February Lions Newsletter 2011 5M8 Beacon The Beacon of Service MEET THE 5M8 ELECTED LEADERS District Governor Elect Lion Sandy Sandwick 1st Vice District Governor Elect Lion Dave Thompson 2nd Vice District Governor Elect Lion Donna Mae Landwehr Lily Brutger, 13 year old student at Kennedy Elementary in St. Joseph was this years Peace Poster Winner, pictured with DG Amy and Lion Mary Kobliska. Sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K IPCC Judy Loken was awarded the second highest award from LCI—the International Presidential Award. PCC Frank Loken was voted as the newest member of the MD5M Hall of Fame. Lion Donna Orstad was awarded the third highest award from LCI— the International Leadership Award. The International Presidents Certificates of Appreciation, the fourth highest award from LCI, was given to (from top left): Lion Roger Hansen, CC Jim Diehl, Lion Fred Holthaus, and Lion Rayma Miller. Thank you DG Amy and ID Anne Smarsh.

February Lions Newsletter 2011 5M8 BeaconFebruary Lions Newsletter 2011 5M8 Beacon The Beacon of Service MEET THE 5M8 ELECTED LEADERS District Governor Elect Lion Sandy Sandwick 1st

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Page 1: February Lions Newsletter 2011 5M8 BeaconFebruary Lions Newsletter 2011 5M8 Beacon The Beacon of Service MEET THE 5M8 ELECTED LEADERS District Governor Elect Lion Sandy Sandwick 1st

February Lions Newsletter 2011

5M8 Beacon The Beacon of Service MEET THE 5M8 ELECTED LEADERS

District Governor Elect Lion Sandy Sandwick

1st Vice District Governor Elect Lion Dave Thompson

2nd Vice District Governor Elect Lion Donna Mae Landwehr

Lily Brutger, 13 year old student at Kennedy Elementary in St. Joseph was this years Peace Poster Winner, pictured with DG Amy and Lion Mary Kobliska. Sponsored by St. Joseph Y2K

IPCC Judy Loken was awarded the second highest award from LCI—the International

Presidential Award. PCC Frank Loken was voted as the newest member of the MD5M

Hall of Fame. Lion Donna Orstad was awarded the third highest award from LCI—

the International Leadership Award.

The International Presidents Certificates of Appreciation,

the fourth highest award from LCI, was given to (from top

left): Lion Roger Hansen, CC Jim Diehl, Lion Fred

Holthaus, and Lion Rayma Miller. Thank you DG Amy

and ID Anne Smarsh.

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Sobieski Lions President Tom Mrozek, DG Amy, and

Royalton Lions President Dale Lenz

Charter Member Lion Lee Greig, President Lion Don DuLude and Charter Member Lion Ed Jordahl of the

40 year old Motley Lions Club

Lion John Gessell, Jr. from the Swan-ville Lions Club with his Melvin Jones

Fellow Award

Lion Gary Loxterkamp from the Swanville Lions Club with his Melvin Jones Fellow Award

New Members of Pierz Lions Club

Secretary Lion Lorae Vardas, DG Amy, New Members Lion Doreen Gerwing & Lion Al

Pekarek with their sponsor Lion Frank Voigt

St. Cloud Southsiders Lions Club

President Lion Bruce Grosland, Sponsor Lion Mitch Bender, New Lion Amy Jensen, Sponsor Lion Chuck

Binsfield, New Lion Ryan Brisk and DG Amy

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District 5M8 Page 3

CHALKBOARD TALK with District Governor Amy Leidenfrost

We want to thank the Convention Host Clubs and Chairs Lions Fred and Roger. The convention was awesome. We especially thank all the Lions, Lion-ess, Leos and Guests who attended and made this convention outstanding. It certainly gave a wel-come break from our long, cold winter.

Congratulations to DGE Sandy Sandwick, 1VDGE Dave Thompson, and 2VDGE Donna Mae Land-wehr. We know that these elected officials will represent our district well, and we will continue to be one of the leading districts in our Multiple. Our District 5M8 will be in good hands for the coming years.

We hope that all convention attendees took part in the health screenings. We hope that you were as

pleased and impressed as we were with the luncheon speakers and the seminar presenters. We enjoyed the time that we got to spend with our International Guests, International Director Anne Smarsh and her husband District Governor Tom. They certainly represent Lions well.

