m Mmaag ' M ■*■**» '“■■ rS-' ■ :-,. . : ' ! i V i s s ; 'a ’r !^liysiaue of llatbro aKA^ For<if»> ' i r s £ | r4iiun 01 J l n n ctt Ju B n i. I At ike 1 ^ ’ttM iij^'dr' -G^j^iietf ••a'' it»t!»ac»I society or tkli 4 av %5 ^a*«« p«p« epot. oC‘‘TM 4 l»!r*S^ IXa^BsUtieB. a* M cstalM d liy iaspeeUoa- to tk* a ^ g of 1S6!^ to co«.«i^wc» of «m -, of tto"wli«tee« so* *tototeb*i- u toUgBM of » aflitoij 5Mnpii»,. So loT ^ apptotttea Dft. «• BUtol ------- - CsMBteer oftfi*a«r teoraito r e q j^ tot B f t t o l .WregtaMtt; *nd to tli« tUt ttttf ito llsomBoSa pweed; to tovtoir jMMfy oiinr ^^na^rntn, ot'dl BatloaM^lcii. toto»f«do« ^mtoaced stof to« xgtostogc^ October XMeto^int .pportonity wnicS iw . ttito oOHed, tor teattog tHe qwdiSc»nm &tXmmei^ »ta to>^'bom ciazens e e e ^ t o t o t t o ^ a t o q t o M y to^mid^ asd in tbe papw read Uat weelrDr. Tboauon sivfS eomecmnou tod tototto& t tbe ruBolta of Sl» ol>aerTaa«i*4 Alter baidMxdHtMtOT tO States and tto um epeopto to tiair trj, and BbOired~toaf tbe Amencaa ^!*at«,to toe lapte of two cepf^ieB of l« 8 ii, la s considerably sacdlfied the atniopeaa type, Sff coattoaed as foUowB: W HiT ABX T H i TACWf ? A ^eat opportunity ius^uisen to smbstitote facta and observatiists tor theories oa this whole' qeettion. £ tesittbaii which adthlngmore com* pleie coQtd be desired, has bees anddenlybroaght 10 bear, not only oh tbi; w:0rUng Of our tostito- tiers, the e^ttent M onr raso«rees«nd.the charac* tcf ol oar i- copies Oat of thdrdeTc^^aiesit to bone anC muscle as weti. ^Cbe iMoe at atakw to a trh intrdouB contest has. takeo. hold Of thw fMUhga of the entire ahd seat toonaands toor~ ttovemor af6rgi% as Medical ^anilner for the state; oi ail recrnits for regents: to the 'held, nustered at the depot of bew Xoric ci^ dnrfng the paatBnffitner,it occsfred to toe to tahe da- vantage of thooppoittmli^forlhatlfuangoBser- Tstlons on « number of points pf toedlcal totereSt ------------ tancc. In no of- ------ -------- -"— iOta Ehnirw (IT, T.> «B*ay AdrtrHaef” of Tnesd^ay toyhth^lkfttolofed nSenUts who hays gathered there 1 ^ for aUs8a(toasettB on Taeeday abont a proceaslonof soma nine thonaand hstoan bejngs In the otiginia costume pf Bdestln the hope of thetobetorptontotocedjattago torth to ahoot and be ahot! -’Bdtto ito other w'*y cphld ail those artlfieial ctocumeiaaces hrhich dis- tingslsh m to frttoi one aaother to such, a degree, be SO com^lefelylria Mlder *hd m tj nioa *ni condition appear in. the e4naltty of nature itself. Of eapetosltotetoattohotethefact bfthoilbreign- bom popnlatibtt bedngrspresentedlhhltoost the exact proportfous Which they hold fn. the can""” Ubles, and ttese-ttttotoaa “ p f th ebM t blr'* _ olonMng stdckti English anetDatebdese on Americto bpEL, “ _________ jlcfadof up by. the side of taot^generatiems ffi.-i4ii.T«, S5S than pubilclufereet;' bntattosaam etitoe Inoted carefnily the bodily confoytoation of each recruit, in such a way as wopld;«aabieine to elasaify them: into seyeral d^ptto of phyilcal derelopmsnt, Oheae noteewf re taken atmydictatlon.byn titoi'lt ■whoee aerrtces ^ apcnriS and on Bnmmlngnp the resnlts of my obiemtlpnB I,hod toatl can dnw iedm pi^ osi between toe dlf^tott nationalities, which I hope will be found, from the large nsmbSE examiiied, to' be true in thetr main contoueiont, f . STAriSWCg:^ Trom the ihladieof Jtoyto the jafrotOctobsr, 8,700 recrnits presented themielTeB' to me tP be toap^ted. .Of thisi Whole nntober 4,538 wa» Americana, 1,684 were Irish, l,453>'wsTwOermsus, S45 Bnfllfih pir, Scotch,, 185 fre n to , and 645 be-. v_-v*_c - j the,ana tota ‘proportion or reernitafrom Ki ipsdiil.th6COtmttjr y muu buwc , ------ ,,tonflrto the,eatlmatea, already. made, which ah.ow that a- great majority of the armyiacomi^ed-Of Atoericattboin reerhita. Of the Atoeri<wu,2,03Sw«e from the country dis> were wicratedfrOnirthiB concPABisows, . n e fiiit subject whl.ifejiatnnaiir piesented lV self was tbe bedily stetna and i^ eral' physical tleSiert^l^^^sd toehf^*^ Xntoday morning, aged 68,^ Dr^ Xrands was a' = bxotoer of Mifc I^fdtoJUria^^^ A cofrsspoiiaMit of the; MobHe 'Mi&ttter and ; aaya that the wines of Bz-fresidtot Ty- ler, Boldataucth>n a few dajsago’ brdtightpro; digions pdcee. Bheidsh wlncesold for llO.pto bottle; old lantffne, Yin. Dhaueene, galin, Madeira; »13; Ceyion Madeira, $15 50; Madeira B^Ioring Bzpaditioh, llO 75 ; Sherry, 15; Old Port,. 118 75: french Brandy, yery <d«to 95 tP»100pergaUon. . Anuag other ators recently issued by aeneral HetoUelinan, Comto%ndbr .of the O epartaent of ^ashington,^ is onetoneh^fing that no.liuse| to loes the linaa j><>toat department aide of thePotomSe wiU/heresftee pe ri*p«cw!u, w a i^ o n a who maybe p eriai^ tbpaaawillbeaccompaaied.by sndiitary escort. dUtei this nitional iectiment is & traitor. to asAoeUto irith. trad hearted tTzuo;iind2u’’ A Ifew Orlesns letter says: <*Two Incidents •bare ocenired tola week which recall to the mind eroitsttoiiBpWBg, in the early days of theoccu- of- the city, tfotwithatandto^the fact that ^toe entire, Fire Department Is under a parole ol JioBor, aereial members of Bngine Company No. l^W ^e hrreetod end hnedfire doUtrsreat^ pi ‘Bin^g; 'The Bonnie Blue Flag” on r^ntoig i^r ‘‘ from a fliA Ibefr plea was that the song was i -------- - .bee) ------------------------l•apt>aa^anc«: of thtor bexbarian forefathers. This is <» sabject-of' greatimport' aacesAan eyldence of the dependence of bodliy confonnstiosv not ao mneh on-jca«e ,aa::on' the; inodes and conditions of . lif a So poweriul.,haa* been this inflaenee, ibot it is almost imposaible to rtccgnlac the Celt of Cesj^ of Strabo, and of Diedoms, or the Tautotf 'of Taclttis end Amnii' nua,.ae ttey^api«»r6 d to battle Array against the Soman legions. With recrnits of the same stock. toUattog'ior th e American: artoy^ D r Thomson then lemstked upon the changes which bare occurred to toemodeimraew ofmen ascompsied with the same races sixteen centnilee ago, contending thS ttbe altered cbaracteriatics are elmply jUustratione of the adaptabiUty of the hu- man pbyaiqae to human hatota and wanto He elflcation, and Itherefore adopted a-very general division into four classes, which werereapscttvely termed, prime, good, todliferant and bad. Under the head prime X toeXudad first, sthoae-who bad a weil-pToportioned omeons system, tfte ground, ■work of- the personal figure.) as shown by the shape ol the sknll, the bones of the thonuc and fibre A and the lines of tha exteemir -a goSLdevelopi metea f oconatitutionSl I ________________ recruits 47.5 per cent had a prime physique; the jfrlshSd per cent.,-and the Germans 40.75 per cfint The percentage nf good physique w ^ Ameri- cansSh, Irish 8^ CermanaSS 5. The-’percaitago' of todlfierent was, Americans 13.5, Irish 19;5, Germans 19. The percentage of bad, Americans 8 , Irish 7.5, nusns S p --------*■ __^ the Irish and Qertoana are nearly. per cent more than the Americana,____ owing to the excess of toe lattehto pritot. . Of indifferent, toe Irish are onAhalf higher thau toe Germans; which last ate 5M pen cent, higher than the AmericMsK Of toe badj toe Irish are more than double toe Americana and Gertosns, who to this respect stand ahke Bo flur#>there- fore, these fiCTiw*e^f*WiabletotoeAmerif“ bom; but there a: taken into acco--^ tent, modify t them. In toe largely from -’* lal, and four but tois is it^Mceededbytoo fo re !