I i i VOL XXVI NO 153 GAINESVILLE FLORIDA WtDNBSlUY AUGUST 4 1909 TEN CENTS A WEEK U M J I I 4 7 1 7 d 1f f i i f 1 w a f 1- I ni ai1 un < = ± + GLANDERS IN HORSES CURABLE BY MALLEIN fiaveraor Gilchrist Gives Valuable Information Ob- tained From Experiments By USA Officers 4 a ¬ TALLAHASSEE Aug sup plement the Information relative to the treatment of glanders In horses wblch he obtained from CoL Hugh- L Scott Superintendent of the United States llllltary Academy at West Point N Y and embodied In an Interview upon his return to Florida Governor Gilchrist wrote to this of the United States Army for copies of reports which had been made to the depart- ment on this subject and has receiv- ed copies of several such reports from which the following extracts published for the Information of Interested persons In Florida Dr Thomas P Shanahan veterinary surgeon of the Quartermasters De- partment I S A reports as fol lows Glanders having broken out among the horses of the Ird squadron lath Cavalry stationed at lolo P I com 3To are Quartermaster Geueral ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Wronged Woman Slays Husband and AffInity 10 I CANTON Ohio Aug 3 An terminated in the murder of Tony Panllla and Mrs Clara Pizzani by Mm Panllla wife of the sail mot here After shooting her husband lira Pauilla attacked Mrs Pizzani with a butter knife A struggle fun towed Mrs Pizzani being stabbed thirty times During the struggle Mrs Pizzani succeeded In reaching a telephone anti held antagonist at bay while she called the police sta- tion Mr Panllla overpowered her however before the telephone conver- sation was completed and Mrs Pizzani was dead when the police learned of the trouble Panllla deserted his wife In Deans I her elope- ment 1 ¬ ¬ Gruesome Find of Woman Who Died From Hunger J MEMPHIS Tenn Aug 3 The woman lying on n pullet on the flour dead her mouth tilled with bits of cracker in a km uffort to sustain life- r r three children ranging in front 2 to 9 years ualuup h ldoI- KH nut utictHisrlmi the K u M iiii 4 tur pre untitl whwn- ni rut of Mrs IKllw idrxtlr IHIM III lm II- I li IP llirll Itl uMI tv HI 1 1 I I 1 I in In i ag I h I IIchllut tllllir Inlu tIl hurt Nut NIhl hr L r 1 t was r ItKOtHI tvny Ihu- t alalltut t yvnrr tits tt M rsl- k hat Ilpi tl t Its Nbtu > prising troops I L and M and to control and weed out the in- fected cases the commanding officer ordered that the mallein test be ad- ministered to these four troops by the orders and under the directions Major Hugh L Scott 14th Cavalry commanding the post of solo P I The mallein test was administered to the animals one troop at a time and any animal that reacted to the test was to be isolated from healthy animals and given Injections of maliein until the animal ceased to teact to the nmlleln when the animal developed no symp- toms of glanders and gave no further reaction to the maliein test he was returned to duty In the troop Tin animals that received the mallein tes and developed symptoms of wire destroyed Out of 215 horses tested with 72 reacted nt the first test Thesr K of the and ma- lI In gland ° request for admission to the coon was unanswered they forced an en triune Thu condition of thu body hull catod that the woman Iliad buon dune for several hours That duath front hick of nourlnhniunt was opinion of tin Killcw Minion MUII- IIDOIIlHl ChryntlH OMIHH to MuntphU about IWWIVM tars H4 fun Ht U 4t I T hiulMtml dU l M Thill nb HUM H HIMMMM th 1 rill ICU 14 result- ed avow tot rtflis t tiI hturs dtlclare wN passel > = locker Clubs Raided to Jail Many Sent Ala AHK 4- H l I H W r still UvtMtf i f tits Utl Un main wUHr few 14 up URIII nUtft 441 t maI h IIIIIa4ilvt111AA1 t err kekr t11411 pfwltrlr- 4it aMd INNWis rM by illy 4 1rtesi ysiwJat ahri tuNkt Ihs Sri ktWm + N J and Mrs Pizzani left her land Peter Pizzani and child ii New York City and eloped to Cantor last February the police say Mrs Panllla later came to Canton and found the couple together He husband agreed to live with her agate if she would permit Mrs Pizzani ti occupy part of their residence Th woman agreed to this and for last month the three have been occu eying the louse together Mrs Panllla said she saw her bus band In Mrs Plzzanls room yestor day and the sight crazed her You may find what you nre lookln for through a want nd In The