My Response: Our Response during the service is an act of worship. Do write your reflections on a Response Form and place it in either of the offering bags. Holy Communion: We welcome baptized believers to join in the Lord s Supper. Tithes & Offerings: Giving cheerfully & sacrificially of our finances is part of our worship. Giving serves as a constant reminder that God is our provider, & we seek to honour Him with our tithes & offerings. Red Bag - General & Ministry Fund, Blue Bag - Missions Fund. Please address your cheque to: Bethesda Frankel Estate Church ”. 4 La Salle Street, Singapore 456930. Tel: 6448 1800 Fax: 6448 0831 Email: [email protected] Website: hp://bfec.org.sg Church Office Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm Sat & Sun: 9am-1pm For Internal Circulation Only 24 September 2017 Pulpit Series: Journey to Glory — Lessons from Exodus Topic: Exodus Chapters 1 & 2 — According to PlanOne Service at 9am Speaker: Jason Sin Rooted in the Living Word Empowered by the Holy Spirit Abiding in Christ only Daring to Hope and to Love Yielding Fruit To Gods Glory Welcome to Bethesda Frankel Estate Church In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.Matthew 5:16 Exodus 2:24-25 24 God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. 25 So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them. 1. God has a plan for His people 2. Gods plan is opposed by the wicked 3. God defeats the wicked and works out His plan 4. Gods people respond according to His plan

For Internal Circulation Only Welcome to Bethesda Frankel ......2018/11/24  · Welcome to Bethesda Frankel Estate Church “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so

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Page 1: For Internal Circulation Only Welcome to Bethesda Frankel ......2018/11/24  · Welcome to Bethesda Frankel Estate Church “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so

My Response: Our Response dur ing the ser vice is an act of wor ship. Do wr ite your r eflections on a Response For m and place it in either of the offering bags. Holy Communion: We welcome baptized believers to join in the Lord’s Supper.

Tithes & Offerings: Giving cheer fully & sacr ificially of our finances is par t of our wor ship. Giving ser ves as a constant r eminder that God is our provider, & we seek to honour Him with our tithes & offerings. Red Bag - General & Ministry Fund, Blue Bag - Missions Fund.

Please address your cheque to: “Bethesda Frankel Estate Church”.

4 La Salle Street, Singapore 456930. Tel: 6448 1800 Fax: 6448 0831 Email: [email protected] Website: http://bfec.org.sg Church Office Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm Sat & Sun: 9am-1pm

For Internal Circulation Only 24 September 2017

Pulpit Series: Journey to Glory — Lessons from Exodus Topic: Exodus Chapters 1 & 2 — “According to Plan”

One Service at 9am

Speaker: Jason Sin

Rooted in the Living Word Empowered by the Holy Spirit Abiding in Christ only Daring to Hope and to Love Yielding Fruit To God’s Glory

Welcome to Bethesda Frankel Estate Church “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give

glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Exodus 2:24-25

24 God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. 25 So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them.

1. God has a plan for His people

2. God’s plan is opposed by the wicked

3. God defeats the wicked and works out His plan

4. God’s people respond according to His plan

Page 2: For Internal Circulation Only Welcome to Bethesda Frankel ......2018/11/24  · Welcome to Bethesda Frankel Estate Church “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so

Keep this for your Prayers & Participation

Reminder: Please submit any announcement for consideration in the next bulletin by Tuesday through your Ministry Head

24 September 2017

OUR OTHER REGULAR MEETINGS Cell Groups… 45 cell groups meet during the week. To join one, con-tact Shirley Soo Tel: 62414622 Email: [email protected]

9214 (Seniors): Bible Study & Fellowship (Sun 10am @ ClassRmA1); FrankeLights (Bible Study) (Mon 10am-11:30am @ Vineyard) Table Tennis @ Upper Rm (Tue 6pm, Thu 3pm, Sat 9:30am) Hanyu Pinyin Class (1st & 3rd Wed, 2pm-3:30pm @ Vineyard)

Ladies’ Group: Tue 8pm @ Annexe 5/9 Cooking/Homecraft Demo 12/9 Ms Yap Seok Chin 19/9 Ms Oh Swee Eng 26/9 Gracetoration Study Series Chinese Evergreen Fellowship: Wed 10:30am - 1pm @ Upper Room 27/9 基督教与华人传统 — 林国兴牧师

Jesus Club: Alternate Wed 6 Sep 7:30pm

Precept Class - Nehemiah: 28/9 Thu 7:45pm - 10pm @ Chapel

Church Prayer Ministry: Fri 8pm @ Chapel 8/9 Sharing on Grow@Noon Ministry — Kelvin Ng 15/9 Open Ministry — Wong Lee Pin / Diana Chin Cell Group 22/9 Plugged-On Prayer 29/9 A Pattern of Prayer — Elder Danny Chua

Peranakan Ministry: 2nd & 4th Sat 4pm @ Chapel 9/9 Permohonan Tuhan — Ps Eddie Chandra 23/9 Berdoa mentang banteng — Pastor Felix Lo Foreign Indian Workers’ Fellowship English Class: Sat (except last Sat) 8pm–9:30 pm @ Class Room A1 Tamil Service: Sundays 11:15am–12:30pm @ Fellowship Room. Contact Letch (HP:93870245)

International Fellowship (Indonesian & Filipino): Sun 10am—11:40am @ Lvl 3 Excel Room & Class Rm C3

WAG: Sat 30 Sep, 7:30pm @ home of Song family Topic: Strength for the Weary (Is 40:27-31) Speaker: Rev Vincent Goh

Have A Prayer Request? Write it in the Response For m

so we can alert the F.I.R.E. team to pray with you.

