mm [ - ^ mm E t M u STO PO S T s ISEW pklDAr, AltOPST 31> I s Vt . ^^MJ^^mSStatnmsF" Cffimi>.#I.OOO.OOO. to ael m Kx»{*tor, CNsax^ut» <xTxmm M tk Jeg«l Coe»o®«y’P«^ iatoC onit Jateceatsilpwed m totBxaal^ oa 4wamd, <x at ,Q)e(^dste*r t t H , R B ABpOCK.B»ew»tT, Mx m ja im oownsMBt THE BANK OF MONTREAL » r K E g A B3EP TOXBatfll CIBGITI*^ HOTES LITTERS CREDIT TO IKATXiaJEBS, enffiaJsla.isaapcitaortba'wo^_____ 99 Axm 61 W A 3UE. Ksnoxoar. CITY AND C 0UHTY OF San Francisco Gold Sevens. <issEnB> jPOB w iB B s c s s c u p o i w s r > San Wron>Sico ovses ittt than,, Giree per cent, its at- icsssidraittaiioR. A msdUd •xaofokot tkes^AecttalileBonds for sate PERjEBS, irafcsroi, POST &GO, S3 Wwmmm. Stzeft.* flEtftWItREJlNDIlDDSONCIMtCO. BOSDS o r 1877 . We*iepKp«reatoi»rtliiseju^of tte abore Bond* ai parsnft acttned fsterest. Or to exchange tbs esunefCHr «i»llar twods,.BOcoied t>7 S&SSS9 nuK^stge,mating l & X B I i , IBLOBeAK & CO., 23 WeM 8t„ comer Broadt Sew York. Angort 24, 1SJ7. Sulfato, Mew York and Erie Railroad mSST MOETGAQE BENEWAL 7 p.Ci Bonds, due 1916, * COTJPON OE BEGISTBEEO. Istereet v*j*bUt Saoaimd joecember in. £tew York, FOE SALE BY mfflGsroM,_ posT_& CO, 35 RASSAtr CTi J.&W.8EU6H&I&G0.. 21 Broad Street New York, •ISSUElEl-W 01 m if lOB TMYiUlBS, Patajbis nr akst part op eohopb. asta, AFRICA, AtrSTEALI/ MONEI ON SOW. and GAUPOBHIA. JOHN MUNBOE & CO.. Bankers, No. 8 Wall Si., N. V., IBSXnS. P o a TBAVKT.T.IBTiS* CBS, OlRGITXiAJ5 N O TSS in Poonds SterUng, and ci»oi7 i.AJe MJBsmMsut owCBxa»pr. ■XCSANGjR OH3t.ONSOir AND FAIKE^ AsA CABAB XBAiraBBB^ on PARIS PcK OommsttisJ at HENRSY clews & CO., aSAJSKEaEtS JLVT> 0 3 » O H : E J B 6S , 36 Now street,- N . TT> Orden Szecated at the Kew York Stock Kzcliasgs, €tock8.and Gold carried on a maigln. HATCH & FOOTE, Bankers, i2 Wall Street, stm im BiECib mOTMSrnKMXT SOITD9, 0 OA27, gXOOJSta, Ajm KisoJKXJiJLxrKova anovsjrzM a. PROPOSALS FOR A LOAN FOE THE erook Street Distriat Improvement. CrtS-TBEASnBBB’SO^CB, > PBOVruBNOB ,B .J., A uktu I Ktb,1877 . S PBOPOSAIiB wUITie reoeiiel at tbia ofBoe, each to ba ondoraea (Pronoaala). until WBDNBaDAY, Septsmber Stb, 1877. at or before 1 o’clock r. u.. for a loan of seren hundredthoaaand doIU«rBtt700.C00), or any portion thereof, on nogotUble notes of the c'ty of ProTldenee- dated September let, 1S77, payable from three to seren "^vears, to aa amotmt not oioeeaing one hundred and forfy thousand denars (*.43 OCC) annually. Bald note, to be issued In sums of not leu than one thousand dollars (*1 COD), and bearlni; Interest at the rate of ato percent, per annum (currency), payable semi-atmually. Principal and interest when due wUl be payable at tbe Gty TreMurai’* office, on presentation of the notes, and to be endorsed thereon. (This loan tsmade for the purposes of the payment of the cosU of Durohase, or otherwise taking of land, and improTing the tame, under the proTlslons of Chapter 314 of the Public haws of tbe State, and amendments thereof, and the Ordinances of the city. AU money derived from the rental or sales of said laaA or any part thOTeof, and all premium on said notes, to bftpaid oyer to the Board of Commissioners of Sink. iDg Funds, and win he held and approp^ted forthe payment of said notes, prlndpsl and interest, according to their tenor. The r ght is reserred to reject any or ell proposals. By order of the Committee on the City Debt: BBNJAMIN TBIFP, CltyTreasnrar. OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI RAILWAY CO. j street, m Trust Co., 73 Broadway. Broadstrest. Notice to tEe Holders of Alabama and Chattanooga Bailroad First Mortgage Bonds, Tbe Circular of Messrs, Emile Erlaoeer & Co., of SsOEdcs, coBtainiBg ^ e ir proposal to the bOBdholders, can be obtaaned together wltn forma for aub^cripaon 61 William Bt. New York, Auenst m 1877. aur£0 l9t - $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 Tk^?Se®sem^®>^ togebimua. Address O . DIVIDEITO NOTIGES. jlosed on the 30th Inst.. BABBABHa, Seeretary. PROl^OSAIiS. be Trustees of tl WANTED. ^ maile m wSs&ng. Addreu A. B. K.. offlo^of^igu MISCEMiANEOUSe Goods. cMmiit^ seen cons:------- ^ in oonnecvlOD , and cesiaye. Addreu THOMAS B. CUFFORD, XCOnCAXES' JPTTBXdLC. Oommissioiior for All the Stataf, PASSPORTS PROCURED, S08 Bm*Aw»Ts Oor. Enlt« it., FINMC® U ® TRADE ^ ftflhmbSK * » s s t wemmm (nsMedlBleilw lo W K y m e iie s tia d’yoQlcftM^r, irn&jammamMmaetmmn SI HS.S- lanoetdoBl&ttfaitoiNMole Mft96J«0 ^ a « d M l M -tto eioM yeriertear. TMMdi SMM boade are .^-lownf tiiipiyw*ir*^tor lia- i^g par ewfit, «ad oitonriw wwiawipd. liitaofi Oad4»Ilai^£roBi61K *063^ Bela i i l l 3^a « a la * t UH rmttsrnr^ tot mew Tork CMtraUiaa bMBi AM m stotkBitmate Mu ------ laak«,botiicieafaa«ral* an »inetiaa]4i ^ »anlnlhalata»atta«aywii»flajr. GaUtepm- edatlM, aad«n toi MiMtoiMbaYa Imm i A that prloa. Qa golii loana H * saiealMiTa ba«a ‘*fl4t " » a i @ a P«! etoktoreartflnt. atraHt fcr petnahawkwa’ •UrllBsbfUi^ wkiek abortfr aTiur a « » wan nwked up to uud A86}|( nqpaeilTair. bMtt ddaa M ak iasji - and 4.8^ . ItlaixikaowuwlM«tMr ih*£!,e()(),« WOUatTmoiMag £roat ^ Ba^UtanaadOdkt kManegoilattoa, ahem aaadadto,lMT«bMOjnar. katodorantoeoiaeoatoaiPMricML Wado aot beileTatbattU R etttat aiioUa {(t^badlwea made iraesiwrimylcBOwn: til the exeliaiBgaiBar- katimtilallertliaratMfwaterllnc had DMuad- cmfc,wIUi 4 per noktiia rolii^ fata. Cirtioe tnweanttlepapaf ntajie treai 5 toT ptc uemt, It te kDowU timt a oonaldcrable jamoual of Xetal- teoler xKitMMBttc Batitomw iart wee^^ neeUoB with Hu noeat loan of* ttiat •1(7, bare been retonied dorisc Ike preaeat week Oa tbe ofinr baud, «m mpmeute to |be wea^ otoalAt tbti^ aeaaoa of the year, b a n beco £c Ib3 OB, and enractidlnaiT ebi^aiente taure txiea 1 b the luf fewdaii oaaooountottheiaa oatbe sayfDHbankijlaqbidasQ. Aatbaweekljr Btatemut (d &e Hew York banks la niade on averegee earerlng alx dayk beglnalng SatordaY monlBK and doefog at 3 trolook on the next enooeedllnc Frldar, It la not aaaj’ to aay wbat tbs precise or eyen approximate effect of these coalniTeatng fflOTementa On the legal tender note averege In to-morrow's bank Btatement will be, Itm ar. bowerer. be regard- ed utiMwlteble that tbelegal tender note arwr- sge : ^ fall largely from now nntU the eloea of the year, the only qneatton being whether fits de oreaM wiU be as llMle ae $15,000,000 or aa moeb as *25,000,ppo. OoTemmeBi) bonds In ffdi market are below yeBterdsy's dosing, except f<w 10 40s and CorreDoy 6i^ which are tmdianged. Tbe a l ^ market epened btiiher than it doeed yeeterday, except fiwHortbweat common, whic^aa H Iowa*, a&d Delawara, liackawaaaa hj boor tee generatllirt dedlned the latter whidi were anchanged. Daring-tee dmt lUchlgen leoUned eaeb, and Horthwest% Vt ter noon tee It., the latte advanced 1 pw eenL, Michigan Centeai then Tmtn near noon there was an advance of ^ @1X P«r cent., the latter Wsbash; Iioke Bhoi 'u m LJke Shore, Hew York Pentnd and CentraU Weatern Dnion Telegraph and Itock Idand deoUned each, end Horthwe Csnteai and Horteweat preferred Ji each, and Hew York Central K* Since noon there baa bew another dedine of ^@ig, the tetter Western Colon Tel setee, the alooke in tbe ■U t , have been as tidlowe: Lake Siu»e, 633^@643^ ; Wabadi, 18K @15 ; Weetem Union TSfegraph. ; kUcfal- gan Centeil, &6]^@ei57^ ; Horteireit, ^ ^0 33J^; Northwest Preferred, 61Jg@63|f ; Rock Idand, 99KQ100K i Hew York Central. 10I>(® Ohio and IfUeiasippI, 6K@VH ; Krie, 1IJ4® 12:; 0„ C. and I. a , 4K@5; Sfc Pan!, SOJfaSl^; St. Paul Preferred, 66>ga67; Uetewrare, Laeka- 33J^; Northwest Preferred, 61Jg@63|f ; Rock Idand, 99KQ100K i Hew York Central. 10I>(® Ohio and IfUeiasippI, 6K@VH ; KrIe, 1IJ4® C. and I. a , 4K@5; Sfc Pan!, SOJfaSl^; d Preferred, 66>ga67; Uetewrare, Xitieha* and Wssteni, Union Pm IB o, 69^ 070* Hannibal and St. Joseph, 11^@ 12K; Preferred, 27@%; Pacifio Hail, and iSo.JterS “ SJ3C0 C .^.*LCeit’i loo c. cJilt’i ?:S§8 A ^ t e topt ] 96J4 ic h ^ ^ i B t e i p r .b o btmf.r.™ " " c 49« lO^W.CmTeLb'c-bS P 1 i= B pa::v:.Vb6 fo j:";;:bo. IMiaUAsrw.Frrt i l i i ico ........ “** ! " f S i I IP --: i « s ? I l§8 SS::::::::::;!?1„ I iiilft' aa gg;:::.:::;:::: do.":.v.v;:i5 c§:::: »tSE » I iiili At 12:30 O'clock, the following ware the qnote- i; AHKiWowdPi ---------- ago and NoRhwert, S33i 033K : Horthwesi IM errad. S3XQ&2H ; Obioago. Rook mrul OngtOB and Qnln^, oego and Indiana CoIambnA CtixdnnaU 'adflo Telsgrapb, IS^QSl; irt. S33i 033K : CSiioago a i ^ ricunau. mjgQ63^ ; Ohloago, Rook Paeifle, lOOMmOOKt CMwffO, Bar- 1 Q aln^, 93&100; Colatabtu, Chi- Central, m @ 4X ; Cleveland, inaU and Indtimapolte S2X& S3%; aevetend and FlUtbnra^ 80@S0M; Cbl-' oego and -Uton 86@S7>j; CposoUdatloo Ootd, 20; Detewnre^Laekawanaa and Weilem, Oeteware and Hudson Canal, 49fgC&?g; On- bnqae and Bionx City, 47; Aiuerifiaa Express, 45H; United States Exprees, 43}g&4Sfii Erie, I Harlem, 143; Hennlbal and Bk Joespli, tlK®IZ}g ; ^nnlbal and Bt. Jo’ sepb I^efenred. 26KA57K : lUinois Ctelral, 6iH <SSiHi Iufcetetore,63M@64; MlcUgaa Central, 56$ge56K; Monis eodEmac, TSHmiHi Hawau> kee and Sk PUol, SIK®S1M: Hilwankee and Sk PanlPtefsewd, C8^@ 67H; Mariposa. %®2; Harlpoea Preferred, ^ ; New Yerk; Haw Ha veo and Hartford, 15^ 0156; HewYork Osatoal lOl^OlOlK: Hew Jarser Central, 163^ 16^ l Hew J e ts v Soiitenrn, %®%t Ohio and Mia- •IsiiPId. «K®7K; Ohio and Preferred, 10K SI3K ; F*oUte toiQ Panama 110; a Q .84}<@34X Panama 110; Flttsbnra^ and Fewt Wayne. S9%<390H: Paeifioof M tekoi, ^ver, 17Q1S ; Qnlektaver EMtarsd, 3l^@33; Sk IkmtawdlroD Moiiataiii,7K « 8H iB t‘ EAdsm cut Horteem. Totedt^ Wa- UnloB Paemi ; Wesiani Union ttelscn^. bash and Weitsm, ; Xsaw P rintin g SA Pm ^ AT THE OFPI05 .WITH GRIAT SAPID ...3..... 4«» m d SS^m S ............. 4?^ - BmBuma P0S7, Broadway and Fulton ttreotg N. Y. SCHOOk CHIC171.AR9, SCONWauuN- R n p o R Y A , ciirnwioATM , Ac., ^ fteasiMlTaadiMsByaxeDtedatthe ) J K l» n i« i POMP JOB , PJBIHTIHG O m C B , inioAinrAri,f9o « i^ .... .. C^a55£ S2S!?I^S^-r ’'jr.sj^ g liisE S fi.-'SEmfJS[*«ri(KS3t 1041 Hi4S, 104; ism 104; IM; 104; i ;oa, m ________ TRX UBY GOODS 1CAEKST. ~ -The Vteme U bnilBess acco^plialiee by tea package konasa faring tee psatwete inu ftlrly itasUitoiy. ttoeite periMgnnotqslte ao Inge w might hsve baen szpsctati^teefrwifaBnaKciF Wsetna^ Soateetm tteSoeteweatecBb^etamteaiBWket. OpeMtiOaelii tee nost staple eottoa aad woollaa fabrics were coa- tmBSdmalairlyllbecalacate,aBdteete was aatu fy SS?JSSSaSSS£J£«Sl5SS (^cuskma caioataUenakeaof bleacted shlrtlsge, in tmer to etiatalats tee demand, whlidt h aab i^ slugrUh of late, . The Jobbtar,trade wee td Urpay increued DtopffitemA^ TBITaberalasluwwe made by Arms dffing s southern t r « ^ Biom Sheetlnn and Sbiiriatie-TlieMi hu beat a (omeirkat better dffizuuid lot brown i&peaj^ atflret hmds. as the BhppUee bought by jobbers in Jane are beaming exhaaetecu Three to four-yard eheettege of the most imHiIsi aakea were in steady rebaest, sad prices ruled Ann at cairmt quotations. KeschedSheettiigg sndShlitHigg,—There w a e slag' glshm orm i^ ln olesidisd shirrings. and wide sheet lugs were doll In agemts’hands. For a few cf the most popular makes of fite. medium sad low shirtings the-e was a steady moderate demand, and prices w«enn. (manged, but outside brands dragged hoaTtbr. Increaied ffitcoaateto., were ysliity offixed In order to Increase ‘ Worsted Drese Goods—There was a well sustained demand for the moet popular pliun and fancy worsted tezrares, a ccmslderahlenambcror dapUcste order* har- Ine been received fnaa interior jdbberA who branght llg&tly at the outset of the season. Host or the lead&g fabrics mairafacturod by the Padfle, Manchester. Wash- Scheppsrs eweek in mea’A htneomesangnme a well-distribated " B ay ^ as a 7016^^6 aot”«a'cl8M t ^ 8ke large imrcbases of any partlcnlaf detcnbtion; but their selec- tions wwPnosuy msde in moderate quantities of each o f the leading standard prodactiooB, and of such of tbe meet salable styles of fancy fabrics as were requited •to make up full and attiacttve assortments, adapted to the probable wants of their coatomers. and the aggte- gate BSles by agents footed np a liberal total. The (3oth jpbbera reported a moderate improvement In trade, bat their general dlsttibutioiu) were hardly np From Inte lor dty clothier^ who waa among the earliest patebasers of wooIienA orders have been re celred hyagen-s to a.considerable amonnt for dapheate ''-ts Of such styles aa were reqr'"^ -------------- ■- ilcatlngafavoiab'---------- peremptory aucttOB aale of Moscow beavers to be made by Mm^ Wllmerdlng. Hc«net A Co, on Wedneeday, Cmths have conUnuedto And a limited distribution In low to medium grades of black, but there was no Im- gortfot^^nlry tor colors, and the genersl dealings DoeekteaLvechangeahandBaB the wantsof the trade required opoE the basis of current quotations. Gf ex- cepUonal makes sUgbt concessions have in some cases hem made to inouce more Ubc' al aales. Caselmeres of fsTOnte makes of fancy In low to me- dlnm grsdee have fonnd buyers tos somewhatlncreasod aggregate, and prices of reallv choice styles were well snatalned. For the Aner grades of fancy the market was uneven, although of the most popular fabrics there Worsted coatings aid cotton warp womeds of well established makes in salable patteraa have continued In good demand, and the Indlcationa are conMderel as fa- vorable to a moderately active trade In these fabrlce during the autumn mombs. Foreign Dty Good—The Imports of dry goods at this port for the week and for the corresponding time In the two prevloas years compare as follows: UPOBIB oy SBT aoons fob ms week. 1876. 1878. 1877. sntered at port.... $2.6Sa604 $3,000,630 $3 U3.0S8 Thrown on market. 3,527.510 2,011,435 2 311.359 Bnt’dfmeons’n ... 1,754,876 1,329,883 1,714 887 has been a. material Improvement In the de- ---- : Goods—There has been sn Increased demand for black dreM ellks^to w hto^te^e best biakM partid; ------ Ibbons were more freely distnhntcd. Linen Gcodr.