F OOTHILLS MIDDLE S CHOOL P TSA A RCADIA C OUNCIL , F IRST D ISTRICT 171 E AST S YCAMORE , A RCADIA , C A 91006 (626) 821-8363 Tricia Hartline, Principal Ben Acker, Assistant Principal Tess Crabtree, PTSA President Beth Gerber, Newsletter Editor December 2009/January 2010 Hotline (626) 821-4685 FROM OUR PTSA PRESIDENT TESS CRABTREE It is hard to believe that the first quarter is over and we are in the middle of the holiday season. We have much to be grateful for at Foothills Middle School. Please be sure to thank our wonderful teachers and staff for making this a great school for our children. I want to personally thank all of those who have contributed so much time and energy to getting our school year off to a great start. Thank you, thank you, thank you! The Magazine Drive, chaired by Joyce Sakai and Karen Wong, had another incredible year with sales in excess of $54,300 and a profit of just under $21,200. Thank you to all the students, parents, faculty and staff who participated and helped with this fundraiser. The proceeds will benefit all the students through ASB and PSTA programs. Your support has helped us achieve a PTA membership of a truly amazing 148%! Thanks to Annette Wheat and Carol Misakian for chairing our membership drive. Your PTA membership helps to support our unit as well as advocate for our children through the State and National PTA. Many of our student body enjoyed the school dance; a huge success due to the hard work of Lan Nguyen and the wonderful parents who provided goodies and helped chaperone. Thanks to Carol Vizcarra and Joyce Sakai for coordinating Red Ribbon Week in October which encourages our children to remain drug free. Once again, our students participated in the National PTA Reflections Program. Kay Fox and Marianna Nikalaidou worked many hours on this year’s program, whose theme is “Beauty Is….”, and we are grateful to them both. As we enter the holiday season, I want to express my gratitude for your support of our November “CAN You Help?” food drive. This is the former “White Christmas” program which has been revamped to provide support to Arcadia families all year long. Each Arcadia school has been assigned a month to collect food and November was our school’s month. Janet Downer has returned to chair this wonderful program which provides vital assistance to many in our city. The volunteers involved, and your generous donations, reflect the sincere caring of our community. PTSA will begin celebrating the season with our Holiday Brunch and PTSA meeting on December 10 th at the home of Janet Downer. The meeting will start at 8:45 a.m. with brunch served afterwards. Thank you to Stella Bonney and Janet Downer for planning and hosting this fun event. We hope to see you there! Invitations will be located in the office and are extended to everyone. I want to wish all of you a Happy Holiday Season. Enjoy this time with your family and friends and we will see you in 2010! With Gratitude, Tess Crabtree (626) 355-3737 [email protected]

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Tricia Hartline, Principal Ben Acker, Assistant Principal Tess Crabtree, PTSA President

Beth Gerber, Newsletter Editor December 2009/January 2010 Hotline (626) 821-4685

FROM OUR PTSA PRESIDENT TESS CRABTREE It is hard to believe that the first quarter is over and we are in the middle of the holiday season. We have much to be grateful for at Foothills Middle School.

Please be sure to thank our wonderful teachers and staff for making this a great school for our children. I want to personally thank all of those who have contributed so much time and energy to getting our school year off to a great start. Thank you, thank you, thank you! The Magazine Drive, chaired by Joyce Sakai and Karen Wong, had another incredible year with sales in excess of $54,300 and a profit of just under $21,200. Thank you to all the students, parents, faculty and staff who participated and helped with this fundraiser. The proceeds will benefit all the students through ASB and PSTA programs. Your support has helped us achieve a PTA membership of a truly amazing 148%! Thanks to Annette Wheat and Carol Misakian for chairing our membership drive. Your PTA membership helps to support our unit as well as advocate for our children through the State and National PTA. Many of our student body enjoyed the school dance; a huge success due to the hard work of Lan Nguyen and the wonderful parents who provided goodies and helped chaperone. Thanks to Carol Vizcarra and Joyce Sakai for coordinating Red Ribbon Week in October which encourages our children to remain drug free.