Sun bus f r Mr rut About lf Wttki I MM h4ht i U f UrmlHlkAtM f IV- dtL1 sera 4w aplwNrNNw is I tIrl 1kx4t Msw kNSelrwd Nlak ate l1Nl Nt iwwn 1tallhw- trsiih alpl4Ywl aY Mslwr llrlN- t yN4e hi a4 NWthlswl 10414 1 l Itr8r111N11I trttutlr 41 tk Isl- uVhM Asa kArrh i i tkvlhsg t + + DISPENSARIES CLOSE IN SOUTH CAROLINA LARGE SALE OF LIQUOR IN PRE PARATION FOR DRAUGHT Will Remain Closed for Three Weeks or a Month if Not Permanently COLUMBIA S C Aug 3 At sun down yetserday every dispensary South Carolina closed its doors somi of them probably permanently the others for a period of about three weeks or a month The sales qf liquor on the eve the drought are reported nave been large Two weeks from Monday wet county in the State vi have n chance to speak on the liquor ques- tion each for itself to profit by the fortnights experience In prohibltior territory- At midnight last night an especial- ly stringent liquor law went tutu ef fort providing a tine of at least 101 or Imprisonment for three months 01 more for the first conviction of the sale of liquor and imprisonment for one to five years without alternative tine for the second offense 72 horses were quarantined and put in temporary stable fund promptly re- cuperated from the effects of the mullein test continued to do well anti at the expiration of four were retested with maliein One hors developed glanders tern days alter the Injection three horses after tit econd injection aud were destroyed The icmainlng GS horses were return- ed to duty In their respective troop and have remained healthy up to this date six months titter the first teal loin test was made No new have appeared among the four troops up to date The summary result of the first malUln test August ll 04 was as fol- lows Number of cavalry horses at post proven healthy by first maliein injection lab proven Infect- ed by first maliein Injection 72 proven healthy by maliein In- jection 36 proven Infected by sec oud mullein injection 35 proven healthy by third maliein Injection 24 i proven Infected by third tnalleiu injection 11 proven healthy by fourth maliein Injection S Four horses were destroyed suffer- Ing with glanders Col U L Scott reporting to tin War Department froth Jolo Philippine I aud wrote as follows The difficulty way in detecting 4lniiJfm until Isolating the Infected lorooH in the earlier stages of the disease before it progrutMtus fur enough to ba communicated to others In order to accomplish tints a law of maliein MM rocun d mid all the houses w rf htootilHtwd with the results iiHMitlomtd within l li ncd friMii thU and othtr litter iHHii Ni that niiilMu a h XlMlldiT III its iHClflvIlt IM fur It hu IHHIMW iHifTtctaMtl H- IriutciMl ui U lHJku by ib ukvi IN tier itMM Urm f hftrlHux irf thrN- MMNlh lvU HMW fur tfcw UlKI ul lot KlNM lt r ib i by u btlHN wHisk tfco MtMMMt Ml- t Ilia MM RN VIM INMII- il iv KM Tim MMttrlN MHMMM lu art mm N r MfWtK luftlr unit ttol- UlMMtU that W l HMlk HM I U IWKI NlMMMt H4l bU ir mini HM H n CH lu 4m jf HM tMwv- mi Mir rrny VvivriMMiMM Kfeattrt o II- witntrU I In of t rt llIke case this quantity II- i the I lour a th I I ka- I R kk kwh t I taf t WRtl aU tot Aso i I r every first lib second ea nit Mast a1Iad ade sill all oMl rWtsst s1 slut Ns a aealrr steer b san lee awl Iwtri N- NN srxd rxart M work alt NINNlra ttixsMN Ilw lwtrat at Ihr- Rk11a vi Mss araihar tv4x 11440 IIewli4 aru takes siAlha Ik N ls1 d I I I al- litt path It5INstI at ttelllat4 Mt IMN- t i hntt s dawn yra rtl i- t t I 1 iksts alp l ilw- li lutTgu 1 tq IAN m Twql < > > > + + < WHITES AND BLACKS ARE AT OUTS IN ALABAMAF- ifteen Negroes Attack a White Man and Beat Him Severely Whites Dispersed the Mob i ff 1i 1 ROME Ga Aug 3 Following two Jays of Intense excitement with war between tite whites and blacks Immi- nent the small town of Farrlll In Cherokee county Ala eighteen miles west of hero was reported last night to be quieting down although tilt re are still grave apprehensions- f a serious clash A clash between he racoa ociuriud at Farrlll two tart utto ntiu but lltile is heeded to fan Into flame the smouldering fires of resentment An armed band of whites h rtlll malting search for nembers of the negro clan who pre- cipitated the present trouble Galveston Perkins a negro enraged at being ordered from the store of A n Wright at Farrlll Saturday