COMMERCIAL ■ud*stanMir^t.Be.oB OM-Uilid 6 d«iawa for. »o»»y. k*i-«»tis»aedi<m »na d«-|5i0,opou,.r^iTe4j,Ki^»t3ifcrNo]t^ Co»st,ana ..^itooustouttfewirfc tbo <«Ppry5s«opH|36f^to^^. ^ I - ,y , -*■ s&nMsATdJmieSS. »«y to ^watissaod iow Msd d< cUnit.B.iloonjitouttfa-ir^ 'irlii!* tbo gap^y is ampl^ Easy rates Tijatheieforo xjiJ^Xor earn* months to come.’ OBr'qngutionafcrprime i*p«r, cf wMcb tberowTeiy little offering, are-li to 5p(«r cent for dates notlamsg CTBT 75 days to run to mitutity, and 6J*8 per caat.-for 3 to 6 months paper. Inferior paper pays higher rates, but the additional charge ought to, he considered what it rca’iy is an insurance premuim for risk. The otoct market is. extremely dull and heary. It seems impossible to more any large amount of stocks, end most sales hare the character of forced sales at the present moment The fancies can all be bought lower insn at the close of last week. The disineUnatlon to eperate in stocks, eoasidering the great soperabundanct of money, is striking ; but the best stock* are at to< hlrh a price &r much higher demand for them on hom« ECPCunt. The banks bold a Tery large amount of ba- lances which they seek to employ tfWnporarily in loans <a ,i» l securiUe*, and some large amounts have been thoj loaned as low as 3j per cent for a few months A new loan of $2.Ct»,000 ha® been obtained by the St ate of Ohio, oo easy terms. Theleading brekers, ageni of • -ega capitalists, united la a bid for the who! wti. h i< dnided into two stocks—one of <1 6OU.0OO, at r»r -y.'.t releeraable in 1379, and one of $l,OOaO..O, at X ct -u'.. redeemable in 18S5. Other bids were made t in - esEcUk S500 000 more. The accepted bols were- 5.1 €tH),wo 6 per e m t stock. 000,000 a t 0-28 a 2 -^ prem for 5 per ct steck- \ . *i.y the whole was taken on French and Eogliah ac- t i-t. These loans have been Tictnaliy raised a t premi- i- m:, on which the ayerage interest amounts to little mors then .1 per cent per annum for the *hew 9 per cents, and little le,s than 5 per cent, for the new 5per cents. Why 11- btate financiers of Ohio did not propose to raise the wh ..e sum m a o per cent stock, we are at loss to Imagine IQ the present state of the money market, they would have Sit ed the slate a few thousand d. liars. Th * parties who have been the snccesrfnl bidders, repre- sent the te.ed hoiders of the expiring loai The new stocks have since been sold, o 114 and lldf. th e Delaware and Hudson Rivei| has partially recover- ed from the forced sales, made last week, of stock that h., 1 been hypothecated by a runaway broker. Sooid specie is being shipped, but trifling in amount 'the .atlantic, .America,Herrmann, and Zniicb, severaUj twjk some British geld and tome French and American . together.amounting to $550,OCO. Foteigu Ex- ;e hie not reached the point that effects American ..TSES^Thesale*include 150csjks Spanish Hed at 36«ente; SOOFort, GQ»XI21;1W5I dcira $1 a 160; 75 Sherry, 55 a ?5 cents; SCOctses S.oic eanx Claret, $2; £03 bkts Champagne, T a glO.fi-mos; *n 151 bb!s Muscat on private tenia. By auction. 175 hk^ Champagne sold at private tenia. By auction. 175 h 6 121 a 9 75; 75 casks Madeira, 65 a 1 35 a 15:^; 249 Dry filalaga. 31 a S3; < that have sailed, bnt the transaetloDS are limited, and-B prices have been high from scarcity of bills than from any activity of demand. Sterling has sold at 9i a lOj per r 60 days, and 40] a 40ic ; Bremen it the week. The Dry 2 "if frr lu days sight, , Al 7 'f a T'.j',c and Hamburgh 40] a 40]. Trade has been dull throughout (i i>is trade hardly stirs. The Southern Clothing trade has not fairly opened, and that tS’f'alfornia is exceedingly slack Domestic i otton goods are. very inactive. The high price of the raw ma- teria) has caused more disastrous effects in repressing demand than did the prevalence of cholera last year The activity of the fall t^de, bo;h of domestic and f- reigh dry g ods, much depends in the prices, at which thiy win respeatively open for the fall trada in the West and South, though prices of produce are high, the 'luantities are short, and likely to be so, at the nex t gathering of crops, and a very largo demapd as but of doubtfol'eipectation. Moderate imports, and moderate ipeculative prcduc- ti .n of goods asp the only means of producing a remt- nerative full business The cotton market has been sp .cnlattve'y aciivo lb.-..ugh JUt the week , the sales reach 21 200 bales Ope- rators have been fully lycpecting an advance to be advi- sed by the Cambria bnt have been disappointed ; a good ,1. mand his prevailed, and prices have gone up in a cef- tiin expectation of it, Thq feeling on receipt, last night. <f the news, was on^of disappointment, bnt hopes viere ;enl;e.ttaiaed that the mall will bring better accounts. We have to advance onr quotations ] o on last week’s piices , the market closing firmly previous to the arrival of ths eteaiier s aews. and no transactions have since transpir- he stock is now rodneed to 100 0( and 386,1^00in al) the ports, whit Ani requiring a large surplus eapitsl to hold ; but south- ^rn owa«rs baye ordered consignees not to cfr«*r tbeir stocks at present. AlUbe offerings of weak parties have AS c'.mpa-e.J with !jst jear, and the export »wio;r (>iaot has not yet be^n reported in bloom, and xbi'a.JvaQced period of the jcaral which it wiUtoks e iEcu-asing firmacss of the market is more the ef- feet of th«- unfAToraUe conditiuji of the growing crop thin (f ihi! diminished receipts, and fhonld the-'present prospect of it be confirmed, we must expect to see prices advance a little furthtr. The pricev of manufactured ^oc'is. b.,.wevt-r, do not warrant even present prices of the law material ; and any large advance in fabrics will re- act the a. mand still fu-th. r 5 u r .lubtations are as follows ACantio Perts. Inf rior....................... none > IHIHSSiiS Fii iy f air to good fair.. 13 jap— oood and fiu.4. none none. .-\dvifps from the weit are more favorable as to the crop •ajTsd the* wt*3tern markets aro easier from less pressure cf dujgaad from St Louh and the south. The lake region h»'Wv*ver ii? nearly exhausted of stock of Sour and wheat, and but lUitle remains to come forward. The Ciinaiian n>ur that has been ship^d largely on epecatatiDn has not arrived to a g*50d mt-rket, and Urgn Stu axe held in Liverpool and London m American ac- SATl-RbtT JaBc22,18.>h I d’.L —Foreign is quiet, without change in prices , vessel. >5 60 from y a r« deliTered ; a ndtum - berlahd. lucoutdaerableparcels^C. ciish t Of (>A Saifs have been for conaumption. of ICO hags i ara at 7 cents ; 125 do St. Domingo, 6j. 6 p o ihJ new crop Ton.im I) VEWOODS-The only arrival of St Domingo tog- iilARINE LIST. CtE.aRED TESTEl DJir g Steamship Viceroy, (Br,) Ewing, Ga way via Halifax, R JlRRirED rESTl rESTEED.tr. irfhemar. Devaox, »>4<is fro Mj &^Vo f Sm«h. b'arrar, 7 <L fro M: ch.as. lumber to Brett. t ^*1* ■* '** Washi igton. NC. naval hlores - Arer. fm Fraafclort. .5 e. ivah IGO iliSteSiirSS? OIS.1STEHS. 4-: 5,i;sssifs:s:s irH.ii.E3fErf .Mar. h 27, la tr. 50 S.'lu ■IISS t . •SPOffA'.V. 4-r. rk '/.Eiag, Jone,, In, N Vork a.