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  • 8/3/2019 FINAL PHM Chemical Incidents Web


    for the Public HealthManagement of

    Chemical Incidents


  • 8/3/2019 FINAL PHM Chemical Incidents Web


    or the Public HealthManagement o

    Chemical Incidents


  • 8/3/2019 FINAL PHM Chemical Incidents Web


    WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

    Manual or the public health management o chemical incidents.

    1. Hazardous substances. 2. Environmental exposure adverse eects. 3. Environmental exposure prevention and

    control. 4. Environmental monitoring. 5. Risk assessment. 6. Data collection. 7. Public health practice. 8. Manuals.

    I. World Health Organization.

    ISBN 978 92 4 159814 9 (NLM classication: WA 670)

    World Health Organization 2009

    All rights reserved. Publications o the World Health Organization can be obtained rom WHO Press, World Health

    Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; ax: +41 22 791 4857;

    e-mail: [email protected]). Requests or permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications whether

    or sale or or noncommercial distribution should be addressed to WHO Press, at the above address

    (ax: +41 22 791 4806; e-mail: [email protected]).

    The designations employed and the presentation o the material in this publication do not imply the expression o

    any opinion whatsoever on the part o the World Health Organization concerning the legal status o any country,

    territory, city or area or o its authorities, or concerning the delimitation o its rontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on

    maps represent approximate border lines or which there may not yet be ull agreement.

    The mention o specic companies or o certain manuacturers products does not imply that they are endorsed or

    recommended by the World Health Organization in preerence to others o a similar nature that are not mentioned.

    Errors and omissions excepted, the names o proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters.

    All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to veriy the inormation contained in

    this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty o any kind, either expressed

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    World Health Organization be liable or damages arising rom its use.

    Design & Layout: LIV Com Srl

    Printed by the WHO Document Production Services, Geneva, Switzerland

  • 8/3/2019 FINAL PHM Chemical Incidents Web



    PREFACE vi




    1.1.1 The epidemiology o chemical incidents 3


    1.2.1 Injury mechanisms 5

    1.2.2 Examples o incident scenarios 6

    1.2.3 The disaster management cycle 10

    1.2.4 A chemical incident management structure 12


    1.3.1 Risk assessment 13

    1.3.2 Communication 14




    2.3.1 Land-use planning 19

    2.3.2 Licensing o hazardous sites and transport routes 19

    2.3.3 Building regulations 20

    2.3.4 Control o chemical transportation and storage 20

    2.3.5 Labour health and saety 202.3.6 Establishment o a hazardous sites database 20


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    2.3.7 Control o waste disposal sites 21

    2.3.8 Control o contaminated environment 21

    2.3.9 Emergency planning and response 21

    2.3.10 Inspection o hazardous sites and transportation 21


    2.4.1 Global agreements 22

    2.4.2 Regional agreements 24

    2.4.3 National laws 25

    2.4.4 International tools 25


    2.5.1 Public education and awareness 26

    2.5.2 Identication and protection o vulnerable populations 27




    3.1.1 National hazardous sites database 30

    3.1.2 Chemical inormation databases 31

    3.1.3 Health sector capabilities databases 32


    3.2.1 Framework or planning o the chemical emergency response 323.2.2 Local emergency planning guidelines 34




    3.5.1 Inter-agencies communication 40

    3.5.2 Risk and crisis communication inormation and public warnings 40


    3.6.1 Training 43

    3.6.2 Exercises 43



    4.2.1 Population health surveillance 47

    4.2.2 General health statistics 48

    4.2.3 Sentinel health events 49

    4.2.4 Challenges or population health surveillance 50

    4.2.5 Environmental monitoring 50


    iv Manual or the Public health ManageMent o cheMical incidents

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    5.2.1 Activating a response 58

    5.2.2 Advising and alerting medical services 58

    5.2.3 Activating inter-agency communication 58










    6.2.1 Registration 70

    6.2.2 Population exposure assessment 70

    6.2.3 Environmental assessment 72

    6.2.4 Health outcome assessment during or immediately ater the incident 74

    6.2.5 Intermediate and long-term eects o the incident 746.3 IMPLEMENTING REHABILITATION ACTIONS 78

    6.3.1 Remediation 78

    6.3.2 Restoration 79

    6.3.3 Rehabilitation o public health and livelihood 79


    6.4.1 Causative actors analysis 81

    6.4.2 Evaluation o the response to the incident 83




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    Chemical releases arising rom technological incidents,

    natural disasters, and rom confict and terrorism are

    common. The International Federation o the Red

    Cross has estimated that between 1998 and 2007,

    there were nearly 3 200 technological disasters with

    approximately 100 000 people killed and nearly

    2 million people aected. The production and use

    o chemicals is predicted to increase worldwide, and

    this is particularly true in developing countries and

    those with economies in transition where increased

    chemical extraction, processing and use is closely tied to

    economic development. An ever increasing dependency

    on chemicals requires the health sector to expand its

    traditional roles and responsibilities to be able to address

    the public health and medical issues associated with the

    use o chemicals and their health eects.

    A number o important international initiatives have

    recently been undertaken that require countries to

    strengthen capacities in relation to the health aspectso chemical incidents and emergencies:

    In 2005, the revised International Health Regulations

    (IHR (2005)) were adopted by the World Health

    Assembly. Entering into orce in 2007, IHR (2005) is a

    legally binding agreement contributing to international

    public health security by providing a ramework or the

    coordination o the management o events that may

    constitute a public health emergency o international

    concern, and or strengthening the capacity o all

    countries to detect, assess, notiy and respond to public

    health threats. Initially developed or certain inectious

    diseases, the revised IHR (2005) also covers those public

    health threats involving chemicals.

    In 2006, the Strategic Approach or International

    Chemicals Management (SAICM) was adopted by the

    International Conerence on Chemicals Management.

    SAICM provides a policy ramework to promote chemical

    saety around the world, including many aspects

    o chemical incident prevention and preparedness.

    It comprises the Dubai Declaration expressing

    high-level political commitment to SAICM and an

    Overarching Policy Strategy which sets out its scope,

    needs, objectives, nancial considerations, underlying

    principles and approaches and implementation and

    review arrangements. The Declaration and Strategy are

    accompanied by a Global Plan o Action that serves

    as a working tool and guidance document to support

    implementation o the SAICM.

    The purpose o the WHO Manual for the Public Health

    Management of Chemical Incidents is to provide a

    comprehensive overview o the principles and roles o

    public health in the management o chemical incidents

    and emergencies. While this inormation is provided

    or each phase o the emergency cycle, including

    prevention, planning and preparedness, detection and

    alert, response and recovery, it is recognized that the

    management o chemical incidents and emergencies

    require a multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral approach

    and that the health sector may play an infuencing,

    vi Manual or the Public health ManageMent o cheMical incidents

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    complementary or a leadership role at various stages o

    the management process. The target audience includes

    public health and environmental proessionals, as well

    as any other person involved in the management o

    chemical incidents.

    WHO and all those involved in the development o

    the publication hope that the publication will have

    wide application, especially in developing countries

    and countries with economies in transition, and that in

    the uture the health sector will be better prepared to

    acknowledge and ull its roles and responsibilities in the

    management o chemical incidents and emergencies,

    thereby contributing to the prevention and mitigation otheir health consequences.



    Dr K. Gutschmidt, WHO Secretariat, served as the

    Responsible Ocer or the development o this manual

    including its scientic content.

    An editorial group o scientic experts was convened

    by WHO to provide oversight, expertise, and guidance

    or the project and to ensure its scientic accuracy

    and objectivity. Editorial members included Proessor

    G. Coleman (Director, WHO Collaborating Centre or

    the Public Health Management o Chemical Incidents,

    Cardi, United Kingdom), Proessor S. Palmer and

    Dr D. Russell (both Health Protection Agency, United

    Kingdom). The editorial group met several times in

    Cardi and Geneva during 20072009 to dene the

    scope, content and structure o the manual, to review

    and discuss the content and to oversee implementation

    o the project.

