10 THE AXACOXPA STAXPAKD: SUNDAY MORXIXG, JTXE 27, 1897. WESTERN MONTANA HAMILTON NEWS NOTES Th* Weeterr, Maat.na OBce ef lh» Standard H all IS HWn.u •«<•«. «!<o«»ii» !*«>•'"•'». MBit. Talis*™.- AdTertltlai rates rorauh.4 <K apsll'-atlsa CLIMAX ••• r REACHED IN LOW PRICES AT THE- lTTERr\05T POINT YET ATTAINED. Presbyterian Sunday School Chil- dren Give an Entertainment. EVENTS OF LAST WEEK Several Parlies Go to the Hills for Rec- reation coming- und Going of Peo- ple of th<> Valley Me- tropolis Personals. MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS $5-oo Let it be remembered this Suit if the beet value in low h. $10.00 Take your pii k fr«rn over inn Men's Very Nobby Suits that we are show - Ins The public appreciate <h< «>• raises, becsuse they have the eiylr, tit an>l durability. Men's Caraway Panti 11.25 Men's |UI Wool Pants I N Men n 7S< Hhlrts now 25 Men's Straw Mali .ic. r.0c 75c Children's Shirt Waists, Blouses iU: 10c. 75c. $1.00 Remember you will get a rbancs Fros on the $100 Heyvle that Ss an' going to give away July i. M ISSOULA f ft ERUNTILE L U > MISSOULA. MONT. WHOLESALER* ANI» RETAILER* I.N EVLKVTIIIM. fLOTHIMi I»EPART)IE>r \tail Cnlm SnlMtnl. MISSOULA NEWS. Missoula. Jaae SCJean Hagutn area! up to li.million this stomlni sad returned this evening in tiim fur tbs ssstbesnd train C i; Qitbi 11 nd Ml (lllbi rl i am* over from Butte yesterday and spent ,i day In ri Thi nt' i 1 '' 1 . ' i . \ i ; in i 1 mi- llton. whore Ihey a III remain ovci Sun- day at the MaraJU. Tom MeClaki ' suns down froai Carlton this mornlns° and remai n <l in m«a .ill day. nt 'Tsetse Tsmntatlens lefl ken IMs morning foe Wallace when the) will allure the Coeur d'Alen. peopW lor .i day or two. John MaBuit. will bare Itis steuh « am- pany at th<> Cakm I beater .ill si next wrrk. Tbs resasajry Kai dot < .i \ t busi- ness at Hamilton and omrs down aftei successful her!?* of performances, Mrs. W. J. Stephens in in lbs city from Seattle \v. J. Carrier sad wife of Spokam ir- ritant In lbs < itv this i vi nlii;; unit will VIMI a few days with frank Weal and family The remaliiH of J. Q. Ad.mis. the brake- men killed In tin yards Ihbt week, wen shipped to-day to Ills family. The body of A. J. Wyst of ll imllton whiiiiii it yesterday a) lbs Sisters hospi- tal, was -ti 11>|•»• 1 to his family in Michi- gan. A report from 11 a ml I ton this even I | says that Oiy Mint-hull Clark is i\ peeled to Bee, .tt Iba HuteU. flM rMesaii flsetgi w. Harks ri, btk es J . ;.i » I.. Ilutiton. J. Lake. M Torrance and C. Rudolph Twelve TSSBp- tattons eampaay Mas mMSry, Philip - bum: F. v. Hurley St. PM.I 1; O, K. Whi i i.n ago J i f KoMI, Ftathctid BSSSey; John David, New Votk . .1 II lemple. Omaha a. IV Stokes, Denver: •'. R. Gilbert sad wuo Butte: l>r. C. K. In- gersoll: M. P Qlsssot Mtddleiso, O.; I". W. Piaaley, South Omaha; T. U Magev. Louisville. George A. Clark. Ilutte. The Rjinkin-Mr. Mee sod wife. lai Uo James Mlll< r, 8trven«vllle. II. C. McHally, Ovsndo: I. C s- irm .. J wir<. Nlu< Mile: \\ 'I \, nil'. i is. ,.rc,' M Kennedy. Clinton: K. 8. Ill nit. ill) I I . W. nil I - ' H'MI > * • \ 11 . i; 11 Brown. Nine Mil. Mn V I. Remlck Concord. N. I! John Meltonsld l.n Lo M. M. Mi V m.. i I . 1 ' t... I.I In. Spokane: K. Ollbort, Potomai Mrs, K F. WsHaaad two »ont-. Beekd . Cal.; A. N. Mittour. Vhtor. W.J ttevrai ni> U D. Reynolds. Florence; Kns. Csrrler. Ai- lee: James DaJkry, Uviaastoa: R. Can- way. Hamilton: ll. La rasa, Hamilton. t nlrrrslly BmsMSBtS. Missoula. June M.—The mntila r> of the stale university commission this noon visited the aadtrerslt) aroundi to d trrmine anally upon the loestlon of tin building*, the former sri Ween found to lirlnx Ihe structun i rlosf to is.- bJIla sad thi com mi •I.. |.tc ,1 to Ici uIs il'. in tart i There will be no Chang* it: the i-ontlnK ef the buildings or in tn.it relative posl- lions, bul all wlil bo placed rurthei uwa) from the hills than was at first pi in I. The work on Ihe eeavr construction 1* progressing slowly, but th< work - being well don" and will Is llnlshed In llmi if the present rate Is kept up. Tie swei t .ir» girt rtl) om tit. unl\i i it.* luiil'l- lngs to ll.. river and will I ire pitch enough to make ll an excellent system $100022 for good word-guessers. Get Schilltngs Iiest tea at your grocers; save the gucsb the yellow ticket; missing word. Rules of contest published in lsrce advertisement about the tir^t and middle «< each moBlii. AI J Ilamllt'.n. Jtin. :>\ Tin ri. sbyterlan Sunday grhssl a| turvallls hi Id its Chlldn n s day si i \ i, . > last Humluv evening The iliim h w us beautifully decorated and the cX'iii .i s wire \*iy lute resting und nfnt great 11 1 1 ll mi the rhllthin and their pustui. Raw, Mi. lilalr. A party of young, men < onalstls] of Kn i fjatlafwaa$rsr, C. iioiibs. I;.I pwiaa, t»lck Parnienlei. K N M OWOSS, W ll. Hajnassnl Dwtghl Hgghoa und Will Smith spent Sunday at Luke OssTaR The rain and cold gf la t week kept the bjaysjaj from ilpi iilng und Suiunlay there were few on tie market. The luality of Ihe brrrlas Is nnpnui d. Ivin- ever. The Misses nstirniey ' att.nded Iht Children's ilax Mervieca at Cm villus Sunday evening, prtaratR| bags* Mmi da y. The crossing nut Ihe new supply ditch on the BtSVSftsbllls n ail is In hoi- riMi < 11miltii>it it pi Umanaaigoi for baMM to cross the bridge, us il Is lulscd u fool und ;• lull! tiiniM' I he mail lu il and no gpgeuai In * have been made. I'eopli ale iiliipelled to dllvi lllloUHll the liit. li. which is u dlfhcall and <!•• n- Kermis fngt, as Ihe banks aTS \ ei y stOOg ami tile water is deep. If time It. not a Ileal y dutOUKC suit to lie settled SMM, 11 i' ill lii i, i as. of timid In, I, rat IHT than good maag .ii' iil A number of link folks gathered si MI^F , Hit;'., i Nelson's home Monda) afl araasag in hagsr of Hngal't Mh birth- da>. \ gptcigi trala rams up Tnaaasy aft- lins been t -turti 'd mi SIMIIIII ilicct. A number or lbs mlltmen have n nled the house of A. B, Hat\ty and stalled a club. The rsea'fanlaad are ramBgjiy bad a pun in ' meeting Saturday evening. Mr liivhop Is nuklnR rigorous efforts lo bring tin department Into better vhapo, Miss Anna llond of Victor was In tow ii Batvfsay. A spcclHl trainc aim up Tin sdny a r i ernoon. bringing bead of \miiig cuttle for the Bitter Root stock farm Tbeat wii e ptn 'chused in i in t un and win be fattened for mmrtut mi the IIII- lar iti 'i 't hills. Mrs. Charles Betnef relumed home Tuesday after a \isit of SSVSTal units wiiii relatives in Butte and Anat la, Mis. CiHiley and duugbtet of Victor spent Sunday \. Ith Mrs. Harris ThS tliiiuthli r will remain smnc tlgtie, Mis. ^iendiickj rotumod from Ilutte, bringing with lar tin 11-year-old daughtt r "i .'' : r Hendi Icka, M ho will l: in p < I lallilltmi hi r I'll I ll l < hogs*. The rainy weather of Tuesday did not prevent a gooal) numher front nesting "The Bells of Shannon." Tin' programme has bean chances sn as t" i rodui - Tie " i irphana w ednes day nlpht. Invlmt Tl:e Sea of ice" for sstsrday night. A rsallnee wIM grrea Ihttursay afternsasi nt which u light corned} will given for tic bene- tit of the little folks, Charles linly hint nti-incil from Ihe OvervhJch rouatry. where he has bond- ed u mine belonging to eome Uarliy gsss A Uttl* ma hga been added to the family "f Rsv, Mr. Pl< rce. A utile nssiMar of Mr. J en ha, living nbrMil four Btttes from town, was throw n in tn u horse Mmulav and dan- gerously bint. A last iici-oimta she wnii uneonaclous und MssiMi from the cms. The daughtt i> "f I' shannon, who havs i"'< n in atiendam at tin' Slsti n acsdemj al Missoula, reisrnsd heans Wi iit'f daj Louis Crutchfleld and wife came up from Btevensvllle to see "The Two iirphnns.'' Hilly Majors, foinierb Northern 1 a- ciHc ilKetlt. b ft for 11« !• tm b '-dU) fltM t relM lltoWII >:.re> llllill. •gmmsht, June >.- l.ngln" t Hsghsa, win. hai ' harts si the survey fSf Hie IT . i., blown valley sMeh. ta m bmra, Mr Hughes states Ihst the work of Hie survey stesressssl ktvsrsbt) and thai it,. ,,i:, h win eovsf in of 'he vallsy ti, is w.t" ..t arsl sgaeeted. Tie i ips^t* ,r in.' ditch ba" been larrsasss to i.sa t„, bSS ami II may be thai It will t" fOWld ,.,, . „ry to make it ef n larger than that The nibsirlhers lo stock in the ,i,i. 1 1 . ansasni have slresd) taken more •gag Mini Imlies and Hie miintln left li rathei small. Tht ditch sill i boa from Hie river at Hie Ji tic rSBch and w ill run Sg as to cov. r nearly the whole cf lirass HSUs$ and a BSroSS of I hi firms Is low. ite.i skm i." io assmsssa. Mi oitla. Jinn 'the b* al ledge of It. .1 Men will IIBfSBfBled at the Aim- rssda retesratlso Is msrras by • good delegatkm. The big IcJutiH named by Hie lodge lo represent It ill Ihe . onti.il are H. li Haassa, tm Ottslsr, Harve) inggt. ami l it ill's IshSSSa These r.-guter stts- nat. s „nd asms in. nd- I. ft thi« •fternoos for Ihe dog fcait on W arm Hp'lnjs ,reck gnd egpi'ct io have the heal time Hull the rids have hud In Ihe pu«l years. The lilcw le 1 in. k. Missoula. June Hie .|unrler-inllc bl- It ., I ..t Ihe lllhletle palk l now nt K'OO.1 shape and Ihe I Idets ill'. U-ing It regssuiy. The iraeh I" mm h hatter than Hi, old one and wb.il H Is thoroughly m .,. BgSSS M Will Is- nil excellent BSC ThoTS will P. a inc. Hug ef Ihe . lull al lb" Ir.ok lo-morrow mornliiK and urrungemcnts ...ill be made for a race meeting to be licit! in u few aceks. II .