From Pastor Rachel February 2017 Tidings Newsletter First Presbyterian Church of Towanda “Wuv...Twoo wuv…” In college, a popular movie we watched over and over was The Princess Bride. If you’ve seen it, you likely remember The Impressive Clergyman at the Prince’s wedding. In a high-pitched, nasally voice, he states, “Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togedda tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam…. And wuv, twoo wuv, will fowow you foweva…. So tweasure your wuv.” February brings upon us one of my least-favorite “holidays,” St. Valentine’s Day. Yes, love is a great and beautiful thing, but often this holiday has been the occasion when I and other singles feel left-out and just plain odd, the fifth-wheel in a four-wheel world. Thankfully, the movie industry and the greeting card business don’t own all there is to say about love, true love. In fact, “wuv” in “mawage” is just a small part of how the Scriptures talk about God’s love… which is revealed most clearly and brilliantly in Christ… and now revealed and experienced in Christians as the loving Spirit dwells in us. Through the New Testament, love is spoken of as a defining trait of a believer and of Christ’s Church. It is one of the premier gifts of the Holy Spirit, one that blossoms in this life and fully blooms in eternal glory. Love is a feeling, but also a choice. Love is selfless devotion that abides when all else fails… and is most evident in actions, such as the perfect Son of God, hanging on a cross. I came across this reading from Our Daily Bread on January 4. It’s titled “A Multiplied Love” by Tim Gustafson. “When a woman in Karen’s church was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease), things looked bad. This cruel disease affects nerves and muscles, eventu- ally leading to paralysis. The family’s insurance wouldn’t cover home care, and the stricken woman’s hus- band couldn’t bear the thought of putting her in a nursing home. “As a nurse, Karen had the expertise to help and began going to the woman’s home to care for her. But she soon realized she couldn’t take care of her own family while meeting the needs of her friend, so she started teaching others in the church to help.

First Presbyterian February 2017 Tidings Newsletter · 2017-01-31 · February 2017 Tidings Newsletter First Presbyterian Church of Towanda ... February brings upon us one of my least-favorite

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Page 1: First Presbyterian February 2017 Tidings Newsletter · 2017-01-31 · February 2017 Tidings Newsletter First Presbyterian Church of Towanda ... February brings upon us one of my least-favorite

From Pastor Rachel

February 2017

Tidings Newsletter



Church of


“Wuv...Twoo wuv…”

In college, a popular movie we watched over and over was The Princess Bride. If you’ve seen it,

you likely remember The Impressive Clergyman at the Prince’s wedding. In a high-pitched, nasally voice,

he states, “Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togedda tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that

dweam wifin a dweam…. And wuv, twoo wuv, will fowow you foweva…. So tweasure your wuv.”

February brings upon us one of my least-favorite “holidays,” St. Valentine’s Day. Yes, love is a great

and beautiful thing, but often this holiday has been the occasion when I and other singles feel left-out and

just plain odd, the fifth-wheel in a four-wheel world.

Thankfully, the movie industry and the greeting card business don’t own all there is to say about love,

true love. In fact, “wuv” in “mawage” is just a small part of how the Scriptures talk about God’s love…

which is revealed most clearly and brilliantly in Christ… and now revealed and experienced in Christians as

the loving Spirit dwells in us. Through the New Testament, love is spoken of as a defining trait of a believer

and of Christ’s Church. It is one of the premier gifts of the Holy Spirit, one that blossoms in this life and

fully blooms in eternal glory. Love is a feeling, but also a choice. Love is selfless devotion that abides when

all else fails… and is most evident in actions, such as the perfect Son of God, hanging on a cross.

I came across this reading from Our Daily Bread on January 4. It’s titled “A Multiplied Love” by Tim


“When a woman in Karen’s church was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also

known as Lou Gehrig’s disease), things looked bad. This cruel disease affects nerves and muscles, eventu-

ally leading to paralysis. The family’s insurance wouldn’t cover home care, and the stricken woman’s hus-

band couldn’t bear the thought of putting her in a nursing home.

