Finley Gary Rosemarie 1987 Brazil

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  • 7/27/2019 Finley Gary Rosemarie 1987 Brazil


  • 7/27/2019 Finley Gary Rosemarie 1987 Brazil



    For off ice us e only:Date Sent: QDate Rec'd: ^

    Information from this form will appear in Horizons and other information formats publ ished by Mission Services Association.This form is prepared to helpyou give accurate background information about yourself and you r mission work.

    please type or print clearly *Do not abbreviate'Please do no t write on this form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets for additional information you maywant to provide.

    This is no t an application form. It is no t an official form endorsing you an d your work. It is simply a worksheet designed to help us publicizeyour work that may help produce new friends for you, prayers and financial assistance, if any questions seem too personal or seem offensiveto you, please feel free to leave them blank.

    D a t e : February 23 I987

    Name in full Gary L Finley(Month

    Spell ou t all names Firs t N a m e Middle N a m e L a s t N a m e

    Not y e t known - Sao L u i z , Maranhao, B r a z i lComplete addr es s on field:(Number S t r e e t City S t a l e Zi p number

    P h o n e n u m b e r o n f ield: In Case of Emergency call # :

    Ask for:(First - Middle - Last name arid address)

    202 Clarke DeSoto, MO 63020Your complete address while In USA: (Number - Street - City Stale - Zip)


    Your USA phone number: area code (31^) phone number 586-7032

    Name and add re ss of Livinglink church or churches:C a l u m e t Street C h r i s t i a nN u m b e r & S t r e e t R.R. # 2 , Box 367-A-3


    (Full name ol chucphjCity S t a t e Illinois Zip_62801

    (Full name o l church) N u m b e r & S t r e e tCity: S t a t e Zip

    Names and addresses of other sponsoring churches whose elders recommend you:DeSoto Christian Churc h Number &Street 33^d and Boyd streets(Full n^ep{ chi^h)City: S t a t e M i s s o u r i Zip 63020


  • 7/27/2019 Finley Gary Rosemarie 1987 Brazil


    (Full name of church)City:

    N u m b e r & S t r e e tSta te Zip

    Please s end le t ters o f r e commenda t ion from th e e lde rs inyour sponsoring churches which will encourage otherchurches to support yourmissionary work. Certainly thewords of these elders will help to co nvince o th ersregarding th e worthiness of your mission work. Pleasehelp MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS bysending these elders' letters from your sponsor ingchurches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to helpyou c on ta ct t he se elders if you Will send the fulladdr e s s e s of t h e c hu rc he s.

    Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names here and enclose a dopy of each letter.)Name: Number & Stree tCity: State Zip

    PleaM sketch a map directing visitora to your location on th e mission field

    N a m eCity _Place of BirthD ate o f bir th .

    (f iumbor & Stfeei)A u ^ s t(Month)

    (Add date of arrival January(Month)

    (Year)if applicable.)

    Numbe r & St r ee tS ta t e

    Kansas Ci tyCity27 1961(Day) (Year)


    Sta te M i s so u r i

    1989 and natural izat ion da te(Day) (Year) (Month)



    W h e r e baptized? Hickory Street Christian Church Qgte July 251 197162801City Centralia Sta te Illinois ZipOn an extra sheet please describe any detai ls regarding your conversion which you might care to mention..MARITAL-STATUS: -Mar r i ed X Single D ivo rced W idow edPlease give the complete name of your husband or the maiden name of your wife / Rosemarie VanClevDate of marriage 30 , XSQkr where married? Centralia, IL


    Who solemnized your wedding?(Day) (Year)

    J o l i n WillisList children by full name giving the place, birthday, month and year in th e order of your children's birth days. (Ifyourchildren have been adopted please indicate.) In case you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name inthis space.