\y gsass VI: soul.I June .11 The heaviest l lln ef the M-.i-oTi fell lasi night helwifii T o'clock , ami sjsaaagst. Tin- seathsr w-dsi sH ov r Wsstern Montana haa been clear I and l ot tind the f ti mers arc rejol. lug | Tie Unit . rops BMh w.ll and the lierrl .s MI . still coming bi although lb. rl Ishj supply is getting liglu. \i Msgahi "s riieai. r. Missoula. June W. John Magulr. I, :t pieasiil wltb lb. way the pcopb tiirne,| oi t lo till his in n theater In the lain la : i Isl.' .i d lit" aiiillen. e liinde linn hupp. . bul the city license fee thai has oppresscl ..II pn iious in. II ig< i made him : .u.,1 be told the iwoph no. in g*jf*M Oasssi Mlseoultt J jtie :ii In Ihe dlslrt. t esun to-day Judge Woody held a short session 1 .ml edjouiiied till Monday. II is llk.lt that Ihi present lerm of court will nilally ailjourn on Monday. *. -1 I'M >. l-ln- .t'lltii ilstr .i • t ... given U .tera in Ihe elate of U «' Moid,e, grgasaSS, and leiiiK-s were grained m Mrs. A. J 1*1 lin Ii Ihe estate of A J Ur- ine dc-eared In the esse of the Klral Natlon. l bunk of Cutte sgslnst Alfu-d Cuvs, It.jsu-.t j in ahlih suit was brousht tn restrain the treasurer from selling pro|M-rty for taxes, including a mortgage, the demurrer for the defendants was overruhd In ihe null of the same bank agslnst Ihe treasurer to restrain hitn from w I ling tit. Kenyou property fm the lax. • or |xi| and l«w'i Ihe demurrer to the . omplalnt was sustained. The ease of A. J H.ivls of Ilutte ygalnst BtSVens MckfSrd K.'th and others. In which the BfslatMl sues to rcoier auar- n it i ee,i inisrest, tin ggmurrcr »vus over- ruled. HOBOES IN EVIDENCE. Thf) (M ,„ Their Work ill Ihe Town* sBBgej ih« gsatsassa Missoula, June y, Tie hobo is getting in his work Hi the smaller lowna iiloug the line of Hie railroad ami has ubandoni i for th. time the larger places. In Mi - soldi, he bus been mii. I lor a long tliii but Ihe people 111 tin sin.,II. r slgCSS, both east an,I seal of here, have had no nil of trouble recently. Al Itonlla Hie it.m ers have a regular i atupliig place that has lie.-n Oct iipted about as regulurl.t .t- Hte liultlesnuke eamp in litis tuwu. and nearly every Irala brings In udditloit' lo Hie aSBBhsra of Weary Wiaggb . < . ..urn Sale Utile when liny arc pill off Hams West of lu re there has been a se- ries of |M-lty depredation., ihut l.aie e. iiised iainliin.il much trouble ..ml l..,\> visibly decreased lie supply of • hi. I..: At Thompson Kails Thursday night ihs slor.' of Jshg Willis was eiil.-it.I and SSSM rsllsry mid other small srik'les Is- ken. The seutein es that Judge Myers has Imposed u|Mjn lite UK.. wtio h.i\e I n br.itlglil belere l.lm hair hail a ill •Osmg« illg SgTsSi upon tile I.oboes and they do I not seem desirous oi s| lint iine-h time : in this eity. if ihey wiu cantlass to give lids town a wldi btttli there will lie no 1 bard reeling bore. OAK Hli.L CCMETERY. tiller* Itbiine, Sliilil. Inliii He want hgssg Hud Baheri tie Buried. The grave or that most nut i"h. t ie of msn in llfi James 0. Blaine, is > islied serhsng stairs frssjuestly than any oili- er at I'nk Hill, says u writer In Ibum- hoe's Magazine. These i isits an i .t nia.le In an idly BSftSSS spirit, bill rather in the aattsre or rrflstisaagjss to . Hie last resting pig i B man vim W as w igely belov i ds Ills grave is marked simply bi a whits marble footatone, bearing Ins In- lilals "J. <;. B." Mslne selected his own gta\e at the loot of a blightnl hickory, which, by his own wish, was io mi tn, glgca of a in "in or mon- ument The lice died Inst .Vi ii., iiiul its n II iii al became tn rest at | it was rnmjorsd that for many months BSBllBt'S grille hud u tiillltnry guard. It hud no military guard but n brave, top- iary watehar for three weeks of dark , mhiwlnter nights in Hie person of yTed- eri. k Scm.'i vilic, the supsrlntsndsnl of I th. pemetery. "i rsrried a platol in each pocket und u gun on m y slaiuldct. and ymi know I am u Virginian," was Mr. Bomgterviile'g own commeni mi ihe fulllhseni or timt mesAorable duty. Walker Blaine rests tn ills fsther*! side, aad neal to him Mis. Copptngwr, whose gru \e is iniukcd by n Celtic cfOM bearing u cent or arms nmi laacribsd, "To Hie memory or Alice Btanwood, daughter of Jain s il Blaine, an.I wile or did. .1. .1. Coppingsr, r : ; . \. Born ai Augusts, Me . March iv Ifas, I de l ut Wat hington, I", k Itit," in small ! letters at the BSSS al ll e cross tire the arsrdt This rrogf is elected by her Borrow iiii" husband." A RI an fill simplicity murks nil three graves, wbich are devoid aHke of mounds and DowSTB Tns ciloasly clipped (truss grows thickly over all. with un Intermingling 'f clover in ihe shadow of the cross, A grin.lie SIIH'I hssrhag mi Kg f id' the naiiic of stainon marks the grave uf Lincoln's set i dary or war—the asaa 1 who keM thai <inii< uit te st during Iks IsTSskrsI days of civil slrire. I ipe side i or titc •baft is I sscii hod "To tbo asm ory ol Kiln in M. Stanton, bora Dec. 1!'. 1MI. Mad Dec. J4, Utfi and kiS wife, Alice M . BtaaloA, born Nad. I Us, und died Nov. IT. UJi." On another side or tin shafi is un inscrlptlos to un Infant son. Junns II. BiaStOli, The ikrss graTBs ate lorersd with ivy at an evergreen variety and are marked by smell square granltt bead and fool StSSI s. Anoibcr lUustrtoss sscretary or war. whose runic us a oahlnci sgBBBSbrf a) largely Identifies! with his beautiful w ifi John H Raloa sf tw-nn m * also burliil at Oak Hill. A wreathe! sta 'inii pyiatnidui iiiouiiiui'nt, termuv gtlagj H I token COtUms. states thai he it ,i I.,. II June It, i r:"'. and died Not. 17, ISSi. ami tha: be win I'nited Sttiies s.nater from the .lute of Ti nnossc' fi r IS yeais. seii"lai> of war. Roy. rnm- Ihe state of Ifloridg anil PHP.St. I t'. the court of Madrid. By Ins sole rests Ills wife lbs ni \ei - to-be-forgoltrn Peg (VNell the embod- iment of La te ri.ua impulses, daintily, Dewltrhlngly beautiful with her qseen- I) i*arrlagr, exquisitely poised head, scintillating eyes, her taushti r-mvlag sotsl and ret ihs object ol the maal la- i,. .. sn |gj y ,I'..USI . thai ever burned. Here rest beauty, sorrow and irlnmpka, while over mi grow grass ami vMsts in liv nig rtl airy. Near the entrant s to nnk Hill, mi a circular plot covered wltk pstiwlnble. Standi a pedestal of white StOSS, Mr* moualed by a Bstrbls bsat of Jshn Howml Pavne, The face of the pedes- tal is Inscribes: "'n memory of John Howard Payne, sutkoi of 'Home, Sweei lb tm ' Born J tm. k IK:.:'." on the reverse of tin' asssstal are th words. .sin e, w In n ih" semis sturit fl To r a I IPS 1" ymul tit" iixme it With arms niilstreichcd. Iks said: Wsscesns to Ihatan*! Haaai Hsase.'" The approach to tie' it unnnient ts through an alb y lined Witk palms un l reins. At the ilmc of his .tenth, l!n>>ic was consul ai Tunlr. ll scents a strange fate that n man whose BBagdred song of homo has touched and thrilled to many hmrls shonM have died am! bet n buried in a f. ti inn Inn.I. SS rwSBStl from 111" native shore;' In MM Mr I't'ti'iTiiii had him hrauglil home nml srected tn ins nieinory UM slartu deacflssd rsnsraassft. gsjasBs ihe gssnsmsnl i* his rtrsx.v i over..I with tht nt urinal slab that m.tiii.l his lonely resting BgsCS M rnr- uway Tunis The slab i»-,irs the oat ••f alius of the t'nittd St.r s. ami a Brief record gf Payne's kfW. ll WSB grsssB in iransportutb II . BSHOIlag tit. gssl or a. ins r.iir'y In Iws BBgtg. ALWAYS SOME TO KICK iTi'i died April d eme. BJUjrhl , Bwsei liar lie. n te t lane. From lbs iTilctgo N'.as A lo*. moan arc-. soM ii'-'c it ;to 'i Hie midnight sk Ihs air .pilvcred-and t. .- rors sassetasl saswshsd in sJk*kfbt. "Ah-h. ' W ild screaming ami ihroush the horror.-.! alnto^nhere burst a VgM watte cr -ouml-mad frensles sprpigln^ in sereaniltig dlableile atij reiicous thundering., aiwin the enixy lila.'K.te-s ( ,r the stgrss iStalssss satcsraa iwssmg tbi unlieree with dese .Tating l.1to.'es ,if -mind - IT i«i inn c. Ins'- spel ling III m.i I rate unto the uttermost recessions ..r BstBsBBjsssj -a Bfraagasj roar Bfjsaas m augury thorns hack from lie PSVaTSSfBt" mg lympanum of Ihe heavens And just Ihell the e.eighboi ttiHid woke up and IT dtTer. nl kinds of lss>i I n ks and . rock r> wre< kagc « rs hurl'.: m the .11- nTSBnea of the organ grinder aad BS rent away. 1 Men Who Get in Pretty Cheaply on Celebration Talk. TO OBSERVE THE FOURTH The Arrangement Uorrunltteo Reports Protrresn. Notwithstanding Howls or the (Jalamityltas And the Band Will Play. Mlssoulu. June Jl.-Ths n embers or the lommlttee ot arrangement" for the I pTsurik of July teb hralloii niairt favora- ! l ie progress In Hie nut;, r anil there s<< ms lo be now no ohatael in lie way ot success or the 11 I. Iiratlon ei that day. There Pas l ieu some ciitb i-m In regard to Hie manner in which the lelebraUss is lo he carrbd out. As rar as IMS has been lanced It has not come In any tSBMSSSS I I nmi lie men who t-oiilrittn:> .1 to the BSC- i ess . r Ihe da). und these men are willing to M e tin- thlag through. I.. N Simons who Is chairman or the , I. .u.l committee, lias collu'lul subscrip- tions ami has met with a general assur- ame or support. The liand lia« given rice BSBSSrtli lo tile people oi Missoula all -prhtg. and Ibese i otleerls it. tie been wil- lingly glvss nmi without iwsmnstaUan b.tlii tt liecll asked. TI u build i. la need ot ii, v. aalfsttss and new Instruments, und tin greater portion or the entertainment of Ihe fourth or July hiis been iindi rtn- beg with the Intention oi selling tlx -' arUstsa The band sad not begged uny- Hiing Bsd li anybody la SBSMttsftsd Willi the plan tilt Sllb.