-schlTiasChai • Hron, rsfort Reef, wm seen bn Mobile Buckley, fm JiUue Ob '5^™ies E of South Shoal, brt : .AJesia, Ha»kell. lioni FOREION PORTS. fi.i l,'.th ships Corsair, Name. Glouoest r; Thetis, Tilley. I.n - OOME^TIC POR’ .'S l*uR-u.ANi» Jim-* I'-*-At brut IVnnsylvajnia. I’lnkhaui. ili\a- M Paike^ M^ioo: Nkwimirt, June 19—In port, sell, Vai lie. Bnghtinan. Fall I 'm jPiUNT. June 14— M-br ioje. >i\ Ofk. N*iR1")LK. Junt' l^—Ar»ih Hov\:ud. f^York. (.'Mdiip Meilora, Aiiie'i. John,_NE|. SM. baiWVi Champagne sold t 2.^ cents; tZ Sheri 3 Port, 65 a 57; an I lamtIton.-Shockler. N n, of Provmcetown. 1 ^IMPOKT^^TJOi >NS. Fs~Fren«'h b^rk A.!bemar-~grh*->.t* sv ne Howlnpd IB* ba'f- eorkv 7j ba’iket.’i 14 bal-s milse J bbis 10 do bUlphiir lUOidiehh MkY-ki.J Kz. PR-Bark S?antee— hhdfe MurartSiio to ('ii'lh't .X i Fi'l^v—IH ' mI ovOitar J Fonike & -ionv—107 hlidi* •inirnf Uid -!47 hides to J VUoati^a ii vo— lid bhds iiiolavses to (I ic F P.1'<SENGERB. In th*- Br m-hr (ilen* from ( ‘anlitlWjlet»~ John Wilii.im.A FO R SALE, OR TO LET. ^ | ' ~Tt) liK T -T w o ofliees a |l0 1 VVall streM eor sirias o\* Tiffic'sousD."Suhin forty.five minutes ride from jthe .New Havtu Kail- T he subscriber offers for sale 200| acres of land wbi«'h for its maoy hand-some buiiding together with •healih ulneas. and great facility of'ingress and egress t‘> ■ stlLOliNU l-OTS-I)esii J l S liberal loan. For sale by 4 ............ ? building lots, with I liberal loan. For sale 1.. iy2l A B VAXr^KiRPOEL,p Wall St. nj21 23 Wallet. iif-g S S S H H be altered, or taken down and another building or build- inge^crected a. ~ L S -.f i ^re-^ald- Fa'r^n'n~We7rchi J co-niydescriptiou^withe^very^^^^^ T O L E T -1 bo first floor bf the new store No IS ^Uiffatxeet. Rent $.0^4 -ni^^ to ap'20 I «■) reaVl st. SALE~LiwelliDil” Hoii,ses of every Oe- m| BcriptioD. in different s.-ctfons of the city toonu- ^ '4” ^^'^tRB!.F,-By auct on cf inferi^T Italian, 70 Hiofee eojsixr’ao Pl IW e R PAiHS-NoTa Scotia, though hot plenty, t.s du t and we have but to note a sale of 120 tons Blue at Frire'de.t° the week amoaai 1.0 -------- , — ------ corner of Maiden flT S S fL S-Ao„, MllLmodorate.and immediate Jiossesslon ivl nient back office locate, and immediate jiossesslon given .tpply ."srssir' ind constri N n -Theso boiliiings can, on arrival, be erected .rithent much co.«t or trsub!e._^____ mM tf ABak TOLBT.-Thabastrnlmandasuboeilsr. The in cenrae oi erection by the N'a ional Academy of Des' "■m K W l^uSdiiS'^^b^evS 9ito exhibition and 01 eCfclUon Boonwit ^ e n t g x a .fe.t-- ■ ’■■“L r|tU tSSi LEA SK B—Tlie ' ’hird Story of the New 1. yerkSeeiety Library, latel f occupied by tlfie Nation- al Acsdeuiy of Doriga. Tbeso s^rto p p fs .consist of Fit* largo rooms. c< ' which ia sixty abov«it5»em Rotaas i j u t -------- - ------- pre-ent unusual attraction! dred Aasajiatvons, the ceRi rapabJo ^ tasteful artisril the m aia entrERCO and _st wea 'agbte& cii and sac’n ted .4.B-R0C< ■mHwTMYtf \ 'L THE EVENING POST: NEW YORK. SATtJRDAY. JUNE 32. 18501 Ctitrircli - M jm BANK NOTE- LI$T. wbolesajle : pkices cmmEijsT. CoaaccTeo Wacxi.T, ^ t m rovvDBR. S3™ ::: ■:vsa“ :iesk .„ c S t S n a M d ■' ” m i & rnxtron. ^ ffi. .3 a™ 1! I L‘i SS-— ..... I I" if'sfe r‘X Mamcaite;;:;: ------COFFEE •coKbAGE r, .marts, gr -:i“ 3 - BiiNiKiHOx'ri: ta ble I Ctrrsaedl Weiklv bv k Timpsos, Brcker. « WaU strut. .......... I ....... 5’ia.: SS;' lisaS-’::lb:li' II e -::llisi BmU R<K>t w.Ui V. Y brown............ lb 6 PirRooiwith-* " ......... t : l :1q s:; fimeriiiaa,to , .... , a .. ......... F'a/i'Mto...lon-4j j'J ful5 .. \meru;aa lio .... .. Kor...«„,:I;li;'.'r':'^ a ..., :: ^t.:: Ji£s5- . v ; i ; ; i Vrvrr.™.,,"c,J75 ah,:u a :R :; 1;;!? b a.. 9 S;:;,;tr,v.- iiK; js :::S islf Sk ;;:-:SSS--« T-: Tii bnK riiSJ'’- : - ' - s SS--" I- 8%''NoMbSu-.;:: ^1.1:; .ii i J i S r e c o d ; ; " " * ‘ •• 8s|sfc;;;; I:::; gS.;Sh£'.-.:;‘* :::7 f:; ................... '*”W j^sm RL-^ ..................... SHIPS &C. VERMONT.' .. ig==l|fe|ip=i Ss-EEfpSlllSiEE^ .... .......................... 4.>*. FOR NEW ORLEANS. && HOVilES^S LINE A Sti^cTo sail every 10 days during the season ^ Ship SILAS HOZJUiBS,Lhas. C Berry, master Ship SULTANA, John Bunker, master. Ship MKSLPHJS, D. M. Bunker, ui^step. Ship 0ilLEJlNS,T A Barrett,master Ship LO£7/Sv.3. T. J. Leavitt,master WILLIAM NELSON, 83 South Btreet. Nr^i^d” rtTb^’'rTc“ V^d“ n”thB day ofaalling, unless the prevlona Saturday should ho very stormy, or a bcliday. 023 FOR SAVAJVN AH, Geo. ^ ^ ^ Jk^5,K ki.fe™ T J.;ljiV.ii;bS'S77;s- ,.™ . .... burthen, with handsome accommodations for passengers and commanded hymen experienced in the trade. It is intended to despatch one every weak, and the rate of free ofcoir mission This line has been established for the better accommodation of merchants, and every exertion will bo made to accommodate both shipper and SJS:J :ishkill JJk....,,.pa. Orange fo^.„ ..... 1, iS;=: For freight or pa.>-sage to jyri R KF.RMIT. 76 South street W OKLE.fi.NS PA! K E IS—UNiON This lino is composed of the folio-wing*” ^ *• (’RFOLl*.. J R Rattoon<*. master. " =ilils s - Th« above ships are all of tho first class, of a U gtt draf of water, and commanded by Captains of great experience In the trade Neither the owners or captains of these ships will be respoanlUf for jewelry, hullinn. precious stones, silver or plated ware or for any letter>< parrels or packages seat by fir put on board of them, unleffs regular bills ot lading are tak^n for the same, and the value thereon expressed yf'V freight or passagf. apply on board at Murray's ‘n.r„ "fj ^ P j ^ l f ^ y o a K AND LIVERPnoL The .Ships construction, a-n aha in tlicir engines, to ousure strength and extevd ; and their accommodations for passengors are unequalled for elegance or comfort m m Uo>lestown 1., Kcnainton........... ‘4 nn ^Tow nshlp... Ji, kbivingsBk'.lii ^ ^ "“ ""''•‘'’ ••DEEliWARk-.................................. Delaware B Piill] Fai.St.Mec. .......... <4 te;::;::::;:;] l&gron.i::;::;l .Meifopolu.-.......... 1 . • •• ................................................. "• • - " - ............ . ....... 1*4 I Me ■ Bkoflhe ..j [erchants*........ I’la Hill state Bk K.entacky & bcha.. J21 L^nigvilta^--- ........ 31 Northern St bchi.2 atteBk, St- L,»...2] J gii VVtsconam Marine and F BkofN.S., H... Calironiia Arms^ m 8 I^U E S 3 C O ., ---- - .1 BlthotJsTt songax loroughttri Fcr RirtharparUcaltrs »n *t th3 I Ihtary, cr to lSE§r T nmm 49 WiaijMn it. ^eiK ^ti-ilO W TO SAVE YOUR BOOKS MU.X.V, Ohio, Nov. 27th, 1849 bear Sir—-k sh^^tt time since our varehimtcs, with others, was burned, being unable to ge^ mat the eafe |S » e 'r ? u \ % n tVe would riiquireof you whether we can trust it again Raci under like circumstances, should they ever occur, and ®'lUi also how you will exchange for a now how you will exchange for a new one cf the si and fa..