FORGIVE AND FORGET (24 · FORGIVE AND FORGET (24th SOTY A). Mercy and forgiveness are very strong attributes of God. He pardons all our sins, frees us from guilt and reconciles us

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Page 1: FORGIVE AND FORGET (24 · FORGIVE AND FORGET (24th SOTY A). Mercy and forgiveness are very strong attributes of God. He pardons all our sins, frees us from guilt and reconciles us
Page 2: FORGIVE AND FORGET (24 · FORGIVE AND FORGET (24th SOTY A). Mercy and forgiveness are very strong attributes of God. He pardons all our sins, frees us from guilt and reconciles us
Page 3: FORGIVE AND FORGET (24 · FORGIVE AND FORGET (24th SOTY A). Mercy and forgiveness are very strong attributes of God. He pardons all our sins, frees us from guilt and reconciles us

County Fair Donations Needed

Items Needed Quantity Needed

Nacho Cheese 10 (gallon sized)

Jalapenos 3 (gallon sized)

Dill Pickles 5 (gallon sized)

Diced Tomatoes 15 (gallon sized)

Beans 100 pounds

Also, we need cases of bottled water in the 16.9 ounce size so

that all water sold is consistently the same size.

And, we need soft drinks. PLEASE only bring the following

brands and flavors: Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Coke, Diet Coke, Doc

Holliday and Sierra Mist.

Please bring donations to the St. Rose of Lima Parish office or

leave your donations on the tables in the church entrance after

all Masses . Thank you!


We need help for the Graham County Fair.

Sign up sheets are on the table in the church

entrance. Volunteers are needed from

Thursday, Oct. 5 through Sunday, Oct. 8th for:

Burro rolling & wrapping

Food preparation

Food runners

Setup food booth

Food Booth

FORGIVE AND FORGET (24th SOTY A). Mercy and forgiveness are very strong attributes of God. He

pardons all our sins, frees us from guilt and reconciles us to

Himself through the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross. God

pardons all our sins and restores sanctifying grace to each

repentant sinner. He bestows upon us the gift of the Holy Spirit to

be able to love and forgive even our worst enemies. We are to rise

above our human weaknesses, which makes one prone to benefit

from God’s forgiveness and reluctant to forgive our fellow human

beings the sins they commit against us.

Heinrich Heine was a highly talented German lyric poet.

However, he wasted his genius on writing satirical defamations on

anyone who disagreed with him. He once wrote; my nature is the

most peaceful in the world. All l ask is a simple cottage, a decent

bed, good food, some flowers in front of my window, and a few

trees beside my door. Then if God wanted to make me wholly

happy, He would let me enjoy the spectacle of six or seven of my

enemies dangling from these trees. I would forgive them for all the

wrong they have done to me- forgive them from the bottom of my

heart, for we must forgive our enemies. But not until they were

hanged! The grace of the Holy Spirit enables us to transcend this

natural inclination to get even so as to reciprocate the forgiveness

we received from God in relation to our neighbor. He that cannot

forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself;

for everyone has need to be forgiven his or her sins by God

whether they are grave or not.

R. 1 Eccl 27: 30- 28:7, tells us to forgive our neighbor who hurt

and infringe on our fundamental human rights as a basic

requirement for us to experience compassion, mercy and

forgiveness from God. Forgiveness is needed to forestall bitter

hatred and resentment against others as well as to restore lost

relationship with others and with God. Anybody who keeps a

record of wrongs lacks the capacity to give and receive forgiveness

and sanctifying graces from God. Therefore, each of us is to have

a kind of a lost memory of other peoples’ sins; forgive and forget.

This will enable us to act like God: slow to anger and rich in


In today’s Gospel, Mt 18: 21-35, in answer to Peter’s question;

Lord, how long must l forgive my brother if he wrongs me? Jesus

gave a graceful response, l tell you not seven, but seventy seven


Jesus wanted to make it known that mercy and forgiveness are

expected to be perpetual qualities of our daily Christian life. For

as it is often said; to err is human, to forgive is divine so it were

that “ when we made our first profession of faith while receiving

the holy Baptism that cleansed us, the forgiveness that we received

then was so full and complete: that there remained in us

absolutely nothing left to efface, neither original sin nor offences

committed by our own will, nor was there left any penalty to

suffer in order to expiate them.. Yet the grace of baptism delivers

no one from all the weakness of nature. On the contrary, we must

still combat the movement of concupiscence that never cease

leading us into evil

(CCC 978). The good news is that God’s forgiveness and mercy

are without limit. He continues to forgive all our offences

especially through the church until the very last end of our lives.