-t llptiuns Will be It- | I lulled. fwo yssTl ago Hie Mount..I Knights ar- . lunged a celebration Hint netted th.-ni | It'' 'litis Ibe knights donated lo the Western Montana fair ate! their action.* wiie not cHttsHasd tiniii mis we.-k. s h e a g in.ni who kBSS nothln: at all BBSSt What la was t.tlklng und. Hook to Und fault Willi Ibl Say H.lng wire handled. So it is web all mini BJMgers. They bars tried in talk about thing.- si which thsy wen- utterly Ignorutil ami iiave tlelibcr- BtHy lied III stat nil tits. It Is lo tie re- git lied Hunt anything hss sccurrsd lo eau nil dlssstlsfsctgga In the matter, but no one will ss] any BttsSnsg lo the -lin that havi bees oSgl upon Hie meni- ksn St the band v.lio ar. trying lo give Hie eltt' a gootl lirst-elass ceielirallOB, anil iln BSanls shouM turn out lii good hi", nuliibtis and ghe the liberal .-npport lllal Ihsy srs tare to receive from the talr- BJBBSSd c.llxctts. I I the SWISS BsSt. Ml soula. Jure lii. - AIN? Mlttnwer was dews the ralfcty ts-dag from his Btttsf itoot raaeb, Hs s«y» that ttuags are in good shape up them, hut that the ruins thai have Improved ibis part of Hie val- h | so much have not visited the upper \alley ul all No II.ke It ia.1 line- To Bs|, MtSBBUlS. June M.—There will be no rn.oi race of the cycle club to-morrow, ts tin- run- Itaie m.ole tin- roadl too snt'l. I' w-.tther and mail- BgriBll the race wni in- called for a sreek from t i-sxorrow, HAS A LION'S HEART. AHsssnjh Pyuaj Istsrej Bsafdslsyi lite Artist. Ksosa Bravely at Vfsrk. From tin- New Tort J^ress, Thai rourigest, and in many waya intisi original, or sjsmlsgse, Aubrey Beardsley, dbl not fain the Rontsn Call.oli" i bun b Ihe oilier dH> licensee he bus only a llttb while kssgei to live. From om who ranted him at Ihe est- tac. in the South or ilngland seaside village, which Beardsl i lias rectntly I.I l it. it is learned t ha' Iicsjsi '• i. dur lug tin laai two yens, has bet :i Intent- ly reading the works ol Catlndi wiiterg ef Pranse, I am very BMjek li'tetestcd just ll i.v in the writings oi' French Catholic cler- gymen," he told his caller, "and have |usl received from my publishers copy of Bourdnmtte's sermons." He always land a Ileal deal for the Frcn ii an I l.ntin Hllthors; und to show how sn.bll was his bias in fsVOt of Hie religion of faith la-fore be lock up the clerics! works, he explains that his fnVSTlWS writer waa Voltaire, gnd Hint "Hn te is tii'thinr. sn di pressing us a llolhlc ca- I bed rat. I bale in have the sun 'hut out by the snlnts." .\t Bonnventure'a, in Brsgujwty, one of Beardsley's artist friends is :i d.|mr an exhibition This friend. Vndr.'W Kay Wornisth, who Is a New Yorker, maklns Uosssm his place or Mbar, de- rut that Beardsley's character has m rely misjudged. His point f view as artist, being sn Strsnge and different, was liound to be wrongly un- derstood ami misrepresented, lint It In only the NoTssUS W ho nui- < lude Hint, bet ause Ihey lltul tht mselveg out of sympathy with the tksens ami Wugin rs uiul Mmicts. such ilramntists. . t posers and painters are certainly Inferior, despicable beings in their art- VSlS lib "Heel lleurdsley, worn out and weakened with consumption, has nm only had his own living lo tain. saM Mr. Wonirath tn a fMess repot'.ct . lull has ksgtt ibe sole means of sup- porl to hbi BBotber and sister." "He is now so fur OS d up that he .hags hiti's. ir from his had to bla tabic In Hli hemic cfTort lo nrnvtile fST Ikgfg t.-an st the litre when he shall die. II is true that I.' was earning tSa,BM a rear not bans ago. Hut he ban the Tel- low Book when he had made i: prosper, ami lamed Leonard Bmlthsrsj the pub- lisher, in start lag ihe Snvoy. That has fall. d. In the eighth ami last number he .1 i.l all the sketl hes. and Arthur Sey- mour iv. ho has a line article on Austin nobeon in th May Bookman) did all the letter prer:;." li is .".lmcst sspreccdented that ssjek n vohsggg as th" Isst Savoy should IK' tin work if only tWO n:cn. Itenrdslcy put an Immense amount ef latwir into t;. I i i ll s do.ag illusttatlons of W'ag- n. t ti i peras. . f e hlch be Is exiectllngly f. nd. "I wrskM do nnvthing, and go a r > v ba r ~ If I mult in P ar Wagner 's must.' il.eently renbrcd." Itenrdslcy kas said. He Is BSSBsiurgeg a swift pro- ducer, gsvkjBj made n chapter In a t- Ings ir an sflcrnocn. At other limes, when his \ Mailt., rum kntb be spemia a fortnight on s single drawing. Mr. Smlthers Is :\ ginal friend lo Beards)' y, But this artist has to cam- p.te wlilt MI set ous bandl"an In hi.i It. alt li thai lal.ly his net. r. Miss Mabel p. atsSsk y. bat bfsa ta ns on the stag" io at.I In t h . support of the family. She i« n bsSatrfttl gki, of tine latsill- uer,. :i,l pres. tie.', anl she won cptn- »pl. '. I ' success for r iw sinner in "Th» i*hlll \Vb» nv" in Jac.don. 'tiehard Hi.:-; IteW i:as r- psRHl her f o r Ills next sees* n's t ompsr .y. so she will bo seen In Ni S Yi rk this BUtams. N.HwtthstsntiiniT Ms sseresslty, t l'.i.it!s!.> P. s been fi "tunalc I" vond BBsal llisng Bleu In having been able, exer flitee he Icgan. live y-nrs ago. lo BS has work. Tor the work's suk,.' "No one hss presxrib .1 the lines on whi.!: I should w.ik.' he ttdd a man frow the Idler who Brass, to sec him. "nor s. t any sort or limits on what I SBmsM do I ha\e aortgsl to amuse myself and if ll has amused the public as well, so much the better for me' 'Of rssgrm I haic one aim—the gro- j trsque. If 1 am not grotesque I am nothing. Apart from the grotesque I siip|Hise I may say that iieople like my decorative work, and that I may claim to have some command of line. 1 try to get s s much as possible out of a single curve or straight line." He always works by candle light, re- garding which eccentricity he added: I suppose I ought to express some apology for that: but I am happiest when the lamps of the town have been lit. and I sin so used to working by artl- flclsi light ihst if I wsnt to work In the daytime I have l o pull the blind down anil get my cundlcu In order before I begin." Ills studio Is made up of a table and I wo old empire ormolu candlesticks. Without these two candlesticks he says he cannot get into the mood for doing anything, and he takes them with him wherever he goes. While his income waa large he collected several valuable and i ale laioks. some Chippendale fur- niture, numerous pictures, engiuvltigs from Watteau. Lain r.-t Pater and ITudhnm. and laid in a slock of flu Pan lailoiir claret of 1866. On accoiini of his sickness this claret Is his par- ticular nmi almost only drink. ir he consulted merely his own gestae- snesg and not those of his family lie would live In ciii.s. for as smilingly he -a d. How can limn die belter Ihan by ilolng Jusl what he wants to do must ' 11 is lad enough to be an inva- lid, but to be a BtaVS lo one's ISSgg ami ii. be found In some unearthly place and -hitting sea hieizes,,| |,jn.. breezes, w Ith the mistaken libs Ihst it will pinion,: one's thiealencd existence, seems lo me utter foolishness." I 'm <>r bis candid friends has de- scribed Beardsley us having two grand passiona, one being Wagner's music and tha Biker lag raiment. His chief aver- sion among painters is Turner, whom he calls a nn ie rhetnrit ian." Tn his fi lends he is a trusly friend, and tin y ate salknalasilralVif attaches tn him. ir his subjects are .irten sugissllvs and sulailous. (his Is evidently owing io his youth lie is only l!'! years old— und to the Impatience he reels at what he terms the goody-goody taste or the British public. The very thing that tin y i xpeet rrmn a French artist or au- thor will excite only indignation ir It emanates from the pencil at pen of an Kngllslimun." "Every young American who goes to Paris Rets saturated with the same Idea. Only age and experience can cure them of ll. It Is likely to cure Bsardg l»y. If death hobln off long enmigh. fur his lati st ditiw ings, especially those in ' 'The Itape of the Link," ate elegant, dainty and worthy beyond lite black und white achievements of some of the greatest illustrators. SHOOT NC FLYING FI3H. A Novel spirt tarried on In southern ( all'onila Waters. Plum 'lie Santa Calatina. The visitor to the island of Santa Cat- alina. or he who Roes out on the launches from LOUR Itcaeh or San Pedro, is always enicrtained by Ihe re- markable Mights of Hying tlsh. which in these Wgteei attain a length of II inches ami a weight of two pounds. Alarmed by the boat or steamer, Ihey dash out of the water by a vigorous movement of Ihe screwliki tall and dash away in headlong llight. skimming over the waves like birds, presenting so remark- able an appiaram e thai the tourist who bns never seen so extraordinary u per- loimaiice takes them for birds. The flyini iish is out flying*, but it baa four lily wlngllke litis which serve it a simi- lar purpose; that Is, it hurls itself out of the waler by Hie aid of its tall, und then using the four wlngllke tins ns parachutes goes Boating away, covering a distance of an eighth or a tulle; when the inertia falls the tail of the gsk drops ana the mosses! it sirikis the water it begins violent twisting, w Ii s"!i.is ih" f.sh into lbs air again, ami by repealing this ihe fish ll en- abled in cover Ihe long distance. The wings or fins ute not Happed, the only motion belBfi • tremulous one Imparted In thttm when the tail Is twisted In Ihe water. As the bsal glides along these llsh dart from the wan t' and go soaring SWgy on t ilher side, iinikit Is then that tin spoilsman, silting In the bow. has it n opportunity fSf some nuvcl spurt. TkS Bah. asaVS like small quail, very low, not more than two feet from the surface, and are pot the easy shots BSS might Imagine. They move rapidly and appear lo rise ami fall over the waves ami |0 sweeping away In graceful curves Sometimes four or five are in the air nt the same Ikse, and tha BSed shut can bring them down to the right and left. All that is Beaded to carry nut the idea of quail shooting would be to have a dog. bul there is a sea dog lltnl Hushes this attractive game, the agile lima. The Hying llsh is its legltl- niat prey, and big schools, come sweet - ing In from Ihe deep sou. driving th" schools of flying llsh before them, chas- ing tin in Into Hie air. nix. right, ten feet, giving marvelous exhlbitiones of lofty tumbling. Al such times the Hy- ing lisheti are erased with terror, and leave the wilier by scores und hundreds They lly into boats, out upon the dry beeches, strike boatmen who happen to be In the way ef their headlong flight, and nrsgasl a most BltftBCtlTB apisar- anco to those who have never seen a Hock of ocean flyers in the air with tlsh six "T seven fret long; pursuing Inascric.; of baps and Jumps. Smnetinics the tuna i hases the flyer along Just below the surface. catchiiiR It us it drops—a . loud of foam alone telling the ntnry. ANACONDA'S.