Final Report

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Final Report

Page 2: Final Report Hopeprint3 - WordPress.com · Final Report. Executive Summary. ... followers, to develop social media relationships with key content creators and other nonprofits, to

.Executive Summary

Hopeprint is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that facilitates refugees in their transition to the United States and, more specifically, to the Syracuse, NY area. Hopeprint was founded by Nicole Watts and empowers, encourages, and supports refugees through the various stages of integration by providing opportunities for them to grow and learn. This is done through offering various programs and resources that provide mentorship and guidance that helps them thrive in their new cultures and communities.

It was Hill Communications’ job to provide guidance and materials to Hopeprint in three different areas: social media strategy, a media kit, and brand awareness. Hopeprint wanted the firm to develop a social media strategy for the organization. This would be done in the form of a “social media playbook.” The firm was also responsible for developing a media kit for Hopeprint, including a fact sheet, backgrounder, biography, sample press releases, and a brochure. A media list and sample pitch letters were also provided along with this. Lastly, Hill Comm was responsible for helping Hopeprint increase its brand awareness with key publics that the organization identified. The main goal of this was to tell Hopeprint’s story to their target audiences.


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Hill Comm’s first goal was to increase Hopeprint’s social media presence and engagement. The objectives created to do this were to increase Hopeprint’s Facebook and Twitter followers, to develop social media relationships with key content creators and other nonprofits, to increase engagement on all social media channels, and to create a social media playbook so that the social media strategy could be easily implemented by the client.

The second goal was to develop a media kit for Hopeprint. In order to do this, Hill Comm set three objectives: create a general fact sheet, backgrounder, bio, media list, and sample press releases and pitch letters; create a media relations “How To” guide complete with editorial pieces, press releases, and pitch letters with information on where to place them; and to create a press kit for future online use on Hopeprint’s website.

Hill Comm’s third and final goal was to generate brand awareness. The objectives to complete this were to create writing pieces and social media strategy to solidify a clear brand understanding, to acquire more placement in news outlets, to redesign the logo and create an engaging brochure, and to brainstorm ideas to increase awareness in the local Syracuse community and develop relationships with key publics.


Goals and Objectives

Strategies and Tactics

In order to achieve each goal, Hill Comm created strategies and tactics for each. Looking at the first goal - to increase social media presence and engagement - Hill Comm developed three strategies.

The first strategy was to follow key publics with strong social media presences in order to expand Hopeprint’s Twitter community. This was done by identifying key refugee and nonprofit organizations with social media presences and strong follower bases and by analyzing these key influencers to find key people and organizations to follow.

The second strategy was to start to participate in online conversations to increase engagement. The tactics used to do this were to identify current and popular hashtags in the in the refugee and nonprofit social media community. These included #nptalk, #GivingTuesdays and #RefugeeVoice. The second tactic used was to create memorable hashtags that will tell Hopeprint’s story and drive engagement with relevant followers, such as #WhatsYourHopeprint and #Happyprints.

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The third strategy was to develop social media playbook in order to make social media goals easily attainable. This was done through creating sample Tweets and Facebook posts that incorporate relevant hashtags and engaging content for future use, developing Instagram and Youtube strategies to best tell Hopeprint’s story from a visual perspective, and devising a Hootesuite guide in order to link social media channels and plan out posts and content in advance.

Moving on to the second goal - to develop a media kit - Hill Comm had one strategy: to develop media package that will ensure ease of use and more media coverage. Several tactics were used to complete this. Hill Comm redesigned Hopeprint’s logo into a more versatile format. Hill Comm also designed a brochure to inspire future volunteers and donors. The firm devised sample press releases, backgrounder, fact sheet and similar tools with a “how to” guide. Lastly, the firm compiled a full, downloadable press kit for Hopeprint’s website that includes a Hopeprint fact sheet, backgrounder, biography, and contact information.

The third goal - to generate brand awareness - was achieved through three strategies. First, Hill Comm wanted to solidify and clarify Hopeprint’s purpose and mission in the Syracuse community. This was done through brainstorming a list of integral buzzwords for Hopeprint’s mission that should be communicated frequently to the community across social media, news outlets, and by word of mouth, which include opportunity, thrive, develop, transition, growth, community, empowerment. Hill Comm also wrote an editorial piece for various news outlets that presents Hopeprint’s story in an easily understandable manner.

