Fox Valley Squadron - Mar 2014

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  • 8/12/2019 Fox Valley Squadron - Mar 2014

    1/13F o x V a l l e y C o m p o s i t e S q u a d r o n N e w s l e t t e r Page 1

    Cross Over Ceremony:

    Photograph from the cross over ceremony last Thursday.

    Evan LeMaster is in the cub scout program and had completed the Webelos program. He hashosen to join the Civil ir Patrol cadet program instead of continuing on !ith the "oy #couts.

    t the cross over ceremony has the Webelo scouts cross over the bridge to the accepting boy

    cout unit. #ince even has chosen CP because of his interest in emergency service C$%Lt Miller&

    M Cory 'pmeyer attended the ceremony as the accepting CP unit. #ince (evin !ill not be old

    nough to join CP until %)*+ he !ill not be joining until ne,t year. We !ill most li-ely see him

    round as have invited him to visit the unit periodically and to attend any unit functions that are

    pen to the general public. We are loo-ing for!ard to seeing him on a regular basis ne,t year.





    tp:// March 2014 http://www.foxcap.


    4/5 Squadron Meeting 7PM

    CAP VHF net

    4/7 Group 14 BanquetWhen Sun, April 7, 2pm 6pm

    Where Cantigny Park (map)


    CAP VHF NetWhen Mon, April 8, 7:00pm 7:30pmWhere R25 and R41 Repeaters (map)

    4/12 Squadron Meeting 7PM

    ES Training BivouacWhen Apr 12 14, 2013Where Rock Cut State Park (map)Description ES Training Bivouac Rock CPark Hosted by IL-075

    4/14 ES Training BivouacWhen Apr 12 14, 2013Where Rock Cut State Park (map)Description ES Training Bivouac Rock CPark Hosted by IL-075



    VHF NET 7pm.

    Squadron MeetingWhen Fri, April 19, 7pm 10pm

    Where IL Wing Headquarters (Dupage A

    4/20 ILWG CD TrainingWhen Sat, April 20, 9am 5pmDescription, Counter Drug Training The Counter Drug training has been re-schedfrom April 13 to April 20 at Wing HQ (DPAPlease use the below listed form to sign uParticipants must be CD qualified and hacurrent aircrew rating (Mission Pilot, MissObserver, Mission Scanner. CD TrainingScheduled for 20 April 2013 at Wing HQ Hours.

    4/21 Orientation Flights (hosted by FVCS)When Sun, April 21, 8am 6pm

    Where Dupage Airport (KDPA) (map)

    4/26- Squadron Meeting 7PM

    FVCS Calendar:

    ILWG Calendar:



    03/01 FVCS Monthly newsletter

    03/07 7pm squadron meeting

    03/14 7pm squadron meeting

    03/20 7pm-10 Group 14 meeting

    03/21 7pm squadron meeting

    03/27 Community Consolidated dist.93 OpenHouse 5pm-8pm

    03/28 7pm Squadron Meeting

    FVCS Calendar:

    ILWG Calendar:


    1stFriday Testing2

    ndFriday PT Testing

    3rdFriday Aerospace Education, Moral Leadersh4thFriday Review Boards/Promotions5thFriday TBD


    1stFriday Aircrew Safety / Wing cleaning2ndFriday Professional Development Training3rdFriday Emergency Services Training4thFriday Commanders Choice*5thFriday Commanders Choice*

    *Suggestions always welcome and considered

    UNIFORM OF THE DAY (for Squadron Meetings

    At all Friday Night Squadron Meeting any valcomplete uniform may be worn. On the lastmeeting of each month, Blues are preferred. Uniforms are:

    BDUs, Blues, Polo Shirt/Grey Slacks(Seniors onFlight Suits (Seniors only)

    See Uniform Regulations at:

  • 8/12/2019 Fox Valley Squadron - Mar 2014

    2/13F o x V a l l e y C o m p o s i t e S q u a d r o n N e w s l e t t e r Page 2

    Ne' C()e* PAO : +o),e G('*ro.

    Congratulations! Cadet Jodie Gawthrop on her new appointment as a Cadet PAO, she islso a Technical Sergeant, Bravo Flight Sergeant Fox Valley Composite Squadron.

    Her enthusiasm and ability to work with cadets program will definitely make her auccessful Cadet PAO.


    /(00oon L(1n: Pre.(r,n3 *o /re( Reor)

    st Lt. Gary Brown preparing all cadets for the next Balloon Launch to break the worldecord.

    hoto: By Chaitanya joshi


    Co1n*er N(ro*,s:

    nterested members should contact the Wing CN Officer for details onhow to become qualified contact 1 Lt Rusty Wright [email protected].