Once again, our students participated in the National PTA Reflections Program. Kay Fox and Marianna Nikalaidou worked many hours on this year’s program, whose theme is “Beauty Is….”, and we are grateful to them both. As we enter the holiday season, I want to express my gratitude for your support of our November “CAN You Help?” food drive. This is the former “White Christmas” program which has been revamped to provide support to Arcadia families all year long. Each Arcadia school has been assigned a month to collect food and November was our school’s month. Janet Downer has returned to chair this wonderful program which provides vital assistance to many in our city. The volunteers involved, and your generous donations, reflect the sincere caring of our community. PTSA will begin celebrating the season with our Holiday Brunch and PTSA meeting on December 10th at the home of Janet Downer. The meeting will start at 8:45 a.m. with brunch served afterwards. Thank you to Stella Bonney and Janet Downer for planning and hosting this fun event. We hope to see you there! Invitations will be located in the office and are extended to everyone. I want to wish all of you a Happy Holiday Season. Enjoy this time with your family and friends and we will see you in 2010! With Gratitude, Tess Crabtree (626) 355-3737 [email protected]

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PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE… Tricia Hartline, Principal The second quarter is well underway and the students are involved in a variety of school activities. The ASB has organized dances, our annual student spirit assembly, and various lunchtime activities. The band and drill team have participated in two parades, and orchestra has several performances planned. Our athletic teams, clubs, and peer tutoring are all in full swing. Please continue to encourage your students to get involved with the exciting activities at school. Our annual magazine fundraiser was a great success. Through the hard work of students and their families, Foothills exceeded our financial goal. Many thanks to Joyce Sakai and Karen Wong for coordinating our only fundraiser of the school year. I would also like to recognize the efforts of the many parents who consistently volunteer to help and support Foothills. A few weeks ago, Foothills students took the first benchmark tests in English language arts, mathematics, and history. These tests are standards-based assessments designed to monitor student progress toward meeting grade level standards. Teachers spend time reviewing each benchmark assessment, and students use the results of these assessments to analyze errors and establish goals for improvement. Science will be in upcoming assessments. When AUSD adopted the current science instructional materials (CPO Science), science instruction shifted dramatically to a hands-on, inquiry-based program. In addition to traditional laboratory equipment, classrooms received stream tables, ramps and energy cars, digital balances, photo gates, weather tools, density cubes, light and optics equipment, ropes and pulleys, molecule building sets, atom building games, even a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope! Students are also provided with a science notebook to record data and observations, take notes and reflect on each lesson and accompanying lab. Implementation of the new CPO Science program has provided ongoing professional development for teachers. In addition to planning and doing all of the labs, teachers have worked together to refine instructional strategies, assessments and grading. Our hope is for all Foothills students to LOVE science and build their skills through learning the foundational knowledge related to earth, life and physical science. I am very proud of the work that our teachers and students do each day. Regular collaboration, careful planning, and ongoing training are essential activities for our teachers and staff. Our goal is to make an excellent school even better. I hope that you and your family celebrate and enjoy this wonderful time of the year. This winter break, I encourage you to include the joy or reading and sharing books as part of your family activities. On behalf of the entire Foothills staff, we wish you a happy winter break!

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From Our Counseling Staff

Middle School students have lots to do! They certainly have more homework than they did in elementary school, and the caliber of work they are being asked to do is much higher than they have previously experienced. Many students are being challenged academically for the first time in their lives! Middle School is also a time of exploration: finding new friends, new interests, and new opportunities, all of which are important as well. The demands on students’ time are great, especially if they are involved in outside activities like sports, music, specialty classes, or the performing arts. How can you as a parent help your child focus on homework with all of these distractions? Here are a few helpful hints from The Parent Institute®, in their pamphlet, “Moving Right Along: Ways Parents Can Help Children Succeed in the Middle Grades.”

• Have a regular place for homework. Doing homework in the same place everyday gives your child the message that this is an important activity.

• Find the best place to study. Make sure it is well lit, quiet, neat, and well supplied with pens, paper, pencils, and reference books. Minimize the distractions!