The second strategy was to target effective news sources to ensure proper coverage. For this, Hill Comm located all past and current media coverage across all news sources and devised list of news clippings; researched journalists, bloggers, and other content producers to pinpoint the most useful; and compiled a full media list complete with emails, phone numbers, and websites of key contacts.

Hill Comm’s third strategy for brand awareness was to generate awareness in the Syracuse community and beyond that will lead to fundraising and donation opportunities. The tactics to do this included creating a public service announcement for radio stations, writing press releases for Buffalo, Erie, and Rochester news sources about Hopeprint opportunities, and devising pitch emails for local churches and other community organizations to form effective partnerships.


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September 21-27: Social media analysis

September 28-October 4: Social media analysis, Non-profit social media research, SWOT analysis, News coverage research

October 5-11: Brainstormed social media post categories

October 12-18: Wrote Facebook posts and Tweets, Wrote sample press releases for Hopeprint expansion

October 19-25: Brainstormed brochure ideas, Wrote social media playbook

October 26-November 1: Drafted pitch emails, Created media list, Created social media competition, Wrote editorial piece, Wrote press release on programs

November 2-8: Brainstormed ideas to market to college students, Brainstormed a MyHopeprint event kit, Brainstormed buzz words for Hopeprint’s mission, Wrote 30-second radio PSA

November 9-15: Wrote fact sheet, backgrounder and biography, Wrote how-to media guide on reporters, how to get an editorial placed in the news, how to write a backgrounder

November 16-22: Wrote “Where donations go,” Wrote up benchmarks, Designed media kit and social media playbook

November 23-29: Created final report and presentation

November 30-December 4: Discussed final presentation and final recommendations



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Final Recommendations

Hill Comm has a couple of final recommendations for Hopeprint to employ in the future. One major recommendation is for Hopeprint to create a #MyHopeprint event and fundraising kit. First and foremost, this would include a breakdown of exactly what donations are being used for. By humanizing what people are donating for, they will be much more likely to donate and have a meaningful understanding of where their money went. Furthermore, fundraising kits should also include a memorable and meaningful take away for those who attended the event or donated, such as bracelets, necklaces, or other wearable items made by Hopeprint residents.

A second recommendation is to do a website makeover. Overall, the website needs to better explain what Hopeprint is at first glance. Currently, website guests have to dig through the website in order to find a solid understanding. “Who We Are” and “What We Do” should be much more prominent on the website in order to clarify Hopeprint for newcomers to the website. Photographs on the website should be chosen more strategically and better represent Hopeprint as a whole. Various aspects of the website are redundant or unnecessary, such as having multiple navigation bars. Thus, Hill Comm suggests revamping the website in order to more effectively engage potential volunteers, donors and media attention.


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• Media “How To” Guide

• Media List

• Media Kit

• Social Media Playbook



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Media “How-To”


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ReportersEstablishing and maintaining relationships with the media, and especially with UHSRUWHUV��ZLOO�IRUP�D�PXWXDOO\�EHQHðFLDO�H[FKDQJH�IRU�+RSHSULQW�DV�ZHOO�DV�WKH�various media outlets. It is important to consider the 24/7 news cycle, which PHDQV�DV�VRRQ�DV�+RSHSULQW�KDV�VRPHWKLQJ�QHZVZRUWK\�\RX�VKRXOG�LPPHGLDWHO\�communicate to your media contacts and the reporters who you wish to report on WKH�VWRU\��7KH�PHGLD�LV�DQ�H[WUHPHO\�XVHIXO�WRRO�IRU�LQFUHDVLQJ�SXEOLF�DZDUHQHVV�regarding your organization and garnering support and advocacy. In order to increase GRQDWLRQV��DWWUDFW�PRUH�YROXQWHHUV�DQG�LQFUHDVH�+RSHSULQWâV�EUDQG�DZDUHQHVV��DQ�emphasis should be placed on creating and maintaining healthy and transparent relationships with reporters. The following strategies should be implemented to build relationships with reporters, to present tailored information to meet the wants and needs of reporters and to receive positive media coverage.