Congratulations to IPCC Judy Loken on receiving the International Presidential Award and to Lion Donna Orstad for receiving the International Leadership Award. Congratulations to Lions Fred Holthaus, Roger Hansen, Rayma Miller and CC Jim Diehl for receiving International Presidents Certifi-cates of Appreciation. Congratulations to the Club Presidents who received the club Excellence Awards and to Zone Chair Ted Peterson for receiving the Zone Chair Excellence Award. Also, con-gratulations to the Peace Poster winner Lily M. Grutger and to Leo Amber Stitt who received a Leader Dog Tribute Award. It was nice to have the Leos be a part of our Saturday Luncheon, and to meet some of our future leaders. Congratulations to the winners of the First Timers Contest. The first place winner was Lion Cindy Marsh from the Staples ’93 Lions, second place winner was Lion Ellie Landree from the Sauk Rapids Lions and the third place winner was Lion Tom Johnson from the Sauk Rapids Lions.

Congratulations to 5M8 Lions for a tremendous, outstanding Parade of Green. $158,801.40 was raised for the Lions supported programs. Thanks to the generosity of our 5M8 Lions Clubs, we will continue to remain Beacons of Hope to others. Well done! Thank you!

We certainly hope everyone enjoyed all the uniqueness of all the hospitality rooms and having the op-portunity to meet old friends and to make new friends and to learn more about our great service organization, Lions Clubs International.

Thank you Lions for your service and for being Lions, with your continued services and donations, you are “Beacons of Hope” and making a difference to others.



District Governor Tom Smarsh, District Gov-ernor Amy Leidenfrost, International Director

Anne Smarsh, and PDG Frank Leidenfrost

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THE LIONS OF 5M8 SEND OUR SYMPATHY TO YOU Lion Cletus Jungels—Metro Lions Club Lion Merl Gretsch—St. Joseph Lions Club

Notice the change for the title of my article, thank you for elect-ing me as the 2011-2012 Dis-trict Governor. I am looking forward to being a team with 1VDGE Dave Thompson and 2VDGE Donna Mae Landwehr. The 2011 convention was a great event and I am sure the host committee and DG Amy are feeling much more relaxed. The 2012 convention will be held February 3, 4, 5 at the Kelly Inn, St. Cloud and hosted by the Sauk Rapids Lions Club. Club Officers and training: Has your club nominating com-mittee begun working on the officer roster for 2011-2012? Training dates have been set for the 2011 year: April 12/Pierz…April 19/Cold Spring...April

26/Sandstone…May 4/Staples. Seminars for Presidents, Secre-taries, and Treasurers will be offered. Information for those offices change every year, you should attend even if you have held the job “forever”. Classes will be: Robert’s Rules of Or-der explained by Lion John Hotz, Tail-Twisting ideas by 1VDGE Dave Thompson, Club Excellence Process class by 1VDG Dave and me. All club officers are encouraged/should attend, but all Lions are wel-come. Remember attendance at the 2011 officer training could affect winning my Governor Award for the club. In addition I will present $50.00 to the club which wins the attendance drawing; the more members a club has in attendance, the bet-ter chance it has of winning money for the administration fund. This is a drawing which I am personally sponsoring and does not come out of the district budget. 2011-2012 Cabinet: I have asked current cabinet members for input about the positions each hold. There will be some changes in my cabinet member-ship. 2VDG Dave and I were directed by the cabinet budget committee to determine ways to

decrease the cost of cabinet business. Some committees will be combined, some committees will decrease and the task is not completed. Conventions: Mid-Winter con-ventions involve fun, education, delicious food, fun, camarade-rie, making new Lion friends, and (did I mention fun?). I hope you were able to attend. The MD5M convention will be held in Mankato, April 29-May 1. Zone meetings are being sched-uled, be sure to attend. District 5M8 membership as of January 31, 2011: 3,070 members; unfortunately YTD -27 negative membership growth.

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District 5M8 Page 5


Second Vice District Governor Dave Thompson

What an “UTTERLY AWESOME” convention this year!!! Thank you to the committee members that spent their time and talents in making this convention “UTTERLY AWESOME”. The only thing that I would change is to have ALL the Lions of 5M8 to be able to attend the convention. At every convention you get a renewed commitment to the motto “WE SERVE”. The seminars expand your knowledge and open your eyes to the bigger picture of what

our donations can do. The speakers enlighten you with wonderful stories of Lionism and great information that you can take back to your clubs and use. The hospitality rooms give you time to meet with old friends or make new ones and also have a WHOLE LOT OF FUN as you are doing it. So, if you have not attended a convention, “mark you calendars” now for next year’s convention and plan on attending ( February 3—5th, 2012, Kelly Inn, St. Cloud).