    To qualify for the CN program you need to be a qualified Air CrewMember, Pilot, Observer or Scanner, and have 2 years in CAP. Toapply, fill out a CAPF 83. Print the form front to back, 1 sheet ofpaper. 2 page copies will not be processed by National so IL Wing willnot even send these to National..

    Form 83s should be mailed to:Lt. Edgar Wright,2118 Plum Grove Road, #340,Rolling Meadows, IL 60008.

    Start the process now to be qualified to participate in upcoming trainingessions which are to be announced.

    Check the upcoming events tab for info on CD training.


    Fox Valley Composite SquadronWebsite:

    Fox Valley Composite SquadronFacebook Page:

    Group 14 Website:

    IL Wing Website: http://www.ilcap

    Region Website:

    National Website:

    US Air Force Website:

    US Air Force Air University:


    Need a uniform, accessory or CAP logomerchandise? Use this coupon for 10%your next purchase at

  • 8/12/2019 Fox Valley Squadron - Mar 2014

    3/13F o x V a l l e y C o m p o s i t e S q u a d r o n N e w s l e t t e r Page 3

    N(*,on(0 "(ss C(re E5er,se:

    This is a non-CAP event which NHQ has asked use to bring to your attention. may be of interest to those involved in ES. See below and attached for details.

    National Mass Care Strategy (NMCS) Webinar: National Mass Care Exercise: Helping to Build State CapabilityTuesday, March 4th, from 3 to 4 pm (ET).

    Teleconference number: 800-320-4330, 524627#Main webinar link: captioning link:

    ROBERT J. WILLIAMS, Lt Col, CAPEmergency Services Officer (DOS)linois Wing

    Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary


  • 8/12/2019 Fox Valley Squadron - Mar 2014

    4/13F o x V a l l e y C o m p o s i t e S q u a d r o n N e w s l e t t e r Page 4

    Te I00,no,s F,re Serv,e Ins*,*1*e o66ersa wealth of classes and training relevant to, or required by

    CAP members active in emergency services, including ICS-300 !00 and "irst Aid, at various locations around Illinois#

    ee their website for details, schedule, and sign u$% htt$%www#fsi#illinois#educontentcourses

    &f note%

    CS 300:

    CARLINVILLE Friday, Mar 7 2014DOWNERS GROVE Monday, Mar 31 2014CARLYLE Friday, Jul 11 2014CS 400:HIGHLAND Saturday, Feb 8 2014DOWNERS GROVE Thursday, Apr 3 2014CARLYLE Saturday, Aug 2 2014

    - ROBERT J. WILLIAMS, Lt Col, CAPmergency Services &fficer ()&S*linois Wing

    Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary

    47-250-7751 Mobile630-584-0177, x106 Office



    As directed by CAP-USAF, Illinois Wing will participate in a Joint Wing Level Exercise (WLE) with Wisconsin Wingthe weeken1-13 April 2014.

    Details of the logistics are still being discussed, but the assumption is that the majority of activity will be in the Mid-SoutWisconsin / Mid-Northern Illinois areas.

    This is the largest-scale exercise ILWG will participate in this fiscal year, and is an important part of the Emergency Servramework for both Illinois and Great Lake Region. As some background, these mandated joint-wing WLEs replace the GuTraining Exercises (GTE) of years past.

    Our performance in this exercise will be a precursor for the Graded Evaluation in FY2015, and will shape thetraining emphasihe remainder of FY2014 as well as FY2015.

    This is considered an all-hands on deck training exercise, so please make the effort to participate.

    ooking at the calendar, we realize that April is wall-to-wall major CAP activities, and this will force some members to havhoose between activities. This is completely understandable, and we appreciate the continued effort and support our memive towards all three props of the CAP mission.

    Further details will be provided as they are finalized, and a preliminary sign-up sheet will be posted shortly.Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.

    Lt Col Williams


    FVCS Cadets and Seniorsif you have any Achievement, story or picture about CAP activities to share for FVCS newsletter please send it with your namontact number to :

    Chaitanya Joshi 2d Lt Mission Pilot , Public Affairs officerFox Valley Composite Squadron ( GLR-IL-274)United States Air Force Auxiliary - Civil Air PatrolPhone: (214)-282-9322 Email : [email protected]/ [email protected]

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  • 8/12/2019 Fox Valley Squadron - Mar 2014

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    Fo5 V(00ey Com.os,*e S1()ron "em8ers&

    n (n e66or* *o en(ne em(,0 omm1n,(*,on ',* S1()ron S*(66 'e (ve es*(80,se)

    e' em(,0 ())resses 6or ey s*(66 .os,*,ons -- ', so10) 8e more e(s,0y remem8ere) --

    (* yo1 m(y ,mme),(*e0y 8e3,n *o 1*,0,9e 6or on*(*,n3 *e 6o00o',n3 s1()ron )1*y



    [email protected] Squadron Commander

    [email protected] Squadron Deputy Commander [email protected] Deputy Commander for Seniors [email protected] Deputy Commander for Cadets