evening by the latter son Harper Wright went away sullenly annul Satur- day night returned at the head of a mob of fifteen of his kinsmen and waylaid and assaulted Harper Wright a short distance from his fathers store Cleveland Perkins a brother if Galveston Perkins knocked young Vrlcht down with n rock m the tnt ¬ ¬ Enormous Losses Result 1- of Spanish Revolution PARIS Aug Internal situ tlon in Spain seems to be Improving Barcelona has emerged from her Iso- lation and the threatened general strike In Madrid appears to have been averted nt least temporarily- The first train out of Catalonias apltnl city since the beginning of the raglc events there reached the French frontier last night bringing renamed and plainly inexact news apcr accounts of the Insurrection anti of the conditions In the outlying arty of Cslnlcnln The rent Ic branded In mystery Several of the smaller cities are reported to be In the hands of the revolutionists and many vlllagPH have proclaimed the district a republic Troops are being steadily distributed throughout the rebellious districts and barring a few serious outbreak liiBunvctlonlHtH eventually will forced to capitulate Revolt Not Yet Dead- It IH wild that the nuthorltlu are Ictprminid to erusn Insurrection the from South America f iVpMl Alcjmulrii Lcruiix chief of hi UtimlillrniiM Ht IMrvdoiiH whoso Period tot fw H lltlc il rwwuoii- WH MI Htol li br Chnmb of iVimttvM ki Ai rtl- lt M rl i from HHH Krllriv P lutnn 3The r urn th the hr the fore rape I ¬ > > > To Teach Prohibition- In the Public Schools MQKTUUMKKV A- i ttt h- 1kel1IfiM t h f A II I tte NAalai lb auatreNi hltk- MIMNMs WII cce tNtrd w the lltetilw- I tMrIxr alirllawe she N34wNNtS- II ff fIkiatk tit sM NN1ilM n- th Nt MNlsultstrt I u0tt pei14- N tIN i k ik Prlt1 1411 a I t wiN lsru- t t t tktr si fit trAlr h l1klIvi- tl I aa i r t i i t wi AStl ihat + ter was taking the small mall pouch from the depot to the poatoSfice aad immediately the other negroes jolaed the attack Wright was badly beaten and his Injuries are serious Soon a number of white men on the scene and the negroes fled Immediately the town was alarmed and an armed posse scoured the woods all night Snally capturing Garvin Perkins a cousin of the two leaders of the mob Cooler heads pre- vailed upon the posse to allow Garvin Perkins to be sent to jail and he was laccn to tho teat Center Ala It Is charged that Garvin Perkins also shot at Gus Wright the 15yearold brother of Harper Wright The negro women as well as most of the negro men have quit work and yesterday morning there was a threat cuing situation when a largo number of the negro women gathered In front of the Farill postofflco and Indulged In infammatory talk They were final- ly driven to their homes Although there are many nesrous In the vicinity of Farrlll tho whites nr In th majority t t- In 0 J 1 county i ap- peared p a ¬ > < ° and Cassa de la Selva say that these places are still In the hands of tho revolutionaries It Is rumored that the Spanish gunboat Teraperarjo liaR left for San Felice to aid the troops- In restoring order In striking contrast with the eU mate of the victims of tho disorders given by the Barcelona newspaper which arrived last night at Cercbere Is one of 5000 emanating from private advices received from Madrid Till latter estimate however Is labelled perhaps An official statement In Madrid last night concerning the pro- posed general strike there says that numerous masons failed to report for duty yesterday but It Is explained that this was due to a fear of a clash with the unionists Spains censorship Is moro Inexor able than ever No news has beets locrlvtd from the various points In the north where tho trades unions road planned a general strike and therefore the actual conditions there and elxnwhoru cannot bo stated TIlt losses by commerce during the rioting of the past week have been NiHrMioiin and tilt destruction of proi rty has boon grunt Rend thi want ads In todav 8un crfil iJ x exagfterated rtl I slued ° In WH pa l bjr a wl4u RtNTtiw H llr bill to t roh U n w- M H r frMm MbUhl n Haw of wiHiiftH m whom iBiawUa wmUUil ti d m wa H MU pro TM Fuller Mil prohibit Riwai ninth kall it Tau war mars his the np pj fnM putt klIMI r h 4kpkao4 the ktnIi ITt heap ktMliNM fiu4s p1slsrus fen t IIiH4 pdpf5 lhtt4 1W4- It 1so tkM R41 i I w >