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Sample Press Release:Hopeprint








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BackgrounderSample Backgrounder:







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EditorialsHow to get editorial piece placed in the news:


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Written by Sid Bahl

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Hopeprint)Media)ListName Organization Email PhoneMarnie'Eisenstadt The'Post0Standard '[email protected]' 315047002246

Tim'Knauss The'Post0Standard [email protected] 315047003023

James'T.'Mulder The'Post0Standard [email protected] 315047002245

Ed'Griffin0Nolan Syracuse'New'Times [email protected] 3150'42207011

Sarah'Hall Eagle'News'Online [email protected] 315043408889'Ext:'310

Ashley'Kang The'Stand [email protected] 315088201054

NewsChannel'9'WSYR0TV [email protected] 315044609900

CNY'Central [email protected] 315047709400

Ginny'Donohue' On'Point'for'College [email protected] 315036205003

Catholic'Charities'of'Onondaga'County' [email protected]' 315047407428'Ext.'11

InterFaith'Works'of'Central'New'York [email protected] 315047401261'Ext.'205

Syracuse'City'School'District' [email protected] 315043505801

Central'New'York'Community'Foundation,'Inc [email protected]' 315042209538

Dara'McLeod Blog:'Refugees'International [email protected]

Micheal'Boyce Blog:'Refugees'International [email protected]

The'Daily'Orange [email protected].

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Topic WebsitePublic'Affairs/Community http://www.syracuse.com

Public'Affairs/Community http://www.syracuse.com

Health/Community http://www.syracuse.com

Head'Writer www.syracusenewtimes.com

Editor/Community www.eaglenewsonline.com/

Editor/Director http://mysouthsidestand.com/



Executive'Director http://onpointforcollege.org/'





Director'of'Communications http://refugeesinternational.org/

Press'&'Info'Officer http://refugeesinternational.org/

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Media Kit

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800 N. Salina St., Syracuse, NY 13208(315)-313-6667 * [email protected] * hopeprint.org

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT:Samantha Linnett, Hill Communications Account ExecutivePhone: 518-937-4449Email: [email protected]



• 501(c)3 non-profit that provides opportunities for refugees to thrive in the Syracuse, NY area• Founded by Nicole Watts• Empowers refugees through various support and development programs: • Her Village: A women’s gathering • Adult Literacy • Youth Programs • And more• For more information, visit http://www.hopeprint.org

Refugees in the U.S.

• In 2012, 58,179 refugees were admitted to the U.S.• From 2001 to 2012, 7,210 refugees have been resettled in New York• Syracuse is one of the top 10 cities for refugee resettlement• Refugees have been victims of torture, trafficking and violence against women• Refugee integration is a long and difficult process in which refugees and host communities must work together

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800 N. Salina St., Syracuse, NY 13208(315)-313-6667 * [email protected] * hopeprint.org

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT:Samantha Linnett, Hill Communications Account ExecutivePhone: 518-937-4449Email: [email protected]



Hopeprint is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides opportunities for refugees to thrive in the Syracuse, NY area. It facilitates refugees’ transitions to the United States and empowers them through various support and development programs.

One program that Hopeprint hosts is Her Village: a women’s gathering. Her Village is “a gathering of women who come together from various walks of life, cultures and languages to share in community and friendship. Some of the things that the program consists of training on issues of womanhood and motherhood, support groups, crafting, opportunities to share culture through music, gifts and food, and opportunities to access needed resources through investment in themselves through participation, learning and service.

Another program is the Adult Literacy – English Conversation Groups program that allows “English language learning adults have the opportunity to sharpen and practice their literacy skills, particularly conversation.” It consists of large group games and exercises, a shared meal and informal conversation, and individualized conversations and tutoring.

Hopeprint also has programs for the youth in the refugee community. There are programs designed specifically for girls and boys and for English language learning children to provide safe spaces for self-discovery, cross-cultural friendship and English Language Learner friendly learning.

Hopeprint also provides opportunities for the refugees in their community to get their GED, enroll in college and earn a college degree, and find jobs in the community.