^h;on Vouis, tvujy • ^ ' le, 137,014 08 V,t.r,t.M t.L'so.n,.e«>d D.hJ. a B. VAJSDEKJPOEL, Real Estate Agent. N. A . m23 Won street, comer of Broad, buys and sUis on commissiGp, bcu???, stores, buUcUng lots, farms, he., Jto., effects exchanges of property, and transacts *21 kinds of evacs W. FlEl.D & COj, COMMl^ION >ytE^ Hiiii So. U CUir street HE.ST market prico paid in «mch for Gmss Rope, Repe Cuttings, Tarred Rcr«. C^ttson West^ M =#£lS-l5""- The Directors beg to announce that there will b4 Drawn for a Urand Series ot Portraits of all Horses on honorabl. congratulation to the Projectors. tBoy encourage endea- ;eive the foilowing prises take place ten days before the Rac^. A . i ‘ PASSAGE M M lliisCiTorlte line is at present cemposedof the ioRo tag Splendid Vessels. Most of them new . ____ t e r . FANCHON, NIAGARA, LIBERTY,, VANDALIA, SAROtNLA., KATE Hl'NTER, ami snch others as may he required to keep up a- weekly line. The sulaerlbers can now bring 'out Passengers by the above line, to noted for their punctuality in saiUDg. and their very superior accommodations at reduced rates, and wonid reccommend such as have ftiends in th f-’^ nntry to avaO themselves of the present ver lank. National Bar looL Apply to SAirOEL 275 Pearl street, N :. grimshaw & CO., rioo RoaA Liverpool, or 10 jli JHN R. SKIDOr, >Feb. 11 ( apt. Thos Shipley 1 June 11 TERLOO. . I apt T. P '.fillen 1 May 11 New SWp™ '.ST POINT. S| II FROST fc HK'KS, 68 South 81 >^Uverpool $130, ex- attached to each l>o *lo do I.lverpool June 19th The .ATL.i.NTlC will Lave New York June Uth- Do do do Liverpool Ju'y loth. The I'Af lFIC will leave Vew York July 6th K vJi.vT,, -",. '-'K T flfe ’.? ’,';.,, Th*‘ owners of the«i« ships wiU not bo accountable for Rold, 8ilv«r, bullion, iipeole, jew«»lry. pr»*ctou8 stones or unlpss bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. jel8 FRFM H, Oc ;RMAN, AND OTHF.H FOREiUN (JOODS, will be admitted Into the United xStates. in British Ships, on and after the 1st January next : there- ‘HSS iRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL id receive mails and passengers, are in- Boston.-Wednesday. J une 26th. ( AMBKIAfrom New York, 31 July. N1 fiUARA from Boston, JOth July. No berth seo‘^?ed™^UJprid Freight will be charged on specie, beyond an amount .fill Letters and Ne-wspapers lanst pass throngh the Post Passage from New-York or Boston to Liverpool, first **’E^CIINABr 88Broadway. '(A('LAN STEAM NaT^OATio N New York. Bremen. Soutr^m^tanh H erm ann, ---------- 15th .March 20th . C apt. E. Crabtree 20 AprU 16 -M h March Washington, 20 March 15 April 20 Api 1 t apt. O. W. Floyd 20 May 16 Jqne 20 June 20 July 16 Afig. 20-Aug. "" 16Oct. 2 ^sst^ 'ch i^^irrii ITef. _ 15 Deo 20 Deo. ice of passage to Europe $120 in 1st cabin ; $R0 in 2d do Do from do $150 do $80 do - oard of each steamer. Do from do $150 Ar experienced surgeon on boa) SiA?,SSfSS£f^‘ ; WM. ISELIN, Agent at Havre GREGORY’S CALIEURSIA EXPRESS. JS ssS sS H and throughout the Mining districts, from which place WiU be forwarded express matter, as usud. for aU pans of the United States by every steamer leaving San Fran- cisoo and the Isthmus of Panama. p,.'3's“3 Gold dnst forwarded and. insured through under a Policy in a New York Insurance Company ; and aU oth- iSSrH SI-SS Steamers pn the Atlantic and Pacific every inducement S ’S E S S S lil & r*|a Is li The number of prizes to be distribnted in each Class are £09, that bejng the number of Horses entered frr the Race AU Letters to contain a remittance Drafts; Bank-notes ho. addressed and made payable to the Man- aglBv Director, JOHNBURIUi)GE,Esq., 8S, Albany Road. London, England. "N ambers Riri tance Full pa {brppnate Nnin know his posil.,.. .. ____ . fortunate. Office commission 7J per c< ed from the above prices N. B. Lists open foi the St. Leger Eime as tbe abort. T»Ke Steels, h e .; Beef Sliceis, with a large ( cf low priced Table Cutlery NEWBOULPi^ RUSSEL, Importers of Hardware, |e90 (ke., |4Q ralt<m |L, pw Brotdwty, kvE,-l?te«-|S'i£r4C.F.c- andx^t July S7tli. i B'or freight or passage, having nnequaHed acoranmods " STEAM TO'lRELAND.::^iThe The cabin acconnnodatitfeg are very superior^nd no •second cabin or steerage pa^engers wU be taken. ■■ S>K& '*1!ES l7rA’S S » 2;S2l‘" being built t J take their places; they are intended. If possibio. to be superior to those vessels, and ready for se^ce early tffe ceming season-one in June and the Other in A u ^ n t or September. Information the new ships may be obtained of f.lessra. Pad ^ ^ t f SAM^L t . MITCHILL. 164 Front st OKK AND CHARLESTON STEAM JACKET mmSmm SOUTHERNi^ Captain M. Berry, wijl hereafter be as iss£.! For freight apply on board, at Pier No. 4. North River, and for passage,^to^ ^ iRn.TlT.FSTOV S i CD. 48Smith «t. ver st. Wharf and having a urge portion ^o^^^er ibin passage $75 going on bc.-tfd will*iie dispatch’d as .above. * For balance of freight or passage, apply on board, at pier 20. 1. B . or to ^ ^^j^ lBUT & CO 84 South st. The ship COTTON PLANTER will succeed the above. Jel5___ ______________ ______ 48 South st, ".aiC KOR H.fiVRE-Packet of the 10th ot July-" ^^^^Thepaoket ship BAVARIA, ( apt Anthony, Jr . master, will sail as above. For freighter passage, apply on board, at pier 13, East iver or o , e °,,^"j°.^^j,j.LeCK, Jr . 48 South st master, will be dispatched as above For freight o^ P ~ ^The ships of this line wUi hereafter sail on the 2ftth ff " i iruiilron;^m iingonlTar^"^i«LM l^^^^^^ 5or b;;,lance of freight or passage, having nnsurpnssej crin7sup“ " “" myl7 No 88 fS^uth st., cor Burline: Slip upstairs. hOH aS\N F n \N n s c a -T h e superior'ship (iFNFSEK,” Sherwood master having a large art of her cargo engaged, will be dif-pa’ched in a r passage. Apply to ISA.AT T SMITH. No lUlWa'ilst enrner Front WRM, K Kir.fev;'iu".,r£»'^^ FOR ANTIUUA AND ST M-IRTINS- "^he ^ w ifastclaF S Britlfib gch Letltia Eado. ifiaBter, hati^-- ing part of her cargo engaged will have prompt dlspatrhed. - -• . . . VOLANT, F J P O T T E N ’e^ GENDISE fliEOfCLSAL Cod I^iwer Oil Cmuhj. to offer it in the form of Candy. Compounded with ot roSSTF)S';f4™B!;”o.S„VTl",'^?4a,„. DISEASES OF THE THRO AT AND J3RONCH1AL <OMPL.'I--- Aod^h, dniggi.U gener.ll?. throngbout the Union. CJeer’ivtown. Mr Pet^r Berry w^^r.yaTeh:dlTft,r'“" p)e%\^!SrRtae7tr^"o‘ " jell E.D Hl'RLBUT feCO 84 South st. laRter now loading, and will sail as above. For freight, or posssage. having superior famished ao- ommodations, apply on W rd^ at kfurray*^ Agents in New Orleans. Messrs John r> -(Vcoilruff fc o.. who will promptly forward all goods^ tholr addr^s ^ NEW OULE.fiNS HAIT.ET.—Eagie^ Line- Mesers ( azenevp NEW OULE.fiNS HAIT.ET.—K.ngie Line- S 7l"afref sS7Rl?fiH'^''^j'^^L'o^‘ malt^r" having the largest part of her cargo on board, will ir cargo on board, ' passage, apply on hoard, t jc21 EAGLE & HAZARD. 40 South st. Agcnt-ln New OrleanaWilliam Creevy. Esq . who will A. cook, mas- NEVV "ORLEANS-Holmes* Ltne-Firet l^^VI^*rBURO®Wm’'rVemy,°mMl|r”^ at je22 ■RTM NFLSO" ma.«?ter, having a.large portion of her cargo engaged and agoing on board, will have immeiiate dispatch O For^freisht or passage apply on beard, at pier H E R , ® eagle S i HAZARD. 40 South st. yVgonts in Mobile. Messrs. E, C. Center fc Co., who will promptly forward, free of ooramioslon, sU goods to their apply on board, at NELSON as South s*. .MOBILE PACKE' own fast sailing coppered bark I ILOHIM. •illiaras. master, having a^porti^ lassage apply on board at irest pier IRLBt'T 8t CO , 84 South street. *®®^.SE A MEW, Capt W A Crawford, master, will be ;g3r%35r accomodations, ap- E. d” HUKLBUT fc CO 81 Sooth gt. i*!' ?lS2.“S.i?S' S “ .Cl s,i'crfe,jrfeA'rrdS,sr..Ts.sfe?£ •eight may ofl'er. and clear as above For freight ct passage, having extensive and superior r r “ o?