“As a nurse, Karen had the expertise to help and began going to the woman’s home to care for her. But she

soon realized she couldn’t take care of her own family while meeting the needs of her friend, so she started

teaching others in the church to help.

Page 2: First Presbyterian February 2017 Tidings Newsletter · 2017-01-31 · February 2017 Tidings Newsletter First Presbyterian Church of Towanda ... February brings upon us one of my least-favorite

(Cont’d. from front page)

As the disease ran its course over the next seven years, Karen trained thirty-one additional volunteers

who surrounded that family with love, prayer, and practical assistance.

“Ask God to show you how He wants you to use your gifts for His kingdom.

“’Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister,’ said John the disciple (1 John 4:21).

Karen gives us a shining example of that kind of love. She had the skills, compassion, and vision to rally a

church family around a hurting friend. Her love for one person in need became a multiplied love lived out by


“How might God use your talents and abilities to serve others in need? Ask God to show you how He

wants you to use your gifts for His kingdom.”

This St. Valentine’s Day, maybe you’ll be like me and send a few cards. But let’s think about how to do

more than that. Romantic “wuv” in “mawage” is surely a God-given blessing. But the love of God shown

through Christ is even richer and deeper. How can you and I multiply His love, especially to care for the weak,

the lonely, and the hurting? In what specific ways can you and I show others that we treasure God’s love for

us? This February, may our love, true love in Jesus, abound more and more in feelings, words, and actions

(Phil. 1:9). And let’s celebrate the amazing love God has for each of us. “Surely Your goodness and love will

follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Ps. 23:6).

February 1 - Day of Prayer

1. That each person in our church family would be consistent in studying God’s Word and praying; that they

would grow in their walk with the Lord and in love for Him and others.

2. That each person in our church family would have courage in sharing Christ with others.

3. That the children of our church would be blessed to know the Lord personally, and grow to have a vibrant

faith in Jesus.

4. That our ministries to children and youth would grow and blossom, and their leaders would be blessed

with wisdom, energy, and patience.

5. That our outreach ministries would show the love of Christ in concrete ways that transform lives for His


Page 3: First Presbyterian February 2017 Tidings Newsletter · 2017-01-31 · February 2017 Tidings Newsletter First Presbyterian Church of Towanda ... February brings upon us one of my least-favorite

Warm Christian Greetings From Siloam Eye Hospital

(An excerpt from Rev Sun Fae Kim’s newsletter)

“When I lived as a

beggar I was in danger

of despair and fear of

death. Many times I

almost lost my life.”

I greet you in the name of Jesus and pray that God will pour out blessing on your family and the church you

serve. May God give your family health and full blessings and I pray that the congregation that you serve will

grow spiritually as your service has meaning and rewards.

Friend in the faith, we haven’t met but in Christ we are family members so I send this letter about our free

treatment of visually-impaired persons who are poor. This can prevent loss of sight and our operations can re-

store sight to the blind. So I apologize for abruptly sending you this request for an offering. But in the global

village where we all confess Christ together aren’t we all one family of love so I hope that you will excuse me.

I was born in 1941 and at age 10 the Korean War started when so many lives were lost and homes destroyed.

At that time because of the war I lost both parents and my eyesight and for two and a half years I lived as a


Originally I was born into a Buddhist family, but in second grade ele-

mentary school a classmate took me to church the first time and I

accepted Jesus. When I lived as a beggar I was in danger of despair and

fear of death. Many times I almost lost my life, but each time I prayed

to God and each time the Lord heard my prayers and rescued me.

At present I have become a pastor and am doing medical mission as the

director of an eye hospital for those visually impaired and we have a

welfare center with job training and classes for blind persons’ adjusting

to society; for the elderly blind we have an old folks home. For those

with multiple disabilities we have the Sullivan Learning Center. These

programs give a life of hope for those living in despair. Additionally, I

started a church for those visually impaired and also developed leader-

ship for the future through giving more than 1,200 blind students


The reason I became God’s servant was because of God’s grace through the loving help of missionaries sent

by the American church. And I feel a deep love relationship with the American church. Thus, in the Lord we

belong to the same family and to you. World wide these are difficult times, but a little given with love can be

a big thing, a five loaves and two fish blessing I am sure. May God’s grace and blessing be with you all.