    [email protected] Aerospace Education Officer(s) [email protected] Administrative Officer(s) [email protected] Squadron Communications Officer(s)

    [email protected] Squadron Operations Officer(s) [email protected] Personnel Officer(s) [email protected] Squadron Finance Manager(s) [email protected] Historian Officer(s)

    [email protected] Information Technology Officer(s)

    [email protected] Logistics Officer(s) [email protected] Supply Officer(s)

    [email protected] Transportation Officer(s) [email protected] Squadron Public Affiars Officer(s) [email protected] Professional Development Officer(s)

    [email protected] Squadron Safety Officer(s)


    [email protected] [email protected] Squadron SAR/DR Mission Pilots (onlySAR\DR qualified)

    [email protected] [email protected] Squadron Pilots (all VFR, TMP andSAR\DR qualified)

    [email protected] [email protected] Squadron Aircrew (all qualified

    Mission Scanners, Observers & Pilots) [email protected] [email protected] Squadron Ground Teams

    (all qualified ground team members)


    [email protected] All Squadron Members

    [email protected] All Command Staff

    Email addresses will be updated as duty assignments change; so you never need to worrygain: "am I emailing the correct person?".

    Please save this email for future reference. This list will be constantly updated and isvailable online at:

    you have any questions or issues regarding these email addresses, please contact me.

    +ary rown, st .t

    )e$uty Commander for Seniors

    /ission Pilot, Asst &$erations Asst Public Affairs &fficer

    o1 2alley Com$osite Squadron (+.-I.-45!*

    6nited States Air "orce Au1iliary - Civil Air Patrol P7&8'% (930* 990-:43



    Cadets in your Unit: 34

    Seniors in your Unit: 44

    All Members in your Unit: 78

    Cadets in your Wing: 518

    Seniors in your Wing: 613

    National Cadet Count: 24822(as of 28 Feb 2014)

    National Senior Count: 34253(as of 28 Feb 2014)

    The Illinois Wing CAP, Safety Pinsnewsletter is now available online byfollowing this link.

    Major Corey StohlquistWing Director of Safety &

    Safety Officer Johnson FlightAcademy

  • 8/12/2019 Fox Valley Squadron - Mar 2014

    7/13F o x V a l l e y C o m p o s i t e S q u a d r o n N e w s l e t t e r Page 7

    Te ",n1*emen o6 *e A,r

    Today the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) boasts the largest fleet of single engine aircraft in the world. Thiof over 500 CAP owned aircraft plus gliders and several corporate aircraft exceeds in number theentire inventory of many nations. It was not always so. The evolution of its status from a strictlyvolunteer organization financed and peopled by pilots who wished to help defend America has segradual but important standardization of its aircraft.

    At the outbreak of the American Revolution the men most closely associated with immediate respto the threat of attack by the British or their Indian allies were those known as the Minutemen. Thitself is indicative of their quick response to those imperiling the nations fledgling first steps as the

    ame forward with their muskets. Nearly 170 years later, the nation was again protected by yet another quick response group of patrioticolunteers known as the pilots of the Civil Air Patrol. Unlike their earlier counterparts, they were equipped not with muskets but with their orsenal of aircraft that included an array of conventional aircraft capable of acting as a kind of homeland defense organization. The type ofircraft was as diverse as their membership of volunteers who brought their own aircraft to war.

    Although there were no standardized planes used in its Coastal Defense Program of World War II, the Civil Air Patrols pilots were oftenxperienced individuals who knew the value of planes befitting the various tasks that its members were compelled to undergo in their searc

    German submarines off the east coast of the U. S. Their use in search and rescue operations also required aircraft that could fly at speedommensurate with finding sailors and soldiers afloat in the ocean after enemy sinking of merchant as well as combat vessels. Despite thef aircraft its members brought to the fore, the eventual mainstay was that of the Fairchild 24 known for its rugged construction. It is perhahis aircraft which is most frequently depicted in imaginative renderings of the aircraft engaged in open ocean attacks on German submarinn SAR. An equally rugged version of this aircraft employed by CAP was the round-engine Fairchild 24. Later the Stinson 10A was amonther popular aircraft, volunteers buying them as they were produced by their Detroit manufacturers. Perhaps CAPs most distinctive aircnd one readily identifiable with its mission was that of the Sikorsky rescue amphibian. Capable of landing on water, it enabled search andescue pilots to actually haul people out of the water rather than having to wait for rescue vessels from the Coast Guard, Merchant Marine,

    Navy or private citizens.

    n the aftermath of World War II, the Civil Air Patrol became increasingly standardized in terms of its aircraft. The Aeronca L-16 eventuallyecame the stalwart of CAPs standardization process with the USAF conveying 332 to CAP in 1956 alone. World War II surplus L-4s or J

    Piper Cubs were also included in its inventory. Ex-military liaison planes were also transferred to CAP, some of them being the L-5 Sentineircraft larger than its more conventional brethren. Other aircraft brought into service during the 1960s and 70s included the Cessna L-19.