^ yrt ____ _ __________ ____y from the Sixth ward, one of toe most acavexecrattofi^Statfona betog the Tombs prisoBTtself,.shd such spicimtos as occasionallyDrMentedtoemsdves to our eyes and noses from those n^ous could scarcely be t passed by Mspbeto’s wiftoto thMaArivto. aaqenfcaw SOT*Eio*Etr. Still tofe£e c()»ttdeistt.£m6 do n 6 tsffecUhe «> tuat aundingof toeAmWieau recruits, tor what- ever the cauaee may be that have aided them, I feel safe In voting their physicai development ol thebJgbest Order, andihave aeeaapeclmpnsof theanniee of nearly all Enropeah, as weU»eaatr> ; DOMESTIC 6 Q«Sir* ■Amnf|tos ef&HrsKtog#MW«^J[uriekI«iA^ eaplmed,by,toerebatoatGal^toiA-waAAa^ WM *nto d^toridbyanw l»***w^^^ The meter iapghtirsss. It twM on^how ever, G ut . caostw a leisure reahWAWWaoitomry.^ A i - A* p £ S ^ Bapaxt too* tbu Plxatatio re ar4todahtedtoC ^^'fr4-4l»- copy o ® < 3 a rre ^ 6 ftte worldugofa« * M > g ’t o m !i^ toe M.toe.: lads, aft* btoigmuxiaa awne dlstaji^ to cimber dn> xpek p,p% ijver; toe others ---------- rept en unto they lo^ed. agatoat a tree;- ;e easily rescued. Nearly two hours were ed to reaentog the boy ffom.toe rock. r‘UUjUhUjr xmiiiiiijt- ''^'SDrtenntoea, £oWe\ its practical tesci u td ir clly sfiti repatatioif a s ________ my own Inexperience, 1 went" to fetonmence> too .work., I acme five hundred negtoea, h were in a state of great exci*— iu d a ied together inafaw-m^ teoDStmetion, with bo fioora, every s^iower. A few of the i on the roads or the lev< Besriiioga:rew.pl6 ai Bonnie Blue Flag” on retundhg but She air was one which 'had iederateflag. ThefaeaepnablebrnblSm washnr pi she"re«lved o rd p to ieporji,.daay to Proydst-Marahal Genial for the apace of•thirty old mastotn I again aasnied them that th Bbould be treated to every respect as hired ham sd then found thathattly4Il chtorfully asedtot } iQi pioposition. To my great regret I fou . n M Jrm togjn^U ty among too c h i l ^ , cans by toennfavorablelocatiou wbiehhad been chas for their hut A and by thetoxaodn'of llvtog. - “ I then Visited NapoloonvlllA wuere Xfou that forty-aeven planters had already entered in _____________ n a sort o f :ommunity re| toftliws Olviriue and deanlineaa.. ZiTSs. by toe aupei^tendent he hSehad under hi The Fsmeien ipr-Fostagw Stauaps. , l There is in this cttUntrYa c6i^ld||sbW tofto^elves who fill toblcely-boitoi apolit. These people enjoy this sort Of .tWng, 'aaktog no better pastime than toe occupation of leisure hours to too decorous af tangement and orderly olassiflcitloif Of stamps. ' •The enstom, so xapldly growing -Into popular favor hetA^is an.iinport(ld; p l^ u iv . In Faris there, is a “ Stamp Bourse,” where poetoge- ' eregulafarticIe8,of bsrtdf, W Lowl jhat appeal or’j Magazine. here poe stamprafe regulariWicIe8 ,ojr ihLowlbn. apetoJdical with “ a special^” has jhat appeared under toe title of iteSlamp-Coliector's Magazine. The e^tor of this, journal ia a pure enthusiast. ,th8t,Btamr sing appear . „ — r ------------ fwletters. ------- - ' toe B j^ p Exchange of Iiondon (wUch foliowa liedeclsree, in effect, that, Btamplesi as nothing;.bis being api stamped with a love ft toe example aetby Pari8>“ ito raiti»and all ages takb:ESti; fntoo traffic-with spirit wndlpieianraWe dcUtoient,” and that he has Mseen one of her l^ajesty’s Jttolatera,” engaged- in it w ith deep da- votiMu ^Theivaristlonin pricsil which Marks this curionsBpectoation is like that of the gold-huh- bles to Wall street. A set oi the Nevia ttampa “ paesed^ firom hand tjo hand tortonr, stosnd eight shiUingssterlingsuccessiveiy, and evenatthis Itot price were hought to aell: agtol at a profit.’? A bpeeulator writes to'toe.editor toproenre a hticarsgua buthel|l6B8 editor repli Bi toe first number of this odd Uttle Journal there are tohr colnmns of advertlsementA One firm, engaged in the speculatien, announce them- selves as ."dealeto to obsolete stamps,” ; afioth^ “ br^s and soils, coUections”'; a third offers Stamps at the low price of two-pence stwitog The passion for stamp-coUeoting has not yet takenab decided a lonh On this side of the Water, but there arefMr todlcationa toat^ it is appioach- ingthecUmar. ' - ' Pimter to 'GsverAoi Jloirtoa* A dinner was glvci on Thursday evening at the H ^onU oree, to this city, to Governor Moitoh, wing gento o f Indiana. TheioUowMg itlemen were pres- Bdmdtz, H. J. ^Tqoad, Jtorria Selelittta,B. H-Mo- After dinner shortupeeches were made by Gbv- [orlon, Dayid D. Field, Gem Dale Owen and H. i, Baymi -'.■r- - meh< emor Horton, David D. Field, Genmal Wool, .. . . -------- ■" ”— lonA Gov- ingas ium; ____________ johsand—to too army'of the Union. [AppIansAj The eastern states tmd the benefit of immediate Commercial eozomanieat' ------ -I- w l“ ..................... * *-" „jbert --------- - emor Morton said; leherdntyinsendii tlon as any other e tod—to the army o f eastern states tmd t_____ _ ___ muxsiftl cozMttttsjlcstiozi ___ the Atiimticj* while to e wester* statSl p f OMo; todlana* and lUfrcGa were d ^ P ^ e n t .upon toe their outlet to the i brty yean after j ;s Of. ntear ana orutK, aeed by n«*rlyall. im to toe of. ^d ^ro S i.'sS S '.^'it^jS S r^ ®° General remazlEa Of a ntedteat and sdwtifie ebaractar foBowed, bavtog luteMteauipedally to tbe (tomparattre prevtieaee of eeatm^<» omwigperaoMOfhativaasdilBre^Abfrto. Dr. ' 33mafUOBthBasnatotodv^hM obaarMti(ma(M jmdeomiMi ookrt^mu. _______ _____ le people of Ihditoa had been obliged to go torougb the Strtito roget to toe wmhfiu© tost toe Sonto « The government was driven Into this war. YettoeflntoffidaldecUtaaonoftoeConfedarato government denied that there waa auy fear in the Bbuito that toe North Wonid. ihfdn]^ upon-the rightsrrf toe Souto, The qumtiqn was howto restorepcato. Three ways were presented. First, *- —i<^e toe dissblntion of toe -Uaion: or. aufl« 1 ^ iu9 a Taep recr«it€d --------- who were opposed to tbatj^i posed, to. CM sncceSA Th*—^ -------^ ... conraged volnuteering and jpromoWd dseertion were tbe reMantoomoftteConscdpUon*ct, «id Btonld: be held fesponMbie for Ik fApplat^.T Among toebest means ofandinctbe'w ar would he the openingoftoeMiHUsippiriven Thatvriinlddl- videtoe lebellloB, making ah impassable gull far tterebelE. Hewouaconqu*toerightbsnkltrsl^ andentoiuethe Erasiaent's urotiamatioe.. FA^- planto.3 Tbe MiatisripM woMd aeefre iM the territ^sandstateaw m t tfftoeJOtoUttnpl. The' wbeUiOB w osla con- quered. fApplausAj- T h e o p u m g ^ th e Missis. slppi would take uecarity in advance tor.aff toe S ^ !