* Great Race Meeting Travelers' Guide LLTTK, ANACONDA * PACIFIC RT. Opens To-Day i>*t jrdn.v. Juuv FREE ADMISSION KvfjryhiHly ('ntn« THE BULK OF THE Bitter Root Berry STOCK Will W aol l «t thf mil of tlii-. VNki WvWtll Imv* t >w 8:mwWrriM |H Koiirth of .Iul> uritcr*. Opicr* >li. iM l >e piii' 'I « " '»ii- A. fl. STEVENS SicrHi.rv of Wi <t- m M"iit»n.-» Knii: Urowrr*' A-*H«r?i»*:M, MlinmilA, MODI In the besuliful Bitter Root Valley. An Ideal summer resort. Picturesque drives. C.rand scenery. Fishing and and shooting unequalled. ll.SOO feet lower than Anaconda or Butte. Service first class. Special terms for the sea- son for families. Geo. W. Reynolds, Manager. Granite Hot Springs Camp XJ o\V ready fur summer guests. Fine Is medicinal water, good hathlnc and the best dshlng and hunting. Stage leaves Missoula Monday and Thursday. Addrets c. E. MUZZIE, Lou Lou, Mont WESTERN MONTANA NATIONAL BANK OF MISSOULA, MONT. frsd Esanett - Prssldeal T. H. T. Rymaa Viae President 0. x. Wolf •••• Casalsr Capital $75,000 Surplus and Profits $15,000 CHARLES EM5LEY, Scientific and Decorative For the Summer I Ol' UK" Hot Springs Hotel is now J ready for the reception of guests. QSOd baths, excellent secommodatlons, fishing and hunting. Stage runs regu- lsrly. Address WILLIAM BOYLE, las Ua, Mekk INDIGESTION, HEART-BURN, and all stomach TronbltS ouirklr ' relievnl and cnml h\ ri OBtrtEXIOV. BSSasklSSSB^ISSS by mail. i\m drop worth Its svight In snhl when yoa Bsed ll. A ...:••«F'j' s. till', "J let- ,S' ,N(t«Ycik. FLATHEAD LAKE STEAMER Th: Steamer Kalispell WILL m:x Bessy rionday, WcJnctday and Friday, Leav inn Demersvllle at 9 s. si., JIAKIXn mage connectIrn with N. P. train Pas- sengers coming Into the Flathem! vsl- Uy should nriive nt Itavalll Monday, Wednesday «r Friday. Kl'OKNF. BOMB, Manager. Two Istf A map of the United States. The new wtill m;ip iBSSsd BI Ihe lliirliiiaton Itom. Is Ihrec feet four iBCSSS wide by four feet IITIK ; Is print- ed In six colors; Is BBBSSted on rollers; shows every Htittc county, iinportitnt town und railroad pi the B t'iiloe. und formn u very desirtlbl.' snd assful ild- btislness establishment. ton Itoiin marly 2fl esnts npieee. but on receipt of 1'. cents Pi stamps or coin Ihe undersigned will lie pleased to send you SSS Two routes c.tst -vhi Ittl- llngs, Mont., and St. I'sul, Minn. Phil nasjsjg PBSS'I Asant, Butte. Meat Tims Schiduls, ERrctlvs Friday, May T. 1M7. DEPART FROM ANACONDA. No. :•, Butte Express, for Hel- ena dally 8 JO a no No. i. Butts Exoress, for Hel- ena. Great Tails, St. Paul, Chi- esgo and all points East and West, dally t:M p BJ No. ii. Copper city flyer, dally... %M P m ARRIVE IN ANACONDA. No. t. Anaconda Uxprsss. dally 1»:U a m No. \ Anaconda Express, dally.. 1:1s P m No. 5, Copiier City Flyer, dally.. 1:65 P m No. T, Anaconda Express, dally..10;5» p m UKPART FROM BL'TTE. Ma 1, Anaconda Express, dally. lt W a m No .!, Anaeontla Express, dally.. I IK p m ^.'o. 5. Copper City Flyer, dally.. TitOS p m No. ", Anaconda Express, daily . f ii p in ARRIVE IN BUTTE. No. 1. Butts Expreaa, dally »:K a m No. t, Butta Expreas. dally •:»» p m No. «. Copper City Flyer, dally.... •:» p m MONTANA UNION. TRAINS ARRIVE IN ANACONDA. Hullo Express 1:10 pm Hutte Express b in p m Hiitle Express |0:a p m Butte Express ;:5S a m I MAIMS LEAVE ANACONDA Butte Express 1:00 u m 'Baits Express 1 :00 pm Butte Express 1:00 p m "Garrison Expreas 1:00 a m 'Connects at Stuart for Garrison and points east on the Northern Pacific; at Sliver Bow with Union Paclile Fast Mail ••Connects st Garrison with Northern racifie train for west. TRAINS ARRIVE IN BUTTE. Anacondas, Garrison Express... .10 :M p m Cirrrlson Accommodation Aaaesssa Expr'ass Anaconda Exp.vs Union Pnelde rsat Msll TRAINS LEAVE BUTTE •Anaconda & Garrison Express ••Garrison Accommodation Anaconda Express Anaconda Express Anaconda Express Union Pacific East Mall •Connects at Garrison with Pacific train for the west. ••Connects at Garrison with ths North rrn Paclflc train for the esst. R WRITS US VNO Ss m |32' St. E ?-4A!exanderAv New York. NY. '/SENT ON TRIAL Manhood Restored Prescription •959 will qniri'j ywu ot al! nsrrous 4 . \ •jr 1 as Sal roaahood, ysim is the bark, aeminsl rsiiaalnss. nerrom 4»M1 ly, uaStar.« t<> lutrry. rikauitini dralas, inpoTiary and all it. hurrars. A written guaranty and nor.-. r*rtadad if «il b"it "s .!•'•. sot effect a parsianeBl cars. #1 (>' ptff sos, aii for S.V by sail, a*«iir>iy •» •'.I M.te.f. : —1 ky A. y n ul--. Pari* Address all aiatl to D. at NKIVBBt) BBl 'U AO , sola Agasu. H .'.:.. llesb This line rang the rinest trains from Minneapolis and Si. Paul and oilers Ibe best service st lowest rates, with 3 TRAINS DAILY TO CHICAGO. Ihe North-Western Limited being the HNKST TRAIN' IN THE WORLD. Two Trains Daily Minne .tpclio and St. PJUI to Sioux City, Omaha, St. Joseph and Kansas Citr, with :hronr ,li Sleeping Car to California every Thursday. Trains of t'.ie Northern Pacific and Great Northern connect -..ith these trains via North-Weite.-n Line in St Taul Union Depot tour home agents will sell you tickets via ibe North-Wesssra Line, and illustrated folder and further informaiior sfSJf be fur- nished on tpplicatica tn T. W TEA:-PALE. ijcacrai I *«»ee<n Afrni. ST T\\ L, MINN t$t p m .10 :06 a m OS p n 3i p m 7:00 a m . 9:03 p m 11:01 p m . S:0i p m . S:S p m 4 00 p m Nortbtrn f St. Paul Minneapolis Duluth TOs Spokane Tacoma Seattle Portland Pullmnn sleeping cars, elegant uphol- stered tourist sleeping cars. TRAINS ARRIVE AT BUTTE. No. II. from St. Psul. arrives st M. P. depot dslly at 8:25 s m M. 17., No. 2, from Portland, sr- rhes ut M. U. depot dally 10:30 p m TRAIN'S DEPART. M I'.. No I, for Portland, leaves M. I', depot dally 7 no a m No. 12. for St. Paul, lesves N. P. local depot dally 1:25 p m MlBSd, to Whitehall, leaves N. P. Maal depot dally at 7:00 a. m. On TharSSays this train will run through lo Fohy and Norrls. Trains Nos. 11 nnd 12 have Standard Pullman Slcrpinir Cars to and from f. Paul. Through tickets to Japan and Chins via Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship Company. For Information, time cards, maps and I leasts, call on or write to BP, M TUOHY. General Agent, or CHARLES S. EKE. General Passenger Agent. St. Paul. Minn. THERE'* ONLY ONI RAILROAD That operates Us trains on the famous block system between the Twin Cities, Milwaukee and Chlcsgo; That lights Its trains by electricity throughout; Thnt uses the celebrated electric berth n adlng lamp. That runs four splendidly equipped pss- senger trains every dsy from St. Psul and Minneapolis Hit nigh to Chlcsgo, via Milwaukee; And thai road Is the t lilt AGO. MIl .WAiaCK s> ST. r.tui. It also operates steam-heated vestlbuled trains, carrying the latest private compartment cars, library buffet smoking cars, and palace drswlng- room sleepers. Parlor ears, free reclining chair cars snd the very hest dining csr service. Kor lowest ratsetn any point In the United Slates. Canada or Mexico, apply to ticktl agents, or address j T. COMLBTT, Ass t Gen'I P is Agt., St. Paul. Minn. NOTE—Elegantly squlpped trains from St. Paul nnd Minneapolis through to Pe- oria. St. Louis and Kansas City dally. Montana Centra! Railway. Through sei-vlce between St. Paul, Min- neapolis. Helena, liutle, Spokane, Seattle nnd Portland. Connections at western ter- BJgasM for Kootenai Country, Oregon snd California points. Alaska. Japan and China. Connections at Twin Cities for all points East and Souih. Single and round trip tickets to all points snd baggage Checked to destination. Leaves—Atlantic Express, daily...! "0 p m Leaves—lax al for Helens, dally...9.10 a m Arrives—Pacltic Express, daily. . .1:10 p m Arrives l,ccal from Helena, dally 9 15 p m City Ticket Office. No. 41 North Main St.. Butie. J. K. Dawson. Oenersl Agent. 0. R. & N. CO. MCST DIRECT LINE TO THE COAST Eistrn Washiajloo and All Foinla ii Cregoi ani Galfornia Tit SPOKANE OK rOCATKLLO Ocean steamers leave Pertlsnd svsry Bve days for San Frsnclsco sad Sautters California points. Kor full informstlon snd rstes spply ta Vi. E. COM AN. Gen'l Agent, Butte, Mont Or Address W. H. HURI.Bl'RT. Gen 1 Psss. Agent. Porllut.d. Ute30n. E McNEII.U Presldeat and Manager.