• Get into a routine. Some students need a snack or a break before they start to study. Some need breaks during their study time. A regular time to do homework every day makes it difficult to forget to do it!

• Set goals for every study session. Make sure your child is checking his/her agenda to make sure all homework is done, including studying for tests and working on long term projects.

• Pack the backpack the night before. Make sure all homework gets into the appropriate folder in the backpack.

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Ben Acker

It is hard to believe that we are already in the second quarter! It seems like only yesterday that school began. Traffic is a key issue that impacts student safety at Foothills. We recently had a traffic safety observation by representatives from the city, Arcadia police department, and the school district. By following a few simple guidelines, we can make the area around Foothills safer for our students. When arriving at campus in the morning, pull as far forward in the parking lot as possible before dropping off your student. This will allow the maximum number of vehicles to enter the parking lot, thus reducing traffic congestion on Sycamore and Second Ave. When waiting to pick up students after school, do not block our neighbors’ driveways or park on their property. Remember that Oakhaven and the upper parking lot are not to be used as drop off or pick up locations for students. If your child rides a bike to school, remind him or her to obey all traffic laws and to ride on the right side of the road with the flow of traffic. All students who ride a bicycle, skateboard, scooter, or skates must wear a helmet. Our first dance of the year was a huge success with more than 300 students in attendance. Thanks to all of the volunteers and staff who worked hard to make it an enjoyable experience for the students. Our next two dances will take place on December 3rd and February 4th. I hope that you and your family enjoy the holiday season. Please do not hesitate to call or email me at [email protected] if I can be of any assistance.

Our popular dances (and many other successful student events) would not be possible without the tireless work and enthusiasm of our first semester ASB student officers:

8th GRADE:

President: Andrew Chung Secretary: Christopher Cho

Treasurer: Allie Hisey SSC: Julie Poladian, Kelly


7th GRADE:

President: Kelly Hui Secretary: Andie Biancone

SSC: Ellen Kang

6th GRADE:

President: Meghan Pender Secretary: Spencer George

SSC: Jay Feng

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS December 2009 3 Arcadia Council PTSA Reflections

Ceremony 3 Music Club Meeting – 7:00 p.m., in the

FMS Music Room 3 School Dance – 2:40 to 4:30 p.m. 10 PTSA Meeting/Holiday Brunch – 8:45 a.m.

at Janet Downer’s home 11 Chinese Club Potluck Dinner – 7:00 p.m. 16 Winter String Concert – 7:00 p.m., in the

Cafeteria 17 School Site Council – 3:00 p.m. 21-31 Winter Vacation (no school) January 2010 1-3 Winter Vacation (no school) 4 School Resumes 14 PTSA Meeting – 8:45 a.m., in the Library 14 Footnotes Deadline (Feb. & March events) 15 Chinese Club Meeting – 7:30 p.m. 15 Music Club Meeting – 7:00 p.m., in the

FMS Music Room 18 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school) 20 Winter Band Concert – 7:00 p.m.,

Cafeteria 21 Eighth Grade Promotion Party Planning

Meeting 21 School Site Council Meeting – 3:00 p.m. 22 End of 2nd Quarter – Minimum Day February 2010 TBD Music Club Meeting - 7:00 p.m., in the

FMS Music Room 4 School Dance - 2:40 to 4:30 p.m. 11 PTSA Meeting – 8:45 a.m., in the Library 12 Holiday (no school) 16 Presidents Day (no school) 18 School Site Council Meeting – 3:00 p.m. 18 7th Grade Cultural Day (sponsored by

Chinese Club) 23 Talent Show

On behalf of the organizers of the 2009 "CAN You Help?" food drive,

a big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed. The canned goods donated re-stocked the

food pantry at the Arcadia Welfare and Thrift Store. This food will be distributed throughout the rest of the year to local homeless and

needy individuals.

Happy Holidays and thank you for your generosity.

Janet Downer, Chairperson

“CAN You Help?”