fiaveraor Valuable Information tained Experiments USAufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01475/00249.pdf · ItKOtHI tvny Ihu-t alalltut t yvnrr tits tt M rsl-k hat Ilpi tl t Its

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Page 1: fiaveraor Valuable Information tained Experiments USAufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01475/00249.pdf · ItKOtHI tvny Ihu-t alalltut t yvnrr tits tt M rsl-k hat Ilpi tl t Its


U M J I I 4 717







w a



I ni ai1 un



± +



fiaveraor Gilchrist Gives Valuable Information Ob-

tained From Experiments By USA Officers





plement the Information relative to

the treatment of glanders In horses

wblch he obtained from CoL Hugh-

L Scott Superintendent of the United

States llllltary Academy at WestPoint N Y and embodied In an

Interview upon his return to Florida

Governor Gilchrist wrote to thisof the United

States Army for copies of reportswhich had been made to the depart-

ment on this subject and has receiv-

ed copies of several such reportsfrom which the following extracts

published for the Information of

Interested persons In FloridaDr Thomas P Shanahan veterinary

surgeon of the Quartermasters De-

partment I S A reports as fol

lowsGlanders having broken out among

the horses of the Ird squadron lathCavalry stationed at lolo P I com



Quartermaster Geueral





Wronged Woman Slays

Husband and AffInity10


CANTON Ohio Aug 3 Anterminated in the murder of

Tony Panllla and Mrs Clara Pizzaniby Mm Panllla wife of the sail mothere After shooting her husbandlira Pauilla attacked Mrs Pizzaniwith a butter knife A struggle fun

towed Mrs Pizzani being stabbedthirty times During the struggleMrs Pizzani succeeded In reaching atelephone anti held antagonistat bay while she called the police sta-tion Mr Panllla overpowered herhowever before the telephone conver-sation was completed and Mrs Pizzaniwas dead when the police learned ofthe trouble