    N a m e P l a c e of bi r th Month , Day Y e a r

  • 7/27/2019 Finley Gary Rosemarie 1987 Brazil


    Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Giveapproximate dates:

    Place Position . __Elk Pra i r ie Chris t ian Church Bonnie, ihf I I ^Weekend ministry while in Bible College

    Service Dates

    Preaching, etc ii/Qi - 8/8^

    EDUCATION (high school and later):Name of school Location Number o f years

    Centralia High School Centralia, IL ^Kaskaskia Com. College Cent ra l ia , IL 1 ,S t . Louis Chr i s t i a n Col . F lo r i s s an t , MO k

    t t I

    Linco ln Chr i s t i a n Seminary Linco ln , IL 2

    Degre es g rant ed and dat e^U|t^N)jorary degrees)gra

    B .A . M in(working on M.A. Theologi^n i loso

    ^ . . My home congr ega t i on ha s main t a i n ed a s tWhat inf luenced you to become a missionary?commitment to world evangelism fo r many year s , I grew up with cont inualawareness o f th e need , and chal lenges to do something abou t the needWhat Is your purpose in missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on the missionf ield?Your own explanation in some detail might be influential In leading others Into full-time service. (Use extra sheets ifyou need mor e space ):We (the team of ^ couples which I am a par t of^ dfigire to anindlginous ( s e l f support ing, s e l f governing, s e l f propagat ing) church cent ralocated in the c i ty of Sao Luiz, Brazi l which serve as a huh fo r evangel iz inth e en t i r e c i t y , and even t u a l l y th e s urro un din g d i s t r i c t

    Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your dally duties on the field:

    Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School Teacher Pilot,

    Doc t o r Nu r s e Soc i a l Worke r Music Teache r Rad ioomemake rministry Radio follow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance ofmission equipment Maintenance Benevolent Office Work Production of BibleCorrespondence Courses Production of Christian l iterature in the National Language VillageEvangelism Name o th er :Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent) Able to t rans la te from G reek and Hebrew

    W ill take two s emes t e r s o f vin ive rs i ty l e v e lPor tugese before going to Braz i l , Continuet r a in ing fo r a t l e a s t one yea r a f t e r a r r i v a l

  • 7/27/2019 Finley Gary Rosemarie 1987 Brazil



    Father 's n am e a nd his home addr es s:Living Deceased XCity State

    Daryl l Leon Finley

    His occupation

    Numbe r & Stree tZip

    What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?

    What Chri st ian serv ice does he now do?Wanda Nad i n e Owens

    (First Middle

    Phon e

    Is he a Christ ian? Yes

    (First MiddleMother ' s full maiden n ame

    X Dec e a s e d Number &Street 151^ Poplar

    Leal name)


    Last name)

    LivingCity _ Centralia Illinois 7ip 62801 (618)^32

    Her occupation if emp loyed outs id e thes sh e a Chr i s t i an? Yeshome s e l f employed

    JL No

    What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church? t eacher .Do you have relatives in mission work? Yes No xIf so , please list the ir names, location, kinship and details on a separate sheet with a brief explanation of theirmissionary activity.

    FORWARDING AGENT:Not yet known /_Nam e (First Middle La s t n ame .Wil l be a Tnember of nfllnmA-h nh;pTp-|-iaU applicabla, list both Mr. an d Mrs. lull names.)

    Numbe r a nd S tr ee t

    Sta t e

    Whe r e a tt en d c h ur c h?(Full name of church)Numbe r & Stree t


    CityWhat duties are performed by th e forwarding agent?Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?Does th e forwarding agent receive a salary?Please give th e full name of th e mission:


    S ta t e Zip

    In wha t form s ho uld fu nd s b e s en t ?

    Does the mission have officiai tax exempt status? an extension of the ministry.. . uaxumex a x r e e x unristian Uhur ch Cen t r a l iPlease.give detailsof HOW checks should bewritten to this mission: MarKed fo r FinlRys, hut mRfie"0 Ca l ume t Street Ch r i s t i a n Church

    If funds ar e to be sent directly t o t he missionary on the mission field, please explain th e details of HOW to do it, so wecan give your explana tion to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire

    Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep her informed regarding your missionary activity.Thanks so very much; you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.