    The irst drat was prepared by Dr D. MacIntosh

    (Environmental Health & Engineering, Newton, MA,

    USA) and posted on the internet or peer-review in

    February 2007. In addition, a review meeting taking

    into account comments received was held on 2325

    April 2007, Beijing, China. The meeting was attended

    by Proessor G. Coleman (chair), Dr A. Dewan (National

    Institute o Occupational Health, Ahmadabad, India),

    Dr Jin Yinlong (National Institute or Environmental

    Health and Product Saety, Beijing, China), Proessor

    Li Dehong (National Institute or Occupational Health

    and Poison Control, Beijing, China), Dr D. MacIntosh

    (Environmental Health & Engineering, Newton, MA,

    USA), Dr I. Makalinao (University o the Philippines,

    Manila), Proessor S. Palmer (Health Protection

    Agency, United Kingdom), Dr M. Ruijten (NationalInstitute or Public Health and the Environment RIVM,

    The Netherlands), Dr D. Russell (Health Protection

    Agency, United Kingdom), Dr R. Soulaymani Bencheikh

    (Centre Anti-Poisons et de Pharmacovigilance, Rabat,

    Morocco), Dr W. Temple (National Poisons Center,

    University o Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand), Proessor

    Ding Wenjun (Chinese Academy o Sciences, Beijing,

    China), Proessor Zhao Xineng (State Environmental

    Protection Administration, Beijing, China) , Mr M. BarudAli (Hargheisa, Somalia), Dr Woo Zhen (China Centers

    or Disease Control, Beijing), Mr. J. Abrahams (Asian

    Disaster Preparedness Center, Pathumthani, Thailand),

    Dr Jinag Fanxiao (WHO Oce, Beijing), Proessor

    J. Spickett (WHO Oce, Beijing), Ms J. Tempowski

    (WHO, Geneva), and Dr K. Gutschmidt (WHO,


    The second drat was prepared by Dr D. MacIntosh

    and Dr M. Ruijten (CrisisTox Consult, the Netherlands)

    taking into account the recommendations received rom

    the Beijing meeting and it was reviewed by the editorial

    group in London, 1819 February 2008. The nal drat

    document was edited by Ms Susan Kaplan and the

    layout was designed by LIV Com Srl.


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    The contributions o all who participated in the

    preparation and nalization o the Manual for the

    Public Health Management of Chemical Incidents

    and Emergencies, including those who have provided

    their comments during the peer-review process, are

    grateully acknowledged. In addition, WHO grateully

    acknowledges the inancial support provided by,

    the Federal Ministry or the Environment, Nature

    Conservation and Nuclear Saety o Germany, and the

    Health Protection Agency o the United Kingdom.

    viii Manual or the Public health ManageMent o cheMical incidents

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    On 23 December 1984, the city o Bhopal,

    India, was hit by what is still believed to

    be the worst chemical incident in history.

    The hundreds o thousands o people aected by

    the Bhopal incident were victims o a combination

    o circumstances that made any potential incident

    in the industrial acility that produced pesticides

    particularly dangerous. This deadly combination o

    circumstances could have been avoided i a number

    o well-established security and saety principles had

    been ollowed beore, during and ater the chemical


    As described below, the purpose o this manual is to

    provide inormation that will help countries minimize

    the health risks o chemical incidents, such as the

    Bhopal disaster, by raising awareness o their health

    impacts and by providing suggestions or preventing

    and managing their occurrence.


    The prevention and mitigation o chemical incidents

    and their health consequences is a broad eld

    requiring specialists rom many backgrounds. Public

    health has an essential role to play in preventing the

    occurrence o chemical incidents, and minimizing

    their negative impacts on both the exposed population

    and the environment should they occur. The purpose

    o this document is to introduce principles and

    recommendations about the public health role in

    prevention and mitigation o chemical incidents. The

    target audience is public health and environmental

    proessionals and policy-makers, as well as any party

    involved in the management o chemical incidents.

    This publication will help acilitate the eective

    ullment o such public health involvement, including

    by establishing or rening the public health role in the

    development o a preparedness plan or management

    o chemical incidents and to enhance capacity

    planning and assessment or chemical incidents. This

    document can also be used as an aid to improve the

    perormance o all proessionals with responsibility or

    managing risks posed by chemical incidents. While

    this manual presents the principles and unctions o

    the public health management o chemical incidents,

    the specic organizations or government agencies that

    carry out these unctions may vary between countries.

    Chemical incidents can maniest in many orms and

    scenarios (see section 1.2) including any number o

    environmental media such as ood, water, air, soil,

    consumer products and types o source such as xed

    sites, vehicles and natural events. An attempt to cover all

    o these in detail would make the publication complex

    and possibly inaccessible. The ocus o this publication

    is on chemical incidents resulting rom xed sites or

    transportation with the potential to result in chemical

    exposure o communities. The text has been designed

    to describe this category o incidents. Regardless o

    introduction 1

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    the initiating event, the general characteristics o such

    incidents are the sudden, unexpected and uncontrolled

    occurrence o a chemical release or outbreak o illness

    that may have a very dynamic time course.

    The manual comprises ve main sections:

    Section 2.0 PREVENTION focuses on general

    measures that can be taken to diminish the likelihood

    o a chemical incident and to limit its severity.


    PREPAREDNESS details broad goals that can be

    accomplished to ensure adequate public health

    preparedness o all involved parties to respond to a

    chemical incident.

    Section 4.0 DETECTION AND ALERT describes

    various channels that can be used to detect a

    chemical incident and to alert the stakeholders

    involved in a chemical event emergency.

    Section 5.0 RESPONSE deals with the public

    health tasks that should be carried out during an



    to evaluate the causes and responses to chemical

    The night o 23 December 1984 in Bhopal, India, was one o those nights where the weak winds kept changing direction. Under the clear darksky, the key units o the Union Carbide India Limited acility, one o the largest employers in the city, were quietly waiting to be dismantled andshipped to another developing country.a

    The Union Carbide plant had once been part o an ambitious Indian plan to achieve sel- suciency in agricultural production by increasing thenational production o pesticides, but the plan was severely curtailed by the crop ailures and amine that spread across India in the early 1980s.The rising level o armers indebtedness dramatically decreased investments in expensive pesticides, and the plant was now operating at onlyone quarter o its production capacity.

    At 23:00, while most o Bhopals 900 000 inhabitants were sleeping, an operator at the Carbide plant noticed a small leak as well as elevatedpressure inside storage tank 610, which contained methyl isocyanate (MIC), a highly reactive chemical used as an intermediate in the productiono the insecticide Sevin. The leak had been created by a strong exothermic reaction resulting rom mixing o one tonne o water normally used orcleaning internal pipes with 40 tonnes o MIC contained in the tank.

    Because coolant or the rerigeration unit had been drained previously or use in another part o the plant, tank 610 could not be cooled quickly.Thereore, pressure and heat continued to build inside the tank and the tank continued to leak. Both the vent gas scrubber and the gas faresystem, two saety devices designed to neutralize potential toxic discharges rom the tank beore they escaped into the atmosphere, had beenturned o several weeks beore. At around 1:00, a loud rumbling echoed around the plant as the saety valve o the tank gave way. Nearly 40tonnes o MIC gas were released into the morning air o Bhopal. It did not take long or the plume, carried by the changing winds, to spread overa large area.

    At least 3800 people died immediately, killed in their sleep or during the fight that ensued. Local hospitals were soon overwhelmed with thethousands o injured people. The crisis was urther deepened by a lack o knowledge o exactly which gas was involved and hence what theappropriate course o treatment should be. Estimates o the number o people killed in the rst ew days by the plume rom the Union Carbideplant are as high as 10 000, with 15 000 to 20 000 premature deaths reportedly occurring in the subsequent two decades. The Indian governmentreported that more than hal a million people were exposed to the gas. The greatest impact was on the densely populated poor neighbourhoodsimmediately surrounding the plant.

    The Bhopal incident was the result o a combination o legal, technological, organizational and human errors. While the immediate cause o theincident was the unintended release o a large amount o water into a storage tank, the severe health eects o the chemical reaction that ensuedwere certainly aggravated by the ailure o the various saety measures and the lack o community awareness and emergency preparedness.Economic pressure aced by industry, communities and governments can be a contributing actor that infuences the likelihood and severity o a

    chemical incident.b

    a Broughton E. The Bhopal disaster and its atermath: a review. Environmental health: A global access science source, 2005, 4:6 doi:10.1186/1476-069X-4-6.b TED case study: the Bhopal disaster(

    case study 1: the bhoPal gas incident bhoPal, india

    2 Manual or the Public health ManageMent o cheMical incidents

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    incidents and to ollow up the victims in order to

    learn rom the experience o incidents and near

    incidents, and to restore and remediate the aected


    1.1.1 t pm m Since the middle o the twentieth century, chemicals have

    played an increasing role in the worldwide economy.