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FFMMSS PPTTSSAA EExxeeccuuttiivvee BBooaarrdd NNoommiinnaattiioonnss ffoorr 22001100--22001111

At the November PTSA meeting, 5 people were chosen to serve on the nominating committee. It is the responsibility of the nominating committee to recognize and seek qualified nominees for next year’s PTSA executive board. It is a very important job and although the Committee is charged with submitting the nominations, the input and opinion of EVERY PTSA member is important. It is not too early to start thinking about what executive board positions you would like to be considered for next year, or to nominate someone else for a position. Please use the form below to list your suggestions. Names of both current FMS PTSA members, as well as members of Highland Oaks or Hugo Reid PTSA, whose children will be attending FMS in the fall, will be considered. President: ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Coordinates the work of officers and committees, presides at meetings, and is the official representative of the FMS PTSA.) Executive Vice President: ________________________________________________________________________ (Assistant to the president. May be called upon to fill in for the president at various functions.) First Vice President/Legislation: ___________________________________________________________________ (Updates PTSA members on current legislation at the city, state and national level.) Second Vice President/Ways and Means: ____________________________________________________________ (Administers the major fund-raiser(s) as required throughout the year.) Third Vice President/Membership: _________________________________________________________________ (Coordinates and runs the PTSA membership drive at the beginning of the school year.) Fourth Vice President/Hospitality: __________________________________________________________________ (Provides refreshments at PTSA meetings and various other events.) Fifth Vice President/Publicity: _____________________________________________________________________ (Submits articles and pictures to local newspapers and the district cable channel concerning PTSA events.) Sixth Vice President/Programs: ____________________________________________________________________ (Coordinates the holiday and installation luncheons.) Recording Secretary: ____________________________________________________________________________ (Records minutes at PTSA meetings. Works with the president and treasurer in assuring accuracy.) Corresponding Secretary: ________________________________________________________________________ (Collects and reads correspondence at PTSA meetings and sends out monthly meeting reminders.) Financial Secretary: _____________________________________________________________________________ (Accounts for all monies received by the FMS PTSA.) Treasurer: ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Attends all PTSA mtgs., pays the bills for the PTSA, deposits money into PTSA accounts, prepares monthly reports and files the annual tax return.) Auditor: ______________________________________________________________________________________ (Audits the treasurer’s books twice a year.) Historian: _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Tracks volunteer hours for the year and gives a “history” of the year at the installation luncheon.) Submitted by (optional):_________________________________________________________________________ Please return this form to the FMS PTSA Parliamentarian, Lisa Lucas, by handing it in during a PTSA meeting, placing it in the Parliamentarian’s folder in the school office, or by mailing it to: Lisa Lucas, 1825 Stone House Road, Arcadia, CA 91006 You can also email any nominations to Lisa at [email protected].

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Talent Show!

Talent Show Registration/Permission Form

Print Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________ Name(s) of other people in your group____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Group Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Type of Act: ____________________________________________________________________ Permission: We have read and understand the requirements and rules for being involved in the Talent Show. Student’s Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

The Talent Show is open to everyone. We are looking for a variety of acts, a maximum of 3 minutes long in each category: music, drama, dance, magic, or skits. The show promises to be fun and entertaining. Please come join the fun as our students put on a show for us. We will meet in the cafeteria. All rehearsals are mandatory. TRY-OUTS – Wednesday, February 10th at 2:45 p.m. FIRST REHEARSAL – Tuesday, February 16th at 2:45 p.m. DRESS REHEARSAL – Monday, February 22rd at 2:45 p.m. TALENT SHOW – Tuesday, February 23th at 7:00 p.m. (participants arrive at 6:15 p.m.) All acts must be under 3 minutes. All tapes, CDs and props must be ready by the tryout date. Language, gestures, and costumes must follow school policy. Extra entry forms will be available in the school office beginning Monday, January 25th. If you have any questions, please contact Molly Lihani at (626) 836-6930 or [email protected], or Tammy Rock at (626) 355-7330 or [email protected]. To sign up for the Talent Show, please tear and return the bottom form (keep the top part for your reference) and return to the office by Friday February 5th, 2010. If you are planning to participate, please work on your act over the Winter break.

