FEDERAL CASE STUDY Ready, Aim, Fortify! U.S. Army Deploys Application Security Regimen for its Munitions System THE DEPARTMENT | The U.S. Army uses the Total Ammunition Management Information System (TAMIS) to manage conventional munitions requirements. Case Background The Total Ammunition Management Information System (TAMIS) is the U.S. Army application that manages conventional munitions for wartime, training and testing operations across the U.S. Armed Forces – the Army, Marine Corps, National Guard as well as the Navy and Air Force when operating on Army installations. TAMIS handles approximately 350,000 ammunition transactions per month from units located all around the world, supporting more than 7,000 authorized personnel who request, approve and manage munitions. The web-enabled system calculates combat load requirements, validates and routes electronic requests, collects expenditures, and prepares forecasts. More than 50,000 munitions reports are generated each month on the nearly $3 billion in conventional ammunition authorizations managed each year. The primary objectives of TAMIS are to improve munitions governance and to provide military personnel with essential analytical tools that enable a trained and ready armed force. The TAMIS application supports the Army’s training and operational strategies by providing an essential web-enabled capability throughout all phases of the military’s spectrum of operations. Employing a design structured for centralized management and decentralized execution, the system develops, calculates and prioritizes requirements, ensures requisition and authorization data is accurate, and then makes this information available and usable on demand to authorized users without wait time. TAMIS is managed by the Department of the Army G-37, Munitions Management Division. Maintaining training superiority and achieving readiness objectives required the Army to transform its business practices and information management processes as part of the overarching “Net-Centric Data Strategy” of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). TAMIS is not a new system. It was originally launched on a mainframe, migrated to Windows NT, and then to its present browser-driven application environment. TAMIS operates in the Mission Assurance Category II sensitive level. As a result, much time and effort has been devoted to TAMIS development and network “hardening” solutions U.S. ARMY TAMIS QUICK STATS Handles 350,000 ammunition transactions per month from units located across the globe Supports more than 7,000 authorized personnel who request, approve and manage munitions Generates 50,000+ munitions reports each month Manages $3 billion in conventional ammunition authorizations annually KEY CHALLENGES Implement an application security regimen on an already deployed web application Provide military personnel with essential, automated analytical tools to enable a trained, armed force Prevent attacks to the TAMIS system by accurately measuring security risk level and fixing application vulnerabilities in TAMIS Progress the TAMIS team away from a “checklist mentality” toward a more holistic approach to risk management Train programmers to secure coding practices and monitor future performance FORTIFY CASE STUDY WWW. FORTIFY .COM

FEDERAL CASE STUDY Ready, Aim, Fortify! U.S. …...environment. In the end, it came down to Fortify and Ounce. Bob Torche was impressed by what he had learned of Fortify and its Fortify

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Page 1: FEDERAL CASE STUDY Ready, Aim, Fortify! U.S. …...environment. In the end, it came down to Fortify and Ounce. Bob Torche was impressed by what he had learned of Fortify and its Fortify


Ready, Aim, Fortify! U.S. Army Deploys Application Security Regimen for its Munitions System

THE DEPARTMENT | The U.S. Army uses the Total Ammunition Management Information

System (TAMIS) to manage conventional munitions requirements.

Case BackgroundThe Total Ammunition Management Information System (TAMIS) is the U.S. Army

application that manages conventional munitions for wartime, training and testing

operations across the U.S. Armed Forces – the Army, Marine Corps, National Guard as

well as the Navy and Air Force when operating on Army installations.

TAMIS handles approximately 350,000 ammunition transactions per month from units

located all around the world, supporting more than 7,000 authorized personnel who

request, approve and manage munitions. The web-enabled system calculates combat

load requirements, validates and routes electronic requests, collects expenditures, and

prepares forecasts. More than 50,000 munitions reports are generated each month on

the nearly $3 billion in conventional ammunition authorizations managed each year.