Panllla deserted his wife In Deans







Gruesome Find of Woman

Who Died From HungerJMEMPHIS Tenn Aug 3 The

woman lying on n pullet on the flourdead her mouth tilled with bits ofcracker in a km uffort to sustain life-

r r three children ranging infront 2 to 9 years ualuup h ldoI-

KH nut utictHisrlmi theK u M iiii 4 tur pre untitl whwn-

ni rut of Mrs IKllw

idrxtlr IHIM III lm II-

I li IP llirll Itl uMI tvHI 1 1 I I 1 I in In i

agI h

I IIchllut tllllir Inlu

tIl hurtNut

NIhl hrL




ItKOtHI tvny Ihu-t alalltutt yvnrr


tt M rsl-k hat

Ilpi tl t Its Nbtu


prising troops I L and M

and to control and weed out the in-

fected cases the commanding officerordered that the mallein test be ad-

ministered to these four troops by theorders and under the directionsMajor Hugh L Scott 14th Cavalrycommanding the post of solo P I

The mallein test was administeredto the animals one troop at a timeand any animal that reacted to thetest was to be isolated fromhealthy animals and givenInjections of maliein until the animalceased to teact to the nmllelnwhen the animal developed no symp-

toms of glanders and gave no furtherreaction to the maliein test he wasreturned to duty In the troop Tinanimals that received the mallein tesand developed symptoms of

wire destroyedOut of 215 horses tested with

72 reacted nt the first test Thesr





ma-lI In



request for admission to the coonwas unanswered they forced an entriune

Thu condition of thu body hullcatod that the woman Iliad buon dunefor several hours That duath

front hick of nourlnhniunt wasopinion of tin Killcw Minion MUII-


ChryntlH OMIHH to MuntphUabout IWWIVM tars H4 fun Ht

U 4t I T hiulMtml dU l M



1 rill




avow tot

rtflis t tiI hturs dtlclare wN




locker Clubs Raided

to JailMany SentAla AHK 4-

H l I H W r still UvtMtf i

f tits Utl Un main wUHrfew 14 up URIII nUtft

441 t




t err kekr t11411 pfwltrlr-4it aMd INNWis rM by illy

4 1rtesi ysiwJat ahrituNkt

IhsSri ktWm


N J and Mrs Pizzani left herland Peter Pizzani and child iiNew York City and eloped to Cantorlast February the police say

Mrs Panllla later came to Cantonand found the couple together Hehusband agreed to live with her agateif she would permit Mrs Pizzani tioccupy part of their residence Thwoman agreed to this and forlast month the three have been occueying the louse together

Mrs Panllla said she saw her busband In Mrs Plzzanls room yestorday and the sight crazed her

You may find what you nre looklnfor through a want nd In The Sun


f r Mr

rut About lf Wttki


h4hti U

f UrmlHlkAtM

f IV-


sera 4w aplwNrNNw isI tIrl 1kx4t Msw kNSelrwd Nlak ate

l1Nl Nt iwwn 1tallhw-trsiih alpl4Ywl aY Mslwr llrlN-t yN4e hi a4 NWthlswl

10414 1 l Itr8r111N11I trttutlr 41 tk Isl-

uVhM Asa kArrh i i tkvlhsg t

+ +





Will Remain Closed for Three

Weeks or a Month if Not


COLUMBIA S C Aug 3 At sundown yetserday every dispensarySouth Carolina closed its doors somiof them probably permanently theothers for a period of about threeweeks or a month

The sales qf liquor on the evethe drought are reported nave beenlarge

Two weeks from Mondaywet county in the State vi have nchance to speak on the liquor ques-

tion each for itself to profit by thefortnights experience In prohibltiorterritory-

At midnight last night an especial-ly stringent liquor law went tutu effort providing a tine of at least 101

or Imprisonment for three months 01

more for the first conviction of thesale of liquor and imprisonment forone to five years without alternativetine for the second offense

72 horses were quarantined and putin temporary stable fund promptly re-

cuperated from the effects of themullein test continued to do wellanti at the expiration of fourwere retested with maliein One horsdeveloped glanders tern days alter the