For more information, visit http://www.hopeprint.org

Our Vision: A people of hope empowered to thrive collectively forming a unified neighborhood rich in culture and community.


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Refugees in the United States:

In 2012, 58,179 refugees were admitted to the United States, a 3.2 percent increase from 56,384 in 2011 (Martin & Yankay, 2013).

According to the Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program, refugee integration “is a long-term process, through which refugees and host communities communicate effectively, function together and enrich each other, expand employment options and create economic opportunities, and have mutual respect and understanding among people of different cultures” (Dwyer, 2010).

Millions of refugees exist worldwide, forced to leave their homes because of natural disasters, wars, political and religious persecution, and many other reasons. Once placed in new host countries, it is often difficult for them to adapt and integrate themselves into the new society. This is especially difficult when they do not know the language or cultural norms of the host country.

From 2001 through 2012, 7210 refugees have been resettled in New York. Syracuse receives approximately 800 refugees a year. It is one of the top 10 cities for resettlement of refugees who have been victims of torture, trafficking and violence against women (Onondaga Citizens League, 2013).



Dwyer, T. (2010, March). Refugee Integration in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities. Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program. Retrieved on November 11, 2014, from http://hunger.cwsglobal.org/site/DocServer/Refugee_Integration_in_the_United_States. pdf?docID=3923

Martin, D. & Yankay, J. (2013, April). Refugees and Asylees: 2012. Office of Immigration Statistics. Retrieved on November 11, 2014, from http://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/ ois_rfa_fr_2012.pdf

Onondaga Citizens League. (2013). Refugees in Syracuse; The Resettlement Process. Retrieved on November 11, 2014, from http://onondagacitizensleague.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/ Refugees-In-Syracuse-Joint-presentation-for-OCL.pdf

Page 2

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800 N. Salina St., Syracuse, NY 13208(315)-313-6667 * [email protected] * hopeprint.org

Nicole WattsFounder and Executive Director

Nicole Watts was first encouraged to create a Hopeprint Home after interacting and connecting with a few refugee families resettling into her neighborhood. She was inspired by the notion that her home should also be the home of the refugees and moved from the suburbs to the first Hopeprint Home in the fall of 2010. Shortly after moving into the Home, the official organization of Hopeprint was founded.

Watts strongly believes in creating a welcoming and nurturing environment in order for the community to prosper. She encourages those in the Hopeprint Home to support one another in order to grow together as a united community.

Watts also works with other leaders of the community to generate a common vision of success and growth. Watts is credited for establishing the first Hopeprint Home and for providing the refugees a more favorable lifestyle.


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Social Media Playbook

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.OverviewThis social media playbook has been created for Hopeprint to use as a set of guidelines on the best practices for Hopeprint to use on their multiple social media accounts as a non-profit. It will cover both their current Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as suggest the use of Instagram and YouTube accounts for the organization. It will also give directions on how to use Hootsuite, a social media management and scheduling service.

All of these sections will contain directions on the use of the social media, as well as suggestions for future use. For the social media accounts that Hopeprint currently has, there will also be an analyses of their current use. We have also provided some sample posts for Facebook and Twitter, and have provided some examples of other non-profit organizations that use the different social media platforms effectively that might serve as appropriate models.


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Currently, Hopeprint has 607 likes on their Facebook page, however, the engagement on the page is very low. We have a few different suggestions as to how to increase engagement and the overall presence of Hopeprint’s Facebook page.

In terms of overall appearance of the page, it is recommended that Hopeprint make its profile picture the organization’s logo, while making the cover photo a picture that displays some of the work that the organization does. In addition to that, Hopeprint needs a clear and concise mission statement that is easily understandable to people who are not involved with the organization. Currently, Hopeprint’s “Vision Statement” serves more of this purpose and should be included in the description on the Facebook page.

In order to increase engagement, the first step is simply posting to the page more. Hopeprint should be posting to Facebook at least 2 times per day. We suggest creating different types of posts, such as story posts about specific refugees that Hopeprint has helped, posts about general refugee issues, posts about Hopeprint events and programs, etc. Posts should also have more interactive content, including photos, videos, and questions. We have included a couple of examples of these posts at the end of this section.