$ ,2 2 g J^ ^ T 7 S fb h 2 S thattoegoTiniaeiit w n ll^ hUre to tofr im- sgsshg.^a&.jtg5ga.t^ SjoeddipUim^optx ^ of rebate, tiiued to lw*-4 negro b* .g33t 4 1 4 i a m ,Y A a a u T A 8 m m m m . t m m B w m m w m v . O issraa 1 lit gi m thttitts Cdl ,n .7> r • « : nr, ??<•'> 7 - 7 .nf-% -I 't} : r;^id.!i;;^'wM 5 a, toe neemeaty changi ind toeTiabl i ----- ^,rjM>dyJ&tl i{bS-taa!g™J „ . it excitement; They Wi inafaw-mdehnts of thw: • h ho floors, and *a r « -' ------ men hidfotmd Some of'tlie wi ho were wUling^to rtturh'to toe hey tol* me-toat-they- <Ud~net I idlenecs, that they would be to ideutenant Ha ibands in. New Oriea h e m a t o ‘Pla«<to:hP , _____ ,_hedthlB mpeb, Idetc. _ _ plantationa to which toesenjSgrOes hi o hold, coniereace vritotoe plante ,ffed.,’ I ant Bb^denftliiat, the; .tatiafactoiy to toe plafiter'andtoa uegru, uuii» that it really affords to-'tiie Wack man aq ex rlence which wiU do much to fit him for the fr dom torwhich he is deetinedlf toe war contlnn ihlany posit! while the a t.ingrtoat our c< totwhumane,! plan is carri toe largenesi conceived., to l /S.Thanking you for too confidence you haye 6*0. H.H*P 1 THB WAB. rnou-OHXBUis'roH. tfrom Charleston .d londng, saying in sU is are still wf iromclads me still within IsBnnkinslghVnndartidi ______________ ashore. The contrivance called the devil has al drifted aahore” The fact that the rebel d sphtches say nothing about the effect oi the fi - our iron-clada upon their forts and batterie les toe prwumptlon that they have suffer louBly. Had. they obtaiued any actual adva e, lhey would certainly haveindulged in iou nthed rejoicings. 7EB rooD qrnsBTiOK xx xbs south. lovemof Bonham has called a'speclalseBBh toe South Carolina legistettirAtp coMefupi istructions fromBichmonA A BATTim p t WHijnssnn, nxsxL vosTnn’s situatiox—Hn bevuios SUKR*iri>n*, '• ThcBiohmondDhpofcAof the 9to toys: “ Wehavenews Jrom t7aehington, N. C., as late as Sunday. Our troops have captured the enemy’s batteries at Hill’s Eolnt,^ situated on toe ---------- ----------------------ihmUes bf’'— -------- (filowthe town,' i field ahd’a fair uks of Ibr river, seven; toicb position gives ns a Igntmto toeXankee shipv_„. , Two gunboats, followed by severaliarge trans- ports loaded with troops from Newbem to rein- ' mWasbington, attempfedto run our bJOckadS 7Cto|reakipdrito oceuirM at Stateybridgi, im eon- MjmtMofl^iTritat&gmeaaarMOftoeacthte;' ' aAfiVitfieitla toberamambenMt thattomStatey- tlieimitov^ tobemobirttet “ gnsratetoiff clTlliitit' : -tlo< thaatkeoactoftirthiEi^^ [, ffiw fttg Jntdli^eha; ...... • ' .................. POET o r in w TOJto, SAXOmaAT, A P * tt f c a i ..—4 m L h *aiaM— a « , w a ra te :-isjs« ,..i,;:r; vjtesnisldp Daniel Wtortto. CMiter, AXto'i®aria,Dbi4» ^AteMaiy Cobh, — , Tortress Uomoe. idsys. in ballsst, to ‘"isasiifissriisssi.^’s’^ : Paaseagers Afrive*. ' ’ ' ' sT U M S H if.^A T m m . from ffew Jt«kE i« * • THE STEAlOlfiP ' ^ ‘ ' GREI l T fE A E T M , W hiTHB PATOH, iJommanifer, Wai be DhpiUhed' * IBOM^IOrVEEiPOOE, | XBOM EEW TOBE. XIBSt ' caEIN. from.......................,..^*98 to $18* ' s s s r S i i ; ' - ; O ^g& uiy. ' FO B H A V A N A W EB BEsK A T .'^ ^ .^ .it # A ,M .‘ ' tl^A N o 1 BMnraRfiWkMSKF ' ' i captain seoeoe oobbett. CA R tfiriir« IH E lp s : Si 1*4114, ^ g n g A -WHX SAII. AS . ABOVE, TBOM PIBB lM M FN o . l * t e o t Of .Cedar tW N .lh ' - Price of passage (in current ftmda); *«0. No Freight received or Bills of-Lading signed on day of For freight or paisage apply to . OHA8. A WHITNEY, 36 Broadway, , or at 54 South at., ‘ _ . HOWLAND 4 A8PINWAtL,Aeenti. N. B.—The Brithh steamship “ hkeidrake” wHl follow tte Mehla, and saiion or about the «th dayof May. Experienced Surgeons are attached to these Steamers. Sew York Katt Steamship Co.’s Id*e , OF STBAMSmPSFOB HAVANA A NEW pBLEANS. THE jsBW B I D J ^ W f i B ^ i p A : p ^ j ' " o/florningf "■ A d; PUtomS, Oomx^der, ■* - : JM i WILL LBAYBPHS 87 NORTH EIVBB The passenger acCSmmodaUons upon thU oompany's Bteamahlps are not exceUed by those of any other steamers , No freight received or Bllii of Lading signed tmthediy- “*“w X ^ h t or Passage apply to ' ap8tl6 JAMEflA.BATNOB,WlBroMway. rOR NEW ORLHAirs DIBECT. The new and flnt-ohua U. S.Mall Staanuhlp €fear& e C r o 'M kwelU OAPT. JNO. A. POST, WIELLEAVEPIBBS H. B , DIBtoTFOB •M W i Now Orleans, on SATHBDAY, April iith , at Passage, with aocommodiUoni nnanrpasaed; IT5. goods, So. per lb. Applyto . ' apSSt H.B.OB0MWELL*OO,86We8lst. FOR NEW 0R L E «, m HAVANA, THE SIDE-WHEEL. STEAMSHIP C olum btU o D.B.BAETON, Oommander, . CARRYIfifQ TnE U. S. 11*11-, WILbEEAVEPieEN0.4,’N0ETHBrVEB,' mUmBk ou WEDNlSDAr, AprU 16th, at 3 o’clock r . x. precisely, for New Orleans,,-viaHavana. No bins of lading signed on tbe day o f saBlng. I n letters must pass through the Poitofitoe. For freight iwpateago apply Id ' * JUL O. IJN JS, BTXmBMm TO MN FRINCISCO AND QREHON, tiVEB JVM€),XMUL€tBA TRXLJ^SMT, ^ THE STEAMSHIP AMERICA or ILLINOIS, Oa Satiirdiiy, April fi863, F o r^ o ^ t orpassageapply to D. ». CABRiHGTOlf, marUtapSe ' T7TW*!*6»«t; comer o rifaim . NEW YQjp, 3868: 13ie Caases ol the Utmcashlre Agitntio*# Thefrffimnanlty-oftoeugWto!^^^ bnne toe charitito Oi «te Metiet la. laaea-? shlmtepriMucteg a dUstotrotor^e^^ According te toeXbnW.S>erfafcr.‘th^^ of tiA Eng- IJihCoto^tteemen ha* b o te unbaarah^ harsh, smdhtoe ]« to«indictai«i|^i*Bttoam: '^?S55 Si:£^ .... ‘t yaaaiGtefey' - ^ LOYA£ MATIOgAi; XEAGUS. .Themembenol tie LOTAt. NATIONAh I.FAGH* mnuoUSedtliatafine HAimiaa been. pennaBemlr en- gaged at No, 8M Broadway, and-wlU.bo opeaSwtietr reception ouMemday next ' J l JtEADIBO-KUOir, suppHed with .Joumato and. pamtoleta. wiU be<H>eB. dadyirtoiS. A .w .to llr. x. PAHPHIAT8. tor dirtribntioo in esei Ward; can bo obtained on appOeatioa to the Clerfc in charge of the Balkan the order of the member of tiS “ Ward Oom- miUee of the B^yal aaUooal IA*p«s” rspreseotiag the Tbe B plli a ^ P M ^ reof the I*gaewin be alwaya JtS T eaU. aUo be sob- BeoaMurroruwXa H . M IAS luitBMiai; u asm . * 8 flM C E fT fllA -BAHKfelHF.jaibA BWOKXRS;’ S A T tpE R IiB IE l G i t s b i i i e A N D m i c K fi^m nsiO N , V. t o * * < * « * a « jewi«a.. ^ .;: 'iR 'V a jie tte f’o f^ck s ' 1 ^ 1 ) 11 *^ ; | 8ii|Iitand sold oM COi^iisidA. -ldT*tDe|sMad 8||i ^ |^ ^ ^JLSAjjOoMerdltl Pa;^^(JoBeehOp Biuii^ JO H N M O S ^ J R ., ta o tr Eitoicciiy N o , , 8 9 ! EtAOIi .Etireet. ;Jlei|y.aY*#k,': -•■- JK^'TJrJk. ' ' i: „4ED . . -1 , Ofialersiii SleiritiM Aoiwrii'jfoB^U. S,,Tiy» Ti?5 i^ .. h ’S K 2^S5S S2H S ^S £5!