-There wss a moderate movement In lesd i^ makes of housekeeping linens, such as bleached and Turkey damask, loom dice, towels, napkins, &c, and shiiUng and Dontlng Unerm were In moderate re- quest. but Dundee goods roled quiet, and handkerchiefs moved slowly.—IDaify BulUtln and Auction Becord. Lcndon. August 81—12:30 p. M.-Cottsols, 95 8-16 for both money and the account. United States four and a half per cent bonds, 105}^, Erie Railway shares. 11J4 Lohdon, Angnst 31- 2 p k. - Paris advices quote Ave per cent, rentes 106 francs 7j£ centimes for theacconnt toHDoir, August 31—4 p. J t —United states four and a half per cent bonds, 105^ . Etie Railway shares, '^ ^ r is advices quote Ave percent rentes 105 francs 87J4 DntlineB for the account F*eis. August 31.—Exchange on London, 35 francs centimes for short eight. COind(BOI4T t 81- 12:30 p middling I ------- g 1,000 forsp-------- day. 2.900 bales, Inclndtngl. _________ ier. Uplands, low middling dianse. August delivery, 6 3l-32d ; also sales of the same, 6 }5.16d .; uplands, low middling clause, August and September delivery, 5 16-I6d ; uplands, low middling clause, Sep- tember and October delivery. 5 31-3]d. Weekly Cotton Market-Sales of the week. 56.000 ------------- speculators took 2.000; 806 OOO; American, 513.000; total recripts, riesn. 5.000 ; actual export, 4.000 : amount --------------loat 175.0C0 ; American, 26,000 ; forwarded from the ship’s side direct to splimers, 1,000, American ealea et the week. 35,000 bales. Breadstuff*- The reedpts of wheat for the past throe days were 40,000 quarterA including 36.000 quarters American. ’' “’BBPOOL. Augnst nlddltcg Clause. S( 6d: uplands, low mber delivery, 6 Sl-a-ro. __ESPOon. August 81—2 p k ,—BreadatuA-j Ann; wheat 12s, 4d. andlSs. 6d. percental for average Call, futnis white, and ISs, 6d @134. fotCJlfornla club . Livebpooi. August 31—3 p. jc.—Trade Report-TUe market for yarns and fahnes at Manchester is quiet and nnehanged. Cotton—Uplands, low middling danse, December and January delivery, 5 15-I6d : nptands, low middling danse, new crop, shipped November and December, ANTWBBP.Anguat 31.—Fetrolenm, 33J4 francs for fine p&leAmerleaxL lilVXEPOOXi, *— 0 l)t|3 | 3 ing InteUigencL STEAMERS TO ABEIVB, a r ‘v.r;;.affisi7;:::g|S.-;v.g:| Sfeii'S®''"-" STKAMBBS to BAH). sSteTpSA.-.-.NlwySk;::::lK:-"-^-- - Cleopatra,. lep'. 8 PORt OF s a w XOBK. FRIDAY. AUU. 3’ .. 13U. 8aBdSk!^Balfeor;iK«d"*L^iH^^ steamer -Albemarle, Gtbba. Ijewae, with mdseand pas- Mimera to OULDomlnlou SS Co. BUp Constastine. Goss (ISta Oroevy), Zsindon. July 18thand ItleofWigbtZM,With mUisto artnasu. itm. turn t Co. August 13th, 1st 44F, ion 33-%Captain Craevy died of kldnay disassaand dropsy, after a pain- fnliilneaaof UdsyK breughtthe body home lorinter. ™B*ri Veteran (of Som«»Mt). .Gage. MarssUZu July 14. la ballsat to James Henry, July 3s, paued a large aired iron buoy, p ^ t e d red, about saidway between Cape BpartolandT^allghteeute. . A<tete> BieeimriM : ^ k t o d 1.Jlieeper. Boston ^yawiih Fnnetal frotn bet Wbet’j) reddesce, Aveoae Ti Bergen F«dnt,N. J.,<mSaturday. September!,** 3 oclock w. *. Taun leavee lootof Liberty street at So’clote PEREGO Oar cetebested PAXsaxT Bosoiar sautqrs to obskb . PRICK HKDUCKD. 85 Nassau ft.,W, Y. :e«9rs. OLGT miroha»& MomNtarting. Mt CQ M ATB A C O .’R TIC T0H*CV IK H refresh- tMToim i i wiOT Kt maur Hj^tointlitordillSS Brou- H ijt HfSTOUCTIONe A MOBJI Olf THM MUnKOff. M B MASTERS, wile «( tee Me Bar. XteMteR. MSfrtenkUU> « d Iwr JaniditecA ifffl open nBoiiMiiC ta tfm y gc&ocUak Tonne I*Me* nai CblteMi K Uobbe F**ur,H«w Totk.8epteffik« R. TbelElaw3ttetatslti»e%»et*er*sIy*Bste*i)ed«t fceinntimfoctee inteotteaeii]^ AlimiteanBmbeioc papite will berecetTaJlnio tee fSnk^y.isd evety eIRKtvnibe aude,«k!Rtc(vlag teea* nteo f o ^ eaiication.to■nke.ltfoe teetentneCkrtir Theiiiiftoratzdy vrill1wcompnlianrive.*aat ten oitpeoC tendMU btebeen aecarad. Axtoteieof tee Itoaee.tee t«rii%,eto.,a(einriadad Is A irireslar white will >9 Mut wh)gn leqeested. AmoBgmasxrefertscet are tee foHowIcg gentleoMo; ExPres’tMark Ht^jklce. of William* OoOec*; tee Her. Jobs BaR.UU.,of New York; Jfc B. A. Sheldoa. Px«.*’t StateBcrmal School, Oswego. N Y.; tee Rev. T. M, Hives. Jr„ Uobhe Terry. K. T .; tee Rev. G. B. Beeee;HectoeofZienCfmrte.DobbdFeny,N.Y.; tee Her. B. A Sawyer. D.D„3iviiigtOQ,H.T.; D r.T.M . JC*ikoetN.Y.clty; lEe.XdwlB L, Stsatoo, W*ehlBg-: too, H O ; Judge H.W . Bkidgett. CUeaco.IlL: Hoo, J .H CampbdLClnriaitomS. C ; Rev. Tbeo. Rving, LLJ)., N. Y. «aiy; Joeeph HowUsd. Xatteawan. Judge Henry W. Taylor. LL.D., t H0M.CHAB.LKS IBABCra ADAM. BLJ)., CkalEniax _ WIIMAl^LDlSStoCK^ESb, Master. Thi* «Aooi 1* dertiaad to c l v j ^ b e s t aad tkoN ngh prspaiMlon for ooUaee. 331* part year thara hav* He. CS Slerlbsrenalt at., Beston, iHamsecliuaetts, mna.MlMaswsd Young lAdlea Oei MT. PL^SANT AT BIMG-8IHG-lSif BtUDSON IS. Y. TbsocnrMofiBitiuoUou embiaoaa the following d*. panmemg:OIauloai.Mod*ru Langnage*. Kamdatary, Mathematical, JtaigUali Btudle*. and natural Belenoe. Oiaasei ore alaolormed in Mntlo. Drawteg. kenclng, — Klocntlon. A thoroughly organlzad Military Det mant. Riding School, v-”- ------------- --- --------- ”“ngfi«®’ BHili BBHJAMIM A ALLKM.Friaolpatl. ' POCGHK.REPSIB FEM ALB ACADEMY. Bev. D, G. WKIQHT, D.DmBi ----- A FinsT ensss PcHOOi nr eveuy teachera In the aeveral deptitmenta ai and azpoTlanoed. Thelsidutletforstli Ubed ednestton are second to none, i ____ ■pared to make this a BayiKED. O hbibciaka: Home uor pupils. For circulars pleas* a EKCTOB,Pougnk«*p*le.»ew York. MADEMOISELLE TABDIVEL, ®0.23 WB8T BT-BBST. ADSLPHI AOADEMIT, r.St. JameaPiace, Brooklyn, Lafayette Ave., oer.l P r ^ ^ md tele Will open for the reception of pupils of bote sexes Sep- tember 12th. For ctta'ognea apply at tlio Academy, or 181 Front street, N. Y.________________augl7 6w 9 WEST THIRTY-NINTH STREET. MIBB AMKA O. SBAOSBTT and MIBB IDA . BLIOT’S SCHOOL FOB GIBLB from 6to 31 WUl rebpen Tuesday. October 3. Praparaa for anyooUege or uni. verslty if desired. For circulars and full Information ply ad al THE FIFTH ATEHBE SCHOOL FOB BOYS, Nos. 539. 5 ai and 543 Filth Ave. (45 h ■(,) THIS APPROVED SCHOOL FOtt BOYS p A O K A ]^S ® B D M H ]M 8®^“ 6 0 M B O B , A StS Broadway, wilt reapan for tea yaar on MOM- BETTS MILITARY ACADEMY, BTAMFOBD,Ct. 40tbysar. AHomoBohool. Situation nnenrpsssed. Thorough instruotlon. Caroful training. loaMssui raiuvuxio... ... --------------------------- for both advanced and baokward pnptis. Keoom- —„Jd*;d by Mr. Bayard Taylor, Jndga Van Hossen, and others. Open all summer Media has ssvsn ohnrohss and a temperanee charter. Address B. O. SHOUT. UOGB (Harvard A. M.). Media, Pann. myld 4meod ALEXANDBB INSTITUTB.-MILI- rfcf, _________________________ angtt ImeQd TiOABVma SCHOOL VOB BOTSf X> afiropR’s Neck. Westekester, N.Y Boy§thorough* I t prepftToa lor ooUege. acientiflo achools or baalneBi. classical at d mathematical departments of the ANTKON GRAiaCHAR SOBIOOL g the last 13years, have withdrawn, an* will TABEW BKMINABY AND PKMALB JLv couuEan, oaruel. n. T.— asobool for both sexes. WASHINGTOH INSTIdPUTB .J, PBBBHOtD, SBMXHABY CO- No. 303 Pearl st._________________ auglSlm K tG L U R ’B BOABDIHQ Hi°T?^^KdSt*udaifTcbcro^ wm^tepM^V^DnB^aYj^Bs^^ia. For oircffian^l. Tlf DI*. L1HZ.-FBBHOH AHD MHO- XU . ush school.itormerD Charlltr Instltnt^ fc» yonnic lecpea sept. 17. *Qrcui*r* sent on appueaute. ll/flSS BALIiOW'S BHaMSH AHD LU Fteute Bobool for young ladles sad children. Ho. 34Z ^ ^ s t.,w m reopen on Wednesday. Bept. 38. TiflBB. BUiCONDS' BOABBIKCI AHD moi<b|rlTe«« tbe alK of tbe sebooU g> Kastlrtb at. YomiigladMspnpizsd for the Burvard KzaawuUoas. d i^uiiAaMoAMigff dad _D k ^ 9 °h. THE GffilT E W U I lOfEin. MHTAD l JilOS .- NEWAPEHIENTWATER. Bptfilall-y.reeonunAid. ed-lss riteaess In aperient ■an*., aad Its. affisaey ta aaknui ■ttaeks.iNraveaUea ^of aout.PU**, ate., and aa twdtoary aperieat. by IRRie, VIR- , HOW. SCAN- IZONX, Ud SIR HXMRY VHOMP. BON> sad tli« etatli* rtadtealprofeistoalaEagi load aad Germany. ‘^ ^ J S 'S S iJ r T D B l, ;iS7S!6 >sss1s j is f e lK SSfeiJS: LEW w' x ^ aY ^ Now Y«k, “Pre. ■vary ganum* bottl*,b*ara tea aatna of Thx Apol- EiSAais Co. (limited), London. FRED'K DE »ARY A CO.» AX *43 WarrenSt,, XTetoXortc, ■ abfeAjrtite/w Uettsd »*«*# end Cenedw, forSaleb j JEALESi, fiROCESN fcBRP^BlSTS. Destructive Tornado in Illinois. CusousKAxr, AiiTBSl3L--A-teRifiogi(»mpMB- Bd over Hlla»B, HL, yeaterday, proBtntti% % mmaupet ttrnm. T to floniiiiK BOtii or J(ten B, Qraysoa & fica vrue oompMely dMioyed. One mlU band w u killed kyHOllBK Mmlien. Tlie loM fa eMboatadAt «S>7,00{). THE TtJKF. long Branch Races, MonmouthPark. FOUR RACES EACH DAY . AUGUST 33 .39 .as AHD epFTnMBHB J. Fere for ronnd trip,tnelndlnrsdm isilon to track $3 S F '" ' , INSTKXJGTIOT^e ttieet. aag 231 m . i IITBS. PABKB’ EAMILY AND DAY IJJL BchiwLft^yoM^lM lM jma H ttle glrlajrwpwa ll/nBB WILMAMSS, 26WEST 39 TH BT., lU .»inieoponlier*nirt«h»ndV toooliBoaraios A Dar pA B K ISSTlTUTJr, BYE, WBSTOHBB- T>B*K 8 K 1 LL (N .T .) M ILTTABY ACADEMY . Optns Jr Baptili, BenttXorC lTonlar. TJIVEBVIMW ACADEMY, POUGH- -Es BXaesisN .T.—C laisloal, (kHnmexolO I, MU ltary— bettlnall. BUprospaocn*. jylO lm C<OUTHJBB 8 EYT[W 8MTDTO ,BrIdee«on,N .J. improTeinenU . (H lmatsffiUd.very healtev. Instruotlon TBAHK 'lV ffio?ML^*^*‘ nrUBBYTOWH (N. Y .) DBVING IN- X atltuts. FoibojBandToraamen. Eeopens.Bept. 11 . ForclKnUarsadOreM thaFrinolpaL lylstf mBB OOIiUSaiATS B O H O O I ie —7 9 X WeitSMat.coniepeU iAT te.. NewYork. BBY . BBNBY B* OB APIH .PH .O .S PrlnotpaL Tha 58 £h lohool Yetr htfflniE«pt. 17 * '877 . Boys flttea forcilleco orbus- inois. A jpnzD ftTT deputioent. Bateaof tuitionrea» tootblo. eeDdlPT bC rocU ftr. ftUK 27 Im qriHBMlBBEBGBAHAM, SUCOESSOHB A to iheM IBBBB GBBBH .wm reqpan theirschoolfor Vonue Ladles anttChUdren.atNo. 1 Fifthareaue, first honsefrom WaihlnatonSqnai*>on Wadneiaar. the 2 SU> ofSeptember. ausStl TTHITBD STATES SCHOOL AND COL- U LXQH D IBBOTOBTFOB1 SJ 7 . »0 page*, w ith Jftap mnCL iltnitrM tloDS . C ixcnlarM o£fall the leading lobootfl combined in tbU one publioatlon. A lundsra medium of ooninmnicatlon between acbools Slid tntendinRpatroni.wbereinperent#dudjeoardUne mMY ObcM lnail U iainformation rtelatinntotkebelter oisttoficboUatlolnttUutlOB t in tbe country neoeB iary to tbe seleotion of mob » one u the? merbe in leircb of*w itnoat tbteIsonnYenlenoe incident to the usual tneane ofcolteotlcfc th* same. For the Ahove pnrpoie itw ill be sentfree nponreoeipt ofpostage. 9 oentts For allother pnrpofes* 60 centi. PamplileUand information of city and ooontry AGRNOY FOB SCHOOLS ANOTHAOHHKB , ^ aug 6 m teod 30 Union Square,n. 16 thst.. N .Y . VODKO LAD 1 B 8 ’ SBM INABT . M IDDLETOWN , X Conn. Year heals*Bepumber lUh. Bar. B . A . faM lTH .Pilnolpal. aua 6 Un TTOUNG WOMEN FITTEDFOBTHEHABTABD Xexam lM tlont, or for any college, B-J.LUONABD , Menaan.Cenn. augieim FOB SAUB OB TO LET* C l’n r XtEAlaESYATB IFOR SAIJS. A CORNER ON 5TH AVENUE, (MURRAY HILL,) F o r Sale, X*rice lao-vr* FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO HOMfiR IDIOROAN , augse 8t 2 PINE ST. mi FOB BALE-NO. 9 WEST 56 THBT., Msi 25 feet, femvatory, bi/fhitoopbrourn etone, wm built, in p^ootorder and best location. Xnqnlieonthe prem iM s. or at 30Naasm rt..^oom m fob salb - a valuable store JtilL property,looatad In a bnilneasportion oftbeolty, cow prodoclogsgood income on priceukrd. Partlei nlsblog a lafa inysstmentand reliable Income apply to BOMBB MOBGAN , 3 PineSt. auKb 6 t CITY REAI* ESTATB TO XRT. JFzxzrxxlawkzecEa Cl NEW LISTS PUBLISHED TO-DAY jm byV. E. 8 TBVENSON , JB..offlcst4Plne, 83 Xait iTte It. and 6316th ave. it d 14TH ST., NEAB 8TH AYE.-FULL It O ffices 4 Pin*. 33 . Bast 17 th st, and 6815 th are. m YO lbt - yubni ' bhbd - thb ble - JiSU .gantt.itorxbrownstonehouae 110 Eastnth st., near Fourth arehue. T . 8 .VO 0 NG . augSiet 12 Finest. C! ATS ELEGANT, EULL-SIZEO 4 - J eI.atoiy high,stoop house,on 23 th st.. near 6 th are.,to jg TOUKOTt -A MAQmSiaSSiT housb JB on 6 th eros« eJegently fornlshed,to aprlrate faim* ly to Hay lit.i^d loilow inr year It desired. Apply to aug 29 U W . Be aaiSWO liD , 7 U Broadway. Cl A fully fobnishbd house nr JEaa desirablelocationw ill be rentedtoa pilrate fam ily untU May nextata low price. For partlomara in. quire ofvy .N .TitFs T , 443 Broadway. angts 28 t ■O 'aaff’uurxiLXeila.edU HEW LISTS PUBLISHED TO-DAY itiii by V .K .BTBVENSO fl,Ju,offlcei 4Pine, 33 Bast U tb st. and CS l Sth are. It ®ITO LET.-TWO NEW ELEGANT Eat honies. 36 x 69 .lustcompleted,ofour own oonstruo tun. Bend forramphlet.R lylog description and terms, to ^ DDauiN & OBOpBMAH , Aroblteoti, aug 314 t 63 Na*t 4 Utat.,ODr.f^xaTe. .m TO BINT, VEBY DBSIBABLE BS.moderate priced hoesea in 3 )th st,between 6 ih and 60 iaTes., 34 th at.near Madison ay.. 3 Sthst.near Farx ay.,and tteay.nearlO th at, augl 9 St F. G .A 0 .B .BBOWN , 93 Broadway. BROOJBJLYK PROPERTY* m VOR BALM OB BXOHANGX-NMAll Vyio m lnnter.WB lk ofthePark Plaxs.. Tli* home u 45 ten frostand 66 feetdeep,w ith land 106 x 167 feet. BUbla 36 x lOO feet,erected on rear of plot, w lthaUaooommoda. tlon* for ooaoliman. Qrouna*finely laid outw lte fin* itatubbery, itmm ier houic, Ao ., and aiUTonnded w ith high Iron fenoe, H oum ui oomplete order,built by day*’ work,and one of tli* butand mostdaalrable raildano** m iheoity. TheaboveproM rtT w in be lolttcheap ana SUMMER RESORTS. ** CAYUGA LAKE HOTEL.” This new and beautifniHotel 1 *altaated dlreotlvoa the bank of Ounga Lake,atBheldrake. 