MBit. CLIMAX ••• r REACHED IN %M...The rain and cold gf la t week kept the bjaysjaj from ilpi iilng und Suiunlay there were few on tie market. The • luality of Ihe brrrlas

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Page 1: MBit. CLIMAX ••• r REACHED IN %M...The rain and cold gf la t week kept the bjaysjaj from ilpi iilng und Suiunlay there were few on tie market. The • luality of Ihe brrrlas


WESTERN MONTANA HAMILTON NEWS NOTES Th Weeterr Maatna OBce ef lhraquo Standard H

a l l IS HWnu bulllaquoltbulllaquo laquoltolaquoraquoiiraquo laquogtbullbullraquo MBit Talistrade- Slaquo AdTertl t lai rates rorauh4 lt K apsll-atlsa

CLIMAX bullbullbull



Presbyterian Sunday School Chi l shydren Give an Enter ta inment


Several Parlies Go to the Hills for Recshyreation coming- und Going of Peoshy

ple of thltgt Valley Meshytropolis Personals


$ 5 - o o Let it be remembered this Suit i f the

beet value in low h

$ 1 0 0 0

Take your pii k frlaquorn over inn M e n s

V e r y Nobby Suits that we are show -I n s

The public appreciate lthlt laquogtbull r a i s e s becsuse they have the eiylr tit angtl durability

Mens C a r a w a y P a n t i 1125 Mens | U I W o o l Pants I N Men n 7Slt Hhlrts now 25 Mens Straw M a l i i c r0c 75c C h i l d r e n s Shirt W a i s t s Blouses

iU 10c 75c $100

Remember you wi l l get a r b a n c s Fros on the $100 Heyvle that Ss an going to give away July i





f L O T H I M i IraquoEPART)IEgtr

tail Cnlm SnlMtnl


Missoula Jaae SCmdashJean Hagutn area up to limillion this stomlni sad returned this evening in tiim fur tbs ssstbesnd train

C i Qitbi 11 nd Ml (lllbi r l i am over f r o m Butte yesterday and spent i day In ri Thi nt i 1 1 i wraquo i in i 1 mi-llton whore Ihey a III remain ovci Sunshyday at the MaraJU

Tom MeClaki suns down froai Carlton this mornlnsdeg and remai n ltl in m laquo a i l l day nt Tsetse Tsmntatlens lefl ken

I M s morning foe Wallace when the) will allure the Coeur dAlen peopW lor i day or two

John MaBuit wi l l bare Itis steuh laquo am-pany at thltgt Cakm I beater i l l si next wrrk Tbs resasajry Kai dot lt i t busishyness at Hamilton and bull omrs down aftei bull successful her of performances

Mrs W J Stephens in in lbs city from Seattle

v J Carrier sad wife of Spokam irshyritant In lbs lt itv this i vi nlii unit will V I M I a few days with f r a n k Weal and family

The remaliiH of J Q Admis the brake-men killed In tin yards Ihbt week wen shipped to-day to Ills family

The body of A J Wyst of l l imllton whiiiiii it yesterday a) lbs Sisters hospishytal was -ti11gt|bullraquobull 1 to his family in Michishygan

A report from 11 a ml I ton this even I | says that Oiy Mint-hull Clark is i peeled to Bee

tt Iba HuteU f l M r M e s a i i f l s e t g i w Harks r i btk bull

es J i raquo I Ilutiton J Lake M Torrance and C Rudolph Twelve TSSBp-tattons eampaay M a s mMSry Philip -bum F v Hurley St P M I 1 O K Whi bull bull i in ago J i f KoMI Ftathctid BSSSey John David New Votk 1 I I lemple Omaha a IV Stokes Denver bull R Gilbert sad wuo Butte lgtr C K In-gersoll M P Qlsssot Mtddleiso O I W Piaaley South Omaha T U Magev Louisville George A Clark Ilutte

The Rjinkin-Mr Mee sod wife lai Uo James Mllllt r 8trvenlaquovllle I I C McHally Ovsndo I C s- irm J wirlt Nlult Mile I n i l i is r c M Kennedy Clinton K 8 I l l nit i l l ) I I W nil I - bull H M I bull gt bull 11 i 11 Brown Nine Mil Mn V I Remlck Concord N I John Meltonsld ln Lo M M Mi V m bull i I 1 t I I In Spokane K Ollbort Potomai Mrs K F W s H a a a d two raquoont- Beekd Cal A N Mittour Vhtor W J ttevrai nigt U D Reynolds Florence Kns Csrrler A i -lee James DaJkry Uviaastoa R Can-way Hamilton l l La rasa Hamilton

t nlrrrslly BmsMSBtS Missoula June MmdashThe mntila rgt of the

stale university commission this noon visited the aadtrerslt) aroundi to d trrmine anally upon the loestlon of tin building the former sri Ween found to lirlnx Ihe structun i rlosf to is- bJIla sad thi com mi bull I |tc 1 to Ici uIs i l in tart i bull There will be no Chang it the i-ontlnK ef the buildings or in tni t relative posl-lions bul all wli l bo placed rurthei uwa) from the hills than was at first pi in I The work on Ihe eeavr construction 1 progressing slowly but thlt work - being well don and will Is llnlshed In llmi if the present rate Is kept up Tie swei t i r raquo girt r t l ) om tit unli i it luii l l -lngs to ll river and will I ire pitch enough to make l l an excellent system

$ 1 0 0 0 2 2 for good word-guessers

Get Schilltngs Iiest tea at your grocers save the

gucsb the yellow ticket missing word

R u l e s of contest pub l i shed in l srce advertisement about the tir t and middle laquolt each moBlii A I J

I l aml l t n Jtin gt Tin r i s b y t e r l a n S u n d a y g r h s s l a | t u r v a l l l s hi Id its Chl ldn n s day si i i gt last Humluv e v e n i n g The i l i i m h w us b e a u t i f u l l y decorated and the c X i i ii s wi re i y l u t e resting und n f n t great 11 bull 11 l l mi t h e r h l l t h i n and their pustui Raw M i l i l a l r

A party of young men lt onalst ls] of K n i fjatlafwaa$rsr C i ioiibs I I p w i a a traquolck Parnienlei K N M OWOSS W l l Ha jnassn l D w t g h l H g g h o a u n d W i l l Smith spent Sunday at Luke OssTaR

The rain and cold gf la t week kept the bjaysjaj f rom ilpi i i lng und Suiunlay there were few on tie market The bull luali ty o f Ihe b r r r l a s Is n n p n u i d I v i n -ever

T h e Misses nst irniey a t t n d e d I h t Childrens ilax Mervieca at Cm villus S u n d a y e v e n i n g prtaratR| bags Mmi da y

The crossing n u t Ihe new supply di tch on the BtSVSftsbl l ls n ail is In hoi-r i M i lt 11miltiigtit it pi Umanaaigoi for b a M M to cross the bridge us i l Is lulscd u fool und bull lul l t i i n i M I he mail lu il and no gpgeuai In have been made Ieopli ale i i l i ipe l led to d l l v i lllloUHll the l i i t l i w h i c h is u d l f h c a l l a n d ltbullbull n-Kermis fngt as Ihe banks aTS ei y stOOg ami tile water is deep If t i m e It not a Ileal y d u t O U K C suit to lie settled SMM 11 i i l l lii i i as of t i m i d In I rat I H T than good m a a g i i i i l

A n u m b e r o f l i n k folks g a t h e r e d s i M I ^ F Hit i Ne lson s home M o n d a ) a f l araasag in h a g s r of H n g a l t M h b i r t h -dagt

g p t c i g i t r a l a r a m s up T n a a a s y a f t -lins b e e n t-turtid mi S I M I I I I I i l i c c t A n u m b e r or l b s m l l t m e n have n n l e d the house of A B H a t t y and stal led a club

T h e r sea fan laad are ramBgjiy bad a pun i n m e e t i n g S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g M r liivhop Is nuklnR r i g o r o u s efforts lo b r i n g tin department I n t o b e t t e r vhapo

Miss A n n a llond of Victor was In tow ii B a t v f s a y

A spcclHl trainc aim up Tin sdny a r i ernoon b r i n g i n g bead of m i i i g cuttle for the B i t t e r Root stock farm Tbeat w i i e p t n c h u s e d in i in t un and w i n be f a t t e n e d f o r m m r t u t mi the I I I I -l a r i t i i t hills

Mrs Charles Betnef r e l u m e d h o m e Tuesday after a is i t of SSVSTal u n i t s w i i i i r e l a t i v e s in B u t t e and Ana t la

Mis CiHiley and duugbtet of V i c t o r spent Sunday Ith Mrs H a r r i s ThS t l i i iuthl i r w i l l remain smnc tlgtie

Mis ^ i e n d i i c k j r o t u m o d f r o m I l u t t e b r i n g i n g wi th la r tin 11-year-old d a u g h t t r i r H e n d i Icka M ho w i l l l in p lt I l a l l i l l tmi hi r Ill I ll l lt hogs

The r a i n y w e a t h e r o f Tuesday d i d not p reven t a g o o a l ) n u m h e r f r o n t n e s t i n g The Bells o f S h a n n o n Tin p r o g r a m m e has bean c h a n c e s sn as t i r o d u i - Tie Traquo i i r p h a n a w ednes d a y nlpht I n v l m t Tle Sea of ice for s s t s r d a y night A r s a l l n e e wIM g r r e a I h t t u r s a y a f t e r n s a s i nt w h i c h u light corned w i l l iraquo given for tic bene-tit of the l i t t l e f o l k s

Charles l in ly hint n t i - i n c i l f r o m Ihe O v e r v h J c h rouatry where he has b o n d shyed u m i n e b e l o n g i n g to eome U a r l i y g s s s

A U t t l m a hga been a d d e d to the f a m i l y f Rsv Mr Pllt rce

A u t i l e n s s i M a r o f M r J e n ha l i v i n g nbrMil f o u r Btttes f r o m town was t h r o w n i n tn u horse Mmulav and d a n -g e r o u s l y b i n t A last iici-oimta she wnii uneonac lous und M s s i M i f rom the cms

The d a u g h t t igt f I s h a n n o n w h o h a v s ilt n in a t i e n d a m bull at t in S l s t i n a c s d e m j a l M i s s o u l a r e i s r n s d heans Wi i i t f d a j

Louis C r u t c h f l e l d a n d w i f e came up f rom B t e v e n s v l l l e to see The Two iirphnns

Hilly Majors fo in ie rb N o r t h e r n 1 a-ciHc ilKetlt b f t for 11laquo bull tm b -dU)

fltM t relM l l toWII gtregt l l l l i l l bullgmmsht June gt - l ng ln t Hsghsa

win h a i h a r t s s i t h e survey fSf Hie I T i blown val ley sMeh ta m bmra Mr Hughes states Ihst the work of Hie survey iraquo s t e s ressss l k t v s r s b t ) and t h a i it i h win eovsf in of he va l l sy t i is wt t arsl sgaeeted Tie i i p s ^ t r in d i t c h ba been la r rsasss to i sa tbdquo bSS ami II may be t h a i It wil l t fOWld bdquo r y to make it e f n la rger than tha t The nibsirlhers lo stock in the i i 1 1 ansasni have s l r e s d ) taken more bullgag M i n i Imlies and Hie miintln left l i rathei small T h t ditch s i l l i boa from Hie river at Hie J i tic rSBch and w ill run Sg as to cov r nearly the whole cf lirass HSUs$ and a BSroSS of I h i f i r m s Is low

i t e i skm i i o a s smsssa Mi oitla Jinn the b al ledge of

It 1 Men will tlaquo IIBfSBfBled at t h e Aim-r s sda re tes ra t l so I s m s r r a s by bull good de lega tkm The big IcJutiH named by Hie lodge lo represent It i l l Ihe ontiil are H l i Haassa tm O t t s l s r H a r v e ) inggt ami l it i l l s IshSSSa These r-guter s t t s -nat s bdquond asms i n nd- I ft thilaquo bull f t e r n o o s for Ihe dog fcait on W arm Hplnjs reck gnd egpict io have the heal time Hull the rids have hud In Ihe pulaquol 1raquo years