Therefore, Jesus is telling each of us that there is no use keeping a

record of sins which others commits against us up to seventy seven

times. Just as there are seven days in a week, so we are to be fully

disposed to forgive sins on each day of the week always until our

last day on earth for it is in giving that we will receive forgiveness

and the gift of eternal life.

All said and done, It is difficult to forgive because sin hurts, it

wounds, tear apart, it rob us of loved ones whom it kills. How is it

possible to forgive and forget such a fatal and tragic experience

when the life of a loved one is lost to the bullet of a gun man, a

violent abuser, a kidnapper or someone who defraud us of hard

earned fortune? Humanly speaking, we find it difficult and say

that; I will forgive but not forget! To forgive and forget is God’s

way of showing that He loves us unconditionally. Love is not

irritable and keeps no record of wrongs (1Cor 13 :5). Once we

repent, God forgives and forgets all our transgressions. Hence, we

too are obliged to do the same to the one who offends us. How can

we be able to forgive and forget ? Who can truly forgive seventy

seven times while keeping track? Who can forgive perpetually

without becoming a forgiving person? Who can forgive the other

person’s sins while putting chalk parks on the wall? To keep track

is not to forgive but is rather to record progress. To forgive and

forget does not mean lost of memory.

To forgive and forget is to allow the grace of God to heal the

painful memories of the hurt, the injury and the damage caused

by an offender to each of us. It means, not to dwell so much and

too much on the problems it has caused us but to depend solely on

the power and providence of God who is able to save us much

more than we can ever imagine.

By giving too much importance to an insult or offence we can fix it

in our minds. There are some who cannot forget because those

who harm them show no remorse and no sympathy for the evil

they do to them or a loved one. Others under the cloak of not

being able to forget, hide their hatred. They say that they forgive,

but cannot forget. That is no real pardon. What would be our

state if God forgave but would not forget nor admit us into heaven

with him? We must act towards our neighbor as though we did

not take into consideration his or her fault, which has already

been forgiving by us. It is a forgetting of the will not of the flesh. If

a thing can not be remedied at least it can be sweetened. We can

also forget by letting go of the strong desire to revenge the offence.

Then, resolve to pay evil with good as St. Paul would have it: do

not repay anyone evil for evil; be concerned for what is noble

before all (Romans 12:17).

Page 4: FORGIVE AND FORGET (24 · FORGIVE AND FORGET (24th SOTY A). Mercy and forgiveness are very strong attributes of God. He pardons all our sins, frees us from guilt and reconciles us


Second Collections: Hurricane Harvey: 9/ 16&17th/17

Diocesan Catholic Schools: 9/23&24/17

Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction is

every Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

A compliance representative will be at St. Rose of

Lima from 1:30pm to 2:30 pm 2nd Thursday of the

month. All New Volunteers are required to begin the

clearance process for 2016-2017.

Spanish Choir Practice meets every Thursday at

6:00 pm in the church.


Baptisms The parents of the child to be baptized must submit a copy of the baby's birth certificate. Parents and godparents need to attend the parish baptismal

class. Classes are given on the second Saturday of the month from 10:00 a.m. until noon. Please call the office to sign up for the next scheduled class. All

requirements for the Diocese of Tucson and Saint Rose of Lima will be given to the parents at this time. Baptisms are performed the first and third Saturdays at

10:00 a.m. Our office staff is limited, therefore, sponsors and godparents proof of sacraments, documents and payment must be submitted at least one month before

the baptism. When choosing godparents, if they are married, they must be married through the Catholic church, if single you must not be living with a

partner. Donation is $20.00.