I would like to thank DG Amy for the wonderful surprise of the International Leadership Award. It is hard to image that I should receive such an honor for doing something that I love to do, “SERVE”. Thank you Lions of 5M8 for the kind words and warm wishes that I received. It is “UTTERLY AWESOME” to be a Lion! In Service—Lion Donna Orstad

I hope that everyone experienced a great holiday season, and is successfully moving forward in the new year. As I am writing this we are looking forward to the coldest days of the season. I hope it gets it out of its system: and we can move to-wards warmer and clearer weather for the week-end of the Mid-Winter Convention. I am very ex-cited about the upcoming convention, I hope all of you are planning on attending, I understand that all of the hospitality rooms are sold out. With such a large number of rooms we should have a lot of opportunity for socializing and getting to learn more about other Lions Organizations with in the district. While attending the convention make sure that some one from your club obtains the dates for officer training so that your clubs can get them on their calendars. In order to keep up with all the new requirements and filing requirements, every club should try to have at least one officer from their respective clubs attend one of the ses-sions. It is hard to believe that these sessions will be starting in less then two months after the convention is completed. Don’t forget to keep mem-bership and retention alive an viable with in your clubs in the up coming months. I am looking forward to seeing you at the Mid Winter in a couple of weeks, keep warm and stay safe in Lionism. 1VDGE Dave T.

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Feb 4,5,6 – Midwinter Convention—Kelly Inn, St. Cloud, MN

Mar 7—Eden Valley—Induction of new members

Feb 14—Grey Eagle / Burtrum Lions

Feb 17—Rice, St. Stephen, Holdingford Lions and Holdingford Lioness

Mar 03—LeSauk Township Lions

Mar 16—Onamia Lions

Mar 17—Grasston Lions

Mar 19—Council of Governor’s Meeting

Mar 21 - Kimball Lions

Mar 22 - Randall-Cushing Area Lions & Randall-Cushing Little Elk Lions

Mar 27—Roscoe Lions

Mar 28—Long Prairie Lions

Apr 7—Fairhaven Lions

Apr 12– Officer Training at Pierz

Apr 19—Officer Training at Cold Spring

Apr 20—Richmond Lions

Apr 26—Officer Training at East Central Schools, Sandstone

Apr 29, 30 & May 1—MD5M Convention

May 4—Officer Training at Staples

May 9—Isle Lions and WISH Lions

Page 6 5M8 Beacon

From the Desk of Lion Steve Wasserman, MD5M Technology Consultant: Greetings MD5M Lions, I have been asked to share the following message from the LCI Leadership Division. Are you interested in the coordination and management of effective and successful service pro-jects? Register for the Managing a Service Project webinar! Be prepared to learn about defin-ing a service project’s purpose, setting goals, evaluating a project, forming a team and much more!!! Know a fellow Lion or Leo that would be interested? Feel free to pass this information along! Visit the Leadership Development Webinars page for dates/times and links to register, via the link provided below. We hope to have you, and a fellow Lion or Leo, participate in one of the three sessions being offered. http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/member-center/leadership-development/leadership-development/webinars.php Kind Regards, Monique McGhee Electronic Learning Training Specialist Leadership Division Lions Clubs International Phone: 630-468-6839 Fax: 630-706-9192 Email: [email protected]

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District 5M8 Page 7

2011 MID-WINTER CONVENTION COMMITTEE Thank you for the time and talents that each of you have put into making this

convention such a wonderful success!



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LION BOB HARMS Assisting Someone Who Is Hearing Impaired

First—The hearing Impaired must be his or her own advocate; don’t be ashamed to inform the speaker that you have difficulty hearing.

Don’t get angry with a hearing impaired person—remember, they are TRY-ING

to hear you! 2. Selective seating: In a public place, try to “Save” a place for the hearing im-

paired person where they won’t have noise behind them. If possible, ask for a quiet place to sit.

3. Face the person that you are talking to. 4. Don’t cover your mouth or hold object in front of your month when you are

speaking. 5. Speaking loudly may not help. Speaking clearly without rushing or slurring

your words works better 6. Don’t speak very slowly, it is annoying to both of you. 7. Make certain that you have their attention before you speak. 8. If asked to repeat, try rephrasing. Some words are easier to decipher.