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School Dances Our Foothills Middle School "First Dance" was held on Thursday, October 22nd and it was a great success! It was a fun-filled event with lots of music, food and excitement. Thanks to all of the volunteers who donated and set up refreshments, and of course to our parent

chaperones. The treats were enjoyed by all those who attended, so a special thank you those who donated the yummy food!

By the time you read this newsletter, our December dance will have just occurred! The third dance will be on Thursday, February

4th, from 2:40 – 4:40 p.m. These are hungry dancers, so all contributions of food are welcome! If you would like to help provide refreshments, please contact Lan Nguyen at [email protected].

Attention 8th Grade Parents!

The first meeting of the 8th Grade Promotion Party will be held on

Thursday, January 21st at 7:00 pm at the home of Beth Gerber.

Please join in on the planning of this very fun event for our departing 8th grade students. There will be sign-ups for committees and we will also be selecting

theme ideas for the party.

Questions? Contact Lisa Lucas at [email protected] or Beth Gerber at [email protected]

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22000099--22001100 RReefflleeccttiioonnss WWiinnnneerrss Congratulations to all who participated in the 2009-2010 PTSA Reflections Program. We had a total of 77 entries! A very special thank you is extended to all of our judges who had a difficult time choosing from so many fabulous entries. The following students’ entries were selected as the most creative interpretation of:

“Beauty Is….” Congratulations again to all participants. Everybody did a great job! All First Place winners were forwarded to the District level of competition. All Second Place, Third Place, and Honorable Mention Winners in Visual Arts and Photography were displayed in the Library Display Case for the second half of November, 09. All Reflections Participants will celebrate at the Reflections Party on December 8. Kay Fox, PTSA Reflections Chairman

Dance Choreography First: Devina Sen

Literature First: Rui Li

Second: Siddhesvar Kannan Third: Emily Johnson

Musical Composition

First: Stephanie Chu Second: Stephen Licata

Third: An Wang

Photography First: Sara Colton

Second: Rohan Anand Third: Madison Sira

Honorable Mention: Alexis Black Honorable Mention: Vanessa Luo Honorable Mention: Erin Natale

Visual Arts

First: Angela Sun (being forwarded) Second: Erin Li

Third: Christopher Cho Honorable Mention: Robert Li

Honorable Mention: Megan Mathison Honorable Mention: Lily Wu

Honorable Mention: Vanessa Luo

Video Production (No entries submitted

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FootNotes December2009/January 2010

PTSA 主席的話





雜誌義賣活動今年在 Joyce Sakai 和 Karen Wong 的領導下取得了巨大的




驚的 148%。感謝 Coral Misakian 和 Annette Wheat 主持會員申請工作。大家


我們的學生很多都喜歡學校的舞會,感謝 Lan Nguyen 的辛苦工作使舞

會辦得如此成功,也感謝家長們提供點心和做現場陪伴。另外,感謝 Carol

Vizcarra 和 Joyce Sakai 組織十月份的紅絲帶周,這項活動鼓勵我們的孩子遠


今年我們的學生又一次參加了全國 PTSA(家長教師學生協會)舉辦的才

藝大賽。Kay Fox 和 Marianna Nikalaidon 為此花費了很多時間。今年比賽的主




幫助我市的貧困家庭。每個月會指定我市一所學校負責收集食品,11 月輪到

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我們學校,Janet Downer 又一次負責這項有助于我市許多家庭的活動,大家


PTSA 將以早午餐會來慶祝圣誕佳節,時間是 12 月 10 日,地點在 Janet

Downer 家。月會將于 8:45am 開始,接下來就是早午餐會。感謝 Stella

Bonney 和 Janet Downer 策劃和主辦這個活動,希望大家來參加。邀請信可


祝大家節日愉快!與家人和朋友分享佳節,我們 2010 年再見!

家長會會長 Tess Crabtree








力,我們已經超過了預定的財務目標。非常感謝活動的負責人 Joyce Sakai 和

Karen Wong 領導了這個學校全年唯一的一次籌款活動。我也很感謝眾多的家






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當我們學區采用了 CPO 科學課教材后,科學課的教學就戲劇性地轉變






采用新的 CPO 科學課教材為教師提供了專業上的進一步發展,除了設









校長 Tricia Hartline






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今年的第一次舞會非常成功,有 300多位學生參加。感謝所有家長義


次舞會時間訂于 12月 3 日和 2 月 4日。祝愿所有的家庭節日愉快!