“t i T H o«°urD t E * . t r s t a ^ “^' corner Burling slip, up stairs. Ordinary^i^easnrement goods 4 cents per foot. N .B All goods consigned Agent South Carolina Rail- —XT ........... .. tviiuaiu , dwell, master. wiU dear srs3fe=K.“ w„rF"S'.-„ .h.d„ of clearing. ________ Jel7 6t ' jB— TO'SHIP Q-WNERS-The subsertbers have two wharfr ~ IS. Apply ta commodate------ the snmmer njonths. Apply DEMILL, 188 Front st. ^ FOR SALE-The Captain's Interest in nei ^ b a r k _ Apply ^ gonthst. nana, we have nnintcmipted despatch at all times to and from those places. t ,, , Onr Express leaTCS for San Francisco Immediately upon the arrival oftbe steamers there. goods directed to Sacramento City. Stockton, San Jose, Benicia, Vernon, Fremont, fee., &«., end to ah places cn any of the tiibu- tariea of the Sacramento and pKorataToRS-GEORGE V henry reed, cf San Frani O ^ e 88 Broad’ idway, comer -Wall strecE New York ALBERT WELLES, Acting Manager. ■qnr o’clock, P. M pretsiiely. ^Sonihstreet. SaETUCKETfcS^.J.c!Gwr.^ NORTH!. DECATUR. Capt. E. Ge«- QUINEBAUG.Capt. J. Wiffiim*, One of the ahova boats will leaVe New T ori evci Tuesday, TTiursday. and Saturday, at 4 o'clock P. 51. Returning, wiR leave Norwich for New York, Monday Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 o’clock T M. Fcr freight, wLich will ho taken at rednoed pricas, ap- oiv on hoard, or at the effioe Piar S North Rivor ma Q noiclj BRmSTOSE and flour of RUI MMb PHUa. f.ir 8«l8 At lowMt market rates hy the mat LEG AL n o t ic e s . -...J. ... firm of Harnc itrowh iifflitarion:, - Thpknheeribecha* withdrawn th^efore^ and. his in- terest therein ceaSesr from and aftfir this date, The other partners will continue hnsinMs. under thesaniB name, for their own account, and -win close up andEOttle the affairs of the late firm. ISAAC G KENDALL, HARN0EN i CO. New York, 21st May, J850.__ __________Je» ISt TT; S. marshalls SAIifi.-B7rirtpe,of awritof Vaidl The above sale is afijonmed to the SSp day of June, instant, at amc time and ^ace Pged June&fa.l^. ^ t ALIAIADGE. U. 8. Maishal CITY rrOTtCES^ lADGE, United States Mmshal. -lii June. ISS ^ ^ TALLaiADGE. U. S. Maishal. ir cent, semi-annnally, li ;»% h% \ “e s Lft?e'*b^?S&rto^S •ted for such exchange ’• Ma)'Fyg"*L md„. HUDSON KIVEH KAlLnOAD. Engineer, at Hudson Payments will be made in Cash, on monthly estimates, resei vlng 15 per cent, until the work is completed The part of the work above Oak IMl, which le opposite Tatskill. T i’ill bt* required to be firished on or before the 1st March. 1851 and that below, on or before th© Itt July following ('ODtractors whose bids ma: be accepted, will be re- quired to enter into Contract aud commence the work without delay The names in full of aU parties proposing to be inte- re?ted in ( nntracts must be given in the proposition, as ^r.fcK.:'.s.vfe';Si,7S “*WM^(“ Y^OUNG.^SiR’f tngrneer. Dated Jnne 19th, 1850. I ____________je20tjy2 BLAKE’S PA TEN T Fire Froof Faint, tcrfeils. as no one can sell the genuine article without “utjecting themselves to a fine. 2 be genuice aiticle, of different colors, kept constantly ■atentee Fireproof Paint. 1 be genuine article, of diff€ ssffet'frpisssu” / pared to sell at reduced rates, on approved paper, at six months, or at a discount of ten per cent tor cash. The serte-' of Scotch flSres, so much admired and approved of generally, by which we insure greater durability. To OUTassortment of Ornamenta’ and Jobbing Type, Bor- “if e T s.r.'.fei' 'bssi- So'.rT';,t ebeeta of .Scotch faces, &c., are now ready for delivery.— ^^^n"d^^“p^^irrs;rn ';rplp^rUro vertisement three times, and forw ard us a paner, nrovions to the 1st ofJanuary,1860. will be paid iniEgn,ein4fcu^us«rui manulaetur*“, by purchasing four times trie amount oJ tlieir biU for the advertisemeiir. JAa MKS CONNER & SON, N. B .-A new Specimen B?ok or dHllv«rv about t.h« 1st of NoTt^ktuh^^r. 1840 nBtf STKAM KNGl.NH BIANUFACTOttV AND B'OUNDKY. Tile AHalre W orks. ' Blast Furnaces and Foundries, Girders, and other Iron Work for Buildings- Bella of all lizes made to order — Gearing and Screws cut to any reasonable ‘•i-t. ship Panama; E. K. CoUins’s Line U. S 1 Pacific and Baltic, and engines for the Aea* All orders addressed to the Allaire -Works. 468 Cherry st.. et, or 37 Peck Slip, will be promptly attended to. ew York, June 1st, 1850. J.fiMES P. ALLAIRE having retired from the altove Works begs leave to reoammend the same to his friends and all those who may want anything in their line - be- lieving that all who may favor them with » call will al- ways find their work faithfully executed and upon rea- sonable terms. New York. Jnne 1st, 1850. jelSSmd.swfew "dX .i-’;?.7S3rd ';LvrbS?ara^^^^^^^ Old Type received in exchange for new a^ nine cents ! .4 '" j S » 5S* s The subscribers also mannfaci Cross Cnt.Circular and other Si they keep constantly on hand. R HOF, fccn. jral worth, and whose three years, during “as'sisr" the proprietdr. Bos-yuN, November 6,1847. Mr. O, P. T hurstow, Sir—I have only time to inform you that aUiPLowA has *“ RMp“yyonr ob’t8CJj^t^^ ^ |el?;' rhlch 1 have a great vi the^fflee*^^ »“ Port*-ktrecomTaendaaons can beseenat forexaminaticinrby all ■The hmttsembiaced bysuch assessmantinclnde alltheseycra. h o a ^ and lots of rgonnd, vacant lots, pfee^ and parcels *ol rind^lnatfed on both tidesof TOh ttreet. tetween^nes :reef, hatween Ivin -m ^ Assessoit. ___ je2210t ::s EE:SSS“ ~ ^ ^ AllpeiNoii., uv N..^.- are afPected by the above _npmed 1 . [r.'be'iViTl-fcol,-, = := i” as.== --------------------- lie UDflajged sidewalks •"t',jasaaaf”£r' 1avenae, brtween 23d and 2atb iSIffiSKIK :-#l ieTsloi' JOHN T DODGFd. Street Commissioner. W!detli.._„.. June '8th. 1830. g p iip sii^ - Approved Ly die Mayor. Jnn^^^ ____ • _^ ^ ■”^ r6 w . a ?u r‘ between 27lh bounded bv Broadway and I ,c-„ JOHN T. DODGE. StractComffllpion^. <1 Is4 -I - B ‘tfo “ do EX. Permanent Green, in ^ il m^nol Ultrat^arSet dtaoB rsirBiue New Y'-ork Chrome Yellow A°itie Pink° tie southerly sidewalk Ip g a i <ii nxedfor prece re leaky tight. Tbennhsoribo roofa tight that he csdertakes, { tent'perBfinarefool. _ either for xoofll fci.i.S'”"- r.‘7'"nr" Turkey Umber, burnt and raw J 4-4 common to extra Table and Fillow Cas Linen Cnaihrie Hdkf Combrie Hdkf*. For Ekleby william EE.riMi l)AlSiHS,'«xiAI’ElS ASn WlNIfi— £», 4000 boxes Bunch Baisin* 1000 half bxB do do 1009 (}r dp do ibieUlolhs, of ap- lOND. SOPin- at. casks LexiaBaisins half do do 200 half ( 5C0 kegs Grapes 150 <jr essk* sweet Malaga 'Wine. The ehove fire aU of Gcr Lering & Co.-* hran'd, sndthe largo- of barkf ffolka, landing and fcr *aie by nio GHAMBERLATN fe PHELPS- lA SFron.st tespeetfuEj Snferms fiis friends a> hehaaconstanriy on hand and for « Borimtnt; of Marble Mantles, Statues, Tases, Fonntaiai ■Monutaenta, Ste. fco. in this country. The Mantels ai of every description and price ; epihraefr’S, veine^ filena,. black and gold, bro<jat.eao,*nd all rth « fahoycoloieaiaarttes. Thedesigns sre ofeveff varietyi from the plataegt to the richest and most elabonrialjr catTcd and finished. hft ^xi*enjt.etl tjrft _ MATT*-YaioaciS!3«^Jndi» hublCT Bsm; JS Matts, of assorted sixes, ttiplacirl^fore the b ^ ■tub orwhower bath, to provfiiri theW-atK freja^UiOK^^ iu,,«.o.a«ii ,«* »>• *»•■»