9. Don’t talk with your mouth full! 10. If a person doesn’t hear you, DON’T say it doesn’t matter—it is demeaning and

makes them feel unworthy. 11. Try not to speak with a bright light behind you. 12. Double check important details. 13. In a group conversation, try to have only one person speak at a time. 14. Don’t talk down to them. They are not stupid, they just don’t hear well. 15. Remember that when a person is not feeling well, or is tired they do not hear

as well. 16. Be considerate. Trying to hear and intense listening is physically and mentally

Lion Bob Harms presented a seminar on the BAHA Hearing device, how it has helped him to hear, and the difference it has made in his life. Everyone that was at the seminar really enjoyed

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District 5M8 Page 9


MN Lions Eye Bank $33,500.00 MN Lions Hearing Foundation 21,389.00 LCIF 24,745.00 SightFirst 9,311.40 Leader Dogs for the Blind 22,000.00 Can Do Canines 14,925.00 Dist. 5M8 Diabetes Program 19,875.00 Dist. 5M8 Foundation—Leos 2,275.00 Dist.5M8 Foundation Youth Exc 1,900.00 George Friederich Foundation 1,131.00 Dist.5M8 Quest 1,050.00 Project New Hope 3,400.00 Friendship Ventures 1,850.00 Camp Confidence 550.00 Lupus 400.00 American Diabetes 500.00 Total $158,801.40 Capital Campaign—Can Do Canines $11,800

(these were previous donations)

The Parade of Green is an exciting site to be a part of. Each club announces the amount donated to the pro-grams of their chose. As you see above, working to-gether we can achieve so

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NEW MEMBERS Lion Frannie Harper

Lion Tara Rothfork

Lion Todd Rothfork

Lion Kyle Christensen

Lion Doreen Gerwing

Lion Alfred Pekarek

Lion Betty Pekarek

Lion Kevin Nelson

Lion Mark Anderson

Lion Tom Danculovich

Lion Michael Gold

Lion Jeryy King

Lion Joe O’Brien

Lion Amy Jensen

Lion David Skaja

Lion Jason Sellnow

Lion Jerome Fish

Lion Sharon Claire

Lion Bob Bohl

Lion Jill Holland

Lion Greg Pundsack

Lion Karen Pundsack

Lion Mitch Peterson

SPONSER Lion Cheryl Traeger

Lion Cheryl Traeger

Lion Steve Traeger

Lion Roger Cooper

Lion Frank Voigt

Lion Frank Voigt

Lion Frank Voigt

Lion Dave Schmitz

Lion Frank Odell

Lion Frank Odell

Lion Stan Carlson

Lion tom Crawford

Lion Don Flaten

Lion Mitch Bender

Lion Scott Beierman

Lion Jerry Legatt

Lion Jan Nadeau

Lion Sandie Smith

Lion Bonnie Newmann

Lion Anthony Kotten

Lion Anthony Kotten

Lion Steve Brown


Duelm Lions

Duelm Lions

Kimball Lions

Pierz Lions

Pierz Lions

Pierz Lions

Staples Host Lions

Staples Host Lions

Staples Host Lions

Staples Host Lions

Staples Host Lions

Staples Host Lions

St. Cloud Southsiders Lions

Rice Lions

Long Prairie Lions

St. Stephen Lions

St. Joseph Y2K Lions

Lincoln Scandia Valley Lions

Lincoln Scandia Valley Lions

Farming Lions

Farming Lions

Little Falls Lions

5M8 is so excited to have so many wonderful people ready to “SERVE”. Taking time out of their busy lives to make the lives of our community members in need easier to bear. Thank you to the sponsors for teaching and showing our new members the wonderful life of LIONS. Welcome to all!!!

LEOS Showcase

LIONS VISITING WITH LEOS! These LEOS are the future leaders

of the Lion organization. What a wonderful addition to the


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District 5M8 Page 11

E-Clubhouse Makes Club Websites Possible (and easy) for All By Lion Jim Muellenbach, LeSauk Lions Webmaster

For many clubs, maintaining the club website template that the District sets up for them, has been a daunting task and not very “user friendly”. The new Lions E-Clubhouse format removes all those obstacles.

“If you can type you can create and maintain a club website,” says Lion Dan Uitti, LionNet/LionsWAP Administrator. “The e-Clubhouse only requires that you have internet access. It is so easy to use and learn that we even have two web masters in their mid to late 80’s—one is 86, the other 88.”