T h e l i l c w le 1 i n k Missoula June Hie |unrler-inllc bl-

It I t Ihe lllhletle palk l now nt KOO1 shape and Ihe I Idets i l l U-ing It r e g s s u i y The i r a e h I mm h hatter than Hi old one and wb i l H Is thoroughly m BgSSS M Will Is- nil excellent BSC ThoTS will P a inc Hug ef Ihe lull al l b Ir ok lo-morrow mornliiK and urrungemcnts ill b e made for a race meeting to be licit in u f e w aceks

I I y g s a s s VI soulI June 11 The heaviest l lln ef

the M- i - oT i fell lasi night h e l w i f i i T oclock ami sjsaaagst Tin- s e a t h s r w - d s i sH o v r Wss t e rn Montana haa been clear I and l ot tind the f ti mers arc rejol lug | Tie Unit rops BMh w l l and the lierrl s bull M I still coming bi although lb r l Ishj supply is getting l ig lu

i M s g a h i s r i i e a i r Missoula June W John Magulr I t

pieasiil wltb lb way the pcopb tiirne| oi t lo till his in n theater I n the lain la i Isl i d l i t aiiillen e liinde linn hupp bul the city license fee thai has oppresscl II pn iious inII iglt i made him u1 be told the iwoph no

i n g j f M Oasssi Mlseoultt J jtie i i In Ihe dlslrt t esun

to-day Judge Woody held a short session 1

ml edjouiiied t i l l Monday I I is l lk l t that Ihi present lerm of court wil l nilally ailjourn on Monday

- 1 I M gt l-ln- t l l t i i ilstri bull t given U tera in Ihe e l a t e of U laquo Moide grgasaSS and l e i i iK - s were grained m Mrs A J 11 lin I i Ihe estate of A J Urshyine dc-eared

In the esse of the Klral Natlon l bunk of Cutte sgslnst Alfu-d Cuvs I t j su- t j

in a h l i h suit was brousht tn restrain the treasurer from selling pro|M-rty for taxes including a mortgage the demurrer for the defendants was overruhd

In ihe null of the same bank agslnst Ihe treasurer to restrain hitn from w I ling tit Kenyou property fm the lax bull or | x i | and llaquowi Ihe demurrer to the omplalnt was sustained

The ease of A J Hivls of Ilutte ygalnst BtSVens M c k f S r d K t h and others In which the Bfs la tMl sues to r co i er auar-n it i eei i n i s rest tin g g m u r r c r raquovus overshyruled


Thf) ( M bdquo Their Work ill Ihe Town sBBgej ihlaquo gsatsassa

Missoula June y Tie hobo is getting in his work Hi the smaller lowna iiloug the line of Hie railroad ami has ubandoni i for th time the larger places In Mi -soldi he bus been mii I lor a long tl i i i but Ihe people 111 tin sinII r slgCSS both east anI seal of here have had no n i l of trouble recently Al Itonlla Hie i t m ers have a regular i atupliig place that has lie-n Oct iipted about as regulurlt t-Hte liultlesnuke eamp in litis tuwu and nearly every I r a l a brings In udditloit lo Hie aSBBhsra of Weary Wiaggb lt urn Sale Utile when l iny arc pill off Hams West of lu re there has been a seshyries of |M-lty depredation ihut laie e iiised i a in l i in i l much trouble ml lgt visibly decreased lie supply of bull hi I At Thompson Kails Thursday night ihs slor o f Jshg Willis was eii l - i t I and SSSM r s l l s r y mid other small s r ik l e s Is-ken The seutein es that Judge Myers has Imposed u|Mjn lite U K wtio hie I n britlglil belere llm hai r hail a i l l bullOsmglaquo illg SgTsSi upon tile Ioboes and they do

I not seem desirous oi s| l int iine-h time in this eity i f i hey w i u can t l a s s to give

lids town a wldi b t t t l i there will lie no 1 bard reeling bore

O A K Hl i L C C M E T E R Y

t i l l e r Itbiine Sliili l Inli i i Hewant hgssg H u d Baher i t i e B u r i e d

The grave or that most nut ih t ie of m s n in l l f i J ames 0 Bla ine is gt i s l i ed s e r h s n g stairs f r s s j u e s t l y t h a n a n y o i l i shyer at I nk H i l l says u writer In Ibum-hoes Magazine These i isits an i t niale In an idly BSftSSS spiri t b i l l r a t h e r in the aattsre or r r f ls t isaagjss to

Hie last resting pig i B m a n v i m W as w ige ly belov i ds

I l l s grave is m a r k e d simply bi a w h i t s m a r b l e foo ta tone b e a r i n g Ins In-li lals J lt B M s l n e se lec ted his own gtae at the loot o f a b l igh tn l h i c k o r y w h i c h by his own wish was

bull io m i tn glgca of a in in or m o n shyu m e n t The lice died Inst Vi i i i i iu l its n I I i i i al became tn rest at |

i t was rnmjor sd that f o r m a n y m o n t h s BSBllBtS g r i l l e hud u tiillltnry g u a r d It hud no mil i tary guard but n brave topshyiary w a t e h a r f o r three weeks of d a r k

m h i w l n t e r nights in Hie person of yTed-eri k Scmi vilic the s u p s r l n t s n d s n l o f I th pemete ry i r s r r i e d a p l a to l in each pocket und u gun on m y slaiuldct and ymi know I am u V i r g i n i a n was Mr B o m g t e r v i i l e g own c o m m e n i mi ihe f u l l l h s e n i or timt mesAorable d u t y

Walker B la ine rests tn ills f s t h e r side aad neal to him Mis Copptngwr whose gru e is iniukcd by n Celtic c f O M b e a r i n g u cent or a r m s nmi l aac r ib sd To Hie m e m o r y or A l i c e B t a n w o o d

d a u g h t e r of Jain s i l B l a i n e an I wile or d id 1 1 Copp ings r r B o r n a i A u g u s t s Me M a r c h iv Ifas I de l ut Wat h i n g t o n I k I t i t i n s m a l l

letters at the BSSS a l l l e cross tire the arsrdt This r r o g f is elected by her Borrow iiii husband

A R I an f i l l simplicity murks ni l three graves w b i c h a re d e v o i d aHke of mounds and Dow STB T n s ciloasly c l i p p e d (truss g r o w s t h i c k l y o v e r all with un I n t e r m i n g l i n g f clover i n ihe shadow of the cross

A grinlie S I I H I hss rhag mi Kg f i d the naiiic of stainon m a r k s the g r ave uf L i n c o l n s set i d a r y or w a r mdash t h e asaa

1 who k e M t h a i ltiniilt uit te st d u r i n g I k s I s T S s k r s I days of civil slrire I ipe side

i or titc bull b a f t is I s sc i i hod T o t b o a s m ory ol Kiln i n M S t a n t o n b o r a Dec 1 1 M I M a d Dec J4 U t f i and k iS wife A l i c e M B t a a l o A b o r n N a d I U s und died Nov IT UJi On a n o t h e r side or t in s h a f i is un i n s c r l p t l o s to un Infant son Junns I I B i a S t O l i The i k r s s graTBs ate l o r e r s d w i t h i vy a t an eve rg reen v a r i e t y and a re m a r k e d by s m e l l square g r a n l t t b ead a n d f o o l StSSI s

Anoibcr l U u s t r t o s s s s c r e t a r y or war whose runic us a oahlnci sgBBBSbrf a) l a r g e l y Identif ies with his b e a u t i f u l w i f i J o h n H R a l o a s f tw-nn m bull also b u r l i i l at Oak H i l l A wreathe s t a i n i i pyiatnidui i i ioui i iui nt t e r m u v g t l ag j H I token COtUms states t h a i he it i I II June I t i r a n d d i e d N o t 17 ISSi ami tha be w i n I n i ted Sttiies snater f rom the lute of Ti nnossc fi r IS yeais se i i la igt of war Roy rnm-Ihe state of I f l o r i d g anil P H P S t I t the court o f M a d r i d

By Ins sole rests Ills w i f e lbs ni ei -t o - b e - f o r g o l t r n Peg ( V N e l l t he e m b o d shyi m e n t o f La te r i u a impulses d a i n t i l y D e w l t r h l n g l y b e a u t i f u l w i t h her qseen-I) iarr lagr e x q u i s i t e l y po i sed head s c i n t i l l a t i n g eyes her t a u s h t i r - m v l a g sotsl and r e t i h s ob jec t o l the maal l a -i s n |g j y I U S I bull t h a i ever b u r n e d Here rest beau ty sorrow a n d i r l n m p k a while ove r m i grow grass ami v M s t s in liv nig r t l airy

N e a r the en t r an t s to nnk H i l l mi a c i r c u l a r plot covered w l t k p s t i w l n b l e Standi a pedestal of white St OSS M r m o u a l e d by a B s t r b l s bsa t o f J s h n How m l Pavne The f ace of t h e pedesshyt a l is I n s c r i b e s n memory of J o h n H o w a r d Payne s u t k o i of H o m e Swee i l b tm B o r n J tm k IK

o n the re verse of tin a s s s s t a l are th words

sin e w In n i h semis sturit fl T o r a I I P S 1 ymul t i t i ixme it

W i t h arms niilstreichcd I k s said

Wsscesns to I h a t a n Haaai H s a s e

The approach to tie it unnnient ts through an alb y lined W i t k palms un l reins At the ilmc of his tenth lngtgtic was consul ai Tunlr

l l scents a strange fate that n man whose BBagdred song of homo has touched and thrilled to many h m r l s s h o n M have d ied am bet n buried in a f t i inn InnI SS rwSBStl f r o m 111 native shore

In M M Mr I t t i iT i i i i had him h r a u g l i l home n m l s rec ted tn ins nieinory U M s l a r t u d e a c f l s s d bull rsnsraassft

gsjasBs i h e g s s n s m s n l i his rtrsxv i over I wi th tht nt urinal slab that m t i i i l his lonely resting BgsCS M r n r -uway Tunis The slab iraquo-irs the o a t bull bull f a l ius of the t n i t t d Str s ami a Br ie f record g f Paynes kfW l l WSB g r s s s B in iransportutb I I BSHOIlag t i t g s s l or a ins r i i r y In I w s BBgtg


iTii died A p r i l

d eme



l i a r l ie n t e t l a n e

From l b s iTilctgo Nas A lo moan arc- soM i i - c i tto i Hie

midnight s k I h s air pilvcred-and t -rors sasse tas l saswshsd in sJkkfbt

Ah-h W ild screaming ami ihroush the horror- alnto^nhere burst a VgM watte cr -ouml-mad frensles sprpigln^ in sereaniltig dlableile a t i j reiicous thundering aiwin the enixy lilaKte-s ( r the stgrss i S t a l s s s s satcsraa i w s s m g tbi unlieree with dese Tating l1toes i f -mind - IT ilaquoi inn c Ins- spel ling I I I mi I rate unto the uttermost recessions r BstBsBBjsssj -a Bfraagasj roar Bfjsaas m augury thorns hack from lie PSVaTSSfBt mg lympanum of Ihe heavens

And just Ihell t h e eeighboi ttiHid woke up and IT dtTer nl kinds of lssgti I n ks and rock rgt wrelt kagc laquo rs hurl m the 11-nTSBnea of the organ grinder aad BS rent away 1