8 ene«a Oo„a.Y. OPENS JUNE 30 , 1877 , . UOSQU ITONBandDAMPNBBS eaimot bf foundat p^we^ ^r^^iufi^l^C^^us'a^m^o! W ”’ ClTSElll MOUfflIH lOnSI The «fly cool place near New York. ‘ Comparehighest temperature In shade, Augnat 8 : Catskm ylUagefmo; New York. 92 *; *ug 9 if BCoTuataiZL BCouse, Y 3®* PROSPECT PARK HOTEL, CATgRlLL, N . Y . IONLY FIBST-OLA 8 S BOTBL INTBIB BBSION . ' Teimarednoed. Hlsh elevation,S 3 acreiofQrounda, Mountain A ir. Boenery nnsurpasied In theworld. Ao- THE HIGHLAND HOUSE. OABBIfiON ON THE HUDSON. Open ustairte latherauatladnoadrata.. Aecom . modatloniflrsi.olaaa. GSO .F.QAEB 130 N ,Manager. Heath House,Schoole/s Mountain, N. J., winremainopennntll October lit.at reduced rate* angUH ,WAFlm ELBERONHOTEL, SouthofLongBranch. The most nniqneandelt^ntSea-aide Beeort In the Muntr:^^U T,JONES.late ofHoffimau Honse^and St. rimOY HOUBB, TBOY N. Y-THH nUheTSt^SSSS ^'i^V.'rtwaiea wlthlSF^^Si Readers of the EVENING ROSI temporarily absent fromthe city may have this lonmal mMIed to them for 75 cents a mantb, wMch induflee postage. The ad- dresswill be(ihsQgedss oftenaa desired, and if theterm pud for hasnot esepiredwhen the subem iibfa xetnnmto HewYork, the paper wdftesmed bycuxiefm thisleddsQoe. ROOMS AND BOARD. KQD BT., NBAB MADISON ATNNUS-^ eJO A very deetoab 'e w«»d 11 oorlaaqn<etf*aityi w ith board. BefsTeaeaexeiiaac^ Addre**Suas*to>nt ofEceof-teexveoiscPotC^ahtoadiiay. ooiffiSt T Q»7WEST 48D, HEAR BT. CLOUD, XO 4 FuiaiibeeBooaw .sD 'glroriasalte.ferfam l^ Uea crB*aU*men,wUh or w ltbontboard. ongt) 6 t O B in s OF BOOMS WITH PBIVATE O toUeocw ltboot boar«.lneMOf the anerteWMa la tbe elty. Privatebotbroora;, Ae. Unexaeptloaabl* SMBYAHTS. riO O K AND LAUNDBE8a.-B Y A TEBT coi^^^aroo<e^aiSju*«eS 55 iuSam^^ tSSSf£SS^e.^Jii.*^ rttd Sw tiUah ... YTOUBnrOMH-BY A WELSH YOUNO FIRSTED ITION . B 1 TTEX 4 E 26 BAPH. THE WAB, Hontenesrao. Strategy. Ixrnvm, Aajfait SL—A O m m b to m Ztoie) ftotoO*lrolc,dtatodA«fQst3a,Myg; <'XhalEbB:- tesscrtii oButotns moved to-d«yto to* plein bMweea lOeal^ and toe Dcy;* Ptm, in oewe* queooe o$ ab attompt to nlfarra.ttis elty from Price of Silver. Lohdom, Anguat 51—4 P.it-BaTWfaqaoled at 545-16dL peroonoe. TJte Noittiwesteni Crops. Tbe sgrlenltanl retana are bow auffiideakly rtod to tbe OommlastiKiaii^ of* ^totfatici to teat ited ti>opttoIu|v* tied e greeter effect tluiQ -aa appreh«d#diu ; wEmt onltore hai reported to tbe OommlastiKiaii^ of* ^tiiE afford data for ap eiHinate of toe wheat crop of tbe piMeat year. Prom theM reporla It appean llHouraging the wide ox tei ifetofora parsaed. Rt|K» bear toat aotwiteshuidiiig srjMapprebffiided It) of wb«at onltore h L ,„. ___.. _______ __, ___ jtrom BUr etmUee toe w toat aotwiteshuidiiig a considerable Inareaae of wheat aoreaga in the older and exempt ooimttee the oonwaotlon In the ravaged dlstrlota fa so great aisto oatilto an aelnal reduction In the wheat area o£ llrom. 70 0(XI to 75,()0()-torM. 3%te-wltt leave «boht<1,800,000 eerei as the wheat uea for 1877. Some sixteen counties have suetalned sui appreciable loss from granhoppm too preieni year. In two of theie, HandlyoU arid Chippewa, the deatmotion was inbetanilally complete. Tbeir oombtned average wa> 590.975, which farther redoou the wheat area to l,749,000 acres. In the remaining four- teen graiBbopper oonntlee It fa aatimated that the ravagee vary from one-fonrth to three-fonrthi of a full orop. Theee coimtlea embraoe a wheat area of 269,300 aiwes which ye estimate wlU yield ap average of ton bnihefa per aire. EttlmaUng theyleld of the -------- - state at nlnetee following resnlt: 1,479,784 acres at 19bushels................ . .... 28.11(t«00 269,8(0grasshopperacr^geat 10bushels.-. 2.693,000 80.807,800 to tbe prevalent talk'of tw£^-rre't>nd ttd ^ bnshels i ** ' * * ' TBE QABBACm WAR. A Naval BiAmde Aw^Hag to® New ^Crk EOtotofaiilKtoleryetKa^^ mt^rtofflitys Honee, Kaeh "ipeolal” mm.mtmpd. wfte a ehiN and a revedvaFi and iMvlBf been oonnledlo«eolBHUi by twot w by Ytotoiatoait Hardy fiity manbedf 0$ ^ toe Pow t Hooae aitd dovni JonlaiDiO; At liM fool4« Jorafamoa ebnet toaf<»»to eb^^ barked oit« atatmier aaff aairedaway fi» toe Uttxowt, witoto*«HprtaMdtoteotompf luff all pHii en « ai^ la toe SUgaL woto; of damp- ing Hew York dM too sear ttoJffiocfalaito tomrtA lkd(toliml yet M«meeitoIa iW toiBre Wiu be anybody £i» toemto arvato bni Mr. Jbe. gnaHQaaodtab mea areT^aetod to be extreme^ -to* imw YOBS xirmoaxiaa psAoiarBti. Therepoct toat toe Brooklyn Shore InipeitoN would imi for the Harrow* tofa morning with ttiffaea pedteamto and otorly one hiudfed spcelto depnty aherlffa, wlto the intentionot pre. venting any toftoto dnmiteg of garbage by toei New York aotobrltlea npem toe w aten v ‘' the S& gt ooanty tooreib afforded mote amnw- BUMit and oauei ao alann among toe FoUoa CommbtoMlWB a t the New York Uehtral OffioA' -There fa not a (intnam of toe Board In toe olff, and no deiAIbn has yet been arrived a | except to eto toat the Agreement btoweto the Shore In- spector and OonnseUor MeIrtM of toe New York FoUce Oommfaalonen fa rigidly adhtoed to. Mr. Beto Hawley, the Chief Clerk of toe Police Board, was the only one at FoUat Head- quartera tola momlsg who oonld give Intorma-^ tlon on toe snbifot. The presmt dlfflonlty, he; said, fa due to a mlaUnderstandlng between toe' Shore Inspector and toe officers In chaii^ of iwa on which the garbage fa tekim' to sea. The agreement, la brle^ vrai that tee soowa shonld be taken to somepalnt la toe of newspe] We are too famOIarwlto toe random eittmi newspeper oorrafpondentiand thecalonlatloas overesngalne farmers to glvemnohoredenos tbe prevalent talk of twr ' ......... _____ j the wheat average, and of 40.000,000 50,000,(00 aa toe total wheat product of the ^ „ te . Tbe mop fa onqueetlonably a meat beauti- ful one, and while It la true that the resnlt of the few tbreshlogs already reported eeemrtocioaa- tenanoa more hopeful expeotatlong^ we prefer to adbere to the conservative estlmatea above given, -* '— t until toe fuller and more deSuIte results it within the next week or ten ' on the otoer hand, haveoonstrned the agreement' to give a general permission to go toaea. We do not intend to have any trouble, said Mr. Hawley; we shaU notsend any garbage to sea to-day or at anyotoertonennleM toe Shore Inspector goes on the soows and witnesses the damping of the garbage, Slie war predicted fa over ,before it was began. It the Shore Inspeotor desires toat a permit most be seenred for every fleet of soowa which we send out hb wishes wUl qpeiited; Mr, Hawley ended by saying toat no soovra would be sent to sea |o day If the Shore tiupector refused to accompany tomm iif Wiscoasiir, In every leetlon of tbe Union abundant oreps are assured, and this abundance Inolades nearly igrlcultural produot, as well as every seo- toe country. For season aftm asuon our rmeraiiave been disheartened by poor crops. and tbe magnfflssnt yield coming now , __ long suooesBlon of fwores and oontlnned 1 limes, when toe prospect of ghod prlcsa v nevw better, will imt large anmi of money Into olrculatloo, give oohfldeaoa to the people and re- vive buslnese generally. At an lUusteallon we will present Borne statlsHes of onr own conoty. Below wUIbo found a o ~ ^ - — —— tbe acreage nnder onltii the time et the mnnnel I 1876 and 1877; i?-' icuenuy. oa na auusaraiuiu wa ime statlsHes of onrownconoty. found a comparative liable giving Oder onltivaUon, as aicertalaed at t in the years 11243*1 89®«S “II 'sil The following table Is made up Horn estimates ‘SiSSS 300bushels, va’ui >7,600 bnshel8,vL_- "OpoundA value... _,- ........ ........ ----- J, AOOO .COOpousdA value.................. aOO.Lw Caltlvatedgtasses. 800.000 tons, value........... 3,000.000 Potatoes 315000 busheU, value.................... 60,000 T ool 850,000 pounds, valUA......................... H6.000 Total......... .......... iwoopoo Thus It will be seen that toe prlnolpalcropa are worth nearly $8,000,000, or over $140 for every man, woman and child to Dane county.—[Madi- son (FPis) JoutwoL nr IOWA The harvest yields a orop toat will give Iowa tore than 30,000,000 bnsheb of wheat for market. Tfab wlU bring $30,000,000. Based on toe flgurea of last year the pork crop will yield $30,000,000 more. These two products alone wilt bring into Iowa this year an Inoome equal to $1,000 for each family to the state. But other crops have been excellent, the graes especially good, and thus One fsolUHea given for the growing of beef.— [Vtibvgve (To,) Times. An ;paraordmary Sermon* 13ie London Qtobs of toe 13to Instant contains a report of an extraordinary sermon reoeutly de- livered by toe Bev. John Howard, vicar of Onchan, Isle of Mon. A report, he said, had been spread that be was “ a dangerous, criminal lunatic;” bnl bis hearers, who had known him for thirty years, knew how mnob trnth there was toll. Of oonne,-fae had beento a lunatic asylum, and be had been examined by commissioners to lunacy elevKi times. But these oommfationera were utterly Inoompetent. He would like to put bis aniwers on one side and their queetloni on the other side, and leave toe publlo tp determine where lay the lunacy. If any person to his an- dlenoe supposed that he had ever been Insane be would never preach another serniQn, mnoh less administer tbe Holy Communion. Two medical men had vldted him lately to tbe asylum. They acknowledged, like men, that they had oome to examine him, and were not deoelvers, like others who had professed themselves to be mere friend- ly vltitork He adjured them by toe living Hod, 1aa they valued their own Bonis, to speak out ;bey found to him the slightest taint of to- canity. After three hours the tesUmmy toey gave was so clear that there oonld not be to any man’s mind a tnsplolon that he was not all right and sound. In conolusicHi, tbe 'rioar assured hls audlen^ that be was not meek enough to prWmh; the gospel of peace. He wm better Atted «Q.be a lawyer, pbyalolan or soldier. But having put bts id to toe pleugh he should not be lit for the gdom ofUodlf-he looked bade. Bnicide. John Costello, aged forty-seven years, of No. 594 Blereato. avenue, shot himself to toe left breast with a rifle at bolf-paat 8 o’clock this iliig and soon afterward died. He was a vender by ooonpatlon. A New Complaint of Ur* Sdritemann* e pondemnatloh twrifeyJSeoiew Dr. Bobllemann fells under toe pondemnatloh it a sentimentei writer to tiie Sotv/rekay: Sevim lyJSeoiew aspeot of the Leaps df mb- Dish left behind by the explorer. “ As we draw i ” [Uycecm] he says, “ wC cannot help hav- Qur wrath ---------- ‘ ' - ' ' slightly kindled sigalnst the lari discoverer of Mykdo A Dr. Bdhllemann has donp well to what he has brot^ht to ifa[ht; we oamicA think that, he boa done well In what he has hid- den.. As we draw near tea height and ontUne of a great part o t the outer wall of tbe akropoltit are ntteriy hidden, tbe genwat view Is spoiled, tbeproporUdnofthe whole work la aodly dam- age^ beoauie Dr. Bobllemann oboes to throw tbs rabbbh which he dag Oat ot tea tombe any- where where It m^;ht Hght, He has for tbemost part thrown It la vast heaps over tor.waU, by which a really large iiort of tbe oohm of the waR fa hidden, and tee whifle view blurred and eoefnsed. A Uttte «Tonld» m ^ht taevemvoided tele a t first; wUrtle more teonble might grii rid ot tof mhblib now. In too last dlftglngB at Atteoa mute mere care baa be«a taken. The rtteblsblUMr been all carried away, and Ii^Ood ln beapo vhero it doe* no feWm. ft to tlibeB taeoxae Itaoae heape teonld; gfow Into bills Jlko toe 'm om testaoens’ at Borne no barm will have be«i dene, and aa odd little pleoe of history wtU have been mada But Ur. BchBe- ma&h% heape of rubbito do eeriootiy mar toe general effect ot the Mjk6iialan aknvmla.” speuto jbefofe tbe BepdUksaa Qoaventtoa pi Clsike eoonty in teat state laet Mondoywarmly Xz-BtprwwntatlTe SkeUaharger, of Ohio. In a - ~ I qonvenr- - (arafsed the Presldeat^ efforii to Mtom; the dviiSBiyloe, and said: “ lam far from tolnklBC toat wfato toa PriM- dent has oMempted la tiua ^fard fa uythtog more thaa a mwe atiq> to the dlraetion of the restoraUonof Iba govarnmanTa a^nintstraifaa to itaeoBaUtatloiiartitoaa; oe toat.vritoont the ooDtlnned aad pecristaat aoppart o t the people and Congreor, he wlU be eakbled to deUver toe govenuaeat from tee dangers -to which 1 bare aUnded. Bnt sUil towwrd Hw rffwfa be fa madring for the eoontry’a reS- ene ha fa impelled by the cove- ____________ ______ ptaoHoe which have inrMd A s anblima powacaaad irtuta of tbeGoBatttaUoit Into the gaitoovs and pelt of apoifa la m bound amw Iq gtva my -oottUnUtd ruppoct to toe Bi^btfaanqfar^.’' AtBspsctsdsmaatwasarrMlBd tit Boatoa the otoer dsBrjaBtaa aha waaltavlBg to* toe had beaa Uriht. ArpoadlMri (NBlooiiy faataMd a bag eaatatoiag I ■iy feataMd a bag eaaWfatog ahoat flftaaa of floor; faateaad to her rfapit hip, by of astrfag,iinaa]aica fai»a{){dar, wUfa the fait kip waa oraaaaanted wlto a kacosena tomp.afaofaatMMdhf'aalriac, A UMfa befaw tide OB fcee faft fag a cea <ff karaaeae oti w aa^" eovauA PaatiaHinhoto faji wary pMeaa of haaf Mii kam itoi to dfawa aU raair to ha eaalMd. Batotodad toiaV riffkt kaaf by t ato# atrfag waa ahac aBatofatogagyaMer a( Irish peto- toca;aaiiM«UMrkaaa waa a abriDar bag arfntognwaat p a totoaS; Bhabai peabeWl takfag faswUto away Ifaws tha beiiia tit tola elghlii nfaaww'wawlvNaa«RaaM'«wwaltalgl*' JtowTtok, Iand be sent to sea on the flrat ebb H< In charge of toe work followed toe! etmotion bnt did not tnake appUoaUpn for p mtislon to go to aMflor each fleet of mows. The Shore Inapeotor, Mr. Hawley, said that epp!I(»itIoa wpnld be made to him In every ate, and hence aaaerta that tiia agreement as been yfoiated. The Folloc UommInloiii»n/ GEaJEBAJ^ CEPS’ .llEEBIiIJG-ENrCB. Hotel Aivivala. Fifth Avenue Hotel—Senator BoscoeConldiiiq, Utica; enator william H. Bamnm, Connecticut: Solicitor- General Samnel F. PnllUps, Washington; Bx-Member Of Congress B O Stanard, Missouri; Bx-Member of Congress John M S Williams. Massachusetts, Brevoort Honsa-Samuel BowleA Springaeia. Mars,; Froiessor Wliitney. *Tffion Squiure Hotel—The Rev. Canon Murphy of ^*^*r^Honse—Pay Inspector A, H. Oilman, United ley.Washlng- Ct^les H. Judd, A Worthless Check, On WedoMdAy Ohrl Xifasef, a oomiiriaalon agent, visited toe millinery eatahlfahment of Greta Geoi^e, At No. l U Second street, and Intro* dneed Aman named CL H. HelvUle, who said that InPhiiadelph Bold Highway Robbery by Boys. While Isaae iNimml, apeddler, of No. 36 Hester Street^ was passing through East Eleventh street, Second avenue, on Monday afternoon, he WAS set Upon by a nnmber of boys, one of whom BDBtobed a bundle from him, another struck him violently In tbe eyes, and two others knocked u down. While he lay prostrate they searoh- him and took A pooketbeOk