Questions 1 – 10. Choose the best answer for each question based on the given graphics or stimuli. 1. John is most probably ________ to know that he has won the first prize. A sad B excited C confused D angry 2. The notice above encourages us to be A considerate B courteous C careful D capable 3. 1 PLEASE FLUSH AFTER USE ! Do your part to ensure that our toilets stay clean PROVIDES 10 HOURS OF PROTECTION AGAINST PESKY MOSQUITOES. Using the latest innovative technologies, Ridall’s vapour mats have been strengthened with active ingredients that keep mosquitoes away for 10 hours, so that you can get a good peaceful sleeps every night. Read the label before use. Ridall’s - Gets rid of pests

Form4 English Test

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Questions 1 10.Choose the best answer for each question based on the given graphics or stimuli. 1.

John is most probably ________ to know that he has won the first prize.





The notice above encourages us to be






The advertisement above provides information about

Athe dangers of mosquitoes

Cthe latest innovative technologies

Bhow to get a good night sleep

Da product to keep away mosquitoes4.

The saying above is meant to






From the headline above, we know that

Athere was a travel fair in Penang last weekend

Bthousands of people bought travel packages

Cthere are thousands of people living in Penang

Dthe travel fair is held every weekend


From the dialogue above, we observe that

AVishantini is a quiet person

BVishantini is a sporty person

CVishantini is an inactive person

DVishantini is a calm person


From the line graph above, we can conclude that consumers

Alike this product

Bdo not like this product

Care not aware about this product

Drefrain from using this product


The decline in the numbers of fish is ___________ news






In the cartoon strip above, the grandfather says he

Adid not take part in any sport during school

Bran across the country

Cwas on the track team

Ddid not like sports10.

The notice above tells students to

Abe punctual

Bbe late

Cbe neat

Dbe polite

Questions 11 18.Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.








DTheirs12. Aof
























Questions 19 22.Choose the best answer based on the following advertisement.

19.The purpose of this advertisement is to

Apromote sensitive skin

Bendorse products to use on sensitive skin

Cprovide information on sensitive skin

Dadvise people to avoid those with sensitive skin

20.The word relieve can best be replaced with





21.Which of the following statements is true ?

AItchiness and redness are normal skin conditions

BProlonged exposure to the sun can cause sensitive skin

CSensitive skin is only caused by internal factors

DSensitive skin is rarely dry

22.Using mild products specially formulated for the skin will

Alead to healthy skin

Blead to dry skin

Clead to oily skin

Dlead to sensitive skin

Questions 23 24.Choose the best answer based on the following e-mail.

22.When did Sharmini arrived in Kansas ?

Ain summer

Bin spring

Cin autumn

Din winter

23.The word astonished can best be replaced with





24.The phrase this fear refers to

ASharminis worry of making new friends

BSharminis dread of snow

CSharminis dread of teachers

DSharminis worry of doing well in high school

25.How long is Sharmini staying in Kansas ?

Aone month

Btwo months

Cfive months

Dsix months

26.How are Kamini and Sharmini related ?

AThey are friends.

BThey are cousins.

CThey are sisters.

DThey are classmates.

27.Which of the following would Sharmini normally not be able to experience ?

AMaking new friends.

BChoosing her own classes.

CWalking around her new school.

DTelling her friends about her country.

Read the notice below carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.


If you:

care about nature

enjoy the outdoors

are physically fit (or want to be)

are fun loving

Join Us and Be a Nature Buddy

Application forms* are available at the office.

We are looking for 150 members before 31 March 2006.

List of activities, clubs objectives and membership rules are also available at

the office.

Nature Buddy

Room 4 Ground Floor

Block M

Sri Perdana International


*Parental permission required

28. The main purpose of the notice is to

A inform students about a club

B persuade students to join a club

C tell students about the activities of the club

D give the students the address of the office of the club

30. From the notice, we know that

A Nature Buddy is a club in school

B you can become a member at any time

C you and your parents must join the club

29. To be a Nature Buddy, you have to

A be a good scout

B be physically fit

C have parental approval

D join after a certain period

31. Which of the following activities

will the Nature Buddy Club most likely plan?

A A clean-up of an orphanage

B An exhibition on the mangroves

C A talk on the dangers of smoking

Read the passage below carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.

The two salesgirls continued talking even though one of them could see a customer approaching the counter. He had to wait for a full five minutes before Mei Ling, one of the salesgirls, turned to him with a bored look on her face.

I wonder if you could show me the latest range belts in the store, the Malay man said.

Mei Ling lazily pointed with her finger and said, They are over there. Then she resumed her conversation with her friend.

As soon as the customer was out of earshot, she complained, Did you see how shabbily he was dressed? He must be blind too, as the belts are just around the corner, and he missed them. Some people are just too lazy!

At closing time, Miss Chan, the sales supervisor walked over to Mei Lings counter and asked if a Malay man had approached her for some belts.

Yes, as a matter of fact he did, Mei Ling replied.