Men W h o Get in Pretty Cheaply on Celebration Talk


The Arrangement Uorrunltteo Reports Protrresn Notwithstanding Howls

or the (Jalamityltas And the Band W i l l P lay

Mlssoulu June J l - T h s n embers or the lommlttee ot arrangement for the I pTsurik of July teb hralloii niairt favora- l ie progress In Hie n u t r anil there sltlt ms lo be now no ohatael in lie way ot success or the 11 I Iiratlon ei that day There Pas l ieu some cii tb i-m In regard to Hie manner in which the lelebraUss is lo he carrbd out As r a r as IMS has been lanced It has not come In any tSBMSSSS I I nmi lie men who t-oiilrittngt 1 to the BSC-i ess r Ihe da) und these men are willing to M e tin- t h l a g through

I N Simons who Is chairman or the I ul committee lias col lu lul subscripshytions ami has met w i t h a general assur-ame or support The liand lialaquo given rice BSBSSrtli lo tile people oi Missoula all -prhtg and Ibese i otleerls i t t ie been wi l shylingly g lvss nmi without iwsmnstaUan b t l i i tt liecll asked TI u build i la need ot i i v aa l f s t t s s and new Instruments und t in greater p o r t i o n or the entertainment of Ihe fou r th or July hiis been iindi rtn-beg with the Intention oi s e l l i n g tlx - arUs t sa The band sad not begged uny-Hiing Bsd l i anybody la SBSMttsftsd Willi the plan tilt Sllb-t llptiuns Will be I t - | I lulled

fwo yssTl ago Hie MountI Knights ar- lunged a celebration Hint netted th-ni | I t litis Ibe knights donated lo the Western Montana fair ate their action wi ie not cHttsHasd tiniii mis we-k s h e a g inni who kBSS nothln at all BBSSt What la was ttlklng und Hook to Und fault Willi I b l Say Hlng w i r e handled So it is web all mini BJMgers They b a r s t r i ed in talk about thing- s i which thsy wen- utterly Ignorutil ami iiave tlelibcr-B t H y lied III stat nil tits It Is lo tie reshygit lied Hunt anything hss sccurrsd lo eau bull n i l dlssst lsfsctgga In the matter but no one wil l s s ] any BttsSnsg lo the -l in that havi bees oSgl upon Hie meni-k s n St the band vlio ar trying lo give Hie eltt a gootl lirst-elass ceielirallOB anil iln BSanls shouM turn out lii good hi nuliibtis and g h e the liberal -npport l l la l Ihsy srs tare to receive from the talr-BJBBSSd cllxctts

I I the SWISS BsSt Ml soula Jure lii - AIN Mlttnwer was

dews the ralfcty ts-dag f r o m his B t t t s f itoot raaeb Hs slaquoyraquo that ttuags are in good shape up them hut that the ruins thai have Improved ibis part of Hie val-h | so m u c h have not visited the upper alley u l all

No IIke It ia1 line- To B s | MtSBBUlS June MmdashThere will be no

rnoi race of the cycle club to-morrow ts tin- r u n - I t a i e mole tin- roadl too sntl I w-tther and mail- BgriBll the race wni in- cal led for a sreek from t i-sxorrow


AHsssnjh P y u a j I s t s r e j Bsa fds l sy i lite A r t i s t Ksosa Brave ly at V f s r k

From tin- New Tort J^ress T h a i r o u r i g e s t and in m a n y w a y a

intisi original or sjsmlsgse A u b r e y Beards ley d b l not f a i n the R o n t s n Call ol i i bun b I h e oilier dHgt l icensee he bus only a l l t tb w h i l e kssgei to live From om w h o r a n t e d him at Ihe es t -tac in the S o u t h or ilngland seaside v i l l age w h i c h Beards l i lias r e c t n t l y I I l bull it it is learned t ha I i c s j s i bull i d u r l ug tin laai two yens has bet i I n t e n t shyly r e a d i n g the w o r k s o l Catlndi w i i t e r g ef Pranse

I am very BMjek litetestcd just ll iv in the w r i t i n g s oi F r e n c h C a t h o l i c c l e r shyg y m e n he t o l d his cal ler and have | u s l rece ived f r o m my p u b l i s h e r s copy of Bourdnmt t e s s e rmons He a l w a y s l a n d a I l e a l deal for the Frcn ii an I l ntin Hllthors und to show how snbll was his bias in fsVOt of Hie religion of f a i t h la-fore be lock up t h e c l e r i c s works he explains that his fnVSTlWS writer waa Voltaire g n d Hint Hn te is tii thinr sn di pressing us a l lo lh lc ca-I b e d ra t I b a l e in have the sun h u t out by the snlnts

t B o n n v e n t u r e a in B r s g u j w t y one of Bea rds l ey s artist f r i e n d s is i d |mr an e x h i b i t i o n This friend Vndr W Kay Wornis th who Is a New Yorker m a k l n s Uosssm his place or Mbar de-rut that Beards ley s c h a r a c t e r has

m r e l y m i s j u d g e d His point bull f view as a r t i s t b e i n g sn S t r snge and d i f f e r e n t was l i o u n d to be wrongly u n shyders tood ami mis represen ted

lint It In only the NoTssUS W ho n u i -lt lude Hint bet ause Ihey lltul tht mse lveg out o f s y m p a t h y w i th the tksens ami Wugin rs uiul Mmicts such ilramntists t posers and painters are certainly I n f e r i o r desp icab le beings in their a r t -VSlS lib Heel lleurdsley worn out a n d weakened wi th consumption has n m only had his own l iv ing lo t a i n s aM Mr Wonirath tn a fMess repotct

lull has ksgtt i b e sole means of sup-p o r l to hbi BBotber and sister

He is now so fur OS d up that he hags hitis i r f r o m his had to bla tabic I n Hli hemic cfTort lo nrnvtile fST I k g f g t-an st the l i t re when he shall die I I is t r u e that I was e a r n i n g tSaBM a r e a r not bans ago H u t he ban the T e l -low Book when he had made i prosper ami l a m e d L e o n a r d B m l t h s r s j the pubshylisher in s t a r t l ag ihe Snvoy That has fa l l d I n the eighth ami last number he 1 il all the sket l hes and Ar thur Seyshymour iv ho has a line article on Austin nobeon i n th M a y B o o k m a n ) did al l the letter prer

l i is lmcst s sp reccden t ed that ssjek n vohsggg as th Isst Savoy should I K t in w o r k i f only tWO ncn Itenrdslcy put an Immense amount ef latwir into t I i i l l s doag illusttatlons of Wag-n t ti i peras f e h l c h be Is exiectllngly f nd I wrskM do nnvthing and go argtv ba r ~ If I m u l t in P ar Wagners must i l eently renbrcd Itenrdslcy kas said H e Is BSSBsiurgeg a swif t p r o shyducer g s v k j B j made n c h a p t e r In a t-Ings i r an sf lcrnocn At other limes when his Mailt rum kntb be spemia a f o r t n i g h t on s single drawing

Mr Smlthers Is ginal f r iend lo Beards) y But this a r t i s t has to c a m -pte wli l t M I set ous bandlan In hii It a l t li thai l a l l y his net r Miss Mabel p atsSsk y bat bfsa ta n s on the stag io atI I n t h support of the family She ilaquo n b s S a t r f t t l g k i of tine l a t s i l l -uer i l pres tie a n l she won cptn-raquopl I success f o r r iw s i n n e r in Thraquo ihlll Vbraquo nv in Jacdon tiehard Hi - IteW ias r- psRHl her f o r Ills next sees ns t ompsry so she wi l l bo seen In Ni S Yi r k this B U t a m s

N HwtthstsntiiniT Ms sseresslty t l i i t s gt P s been fi tunalc I vond BBsal l l i s n g Bleu In having been able exer flitee he Icgan live y -n r s ago lo BS has work Tor the works suk No one hss presxrib 1 the lines on whi I should w i k he ttdd a man f r o w the Idler who Brass to sec him nor s t any sort or l imits o n what I SBmsM do I hae a o r t g s l to amuse m y s e l f and i f l l has amused the public as w e l l so much the better f o r me

O f r s sgrm I ha ic one aimmdashthe gro- j

trsque If 1 am not grotesque I am nothing Apart from the grotesque I siip|Hise I may say that iieople like my decorative work and that I may claim to have some command of line 1 t r y to get s s much as possible out of a single curve or straight line

He always works by candle light reshygarding which eccentricity he added

I suppose I ought to express some apology for that but I am happiest when the lamps of the town have been l i t and I sin so used to working by artl-f lcls i light ihst i f I wsnt to work In the daytime I have l o pull the blind down anil get my cundlcu In order before I begin

I l ls studio Is made up of a table and I wo old empire ormolu candlesticks Without these two candlesticks he says he cannot get into the mood for doing anything and he takes them w i th him wherever he goes While his income waa large he collected several valuable and iale laioks some Chippendale f u r shyniture numerous pictures engiuvltigs f rom Watteau Lain r-t Pater and ITudhnm and laid in a slock of f l u Pan la i lo i i r claret of 1866 On accoiini of his sickness this claret Is his parshyticular nmi almost only drink

i r he consulted merely his own gestae-snesg and not those of his family lie would live In c i i i s f o r as smilingly h e -a d How can limn die belter Ihan by i lolng Jusl what h e wants to do must 11 is l ad enough to be an invashylid but to be a BtaVS lo ones ISSgg ami i i be found In some u n e a r t h l y place and -hitting sea hieizes | | jn breezes w Ith the mistaken l ibs Ihst it w i l l pinion ones thiealencd existence seems l o me utter foolishness

I m ltgtr b is candid friends has deshyscr ibed Beards ley us having two grand passiona one being Wagners music and tha B i k e r l ag raiment His chief avershysion among painters is Turner whom he calls a nn ie rhetnrit ian Tn his f i lends he is a trusly f r i e n d and tin y ate s a l k n a l a s i l r a l V i f a t t a c h e s tn him

i r his s u b j e c t s are irten s u g i s s l l v s and sulailous (his Is evidently owing io his youth lie is only l years oldmdash und to the Impatience he reels at what he terms the goody-goody taste or the B r i t i s h public The very thing that tin y i xpeet rrmn a French artist or aushythor w i l l excite only indignation ir It e m a n a t e s f r o m the pencil a t pen of an Kngllslimun

Every young American who goes to Paris Rets saturated wi th the same Idea Only age and experience can cure them of l l It Is likely to cure B s a r d g l raquo y If death hobln off long enmigh fur his lati st ditiw ings especially those in The Itape of the L i n k ate elegant d a i n t y and worthy beyond lite black und white achievements of some of the g rea tes t illustrators

S H O O T N C F L Y I N G F I 3 H

A Novel spi r t tar r ied on In southern ( allonila Waters

P l u m lie Santa Calatina The visitor to the island of Santa Cat-

alina or he who Roes out on the launches from L O U R Itcaeh or San Pedro is always enicrtained by Ihe reshymarkable Mights of Hying tlsh which in these W g t e e i at tain a length of I I inches ami a weight of two pounds Alarmed by the boat or steamer Ihey dash out of the water by a vigorous movement of Ihe s c r e w l i k i tall and dash away in headlong llight skimming over the waves like birds presenting so remarkshyable an appiaram e tha i the tourist who bns never seen so extraordinary u per-loimaiice takes them for birds The f l y i n i iish is out flying but it baa four l i l y wlngllke litis which serve it a simishylar purpose that Is it hurls itself out of the waler by Hie aid of its tall und t h e n using t h e four wlngllke tins ns parachutes goes B o a t i n g away covering a d i s t a n c e of an eighth or a tulle when t h e inertia falls t he tail of the g sk d r o p s a n a the mosses it s i r ik i s the w a t e r it begins bull v io len t t w i s t i n g w Ii siis i h fsh into l b s air again ami by repealing this ihe fish l l en shya b l e d in cover Ihe long d i s t ance The wings or fins ute not Happed the only motion be lBf i bull tremulous one I m p a r t e d In t h t t m when the ta i l Is twisted In Ihe water As the bsa l glides along these llsh dart f rom the wan t and go soaring SWgy on t i lher side i in ik i t Is then that tin spoilsman s i l t ing In the bow has it n opportunity fSf some nuvcl spurt