oontatnlog $6 from hb trotters pocket. Offlopr Bfasert, bt the Saventeento preolnot, yeStraday ofternopn arrest- ed Jamet Bird, A newsboy, aged fifteen y ea^ John CoIltoB, Btooolboy, fourteen yeax*, and John Kearney, a newsboy, "aged thirteen years, who were IdenUfled aa being among the foremost ot Tommi’s assallanlB,' When arrafgned before Jostioe Kflbreth to day In toe Essex Market Po- lice Conrt they were each held to answer In de- fault of $1,000 ball. Reported Homicide. Deputy Coroner Cushman made an examina- tion this morning of toe body of Fatiiek Morris, who died from lojurles received In a fall from a etsge coaeh which he was driving for the Madison avenue line on August 25. It was found that death was produced by a fraoture of thexlba and lutemal hemorrhage. Tbe Booldent occurred at tbe corner of Houston street and Broadway, and It has been charged that Morris was knocked from his box by the driver of another stage coaeh. An Inquest wUl soon bs held In toe case. The Independent Forty. The Einoative Counell of toe Regolac Inde- pendent party, by its oiganizer, the Bread-Win- ners’ League, has appointed Hon. George. H. Parser, General Franz SIgel, Dennis McMahon, George W. Madox and MaronsHanlon aimmmK* tee to receive and approve toe names of five members from oaob Aswmbly dlstrlot, who shall have aatfaorlty to oomplete tiie orgonfeaHon ot their respBotlve dlitriots and to IsBue oalli for Assembly district eonventions fo elect three detegatos-and three altematM to the State Con- vention of the Independenf party to be held in Albany September 25. Sodden Death In the Street. John Greer of No. 149 Avenue C, employed by the Mutual Gaslight Company, while .on his way home early this momlug was seized with ips and died on his way to the Elc I police itatiOB, Bleventfa pre- Washington Market Retail Prices. The shlpmente of peaches to Watelpgtom Mar- ket during toe i^efont weekhatelieenPghlL and prices area llttie bfaher, with a good demand. tl has heea very dull oad prices arc lower. Prices for i>onltry are higher. Batter has been. In fMr demand at slightly higher prloes. The following are to- day’s quotations for toe best famUy marketing: Fonerhoosesteak259 ’s^itouns.-s^ked... IS& le sirloin............... 18® 22Hsms,piclcled... 13® 14 stewing plecee,. 8® BSsusages......... 14@ IS JgiKKS? ii Mutton hlndq’t's 13® 14 Smoked beef, 9>. 18€ Mnttfxnshouldeis 6 Bologna sausage. 14@ 11 16 DriedBug. Bacon 18@ UfOik for routing l | | feii Cornett beef .... NWato^'m. i BKOXXD A«D BEZIX .FISK . 1 K& .....J J miSsS^, 3 » s ® -' a g ImokedMbut; ^ 18 iSfaS: K SKell Clabia, ] B ^ h MSetereL *9* ~ Crabe; S!|! « » ^seseeen* iil n Sts^Jbneh It » -I 3! a 31 :|ip sss^ a i m i :: |u%iM I S b .' :: isUfelg^. ^ ^ ' l e a-sr- irifor Beott, who Ollu awarded Succesefal AriivaacE of tho Shirks—A. Great BaMelminfrieRt. . CossxAHiraoEiJ!, ADgti|dJ9.--A deapatto&ona Bbomtik dated ywtecd^, Lhuioaoosf :toat Iha oeflumn of Baton PBtoaliM adfaneed froecMtof Djnma and crossed toe lUv«eliom,iMBr AgaiA* far, drlTlDg haifa toe Bnariani^iwfa^ afaec a sfatek resistanoe. retreated from tite itvse, NsdjOk toudia h ^ advaaeed frimtBaiiyadlowKia’XoF. taki r««ifalng tiM Butefans and *N» AgmtJbattlefabrittvedtobetom^ li* nrksare AKUialng tee offsnslTealong tee wholw losaidthat Bfemade purchases to the amount of $255, faid tendered check on the Chemical Nation^ Bank In pay* meat. The riisok woe declined, bnt on LseSer’s reprSBenfaHons It Was nlUmately aoi^teA It -as drawn to the order, of MeivlUe, and dgned ngnstus S. Stelhbaofa When presented for payment at the bonk it was prononnoed worth- less. Lesmr was arraigned before Jnstioe KU- breth to-day, In the Market FoUoe Coort, and w u required to fornlsh baii in $1,000. Intosacatlon jand Death. Patrick McArdle Was yeeterday*taken to toe Sixteenth preolnot poltoe station, having been found insenslbfa from the effects of Ifqnor. He was removed to the New York Hospital, where he died fate fast night. The szamfaatioa of Nelson A- Gtesner, the al- leged forger, will bs continued on Monday. The Staten lifand eleven yeeterday defeated the second eleven of the St. Georges d u b by an 1 .* DEDICATION OP THE JOHN HBOWN SONUAENT. Hansaff Feeling Toward the Adminis- tration* OSSAWAITOMII!. K a n , August 80.—Ten toon- sand people responded to the oaU to-day to wfa- nesB the ceremonies at the dedication of the Jdaz# Brown monument Dr. N. P. Degraf^ ohalrmaiz the committee, (failed toe meeting to order and uitrodnoed Governor Charles Robinson as tea pfosldtot of the day. The Rev. Mr. Adrir, a brother-in-law of John Brown, offered tvayer* Resolutions were passed requesting the Lsgfafa- ture of toe state of Kansu to make an apprOpri- ation to procure a statue of John Brown tic bronze or marble, to be placed In theNatfanaf HoU of Btatuaryln tee Cspltol at Watelngtoaaa agifttotbe nation, and astertlng that lt fatoE duty of tee R ^sas Btsle HistoricalBoriety to take meunree at the earliest pfaotioal momtot ia oollect ahd put upon record the panonal .reoitiieo- tions of tee associates ot John Brown retpsoUnff hls career In Haasas. Senator Ingalfa tee orator of the day, white not approving the sonthbrn policy of paifl&oa- tioD, pfaoedhlmstolin frlendlyrefatlons witetea administration. Many of the speiticen approved his sentiments, wbloh seemedto be in aooordanew ..................... Tthole " ly evening, h u been fined ends to keep the peace, or tenced to imprisonment innings and twenty runs, the hoaies ot two stiUbofn obildren were fonnd bFtlfficer John Fay on toe sidewalk In front of No. 23 White street at an early hour this morning. Mr. William ?, IngenoU, who threatened hIs wife’s life on W'sdnesday I $l6 and hrid tii $1,000 hom (n defanlt ^ s been sente for three months. The in*mhers,of the International rifle _____ did not praiitloe otCreedmoor yesterday, u the ranges were occupied by detachments from the Filth, Twelfth and Twenty-seoond regiments ot tee l^rst Brigade Mr. E; A Buck, editor of the .^frie of (he Times, has placed $1,000 In gold in the bands of Colonel OlldersIeeTe to be offered u a purse In a long-range match a t Creedmoor, open to all comers, a t .800, 900. and 1,000 yards. The u w telegraph rate" " eratton by teeauthOritlc andAtfantio and FaolfioOqmj to and from points east of the MinlitippI ifad ted, ^ to be ralied.to ICbloago fa to be > St. Lonli fifty On WtdMiday Bx-Fretoolder Frederick West- off of Newark died suddenly. Ymterday ot- srfioon.a pott-morfom examination was made nd a piece of black walrink one fooh long and half an Inch wide, was found hear bis hearl. It is thought it wss forced into his body sixteen ears ego, when he met with an aooldent In a The widow of toe fate Jose Ferrer deCodto,: fate editor of M Oronista, b u arrived la this city to settle herNnsband’z affairs and to take his body back to Spain. Certain disputes In relation [on Of certain effects of tee dead man will, It Is believed, be now amicably and speedily settled;. His affairs are In tee hands of tee Publlo Admfalstrator. . - < On the 4 ej’oIoCk p. M. down trip on Wednesday, ;he Bteten Island ferryboats PqmOna and West- field Came In eolBslon In the bay. The WestSeld, wbfatii was In the rear, struck the rival boat just abaft her shaft, and swept along her starboard Bide, cerrylog everything away u far u her vrheelhpnse; Fortimatelynppersonwnslolared. The pilot of the Westfield; w n blamed by the pas- sengers for the oolUsIcn. Tha American hrig C. .C. Sweeney Is axpsoted to arrive in this port soon with four witnesses of the murder of BeooqdMate HhfNf Ny one of tha sailors, named Bmith. who mnUnled with their feUow stomen John WBlluat, Wfllfam Ifavie and Thomwttid Andersen, u tee vessel wU lea'^g Havre on tee 16th of Mayfor Boston. shot the second mate throngh tfae heart. He alBO tried to kfil toe Freaob plfak and a aailor named Olsen. CoBiy Zifaad fa exoited over the exploits of Ifr. Edw ud Efavemeyer, Who repreeented himself to be the wD| but WhOfanally a Afatant contin I fate M^oF Of tbat^name. Tbb young man h u been puBlngsevercti days at Bauer’s At- lantia Garden, imd has lived‘upon the fot of tl laud on the-strengte of his family (rounectioi and the checks wUoh he scattered about In most liberal: manner. Tbe latter were finally found to was arrestei pretenoes. toe be worteteM. and young Havemeyw ited for ObtrinIng money Under titise _______ Ho will alto be held to acoonut for damege done to a vaiuabie wagon and team df horses which he hired In this city and wkiob lie said Was hlB own private property. I t fa belfeved thathfa mfod fa affeoted. , Thfi Soldiers^ Home; Tp (he Editors o f the ESehiny East : The followfog addlUonad sdbioriptions to toe New York Soldiers) HOtoS fund are hereby ao- kiDpwIeagecl by Mr. J oH b F. Henry, trwwwer, «8 ....... ................' ....... ............ is 1 ii w A g g °o feaa» v ::::: »oo s ? ____ GrSBd total to dife.— ............ . „.$5S.m 28 Tbe board of frnstees take this opportnuity to teank aU the donors aad aU oihen who have la any way ensonrogsd iiidsnobfa undsrfakliy'.aiid invito aomitinaanee ot sympatoy andridnatil : tee work fa fuUy oompfated. DnhehalfoftoeBoitird. J.AL.LK1 New York, Ailgul SI, 1877. MOdeMy of A Philaatkroplst* Tlw cxeestivezaodesto'of Lewis Brooks, oftefa .itJr (tee '' nnkaowa giver ot$85.M0 to toe Unl- vcfili^ OfYlrgfafa}, w u iadotod not only bythe motive to do hfa efaM fa iw O rsi^t afaa forfa^ a toito he did not wifa to faMoiM ind wn u k and hMtevqlfat tU)i.and ifa^editotaatiy red hyMtostB from adventnecs wid otbeni Cfabinst.’’ end tiiU a Jejsmd to ttfat ~ pat dvu eka xnafa eotnuiea. MA ____ _ ^ e v e r ^ daelfiito^ aadsaid. atmotoiMcriir, " I t ttafaoifaaMAhr eMs oCltohudnu t ^ ke fra. - NM» fatfa IwiMcaml to w eaaM ef^ i’m a w rw a ^ e s u w ______________ ,, . 1II.KII ilniiiiiiifaitria far mMU tratofaBsa Whfr "':m t BT 1 !E 3 *E!GRAFH* THE WAR. tary (faundlfor trial; tthubetti decided to hrifae Mm before toe oouseni^fonfa Itfareportedthal Bafvet Pasha hurefesedfa aiieoept toe Minittry of Jnstioe. THE SCHUlLKILIi GOAL MINEBS. Slight Frospect. of a Sttake--XriiST«t-- cesBfoi IntrigRes o f Agonts—Heavy Shipmenfg of poiO. PcTTSViLLx, August Sl-LDHpatohw reotived rom Mabanoy CAW.^enandoah ondotiurpronn- inenf mtiilDg eeotifai^ a v toat theifafa no iwoe- peot of a BtiUn fa tee BObnylkUl regltm. . La- men, leaden of mlnere’ organlfations from oHwr shows that within tee fast ten day* a anmher <se September, wltoa view of nuJdng the strike gto- era). but solar without Baccess. Duriogthe lu t week'shi{»nenfa of ooal over tee brante roads have been unusually large. DEATH SENTENCE OE A GOMMUNIST* Fabis, August St—A jnllliary tribunal hu: psBBEd seutence of death upon M. Lyaz^ who acted M depnty mayor of the Twelfth orrondliMK ment during tee Comulane, and w u guilty (to incendiultm and ordering Ifi^alarreeta, ‘ Eevival of BalfimoEe Trade, Balxiuobf, Angust Sfi—As Indicating a g e^ eral revival of baslnen the Nun of this morning “ During the present week the ouHook fa tee wh(?Ie8afa trade hU greatiy Improved, Insi*In* hopes ot a large and profitable faU trad^ Noe for several years hU trade opened so early fa Baltimore, or upon a scale so extensfve. Daiplfa fall trade purchases ____________ ____ though earllerperhapsteanfot several eeaioha “ An agent of (me of tee transpartajloa Ibifai nmnlogsoate iaTS that at this time last year hte freight shipments -mete almost exointively ooa- fined-to fertilizers, whUe.now his catBare reoefr- iDg large quantities of freight from, the wholesale Death, of a ETansas Ex-GoTenor* Lawebsob, Kan., Aqgnsi 3L—Ex-GioverBor WfiEonRhamtondled at mldnighc Jastnight. [Ex-Governor Bhannon w u bom in Eefaumk . .1 county in 1802; He was aduoated a t Athens C(>1- In OMo and at Transylvania TTnlvertity la tacky. 1^ was Froseouting Attorney to t OMo In 1835, and w u Governor of the state fa igalnfa 184M . Ho becamsMIn- Ister to Mexico la 1844, served a term fa CoBgroM In 1853-55, and w u Territorial Governor of Kjae- I In 1855-6. Slnoe 1856 he h u praoHsed fair In Lawrence, Knnsu.—BoS. E vxning Poaz.1 Burmng of a Dwelling* BAunuoBF, August SL—Theobuntry dwtiUpg f Gteorge H. ys^illfains In Baltfauxre (monty. three mfles from the city, with Contents and out. ......... - - - gi^oM tee bosse not having been oconpled f(m saus bnUdlDgs w u burned yesterday. Loss $B,03Q, IIs absent fa Korope, aML at play near It. Insured. Mr. Williams Is absent In Korope, waA timelt wa8Betonfire,yrobabIy forboyssrfao W Cotton Spinners* Wages* Louooir, August 3L—The cotton spinners of Lehigh, lyidesley and i ---------- -------------- Atherton, though in ti_ Bolton district have not yet given hotieecf k rsdnctloD, bnt willyednoe wages five per otnliaK: if the pehdli^ .strike is .uhfnooeaBfid. The W ither. WASmxtom, August 31—IGOO A. 3C . BynopHs for (he IcM tuentefotir jums^ TheptessurehBsfBlltoover tee U ts^ Lskea aad Ufa Northwest, with pBrUy cloucly weather, eoutewafa winds and numerous mins, hat sn aim of riting Tmtmf , with colder northerly winds extends Xcom Hanlr .. I BonthwiWCterNeliraeka, NortbwestwI»lsh*7B: ted to southerly in. the Low^ Lakes, Middle Staten ' idyand rtimr weather is z*» es. Statioiu^ m; lowerj a w r weateer ptevafi Intee Oma VaUey,MlddleAtIantIci„SoutJtom and Gfalf States. Tbe » jivers fell on Thuieday, excepts slight rise In Upper JUsslssIppL Zndieotioni.. E6p the Mddte Stales m i My> Erjjlmi, f0 in r The Weather la JEnidana. Ik)jroc;K,Angist31.—Tiewe*tlmrto-(tayfannsettIaa* Successful CbmpetitioB.wrath a Hnilroad:^ Die Delaware ooanty people don’t aeein to bg dbpoeed to submit eolniljr to tbs Impotitiortofi hfj^ frrigbts by IheUtoter amd DafawareRaa- road. The latter were raised tisfa year becaue* theansMonof toeDcfawore towns marked wp the figures on the aweeamtet roll; hotAhlppan have found the charges sn cxorMtaat Mfat tiwy have reaumed the old-time w tj of friigklfar, and ore awdlcg wagons to Roadonfe forfrefa^ BtnalJy brought to teem by rate Tben fa » groat oavlBg by tefa mettiod, aUtioufa tifa dffa: Traneutlaatto Malls iter Sestemher. SPECIAL N o ia c m 1^ - ; ^