mmSmmOKK AND CHARLESTON STEAM JACKET SS;'nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030390/1850-06-22/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · sent the te.ed hoiders of the expiring loai The new stocks have since

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Page 1: mmSmmOKK AND CHARLESTON STEAM JACKET SS;'nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030390/1850-06-22/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · sent the te.ed hoiders of the expiring loai The new stocks have since

COMMERCIAL ■ u d * s t a n M i r^ t .B e .o B OM-Uilid

6 d«iawa for. »o»»y. k*i-«»tis»aedi<m »na d«-|5i0,opou,.r^iTe4j,Ki^»t3ifcrNo]t^ Co»st,ana..^ ito o u sto u ttfe w irfc tbo < « P p r y 5 s « o p H |3 6 f ^ t o ^ ^ . ^

I - ,y, -*■ s&nMsATdJmieSS.» «y t o ^watissaod iow Msd d<

cU nit.B .iloonjitou ttfa-ir^ 'irlii!* tbo gap^y is ampl^ Easy rates Tijatheieforo xjiJ^Xor earn* months to come.’ OBr'qngutionafcrprime i*p«r, c f wMcb tberowTeiy little offering, a re-li to 5p(«r c e n t for dates no tla m sg CTBT 75 days to run to m itutity , and 6J*8 per caat.-for 3 to 6 months paper. Inferior paper pays higher rates, but the additional charge ought to, he considered what itrca’iy is an insurance premuim for risk.

The otoct market is. extremely dull and heary. It seems impossible to more any large amount of stocks, end most sales hare the character of forced sales at the present moment The fancies can all be bought lower insn a t the close of last week. The disineUnatlon to eperate in stocks, eoasidering the great soperabundanct of money, is striking ; bu t the best stock* are a t to< hlrh a price &r much higher demand for them on hom« ECPCunt. The banks bold a Tery large amount of ba­lances which they seek to employ tfWnporarily in loans < a , i » l securiUe*, and some large amounts have been thoj loaned as low as 3j per cent for a few months

A new loan of $2.Ct»,000 ha® been obtained by the St ate of Ohio, oo easy terms. Theleading brekers, ageni of • -ega capitalists, united la a bid for the who! wti. h i< dnided into two stocks—one of <1 6OU.0OO, at r»r -y.'.t releeraable in 1379, and one of $l,OOaO..O, at X ct -u '.. redeemable in 18S5. Other bids were made t in- esEcUk S500 000 more. The accepted bols were-

5.1 €tH),wo 6 per em t stock.

000,000 a t 0-28 a 2 -^ prem for 5 per ct steck- \ . *i.y the whole was taken on French and Eogliah ac-

t i - t . These loans have been Tictnaliy raised a t premi- i- m:, on which the ayerage interest amounts to little mors then .1 per cent per annum for the *hew 9 per cents, and

little le,s than 5 per cent, for the new 5per cents. Why 11- btate financiers of Ohio did not propose to raise the wh ..e sum m a o per cent stock, we are at loss to Imagine IQ the present state of the money market, they would have Sit ed the slate a few thousand d. liars.

Th * parties who have been the snccesrfnl bidders, repre­sent the te.ed hoiders of the expiring loai

The new stocks have since been sold, o 114 and lldf.

th e Delaware and Hudson Rivei| has partially recover­ed from the forced sales, made last week, of stock that h., 1 been hypothecated by a runaway broker.

Sooid specie is being shipped, but trifling in amount 'the .atlantic, .America,Herrmann, and Zniicb, severaUj twjk some British geld and tome French and American

. together.amounting to $550,OCO. Foteigu Ex- ;e h ie not reached the point that effects American

..TSES^Thesale*include 150csjks Spanish Hed a t 36«ente; SOOFort, GQ»XI21;1W5I dcira $1 a 160; 75 Sherry, 55 a ?5 cents; SCO ctses S.oic eanx Claret, $2; £03 bkts Champagne, T a glO.fi-mos; *n 151 bb!s Muscat on private tenia. By auction. 175 h k ^ Champagne sold atprivate tenia. By auction. 175 h 6 121 a 9 75; 75 casks Madeira, 65 a 1 35 a 15:^; 249 Dry filalaga. 31 a S3; <

that have sailed, bnt the transaetloDS are limited, and-B prices have been high from scarcity of bills than from any activity of demand. Sterling has sold at 9i a lOj per

r 60 days, and 40] a 40ic ; Bremen

it the week. The Dry

2 "if frr lu days sight, , Al 7 'f a T'.j',c and Hamburgh 40] a 40].

Trade has been dull throughout (i i>is trade hardly stirs.

The Southern Clothing trade has not fairly opened, and that tS’f'alfornia is exceedingly slack Domestic i otton goods are. very inactive. The high price of the raw ma­teria) has caused more disastrous effects in repressing demand than did the prevalence of cholera last year

The activity of the fall t^ d e , bo;h of domestic and f- reigh dry g ods, much depends in the prices, at which th iy win respeatively open for the fall trada

in the West and South, though prices of produce are high, the 'luantities are short, and likely to be so, at the nex t gathering of crops, and a very largo demapd as but of doubtfol'eipectation.

Moderate imports, and moderate ipeculative prcduc- ti .n of goods asp the only means of producing a remt- nerative full business

The cotton market has been sp .cnlattve'y aciivo lb.-..ugh JUt the week , the sales reach 21 200 bales Ope­rators have been fully lycpecting an advance to be advi­sed by the Cambria bnt have been disappointed ; a good ,1. mand his prevailed, and prices have gone up in a cef- tiin expectation of it, Thq feeling on receipt, last night. < f the news, was on^of disappointment, bnt hopes viere

;enl;e.ttaiaed that the mall will bring better accounts. We have to advance onr quotations ] o on last week’s piices , the market closing firmly previous to the arrival of ths eteaiier s aews. and no transactions have since transpir-

he stock is now rodneed to 100 0( and 386,1 00 in al) the ports, whit

A ni requiring a large surplus eapitsl to hold ; but south- ^rn owa«rs baye ordered consignees not to cfr«*r tbeirstocks a t present. AlUbe offerings of weak parties have

AS c'.mpa-e.J with !jst jear, and the export»wio;r (>iaot has not yet be^n reported in bloom, and

x b i 'a .Jv a Q c e d p e r io d o f t h e j c a r a l w h ich i t w iU to k s

e iEcu-asing firmacss of the market is more the ef- feet of th«- unfAToraUe conditiuji of the growing cropth in (f ihi! diminished receipts, and fhonld the-'presentprospect of it be confirmed, we must expect to see pricesadvance a little furthtr. The pricev of manufactured^oc'is. b.,.wevt-r, do not warrant even present prices of the law material ; and any large advance in fabrics will re­

act the a. mand still fu-th. r 5 u r .lubtations are as follows

ACantio Perts.Inf rior.......................none

> I H I H S S i iSFii iy f air to good fair.. 13 jap—oood and fiu.4. none none..-\dvifps from the weit are more favorable as to the crop

•ajTsd the* wt*3tern markets aro easier from less pressure cf dujgaad from S t Louh and the south. The lake region h»'Wv*ver ii? nearly exhausted of stock of Sour and wheat, and but lUitle remains to come forward.

The Ciinaiian n>ur tha t has been ship^d largely on epecatatiDn has not arrived to a g*50d mt-rket, and Urgn Stu axe held in Liverpool and London m American ac-

SATl-RbtT JaBc22,18.>hI d ’.L —Foreign is quiet, without change in prices ,

vessel. >5 60 from y a r« deliTered ; andtum - berlahd. lucoutdaerableparcels^C. ciish

t Of (>A Saifs have been for conaumption. ofICO hags i ara at 7 cents ; 125 do St. Domingo, 6j. 6

p o ihJ new crop Ton.imI) VEWOODS-The only arrival of St Domingo tog-


g Steamship Viceroy, (Br,) Ewing, Ga way via Halifax, R

J lR R irE D rE S T lrE S T E E D .tr .

irfhemar. Devaox, »>4 <is fro Mj &^Vo f Sm«h. b'arrar, 7 <L fro M: ch.as. lumber to Brett.t *1* ■*'** Washi igton. NC. naval hlores- Arer. fm Fraafclort. .5 e. ivah IGO

i l i S t e S i i r S S ?


5 , i ; s s s i f s : s : s

irH .ii.E3fErf

.Mar. h 27, latr. 50 S.'lu

■ IIS S t .

•SPOffA'.V. 4-r.rk '/.Eiag, Jone,, In, N V ork

a.-schlTiasChai • Hron, rsfort Reef, wm seen bn Mobile Buckley, fm

JiUue Ob '5^™ies E of South Shoal, brt : .AJesia, Ha»kell. lioni


fi.i l,'.th ships Corsair, Name. Glouoest r; Thetis, Tilley. I.n -

OOME^TIC POR’.'S l*uR-u.ANi» Jim-* I'-*-At brut IVnnsylvajnia. I’lnkhaui. ili\a-

M Paike M^ioo:Nkwimirt, June 19—In port, sell, V ai lie. Bnghtinan. Fall

I 'm jPiUNT. June 14— M-br ioje. >i\ Ofk.

