Set Apart Newsletter FEB 2012 Far Above Rubies By: Christina Crawley Love Letters By: Cara Cobble

February Set Apart Newsletter

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Page 1: February Set Apart Newsletter

Set Apart Newsletter FEB 2012

Far Above Rubies

By: Christina Crawley

Love Letters

By: Cara Cobble

Page 2: February Set Apart Newsletter

Amy Carmichael was a missionary in

the early 1900s. She forsook all of the

pleasures of this world and gave her life

to rescuing neglected and ill-treated

children in the country of India. What

did Amy Carmichael possess that com-

pelled her to leave everything behind to

fulfill the call of God on her life? She

once quoted, “Give me the love that leads the way. The

faith that nothing can dismay. The hope no disap-

pointments tire. The passion that’ll burn like fire. Let

me not sink to be a clod. Make me Thy fuel, Flame of

God.” Every intricate detail of Amy Carmichael’s life

was fueled by a consuming love for her Lord and King.

Her love for Jesus Christ compelled her to be one of

the few in her generation that chose a different path.

These women of God in the fifties were poised with

elegance and grace. Their small acts of mercy and

kindness showed forth the love of Christ. They were

real women of God, not scared to stand

alone. They were not moved by the

opinion of society, they were truly set

apart. The character of young ladies

today are so opposite of those set apart

women in the fifties. They let the

pressure of society and pressure of

Far Above Rubies

Page 3: February Set Apart Newsletter

their peers dictate their lifestyle and

motive for living. They change their

appearance, their attitude, and the

way people perceive them all for the

sake of being popular and accepted by

the world. I am not talking about

those that are lost, for they are lost. I

am speaking of those that profess

Christ. Matthew 15:8 says, “This

people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and hon-

oureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.”

We as young ladies need to get back to the fifties and be

real women of God that are radically set apart. We need to

stand upon the truth of the Word of God and live a life

that will make a mark on this world. Are you like me in

that you’ve made many mistakes and think God can’t use

someone like you? My dear friends, there is hope. It is not

always easy and can be painful. However,

the result is a lasting peace and fulfillment

that nothing in this world can bring.

It is available to any young woman

out there longing for more in their

life. Proverbs 31:10 says, “Who can

find a virtuous women? For her

price is far above rubies.” Does

Jesus Christ look down from

Heaven and find you living a set

apart life?

By: Christina Crawley

Page 4: February Set Apart Newsletter

Roses. Sappy cards.

Chocolates galore. These are

the trophies of a taken or

married woman on Valentine’s

Day. For a single woman,

Valentine’s Day only exists to

break her heart, and plunge it into


Psalm 84:11 says, “No good thing will He withhold from

them that walk uprightly.” If you are walking uprightly, and

a husband is a good thing for you, then He will not keep it

from you. What a comfort is that! Let the burden of finding

a mate slide off your back. The Lord is taking care of it.

God invented love. God IS love. He has a doctorate in

matchmaking. Trust Him.

Your story is unique. God is unfolding His plan for you as

you read this. The type of love you seek will come in His

time, in His way. He desires for you to wait patiently for

His timing, just keeping your eyes wide open to the beauty

He desires for you. But I will tell you one thing. Until you

fall in love with your One True Love, true love will

never satisfy you on this earth.

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love. Bask in

the love of the Father. His plans for you

are big.

By: Cara Trantham

Love Letters

Page 5: February Set Apart Newsletter

Dear my precious Lord,

Sometimes I grow anxious in waiting for You to

send me the man that you have for me. In these mo-

ments I pray to you for strength, The last thing I

want is to rush ahead of you and settle for someone less

than your very best. Whoever he may be, I pray he is

someone who is consumed with You and not

enticed by the evil in this world. I pray that even now,

as him and I are apart, he is allowing You to mold

him into the man You’d have him to be. A man with

his eyes so fixated on You that not even I can distract

him from You and Your purpose for his life.

I will trust in You, Lord.


Your Waiting Child

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Preparing this month’s Newsletter was enjoyable for me. There is

something about the women in the 1950’s that has always

intrigued me and it gives me much joy to be able to do a Set

Apart Newsletter dedicated to them!

The joy of living is Jesus Christ. The glow you see on those

women’s faces, the peace they have that you so want—it is

captured only when a woman totally and completely gives herself

over to God, holding nothing back. I pray the words on this

Newsletter inspire you to take steps forward in your Christian

walk. Steps closer to absolute surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayerfully Yours,

Christina Crawley

I sought the


And he heard me,

And delivered me

From all my fears.

Psalms 34:4