FINMC® U® TRADE FIRST EDITION. MHTADl JilOS.-nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030390/1877-08-31/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · mm [- ^ mm EtM uSTO POSTs ISEW p k l D A r , A ltO P S T 31>

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mmE t M u STO P O S T s IS E W p k l D A r , A l t O P S T 31> I s Vt .

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to ael m Kx»{*tor, CNsax ut» <x Txmm M tk Jeg«l

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PERjEBS, irafcsroi, POST & GO,S 3 Wwmmm. Stzeft.*

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a i parsnft acttned fsterest. Or to exchange tbs esunefCHr «i»llar twods,. BOcoied t>7 S&SSS9 nuKstge, matingl& X B Ii, IBLOBeAK & CO.,

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JOHN MUNBOE & CO..Bankers, No. 8 Wall Si., N. V.,

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PcK OommsttisJ at

HENRSY c l e w s & CO.,a S A JS K E a E tS JLVT> 03» O H :E J B 6S ,

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erook Street Distriat Improvement.CrtS-TBEASnBBB’SO^CB, > PBOVruBNOB, B. J., AuktuI Ktb, 1877. S

PBOPOSAIiB wUITie reoeiiel at tbia ofBoe, each to ba ondoraea (Pronoaala). until WBDNBaDAY, Septsmber Stb, 1877. at or before 1 o’clock r. u.. for a loan of seren hundred thoaaand doIU«rBtt700.C00), or any portion thereof, on nogotUble notes of the c'ty of ProTldenee- dated September let, 1S77, payable from three to seren

"^vears, to aa amotmt not oioeeaing one hundred and forfy thousand denars (*.43 OCC) annually. Bald note, to be issued In sums of not leu than one thousand dollars (*1 COD), and bearlni; Interest at the rate of ato percent, per annum (currency), payable semi-atmually.

Principal and interest when due wUl be payable at tbe Gty TreMurai’* office, on presentation of the notes, and to be endorsed thereon.

(This loan tsmade for the purposes of the payment of the cosU of Durohase, or otherwise taking of land, and improTing the tame, under the proTlslons of Chapter 314 of the Public haws of tbe State, and amendments thereof, and the Ordinances of the city.

AU money derived from the rental or sales of said laaA or any part thOTeof, and all premium on said notes, to bftpaid oyer to the Board of Commissioners of Sink. iDg Funds, and win he held and approp^ted forthe payment of said notes, prlndpsl and interest, according to their tenor.

The r ght is reserred to reject any or ell proposals.By order of the Committee on the City Debt:



j street, m Trust Co.,

73 Broadway.Broadstrest.

N o tice to tE e H o ld e rs o fAlabama and Chattanooga Bailroad

First Mortgage Bonds,Tbe Circular of Messrs, Emile Erlaoeer & Co., of

SsOEdcs, coBtainiBg ^eir proposal to the bOBdholders, can be obtaaned together wltn forma for aub^cripaon

61 William Bt. New York, Auenst m 1877. aur£0 l9t

- $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 Tk^?Se®sem^®>^togebimua. Address O.


jlosed on the 30th Inst.. BABB ABHa, Seeretary.

P R O l ^ O S A I i S .

be Trustees of tl


^ maile m wSs&ng. Addreu A. B. K.. offlo^of igu


Goods.cMmiit^seen cons:------- ^in oonnecvlOD, and cesiaye. Addreu


Oommissioiior for All the Stataf,PASSPORTS PROCURED,

S08 B m*Aw»Ts Oor. E n lt« i t . ,

F IN M C ® U ® T R A D E^ ftflhmbSK * » sst

w e m m m (nsMedlBleilw lo W K y m e iie s t ia d ’yoQlcftM^r, i r n & ja m m a m M m a e tm m n

S I HS.S-lanoetdoBl&ttfaitoiNMole Mft96J«0 ^ a « d M l

M -tto eioM yeriertear. TMMdi SM M boade are .^-low nf tiiip iy w * ir* ^ to r lia- i^g par ew fit, «ad o itonriw wwiawipd. liitaofi Oad4»Ila i^£ ro B i61K *063 Bela i i l l 3 a«ala*t U H rm ttsrnr^ t o t mew T o rkCMtraUiaa bMBi

AM m s t o t k B i tm a te Mu ------laak«,botiicieafaa«ral* a n » in e t i a a ] 4i ^ » a n ln lh a la ta » a t ta « a y wi i»flajr. GaUtepm- e d a tlM , a a d « n to i M iMtoiMbaYa Im m i A that prloa. Q a golii loana H * saiealMiTa ba«a ‘*fl4t " » a i @ a P«! e to k to re a r tf ln t .

atraHt fc r petnahawkwa’ •UrllBsbfUi^ wkiek abortfr aTiur a « » w an nw ked up to uud A86}|( nqpaeilTair.

bMtt ddaa M ak i a s j i■ -and 4.8 . ItlaixikaowuwlM «tM r ih*£!,e()(),«

WOUatTmoiMag £roat ^ B a^U tanaadO dkt kManegoilattoa, ahem aaadadto,lMT«bMOjnar. katodorantoeoiaeoatoaiPMricML W ado ao tbeileTatbattU R e t t t a t aiioUa {(t^b ad lw ea made iraesiwrimylcBOwn: til the exeliaiBgaiBar- ka tim tila llertliaratM fw aterllnc had DMuad-

cmfc,wIUi 4 per n o k t i ia ro lii^ fata. Cirtioe tnweanttlepapaf n ta jie treai 5 toT ptc uemt, I t te kDowU timt a oonaldcrable jamoual o f Xetal-teoler xKitM MBttc Batitomw iart wee^^ neeUoB with Hu n o ea t loan of* ttiat •1(7, bare been retonied dorisc Ike preaeat week Oa tbe ofinr baud, «m mpm eute to |be wea^ otoal At tbti^ aeaaoa of the year, b a n beco £cIb3 OB, and enractidlnaiT ebi^aiente taure txiea 1b the l u f fe w d a ii oaaoooun to tthe iaa o a tb e sayfDHbankijlaqbidasQ. Aatbaweekljr Btatemut (d &e Hew York banks la niade on averegee earerlng alx dayk beglnalng SatordaY monlBK and doefog a t 3 trolook on the next enooeedllnc Frldar, I t la not aaaj’ to aay wbat tbs precise or eyen approximate effect of these coalniTeatng fflOTementa On the legal tender note averege In to-morrow's bank Btatement will be, I tm a r . bowerer. be regard­ed utiMwlteble that tbelegal tender note arwr- sge : ^ fall largely from now nntU the eloea of the year, the only qneatton being whether fits de oreaM wiU be as llMle ae $15,000,000 or aa moeb as *25,000,ppo.

OoTemmeBi) bonds In ffdi market are below yeBterdsy's dosing, except f<w 10 40s and CorreDoy 6i which are tmdianged.

Tbe a l ^ market epened btiiher than it doeed yeeterday, except fiwHortbweat common, w h ic ^ a a H Iowa*, a&d Delawara, liackawaaaa

h jboor tee generatllirt dedlned the la tterwhidi were anchanged. Daring-tee dm t


leoUned eaeb, and Horthwest% Vtter noon teeIt., the latte

advanced 1 pw eenL, Michigan Centeai

then Tmtn near noon there was an advance of @1X P«r cent., the latter Wsbash; Iioke Bhoi

' u mLJke Shore, Hew York Pentnd and CentraU Weatern Dnion Telegraph and Itock Idand deoUned each, end Horthwe

Csnteai and Horteweat preferred Ji each, and Hew York Central K* Since noon there baa bew anotherdedine of @ ig, the tetter Western Colon Tel

setee, the alooke in tbe■Ut , have been as tidlowe:

Lake Siu»e, 633 @643 ; Wabadi, 18K @15 ; Weetem Union TSfegraph. ; kUcfal-gan Centeil, &6]^@ei57 ; Horteireit, ^ ^ 033J ^ ; Northwest Preferred, 61Jg@63| f ; Rock Idand, 99K Q 100K i Hew Y ork Central. 10I>(®

Ohio and IfUeiasippI, 6K@VH ; Krie, 1IJ4® 12:; 0 „ C. and I. a , 4K@5; Sfc Pan!, SOJfaSl^; St. Paul Preferred, 66>ga67; Uetewrare, Laeka-

33J ^ ; Northwest Preferred, 61Jg@63| f ; Rock Idand, 99K Q 100K i Hew Y ork Central. 10I>(®

Ohio and IfUeiasippI, 6K@VH ; KrIe, 1IJ4® C. and I. a , 4K@5; Sfc Pan!, SOJfaSl^; d Preferred, 66>ga67; Uetewrare, Xitieha* and Wssteni, Union Pm IBo,

69^ 070* Hannibal and St. Joseph, 11^ @ 12K ; Preferred, 27@%; Pacifio Hail, and

iS o .J te r S “SJ3C0 C. . *L Ceit’ilo o c. cJilt’i

?:S§8 A ^ t e top t ]96J4 ich ^^ iB te ip r.b o

btmf.r.™ " " c 49« lO^W.CmTeLb'c-bS P1 i = B

pa::v:.Vb6 foj:";;:bo.

IM iaU A srw .Frrt

i l i iico

........ “**

! " f S iI IP--:

i “ « s ? Il§8 SS::::::::::;!? 1„I iiilft'aa gg;:::.:::;::::

do.":.v.v;:i5 c§::::

™ » t S E »

I iiiliAt 12:30 O'clock, the following ware the qnote-

i; AHKiWowdPi ■ ■ ----------ago and NoRhwert, S33i 033K :

Horthwesi IM errad . S3XQ&2H ; Obioago. Rookmrul

OngtOB and Q nln^, oego and Indiana CoIambnA CtixdnnaU

'adflo Telsgrapb, IS^Q Sl; irt. S33i 033K : CSiioago a i^

r icu n au . mjgQ63^ ; Ohloago, Rook Paeifle, lOOMmOOKt CMwffO, Bar- 1 Q aln ^ , 93&100; Colatabtu, Chi-

Central, m @ 4X ; Cleveland, inaU and Indtimapolte S2X&

S3%; aevetend and FlU tbnra^ 80@S0M; Cbl-' oego and -Uton 86@S7>j; CposoUdatloo Ootd, 20; Detewnre^Laekawanaa and Weilem,Oeteware and Hudson Canal, 49fgC&?g; On- bnqae and Bionx City, 47; Aiuerifiaa Express, 45H ; United States Exprees, 43}g&4Sfii Erie,

I Harlem, 143; Hennlbal and Bk Joespli, tlK®IZ}g ; ^ n n lb a l and Bt. Jo ’ sepb I^efenred. 26K A 57K : lUinois Ctelral, 6iH <SSiHi Iufcetetore,63M@64; MlcUgaa Central, 56$ge56K; Monis eodEmac, T S H m iH i Hawau> kee and Sk PUol, SIK®S1M: Hilwankee and Sk PanlPtefsewd, C8 @ 67H ; Mariposa. %®2; Harlpoea Preferred, ^ ; New Yerk; Haw Ha veo and Hartford, 15^ 0156; Hew Y ork Osatoal lOl^OlOlK: Hew Jarser Central, 163 16^ l Hew J e t s v Soiitenrn, %®%t Ohio and Mia- •IsiiPId. «K®7K ; Ohio and Preferred, 10K S I3K ; F*oUte toiQPanama 110;

aQ .84}<@34XPanama 110; Flttsbnra^ and Fewt Wayne. S9%<390H : Paeifioof M tekoi,^ v e r , 17Q1S ; Qnlektaver EM tarsd, 3l^@ 33;Sk IkmtawdlroD Moiiataiii,7K « 8H iB t‘EAdsm c u t Horteem. Totedt^ Wa-

UnloB Paemi ; Wesiani Union tte ls c n ^ .

bash and W eitsm, ;

X s a w P r i n t i n gS A P m ^ AT THE OFPI05.WITH GRIAT SAPID

.. .3..... 4«» m

dSS^mS ............. 4?^ -

B m B u m a P 0 S 7 ,Broadway and Fulton ttreotg N. Y.SCH O O k CH IC 171.AR9,

SCONWauuN- R n p o R Y A ,c i i r n w i o A T M , A c.,

fteasiMlTaadiMsByaxeDtedatthe) JK l»n i« i POMP JOB , PJBIHTIHG OmCB,

inioAinrAri,f9o « i ^ ......

C ^ a 5 5 £

S 2 S ! ? I ^ S ^ - r

’' j r . s j ^ g l i i s E Sf i .- 'S E m f J S [ * « r i ( K S 3 t1041 Hi4S, 104; i s m 104; IM;

104; i ;oa, m ________

TRX UBY GOODS 1CAEKST.~ -The Vteme U bnilBess acco^plialiee by tea package konasa faring tee psatwete inu ftlrly itasUitoiy. ttoeite periMgnnotqslte ao Inge w might hsve baen szpsctati^teefrwifaBnaKciF Wsetna^ Soateetm tteSoeteweatecBb^etamteaiBWket. OpeMtiOaelii tee nost staple eottoa aad woollaa fabrics were coa- tmBSdmalairlyllbecalacate,aBdteete was a a tu fy

S S ? J S S S a S S S £ J £ « S l5 S S

(^cuskma caioataUenakeaof bleacted shlrtlsge, in tmer to etiatalats tee demand, whlidt haab i^ slugrUh of late, . The Jobbtar,trade wee td Urpay increued DtopffitemA^ TBIT aberalasluwwe made by Arms dffing s southern t r« ^

Biom Sheetlnn and Sbiiriatie-TlieMi h u beat a (omeirkat better dffizuuid lot brown i&peaj^ atflret hmds. as the BhppUee bought by jobbers in Jane are beaming exhaaetecu Three to four-yard eheettege of the most imHiIsi aakea were in steady rebaest, sad prices ruled Ann at cairmt quotations.

KeschedSheettiigg sndShlitHigg,—There w a e slag' glshm orm i^ ln olesidisd shirrings. and wide sheet lugs were doll In agemts’hands. For a few cf the most popular makes of fite. medium sad low shirtings the-e was a steady moderate demand, and prices w«enn. (manged, but outside brands dragged hoaTtbr. Increaied ffitcoaateto., were ysliity offixed In order to Increase‘ Worsted Drese Goods—There was a well sustained demand for the moet popular pliun and fancy worsted tezrares, a ccmslderahlenambcror dapUcste order* har- Ine been received fnaa interior jdbberA who branght llg&tly at the outset of the season. Host or the lead&g fabrics mairafacturod by the Padfle, Manchester. Wash-

Scheppsrseweek in mea’A htneomesangnme a well-distribated

" B a y ^ as a 7016^^6 aot”« a 'c l8M t ^ 8ke large imrcbases of any partlcnlaf detcnbtion; but their selec­tions wwP nosuy msde in moderate quantities of each of the leading standard prodactiooB, and of such of tbe meet salable styles of fancy fabrics as were requited

• to make up full and attiacttve assortments, adapted to the probable wants of their coatomers. and the aggte- gate BSles by agents footed np a liberal total.The (3oth jpbbera reported a moderate improvement In trade, bat their general dlsttibutioiu) were hardly np

From Inte lor dty clothier^ who waa among the earliest patebasers of wooIienA orders have been re celred hyagen-s to a.considerable amonnt for dapheate ''-ts Of such styles aa were reqr'"^ --------------■-


peremptory aucttOB aale of Moscow beavers to be made by Mm^ Wllmerdlng. Hc«net A Co, on Wedneeday,

Cmths have conUnuedto And a limited distribution In low to medium grades of black, but there was no Im- gortfot^^nlry tor colors, and the genersl dealings

DoeekteaLvechangeahandBaB the wantsof the trade required opoE the basis of current quotations. Gf ex- cepUonal makes sUgbt concessions have in some cases hem made to inouce more Ubc' al aales.Caselmeres of fsTOnte makes of fancy In low to me- dlnm grsdee have fonnd buyers tos somewhatlncreasod aggregate, and prices of reallv choice styles were well snatalned. For the Aner grades of fancy the market was uneven, although of the most popular fabrics there

Worsted coatings aid cotton warp womeds of well established makes in salable patteraa have continued In good demand, and the Indlcationa are conMderel as fa­vorable to a moderately active trade In these fabrlce during the autumn mombs.