    Currently, more than 15 million chemical substances

    are commercially available.1Approximately 60 000 to

    70 000 chemical substances are in regular use2 and

    between 200 and 1000 chemicals are produced in

    excess o one tonne annually. In addition to chemical

    manuacturing, management o chemical incidentsmust also take into consideration transportation,

    storage, use and waste disposal o chemicals. In 1999,

    more than our billion tonnes o hazardous chemicals

    were moved around the world and ertilizers, weed

    killers and insecticides are spread in huge quantities

    on agricultural lands. Given the current scale o

    production and use o chemicals, it is not surprising

    that the potential or chemical incidents is important.

    During the twentieth century, the requency o chemicalincidents involving at least three deaths, 20 injuries or

    an estimated cost o damages above US$ 7 million

    in Organisation or Economic Co-operation and

    Development (OECD) member countries increased

    by at least an order o magnitude.3 Table 1 lists

    both recent and current chemical incidents together

    with their outcomes, including the Bhopal and the

    Seveso incidents, whose consequences are still being

    monitored. Many o these chemical incidents will be

    detailed in this document as case-studies.

    Whereas the requency o chemical incidents increased,

    the severity o the impacts o industrial disasters

    decreased during the twentieth century. This reduced

    severity is due to an improved ability to manage

    chemical emergencies in many developed nations,

    1 Chemical Abstracts Service, a Division o the American Chemical Society, 2007.2 Guidance for national and regional policy makers in the public/environmental health roles.

    International Programme on Chemical Saety (IPCS) publication, 1999 (

    3 Coleman L. 2006. Frequency o man-made disasters in the 20th century. Journal ofContingencies and Crisis Management, 14:311.

    thanks to the development o basic management

    elements, such as the creation o general labelling and

    saety standards, the existence o an emergency plan,

    better communications with the various stakeholders

    involved, training sessions and exercises and the

    creation o mechanisms aimed at learning rom the

    mistakes made during past experiences. However,

    there is still a persistent need or better management

    o chemical incidents. Common weaknesses include

    the existence o ragmented roles and unclear

    responsibilities among the various chemical emergency


    Chemical incidents cause anxiety in the public and canlead to a loss o condence in the ability o national

    and local governments to deal with public health

    issues. Although large incidents are thankully rare,

    the overall human impact between 1970 and 1998

    o all reported chemical incidents worldwide ranged

    between approximately 13 000 deaths and 100 000

    injuries or illnesses to the evacuation o three million

    people. These estimates o deaths, injuries and illnesses

    do not ully take into account the delayed healtheects caused by chemical incidents, such as cancers

    or birth deects. The negative impacts o a chemical

    incident on the local economy can also be extremely

    high and may include disruption o agriculture, loss

    o jobs, long-term evacuation o the area, rising costs

    or health care, litigation and rehabilitation. Finally, as

    exemplied by the situation in Bhopal more than 20

    years ater the incident (section 6), chemical incidents

    can result in extensive damage to the environment,

    which might take years to remedy and hence might

    continue to pose a signicant public health hazard.

    To minimize these negative impacts, and because

    chemical incidents oten involve acute releases and

    health risks with a very dynamic time course (as a

    result o changing conditions, e.g. weather, exposure

    routes, secondary emissions) it is critical to ensure that

    the authorities, emergency responders and (plant)

    operators work together in a rapid, comprehensive

    and eective response to chemical incidents.

    introduction 3

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    y l dp c P #

    1976 Seveso, Italy Airborne release o dioxin rom an industrial plant No immediate human deaths 3 300 animal deaths 80 000 animals slaughtered


    1984 Bhopal, India Methyl isocyanate (MIC) leak rom a tank 3800 immediate deaths 15 000 to 20 000 premature deaths 500 000 exposed to the gas


    20 years later82

    1984 Mexico City, Mexico Explos ion o liqueed petroleum gas (LPG) terminal 500 deaths 6400 injuries


    1995 Tokyo, Japan Deliberate release o a warare agent 12 deaths 54 critical casualties Thousands of people affected


    2000 Enschede,The Netherlands

    Explosion o a reworks actory 20 deaths, 562 casualties Hundreds of houses destroyed 2000 people evacuated


    2001 Toulouse, France Explosion o 300400 tonnes o ammonium nitrate ina ertilizer acility

    30 deaths 2500 casualties 500 homes uninhabitable


    2002 Galicia, Spain Shipwreck o the Prestige, causing the release o77 000 tonnes o uel

    Estimated clean-up costs of US$ 2.8 billion 22

    2002 Jabalpur, India Mass poisoning due to the use o pestic ide containersas kitchen utensils

    Three deaths At least 10 hospitalizations


    2003 Baton Rouge, USA Release o chlorine gas rom a acility No human deaths 64

    2004 Neyshabur, Iran Train explosion due to mixing o incompatiblechemicals

    Hundreds of deaths and casualties among emergencyresponders and onlookers


    2005 Songhua River, China Plant explosion releasing 100 tonnes o pollutants in

    the Songhua River

    Five deaths

    Millions of people without water for several days


    2005 Bohol, The Philippines Inadvertent use o an insecticide in the preparationo sweets

    29 deaths 104 hospitalizations


    2005 Hemel Hempstead,England

    Three explosions in an oil storage acility (Bunceelddepot)

    43 reported injuries 2000 persons evacuated


    2006 Abidjan, Cte dIvoire Dumping o toxic waste in the city o Abidjan 10 deaths, thousands made ill 42

    2006 Panama Diethylene glycol in a cough syrup At least 100 deaths 53

    2007 Angola Sodium bromide conused with table salt At least 460 people ill, most of them children 10

    2008 Senegal Lead rom inormal battery recycling People exposed with many children showing symptoms oflead intoxication


    table 1: exaMPles o cheMical incidents worldwide.these exaMPles are described as case-studies in this docuMent. the Page nuMber o the case-study is given in the right-hand coluMn.


    A chemical incident is the uncontrolled release o

    a toxic substance, resulting in (potential) harm to

    public health and the environment.1 Chemical incidents

    usually trigger a public health response, including,

    or example, assessment o exposure and risk and/or

    provision o advice to authorities and/or the public.

    1 Glossary of the Health Protection Agency, UK (

    Chemical incidents can have many maniestations, with

    dierent initiating events (natural or anthropogenic),

    incident dynamics, injury types, and necessary public

    health responses. Thereore, the term chemical

    incident might reer to anthropogenic events such

    as the explosion o a actory which stores or uses

    chemicals, contamination o the ood or water supply

    with a chemical, an oil spill, a leak in a storage unit

    during transportation or an outbreak o disease thatis (likely to be) associated with chemical exposure.

    Chemical incidents can also arise rom natural sources

    4 Manual or the Public health ManageMent o cheMical incidents

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    such as volcanoes, earthquakes and orest res. Natural

    disasters may disrupt chemical containment systems

    and cause secondary anthropogenic chemical incidents

    (e.g. tank rupture ater fooding). Whatever the cause,

    the chemical incident might be discovered by either

    knowledge o the contamination or knowledge o

    health conditions likely to have a common chemical

    etiology, including disease outbreaks.

    As shown by the toxic waste crisis in the Cte dIvoire

    (see page 42), chemical incidents can happen anywhere

    and at any time, even i there are no chemical acilities

    in the area. Although most chemical incidents are small

    and involve ew people, the accumulated consequencesmay be just as serious as those o large incidents in

    terms o illness, death, environmental and economic

    damage, and the anxiety they generate or the public,

    emergency services personnel and employees. Small

    incidents are oten less visible and generate less

    publicity. However, the health response should be as

    serious and proessional as i it were a big event. In

    addition, small incidents are occasions to veriy the

    completeness and easibility o the preparedness plansand or responders to sharpen their skills.