The primary objectives of TAMIS are to improve munitions governance and to provide

military personnel with essential analytical tools that enable a trained and ready armed

force. The TAMIS application supports the Army’s training and operational strategies

by providing an essential web-enabled capability throughout all phases of the military’s

spectrum of operations. Employing a design structured for centralized management and

decentralized execution, the system develops, calculates and prioritizes requirements,

ensures requisition and authorization data is accurate, and then makes this information

available and usable on demand to authorized users without wait time.

TAMIS is managed by the Department of the Army G-37, Munitions Management

Division. Maintaining training superiority and achieving readiness objectives required the

Army to transform its business practices and information management processes as

part of the overarching “Net-Centric Data Strategy” of the U.S. Department of Defense

(DOD). TAMIS is not a new system. It was originally launched on a mainframe, migrated

to Windows NT, and then to its present browser-driven application environment.

TAMIS operates in the Mission Assurance Category II sensitive level. As a result, much time

and effort has been devoted to TAMIS development and network “hardening” solutions


• Handles350,000ammunition transactions per month from units locatedacrosstheglobe

• Supportsmorethan7,000authorizedpersonnelwhorequest,approveandmanage munitions

• Generates50,000+munitionsreportseach month

• Manages$3billioninconventionalammunitionauthorizationsannually

KEY CHALLENGES • Implement an application security regimen on an already deployed web application

• Provide military personnel with essential, automated analytical tools to enable a trained, armed force

• Prevent attacks to the TAMIS system by accurately measuring security risk level and fixing application vulnerabilities in TAMIS

• Progress the TAMIS team away from a “checklist mentality” toward a more holistic approach to risk management

• Train programmers to secure coding practices and monitor future performance


Page 2: FEDERAL CASE STUDY Ready, Aim, Fortify! U.S. …...environment. In the end, it came down to Fortify and Ounce. Bob Torche was impressed by what he had learned of Fortify and its Fortify

designed to prevent attacks against the application. However, application

security wasn’t always the highest priority for the TAMIS development

team over the years, between rolling deadlines and user demands for

new features. Eliminating vulnerabilities was regarded as a task best

performed in the testing phase or at the end of development, if at all.

The Mission: a Holistic Approach to Software Risk ManagementBefore the TAMIS application security project, few in the wider U.S.

Army community were thinking seriously about application security.

While IT security as a practice has always been “non-negotiable” in

matters of national security, the approach had been largely network-

centric and had given little attention to software vulnerabilities present

in many of the applications already in use throughout the DOD. The two

bodies responsible for TAMIS network security included the U.S. Army

Information Management Center, responsible for intrusion detection

and firewalls, and the Pentagon’s Vulnerability Assessment Branch,

which periodically scans Army servers for necessary updates and fixes.

On the other hand, application code review was still manual and labor

intensive, with few resources directed to application threat modeling or

risk management during development. Training for software developers

on vulnerability mitigation through secure coding practices was largely

nonexistent. Still, TAMIS had a history of being specifically targeted

in malicious attacks on a few occasions originating from China, India,

even Boston.

Then TAMIS Project Manager Bob Torche attended a workshop as part

of a strategic initiative on Software Security Assurance conducted by the

National Cyber Security Division of the U.S. Department of Homeland

Security. The program helped him put his own project in perspective

and armed him with the skills and disciplines necessary to implement

source code analysis in TAMIS within his project’s cost structure.

The TAMIS team had some specific requirements for its application

security solution provider, which needed to be able to:

• Measure present vulnerability levels to ascertain risk profile of

the application

• Automate the source code analysis process

• Understand where and how the application was vulnerable, and

prioritize the results

• Operate within the TAMIS Visual Studio integrated development

environment to remediate fixes

• Illustrate quantitative reductions in vulnerability level over time,

demonstrated by executive level reporting

• Progress the TAMIS team away from a “checklist mentality”

toward a more holistic approach to risk management

• Train its .NET and C+ programmers on secure coding practices in

their application environment, and monitor their future performance

Regulatory compliance mandates were also a huge consideration for

the TAMIS team. Specifically, any chosen solution needed to help

them meet the requirements set forth by the following initiatives:

1. The Defense Information Systems Agency’s Application

Security Technical Implementation Guides, or DISA-STIGs for

short, is a set of application configuration standards that promote

the development, integration and updating of secure applications

required under DOD policy. All military software applications must

comply with these standards as a matter of national security.