- 0«t^iatar 6 rin^ai^eW P^ptj^-«^^ :oB8wkbJatain4:'tte.eoMr^vtofcrbtti^ toth,owu«.orjoM to Njw Yorkat beat-markst nriejand rateraimadaJisOairtoiruhdA ' • - " > M S Itljfc H A T C H , ' '' ,;*o.iri.irAiiiSTBEET.4 JU m O X BATMfMOP, BABYKCRS, ■' ‘ ■ «’ 40W*I1 StrHt,.Y«rI*rfc adaatlandsdtoiwithpioriptasasaadeoonoBiir. 4 STOck COMMISSION. BROSHES,* H d s :,T . & C D - , . .......... n E iih u ,e flue, % « Tort.. Stock., .ncita>'.uir »>ivitn' XrcHaas,' Vm, Messrs. John Trippett APro.,New York and Liverpool. 'Orders promptly executed by mall. r iS K m T 38 TVAIilL S 'T llE E T , ' AGENTS' ,._ FOR THE BALK OF U sited ^Stetes Five-Twenty- Y ear Six per Cent Btedst, .ar FJU t, YnterAit Payable 1st of BI aT and Novemiheri ^ . . xaST' , ^ Tba prWUege ofsubwrfbing fc* iheee Bonds atpar wUloetMonlitofJnly,1866. The money Investoa la them throngb ns contributes , direotty to the iupport Of the aovonnnenk CHICAGa INVESTMEliTS. TheUBdertignedta fcrmany years pnrtoMOdlor n e t-, nwldtots, and oontlnues tppnrchtao,'<Siloago Beal Estaty, reMttog most advantageously to the purriiasen. Oto furnish refsrenoee to Investing efienU throughout Um eountry, and to the bauimrsand buMnem pson OfOhloage, THOA B. BBTAN, Bryan ^ O d i M g A RAILROAD SECURITIES OF NVEBT DEB^IPTIOBf.' ' - - State, GUj aikd Coonty Bends, BOTiOHT AND BOLD. . WM. A. GHXBT. 11 W»U Street. X S M B S JO. lU eM iX * CO.. 3B.A.aracsiEi.m.. *N» IHTEBld^T aUowed 01 P E A B IN G & D A LT O N , 34 W all Street, ' BUY AND Sliff. - BXTHXTSTSfiifll-.: EE, V. S. Deinand Notes for I^aties^ 7 3-10 TnlEm vnir jPOTiEs, AND OTHER,SBOUBltlEs; ‘ ' CHAR, As .M EIGS S0jVy Bto^erfi^ tid Brekan^ ------------ ]!•. $• KXCIHJLBrcn PIACM, M, W, emoa to* boim Beotot eto *tu m stM M ie^ B O O T AN D IH O B ’ABID B IT B B K i ’ , i BUSIHESS PAPER ----- i IP. W * €f4MMX.,MtmETi No, 1 W s|I.lbreet, tor. EyeeAvfar. lUOtforoift State and San'Nran> i^ty- Conpinu • imSCiEAlED AT 2U T X A T» H irw . dc. e o E E M A jr « •„ WW«n ft it lit Xmd it.N . Yr iOFFICEOFTHE= Colnstkiaii CHartee^ InsnraBee Cb.j CO*. OF W.UJI AND »A8SAHSTREE*% HEW TOEK, Mttoa S3,18Ct PP- None* » HBESBT DIYM TO , THB jSiockhoIdetaof this oompanyA at the boots for Subsoil Hon to the Inereasod capital 0/ the company are BOW open The atoscrlpaon win bo confined pro rote to presMjt- stodcholdieB tffithe lOffi day of April next Ttmna of Eubscrlptiwi.—Ten par eeaU down, IffieeB peg cent when caUed for, and the reaidue (seventy-five p« cent.) in three equal paymiSts, sixty toys apart, ihfeteiff wffibepald to the new stotoholdtoi oh the paryalm ^ot. . tbe shares from the day ofaubscrlpaon, and they win be ' ohaig«Klwithlataaitoii.aa suou rw n r i ^ wi«*id, HR WM M w ilT ^ . B ec^^ E xek^ge m tk s Wnioa Bank ofLondoi - foe 8alk- et -the ^7-, BeaJTM O F .48 WAUL SXBK]8*^\^ ■: ■' IN gV M N D I iT S e iii: ,■ B toii^ r7---s oeooiip^^ v lS r;-;- ’I;-/-' . . ■ ■<mmw : CLEW S»& CO, -;loj84 W ailYfeeeti l^^ - _____________ $ 5 , 00 ^ 0 ^ . T h & bonds ate supplied by us at par and >aecmed. Ifl4 ing due, being starapM w}tb;fi>e ;dater the' issue 'Of Bond, will be fracUonal, instead of three per cent, like the We shall diortly be. prepared to deliver all the various .denomtoatlcdis upon application. Tbeengiaveraand printers h> blank bonds tq tbe extenf beinartnade to meet f - VEliMILirt; Bkioiers, N o. ‘ 44: . W |fll- . |tr e 04, V m receive Wbttrlptlpns to the , , tf. -s, -Slif OfeMt.., ■FlYe.TC'wOiiity " fionds-.^ Bubsodbois i ’dateulsubEcHi....................................... ........ -Afi^ a row days the supply ft»ni,the gordr bavp betoBOjafcmct^.ssto.aypldsfidelsys4n filling ■braefsisp.d«itoi«w tektoP constantly onhaUf w as- Imentequallolho demand.- .4 ' VESSmXB A 00., _ ji|;enu,s.M-tosn. INSURANCE CO. 7 js Wd^Stteet. - • ;^400->oop' " Of In deb^heM v Mstnring Oeitlficstes of-fod^bietotess- (turns made promptly. , V. ; ,. ''ij ' liE ^C H IJM j jSdN: & g 6.^ ^ No, 40 e±cFi*iiSN^ Flitbw. TJnitod States C ori^SoaW J), UNDKlHna4:9egrij«^^ - ; D B P Ito ^ AsriaUmt .toe» - ,'tttSlTE» STATJES IffE-MTO^qieE^Pm- :i 7 «-I0 TEKASnEY NOTES. , . 7 S B ira T I .ifc CO., .1 ' Mo. 44 Wtol itfato. iaa«(ic Scrip , THB. NBVr IgsllcKrohased by ' wai. c, GtfmAis ^ 46 JRine atr^dt. ' Bi* Ch-BX!2liriiEXT-..ifc-; G O .j - Befer to J. k J. BTPAlt! A 00.1_________ United States (?odP9Q3} DUE MAY Ifti, I86S. WILLARE &7k ^WE^ 56 W aU Street. FIKE SUN II^UA^yiUPOQv Secntity.aiCashCapital,|l,() 06 i 000 ! iSSCTS-EN l^ i , V PARTIfSPAYlNG 3WS1IRAWCB[ *y AgmW At lower y iMprofit*.-. Satn7o^PMnriIml^odel*tli^^^ ieeifity XfiigB. .Byaxprwk provision in toe Charter framed by, A* lAgiSlatnte, Inanraia; are. exempi;. from lia# - B ltifS ONT* X dNMM, hanoyer FffiE fflSEEANGE GOMPANY, JHo, 4d W A lili SXBEjBTf ulixaei r* W»u»co, AOfUMouw. ttooona^ ViKE m' IW DiSiajiNCA Royal iMiuMce ©wpanf; I.]T£»POO£ lAlfD 14^^^ OffitwSA 8 ^ * 1 1 Street, Aaati4MacspiUMa,oo»,oo9or$ie^8e(Mi«i im Bf (Mpltel had Sxiplwk «3,*00,000. TJrSVMaKlVeB. ADAMHOXEIl. ABiShAbOW ooioDingifNr ia*i8sii»». A 'R MobOiVAia?; Aynt JEFFERSON D fS U R A N C B C O M PA N Y , , ...M tol 90 GAirrikL - w e w $2(te,ooo Surplus, JlSar.lsf, 1863, #117,085. INSPBEBk8AqtSTI.0BB0BDAlCAg«BXFIBl.. TfiQB*EAGEE' ' FIBE CO MPA NT. JTo, r i cafetajl . UMOiaB. A* liW aUBM MRME Sroadwij iBsames Comptsy. Wo, 43 #Bro»atr.T n>aa Wau s. iFRAWlBUBM == |Qt£ INSOBUREOillPMfr j .. r:; .Y .^ H H iA M HPra ^ . . G; ! ^ A ’S i R l S ' l P f e - ' i - V--;; • - ''..'i-Vt 0* I r...,,- DIRE^T^tik eateAM'MNaxB. -MimiA.pKni^ fiAHOBIi OXAin, 1 ^ ^ .uhuuu* • , AiFiiBfimis; - ifoAU«Iifct|ee^,,iteA^ *- * . . pxmon-ijr:jt*W-w<^ - - ' wlipo' « r [S’ m m m tiz f*.’ ^ / “f Akganrai.- 'Sso,«oo' rioiAAK*. „■IlMG, MumgArof.the,Flre I --------------------- ^,..,_,-.Ii!s.j}eSsr aaJMiHONyjiteteti^.' - R.A..yasjjBnr , MQSK4-3 Y o n k e r s I N e | w Y o r k ' F i H e s IK S^R A N C E 'C o m p a n y N o. 161 B roadw ay. iladi'iCapMal, ~ - B IC H ^D B. FBANK1.'D^ Ernidm t. T. O. FABBIKeTON, ^bAFreU6nlt. ' i • JOHM W . j W P B B ^ fieeretjwy. S»,i_op,85a, MifrtrAL, BE1IEI3T W E INS1JBANffE.(io]IFAMY,N£WA^i,N^ ;f. . Agency, No. 11 WaU Stre^A' BREVOORT FIEE asW A lG E C oM H Y , x^mce a?m liw €ash CapitaI|;lfO ,OpO,*B^ JAMES C-JffAEBtOTT, atoident JOHKE. HAvtoiato, Bectoterj^ - ' - joBH A in ijjtA BMVtw: SECUHITY. FIRE iSsmASCE GOMPAip, .31 Y. JppssmiSa. 8»a®60, Jtoteto «ec*LV» ttpertoK t. M mkihams. comsmn^Lm UroiUlL lNSBE0Cf eW IS f, sprrnnixm ^ i^ts.M y jtoB m . IsaavJhKi SlJBGBBaN iTBAYE^ WESTERNmAYBai^:' ............. ^ m sm EA^CBKNimAYElO - 'jesm .: m a d jp d ' m P iQ p A IlD ^linS^^T E FDlNlS. : ,1.7 t»SVIfr.-%ip TV7-'-'.-3 ■■ '■ . - 5lE*fUl.«9W*ed'Otide-bnUt. | { , _.j j:“ S 5 zS ^^^S 5 &.^-58 S!£ 5£ rv > tosi^ 1 ^ ^■--^Tt-and m . p .uMto .coT m m niJC K ' i !• ! " - It It' I- fr' 1 1' ? -!i I#; ?- 'fc,|