    The ollowing subsections aim to provide an overview

    o the main injury mechanisms, incident types, the

    disaster cycle and disaster typology as a reerence or

    the remainder o the publication.

    1.2.1 i mmChemical incidents can cause injury through our

    basic injury mechanisms: ire, explosion, toxicity

    and the experience o traumatic events. These injury

    mechanisms may appear to be quite distinct, but in

    reality are strongly interrelated.


    toxic substances (including combustion products).

    A secondary eect o a re may be an explosionor tank ailure due to heating o tanks holding

    chemicals. Every major re can be considered a

    chemical incident.

    An explosion produces traumatic (mechanical)

    injuries through the resulting shockwave (blast),

    ragments and projectiles. As a secondary eect an

    explosion may result in a re or loss o containment

    resulting in release o and exposure to toxic chemicals

    (e.g. through penetration o an adjacent tank byragments: so-called domino eects).


    with a chemical released rom its containment,

    be it rom storage or transport, or as reaction or

    combustion products. Toxicity can cause harm by

    a wide array o toxic mechanisms ranging rom

    chemical burns to asphyxiation and neurotoxicity.1,2


    not only determined by exposure to the chemical,

    re or explosion but also by exposure to the event

    itsel. Severe incidents have the potential to disrupt

    the lives o victims through injury, loss o relatives,

    property or employment and societal disruption. A

    substantial proportion o victims o major incidents

    have been shown to experience long-lasting mental

    health problems.3

    1 Goldfrank et al, Goldfranks Toxicologic Emergencies 8th Ed. (2006), The McGraw-Hill

    Companies, Inc, New York, 2006.2 Dart, RC (ed.) Medical toxicology, 3rd ed., Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Williams, 2004(

    3 Health Council of the Netherlands. The medium and long-term health impact ofdisasters. The Hague, Gezondheidsraad, 2007 (Report 2006/18E) (

    disasterSituation in which substantial numbers o people areexposed to hazards to which they are vulnerable, withresulting injury and loss o lie, oten combined with damageto property and livelihoods.

    eMergencyOutgrowth o a disaster, in which the aected communitiescapability to react has been overwhelmed and where rapidand eective action is required to prevent urther loss o lieand livelihood.

    incidentSituation in which people are potentially exposed to hazardsto which they are vulnerable, with resulting public concernand the possibility o immediate or delayed risks to health.

    Wisner B, Adams J (eds). Environmental health in emergencies and disasters, a practicalguide. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2002.

    box 1:deinitions

    introduction 5

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    While it is recognized that all the above-mentioned

    mechanisms are highly relevant, the ocus or the

    remainder o this manual will be on toxicity. Some

    mental health aspects will be addressed as well.

    1.2.2 emp This section will introduce seven dierent maniestations

    o a chemical incident to acilitate raming their public

    health management. The incident types dier in

    initiating event, dynamics (time course), and the rst

    risk assessment and public health actions to be taken.

    This incident typology is by no means absolute, and is

    only provided as a tool to identiy incidents and primary

    activities during the response. Combinations o incidenttypes are possible. Common characteristics such as the

    potential to spread across administrative boundaries

    and legal implications are not detailed here.

    Incidents can occur indoors and outdoors. The ocus

    o the descriptions below will be on outdoor releases,

    because these are oten larger and have the potential

    to aect more individuals than indoor releases. The

    consequences o outdoor releases can extend to theindoor environment, and may result in exposures within

    buildings and subsequent risks to health.

    The ollowing types o incident scenario will be described

    in terms o the typical course o the incident, and

    primary risk assessment and public health actions.

    1. s pTypical course o the incident

    A gas or vapour cloud with an acute time course,

    possibly ater evaporation rom a pool o liquid.

    Inhalation exposure is possible ar downwind o the

    release site and there is a possibility o signicant

    skin contact on-site. The incident scene is accessible

    soon ater the release has been terminated because

    the vapour or gas cloud has moved downwind and

    been dispersed (unless a pool is still present). Oten

    rapid reports o odour or respiratory and eye irritation

    will be received, but depending on the nature o the

    chemical, health eects can be delayed or hours to


    Risk assessment

    In many cases only one or two chemicals are

    involved rather than a completely unknown mixture o

    substances. Atmospheric conditions largely determine

    the dispersion; gas pockets are possible, particularly

    ater release o a heavy gas. The population at risk can

    usually be determined quite rapidly rom complaints

    and dispersion modelling. The rst environmental

    monitoring results will rarely come in beore 3045

    minutes ollowing the chemical release. The possibility

    o delayed health eects should be considered. The

    likelihood o secondary contamination outside the

    incident scene is usually low.

    Public health key points

    Usually advice to go indoors, shut all doors and

    windows, disengage mechanical ventilation (shelter-

    in-place advice) is appropriate or the population

    downwind o the incident. Building characteristics

    determine the protectiveness and sae shelter duration

    which is the length o time or which those at risk o

    chemical exposure should remain in a sae shelter.

    The alert to shelter-in-place should include public alertsystems (sirens) supported by continuous and consistent

    communication through multiple channels including

    radio, television, websites and telephone transmissions.

    I the wind direction is expected to shit, preventive

    evacuation can be considered. Ater the toxic cloud

    has passed, there are usually ew or no restrictions on

    outdoor activities.

    Typical example

    Release o methyl isocyanate in Bhopal, 1984

    (page 2).

    2. s Typical course o the incident

    A sudden emission o liquid or solid aerosol occurs

    into the air outdoors and/or indoors; the material

    deposits on soil and inrastructure, where it remains

    until it is removed either intentionally (e.g. in a clean-

    up) or by natural mechanisms (e.g. wind or rain). The

    contaminated area outdoors can range over kilometres,

    depending on the type o the event (e.g. explosion),

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    characteristics o the aerosol and environmental

    conditions. Inhalation exposure usually occurs during

    and shortly ater the emission; dusty material (e.g.

    asbestos) can be re suspended by wind, vehicles, and

    other mechanisms. Primary exposure via the oral and

    skin routes is possible on-scene and wherever (and as

    long as) deposited material persists.

    Risk assessment

    Usually inormation about the composition o the emitted

    material and the particle size distribution is unavailable

    in the acute stage. Quantitative assessment o exposure

    with modelling and monitoring is very dicult; usually

    exposure is assessed by visual determination in thecontaminated area. Children living or spending time

    near to the site o the accident may be at relatively

    greater risk because they are more vulnerable to

    exposure (e.g. they spend more time outside playing

    and hand-to-mouth behaviour increases ingestion o

    settled dust); in agricultural areas, contamination o

    crops and grassland may be an issue.

    Public health key pointsInormation about restrictions on access to the outdoor

    area and clean-up is critical, particularly as long as

    the health risk has not been determined. Compliance

    with health advice is generally high in areas where

    contamination is visible, the occurrence o acute eects

    is recognized widely, and concern about delayed eects

    (e.g. or carcinogenic substances) is communicated


    Typical exampleRelease o dioxin in Seveso, Italy, 1976 (page 75).

    3. s m Typical course o the incident

    An immediately detected release o a substance occurs

    in water, soil or directly into ood (e.g. during ood

    processing) or other media (e.g. sediments or consumer

    products). It is oten easier to avoid primary human

    contact with the chemical or this scenario than it is to

    avoid contact with airborne releases because it is oten

    possible to discontinue exposure through these media,

    at least or a short time. Secondary contamination o

    ood, drinking-water and consumer products can occur

    as well ollowing release o a chemical to surace water

    or soil. Other secondary consequences may be adverse

    impacts on wildlie, including sh, birds and whole

    ecosystems. The time taken to respond to incidents

    o this type is usually a matter o hours, rather than

    minutes as or types 1 and 2.

    Risk assessment

    The possible pathways or human exposure and the

    resulting health risk depend on the physicochemical

    properties o the substance and its eventualenvironmental ate. Volatile substances may evaporate

    quickly and be detected by their odour or taste.

    Chemicals with low vapour pressure will partition

    primarily between water and soil, or other substrates

    rich in organic matter, depending upon their structure

    and solubility in water.

    Public health key points

    Warning the public to take immediate action is rarelyrequired, unless inormation needs to be provided about

    odour. The ocus is on the environmental incident. At

    some stage, nearby residents will ask or inormation

    about the association between e.g. sh mortality and

    eects on human health. A well-conducted exposure

    study ocusing on all possible routes o exposure and

    subsequent risk assessment will be very helpul.