Foreign Dty Good—The Imports of dry goods at this port for the week and for the corresponding time In the two prevloas years compare as follows:

UPOBIB oy SBT aoons fob m s week.1876. 1878. 1877.

sntered at port.... $2.6Sa604 $3,000,630 $3U3.0S8Thrown on market. 3,527.510 2,011,435 2 311.359Bnt’dfmeons’n ... 1,754,876 1,329,883 1,714 887

has been a. material Improvement In the de-

---- : Goods—There has been sn Increased demand forblack dreM ellks^to whto^te^e best biakM partid;

------Ibbons were more freely distnhntcd.Linen Gcodr.-There wss a moderate movement In

lesdi^ makes of housekeeping linens, such as bleached and Turkey damask, loom dice, towels, napkins, &c, and shiiUng and Dontlng Unerm were In moderate re­quest. but Dundee goods roled quiet, and handkerchiefs moved slowly.—IDaify BulUtln and Auction Becord.

Lcndon. August 81—12:30 p. M.-Cottsols, 95 8-16 for both money and the account. United States four and a half per cent bonds, 105} , Erie Railway shares. 11J4

Lohdon, Angnst 31- 2 p k.- Paris advices quote Ave per cent, rentes 106 francs 7j£ centimes for theacconnt

toHDoir, August 31—4 p. J t—United states four and a half per cent bonds, 105 . Etie Railway shares,'^^ris advices quote Ave percent rentes 105 francs 87J4 DntlineB for the accountF*eis. August 31.—Exchange on London, 35 francs centimes for short eight.

COind(BOI4T t 81- 12:30 p

middling I------- g 1,000 forsp--------day. 2.900 bales, Inclndtngl.

_________ ier. Uplands, low middling dianse. Augustdelivery, 6 3l-32d ; also sales of the same, 6 }5.16d .; uplands, low middling clause, August and September delivery, 5 16-I6d ; uplands, low middling clause, Sep­tember and October delivery. 5 31-3]d.

Weekly Cotton Market-Sales of the week. 56.000------------- speculators took 2.000;806 OOO ; American, 513.000; total recripts, riesn. 5.000 ; actual export, 4.000 : amount

--------------loat 175.0C0; American, 26,000 ; forwardedfrom the ship’s side direct to splimers, 1,000, American ealea et the week. 35,000 bales.

Breadstuff*- The reedpts of wheat for the past throe days were 40,000 quarterA including 36.000 quarters American.

’' “’BBPOOL. Augnst nlddltcg Clause. S(6d: uplands, low mber delivery, 6 Sl-a-ro.

__ESPOon. August 81—2 pk ,—BreadatuA-j Ann;wheat 12s, 4d. andlSs. 6d. percental for average Call, futnis white, and ISs, 6d @134. fotCJlfornla club .Livebpooi. August 31—3 p. jc.—Trade Report-TUe market for yarns and fahnes at Manchester is quiet and nnehanged.

Cotton—Uplands, low middling danse, December and January delivery, 5 15-I6d : nptands, low middling danse, new crop, shipped November and December,

ANTWBBP.Anguat 31.—Fetrolenm, 33J4 francs for fine p&le AmerleaxL lilVXEPOOXi, * —

0 l)t|3|3ing InteUigencLSTEAMERS TO ABEIVB,

a r ‘v.r;;.affisi7;:::g|S.-;v.g:|

S f e i i 'S ® ' '" - "STKAMBBS to BAH).

sSteTpSA.-.-.Nlw ySk;::::lK:-"-^-- -


lep'. 8

PORt OF s aw XOBK. FRIDAY. AUU. 3’.. 13U.

8a B d S k !^ B a lfeo r;iK « d "* L ^ iH ^ ^

steamer -Albemarle, Gtbba. Ijewae, with mdseand pas- Mimera to OULDomlnlou SS Co.BUp Constastine. Goss (ISta Oroevy), Zsindon. July 18thand ItleofWigbtZM,With mUisto artnasu. itm. turn t Co. August 13th, 1st 44 F, ion 33-% Captain Craevy died of kldnay disassaand dropsy, after a pain- fnliilneaaof UdsyK breughtthe body home lorinter. ™B*ri Veteran (of Som«»Mt). .Gage. MarssUZu July 14. la ballsat to James Henry, July 3s, paued a large aired iron buoy, p ^ te d red, about saidway between Cape BpartolandT^allghteeute. .

A<tete> BieeimriM :^ k to d 1.Jlieeper. Boston ^yaw iih

Fnnetal frotn bet Wbet’j) reddesce, Aveoae Ti Bergen F«dnt,N. J.,<mSaturday. September!,** 3 oclock w. *. Taun leavee lootof Liberty street at So’clote

PEREGOOar cetebested

P A X sa xT B o so ia r s a u t q r s t o o b s k b .PRICK HKDUCKD.85 Nassau ft., W, Y.

:e « 9 r s .O L G T

miroha»& M om Ntarting. MtC Q M A T B A C O . ’R T I C T0H*CV IK H refresh-

tMToim i i wiOTKt maur Hj tointlitordillSS Brou-H i j t


M B MASTERS, wile «( tee Me Bar. XteMteR. MSfrtenk UU> « d Iwr JaniditecA ifffl open nBoiiMiiC ta tfm y gc&ocUak Tonne I*Me* nai CblteMi K Uobbe F**ur,H«w Totk.8epteffik« R.

TbelElaw3ttetatslti»e%»et*er*sIy*Bste*i)ed«t fceinntimfoctee in teo tteae ii]^

AlimiteanBmbeioc papite will berecetTaJlnio tee fSnk^y.isd evety eIRKtvnibe aude,«k!Rtc(vlag teea* n teo f o ^ eaiication.to■nke.ltfoe teetentneCkrtir

Theiiiiftoratzdy vrill1wcompnlianrive.*aat tenoitpeoC tendMU btebeen aecarad.

Axtoteieof tee Itoaee.tee t«rii%,eto.,a(einriadad Is A irireslar white will >9 Mut wh)gn leqeested. AmoBgmasxrefertscet are tee foHowIcg gentleoMo;

ExPres’tMark Ht^jklce. of William* OoOec*; tee Her. Jobs BaR.UU.,of New York; Jfc B. A. Sheldoa. Px«.*’t StateBcrmal School, Oswego. N Y.; tee Rev. T. M, Hives. Jr„ Uobhe Terry. K. T .; tee Rev. G. B. Beeee;HectoeofZienCfmrte.DobbdFeny,N.Y.; tee Her. B. A Sawyer. D.D„3iviiigtOQ,H.T.; D r.T.M . JC*ikoetN.Y.clty; lEe.XdwlB L, Stsatoo, W*ehlBg-: too, H O ; Judge H.W. Bkidgett. CUeaco.IlL: Hoo, J .H CampbdLClnriaitomS. C; Rev. Tbeo. Rving, LLJ)., N. Y. «aiy; Joeeph HowUsd. Xatteawan.

Judge Henry W. Taylor. LL.D., t

H0M.CHAB.LKS IBABCra ADAM. BLJ)., CkalEniax _ WIIMAl^LDlSStoCK^ESb, Master.Thi* «Aooi 1* dertiaad to c lv j^ b e s t aad tkoNngh prspaiMlon for ooUaee. 331* part year thara hav*

He. CS Slerlbsrenalt at., Beston, iHamsecliuaetts,

mna.MlMaswsd Young lAdlea Oei

MT. P L ^ S A N TAT BIMG-8IHG-lSif BtUDSON IS. Y.TbsocnrMofiBitiuoUou embiaoaa the following d*.

panmemg:OIauloai.Mod*ru Langnage*. Kamdatary, Mathematical, JtaigUali Btudle*. and natural Belenoe. Oiaasei ore alaolormed in Mntlo. Drawteg. kenclng, — Klocntlon. A thoroughly organlzad Military Detmant. Riding School, v-”- ------------- --- ---------”“ ngfi«®’ BHiliBBHJAMIM A ALLKM.Friaolpatl. '

POCGHK.REPSIB FEM ALB ACADEMY.Bev. D, G. WKIQHT, D.DmBi-----A FinsT ensss PcHOOi nr eveuy teachera In the aeveral deptitmenta ai and azpoTlanoed. ThelsidutletforstliUbed ednestton are second to none, i____■pared to make this a BayiKED. Ohbibciak a:Home uor pupils. For circulars pleas* a EKCTOB,Pougnk«*p*le.»ew York.


A D S L P H I AOADEMIT,r.S t. JameaPiace, Brooklyn,Lafayette Ave., oer.l

P r ^ ^ md teleWill open for the reception of pupils of bote sexes Sep­tember 12th. For ctta'ognea apply at tlio Academy, or 181 Front street, N. Y.________________augl7 6w


BLIOT’S SCHOOL FOB GIBLB from 6 to 31 WUl rebpen Tuesday. October 3. Praparaa for anyooUege or uni. verslty if desired. For circulars and full Information


Nos. 539. 5 a i and 543 Filth Ave. (45 h ■(,) THIS APPROVED SCHOOL FOtt BOYS

p A O K A ]^ S ® B D M H ]M 8®“ 6 0 M B O B , A StS Broadway, wilt reapan for tea yaar on MOM-

BETTS MILITARY ACADEMY, BTAMFOBD,Ct. 40tbysar. AHomoBohool. Situation nnenrpsssed. Thorough instruotlon. Caroful training.

loaMssui raiuvuxio... ...---------------------------for both advanced and baokward pnptis. Keoom- —„ Jd*;d by Mr. Bayard Taylor, Jndga Van Hossen, and others. Open all summer Media has ssvsn ohnrohss and a temperanee charter. Address B. O. SHOUT. UOGB (Harvard A. M.). Media, Pann. myld 4meod


rfcf, _________________________ angtt ImeQd

T i O A B V m a SCHOOL VOB BOTSfX> afiropR’s Neck. Westekester, N.Y Boy§ thorough* It prepftToa lor ooUege. acientiflo achools or baalneBi.

classical at d mathematical departments of the ANTKON GRAiaCHAR SOBIOOL g the last 13 years, have withdrawn, an* will

TABEW BKMINABY AND PKMALB JLv couuEan, oaru el . n. T.—a sobool for both sexes.


. J , P B B B H O tD ,


CO- No. 303 Pearl st._________________ auglSlm


Hi°T? KdSt*udaifTcbcrowm^tepM^V^DnB^aYj^Bs^^ia. For oircffian^l.

T lf D I * . L 1 H Z .-F B B H O H AHD MHO-XU. ush school. itormerD Charlltr Instltnt fc» yonnic lecpea sept. 17. *Qrcui*r* sent on appueaute.

ll /f lS S BALIiOW 'S B H a M S H AHD LU Fteute Bobool for young ladles sad children. Ho. 34Z ^ ^ s t . ,w m reopen on Wednesday. Bept. 38.


moi<b|rlTe«« tbe alK of tbe sebooU g> Kastlrtb at.

Yomiig ladMspnpizsd for the Burvard KzaawuUoas.

d i^uiiAaMoAMigff dad _D k ^ 9 °h.

THE GffilT E W U I lO fE in .MHTADl JilOS.-

NEWAPEHIENTWATER.Bptfilall-y.reeonunAid. ed-lss riteaess In aperient ■an*., aad Its. affisaey ta aaknui ■ttaeks.iNraveaUea ^of aout.PU**, ate., and aa

twdtoary aperieat. by I R R i e , V IR -

, H O W . S C A N - IZ O N X , U d S I R H X M R Y VHOMP. BON> sad tli« etatli* rtadtealprofeistoalaEagi load aad Germany.

‘ ^ JS 'SS iJrT D B l, ;iS7S!6

> sss1s j i s f e l K SSfeiJS:— L E W w' x ^ aY ^ Now Y « k , “ Pre.

■vary ganum* bottl*,b*ara tea aatna of Thx Apol- EiSAais Co. (limited), London.FRED'K DE »ARY A CO.»AX *43 Warren St,, XTeto Xortc, ■

abfeAjrtite/w Uettsd »*«*# end Cenedw,for Sale b j JEALESi, fiROCESN fcBRPBlSTS.

Destructive Tornado in Illinois.CusousKAxr, AiiTBSl3L--A-teRifiogi(»mpMB-

Bd over Hlla»B, HL, yeaterday, proBtntti% % m m aupet ttrn m . T to floniiiiK BOtii o r J(ten B, Qraysoa & fica vrue oompMely dMioyed. One mlU band w u killed kyHOllBK Mmlien. Tlie loM fa eMboatadAt «S>7,00{).

T H E TtJKF.long Branch Races, Monmouth Park.

FOUR RACES EACH DAY.AUGUST 33.39. as AHD epFTnMBHB J.Fere for ronnd trip, tnelndlnr sdmisilon to track $3S F ' " ' ,


ttieet. aag231m. iIITBS. PABKB’ EAMILY AND DAY IJJL BchiwLft yoMlMlM jma Httle glrlajrwpwall/nBB W ILM A M SS, 26 W EST 39TH BT.,lU.»inieoponlier*nirt«h»ndVtoooli Boaraios A Dar


T>B*K8K1LL (N. T.) MILTTABY ACADEMY. Optns Jr Baptili, BenttXorClTonlar.TJIV EB V IM W ACADEMY, PO U G H - -Es BXaesis N.T.—Claisloal, (kHnmexolOI, MUltary— bettlnall. BUprospaocn*. jylOlmC<OUTHJBB8EYT[W8MTDTO,BrIdee«on,N.J.improTeinenU. (HlmatsffiUd.very healtev. Instruotlon TBAHK'lVffio?ML**‘nrUBBYTOWH (N. Y.) DBVING IN - X atltuts. FoibojB and Toraamen. Eeopens.Bept. 11. ForclKnUarsadOreMthaFrinolpaL lylstfmBB OOIiUSaiATS B O H O O I ie —79X WeitSMat.coniep eUiATte.. New York. BBY. BBNBY B* OB APIH. PH.O.S PrlnotpaL Tha 58£h lohool Yetr htfflni E«pt. 17* '877. Boys flttea for cilleco or bus- inois. A jpnzDftTT deputioent. Batea of tuition rea» tootblo. eeDdlPT bCrocUftr. ftUK27 ImqriH BM lBBEBGBAHAM , SUCOESSOHB A to iheMIBBBB GBBBH.wmreqpan their school for Vonue Ladles antt ChUdren. at No. 1 Fifth areaue, first honse from Waihlnaton Sqnai*> on Wadneiaar. the 2SU> of September. ausStlTTH ITBD STATES SCHOOL AND COL-U LXQH DIBBOTOBT FOB 1SJ7. »0 page*, with Jftap mnCL iltnitrMtloDS. CixcnlarM o£ fall the leading lobootfl combined in tbU one publioatlon.A lundsra medium of ooninmnicatlon between acbools Slid tntendinRpatroni.wberein perent# dudjeoardUne mMY ObcMln ail Uia information rtelatinn totke belter oistt of icboUatlolnttUutlOBt in tbe country neoeBiaryto tbe seleotion of mob » one u the? mer be in leircb of* witnoat tbte IsonnYenlenoe incident to the usual tneane of colteotlcfc th* same.For the Ahove pnrpoie it will be sent free nponreoeipt of postage. 9 oentts For all other pnrpofes* 60 centi. PamplileU and information of city and ooontry

AGRNOY FOB SCHOOLS ANOTHAOHHKB, aug6 mteod 30 Union Square, n. 16th st.. N. Y.VODKO LAD1B8’ SBMINABT. MIDDLETOWN, X Conn. Year heals* Bepumber lUh. Bar. B. A. faMlTH. Pilnolpal. aua6 UnTTOUNG WOMEN FITTED FOB THE HABTABD X examlMtlont, or for any college, B-J.LUONABD, Menaan. Cenn. augieimFO B SAUB OB TO LET*C l ’n r X tE A la E S Y A T B IF O R S A IJS .


m i F O B BALE-N O . 9 WEST 56TH BT., Msi 25 feet, femvatory, bi/fh itoop brourn etone, wm built, in p oot order and best location.Xnqnlie on the premiMs. or at 30 Naasm rt.. oomm f o b s a l b - a v a l u a b l e s t o r eJtilL property, looatad In a bnilneas portion of tbe olty, cow prodoclogsgood income on price ukrd. Partlei nlsblog a lafa inysstment and reliable Income apply to BOMBB MOBGAN, 3 Pine St. auKb 6tC I T Y R E A I* E S T A T B TO XRT.

JFzxzrxxlawkzecEaC l N EW LIST S P U B L ISH E D TO-DAY jm byV. E. 8TBVENSON, JB..offlcst4Plne, 83 Xait iTte It. and 6316th ave. itd 14T H ST., N EA B 8T H A Y E .-F U L L

It Offices 4 Pin*. 33. Bast 17th st, and 6815th are.m YO l b t - y u b n i 'b h b d - t h b b l e -JiSU. gantt.itorx brown stone houae 110 East nth st., near Fourth arehue. T. 8. VO0NG.augSiet 12 Finest.C! ATS ELEGANT, EULL-SIZEO 4- JeI. atoiy high, stoop house, on23th st.. near 6th are., to

jg TO UKOTt-A MAQmSiaSSiT h o u s bJB on 6th eros« eJegently f ornlshed, to a prlrate faim* ly to Hay lit. i d loilowinr year It desired. Apply to aug29 U W. Be aaiSWOliD, 7U Broadway.C l A f u l l y f o b n i s h b d h o u s e n rJEa a desirable location will be rented to a pilrate family untU May next ata low price. For partlomara in. quire of vy. N. TitFs T, 443 Broadway. angts 28t

■O'aaff’uurxiLXeila.edUH EW LISTS PU B LISH ED TO-DAY itiii by V. K. BTBVENSOfl, Ju, offlcei 4 Pine, 33 Bast Utb st. and CSl Sth are. It

® I T O L E T .- T W O NEW ELEGANTEat honies. 36x69. lust completed, of our own oonstruo tun. Bend for ramphlet. Rlylog description and terms, to DDauiN & OBOpBMAH, Aroblteoti,aug314t 63Na*t4Utat.,ODr.f xaTe..m TO B IN T , V EBY D BSIBABLEBS. moderate priced hoesea in 3)th st, between 6ih and 60iaTes.,34th at. near Madison ay.. 3Sth st.near Farx ay., and tteay.near lOth at, augl9 St F. G. A 0. B. BBOWN, 93 Broadway.