2. The National Institute of Standards and Technology 800 Series

details federal government computer security policies, procedures

and guidelines. These guidelines assess and document threats and

vulnerabilities and for implementing security measures to minimize

the risk of adverse events.

3. The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)

requires each federal agency to develop, document, and implement

an agency-wide program to provide information security for the

information and information systems that support the operations

and assets of the agency.

4. The DOD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation

Process (DIACAP) is the process followed that ensures risk

management is applied on all DOD information systems. DIACAP

defines a formal and standard set of activities, general tasks and

a management structure for the certification and accreditation of

systems such as TAMIS that maintain an information assurance

posture throughout their life cycle.

TAMIS needed to select an application security solution provider

who understood each and every one of these regulatory directives,

and who could dynamically respond to address them.

Fortify® 360 Secure Your SoftwareFortify360isasuiteofintegratedsolutionsforidentifying,prioritizingand


ensuring application security.


Page 3: FEDERAL CASE STUDY Ready, Aim, Fortify! U.S. …...environment. In the end, it came down to Fortify and Ounce. Bob Torche was impressed by what he had learned of Fortify and its Fortify

Fortify engineers assisted with the installation process to tune the

product for the TAMIS environment. TAMIS also engaged Fortify

Software’s support services to help review initial scan results with its

developers, as the team needed some help prioritizing initial findings

to isolate the most serious threats. The team found tuning Fortify 360

for the individual application was a bit time consuming, but essential

to its success. Finally, Fortify also completed two days of in-depth

product training with ten TAMIS developers.

Bob Torche firmly believes that expert support is essential to

the success of a Software Security Assurance effort involving

ongoing development on an application already in production. He

elaborates, “We found Fortify’s support services to be first class

from knowledgeable installation to informative staff training. Their

involvement proved invaluable to both a stable deployment as well

as maintaining our deployment schedule. Problems were quickly

resolved, resulting in an overall smooth and stable rollout within the

planned timeframe.”

TAMIS operates under an agile software development approach,

but still the combination of maintaining the system (which is actually

hosted by another Army agency), fixing bugs, and deploying new

capabilities is a challenging balancing act. Today, the TAMIS team is

responsible for understanding the application’s ongoing risk profile,

identifying real or emerging threats, and assuring all stakeholders

that all potentially exploitable vulnerabilities are mitigated. TAMIS

developers are tasked with actually fixing security issues while

balancing the ongoing demands of a live system demanding

functionality, data integrity and availability. This frees the TAMIS

project management team to focus upfront not only on functional

requirements but also on security requirements.

The Results: Leading the App Sec Charge inside the DODBob Torche believes, “It is this balancing act between fix and function

that must be continually orchestrated for ongoing secure operations.

The challenges of implementing an application security regimen on an

already deployed web application – one that’s undergoing continual

development, mind you – required a cultural shift be incorporated

into our development process. Once the commitment is made, I

recommend that organizations going down our road pursue change

The Strategy: Why Fortify 360?Promoting greater software assurance practices was now regarded

inside TAMIS as essential to reducing overall risk to the munitions

management system. To accomplish this, the TAMIS team began a

review of leading industry source code analyzers. Fortify made the

short list. Initial market research identified six products to review,

including Fortify, KlocWork, and IBM/Ounce, among others. They

focused their evaluations on fixing, prioritizing, viewing and reporting

capabilities, as well as how well each product would integrate with its

environment. In the end, it came down to Fortify and Ounce.

Bob Torche was impressed by what he had learned of Fortify and

its Fortify 360 SCA product at the cyber security workshop, but not

convinced. He had his team run a test of Fortify 360 SCA directly

against TAMIS code, not only to examine its results but to also to

understand how the product would respond to their environment. He

was overwhelmed by the number of vulnerabilities first detected, and

soon realized the amount of effort that would be needed to address

them. Further evaluation revealed that Fortify 360 offered benefits

beyond just static code analysis.