N*iR1")LK. Junt' l^—Ar»ih Hov\:ud. f^York.(.'Mdiip Meilora, Aiiie'i. John,_NE|. SM. baiWVi

Champagne sold t 2. cents; tZ Sheri 3 Port, 65 a 57; an

I lamtIton.-Shockler. N n, of Provmcetown. 1

^IMPOKT^^TJOi>NS.Fs~Fren«'h b rk A.!bemar-~grh*->.t* sv ne Howlnpd■ I B *

ba'f- eorkv 7j ba’iket.’i 14 bal-s milse J bbis 10 do bUlphiir lUO idiehh MkY-ki.J Kz. PR-Bark S?antee— hhdfe MurartSiio to

('ii'lh't .Xi Fi'l^v—IH'mIo vOitar J Fonike &-ionv—107 hlidi* •inirnf Uid -!47 hides to J V Uoati a ii vo—lid bhds iiiolavses to (I ic F


In th*- Br m-hr (ilen* from (‘anlitlWjlet»~ John Wilii.im.A

F O R S A L E , O R T O L E T .^ | ' ~Tt) liK T -T w o ofliees a |l0 1 VVall streM eor

s i r i a s o\* T if fic 'so u sD ."S u h inforty.five minutes ride from jthe .New Havtu Kail-

T he subscriber offers for sale 200| acres of land wbi«'h for its maoy hand-some buiiding together with•healih ulneas. and great facility of'ingress and egress t‘>

■ s t lL O liN U l-O T S-I)esii J lS liberal loan. For sale by

4 ............

? building lots, withI liberal loan. For sale 1.. iy2l A B VAXr^KiRPOEL,p Wall St.

n j21 ■ 23 Wallet.

i i f - g S S S H Hbe altered, or taken down and another building or build- inge^crected a.

~ L S - . f i ^re-^ald- Fa'r^n'n~We7rchi J


T O L E T -1 bo first floor bf the new store No IS ^ U i f f a t x e e t . Rent $ . 0 ^ 4 - n i ^ ^ to

ap'20 I «■) reaVl st.SALE~LiwelliDil” Hoii,ses of every Oe-

| » m| BcriptioD. in different s.-ctfons of the city toonu-

^ '4”

^^'^tR B!.F ,-By auct on cf inferi^T Italian, 70 Hiofee


Pl I W e R PAiHS-NoTa Scotia, though hot plenty, t.s du t and we have b u t to note a sale of 120 tons Blue at

Frire'de.t°the week amoaai 1.0 -------- , — ------

corner of Maiden

f l T S S f L “ S - A o „ ,MllLmodorate.and immediate Jiossesslon

ivl nient back officelocate, and immediate jiossesslon given .tpply

."srssir'ind constri

N n -Theso boiliiings can, on arrival, be erected.rithent much co.«t or trsub!e._^____ mM tfABak T O L B T .-T habastrn lm andasuboeilsr. The

in cenrae oi erection by the N'a ional Academy of Des' " ■ m K W l^uS d iiS '^^b^evS 9ito exhibition and 01

eCfclUon Boonwit ^ e n tg x a .fe.t-- ■’■■“Lr | t U tSSi L E A S K B —Tlie ' ’hird Story of the New 1. yerkSeeiety Library, latel f occupied by tlfie Nation­

al Acsdeuiy of Doriga. Tbeso s^ rto p p fs .consist of Fit*largo rooms. c< 'which ia sixtyabov«it5»emRotaas i j u t -------- - -------pre-ent unusual attraction! dred Aasajiatvons, the ceRirapabJo tasteful artisril the maia entrERCO and _st

wea 'agbte& cii and sac’n ted

.4 .B -R 0 C <■ m H w T M Y tf


' L

THE EVENING POST: NEW YORK. SATtJRDAY. JUNE 32. 18501C t i t r i r c l i

- M jm

B A N K N O T E - L I $ T .w b o l e s a j l e : p k i c e s c m m E ijs T .

CoaaccTeo Wacxi.T,

^ t m rovvDBR.

S 3 ™ : : :

■:vsa“ :i e s k .„c S tS n a M d ■' ”

m i &rnxtron. ^ ffi. .3 a™ 1!

I L‘iS S - —

.....I I"




•coKbA G E

r, .marts, gr -:i“ 3

- B i iN iK iH O x 'r i : t a b l e I

Ctrrsaedl Weiklv bv k Tim psos, Brcker. « WaU strut.

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I I e -::llisiBmU R<K>t w.Ui V. Y brown............ lb 6PirRooiwith-* " .........

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i g = = l | f e | i p = i

S s -E E fp S lllS iE E ^.... ..........................

4.>*. FOR NEW ORLEANS.& & HOVilES^S LINE ASti^cT o sail every 10 days during the season ^ Ship SILAS HOZJUiBS,Lhas. C Berry, master Ship SULTANA, John Bunker, master.Ship MKSLPHJS, D. M. Bunker, ui^step.Ship 0ilLE JlN S,T A Barrett,masterShip LO£7/Sv.3. T. J. Leavitt,master

WILLIAM NELSON, 83 South Btreet. Nr^i^d” rtT b^’'rTc“ V d“ n”thB day ofaalling, unless

the prevlona Saturday should ho very stormy, or abcliday. 023


^ ^ ^J k ^ 5 , K k i . f e ™

T J.;ljiV.ii;bS'S77;s- „ , . ™ . . . . .burthen, with handsome accommodations for passengers and commanded hymen experienced in the trade. It is intended to despatch one every weak, and the rate of

free ofcoir mission This line has been established for the better accommodation of merchants, and every exertion will bo made to accommodate both shipper and

S J S : J

:ishkill JJk....,,.pa. Orange fo^ .„ ..... 1,

iS ;= :

For freight or pa.>-sage tojyri R KF.RMIT. 76 South street

W OKLE.fi.NS PA! KEIS—UNiON This lino is composed of the folio-wing*” ^

*• (’RFOLl*.. J R Rattoon<*. master.

" = i l i l s s -

Th« above ships are all of tho first class, of a U gtt draf of water, and commanded by Captains of great experienceIn the trade

Neither the owners or captains of these ships will be respoanlUf for jewelry, hullinn. precious stones, silver or plated ware or for any letter>< parrels or packages seat byfir put on board of them, unleffs regular bills ot lading are tak^n for the same, and the value thereon expressed

yf'V freight or passagf. apply on board at Murray's

‘n .r„ "fj

^ P j ^ l f ^ y o a K AND LIVERPnoL The .Ships

construction, a-n aha in tlicir engines, to ousure strength and extevd ; and their accommodations for passengors are unequalled for elegance or comfort

m m

Uo> lestown 1., Kcnainton........... ‘4 nn ^Tow nshlp... Ji,

kbivingsBk'.lii ^ ^ " “ " " ' '• ‘ '’ ••DEEliWARk-..................................DelawareB Pi ill]Fai.St.Mec. ..........<4

t e ; : : ; : : : : ; : ; ] l& g r o n . i : : ; : : ; l.Meifopolu.-..........1 . • • • .................................................

"• • - " - ............ . ....... 1*4 I Me ■

Bkoflhe ..j

[erchants*........ I’la

Hillstate BkK.entacky & bcha.. J21 L nigvilta --- ........31 Northern St bchi.2

atteBk, St- L,»...2] J

giiVVtsconam Marine and F

BkofN.S., H...

Calironiia Armsm 8 I ^ U E S 3 C O . ,

---- - .1 BlthotJsTt songaxloroughttri Fcr RirtharparUcaltrs »n * t th3 I Ihtary, c r to

lS E § r T n m m 49 WiaijMn it.

^ e iK ^ t i - i lO W TO SAVE YOUR BOOKS MU.X.V, Ohio, Nov. 27th, 1849

bear Sir—-k sh^ tt time since our varehimtcs, with others, was burned, being unable to ge^ mat the eafe

| S » e ' r ? u \ % ntVe would riiquireof you whether we can trust it again Raci

under like circumstances, should they ever occur, and ®'lUi also how you will exchange for a nowhow you will exchange for a new one cf the si

and fa..^h;on Vouis, tvujy • ^ '

l e , 137,014 0 8 V ,t.r , t .M t.L 's o .n , .e « > d D .hJ.

a B . VAJSDEKJPOEL, Real Estate Agent. N . A . m 23 Won street, comer of Broad, buys and sUis on commissiGp, bcu???, stores, buUcUng lots, farms, he., Jto., effects exchanges of property, and transacts *21 kinds of

e v a c s W . F l E l .D & COj, C O M M l ^ I O N

> y tE ^ HiiiiS o . U C U ir s tr e e t

HE.ST m a r k e t prico paid in «mch for Gmss Rope, Repe Cuttings,Tarred Rcr«. C^ttson West^

M = # £ l S - l 5 " " -The Directors beg to announce that there will b4

Drawn for a Urand Series ot Portraits of all Horses on


congratulation to the Projectors. tBoy encourage endea-

;eive the foilowing prises take place ten days before the Rac^.