We also think that Hopeprint could effectively use the event feature on Facebook to put up “Events” of their programs and events that they hold. This way the information for the event can be on Facebook and shared with Hopeprint’s followers, and followers of the page can RVSP to the event and share it with their friends. This will help to increase the brand awareness of the organization.

Lastly, we feel it is very important for Hopeprint to interact with other organizations within and outside the Syracuse community, including other non-profits, Syracuse University organizations, and local news organizations. Hopeprint should like other organization pages and share them to their followers. Promotions of other organizations on Hopeprint’s page can also help to build relationships and maybe get a promotion back.

Non-profit organizations that currently use Facebook to effectively increase brand awareness and interaction include: UNICEF, Invisible Children, Humane Society of the United States, and the Wounded Warrior Project. While these are much larger organizations that already have a large amount of brand awareness, their Facebook tactics would be good to mimic to increase engagement.



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Currently, the Hopeprint Twitter account has 193 followers and is following 216 twitter users. In order to have a significant presence on social media, we believe that the account should have approximately 400 followers by the end of December. One suggestion on how to gain more followers is by following similar non-profits and organizations. By doing this, these organizations will most likely follow Hopeprint back and Hopeprint can establish connections with other similar organizations.

At this time Hopeprint is tweeting sporadically and does not have a consistent system. We recommend creating tweets to be posted about 2-3 times a day in order to engage followers and maintain presence on social media. We recommend having pre-made tweets that are ready to be used at any moment. With this system, there will always be around 2-3 tweets posted each day.

Due to the limited character spaces on twitter, it is best to condense tweets into shorter more concise phrases. Many of the current tweets are this way, but it would be best to make all tweets to the point and use the character spaces to the fullest capacity.

The Hopeprint twitter account has been using a variety of different hashtags. In order to create trends on twitter, it is suggested that there are several specific hashtags made that can be used on a regular basis. For example: #MyHopeprint, #GivingTuesdays, #BeInformed, #RefugeeVoice, and #nptalk.

It is important to post the twitter handle on other Hopeprint forms of social media. This will create a better following, and will direct people to the tweets that are on the page. Also, tweets should differ from posts on other social media in order to keep followers engaged.

Non-profit organizations that would be good to mimic on Twitter are: UNICEF, TEDTalks, United Nations High Commission of Refugees, charity: water, World Wildlife Fund, and the American Red Cross.



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Hopeprint does currently have a YouTube channel with 7 videos. It has not been updated in the past 9 months. YouTube can be a major source for great video content that can engage audiences and be shared across other social media channels.

Hopeprint could make videos of the different programs that they have at the house, especially with the kids. They could also have the people who put on My Hopeprint events make a video of them for Hopeprint to put on their channel.

When uploading videos, it will be important to title and tag them correctly. Titles should correlate directly with the video. For example, a video about a specific program should be titled as that specific program. Tags should also be used to help increase the search engine optimization (the probability that the video will come up in search results). Examples of tags would be “Hopeprint,” “Syracuse,” “Refugees,” “[Event name],” “[Program name].”

YouTube has a special program specifically for nonprofits using it. For YouTube’s Nonprofit Playbook for Good visit: https://www.youtube.com/yt/advertise/medias/pdfs/playbook-for-good.pdfFor YouTube’s Top 10 Fundamentals for Nonprofits visit: https://www.youtube.com/yt/advertise/medias/pdfs/yt-advertise-fundamentals-nonprofits.pdf



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InstagramWe highly recommend starting an Instagram account for Hopeprint to help their followers really see and get a feel for what the organization does. The Instagram account for Hopeprint should serve as a representation of the organization as a whole with an emphasis on visually illustrating its purpose and the impact it is having on the Syracuse Community as a whole.

This account should utilize hashtags and geotags (location of photo). Each post should be aesthetically appealing, innovative, eye-catching, relevant and timely. The captions for these photos should be descriptive and creative but length should not be too long. This Instagram account should be shared on other social media sites as well to promote it. The goal is to have a maximum amount of relevant followers who interact with your Instagram account, which will generate the maximum amount of likes indicating a good response rate from followers.

Utilize the organization’s vision statement as stated on the organization website as the Instagram bio. Additionally include a contact name and e-mail for those interested in learning more/volunteering/donating.