Injection three horses after titecond injection aud were destroyed

The icmainlng GS horses were return-ed to duty In their respective troopand have remained healthy up to thisdate six months titter the first tealloin test was made No newhave appeared among the four troopsup to date

The summary result of the firstmalUln test August ll 04 was as fol-

lowsNumber of cavalry horses at

post proven healthy by firstmaliein injection lab proven Infect-ed by first maliein Injection 72proven healthy by maliein In-

jection 36 proven Infected by secoud mullein injection 35 provenhealthy by third maliein Injection24 i proven Infected by third tnalleiuinjection 11 proven healthy by fourthmaliein Injection S

Four horses were destroyed suffer-Ing with glanders

Col U L Scott reporting to tinWar Department froth Jolo PhilippineI aud wrote as follows

The difficulty way in detecting4lniiJfm until Isolating the InfectedlorooH in the earlier stages of the

disease before it progrutMtus fur enoughto ba communicated to others In

order to accomplish tints a lawof maliein MM rocun d mid

all the houses w rf htootilHtwdwith the results iiHMitlomtd within

l li ncd friMii thU and othtr litteriHHii Ni that niiilMu a hXlMlldiT III its iHClflvIlt IM

fur It hu IHHIMW iHifTtctaMtl H-

IriutciMl ui U lHJku by ib ukviIN tier itMM Urm f hftrlHux irf thrN-

MMNlh lvU HMW fur tfcw UlKI ullot KlNM lt r ib i by u

btlHN wHisk tfco MtMMMt Ml-


il iv KM Tim MMttrlN MHMMM lu artmm N r MfWtK luftlr unit ttol-

UlMMtU that W l HMlk HM I U

IWKI NlMMMt H4l bU irmini HM H n CH lu 4m jf HM tMwv-

mi Mirrrny VvivriMMiMM Kfeattrt o II-











the I lour



I I ka-


R kk


I taft

WRtl aU

tot Aso i






ea nit


a1Iad ade sill all oMl rWtssts1

slut Ns a



san lee


Iwtri N-NN srxd rxart M workalt NINNlra ttixsMN Ilw lwtrat at Ihr-

Rk11a vi Mss araihar tv4x11440 IIewli4 aru takes

siAlhaIk N ls1 d I I I al-

litt path It5INstI at ttelllat4 Mt IMN-

t i hntt s dawn yra rtl i-

t t I 1 iksts alp l ilw-

li lutTgu 1 tq IAN m Twql





+ +




ifteen Negroes Attack a White Man and Beat Him

Severely Whites Dispersed the Mob




ROME Ga Aug 3 Following twoJays of Intense excitement with warbetween tite whites and blacks Immi-

nent the small town of Farrlll In

Cherokee county Ala eighteenmiles west of hero was reported lastnight to be quieting down althoughtilt re are still grave apprehensions-

f a serious clash A clash betweenhe racoa ociuriud at Farrlll twotart utto ntiu but lltile is heeded tofan Into flame the smouldering firesof resentment An armed band ofwhites h rtlll malting search fornembers of the negro clan who pre-

cipitated the present troubleGalveston Perkins a negro enraged

at being ordered from the store ofA n Wright at Farrlll Saturdayevening by the latter son HarperWright went away sullenly annul Satur-day night returned at the head of amob of fifteen of his kinsmen andwaylaid and assaulted Harper Wrighta short distance from his fathersstore Cleveland Perkins a brotherif Galveston Perkins knocked youngVrlcht down with n rock m the tnt



Enormous Losses Result 1-

of Spanish RevolutionPARIS Aug Internal situ

tlon in Spain seems to be ImprovingBarcelona has emerged from her Iso-

lation and the threatened generalstrike In Madrid appears to havebeen averted nt least temporarily-

The first train out of Cataloniasapltnl city since the beginning of theraglc events there reached the