    However, the larger De Havilland was preferred in the rugged terrain of mountainous Alaska where they are still used today. For the vastmajority of CAP personnel the Cessna 172 with its distinctive red, white and blue coloring symbolizes the patriotic commitment of its voluntwho have replaced the Minutemen muskets with a fixed-wing airplane.

    By Eric Wentz



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    P%OTO OF T%E "ONT% : FVCS Cadets

    hoto by:

    Chaitanya Joshi 2d Lt Mission Pilot , Public Affairs officerox Valley Composite Squadron ( GLR-IL-274)nited States Air Force Auxiliary - Civil Air Patrolhone: (214)-282-9322 Email : [email protected]/ [email protected]


    N(*,on(0 Emer3eny Serv,es A()emy =NESA>:

    Applications are now being accepted for the 2014 National Emergency Services Academy (NESA) held at Camp Atterbury in Edinbundiana. Applications will be accepted through the 22nd of June for courses being held during our two session weeks from the 19th ouly through the 2nd of August 2014. There are courses for all members interested in emergency services, and this is a great opportuor both new and old members to come train with hundreds of other personnel from across the country that have already signed up tottend. Click herefor more information.

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    "AA Safety ies

  • 8/12/2019 Fox Valley Squadron - Mar 2014

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    (Implement 1 October 2013)

    AIR FORCE ASSIGNED MISSIONS (AFAM) - Reimbr!"ble #it$ %SAF &n'in

    *0 #earch and rescue missions assigned by the ir 1orce 2escue Coordination Center /12CC0& other 3o3 joint res

    oordination centers /las-a& Ha!aii& and Puerto 2ico0 or the 4oint Personnel 2ecovery Center /4P2C0.

    %0 3isaster relief missions flo!n under a mission number issued by the ir 1orce 5ational #ecurity Emergency Preparedffice /15#EP0& *st ir 1orce& **th ir 1orce& or PC1 /3oes not include disaster relief operations conducted under o

    ategories li-e "** or "*67 this mission symbol !ill be used primarily to pre8position assets !ith prior ir 1orce approva

    upport an event& or for CP to provide situational a!areness to ir 1orce for an incident prior to a state or federal mis


    :0 Counterdrug and drug interdiction missions.

    +0 1 training and evaluation missions.

    ;0 ir 1orce 2eserve

  • 8/12/2019 Fox Valley Squadron - Mar 2014

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    "*@0 Homeland #ecurity Missions.

    "%)0 Blider to! plane operation sorties supporting CPP +%8=& Cadet ?* evaluations not designated as an 1M.

    C@0 ir transportation flights to and from s9uadron& or higher& official conferences or meetings.

    C?0 Maintenance flights associated !ith actual maintenance or operational chec-s of po!ered or glider aircraft7 ferry fligh

    ir!orthy aircraft to and from Consolidated Maintenance Contract Program /CMCP0 facilities not reimbursed !ith 1 1u

    ther 5HA$LB approved maintenance flights /ll C? flights must be flo!n by current and 9ualified TMPs& MPs or C

  • 8/12/2019 Fox Valley Squadron - Mar 2014


    Ink Cartridge Fundraising Opportunity for Illinois Wing:

    Cartridge World Recycling Program

    Cartridge World will pay cash for cartridges collected for: The Civil Air Patrol. Cash will be paid in the following amounts:

    nk Cartridges $0.50 and Laser Cartridges $1.50

    Cartridges that will be accepted for credit include: All major manufacturers (HP, Canon, Epson, Brother, Lexmark, Dell), Cartridges thateen remanufactured by a major store (Staples, Office Max, Office Depot)

    Cartridges that will not be accepted for credit: Any non major labeled cartridge, generic, or knock off products. (The best method for deterthe cartridge is in this category is to examine the cartridge. If there is only one or less mention of manufacturer of the printer or if the p

    Replaces: XXXXX appears on the cartridge it is likely a knock off and will not be credited. If there is any confusion about what is and isnock off cartridge the store owner will help clarify any questions.)

    his is not a nationally sponsored program and has been arranged with the Cartridge World store located in Batavia, Illinois. You can checstore in your area to see if they too will do this for Civil Air Patrol as well (it is done by franchise). If not, please bring your empty ink and

    artridges to Illinois Wing Headquarters and leave for Capt. Terri Peters. Capt. Terri Peters will take the cartridges to the Batavia store anhe check for CAP. All funds will be deposited at the Wing level for uses to be determined at a later time by the Wing Finance Committee.