LCI’s new branding initiative and Past International President Eberhard Wirf’s push to have every club on the inter-net were the catalysts for this new online tool. They wanted a way to upgrade the look of club websites while being able to link them through the LCI website.

Getting started is easy. To get started on your club’s website, submit an application to: http://lionap.org/eclub/application.php. The application asks for basic contact and club information that will be used, in part, to create your site. Within a few days you will receive an e-mail with login information you can use to begin work on your club’s website.

A detailed training guide can be found on the administration screen. It is written in plain English and includes easily understandable graphics that will help get you started. If you get stuck or have a problem with the system, help is only an email away: [email protected].

E-Clubhouse sites have a modular, easy to follow design. The pre-set navigation menu includes:

Home page, Calendar, Club Projects, Photo Gallery, Contact Page

Clubs can add up to five additional pages to their site and /or choose to activate the featured events section. The header, district and meeting information will be taken directly from your application.

Uitti highly recommends you include a photo on your home page, “Visitors will spend less than 10 seconds and move on if they don’t see something interesting. A photo will help draw them in.”

Content is also important. Website copy should be informative and concise. It should also be updated regularly with new projects and activities. Think of your website as an abbreviated club brochure. Visitors should be able to determine your club’s personality with just a glance at your home page and then link further into your site for more detailed information. It is also very easy to transfer information from your “old” site to the “new” one. Simply block and copy.

Club web masters will receive regular e-newsletters with news, design and content tips and reminders to update their sites.

Also available with your “new” e-Clubhouse website is the “members-only” section which allows club members to log-in to access. This feature will allow clubs to store password protected information in a secure area that only members with login information will have access to.

There is even an e-Clubhouse version for Districts and Multi-ple Districts. The district version, which will be considered by the District 5M-8 cabinet could integrate all e-Clubhouse visit www.e-clubhouse.com or contact me and get your club online today. I will also be glad to discuss your website with you at the upcoming District Convention. (The LeSauk Lions e-Clubhouse website is one of 4 “featured” on the Interna-tional Website as an example of how you could promote your Club within your community and the entire internet commu-nity.)

Go to www.e-clubhouse.com to set up your site today!

What are you waiting for? Over 800 clubs created their own website in the first month e-Clubhouse was available. Lion Jim Muellenbach says, “e-Clubhouse is GREAT! It is not only very easy to quickly create a very professional looking website, but it’s ease to use, helps maintain current informa-tion which is important if you want people to keep coming back to your site.”

James I. Muellenbach, LeSauk Lions, 2 year Director Cell: 320-260-1987 Home: 320-253-5679

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ROCKVILLE LIONS BREAKFAST Sunday, February 20, 2011


Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish Center in Rockville, MN

Serving from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

French Toast, Sausage, Pancakes, Hash Browns, Applesauce, Toppings, Coffee,

Juice, and Milk

Adults $6.50 at the door or $6:00 per-sale

Children 2 and under are free

This year featuring health screening booths at no cost, including:

BLEND—nutrition and exercise planning

Dr. Charles Kinzer—Chiropractic screening

Dr. Chris Wenner—Diabetes and Blood Pressure screening

Dr. Mary Jo Fem-rite—Vision screen-


Gold Cross—Child Safety Seats checks

Lion Ted Peterson (left) receiving the Zone Chair Excellence Award from CC Jim Diehl.

Lion Cindy Marsh, Staples ’93 Lions club, (bottom) won the First Timers Contest. Lion Ellie Landree and Lion Tom John-son, both from the Sauk Rapids Lions, won the second and third place award.

Leo Amber Stitt (right) was presented the Leader Dog Tribute Award by Kathleen Breen from Leader Dogs for the Blind. Kathleen was our guest speaker at the Sunday Brunch.

PDG Frank—you win the award for “the picture that

makes me smile.”

Also receiving TOP DOG AWARD (not pictured) are: Lion Teri Bailey, Lion Duane Finger, and CC Jim Diehl. These awards were presented by PCC Frank Loken.

Congratulations to all the Award


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District Governor Amy Leidenfrost 110 Fourth Avenue NE Staples, MN 56479



Feb 11 Lincoln Scandia Valley Lions Club Snow Golf Tournament, Cushing, MN

Feb 26 Sobieski Lions Fishing Contest

Apr 29-30 & May 1—MD5M 2011 Convention