCESIS.

Fr. Norbert Mendonça

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Page 1: Fr. Norbert Mendonça

St Anthony’s Church, Ridgeland


St. Mary’s Mission, Hampton

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 22, 2018

Fr. Norbert Mendonça

Sr. Matilde Ahu Rivera - Hispanic Ministry 843-540-1626

Iris Young - Director Religious Education 843-476-1458

10128 S Jacob Smart Blvd., Ridgeland Phone: (843)-726-3606

Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Tuesday-Friday 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

703 5th Street E. Hampton Phone: (843) 726-3606

The Facilities and Services of St. Anthony’s - Ridgeland & St. Mary’s - Hampton

are available to its parishioners. This includes the use of the Church for Baptisms, Weddings, and other

Sacramental events. Active membership is determined by being registered in the parish; faithful attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days; and use of the envelope system in support of the parish.

http://stanthonyridgeland.org/ For Bulletin News Please email at, [email protected]

News from St. Mary’s—Hampton

The Sacrament of Confession is available every Sunday at 8.30 am.

Your prayers are requested for all the sick members of our community, God grant them healing.

Every Tuesday morning the members of the women club meet in the parish hall to prepare for

the upcoming Christmas bazar to be held in November. All are welcome to come and help.

Próximos eventos

25 de Julio Reunión de Jóvenes Adultos 7:00 pm

en la Iglesia.

Upcoming Events

July 25 Meeting of Young Adults 7:00 pm in the


Stewardship of Treasure

St. Anthony’s St. Mary’s

07-15-18 Offertory $2110.12 $382.00

Second Collection $435.00 $15.00




Evangelización - Sacerdotes y su

ministerio pastoral

Que los sacerdotes, que experimentan fatiga y soledad en su

trabajo pastoral, puedan encontrar ayuda y consuelo en su

intimidad con el Señor y en su amistad con sus hermanos


Evangelization – Priests and their Pastoral Ministry

That priests, who experience fatigue and loneliness in their

pastoral work, may find help and comfort in their intimacy

with the Lord & in their friendship with their brother priests. TE INVITAMOS A ESCUCHAR NUES-



Page 2: Fr. Norbert Mendonça

St. Mary’s Hampton

Sunday - 9:00 AM

Liturgical Ministry Schedule



Lector: Kathleen Barnes

Eucharistic Ministers: George Flagg & Kathleen Barnes

Ushers: Dennis Garman & William Barnes

Custodian: Rose Garman

Gifts: Garman Family

Acolyte: George Flagg

St. Anthony’s Ridgeland

Saturday 5:00 PM & Sunday 11:00 AM English Sunday 1:00 PM & 6:00 PM Spanish Tue. - Fri. 9:30 AM (Mass is Bi-Lingual)

Confessions Available Daily Before Mass & Saturday at 4:15 pm Confesiones disponibles diariamente antes de la misa, Y el sábado a las 4:15 pm. Tue. - Fri. 8:30 - 9:30 AM Daily Adoration Before Mass Adoracion diaria antes de la Misa

Wednesday Adoration - Miércoles Adoración 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Liturgical Ministry Schedule - Ridgeland

July 29, 11:00 AM

Lector: Linda Vnuk

Ushers: John Tilton & James Peterson

Minister of Hospitality: Linda Vnuk

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Carol Ann Brown

and Rose Dean

Counters: Pete & Carol Darmer and Carol Ann Brown

29 de julio 1:00 PM

Lectores: Elizabeth Rodríguez y Hna. Maty

Ministros de la Eucaristia: Marilu Romero y Lenin Romero

Hospitalidad: María Combs, Venancio Benítez, Catalina Romero,

Rafael Macías, y Edmundo Rodríguez

29 de julio 6:00 PM

Lectores: Jessica Pérez y Conchita Pérez

Ministros de la Eucaristia: Roberto Godoy, Dalia Medina y

Rogelio Barrientos

Hospitalidad: Antonio Medina, Cirilo Orozco, Jaqueline Flores y

Margarita Trujillo

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jeremiah’s prophetic words are a warning to those who mislead God’s people. The shepherds who did not

care for their people, the Lord will punish. No longer will they have jobs, for the Lord will replace them with

shepherds who will tend tot their flocks. In the second oracle, Jeremiah communicates the Lord’s promise

that he will raise up a righteous shoot to David. The king will save both Israel and Judah through his reign of

justice. As Christians we believe Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of this oracle, for he our justice, the justice of

the world.

The Psalm is a beautiful poem of how closely the Lord Shepherds his people, for what more could we ask!

Christ Jesus abolishes the wall that once divided Jews and Gentiles. They are now one Body in Christ ex-

isting in peace. Legalities of the Law are no longer necessary, what is necessary is that we strive to live the

unity of the one Church in reality. We can remind one each other of the peace Jesus brought so as to over-

come factionalism when it does appear.

Last Sunday Jesus sent the Twelve out to proclaim repentance, to exorcise demons and to heal the sick. In

this Sunday’s Gospel, the Twelve return and provide Jesus with a summary report. Mark does not describe

to us what the Twelve reported. Their mission, however, must have exhausted them because Jesus invites

them to come away and rest by themselves. Crowds followed them even when they left by boat. Jesus’

mercy took over as he responds to crowds who desperately need a shepherd. Perhaps the Twelve were still

able to rest and Jesus’ mercy extended to them as well as the crowds he taught. (Source Book)

Decimosexto domingo del tiempo ordinario

Las palabras proféticas de Jeremías son una advertencia para aquellos que engañan al pueblo de Dios. Los pas-

tores que no se preocuparon por su gente, el Señor castigará. Ya no tendrán trabajos, porque el Señor los

reemplazará con pastores que tenderán a sus rebaños. En el segundo oráculo, Jeremías comunica la promesa

del Señor de que levantará un disparo justo a David. El rey salvará tanto a Israel como a Judá a través de su

reino de justicia. Como cristianos, creemos que Jesucristo es el cumplimiento de este oráculo, para él, nuestra

justicia, la justicia del mundo.

El Salmo es un bello poema de cuán cerca está el Señor de pastorear a su pueblo, ¡qué más podríamos pedir!

Cristo Jesús abolió el muro que alguna vez dividió a judíos y gentiles. Ellos son ahora un Cuerpo en Cristo que

existe en paz. Las legalidades de la Ley ya no son necesarias, lo que es necesario es que nos esforcemos por vivir

la unidad de la única Iglesia en la realidad. Podemos recordarnos mutuamente la paz que Jesús trajo para super-

ar el faccionalismo cuando aparece.

El domingo pasado Jesús envió a los Doce para proclamar el arrepentimiento, exorcizar a los demonios y sanar a

los enfermos. En el Evangelio de este domingo, los Doce regresan y le proporcionan a Jesús un informe re-

sumido. Marcos no nos describe lo que informaron los Doce. Su misión, sin embargo, debe haberlos agotado

porque Jesús los invita a irse y descansar por sí mismos. Las multitudes los seguían incluso cuando salían en bo-

te. La misericordia de Jesús se hizo cargo cuando responde a multitudes que necesitan desesperadamente un

pastor. Quizás los Doce todavía pudieron descansar y la misericordia de Jesús se extendió a ellos así como a las

multitudes que él enseñó.