Quinceañera The candidate and her parents must contact the office at least one (1) year or more before the date requested. Quinceañera are not performed during

Holy Days. Requirements: active within the parish, youth group, Religious Education, Mass attendance, etc. or Six(6) sets of meetings and volunteer ministries given

by Fr. Robert. Cost is $250.00. There is a non-refundable deposit of $100.00 to hold the date. Balance to the church must be received in the office one week

before the ceremony.

Weddings The couple must contact office at least 6 months prior to the desired wedding date. An appointment will be made for the couple. At that time it will be

determined if the date desired is available, and all requirements for the Diocese of Tucson and Saint Rose of Lima will be given to the couple. Donation is

$150.00.There is a non-refundable deposit of $50.00 to hold the date. Balance to the church must be received in the office one week before the ceremony.


St. Rose of Lima Weekend Collections

September 9th-10th, 2017

Offertory $ 4,631.44

ST. Vincent de Paul $ 71.00

Building Fund $ 524.00

Redemptorist Ministries $ 172.00

Thank you for your support, Fr. Robert Rodriguez

Sat. 6pm +Jennifer Mayer

Sun. 7am +Veronica Lucero


Health & Birthday Blessing for Leilani



+Ramon, +Romalda, & +Daniel


6pm +Rene Sanchez

Mon 8am Communion Service

Tues 8am +Arturo Robinson

Wed 8am +Abe & +Inez Rivas

Thurs 8am +Erlinda Waller

Fri 8am Birthday Blessings for Jeff Vaughn

Sat 6pm +Rosario & +Beatriz Ramirez

Sun 7am +Mary Antillion

10am +Alvaro & + Luz Castrellon, & +Cuca


In Thanksgiving to the Infant Jesus of


6 pm Saint Rose of Lima Parishioners

Mass Intentions for Sept. 16th,- Sept 24th,2017

Messengers of Mary: Prays the Holy Rosary Monday -

Friday at 7:30 a.m. before Mass.

The officers are Juanita Boehler, 348-8288 , Grace

Hemmerling, 623-853-5746,Lucy Kin 428-1491, & Ana

Berta Rodriguez 428-2317.

You can call any officer for prayers or Consecration to

Jesus through Mary. We gather together for spiritual

talks every other Thursday and special occasions. We

welcome all newcomers.

BULLETIN DEADLINE: Please everyone if you

want something put in the Bulletin have it in by

Tuesday at 12:00 PM. Noon


Fr. Jorge Farias Saucedo

Saturday Confession & Preaching at all Masses!

Saturday Sept.30th & Oct. 1st, 2017



(HOMEBOUND) There will be a meeting for current Lectors and anyone

wishing to become a Lector on Saturday, September

30th at 9:30 a.m. in St. Luke’s Room.

There will be a meeting immediately following for the

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion (Homebound)

at 10:30 a.m. in St Luke’s Room. This is very important

meeting. Please notify Veta Estrada if you are unable to

attend. 965-7411 or [email protected].

Page 5: FORGIVE AND FORGET (24 · FORGIVE AND FORGET (24th SOTY A). Mercy and forgiveness are very strong attributes of God. He pardons all our sins, frees us from guilt and reconciles us

RCIA Classes: Sunday start with Mass at 6pm is

considered as part of class. Class starts at 7pm to 8pm.


RE Office: Is open Monday-Friday from 8am to

12noon. (928)348-4785. Registration will be on

going in RE office/ the Parish Office.

Upcoming Events:

September 21st, 2017. First Parent Sacraments Class.

At 6:00pm in the Church.

If anyone is interested in teaching or helping with the

Religious Education Program for this year 2017-2018.

Please call the office at 348-4785, or 428-0149 to get

your compliance done.

A compliance representative will be at St. Rose of

Lima from 1:30 pm to 2:30pm every 2nd Thursday of

the month.

St. Rose of Lima Compliance: Our Common Commitment

We share a common commitment, to protect our children and vulnerable adults. We are committed to conduct our lives in a manner that is consistent with our faith. We are committed to work in such a way that others might see and experience the integrity and compassion that we profess.