    Typical exampleBenzene release in the Songhua river, China, 2005

    (page 41).

    4. Typical course o the incident

    This type o incident includes res in residential and

    shopping areas, warehouses, xed chemical storage

    and production sites, tunnels and underground railways.

    Combustion products are determined by the burning

    material and the type o re (pyrolysis, poorly or well

    oxygenated res). The heat o combustion infuences the

    air dispersion o the toxic smoke. Victims with serious

    introduction 7

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    injuries are mostly ound inside or near such burning

    structures,. Secondary explosions may occur. Emergency

    response and environment personnel are at risk o

    exposure through contaminated runo. Populations

    downwind o a release point are at particular risk o

    exposure and subsequent immediate and delayed

    health consequences. The size and constituency o

    this population at risk will determine the scope o the

    response action.

    Risk assessment

    The characteristics o the aected building can provide

    a rough indication o the materials on re; identication

    o the material on re has proven very dicult orwarehouses in which the inventory o stored products

    is varied and may change over time. The initial risk

    assessment is based on smoke and combustion products.

    Exposure modelling is complex; visual observation and

    environmental monitoring oten provide more useul

    estimates o exposure. It is oten impossible to make a

    quantitative risk assessment in the acute stage. Deposited

    material may cause secondary contamination identical

    to that seen in type 2 incidents.

    Public health key pointsThe saety o emergency responders is crucial,

    particularly when explosions or contamination o re-

    extinguishing runo are possible. Since risk assessment

    is dicult, a precautionary approach is oten used in

    providing advice on sheltering and use restrictions.

    Evacuation o the buildings residents and o neighbours

    with high exposure to smoke is advisable, and may

    need to be continued or some days.

    Typical example

    Fire at the Bunceield oil depot, England, 2005

    (page 66).

    5. epTypical course o the incident

    In many cases explosions have a orewarning period. The

    aected area is roughly circular around the explosion site,

    although high buildings may act as a shield. Explosions

    cause structural damage to buildings (resulting in

    entrapment or dust exposure ater collapse), ragments,

    projectiles and glass splinters. In some cases a reball or

    gas cloud explosion (with distant ignition) occurs.

    Risk assessment

    The major types o injury are burns rom thermal

    radiation and traumatic (mechanical) injury due to the

    blast (gas lled organs and rupture o the tympanic

    membrane), ragments and projectiles. These risks

    are relatively well established. Toxicity is usually due

    to combustion products rom secondary ires or

    (resuspended) material on the soil or inrastructure.

    Public health key pointsIn case o a orewarned explosion there may be time

    to provide instructions on risk reduction to the at-

    risk population. In all cases the saety o emergency

    responders is a primary concern: or a threat o

    explosion or ater an explosion (or example, owing to

    building instability and collapse). Experienced urban

    search and rescue teams may be necessary. Access to

    the aected area may be problematic i there is debris

    on access roads. Long-term shelter and provision obasic essentials may be necessary or those who have

    lost their homes.

    Typical exampleExplosions and re at the PEMEX Liquid Petroleum Gas

    Terminal, Mexico 1984 (page 9).

    6. d kTypical course o the incident

    In this case it is not the release o the chemical that

    is detected, but an increase in the number o people

    with a more or less consistent syndrome o signs and

    symptoms. Detection is usually through surveillance

    systems and/or watchul clinicians, and usually takes

    days to weeks or months depending on the specicity o

    the clinical syndrome and the geographical spread o

    the patients. The common source may remain obscure

    or a long time, and all exposure routes and contact

    media should be considered. Mass psychogenic illness

    and (bio)terrorist attacks should also be considered as

    common causes.

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    Risk assessment

    The approach to risk assessment or this type o

    incident involves strengthening disease surveillance

    (including developing a case denition), assessment

    and verication o clinical presentation, and the search

    or the chemical hazard and a possible common source

    o exposure (primary and/or secondary contamination),

    using toxicological and epidemiological tools. Possible

    chemical hazards, sources and reported eects areinvestigated simultaneously. Ater identication o the

    hazard and source, a detailed exposure assessment

    should be made to veriy the acute eects and predict

    possible delayed or residual eects and the populations

    likely to be aected.

    Public health key points

    Key points are coordination o inormation,

    investigations and communication. Most outbreaks

    will enter the public health system as a suspected

    outbreak o an inectious disease. A well coordinated

    cooperation between chemical and inectious disease

    experts may prevent loss o time in identiying outbreaks

    with a chemical etiology.

    Typical example

    Mass endosulan poisoning, Jabalpur District, India,

    2002 (page 51); bromide poisoning in Angola, 2007

    (page 10).

    7. s Typical course o the incident

    In the case o silent releases, the release o the chemical

    into the contact medium is not detected (or no action

    has been taken) until ater the release, but beore it

    has been detected as a disease outbreak. This can

    happen when the occurrence o an incident is brought

    out into the open ater some time, or when a release is

    more serious than anticipated at the time o the initial


    On the morning o 19 November 1984 a major re and a series o catastrophic explosions occurred at the PEMEX Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)Terminal at San Juan Ixhuatepec, Mexico City. The incident led to the deaths o 500 people; 6400 were injured and the terminal was destroyed.

    The plant was being lled rom a renery 400 km away. Two large spheres and 48 cylindrical vessels were lled to 90% capacity and our smallerspheres to 50% ull. An 8-inch pipe between a sphere and a series o cylinders ruptured. This caused a drop in pressure that was noticed in thecontrol room, but the operators could not identiy its cause. The release o LPG continued or about 510 minutes when the gas cloud (estimatedat 200 m x 150 m x 2 m high) was ignited by a fare stack. This caused a violent ground shock, and a number o ground res occurred. Workersat the plant then tried to deal with the release by taking various courses o action. At a late stage somebody pressed the emergency shut-downbutton.

    About 15 minutes ater the initial release the rst boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE) occurred. For the next hour and a halthere ollowed a series o BLEVEs as the LPG vessels violently exploded. LPG was said to rain down and suraces covered in the liquid were setalight. The arrival o emergency services was hindered by the trac chaos, which built up when residents sought to escape rom the area.

    Key Points Explosion and re can be devastating effects of chemical emergencies. The total destruction of the terminal occurred because there was a failure of the overall basis for ensuring safety which included the layout of

    the plant and emergency isolation eatures. The terminals re water system was disabled in the initial blast. Also the water spray systems were inadequate. The installation of a more effective gas detection and emergency isolation system could have averted the incident. The plant had no gas

    detection system and thereore when the emergency isolation was initiated it was probably too late. The site emergency plan was inadequate to allow rapid entry of emergency services to help control the accident.

    case study 2: exPlosions and ire at PeMex liquid PetroleuM gas terMinal Mexico

    introduction 9

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    Risk assessment

    The rst steps are verication o the chemical, an

    analysis o all possible exposure pathways and

    populations, and a quantitative risk assessment with

    ocus on delayed or residual eects.

    Public health key pointsThis type o incident may be a grey area between

    response to a chemical incident and regular

    environmental health provision. Health investigations

    should establish a clear link between observed and

    anticipated delayed health eects and exposure,

    including the development o case denitions. One

    o the public health challenges in this scenario (as in

    other scenarios) is that people who know about or have

    been close to the event, but have NOT been exposed,

    may attribute signs and symptoms related to another

    disease to the incident.

    Incident types 15 are typically localized: there is an

    incident scene. In addition to other common traits,

    public health management o events with an incident

    scene may include concerns about health risks posed

    to emergency response personnel. The detection and

    development o incidents o types 6 and 7 is typicallymuch more diuse in time, place and person.

    1.2.3 t mm The disaster management cycle illustrates the

    continuous process by which governments, businesses

    and civil society plan or and reduce the impact o

    incidents by acting at dierent stages o an incidents

    lie-cycle. The nature o activities that can be undertaken

    to reach the goal o impact reduction varies with the

    stage o this cycle. The six stages o the disaster cycle

    will be introduced briefy (Figure 1).