A . i ‘


M MlliisCiTorlte line is at present cemposedof the ioRo

tag Splendid Vessels. Most of them n e w .____


ami snch others as may he required to keep up a- weekly line. The sulaerlbers can now bring 'out Passengers by the above line, to noted for their punctuality in saiUDg. and the ir very superior accommodations at reduced rates, and wonid reccommend such as have ftiends in th f - ’

nntry to avaO themselves of the present ver

lank. National Bar looL Apply to

SAirOEL275 Pearl street, N

:. g r im s h a w & CO.,rioo RoaA Liverpool, or 10

j l iJHN R. SKIDOr, >Feb. 11

( apt. Thos Shipley 1 June 11

TERLOO. .I apt T. P '.fillen 1 May 11



FROST fc HK'KS, 68 South 81

>^Uverpool $130, ex-

attached to each

l>o *lo do I.lverpool June 19thThe .ATL.i.NTlC will Lave New York June Uth-

Do ■ do do Liverpool Ju'y loth.The I'Af lFIC will leave Vew York July 6th

K v J i . v T , , - " , . ' - 'K T f l f e ’. ? ’, '; . , ,Th*‘ owners of the«i« ships wiU not bo accountable for

Rold, 8ilv«r, bullion, iipeole, jew«»lry. pr»*ctou8 stones or unlpss bills of lading are signed therefor, and the

value thereof therein expressed. jel8FRFM H, Oc;RMAN, AND OTHF.H FOREiUN

(JOODS, will be admitted Into the United xStates. in British Ships, on and after the 1st January next : there-

‘H S S


id receive mails and passengers, are in-Boston.-Wednesday. J une 26th.

( AMBKIAfrom New York, 31 July.N1 fiUARA from Boston, JOth July.

No berth seo‘ ?ed™^UJpridFreight will be charged on specie, beyond an amount

.fill Letters and Ne-wspapers lanst pass throngh the Post

Passage from New-York or Boston to Liverpool, first

**’E^CIINABr 88Broadway. '(A('LAN STEA M N aT ^O A T i o N

New York. Bremen. Soutr^m^tanh

H e r m a n n , ----------15th .March 20th .C apt. E. Crabtree 20 AprU 16 -M

h March

Washington, 20 March 15 April 20 Api 1t apt. O. W. Floyd 20 May 16 Jqne 20 June

20 July 16 Afig. 20-Aug."" 16 Oct.

2sst 'ch i irriiITef.

_ 15 Deo 20 Deo.ice of passage to Europe $120 in 1st cabin ; $R0 in 2d do

Do from do $150 do $80 do- oard of each steamer.

Do from do $150Ar experienced surgeon on boa)

SiA?,SSfSS£f^‘;WM. ISELIN, Agent at Havre


J S s s S s S Hand throughout the Mining districts, from which place WiU be forwarded express matter, as usud. for aU pans of the United States by every steamer leaving San Fran- cisoo and the Isthmus of Panama.

p,.'3's“3Gold dnst forwarded and. insured through under a

Policy in a New York Insurance Company ; and aU oth-

i S S r H S I - S SSteamers pn the Atlantic and Pacific every inducement

S ’S E S S S l i l

& r * |a I s l iThe number of prizes to be distribnted in each Class

are £09, tha t bejng the number of Horses entered frr the Race AU Letters to contain a remittance Drafts; Bank-notes ho. addressed and made payable to the Man- aglBv Director, JOHNBURIUi)GE,Esq., 8S, AlbanyRoad. London, England.

"N ambers Riri tance Full pa {brppnate Nninknow his posil.,.. .. ____ .fortunate. Office commission 7J per c< ed from the above prices

N . B . L i s ts o p e n fo i t h e S t . L e g e r E im e as t b e a b o r t .

T»Ke Steels, h e . ; Beef Sliceis, with a large ( cf low priced Table Cutlery

NEWBOULPi^ RUSSEL, Importers of Hardware,|e 9 0 (ke., |4Q r a lt< m | L , p w B r o t d w t y ,

kvE,-l?te«-|S 'i£r4C.F.c-andx^t July S7tli. i

B'or freight or passage, having nnequaHed acoranmods

" S T E A M T O 'l R E L A N D . : : ^ i T h e

The cabin acconnnodatitfeg are very superior^nd no •second cabin or steerage pa^engers wU be taken.

■ ■■

S>K&'*1!ESl7rA’S S » 2;S2l‘"

being built t J take their places; they are intended.If possibio. to be superior to those vessels, and ready for se ^ c e early tffe ceming season-one in June and the Other in A u ^n t or September. Information the new ships may be obtained of f.lessra. Pad


mmSmmSO U TH ERN i^ Captain M. Berry, wijl hereafter be asiss£.!

For freight apply on board, at Pier No. 4. North River, and for passage,^to^ iRn.TlT.FSTOV Si CD. 48Smith «t.

ver s t . Wharf and having a u rge portion ^o^^^er

ibin passage $75

going on bc.-tfd will*iie dispatch’d as .above. *For balance of freight or passage, apply on board, at

pier 20. 1. B . or to ^ ^^ j^ l BUT & CO 84 South st. The ship COTTON PLANTER will succeed the above.

Jel5___ ______________ ______ 48 South st," .aiC KOR H.fiVRE-Packet of the 10th ot Ju ly -" ^ ^^ ^T hepaoke t ship BAVARIA, ( apt Anthony, Jr .

master, will sail as above.For freighter passage, apply on board, at pier 13, East iver or o , e °,,^"j°.^^j,j.LeC K , Jr . 48 South st

master, will be dispatched as above For freight o P ~

^The ships of this line wUi hereafter sail on the 2ftth

ff" i


iingonlTar "i«LMl ^^^5or b;;,lance of freight or passage, having nnsurpnssej

c r i n 7 s u p “ " “"myl7 No 88 fS^uth st., cor Burline: Slip upstairs.

hOH aS\N F n \ N n s c a - T h e superior'ship (iFNFSEK,” Sherwood master having a large art of her cargo engaged, will be dif-pa’ched in a

r passage. Apply toISA.AT T SMITH.

No lUlW a'ilst enrner Front

W R M , K K i r . f e v ; ' i u " . , r £ » ' ^ ^

FOR ANTIUUA AND ST M-IRTINS- "^he ^ w ifastc laF S Britlfib gch Letltia Eado. ifiaBter, hati --

ing part of her cargo engaged will have promptdlspatrhed.

• - - • • . . . VOLANT,

F J P O T T E N ’ e^G E N D IS E fliEOfCLSAL

Cod I iwer Oil Cmuhj.

to offer it in the form of Candy. Compounded with ot


< O M PL.'I---

Aod^h, dniggi.U gener.ll?. throngbout the Union.

CJeer’ivtown. Mr Pet^r Berry

w r.yaTeh:dlTft,r'“"p)e% \^!S rR tae7 tr^"o‘ "

je ll E.D Hl'RLBUT feCO 84 South st.

laRter now loading, and will sail as above.For freight, or posssage. having superior famished ao-

ommodations, apply on W rd^ at kfurray*^

Agents in New Orleans. Messrs John r> -(Vcoilruff fc o .. who will promptly forward all goods^ tholr addr^s ^ NEW OULE.fiNS HAIT.ET.—Eagie^ L ine-

Mesers ( azenevp

NEW OULE.fiNS HAIT.ET.—K.ngie Line-

S 7l"afref sS7R l?fiH '^ ''^ j'^^L 'o^‘ malt^r"having the largest part of her cargo on board, willir cargo on board, '

passage, apply on hoard, tjc21 EAGLE & HAZARD. 40 South st.Agcnt-ln New OrleanaWilliam Creevy. Esq . who will

A. cook, mas-

NEVV "ORLEANS-Holmes* Ltne-Firet

l^^V I^*rB U R O ® W m ’'rVemy,°mMl|r”^

atje22 ’ ■RTM NFLSO"

ma.«?ter, having a.large portion of her cargo engaged and agoing on board, will have immeiiate dispatch O For^freisht or passage apply on beard, at pier H E R ,® e agl e Si HAZARD. 40 South st.

yVgonts in Mobile. Messrs. E, C. Center fc Co., who will promptly forward, free of ooramioslon, sU goods to their

apply on board, at NELSON as South s*.

.MOBILE PACKE'own fast sailing coppered bark I ILOHIM. •illiaras. master, having a ^porti^

lassage apply on board at irest pierIRLBt'T 8t CO , 84 South street.

*®®^.SE A MEW, Capt W A Crawford, master, will be

; g 3 r % 3 5 r accomodations, ap-

E. d” HUKLBUT fc CO 81 Sooth gt.

i*!' ?lS2.“S.i?S' S “ .Cl


•eight may ofl'er. and clear as above For freight ct passage, having extensive and superior

r r “ o?“t i T H o « ° u r D t E * . t r s t a ^ “ ^'corner Burling slip, up stairs.

Ordinary^i^easnrement goods 4 cents per foot.