Strategy Suggestions:• Take photos from creative angles • Apply filters to photos but make sure not to over-edit photos so that they look grainy/fake • Consider the time that you post the photo in relation to your followers• Utilize cropping to frame what is really important in the photo

Post Ideas:1) Photo of the Hopeprint house- explain what the purpose of the house is/why it exists2) Photos of refugees- should highlight how organization is making a difference.

Reference the Humans of New York Instagram account when posting Instagram photos of refugees. A few sentences summarizing their personal stories should be inspirational and highlight how the organization has helped/ is helping them. Another nonprofit that uses Instagram well is charity: water.


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HootsuiteHootsuite is a social media management system that enables users to easily keep track of their different channels. Social media managers can add their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ accounts and see all live feeds simultaneously in a clear and easy design to read. The application also allows users to schedule posts as well as create unique traceable links through its paid service similar to Bitly, Owly.

In addition, Hootsuite allows users to run analytics reports to determine the effectiveness of the content they post online. Hootsuite creates reports for users in an easy to read layout with visual measurements that sort your content through various predetermined categories. Dependent on the trial that users sign up for, different analytics reports are available.

Strategy suggestions:• Track the separate hashtags used o #MyHopePrint o #WhatsYourHopePrint o #nptalk o #smNPchat o #GivingTuesdays o #HappyPrints

• Track other accounts that offer similar services


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Sample Facebook posts


1. Not too long ago recently retired businessman Bart Pipes recognized his personal calling to work in the refugee community here in Syracuse. What began as volunteering has evolved into his current position as secretary on our board of directors. Bart Pipes and the rest of our Hopeprint team want you to become involved too! Follow to link to see what we do http://bit.ly/11oilf3

2. Check out Hopeprint’s blog for more updates on our community members and how giving them the gift of potential allows them to make their own Hopeprint http://bit.ly/1DcH7N4

3. Don’t miss out on all of the different programs offered on Tuesday Night’s! Visit http://blog.hopeprint.org/?page_id=3315 to find out more information on the times and details for each program.

4. Learning to lead is one of the greatest skills to have in life. Bring your children 12 years and older to this Tuesday’s Learning to Lead program to teach children how to be the best they can be.

5. “50 million people in the world today have been forcefully displaced from their home — a level not seen since WWII.” In the #TEDTalk, Melissa Fleming of the UN’s refugee agency calls on all of us to make sure that refugee camps are healing places where people can develop the skills they’ll need to rebuild their hometowns. http://bit.ly/1wMNwdC

6. The Syrian Refugee Crisis has displaced hundreds of thousands of people. The Washington Post has taken a look into the lives of 18 Syrian refugees, including this story about this young girl, Dania Amroosh. http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/syrian-refugees/2013/12/03/refuge-stories-from-the-syrian-exodus/


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Sample Facebook posts

7. Thank you to @CommitChange and @BNNFunding for supporting #fundraising for local non-profits via crowdfunding! Help on #GivingTuesday and support local non-profits in their effort to make a difference. Non-profit fundraising has changed forever! #nptalk #smNPchat #nonprofits bit.ly/BNNCCli

8. “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.” –Nelson Mandela

These truly inspirational words help serve as motivation in our mission to help refugees in the greater Syracuse area and inspire other non-profits to works towards their endeavors. LivingTheLegacy #causes #nonprofits


Page 35: Final Report Hopeprint3 - WordPress.com · Final Report. Executive Summary. ... followers, to develop social media relationships with key content creators and other nonprofits, to

Sample Twitter posts

1. Learn to lead this Tuesday from 6-8! Welcoming all students 12+ on this #Giv-ingTuesdays

2. Let your voice be heard this Monday at HerVillage #MyHopeprint.

3. Every teacher is a learner and every learner is a teacher at #MyHopeprint programs. Visit hopeprint.org for more info.