Important: All ministry leaders are responsible to ensure that all their volunteers are in compliance with the Tucson Diocese Guidelines

Confirmation : Class for Confirmation I

(Freshmen) 5:00pm in the Hall Confirmation II (Sophomores) 7:00pm in the Hall Mass is at 6:00 pm. Mandatory for all Confirmation students and recommended for parents and sponsors to attend also. This is mandatory for Students


Lima is asking for donations of Catholic Books for the

Parish Library the church is organizing. Fiction, non

fiction, and children's books are all needed. Donations

can be dropped off in the Saint Rose of Lima Parish


Youth Choir: Junior and High School meet at 5pm to

6pm on Wednesday.

In Need of a Bus Driver: Apply at St.

Rose of Lima Parish Office Will need to

go thru compliance as soon as possible.

Starting at $12 an hour. It is about 1hr a

day and 3days a week.

While school is in session.

We only have a

temporary Bus Driver.

We will pay for License

and Physical.

Its not to late you can still help we are in Need of

Substitute Teachers & Office Aides! Call RE

office at 348-4785.


Safford has been selected as a Facing Addiction Pilot

Community. We are recruiting advocates from recovery,

affected families, law enforcement, prevention leaders,

business leaders, the faith community and the medical

community. Please join us in helping to make a positive

change in our community. There will be a Training

October 14 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Graham

County General Services meeting room. Contact Jan

Napier, 928-322-2111 or Jane Villalba 928-651-3025

for more information.

We are praying for…..

Margarita Ramos

Conrado Chavez


25 YEARS September 30th, 2017 from 6:00-9:00pm.

St. Francis De Sales Parish

1375 S. Camino Seco

Tucson Az.

Come join us in our Annual Banquet & Fundrasier, Special

Speaker and Honoree will be Elizabeth Celenza. As she

retires from 25 years of service as the coordinator of

Magnificat here in Tucson. Our Banquet will include a Catered

Dinner , Music and Raffle. The cost is $20.00 per-person or

Reserve a table for 8 at $150.00. tickets can be purchased from

any team member or call Gloria Robert at (520) 237-7060.

Must RSVP by September 24th, 2017. We encourage all

former Speakers, retired team members, Spiritual Directors,

and new committee members to join us for and evening of

Celebration and Reunion! All are welcome so don’t miss

this Co-ed event.

Page 6: FORGIVE AND FORGET (24 · FORGIVE AND FORGET (24th SOTY A). Mercy and forgiveness are very strong attributes of God. He pardons all our sins, frees us from guilt and reconciles us


Weekend Collections Sept 10th, 2017

Offertory $ 535.00

St. Vincent de Paul $ 2.00

Building Fund $ 5.00

Roof fund Donations $ 574.00

Mass Intentions for Sept 17,-Sept 24th, 2017

Sun 8:30am Joseph, +Mary & +Bernie Risso &

+Efren Tellez Jr.

Mon 9:00am Health & Well-being of Dolly Montoya

Tues. 9:00am Health & Well-being of Margarita


Wed. 9:00am Health & Well-being Alicia Martinez, &

Helen Lopez

Thurs. 9:00am Health & Well-being of Mary Montez

Fri 9:00am Health & Well-being of Martha

Navarrette, & Louisa Maldonado

Sun 8;30am Our Lady of Guadalupe Parishioners

Sunday of Ordinary Time September 17th, 2017

Second Collections:

9-17-17 Hurricane Harvey

9-24-17 Diocesan Catholic Schools



OLG Gift Shop is open on week days at 9:30-3:00pm.

Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction is Friday from 9:30 - 10:30 AM after 9:00am Mass.

Pray the rosary Monday-Friday at 8:30 before Mass.

If anyone is interested in teaching or helping

with the Religious Education Program for next year, 2017-2018. Please call the office at 428-0149.

Volunteers are needed to help clean the

church, please call OLG office at 428-0149. Only candles bought from OLG will be allowed in the church. Thank you for your cooperation. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church now has a keyboard piano/organ. If anyone is interested in playing the organ, please call OLG, so we may place it in the Church for your use.

Envelopes for the roof fund can be found on pews and

the entrance of the church, labeled Church Expenses.

Compliance Our Common Commitment: We share a common commitment, to protect our children

and vulnerable adults. We are committed to conduct our

lives in a manner that Is consistent with our faith. We are

committed to work in such a way that others might see

and experience the integrity and compassion that we pro-


Important: All ministry leaders are responsible to

ensure that all their volunteers are in compliance

with the Tucson Diocese Guidelines.