Thank you!

To support the work of Siloam Hospital there is a support office in the USA.

PO Box 743019, Los Angeles, CA 90004

Telephone 213-500-2925 (organization secretary: Soo-Kyung Park)

Pay to the order: Siloam Mission Supporters in America (or Siloam Mission)

Page 4: First Presbyterian February 2017 Tidings Newsletter · 2017-01-31 · February 2017 Tidings Newsletter First Presbyterian Church of Towanda ... February brings upon us one of my least-favorite

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” -Psalm 34:8


Thoughts from Deb Fuller, CEC

Cereal and KIDS CLUB—what’s that about? The commercials always tells us that cereal is a “part of a

complete breakfast.” This series will show kids how, unlike cereal, Jesus is all we need to have a com-

plete and joy-filled life. One of our February lessons involves Rice Krispies – Once you add milk to

Rice Krispies, they start making a lot of noise. Kids will learn that when Jesus changes your life, you

can't help but make some noise by sharing Him with others. Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals Ten Lepers.

Please pray for Jesus to draw the hearts of our children to him.

Looking ahead to the season of Lent—The study, He Chose the Nails, will be offered in the adult Sun-

day school class that meets in the DeWitt Room.

Planning has begun for this summer’s Community

Vacation Bible School. The dates are June 25

through June 29 from 6:00—8:00 pm and this year

we are hosting the event. This will be a great oppor-

tunity to grow our KIDS CLUB ministry as well.

There are many ways that you can participate in the

fun that is VBS! Watch for details in future church


Come Out for Church Family Fun Night!

On Friday, February 17, we will gather in

Patterson Hall for an evening of food and fun. Come,

and invite someone to come with you! Starting at

5:30, we will enjoy taco and sundae bars, and play

whatever games strike us. We already have pool,

foosball, ping pong, and several board games, but

bring your favorite along. It will be a lovely evening

so invite a friend and spread the word!

Reservations by February 12 please.

Page 5: First Presbyterian February 2017 Tidings Newsletter · 2017-01-31 · February 2017 Tidings Newsletter First Presbyterian Church of Towanda ... February brings upon us one of my least-favorite

E. M. P. C. C. - Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center

February and March 2017 Campaign

What is Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center?

The Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center is a local, non-profit,

Christ-centered organization that specializes in helping women deal with

pregnancy related issues including but not limited to abortion. The center is

here to help provide life-saving alternatives to abortion while helping ex-

pecting mothers to deal with the stress and emotions that accompany a

pregnancy. The EMPCC is affiliated with Care Net, which is a network of

pregnancy care centers across the U.S. and Canada. Together we bring the

community and the necessary resources together to help struggling women.

All of the staff at EMPCC are well-trained and can conduct consultations

in the offices and also by phone. The Board of Directors is made up of Christian men and women who prayerfully

guide the center’s direction and growth. Both of our facilities are accessible to the community and our helpline en-

sures that help is never more than a phone call away.

The center provides many free services including:

Free Pregnancy Tests (all tests are accurate and use high quality materials.)

Confidential Support. We provide personal care and attention. All volunteers are trained to help identify and

solve problems in a gentle and caring setting.

Practical support including ongoing pregnancy support, referrals to community agencies, free maternity baby

clothing and supplies, adoption information and referrals, fetal development information, medical and legal re-

ferrals, post abortion peer support, sexual integrity guidance, and prenatal and parenting information.

Immediate help. Peer guidance and practical assistance are provided for all.

Those Wanting to Serve

The EMPCC has many volunteer opportunities for those people who would like to become part of a Christ-centered

organization dedicated to women in need of guidance and support during pregnancy. If you have an interest in

volunteering, please contact the —

Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center, PO Box 42, Canton PA 17724

or call (570) 673-4298 or email: [email protected]

We will have a Minute for Mission on the Baby Bottle Campaign from Crystal Salsman on February 19.