4. Select from a variety of programs to attend to connect, thrive, and grow on #Giv-ingTuesdays

5. Girls Club is a place for young women to connect and build new friendships. Come be apart of the group this #GivingTuesdays

6. There’s a club for everyone at #MyHopeprint. Be sure to check out the latest events and programs coming this week!

7. The reality of a Syrian refugee is told in a heartbreaking note... #BeInformed http://elitedai.ly/1nkXt27

8. Syrian refugess stuck in no-man’s-land #BeInformed http://bit.ly/1vnycr1

9. Angolan refugees finally return home after the fight for indepence http://bit.ly/ZAQ7wF

10. The journey isn’t as easy as it seems... http://bit.ly/1w0RD6K

11. “They thought they’d found refuge in Britain. Then they got hacked.” #BeInformed http://wapo.st/1z8ko6a

12. Join us and local Cornell students in awakening the life and hope of some of our most fragile Congolese women #MyHopeprint


Page 36: Final Report Hopeprint3 - WordPress.com · Final Report. Executive Summary. ... followers, to develop social media relationships with key content creators and other nonprofits, to

13. A big thank you to our favorite Hopeprint couple Sean and Heidi for always culti-vating a sense of community in our house #MyHopeprint

14. From businessman to faithful volunteer, we recognize our Board Secretary Bart Pipes and his life-impacting commitment. #MyHopeprint

15. Treasurer Dave Allard shows his conviction in our community’s potential- here’s how to get involved! #MyHopeprint http://bit.ly/11oilf3

16. Help us make a difference and join us in giving the gift of potential to our Syracuse refugees #MyHopeprint

17. #DYK: The U.S. has resettled more 3 million refugees since 1975 #BeInformed

18. Check out this #TEDTalk on helping refugees to thrive http://bit.ly/1wMNwdC

19. #DYK: The top population of refugees in the U.S. is from Bhutan #BeInformed

20. Meet Seble and read about her journey http://bit.ly/1yHpOnw #RefugeeVoices #BeInformed

21. The @washingtonpost looks into the lives of refugees from the #SyrianExodus http://wapo.st/18OzFu9 #RefugeeVoices #BeInformed

22. Thanks to @CommitChange and @BNNFunding for #fundraising for local non-profits! Help on #GivingTuesday #nptalk #smNPchat bit.ly/BNNCCli

23. “Let’s change the way we think about changing the world.” - @danpallotta on.ted.com/Pallotta #nptalk #smNPchat #nonprofits

24. Kudos to Mark Zuckerberg for donating $25 Million To fight Ebola onforb.es/ZY-2EuN via @forbes #nptalk #donate #causes #nonprofits

Sample Twitter posts


Page 37: Final Report Hopeprint3 - WordPress.com · Final Report. Executive Summary. ... followers, to develop social media relationships with key content creators and other nonprofits, to

Sample Twitter posts

25. “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan #nptalk #nonprofits

26. “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.” – Nelson Mandela #LivingTheLegacy #nonprofit

27. “The desire to reach for the starts is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.” – @DrMayaAngelou #letsmakeadifference #nonprofits

28. Everyone go register for the @SONYinfo polar plunge! So much fun for a great cause #nonprofits #specialolympics #philanthropy

29. Check out the @ArcofOnondaga twitter page! A great organization that serves CNY citizens with developmental disabilites! #nonprofits

30. Tired of bad news? Us too. Here’s something that will make you smile: http://huff.to/1w9CVdD #HappyPrints #HappyThoughts

31. We all have the power to make each other laugh! Here’s how you know you can brighten someone’s day: http://huff.to/1Cs98Oq #HappyPrints

32. Do they make these in adult sizes? Because if they do, we want in! http://bzfd.it/ZGFus4 #HappyPrints #TooCute

33. Bad day? Here’s a little pick-me-up: http://bzfd.it/1zdZSRt #Cute #MyHopePrint #HappyPrints

34. Your best days are yet to come: <IMG> http://bit.ly/ZwA16X #HappyPrints

35. See the beauty in every adventure you take and learn every step of the way: <IMG> http://bit.ly/1wcfUWq #HappyPrints

36. “The first ingredient to happiness is to avoid too much lengthy meditation on the past” - Andre Maurois #HappyPrints


Page 38: Final Report Hopeprint3 - WordPress.com · Final Report. Executive Summary. ... followers, to develop social media relationships with key content creators and other nonprofits, to

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