j : “ S 5 z S “nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030390/1863-04-11/ed...English anetDatebdese on Americto bpEL, “ _____jlcfadof up by. the side of taot^generatiems ffi.-i4ii.T«,

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m M maag 'M ■*■**»'“■■r S - ' ■ :-,. . : ' ! i V i s s ; ' a ’r

! ^ l i y s ia u e o f l l a t b r o a K A ^ F o r < i f » >

' i r s £ |

r 4 i i u n 0 1 J l n n c t t J u B n i .

I At ike 1 ^ ’t tM i i j^ 'd r ' - G ^ j ^ i i e t f • • a ' 'it»t!»ac»I soc ie ty o r t k l i 4a v % 5 a * « « p « p «

epot. oC ‘‘T M 4l » ! r * S ^IXa^BsUtieB. a* M c sta lM d l iy iaspeeUoa-

to tk* a ^ g o f 1S6!^ to c o « .« i^ w c » o f « m - ,

o f t to " w l i« t e e « s o * * to to te b * i- u toUgBM of » a f l i to i j 5 M n p ii» ,. So l o T ^ apptotttea Dft. « • B U to l------- -CsMBteer oftfi*a«r teoraito r e q j ^ tot B ftto l .W re g taM tt; *nd to tli« tU tttttf ito llsomBoSa pweed; to tovtoir jMMfy oiinr ^^na^rntn, o t 'd l BatloaM^lcii. to to» f«d o« ^mtoaced stof to«xg to sto g c^ O ctober X M e t o ^ in t.pporton ity w nicS iw . t ti to oOHed, to r tea ttog tHe qw diSc»nm & tX m m e i^ » ta t o > ^ 'b o mciazens e e e ^ t o t o t t o ^ a t o q t o M y t o ^ m id ^ a sd in tb e papw read Uat w ee lrD r. T boauon sivfS eo m ecm nou to d to to t to & t tb e ruBolta of Sl» ol>aerTaa«i*4

Alter baidMxdHtMtOT tO

States and t t o u m e p e o p to t o t i a i r t r j , and BbOired~toaf tb e A m encaa ! * a t« , to to e lapte of tw o cepf^ieB o f l«8ii, l a s considerably sacdlfied th e a tniopeaa type, S f f coattoaed a s foUowB:

WHiT ABX T H i TACWf ?A ^ e a t opportun ity iu s ^ u is e n to smbstitote

facta and observatiists to r theo ries o a th is whole' qeettion. £ te s ittb a ii which ad th lngm ore com* pleie coQtd be desired, has bees anddenlybroaght 10 bear, n o t only oh t b i ; w:0rU ng Of o u r tostito - tie rs , the e^ttent M o n r raso«rees«nd .the charac*tcf ol oar i- copies O at of th d rd eT c ^ ^ a ies it to bone anC muscle a s weti. ^Cbe iMoe a t atakw to a t r h intrdouB contest has. takeo. ho ld Of thw fMUhga of the en tire a h d s e a t toonaands toor~

ttovem or af6rgi% as M edical a n i l n e r fo r th e state; oi a il recrn its fo r r e g e n t s : to th e 'h e ld , nustered a t the depot o f b e w Xoric c i ^ dnrfng the paatB nffitner,it o ccsfred to toe to tahe da- vantage of th o o p p o ittm li^ fo rlh a tlfu a n g o B se r- Tstlons on « num ber of po in ts p f toedlcal totereSt ------------ tancc. I n n o o f - -------------- -"—

iOta E hnirw (IT, T.> « B * a y A drtrH aef” o f Tnesd^ay to y h th ^ lk f t to lo fe d nSenUts w ho haysgathered the re 1 ^ fo r aUs8a(toasettB on Taeeday

abont a proceaslonof som a n ine thonaand hstoan bejngs In th e otiginia costum e pf B d e s tln the hope o f th e to b e to rp to n to to c e d ja tta g o to rth to ahoot and be a h o t! -’B d t to ito o ther w'*y cphld ail those artlfieial ctocumeiaaces h rh ich dis- tingslsh m to frttoi one a ao th e r t o such, a degree,be SO com ^lefe ly lria M lder *hd m t j nioa * n i condition appear in. th e e4naltty o f n a tu re itself. Of e ap e to slto te toa ttoho te the fact bfthoilbreign- bom popnlatibtt bedng rsp resen ted lhh ltoos t theexact p roportfous Which th e y ho ld fn. th e can""”Ubles, and tte se - t t t to to a a “ p f th e b M t blr'*_ o lonM ng std ck ti English anetD a tebdeseon A m eric to bpEL, “

_________ jlc fad o fup by. th e side of ta o t^ g e n e ra tie m s

f f i .- i4 i i .T « , S5Sthan pubilc luferee t;' b n ta tto sa a m e ti to e In o te d carefnily th e bodily confoytoation o f each recruit, in such a way as wopld;«aabieine to elasaify them : in to seyeral d ^ p t to o f phyilcal d e re lopm sn t, Oheae n o te ew f re taken a tm y d ic ta tlo n .b y n titoi'lt ■whoee aerrtces ^ apcnriS and onBnm mlngnp th e resn lts o f m y o b iem tlpnB I,h o d to a t l can d n w ie d m p i^ o s i betw een to e d lf ^ to t t na tionalities, w hich I hope w ill be found, from th e large nsm bSE examiiied, to ' be tru e i n the tr m ain contoueiont, f

. STAriSWCg:^T rom th e ih lad ieo f J to y to th e ja fro tO c tobsr,

8,700 rec rn its p resented themielTeB' t o m e tP be to a p ^ ted . .Of th is i Whole nntober 4,538 w a » A mericana, 1,684 w ere Irish , l,453>'wsTwOermsus, S45 Bnfllfih pir, Scotch,, 185 f r e n to , and 645 be-.

v_ -v * _ c - j th e ,a n a to ta‘proportion o r ree rn itafrom Kiipsdiil.th6 COtmttjr y muu buwc ,

------ ,,tonflrto the,eatlmatea, already.made, which ah.ow th a t a- grea t m ajority of the a rm y iac o m i^ ed -O f A toericattboin reerhita. Of the A toeri<w u,2 ,03S w «e from th e country dis>

w ere w icratedfrOnirthiB

concPABisows, .n e f i i i t sub jec t whl.ifejiatnnaiir piesen ted lV

self w as tb e bed ily s te tn a and i ^ e r a l ' physical

t l e S i e r t ^ l ^ ^ ^ s d t o e h f ^ * ^

Xntoday m orning, aged 68, Dr^ X rands was a '= bxotoer o f Mifc I ^ fd to JU r ia ^ ^ ^

A cofrsspoiiaMit o f the ; MobHe 'Mi&ttter and ; aaya th a t t h e wines o f B z - fre s id to t Ty­ler, B oldataucth>n a few d a js a g o ’ b rd tig h tp ro ; digions pdcee . B heidsh w ln c eso ld f o r llO .p to b o tt le ; o ld la n tf fn e , Yin. D haueene, galin, Madeira; »13; Ceyion Madeira, $15 50 ; M adeira B ^ I o r in g B zpaditioh, l lO 75 ; Sherry,

15; Old Port,. 118 75 : f re n c h Brandy, yery <d«to95 tP »100pergaU on. .A n u ag other a t o r s recen tly issued b y a ene ra l

HetoUelinan, Comto%ndbr .of th e O e p a rta e n t o f ^ash ing ton ,^ is o n e to n eh ^ fin g th a t n o .liu s e | t o

loes th e linaa j><>toat departm ent aide o f theP o tom S e w iU /heresftee

pe ri*p«cw!u, w a i ^ o n a w ho m a y b e p e r i a i ^ tbpaaaw illbeaccom paaied .by sn d ii ta ry escort.

dUtei this nitional iectiment is & traitor. to asAoeUto irith. trad hearted tTzuo;iind2u’’

A Ifew Orlesns le tte r says: <*Two Incidents •bare ocenired tola week w hich recall to th e m ind

■ eroitsttoiiBpW Bg, in the early days o f th eoccu - of- th e city, tfo tw itha tand to^the fact th a t

to e entire, F ire D epartm ent Is under a parole o lJioBor, aereia l members o f Bngine Company No. l^ W ^ e hrreetod e n d h n e d fire doU trsreat^ p i

‘B in ^ g ; 'T h e Bonnie B lue Flag” on r ^ n t o i gi ^ r ‘ ‘from a fliA Ib e f r plea was th a t th e song was i

■ -------- - .bee)

------------------------l•apt>aa^anc«: o f th to r bexbarianforefathers. T h is is <» sab jec t-of' g re a tim p o rt ' aacesA an eyldence of th e dependence o f bodliy confonnstiosv n o t ao m neh on-jca«e ,aa::on' the; inodes an d conditions o f . lif a S o poweriul.,haa* been th is inflaenee, ib o t i t is alm ost im posaible

■ to r tccgnlac th e C e lt o f C e sj^ of Strabo, and o f D iedom s, o r th e Tautotf 'of T aclttis end A m nii' nua,.ae ttey^api«»r6d to ba ttle Array against th e Som an legions. With recrn its o f th e same stock. toU attog 'ior t h e American: artoy^

D r T hom son then le m stk e d upon th e changes which b a re occurred to to e m o d eim rae w o fm en ascom psied w ith th e same races six teen centnilee ago, contending th S ttb e altered cbaracteriatics are elmply jU ustratione o f the adaptabiUty of the hu ­man pbyaiqae to hum an hatota and w an to H e

elflcation, and I th e re fo re adopted a-very general division in to four classes, w hich w erereapscttvely term ed, prim e, good, todliferant a nd bad. U nder th e head prim e X toeXudad first, sthoae-who b a d a w eil-pToportioned omeons system , t f t e ground , ■work of- th e personal figure.) a s show n by the shape o l th e sknll, th e bones o f th e thonuc and fibre A and th e lines of th a exteem ir

-a goSLdevelopi

metea f oconatitutionSl

I ________________ recruits 47.5 p er c e n t had aprim e physique; th e jfrlshSd p e r cen t.,-and the Germans 40.75 p e r c fin t

The percentage n f good physique w ^ Ameri- cansSh, I r ish 8^ CermanaSS 5.