    In October 2007, a disease outbreak o unknown etiology appeared near Luanda, Angola: by the end o the outbreak in December 2007, 458cases had been reported. Initially suspected to be inectious, symptoms suggested a toxic etiology and included tiredness, blurred vision, dizziness,weakness and diculties in speaking and walking.

    At the request of the Angolan Ministry of Health (MINSA), the World Health Organization provided technical assistance to identify the cause of theoutbreak. Activities included (i) clinical, including neurological examinations; (ii) strengthening surveillance (development o a case denition);(iii) (toxicological) analysis o human and environmental samples; and (iv) a casecontrol study to detect exposure patterns. Extensivetoxicological tests revealed the presence o very high serum levels o bromide (up to 2700 mg/l). Environmental and ood samples revealed thattable salt contained at least 80% sodium bromide, the causative agent.

    Following these ndings, public health actions were immediately initiated to control the outbreak, including awareness raising, salt replacementand provision o treatment advice to hospitals and health care acilities.

    This incident demonstrates the need to have eective chemical saety plans in place, including building capacities to deal with chemical poisoningsthat initially might appear as diseases o unknown etiology, especially in developing countries that introduce new technologies. While newindustries are being introduced as part o their development process, the general population and workorce are vulnerable to exposure andhealth eects o chemicals because o poor chemical legislation and regulation, and its inecient implementation and control, as well as poverty,lack o public awareness o the health eects o chemicals, and lack o capacities, trained sta and inrastructure.

    Key Points Disease outbreaks of unknown etiology are often reported as suspected outbreaks of infectious disease. Coordinated cooperation between chemical experts and infectious disease experts may prevent loss of time in identifying outbreaks of chemical

    etiology. Identication of the cause of a disease outbreak of potential chemical etiology involves multiple disciplines, including (clinical) toxicology,

    environmental epidemiology and environmental sciences. In the case that expertise is lacking, international organizations can be called upon to provide technical assistance.

    case study 3: disease outbreaK o unKnown etiology angola

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    The rst line o deence against adverse consequences

    o chemical incidents is to prevent their occurrence

    and to limit their impact i they do occur. Prevention

    is aimed at reducing the likelihood o an incident

    occurring and includes all technical and organizational

    measures taken to reduce the severity o any incident

    that might occur and to ensure that its impact is

    reduced to a minimum and that it does not become a

    major event or disaster.

    Despite the best eorts to eliminate risks and reduce the

    likelihood o their occurrence, some residual risk will

    remain which can materialize in an incident. This residual

    risk should orm the basis or subsequent planning andpreparedness. The time taken during an incident to

    locate equipment and inrastructure, coordinate the

    actions o the various stakeholders, establish links

    between agencies and emergency services, establish a

    response plan and gather general inormation about the

    pollutant(s) and the acility responsible or the incident

    will be time lost towards minimizing the extent and

    consequences o a chemical incident. Hence, these

    tasks should be accomplished prior to the incident, inorder to ensure that immediate eorts can readily be

    ocused on the response to the incident. Thereore the

    incident response system should be designed, the roles,

    responsibilities and competencies attributed, personnel

    selected, trained and exercised, in the planning and

    preparedness stage.

    Incident detection and alert is a continuous activity

    undertaken to pick up signals that a chemical incident

    has occurred, and to ensure rapid alert or an

    appropriate and timely response.

    When an incident takes place, the operator, authorities

    and the public initiate the incident response to terminate

    the incident and mitigate the consequences.

    Ater the incident has been terminated the recoverymay

    take years o clean-up, health monitoring, evaluation

    and other activities that are aimed at restoring the

    situation to how it was beore the incident and

    contributing to prevention o recurrence.

    An example might explain the dierent stages o the

    disaster cycle. When considering the prevention and

    mitigation o incidents arising rom a large ammonia-

    lled cooling installation close to a residential area,

    the ollowing activities t to each o the stages o thedisaster management cycle:

    Apreventive approach could be to replace the

    ammonia with a less toxic and fammable chemical,

    reduce the amount o stored ammonia, build in

    redundancy o technical saety (partition the

    ammonia into smaller vessels, strengthen the vessels

    and pipes) and/or relocate the acility to somewhere

    where a release would not harm the public and

    the environment or create a distance between the

    installation and nearby residents.

    Preparation would include development o release

    scenarios and planning the possible best response,

    providing inormation and training or the public,

    installation o a public warning system, training

    and equipping responders to deal with loss o


    Detection and alert would include installation o

    gas detection systems (rom operator controls to

    ence-line monitoring), development o an eective

    system or alert and scaling up the incident response

    and actually using these to monitor or a release.

    igure 1: stages o the disaster ManageMentcycle

    Recovery Prevention


    Detectionand alert


    introduction 11

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    Response would be the termination and mitigation

    o an actual loss o containment and its health


    Recovery includes activities such as health

    assessment, clean-up and investigation o the root

    cause to prevent recurrence.

    The remainder o this manual is structured to ollow the

    stages o the disaster management cycle.

    1.2.4 a m mm To manage and co-ordinate the widely diering

    activities undertaken by the many actors involved at the

    dierent stages o the disaster cycle, an organizationalstructure that includes public health proessionals is

    recommended at the various administrative levels

    (e.g. national, provincial, and/or local levels). Possible

    actors are the operators (e.g. xed acility, transport),

    authorities (national, local), emergency services,

    employees and the public.

    This organization might be hosted by whichever

    agency is considered most suitable or a given country.Alternatively, management o chemical incidents could

    be the responsibility o a network o government

    departments and/or institutes at the national, provincial

    and local levels. Such an organization would include

    ministries responsible or important elements o

    prevention, preparedness, and response to chemical

    incidents, such as the ministries o health, labour,

    environment, transport, civil protection and security.

    The stages o the disaster cycle determine which

    disciplines are likely to play a predominant role. To

    ensure comprehensive and consistent prevention and

    mitigation o chemical incidents, national governments

    are advised to identiy a responsible ocial, governmental

    department or interdisciplinary standing committee to

    assume responsibility or coordination and management

    o chemical incidents at the national level. The responsible

    organization would in turn be responsible or identiying

    other governmental departments, national bodies

    and experts to assist in the coordination o activities

    associated with managing chemical incidents.

    Regardless o its structure, membership, and level

    within the government, the organization would have

    the responsibility to coordinate and to develop a policy

    to prevent, prepare or and protect the citizens o the

    country against chemical incidents. In addition, it would

    be responsible or establishing multidisciplinary teams

    or coordinating centres at subnational administrative

    levels to conduct many o the local tasks involved in

    the prevention and management o chemical events.

    The organization should provide leadership and

    motivate all the other agencies that will be involved in

    responding to a chemical incident to ull their roles

    and responsibilities. In addition, the organization must

    ensure that resources (nancial, personnel and training)are available to local networks, be they public health,

    emergency response or environmental networks.

    On a national level, the main tasks o the organization

    are to develop:

    a nationalchemicalemergency coordinating

    structure, including appropriately trained sta

    with the right knowledge and skills or dealing

    with each o the stages o the disaster cycle;a Chemical IncidentResponsePlan (including

    public health involvement);


    or all stages o the disaster cycle;


    and expertise;


    public communication;

    emergency response guidelines, including

    environmental protection guidelines;




    organization of independent investigationof

    chemical incidents.


    Public health has a key role to play at every stage o the

    disaster management cycle or chemical incidents. For

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    the unctions o risk assessment and communication,

    the public health role is particularly evident. These two

    activities will be introduced briefy below, and will serve

    as a connecting thread throughout this manual.

    1.3.1 rk mAssessment o risk to human health is the core public

    health unction in the prevention and management o

    chemical incidents. An assessment o risk to human

    health is the process to characterize the nature and

    probability o adverse eects on the health o humans

    who may be exposed to chemicals in contaminated

    environmental media, now or in the uture. Risk

    assessment is considered to be a our-step process, asoutlined in Figure 2 below:

    Step 1 hazard identifcation is to identiy the types

    o adverse eects on health that can be caused by

    exposure to the agent in question, and to characterize

    the quality and weight o evidence supporting this

    identiication. Thereore, this process relects the

    inherent toxicology o the chemical(s) in question

    without predicting the likelihood o an eect.