Vyiomlnnter.WBlk of the Park Plaxs.. Tli* home u 45 ten frost and 66 feet deep, with land 106x167 feet. BUbla 36 xlOO feet, erected on rear of plot, wlthaUaooommoda. tlon* for ooaoliman. Qrouna* finely laid out wlte fin* itatubbery, itmmier houic, Ao., and aiUTonnded with high Iron fenoe, Houm ui oomplete order, built by day*’ work, and one of tli* but and most daalrable raildano** miheoity. The above proMrtT win be loltt cheap ana

SUMMER RESORTS.** C A Y U G A L A K E H O T E L . ”This new and beautifni Hotel 1* altaated dlreotlv oathe bank of Ounga Lake, at Bheldrake. 8ene«a Oo„a.Y.

OPENS JUNE 30,1877, .UOSQUITONBandDAMPNBBS eaimot bf found at p^we ^r^^iufi^l^C^^us'a^m^o!

W ”’ClTSElll MOUfflIH lOnSIThe «fly cool place near New York. ‘ Compare highest temperature In shade,Augnat 8: Catskm ylUagefmo; New York. 92*; *ug9if BCoTuataiZL BCouse, Y3®*

PROSPECT PARK HOTEL,CATgRlLL, N. Y.I ONLY FIBST-OLA8S BOTBL IN TBIB BBSION.' Teimarednoed. Hlsh elevation, S3 acrei of Qrounda, Mountain Air. Boenery nnsurpasied In the world. Ao-

T H E H I G H L A N D H O U S E .OABBIfiON ON THE HUDSON.Open ustairte latherauatladnoadrata.. Aecom. modatloniflrsi.olaaa. GSO.F.QAEB130N, Manager.

Heath House,Schoole/s Mountain, N. J.,win remain open nntll October lit. at reduced rate* angUH,WAFlm

ELBERON HOTEL, South of Long Branch.The most nniqne and elt nt Sea-aide Beeort In the Muntr: U T, JONES.late of Hoffimau Honseand St.

r im O Y HOUBB, T B O Y N . Y - T H HnUheTSt SSSS 'i V.'rtwaiea wlthlSF ^Si

Readers of the E V E N I N G ROSI temporarily absent from the city may have this lonmal mMIed to them for 75 cents a mantb, wMch induflee postage. The ad­dress will be (ihsQged ss often aa desired, and if the term pud for has not esepired when the subemiibfa xetnnm to Hew York, the paper wdfte smed by cuxief mt his leddsQoe.

ROOMS AND BOARD.KQD BT., N B A B M ADISON A TNNUS-^ eJO A very deetoab'e w«»d11oorlaaqn<etf*aityi with board. BefsTeaeaexeiiaac Addre**Suas*to>nt ofEceof-teexveoiscPotCahtoadiiay. ooiffiStT Q»7 W E ST 48D , H E A R BT. CLOUD, XO 4 FuiaiibeeBooaw.sD'glroriasalte.ferfaml Uea crB*aU*men,wUh or wltbont board. ongt) 6tO B i n s O F B O O M S W IT H P B IV A T EO toUeocwltboot boar«.lneMOf the anerteWMa la tbe elty. Private botbroora;, Ae. Unexaeptloaabl*

SMBYAHTS.r iO O K AND LAUNDBE8a .- B Y A T E B T coi ^ aroo<e aiSju*«eS55iuSam tSSSf£SS^e.^Jii.*^ rttd SwtiUah ...Y T O U B n rO M H -B Y A W ELSH YOUNO


THE WAB,H o n te n e s ra o . S t r a te g y .

Ixrnvm, Aajfait SL—A O m m b to m Ztoie) ftotoO*lrolc,dtatodA«fQst3a ,M yg; <'XhalEbB:- tesscrtii oB utotns moved to-d«yto to* plein bMweea lOeal^ and toe Dcy;* Ptm, in oewe* queooe o$ ab attompt to nlfarra.ttis elty from

Price of Silver.Lohdom, Anguat 51—4 P.it-BaTW faqaoled

a t 545-16dL peroonoe.

TJte N o ittiw e s te n i C rops.

Tbe sgrlenltanl re tan a are bow auffiideakly rtod to tbe OommlastiKiaii of* totfatici to

teat ited ti>opttoIu|v* tied e greeter effect tluiQ -aa appreh«d#diu

; wEmt onltore hai

reported to tbe OommlastiKiaii of* ^tiiE afford data for ap eiHinate of toe wheat crop of tbe piMeat year. Prom theM reporla It appean

llHouraging the wide ox tei ifetofora parsaed. Rt|K» bear to a t aotwiteshuidiiig

srjM apprebffiided It)of wb«at onltore h L ,„ .___.._______ __, ___jtrom BUr etmUee toe w to a t aotwiteshuidiiig a considerable Inareaae of wheat aoreaga in the older and exempt ooimttee the oonwaotlon In the ravaged dlstrlota fa so great ais to oatilto an aelnal reduction In the wheat area o£ llrom. 70 0(XI to 75,()0()-torM. 3%te-wltt leave «boht<1,800,000 eerei as the wheat u e a for 1877. Some sixteen counties have suetalned sui appreciable loss fromgranhoppm too preieni year. In two of theie, HandlyoU arid Chippewa, the deatmotion was inbetanilally complete. Tbeir oombtned average wa> 590.975, which farther redoou the wheatarea to l ,749,000 acres. In the remaining four­teen graiBbopper oonntlee It fa aatimated that the ravagee vary from one-fonrth to three-fonrthi of a full orop. Theee coimtlea embraoe a wheat area of 269,300 aiwes which y e estimate wlU yield ap average of ton bnihefa per aire. EttlmaUngtheyleld of the --------- —state a t nlnetee following resnlt:1,479,784 acres at 19bushels................ . . .. .28.11(t«00

269,8(0grasshopperacr^geat 10 bushels.-. 2.693,00080.807,800

to tbe prevalent talk'of tw £ ^-rre 't> n d t t d ^ bnshels i ** ' * * '

T B E Q A B B A C m W A R .

A Naval BiAmde A w ^H ag to® New ^Crk

EOtotofaiilKtoleryetKa^^ m t^rtofflitys

Honee,Kaeh "ipeolal” mm.mtmpd. wfte a ehiN and

a revedvaFi and iMvlBf been oonnledlo«eolBHUiby twot w b y Ytotoiatoait H ardy fiity manbedf 0$ ^ toe P o w t Hooae aitd dovni JonlaiDiO;

A t liM fool4« Jorafamoa ebnet toaf<»»to eb^^barked o i t« atatmier aaff aairedaway fi» toe Uttxowt, witoto*«HprtaMdtoteotompf luff all pHii e n « a i^ la toe SUgaL woto; of damp­ing Hew York d M too sear ttoJffiocfalaito tomrtA lkd(toliml y e t M«meeitoIa iW toiBre Wiu be anybody £i» toem to arvato bni Mr. Jbe. gnaHQaaodtab mea areT^aetod to be extreme^

-to* im w YOBS xirm oaxiaa psAoiarBti. Therepoct to a t toe Brooklyn Shore InipeitoN

would imi for the Harrow* tofa morning with ttiffaea pedteamto and o torly one hiudfed spcelto depnty aherlffa, w lto the intentionot pre. venting any to fto to dnmiteg of garbage by toei New York aotobrltlea npem toe w a ten v ‘ ' the S & g t ooanty tooreib afforded m ote amnw- BUMit and o a u e i ao a lann among toe FoUoa CommbtoMlWB a t the New York Uehtral OffioA'

-There fa not a (intnam of toe Board In toe olff, and no deiAIbn has yet been arrived a | except to eto to a t the Agreement btoweto the Shore In­spector and OonnseUor MeIrtM of toe New Y ork FoUce Oommfaalonen fa rigidly adhtoed to.

Mr. Beto Hawley, the Chief Clerk o f toe Police Board, was the only one a t FoUat Head- quartera tola momlsg who oonld give Intorma-^ tlon on toe snbifot. The presmt dlfflonlty, he; said, fa due to a mlaUnderstandlng between toe' Shore Inspector and toe officers In chaii^ of

iwa on which the garbage fa tekim' to sea. The agreement, la brle^ vrai that tee soowa shonld be taken to somepalnt la toe

of newspe]We are too famOIarwlto toe random eittmi newspeper oorrafpondentiand thecalonlatloas overesngalne farmers to glvemnohoredenos tbe prevalent talk of twr ' ” ........._____ j the wheat average, and of 40.000,00050,000,(00 aa toe total wheat product of the

„ te . Tbe mop fa onqueetlonably a meat beauti­ful one, and while It la true that the resnlt of the few tbreshlogs already reported eeemrtocioaa- tenanoa more hopeful expeotatlong^ we prefer to adbere to the conservative estlmatea above given, -* '— t until toe fuller and more deSuIte results

it within the next week or ten '

on the otoer hand, haveoonstrned the agreement' to give a general permission to go toaea. We do not intend to have any trouble, said Mr. Hawley; we shaU notsend any garbage to sea to-day or a tanyotoertonennleM toe Shore Inspector goes on the soows and witnesses the damping of the garbage, Slie w ar predicted fa over , before i t was began. I t the Shore Inspeotor desires toat a permit most be seenred for every fleet of soowa which we send out h b wishes wUl

qpeiited; Mr, Hawley ended by saying toat no soovra would be sent to sea |o day If the Shore tiupector refused to accompany tomm

iif Wiscoasiir,In every leetlon of tbe Union abundant oreps

are assured, and this abundance Inolades nearly igrlcultural produot, as well as every seo- toe country. For season aftm asuon our

rmeraiiave been disheartened by poor crops.and tbe magnfflssnt yield coming n o w ,__long suooesBlon of fw ores and oontlnned 1 limes, when toe prospect of ghod prlcsa v nevw better, will imt large anmi of money Into olrculatloo, give oohfldeaoa to the people and re­vive buslnese generally. A t an lUusteallon we will present Borne statlsHes of onr own conoty. Below wUIbo found a o ~ ^ - — — — tbe acreage nnder onltii the time e t the mnnnel I1876 and 1877;

i ? - '

icuenuy. oa na auusaraiuiu wa ime statlsHes of onrownconoty. found a comparative liable giving Oder onltivaUon, as aicertalaed at

t in the years

11243*1 89®«S


The following table Is made up Horn estimates

‘SiSSS300 bushels, va’ui >7,600 bnshel8,vL_- "OpoundA value..._, - ................

—-----J, AOOO.COO pousdA value.................. aOO.LwCaltlvatedgtasses. 800.000 tons, value........... 3,000.000Potatoes 315 000 busheU, value.................... 60,000T ool 850,000 pounds, valUA......................... H6.000

Total......... .......... iwoopooThus It will be seen that toe prlnolpalcropa are

worth nearly $8,000,000, or over $140 for every man, woman and child to Dane county.—[Madi­son (FPis) JoutwoL

nr IOWAThe harvest yields a orop toat will give Iowa tore than 30,000,000 bnsheb of wheat

for market. Tfab wlU bring $30,000,000. Based on toe flgurea of last yearthe pork crop will yield $30,000,000 more. These two products alone wilt bring into Iowa this year an Inoome equal to $1,000 for each family to the state. But other crops have been excellent, the graes especially good, and thus One fsolUHea given for the growing of beef.— [Vtibvgve (To,) Times.

A n ;p a ra o rd m a ry Sermon*13ie London Qtobs of toe 13to Instant contains

a report of an extraordinary sermon reoeutly de­livered by toe Bev. John Howard, vicar of Onchan, Isle of Mon. A report, he said, had been spread that be was “ a dangerous, criminal lunatic;” b n l bis hearers, who had known him for thirty years, knew how mnob trnth there was to ll. Of oonne,-fae had beento a lunatic asylum, and be had been examined by commissioners to lunacy elevKi times. But these oommfationera were utterly Inoompetent. He would like to put bis aniwers on one side and their queetloni on the other side, and leave toe publlo tp determine where lay the lunacy. If any person to his an- dlenoe supposed that he had ever been Insane be would never preach another serniQn, mnoh less administer tbe Holy Communion. Two medical men had vldted him lately to tbe asylum. They acknowledged, like men, that they had oome to examine him, and were not deoelvers, like others who had professed themselves to be mere friend­ly vltitork He adjured them by toe living Hod,

1 aa they valued their own Bonis, to speak out ;bey found to him the slightest taint of to-

canity. After three hours the tesUmmy toey gave was so clear that there oonld not be to any man’s mind a tnsplolon that he was not all right and sound.

In conolusicHi, tbe 'rioar assured hls audlen^ that be was not meek enough to prWmh; the gospel of peace. He wm better Atted «Q.be a lawyer, pbyalolan or soldier. But having put bts

id to toe pleugh he should not be lit for the gdom ofUodlf-he looked bade.

Bnicide.John Costello, aged forty-seven years, of No.

594 Blereato. avenue, shot himself to toe left breast with a rifle a t bolf-paat 8 o’clock this

iliig and soon afterward died. He was a vender by ooonpatlon.

A N ew C o m p la in t o f Ur* Sdritem ann* e pondemnatlohtwrifey JSeoiewDr. Bobllemann fells under toe pondemnatloh

it a sentimentei writer to tiie Sotv/rekay: Sevimly JSeoiewaspeot of the Leaps df mb-

Dish left behind by the explorer. “ As we draw i ” [Uycecm] he says, “ wC cannot help hav- Qur wrath ’ ---------- ‘ ' - ' 'slightly kindled sigalnst the lari

discoverer of Mykdo A Dr. Bdhllemann has donp well to what he has brot^ht to ifa[ht; we oamicA think that, he boa done well In what he has hid­den.. As we draw near tea height and ontUne of a great part o t the outer wall of tbe akropoltit are ntteriy hidden, tbe genwat view Is spoiled, tbeproporUdnofthe whole work la aodly dam­age^ beoauie Dr. Bobllemann oboes to throwtbs rabbbh which he dag Oat o t te a tombe any­where where It m^;ht Hght, He has for tbemost part thrown It la vast heaps over tor.waU, by which a really large iiort of tbe oohm of the waR fa hidden, and tee whifle view blurred and eoefnsed. A Uttte «Tonld» m ^h ttaevemvoided tele a t first; wUrtle more teonblemight grii rid ot to f mhblib now. In too lastdlftglngB a t Atteoa m ute mere care baa be«a taken. The rtteblsblUMr been all carried away,and Ii^Ood ln beapo vhero i t doe* no feWm. f tto tlibeB taeoxae Itaoae heape teonld; gfow Into bills Jlko toe 'm om testaoens’ a t Borne no barm will have be«i dene, and aa odd little pleoe of history wtU have been mada But Ur. BchBe-ma&h% heape of rubbito do eeriootiy m ar toegeneral effect ot the M jk6iialan aknvmla.”

speuto jbefofe tbe BepdUksaa Qoaventtoa pi Clsike eoonty in te a t state laet Mondoywarmly

Xz-BtprwwntatlTe SkeUaharger, of Ohio. In a ■ - • ~ • I qonvenr- -

(arafsed the Presldeat^ efforii to M tom ; the dviiSBiyloe, and said:

“ la m far from tolnklBC toat wfato toa PriM- dent has oMempted la tiua ^ f a r d fa u y th to g more thaa a m w e atiq> to the dlraetion of the restoraUonof Iba govarnmanTa a^nintstraifaa to itaeoBaUtatloiiartitoaa; oe toat.vritoont the ooDtlnned aad pecristaat aoppart o t the people and Congreor, he wlU be eakbled to deUver toe govenuaeat from tee dangers -to which 1bare aUnded. Bnt sUil towwrd Hw rffwfa be fa madring for the eoontry’a reS- ene ha fa impelled by the cove-

____________ ______ ptaoHoewhich have inrMd A s anblima powacaaad irtuta of tbeGoBatttaUoit Into the gaitoovs and pelt of apoifa l a m bound amw Iq gtva my -oottUnUtd ruppoct to toe B i^btfaanqfar^ .’'

A tBspsctsdsmaatwasarrM lBd tit Boatoa the otoer dsBrjaBtaa aha waaltavlBg to* toe had beaa Uriht. ArpoadlM ri (NBlooiiy faataMd a bag eaatatoiag I■iy feataMd a bag eaaWfatog ahoat flftaaa

■ of floor; faateaad to her rfapit hip, by of astrfag ,iin aa ]a ica fai»a{){dar, wUfa

the fa it kip waa oraaaaanted wlto a kacosena tomp.afaofaatMMdhf'aalriac, A UMfa befaw tide OB fcee faft fag a cea <ff karaaeae oti w a a ^ " eovauA P aa tiaH in h o to fa j i w ary pMeaa o f haaf Mii kam itoi to dfawa aU r a a i r to ha eaalMd. Batotodad toiaV riffkt kaaf by t a to # atrfag waa a h a c aBatofatogagyaM er a ( Irish peto- toca;aaiiM «U M rkaaa waa a abriDar bag arfntognwaat p a totoaS; B h ab a i peabeW l takfag faswUto aw ay Ifaws tha beiiia tit tola

elghlii nfaaww'wawlvNaa«RaaM'«wwaltalgl*'


I and be sent to sea on the flrat ebb H<In charge of toe work followed toe!

etmotion bnt did not tnake appUoaUpn for p mtislon to go to aMflor each fleet of mows.

The Shore Inapeotor, Mr. Hawley, said thatepp!I(»itIoa wpnld be made to him In everyate, and hence aaaerta that tiia agreementas been yfoiated. The Folloc UommInloiii»n/

G E aJE B A J^ CEPS’ .llEE B IiIJG -E N rC B .