    Ifyou have additional informationjthatygu th nk will be helpful to the staff of MSA in preparing news stories aboutyour ministry, please feel free to send it. MSA is depending upon you. Thanks.

  • 7/27/2019 Finley Gary Rosemarie 1987 Brazil



    PERSONAL FILE FORM Da t e Se n t: 0Dat e Rec'd:

    Information from this form will appear in Horizons and other informat ion formats pub li shed by Mission Services Association.

    This form is prepared to help you give accurate background information about yourself and your mission work.

    Please type or print clearly *Do not abbreviatePlease do not write on this form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets for additional information you may want to provide.

    This Is not an application form. It is not an official form endorsing you and your work. It is simply a worksheet designed to help us publicizeyour work that may help produce new friends for you, prayers and financial assistance. If any questions seem too personal or seem offensiveto you, please feel free to leave them blank.

    Date ; A f->Name in full Rosemarie El izabeth Finley


    Spoil ou t all names Middle Name LasI Name

    Complete address on field: Not yet known - Sao Lulz, Maranhao, Brazil(Number Street City State Zip numtier Country)

    P ho ne n um b er on field: In Case of Emergency call # :

    Ask for : (First - Middle - Last name an d address)

    Your complete address while In USA: 202 Clarke Desoto, MO 63020(Number Sfreef - City State Zip)

    Your USA phone number: area code (314) phone number 586-7032

    Name and address of Livingllnk church or churches:Cal-umet S t . Christ iam GVn3-MrjVnhRr &Street P.P. ^ "Roy A-3(Full name ol church)Centralia

    Da y

    City State 11^ Zip 62801(Full name ot church) Numbe r & S t r e e t

    City: S t a t e Zip

    Names and addresses of other sponsoring churches whose elders recommend you:DeSoto Chr is t i an Church Number &Street 3rd & Boyd s t ree t s

    State ^0 , Zip 63020(Full name of church)0j^y. DeSoto


  • 7/27/2019 Finley Gary Rosemarie 1987 Brazil


    (Full name 0/ church)City:

    Numbe r & S t r e e tSta te Zip

    Please send letters of r ecommenda t ion from th e elders inyour sponsoring churches which will encourage otherchurchestosupportyourmisslonary work. Certainly thewords of these elders will help to convince o the rsregarding th e worthiness of your mission work. Pleasehelp MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS bysending these e lder s' l et te rs from your sponsor ingchurches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to helpyou contact these elders if yo u will send the fulladdresses o f t h e c h ur ch e s.

    Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names here and enclose a copy of each letter.)Name; Number & StreetCity: State Zip

    Please sketch a ma p directing visitors to your location o n th e mission field


    City _City

    Numb e r & S t r e e tS ta t e

    C a r b o n d a l e

    11 1962(Day) (Year)


    State I l l ino is Zipl ace of Birth(Number & Street)

    Date of birth Oc t ob e r(Month)

    (Add date of arrival January(Month)

    , if applicable.)(Year)

    1989 and natura l iza t ion da te(Day) (Year)

    Where baptized? Hickory S t. Christ ian ChurchCity Centralla Sta,e

    (Month) (Day)

    Date Se-ptember 8, 198OIllinois Zip 62801

    On an ext ra sheet please describe any details regarding your conversion which you migh t care to mention..MARITAL STATUS:Married ^ Single Divorced WidowedPlease give thecomplete name of your husband or themaiden name of your wife Gary L. FinleyDate of marriage 2^ , Where married? Centralia, IL


    Who solemnized your wedding?(Day) (Year)

    J o hn WillisList children by full name giving th e place, birthday, month and year in theorderof your children's birth days, (Ifyourchildren have been adopted p lease indicate.) In case you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name inthis space.

