A: Oh! You look so well with that light blue suit D: please don’t make fun of me remember we are gonna meet four million dollars men A: look at this large picture in the hall S1: Do you know who they are? W. He is the detective, who your father is waiting for. And she’s his assistant S1 Tall, aren’t you? D. I apologize for growing S1: Don´t worry. Do you see this large picture? I love it. This man in army uniform is handsome. A: He has hot hard black eyes. S1: Yeah…(acercandose al detective) and you are handsome too. Who are you? D: I’m a detective S1: what? D: you heard me S1: I don’t believe you, you’re so tall (fainted) you’re cute (smile) I’m cute too (se desmaya etc) S1: The girl who came with you. Is your wife? She is not cute. Why have you brought her? (Entra la asistente que estaba escuchando) A: Sorry if my presence bother you, lad. I’m just his assistant.

Final ...Project ICPNA I-8

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A: Oh! You look so well with that light blue suit

D: please don’t make fun of me remember we are gonna meet four million dollars men

A: look at this large picture in the hall

S1: Do you know who they are?

W. He is the detective, who your father is waiting for. And she’s his assistant

S1 Tall, aren’t you?

D. I apologize for growing

S1: Don´t worry. Do you see this large picture? I love it. This man in army uniform is handsome.

A: He has hot hard black eyes.

S1: Yeah…(acercandose al detective) and you are handsome too. Who are you?

D: I’m a detective

S1: what?

D: you heard me

S1: I don’t believe you, you’re so tall (fainted) you’re cute (smile) I’m cute too

(se desmaya etc)

S1: The girl who came with you. Is your wife? She is not cute. Why have you brought her?

(Entra la asistente que estaba escuchando)

A: Sorry if my presence bother you, lad. I’m just his assistant.

S1: I thought the detectives work alone to not attract suspicion.

Mayordomo entra

W: the general will see you now Mr. Marllow

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S1: Don't do my father wait for you.

(Se retira S1)

D: Who was that?

W: she’s Ms. Carmen Sternwood sir

D: I think she should see a doctor. Does she often fall over like that?

W: If I were you I would try be nice with her

Caminan y se van a la casita verde

W: This is Mr. Marlowe, general …and his assistant

A: It’s very warm here. I don't know why he is covered in blankets?

D: Please honey shut up, you are jeopardizing our opportunity whit your comments

A: Oh, I’m sorry

G: Norrys, please bring some brandy

W: Ok, whatever you say sir.

G: I used to like champagne whit my brandy. I can’t drink now. Please allow me to enjoy watching you drink.

A: That sounds good, Can I smoke here, sir.

G: Sure, You may smoke. I like the smell of cigarettes. Tell me about yourself, Mr. Marlowe.

D: There's very little to tell. I'm thirty-three. I used ti work for the District Attorney. His chief investigator told me you wanted to see me. I´m not married. I don t like policemen´s wives.

G: Why did you stop working for the District Attorney?

D: I was fired. I don´t enjoy taking orders from other people. I like thinking for myself.

G: What do you know about my family?

A: Your wife is dead. You have two young daughters. They are both pretty and both wild. One of then has been married three times.

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D: The last time to a bootlegger called Rustry Regan

(El general sonrie)

G: I was very fond of Rustry Regan. He spent hours with me. He was a grand story teller and a grand drinker.

A: I guess, he wasn´t a suitable husband for your daughter.

G: I’m telling you our family secrets. Mr Marlowe.

D: They´ll stay secrets. But what happened to Regan?

G: He went away a month ago. Without saying goodbye. That hurt me. I hope he´ll come back. And now someone is blackmailing me again.

(El general entrega un sobre)

A: Again? What´s that?

D: Look at this. There are three notes signed by Carmen Sternwood. Ech promised to pay Geiger $ 1000.

G: Nobody blackmailed me while Rustry was here. You can be sure. Any ideas?

A: Who is Arthur Gwyn Geiger. What does Carmen say?

G: I haven’t asked her. If I did, she would put her thumb in her month and giggle.

D: I met her. She did that to me. Then she fell over on to me.

A: Do the girls spend a lot of time together? Do they have any money of their own?

G: I don’t think so. Vivian is intelligent but cruel. Carmen is just a selfish child. Neither of them ever worries about the difference between right and wrong. Neither do I.