Hotel Aivivala.Fifth Avenue Hotel—Senator BoscoeConldiiiq, Utica; enator william H. Bamnm, Connecticut: Solicitor-

General Samnel F. PnllUps, Washington; Bx-Member Of Congress B O Stanard, Missouri; Bx-Member of Congress John M S Williams. Massachusetts,

Brevoort Honsa-Samuel BowleA Springaeia. Mars,; Froiessor Wliitney.*Tffion Squiure Hotel—The Rev. Canon Murphy of

* *r Honse—Pay Inspector A, H. Oilman, United ley.Washlng-

Ct^les H. Judd,

A Worthless Check,On WedoMdAy Ohrl Xifasef, a oomiiriaalon

agent, visited toe millinery eatahlfahment of Greta Geoi^e, At No. l U Second street, and Intro* dneed A man named CL H. HelvUle, who said that


Bold Highway Robbery by Boys.While Isaae iNimml, apeddler, of No. 36 Hester

Street^ was passing through East Eleventh street, Second avenue, on Monday afternoon, he

WAS set Upon by a nnmber of boys, one of whom BDBtobed a bundle from him, another struck him violently In tbe eyes, and two others knocked

u down. While he lay prostrate they searoh- him and took A pooketbeOk oontatnlog $6

from hb trotters pocket. Offlopr Bfasert, b t the Saventeento preolnot, yeStraday of ternopn arrest­ed Jamet Bird, A newsboy, aged fifteen y e a ^ John CoIltoB, Btooolboy, fourteen yeax*, and John Kearney, a newsboy, "aged thirteen years, who were IdenUfled aa being among the foremost ot Tommi’s assallanlB,' When arrafgned before Jostioe Kflbreth to day In toe Essex Market Po­lice Conrt they were each held to answer In de­fault of $1,000 ball.

Reported Homicide.Deputy Coroner Cushman made an examina­

tion this morning of toe body of Fatiiek Morris, who died from lojurles received In a fall from a etsge coaeh which he was driving for the Madison avenue line on August 25. I t was found that death was produced by a fraoture o f thexlba and lutemal hemorrhage. Tbe Booldent occurred at tbe corner of Houston street and Broadway, and It has been charged that Morris was knocked from his box by the driver of another stage coaeh. An Inquest wUl soon bs held In toe case.

The Independent Forty.The Einoative Counell of toe Regolac Inde­

pendent party, by its oiganizer, the Bread-Win­ners’ League, has appointed Hon. George. H. Parser, General Franz SIgel, Dennis McMahon, George W. Madox and MaronsHanlon aimmmK* tee to receive and approve toe names of fivemembers from oaob Aswmbly dlstrlot, who shallhave aatfaorlty to oomplete tiie orgonfeaHon ottheir respBotlve dlitriots and to IsBue oalli forAssembly district eonventions fo elect three detegatos-and three altematM to the State Con­vention of the Independenf party to be held in Albany September 25.

Sodden Death In the Street.John Greer of No. 149 Avenue C, employed by

the Mutual Gaslight Company, while .on his way home early this momlug was seized with

ips and died on his way to the Elc I police itatiOB,

Bleventfa pre-

Washington M arket R etail Prices.The shlpmente of peaches to Watelpgtom Mar­

ket during toe i^efont weekhatelieenPghlL andprices a re a llttie bfaher, with a good demand.

tl has heea very dulload prices arc lower. Prices for i>onltry arehigher. Batter has been. In fMr demand a tslightly higher prloes. The following are to­day’s quotations for toe best famUy marketing:

Fonerhoosesteak 259 ’s^itouns.-s^ked... IS& lesirloin............... 18® 22Hsms,piclcled... 13® 14

stewing plecee,. 8® BSsusages......... 14@IS J g iK K S ? i i

Mutton hlndq’t's 13® 14 Smoked beef, 9>. 18€Mnttfxnshouldeis 6® 6 Bologna sausage. 14@1 116 DriedBug. Bacon 18@

UfOik for routing l | |

feiiCornett beef ... .

N W a to ^ 'm . i


1K & .....J Jm iS sS ^ , 3 »s ® - ' a gIm okedM but; ^ 18

iS fa S :K SKell Clabia, ]

B ^ h MSetereL*9* ~


S!|! « »


i i l n

S t s ^ J b n e h I t »

-I 3!a 3 1

: | i p s s s ^ a i

m i:: |u%iM I

S b .'


i s U f e l g ^ .

^ ^ ' l e a - s r -

irifor Beott, who Ollu awarded

Succesefal AriivaacE of tho Shirks—A.G r e a t B a M e lm in f r ie R t . .

CossxAHiraoEiJ!, ADgti|dJ9.--A deapatto&ona Bbomtik dated yw tecd^ , Lhuioaoosf :toat Iha oeflumn of Baton PBtoaliM adfaneed froecMtof Djnma and crossed toe lUv«eliom,iMBr AgaiA* far, drlTlDg haifa toe Bnariani^iwfa^ afaec a sfatek resistanoe. retreated from tite itvse, NsdjOk toudia h ^ advaaeed frimtBaiiyadlowKia’XoF. taki r««ifalng tiM Butefans and *N»

A g m tJ b a ttle fa b r it tv e d to b e to m ^ l i * nrksare AKUialng tee offsnslTealong tee wholw


purchases to the amount of $255, faid tendered check on the Chemical Nation^ Bank In pay* meat. The riisok woe declined, bnt on LseSer’s reprSBenfaHons It Was nlUmately ao i^ teA I t - a s drawn to the order, of MeivlUe, and dgned

ngnstus S. Stelhbaofa When presented for payment a t the bonk i t was prononnoed worth­less. Lesmr was arraigned before Jnstioe KU- breth to-day, In the Market FoUoe Coort,and w u required to fornlsh baii in $1,000.

Intosacatlon jand Death.Patrick McArdle Was yeeterday*taken to toe

Sixteenth preolnot poltoe station, having been found insenslbfa from the effects o f Ifqnor. He was removed to the New York Hospital, where he died fate fast night.

The szamfaatioa of Nelson A- Gtesner, the al­leged forger, will bs continued on Monday.

The Staten lifand eleven yeeterday defeated the second eleven of the St. Georges d u b by an

■ 1.*


Hansaff Feeling Toward the Adminis­tration*

OSSAWAITOMII!. K an , August 80.—Ten toon- sand people responded to the oaU to-day to wfa- nesB the ceremonies a t the dedication of the Jdaz# Brown monument Dr. N. P. Degraf^ ohalrmaiz

the committee, (failed toe meeting to order and uitrodnoed Governor Charles Robinson as tea pfosldtot of the day. The Rev. Mr. Adrir, a brother-in-law of John Brown, offered tvayer* Resolutions were passed requesting the Lsgfafa- ture of toe state of K ansu to make an apprOpri- ation to procure a statue of John Brown tic bronze or marble, to be placed In theNatfanaf HoU of Btatuaryln tee Cspltol a t W atelngtoaaa ag if t to tb e nation, and astertlng that lt fatoE duty of tee R ^ s a s Btsle HistoricalBoriety to take meunree a t the earliest pfaotioal momtot i a oollect ahd put upon record the panonal .reoitiieo-tions of tee associates ot John Brown retpsoUnff hls career In Haasas.

Senator Ingalfa tee orator of the day, white not approving the sonthbrn policy of paifl&oa- tioD, pfaoedhlmstolin frlendlyrefatlons w itetea administration. Many of the speiticen approved his sentiments, wbloh seemedto be in aooordanew

■..................... ■ Tthole "

ly evening, h u been fined ends to keep the peace, or

tenced to imprisonment

innings and twenty runs,th e hoaies o t two stiUbofn obildren were

fonnd bFtlfficer John Fay on toe sidewalk In front of No. 23 White street a t an early hour this morning.

Mr. William ? , IngenoU, who threatened hIs wife’s life on W'sdnesday I $l6 and hrid tii $1,000 hom (n defanlt ^ s been sente for three months.

The in*mhers,of the International rifle _____did not praiitloe otCreedmoor yesterday, u the ranges were occupied by detachments from the Filth, Twelfth and Twenty-seoond regiments ot tee l^rst Brigade

Mr. E; A Buck, editor of the .^frie o f (he Times, has placed $1,000 In gold in the bands of Colonel OlldersIeeTe to be offered u a purse In a long-range match a t Creedmoor, open to all comers, a t .800, 900. and 1,000 yards.

The u w telegraph rate" " eratton by teeauthOritlc andAtfantio and FaolfioOqmj to and from points east of the MinlitippI ifad

ted, to be ralied.to I Cbloago fa to be > St. Lonli fifty

On WtdMiday Bx-Fretoolder Frederick West-off of Newark died suddenly. Ymterday ot-srfioon.a pott-morfom examination was madend a piece of black walrink one fooh long and

half an Inch wide, was found hear bis hearl. I tis thought i t wss forced into his body sixteen

ears ego, when he met with an aooldent In a

The widow of toe fate Jose Ferrer deCodto,: fate editor of M Oronista, b u arrived la this city to settle herNnsband’z affairs and to take his body back to Spain. Certain disputes In relation

[on Of certain effects of tee dead man will, It Is believed, be now amicably and speedily settled;. His affairs are In tee hands of tee Publlo Admfalstrator. . - <

On the 4 ej’oIoCk p. M. down trip on Wednesday, ;he Bteten Island ferryboats PqmOna and West- field Came In eolBslon In the bay. The WestSeld, wbfatii was In the rear, struck the rival boat just abaft her shaft, and swept along her starboard Bide, cerrylog everything away u fa r u her vrheelhpnse; Fortimatelynppersonwnslolared. The pilot of the Westfield; w n blamed by the pas­sengers for the oolUsIcn.

Tha American hrig C. .C. Sweeney Is axpsoted to arrive in this port soon with four witnesses of the murder of BeooqdMate HhfNf Ny one of thasailors, named Bmith. who mnUnled with theirfeUow stomen John W Blluat, Wfllfam Ifavie and Thomwttid Andersen, u tee vessel wU le a '^ g Havre on tee 16th of M ayfor Boston.

shot the second mate throngh tfae heart. He alBO tried to kfil toe Freaob plfak and a aailor named Olsen.

CoBiy Zifaad fa exoited over the exploits of Ifr. E dw ud Efavemeyer, Who repreeented himself to be the w D| but WhOfanally a Afatant contin

I fate M ^oF Of tbat^name. Tbb young man h u been puBlngsevercti days a t Bauer’s At­lantia Garden, imd has lived‘upon the fo t of tl laud on the-strengte of his family (rounectioi and the checks wUoh he scattered about In most liberal: manner. Tbe latter were finally found to was arrestei pretenoes.


be worteteM. and young Havemeyw ited for ObtrinIng money Under titise

_______ Ho will alto be held to acoonut fordamege done to a vaiuabie wagon and team dfhorses which he hired In this city and wkiob lie said Was hlB own private property. I t fa belfeved thathfa mfod fa affeoted.

, Thfi Soldiers Home;Tp (he Editors o f the ESehiny East :

The followfog addlUonad sdbioriptions to toe New York Soldiers) HOtoS fund are hereby ao-kiDpwIeagecl by Mr. J oHb F. Henry, trwwwer,

« 8

“ ....... ................' ....... ............ i s 1

i iw A g g ° o f e a a » v : : : : : » o o

“ s ? ____GrSBd total to dife.— ............ . „ .$5S.m 28Tbe board o f frnstees take this opportnuity to

teank aU the donors aad aU oihen who have la any way ensonrogsd iiidsnobfa undsrfakliy'.aiid invito aomitinaanee o t sympatoy an d rid n a til

: tee work fa fuUy oompfated.DnhehalfoftoeBoitird.

J.AL.LK1New York, A ilgu l SI, 1877.

MOdeMy o f A P h ila a tk ro p ls t*Tlw cxeestivezaodesto'of Lewis Brooks, oftefa

. itJr (tee ' ' nnkaowa giver ” ot$85.M0 to toe Unl- vcfili^ Of Ylrgfafa}, w u iadotod no t only bythe motive to do hfa efaM fa iw O rs i^ t afaa fo rfa ^

a toito he did n o t wifa to faMoiM in d wn u k and hMtevqlfat tU )i.and ifa^editotaatiy red hyMtostB from adventnecs wid otbeni

Cfabinst.’’ end tiiU a Jejsmd to ttfat ~ pat d v u eka xnafa eotnuiea. MA —____ _^ e v e r ^ daelfiito^ aadsaid. atmotoiMcriir, " I t

ttafaoifaaMAhr eMs oC lto h u d n u t ^ ke fra. - NM» fa tf a IwiMcaml t o w e a a M e f ^

i’m a w rw a ^ e s u w______________ ,, .1II.KII ilniiiiiiifaitria far m MU tratofaBsa Whfr

" ' : m t

B T 1 !E3 * E ! G R A F H *


tary (faundlfor trial; t th u b e t t i decided to hrifae Mm before toe oouseni^fonfa

Itfareportedthal Bafvet Pasha h u re fe se d fa aiieoept toe Minittry of Jnstioe.


Slight Frospect. of a Sttake--XriiST«t-- cesBfoi IntrigRes o f Agonts—Heavy Shipmenfg of poiO.PcTTSViLLx, August Sl-LDHpatohw reotived

rom Mabanoy CAW.^enandoah ondotiurpronn- inenf mtiilDg eeotifai^ a v toat theifafa no iwoe- peot of a BtiUn fa tee BObnylkUl regltm. . La-

men, leaden of mlnere’ organlfations from oHwrshows that within tee fast ten day* a anmher <se

September, w ltoa view of nuJdng the strike g to -era). but so la r without Baccess.

Duriogthe l u t week'shi{»nenfa of ooal overtee bran te roads have been unusually large.


Fabis, August S t—A jnllliary tribunal h u : psBBEd seutence of death upon M. Lyaz^ who acted M depnty mayor of the Twelfth orrondliMK ment during tee Comulane, and w u guilty (to incendiultm and ordering Ifi^alarreeta, ‘

Eevival of BalfimoEe Trade,Balxiuobf, Angust Sfi—As Indicating a g e ^

eral revival of baslnen the Nun of this morning

“ During the present week the ouHook fa tee wh(?Ie8afa trade hU greatiy Improved, Insi*In* hopes o t a large and profitable faU trad^ Noe for several years hU trade opened so early fa Baltimore, o r upon a scale so extensfve. Daiplfa

fall trade purchases____________ ____though earllerperhapsteanfot several eeaioha

“ An agent of (me of tee transpartajloa Ibifai nmnlogsoate iaTS that a t this time last year hte freight shipments -mete almost exointively ooa- fined-to fertilizers, whUe.now his catBare reoefr- iDg large quantities of freight from, the wholesale

D eath , o f a ETansas E x -G o T en o r* Lawebsob, Kan., A qgnsi 3L—Ex-GioverBor

WfiEonRhamtondled a t mldnighc Jastnight. [Ex-Governor Bhannon w u bom in Eefaumk .


county in 1802; He was aduoated a t Athens C(>1- In OMo and a t Transylvania TTnlvertity la

tacky. 1 was Froseouting Attorney to t OMo In 1835, and w u Governor of the state fa

igalnfa 184M . Ho becamsMIn-Ister to Mexico la 1844, served a term fa CoBgroM In 1853-55, and w u Territorial Governor of Kjae-

I In 1855-6. Slnoe 1856 he h u praoHsed fair In Lawrence, K nnsu.—BoS. E vxning Poaz.1

B u r m n g o f a D w e llin g * BAunuoBF, August SL—Theobuntry dwtiUpg

f Gteorge H. ys^illfains In Baltfauxre (monty. three mfles from the city, with Contents and o u t. ......... ■ - - - gi^oM

tee bosse not having been oconpled f(m saus

bnUdlDgs w u burned yesterday. Loss $B,03Q, I Is absent fa Korope, aML

at play near It.

Insured. Mr. Williams Is absent In Korope, waA

tim elt wa8Betonfire,yrobabIy forboyssrfao W

Cotton Spinners* Wages*Louooir, August 3L—The cotton spinners o f

Lehigh, lyidesley and i---------- -------------- Atherton, though in t i _Bolton district have not yet given hotieecf k rsdnctloD, bnt willyednoe wages five per otnliaK:if the pehdli^ .strike is .uhfnooeaBfid.

The W i th e r .WASmxtom, August 31—IGOO A. 3C.

BynopHs for (he IcM tuentefotir jums^ TheptessurehBsfBllto over tee U ts^ Lskea aad Ufa

Northwest, with pBrUy cloucly weather, eoutewafa winds and numerous mins, hat sn aim of riting Tmtmf

, with colder northerly winds extends Xcom Hanlr .. I BonthwiWCterNeliraeka, NortbwestwI»lsh*7B: ted to southerly in. the Low^ Lakes, Middle Staten '

idyand rtimr weather is z*» es. Statioiu^ m; lower ja w r weateer ptevafi Intee Oma

VaUey,MlddleAtIantIci„SoutJtom and Gfalf States. Tbe »jivers fell on Thuieday, excepts slight rise In Upper JUsslssIppL

Zndieotioni..E6p the Mddte Stales m i My> Erjjlmi, f 0 in r

The W eather la JEnidana.Ik)jroc;K,Angist31.—Tiewe*tlmrto-(tayfannsettIaa*

S uccessfu l CbmpetitioB.wrath a H nilroad:^ Die Delaware ooanty people don’t aeein to bg

dbpoeed to submit eolniljr to tbs Impotitiortofi h fj^ frrigbts by IheUtoter amd DafawareRaa- road. The latter were raised tisfa year becaue*theansM onof toeDcfawore towns marked wpthe figures on the aweeamtet roll; hotAhlppan have found the charges sn cxorMtaat Mfat tiwy have reaumed the old-time w t j of friigklfar, and ore awdlcg wagons to Roadonfe fo r frefa^ BtnalJy brought to teem b y rate T b en fa » groat oavlBg by tefa mettiod, aUtioufa tifa dffa:

Traneutlaatto M alls iter Sestemher.

SPECIAL N o i a c m

1^ - ; ^