    Step 2 doseresponse assessment is to document

    the relationship between exposure or dose and toxic

    eect. For emergency response purposes, this is

    oten perormed by developing emergency response

    guidelines or rapid risk assessment.

    Step 3 exposure assessment is to calculate a

    numerical estimate o exposure or dose relevant or

    the exposure scenario in question.

    Step 4 risk characterization is to summarize and

    integrate inormation rom the preceding steps in the

    risk assessment to synthesize an overall conclusion

    about risk. For chemical incidents, it may be useulto distinguish between the risks o acute and delayed

    health eects.

    Risk assessment will be discussed in detail in chapter

    3 (planning and preparedness). In the other chapters,

    the public health contribution to risk assessment will

    be discussed briefy within the particular context o

    each chapter.

    igure 2: the 4 steP risK assessMent Process

    a Text and gure adapted rom the US Environmental Protection Agency (


    What is the extra risk ofhealth problems in theexposed population?


    What health problems

    are caused by thepollutant?


    What are the health

    problems at differentexposures?

    Exposure AssessmentHow much of the pollutant are

    people exposed to during aspecific time period? Howmany people are exposed?

    introduction 13

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    nm s Pp s

    Health impact assessment Prevention and preparedness To estimate potential risks associated with various hypothetical release scenariosand the accompanying options or managing the chemical incident.

    2.2 and 3.3

    Health risk assessment Response To predict health outcomes associated with a known or suspected chemicalrelease or existing condition, using estimates o actual exposure and existingknowledge on exposure/dose-response. Used to make decisions about need orurther response and recovery actions.

    3.3 and 5.3

    Best outcome assessment Response To determine the best course o action during or in the immediate atermatho a chemical incident. May be an application o health impact assessment toincident-specic conditions. Action-oriented.


    Rapid assessment Response To provide a screening level analysis o risk during or in the immediateatermath o a chemical incident and to inorm decisions about next steps inresponse. Uses exposure guidelines as rapid indicator o risk. Oten conductedprior to best outcome assessments and health risk assessments.

    5.1 and 5.3

    Health outcome assessment Response and Recovery Actual measurement o the health outcomes o a chemical incident, otenconducted as an epidemiological study. Can be initiated in the response orrecovery stages. Necessarily retrospective.


    table 2: suMMary o tyPes o health assessMents described in this Manual

    This document describes ve orms o risk assessment

    that are common to activities conducted at various

    stages in the public health management o chemical

    incidents. As summarized in Table 2, each o these

    orms is reerred to with a specic term that is intended

    to be descriptive and to acilitate understanding the

    goal o the assessment. To urther aid in describing their

    particular purposes, the ve orms o risk assessment

    are also distinguished by the component o the disaster

    cycle in which they are practised.

    1.3.2 cmmCommunication with the public is another core

    unction in which public health can play a crucialrole: public health proessionals oten have valuable

    experience in communicating about health risks with

    the public. For the purpose o this manual a distinction

    will be made between risk communication and crisis


    Risk communication reers to communication about

    possible incident scenarios, inormation about possible

    protective actions and public involvement in siting and

    licensing o acilities where chemicals are produced,

    used or stored beore an incident occurs.

    Crisis communication reers to communication about

    actual risk and appropriate risk-reducing (avoiding)

    behaviourduring an incident.

    Good risk communication opens communication

    channels, builds trust and thereby lays the oundations

    or eective crisis communication. The cornerstones

    o eective risk and crisis communication arespeed, openness, transparency and continuity o

    communication. In each o the ollowing chapters

    some inormation will be provided about possible

    communication strategies and subjects.

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    Prevention is aimed at reducing the likelihood o

    chemical incidents occurring and reducing their

    severity i they do occur. Proactive measures

    intended to eliminate structural causes o incidents

    are an important element o prevention. When it is not

    possible to eliminate the potential cause o a chemical

    incident completely, prevention ocuses on reducing

    the likelihood o a chemical incident and reducing

    the vulnerability (increasing the resilience) o exposed

    populations in the event o a chemical incident.

    This chapter will describe some concepts o risk-based

    design, policy development and implementation and

    scenario analysis. Technical and chemical engineers

    usually play a dominant role at this stage, whereas

    historically there has been a modest role or public

    health. From a technical perspective the prevention stage

    is concerned with ailure rates o installations (or their

    components), physical eect scenarios and modelling o

    consequences in a highly legislated environment. Legalconsiderations include land-use planning, siting and

    licensing o installations and transport routes. The most

    important public health input at these stages includes

    assessment o the health impact o possible release

    scenarios and risk communication.


    Technical engineers think o the various measures to

    prevent and mitigate chemical incidents as lines o

    deence (LOD) or layers o protection (LOPs). This

    concept is useul in itsel, and some insight by public

    health proessionals into the most common applications

    o LOP may greatly acilitate communication with the

    engineering community. A conceptual model o LOPs

    is illustrated in Figure 3.

    Two types o LOP are typically considered. First,

    protection layers that serve to prevent an initiating

    event rom developing into an incident are reerred

    to as prevention LOPs. Second, protection layers that

    reduce the consequences o an incident once it occurs

    are termed mitigation LOPs.

    The diagram in Figure 3 is useul or understanding the

    concept o LOP, but is not practical or analysing possible

    release scenarios and the infuence o protection and

    mitigation LOPs. For such analyses the so-called bow-

    tie diagram is used (Figure 4). The concept o this

    diagram will be illustrated with an example.

    Consider a storage vessel with hydrazine (a toxic and

    explosive volatile liquid chemical) as an example. A

    number o initiating events can lead to a release, i

    all preventive LOPs ail. Possible initiating events are

    (reerring to the numbers in the Figure):

    1. Collision with road tanker delivering hydrazine.

    LOP 1a could be a ence to prevent collision o the

    tanker with the truck. LOP 1b could be reinorcement

    o the walls o the storage vessel. LOP 1c could be



    Prevention 15

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    igure 3: layers o Protection (loP) against a cheMical incident

    a Adapted rom graphic on the website o ABS consulting (

    igure 4: a bow-tie diagraM to analyse release scenarios and the eect o loPs

    1 Process Design

    2 Basic Controls, Process Alarms, and Operator Supervision

    3 Critical Alarms, Operator Supervision and Manual Intervention

    4 Automatic Action SIS or ESD

    5 Physical Protection (Relief Devices)

    6 Physical Protection (Dikes)

    7 Plant Emergency Response

    8 Community Emergency Response










    Prevention Mitigation

    Initiating Event 1

    Initiating Event 2

    Initiating Event 3

    Initiating Event 4

    No consequence

    Consequence A

    Consequence B

    Consequence C

    LOPs / LODs


    1a 1b1c





    M1 M2

    a Health and Safety Executive (2004). Lines of Defence/Layers of Protection Analysis in the COMAH Context. Amey Vectra Report 300-2017-R02. UK

    16 Manual or the Public health ManageMent o cheMical incidents

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    mandatory supervision by site personnel when the

    tanker manoeuvres to the storage. I all preventive

    LOPs ail, a tank breach will occur resulting in a

    release o the chemical.

    2. Rupture o a valve by the road tanker. The ence

    introduced earlier as LOP1a would also work

    to prevent a release resulting rom this initiating


    3. Tanker driver attempts to drive away with lling hose

    attached. Preventive LOP 3a could be a technical

    measure that prevents driving until the lling is

    complete, 3b could be an audible alarm and 3csupervision by the site personnel.

    4. Corrosion o the hose. LOP 4a could be a mandatory

    check o hose integrity beore coupling.

    Multiple orms o protection at a given layer provide

    redundancy which is an important eature o

    prevention. Systematic analysis o vulnerabilities in a

    process or acility is essential in order to determine theappropriate types o prevention LOPs necessary in a

    given situation.

    I all prevention LOPs ail, a loss o containment and

    a release may ollow. When this happens, mitigation

    LOPs are intended to minimize emissions, control

    exposure, and manage potential risk. For the example


    1. M1 could be a rapid transer system to neighbouring

    containers to reduce the amount released, an

    enclosure around the storage vessel that captures

    the released hydrazine, ollowed by application o

    a oam cover to prevent evaporation o volatile


    2. M2 could be a ence-line water spray system to

    knock down any vapour that might escape, a system

    to prevent ignition and a re extinguishing system.