The-’percaitago ' o f todlfierent w as, Americans 13.5, Irish 19;5, G ermans 19.

The p ercentage of bad , A m ericans 8, Irish 7.5, nusns S p --------*■

__^th e I rish and Qertoana a re n e a r ly .per cen t m ore th a n th e Americana,____ow ing to th e excess of to e la tte h to p rito t. .

Of indifferent, to e Irish are onAhalf higher thau to e Germans; w hich la s t a te 5M pen cent, higher th a n th e AmericMsK Of toe badj to e I rish are m ore th a n double to e Americana a n d G ertosns, w ho to th is re sp e c t stand a h k e Bo flur#>there- fore, these f iC T iw * e ^ f* W iab le to to e A m erif“ b o m ; b u t there a: taken in to acco--^ te n t, m odify t them . In to e largely f ro m -’*

lal, and fou r b u t to is is

it^M ceededbytoo f o r e ! ^ y r t

____ _ __________ ____y from th e S ix th w ard ,one of to e m o st acavexecrattofi^Statfona be tog th e Tombs prisoBTtself,.shd s u c h sp ic im to s a s occasionallyD rM entedtoem sdves to o u r eyes and noses from those n ^ o u s could scarcely be t passed by Mspbeto’s w ifto to thMaArivto.

aaqenfcaw SOT*Eio*Etr.Still tofe£e c()»ttdeistt.£m6 do n 6ts f f e c U h e « >

tu a t a u n d in g o f toeA m W ieau recru its, to r w hat­ever th e cauaee may be th a t have aided th e m , I feel safe In vo ting th e ir p hysicai development i» ol thebJgbest Order, a n d ih a v e aeeaapeclm pnsof th e an n ie e of nearly a l l Enropeah, as weU»eaatr>

; D O M E S T IC 6 Q « S ir *

■A m nf|tos ef& H rsK tog#M W «^J[u riek I« iA ^ e a p lm e d ,b y ,to e re b a to a tG a l^ to iA -w a A A a ^

WM * n t o d ^ t o r i d b y a n w l » * * * w ^ ^ ^ The

m e te r ia p g h t i r s s s . I t tw M o n ^ h o w e v e r , G u t

. c a o s tw a le isure reahW A W W aoitom ry.^

A i -

A * p £ S ^ B a p a x t t o o * tb u P lx a ta t io

re a r 4 to d a h te d to C ^ ^ 'f r 4 - 4 l» - copy o f « ® < 3 a r r e ^ 6 f t t e w orldugo fa«

* M > g ’t o m ! i ^ to e M .toe.:lads, a f t* b to igm ux iaa aw ne d l s t a j i ^ to c im b e r d n > xpek p ,p % i jv e r ; to e others---------- rept e n u n to they lo ^ e d . agatoat a tre e ;-

;e easily rescued. N early tw o hours w ere ed to reaentog th e boy f fo m .to e rock.

r ‘UUjUhUjr xmiiiiiijt-

''^ 'S D rten n to ea , £oWe\ i t s practical tesci u td i rc lly sfiti repatatioif a s ________m y ow n Inexperience, 1 w ent" to fetonmence> too .work., I acme five hundred negtoea, h were in a sta te of g rea t exci*— iu d a ie d together ina faw -m ^ teoDStmetion, w ith bo fioora, every s^iower. A few of the i on th e roads o r the lev<


Bonnie B lue Flag” on re tundhg

b u t She a ir was one w hich 'h ad

iederateflag. ThefaeaepnablebrnblSm washnr ’ p i she"re«lved o rd p to ieporji,.daay to Proydst-Marahal Genial for the apace of • thirty

old m asto tn I again aasnied them th a t th Bbould b e trea ted to every respect as h ired ham

sd then found th a th a t tly 4 I l chtorfully asedtot } iQ i pioposition. T o m y great regret I fou

. n M J r m to g jn ^ U ty am ong to o c h i l ^ , cans by toennfavorablelocatiou w biehhad been chas fo r the ir hu t A and by thetoxaodn'of llvtog. -

“ I th e n Visited NapoloonvlllA w uere X fo u th a t forty-aeven planters had already entered in

_____________ n a so rt o f :om m unity r e |to ftliw s Olviriue and deanlineaa.. ZiTSs. by to e a u p ei^ te n d en t he hSehad under hi

T h e Fsm eien ip r -F o s ta g w S ta u a p s . , l T here is in th is cttU ntrYa c 6 i^ ld ||sbW t o f t o ^ e l v e s

w ho fill toblcely-boitoi a p o lit. These people enjoy th is s o r t Of .tW ng, 'aaktog no b e tte r pastim e than to e occupation o f le isure hours to to o decorous af tangem ent and orderly olassiflcitloif Of stam ps. '

•The enstom , so xapldly growing -Into p opu la r fav o r h e tA ^is an.iinport(ld; p l ^ u i v . I n Faris th e re , i s a “ Stam p Bourse,” where poetoge-

' eregu lafarticIe8 ,of bsrtdf, W L o w ljh a t appeal or’j Magazine.

here poes tam prafe regulariW icIe8,ojr ih L o w lb n .apetoJdical w ith “ a sp e c ia l^ ” has jh a t appeared under to e title of iteSlamp-Coliector's Magazine. T he e ^ to r o f this, journal ia a p u re enthusiast.

,th 8 t,B ta m rsing appear

. „— r ------------ fw le tte rs . ------- -' to e B j ^ p E xchange o f I iondon (wU ch foliowa

lie d ec lsree , in effect, th a t, Btamplesi as n o th in g ; .b is being api stam ped w ith a love ft

to e example a e tb y Pari8>“ ito ra it i» a n d a ll ages takb:ESti; fn to o traffic-with sp ir it wndlpieianraWed c U to ie n t ,” and th a t h e has Mseen one of h e rl^ajesty’s Jttolatera,” engaged- in i t w ith deep da-votiMu ^Theivaristlonin pricsil which M arks th iscurionsBpectoation is like th a t of th e gold-huh-bles to W all stree t. A se t oi th e Nevia tta m p a“ paesed^ firom hand tjo hand to r to n r , s to sn d e ight shiU ingssterlingsuccessiveiy, and e v en a tth is I to tprice were hought to aell: a g to l a t a p rofit.’? A bpeeula tor w rites to 'toe .ed ito r to p ro en re a hticarsgua bu thel|l6B 8 ed ito r repli

• Bi to e first num ber o f th is odd U ttle Journal the re are tohr colnmns of advertlsementA One firm, engaged in the speculatien, announce them - selves as ."dealeto to obsolete stamps,” ; a fio th ^ “ b r^ s and soils, coUections” '; a th ird offers

Stamps a t th e low price of two-pence stw itog

The passion for stamp-coUeoting h a s n o t y e t ta k e n a b decided a lo n h On th is side o f th e Water, b u t there arefM r todlcationa toat^ i t is appioach- in g th e cU m a r. ' - ' “

Pim ter to 'GsverAoi Jloirtoa*A dinner was g lv c i on Thursday evening a t th e

H ^ o n U o r e e , to th is c ity , to Governor M oitoh, w ing g en too f Indiana. TheioUow M g itlem en w ere pres-

Bdmdtz, H. J . ^ T qoad , Jtorria Selelittta,B. H-Mo-

A fter dinner shortupeeches w ere m ade b y Gbv- [orlon, D ayid D . F ie ld , Gem D ale O w en and H . i, Baymi

-'.■ r- -meh<

em or H orton , D avid D . F ie ld , G enm al Wool, .. . . -------- ■" ” — lonA Gov-

ingas iu m ;

____________ johsand—to too army'of the U nion.[AppIansAj The eastern s ta tes tmd th e benefit o f im m ediate Commercial eozomanieat'

------ -I- w l“ ..................... * *-"

„ jb e r t --------- -e m o r M orton s a id ;

le h e rd n ty in se n d ii tlo n a s any o the r e tod—to th e arm y o feastern s ta tes tmd t_____

_ ___ muxsiftl cozMttttsjlcstiozi ___th e Atiimticj* while t o e w ester* s ta tS l p f OMo; todlana* and lUfrcGa w ere d ^ P ^ e n t .upon toe

the ir o u tle t to th e i b rty y e a n after j

;s Of. n tear ana orutK, aeed by n«*rlyall. im to toe of.

^ d ^ r o S i . ' s S S ' . ^ ' i t ^ j S S r ^ ® °General remazlEa Of a ntedteat and sdwtifie

ebaractar foBowed, bavtog luteMteauipedally totbe (tomparattre prevtieaee of e e a tm ^ < » omwigperaoMOfhativaasdilBre^Abfrto. Dr.

' 33mafUOBthBasnatotodv^hM obaarMti(ma(M jmdeomiMi o o k r t^m u .