French frontier last night bringingrenamed and plainly inexact newsapcr accounts of the Insurrectionanti of the conditions In the outlyingarty of Cslnlcnln The rent Ic

branded In mysterySeveral of the smaller cities are

reported to be In the hands of therevolutionists and many vlllagPH haveproclaimed the district a republicTroops are being steadily distributedthroughout the rebellious districtsand barring a few serious outbreak

liiBunvctlonlHtH eventually willforced to capitulate

Revolt Not Yet Dead-

It IH wild that the nuthorltlu areIctprminid to erusn Insurrection

the from South Americaf iVpMl Alcjmulrii Lcruiix chief ofhi UtimlillrniiM Ht IMrvdoiiH whoso

Period tot fw H lltlc il rwwuoii-

WH MI Htol li br Chnmb ofiVimttvM ki Ai rtl-

lt M rl i from HHH Krllriv P lutnn


r urn




rape I





To Teach Prohibition-

In the Public SchoolsMQKTUUMKKV A-

i ttt



t h



II I tte

NAalai lb auatreNi hltk-

MIMNMs WII cce tNtrd w the lltetilw-

I tMrIxr alirllawe she N34wNNtS-

II ff fIkiatk tit sM NN1ilM n-

th Nt MNlsultstrt I u0tt pei14-

N tIN i k ik Prlt1 1411

a I t wiN lsru-

t t t tktr sifit trAlr h l1klIvi-

tl I aa i r t i i t wi AStl ihat


ter was taking the small mall pouchfrom the depot to the poatoSfice aadimmediately the other negroes jolaed

the attack Wright was badlybeaten and his Injuries are serious

Soon a number of white menon the scene and the negroes

fled Immediately the town wasalarmed and an armed posse scouredthe woods all night Snally capturingGarvin Perkins a cousin of the twoleaders of the mob Cooler heads pre-

vailed upon the posse to allow GarvinPerkins to be sent to jail and he waslaccn to tho teat Center AlaIt Is charged that Garvin Perkins alsoshot at Gus Wright the 15yearoldbrother of Harper Wright

The negro women as well as mostof the negro men have quit work andyesterday morning there was a threatcuing situation when a largo numberof the negro women gathered In frontof the Farill postofflco and IndulgedIn infammatory talk They were final-ly driven to their homes

Although there are many nesrousIn the vicinity of Farrlll tho whitesnr In th majority t











> < °

and Cassa de la Selva say that theseplaces are still In the hands of thorevolutionaries It Is rumored thatthe Spanish gunboat Teraperarjo liaR

left for San Felice to aid the troops-In restoring order

In striking contrast with the eUmate of the victims of tho disordersgiven by the Barcelona newspaperwhich arrived last night at CercbereIs one of 5000 emanating from privateadvices received from Madrid Tilllatter estimate however Is labelledperhaps

An official statement In

Madrid last night concerning the pro-posed general strike there says thatnumerous masons failed to report forduty yesterday but It Is explainedthat this was due to a fear of aclash with the unionists

Spains censorship Is moro Inexorable than ever No news has beetslocrlvtd from the various points Inthe north where tho trades unionsroad planned a general strike andtherefore the actual conditions thereand elxnwhoru cannot bo stated

TIlt losses by commerce during therioting of the past week have been

NiHrMioiin and tilt destruction ofproi rty has boon grunt

Rend thi want ads In todav 8un

crfil iJ


exagfterated rtlI

slued °


WH pa l bjr a wl4u

RtNTtiwH llr bill to t roh U n w-

M H r frMm MbUhl n Haw ofwiHiiftH m whom iBiawUa

wmUUil ti d m wa H MU pro

TM Fuller Mil prohibit Riwai

ninth kallit

Tau war mars


the np pj

fnM puttklIMI

r h 4kpkao4 thektnIi

ITt heap

ktMliNM fiu4s p1slsrusfen

t IIiH4 pdpf5 lhtt4 1W4-

It 1so tkM R41 i I w
