Emil Milewski Food preparation Prepare a Healthy lunch

Food Preparation Project 4 Healthly lunch

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Emil Milewski

Food preparation

Prepare a Healthy lunch



Sorrel soup served with eggs and homemade bread

Main course:

Salmon filet with mush potatoes and boiled vegetables


Banana pudding

Sorrel soup


1 large peeled and sliced carrot 1 bunch fresh parsley 1 bay leaf 1 peeled and cubed medium potatoes 1 chicken or vegetable boullion cube 1 jar of pickled sorrel ½ celery 1 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour Salt and pepper to taste Chopped fresh dill or parsley 2 hard-cooked eggs cut into quarters 1 cup dried mushrooms


1. In a large saucepan or Dutch oven, place 6 cups cold water, carrots, celery and parsley. Bring to a boil and add bay leaf, potatoes and bouillon cube. Bring back to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are tender.

2. Remove cooked vegetables and add Dried mushrooms (mushrooms stayed in water by 30 minutes) and sorrel to the soup and bring to a boil. Reduce heat. Add sour cream with flour and temper with a few ladles of hot soup. Transfer tempered sour cream to soup, stir well and simmer until thickened and just under the boiling point. Adjust seasonings.

3. Portion soup into heated bowls and garnish with chopped dill or parsley and egg quarters.

Simple wheat bread

Ingredients for one loaf:

• 700 g of wheat flour bread

• 2 tsp salt

• 25 g butter, softened

• 1 sachet dry yeast (7 g )

• 1 teaspoon sugar

• 150 ml of warm milk

• 300 ml of warm water

In a larger bowl , mix the flour with salt, add the butter . Sprinkle the yeast and sugar. Add the milk , water and knead the dough . Knead dough on a lightly surface until smooth and elastic , trying not add flour. Leave in a bowl, covered with a cloth, to double the size .

Dough after rise punch, lightly knead , form an oval loaf , put on a floured baking tray . Cover again and leave for 30 minutes or longer to double in volume and pompous .

Using a sharp knife, cut the bread several times , sprinkle with flour .

Preheat the oven to 230 ° C and bake a loaf for 10 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 200 ° C and bake for another 20 - 25 minutes . Ready bread should be grown-up , brown and sound hollow when hit from below.

Salmon filet with mush potatoes and boiled vegetables


For salmon:

200g of salmon filet 2 Potatoes

For sauce:

1 Lime 1 Lemon Dill Sour cream


1. Boil potatoes in salted water2. Pre-heat oven to 200C and then cook Salmon filet3. Squeeze the juice form the lime and lemon add dill and sour cream4. I used vegetables which left from the soup (carrot, celery and parsley)5. On large plate place potatoes vegetables and salmon and spill sauce on the top6. Serve with fresh orange juice

Banana pudding


Bag of pudding (banana custard) 2 bananas Milk Chocolate


1. Boil milk and add pudding. Keep boiling and mixing by 3 min.2. Fill desert glasses with bananas3. Put pudding inside glasses, add extra bananas and chocolate on top

Table setting and napkins


Main course:


Shopping list:

Bag of pudding (banana custard) €0.70

2 bananas €0.50

Milk €1

Chocolate €1

1 Lime €0.20

1 Lemon €0.20

Dill €1

2 Sour cream €1.80

200g of salmon filet €3

Potatoes €1

700 g of wheat flour bread €2

butter, softened €2

1 sachet dry yeast (7 g ) €0.50

Soup vegetables €1.20

1 chicken or vegetable boullion cube €0.20

1 jar of pickled sorrel €0.50

Eggs €2

dried mushrooms €2.50

Total €21.3