D: I can take Geigger off your back, if you want me to. The problem is now in our hands.

G: I´m sure you will manage excellently. And now you must excuse me. I´m tired… Mrs. Would you like to come back one of these days?

A: Sorry, I’m sure I’m busy then.

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G: well, let me know if you’re free, then

(Se retiran el D y el A)

W: Mrs Regan would like to see you, sir. And the General has told me to pay you what is necessary.

A: Told you, how?

W: You are, of course, a detective. Follow me please to give you the money.

D: why does Mrs Regan want to see me?

W: She misunderstands the reason for your visit, sir.

D: Who told her about my visit?

W: She saw you enter the greenhouse, sir. I had to tell her who you were.

D: I don’t like that.

A: Well, it will be better going to do outstanding things. Good luck, dear…and keep in mind that you must be nice with her.

D: Ok. Take me to Mrs Reagan’s room

( It was a big white room, too big, too white long windows

Detective was sitting on the edge of a deep soft chair and looked at Mrs Regan who was lying in a chair with her shoes off)

Regan: so you’re a private detective, I imagined an awful little man. How did you like Dad?

D: I like him

R: He liked Rusty. Do you know who Rusty is?

D: Yes, I do.

Regan: Rusty was sometimes rough and noisy, but he was never dull, he was a lot of fun for Dad. Why did he just disappear like that? Dad wants you to find him isn’t true, Mr Marlowe.

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D: Well, take into consideration I didn’t say I was going to try, why don’t you go to the police?

Regan: Oh Dad will never bring the police into it, How will you start? when did Rusty go?, Didn’t Dad tell you?

D: (se rie)

Regan: Don’t play with me, I don’t like the way you’re behaving.

D. Don’t get upset, lady. I’m not crazy about you. I don’t care if you show your legs badly. You’re probably right but don’t try to question me.

Regan: ( derramo whisky en la silla)

Regan: Don’t talk to me like that

D: (smiled and lit a cigarette) What’s the matter Mrs Regan?

Regan: you could find Rusty if Dad wanted you to

D. When did he go?

Regan: A month ago, he drove away without a word to anyone.

D: What happen after that?

R: The police found his car, later.

D. They?

Regan: My Dad didn’t tell you?

D: He told me about Mr Regan, he wanted to see me about something else. is that what you wanted me to say?

Regan: I don’t care what you say.

D: (he left her then in the hall he met Norris) You made a mistake, Mrs Regan didn’t want to see me.

W: I’m really sorry sir, I make many mistakes.

D: (he smokes cigarettes and also he thinks General and his two sisters were acting)

The detective visited Mr Geiger’s bookstore and she found a blonde girl inside the store

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Blonde: Can I help you?

D: I’m looking for a book. The title is this (enseña un papel)

B: Oh I’m sorry sir, I have never heard about this book.

D: Well, I’ll have to speak Mr Geiger, is he here?

Blonde: He’ll be here later

D. ok, I can wait (lit a cigarette, she looked unhappy)

Entra un hombre y le deja un paquete y luego desaparece y luego el detective lo sigue y encuentra la dirección de Geiger

Then he found Miss Carmen Seternwood (S1) was sitting on orange silk, she was very straight, with her hands on the arms of the chair and her knees together, her small teeth shone White in her open mouth, and her eyes were wide open, too

Geiger was on his back on the floor, next to a camera, he was wearing a chinese silk coat the front of the coat was covered in blood. He was dead.

D: (picked up Miss Sternwood’s clothes) Carmen let’s get you dressed.

Carmen: go to hell

El detective le pega dos veces y a ella no le importa) lets walk (ella no le responde y se va a dormir, el detective trata de levantarla, Carmen (s1) hizo ruidos al respirar mientras dormía drogada. El detective revisa el lugar toma una libreta se lleva a Carmen y regresa su casa ( de Carmen).

D: Good evening (entrando con Carmen), is Mrs. Regan in?

W: No sir. She said she had an important thing to solve.

D: Uhmmm. The general is asleep, I hope?

W: Yes, sir.

D: Get Mrs. Regan’s maid. This is a job for a woman. Look in the car and you’ll understand

W: I see. We’ll take care of her.

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D: I guess you’ve seen it all before. Forget you’ve seen me. I’m not here at all (regrese a la casa de geigger y no encuentra el cuerpo. Se va a su casa a cambiarse)