    N am e P lace o f b i r th Month , Day Yea r

  • 7/27/2019 Finley Gary Rosemarie 1987 Brazil


    Please list p laces of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Giveapproximate dates:

    Place Posi t ion Service

    EDUCATION (high school and later):Name of school Location Number of years

    G.entra l ia High. SchooQ.entra l ia , ILKend Lake Coilege ' Ina, TL ' ' "1Sou t h e r n 111* Un iv e r . E dwa r d s v i l l e . IL 1Harr i s -S towe S ta t e St .Lou is . MO , 2Col l egeWhat influenced you to become amissionary? I saw the need and theoqortunityand I felt that it was God ' s f o r my life.

    Da t e s

    Degrees granted and date(List honorary degrees)Diploma I98O

    Ce r t i f i c a t e 1 9 ^1

    1984BS Elementary Education1985-87

    What is your purpose in missions? Or whdt 'do '^ou' hope''to- -^complish on the missionf ie ld?Your own explanation in some detail might be influential In leading others into full-time service. (Use extra sheets Ifyou need more space):(See Husband's shee t )

    Describe briefly in outline form th e nature of your daily duties on the field:

    Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School TeacherHomemaker ^ Doctor Nurse Social Worker Music Teacherministry Radio follow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of

    Pilot .Rad i o

    mission equipmentCorrespondent CoursesEvangelism ^ Name other:Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent) Swahili-non-fluent

    Ma in t e nanc e Benevo l e n t Of fi ce Wo rk Produc t ion of BibleProduction of Christian li terature in th e National Language Village

    ^iJJ "begin studying Portugese in the summer o

  • 7/27/2019 Finley Gary Rosemarie 1987 Brazil


    C h a r l e s G . V a n C l e v e(First Middle Last name)Number &Street 306 N, Morrison

    PARENTS:Father 's n am e a nd his home a dd re ss :Living ^ DeceasedQj^y Centralia, S t a t e IL Zip 62801 P h o n e (618)532-6919

    High S ch oo l T ea ch erHis occupation 2^What positions of leadership has he held In the local church?

    What Chri st ian se rv ice do es he now do?

    Mother's full maiden name Sandra R. Cutshall

    Is he a Christ ian? Yes

    I iuingV X DeceasedCity

    (FIrsi Middle Lasi name)

    Number &Street (same as above)_ State Zip. Phone

    No X

    Is sh e a Chr i s t i an? Y eshome Instructor a t Rend Lake College

    N o X Her occupation If employed outside th e

    What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local "church?Do you have relatives in mission work? Yes No ^If so, please list their names, locat ion, kinship and details on a separate sheet wjth a brief explanation of theirmissionary activity.

    FORWARDING AGENT :Not yet known / Wil l be a member of Calumet S t. Chris t ian ChuN a m e

    Numbe r and S t ree tS t a t e


    Wher e at tend chur ch?(Full name ol church)N u m b e r & St r ee t



    CityWhat duties are performed by the forwarding agent?Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?Does the forwarding agent receive a salary?Please give the full name of th e mission:

    II applicable, Hat both Mr. an d Mrs. lull names.)City


    S t a t e Zip

    In what form shou ld funds be sent?

    Does the mission have official tax exempt status? ^ extension of the ministry ofCalumet S t . Chr i s t i ^^Chur ch - Cen t r a l i a . , ILitten to this mission: f ek e^ for Finleys , But midelease give details of HOW checks should be writt^

    to C a l u m e t St. Christian C h u r c hIf funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on th e mission field, please explain th e details of HOW to do It,so wecan give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire

    Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep her informed regarding your missionary activity.Thanks so very much; you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.

    Ifyou have additional information that you think will be helpful to th e staff of MSA in preparing news stories aboutyour ministry, please feel free to send it. MSA is depending upon you. Thanks.