N .B All goods consigned Agent South Carolina Rail-

—XT ........... .. tviiuaiu , dwell, master. wiU dear

srs3fe=K.“ w„rF"S'.-„ .h.d„of clearing. ________ Jel7 6t '

jB— TO'SHIP Q-WNERS-The subsertbers have two wharfr ~

IS. Apply tacommodate------

the snmmer njonths. ApplyDEMILL, 188 Front st.

^ FOR SALE-The Captain's Interest in nei ^ b a r k _ Apply ^ gonthst.

nana, we have nnintcmipted despatch at all times to and from those places. t,, ,Onr Express leaTCS for San Francisco Immediately upon the arrival oftbe steamers there. goods directedto Sacramento City. Stockton, San Jose, Benicia, Vernon,Fremont, fee., &«., end to ah places cn any of the tiibu-tariea of the Sacramento andpKorataToRS-GEORGE Vh e n r y r e e d , cf San Frani

O ^ e 88 Broad’idway, comer -Wall strecE New York ALBERT WELLES, Acting Manager.

■qnr o’clock, P. M pretsiiely.


S aE T U C K E T fcS^.J.c!G w r.^ NO RTH !. DECATUR. Capt. E. Ge«- QUINEBAUG.Capt. J. Wiffiim*,One of the ahova boats will leaVe New T ori evci

Tuesday, TTiursday. and Saturday, at 4 o'clock P. 51.Returning, wiR leave Norwich for New York, Monday

Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 o’clock T M.Fcr freight, wLich will ho taken at rednoed pricas, ap-

oiv on hoard, or a t the effioe Piar S North Rivor maQn o i c l j B R m S T O S E a n d f l o u r o f RUIMMb PHUa. f.ir 8«l8 At lowMt market rates hy the mat

L E G A L n o t i c e s .

-...J. . . . firm of Harnc itrow h iifflitarion:,- Thpknheeribecha* withdrawn th^efore^ and. his in­terest therein ceaSesr from and aftfir th is date, T he other partners will continue hnsinMs. under thesaniB name, for their own account, and -win close up andEOttle the affairs of the late firm.


New York, 21st May, J850.__ __________Je» IStTT; S. m a r sh a lls SAIifi.-B7rirtpe,of awritof Vaidl

The above sale is afijonmed to the SSp day of June, instant, at amc time and ^acePged June& fa.l^ . ^ t ALIAIADGE. U. 8. Maishal


lADGE, United States Mmshal.

-lii June. ISS ^ ^ TALLaiADGE. U. S. Maishal.

ir cent, semi-annnally, li ; » % h % \ “e s t »

Lft?e'*b?S&rtoS•ted for such exchange

’• Ma)'Fyg"*L m d „ .HUDSON K IV E H K A lL n O A D .

Engineer, at HudsonPayments will be made in Cash, on monthly estimates,

resei vlng 15 per cent, until the work is completed The part of the work above Oak IMl, which le opposite

Tatskill. Ti’ill bt* required to be firished on or before the 1st March. 1851 and that below, on or before th© Itt July following

('ODtractors whose bids ma: be accepted, will be re- quired to enter into Contract aud commence the work without delay

The names in full of aU parties proposing to be inte- re?ted in ( nntracts must be given in the proposition, asr.fcK.:'.s.vfe';Si,7S

“*WM^(“ Y^OUNG.^SiR’f tngrneer. Dated Jnne 19th, 1850. I ____________je20tjy2

B L A K E ’ S P A T E N T

Fire Froof Faint,

tcrfeils. as no one can sell the genuine article without “utjecting themselves to a fine.

2 be genuice aiticle, of different colors, kept constantly

■atentee Fireproof Paint.

1 be genuine article, of diff€

ssffet'frpisssu”/pared to sell at reduced rates, on approved paper, at six months, or at a discount of ten per cent tor cash. The serte-' of Scotch flSres, so much admired and approved of

generally, by which we insure greater durability. To OUT assortment of Ornamenta’ and Jobbing Type, Bor-

“if e T s.r.'.fei' 'bssi- So'.rT';,t

ebeeta of .Scotch faces, &c., are now ready for delivery.—

^n"d“p irrs;rn';rplprUrovertisement three times, and forw ard us a paner, nrovions to the 1st ofJanuary,1860. will be paid iniEgn,ein4fcu us«rui manulaetur*“, by purchasing four times trie amount oJ tlieir biU for the advertisemeiir.

JAaMKS CONNER & SON,N. B .-A new Specimen B?ok

or dHllv«rv about t.h« 1st of NoTt ktuh r. 1840 nB tfSTK A M KNGl.NH BIANUFACTOttV AND

B'OUNDKY.T ile A H alre W o rk s . '

Blast Furnaces and Foundries, Girders, and other Iron Work for Buildings- Bella of all lizes made to order — Gearing and Screws cut to any reasonable ‘•i-t.

ship Panama; E. K. CoUins’s Line U. S 1 Pacific and Baltic, and engines for the Aea*

All orders addressed to the Allaire -Works. 468 Cherry st.. et, or 37 Peck Slip, will be promptly attended to.

ew York, June 1st, 1850.J.fiMES P. ALLAIRE having retired from the altove

Works begs leave to reoammend the same to his friends and all those who may want anything in their line - be­lieving that all who may favor them with » call will al­ways find their work faithfully executed and upon rea­sonable terms.

New York. Jnne 1st, 1850. jelSSmd.swfew

"dX.i-’;?.7S3rd';LvrbS?ara ^ ^ ^Old Type received in exchange for new a^ nine cents

!.4 '"jS » 5S*s

The subscribers also mannfaci Cross Cnt.Circular and other Si they keep constantly on hand.

R HOF, fccn .

jral worth, and whose

three years, during“as'sisr"the proprietdr.

Bos-yuN, November 6,1847.Mr. O, P. T hurstow,

Sir—I have only time to inform you that aUiPLowA has

*“ RMp“yyonr ob’t8CJj^t^^ ^

| e l ? ; '

rhlch 1 have a great vi

the^fflee*^^ »“ Port*-ktrecomTaendaaons can beseenat

forexaminaticinrby all

■The hmttsembiaced bysuch assessmantinclnde alltheseycra. hoa^ and lots of rgonnd, vacant lots, pfee^ and parcels *ol rind^lnatfed on both tides of TOh ttreet. tetween^nes

:reef, hatween Ivin

- m


___ je2210t

::sEE:SSS“ ~ ^ ^

AllpeiNoii., uv N.. .- are afPected by the above _npmed1.[r.'be'iV iTl-fcol,-,

= : = i ” as.==


lie UDflajged sidewalks

•"t',jasaaaf”£ r '

1 avenae, brtween 23d and 2atb


: - # l

ieTsloi' • JOHN T DODGFd. Street Commissioner.


June '8th. 1830.

g p i i p s i i ^ -

Approved Ly die Mayor. Jnn^^^ ____ • _ ^ ^■” ^ r 6 w .

a l « ? u r ‘

between 27lh

bounded bv Broadway and I

• ,c-„ JOHN T. DODGE. StractComffllpion^.


I s 4 - I -B ‘tfo “ ■ doEX. Permanent Green, in ^ i l

m ^ n o l

U ltr a t ^ a rS e td ta o B

r s i r B i u e

New Y'-ork Chrome Yellow

A ° itie Pink°

tie southerly sidewalk

I p g a i

<ii nxedfor prece re leaky tight.Tbennhsoribo

roofa tight tha t he csdertakes, { tent'perBfinarefool. _

either for xoofll

fci.i.S'”"-r.‘7'"nr" ■Turkey Umber, burnt and raw

J 4-4 common to extra

Table and Fillow Cas

Linen Cnaihrie HdkfCombrie Hdkf*. For Ekleby w il l ia m EE.riMi

l) A lS iH S ,'« x iA I ’ElS A S n W lN Ifi—£», 4000 boxes Bunch Baisin*

1000 half bxB do do 1009 (}r dp do

ibieUlolhs, of ap-

lOND. SO Pin- at.

casks LexiaBaisins

half do do200 half (5C0 kegs Grapes 150 <jr essk* sweet Malaga 'Wine.

The ehove fire aU of Gcr Lering & Co.-* hran'd, sndthe largo- of barkf ffolka, landing and fcr *aie by


tespeetfuEj Snferms fiis friends a>hehaaconstanriy on hand and for «Borimtnt; of Marble Mantles, Statues, Tases, Fonntaiai ■Monutaenta, Ste. fco. in this country. The Mantels aiof every description and price ; epihraefr’S, veine^ filena,. black and gold, bro<jat.eao,*nd all r th « fahoycoloieaiaarttes. Thedesigns sre ofeveff varietyi from the plataegt to the richest and most elabonrialjrcatTcd and finished.

hft ^xi*enjt.etl tjrft _MATT*-YaioaciS!3«^Jndi» hublCT Bsm ;

J S Matts, of assorted sixes, ttiplacirl^fore the b ^ ■tub orwhower bath, to provfiiri theW-atK freja^U iO K ^^i u , , « . o . a « i i ,«* »>• *»•■»