有任何問題需要我幫忙,歡迎隨時與我聯系。電郵 [email protected]

副校長 Ben Acker

幫助你的孩子在學校取得成功 ---










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1. 有一個固定的地方做作業 --- 每天在同一個地方做作業會傳遞給孩子一個


2. 找一個最好的學習地方 --- 這個地方一定要燈光好、安靜、整齊、備有筆紙


3. 養成一種習慣 --- 有些學生需要先吃點東西或休息一下再開始做作業,有些



4. 對每部分學習設定目標 --- 讓孩子對照每天在學校記的事情日程,以保證做


5. 書包在前一天晚上裝好 --- 保證所有作業都放在相應的文件夾里,裝入書


才藝表演(Talent Show)





試演:2 月 10 日,周三,2:45pm

第一次排練:2 月 16 日,周二,2:45pm

第二次排練:2 月 22 日,周一,2:45pm

正式演出:2 月 23 日,周二,7:00pm (表演者 6:15pm 到校)

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每一個表演節目不能超過 3 分鐘。錄音帶、光盤、道具必須在試演時

就準備好。表演用語、動作和服裝必須附合學校的規定。報名表從 1 月 26


室,報名截止日期是 2 月 6 日。

活動聯系人:Molly Lihani (626)836-6930 [email protected]

Tammy Rock (626)355-7330 [email protected]

8 年級家長請注意!

8 年級畢業晚會的第一次籌備會議定于 1 月 21 日 7:00pm 在 Beth

Gerber 家中舉行。請家長們來參加策劃為 8 年級畢業學生舉辦的這個有趣活


活動聯系人:Lisa Lucas [email protected]

Beth Gerber [email protected]

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Specialty Scrip  Donation Denominations Order Amount

Scrip makes great gifts for the holidays!

AMC Theater  7% $25 Total _______ARCO  2% $50, $100 Total _______

Baja Fresh  7% $25 Total _______Bath and Body Works  13% $25, $10 Total _______Bed, Bath & Beyond  7% $25 Total _______

Best Buy  3% $100, $25 Total _______Blockbuster  7% $10 Total _______

Borders Book Store  9% $25, $10 Total _______California Pizza Kitchen  4% $10 Total _______Cheesecake Factory  5% $25 Total _______

Chili’s  11% $25 Total _______Gap/Banana/Old Navy/Piperlime  9% $25 Total _______

Home Depot  4% $500**, $100, $25 Total _______Honey Baked Ham  12% $10 Total _______

Jamba Juice  7% $10 Total _______KFC  9% $5 Total _______

Macys  10% $25, $100 Total _______Office Depot  4% $25 Total _______Outback/Roy’s  5% $25 Total _______See’s Candy  25% $15 Total _______Smart & Final  3% $50, $25 Total _______Starbucks  7% $25, $10 Total _______

T.J. Maxx/Marshall’s/HomeGood  7% $25 Total _______Toys R Us/Babies R Us  1.5% $20 Total _______

Williams Sonoma/Pottery Barn  8% $25 Total _______**Home Depot $500 cards will only be ordered by special request.  Please allow approximately 3 weeks 

for delivery 

Grocery Store Scrip  

Store  Donation Denominations Order Amount99 Ranch  5% $20, $10 Total _______Albertson’s  4% $25, $100 Total _______

Arcadia Super Market  5% $25, $50, $100 Total _______Henry’s Market  3% $25 Total _______

Safeway/Vons/Pavilions  4% $25, $100 Total _______Whole Foods  5% $25, $100 Total _______

Parent Name ________________________________Date _______________  

Student Name _______________________________Phone ______________  

School you are supporting:   FOOTHILLS MIDDLE SCHOOL  

Total Order $___________________Check #____________________________                    Make payable to: AEF 

For more information, please contact our Foothills SCRIP Chairman: Anne Bishara  (626) 975‐9712 or [email protected]