A compliance representative will be at St. Rose of

Lima from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm every 2nd Thurs-

day of each month.


GOSPEL REFLECTION: May the parable in

today’s Gospel helps us to understand the depths of God's

mercy toward us and transform us to extend our

forgiveness and mercy to others.

Mixed Choir Practice (children & adults) – Choir

practice is held every Tuesday at 4:30 in the church. No

experience or audition necessary. All are welcome!

RE Education Classes – It is not too late to join us!

Please enroll your child for religious education. Religious

Education is available for all children grades K-8.

FYI – In an effort to raise the much-needed funds to

replace our church roof, we are replacing all monthly Family

Day breakfasts with fundraising breakfasts. Please join us for

breakfast and help support our efforts to reach our goal!

Safe Environment Meeting – There will be a mandatory

Safe Environment meeting for all parents of RE students next

Sunday, September 24, after Mass in the parish hall. Please

mark your calendar.

Thank You – A BIG thank you to everyone who joined us for

breakfast last Sunday. Special thanks to our cooks, Claudia

Rios, Lucy Jurado, and Carmen Escobedo. Thanks to your

attendance and donations, we raised almost $200 for the roof


Upcoming Events: September 17 – Parish Potluck Luncheon

TODAY @ 1 p.m.

September 18 – RE Class

September 24 – MANDATORY Safe

Environment Meeting for RE parents

September 25 – RE Class


Our Lady of Guadalupe

Fiesta and Rosary Walk:

More details at a later Date.

A Potluck is planned for Sunday, September 17, 2017

at 1:00pm. at the OLG parish hall. Everyone

welcome! Bring your favorite dish.

Page 7: FORGIVE AND FORGET (24 · FORGIVE AND FORGET (24th SOTY A). Mercy and forgiveness are very strong attributes of God. He pardons all our sins, frees us from guilt and reconciles us



215 E US Hwy 70

Safford AZ


ORTEGA’S SHOES Mt. Graham Shopping

Center Richard & Theresa Ortega

Elodia—Valerie 928.428.0636


350 E. Armory Road Safford, AZ


SECULAR FRANCISCAN St. Elizabeth of Hungary


Meets 2nd Saturdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

At Our Lady of Guadalupe Church David Esquivel, Minister


Kachina Hot Springs

Mineral Spa 1155 W Cactus Rd

Safford, AZ 928.428.7212



COLUMBUS Richard Ortega, Grand Knight 928.428.0636

Meets 1st Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Walneck’s Safford Sewing Center

Jeff & Virginia Walneck Parishioners

Hwy 70 & 3rd Ave



OF THE AMERICAS Court St. Rose of Lima #2398

Helen Romero, Regent 928.965.6604

Meets 3rd Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

At St. Rose of Lima

In St. Matthew’s room


Groceries-General Merchandise




PHONE: 928.428.1844


Michelle A. Wilson Agent

610 W. Main St

Safford, AZ 85546


[email protected]

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Gift Shop

Solomon, AZ

Open Monday—Friday 9:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m.



*Full day Preschool

*Over 25 years of classroom experience

* AZ State Licensed *Low Student/Teacher ratio

Owner: Loretta Desaulniers




Sonora's Hot Dogs $3.50

Mexican's Drinks $2.50

415 E US Hwy 70, Safford, AZ

Now Serving Breakfast @ 11AM 928.428.7148

St. Rose of Lima

Gift Shop In the Parish Office

Open Monday—Friday 8:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m.



For more information, contact St. Rose of Lima Parish Office


707 S. 6th Ave

Safford, AZ


Greens Furniture

David Montez the Furniture King

520 W. 5th St Safford, Az 428.5900

Fifth Avenue Florist 516 S. 5th Avenue, Saf-

ford 928.428.2491

Mon—Fri 9 a.m.—5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.—12 p.m.

Bulletin Ads $150/Year

Michael R Andazola Sr Council Member

717 W Main St, Safford, AZ

Page 8: FORGIVE AND FORGET (24 · FORGIVE AND FORGET (24th SOTY A). Mercy and forgiveness are very strong attributes of God. He pardons all our sins, frees us from guilt and reconciles us