    These measures have to be in place in case the

    oam cover proves insucient.

    Analysis o initiating events, prevention LOPs, and

    mitigation LOPs allows public health authorities and

    others involved in managing chemical incidents to

    evaluate the possible scenarios or a chemical release

    rom a acility, or an activity, their possible consequences

    and possibilities or intervention. The same concept

    can be applied to ood and drinking-water saety,

    transportation, and other scenarios. Knowledge about

    the likelihood and magnitude o consequences is

    useul or the later stages o the disaster cycle including

    preparedness and response.

    The LOP concept and bow-tie tool illustrate that the

    responsibility or incident prevention rests primarily withthe operator, starting at the design o a xed acility,

    storage or transportation route. Community incident

    planning, preparedness and response are literally the

    last line o deence, required to cover residual risk. As

    history has shown, zero risk does not exist: risk rom

    technical installations can be minimized but never

    entirely excluded.

    An LOP or equivalent analysis will help to answerquestions about stationary sources and transportation

    such as How sae is sae enough? and How many

    protection layers are needed? Analyses o this type

    will also help to provide clarity and consistency among

    stakeholders, document the rationale or decisions or

    risk-reducing measures, and acilitate understanding

    among public and commercial organizations.



    The LOP analysis will also help to identiy possible

    incident scenarios in terms o released chemicals,

    duration and quantities. This is one starting point

    or a scenario analysis, an activity aimed to produce

    a complete overview o possible incident scenarios

    and their consequences. Other inormation on

    possible scenarios can be ound in reports o accident

    investigations. Monitoring all chemical incidents or near

    incidents in a country, as well as international incidents,

    Prevention 17

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    is another good way to identiy major impacts or risks

    that should be taken into account. The reccurrence

    o small incidents linked to a particular chemical or

    application may serve as an essential warning fag

    regarding the existence o problems, which i properly

    addressed could help prevent a major incident.

    Scenario analysis only considers the consequences o a

    release i it occurs, and requires input rom engineering,

    emergency response and health proessionals. The

    engineers role would be to identiy ailure mechanisms.

    Emergency responders can make a realistic estimate

    o the time required to terminate resulting emissions.

    Combining this inormation provides an estimate oquantities and release rates o chemicals, which is

    the starting point or dispersion modelling. Based on

    calculated concentrations in all relevant contact media,

    health proessionals can make an exposure assessment

    and characterize health impact or risk resulting rom

    each o the possible incident scenarios.

    The health sectors role starts with determination o

    all possible exposure pathways resulting rom theidentied incident scenarios. Human exposure can be

    via air or rom contact with liquid or solid chemicals.

    Emergency responders may also be exposed when

    helping contaminated victims. The public can be

    exposed through ingestion, skin contact or inhalation

    via a large number o routes. Each o these exposure

    routes must be evaluated, but, because o the rapid

    dispersion, the inhalation route must take precedence.

    For each o the routes, concentrations in contact media

    must be estimated as well as the possible intensity and

    duration o exposure to each contact medium. The

    reader is also reerred to section 3.3 and Figure 7 or

    a clarication o the most important exposure pathways

    or chemical incidents.

    Oten toxic impacts or risks are dominated by a limited

    number o contact media and exposure pathways.

    Completion o the impact assessment requires

    inormation about the exposure/dose-eect (or

    exposure/dose-response) relationship o the released

    chemicals. Guidelines have been developed to acilitate

    assessment o the impact o acute inhalation exposure;

    these will be discussed in chapter 5. Inormation on

    chemical hazard and impact or risk can be ound in

    a number o online databases, listed in section 3.1.2

    (Web links 1). Based on the impact assessment it is

    possible to assess the likely number o casualties and

    their health care needs or each scenario, as well

    as the need or other emergency response capacity

    to deal with the incident. This projected emergency

    response requirement can be compared with the

    actually available capacity. Such a comparison might

    lead to design adjustments or additional requirements

    or the operator or local authorities to ensure capacity

    to deal with incidents.

    It is crucial that the scenario analysis is inclusive. As

    demonstrated by the incident in Toulouse, France,

    described in section 2.4, page 26 policy-makers and

    local authorities may not ully appreciate all impacts or

    risks associated with a particular chemical or situation,

    which could result in an underestimation o chemical




    As part o a governments role in ensuring a certain

    minimum level o saety and security to its citizens,

    policy on chemical incident prevention, preparedness,

    detection, response and recovery should be developed.

    Such policy is the starting point or the development

    o laws and regulations and their enorcement. Policy

    development and implementation is a cyclic process,

    oten represented as the policy cycle (Figure 5).

    In many cases, chemical incidents could be avoided

    by compliance with saety standards, and risk

    consciousness at all levels o the operator (be it xed

    acility or transport).

    Instruments or authorities to ensure proper incident

    prevention are: policy development and strict enorce-

    ment o regulations, implementation o international

    18 Manual or the Public health ManageMent o cheMical incidents

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    agreements, thorough saety inspections, education o

    the public and a better level o communication between

    technical proessionals and policy-makers.

    Developing and enacting legislation that covers

    chemicals and applications with the potential to harm

    human health and the environment can help ensure

    that the hazardous sites and transportation conorm

    to standard saety measures. Legislation is required

    to eectively minimize the risks associated with chemical

    sites by planning land-use licensing so that chemical

    incidents are less likely to occur, and are properly

    managed when they do occur. Much o the legislation

    necessary to reduce the probability o the occurrence

    o an incident, reduce the eects o an incident, and

    enhance the eectiveness o the response to an incident

    is likely to have multiple purposes beyond those

    related to the management o chemical incidents only.

    Consequently, much o the required legislation may

    exist already and needs only to be identied, reviewed

    and revised taking into account chemical events. The

    ollowing national policies, laws and regulations will

    help in managing chemical sites.

    2.3.1 l- pBeore inormed decisions on siting and

    licensing o chemical installations and

    transport routes can be made, an overall

    land-use plan is very helpul. Such a

    plan can identiy areas where chemical

    installations can be planned at a sucient

    distance away rom sensitive locations

    (e.g. drinking-water catchment areas) and

    vulnerable populations (e.g. schools). A

    land-use plan provides clarity as to where

    a licence to operate a acility or build a

    transport route can be considered, and

    where the land-use plan precludes suchactivity. Land-use planning legislation could

    include the prohibition o site acilities and

    transportation routes in high risk areas,

    such as those prone to earthquakes,

    avalanches or fooding.

    Land-use planning is typically managed at the local

    level. As illustrated by the Bhopal incident described

    in section 1, page 2 many industries that manuacture,use or store hazardous chemicals are situated in

    densely populated areas with low per-capita income.

    Proper land-use planning would help to ensure that

    hazardous chemical sites are located in less densely

    populated areas. In addition, land-use planning should

    take into account the likely ate and transport o

    chemicals rom the site in the event o an incident and

    possible domino eects, where a ailure at one point

    leads to ailures in other parts o the acility.

    2.3.2 l pFacilities should not be allowed to produce, store

    or use hazardous chemicals without the prior and

    continuing approval o an identied governmental

    agency. In addition to registration o hazardous waste

    sites in a database, legislation should require that

    registered acilities comply with a minimum set o

    saety standards, such as limitation o container size

    or provision o secondary containment (risk-based

    design). The authorities require eective instruments

    igure 5: the cyclic Process o Policy develoPMent andiMPleMentation




    Signal detection:



    Pressure groups


    Policy preparationCompetent


    Advisory boards


    Decision processGovernment




    Local govt,

    Environment and

    Health Agencies


    Prevention 19

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    to enorce these standards, e.g. penalties such as nes

    or tax consequences or past wrongdoings in case o


    This legislation could speciy licensing that would rst

    o all require that an adequate Saety Management

    System be in place. Operators o hazardous sites

    should submit details o the operation, such as current

    (i.e. not outdated) identity and amount o chemicals on

    site, as well as procedures or handling, storage and

    emergency response (e.g. in material saety data sheets

    (MSDS)); and to prepare a site-specic chemical saety

    and incident plan that operators should coordinate

    with local authorities. Operators could be required toperorm scenario and risk analyses, including o domino

    eects on site and rom neighbouring acilities.

    Local authorities with a site in their jurisdiction should

    then be required to plan or