Frankel Intercessors Ready Everywhere & everytime

BFEC Cares Ministry - Need a trained and committed caregiver to journey with you (or someone you know) through a difficult time? Enquire with Lindis or Fang Fang at [email protected]

Pulpit Series: Journey to Glory—Lessons from Exodus

Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. (James 5:14) Do approach any of the Elders after service at the Tarpaulin area or in the main hall.

Basic Vocal Techniques Workshop All of us have a musical instrument in our body! It’s unique and different from man-made instruments! It’s

our VOICE…GOD’S GIFT to us! Ir replaceable once damaged! Join Lindis Every Monday night in October from 8.00 – 9.30 pm @ Chapel Cost : $10 Max : 20 participants Sign up with Ching Yun at main office.

Support the work of New Hope Community Services! Jumping Festival - 21 Oct 9am - 5pm Singapore Expo Hall 5 New Hope, a Christian community service organization, is organizing a Jump-ing Festival in aid of major refurbishing works at 10, La Salle Street to con-vert it into "Kampung Siglap Retreat & Lifeskills Training Centre". We en-

courage Frankelites to take up a booklet of 20 tickets ($20 per ticket) to help raise funds or give generously to this work of God which our church is led to partner in. Our church has been assigned 100 booklets. (Tax exemptions available. Details in donation tickets.)

Upcoming Grow at Noon events!! Karimun mission trip (Nov 17-19) G@N camp (Dec 19-22) Christmas Carolling (practices on Sunday afternoons Oct, Nov, Dec) Please approach the G@N leaders if you are interested to serve/participate in these events or to open your homes for the carollers!

The exodus is the one main event that Israel is always called to recall when they try to relate to who God is, much like our salvation on the cross. Studying how God’s hand moved the events that led to the exodus and His reasons/motivations for doing so reveal much about His character. It brings an even greater revelation when we relate those same motiva-tions to how He calls us into salvation and guides us back to the cross. Exodus is a call from slavery into worship, for the Jews, and even more so for his children.

Date Bible Ref Speaker Date Bible Ref Speaker

24 Sep Exodus 1-2 Jason Sin 15 Oct Exodus 7-10 Daryl Liu

1 Oct Exodus 3-4 Elder Ernest Chew 22 Oct Exodus 11-13 Dr Satterthwaite

8 Oct Exodus 5-6 Elder Melville Szto 29 Oct Exodus 13-15 Vincent Lim

Fund Raising Next Sunday — Ya Kun at Café Leaf Laksa or Nasi Lemak $6.00 Famous Kaya Toast $3.00 Kopi, Teh, or Barley $2.00

All proceeds to China Bible Distribution Trip for the purchase of bibles, bible tools, and medical equipment.

15th Bible Distribution Trip to Shaanxi And Gansu Province 14 to 23 October 2017 A team of 31 BFEC church members will be meeting Christian lead-ers, interacting with believers in rural churches and distributing Bi-bles. We will also distribute Bible tools to Seminary students and help in village medical service etc. Please pray for safe journey, good health and most of all honour and glorify God during the trip. Your prayer and financial support are most welcome. Please forward your contribution to Team Leader Ong Teck Chye, HP: 94237818 email: [email protected]

Street Witnessing — 4 October (1st Wed of every month) 6.30pm And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt 4:19) Meeting Point: Old Bedok Library (opp new Bedok Hub) Learn how to do street witnessing. No experience needed. Contact Letch (93870245).

Baptism and Membership Class (15 Oct, 22 Oct, 29 Oct, 5 Nov) with Baptism on 26 Nov Baptism is more than a symbolic act or tradition. It has tremendous spiritual significance as a public proclamation

of one’s faith to our friends & loved ones. Jesus Himself chose to be bap-tised. We urge all Frankelites (aged 12 and above) who have yet to be bap-tised to take this important step. You will need to attend all 4 lessons, held over 4 Sundays (8.30am-10.00am).

This will be followed by an interview with church leaders. Kindly note that no make-up lesson will be arranged.

15 Oct : Session 1 "Our Salvation" 22 Oct : Session 2 "Baptism & The Lord's Supper" 29 Oct : Session 3 "Our Church Statements” 5 Nov : Session 4 "Our Church Strategy & Structure"

Membership Transfer : Classes are also arranged for those who wish to trans-fer their membership to BFEC. You only need to attend these 2 sessions.

29 Oct : Session 3 "Our Church Statements" 5 Nov : Session 4 " Our Church Strategy & Structure"

Application forms for Baptism/Membership Transfer can be obtained from the church office. Closing date for completed form, with one photo: 8 Oct

Congratulations to ...

Daniel & Joylyn on the birth of their 3rd child Samuel Lau Yong En on 12 Sep. Grandchild to Francis & Anna Lau, and Gail Ng.

Jeremy & Evelyn on the birth of their 1st child, Oscar Ryan Woodford on 16 Sep. Grandchild to Elder Chong Kum Wah and Christina.

Desmond & Lindy on the birth of their 2nd child, Enoch Teo Zhu Ci on 19 Sep.