Well, I hope you showed him our range and impressed him with the service our company is famous for. Encik Husni is the new chairman of our company, Mis Chan said with a smile. Mei Ling, are you all right? You suddenly look pale.32. What were the salesgirls engaged in

when Encik Husni approached?

A Stock taking

B Conversation

C Folding clothes

D Tagging items on offer

33.When Encik Husni approached the

counter, Mei Ling should have

A ignored him completely

B pretended not to see him at all

C continued talking to her friend

D stopped talking and attended to him


34.Instead of merely pointing her finger

to show Encik Husni where the belts

were, Mei Ling ought to have

A made fun of his dressing

B asked her friend where they were

C accompanied him to where they


35.According to the passage, Encik

Husni was

A a valued customer

B treated shoddily

C evaluating his employees

D was not satisfied with the service

36.From the passage, we know that

A Mei Ling is Miss Chans


B Mei Ling will be punished for her


C Encik Husni was desperate to see

the latest range of belts

D Encik Husni wanted to learn about

the day-to-day operations of the


37.How did Mei Ling probably feel at

the end of the passage?

A Calm

B Angry

C Excited

D Worried


Do your part to ensure that our toilets stay clean & pleasantly fragrant.


Using the latest innovative technologies, Ridalls vapour mats have been strengthened with active ingredients that keep mosquitoes away for 10 hours, so that you can get a good peaceful sleeps every night.

Read the label before use. Ridalls - Gets rid of pests

Aim for the moon, even if you miss,

youll fall among the stars

Thousands throng annual travel fair held in

Penang over the last weekend.


12 000

10 000

8 000

6 000

4 000

2 000


1998 2000 2002 2004 20062008

Kuala Lumpur : Your favourite fish may not be on your dining table

in 10 years. Fish are becoming harder to catch and getting smaller in

size. Land reclamation, silting, deforestation and water pollution have

disrupted the fishs food chain and breeding patterns of some of their


To all students,

Please congregate in the school hall for tomorrows assembly by 7.30 a.m.

Latecomers will not be allowed in.

The Principal

Men and women do think differently, at least where 11 anatomy of the brain is concerned, according 12 a new study.

The brain 13 made primarily of two different types of tissues, called grey matter and white matter. This new research 14 that men think more with their grey matter, and women think more with white. Researchers stressed that just because the two sexes think differently, this does not affect intellectual performance.

Psychology professor Richard Haier of the University of California, led the research along with colleagues from the University of New Mexico. 15 findings show that 16 general, men have nearly 6.5 times the amount of grey matter related to general intelligence 17 to women, whereas women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence compared to men.

18 findings suggest that human evolution has created two different types of brains designed for equally intelligent behaviour said Haier.

Extracted from http://www.livescience.com

Do you have sensitive skin ?

If you are unsure whether you have sensitive skin, check for some of these skin conditions on your

face or body :

itchinesspeeling off skin

rednessstinging / burning sensations

tightness of skin

What causes sensitive skin ?

External FactorsInternal Factors

Environmental-Poor diet and drugs

-Ill health and diseases


Sun exposure-Hormonal influences

-Natural ageing process

Lifestyle Habits-Stress

Excessive air conditioning

Hot showers

Overuse of detergents and soaps

Incompatible skincare products

Harsh skin treatments


What is the best to treat sensitive skin ?

A common feature of sensitive skin is dry skin. The health of the skin depends on the oil water balance of the epidermal barrier. As such, it is very important to use mild products designed to relieve irritation. Bathe with a cleanser that is formulated to cleanse without compromising the barrier function.

Dear Kamini,

Hi there ! Im so excited to tell you about my experience in Kansas so far.

When I first arrived at Kansas City International Airport, it was covered with snow, which was really exciting since we never get snow in Malaysia.

My first day of school at Kansas High was nerve-racking for me. I have to learn to make my way around this school of 2000 students for the next six months! Ive always loved making new friends but doing it in a foreign country was quite scary. However, this fear proved unfounded as I was welcomed by the students with open arms. The students were interested to learn about Malaysia, especially since it is on the other side of the world. Many people were astonished at the fact that I come from a city with a population of 420,000 residents, or the pictures that showed Kuala Lumpur filled with skyscrapers, towering hundreds of feet high.

In school, Ive been able to take part in many activities which I would not have been able to experience at school in Malaysia, such as choosing the classes that I want to take and having to walk from class to class instead of the teachers doing it, and also enjoying superbly-performed musicals and plays.

Im learning how to understand and adapt to certain American cultures which are not the same as cultures in Malaysia. This helps me to be more prepared for the challenges and diversities that I must face in life. Im becoming more outgoing and able to understand and interact with people from different backgrounds and viewpoints as well as to respect their opinions.

I am looking forward to making full use of my remaining time here to gain even more enjoyable experiences.

Well, thats all for now. Ill e-mail you again soon. Please send my love to all at home.

Your sister,


Total of products sold