Crystal is the new executive director of EMPCC.

Page 6: First Presbyterian February 2017 Tidings Newsletter · 2017-01-31 · February 2017 Tidings Newsletter First Presbyterian Church of Towanda ... February brings upon us one of my least-favorite

February Birthdays

1 - Phyllis Blanchard

2 - Lisa Young, Clayton Mount

15 - Linda Ferrario

18 - Patti Rieth

21 - Charlotte Sullivan

24 - Margaret McManus

25 - Kennedy Walsh

26 - Robert Kopetan

27 - Danica McLaud

28 - Danise Fairchild

The following book has been added to the library:

A Baxter Family Christmas, by Karen Kingsbury

A DVD based Bible study

titled Follow, by Andy

Stanley has been donated


February Morning Messages

February 5 – Communion, Ezekiel 2:1-3:27

February 12 – Ezekiel 4:1-5:17

February 19 – Ezekiel 6:1-7:27

February 26 – Ezekiel 8-10



February Scripture Readers

5 - Steve Homet

12 - Bob Cooper

19 - Sally Rohrer

26 - Sharon Pavey

If you were unable to attend the

Annual Congregational & Corporation meeting

on January 22 and would like a copy of this

year’s Yearbook of Ministry and budget,

copies are available at the literature racks.

Page 7: First Presbyterian February 2017 Tidings Newsletter · 2017-01-31 · February 2017 Tidings Newsletter First Presbyterian Church of Towanda ... February brings upon us one of my least-favorite

“I get fed there” is one of the classic “Christianese” phrases that puzzle outsiders. “Are you referring

to a buffet?” they might ask.

For many who use this phrase, a rough translation typically means something like: “I get my spiritual

energy boost every Sunday to help get me from Monday to Saturday.”

Joining other believers each Sunday in singing,

praying, and hearing teaching from God’s Word

produces healthy spiritual nourishment. “As a deer

pants for flowing streams,”writes the Psalmist, “so

pants my soul for you, O God (Psalm 42:1).”We

become spiritually parched and famished with the

hardships of life in a fallen world, and the Word of

God refreshes our souls.

For the most part, however, I’ve heard this phrase used in ways that are unhealthy. I’ll ask someone

how church is going, and sometimes he or she will say something like: “Well I’ve been busy, but I get

fed each week.” Many have used the phrase to justify church-hopping. For them, the important thing

is not to commit to one church but to get themselves individually fed at any church. Others have

used the phrase to excuse meager involvement at their church. As long as they recharge their bat-

tery from Sunday to Sunday, they don’t feel the need to invest their time and energy in building rela-

tionships, serving others, contributing to the church’s mission to evangelize its community, and join-

ing hands with Christ’s people through one another’s joys and pains.

Don’t Think of the Church as a Power Bar

This mentality to treat the church like a spiritual power bar that reenergizes you is not only unbiblical

but also detrimental to Christian flourishing. It promotes an individualistic and consumeristic under-

standing of Christianity. “How can church fulfill me?”

Of course you want a church that will benefit you as an individual. But if we make our personal fulfill-

ment as the sole or even the ultimate purpose for attending church, we are missing the point.

The church exists for a higher purpose: to give glory to God and declare His salvation to the nations.

By participating in the church’s grander mission, we find deeper and more lasting satisfaction be-

cause we rest our joy in the eternal and unchanging God rather than our fickle feelings. .

(cont’d. on next page)

Don’t Think of Church as Your Own Spiritual Power Bar

Page 8: First Presbyterian February 2017 Tidings Newsletter · 2017-01-31 · February 2017 Tidings Newsletter First Presbyterian Church of Towanda ... February brings upon us one of my least-favorite

If you treat the church like a grocery store or a buffet—getting what you need, leaving as quickly as

possible, and only returning when you need more—than you’re missing out on one of God’s greatest

gifts to his people.