_______ _____ le people of Ih d ito a had beenobliged to go to rougb th e Strtito r o g e t to to e w m hfiu© to s t to e Sonto

« T he governm ent was driven Into th is war. Y ettoefln to ffid a ld ec U taa o n o fto e C o n fed a ra to governm ent denied th a t the re waa auy fear in th e Bbuito th a t to e N orth Wonid. ih fd n ]^ upon -the rig h tsrrf toe Souto, T he qum tiqn was h o w to resto repca to . T hree ways were presented. F irs t , *- — i< ^ e to e dissblntion o f to e -U aion: or.

aufl« 1 iu9 aTaep recr«it€d ---------w ho were opposed to t b a t j ^ i posed, to. CM sncceSA T h * — -------^ . . .conraged volnu teering and jpromoW d dseertion were tb e r eM a n toom oftteC onscdpU on*ct, « idBtonld: be held fesponMbie f o r I k fA p p la t^ .T Among to e b es t means o f a n d inctbe 'w ar would he th e openingoftoeM iH U sippiriven T hatvriinlddl- v id e to e lebellloB, m aking ah im passable g u ll far tte rebe lE . H ew o u a co n q u * to e rig h tb sn k ltrs l^ a n d e n to iu e th e E rasiaen t's u rotiam atioe.. FA^- planto.3 T be M iatisripM woM d aee fre iM the te r r i t ^ s a n d s t a t e a w m t tfftoeJO toU ttnp l. T h e ' wbeUiOB w osla con­quered. fApplausAj- T h e o p u m g ^ th e Missis. slppi would take u eca rity in advance to r.aff to e

S ^ ! $ , 2 2 g J ^ ^ T 7 S f b h 2 Sth a t to e g o T in ia e i i t w n l l ^ hU re t o to fr im-

sgsshg .^a& .jtg5ga.t^SjoeddipUim^optx ^ o f rebate,

t i iu e d to lw*-4 negro b *

. g 3 3 t 4 1 4 i a m , Y A a a u T A 8 m m m m . t m m B w m m w m v

. O i s s r a a 1

l i t

g i m t h t t i t t s Cdl

, n . 7> r • « : n r , ??<•'> 7-7. n f -%

-I 't} :

r ; ^ i d . ! i ; ; ^ ' w M 5a, toe neem eaty changiind toeT iabl


----- ^ ,rjM > dyJ& tl


„ . it excitement; T hey Wi in a fa w -m d e h n ts o f th w : • h ho floors, and *a r « - ' ------

men h id fo tm d Some o f 'tl ie wi

h o were wUling^to r t tu r h 'to toehey to l* m e-toat-they - <Ud~net I idlenecs, th a t they would be

to ideu tenant Ha ibands in. New Orieah e m a to ‘Pla«<to:hP

, _____ ,_ h e d th lB m peb, Idetc. _ _plantationa to w hich toesenjSgrOes hi o ho ld , coniereace v r ito to e plan te

,ffed.,’ I a n t B b ^ d en f tliia t, th e ;.tatiafactoiy to to e p la fiter'and toa uegru, uuii» th a t i t really affords to -'tiie Wack m an aq ex rlence w hich wiU do m uch to f it h im for the f r dom torw h ich he is deetinedlf to e war contlnn

ih lany posit! while the a

t.ingrtoat our c< totw hum ane,! p lan is carri to e largenesi conceived., to l

/S .Thanking you for to o confidence you haye

• “ 6*0. H .H * P1

T H B W A B .


tf ro m Charleston .d londng, saying in sUis are still wfirom clads m e still w ithin

I s B n n k in s lg h V n n d a r tid i______________ashore. The contrivance called the devil has al d rifted aaho re” The fact th a t th e reb e l d sphtches say nothing about the effect o i th e fi

- our iron-clada u pon the ir forts and batterie les toe p rw um ptlon th a t they have suffer louBly. H ad. they obtaiued any actual adva e , lhey would certainly haveindulged in iou n thed rejoicings.

7EB rooD qrnsBTiOK xx x b s south. lovemof Bonham has called a'speclalseBBh toe South Carolina legistettirA tp coM efupi

istructions fromBichmonAA BATTim p t W Hijnssnn,

n x s x L vosTnn’s situatiox—Hn bevuiosSUKR*iri>n*, '•

T hcB iohm ondD hpofcA of th e 9 to toys:“ Wehavenews Jrom t7aehington, N. C., as

late as Sunday. Our troops have captured theenemy’s batteries a t H ill’s Eolnt,^ situated on to e---------- ----------------------ihmUes b f ’'— --------(filowthe tow n,'

i field ahd’a fairu k s o f I b r river, se v en ; toicb position gives n s a Ig n tm to toeX ankee s h ip v _ „ . ,

“ Two gunboats, followed by severaliarge trans­po rts loaded w ith troops from N ew bem to rein- ' m W asbington, attem pfed to ru n ou r bJOckadS

7Cto|reakipdrito oceu irM a t Stateybridgi, im eon- M jm tM o f l^ iT r ita t& g m e a a a rM O fto e a c th te ; ' ' aA fiV itfie itla toberam am benM t thattom S tatey-

tlieim itov^ tobem ob irtte t “ g n sra te to if f clTlliitit' : - t l o < t h a a t k e o a c t o f t i r t h i E i ^ ^ [,

f f i w f t t g J n t d l i ^ e h a ;

...... • '..................

POET o r in w TOJto, SAXOmaAT, A P*tt

f c a i . .—4 m L h * a ia M —

a « , w . ® a r a t e : - i s j s « , . . i , ; : r ;

vjtesnisldp Daniel Wtortto. CMiter, AXto'i®aria,Dbi4»

^AteM aiy Cobh, — , Tortress Uomoe. idsys. in ballsst, to

‘" i s a s i i f i s s r i i s s s i . ^ ’ s ’ ^ ■ :Paaseagers Afrive*. ' ’ ' '

s T U M S H i f . ^ A T m m .

f r o m f fe w J t « k E i «

* • THE STEAlOlfiP ' ‘ '

G R E I lT f E A E T M ,W hiTHB PATOH, iJommanifer,

Wai be D hpiUhed' *IBOM^IOrVEEiPOOE, | XBOM E E W TOBE.

XIBSt 'caE IN . from.......................,..^*98 to $18* '

■ s s s r S i i ; ' - ;O ^ g & u i y . '


W E B B E s K A T . ' ^ ^ . ^ . i t # A , M . ‘

„ ' t l ^ A N o 1 B M nraR fiW kM SK F ' '

ic a p t a in s e o e o e o o b b ett .

C A R t f i r i i r « I H E l p s : S i 1 * 4 1 1 4 ,^ g n g A -WHX SAII. AS . ABOVE, TBOM PIBBlM M F N o .l* te o t Of .Cedar tW N .lh ' -

Price of passage (in current ftmda); *«0.No Freight received or Bills of-Lading signed on day of

For freight or paisage apply to .OHA8. A WHITNEY, 36 Broadway,

, or at 54 South at., ‘ _ •. ■ HOWLAND 4 A8PINWAtL,Aeenti.

N. B.—The Brithh steamship “ hkeidrake” wHl follow tte Mehla, and saiion or about the «th dayof May.

Experienced Surgeons are attached to these Steamers.

S e w Y o r k K a t t S t e a m s h ip Co.’s I d * e ,OF STBAMSmPSFOB

H A V A N A A N E W p B L E A N S .THE jsBW B I D J ^ W f i B ^ i p A : p ^ j

' " o / f l o r n i n g f "■A d ; P U tom S , Oomx^der, ■* - :


The passenger acCSmmodaUons upon thU oompany's Bteamahlps are not exceUed by those of any other steamers ,

No freight received or Bllii of Lading signed tmthediy-

“*“w X ^ h t or Passage apply to 'ap8tl6 JAMEflA.BATNOB,WlBroMway.

r O R N E W O R L H A i r s D I B E C T .

The new and flnt-ohua U. S.Mall Staanuhlp

€ f e a r & e C r o ' M k w e l UOAPT. JNO. A. POST,

WIELLEAVEPIBBS H. B , DIBtoTFOB • M W i Now Orleans, on SATHBDAY, April iith , at

Passage, with aocommodiUoni nnanrpasaed; IT5.

goods, So. per lb. Applyto . 'apSSt H.B.OB0MWELL*OO,86We8lst.

F O R N E W 0 R L E « , m H A V A N A ,


C o l u m b t U oD.B.BAETON, Oommander, .

C A R R Y I f i f Q T n E U . S . 1 1 * 1 1 - ,W ILbEEAVEPieEN0.4,’N0ETHBrVEB,'

m U m B k ou WEDNlSDAr, AprU 16th, at 3 o’clock r . x. precisely, for New Orleans, ,-viaHavana.

No bins of lading signed on tbe day of saBlng.I n letters must pass through the Poitofitoe.For freight iw pateago apply Id ' *

JUL O . I J N J S ,

B T X m B M m TO

M N F R I N C I S C O A N D Q R E H O N ,tiVEB

J V M € ) ,X M U L € tB A T R X L J ^ S M T ,


A M E R I C A o r I L L I N O I S ,

O a S a t i i r d i i y , A p r i l f i 8 6 3 ,F o r ^ o ^ t orpassageapply to

D . » . CABRiHGTOlf, marUtapSe ' T7TW*!*6»«t; comer o r if a im .

N E W YQjp, 3868:

13ie Caases o l the Utmcashlre Agitntio*# T hefrffim nanlty -oftoeugW to!^^^

bnne toe charitito Oi «te Metiet la. laaea-?shlmtepriMucteg a dUstotrotor^e^^ According te toeXbnW.S>erfafcr.‘th^^ of tiA Eng-IJihCoto^tteemen ha* b o te unbaarah^ harsh, smdhtoe ]« to«indictai«i|^ i*B ttoam :

'^?S55Si:£^ ....

■ ‘t y a a a iG te fe y ' - ^


mnuoUSedtliatafine H A im iaa been. pennaBemlr en­gaged at No, 8M Broadway, and-wlU.bo opeaSwtietr reception ouMemday next ■ '

J l JtEADIBO-KUOir, suppHed with .Joumato and. pamtoleta. wiU be<H>eB. dadyirtoiS. A .w .to llr . x.

PAHPHIAT8. tor dirtribntioo in esei Ward; can bo obtained on appOeatioa to the Clerfc in charge of the Balkan the order of the member of tiS “ Ward Oom- miUee of the B^yal aaUooal IA*p«s” rspreseotiag the

Tbe B p lli a ^ P M ^ reo f the I* g ae w in be alwaya J tS T eaU. aUo be sob-

BeoaMurroruwXaH .M I A S l u i t B M i a i ; u a s m .