T k S Bah asaVS like small quail very low not more than two feet from the surface and are pot the easy shots BSS might Imagine They move rapidly and appear lo rise ami f a l l over the waves ami | 0 sweep ing away In graceful c u r v e s Sometimes four or five are in the air nt the same I k s e and tha BSed shut can bring them down to the right and left A l l that is Beaded to carry nut t h e idea of quail shooting would be t o have a dog bul there is a sea dog l l tn l Hushes this a t t r a c t i v e game the agile l ima The Hying llsh is its leglt l-niat bull prey and big schools come sweet shying In f rom Ihe deep sou dr iv ing th schools of flying llsh before them chasshying tin in Into Hie air nix r ight ten feet giving marvelous exhlbitiones of lo f ty tumbling A l such times the Hyshying lisheti are erased wi th t e r ro r and leave the wilier by scores und h u n d r e d s They lly into boats out upon the dry beeches strike boatmen who happen to be In the way ef their headlong flight and nrsgas l a most Bltf tBCtlTB apisar-anco to those who have never seen a Hock o f ocean f l y e r s in the air wi th tlsh six T seven fret long pursuing Inascric of baps and Jumps Smnetinics the tuna i hases the flyer along Just below t h e surface catchiiiR It us it dropsmdasha loud of foam alone telling the ntnry


Great Race Meeting

Travelers Guide LLTTK A N A C O N D A PACIFIC R T

Opens To-Day igtt jrdnv Juuv

FREE ADMISSION KvfjryhiHly ( ntnlaquo


Bitter Root Berry STOCK

Will W aol l laquot thf mil of t l i i - VNki WvWtll Imv bull tgtw 8mwWrriM | H Koiirth of Iulgt uritcr Opicr gtli iM lgte piii bull I laquo raquoii- bull

A f l STEVENS SicrHirv of Wi ltt- m Miitraquon-raquo Knii Urowrr A-HlaquoriraquoM MlinmilA M O D I

I n the besul i fu l Bit ter Root Valley A n Ideal summer resort Picturesque drives Crand scenery Fishing and and shooting unequalled llSOO feet lower than Anaconda or Butte Service first c l a s s Special terms for the s ea shyson for fami l ies

Geo W Reynolds Manager

Granite Hot Springs Camp X J oV ready fur summer guests Fine I s medicinal water good hathlnc and the best dshlng and hunting Stage leaves Missoula Monday and Thursday Addrets c E M U Z Z I E

Lou Lou Mont



f r s d E s a n e t t - P r s s ldea l T H T R y m a a Viae President 0 x Wolf bullbullbullbull Casalsr

Capital $75000 Surplus and Profits $15000

CHARLES EM5LEY S c i e n t i f i c a n d

D e c o r a t i v e

For the Summer I O l U K Hot Springs Hotel is now

J ready for the reception of guests QSOd baths excellent secommodatlons fishing and hunting Stage runs regu-lsrly Address W I L L I A M B O Y L E l a s U a Mekk


bull TronbltS ouirklr relievnl and cnml

h ri O B t r t E X I O V BSSasklSSSB ISSS by mail im drop iraquo worth Its svight In snhl when yoa Bsed l l A bullbulllaquoFj s tillJ let- S N(tlaquoYcik


W I L L mx

Bessy rionday WcJnctday and Friday Leav inn Demersvllle at 9 s si

J I A K I X n

mage connectIrn with N P t rain Passhysengers coming Into the Flathem vsl -Uy should nri ive nt I taval l l Monday Wednesday laquor Friday

Kl OKNF BOMB Manager

Two I s t f

A map of the United States

The new wtill mip i B S S s d B I Ihe lliirliiiaton Itom Is Ihrec feet four i B C S S S wide by four feet I I T I K Is printshyed In six colors Is BBBSSted on rollers shows every Htittc county iinportitnt town und railroad pi the

B t iiloe und formn u very desirtlbl snd a s s f u l ild-btislness establishment

ton Itoiin marly 2fl esnts npieee but on receipt of 1 cents Pi stamps or coin Ihe undersigned will lie pleased to send you S S S

Two routes ctst -vhi Ittl-llngs Mont and St I sul M i n n

Phil n a s j s j g PBSSI Asant Butte M e a t

Tims Schiduls ERrctlvs Friday May T 1M7

DEPART FROM ANACONDA No bull Butte Express for Helshy

ena dally 8 JO a no No i Butts Exoress for Helshy

ena Great Tails St Paul Chi-esgo and all points East and West dally tM p BJ

No ii Copper city flyer dally M P m A R R I V E IN ANACONDA

No t Anaconda Uxprsss dally 1raquoU a m No Anaconda Express dally 11s P m No 5 Copiier City Flyer dally 165 P m No T Anaconda Express dally105raquo p m

UKPART FROM BLTTE M a 1 Anaconda Express dally lt W a m No Anaeontla Express dally I I K p m o 5 Copper City Flyer dally TitOS p m

No Anaconda Express daily f i i p in A R R I V E IN BUTTE

No 1 Butts Expreaa dally raquoK a m No t Butta Expreas dally bullraquoraquo p m No laquo Copper City Flyer dally bull raquo p m


TRAINS A R R I V E IN ANACONDA Hullo Express 110 pm Hutte Express b in p m Hiitle Express |0a p m Butte Express 5S a m

I M A I M S L E A V E ANACONDA Butte Express 100 u m B a i t s Express 100 pm Butte Express 100 p m Garrison Expreas 100 a m

Connects at Stuart for Garrison and points east on the Northern Pacific at Sliver Bow with Union Paclile Fast Mail

bullbullConnects st Garrison with Northern racifie train for west

TRAINS ARRIVE IN BUTTE Anacondas Garrison Express 10M p m Cirrrlson Accommodation A a a e s s s a Exprass Anaconda E x p v s Union Pnelde rsat Msll

TRAINS L E A V E BUTTE bullAnaconda amp Garrison Express bullbullGarrison Accommodation Anaconda Express Anaconda Express Anaconda Express Union Pacific East Mall

bullConnects at Garrison with Pacific train for the west

bullbullConnects at Garrison with ths North rrn Paclflc train for the esst


VNO S s m | 3 2 St


New York NY



Manhood Restored

P r e s c r i p t i o n

bull959 will q n i r i j ywu ot al nsrrous 4 bulljr 1 as Sal roaahood ysim is the bark aeminsl rsiiaalnss nerrom 4raquoM1 ly uaStarlaquo tltgt lutrry r i k a u i t i n i dralas inpoTiary and all it hurrars A written guaranty and nor- rrtadad i f laquoil bit s bullbull sot effect a parsianeBl cars 1 (gt ptff sos aii f o r SV by sail alaquoiirgtiy bull bullraquo bullI Mtef mdash1 ky A y n ul-- Pari Address all aiatl to D at NKIVBBt) BBl U AO sola Agasu H llesb

This line rang the rinest trains from Minneapolis and S i Pau l and oilers Ibe best service st lowest rates with 3 TRAINS D A I L Y T O C H I C A G O Ihe North-Western Limited being the H N K S T T R A I N IN THE WORLD

T w o T r a i n s Dai ly Minnetpclio and St P J U I to Sioux City Omaha St Joseph and Kansas C i t r with hronrli Sleeping C a r to Cal i fornia every Thursday T r a i n s of tie Northern Paci f ic and Great Northern connect -ith these trains via North-Weite-n L i n e in St T a u l Union Depot

t o u r home agents wil l sell you tickets via ibe North-Wesssra L i n e and illustrated folder and further informaiior sfSJf be furshynished on tpplicatica tn

T W T E A - P A L E ijcacrai I laquoraquoeeltn Afrni


t$t p m 1006 a m

OS p n 3i p m

bull 700 a m 903 p m 1101 p m

S0i p m

SS p m 4 00 p m


f S t P a u l M i n n e a p o l i s D u l u t h

TOs S p o k a n e T a c o m a S e a t t l e P o r t l a n d

Pullmnn sleeping cars elegant upholshystered tourist sleeping cars

TRAINS A R R I V E AT BUTTE No I I from St Psul arrives st

M P depot dslly at 825 s m M 17 No 2 from Portland sr-

rhes ut M U depot dally 1030 p m TRAINS DEPART

M I No I for Portland leaves M I depot dally 7 no a m

No 12 for St Paul lesves N P local depot dally 125 p m

MlBSd to Whitehall leaves N P Maal depot dally at 700 a m On TharSSays this train will run through lo Fohy and Norrls Trains Nos 11 nnd 12 have Standard

Pullman Slcrpinir Cars to and from f Paul

Through tickets to Japan and Chins via Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship Company

For Information time cards maps and I leasts call on or write to

BP M TUOHY General Agent or CHARLES S EKE General Passenger Agent St Paul Minn


That operates Us trains on the famous block system between the Twin Cities Milwaukee and Chlcsgo

That lights Its trains by electricity throughout

Thnt uses the celebrated electric berth n adlng lamp

That runs four splendidly equipped pss-senger trains every dsy from St Psul and Minneapolis Hit nigh to Chlcsgo via Milwaukee

And thai road Is the

t lilt AGO M I l W A i a C K sgt ST rtui

I t also operates steam-heated vestlbuled trains carrying the latest private compartment cars library buffet smoking cars and palace drswlng-room sleepers

Parlor ears free reclining chair cars snd the very hest dining csr service

Kor lowest r a t s e tn any point In the United Slates Canada or Mexico apply to ticktl agents or address

j T COMLBTT Ass t GenI P is Agt

St Paul Minn NOTEmdashElegantly squlpped trains from

St Paul nnd Minneapolis through to Peshyoria St Louis and Kansas City dally

Montana Centra Railway

Through sei-vlce between St Paul Minshyneapolis Helena liutle Spokane Seattle nnd Portland Connections at western ter-BJgasM for Kootenai Country Oregon snd California points Alaska Japan and China Connections at Twin Cities for all points East and Souih Single and round trip tickets to all points snd baggage Checked to destination LeavesmdashAtlantic Express daily 0 p m Leavesmdashlax al for Helens dally910 a m ArrivesmdashPacltic Express daily 110 p m Arrives lccal from Helena dally 9 15 p m

City Ticket Office No 41 North Main St Butie J K Dawson Oenersl Agent

0 R amp N CO MCST D I R E C T L I N E T O

T H E COAST Eistrn Washiajloo and All Foinla

i i Cregoi ani Galfornia T i t SPOKANE OK rOCATKLLO

Ocean steamers leave Pe r t l snd s v s r y Bve days for San Frsnclsco sad Sautters California points

Kor fu l l informstlon snd rstes spply ta Vi E COM AN Gen l Agent Butte Mont

Or Address W H HURI Bl RT Gen 1 Psss Agent

Porllutd Ute30n E McNEIIU

Presldeat and Manager