Instead, Think of the Church as a Body and Yourself as a Vital Member

The Apostle Paul used the image of a body to help the Corinthians understand the church rightly:

“But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a

single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye can-

not say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you,’nor again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you. . .

.’If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you

are the body of Christ and individually members of it (1 Corinthians 12:18-27).”

When we think of the church as a body we will remember that Christ is our head, leading us in holi-

ness and love. When we think of ourselves as members of this body, we will understand that every

one of us is vital to its identity and mission. God deliberately designed the church as a body rather

than a spiritual battery plug station because he wants his children to grow together in Him. He nour-

ishes the church body as a whole, and He grows each individual member in order to serve the wel-

fare of the rest of the body. If we fail to play our role and serve the body with the gifts that God’s

given to us, the rest of the members would suffer just like a body would suffer without an eye.

Think carefully through ways that you view the church wrongly and how that damages your spiritual

health. Ask others at your church about ways that you can become more involved. God has already

given you skills for the purpose of serving the body. Take your scrumptious casserole to a family that

just had a baby, use your plumbing skills to fix a broken sink at church, or invite a young couple over

for dessert to counsel them in thinking biblically about marriage and parenting. Attend Sunday eve-

ning service, take your children with you to church clean-up day, or join a men’s or women's morning

prayer group.

In these ways and more, you can shed an individualistic view of church, contribute to the welfare of

the body, and advance the church’s mission to promote God’s glory.

Ryan Hoselton is married to Jaclyn and they have one daughter, Madrid. He’s pursuing doctoral

studies at Universität Heidelberg, and he enjoys writing on pop culture and church history. You can

follow Ryan on Twitter @ryanhoselton

Page 9: First Presbyterian February 2017 Tidings Newsletter · 2017-01-31 · February 2017 Tidings Newsletter First Presbyterian Church of Towanda ... February brings upon us one of my least-favorite

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

“Day of Prayer” 1

8AM Hezekiah Hands

4PM Confirmation


5:30PM Kid’s Club


4PM Communities that Care

6PM Stewardship Team

6:30PM Choir

3 4

12PM - 5PM

Private Baby Shower

in Patterson Hall

5 Communion

10AM Worship

11:30AM S.S. Class

6PM Youth Group at

Pastor Rachel’s


1PM Worship Team

5PM Trustees

5:30PM Outreach

6:30PM Scouts

6:30PM Women’s Bible Study at Pavey’s


9AM Bible Study at

Bev DeWitt’s

9:45AM Prayer Group

at Bev DeWitt’s


5:30PM Kid’s Club


4PM Communities that Care

6:30PM Choir


1PM Fellowship



10:30AM Praise

Team Practice


10AM Worship

11:30AM S.S. Class

6PM Youth Group


6:30PM Scouts

6:30PM Women’s Bible Study at Pavey’s

14 Valentine’s Day

9AM Bible Study at

Bev DeWitt’s

9:45AM Prayer Group

at Bev DeWitt’s


11AM C.E. Team

1PM Prayer Group at

Richard’s Home

4PM Confirmation


5:30PM Kid’s Club


4PM Communities that Care

6:30PM Choir


5:30PM Church

Game Night in

Patterson Hall



10AM Worship

MFM - Baby Bottle Campaign

11:30AM S.S. Class

6PM Youth Group

20 President’s Day

6:30PM Scouts

6:30PM Women’s Bible Study at Pavey’s


9AM Bible Study at

Bev DeWitt’s

9:45AM Prayer Group

at Bev DeWitt’s


5:30PM Kid’s Club


4PM Communities that Care

6:30PM Choir

24 25

10:30AM Praise

Team Practice

Youth Group Tubing

Details T/B/A


10AM Worship

11:30AM S.S. Class

6PM Youth Group


6:30PM Scouts

6:30PM Women’s Bible Study at Pavey’s


9AM Bible Study at

Bev DeWitt’s

9:45AM Prayer Group

at Bev DeWitt’s


February 2017

EMPCC - Baby Bottle Campaign