* 8 f l M C E f T f l l A

- B A H K f e l H F . j a i b A B W O K X R S ; ’

S A T t p E R I i B I E l

G i t s b i i i e A N D m i c K f i ^ m n s i O N ,

V. t o * * < * « * a « j e w i « a . . ^ .; :

' i R 'V a j i e t t e f ’o f ^ c k s '1 1)1 1 *^

; | 8i i | I i t a n d s o l d oM C O i ^ i i s i d A .

- l d T * t D e |s M a d 8 | | i ^ | ^ ^

^JLSAjjOoMerdltl Pa ;^ ^(JoB eehO p B iu i i^

J O H N M O S ^ J R . , t a o t r E i t o i c c i i y

N o , , 8 9 ! E tA O Ii .E t i r e e t . ; J l e i |y .a Y * # k , ':-•■ - JK 'TJrJk.

' ' ’ i: „4ED . . -1 ,O f i a l e r s i i i S l e i r i t i M

Aoiwrii'jfoB^U. S ,,T iy» Ti?5i ^ ..

h ’S K 2 ^ S 5 S S 2 H e ® S ^ S £ 5 ! -

0« t^ ia ta r6r i n ^ a i ^ e W P ^ p t j ^ - « ^ ^ :o B 8 w k b Ja ta in 4 :'tte .eo M r^ v to fc rb t ti^ toth,owu«.orjoM to Njw Yorkat beat-markst nriejand rateraimadaJisOairtoiruhdA '• - " ‘ > M S I t l j f c H A T C H , ' ' '

,;*o .iri.irA iiiST B E E T .4

J U m O X B A T M f M O P ,B A B Y K C R S , ■ ' ‘ ■

«’ 40W *I1 S t rH t , .Y « r I* r f c ■

adaatlandsdtoiwithpioriptasasaadeoonoBiir. 4


■ H d s : , T . & C D - , ...........n . « E i i h u , e f l u e , % « T o rt..

S to c k ., . n c i t a > ' . u i r » > i v i t n ' X r c H a a s , '

Vm, Messrs. John Trippett A Pro.,New York and Liverpool. 'Orders promptly executed by mall.

r i S K m T

3 8 T V A I i l L S ' T l l E E T , '

A G E N T S ' ,._ •FOR T H E BALK O F

U s i t e d ^ S t e t e s F i v e - T w e n t y -

Y e a r S i x p e r C e n t B t e d s t ,

. a r F J U t ,

Y n t e r A i t P a y a b l e 1 s t o f B I a T a n dN o v e m i h e r i ^

. . x a S T '

, ^ Tba prWUege of subwrfbing fc* iheee Bonds atparwUloetMonlitofJnly,1866.

The money Investoa la them throngb ns contributes , direotty to the iupport Of the aovonnnenk

C H I C A G a I N V E S T M E l i T S .TheUBdertignedta fcrmany years pnrtoMOdlor n e t - ,

nwldtots, and oontlnues tppnrchtao,'<Siloago Beal Estaty,■ reMttog most advantageously to the purriiasen. Oto

furnish refsrenoee to Investing efienU throughout Um eountry, and to the bauimrsand buMnem pson Of Ohloage,

THOA B. BBTAN, Bryan O d iM g A


S t a t e , G U j a i k d C o o n t y B e n d s ,BOTiOHT AND BOLD. .

WM. A. GHXBT. 11 W»U Street.

X S M B S J O . l U e M i X * C O . . • 3 B . A . a r a c s i E i . m . .

* N »

IHTEBld^T aUowed 01

P E A B I N G & D A L T O N ,

3 4 W a l l S t r e e t , 'BU Y AND S l if f . -

B X T H X T S T S f i i f l l - . : E E ,

V . S . D e i n a n d N o t e s f o r I ^ a t i e s ^ 7 3 - 1 0 T n l E m v n i r jP O T iE s ,

A N D O T H E R ,SB O U B ltlE s; ‘ '

C H A R , A s . M E I G S S 0 j V y

B t o ^ e r f i ^ t i d B r e k a n ^ ------------] ! • . $ • K X C I H J L B rc n P I A C M , M , W, e m o a to* b o i m Beotot e to * tu m s tM M ie ^

B O O T A N D I H O B ’A B ID B I T B B K i ’, i BUSIHESS P A P E R -----

i IP . W * € f4 M M X .,M tm E T i ’No, 1 W s|I.lb ree t, to r . EyeeAvfar.

l U O t f o r o i f t S t a t e a n d S a n 'N r a n >

i ^ t y - C o n p i n u •

im S C iE A lE D A T 2 U T X A T » H

i r w . d c . e o E E M A j r « • „W W « n f t i t l i t X m d i t . N . Y r


C o l n s t k i a i i C H a r t e e ^ I n s n r a B e e C b . jCO*. OF W .U JI AND »A8SAHSTREE*%

HEW TOEK, M ttoa S3,18Ct P P - N o n e * » HBESBT D IY M TO , THB

jSiockhoIdetaof this oompany A a t the boots for Subsoil Hon to the Inereasod capital 0/ the company are BOW open

The atoscrlpaon win bo confined p ro ro te to presMjt- stodcholdieB tffithe lOffi day of April next

Ttmna of Eubscrlptiwi.—Ten par eeaU down, IffieeB peg cent when caUed for, and the reaidue (seventy-five p « cent.) in three equal paymiSts, sixty toys apart, ihfeteiff wffibepald to the new stotoholdtoi oh the pa ryalm ^ot.

. tbe shares from the day ofaubscrlpaon, and they win be ' ohaig«Klwithlataaitoii.aa suou r w n r i ^ wi«*id, HR

’ WM M w i l T ^ . B e c ^ ^

E x e k ^ g e m t k s W n i o a B a n k

o f L o n d o i -f o e 8a l k - e t -t h e ^7-,

B e a J T M O F. 4 8 W A U L S X B K ] 8 * ^ \^ ■: ■ '

I N g V M N D I i T S e i i i :, ■ B t o i i ^ r 7 - - - s

o e o o i i p ^ ^ v l S r ; - ; -

’I;- / ■-'. . ■ ■ < m m w :

C L E W S » & C O ,

‘ - ; l o j 8 4 W a i lY f e e e t i l ^ ^

- _____________

$ 5 , 0 0 ^ 0 ^ .

T h& bonds ate supplied by us at par and >aecmed. Ifl4

ing due, being starapM w}tb;fi>e ;dater the' issue 'Of Bond, will be fracUonal, instead of three per cent, like the

We shall diortly be. prepared to deliver all the various .denomtoatlcdis upon application.

Tbeengiaveraand printers h> blank bonds tq tbe extenfbeinartnade to meet f ■ -

VEliM ILirt;B k i o i e r s , N o . ‘ 4 4 : . W |f ll - . | t r e 04,

V m receive Wbttrlptlpns to the , ,

t f . - s , -S lif OfeMt.., ■F lY e.TC 'w O iiity" fionds-.^

Bubsodbois i’dateulsubEcHi....................................... ........

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Imentequallolho demand.- . 4' VESSmXB A 00.,

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INSURANCE CO.7js Wd Stteet. - •

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" O f I n d e b ^ h e M vMstnring Oeitlficstes of-fod^bietotess-(turns made promptly. , V. ; , . ' ' i j

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7 «-I0 TEKASnEY NOTES. , •. 7 S B i r a T I .ifc CO.,• . 1 ' Mo. 4 4 W tol itfa to .

iaa«(ic Scrip, THB. NBVr Ig sllc K ro h a sed by '

wai. c, GtfmAis ^4 6 J R in e a tr ^ d t .

' Bi* Ch-BX !2liriiEX T-..ifc-; G O .j -

Befer to J. k J . BTPAlt! A 00.1_________

United States (?odP9Q3}D U E M A Y I f t i , I 8 6 S .

WILLARE &7k W E^5 6 W a U S t r e e t .

FIKESUN II^U A ^yiU PO Q vSecntity.aiCash Capital, |l,()06i000!i S S C T S - E N l ^ i , V


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Satn7o^PM nriIm l^odel*tli^^^ i e e i f i t y XfiigB.

.Byaxprwk provision i n to e Charter fram ed by, A * lA giSlatnte, Inanraia; are. exempi;. from lia# -

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ulixaei r* W»u»co, AOfUMouw. ttooona

ViKE m ' IW DiSiajiNCARoyal iMiuMce ©wpanf;

I . ] T £ » P O O £ lAlfD 1 4 ^ ^ ^ OffitwSA 8 ^ * 1 1 Street,

A a a ti4 M a c s p iU M a ,o o » ,o o 9 o r$ ie ^ 8 e (M i« ii m Bf (Mpltel had Sxiplwk «3,*00,000.

T JrS V M aK lV eB .

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A 'R MobOiVAia?; Aynt


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TfiQB*EAGEE' 'FI B E CO M P A NT.JT o , r i

cafetajl .UMOiaB. A* liW aU B M MRME

Sroadwij iBsames Comptsy.Wo, 43# Bro»atr.T n>a a Wau s.


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N o . 1 6 1 B r o a d w a y .

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B I C H ^ D B. FBANK1.'D^ E rn id m t.T. O. FABBIKeTON, ^bA F reU 6nlt. ' i •

JOHM W . jW P B B ^ fieeretjwy.

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BREVOORTF I E E a s W A l G E C o M H Y ,

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€ a s h C a p i t a I | ; l f O , O p O , * B ^

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