Torche explains, “Fortify offered a comprehensive application security

approach that included detection and protection capabilities in a

single package. In addition to SCA, we realized the power of dynamic

analysis for an application that is up and running, which TAMIS clearly

is. We also understood that the run-time protection afforded by a

full Software Security Assurance solution in the end would put us

on the best possible footing. We became convinced that the best

solution would address both our immediate needs as well as any

future requirements that would emerge throughout the software

development lifecycle.”

The Attack: Divide & Conquer with Expert SupportAfter the selection of Fortify, the TAMIS team still had some hurdles

to clear. Implementation involved installing Fortify 360 SCA on each of

the machines that developers use to run static analysis on their code

and to upload results to the Fortify 360 Server. Fortify 360 Server was

used to maintain the rules pack, to scan pre-release code during QA,

and to generate reports.


• IdentifiedtheTAMISapplication’sriskprofile

• ReducedriskfortheTAMISproject,withinitsfundingandresourcelevel

• AffectedaculturalshiftintheTAMISdevelopmentprocess

• Establishedadevelopmentlifecycleapproachtosoftwaresecurity

• EnhancedtheU.S.Army’ssecurityposturewithahigherlevelofconfidence


Page 4: FEDERAL CASE STUDY Ready, Aim, Fortify! U.S. …...environment. In the end, it came down to Fortify and Ounce. Bob Torche was impressed by what he had learned of Fortify and its Fortify

© 2010 Fortify Software Inc.


quickly, adopt best practices, and then follow through. It’s about ultimately building a stronger application,

but the challenge is keeping the wheels on the bus even as you improve the bus. That’s the secret of our

success with Fortify 360.”

With Fortify, TAMIS has:

• Identified its risk profile. Specifically, Fortify is helping to reduce risk for the TAMIS project, within its

funding and resource level.

• Enhanced its security posture. TAMIS has attained a higher level of confidence that its software is free

from major vulnerabilities, which is the ultimate goal of software security assurance.

• Established a software development life cycle approach. Security is now built into the TAMIS

application from the beginning with established processes and procedures. According to a study by the

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the cost and effort expended fixing security

vulnerabilities in production software is up to thirty times more than addressing them during development.

As the U.S. Army strives to deliver net-centric information that enables superior war fighter decision-making,

it continually adapts and refines TAMIS capabilities to meet the threat of the operational environment. Over

the last three years, the system’s sponsors have consolidated data and automated processes to align its

munitions requirements processes with the Single Army Logistics Enterprise (SALE) effort. TAMIS is three-

quarters of the way through its transformation. Next steps are to interface the system with the Global

Combat Support System-Army and the Logistics Modernization Program – which are both essentially

enterprise resource planning implementation projects.

TAMIS was the third successful implementation of Fortify at the U.S. Army, which is also using Fortify in

its Communications and Electronics Command (CECOM) and Tank-Automotive & Armament Command

(TACOM) systems. The Army now has 15 additional instances of Fortify 360 up and running out of 25 total

active projects. It has led to a sea change in acceptance for Software Security Assurance best practices at

the DOD. Torche states its impact most succinctly when he says, “Static application security testing should

be a mandatory requirement for all IT organizations that develop or procure applications.”

About Fortify Software, Inc.

Fortify®’s Software Security Assurance products and services protect companies from the threats posed

by security vulnerabilities in business–critical software applications. Its software security suite – Fortify

360 – drives down costs and security risks by automating key processes of developing and deploying secure

applications. Fortify Software’s customers include government agencies and FORTUNE 500 companies in a

wide variety of industries, such as financial services, healthcare, e–commerce, telecommunications, pub-

lishing, insurance, systems integration and information management. The company is backed by world–

class teams of software security experts and partners. More information is available at www.fortify.com

or visit our blog.